#demon jeon jungkook
jiniekook · 10 months
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a wild kim seokjin appeared 🛝
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mezbeleyer · 6 months
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Our reunion after all this time might be my second chance. This time, I'll never make you miserable. GuWon
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Noirceur | JJK | Main Part
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Pairing: demon! Jungkook x fem! human! Reader
Summary: A kiss. A curse. A tangled fate. A dark soul. His love breaks your fate, your bond cures his death. And a poetic dance that he traps you in, along with your own song that only he can hear. A story told wrong or in which Jungkook finds his lover after swimming through centuries of lost time and cursed minds.
Warnings: fluff?, angst, demon! Jungkook, black swan! Jungkook because I'm obsessed, toxic love, soft yandere?, obsession, implied kidnapping, dark fantasy, magic, curses, spells, blood, minor injuries, anxiety and feelings related to it, non-con kissing, kinda creepy, mentions of death, poetic writing, (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 3.1k words
A/N: I wrote this one in one sitting O.O, let me know what you think in the comments, darlings! Also, who else is obsessed with Black Swan Jungkook? Because I certainly am and this fic was inspired by the music video and my own ideas :D.
ALSO, this au is open for further parts if you request anything, darling! My inbox is open, lovelies xxx. This story will go how you like and I'll link all the parts into a Main Masterlist when something is requested for this story.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
Noirceur: (noun). The state of being pitch black in colour; a state of lacking illumination.
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The stories you have heard all your life were true. You didn't doubt it anymore.
From purity to evil. From light to the darkest night. A loneliness that turned into love, it morphed into an obsession. A claymation of a life, a soul. A being. A heart.
In the depths of hell where shadows writhe,
A demon walks, his heart alive.
His eyes, twin flames, burn with desire,
To find a soul, his dark empire.
The legend had changed, because Jungkook did not live in hell. His empire was situated over this very Earth. He had searched for centuries for that part of him, that part of him that was still alive. That part of his heart that was still beating and that should not fear him. That soulmate that was given to him by fate itself. That soulmate he wanted to claim. That lover he needed to possess.
He felt it when you entered the abandoned castle of arts, the large opera house where he had died many moons ago. He could no longer remember how he stopped being in the land of the living but he had never come across another one of his kind.
He was cursed. To live forever and torment the unfortunate souls of this world. He was cursed. To be alone in his long time punishment. He was cursed, his heart burned to ashes and his power rose from the depths of the earth.
But since you came across his path, Jungkook's punishment became a game for him to play. A game for you to endure.
You had been running endlessly through the infinite halls of the large opera house. Your naked feet were painted in crimson red as they bled with every step you took. You ran, passing through many hallways with many paintings hanging on the walls. You ran and ran, a soft music in the background made the hairs at the back of your neck stand up with nerves, with fear.
Footsteps were heard behind you. Those footsteps that had been chasing you for so long you could no longer remember when was the last time you had actually been outside of this abandoned castle of arts that was now your prison in hell.
"Come out, little dove. I only want to play."
You bit your lip as the words reached your ears. Those words that dripped from the mouth of your captor. The man who chased you to the end of the world, however you doubted he was actually a man.
You hid behind some curtains worn out by time itself. Your hands clenched the fabric of the dirty dress that was only enough to cover your dignity. It made you shiver. From the cold, from the fear. Maybe both, maybe neither.
"(y/n), (y/n). Dearest, (y/n)...STOP HIDING!"
You flinched when his voice boomed around the place you didn't doubt had once been beautiful. Blood oozed from the bite your teeth inflicted over your tender lip and you sniffled, hearing the footstep halt before they began echoing around once more, this time coming closer to you.
Through realms of terror, he roams the night,
Seeking a heart to claim as his right.
A soulmate bound by fate's cruel hand,
To join him in the demon's land.
In fear, you ran once more. As if you could ever leave his poisonous claws. As if you were able to leave that hideous place that played with your mind, with your soul, with your heart and memories as if they were toys at his reach. For him to use as he pleased. 
Curtains hung from the tall ceiling that once had a beautiful pattern painted on it. It made you feel lost. As if you were running in circles. Always lost. With nowhere to go. As if you had ever had a choice. Or better said, as if your choice had been willingly taken by you. 
Because there had once been a choice. A choice you made. A decision you chose. You entered that place by your own will yet your freedom in leaving was never yours to be held in the first place. It made you sick to the stomach, as if a storm was closing in on you and there was no way out of it. No sun ripping through the curtains, no wind blowing the clouds away. 
Jungkook could hear your frantic breathing, your hurried footsteps and suppressed sobs. He could hear your beating heart resonating so strongly in his ears it only sent a chill down his spine at the chase.
He remembered the sweet scent that suddenly invaded his own prison the moment you entered the large opera house. For only the kiss of his soulmate would free him from the shackles of fate, only the purity of the heart would be able to set him free and roam the world as he pleased.
In whispers cold, his voice does call,
A siren's song, a chilling thrall.
He seeks a soul as dark as he,
To walk with him, for eternity.
"Don't you know that I love you, sweet (y/n)? Why do you run from your lover, hmm? If you come to me willingly, it will hurt way less, love."
You ran and ran, ignoring the pain in your feet, the pressure in your chest, the harsh beating of your heart. You weren't going to give up that easily. You weren't going to surrender without fighting back.
The hallways carried so many paintings on the walls. So many paintings of beautiful women. Pictures that you couldn't pay enough attention to. Paintings that resembled absolute fear and sorrow, something you didn't know but felt utterly familiar.
You stopped running when you made it to the main theatre as you stood on the old stage. The wooden beneath your feet was dusted with the remnants of time, broken glass was scattered along the dark wood from the frail chandelier that hung from the ceiling with its crystals tainted in greying dust.
The pain in your feet was ignored as you walked across the stage. You didn't hear Jungkook's maniac laugh, you didn't hear his approaching footsteps or his sick declarations of love. Of obsession. Yet the silence made you even more nervous. You didn't know where you were, you didn't know what day it was. Time had become a foreign concept for you, a thing your mind could no longer grasp.
How long had you been trapped in that hauntingly beautiful place? Has it been hours, days... months? Did people search for you? How about Taehyung, the man who sent you to that place to begin with? Was he wondering why you never came back to work? Was he wondering if you were still working on the story of the broken opera house to publish in his extravagant magazine? Did he even remember your presence or did he keep you around because you never questioned his orders and demands?
But there was no use in blaming others for your current situation because there was nothing to be done. You walked in an almost monotonous way to the centre of the stage, blood staining the ground below your feet as more and more cuts opened your precious skin.
Jungkook watched you from behind the curtains, he watched you wander around the open space. He watched you with haunted eyes glimmering in golden magic that cursed through his veins. He watched you with desire and delicacy. As if you had been crafted into a perfect doll for him to care when all his hands had ever done was to destroy and taint.
Your tears adorned your face like small diamonds over your soft looking skin. He wanted to wipe them and treasure such pearls of pain and fear within him. Your hands trembled as you gazed around you, eyes fixing on the fallen glass on the ground, the broken chandelier that hung from the ceiling and that seemed to snap at any moment, the crusty wood beneath your feet and the old paintings of women around the grand place.
"You don't have to run anymore, little dove."
Beneath the moon's unholy light,
He searches for his love in fright.
Through haunted woods and cursed moors,
His longing heart forever lures.
With a choke gasp you turned around, watching as Jungkook emerged from the back of the stage, the curtains giving him an aura that made you shiver. He took a step forward and you took a step backward. The need to keep as much distance between the being that kept you in his grasp and your own sanity was stronger than your actual fear of him.
"I have waited centuries to finally meet you."
His words only made more tears roll down your cheeks, eyes red and puffy as you glared at him in fear. You took a step as he approached you once more.
Your sweet voice enchanted him like a curse. Desiring to hear you speak once more, he remained silent and listened, taking another step towards you and instinctively you took once back.
"...please, let me go. I p-promise I won't tell anyone about what happened h-here today. I'll never come back and disturb you but, please-"
He laughed, a sound so harmonious it echoes around the empty opera house. You found it alluring, like a siren's song but you had to physically refrain yourself from falling into his arms.
"Do you really think I'll let you go after searching for you through so many lifetimes? You are mine, little dove. Forever mine."
Jungkook smiled, ever so sweetly you felt sick. A smile that got engraved in your memories forever. You shook your head but couldn't look away, taking another step back as he insisted on getting close to you.
"Look around you, love! Look around you and deny me that we aren't meant to be! We are destined, little dove. Tangled by fate. Look! Look around, (y/n)!"
And you did, not hesitating to follow his command with the force in his voice that made you suppress a sob. You looked around, eyes landing on one of the many paintings of the large room. One of the paintings that decorated the dull walls. The paintings that were old and worn out by time. Your eyes widened when you saw it. When you witnessed that the demon in front of you spoke nothing but fact. A sudden realisation dawned upon you and you felt as if you were drowning in a well with nothing to hold on to and nothing to hope for.
Because the lady on the painting cried tears of blood, the lady on the painting resembles your soul. Those were your hands, fisting the fabric of your dress in a deathly grip. Those were your tears rolling down your cheeks. The woman in the picture was the reflection of your soul trapped in a timeless mirror of blood.
"You see now? This whole castle of arts is our sanctuary. Our palace, Queen of mine."
You shook your head, in shock, in rejection. In fear. In anguish. You shook your head as you took step after step backwards even when he wasn't doing anything to get close to you.
Was your fate really next to him? Were you really tangled in such a web of lies you weren't able to escape? Or was he just playing with your mind?
"Stop it, (y/n)."
Jungkook spoke in alarm as he saw you getting closer and closer to the edge of the stage. But you didn't listen, your mind acted on its own in a fragile attempt at getting you away from this nightmare you had fallen into.
"Stop it!"
"Get away from me!"
Your scream resonated all over the place, your feet didn't stop moving until you stood at the edge. The height was enough to hurt you and the sole idea of it made him feel his heart beating, at least for a second or two as you stood on the edge while you faced him with shock written all over your beautiful features.
You took another step and a gasp escaped your lips as the floor disappeared from beneath you. Your eyes closed in instinct and your arms flailed as gravity pulled you down towards the hard ground covered in broken glass that was surely going to break you.
Jungkook acted in an instance, his eyes glowed in golden yellow as his large and black wings spread behind his back and he moved across the stage in less than a second, a path of ice was left behind him, freezing the ground below him, the curtains around the stage and his heart as well as he caught you in his arms before you were to succumb to nature's own force.
But in his quest, he leaves a trail,
Of fear and anguish, deathly pale.
For those who cross his path beware,
The demon's love is naught but despair.
Your eyes met his in a dance of emotions that made you dizzy in its nature. His hands found home on your waist just as your own rested on his forearms. His eyes, ever so beautiful, hid so many secrets you felt curious about yet you wished to remain in the darkness as well.
"I won't leave you. Not after burning in my own grief with your absence. You are the key to my existence, love"
His words pierced your soul like a sharp dagger. You sniffled, breathing in deeply as you found yourself gazing into his golden irises.
"You'll never leave my side."
One of his hands left your waist as it cradled your cheek softly. His touch burned you with an ice cold feeling it made you shiver in his arms whether from the coldness itself or fear of your current position, you really couldn't tell.
"You will learn to love me, (y/n). Just like I have loved you all this time. You'll learn."
Jungkook never broke eye contact with you as he allowed himself to swim in your (e/c) gaze. Your skin under his palm felt soft, the softest he has ever touched in both his lives as a mortal and as a demon of death.
You gulped, wanting to run away from him. Disgusted at his unwanted touch but strangely craving it more. As if you had been deprived of it for so long. Maybe your soul has. Maybe it was your soul that missed him, that missed that other part that was to complete your existence yet your heart and mind rejected that very own idea.
His eyes glowed once more, his wings extending behind him as he looked down at you with his golden eyes that prevented you from looking away. You found yourself enthralled by his magic, his powers and strength.
Your rigid body relaxed in his arms and he suppressed the growing smirk that threatened to appear over his lips. For he had captivated your mind in a glowy golden trance that would allow his freedom.
Jungkook leaned forward and he found no resistance from you so he continued until his lips met yours. His spell had worked over your mind even when your heart was beating wildly against your chest.
He kissed you and golden magic radiated from him. He kissed you and the chains of fate released him. He kissed you and was now a free demon, free to roam the Earth as he pleased. Free to do whatever his heart wanted for as long as you stayed next to him.
He escaped his own jail, that castle of arts was no longer his prison but was now his palace with you as his Queen of darkness.
He kissed you and he tainted you. His golden magic erupted from the very depths of his soul and enveloped you both as he was crowned as the king of darkness, with you as his precious queen.
Forever and always.
For all times to come.
For all lifetimes to last.
And you'll learn to love him, maybe not as much as he loved you. But you'll learn. Eventually. Why shouldn't a Queen love her King? Why wouldn't you love him when he gave you the world to your feet? Why wouldn't you love him when your souls were tangled?
Jungkook would wait. Wait until you'd love him completely, wholeheartedly. Absolutely and undoubtedly. For you were the reason for his black soul and now beating heart. A heart that only beats for you and you alone. His Queen of Darkness.
And when he broke the kiss and your body grew limp in his hold, he carried you in his arms, his wings extended and he flew. He flew to the skies with your body in his hold. He flew away to a place no other mortal knew about. His own palace. His own hell. His kingdom. That place where his home was, that place he’ll share with you. 
Because Jungkook had waited centuries for you to finally find your way to him. He’d wait more if it meant you’ll love him in the end. Another lifetime felt like nothing if he knew you would give him your heart with your very own hands as you wore your crown of darkness, matching with his and ruling his kingdom of evil. 
What was heaven compared to your love? What was light compared to your heart in the night? What was obedience compared to the sins of his own mind? Did it matter? No. It never did. And now that you were finally his to love and cherish for eternity, he could burn the world down for you to smile at him ever so softly and delicately, like an elegant rose with deathly thorns. Like a true queen of his domain. 
His Queen. 
So if you hear his haunting cry,
Beneath the starless, moonless sky,
Beware his love, a twisted fate,
For in his arms, darkness awaits.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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writemywaytoyourheart · 8 months
Bedeviled | FINAL- Chapter 15b: Morior Invictus
warnings for this part: strong language, strong religious themes throughout, confusion, anxiety, JK is struggling help him, blood, mentions of torture, physical pain, heartbreak, despair, grief, loss, pls kindly let me know if I left anything out ty
WC part 2: 15.7k
read 15a first...HERE
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JK sits a few feet from where you lay, biting the nail on his thumb as he glances at you every once in a while before looking back out of the mouth of the cave you’re in. 
He isn’t sure how long it takes for you to begin stirring, face scrunched in pain as you once again become all too aware of the state your body is in. 
Your face looks sickly, but there’s still a soft warm inner glow in your skin that he begins to realize has been there the entire time, he just never bothered to notice it. 
He was too distracted figuring out ways to trick you into giving him your soul before you even reached the Flame, to save himself some time. 
To keep moving up the ranks..
JK’s gaze is on a bloody stone sitting just outside the opening, when he hears your weak voice. 
“You came back.”
He turns his head to see you still lying where he placed you, but this time your eyes are open and looking at him. Fresh tears linger there, waiting to fall. 
The look you’re giving him makes a pit form in his stomach so he breaks eye contact and looks at the stained rock again, not responding to you.
“Where are we?”
“The fifth circle,” he mumbles, still refusing to look at you.
You blink slowly, feeling the ticklish tears slide down your cheeks as you gaze at him. 
Despite the effort behind them, your next words crack as they fall from your chapped lips, “Why did you come back?”
It takes a moment and he still doesn’t look at you, but he answers.
“I don’t know.”
A tiny smile spreads on your face as your gaze runs up and down his form sitting against the rocky wall, long legs bent in front of him. 
“I do.”
That finally makes him turn to look at you, confusion written all over his handsome face. 
“Why?” He whispers. 
Your reply is so soft he almost doesn’t hear you. 
“Because you love me.”
His eyes lock on yours, unable to look away for a moment. Then he tears his gaze from yours and back outside. 
“I told you that I don’t. I don’t know why you-”
“You told me that you can’t.” You correct him gently, watching carefully as he swallows and lets out a small breath. 
“You’re an angel.” The way he says it is tinged with disgust. It doesn’t surprise you, but it does hurt, “I’m a demon.”
Silence falls between you for a few long moments. 
Then he finally looks at you without darting his gaze away seconds later. There’s a hard look in his eyes, “What the hell did you think was going to happen?”
JK watches your eyes fill with tears again and chest stutter as you take an unsteady breath. 
“I need you to trust me,” you whisper, bottom lip trembling slightly before you bite it. 
His brows furrow. 
“I already know you’re an angel, I know your secret. What is the point in trying to fool me now?”
“I’m not, I’m trying- I-…I wasn’t always an angel.”
JK takes a deep breath and shakes his head as if to clear it, then he looks back out of the opening in the mountain, “You angels speak in riddles, just like Him.”
You open your mouth to say something but he cuts you off. 
“We can’t stay here long, we need to keep moving or-”
Struggling to sit up, you watch him carefully, your brow creased in worry, “Or what?”
He glances at you briefly before clearing his throat, “Nothing- be careful.”
You smile at the way he flinches to get up when he sees you moving into a sitting position. Then a pained hiss leaves your lips when one of the small stones that surrounds you digs into one of the several deep gashes on your palm. 
“Are you okay?”
You look up to see him walking over to crouch by you. 
“You look like shit,” he mutters as he takes your hand to look at the fresh blood oozing from the cut. 
You can’t help but stare at him as he inspects your palm closely, mumbling something about the stone getting in it and how he’ll need to get it out. 
“It’s going to hurt,” JK whispers before gently removing the stone. 
At your lack of reaction to the undoubtedly painful process, he looks up to see you much closer than he thought. There’s a tiny smile on your face but a sadness in your eyes as you look at him like a pet you found after losing it years ago.
You lean a little closer until your noses are only a few inches apart. 
Despite the dirt and blood on your face, the rattiness of your hair, and the pain radiating from you, your eyes are shining as they look into his. There’s an elegance about you that equally terrifies and intrigues him. 
“Why?” He asks quietly. 
“Why what?” 
You watch his gaze drift along your broken body, the gashes and burns that decorate you, “Why didn’t you let me help? I could’ve made it easier for you.”
The look you give him is one he doesn’t understand. 
You lean forward and whisper softly, “It was never meant to be easy.”
He watches as you blink slowly, clearly exhausted. You lean back again, your eyes full of a deep sadness.
“You weren’t always a demon, JK.”
His dark brown eyes look between yours a few times, trying to figure out what it is you’re saying. 
A strained sigh leaves his mouth but he doesn’t back away. He shakes his head slowly, “Stop messing with me, I’m not stupid. I chose-”
“To trade your life for someone else’s.”
You see his eyes water a little in confusion before he blinks it away. 
“Why are you saying this?”
“Because it’s true,” your voice breaks. 
“It’s not, and I don’t understand why you-”
“Please just listen to me-”
“Why should I?” He snaps, “You’re an angel and a liar. Not to mention the last soul down here I’d ever trust.”
When the hurt is evident in your expression at his harsh tone and choice of words, his eyes fall to the ground between you and he gulps. 
“I’m not a liar,” you say quietly, voice full of hurt, “I just didn’t admit that I’m an angel.”
“So everything else is true? You’re here for the Flame then.”
You bite your lip, then after a moment of silence you whisper, “No. That I did make up.”
JK scoffs and backs up a little so he isn’t so close to you. 
“You’re the one that lied to me,” your voice gains a little more strength and you lean forward with furrowed brows, “You acted like you were going to keep up your end of the bargain but all you could really think about was deceiving me in any other way you could.”
He doesn’t look at you but you see him gulp. 
“All you cared about was taking my soul,” your voice cracks due to the previous torture you endured. You can feel the energy steadily draining from you, “You never actually planned on getting me out of here-”
“That’s not fucking true,” he hisses, leaning in and glaring at you as he finally snaps, “I offered to let you go. I got your ass through Hell and don’t you dare say I didn’t. You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me.”
His dark eyes flicker between your own. It takes him by surprise when he doesn’t see the irritation there that he expected to. Instead, there’s something that looks almost like relief. 
He swallows thickly when he sees your eyes drift from his down to his lips. 
There’s a faint smile on your lips when he glances down at them briefly before looking back up. 
“You’re right,” you whisper under your breath softly, “Thank you.”
Your faces are only inches apart, you can feel his cold breath fanning over your cheeks. 
“You look exhausted,” JK sighs, changing the subject. 
You shake your head with a tiny smile. 
“No more than usual.”
He knows you’re joking, but he can’t find it in himself to laugh. Even aside from the torment your body went through, he can tell that this exhaustion is something entirely different. 
An angel in Hell is against all rules of nature. 
“You should get some sleep.”
You shake your head again even as your eyes blink slower from the drowsiness that won’t let up. The faint smile on your lips doesn’t fade as you gaze at him with something he can’t decipher in your eyes. 
Saying nothing, you watch as his brows furrow a bit when something occurs to him. 
“You’re an angel…” he says quietly, almost to himself.
When he doesn’t say anything more and begins to look a little lost in thought, you hum gently to encourage him to continue. 
“...shouldn’t you hate me?” He finally finishes, looking back into your eyes. 
You stare at each other for a moment, then you lean in just a little closer, until your noses are a few inches apart. 
“Do you think I hate you?”
He gnaws on his bottom lip a little before answering, “I don’t know.”
“I think you do.”
The demon tries to look away but is stopped by a gentle hand on his cheek. 
Instead of answering, he takes your hand in his and brings it down so that he can look at it. You watch the anger flit over his face as he scans the cuts and burn marks littering your skin. 
He mumbles something that you don’t catch, so you lean down a little to get closer. 
“I’m sorry,” he says it louder this time, his voice cracking a bit at the end. 
Your heart aches deeply in your chest and you fight the tears building up as you watch him have an internal battle with whatever else is going through his brain. 
“You came back…”  It’s answer enough for his unexpected apology. 
Then you ask softly when he seems distracted, “What’s going on in your mind?”
He chuckles breathlessly, “They never shut up.”
It’s almost like he doesn’t want to look at you as he says it, as if he’s ashamed. He keeps his gaze from yours when he mumbles, “The souls.”
A fresh wave of tears comes over you and this time you can’t hold them back. They trickle down your cheeks silently. 
He must always hear them, whispering their desires to fall. Begging one of the demons to come along and grant them any wish for one simple thing in return. 
“Most of them don’t know what it is they’re doing,” JK mumbles, “And some of them don’t care.”
“How so?” You choke out. 
You know the answer, but you’re curious as to what he has to say, considering his role in these things. 
“They play games, open doors they shouldn’t, mock the existence of all of us,” he’s staring at a dirty smudge on your torn skirt, “Most of them don’t understand, that if they go looking for us, we will find them.”
You’ve seen first hand the chaos and disaster that ignorance can bring, so you don’t disagree. 
He’s right. 
“And you can hear them?” You ask, “All the time?”
“It never stops.”
“That sounds pretty horrible.”
He swallows, then you see him shift back into that other state, the one where he doesn’t care. 
“Not nearly as bad as being a miserable little puppet and bending to someone’s every will-”
“I’m not a puppet.”
He looks up at you at the strong tone of your voice. 
“I am lucky that I ended up where I did and I would not change it for anything.”
JK squints at you, “Seriously?”
“I’m loved, and happy, and safe up there. I’ve never been forced into anything, I chose every second of it.”
You brush a strand of black hair from his face with your finger. 
“Out of the two of us, I think we both know who the miserable one really is.”
JK gulps at your words. 
“I can help you,” you whisper, “I can make them be quiet.”
You see his dark eyes flicker up to yours quickly. 
“What?” His breathless question matches the bewilderment on his handsome face. 
You nod, excitement clear in your shining eyes.
“I can help, if you’ll let me.”
“You need to trust me,” you give him a look, “Do you trust me?”
It takes a few seconds, then he finally nods slowly. 
Before he has a moment to realize what you’re doing, you move forward and peck his forehead ever so softly before pulling back. 
By the time he’s registered that you just kissed him, he’s also realized that his mind has become terrifyingly silent. 
You feel a spark of warmth in your chest at the look in his eyes. 
“Better?” You ask after a few moments. 
When he looks at you, you think you see tears in his eyes, but he blinks them away quickly. 
“I-...I don’t…”
“Don’t hear anything?” You finish for him and he nods. 
His chest tightens painfully at the smile on your face that is positively radiating with joy.
It confuses him. 
You look joyful…for him.
His eyes go from your face and drag along your form, taking in the damage for the hundredth time. Blood is dried and caked along most of your skin, the gashes still oozing bright red. He can’t see your mutilated wings from where he sits, they’re tucked behind you, but he has already seen them more than enough for him to stomach. Your hair is tangled and dirty, dark bags sit under your eyes.
There’s a slight tremble in your whole body that seems involuntary. Even as you shiver while clutching his silk shirt to your otherwise exposed chest, your eyes are still shining with relief and excitement for him being free of something that’s tormented him endlessly. 
You watch in confusion but don’t protest as he reaches for the black shirt covering the front of you. 
His eyes stay locked on yours as he gently takes it from your hold. 
He doesn’t so much as glance from your gaze to look at your naked form as he brings it around your shoulders to put it on you properly. You let him slip it over your arms and bring it together in the front to button it up slowly. 
He always wore it with at least three buttons undone, but he closes them all the way up for you, his dark eyes still staring straight into yours even when he’s finished. 
The demon’s hands linger on the last button after doing it up as he stares at you. After a few long seconds he brings them down, looking at the ground before you see him swallow. 
Your eyes flicker between his when he looks at you again.
“They asked me things,” you whisper, breaking the dead silence. 
You watch his dark brows furrow and the anger cloud behind his eyes once more, “What do you mean?”
“They wanted to know why you mattered so much to me.”
JK’s eyes dart away from yours and he nibbles his bottom lip nervously at your candid words. 
You don’t look away from him, just continue to watch him as he seems to try and figure out what to say to that. 
Finally, he mumbles lowly, making you lean closer to hear him. 
“And? What did you tell them?”
Your response is soft, “I told them I only asked you to lead me because you were the first demon I stumbled upon.”
You aren’t sure what you expected his response to be, but the way his face falls the slightest bit takes you by surprise anyway. 
He doesn’t look at you, keeping his eyes locked on the ground as he nods slowly and sucks on his teeth a little. 
What did he expect you to say? 
A dark chuckle slips past his lips quietly, and he shakes his head to himself. 
“I guess you were right.”
He looks at you at your soft spoken words.
You lean in closer, but he doesn’t move away. 
Even when you get so close your noses almost touch, he doesn’t budge. 
“Maybe I am a liar.”
The next breath gets stuck in his lungs and he gulps. 
“What do you mean?” He finally chokes out. 
The tiny smile on your lips makes his heart skip a beat and he finally pulls away just a little. 
“I couldn’t tell them the truth,” you mumble, “They would’ve hurt you more than they had already planned.”
An anxious huff of air leaves him and he looks away from you, “Why-” he gulps, “Why would you care what happens to me? Why did you go back? Why didn’t you just run? You could’ve called your pathetic angel friends to save you. There has to be another way for you to save your stupid little best friend-”
“Is that not why you’re here? Or was that a lie too?”
“It wasn’t a lie,” you respond quietly. 
“I fucking knew it,” he says under his breath, shaking his head and pushing his tongue into his cheek, “The one fucking thing that had to be true-”
“Can you just let me speak?” Your voice shakes. 
After a few tense moments of silence, he nods, but doesn’t look at you. 
“Just think for a second,” you whisper, “Why would I let them hurt me instead of you? Why should I care about a random demon in Hell?”
The demon’s look turns from silent irritation into one of disbelief as he glances at you briefly. It’s clear that he doesn’t believe you, but the realization of what you're saying is clear on his face. 
He shakes his head, but is too confused to speak. 
“You love me, Jungkook-” your voice breaks with emotion. 
Clearing your throat, you correct yourself quietly, but loud enough for him to hear, “You loved me…once.”
When his eyes meet yours, you can see the complete and utter bewilderment and fear there. 
You reach a hand out, but he flinches away, still staring at you in wide-eyed horror.
His chest moves up and down rapidly and he finally rips his gaze from yours. 
Your words make no sense.
Nothing makes sense. 
He chose this life. 
His existence started when He made him, and he refused to be His little puppet. That’s why he’s here, that was all his own decision. You were created by Him and said yes to serving Him for all your sad immortal existence, you’ve always been an angel, that was your decision.
He never knew you and he certainly never loved you.
