#dental awareness
onefinesmileil · 2 months
Keep Smiling Bright: Root Canal Awareness Week!
Did you know it's Root Canal Awareness Week? Let's shine a light on this misunderstood dental procedure that saves countless smiles every year. Join us in spreading awareness and busting myths about root canals!
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dentalimplanthisar · 3 months
✨ Embark on an enlightening journey with Dr. Sachin Mittal's Advanced Dentistry as we unravel the secrets behind those iconic celebrity smiles!
Dive into the world of dental awareness and discover how to unleash the true potential of your smile.
💫 Let us guide you on a path to confidence and self-expression through expert care and innovative techniques.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your smile and elevate your dental health!
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mygentledentistau · 4 months
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clevelanddentalcare · 4 months
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vurelly · 8 months
*buys a new pc with my savings because my laptop keeps crashing and eating my artwork and, with it, my income* oh golly gee that sure was a foolish mistake on my part i cannot be trusted financially with anything boy howdy
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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theclosetedskeleton · 6 months
First patch I’ve ever made and its the Palestinian flag because i support palestine and spreading awareness is important ^_^
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taterdraws · 3 months
Hiii you’re actually not that far away from reality with morning star = sun, bc in Rome where Luciferus was an incarnation of Venus it was “the first star” on the horizon, right before the sun outshines it. Lucifer is our beautiful darling ☀️
Your art is so good thank you for the food ❤️🌹🫡
hiii! bfdkjbg ugh i know there were reasons why it is Venus and i would not be miffed about it if not for the fact that the sun is right there. i will be deranged in the tags.
and aaaaah thank you kindly!!!!! ❤️🥹i love drawing these fuckers so i'm so glad you like the art <3
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msfcatlover · 22 days
24hrs post-surgery, I cannot express what a relief it is to have that tooth out of my skull. My adjacent teeth feel a little weird, but I am genuinely shocked by how much more energy & focus I have without the constant thrum of pain, plus finally being able to properly eat again.
I had ice cream today, and it was freezer burned to hell, but still one of the best things I’ve had in a long time. I had mac & cheese again, because I finally had the energy to actually make the sauce. I decided to go downtown & browse the second-hand shops because I wanted to. I haven’t wanted to leave the house in months.
Holy shit, I could actually cry. I feel like a person again. When was the last time I wasn’t in pain?
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mercurygray · 1 year
Me, looking at my box of essential oils: okay, what do we have here for 'calm the fuck down'?
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elkkiel · 4 months
one of my neurodivergent hacks is using flosser picks as a fidget! I'm so bad at remembering to floss and it's been really helpful. Also I find that it helps prevent some other body-focused stims like skin picking so it's a lot healthier too
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hotmess-exe · 8 months
I have so much fucking dental work in 2 hours...
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was having really bad teeth anxiety so i decided to do the only reasonable thing when I couldn't calm myself down
i went to watch the transformers. the theme/intro was just so pure and nostalgic. yeah man. that image of optimus space surfing on the autobot logo is like, burned in my brain from when i was like 7 or 8 and didn't know how to start from any episode other than one. at least that's what I assume because the memories are super clear for like the first two episodes and get progressively fuzzier past that. yeah
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eugeniedanglars · 2 years
lord help me i'm about to become the patient every doctor hates and argue with my psychiatrist based on google
#listen the woman is very nice i'm glad she picked up on my polite hinting around my anxiety/possible pmdd and prescribed zoloft#but also she's so overly cautious that it's driving me fucking crazy#she made me get vitamin testing and an ecg. okay sure no harm in that#she wrote me a prescription for high-dose vitamin d supplements. fine it's actually cheaper than otc stuff#but now she's making me go to a fucking cardiologist because i have respiratory sinus arrhythmia??#respiratory sinus arrhythmia is fucking good for you!! it means your heart is healthy and has good parasympathetic output!!#(admittedly my ecg just says 'sinus arrhythmia' and 'normal variant' so theoretically it COULD be a different type of sinus arrhythmia)#(but like. it's fucking not. i don't have heart disease and i've never had a head injury or taken digoxin#and also i can literally feel my heart rate change when i inhale and exhale and i've been aware of it for years)#and also!!! i cannot find a single goddamn paper that even suggests methylphenidate is unsafe in people with sinus arrhythmia!!!#also as dental students we send a lot of consult requests to cardiologists so i KNOW how much cardiologists hate doing unnecessary consults#like they are NOT nice about it they get extremely bitchy and passive-aggressive#anyway. i did make a cardiologist appointment so if she can provide me with an actual good reason for concern i'll keep it#but if not then i'm cancelling that sucker. sorry i'm not wasting my time and money just so a cardiologist can tell me#that i'm allowed to keep taking the medication that i've been taking for 7 goddamn years with no issues#personal post shut up
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smallvillecrows · 1 year
I've rabbit holed myself in research and if my insurance won't pay for the canal I might just get it extracted since it's the perfect tooth to have minimal impact on my mouth if I do it 🤷‍♂️
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
ok. todays plan. do christmas nails (part one: workshopping ideas). watch all three christmas prince movies. do laundry. plan a design for this stupid gingerbread house that was supposed to be fun to make but turned into the bane of my existence sooo quickly but now if i don’t finish i’ll kill myself. floss teeth in a last ditch effort to make my dentist think i floss regularly when i go to the dentist tomorrow.
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