#Teeth Grinding
victusinveritas · 4 months
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By Yoan Capote
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itsaspectrumcomic · 3 months
Hello, excuse me. I want to ask, is wanting to bite or chew on something considered autistic? Because i always want to chew or bite something, always. If there's nothing in my mouth, i would start to, like, chatter my teeth, clench my jaw repeatedly, so it's as if i'm chewing something. Because if not, i would start to feel uncomfortable, somehow. But i always ended up hurting my jaw and teeth (of course) and sometimes i go to the dentist because of that. I don't know if i'm autistic or not, i'm not diagnosed, but when i talk about that to my family members and my friends, almost all of them tells me that i'm autistic, some of my friend even say i have ADHD. Could you explain a bit about that chewing thing i always want to do? Is it some autistic trait? Or is it just me being kinda silly? (Hehe.) It's okay if you don't or can't though, don't worry. I'll just buy some chew toys when i get the chance to. Thank you if you've been patient enough to read this whole thing i typed in, like, six minutes.
Chewing can be an autistic stim just like tapping or flapping - it can be a way to self regulate. Look into chewelry if you want to direct your chewing to something safe and relatively discreet, or you could chew gum :)
There are also other reasons you might feel the need to chew or grind your teeth such as stress or pica (which can be an indicator of anemia), so wanting to chew doesn't necessarily mean you're autistic by itself, but it is a common trait!
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keithkog · 1 month
Wait- is grinding teeth in your sleep from anxiety actually a thing? I've been diagnosed with anxiety for a few years and sometimes I wake up and my teeth hurt for no reason?? This is a thing??? What????
Yes it is a thing, and it slowly becomes more noticeable as your teeth will get smaller. Mine have. It’s fucking annoying and I have to wear a hunk of plastic in my mouth to curve the effects.
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melodymorningdew · 6 months
My dentist: Fortunately there's nothing wrong with your teeth, but your jaw muscles are over developed from clenching at night.
Me: Are you flirting with me rn?
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wyrm-with-a-why · 7 days
Help I keep subconsciously grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw for the past like two hours and it hurts so bad
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cyber-therian · 7 months
im concerned ive taken up teeth grinding again as a stim and im not too sure what to do about it :/ been catching myself doing it a lot lately and i havent since i was very young
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provably-moths · 6 months
I’m a teeth grinder to an extent that is absolutely diabolical- i mean like i destroyed my invisible retainer by how hard i grind my teeth when i was a teenager. i also CHOMP. and by that i mean mid sleep, i will alarmingly snap my jaw so hard i have chipped teeth and woken myself up because i bit through my lip.
So i wear a full on mouth guard style grind guard now, because it’s thick enough to protect my lips, cheeks and teeth from any damage done by the alligator-esque bite that i have in my sleep. Downside, however, i have worn down the actual grind-surface down to a smooth finish. Which honestly wouldn’t be a problem if it didn’t squeak in my head with i make any kind of friction.
TLDR; i woke myself up with the squeak at like 1am
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shirebarbie · 1 year
Does anyone have advice on how to stop grinding my teeth?? My whole jaw hurts and my teeth feel painful and tingly. I think I subconsciously do it because uni stress 😕
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introvers-ion · 2 years
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I can't open my mouth without my jaw popping quite loudly, and I'm typically in pain if I eat lots of chewy or hard foods throughout the day, or suck a dick. Soo, hope this gives someone else some relief!
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scorpsik · 2 years
All this talk of 'Garvez'... PG has treated Luke abysmally. He deserves better.
If it were LUKE bragging to her about how he is banging some hot witness and that she was good in bed and he was amazing in bed, everyone would be calling him an asshole.
Waving my flag for Luke Deserves Better.
So there. :)
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cockringhoratio · 2 years
today for the first time i noticed that the pet store on the corner has creatures in the window and one of them is a cat with one eye and i am in danger right now i am at risk
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
Dont grind your teeth if you can help it, like seriously i started grinding my teeth as a stim for when im stressed but HOOOO THAT WAS DUMB I now have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (I also grund my teeth at night aparently) and have almost constant jaw pain and annoying stuff like that. So yk. If you've started grinding your teeth, do your very best to stop it.
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theasianinfluence · 2 years
cant find an important medicine so we'll see how that goes until i can get it replaced
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Does anyone else have misophonia and a child that grinds their teeth so loudly it makes you want to pull your own teeth out or your ear drums?
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doraemonfanclub · 1 year
Oof. Someone needs to chill. Where did your cool go, Doraemon?
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