Your eyes are full of sympathy as his voice breaks and he moves further away. 
“Stop calling me that,” he chokes out as he stands up.
“I’m sorry,” you reach for him, “Wait, please. Let me help you, I can help you remember.”
His panicked and disgusted look doesn’t change as he stares at you. 
“Please,” you whisper, holding your hand out to him, “Please…just trust me.”
JK is fighting every single instinct to turn and run, to get as far away from you as possible as he stands there and heaves in breath after breath. 
“…trust me.”
You can see the gears turning in his mind as he stares at your hand. 
Finally, he takes your shaky hand with his own trembling one and lets you gently pull him to sit again. 
“I know you’re scared,” you say gently, never letting go of his hand. 
JK shakes his head, but can’t seem to meet your gaze. 
“I’m not scared.”
You smile softly at him despite him not even looking at you, “Ok.”
Silence stretches between the two of you for almost a minute, then you ever so gently squeeze his hand to get his attention. 
He finally looks at you to see you smiling sweetly at him, your eyes still shining and still a stark contrast compared to your messy appearance. 
You scoot forward a little until you’re closer to him and leaning in. 
He’s fighting every instinct inside of him right now. There isn’t a single thing about this situation that is normal to him in any way. 
The way your gaze drifts between his eyes and lips is enough to have his heart racing and stomach twisting. 
He doesn’t know why there’s such a deep desire inside of him to close the distance between you. He knows what will happen when he does and that terrifies him. It doesn’t stop him though, from leaning closer after you’ve stopped. 
You let your eyes close as he places his mouth against yours timidly at first, then the kiss slowly becomes more desperate. 
The feeling of his cold hand sliding ever so gently up your arm and then the back of your neck to move and cup your jaw sends chills shooting down your spine. 
JK squeezes his eyes shut tightly when the images start flooding into his brain without hesitation. 
The bright sun and gentle breeze are painful, but he doesn’t pull away. 
The sound of laughter and taste of something sticky and sweet is overwhelming, but he doesn’t stop. 
He can see the girl again, running ahead of him through the lush forest. 
JK’s brows furrow as he deepens the kiss; anxious, for some reason, to pull you even closer than you already are. 
The child breaks through a small hedge moments before he follows and stumbles into a small clearing with an apple tree sitting tall and strong. A swing hangs from one of its branches, moving gently in the wind. 
The girl grabs it and is about to climb on, but she stops before doing so. 
Then she turns to him and steps away from the swing, “You go first! I’ll push you!”
All he can do is watch through his own eyes without a say in his physical actions while he takes a seat on the swing and is soon going higher and higher. 
“Look up!”
He does so at the high-pitched request. 
There’s a bright blue sky with a few puffy white clouds above him. 
A bright shimmer closes in all around his vision until the scene is gone and he’s pulling away from your lips. 
“Are you okay?” You mumble, eyes drifting over his face.
He doesn’t speak but gives a small nod.
After he takes a few breaths, you’re about to offer to give him a break, but he leans in before you can, cupping your jaw and pulling you into another kiss. 
Cold rain and the thick sweet scent of roses fills his senses.
“If either of us finds a way, we have to try. Deal?”
Those same voices that he heard in the seventh circle whisper faintly in a dark corner, barely audible as they echo around before fading away entirely. 
“Ok, deal…” 
“JK- hey look at me.”
He opens his eyes to see you scanning his face, concern clear on your own. 
“Are you oka-”
“Who are you?” He whispers, cutting you off as his voice breaks. 
Your expression softens and he watches silently as you smile gently at him, “Is that really the question you want me to answer?”
It takes him a moment, but he finally locks his gaze with yours. His next question is asked so softly, just a quiet breath, that you barely hear it.
“...who am I?”
You touch his cheek with careful fingers, warm and soft.
His brows knit together and you can see the wheels turning in his head, just not going anywhere. 
“You’re Jungkook,” you lean a little closer and drop your voice to below a whisper, “And you don’t belong here.”
“I- don’t understand.”
“That’s okay,” you assure him gently, “You will, I promise. I’ll help you remember everything-”
Your face falls and you pull back. 
“I don’t want to remember it,” his voice has turned hard again, “So don’t bother.”
When he stands up, you reach out and grab his wrist, “Jungkook, wait-”
“I told you to stop calling me that.”
“We don’t have time for this. Can you manage?” He gestures to your form sitting on the floor of the cave. After a few seconds to gather your mind, you nod slowly. 
“Then we need to go.”
It takes every ounce of willpower for you not to burst into frustrated tears. 
You waited so long to be able to help him remember. You wanted to open his mind more before showing him, because you knew he would shut it down like he’s doing right now. You don’t know how to get him to stop freaking out and let you help though. 
You look up and see him holding a hand out to you. You take it and let him help you stand. 
It doesn’t come as a surprise when you fumble and nearly fall over again. 
JK wraps an arm around your waist, holding you steady as you sway on your feet. 
“I’m okay,” you mumble, feeling consciousness slipping from you due to the agonizing pain that shoots through your body at the attempt to walk. 
“Don’t push yourself- stop-” JK holds your arms close to your chest when you try to fight him off to move on your own, “Really? This is what you’re going to be stubborn about?”
You nod, head bobbing up and down as a yawn slips from you, “I c-can walk.”
“Like hell you can walk,” he mutters, shaking his head. 
You wince as the pain spreads the longer you stand there, even though at this point he’s holding all of your weight. 
“Just let me carry you-”
“You said- you w-” you clear your throat, “You said you weren’t going to drag my ass through hell. You said that.”
JK’s eyes widen and he scoffs in amusement at hearing you curse for the first time. 
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” he whispers, a smirk playing on his lips, “I won’t be dragging you anywhere.”
You nod sleepily, still trying to stay fully conscious when your body is trying its best to go under; to do anything not to feel the pain rushing through it. 
“Look at me,” he says gently. 
You shake your head, a small frown gracing your features. 
He chuckles quietly and touches your cheek, “I know you’re mad, but just look at me.” 
You finally do, squinting at him. 
“Before I pass out,” you slur almost incoherently before he can say anything. 
He looks down at your movement, seeing you pull something out from where it was tucked into the makeshift bandage on your wrist from so long ago, when he first hurt you. 
It’s some sort of cloth that you hold tightly in your fist, biting your lip. 
“I almost lost it,” you mumble. 
He knows what you mean by that, as sick as it makes him. 
When you were caught, you must have known they were going to strip you down to torture and humiliate you as much as they could. You must have tucked whatever this is into the bandage as a last act of desperation to keep it hidden. It was pure luck that they didn’t bother ridding you of the bandage before chaining your wrists. 
You got it out of the chest in the shack and kept it successfully hidden until then, you weren’t about to let them ruin one of your last chances to prove it to him.
“What is it?” He asks gently as you press the cloth into his hand. 
“It was a gift,” you whisper faintly, and he can tell you’re about to pass out. 
Your eyes flutter closed and the rest of your body weight slumps to the side, making him tighten his hold on you so that you don’t fall over. 
As he holds you upright, he glances down at the handkerchief in his hand, his heart stopping in his chest when he sees the messily embroidered initials in the corner. 
The next time you find yourself waking up, there’s a gentle rocking sensation that almost lulls you right back into sleep. 
You fight it though and force yourself to open your eyes in a squint to take in your surroundings. It’s a forest that he’s walking through and you’re on his back, head lying on his shoulder as his hands hold your calves to keep your legs wrapped around his waist. Your arms are dangling uselessly over his shoulders and down by his chest. Your wings droop behind you, still aching terribly, but the blood has long since dried.
“Where are we?” You mumble, voice cracking. 
“Still in the fifth circle,” he says back quietly, but doesn’t slow his pace, “How are you holding up?”
“I’m okay,” you whisper, pulling your sore arms to hug yourself closer to him. 
His breath hitches for a second, but he keeps his composure. 
“We’re about to reach the river.”
You sigh and lay your head down on his shoulder, “Are you going to leave me to get across by myself?”
You hear him scoff gently. 
“You wouldn’t make it ten feet, darling.”
You smile to yourself, no longer minding the pet names he uses with you and probably any and every other soul he’s come into contact with. 
He isn’t whispering it into your ear softly for only you to hear as you drift to sleep, he’s not breathing it against your lips when he doesn’t want to pull away, he isn’t even saying it with a tinge of annoyance after an argument when he’s assuring you that he still loves you.
But at least it’s something.
“You’re crying.”
You reach up a hand and wipe at your eyes, “I’m not.”
The way he whispers that word makes your heart tear in two.
He feels your arms tighten around him and you place your lips close to his neck but don’t touch him. Your warm breath fans across his icy skin and he feels a chill run down his spine. 
“I’m going to miss you,” you whisper, your voice low and thick with tears. 
He’s about to ask what it is you mean, but before he can, he’s stepping out of the forest and into the open where the river is not far ahead, the bloody sinners tearing at each other relentlessly as they have done for many years and will continue to do for the rest of eternity.
You lift your head to look, but only briefly, then you put your face back into his neck to hide from the horror in the only way you can think of. 
The feeling of him walking again makes your stomach turn. Despite not seeing anything, the sounds of rage and brutal violence still ring in your head. 
He must be able to keep them from approaching you, because as far as you can tell, he’s just walking straight through the bloody massacre and none of the sinners have noticed.
It doesn’t take long to get to the other side going straight through, but it’s long enough to make you sick from the sounds that surround you. 
JK steps off the river and you feel him carefully hike you up a little on his back from you slipping unconsciously. 
“Thanks,” you mumble sleepily.
This horrible exhaustion is really killing you, it’s hard to keep your eyes open for more than a minute. You would never have made it far without him. 
“I’m not angry,” you say softly, eyes closed and head still resting on his shoulder. 
“We’re in the fifth circle,” you take a shuddering breath, “but I’m not angry. I’m not even annoyed.”
“That’s good,” JK hums softly as he walks over logs and rocks strewn about the forest floor. 
You once again blink into consciousness, your mind spinning with confusion. 
After blinking a few more times, you see a multitude of blurry colors a few feet in front of you. Another few seconds goes by before you realize you’re lying down on hard stone. 
Rubbing your eyes, you watch the colors start to come into focus before you can see that it’s quite literally a pile of treasure; gems and gold glittering in the light temptingly. 
Good thing you have no desire for riches. 
You sit up slowly, taking notice of the sinners rolling their giant boulders back and forth without acknowledging your presence. 
The fourth circle. 
“JK?” You look around, but don’t see him anywhere. 
Your eyes land on the statue standing guard over the treasure, in the middle of the dilapidated temple you’re in.
The figure of the crouching naked old man still gives you the creeps. 
He’s definitely looking at you.
“You called?”
You gasp and turn to see the demon walking over to you, a small smile on his tired face. 
“You scared me,” you whisper as he crouches next to you. 
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” his eyes scan your figure, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” you rub your eyes and yawn, the strange deep exhaustion no less than it’s been. When he gives you a look you clear your throat, “Really.”
A few seconds pass as you look at him. 
He’s still as handsome and flawless as always, apart from the fatigue you can see that has begun to weigh him down. 
“Are you okay?” 
JK nods, “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” You press a little more.
His expression softens at your worried tone. When he lifts a hand to brush some hair from your face, you gulp, heart melting in your chest at the gesture. 
“I’m not the one that was tortured for sport, little angel.”
A lump forms in your throat at the memory of what was done to him, and for so so much longer.
You reach up and take his hand, holding it in yours and noting how cold it is. 
His hands used to be so warm against your skin, running up and down the length of your arms and legs and cupping your face to pull you in for a kiss. He would never hesitate to cuddle you into his chest and lift your night dress to put his hands under it and rest them on your abdomen while you were having painful cramps each month, the comforting heat from his touch soothing the ache.
Being unable to pull him into your chest and never let go is beyond the measure of grief. 
You want to warm him, keep him close until all of the fears and pain have been erased. You want to look in his eyes and tell him how much you’ve missed him, hear him whisper the words back as he envelopes you in a warm hug. 
“I’m sorry.”
JK’s brows furrow at your sudden apology. 
“I’m sorry I left first.”
He watches your eyes well up with tears, not knowing what it is you mean.
“Please,” you choke out, only one tear falling, “Please just let me give you everything, please-”
He shakes his head and moves to stand, but you grab his wrist, more tears slipping down your cheeks.
“I can help you,” you cry softly, looking desperately into his dark brown eyes.
The demon crouches again, letting you keep a hold on his wrist.
“I don’t want it,” he says gently.
“Please,” sobs are falling from your lips, chest shaking with each one as you keep a grip on his wrist.
“Hey,” he calls you softly, cupping your cheek so that you’ll look at him, “hey.”
You can’t see very well due to the tears clouding your vision, but you do your best to look at him anyway.
“I can’t, Apple.”
“Why not?” You whimper quietly, fighting the sleep that’s tugging on you relentlessly. 
His eyes shift between yours.
“If I remember, I’ll never be able to let you go.”
“Let me go?” Teary confused eyes drift around his face. Your words slur as you blink slowly, “Wait…where are you taking me?” 
He wipes his thumbs under your eyes to dry them.
“Get some sleep.”
Several times you wake up, but you can’t register where you are or how long it’s been before you slip back into the fog of endless dreams and nightmares. 
The hundredth time you open your eyes, you see an orange glow surrounding you and feel a warmth that is trying its best to permeate the cold that has begun to settle in your bones. 
You swallow and blink harder a few times before you can see the source of the glow. 
A small fire.
Tears instantly choke you but you swallow them and clear your throat as you sit up, relieved that the exhaustion has taken a small step back for the time being.
The feeling of deja vu sweeps over you when you lift your gaze to see him lying on the other side of the fire; long legs stretched out in front of him as he messes with something in his fingers. 
You don’t make a sound, so he must have sensed your gaze, because his eyes drift from the small object over to where you’re looking at him from across the flames.
“Second circle?” You ask quietly and he nods. 
A small smile tugs at your lips. 
“Should I expect you to order me to crawl to your feet and worship you?”
He chuckles lowly and looks back at whatever he’s fiddling with. 
“Not unless you want to, little angel, but I won’t be placing my bets on that.”
You breathe a small laugh and look down at your hands, then start absentmindedly picking at the dried blood on your fingernails for a few quiet minutes. 
“So it was me, then?”
You look up at the sound of his deep voice and lock eyes with him, a request to clarify his question in your gaze. 
There isn’t even a hint of a smirk on his face as he speaks, “The one you gave yourself to.”
You blink a few times, letting the silence stretch on for a bit. 
Then you swallow, “Yes.”
“And you were the only and first I gave myself to? Back then.”
You raise your eyebrows and make a face, “Well, yes. Unless you lied to me, which I doubt, considering how much more of a catch I was than you-”
He laughs at your words and you feel your heart lift at the sound.
When the laughter dies down, you see his brows furrow as he gets lost in thought. 
After a minute he speaks up again, his voice so quiet you barely hear it over the crackling of the flames. 
“What was it like? The first time.”
Your eyes lift to see him looking at you. Once again, there is no smirk or playful glint in his eyes. He is not asking this just for the sake of lustful conversation, you can tell. He is just genuinely curious. 
“Well,” you shift so that you can lean back against the wall of the cave, “It was on our wedding night.”
He nods, but doesn’t speak to interrupt you. 
“It-” you drop your gaze to the fire even as he keeps his eyes locked on your face, watching all the different emotions run their course. 
The look in your eyes is faraway. 
You are not here, you are somewhere else, somewhere so very very far away.
There’s a soft look there and a gentle smile on your lips. 
“It was beautiful,” you finally say, voice barely above a whisper.
JK says nothing to break the sacred silence that has settled, he just watches your face. He watches the distant look of pure love slip away and slowly fade into one of deep sadness. 
A grief he does not understand. 
A grief he has begun to want to understand. 
“Can you show me?”
Your eyes fly to his, your next breath getting stuck.
“I thought you didn’t want to know,” you choke out. 
His eyes fall back to his hands, “I want to understand.”
You watch him with teary eyes as he stands up and walks around the fire to sit in front of you. 
The demon that led you through Hell and back leans closer, “Help me remember…please.”
It only takes a second for you to jolt out of your shock and nod slowly, “Ok.”
You sit up on your knees so that you’re a bit taller than him, your throat closing when you feel his hands rest gently on your hips and ever so slightly pull you closer to him. You can’t stop yourself from falling into his gaze, those big brown eyes sucking you in and filling your lungs until you drown.
“If I give it to you, I give you everything.”
He stares into your eyes for a few moments longer before nodding in agreement. 
JK closes his eyes at the feeling of your hand caressing his cheek in a way only a lover would. 
Then he feels your lips press to his gently. 
You pull back almost immediately before moving back in and gliding your tongue along his bottom lip, pulling a heavy sigh from his lungs then once again diving deeper. 
He can hear the sound of his own heavy breathing, yours mixing in with it as the two bounce off the walls of solid rock. Then they slowly fade away. 
The walls of home glow with a warm orange light. 
You’re lying on the bed, hair falling past your shoulders as you snuggle into the blankets even as they don’t cover you. Giggles fall from your lips and his heart jumps in his chest at the sound. 
“What’re you doing?” Your sweet voice reaches his ears and he smiles as he walks over to stand by the bed you lie on in nothing but your night dress.
You get up on your knees and pull him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and touching your nose to his.
When you pull back, the candle’s golden glow dancing around the room reflects in your eyes as you look at him with a love so pure and so unconditional he knows not a single soul on this earth could ever be as lucky as him. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” Jungkook whispers, fingers brushing a messy strand of hair from your face. 
Your nose and eyes scrunch up the way they do when you make a silly joke. 
“You dropped an apple on my head. Right here,” you place a hand on top of your head and laugh quietly at the smile on his face. 
“Here?” He puts his own hand there, “Are you sure?”
“Are you positive?”
“Yes, it still hurts.”
“Oh no,” Jungkook pats the spot gently before leaning forward and kissing your forehead, “I’m sorry, love.”
You pull him into a hug, “It’s okay, I forgave you a long time ago.”
He puts his arms around you and holds you close. 
If only he could pull you into him and share his body with yours so that you would never again feel pain. He would give you his breath, the muscles that help him to move, the very blood that flows through his veins. 
He would give you his own life.
The slight chill of your skin against his as you pull him onto you makes his heart break. You don’t get out much, can’t go long distances to get the blood circulating through your body.
Jungkook places his mouth against yours, his hot breath filling your lungs and warming you up from the inside out. 
He can feel you shivering in his arms, so he pulls the covers around you both before leaving warm openmouthed kisses down your chest. 
If you can’t breathe, he will breathe for you.
Soft sighs leave your mouth as he explores your body with gentle kisses and hands that leave a comforting heat behind wherever they touch.
If you can’t keep yourself warm, he will do it for you. 
The whisper of his name from your lips pulls him back and he brings his mouth to yours again.
If you can’t walk, he will carry you.
His chest is pressed against yours, so close you can feel his heartbeat as if it is your own. 
His dark eyes look into yours with so much love and adoration that you lose your breath. 
“I love you.” He whispers.
You see the tears sliding down his cheeks in the orange haze as he looks at you. 
This is the closest you will ever come to being one.
“I love you too,” you whisper back.
Jungkook feels his heart break just a little more as he takes in your sweet face, locking it into his memory so that he will never forget. He focuses on the feeling of his best friend’s heart against his chest, pounding steadily even as it grows weaker than his own. 
He pulls you closer still. 
If ever your heart fails to beat, you can have his.
Everything comes back quickly after that; your first meeting, days and nights in the woods and village causing all sorts of mischief, your first kiss, finding out that you were sick and looking for a cure, seeing you again for the first time after you were healed, your pregnancy, losing the baby, everything. He even sees the sickness take hold, the things that happened in his absence. All up until the day he lost you. The memories stop when he’s curled up in a corner of the shack, three days after you left him. 
JK pulls away, his lips detaching from yours slowly as his breathing becomes a little less labored. 
He opens his eyes to see your face not far from his own, wide eyes curious as to what his reaction will be. 
“Jungkook?” You whisper gently, hopefully. 
His eyes flicker to yours but he doesn’t respond. 
There is no recognition there as he looks at you. 
Your heart shatters into a million pieces and he can see that on your face. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. 
You open your mouth to say something, but no words come out. Silent tears drip down your cheeks.
“You don’t- you don’t remember? You didn’t see?”
“I saw.”
Your red teary eyes lock on his, begging to understand. 
“I know you came for the person you lost, but I’m not him.”
“What?” You whisper brokenly, beyond confused.
“He loved you, I could see it,” JK says gently, “And I’m sorry…but there is nothing left of that person, and I don’t love you.”
It feels like your heart is impaled, the breath being knocked violently from your lungs.
JK swallows the lump in his throat at the grief-stricken look on your face as you stare at him. 
“Maybe it’s best that I forgot,” he whispers, “It will never be worth the pain it caused by losing it. Why would I want to feel and remember whatever amazing thing He supposedly gave me only to remember the fact that He took it all back? It’s just what He does, and I want no part of it.”
“You don’t understand what you’re saying-”
“Think about it,” JK interrupts you, “What the hell kind of fucked up shit was that? He asked you to be good and punished you for it!”
“What?” You cry, not understanding. 
“The kid,” the demon’s voice has become bitter, filled with rage and resentment, “You helped that sick boy and fell ill because of it-”
“The boy didn’t make me sick.”
Your soft voice echoes off the walls of the cave.
JK stares at you for a moment, then he leans closer, “What the hell are you saying?”
“The child was not sick with typhoid,” your voice shakes and you keep your gaze on the wall behind him, “If he was he never would have woken up the next day. He was very sick, but not with what I caught.”
Silence weighs down on you for several long moments. Then he whispers darkly. 
“Then how did you get sick?”
“The water,” you say faintly, “Our main water source was dry and I consumed contaminated water from the well in the village-”
“Why didn’t the entire fucking village die, then?”
Your eyes finally find his; your hard stare not backing down from his cold one. 
“Why do you think?” You practically spit. 
Your question is met with nothing but enraged silence. 
“Why don’t you ask your leader?” You hiss, “Ask him why the ponds and river were dry, why I alone died from the water everyone drank, why he blamed it on the boy just to stir more anger and resentment into your heart. Why don’t you ask him?!”
JK’s mouth twists in rage. 
He doesn’t know the pain from what happened, he cannot remember the feeling of loving you and the grief of losing you, but that doesn’t stop him from being angry at the one that caused all of this. 
“I will ask him when you go to your Creator and ask why He abandoned me!! Why does He sit up there and play with us like dolls?! Why does He love to give and then take away, sitting back on His mighty throne and laughing at our agony because of it?!?”
You are about to snap back when an idea strikes you. 
He can’t even register what you’re doing before you sit up on your knees and grab his hands, holding them to your chest and squeezing your eyes shut as tight as you can.
“What the hell are you do-”
JK doesn’t finish his sentence before everything fades away, his sight, the feeling of your hands, the smells and sounds that once surrounded him. 
He is in nothing but pitch blackness. 
Then there’s a clear blue sky overhead, birds singing in the trees, and a soft breeze kissing his cheeks. 
He sees a small boy climbing an apple tree, his short legs and arms causing a bit of a challenge for him, but he manages. 
The child shimmies up one of the long branches and reaches for a bright red apple that hangs there enticingly. 
“You can get it, you’re almost there!” 
The voice belongs to a young teen boy that sits on a branch a few feet above the child’s head, his blue eyes that match the wings on his back and the toga on his body are shining with delight. Shiny blonde locks fall to the angel’s shoulders, not a hair out of place. 
A laugh bursts from his lips when the boy makes grabby hands at the shiny fruit. 
“Don’t make fun of me, Nehemiah!” The boy cries, but there’s a smile on his tiny pink lips as he reaches again.
The guardian angel beams with joy, then he flies over from his branch and grabs the apple, plucking it from the tree easily. 
“Here Kookie, catch!” He gently tosses the juicy red fruit to the small boy, who laughs and stretches his hands out. He almost catches it, but it slips from his fingers at the last second and plummets to the ground. 
Tiny Jungkook looks down to see that the apple has smacked another child on the head. He gasps and scurries down the tree as fast as he can to apologize. 
Nehemiah watches with his hands over his mouth to hold in the giggles. His eyes meet the dark green ones of another guardian angel before his excited laughter breaks free. 
There was never a friendship among angels and humans quite like theirs. Ever since the boy was born, he could see the angel that followed him everywhere and kept him safe. He learned his name and had complete and utter trust in him. 
As Jungkook grew, Nehemiah stayed the same. He had existed for many many years, yet never appeared any older than fifteen. 
When Jungkook reached the age of seven, Nehemiah realized with a sinking heart that the boy could no longer see him. He spoke to him sometimes, but that eventually faded away as well. The games and stories and laughter slowly fizzled out. 
Nehemiah caught Jungkook’s tiny arm when the child tripped over a stone lying in his path. He righted the three year old boy and laughed as he thanked the guardian angel before breaking into a run once more.
That was one of the angel’s most fondest memories, the one he would always bring to mind during the hardest of days. The blue angel never left his side though. 
He walked with Jungkook along the dirt paths and smelled the flowers the boy picked, sang along to the songs he hummed, and was quick to guide him to the dead rose bush that one frightening day at the river even though the boy couldn’t see him. 
It was not time for Jungkook to leave Earth yet, for he still had so much to do.
Nehemiah cried with Jungkook the day he found out about your disease. His heart was aching just as much as the boy’s; if not more from just seeing him in pain.
There were many attempts to soothe his human’s heart as he traveled searching for a cure, but Jungkook only ever slipped further and further away from him with each passing day. 
He could not hear his guardian angel’s voice anymore.
Nor did he want to.
Nehemiah rejoiced loudly at the wedding and danced with Imelda to the pretty music that played, his bright grin never dimming. For that day was one of the most joyous he could remember, of course not nearly as joyous as the day Jungkook was conceived and he finally got to meet him in the womb after waiting for so long. 
Nehemiah wrung his hands anxiously as Jungkook tied the bundle of herbs together in front of the fire. 
“Jungkook please, please don’t do this. Go home to Apple,” his eyes stung with tears, “She’s alone, stop leaving her alone!”
He got no response. 
“Jungkook, listen to me! If you go home now, Aera will be conceived before long. You will lose her and yes you will lose Apple too, but I promise you that it will not be the end. You will be there for her during death, to hold and comfort her to ease the struggle of passage. Apple will not die in agony if you stop this and go home to her now.”
Jungkook stepped back and looked at the fire, the bundle of herbs becoming wet in his sweaty hand. 
Nehemiah flew in front of him and held his arms out to prevent him from tossing it in, “You will go with them soon, I promise! And we’ll all be happy together in Heaven, we really will!”
His heart sank at the way Jungkook looked right through him. 
There was no memory left of the guardian angel, not after despair had sunken in. 
The fire snapped and crackled when the herbs hit it and began to burn.
A cold breeze swept through the area and Nehemiah sighed deeply. 
Jungkook turned and came face to face with Lucifer. 
The Devil looked past the human boy’s shoulder briefly to see the young blue angel glaring daggers at him. 
He smirked and went back to business. 
Nehemiah tried, he tried his hardest, but Jungkook would not listen. 
The blue angel practically tackled the brown angel, Nasya, who joined him and Imelda the day that Aera was conceived. 
“Oh, you’re finally here, you’re finally here!!” He jumped up and down and cried tears of joy. 
Nasya smiled, “For a little while, Nehemiah. I will go back soon, with Aera.”
Nehemiah nodded solemnly, knowing the time would come but that sweet baby Aera would be happy in Heaven and would not suffer long in her passing. 
When the time came, Nehemiah cried all of his tears. He hugged Nasya, who cradled the infant Aera in her arms, before bidding them goodbye, then he was right beside Jungkook in his mother’s home. 
You laid on the bed, face drained of color and eyes drained of life as you stared out the window. Imelda was caressing your face gently and whispering words of comfort. 
Nehemiah laid his head on Jungkook’s shoulder and whispered his own words of strength and comfort. 
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” he whispered as a tear slid down his porcelain cheek, “It will hurt for a long time. You’ll be strong for Apple though, don’t worry. I know you're scared you aren't strong enough, but you won’t let her down, you will get through this and you will smile again. Aera is safe and happy, I promise, I promise.”
Nehemiah couldn’t watch as Jungkook bid you goodbye.
He locked eyes with Imelda, who nodded sadly at him and waved after he called farewell to her, then he followed Jungkook and his mother as they left for their journey. 
The screams that ripped from Jungkook’s chest as Taehyung and Yoongi pulled your limp body from his arms broke Nehemiah’s heart into a thousand pieces. 
He knew you were okay, he knew you were no longer in pain and would soon be filled with joy beyond measure. 
But Jungkook did not know that. 
Nehemiah sat and cried with him for three days, never leaving his side. 
He knew Jungkook was dying, and he knew what would happen when he did; what he would need to do to protect him.
The guardian angel stood his ground, sword held out and ready to strike any and every miserable wretch that tried to come close to his human. 
Jungkook was curled up in the corner of the shack and staring at the dead roses that had spilled from the vase, his breath slowing down and becoming more labored with each inhale and exhale. 
He was fading. 
Nehemiah locked eyes with the first demon to approach. 
“You will not touch him,” he whispered, sword pointed at the demon’s gnarled chest.
The creature howled with delight and moved to get around the angel, but Nehemiah was faster. He swung his sword and sliced clean through the demon’s stomach, causing it to recoil and screech in fury before fleeing. 
The young angel took a deep breath and backed up to be closer to his boy, ready to defend him until the end. 
Many demons came that day, and Nehemiah held off every single one on his own. They came at him in swarms and he was beaten and torn at for hours, but he did not back down. 
The demons could not reach the soul they came to claim. There was an angel between them and their prize, and he would not let them pass. 
Nehemiah struck at demons left and right, his cheeks tinted with the slightest pink at the exertion.
That’s when he heard it. 
Jungkook’s last breath; the final beat of his broken heart. 
Then he was gone. 
Nehemiah turned slowly and saw Lucifer standing there, a smug smirk on the demon’s despicable face. 
The guardian angel dropped his sword and walked over to his closest friend, his heart breaking more with each step. He was not seen, but that didn’t stop him from sitting beside his boy and wrapping his arms around him.
He laid his head on Jungkook’s shoulder and wept. He heard Lucifer speaking and did his best to talk over him but to no avail. Jungkook was never going to listen. 
The broken mortal closed his eyes and did his best to conjure up an image of you. 
Nehemiah hugged him tight and whispered to him as he used to when Jungkook was little and wanted a bedtime story, when he would tell stories of a place so beautiful it couldn’t be imagined. Where they would be together someday. 
“Apple is somewhere safe and warm, where the sun kisses her cheeks and dances upon her fingers. Somewhere the apples are sweet and crisp, where the water is never too cold.”
He heard Jungkook grimacing at the sting of the image being scratched into his bicep. 
“Look at how ruined you are,” the Devil whispered with shameless glee, “All because of love.”
Nehemiah wiped Jungkook’s damp cheeks gently, feeling him slip further away. 
“She is somewhere she can fly with the clouds, never alone.”
Lucifer locked eyes with the guardian and glared with undeniable hatred.
The angel did not back away from the harsh stare, he looked right back at the blasphemous traitor as he whispered to his most beloved human that would soon be taken from him. 
“Somewhere the roses will always bloom.”
You open your eyes to see JK’s shut tightly, his cheeks damp with silent tears. 
He takes a shuddering breath, his chest shaking a little when he blows it out slowly. 
You say nothing, not wanting to risk him shutting down again. 
It takes a few minutes, then you finally see him blink open his eyes, a stray tear trickling down. He pulls his hands out of yours and touches his fingers to his wet cheek, confusion written all over his face. It appears as though he’s forgotten what it’s like to cry. 
The silence stretches on in the small dark cave, only the soft sound of crackling flames reaches your ears. 
The pretty boy in front of you looks lost in thought, his eyes still squinted in confusion as he slowly wipes the remnants of tears off of his skin. 
There’s nothing you can think to say to fill the void.
JK finishes drying his face, trying his best not to dwell on the uncomfortable foreign feeling that overtook him momentarily. Only seconds before, he had been yelling about how he had been abandoned, only to see the strangest images of quite the opposite.
Nothing makes sense and it’s terrifying him. 
You two sit there for another few minutes, the quiet not unwelcome as you each ponder the thoughts in your minds.
The demon takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly, closing his eyes so that he can think clearly. 
There is no time to learn more, to find out what happened that made things lead up to this; to understand the feeling of loving someone and losing them. 
He does not know what that is like, though he has begun to wonder if it is anything like the constant ache in his chest, the feeling of his heart being ripped to shreds without pause.
Perhaps there is something more to the torture he has always tried to pretend does not weigh him down every moment. 
But there is no time.
JK forces himself to look back at you.
The way you stare off into the distance with watery eyes and a lost gaze, makes that awful feeling in his chest happen again. 
The color is draining from your face quickly, and the warmth that usually emits from you is no longer there.
You jump a little when he takes your hand, your eyes falling to where he grabbed you before traveling up to his face. 
JK runs his thumb along your knuckles softly, noting how cold your skin has become. 
There is no time…for anything.
You’re fading. 
“We need to go,” he whispers, the soft spoken words still echoing around the cave.
He watches your face crumple and a few more tears stream down your cheeks.
“I don’t understand,” you mumble tearfully, exhaustion and confusion clear in your voice, “I don’t understand why it isn’t working.”
“I’m sorry.”
A broken sob breaks from your lips and you pull your hand from his to cover your face. 
“I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” you choke out, “But now that you have, I wish you wouldn’t.”
He says nothing for a few moments, then he whispers again, clearly regretful, “We need to keep going.”
The demon watches the angel in front of him check out for a few moments before wiping at her eyes and choking down a swallow as she breathes out a couple shaky breaths.
“I’m not broken,” he eventually hears you whisper, your voice quivering. 
His eyes lock with yours.
“I didn’t say you w-”
“I’m not broken.”
JK swallows, knowing that he can’t hide the thoughts running through his mind. 
“Good,” he finally says, “Because I’m gonna need you to do your best to stay unbroken, just for a bit longer.”
He shifts, moving onto his knees in front of you and leaning down to brush the tangled strands of hair out of your face, “Can you do that for me?”
Your eyes are locked on his, quickly getting lost in them. 
You nod slowly. 
The smile that spreads on his face makes your heart lurch into your throat. 
You don’t fall asleep again, but you might as well have. 
You are so disoriented that you can’t tell up from down or right from left. All you know is that you are on his back, holding on weakly as he walks.
Eventually the gentle bouncing indicates that he’s walking up a set of stairs, although it’s too dark and you’re too out of it to know where exactly those stairs lead to.
Then there’s suddenly the uncomfortable red light that pierces your eyes and you close them quickly. When you open them again, you see a dark forest just ahead and stone ruins strewn about just outside of the stairway the two of you came out of. 
The same ruins that littered the ground outside of the seventh circle. 
The conversation surrounding them rushes back into your brain as you glance around. 
“The earthquake.”
“The one that shook the earth at the time of His death.”
The sound of soft weeping reaches your ears and slowly begins to gain in volume. A forest of thin trees surrounds you when JK keeps walking, misty figures of souls dart in and out of sight.
The silence that stretches on between you and him is unsettling. Your stomach is in knots knowing what’s about to happen. 
What you’re about to do.
The silence doesn’t end, it continues all the way through the long dark forest, making you sick with fear.
There is no distraction to help you in any way.
Give me strength.
JK sees the gate not far ahead and swallows thickly as he adjusts you to be more comfortable on his back when you slide down a bit. Almost there.
He feels your arms tighten around him and your cold nose brush against the side of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. 
“I love you,” you mumble against his skin, the words making his stomach sink, “...it’s okay, you don’t need to say it back.” 
“I’m sorry,” he finally whispers.
“I know,” you whisper, “Me too.”
JK swallows, forcing his feet to keep moving forward. 
He’s only fifteen feet away from the giant stone entrance to Hell, when a voice rings out through the forest and he freezes.
“Going so soon?” 
A few more steps and you would have made it. 
You feel the demon go rigid under you, then he turns slowly.
JK locks eyes with the blonde demon that’s leaning against a tree and smirking.
“Did you really think you could get her out? Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
You gulp as you watch Sav laugh to himself. 
JK lets go of your legs and gently lowers you to the ground where you end up sitting uselessly. All the strength in you is gone, you can’t even barely hold yourself up as you watch your best friend straighten to his full height. 
“No Sav,” his deep voice rings out, “I counted on it.”
“You’re in no position to threaten me,” Sav snaps, moving from leaning against the tree and walking closer.
“I could say the same about you.”
“Give us the angel and we’ll forget this little incident happened.”
JK chuckles darkly. 
“You touch her and I will make you regret every choice you’ve ever made in your entire miserable little existence.”
You hold your breath as he stands between you and the demon that tortured you endlessly without restraint. 
“Oh, I’ve already touched her,” Sav whispers, a seductive smirk on his lips as he glances at you. You pull your gaze from his, not wanting to revisit all that had happened.
“I’ve made her scream and cry.”
JK’s jaw clenches.
“Are you jealous?” Sav giggles maniacally, “Are you jealous I got to cut up her precious little skin until her blood coated my fingertips and she was sobbing for me to have mercy?”
You did nothing of the sort, there was not a single beg for reprieve from you. And Sav knows that.
“Are you mad that I was the one that got to strip the little angel-”
JK walks forward and grabs Sav by the collar, dragging him close to his face roughly and cutting off his sentence. 
“You can try all you want to rattle me Sav,” JK seethes, his chest rising and falling with enraged breaths, “But we both know the bastard that resorts to that already knows when he’s fucking lost.”
Sav gulps, the fear in his eyes nearly hidden by the smirk on his face. 
“Grasping at straws already, Savie?” JK chuckles, holding the demon in place when he tries to wriggle away, “How fucking pathetic.”
You watch silently, but can’t see much more than JK’s back, the way he towers over Sav is almost terrifying. You wouldn’t want to be in his place. 
“I can’t imagine trying so hard to be important and failing so fucking miserably.”
Sav glares at JK fiercely, the words biting into his bones and nearly making him crack. 
He’s about to snap back when a chill goes through the forest and both demons stiffen. 
Your heart leaps to your throat at the sound of the gravelly voice that would not leave you alone. 
“Really Sav, enough of this ridiculous humiliation you cause yourself constantly. How useless can you be? Can’t you see that you don’t need any more help to look so pathetic?”
All you can see of this new demon are large black wings and a looming figure. 
No one says anything for a few moments, then the cold voice speaks again. 
“Let go.”
You watch in fear as JK roughly lets go of Sav, making the smaller demon stumble back. You can see the dark-haired demon’s shoulders moving up and down with heavy breaths. It’s clear he had no choice but to listen. 
It only takes one look from the newcomer to send Sav scrambling away into the trees. 
You close your eyes after seeing the frighteningly beautiful devil in front of JK. 
Lucifer glances at you over his minion’s shoulder and smiles. 
“You’ve only just arrived in Hell, angel. Won’t you stay a little longer?”
You don’t answer him.
JK gulps, his whole body shaking.
He drops to his knees immediately, head hanging in shame as he stares at the ground and bites his tongue hard enough to draw blood. 
Lucifer chuckles. 
“Look at you. You really thought you could make your own decisions, you thought I knew nothing of your actions and that you could slip away unnoticed.”
“I didn’t-”
“Shut up.”
JK snaps his mouth shut, grinding his teeth in order not to let himself scream profanities. 
The Devil leans down and whispers, “I own you. Has that also slipped from your knowledge? Must I remind you that I am the one that calls the shots?”
You can feel sweat pouring down your bloody back, the pain beginning to increase with each moment that passes. 
Only a few seconds pass before you realize something is happening to JK too. 
He’s hunched over, breathing heavily and grimacing.
“Jungkook,” you gasp out, horrible pain washing over you and rendering you incapable of moving. 
“Shut your filthy mouth,” Lucifer snaps, his glare turning to you and the pain surging up into new levels as you cry out and lay your forehead on the ground, prayers falling from your lips desperately. 
JK can’t move, he’s stuck where he is; kneeling at the feet of Lucifer and shaking with agony. 
You force yourself to lift your gaze and look at the Devil, locking eyes with him.
Lucifer’s eyes widen in rage at your defiance and he steps forward, reaching to grab the demon kneeling before him. 
He stops though, when his path is suddenly blocked by you throwing yourself in front of him. 
JK opens his eyes, his gaze lifting to see you standing between him and his leader. The blood streaking down your legs and torn dress is a strangely vibrant red. His eyes lift more to see your smaller wings, still ripped to shreds. 
You look miniscule standing in front of the Devil himself, but you don’t appear afraid in the slightest. Your fists are clenched so tight that fresh blood drips from them where your fingernails dig into the delicate skin.
Lucifer takes a step back and chuckles, crossing his arms, his dark wings resting behind him.
“You think you’re very brave, don’t you?”
You say nothing, only glare at him with a burning hatred.
“He cannot leave. You already know this…why pretend otherwise?”
When you still don’t respond, he uncrosses his arms. 
“You don’t know your place, do you child?”
His voice has become lower and his expression softens, now uncharacteristically gentle. 
Despite his words, he suddenly seems empathetic, in a way. It’s startling. 
Your brows furrow but you hold your ground. 
JK watches in confusion from where he’s still kneeling on the ground, unable to move and jaw clenched shut as the pain evens out to a steady ache across his whole body.
“In mortal life, living in the village,” Lucifer whispers as he looks you over, “You never belonged there, did you?”
Your eyes narrow more but you remain quiet. 
“You don’t belong up there either, do you?”
“I belong there,” you choke out, wishing your voice to sound stronger than it does. 
A sad smile spreads on the demon’s face. 
“Do you? Because I see the same look in your eyes that was in mine the day I found out I didn’t belong anywhere either.”
You’re about to respond, but he cuts you off. 
“You don’t belong anywhere, little misfit, you know I speak the truth. Why not join me? Why bother suffering uselessly just to follow His ridiculous will? I chose to belong here. You can choose to join me,” A smirk spreads on his face, “We’re not so different, you and I-”
“I am nothing like you,” you whisper fiercely, “And I do belong there. I have never belonged anywhere more.”
You take a step closer, your bare feet numb to the warmth radiating from the earth.
“Did you really think you could convince me otherwise, demon?”
His eyes turn cold and angry at the dismissive title you use, as if he is worth no more than any other wretch here. 
“Did you really think you could give me a moment’s pause? Are you that foolish?”
He’s about to snap back but you keep going, stepping closer with each word. 
“I suppose you are. You experienced what it was like, you were there. You belonged there and you knew it, you just wanted more.”
The Devil glares at you. 
“You were there and you gave it up,” You get up into his space, your eyes glancing briefly at the dead white rose on his bicep being strangled by the serpent, “You are the biggest fool in existence and I would rather suffer ten thousand times more in order to bring others to be with Him than ever be compared to the likes of you.” 
“Enjoy that then,” Lucifer hisses, “Enjoy paradise all you like without him.”
You hear a pained gasp from behind you and turn in horror to see JK doubled over and groaning from the indescribable pain consuming him.
You rush to him, but are grabbed and yanked back harshly before you can get there. The Devil has a strong grip on your upper arm as he addresses his prisoner.  
“You are mine,” he growls, his glare trained on the demon kneeling before him, “Your soul belongs to me and it can never leave the gates of Hell.”
“He’s lying!” You scream, fighting against him, “He wants you to think he’s the one in charge. He’s not! Lucifer knows he’s lost, he knows that at the end every knee will bend to Him. All he can do now is bring down as many souls as he can before that,” You’re practically sobbing, “Jungkook, he’s desperate, you know that means he’s already lost!”
Lucifer chuckles, satisfaction sweeping over him at the feeling of despair seeping from the poor pathetic soul knelt in the hot dirt. 
“You can leave, Jungkook, don’t listen to him!!”
He watches Lucifer smirk down at him, still holding onto your arm. Tears are streaming down your face as you look at him desperately, as if trying to convey something without words. 
He doesn’t understand. 
“You can’t both leave,” The Devil whispers, “Can you?” 
He looks at you at the same time that JK does. 
Confusion is swarming the lower demon’s brain as he stares at you. 
The expression on your face doesn’t make sense. 
Why do you look sorry?
“But you knew that,” Lucifer continues quietly, “You came here knowing that, didn’t you little angel?”
JK’s eyes dart from his master over to you, and he finally understands. 
 “I’m going to miss you.”
That's what you had said, that’s what you meant. 
You can see the horror sweep over him and he shakes his head, never looking from your gaze. 
Lucifer chuckles. 
“____, no-” JK chokes out in disbelief.
Your heart rips in two hearing him say your name for the first time in over five hundred years. 
“I told you not to call me that,” you whisper, tears in your eyes but an encouraging smile on your face meant to reassure him that it’s okay, “I don’t like it when you’re serious.”
He shakes his head again, slowly. 
He brought you to the gate to get you out, you’re not going to trade places with him. It wasn’t supposed to be like this-
“Why not take her up on her offer?” Lucifer grins wickedly, “If you do, all of this pain will go away.”
A breeze rushes over the demon kneeling in the mud, and with it the feeling of instant relief.
All of the pain that has wracked his body and kept him weighed down for as long as he can remember, is completely gone.
He looks up to see you staring at him, wide-eyed. 
The sound of a bubbling brook reaches his ears, like music on the wind. 
Tears brim in his eyes as the smoky forest around him fades away and he’s suddenly in a sunlit field. 
The beams of light from the sun do not hurt him. 
The sight of bluebirds flying into the clouds does not fill his heart with anger and resentment. 
The sweet smell of rain does not make him sick with disgust. 
JK looks down at the grass he’s kneeling on. He slowly reaches a hand out and runs his fingertips over the soft blades, a broken gasp leaving him at how silky it feels. Blue and pink and purple flowers decorate the field, and he could swear he hears them singing praises. 
Who are they singing for?
Soft footfalls reach his ears and he turns to look at who is approaching, but he can’t see them. All there is, is a human-shaped light walking through the meadow towards him. His heart aches with more and more immeasurable longing with each step closer they take to him. 
He doesn’t know why, but it feels like he knows this person, even though he’s never seen them before in his life. 
He wants them to reach him. 
He knows once they do, he will never hurt again.
The closer the person of light gets, the louder the flowers sing. 
The demon’s chest rises and falls rapidly, excitement fluttering in his stomach at the prospect of coming face to face with this being.
Tears creep to the edge, threatening to spill.
He’s never felt so at peace. 
Then it’s all gone.
It’s ripped from him mercilessly.
In the blink of an eye he’s back in Limbo and screaming at the sheer agony that takes root once again. JK grabs at the place where his heart is and cries out at the feeling of it being ripped from his chest and crushed into dust. 
He can’t breathe. 
The pain is more excruciating than it has ever been, it was unbearable before but he was forced to endure it, now it doesn’t feel like he’ll be able to.
After experiencing the soft grass, the gentle wind, the feeling of relief...he cannot bear it.
You cry as you are forced to watch in gut-wrenching grief while he sobs, his body shaking and curling in on itself to try and stop the pain. 
He can’t breathe. 
“You tasted the sweet sweet feeling of joy, of the eternal relief you will feel once you leave,” Lucifer whispers temptingly, “She can’t leave anyway, JK. She gave up the one thing she brought that connected her to the outside. She already paid to cross the ferry, she cannot leave.”
JK looks up at you, tears streaming down his face. 
You can’t tell what he’s thinking.
“Once she takes your place, you are free to go. You will no longer be bound to me. If you stay, your punishment will increase due to this little act of rebellion.”
You smile at him softly, tears still falling down your cheeks. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper.
JK drops his gaze to the ground.
You close your eyes and conjure up an image of her as best as you can, the one thing that can bring you comfort in this moment.
Aera’s small arms wrap around you and hold you tight as she whispers how much she loves you in your ear. 
“Nasya says you are brave, mommy,” the tiny child pulls back and smiles at you, “Are you really going to save daddy? Are you going to bring him home to be with us forever? Can I show him the Garden??”
You cup her supple cheeks with your hands and lean forward to kiss her button nose. 
Her bunny teeth appear as she giggles. You smile softly and touch your forehead to hers. 
“Yes, Aera,” you whisper, “I’m going to bring daddy home and you can bring him to the Garden, I know he will love it. Make sure you show him the roses, okay baby?”
She takes your cheeks in her hands as you did to her and leans forward to whisper, as if she’s telling you the biggest secret. 
“I will, mommy.”
JK looks up just as you open your eyes. His gaze locks on yours. 
Lucifer lets go of you roughly and you stumble, falling to the hard ground. 
He thinks of the field, of the flowers, of the blue sky and white clouds.
And he wants it. 
It would be selfish. 
He thinks of the smell of crystal rain and honeysuckles, and the mysterious ethereal being coming to join him, to love him more than any other could.
And he wants it…
He’s selfish. 
Demons always are.
Demons can’t be anything other than selfish.
JK looks into your eyes, the next breath getting stuck in his chest. 
It’s okay, your eyes tell him, this is what I want, this is why I came.
You watch as he crawls over to you.
Despite the grueling pain tormenting him, he stands and pulls you up with him. He scans your face, bruised and bleeding and sweaty with grime.  
You feel him grab your hand, open it, then hold it tightly.
He waits for a moment, just a few seconds to take in the beauty in front of him. 
It’s just so breathtaking he can’t help it.
He didn’t try to, but it was inevitable..
So he stands there. 
Just for a moment. 
A few seconds to admire the way your cheeks shine with tears, the way your sad smile spreads as you look at him, the way that even your dress that’s always filthy; only adds to your beauty. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, still holding your hand tightly. 
Three little words are right on your tongue, ready to spill from your chapped lips, to assure him why it is okay, why you will gladly take his place. 
But you don’t get the chance. 
Before you can say it, you look down at what he’s placed in your hand. 
A ring made entirely of grass. 
Woven with careful fingers. 
It’s bigger than yours was. 
Realization strikes you too late.
He stands there, only for a few seconds, to admire the beauty in front of him.
Your eyes find his. 
And everything is okay. 
And he can love you.
You don’t get to finish your sentence, not before he grips your arms and turns with you, then he’s shoving you out of the gate.
You land with a harsh smack on the ground, but you’re up again in a split second and running back to the entrance of Hell, screaming at the top of your lungs. 
“Jungkook!! No, no no no no!!” You try to go back through, but it’s like an invisible wall is preventing you. You smash your fists against it as hard as you can, but it doesn’t budge. You can see forest on the other side, but you can’t see him or Lucifer there.
“Jungkook! Let! Me! In! Please don’t do this!!” You’re screaming and crying and pounding so hard that fresh blood drips down your knuckles. 
But you don’t care.
“Don’t you dare do this to me again!!”
JK watches you scream and cry and pound against the gates of Hell, he watches you slide down to the ground and start digging frantically, trying to find a way back in. 
He watches your guardian angel come and hold you, pulling you back from the gate and falling to the ground while hugging your sobbing figure.
The demon watches you shout at him in anger and denial, in confusion and betrayal.
He watches. 
But he does not follow you. 
Lucifer smirks wickedly, his arms crossed over his broad chest. 
“You never learn, do you? Not in that life and not in this one.”
JK doesn’t respond as he watches you scream at the top of your lungs, tears pouring down your cheeks. He forces his eyes to leave and fall to the ground. 
“You could’ve been free, and yet you chose to stay.”
JK stays silent, but his eyes lift to meet the demon’s in front of him.
Lucifer grins maniacally, “Want to see what you missed out on? Since you’re so fucking obsessed with torturing yourself in love. You don’t even love her, you don’t remember her.”
The prince of Hell sees the internal struggle in his slave’s eyes, smile widening when he feels the resolve crumble. 
He wants to know, despite the eternal pain it will cause. 
He deserves it.
“Don’t worry, by the end you’ll be tortured enough to satisfy your addiction to agony.”
The smoke and the fire and the wails of the desperate fade away. 
There’s soft grass underneath him as he wakes sleepily from a nap. 
The warm sun caresses his skin.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
Jungkook lifts his head to see a small child running full speed ahead through the field, giggles spilling from her lips and her long dark hair flying around haphazardly. 
“Daddy!” She shrieks again, little legs going as fast as they can, “Save me, save me!”
A laugh bursts from Jungkook’s lips when he sees you come out from the forest behind her, growling and laughing as you pretend to be a monster on the hunt. 
The small girl, who is only just about five, flings herself into his open arms and squeals as he envelopes her safely into his lap. 
“I’ve got you baby,” he whispers into her hair as he smiles, “You’re safe.”
You run up, laughing your head off along with them. 
Jungkook looks at you tenderly, the love he has for his best friend only increasing the longer he does. 
Your hair is a bit knotted from running with it down and your cheeks are tinted pink with exertion from chasing the little one through the forest. Your simple dress has mud smeared across it in several places and there are a few twigs in your hair that go unnoticed. 
“Mommy!” Aera wiggles off her father’s lap and wraps her arms around your legs.
“Hi baby,” you coo and swoop her up into the air as if she weighs no more than a feather. 
Jungkook smiles as he watches you dance around and giggle. 
Aera is exactly like the two of you put together. Her sweet face resembles her father’s but her personality is all you. She wears a dress that looks like a mini version of yours, her bare feet dirty with mud and pansies stuck in her hair from your flower picking earlier.
It reminds him of the way you looked when he first met you. 
His eyes burn with tears at how much he loves you both. It should be impossible to be filled with this much love and happiness. 
“Can you push me on the swing, daddy?” Aera is running back to him and cupping his face with her tiny hands, “Please? Mommy said you will say yes to me always because I’m too cute.”
Jungkook laughs and glances at you hiding your smile. 
“Mommy’s right,” he whispers before kissing her button nose. Then he stands up and scoops her into his arms-
The cursed howls of souls damned to Hell come rushing back, piercing his ear drums and making him wince. 
He hadn’t realized that he fell to his knees again.
Tears drip down his cheeks and fall to the dirt, mixing in with the tears of the lost souls starting their journey here.
“That is what you missed…because of Him.”
JK chokes out a sob and puts a hand to his bleeding heart, the ache of loss worse than it’s ever been.
“You would’ve had everything, if He had really loved you. It’s a pity, really.”
The demon grieving in the grime and salty tears of fellow damned souls feels his heart break even more, then that nasty feeling of resentment and bitterness begins to swell.
“Granted, you were happy with her, this Apple girl, for a decent amount of time I suppose.”
JK says nothing, just continues to stare at the dirt where his tears fall. 
“It never lasts though,” Lucifer muses, “Can’t imagine why humans crave it only to lose it in the end, to feel the grief ten times stronger than the love ever was.”
JK glances back to see you sobbing into your hands, wrapped in the arms of your guardian angel, blood and bruises littering your skin. 
“Look at that,” Lucifer tuts with mock pity, “That’s what love makes of humans. Nothing but misery. You had her, and you lost her.”
JK stares at you, watching you grieve for him in a way he had long forgotten how to relate to. 
“Tell me, Jungkook,” Lucifer whispers, leaning down, “Was it ever worth it?”
He sees you lying in the field, your fingertips alight with the sun, a bird song falling from your lips. The smile on your face that he got to witness. 
Just for a moment.
A single tear falls from his eye, sliding down his dirty cheek and falling to the ground as he looks at you. 
Jungkook’s voice is broken, weak with the pain of loss, but the Devil hears him anyway. 
Imelda holds you closely, keeping you together. If she wasn’t there you would be falling apart, scattered on the ground like leaves that have fallen from their tree.
Gut-wrenching sobs are ripped from you as you look at the gate to Hell, seeing nothing but the empty forest on the other side.
“Why?!” You scream at the top of your lungs, another round of sobbing rendering you incapable of saying anything more. 
Nehemiah is there as well, crouched on the ground and crying into his hands, his baby blue wings shaking with each breath.
You grab Imelda’s hand and hold it to your chest, holding on for dear life. 
You cannot handle this grief, you cannot handle it.
“I was g-going to s-save him,” you sob between choked breaths, “I was going to give my life for him!!”
A warm breeze sweeps over the three of you and your next sob gets stuck in your throat. 
Then a soothing voice filled with a regalness beyond compare speaks, trembling the burnt trees around you and causing the rocks to quiver where they lay.
You can no longer see the forest. Now there is only a hill in front of you, the silhouette of a cross against the golden sunset. 
“I already did.”
The ground quakes and you see a large statue depicting Lucifer in front of the second and seventh circles trembling before crumbling down until there is nothing left but rubble.
You gasp, grabbing your chest and trying to breathe. 
You’re back by the gate.
Watery gaze locking back on the invisible boundary, your heart leaps to your throat when you see a hand come out and grab onto the dirt, fingers digging into it as they try to pull themselves out. 
Nehemiah is up and running before you can even register what’s happening. 
The blue angel grabs the boy’s hand, holding on tight before pulling as hard as he can, a broken scream bursting from his lips at the effort.
You watch in disbelief as the guardian angel drags his beloved human, your best friend in the entire world, out of the gates of Hell.
After much deliberation: an Epilogue will be posted tomorrow.
a/n: thank you so much for everything you guys, you mean the world to me. This has been one hell of a ride (no pun intended) Don't kill me pls, again, there will be an epilogue tomorrow for those of you with weak hearts 💕 ur welcome
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armpirate · 7 months
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pairing: Demon!JK x fem!reader || Fantasy, manifestation
w.c.: 3.7k
Warnings:smut, oral sex (female receiving)..
Summary: When you first watched all those manifestation videos, you decided to give it a try just for the laughs. What you didn't know is that you shouldn't have tried at all.
Aprox. time of reading: 16 minutes
You were listening to the audios, watching the videos, while your mind was filled with the thoughts the characters on the screen influenced you into thinking. You were bored, and that type of manifestation videos had popped up on your Tik Tok too many times in the past few days to ignore them. You knew when you had to take a hint.
You had spent more than an hour watching those twenty minute-long videos, listening to the bland music in the background only to get nothing. You sighed, dropping your phone to your side before taking off your headphones.
If you were so bored to do that bullshit, you should've put yourself to study instead. But it seemed funnier than picking up a book or your notes. In your defense, one of your wishes was being so smart that you wouldn't need to study that hard ever again.
Upset, you settled everything so you could go to sleep. You thought that maybe a demon would come right after at your call, and would set you free from all your obligations. You waved goodbye at the ten million dollars, the megamind, and the success you were craving for when you started that damned ritual.
The street was empty and dark, there wasn't a single light on, except for the three capital letters that formed the word "RED", lit with red neon lights. That street was the type of place you would run from if you ever found yourself there. Although you were confused by how wide the main road was. It didn't make sense how there wasn't a single soul walking there, or how neither of the lights of either of the buildings were shining through the small windows.
The cold air hitting your skin made you hug yourself almost instantly, even more confused at the fact that you were out with your tank top and shorts that you used as your pajamas. You couldn't see the wave that came over you, but you could sense it, you were sure that your eyes perceived some type of reflection from afar before your throat instantly closed.
As if your body knew the danger was outside, your fingers reached the golden knob of the establishment, opening the door and hurrying inside before you felt warm again, feeling the air lighter running through your lungs.
The door clicking behind you echoed in the room, making you aware of how big the place was despite being completely dark. You tried to open it, as if that was the only thing you needed to do to get it all started.
While you were pulling from the knob, some claps got your attention, freezing your moves. With every lamp that was being lit in the corridor, a new clap made your hairs raise. It kept narrower the further it was from you, and the weak lights coming from the curved lamps barely gave you any chance to see properly. Your mind was telling you to keep trying to open the main door, but your body moved as if there was something else controlling your moves better than you did.
Your steps felt heavy, almost as if your body was being dragged by an external force to the dark red door at the end of the corridor. You caressed the knob gently, as if you were asking your way in politely to whoever was inside.
You squinted your eyes, trying to see something through the darkness when the door closed behind you again. You didn't even attempt to get out, you knew there was something inside you wanted to find.
A sonorous breeze collided with your ears, and your body instantly reacted to the sensation. Your skin was burning, and your core throbbed with eagerness. You pressed your thighs together, trying to make that feeling disappear, but it only grew bigger with every rub of your legs.
Somewhere among the silence, you heard a male chuckle, deep and dark, that made your brain overthink and your stomach feel funny.
The room lit up, but not completely. Somewhere across the place, you could see a trace of lights that started moving in front of you. With every new move, you discovered a new thing of whatever darkness was keeping from your eyesight.
A few centimeters ahead of you, there was a black leather headboard that shines under the light, completely disappearing as the focus keeps moving. It lowers down, allowing you to see the burgundy sheets falling over the edge of the bed, heading to its corner and moving back to the center, where you're able to see a pair of athletic thighs, covered with some black slacks, manspreading with a hand falling lazily in the center. You try to pay attention to the tattoos on the reverse and his fingers, but the light moves before you're able to. It goes back to the opposite side of the headboard, moving to the right steadily. His eyes are black and fierce, as if he knew he'd be able to do whatever he wanted to you. There isn't a glimpse of good intentions on the looks he's giving you.
The way he already had his eyes on you, and how he even moved them lower over your body, made you aware that unlike you, he was indeed able to see you across the darkness. You thought you'd be able to reach the climax merely with the way he was looking at you.
You were his prey, and he was the beast ready to jump at you.
The corners of his doe eyes wrinkle for a second, as if he finally thought what he was going to do to you. And just as that happens, the only light in the room disappears, leaving you lost, momentarily blind.
You were hopeful the light would shine again and would fall on him, that was why your eyes didn't move a centimeter from where you last saw his eyes. But when the light comes back, and starts moving over the spot he was at, there's no one else anymore. The sheets look messy, and they have the subtle shape of his buttocks, so at least you know he was indeed there.
It was disappointing for you. Because it was all getting started, and the moment you were calming yourself down to speak, he vanished.
Your body squirms involuntarily when a warm touch covers your side over your tank top, feeling a palm covering your ribs.
He first breathed into your ear, making your neck fall to the side "Were you looking for me?"
His voice was deep, yet melodic. You hadn't seen his face completely, you didn't know his intentions, but you were ready to do whatever he asked you to.
His hand expanded to your belly, with his pinky finger ghosting over the elastic of your shorts. He still didn't stop, but his touch was gentle on you, venturing himself lower, caressing your body as if he had touched it many times before. His fingers played with the edge of your shorts, digging lower and directly moving through your underwear. He didn't ask for permission. It was as if your consent had been agreed beforehand, long before you showed up in that place.
"Then you already found me"
His body pressed against your back, while his hand dud lower, until the tip of his fingers reached your clit.
You woke up instantly, in the middle of a heavy breath that forced you to sit on the bed. You looked around in your studio, confused at being there for a few seconds, trying to understand that everything that happened was just a dream. Despite being home, you still had the feeling of being somewhere else just seconds ago. That dream felt way too vivid and real to only be part of your imagination.
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That dream kept repeating in the following days. The focus would change on every dream. It started with his deep black eyes, imponent and authoritative, with not a single holy thought behind them. The next one was his lips. Those heart-shaped lips, adorned with two lip rings, that had you parting your lips in one record time. You saw yourself waiting for him, while he only smirked centimeters away from your mouth. The last dream was blurry, the focus was only in his tattooed hand -but not even the drawings were clear there, you only remembered some indescribable drawings on his reverse and some letters on his knuckles-, and the way it navigated over your naked belly. You don't remember yourself, or the way you looked there, but the way your heart squeezed with each touch and how you felt like you were at the edge of a cliff when his fingers traced lines close to your belly button. Your skin was burning every time you woke up, you swore you could feel his fingertips, his breath and his gaze minutes after.
But it went further than those dreams. Or, maybe you were being too sensitive over the topic, and the minimum thing got you jumping to the conclusion that the manifestation did work. You swore you were going through what those girls in those videos claimed. You saw those suspicious posts that somehow felt related to a question you dropped out loud in the middle of the night while trying to speak to him. He was there, and you could feel his presence getting heavier with each passing day.
It made you curious, but it didn't scare you. Those manifestation videos didn't crave for anything that would hurt you, or so they claimed. The entities weren't even similar to anything you had heard before, so maybe that was why you weren't scared. Freaked out over it working? Yes. You didn't expect such lame resources to be useful for anything else than wasting time. And that was why you kept doing what the instructional videos said. You talked out loud, as if there was someone else in the room. Many times you waited for some type of response, any sign that could tell you you weren't alone.
But, as usual, there was no response. At least until night came.
You woke up covered in sweat, breathing fast and disoriented. It was the first night you didn't dream of him, and you were scared something might have started to go wrong. But he was faster than your thoughts.
The bed sank at your feet, but you tried to shrug it off, convincing yourself it was a hallucination that you were suggesting at your own thoughts.
In discord with your thoughts, your body started working on its own. Your blood heat was rising by the minute, you could feel it burn your veins. It made no sense how you breath started going shaky, and your heartbeat fast.
When the sheets moved from your body by themselves, you thought you were in one of your dreams. The only difference being that he was keeping himself hidden from you. And there was something so exciting about being that exposed, while he wasn't even visible in front of you at that moment. Maybe it was the idea of not being able to tell what he was going to do until he did it. And it made you feel relaxed about the fact that it was all a dream.
Supporting the weight of your upper body on your elbows, you saw everything unfold in front of your eyes. Your shorts slipped down your legs, along with your panties, something that instantly got you pressing your thighs together as a reflection.
You couldn't see what it was, but the touch was hot and harsh, spreading your legs even wider than they were before. For a few seconds, you felt nothing. You were left focusing on your messy breathing, and how loud it sounded along with your heart pumping against your rib cage. You still waited, because whatever was hunting you at night wanted you like that.
A loud gasp left the depths of your throat when something wet and warm slipped through your slit, moving up from your entrance and stopping before it could reach your clit.
Jungkook had been watching you ever since you manifested him. He knew all your weak spots, he knew what you craved for, and he knew that edging you for so many days would put you in a state where you wouldn't even be scared when he tried to touch you in real life. You were receptive, willing to let him do what he wanted to you. And there wasn't anything more dangerous than that.
Once he felt he owned the person that asked for him, he was able to do anything he proposed himself to do.
His tongue dug deeper in your core, tasting you for the first time and keeping control of everything he wanted to do to you in that moment. Beautiful, open for him and perfect to be wrecked by him. He just needed time.
Your back arched when you felt the suction on your clit, pulling from the bundle of nerves while his tongue twirling around it. You were only able to hear the silent moan that escaped your lips when you weren't able to control yourself, staring at the ceiling of your room while you felt the heat rising from your tiptoes to your eyelashes.
You wanted to touch him, push his head deeper into your core and let your more animalistic instincts flow, but it was impossible to do it with someone you weren't seeing. Your hands simply fell to your sides, holding onto the sheets as if that would keep you from reaching your climax. You were long gone, your sanity was out the window, there was no reason for you to hold yourself back from your so earned high.
But if you needed one last push, Jungkook was going to give it to you.
That warm and firm touch moved up to your thighs, making sure you would be kept in place when your hips started grinding against him. The shadows that formed due to some of the city lights left you confused. Despite not seeing what was holding you, you still saw the gaps that would be there if a hand was adding pressure on your skin.
He left your clit, sliding his tongue down your folds again until it reached your entrance again. You held yourself back from screaming when the tip of his tongue pushed through your folds, aiming to slide inside you. Your nipples tightened under the thin fabric of your tank top when you felt something fillind you, you were sure you had never been with someone that reached so deep in your core with just their tongue. Your eyes rolled to the back when it started moving, knowing exactly where it rubbed against to have your legs shaking and your stomach tightening with every move.
He was pushing you to the edge, and there was no point in holding back at that point.
Jungkook looked up at you, fighting your needs with no success. Your body was squirming to his touch, you were slowly surrendering to the pleasure he was giving you, and he was so close to completing the link that will keep you together. His lips went back to your clit, mouth open to take as much of you as he could before he went back to focusing on your button. Your high-pitched moans and the way your hands were tearing the sheets were the only things he needed to go on.
You were so close. So close to being completely his.
You went deaf for a few seconds, only able to be aware of your heartbeat and the exaggerated shapes of the lamp at the ceiling. You felt your back was going to break by the way you arched it as the orgasm fell all over you, feeling liquid for a hot second when your only worry was to enjoy every drop of the wave that had come over you and that made you lose control of yourself and your own moans.
When you were back to your senses, the blood that was almost boiling froze on the spot when you saw a human shadow next to yours. Looking back at the spot in front of you, you were met with nothing.
Your brain took a few seconds to proceed what was going on, moving fast to reach to the light switch and confirm you were indeed awake and alone in the room.
Everything that had happened was real, everything you felt actually happened and it wasn't a dream or something your mind made up. You remembered you were intrigued and having fun with the whole manifestation thing, but it was because you thought it would never be real. But realizing it was indeed real was a new shocker for you.
Through the rabbit of your eye, you spotted some dark marks on your thighs. You were able to tell those were the marks of the fingers you felt digging on your skin while you were fighting to feel more of him. Although it wasn't like a bruise. Your leg instinctively moved away as you moved the tip of your finger over the mark, the wound itched under your touch.
You bet your pulse was erratic by that point, finally aware of what you got yourself into, while also trying to find a way to get out of it.
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After what happened the previous night, you weren't able to sleep. Not even with the lights on and some music blasting through your earphones. He was still in your mind, the itching pain made sure you wouldn't forget of him and how much control he had of your surroundings -and of you, although you didn't want to think of that.
You still felt curious through all the fear and horror. You wanted to know what he was exactly. Maybe you were putting yourself in the worst scenario. Maybe he wasn't an entity that was going to hurt you or aim wrong for you. You kept reminding yourself that you never heard of the entities you were supposedly manifesting for.
You settled everything, lit some candles and made sure your studio was completely dark by rolling the shades and getting the candles ready in the widest place in your studio -which belonged to the spot between your entrance and your small couch. It made you nervous to see your place like that, but you still walked ahead and sat amongst all those candles.
Finally taking off the necklace you'd been wearing for a few months now, you held it with two of your fingers, letting the red emerald float in the air -just like the video you watched instead of paying attention to your teacher.
You sighed, getting yourself ready for the explanation "I'll ask a question. If it's yes, just move the necklace like this" you moved the chain back and forward". If it's no, just move it like this" you moved the necklace in circles.
While you were waiting for whoever was with you to process the instructions, Jungkook looked at you, standing in front of you outside of the circle you had improvised.
"Are you here with me now?"
He took his time to answer, squatting in front of you and stretching his arm until the tip of his finger reached the emerald he had been in for centuries already. Holding it with two of his fingers only, he pulled from the stone gently and let go of it so it would move back and forward.
"Are you the one sending all those signals?"
Jungkook scoffed at that question. Who would be sending them if it weren't him?
After making the necklace move in a positive way, he admired your reaction. You gulped thick, and moved uncomfortable in your place while waiting for the necklace to stay still again.
"Are you the one that appears in my dreams?"
A smirk formed on his lips when he remembered the way he teased you while you were sleeping, giving you glimpses of him and what he had to offer, and how you were willing to give yourself to him in real life, too. Pulling again from the necklace, he made it give a positive answer.
He saw the way her hand trembled, and how it made it difficult for the chain to stay still for the next question.
Huffing and rolling his eyes, his palm covered yours, giving the necklace the stability it needed, but also putting you in a state you didn't need to be in either.
That thing was indeed there with you.
"Are you the manifestation I asked for?"
And like Jungkook had been asking that question since the very beginning, he made the emerald move in circles with joy, looking up to you almost instantly. Your lips started to tremble, and your pupils shook, unsure of where to look. You were frightened, and he was loving to see you like that, to know you were aware of how dangerous he actually was.
"What are you?" you sighed, remembering he wouldn't be able to answer that question.
After giving it a try to all the possible options you wished he was, and seeing the stone twirling on the spot, you felt the way your soul was leaving your body quietly. There was only one option, and you didn't want to say it out loud.
"Are you a demon?" your voice cracked in the middle of the question.
After waiting for a few minutes, he finally moved the emerald back and forward. And, the same way he loved playing with the people that had manifested him in the past, he played with you.
He blew out all the candles around you, leaving you in complete darkness, alone with him and your own fear.
"I bet you'll love seeing Red" he whispered. 
You all know there's already a fanfic called RED in my list, but it was paused because for several reasons I didn't like the way it was written and the route it took. So this is a small snippet to let you all know I'll be re-writing it.
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iicha-0s · 7 months
Demon | Jungkook×reader
A/N: hey guys! this one is something that I'd written back in April. I hope you guys enjoy it lmk if you have any suggestions! :D also adding THAT gif cause that jungkook really is a demon. he fr haunts my dreams XD
Tags: !jungkook and reader are a couple, !smut, !unprotected sex (stay safe!), !nicknames, !jungkook is a demon, !reader is a human, !cuddling, !fingering, !dry humping, !handjob (only a little), !nasty making out, !squirting, !cursing, !riding, !multiple orgasms
Rating: explicit/R18
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you feel his arm snake around you from behind as he presses a kiss on your neck. the screen flashes with a ugly generic movie demon jumpscare, when you hear Jungkook chuckle behind you.
"is that what you humans think we demons look like?" He says and elbows the pillow on the couch while resting his head on his palm.
"well doesn't a demons true form actually look like that?" You look back at him.
"no we don't."
"how do you know?" You squint your eyes.
"because I've seen one~" He coes.
"can I see too?" You turn around slowly and face him.
"you sure you won't get scared?"
"mhm nope." You say popping the 'p' as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and smiles while looking at you smiling at him.
"you really wanna see?" He asks both of you still smiling at eachother.
"will you show him to me?" You wrap your arms around his neck and pulls him a little closer as he presses his lips against yours and wrapping his arms around your waist.
jungkook smiles in the kiss, looking down at you. he reaches for the backs of your thighs, lifting it and puts it over his own. his hands slide into his large shirt you were wearing with only your underwear underneath.
"I'll show you everything you wanna see, butterfly." He whispered as you couldn't hold back a smile as the pit of your stomach fluttered with excitement. you ran one hand through his dark hair before kissing him gently again.
he sat up, pulling you with him and placing you on his lap as his hands gripped at your thighs on both sides of him, leaning forward slightly as he began kissing you roughly. you whimpered feeling him nip at your bottom lip, tugging gently as he teased you. you couldn't help but grind your hips down into his lap, feeling how ready he was for you.
"You're so beautiful, baby." He whispered, touching his forehead to yours. you felt as he moved one hand between your legs, slipping your now soaked panties to the side before dipping his finger into your folds.
you let out a short gasp at the feeling. jungkook knew exactly how to touch you and make you feel better than you've ever felt.
the length of his middle finger traced light circle around your clit, sending a wave of chills over your body. he kept his eyes on yours as he picked up his pace and opened his mouth imitating your reactions to him touching you.
he slowly moved his fingers down to your entrance, swiftly pushing his middle and ring finger inside of you as his thumb found your clit once again. you let out a quiet moan at the feeling of being stretched so perfectly.
jungkook pumped his fingers in and out of you, making sure to curve them into your g-spot. he felt as you began to tighten around him.
"You gonna cum for me baby?"
"fuck yes!" you moaned in response, your orgasm building quickly as he fastens his pace a little more.
you felt the coil in your abdomen getting tighter and tighter, your face twisting into various expressions of pleasure. you started moving your hips against his fingers, gripping onto his shoulders to steady yourself. he groaned as he watched you, his cock twitching at the sight of you using him to get yourself off.
he curled his fingers right at your g-spot again as you throw your head back and moan loudly still moving your hips on his fingers. he moves his fingers faster inside you as you pant and moan.
"fffffuck!" you moan as you feel him fasten his pace even more causing you to squirt and your high crash through your body. your grip on jungkook tightened as you kept your head fallen backwards, your body shaking slightly every few seconds. once you had stopped clenching around him, he pulled out of you slowly, his fingers glistening with you.
he licked his fingers as you pant and stare at him while he stares back. once he was done you press your lips against his, reaching for the band of his joggers in the process. you pulled his cock from his pants, stroking his hard length every now and then as you kissed.
the kiss started out slow and sweet, but progressively got needier the more he slipped his tongue into your mouth. you picked up your pace on his cock, using the slick of his precum as lubricant.
"shit, baby." He groaned, bucking his hips into your hand softly.
still situated on his lap, you rose up just barely, shuffling forward enough to hover over his length. you slowly sunk down around him, bringing yourself up and down halfway a few times to tease the both of you.
he held onto your hips and suddenly pulled you down causing you to sink down around him completely. your jaw dropped open, but nothing came out.
"oh fuck." You heard the man beneath you groan.
jungkook tilted his head back, his lips parted as pleasure crossed his face. his Adam's apple moved slightly as his breathing increased.
he raised his head once more to look at you with sinful eyes. he shifted down in his seat a bit, causing a gasp to escape you as he readjusted his hips. you place your hands against his chest and start moving your hips, bring yourself up and down his cock slowly.
you leaned your chest flush against his as he pulls you closer by wrapping one arm around your waist. his lips find their way to your neck as he rocks your hips at a faster pace. he moves his other hand to your thigh and started thrusting upwards into you. you let out a whiny moan, unable to control your moans.
"you feel so fucking good." he growled against your neck and kept thrusting up into you whilst moving your hips against his.
"fuck I'm gonna cum." You panted, still bouncing against him as he fucked into you. you pulled back to look at him, both of you locking eyes.
"let me feel you, baby." Your body went stiff at his comment as your orgasm ripped through you, Jungkook still pounding into you.
he slows down a little to let you ride you high as you grip onto his shoulders panting. he moves his hands and pulls his shirt off of you, laying you down on the couch and hovering over you.
he takes off his shirt and joggers, taking hold of the backs of your thighs spreading your legs with his hand.
he then positions himself to your entrance and pushes himself in not giving you time to adjust and starts thrusting in you. you grip onto his shoulders moaning loudly while he thrusts into you. arching your back you dig your nails in his shoulders and back as he growls in your ear.
he places his hands next to your head increasing his speed. the sounds of skin slapping and your and his moans were filling the living room as your sweaty bodies stick to eahcother with every thrust.
he takes hold of your leg and pulls it up and over his shoulder, the other spread out too, while he continues to thrust harshly into you. your breasts bouncing with his every thrust as well as your whole body.
he stares at you as you open your eyes and look back into his. he smiles at you slyly causing you to break into a smile too as his eyes suddenly change causing his pupils to grow bigger and darker until they're covering his whole eyeballs.
you felt hypnotized and kept staring into them as you feel the muscle flex as he continues thrusting into you. you feel the whole aura around him change as it falls over you, wrapping around you tightly.
you keep staring into his eyes as you see black steam come out of his skin as he felt hotter than normal, under your touch.
"God fuck!" you moan and roll your eyes to the back of your head feeling a completely different and harsh wave of pleasure flood through you.
"the only God here rn is me, sweetheart. I'm your God." He whispers deeply in your ear as it causes your stomach to turn and moan again holding onto him tightly.
"fuck yes!"
"who am I baby?" He whispers.
"my God ugh! You're my God."
"thats it baby. thats right." He coes as you moan loudly throwing your head back as he mimics and opens his mouth over yours, both of your moans and breaths mingling with eachothers.
you moan uncontrollably as he keeps thrusting in you. you scratch his back while he supports himself on top of you with his forearms. you shut your eyes tightly as you were starting to see stars because of your high building up once again.
"I- im gonna- ffuckkk!"
"thats right, baby! cum with me!"
he thrusts harder and harder his thrusts soon start faltering here an there as his high approaches him. continuing to thrust into you mercilessly for a while, you both come at the same time moaning eachothers names. he thrusts a few more times before pulling out letting out a sigh in between his pants and looks down at you, his mess.
your hair messily laying over the pillow as some strands were sticking to your face and neck. you were sweaty every where as your skin shone because of it.
he leans down over you and presses pecks on your swollen lips his hands roaming over your body rubbing softly here and there while mumbling sweet nothings to you.
he places a kiss on your forehead while helping you wear his shirt again as he puts on his boxers and lies down next to you on the couch. the movie playing on the tv long forgotten as you turn to your side and snuggle into him.
you were laying on the inside resting your head on his chest as he had his arm wrapped around you while laying on his back both of you watching the movie. you unknowingly fall asleep in his arms as you shift a little and wrap your arms around his waist snuggling your head in his neck.
he looks down at you to see you falling asleep so he turns the tv off and wraps both of his arms around you falling asleep himself.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Jungkook was my sleep paralysis demon and kept reciting the days of the week over and over again. I think it might have to do with the new song.
267 notes · View notes
sailoryooons · 2 years
Carved | Four | jjk (m)
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→ Summary: Hundreds of years after the Underworld wins the war, Vaesen - demon kind - rule the Realms. The Vanir - creatures of light and the Heavens - are hunted and enslaved by Vaesen. When the demon prince Jungkook is given one of the Carved - angels who have been stripped of their wings - he has no idea what to do with you. You, however, have plans you are determined to see through. Even if it means death in the end.
→ Pairing: demon!Jungkook x angel!female reader
→ Rating: NSFW & 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging with this content. Any minors discovered interacting with adult content will be blocked immediately.
→ Type: Series
→ Genre: dystopian, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, angst
→ Pairing: 8,254
→ Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence and fighting, graphic depiction of death and gore, depictions of death (including, but not describing the death of a child and family members), semi-complex fight scenes, mentions of manipulation and power imbalance, reader purposefully seducing Jungkook to get what she wants, mentions of something similar to subspace and reader taking advance of Jungkook in a subspace like state mentally, explicit language, power imbalances and mentions of enslaved creatures, Jungkook and reader get a little violent with one another but like.. in a pleasure able way so here we go for the sexually explicit warnings, reader goading Jungkook, unprotected vaginal sex, fingering, Jungkook kinda gets right too it, rough, slapping and biting, Jungkook being pretty rough and slamming reader around and shoving her into things, vulnerable mental states and manipulation, mild dirty talk tbh this sex scene is incredibly mild in terms of what I usually do, ummm I don't know guys it's a dark urban fantasy with weird shit, unedited should be a warning because I did a grammarly check and nothing else oops. ALSO PLS KEEP IN MIND THIS SEX SCENE IS BLAND BECAUSE OF THE SPECIFIC SCENARIO THEY ARE IN. I ASSURE YOU MUCH MORE DETAILED AND EXPLICIT SMUT IS IN THE FUTURE, BUT IT WASNT THE VIBE HERE
→ Main Masterlist: here
→ Series Masterlist: here
→ faq 
A/N: IT'S FINALLY HERE. Sorry this was so delayed. I was dealing with writers block pretty severely, work has been really crazy and demanding, I've been really tired and also my mentally manipulative ex-boyfriend decided to unalive himself so that was a weird week, I was trying to find new apartments and yeah this chapter has been re-written at least 5 times. Also I apologize I said fuck it we ball and this is absolutely only edited with a grammarly check. I will edit in full tomorrow but I do not have the brain capacity to do it right now, she is Tapped Out but I promised I would post this mf chapter tonight. Does any one have any theories as to what's going on yet teehee.
©2022 haliiimede. all rights reserved. Reposting and/or translating is not allowed, even if you credit the story. Works are only crossposted on AO3. Find my AO3 here.
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement or representation of real life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real life scenarios. Moreover, none of my works accurately reflect, represent or take a stance on the nuances of Korean culture, cities, people etc. BTS is not BTS culturally, intellectually, physically or representationally in my stories, and should be considered name and face stand-ins for made up characters.
Screams split the air. For a second, you hesitate, turning to the source of the chaos. It erupts beyond the door, startling several Vaesen inside of the room. You react first, shooting toward the door with Taehyung and Jungkook on your heels.
The sound that greets you is a symphony of shattering glass, surprised screams and varying degrees of carnage. A table flips in front of you as you enter the main ballroom. You sidestep it easily as it fractures against Taehyung, who hardly flinches before vanishing into the surging crowd of running and swarming Vaesen and Vanir.
With careful movements, you slid out of your heels, feet pressing against broken glass. It doesn’t bite or cut your skin – only real weapons can do that – but it’s uncomfortable as you take a defensive stance, aware how vulnerable you are in a tiny, sheer dress and no weapon.
Blood-slicked floors greet you. The screams of the Vaesen make your lips twitch upward slightly. Chaos has erupted in a tableau of overturned tables, shattered champagne glasses, pearl-draped demons hiding behind fractured, round tables, and a dark, wet hissing sound.
Whatever creatures have entered the room smell wrong, like honey gone sour or sweet cream curdled. Your eyes sweep the painting of chaos before you.
And then you see them.
Your heart stills for one painfully long second, stretched like skin pulled too tight over bone. They’re… seraphim but not.
The creatures have dark, pitted eyes with black veins rippling over sallow skin. They’re naked and feature no distinct gender, appearing stitched together. Their ribs are prominent and you’re unsure if it’s by design or emaciation. There are mismatched wings on their bodies, opening and closing uncontrollably at awkward intervals and angles like they don’t know how to use them - or maybe can’t.
A creature lets out a screech and cuts a vampire lord in half, blood spraying the wall like watercolor on canvas. There is a dozen of them, and they all have swords, crudely shaped but you can almost taste the adamas in the swords.
Fucking hells. They have swords of Heaven.
Jungkook appears at your side, dark eyes scanning the room as the Not-Seraphim spread throughout, cutting through screaming party goers who are unarmed beyond their own fangs and teeth. You can scent gore in the air and your blood hums: it smells like a killing pitch.
“Reaper.” Jungkook says the name like a command. The name is both yours and not yours. It is one of many names. One of many people you are. His voice slithers down your back, eliciting a shiver. He holds out a dagger. Reaper is the person Jungkook needs you to be. “Find my niece.”
You take the dagger and come alive. The hellstone throbs in your hand, metal carved from the deepest pits of the underworld and forged in hellfire. You tighten your grip and move forward.
One step and you’re in front of one of the Not Angels. It cocks it’s head and pauses, a series of clicks slipping through black, jagged teeth and a weeping mouth.  
A second step and death follows you.
Flesh burns. It singes your nose, something like spoiled flesh and rotten eggs. You can taste the sulfur as the creature wilts to the floor, body still twitching after decapitation. You bend over, snatching up the poorly made sword. It’s sharp enough, but the handle is crude and the blade is splotchy, mixed with many metals.
It hums in your hand, a pulse of power crawling through your palm and fingers like an electric current. You recognize the feel of adamas, a metal only found in Heaven realms deep in cloud-ringed mountains. For a moment your mind drifts, suspended between memory and imagination. You can almost see it: tangerine pink skies, the smell of orange blossoms, wind that is neither cold nor warm.
A creature lunges at you and the dream melts away. You duck under the blow, striking out with the dagger. It plunges to the hilt, a wet crack sounding as you puncture its ribcage. It screams and spittle flies. It doesn’t react to the knife, clawing toward you and opening a split maw of blood and black.
Cringing backward, you push with the dagger, shoving the creature away to provide space for the swing of your sword. The head severs, hitting the ground with a thud before rolling away. The body jerks, remaining vertical for a moment. Ripping your knife out, you send the lifeless body to the ground where it remains dead.
Another creature replaces the felled one, no weapon in hand but claws raking out at you. You shuffle backward, ducking away from the swiping talons. The creature flaps its wings once – the only one with functional wings, it seems – and surges forward, catching you off guard.
It knocks into you with the weight of a brick wall. The air leaves your lungs and you go down with the creature, it’s talons catching the flesh on your right bicep. You scream at the burn and fuck it burns. You look at where your skin burns black and wilted in three, jagged lines.
A blue-sparked flame catches your attention on the creature’s hands as it gnashes at you. You grab it around the throat, keeping razor teeth away from your face as drool and something else drips on your face. Your eyes zero in on the flame that comes and goes like it can’t control the heat on the tips of its fingers.
Hellfire, you realize.
Your mind expands, a searching radar for Jungkook. You sense him immediately, his mind like mist and rain tinged with hatred. His emotions are in turmoil, a churning storm of icy rain that bites into your thoughts and razor-sharp wind. There is a sense of no control, Jungkook’s churning storm ripping through his energies with something like feral-laced panic on the edges.
Jungkook, you call to him, feeding him your emotions as you shove back at the gnashing teeth of the creature pinning you down. He ignores you, his storm too volatile to sense you. You push harder, imagining that you’re brushing cool water down the bridge of your connection.
Jungkook flinches when he feels you. The storm pauses, like passing into the eye as the chaos settles around him. You use the opportunity to speak again. They can use Hellfire.
It takes a moment for him to respond. Understood.
Pulling away from the connection, you keep your minds tethered. The crackling energy and harsh storm stirs again when you pull from his mind, but it’s not as out of control as before, the thread between you an anchor as he refocuses on his own task.
Lightning crackles under your fingers as you shove with your hand, putting all your force into where you push back on the monster above you. The creature topples backward as you roll to your feet, movement fluid. Your dress is ripping near the throat, threatening to tear. You curse, begging the fabric to stay on a little longer.
You have no intention of fighting while spilling out of your dress.
Electricity charges in the room. Unchoked, you feel the thunder of your power looming on the horizon. Every time you call the lightning to you feels like a rush of adrenaline, the sparks dancing along every nerve of your body, lighting you up from the inside out.
This is your power. There is a moment where you consider letting it all go. You could supernova right where you stand, destroying everything within several miles. You know you have the capability – it's something you’ve dreamed of doing for years.
But it’s just a dream, and your dreams do not align with your goal.
Reigning in the urge to destroy destroy destroy, you instead focus the lightning on the creatures closest to you. The bolts let out a loud crack as you direct the energy to your targets. There is a flash and the smell of burnt skin and corpse, but you ignore it, pushing toward a forming group in the corner of the ballroom.
There is a concentration of fighting Vaesen, screaming and creatures near where you remember seeing Jungkook’s niece last. A body topples in front of you, and you step over it- later you will remember that it was a collared Vanir, naked and still tied to a chair on its leash.
You see Jihoon– he's covered in something black and slick, kicking out at one of the creatures. He has a single dagger in his hand, a retinue of guards dead at his feet, and you can hear the high-pitched scream of his daughter behind him. A single step in their direction is blocked by more creatures, hissing and clicking at you.
Jungkook appears at your side, covered in gore. His hands are black to the wrist, dripping in... something. You realize he’s fighting without a weapon.
“Are you ripping through them?”
“I gave you my knife,” he snaps. His mind brushes against yours, a torrent of chaos and loud noises and anger so hot you waver. You toss the dagger to him, spinning your new sword in your hand. “I think beheading them is the only thing that works.”
“Yeah, I discovered that thanks.”
A vampire gets turned to mist and splatter in front of you. You feel the hot blood hit your face. It smells metallic and like Synth from his last meal.
“Can you-”
You see it in his mind. The lightning that you can summon to destroy worlds. You nod once, summing the crackling energy inside of you.
A high-pitched scream interrupts you. Your eyes zero in on Kita, hiding under a table as her mother pulls the girl tight against her chest, baring her teeth. There's a red aura around her as she snaps her teeth at one of the creatures, a red arch of fire snapping out.
Fox fire.
Kita tries to imitate her mother, crying through barred teeth and a tiny flicker of flame humming around her. There are creatures closing in and you feel the snap of your power, targeting the creatures in a large area.
Power ripples in the room. You feel the urge to kill kill kill again. To destroy. To light the entire room up and burn it all down. You’ve done it before. You know the taste and smell of annihilation. You know the feeling of death brushing past you as he collects his dead.
The crack of a whip. A scream of agony. Blood in your mouth your hands your ears your neck, your arms-
You push away the desire to rebel. It burns bright, a hot coal ready to catch fire but you smother it. Pretend it isn’t there.
Rising up at the wrong time does nothing. Freeing yourself a long game. Giving in to your rage means failure, and you have failed and failed and failed and failed and -
The room flashes bright. Colors dance behind your eyes as you let go of the power. For a moment, everything is silent. The world is warped, the sulfur air charged with electricity. You feel the static tickle the nap of your neck, your arms, your mind.
You look around. There are no more creatures standing, black wisps of smoke curling toward a scorched ceiling. Dust motes float down. You stick out a hand, finger pointed as one lands on your finger. You realize it’s soot, the leftovers from the creatures you’ve thoroughly crisped.
Around the room, life – or what’s left of it – begins to stir. Glass crunches beneath feet and the sound of tables being righted sounds booming in the silence of destruction.
Jungkook and Ji-Hoon are on their knees, ducked under the table as they coax Kita and her mother from their hiding spot.
You assess the damage, eyes scanning the room and catching on golden collars. Diamonds resting on the hollow of still throats. Snapped gossamer wings under a broken body. A platinum leash tangled in a chair, its nymph counterpart missing her lower half.
There are more Vanir than Vaesen among the dead. Caught up in leashes and collars. Stuck in a brass birdcage. Shackled to a table. Your stomach turns but you don’t focus on the faces. Committing them to memory makes them mean something and nothing means anything to you.
“Reaper.” Jungkook’s voices radiates the space between you and the space unseen, echoing in your mind. You turn to look at him. He has a firm grip on Kita, the child pressed to his side as Ji-Hoon argues with his wife silently. “We are escorting them out.”
“We’re with you.” The oily voice makes you stiffen. You don’t have to turn to see Taehyung among the aftermath. You do see the kitsune lingering off to the side, his dark eyes flickering from the ashes to you. “Both of us.”
Jungkook bows his head. “They were concentrated around Ji-Hoon and none of his men remain. It’s safe to assume he’s a target. Reaper and Yoongi with Kita and Daiyu. Taehyung with us.”
Taehyung moves past you, no longer interested in teasing you. Jungkook presses close to his brother and you press Kita and Daiyu between you and Yoongi. The huli jing looks at you skeptically, holding her daughter’s hand fiercely. You don’t give it much thought, following Jungkook’s lead as he leads your group through a service entrance.
It smells like sulfur and rot. Damp air clings to your skin, forming a sticky second layer. You grimace. The clack of dress shoes is loud against the tile floors. The hall is too narrow for you to walk in groups, meant for only a few Vanir to come and go at a time. You move quickly in single file line, Yoongi at the front with Kita and Daiyu between you.
Jungkook’s mind waivers on the edge of yours. You can feel that he’s aware of you, as though he is turning over his should to see if you’re still there. You can’t see him from the back of the line, but he doesn’t severe the connection.
Probably don’t know how.
Servant corridors are long and complicated. When Jungkook approaches a split, he takes one hall over another confidently. You peek into his mind, seeing the flash of blueprints and memory of a layout on a screen.
You know the layout of the servant halls, you observe. Down your connection, you sense him flinching. You knew you would be attacked?
No. His voice is curt. His mind is a dark storm, words cutting through hissing rain. But we are always prepared. It’s not often that someone tries to assassinate us, but...
But what?
Focus on your task.
Your lips twitch and you feel him draw away from you a bit. But what? You wonder. He was hiding something and that just wouldn’t do. Cutting into his mind would be as easy as clipping the wings of a butterfly. But you leave Jungkook alone for now, following the dark hall, Taehyung and Jihoon’s hushed voices drifting toward you.
A small door in the hall, nearly invisible leads to a tunnel. You can still see flitting images and thoughts across Jungkook’s memory. He has no control to his thoughts, no way to block you out. He is unaware of the danger you present to his mind, laid open for the taking.
And yet you don’t.
The ground slopes beneath your feet. Your press your fingers on the wall, casting your senses. There’s damp, empty air on the other side of the wall and you can hear the hush of slow floating water. Above you, the ceiling vibrates. You’re in a tunnel in the sewers.
Your eyes drift to Jungkook. He was trained in escape routes in the building. And seemed to be one of the few Vaesen armed at the party.
Unarmed Vaesen. The thought leads you somewhere between pleasure and contempt. Only the creatures of the Underworlds could be so arrogant as to think they have nothing to fear. In a way, they don’t. Demons and their kind are the apex predators, the top of the food chain.
But even among themselves, enemies lurk.
The sheer stupidity is comforting – the knowledge that it comes at the expense of how little of a threat Vanir pose, is not.
A cool awareness brushes against the nape of your neck. You pause, the echoes of shoes and Kita sniffing silently ahead reverberating off the walls. Your instinct flickers and you turn your head a fraction, angling your ear toward the way you came.
Silence stretches and stretches. You frown, stretching out the net of your mind. It’s a strange feeling, opening that barrier and sense of other. It’s not a psychic ability as much as it is sensing energy, magic, and existence, something many Vanier and Vaesen alike can do.
At first, there is nothing but empty space. Ahead of you, your group pushes on. They don’t notice that you’ve stopped entirely, head cocked and tense.
Then you hear it – or at least perceive it. A soft hiss, the smell of death.
They’re here, you hiss down the tether between you and Jungkook. You feel his surprise and then his anger as you turn to face the back of the tunnel. Keep going and let me know when you’re out of the tunnel. If I light up in here, you’re going down too.
Good to know you care.
You scoff. I still have use for you, Dominus.
Something like irritation and resentment slithers down the connection from Jungkook. It makes you smirk, pleased at offering opposition. It’s been a long time since you could openly oppose someone the way you now can. It’s a risk, but it’s a calculated one.
Sometimes you must let the monster in to give it a sense of comfort. You remember the lesson. You think about the Vaesen who so easily move about the world without weapons.
Yes, letting Jungkook see parts of you is necessary. Dangerous, but ultimately worth it.
Shuffling, stilted movements echo toward you. Sliding your feet apart and bent slightly at the knee, you wait in a defensive stance. You leave the connection to Jungkook open. As you wait for the creatures to reach you, you periodically drift to observe Jungkook and the others. They’re making quick work rushing through a network of tunnels, moving faster now that there is a threat.
Lightning will do you no good in an enclosed space. While you won’t kill yourself, the walls of the tunnel are reinforced with metal rods and bracketing, a perfect conduit for electricity. With the running water crisscrossing in the sewer system just behind, you’re positive you’ll light up half of the underground network if you try it.
So you wait. Sword in your hand. Poised.
The first creature slides into your line of sight. The corridor is dark and without light, the shapes of the bent wings in a small space almost comical. They cannot move more than one at a time, a single file line of twisted limbs and rotten smell.
It sees you and pauses. There are soft clicks, the sounds bouncing back and forth. You frown, watching as they all stop moving, the clicks drifting between them at different intervals and cadences like… a language.
They’re speaking.
Whatever they are, they have some sort of intelligence. The humanoid shapes are all wrong, but you can vaguely sense something thrumming inside of them that is both like you and not. Your stomach flips at the implication that you can sense the creatures the way you sense Jungkook stopped at a fork in the tunnels, unsure of which way to go.
The clicking stops. You turn your attention away from Jungkook, narrowing that feed of awareness tied to him to the barest thread. For a moment, you and the first creature stare at one another. The next moment, it’s charging forward faster than you expect.
You duck as the creature slams into you. The breath leaves your lungs, feeling as though you’d been hit with the force of a thick wall, but you push up with your back as the creature topples over you, sending it sprawling. Your sword hand is fast, flicking in an arch to sever the head as the creature stumbles to regain balance.
The narrow space immediately becomes a problem. The next creature is on you, teeth snapping hungrily as you back up, stepping and slipping slightly on the ichor leaking from the dead body beneath your feet. There’s no room to swing your sword, so you’re forced to twitch the blade back and forth, parrying sharp stabs from your assailant.
Just like the creatures in the ballroom, these are uncoordinated. Their stabs aren’t fast enough, joints cracking and twisting awkwardly in lurching motions as they attack. Cutting through them is difficult in the lack of space. They press in on you, making you track backward to give yourself more room to fight. It’s not ideal – you’re leading them toward where Jungkook and the others have started moving again.
“Fuck,” you snarl, tasting foul ichor on your tongue as it sprays you from a sharp wound on the neck of one of them. It bellows and claws forward.
Summoning air in the tunnel you thrust a hand out, punching toward them with wind. It rips through the halls, whistling as the air rushes past you in violent torrents. It slams into creatures, propelling them backward.
While they’re crumpled and disorganized in a pile, you take ground back, advancing on them. They clamor over one another, shrieking and twitching their wings as they regain a sense of control. You summon wind again, ready to send another blast when a raw scream rips down your mental tether with Jungkook.
It’s violent and invasive, prying open your connection and funneling unfiltered pain and wrath into your own mind. Your vision goes white for a second as the emotional tidal wave of Jungkook overwhelms you, unexpected and uncontrolled.
A spark of blue is the only warning you get from one of the hellish creatures. You barely react in time, summoning wind again at a greater force. It screams toward you, quick enough to meet the blue flame of Hellfire as it fills the hallway.
Heat scorches against air. You scream in alarm. For a moment, you think your makeshift airwall won’t be enough to keep you from being turned to soot.
It holds, a steady wind current coming down the tunnel. Dust, dirt, and mice get picked up in your vacuum, spinning and slamming into the solid, opaque wall of air. You keep your energy focused on the wind as much as you can, Jungkook’s mental screaming almost too much of a distraction as you try and close the mental door between the two of you.
But Jungkook is untrained and the son of Sariel. His connection to you is strong and whatever he’s experiencing on the other side of the tunnel system is a deeper well than you knew he was capable of.
Gritting your teeth, you dig down into your well of power. It’s always there, a bottomless pit of energy and ability to use your gifts. Some witches call it magic. Faeries call it glamour. Angels call it grace and there is a spark of it there, tiny and imperfect, but enough for you to sustain the wind and shut the door on Jungkook just enough.
Snippets rush by you. They’re at the mouth of an entrance somewhere – almost out of the tunnel system. But they’re fighting – you sense more creatures and… others. Demons. Jungkook’s rage is a storm, battering down on your connection to him and exploding out of him as he fights.
Get out of the tunnels, you demand. Jungkook I need you to at least get out of the tunnels.
There is no acknowledgment that he’s heard you. There’s only screaming wind, the song of his fury, and heat building up on the other side of your wall. You smell molten metal and realize the creatures are going to bring everything down.
Jungkook, you scream at him. There is nothing on the other side, just anger threatening to swallow him whole. Jungkook!
Gritting your teeth, you shift a few steps back. You take a deep breath, feeling the heat on the other side of your air wall, and you shove hard through your mental tether. You feel Jungkook’s awareness, fire and rain. He feels you now.
Get out the fucking tunnel or I will kill all of you. This is your last warning.
And it is. Jungkook is useful. Using him is easier than the alternative, and having to come up with an additional plan after killing him while trying to escape the city is far too complicated, and near the realm of impossibility.
Sweat begins to form on your hairline. You feel the slick on your legs and your palms, the air over-warm. It continues to get hotter and hotter, kicking up several notches. Azure swims on the other side of the air you feed into your protect. It flares, growing stronger off the oxygen you provide it, but you have no other choice.
Silver drips from the ceiling. You look up, spotting liquified metal oozing through the earth’s ceiling.
Go. Jungkook’s voice is nearly a whisper. You realize you’re screaming with the force of the power you’re feeding into your wind. His words are like a release, a flip switching as you dive headfirst into the electric current of your lightning.
It’s an explosion. Heat and electricity meet in a caustic battle, the walls and floor rumbling as your lightning pulses from you more like a wave than bolts. You hear the crack, feel it vibrate your ears, and then there is only loud ringing as you stumble backward.
Dust, ash, and metal fill the air. You’ve brought down half the tunnel and you’re splayed on your ass.
Rolling over on your stomach, you try and push yourself to your feet. You slide in dirt and darkness. It’s difficult to breathe, the air filled with static and heated enough that your skin feels like you’re on fire. You manage to find footing and retreat towards where Jungkook and the others have gone.
Nothing follows you.
The high-pitched ringing does not leave you. A bit dizzy, you follow the thread of Jungkook’s existence, feeling the thread between you pull you toward him. His rage has turned to agony, and you know someone is dead, though you cannot discern who.
When you finally reach the surface, you understand.
There are masked Vaesen littered around an empty warehouse. You’re close to the Celadon River, the taste of salt in the air as it filters in from the sea. You cannot hear beyond the scream of your damaged ears, but the wind here is cool, coming in through a giant hole in the ceiling, freshly singed.
Similar creatures that hunted you into the halls lay in pieces. Jungkook stands expressionless, ringed by bodies. It seems the fight was centered on him, death laying quietly at his feet. Yoongi and Taehyung stand a few feet away, expressionless. Watching.
A single shaft of moonlight shines on Jungkook through the broken ceiling. It paints half of his face silver, his eye rimmed silver. The rest of his face in shadow. It’s an eerie picture, half of him light and dark, split between two worlds. A child slithers down your spine as your eyes drift away from the thunder in his expression to his feet, where his eyes are fixed and you see the source of his unending agony.
Jihoon and his family are no more.
Namjoon is the only other person at the apartment. You eye him warily as he stands in the living room, arms crossed over his broad chest as he watches the holoscreen. Images of the party flash on the screen. There are videos from security cameras, starlets filming the chaos while at the party, and media drones outside of the building as the police force descended on the scene.
Reporters stand in the carnage. There are still broken bodies of Vanir, stepped over as the reporters lead their filming drones through the rooms. You can see Vanir tied to leashes on chairs. Again, you don’t look at their faces.
After appearing from the tunnel to find Jihoon and his family dead, you were ushered home immediately. You went without negotiation, casting a single look at Jungkook. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, his expression flitting between exquisite pain and nothingness.
Sensing your presence, Namjoon turns his head a fraction to look at you. His eyes harden and his jaw flexes, onyx eyes not leaving you for a second. You remember your perceived place with him, casting your eyes to the screen to ignore the way he burns holes through you with just a look.
“Go away,” he grunts. “Your presence is bothersome.”
“I’m sorry, dominus.” You make your voice light and airy. “Why has master not come home with me?”
Calling Jungkook master burns your tongue. You make yourself look small, tucking your chin to your chest and curving your shoulders inward, like you’re bracing to be hit. You play with the hem of your shirt, which is too big like the rest of your clothes.
Namjoon scoffs, not buying it. “Because he has to deal with this fucking mess.”
“I should be with master- “
“Drop the act. Whatever you are, it isn’t Carved. If Jungkook wants to keep you and do whatever he wants with you, that’s fine.” You glance up at him. He stares you dead in the eye. “But I don’t like you and I don’t trust you. Stay in your lane, I’ll stay in mine.”
Namjoon leaves the room, the holoscreen casting blue light on the empty space. You listen to him go. He goes to his own room at the far end of the apartment and shuts the door loudly.
“Dick,” you mutter, entering the living room proper to look up at the screen.
The sound is muted, only showing the chaos. “Elide, volume on.”
“State access name,” the apartment system responds, voice cool and clear. You recite your name. “Unregistered user.”
You snarl. “Elide, volume on.”
“State access name.”
“Voice recognition failure.”
“Just turn the fucking volume on!”
The elevator door opens behind you. You whirl on your heel, teeth bared in frustration. Jungkook walks through the door, barely sparing you a glance as he says, “Stop yelling at the technology. I didn’t program you into the system.”
“I noticed.” He walks into the kitchen, tapping the corner of a cabinet. It unlocks and pops open, revealing shelves of liquor. He removes a bottle and taps the cabinet shut. “Didn’t think you needed it.”
“Well if you’d like me to get bored and burn the apartment down, that is an option.”
“Be my guest. I have others.”
Dark rage hums under the surface. Jungkook moves around his kitchen slowly. He places a glass delicately on the counter, pulling the cork from the bottle before pouring himself amber liquid. You sniff. Whiskey of some sort.
Jungkook is silent, but his mind is a torrent of emotions. Blood pounds beneath the surface, a beast begging to escape. You can almost taste the chaos within him and yet… he keeps it there. Sipping his drink and leaning on the counter as he looks at the floor.
“Namjoon thinks I should kill you,” Jungkook mentions.
“Yoongi does too.”
You shrug. “The way of the fox is unknown to me.”
Jungkook’s mind is wide open. You reach for it while he sips his whiskey. He doesn’t register as you brush against his thoughts, trying to sort through them. His mental is in chaos, thoughts racing through his head and flashes of his brother being cut down. Of Kita’s screaming.
“Do you know what those things were?”
You picture the creatures at the party. Their staggered steps, their rotting breath. “Something made, not born.”
“What does that mean?”
“That means I’ve seen a lot of creatures for the hundreds of years that I have been alive, but I’ve never seen whatever those were. Those things are not natural.”
“Most of what is in this world isn’t natural.”
“They are not natural to any plane. I felt…” You trail off and shrug your shoulders.
Navigating his mind while it’s in chaos is hard. You’re looking for the thread of conversation from earlier that night, trying to understand what Jungkook had been talking about when he trailed off about being prepared for assassination attempts. But it’s convoluted and murky.
Jungkook glances up at you. His face is a mask. You must admit you’re impressed by the way he looks calm and collected with the storm raging inside of him, threatening to crack the façade at any moment. “Felt what?”
“You didn’t feel them? Like the way you feel me?”
“Are you telling me you’re one of- “
“No,” you cut him off. “Not in the sense of they are me. But you couldn’t feel them like… dots on a radar. Little signatures of something?” He shakes his head. You hum for a moment, letting the silence hang in the air before you say, “Your untrained mind nearly got me killed.”
A ripple of anger goes through him and his thoughts become more confusing. You sense him boiling under the surface, a steady tremor building and building and building.
A frenzy. Jungkook is nearing a frenzy. If you could get him to fall into it…. you examine him. Coming down from a frenzy would put him in a state of compliance and exhaustion, making his mind open to sift through like forgotten paperwork.
You decide to incense him.
 “I mean it,” you snap when he doesn’t answer you. You square your shoulders and let your power drop into the room. “Your level of incompetence is worse than seraphim children. Total lack of discipline and an embarrassment to someone who was sired by Sariel.”
A flip switches.
Jungkook is pushing off the counter and moving toward you but you stand your ground, chin lifted, gaze cutting. His mask has slipped a fraction, lip curled. “What did you just say?”
“I said that your utter lack of control is insulting and beneath your station.”
“You are in no position to speak to me like that.”
You splay your hands. Jungkook heaves a few feet away from him. You see the wheels turning, sense his adrenaline shooting upward. You needle him further. “I think we both agreed that here, I’m in a position to do whatever I want.”
Jungkook is fast. He’s in front of you in moments, hand shooting out to grab you by the throat. You’re not surprised by the action as he slams you against a wall, sneering. But you are surprised by the giddy delight that shoots up your spine as his fingers close tightly around your base.
When he squeezes, it isn’t to cut off your air supply. You recognize the sign of dominance, the grip he has on a vulnerable part of you. It’s the most instinctual form of an alpha trying to regain the upper hand and you’re so delighted that you laugh.
“I own you,” Jungkook whispers. “Whether you want it, or whether I want to. I signed your papers. You are legally mine.”
You lift a leg and wrap it around Jungkook’s waist, tugging him toward you. He balks, hand going slack around your throat as your hips press against his. A wave of pleasure rolls through you but you focus on the way Jungkook stutters, pulling back from you.
“Yeah?” you ask, tilting your head to the side. “You have the upper hand, dominus?” His fingers tighten but he doesn’t respond. You roll your hips into his, feeling the confidence from a moment ago slip through his fingers like sand. “What happened? I thought you owned me?”
“You are walking a dangerous line.”
“You’re doing nothing about it.”
“What do you want from me?” he grits out, teeth clenched. He’s shaking, loss of control so near.
“You own me?” you goad. “Then fucking use me, Jungkook. You’re two seconds from a fucking demonic frenzy and you don’t even have the sense to fall into it.”
“I don’t do that.”
You lean forward. He leans away but you crowd his space, eyes searching. You notice a mole just below his flush mouth, something you’ve never seen before. It’s soft. Endearing. You ignore the observation as your mouth brushes close to his, sharing breath.
“You’re afraid of your demon,” you purr. He says nothing, breathing heavily as he watches you, pupils dilated. “Weak.”
“I’m not afraid.”
“Then feed the demon, Jungkook.”
Jungkook hesitate. You watch him, his jaw working and his eyes staring at you. You see the moment he gives over control to the demon part of him, pupils turning into saucers as his hand grips your throat tight. He leans forward, pressing in on your space until you’re chest to chest and his mouth is at the shell of your ear.
“If you wanted me to fuck you, why didn’t you just ask?”
Your hands go to his biceps, digging your nails in. He hisses, fingers pressing into the sides of your neck to restrict your breathing. “I thought you owned me,” you taunt. “I’m allowed to ask?”
It’s the final push he needs.
A shift happens in Jungkook. Swiftly, he drops you and flips you, slamming you chest first into the wall. It knocks the wind from your lungs, making you gasp as he crushes himself against you, nosing your ear. His breath is hot, sending chills down your spine. You grin, knowing you’ve got him going in the right direction.
You press your ass backwards into him, feeling his semi-hard cock in his pants. In his state, it doesn’t even need to be you Jungkook is attracted to. His demon side is wild, hungry to do anything to destroy, to fuck, to kill.
Demon frenzies enhance lust and violence, like adding fuel to a fire. Jungkook’s flame is stoked, his agony over his family members and his frustration blinding him as he rips the back of your shirt open, your scares and flesh on display for him.
“You want to be fucked like I own you?” he asks, voice low. “Fine.”
It's nothing new, being fucked like you’re owned. But this is different – it feels different. When Jungkook’s hands brush up your spine, they’re not violent. They’re inquisitive. Callused. You shiver under his touch, eyes shutting as he pulls the fabric of the ruined shirt off you.
Your nipples are pressed to the wall, providing friction. You give into it, letting that blissful stimulation bloom inside of you as he nudges your head to the side with his nose.
“Spread your legs,” he demands. His voice is barely a whisper. You do. “Not so talkative now, are we?”
“Is my commentating part of fucking me like you own me, dominus?”
A loud rip splits the air. Jungkook tears through your sweats, warm hands seeking the flesh of your ass. He grips your cheeks firmly, massaging the flesh as he ruts against you slightly. You moan, surprisingly not for effect but at the way you feel.
Rare is the occasion in which someone made you feel good during sex. It isn’t what you’re after, but it’s a bonus, letting Jungkook slip his hand between your legs to brush his finger through your folds. You're not dripping for him, but you let out a breathy sound as pleasure unfurls low in your stomach when he does it.
Even out of control Jungkook shows restrain. Your fascinated, split between panting against the wall as Jungkook’s skill fingers circle your clenching hole, gathering your wetness to slip toward your clit, applying light pressure as he circles the bundle of nerves.
Jungkook dedicates time to getting you worked up. His breath is warm against your ear, low grunts shooting more arousal straight to your core. For the first time in years, you’re dripping for someone. You can feel the slick on Jungkook’s fingers, your pussy warm and swollen for him as he continues to play with you.
Taking control of Jungkook’s thoughts is far from your mind now. You're distracted, fists pressing into the wall as Jungkook slips a finger into your entrance. You gasp, the pad of his finger brushing against your front wall, massaging your g-spot.
“Fuck,” you swear, seeing stars.
It becomes clear Jungkook knows what he’s doing, fucking his finger into you. You can hear the wet-slap of his hand against your pussy, worked up for him now as his clothed cock presses into your ass cheek.
“Such a tight fucking pussy,” he mutters. He doesn't seem to be talking to you as much as himself. “Cock is never gonna fuckin’ fit in here. Hmm. Oh well.”
He pulls his finger from you. You let out an angry sound, eyes flying open to glare at him over your shoulder. He pops the finger in his mouth, momentarily dumbing you as you watch him suck the shine from his finger. He doesn’t look at you when he’s done, hand working to pop the button on his jeans and tug his cock out.
When you look down, you realize that Jungkook is right. He might not fit, and it sends a little thrill through you, watching the way his heavy cock bobs against his shirt, dabbing it with precum as Jungkook only pulls his pants down enough to fuck you.
You’ve spent years tirelessly bouncing on a variety of cock and diving between the legs of mistress after mistress. Sex is not a stranger to you. Sometimes you remember vaguely enjoying a thing or two. Sometimes even when you didn’t like it, your body at least orgasmed.
Being used is something familiar – but you’re not being used now. Even if Jungkook thinks you are. Even as he thumbs the precum from the dark tip of his cockhead to spread it down his thick shaft, Jungkook isn’t in control.
You remember that as Jungkook leisurely pumps himself before brushing the tip through your now sticky folds. You press your cheek against the wall, sighing as he teases you. It feels good. You reach out with your mind, brushing Jungkook’s sightly. His walls are down, vulnerable. Your sneer turns into a loud moan when Jungkook pushes into your pussy on the upstroke.
The stretch is painful, your stomach plummeting as Jungkook splits you open. The glide isn’t slow. His instincts take over and he immediately fucks into you hard and deep, slamming your hips into the wall with his full weight with every thrust.
Jungkook fucks the breath out of you. One hand presses your face into the wall, your cheekbones and jaw throbbing with the force of it. His other hand grabs your hips, holding you in position as he fucks himself into you hard.
Pain-laced pleasure shoots through you. The sounds that drip from your mouth isn’t for show. Your toes curl and your head swims at the way he takes control, fingers pressed into your flesh, cock pressing deep deep deep.
You lose yourself in the slap of flesh on flesh and curses. He spits insults at you, and you growl in response, biting one of his fingers that strays too close to your mouth. You taste blood, grinning as the salt and iron tinged with honey pulls on your tongue. He smacks your mouth, the stinging making you trill with high-pitched laughter.
“Crazy Carved bitch,” he slurs. “Is this what you fucking wanted? To be fucked like this?”
“Fuck me harder, Jungkook.”
He presses your skull harder into the wall. For a moment, you think it might crack under the pressure. But you don’t break, and Jungkook listens, driving into you at a pace that would break anyone else. Anything else. But it doesn’t break you and it feels good to know that it doesn’t. To feel the way your pussy flutters around him as he fucks you with abandon.
So many people have tried to break you. So many. Many have almost succeeded, and yet you prevail. You keep going. You survive. You move on. You wait. You win.
Your orgasm mounts. You feel it building inside of you like the same electricity that gathered in that small hall to destroy. It coils and coils and coils. You become short of breath, sucking in hair as you tremble under Jungkook’s weight. His mind is flayed open and raw for the taking but you wait. Not yet not yet not yet.
Jungkook picks up speed. You feel his pace get sloppy and the change in rhythm pushes you over the edge. You come around him with a scream, vision going white as you hold your breath. You feel your entire body seize up, thrashing under him. Jungkook presses you against the wall, trapping you and making you take it as he thrusts one – two – three more times before coming with a curse.
The pace slows. The sweaty tension between you begins to dissipate. You feel Jungkook pull himself out, cum immediately running down your legs. His energy is lower now and when you manage to catch your breath and look at him over your shoulder, he’s swaying on his feet, fucked out expression on his face. He’s flushed, tip of nose red.
Your legs are shaking and sticky. You take a step toward him feeling the slide of your thighs against one another, made slippery by cum. You hold out a hand and he stares at it, eyes wide, expression blank. He’s in the fall after a frenzy, somewhere dazed between thoughts in his head.
Tentatively, Jungkook takes your hand. You leave the torn clothes on the floor, you leave everything. Namjoon surely heard everything, but the Hellhound minds his business as you lead Jungkook to your room. The half demon, half angel is suddenly pliant for you. Soft at the edges. Mute.
You sit him on the bed and he stares at you. Unmoving. Unthinking.
Brushing your mind against his, you feel nothing but static. The buzz of his thoughts is unorganized and sleepy. You keep the connection open, stepping into the bathroom to wash the cum from your legs, the sweat from your back and the blood from your face. You had not even realized that he split your lip.
In your room, Jungkook doesn’t move. He is listless and calm, steady breathing letting you know that he hasn’t gone to sleep just yet, but that he’s not entirely present.
Slipping into clothes and back into the room, you stand in front of him, eyes flickering over his face. Jungkook looks at you but he’s not really there. A tiny part of you hesitates. Knows that to violate his mind has always been your greatest fear of yourself.
But life isn’t fair, and you have been a slave for hundreds of years. You have suffered and you will suffer again in the future. And though you see something in Jungkook that you recognize, you know that to spare him is to admit weakness.
Pain is inevitable. Pain is constant. Pain is power.
Jungkook knows nothing of these tenants. Knows nothing of the life his mother lived before him, her principles, her heritage.
Sympathy is something you cannot afford to give him. So you push into his mind, seizing his thoughts. He doesn’t put up a fight. He hardly knows what you’re doing as you begin sorting through what’s there.
Minds are unique to each person. Though some of your fallen companions had similarities in the way their memories and thoughts were laid out, everyone had something unique. Jungkook’s mind feels like a thunderstorm at night, soft with the threat of something more. Something melancholy plays there, a tune that is familiar, but you cannot place.
You sift through the night's events. You see things through his eyes. Feel the contempt for those around him. Feel the apathy for the Vanir leashed to chairs and in cages. Feel the unfettered spark of adoration when he sees Kita. Feel the love for his brother, though you had not sensed it upon meeting Jihoon.
And there is love there. Maybe not in the form that humans or texts perceive it. But you taste the sweetness of the affection, and you understand that there are positive emotions when Jungkook looks at his older brother, no matter how complicated.
You sift through to running through the tunnels. Jungkook feels glad that he prepared. They had been worried as of late – there were confirmed movements of the rebel group Libram in the city. Confirmations of assets destroyed and vanishing members of the local government.
This surprises you. You were not aware that the rebels were so familiar with the city yet. The thought of the free cities is so distant from you that it feels odd to conceptualize that there are members of their organization in Lythos.
You follow the thread of Jungkook’s conversation with you from earlier.
But we are always prepared. It’s not often that someone tries to assassinate us, but...
But Jungkook had known that there was a growing presence of Libram in the city. And Belial had tortured you repeatedly for information on Libram, looking for any connection to the rebellion. To Michael. To the last remaining seraphim across the worlds.
You take a sharp breath. Jungkook’s feelings regarding Libram were wary. Laced with uncertainty and fear. You follow those thoughts, flipping through his memories looking for more information. Four assassinations on government officials. The destruction of one of the Kim’s synth mines. Liquidation of accounts that belonged to Belial through unknown methods and hackers.
For as long as you had belonged to Faustus to fight, you had kept your head down. You focused on living. Small moves and counter moves. You had not been looking for any news of Libram or their existence in the city, and until now, you had thought there weren’t many in the city. Whispers of the potential but nothing like what you’re seeing in Jungkook’s thoughts.
Carefully, you extract your mind from his and sit on the bed. With him tired and swaying, you offer him a nudge to go to sleep. He lays backwards, dark lashes fluttering shut. You watch him for a while, thoughts ruminating on the new information.
Libram being in the city is a factor that you did not calculate. You chew on your lips as you think of your next move. One way to gather the information you need would be through your Vanir contacts. You have so few. But the best way to get good information is through your Vaesen contacts, which are even fewer.
You think about the twisted creatures that killed Jungkook’s family. They did seem like... angels and demons twisted together. Like the stitching together of things that didn’t belong. Half-demons, half-angels were rare to begin with. But it was like they were trying to make something else.
Belial’s question comes back to you about Lilins. The children of Lilith herself, born from her savage rape of the Heavens, but specifically, the archangels. Unique creatures, with the perfectbalance. Enough demon blood to hide the angelic blood, and enough angelic blood to hide the demon.
The flicker of familiarity you felt when fighting those creatures sends a sinking feeling to the pit of your stomach. You look at Jungkook, asleep. He looks gentle in his sleep, lines smoothed out on his face. Round and childlike.
In the morning, you’ll go back to pretending. But for now, you pull your knees to your chest, setting your chin on top of them as you consider the options before deciding that you need to follow the sick feeling that twists your gut.
Because if you’re suspicions are right... Libram made those creatures that killed Jungkook’s family tonight, targeting Belial and his children. It puts you in a dangerous position, but also a favorable one if Libram discovers your existence and grows curious about how useful you might be.
Yet none of it relieves you. Because if those creatures are what you think they are, there are seraphim in the world that are trying to bring Lilins back to the fight. Lilins, the creatures solely responsible for bringing the Heavens down.
Adamas - metal made from the Heavens, favorite in weapons used by angels and fae
Carved – angels who have had their wings surgically removed and sold for ownership. The possession of an angel’s wings gives the owner power over the angel’s grace, thereby giving them power over the angel.
Collared – a Vanir who is owned as a slave. They are often identifiable by the custom collars their masters put on their necks.
Dominus – term used by a slave to their male identifying master
Huli jing - Chinese fox spirit; similar to the Kitsune
Lilins - the offspring of the First Demon, Lilith, an the seraphim, most notably with the angels Uriel and Raphael. They are the perfect balance of Vanir and Vaesen and were used as spies during the war.
Seraph - a single angel, one of the seraphim
Seraphim - species of angels associated with Christian heaven, soldiers of God
Triumvirate – the three Lords who rule the Realms – figures of the Underworld
Vaesen – creatures associated with Underworld Realms such as demons, daevas, sorcerers, vampires, wraiths, and monster-like creatures
Vanir – creatures associated with Heaven Realms such as angels, faeries, witches, dragons, demigods and any heavenly-like being
I am no longer doing a tag list. After several attempts to get this tag list to work and Tumblr refusing to tag correct/process the post, I just took them off. I'm removing taglists for 2023 anyways because of how difficult tagging has become (incorrect usernames, Tumblr eating tags, copy and pasting not working).
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horanghaejamjam · 1 year
Raspberry Kisses - {JJK}
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↪ Summary: You never believed in demons until a game gone wrong left you stuck with one. Though a Halloween party and failed baking experiment may have you realizing being bonded to Jungkook isn’t as bad as you thought. 
↪ Pairings: Demon!Jungkook x Female reader ft brief cameos from Namjoon and Yoongi. 
↪ Rating: M 18+
↪ Genre: Demon Au / Enemies to Lovers / College/University AU / Smut / Some Angst 
↪ Word Count: 10.5k
↪ Warnings/Contents: Smut (Minors DNI), Possessive and Flirty Jungkook,  Unprotected sex, Dom Jungkook, Sub Reader, Brat Reader, Religious Undertones, Mentions of blood/blood pact (nonsexual), Degradation, Slight Food Play, Marking, Praise, Rough sex, Growling, Oral (female receiving), Multiple positions, Orgasm control.
↪ This is so late because of everything that happened and I am so sorry but this story was meant to be a part of the horrorwood event hosted by the former @btswritingcafe network​ for my spooky friend @jeonspub​. I am so unbelievably sorry that this took so long but I still wanted to get it posted for you even if it’s late. I had a lot of fun writing this for you so I hope you like it and it was worth the wait. 
↪ Click here to see my other BTS stories
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The harsh screech of your alarm was what pulled you from your slumber, making you groan as you rolled over to hit the snooze button on your phone. A few deep breaths and another groan left you as you buried yourself under the covers, hiding from the bright light in your room. You knew you had to be up for class in about an hour but you didn’t care enough to get out of bed and get ready. Surely you could sleep for just a few more minutes and still be up in time to get to class, that was the thought anyways as you closed your eyes and tried drifting off again. Just as you were about to be pulled back into your dream world and even more annoying sound jolted you out of your rest yet again. 
“Rise and shine gorgeous!” Feeling a sudden weight pinning you to the bed, you ripped the covers off your head to glare up at the intruder. Bright red eyes gazed right back at you, accompanied by pale skin, short black hair, and a very sharp grin as he took in your form. Anyone else likely would have thought waking up in this position was a dream come true, but to you it was a living nightmare. 
“Jungkook get off of me,” you groaned, trying to roll over under his weight, “can’t you let me sleep for like 5 more minutes?” Jungkook didn’t even budge despite your struggling under him, merely smirking down at your pathetic attempt to move him. 
“You and I both know if you go back to sleep you won’t wake up again and you’ll be late to class, I’m just trying to help,” he mused, “and as much as I love watching you squirm under me like this we also know you can’t afford to miss any more class.” You stopped your movements and huffed as you glared up at him, clearly unimpressed by his little game.
“Get off of me you pervert!” you exclaimed as you reached up to hit at his chest. Jungkook merely shook his head with a dry chuckle before slowly crawling off of you to stand at the end of your bed. Your new freedom allowed you to finally sit up, crossing your arms and yawning softly as you tried to properly wake up. “Since when do you care about my life anyways?” you asked as you forced yourself out of bed, “I didn’t think you were capable of caring about anyone other than yourself.”
“Oh I don’t care,” Jungkook corrected, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed so he could watch you, “but I know you’ll keep whining about your grade and whatever else and I don’t want to deal with that so I’m making you go.” His eyes trailed your figure as you wandered around looking for something to wear, making you huff and throw a pair of socks at him. The offending article didn’t come close to hitting him, merely falling to the ground a few feet in front of him which made Jungkook scoff. 
“You know you are more than welcome to leave whenever you want!” you called out as you went into the bathroom to change, making sure to slam and lock the door so he wouldn’t follow you. Not that it mattered because Jungkook seemed to have the ability to appear wherever he pleased whenever. 
“Actually I can’t,” you heard his voice from the otherside of the door, tuning him out as you quickly got changed and brushed your teeth. 
“Because I accidentally signed a blood pact and now you are bond to me until I die or pass it out to someone else yeah yeah I know,” you muttered out, already knowing what he would say next. Jungkook didn’t say anything but you could tell he was grinning like a madman on the other side of the door. “Honestly, can’t I like do an exorcism or something to get rid of you instead?” you asked rhetorically as you brushed your hair out. The question wasn’t directed at him but he evidently still heard you as the door suddenly sprung open to reveal the frowning male. 
“You think some sellout priest with a generic biblical chant would be able to get rid of a being as powerful as I am?” he asked with a hand over his chest, “honestly Y/N I’m offended you would undermine me like that.”
“You were accidentally summoned by some college girls playing a stupid game and all you’ve done since is pop up randomly to scare me and stalk me like the creep you are. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound like the work of a powerful demon to me,” you taunted. 
“Anyone can summon a demon with the right tools so that’s on you and not me,” he reminded, “not my fault you decided to try an online ritual without reading the warnings.” 
“Whatever,” you hissed under your breath as you pushed past him, leaving your room to walk out into your living area. You paid no mind to the looming presence behind you as you grabbed your bag and walked into the kitchen to grab a protein bar, knowing you were going to be late if you stayed to humor your unwanted roommate any longer. “I’ve got to go or I’m going to be late. Stay here and try not to create too much of a mess while I’m gone,” you pleaded as you put your shoes on. 
“You know if you’re so worried about me causing trouble I can just come to school with you,” Jungkook suggested.
“Hell no!” you all but shouted, “dealing with school is hard enough I don’t need a demon following me around to make my life more of a living hell.”
“Suit yourself,” Jungkook shrugged, “have fun at school!” His tone and nonchalant expression was rather off-putting and made you nervous as you turned to finally leave. 
“I’m serious Jungkook, do not follow me and do not try anything funny!” you warned with one last glance back at him before rushing out the door. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
It had been almost a month since you ended up stuck with Jungkook and yet it already felt like an eternity. The memory was still fresh in your brain as well, replaying over and over like a cursed nightmare you couldn’t escape from. It all started when you and a few friends decided to meet up at your place for a horror movie marathon to celebrate the start of the spooky season. You loved Halloween more than anyone and so the second October came around you were more than ready to celebrate. It also helped that you lived alone and your apartment was close to campus so it was the perfect place for your little get together. A bunch of candy, every horror movie you could get your hands on, even more snacks and a few drinks and you were set to go. At least, that was the plan until you guys got bored three movies in and decided to spice things up a bit. 
“I have an idea!” your friend, Daeun said as she pulled up something on her phone, “I was researching rituals and summons for a project and I came across one that looked pretty interesting. It’s a ritual for eternal love and the supplies are things you should have laying around the house. We should try it!”
“You want to try a random ritual you found online with no experience?” you questioned. 
“Well yeah, it’s said to create an everlasting bond and it’s supposed to be super easy to execute,” she argued.
“If a ritual is that easily accessible it probably doesn’t work and we’ll just be wasting our time.” You definitely were not a skeptic by any means, in fact you had dealt with your fair share of paranormal experiences in the past, but this seemed like a scenario that was too good to be true. 
“Come on Y/N,” one of your other friends, Aiko piped in, “what’s the worst that could happen? If it is a dud we can say we tried and clean everything up but you won’t know unless we try.”
“Besides,” your last friend, Soyeon spoke up, “you’ve been single since you moved here a few years ago, lord knows you need all the help with love you can get.” All three girls started giggling after that while you merely rolled your eyes. You couldn’t help but think that their antics were a bit childish and that the ritual was a terrible idea but you were outnumbered so you hesitantly agreed. What followed was an hour of rearranging your apartment living room, working around a poorly drawn pentagram and you pricking your finger one too many times to get enough blood for the ritual to work. All four of you recited the incantation from Daeuns phone and then waited, feeling the room grow slightly cold but, much to your relief, nothing happened. 
“Damn,” Daeun muttered, “guess it was too good to be true.”
“Well we don’t know that yet!” Soyeon argued, “we don’t actually know what the ritual does, maybe it takes time for something to happen?” 
“What is Y/N going to walk into class next week and just be an attraction magnet?” Aiko teased. 
“God I hope not,” you groaned, “this was not a good idea.”
“Hey relax, nothing happened so I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Daeun tried to comfort you.
“Come on let’s get everything cleaned up and we can go back to watching the movies.” Still, even as you guys put everything back the way it was and continued your movie marathon with IT Chapter 2, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something was extremely wrong. The feeling of dread you get when you’re out late and feel like you’re being followed but there’s no one there when you turn around. In fact, you could have sworn you saw a figure standing in the corner at one point though it disappeared the second you turned around. The feeling sent shivers down your spine and had you curling in on yourself as you once again peeked behind you to see if someone was there. 
“Hey Y/N, are you doing okay?” Aiko asked after a minute. 
“Huh? Oh yeah I’m fine, just a little cold that’s all,” you tried playing off your anxiety knowing that if they caught on you would be teased. 
“Don’t tell me this movie is scaring you,” Soyeon teased, “I thought it was your favorite?”
“I’m not scared!” you scoffed, “I told you I’m just cold. In fact, I’m going to go grab an extra blanket so you guys will stop bugging me about it.” With that you pushed yourself up to your feet and made your way to your room to grab the extra throw blanket you had on your bed. That same chill ran down your spine the second you were alone and you froze, taking a deep breath as you glanced around the room. “Relax Y/N, nothings there you’re fine,” you whispered to yourself as you walked over to the bed. 
“Oh? I thought you said you weren’t scared?” a deep voice coming from right behind you made you jump, falling back onto the bed with a soft shout. Quickly turning around, you gasped as you saw a man standing above you right where you had just been. His body was rather large and practically engulfed your frame in his shadow as he stood above you, bright red eyes peeking from under jet black bangs. His skin was pale but you couldn’t see much of it as his body was almost completely covered in black. A tight black turtle neck that looked like it would rip if he even tried to move his arms, tight black leather pants, even the black metal that decorated his fingers, ears, and one of his eyebrows. All things considered, he was a very attractive man and likely would have passed as human had it not been for the large ram like horns above his ears or the large black wings protruding from his back. You stared up at him like a deer caught in the headlights while he seemed to take his time drinking you in, licking his lips as his eyes raked your form.  “You’re a cute one aren’t you?” he finally spoke again after a moment, “not a bad choice for a companion, at all. Though I highly doubt someone as pretty as you struggles to find love so what’s the catch hm?” He leaned over to get a better look at you, only to have you crawl back as a result. 
“Woah woah hold up, who are you? And an even better question, what the hell are you doing in my apartment?” you questioned. He paused for a moment before sighing and running his hand through his hair. 
“There’s the catch,” he muttered under his breath, “I take it you didn’t fully read the instructions on that ritual you performed then, huh? Well let me explain it to you then so we are on the same page.” He paused for a moment to take a seat on the bed, crossing his legs and facing you. He looked much less intimidating looking up at you with an almost childlike innocence but you knew better than to let your guard down with him. “Well Y/N,” he said as he reached into his collar and pulled out an amulet, holding up a finger when you tried speaking again, “yes I know your name, I know everything about you and more. My name is Jungkook, and as of today I will be your own little demonic companion. This little vial holds the blood you offered to me, and as long as it stays intact we are bond together, I am yours for life.” He swayed the vial in question and you could briefly see the red liquid sloshing around inside the little gem. You glanced at him as if in a trance, still confused and just as scared as you were before. Because of the little game you decided to play you were now eternally stuck with a demon?
“Exactly,” Jungkook answered as if he was reading your mind, “you really didn’t read ahead did you? When done successfully the blood pact bonds you to an immortal lover and eternal devotion. The only way for you to get rid of me now is to pass me on to someone else, or die but don’t think I’ll let you leave me that easily. You’re clearly special to attach yourself to someone like me and I’m a selfish man so I don’t like giving up my toys that quickly.” He was about to say something else when a knock at the door startled the both of you out of your little moment. 
“Y/N? Are you okay in there?” You turned to Jungkook who held his finger to his lips in response. 
“Yeah sorry, I tripped over my shoes,” you lied with a soft chuckle, glancing back and forth between the door and the demon in front of you.
“Clumsy as ever I see, hurry up we paused the movie for you!” you heard your friends footsteps slowly disappear, leaving you alone with Jungkook yet again. 
“Well better get out there, don’t want to keep your friends waiting now do we?” he mused with a chuckle, “don’t worry though, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other later, until then.” With that he was gone, leaving you staring up at the space he once occupied. Part of you wanted to lay there and figure out what the hell just happened but you could hear your friends calling for you out in the living room. With a heavy sigh, you got up and grabbed your blanket, wrapping it around yourself as you waddled back out into the living room. The only trace of Jungkook was the brief scent left in the blanket from where he had been, still strong enough to invade your senses and distract you from what was going on. 
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
“Y/N!” the sound of Aiko shouting broke you out of your memory induced trance, glancing around to realize you two were the only ones left in class. You had been so trapped in your head that you completely missed what was talked about during your lecture. “You seem really out of it today, are you okay?” she asked as she grabbed her things and stood up, you doing the same so you could walk to your next class together. 
“Yeah I’m fine, just haven’t been sleeping well I guess,” you brushed off her concerns knowing you couldn’t tell her the real reason. As if having Jungkook around couldn’t be any more annoying, you weren’t even allowed to let other people know of his existence. He was nothing more than a twisted hallucination, appearing only when no one else was looking and making you feel like you were going crazy. Actually, you probably were going crazy with all the stress you were under.
“You’re focusing too much on work and it’s stressing you out,” Aiko noted, “maybe relaxing and getting out a bit would do you some good? Halloween is this weekend after all.”
“Don’t remind me,” you groaned, “it’s my favorite holiday and I haven’t even been able to do anything to celebrate because I’ve been so busy.” You had to resist the urge to slam your head into your textbook as you thought about that and the fact your Halloween would likely be spent alone studying. 
“Hey hey come on now,” Aiko tried cheering you up, “relax we still have time to celebrate. You know Yoongi invited some of us to a Halloween get together at his place, you should join us! We can go after school and get you a costume and it’ll be fun.” You appreciated that she was trying to help and cheer you up, but a party really wasn’t your idea of fun. 
“I don’t know, parties aren’t really my thing,” you countered.
“Don’t think of it like a party think of it like a friendly hangout. You, me, Daeun, Soyeon, Yoongi, Namjoon, and possibly a few other friends, nothing crazy.” You still weren’t convinced which had her groaning and pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Fine fine I’ll think about it okay?” you gave in just to prevent an argument, which seemed to do the trick. 
“Awesome! Let me know before lunch though so I can plan if we’re going out tonight or not! See you soon Y/N!” she exclaimed with a pat on your shoulder before making her way down the hall to her class. You shook your head and turned to make your way to your own class when you felt a familiar shiver run down your back. 
‘You have got to be kidding me,’ you thought to yourself as you glanced around for the all familiar black figure you knew was following you. You didn’t see him at first, but you definitely felt him when he crept up behind you. 
“Your friend has a point you know, going out would be a nice change for you,” he mused with a smug grin as he saw you jump. 
“What are you doing here?!” you hissed as you turned to face him, “I told you not to follow me.”
“Yeah you did make that pretty clear,” he teased, “but all that did was make me curious and it was boring staying at home all day so here I am. Besides you don’t get around so I figured you could enjoy my company.” 
“No I do not enjoy your company!” you argued, “and how are you even here anyways? I thought no one was supposed to know you existed.”
“You’re really not that observant are you?” he questioned, “do you really think I would get away with just wandering around in my normal form? I have my ways of blending in.” It was then that you took a step back and finally registered the change in his appearance, more specifically how human he was. His wings and horns were missing, once red eyes now replaced with a deep brown, and even his fangs were replaced by almost cute bunny like teeth. He also wasn’t dressed in his normal black attire, instead wearing a simple brown shirt and cargo pants to fit in with your classmates. With the short sleeves of his shirt, you were also able to take note of all the tattoos covering his arms and even his hand, had those always been there? “Yes I’ve always had these, seems you just never cared enough to notice them,” he answered your question with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and groaned for what felt like the millionth time that day. 
“You’re telling me you could do this the entire time and you only decide to spring it on me now?” you whisper yelled. 
“You never let me leave the house so there’s no point in hiding myself,” he explained casually, “also this takes a surprising amount of effort to maintain so I don’t like doing it often.” 
‘So much for powerful demon’ you thought. “If it requires that much effort why not just go home so you don’t have to?” 
“You know I went through all of this effort to come and see you and your only response is to shut me out? That really hurts you know,” you whined. You honestly couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not and you honestly didn’t care, especially not when you were about to be late to class. 
“Fine whatever just stay quiet and try not to ruin anything,” you gave in, rushing to class with a very giddy demon trailing behind you. 
Save for the stares you kept getting, being at school with Jungkook went surprisingly well. He stayed quiet most of the time unless it was to talk to you and was even able to help you cheat with some assignments. It was only when your lunch period came around that you realized you would have another problem to deal with, explaining Jungkook to your friends. In fact you were half tempted to just skip and drag him off somewhere else before Daeun noticed you both and ran over, the rest of your friend group following. 
“Hey Y/N, who’s your friend?” she questioned as she looked over at Jungkook. 
“Oh umm this is Jungkook, he uh...” you stuttered trying to think of a reasonable excuse for how you met when he suddenly cut you off. 
“I’m a transfer student here from Busan, it’s actually my first day so Y/N has been showing me around,” he explained. 
“Oh that’s cool, though I’ve never actually heard of someone transferring in the middle of a term,” Soyeon commented. 
“I wasn’t supposed to start until next term but there were a few classes still open so I can at least get started.”
“What’s your major then?”
“Musical arts, I’m undecided about a specific focus though.” You couldn’t help but blink up at him in confusion, wondering how he was able to brush off their questions so easily. In fact it baffled you that he even knew anything about college to begin with. Didn’t demons have other priorities rather than learning about basic human life? 
"I’ve been around for centuries if not more,” you suddenly heard his voice in your head, “do you really think I wouldn’t know about how these things work? Let’s also not forget that I have an eye on you at all times.”
‘Great so now you can get in my head?’ you thought. 
“I’ve always been in your head gorgeous, again you just don’t pay attention.”
“Umm Y/N? We’re going to go sit down now,” you heard Soyeons voice which made you sigh. 
“Sorry guys I’m still pretty tired, yeah let’s go sit,” you agreed. 
“Jungkook would you like to come sit with us?” Daeun offered which made you want to sigh. 
“I would love to,” Jungkook agreed, smirking in your direction as he walked with the rest of your friends. All you could do was slouch over in protest as you followed them anyways, hoping things wouldn’t get any worse. 
“Hey Namjoon, Yoongi, over here!” just your luck that things were about to get a million times worse. Glancing up from the table you watched as the two males walked over to join you guys. Yoongi was an upperclassman and your mentor for one of your final projects so naturally you had grown pretty close to him. He was the one who introduced you to Namjoon, a business major in the same year as you were. The two of you had immediately clicked and became best friends, and you had even started to develop a little bit of a crush on him. All your friends knew about it and were trying to play matchmaker, getting you two near each other whenever possible. It seemed that Jungkook was also quick to catch onto this little crush, the room suddenly feeling colder as he glared daggers at Namjoon. Without directing any attention to the already obvious mood shift, you hit at Jungkooks leg under the table to snap him out of it, mouthing a quick “relax” before your friends noticed. 
“Hey Jungkook are you okay?” you heard Aiko ask, clearly noticing the shift in his mood.
“He’s just shy,” you spoke up before he could ruin anything, feeling his gaze from beside you, “a lot of new people to get to know.”
“Oh right sorry about that,” Aiko apologized, “Namjoon, Yoongi, this is Jungkook and he’s apparently a new student here. Jungkook this is Yoongi and Namjoon, Yoongi is also a music major so I’m sure you guys will get along well!” The two older males perked up at the introduction whereas Jungkook sunk into his seat a bit with a very forced smile. 
“Oh a new transfer, how are you enjoying it so far?” Namjoon asked.
“Just fine,” Jungkook muttered through grit teeth, resulting in you hitting his leg. 
“It’s his first day so he’s still getting used to it,” you clarified.
“Ah I see, well if you ever need people to hang out with feel free to come find us,” Namjoon said, “in fact, we’re having a bit of a get together this weekend for Halloween, you should join us!” You were pretty sure you felt your eyes bulging out of your head a little bit when he mentioned the party.
“Oh yeah that reminds me,” Aiko piped up, “Y/N have you decided if you’re coming or not?” 
“Oh umm I don’t know,” you muttered, looking around for any way out of this conversation. Jungkook noticed this and couldn’t help but smirk a bit at your discomfort. 
“Weren’t you just ranting to me about how Halloween was your favorite holiday?” he teased. 
‘I hate you so much Jungkook’ you thought to yourself, “Well yeah but-”
“Come on Y/N, it will be fun,” Namjoon encouraged. His signature dimpled smile had always been a weakness of yours and you found yourself relaxing if even the slightest bit. 
“Alright fine, I guess I have nothing better to do,” you agreed, much to the delight of the others and the distaste of your demonic companion. 
“Well if Y/N is going I suppose I’ll go as well,” Jungkook piped up, making you slouch back to your original position. 
“Awesome we’ll see you guys there then!”
ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“You are not wearing that!” you rolled your eyes and pushed your way past Jungkook into your bathroom so you could do your makeup, the male trailing right behind you. His arms were crossed and his eyes narrowed as he took in your outfit. The last minute costume that you and Aiko had agreed on was a witch, though a bit of a more sexy witch at that. The costume was a long black velvet dress with purple lace accents all over it, a low cut neckline with lace you could use to either loosen or tighten it and a slit at the bottom that exposed your leg. The witch hat had the same purple lace accents with a curtain that partially covered your eyes and gave a very mysterious look. To top off the outfit you were also wearing fishnet thigh highs and just a slight heel to make yourself taller. You thought the outfit looked adorable on you, but Jungkook clearly had other ideas. “Seriously Y/N there is no way in hell I am letting you go anywhere in that,” he whined as he watched you do your makeup. 
“Oh shut up, what are you my father?” you hissed as you focused on your eyeshadow, “who are you to tell me what I can and can’t wear?” From your view in the mirror, you could see his eyes darken which concerned you just a bit. In all the time you had been together you had never seen Jungkook genuinely upset and you had to admit you were a bit worried of what would happen if you pushed him. Still, he was the one who pushed this stupid get together on you and now he was whining because he didn’t like your outfit which kind of pissed you off. What right did this man have to control anything about you?
“In case you’ve forgotten you are bonded to me!” he reminded through grit teeth, “you belong to me and yet you won’t even give me the time of day half the damn time! Yet here you are now dressing up in a teasing outfit and showing off to other guys, it’s like you want to mess with me.” You groaned and slammed your makeup brush down as you turned to face him. 
“So what if I’m bonded to you huh? I made it very clear from the beginning that I do not like you or this arrangement and you chose to stick around anyways. Stop acting like you own me or that I owe anything to you when we both know the ritual that night was an accident!” you snapped, walking up to Jungkook and poking his chest to emphasize your point. 
Jungkook didn’t even flinch as you yelled at him, giving you no reaction despite the evident shift in his aura. His stiffness intimidated you more than you were willing to admit and you suddenly felt unsure of yourself. Before you could move away though his hand was reaching up to grab your outstretched wrist, not hard enough to hurt but firm enough that you could feel it. He took a deep breath and leaned down so the two of you were eye level, making you stiffen as you could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. “Do you know how hard I have tried to be patient with you?” he muttered. His voice was monotone but you could briefly hear an echo to it, a growl almost that was a giveaway to the calm facade he was showing. You tried to say something but found you were frozen in your spot, unable to even open your mouth. “No no you’ve said enough, it’s my turn now,” he taunted as he read your thoughts again, “accident or not you made the blood pact that brought me here you know? You can’t pretend you didn’t do it on your own free will either because you and I both know that you weren’t forced to participate. You sold yourself to receive eternal love and partnership and that’s what I’m here for, you gave yourself to me and you also refuse to give yourself to me and I don’t get it.” He finally let go of you but you still remained in your spot as he walked back a few steps, not looking at you as he reached under his collar and grabbed the amulet. With a firm tug the chain snapped and hung around his hand as he inspected the vial for a moment, almost in disgust. It was then that you seemed to find your voice as you weakly called out to him. 
“Jungkook I-” he cut you off with a motion of his hand, dangling the necklace in front of his face before turning back to you. 
“If you really want me gone so bad then fine, all you have to do is find a way to destroy or pass on the bond and you’ll never see me again. Choose wisely though, a broken bond can never be repaired no matter how hard you try, and the consequences will follow you to the grave,” he stated, grabbing your hand and dropping the necklace onto it. You looked down at the red gem in your hand, staring at it like a foreign object before looking back up to see the space Jungkook occupied was now empty. Your thumb ran across the gem with a saddened sigh, refusing to look back down at your hand as you slipped it into a little pocket on your dress. You would deal with this whole situation later, but for now you had a party to get to. 
“Hey Y/N you look great!” Daeun greeted you once you finally got to Yoongi's house and located your friend group. The first thing you immediately noticed was that there were a lot more people than you were expecting for what was supposed to be a friends only party. 
“Yeah you look great too,” you said nervously as you glanced around, “but I thought this was supposed to be a small get together?” 
“Yeah we thought so too,” Soyeon agreed, “apparently Yoongi's roommate is pretty popular on campus and wanted to invite his friends so it quickly turned into an actual party.” 
“I see,” you muttered, suddenly feeling very self conscious about being here with all these strangers, “speaking of Yoongi, where is he?” 
“Him and Namjoon ran off to hang out with some of their club buddies, they should hopefully join us soon though, if you plan on staying?” Aiko asked as she could sense your discomfort. 
“I’ll try to stay long enough to at least see them but I don’t know if I can bring myself to stay the whole time,” you admitted. Not only were parties not really your thing but your mind also kept going back to your fight with Jungkook earlier, if you could even call it that. 
“Oh yeah, have you heard from Jungkook by any chance? We haven’t seen him here yet,” Soyeon asked, which made you sigh. 
“No I haven’t, I assumed if anyone knew it would probably be Yoongi or Namjoon since they’re the ones that invited him,” you lied, hoping they wouldn’t pry into why you acted so strange at the mention of Jungkook. Yeah you never really liked him because you were just kind of stuck with him, but the more you thought about it the more you realized he never actually gave you a reason to dislike him. Other than the constant teasing to rile you up and the occasional moment of appearing out of nowhere he acted like any normal roommate would. You had wanted nothing more than to get rid of him but now that you had the chance you were hesitant on actually letting him go. Pulling the amulet out of your pocket, you once again found yourself admiring the gem that bonded you two together as you tried to get your thoughts straight. Perhaps you should just leave the party and go apologize to him?
“Ah Y/N you made it!” turning around you saw an obviously tipsy Namjoon make his way over to your group. He was dressed as a makeshift werewolf, with the cheap fuzzy ears and paws one would find at the dollar store, he even had a tail clipped onto the back of his shirt that swayed as he stumbled his way over to you. You quickly closed your hand to hide the necklace and hid it behind your back as you smiled up at him. 
“Hey Namjoon, looks like you’ve been having fun,” you greeted with a slight smile. He chuckled softly as he moved to sit next to you, almost tripping in the process. 
“Yeah sorry, I didn’t expect this many people to show up but you know we felt bad about turning them away,” he explained, “I’m glad you still came though, you look beautiful.” You felt your face start to heat up and quickly looked away so he wouldn’t see you blushing. 
“Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself,” you practically whispered so he almost didn’t hear you. 
“Thanks,” Namjoon replied with a chuckle, “this is actually pretty last minute as I may or may not have completely torn my original costume when trying to get it on.” Now it was your turn to laugh as the image ran through your head. 
“I swear you’re more clumsy than I am,” you mused to which he merely shrugged in response. There was a moment of silence between you two, simply staring at the floor as the crowd around you grew louder. Your friends had run off at this point to do who knows what meaning you and Namjoon were basically abandoned in the crowd. It only ended when Namjoon cleared his throat to get your attention. 
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he began, waiting for your signal to continue, “I mean we’ve been close for a while now and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way I do but, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get dinner with me one night after class?” It felt like time had frozen as you looked at Namjoon in shock. This was a moment you had been waiting for since as long as you could remember and yet, your heart didn’t flutter like you felt it would. In fact, you were more focused on the way the amulet in your hand suddenly felt so hot you were worried it would burn into your skin yet you couldn’t move. 
“Wow Namjoon I don’t know what to say,” you stuttered out, “I mean…” 
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asked, “do you not feel the same way?”
“Yes I mean no I mean, I don’t know,” you groaned, “I thought I did but…I don’t know I’m really confused right now and…”
“There’s someone else isn't there?” Namjoon asked, and trying as hard as he was to hide it you could hear the hurt in his voice. You honestly didn’t know how to respond, part of you wanted to say that there was but the other part of you that still wasn’t sure. Not even an hour ago you hated Jungkook's existence and suddenly now he was the only person you could think of? Honestly you should have been locked up in a mental hospital for how quickly you changed your mind on these things.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” the voice of the very man you were just thinking of spoke up for you. You almost thought your mind was playing tricks on you until you turned around and saw Jungkook standing behind you. He was still in his demon form but since it was a Halloween party no one seemed to bat an eye at his appearance. 
“Jungkook?” you questioned, “when did you get here?”
“I’ve been looking for you all night, looks like I came just in time though,” Jungkook mumbled as he glared daggers at Namjoon. The man in question seemed to get the hint and quickly excused himself, standing and dusting off his pants with a nervous cough.
“Right sorry I’ll leave you guys too it, I’ll see you in class Y/N,” he stuttered out, tripping over himself in his haste to leave the conversation. Jungkook merely scoffed and flipped his hair out of his eye before taking the seat next to you that had been previously occupied, though he refused to look at you. You blinked a few times in shock before awkwardly clearing your throat. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me?” you asked. 
“You called me here,” Jungkook replied, “or are you going to tell me that was also an accident?” You were about to ask what he meant when you remembered you were still holding the amulet behind you back. Pulling your hand back to rest in your lap, you opened your palm to see it looked the same but it was still warm. Is that why it heated up when Namjoon was talking to you? “You were thinking about me, I can sense it from a million miles away, just like how I can feel your emotions so I know when you’re hurt or uncomfortable,” Jungkook explained, finally turning to look at you. You nodded silently as you tossed the necklace around in your palm before reaching out to hand it to him. 
“Here, take it back,” you clearly caught him off guard as he stared at you in shock, making you shrug, “I think I owe you an apology, I judged you too quickly instead of trying to open up to you. This doesn’t mean I accept being bound to you but I don’t want to get rid of you.” Jungkook chuckled softly before reaching out and grabbing the amulet from you, securing it back around his neck with a satisfied smile.
“It’s a start in the right direction so I’ll accept it for now,” he mused with another chuckle, “but I won’t settle on that for long.”
“If you say so,” you brushed him off while looking around, “can we go home though? I don’t think I want to stay at this party any longer.” 
“I thought you would never ask,” Jungkook said with a smirk, “here take my hand, we’ll take a shortcut.” You looked at him confused but grabbed his hand anyways, the party slowly faded away in an odd blur before returning back to show you sitting in your apartment living room. “I told you I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve,” Jungkook hummed when he saw how confused you were. 
“Noted,” you whispered in a daze as you slowly stood up and looked around the living room. It was then that you noticed a very odd and sweet scent coming from the kitchen. Turning your head, you began to make your way over there, only to be stopped by a frantic Jungkook appearing in front of you. 
“Uhh hey let’s not go into the kitchen right now,” he urged.
“What? Why not?” you asked as you tried to peek around him.
“Trust me, just don’t!” now you were even more curious, dashing around Jungkook and running into the kitchen before he had a chance to react, “Y/N wait!” You slid to a stop and gasped as you realized where the smell was coming from. Your counter and small dining table were covered in a mess of baking ingredients and what looked to be tossed out batters for something. The sweet smell you quickly realized was chocolate as evident by the cocoa powder and color of the batters. It was a complete disaster but you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on that as you turned to look at Jungkook.
“What’s all this?” you asked. You swore you almost saw the demon blush as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well I wanted to try to cheer you up after what happened earlier and I remember you raving about this stupid chocolate raspberry candy or something like that so I thought why not try to make a cake for you,” he explained, “granted I don’t know how baking works so I didn’t realize it would be this hard, but I think I at least got one right.” He walked past you and over to the counter where there was a singular cake laying on a cooling rack, not even iced yet and it looked like it hadn’t been there long. From the looks of things Jungkook had been doing this for a while and dropped what he was doing when you summoned him. “I have no idea how it tastes so you can’t judge me too hard for this but here,” Jungkook said, pulling off a little chunk of the cake and offering it to you. You cocked your head to the side briefly before moving closer and taking a bite, groaning softly as the flavor flooded your mouth. It was a bit more sour than you were expecting so he probably used a bit too much raspberry but it was still really good for a first try. 
“It’s really good, but really you mean to tell me you’ve never baked before?” you questioned, still with some of the cake in your mouth. Jungkook wasn’t really paying attention to that though, hyper focused on the way you had groaned at the taste and the way your lips wrapped around his finger briefly. It was such a simple thing you probably didn’t notice, but it had the demon reacting in ways he wasn’t sure he wanted. 
“Is it really that good?” he asked after a moment, grabbing a piece for himself with a shrug, “I mean it’s okay I guess, better than the other ones for sure.” 
“They can’t be that bad,” you replied obliviously as you walked over to one of the bowls, dipping your finger in the batter and sucking it off, “this one is pretty good.” Jungkook felt his eye twitch as your actions continued, watching you dip your finger into the batter again and repeat the process. It was then that you took notice of his little shift, noticing the way his eyes darkened and his tongue ran over his lips as he watched you. Normally that kind of look would have you running the opposite direction but something about it on Jungkook was rather attractive. It gave you a mini confidence boost and before you could think you found yourself reaching for another bowl, this time making a show of loudly sucking on your fingers and moaning at the taste of chocolate. “I think I like this one even better though, it’s nice and sweet,” you teased with a wink. Jungkook quickly caught on to your little game and smirked at you as he leaned against the counter. 
“You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?” he challenged, the tone of his voice causing you to shudder involuntarily. There was a new rough edge to it you never heard before, almost like he was growling as he spoke to you. 
“No idea what you’re talking about, I’m just enjoying a little treat,” you continued with your teasing. He raised an eyebrow at you before humming and grabbing the last bowl, swirling the batter around with the tip of his finger before dipping two in and walking over to you. 
“Surely you need to be fair and try them all then, right?” he mused as he lifted his fingers to your lips. One of his fingers brushed your bottom lip just enough to smear some of the cake batter onto it before you were eagerly opening your mouth and sucking both in. Jungkook could barely hold back from groaning as he felt your tongue wrap around his fingers, keeping a straight face as you glanced up at him. “There you go, good girl,” he teased as he pulled his fingers out, purposefully dragging them against your lips so that the remaining batter smeared against them. “Opps,” he teased with a dark chuckle, “guess I left a bit of a mess huh? Why don’t you let me get that for you.” Before you could respond you found yourself pinned against the wall as he crashed his lips against yours. Jungkook was demanding from the beginning, keeping you pinned with his body, one hand tangled in your hair while the other gripped your thigh. You tried weakly to fight for dominance for a few seconds before giving in and letting him have complete control, sighing into the kiss and grabbing onto his arms desperately. 
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As badly as he wanted this to escalate, Jungkook stayed like that for a few moments, merely kissing you while playing with your hair and keeping you pinned. It was teasing and you both knew it, but Jungkook needed you to want him just as much as he did you. This was the moment he had been wanting the past month so he knew he could be patient. Even when the faint taste of the chocolate raspberry dessert faded, you two remained in that position, only pulling away when he felt you needed to breathe. You panted as you looked up at him, still desperately gripping onto you as you felt like you would lose your balance if you let him go. 
“Wow,” you whispered out of breath, making him chuckle a bit. 
“What do you think Y/N?” he asked, stroking your cheek playfully, “ready for an even better treat?” Instead of responding verbally, you answered him by pulling him back down into another kiss, catching him off guard momentarily. You took advantage of your power to explore him more, biting at his bottom lip and running your hands across his body. Jungkook groaned softly and let you do what you wanted for a minute before grabbing your thighs and lifting you up, not breaking the kiss as he carried you into your bedroom. You gasped softly as he laid you down as softly as possible, hovering over you as his kisses trailed from your lips to your neck. You moaned softly and tossed your head back as he began softly nibbling at your neck, occasionally sucking harder to leave a mark. His fingers ghosted across your body, barely touching you as he trailed his hand down your thigh. His touch was burning and left you desperate for more of him, quickly getting irritated by the slow and gentle movements. 
“Jungkook, more please,” you breathed out, feeling him smirk against your neck.
“Be patient my little witch,” he cooed, “I want to take things slow for our first time.” You groaned in annoyance, reaching up to tug at his hair. Jungkook hissed at the action which made you giggle as he moved to look up at you. 
“What if I don’t want you to take things slow huh?” you challenged, “you do want me, right?”
“More than you will ever know, which is why I want to savor this,” Jungkook muttered as he reached up to remove your hand from him. He readjusted so he was pinning both your hands to your side, straddling your hips as he gazed down at you. His new position had you squirming a bit to escape his eyes but he didn’t even budge, easily holding you down. “Now are you going to behave or are we going to be doing this the hard way?” he asked. You paused for a moment before giggling and as you finally looked up at him. 
“What a powerful love demon like you wanting to take things slow? What I’m hearing is that you just can’t handle it.” You watched his eyes darken and his lips curl into what almost looked like a snarl, making you bite your lip and look away again. 
“Oh no no you don’t get to be shy now you brat,” Jungkook hissed as he let go of one of your hands to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. You locked eyes with Jungkook and gasped as his hand went from your chin to your throat, squeezing just hard enough for you to feel the pressure. “You asked for it so you can’t take it back now,” he whispered, leaning down so your lips were almost touching, “your safeword is raspberry, if you say or think that word I will stop okay?” You did your best to nod despite his hands on your throat which made him shake his head, “Words Y/N, I need to hear you.”
“Yes!” you gasped out, making Jungkook smile and peck your lips softly. 
“Oh and one more thing,” he continued, letting go of your throat to trail his finger down to the neckline of your dress, “if you even think about cumming without my permission you will regret it doll.” With that he wasted no time in ripping the dress off of you, the force pulling you off the bed a bit before his strength shredded the fabric, exposing your body to him. Because of the way the dress fit you, you had decided not to wear a bra so you were left in just your panties and fishnets. You almost swore you heard Jungkook purr as he took in the sight of your body. “Wow no bra? You are a dirty girl aren’t you?” he hummed. 
“I just bought that dress,” you whined, trying to ignore the warmth spreading in your body from his gaze. Jungkook clicked his tongue in mock annoyance, moving his hands to roughly fondle your breasts. You gasped and arched your back into his hands which made him smirk. 
“I’ll buy you a new one if you’re that worried about it,” he mumbled, “but for now I’m much more interested in exploring my new territory.” You opened your mouth to bite back that you weren’t his but he beat you to it by squeezing your breasts again, two of his fingers teasingly pinching your nipple and making you gasp. 
“If I were you I’d lose the attitude,” he warned, “that is, if you want any chance of walking right tomorrow.” You moaned softly as he lowered his head, trailing kisses down your neck and chest before taking your nipple into his mouth. Jungkook started out with gentle sucks before slowly rolling the sensitive bud between his teeth. He repeated this process for a moment then switched to the other one, chuckling as he heard you gasp softly. 
“I,” you tried speaking, pausing for a moment as you felt his hand grip your thigh again, “I can handle it, do your worst?” He paused his actions to look up at you questioningly, huffing when you returned his gaze with a look of defiance. 
“If you say so,” he hummed, releasing your nipple with a soft pop, “don’t say I didn’t warn you though.” You didn’t have time to react before he was grabbing your hips and pulling you down, adjusting so his head was between your thighs. You squirmed a bit as you felt his breath on your core, warm and teasing as he exhaled sharply. “I’ve barely even touched you and I can already tell you’re soaked,” he teased, running a finger up to the waistline of your fishnets. You squirmed more and whimpered as he leaned forward to place kisses against you through your panties, poking his tongue out just enough for you to feel it. “These tights are super sexy also,” he mused, “I may just have to keep them on you.” 
“Will you stop teasing and just do something already?” you whined. One of your hands reached down to tug at his horn as you bucked your hips, desperate for any kind of friction. Jungkook growed lowly, slapping your thigh just hard enough for you to feel it. 
“So impatient,” he hissed, “I shouldn’t be touching you at all until you behave.” You pouted for a moment, worried he was going to leave you there, until you felt his finger hook under your tights and panties. “It’s a shame I have to ruin these but oh well, since I’m so nice I’ll give you what you want.” With a quick tug the thin fabric was ripping and joining the remains of your dress, exposing your core to the cold air. Jungkook hummed softly before leaning down and licking at your slit, giving a few kitten licks before diving in and sucking at your clit. You moaned loudly and tightened your grip on his horn, grabbing the sheets with your free hand as you rocked your hips against his face. Jungkook responded by moaning against you, sucking harder and pinning your leg back with one of his hands. Your thighs shook and threatened to close around him but he kept you pinned with his weight, moving one hand and slipping a finger into you slowly. He slowly pumped his finger inside of you for a few moments before adding another, quickening the pace and curling his fingers. You gasped and jolted as his fingers brushed against that soft spot inside of you, Jungkook smirking and angling his fingers to abuse that spot. All you could do was throw your head back and grip onto him tighter as endless moans fell from your mouth, struggling to catch your breath as you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching. Before you could tell Jungkook you were close however, he was pulling away and looking up at you with a devilish grin. 
“Remember what I said sweetheart,” he mused, pressing his fingers to your lips and humming as you took them into your mouth, “you don’t get to finish until I say so.” He let you suck on his fingers for a second, letting you taste yourself as your orgasm faded away. Only when he saw you relax did he move, wiping his fingers on his pants, “The only way you are cumming tonight is on my dick like a good girl, think you can do that?” You were too out of breath to respond so you simply nodded, though it seemed to be enough of a response for him. Jungkook leaned back and, with a snap of his fingers, stripped himself of his clothing and exposed himself to you for the first time. Your eyes widened as you sat up to get a better look at the gorgeous man in front of you. You knew Jungkook was built but you never realized just how defined his muscles really were, the tattoos on his arms trailed all the way up and across his toned chest which was otherwise unmarked. Your eyes moved down until they landed on his erection, surprisingly human for what you imagined if not longer than average. Still, it was beautiful and you bit your lip at the sight of him. “Like what you see?” Jungkook teased, chuckling when you dumbly nodded, “good, because you don’t get to see it much longer. Now be a good girl and present yourself to me, on your hands and knees.” You quickly obliged, getting on your knees and lowering your top half to expose yourself to him. Jungkook hummed in approval and positioned himself behind you, gripping your hips and lining himself up with your entrance. 
“You’re not a virgin right?” he asked suddenly, making you giggle as you shook your head no, “good.” With that he leaned forward and buried himself into you, groaning and stilling as he bottomed out. You moaned at the stretch and buried your head into the sheets, trying to catch your breath and adjust to the feeling of him inside of you. Jungkook gave you a moment to adjust, starting to thrust slowly as he felt you relax. “You are so tight you’re practically swallowing me,” he groaned as his pace increased. You could only moan and grip at the sheets to keep you grounded, the position hiding your face and muffling your moans which he didn’t seem to like very much. A low growl left him and you felt him tug roughly at your hair, pulling your head up and exposing your neck to him. “Don’t you dare hide from me, let me hear you,” he whispered, going even faster and burying his head into your neck. You moaned louder at the pace and the feeling of him sucking at your neck hard enough that you knew there would be marks in the morning. You couldn’t bring yourself to care though, enjoying the feeling of him fucking into you like his life depended on it. His position also meant you heard every animalistic growl and groan that left him, not normally something you would enjoy but from him it was undeniably sexy. “You’re mine you know,” he groaned, “you belong to me, and only me, all mine. No one will get in between us ever again after tonight, everyone will know that you are mine, I’ll make sure of it.” He bit at a sensitive spot under your ear which made you gasp and close your eyes, knowing you wouldn’t be able to last much longer. 
“Jungkook I,” you tried to speak up but found you were unable to finish your sentence. 
“I know baby I know,” he murmured, “go ahead and cum for me.” His command was all you needed, letting out a silent cry as you finally reached your release. Jungkook was not far behind, stilling inside of you and growling as he finished inside of you. 
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Jungkook quickly but carefully pulled out of you and flipped your position so you were both laying down with you on his chest. His finger traced delicate patterns on your arm as you snuggled up against him, trying to catch your breath. 
“I wasn’t too rough right?” he asked after a moment. 
“Not at all,” you assured with a soft smile, “it was actually really hot seeing you all possessive.” You felt his chest rumble beneath you as he chuckled. 
“Good to know, I’ll remember that for next time, if you want there to be a next time that is?” you stayed silent for a moment as you thought about it, trying to process how quickly everything seemed to change in the span of a night. Hell, not even a few hours before you were loathing Jungkook's existence and now you were here naked and curled up against him. The more you thought about it, the more you realized you really needed to assess your current relationship with the demon beside you. 
“You’ll be bound to me for a while so I’m sure we’ll figure it out,” you said, realizing you had been quiet for too long. It probably wasn’t the answer he wanted, but he didn’t oppose it either. Instead you felt him pull you closer and place a gentle kiss on your head. 
“I’ll clean everything up in a minute, you go ahead and rest and we’ll talk about everything in the morning, deal?” You didn’t need to be told twice, closing your eyes and letting his warmth lull you to sleep. You still had a lot to think about, but maybe being bonded to Jungkook wasn’t so bad after all.
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This is one of three promised fics that will be uploaded within the next week as I do my best to catch up! 
Any and all interaction and feedback on this work is greatly appreciated! 
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jeon-s-sins · 1 year
Middle Of The Night | Index
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Synopsis : In the world you lived in, humans were not the only inhabitants of Earth. For years, you had fantasized about your homeroom teacher without knowing his true nature. At night, you thought and dreamed only of him, unaware of the weight of your actions. What will happen when you finally discover what he is?
Incubus : An incubus is an evil spirit or demon who appears in the masculine form to sexually prey on sleeping women during the night. An incubus is what the stories from ancient myths and folklore also characterize as an entity that could impregnate women or even kill people while they were sleeping.
Warning : teacher/student relationship, age gap, demon!Jk, dom!jk, sub!reader, masturbation, pleasure (mutual), and lot more
n.a : English is not my first language, so it’s possible that there are some mistakes that I missed while proofreading.
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Part I || Part II
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n.a : I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do. To make sure you don’t miss the progress of the chapters as well as their release, don’t forget to check out the Working on and Updates section, where you’ll find not only updates on “Middle Of The Night”, but also other stories and “One Shots” that you’ll probably enjoy as well. Also, don’t forget to check out the Masterlist, you’ll probably find something for you among my other stories in progress and those to come.
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dde719 · 4 months
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Pairing: Ot7 demons x yn (brown skin girl- written for a friend)
WC: 2.4k
Oral sex female receive, male receive
Dream sequence
Rough kissing, rough sex
Nipple play
Growing dicks
Anal sex, anal play(prepping)
Circle jerking
Warm cum
Split tongue with rings
Cock ring
Breeding kink
Sorry if I missed anything
AN: Hey everyone. This was a one-shot that I created in the summer of last year. I had a friend who encouraged me to get into more descriptive writing. It was the first time I wrote about demons, so it may be a little shaky. I wanted to edit this and finally put it out. This is the last of my early works and yes I am equally proud of everything I create. I hope you all enjoy it and there was no true inspo behind this other than, "what scenario can I make." The person I made it for did not want a solid plot, just descriptions. Basically, porn without a plot, if you're going to read, welcome if not. I do have other stories that have more detailed plots. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day lovelies.
Another night, laid in your room. Thinking about the members of bangtan fucking you senseless. You couldn't help but get your vibrator and pressed it hard onto your clit. Moving it back and forth before inserting it. You are pumping the blue vibrator in and out and rubbing on your sensitive bud at the same time. Thinking of none other than Jeon Jungkook fucking you raw on your bed and his tattooed hand with a firm grip on your throat. You start to see stars as you reach your climax and you pull it out, juices leak out. You put it on the highest speed and rub it on your swollen clit once more. Your body starts shaking and pulsing through another orgasm. You clean up the toy and shower and go to bed.
In your dream, you are in a dark place that is glowing orange and red at a close distance. You walk farther down the hall and you're met with this tall man, with large doe eyes, and dark wavy hair. He says, "Hello." Too stunned to speak, is it him... He grabs your face with his tattooed hand, "You have been thinking of us... You have quite the imagination." You gasp and look at his hand, "Umm... Yes." He chuckles, "Is that what you want us to do to you? Hmm. We can make it happen." He rips off your clothes and bites your neck as he touches the folds of your wet pussy. You lift a leg so he gets better access. And you feel one finger slip in. He kisses your lips and moans, "Mmmm, you like that." He picks up the pace as you say his name. Your legs get weak and you collapse onto the floor.
He moves you onto your back and slips two fingers in. His fingers grow a little more as they are deep inside you., with every thrust. He's looking at you dark-eyed, "uhh, tell me, you want more, you fucking slut." He slaps you across the face, and you moan, "ahhh, fuck." As he picks up the pace and palms your clit at the same time. He leans down to kiss you, tongue reaching the back of your throat, he smiles, "you take my fingers so well, wait til you see my dick..." You open your legs wider, and just as he's about to pull out his dick you awaken.
You jump awake from your sleep, covered in sweat, and your pussy is throbbing. This dream felt so real. You're clenching... You get up to splash water on your face... Fuck it's 4 am. You go back to your bed and gasp because you see him. The man from your dream. Can this be-? He interrupts your thoughts, "I am real, I know all of your thoughts every day. I know everything... Do you really want me and my brothers to take you?" You gasp, "take me where? There's no way you guys are..."
He looks at you full of lust, "Then how do we know, the things you want us to do to you? Let us make your dreams come true." You stare at his naked body, "Jungkook, what happens if I do..." He laughs, " Pleasure and pain... you want it or not." You know you can't resist him, you wanted this for so long. He almost gets impatient, "Don't think so much, just let it happen." He holds out his hand, big eyes staring at you "Come on." You nod and take his hand. He flips you on your back, and before you know it, mirrors are all over the room, and the rest of bangtan are sitting in a circle around you two. Tae is the first to join you guys. You are on your back and you watch as Jungkooks and Taehyung split. They have a ring on both sides of their tongues.
Before you know it, Jungkook has his tongue circling your clit in both directions then he slips his tongue inside. Tae is licking, sucking, and biting your erect brown nipples. He moans with you. In your thoughts, I can't believe this is really happening, "Ahhh, fuck." They tell you to keep your eyes on the mirror on the ceiling but they feel so good. Their eyes get wide and blacken when you start to cum. They ask again, "Are you ready, little one... There's no going back after we fu-" You moan, "please fuck me... I need this." Tae breathes heavily, "your such a needy slut." You see black clouds flash and they reappear in different positions. Your ass is up and your face is down. Tae is positioned in front of you with his legs open. He groans, "Mmm, suck my dick."
You wet your lips, then lick up and down his large tan shaft and the head was light brown. He moans yn while you bob up and down on his long hard dick. Meanwhile, JK is at the entrance of your pussy. You feel him move the head up and down, covering himself in your slick juices. You almost cry when he goes in, slowly at first. You pull Tae out of your mouth briefly, "Ahhhhh, jungk-" You use your hands and pick up the pace faster as you feel jks dick grow a little more the louder you moan. He closes his big beautiful eyes and holds onto your ass and he starts to slam into you. He feels so good inside you as his length gets longer inside of you.
Your moans are muffled, spit is dripping down Taes shaft. After a few minutes, you can't hold your moans anymore. You pull him out of your mouth again and jerk him off. "Mmmmm, fuck, right there..... oh my god...Ah-hhhh." Tae abruptly grabs your face, " Mmmm, No God... just us... Slow down, baby, you have all night." He puts his dick back in your mouth and fucks hard into it, while you grind back onto Jungkooks dick. A few more pumps and they are both finishing at the same time. Thick black clouds appear, Jk and Tae, take their place on the bed and start jerking off like they didn't just fuck you.
Yoongi and Jimin suddenly appear next to you. Tears already rolling down your face from pleasure. Jimin wipes them and says, "aww, our new fuck toy. Are you ok, sweetheart?" All you could think, how is he so nice even in demon form? You nod, "Yes." Jimin is laying down, your big lips crashing onto his, and he smiles, "Good." At this point, Yoongi is watching and stroking himself slowly. He leans down and whispers to Jimin. Jimin nods, Yoongi still strokes himself as sits behind you, feeling a warm sensation near your puckered asshole. You moan into Jimins kiss not knowing what is next.
His fingers produce a warm lubricant, then he inserts one into your hole. You jolt at the feeling, Yoongi whispers in your ear, "We have to stretch your ass, kitten." He kisses your cheek before you know it, you still feel the warm liquid pumping inside and he now has 3 fingers inside that have grown long and thick. He's twisting them hard as you feel Jimins hard bulge underneath you. Yoongi removes his fingers and Jimin coos, " Are you ready, baby?" He tells you to sit up. He teases at your asshole before slowly pushing into you. You scream, "Ahhhhh... Fuck." The lube gets warmer as he puts all of his inches slowly into your tight ass.
You watch yoongi as he tells you to lean further back, then your arms are resting on the bed. His tongue splits and he has 4 tongue rings. He shows you wiggling them quickly before looking down at your pussy. Jimin's dick thrusts and rotates into you while Yoongi's warm tongue is at your nipples. He bounces one breast as his tongue swirls and flicks at your other breast. His eyes go dark when his teeth sink into your nipple, and he groans, "mmm, so pretty." His soft pink lips kiss down your stomach and his pierced tongue circles your clit. You moan, "omg... MMMM," and his tongue slips inside you, bouncing so fast, he vibrates off your walls.
Hands cupping your breast while Jimin continues to fuck into your ass. It feels so warm but feels so good, thumping sounds fill the room and his dick has doubled in size. He furrows his brows with pleasure, "look up, princess, look at how good you look when we fuck you." You are barely hanging on as another orgasm rushes through your body. You cum just as Jimin releases into your ass. His black cloud forms and he now takes his place jerking himself on the bed. Yoongi is now laying on his back and you are facing him, riding his face. You feel the rings and his tongue reaches deeper inside of you.
You spit on your hand and move your hand up and down his beautiful pink hard dick. He hums into your pussy the faster you stroke him. His large fingers circle your swollen clit, "One more time, Cum for me." You started to feel dizzy and nearly blacked out, "I can't." He slaps your face, "Yes, you can." He moans as your hands yank him faster and more erratically. Both of your moans fill the room. He fucks into your hand and his dark eyes glow, while his tongue reaches your cervix. He moves his hand with side-to-side pressure and you release down his throat. He wiggles it faster to drink in all of you. He moans "ahh, good girl," and then his hot cum shoots all over your hand.
His cloud appears and he poofs to his spot and starts to touch himself. Hobi and Jin are up next. You are all dazed out and they stare at you, "Hyung, you think she can handle it? Look, she's all fucked up." Jin laughs, "She signed up for this, you know." You laugh because it's true. You wanted this for so long. Jin is on his back and you sit on his dick and lay down on his chest. Hobi lines up right behind you and smiles, "You ready to be pumped full of our cum. " Their eyes were already black with arousal. You look at the mirror in front of you to see Hobi fucking you. No lube was needed because you were still full of cum from earlier. All of a sudden, SLAP. You yelp, "ouc-" Jin cuts off your moan with a kiss then he continues to slap your face and fuck into your cunt.
Jin whispers, "Your doing amazing, you'll reach paradise soon." Jin grabs your waist and gets into you deeper, "You feel so good... Fuck yn." Hobi grunts "keep looking in the mirror." You start to feel tired drained and over fucked. The room starts to swirl and the colors start to melt together. The two men rub inside all of your sensitive spots and you begin to cry. You three moan in unison and you nearly faint as they chase their high. As you feel their balls hit against your ass, a random burst of energy rushes through you and you start rubbing your clit in circles.
Clenching both of your holes around their rock-hard dicks, they grunt and cum inside you. You began to pant and lay down on Jin's chest and in an instant, they poof away and join the other members jerking in the circle. Joon nestles beside you, his eyes already dark and wild, he asks, "Are you sure you want this?" You moan, "Yes, I need this." He says, "Just know once you go to this place with us... Everything and everyone you know is gone... You may never return." You look down for a moment, "I- I understand." You start to cry, "I hope it's worth it." He laughs, "It will be." Then he removes his boxers. Your eyes grow large and you had a sudden realization. Now you know why he was covered this whole time. He has two big beautiful nine-inch dicks with a prince Albert piercing on one of his heads.
You're not sure how well you can take it, then the rest of your room melts away. You are in that same place with the red and orange glow. But now you are tied into a sex swing, hungry and desperate to feel him... "Fuck me please, Joon. I need it." He blindfolds you and places kisses on your neck, which feels blazing hot to the touch. You feel him at both of your entrances and he holds the bottom of your ass while he's slowly moving his hips so he can plunge into you. His breath hitches, "o-ohh, damn girl.." He makes sure you are ok before he moves faster and faster. You feel a tingle all over your body and scream his name repeatedly as he shows you no mercy.
He then holds your legs in place as he thrust, you feel his ring pressing and rubbing inside your slick walls. You can't take it anymore and start to cry as everyone's cum from earlier drips on the floor. He loves the sight of you crying from pleasure. He pinches your nipples hard and says, "Almost there, you can do this." He pinches harder and the sound of his thighs slapping yours fills the room. He bites the crook of your neck and his deep voice growls, "uhh, uhh...Mmmmm." His brows furrow as his scalding cum releases into your holes. You feel breathless and dizzy. He removes the blindfold and all of bangtan stands over you. Joon flashes an evil smile, showing his dimples, " Welcome to Paradise... We'll start again in 2 minutes."  
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yooboointhemood · 2 months
My Joon as modern LWJ agenda is going strong because this song is so LWJ coded like wdym you are my pain divine divine can't wait for the whole album 💜 also can't wait for him to perform it when he's back
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sweetcarrotsandroses97 · 10 months
The Demon's Love | JJK | Snippet
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"Today, the Celestial Council requested the meeting to treat the matter of the rebellious spirits. Angels, show your respect to the Demon King who will, since 30, 000 years, step once more in the Seventh Realm!"
All the angels bowed their heads for the entrance of the king of evil himself. Even you. A relatively young angel who stood at the very front of the line. You heard the sound of magic being performed, a dark mist appearing at your right peripheral but you obeyed your General and kept your gaze down.
A sudden coldness invaded the Celestial Council and a shiver ran up your spine. You could feel the tension in the large room. How the angels beside you stiffened at the presence of the Demon King, even your General, Jung Hoseok stood rigid with his large wings opened next to him, keeping him in the air.
You kept your gaze lowered, obeying orders. But curiosity was taking the best of you, you felt a sudden need to look up and put a face to the image of the Demon King himself.
Feared by the Seven Realms. A monster within humans. The enemy of fairies. The counterpart of angels. Death's close friend.
And then you looked up. Listening to that small voice. Falling into the string temptation of just looking.
Your eyes met the ones of the Demon King. His eyes, though big and perfectly shaped, had a darkness in them you let yourself get lost.
He was darkness.
He was perfection.
He was mysterious
The Demon King held himself with power. His large, black wings were moving behind him, keeping him suspended in the air.
You couldn't look away.
You found him intriguing.
Never in your life as an angel had you seen a creature like him. Never have you felt such a tug to fall into the dark rabbit hole.
He was the definition of dark perfection. His black robes hugged his lean figure, his hair was equally dark as the night sky and his eyes were something you had never seen before.
Starless galaxies.
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writemywaytoyourheart · 7 months
Bedeviled | Epilogue
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Pairing: jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, drama, angst
WC: 2.7k
warnings for this post: some anxiety, regret, grief, strong religious themes, emotional stufffffs prepare your hearts.
Previous ML
a/n: thank you for being on this journey with me and for being the best in the world, ily
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Jungkook stumbles forward, still gripping the hand of whoever pulled him out. He doesn't let go even as he falls to the ground and coughs violently.
There are weird sounds around him; warped and muffled as if he's stuck underwater.
Is he stuck underwater?
He can't breathe.
He can't see anything.
The sounds get louder, then suddenly there are soft hands cupping his cheeks and he flinches back.
“Sorry, I'm sorry,” You whisper breathlessly, voice getting caught in your throat.
Tears stream down your dirty cheeks as you look him over carefully, fighting the urge to gather him in your arms and hold on for dear life.
Blood and grime covers his usually perfect skin and remnants of sticky tears are on his cheeks. He's squinting and seems very confused as he pulls away from your touch and lets go of Nehemiah’s hand before sitting on the ground and curling into himself. Black wings on his back that have been torn to shreds rest against the ground limply.
“You're okay, Jungkook.”
You say the words softly, but get no reaction whatsoever.
“He can't hear you,” Nehemiah whispers in anxious realization, wide teary eyes watching his human try and self-soothe.
Your heart doesn't know whether to break or be overjoyed at this moment. He's out. But it doesn't seem like he's here next to you when he curls further into himself, as if to hide from whatever is causing him discomfort.
Jungkook breathes out shakily, trying to make sense of the warbled noises he hears as he hugs himself.
Why can't he see anything?
Where is he?
He rubs at his eyes quickly before hugging himself again, chin resting on his knees.
He closes his eyes.
He can't see anyway, this way it feels more normal.
But he doesn't know what normal is.
He doesn't know what he is.
Or why he's in so much pain.
It feels like his ribcage is being crushed and puncturing his lungs like balloons that struggle to get air in.
He coughs and winces at the sharp pain it causes. His skin feels raw and there's an awful burning sensation running along his arms and legs.
You sit by him, curling your legs in. You'll stay right here until he's okay, you won't move a single muscle. You have to physically force yourself not to reach out and touch him, anxiously biting your lip to keep yourself in check.
Imelda stands behind you, a gentle reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Nehemiah kneels in front of the shaking boy that's begun to rock himself back and forth.
The blonde angel reaches two hands out and places them on Jungkook’s ears, covering them gently and not moving when he tries to flinch away.
“You're okay,” Nehemiah whispers, “You're okay.”
Even with his eyes closed, the expression on Jungkook's face evidently changes.
He doesn't know who it is, but he heard a voice just then- a soothing one that didn't frighten him.
He tries to say something, to ask what's going on, but the words won't come out.
Nehemiah places his fingers on Jungkook's lips briefly, then both hands over his eyes, ever so gently running his thumbs across his eyelids.
When he pulls away, the black-haired boy blinks his eyes open and all three of you watch them focus on the angel in front of him.
His dark brows scrunch.
Then his cracked voice whispers weakly.
The guardian angel’s pretty blue eyes fill with tears that quickly pour down his flawless cheeks.
He reaches forward and hugs his human as tightly as he can while still being mindful not to hurt him.
Jungkook slowly reaches a shaky hand up to place it on Nehemiah's back while he embraces him.
You watch a few tears slide down Jungkook's confused face as he hugs the angel.
Then his eyes drift to the side and land on you, the confusion on his face melting away into pure shock.
Nehemiah pulls away and sits back with an excited smile as Jungkook's eyes stay locked on your face.
“...____?” His voice shakes uncontrollably, his hands following suit shortly after.
You nod, choking on your tears.
“You're alive?” He whispers brokenly, tears filling his eyes and pouring down his cheeks, “You're okay?”
In answer, you crawl to him and reach out to wipe the tears from his cheeks so he can feel that you're here. He takes your wrists with both hands before you can move away again.
You let him pull you closer, the fear strikingly clear in his eyes that you're going to disappear right in front of him.
His rough and damaged hands cup your cheeks with the most gentle touch, afraid to hurt you, “Are you actually alive?” He whispers, voice breaking.
You nod, tears falling at the same time as his. Your best friend looks you over with wide eyes, his hands on your face trembling like crazy.
“But you died-” he whimpers, “-you died alone, because of me. I held you in m-my arms. You can't be alive- I'm dreaming aren't I?” He begins to cry, shoulders shaking as his hands fall from your cheeks and into his lap.
You watch with a broken heart as he covers his face and sobs loudly into his hands.
Then he finally comes back out and pulls you into a desperate hug, holding you tight so that you'll never leave again.
“Please don't let me wake up,” he sobs into your shoulder, “Please, Apple, I'm sorry- p-please don't leave me-”
“I'm not going anywhere, Jungkook.” You assure him while you wrap your arms around him, “I promise you're not dreaming. I'm here, I'm right here.”
His cries get louder and he pulls you impossibly closer.
“I love you,” he cries, “I love you, I'm so sorry I left you alone, I'm so sorry-”
“It's okay, I understand now,” you whisper tearfully, tucking your face into the juncture between his neck and shoulder like you used to do so often, “I love you.”
“Please tell me this is real,” he begs breathlessly when you pull away to look at him.
“It's real, you're okay and I'm okay,” You smile at him, “I'm so proud of you.”
“Why?” His voice quivers, but he seems out of it, only focused on looking at every little detail of your face, running his fingers along the soft lines and tracing your eyes and nose and lips.
You feel real.
But he had so many dreams of you before and they felt real too.
But the look in your eyes is different.
You looked dead inside before, in all those horrid dreams he had. Now you look more alive than you ever were.
Jungkook cups your face and pulls you into a kiss, making you fall into him where he's still sitting on the ground.
“Sorry,” he mumbles against your lips, but he doesn't stop kissing you.
You laugh against his mouth when he moves away briefly to get a breath before pressing his lips to yours again.
“I love you,” he whispers against your wet mouth when he finally pulls away for good.
“I love you, too.”
Jungkook gulps, keeping his eyes on your sweet face, never wanting to look away. He doesn't know what's going on, but he doesn't care.
You're okay; breathing and warm and alive.
You push yourself up so that you're not against him, freezing when he winces.
“Are you alright?” You whisper breathlessly.
He grits his teeth and nods instinctively, not wanting to worry you.
It feels like every bone in his body is broken. And his heart aches with a deep grief that he's never felt. It makes no sense.
You're here, why would he be grieving?
Jungkook raises his eyes to see Nehemiah standing over him and smiling as he reaches down and takes him gently under one arm. You take the other and you both help him stand, going slow and careful. He still gasps in pain when he's barely standing on two feet.
“You'll be okay soon, Kookie.” Nehemiah assures him sweetly.
“Where are we going?” Jungkook mumbles, barely able to stay conscious with the pain consuming him. He doesn't fight when you and the blue angel each put one of his arms around your shoulders and hold his waist. He has no strength left to argue.
Nehemiah turns his head and looks behind the three of you, at the gate.
He locks eyes with the demon standing on the other side and glaring with enraged hatred.
“Somewhere the roses will always bloom.”
“Mm…where is that?”
The angel smiles and turns back to his boy.
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Jungkook doesn't remember how they got here or where you and the other angel went, but he's with Nehemiah in a stunning field positively filled with flowers bursting with colors and trees covered in delicious fruit. Blue birds fly to and fro and squirrels and chipmunks hop through the grass before skittering up the trees.
It only takes a few moments before he recognizes where they are.
“I've been here before,” Jungkook mumbles, walking slowly with the angel beside him that's still holding him up.
“Yeah?” Nehemiah asks softly.
Jungkook nods and whispers, “Briefly.”
Nehemiah doesn't push him for answers.
“Where did Apple go?” Jungkook looks around, confused as to why he doesn't feel anxious like he ought to.
“You'll see her again soon.”
They walk a little more before Jungkook slows to a stop, turning his head at the sound of someone singing.
He doesn't see anyone.
When he turns back, Nehemiah is gone.
The name gets caught in Jungkook's throat when he sees someone ahead in the field, a being made entirely of golden light and shaped like a human. They're walking towards him.
He swallows.
There's a strange feeling of loss in his chest, paired with that horrible grief he couldn't figure out.
That's when he suddenly realizes.
It was the feeling he had the entirety of his time in Hell, it was paired with the grief of losing you but it wasn't the same.
It was a loss of something incomparable.
When the person of light reaches him, the ratty dark-haired boy just stands there silently, tears choking him for some reason unknown to him.
Then he's met with a pair of brown eyes flecked with gold and flowing white robes.
He falls to his knees, dropping his gaze to the vibrant green grass decorated with tiny fragile dew drops. The person standing there wears brown sandals with complicated looking straps.
The flowers and trees and creatures around him continue their praises, his breath gets caught in his chest and he gulps.
The miserable human drops his head further, turning away from this ethereal being. He can't face Him, he wants to hide the dirt and grime tainting him on the outside and the inside.
Jungkook closes his eyes, feeling His gaze on him, penetrating every inch and seeing right into his wretched soul.
“Lift your head, child.”
He shakes his head; choking on his tears while he fights the urge to curl up and hide himself in any way he can.
“I can't,” Jungkook sobs out the scarce words.
After a few seconds, he wipes the tears from his cheeks, smearing the dirt around.
“Please don't look at me. I don't deserve to be anywhere near You,” he whispers, shame thick in his voice, “I shouldn't even be here.”
He feels the grass move, his heart leaping to his throat when he realizes He has bent down in the grass in front of him.
“Raise your head, and look at Me.”
After several grueling seconds, Jungkook finally lifts his head, forcing himself to meet His eyes.
Suddenly he sees everything he's done; all of the souls he helped drag to Hell and all the poor innocents on Earth he made suffer for his own twisted sport.
A sob rips from his throat and he drops his gaze to shove his hands over his face.
“Why are you crying?”
Jungkook's cries get louder at just the sound of His voice; deep and soothing and beautiful.
“I'm sorry,” Jungkook sobs into his hands, shoulders shaking uncontrollably, his heart breaking into a thousand little pieces, “I'm so sorry.”
“Look at Me.”
“I can't-”
“Look at Me.”
Jungkook slowly lifts his head, tears dripping from his chin as he places his quivering hands into his lap.
The look in His eyes is enough to make him break again, but he holds on.
“I forgive you.”
Jungkook drops his head and sobs harder than he ever has.
The mutilated wings on his back turn to dust, it feels like that heavy weight has lifted from his body and he gasps.
It doesn't hurt anymore.
His body doesn't hurt anymore.
Jungkook can hardly breathe from how hard he's crying.
The lush field is filled with the mixed sounds of nature's praises and his loud weeping.
“Fear not, My child…I have redeemed you.”
When he's finally able to speak, the young man chokes out, “How? How c-could You ever forgive me after what I did?”
Jungkook misses the sad smile directed towards him.
Then the feeling of soft and warm hands cupping his cheeks makes him look up. His watery gaze meets those stunning eyes filled with a love and understanding he has never known.
Not until now.
“Because you...”
The deep voice that speaks shakes the flowers and trees surrounding them.
“-are Mine.”
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Jungkook walks with Him along the stone pavement that curls around puffy white, pink, and golden clouds.
“Where are we going?” he asks quietly.
“A lot of people have waited many years to see you again. But first, there's someone that's waited an even longer time to meet you,” He says, His voice gentle with a lilt of amusement.
Jungkook stops short when they round the corner and he's met with the sight of you crouched on the ground and gently petting a fully bloomed rose, delicate fingers tracing the bud sweetly. Beautiful white wings that have no trace of injury on them rest on your back, the tips just barely brushing the ground where you crouch.
Your name is on his lips, almost spilling out.
Then he sees the child crouching next to you and the name dies in his throat.
Long black hair falls down her back in waves and tiny pale yellow wings sit on her little back. She's dressed in a pretty white dress, no shoes on her tiny feet.
Giggles spill from the little girl's mouth and she turns to look in the direction you're looking after you've noticed them standing there.
She stands up, big dark eyes wide with wonder and an excited smile spreading on her face, bunny teeth protruding from her mouth when she whispers.
She runs as fast as she can towards the newcomers, her little bare feet padding across the pavement as she goes, small arms pumping at her sides.
Jungkook drops to his knees, at a loss for words but arms opening just in time for the tiny cannonball to come barreling into them.
A deep chuckle sounds from next to them where He watches with a smile.
“Aera,” Jungkook breathes over and over as he hugs her close, tears spilling down his cheeks.
He can't do anything but say her beautiful name again and again.
“I love you,” he chokes out, finally able to say the words he only ever got to whisper to her while she grew in your stomach.
“I love you,” she whispers back, “I love you so big and I want to show you the pretty roses, mommy says you love them.”
He sobs out a little laugh and looks up at his best friend that has come up, hands clasped behind your back and bare feet moving you up and down on your toes, excitement about to explode.
The look in his eyes conveys everything he wants to say but doesn't know how, everything that you did for him.
You smile softly.
You would've done the same for me.
Aera eventually pulls away just enough to cup Jungkook's cheeks with teeny hands, “Welcome home, daddy.”
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jinstronaut · 2 years
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your monthly dose of bts : jeon jungkook
day 8 / 31
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Jimin Spills the Tea.... KINDA
I mean let's be honest Jungkook spilled it first.
But here comes Jimin just in case we didn't catch that while he was literally in the next room off that kitchen
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"Happy birthday to our/my dongsaeng" (not JUST your dongsaeng amirite but cool go on go on) AND HE IS BLOWING OUT CANDLES AND NOT WEARING HIS WEVERSE PJS
And oh also btw Hobi came by
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That is Gay Code for "I was there, I took pictures, you ain't got any because We Don't Do Things That Way In The Jeon-Park House but look, I am a nice person, I will show you THEIR NOSES" That's not actually code of any kind, is it? HE JUST DID THAT. While Koo over here closing stuff out with Magic Shop and Jimin-jimin-jimining and OH HEY G2G WHY ARE THERE EXTRA BOTTLES OF BOOZE ON THIS TABLE HUH NO IDEAAAA
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Seokjin was IN ON IT and also, that poor cake
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Bonus JeiKei is a lil bit gluten intolerant these days which might explain that whole "NO RAMEN FOR YOU" husbandry we saw outta Jimin on RUN but annnnyyyyway
Guess we know who he didn't see. ALSO
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That's just mean. Mine hasn't even shipped yet.
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