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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
[Seungkwan X Vernon]
Enemies to friends to lovers
300k ,slow burn, mutual pinning, they don't know it's mutual but everyone else knows, status - on going
©- vernonsource on twt/X
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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
[Seungkwan X Vernon]
Enemies to friends to lovers
300k ,slow burn, mutual pinning, they don't know it's mutual but everyone else knows, status - on going
©- vernonsource on twt/X
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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
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Арты брала в гулящем интернете, если кто то знает авторов(я не знаю), то пожалуйста скажите их ники, не знаю нужно ли отмечать авторов под их артами, но если надо, то я с радостью
Не знаю говорил ли кто об этом
∆Так вышло, что я буквально пару дней назад увидела как выглядит Питер Стил из группы type o negative, и я АХУЕЛА,
Ребятки, как человек, который уже 3,5 года скролит разные фанфики по системе, по моему самому любимому и сладкому пейрингу Мобей/Цинхуа (я только с ними фанфики и читаю, особенно современные ау или вампирское, всë люблю, мрмррмрмр) и как только я увидела Питера, в голову как ударило: "Да это же человеческая версия Мобея!!!"
Я имею ввиду именно внешние и физические данные, в биографии певца я не сильно осведомлена, так чуть-чуть
Так вот, кхе-кхе ВЫ ВИДЕЛИ ЭТИ МУСКУЛЫ, ЭТО ЛИЦО И ГЛАЗА, АОАООАОАОА, БОЖЕЕ МОЙЙ, КАК ЖЕ ОН ХОРОШ, А ГРУДЬ ТО ГРУУУДЬ!!!!! Перечитав тоны фанфиков фанфиков, именно такого Мобея рисовало мне воображение. Но кто бы мог подумать, что такой человек существует в реальности, спасибо этим людям)))) (тип спасибо его маме и папе)
Когда вижу Питера и Мобея ловлю ассоциации с волками или вампирами (ну про снег, много снега и заснеженную п��стошь тут и упоминать думаю не стоит и так понятно)
Но вот с музыкальной группой Мобей у меня ассоциируется с Deftones, а именно песня от этой группы Rosemary. Потому что в первый год, когда я только начала зачитываться фанфиками с его участием, спотифай во время чтения вдруг выдал мне эту песню, и как же эта песня подходила, моя голова объявила эту песню Мошаней
Наконец я об этом сказала, ещë в первый день своего порицания, хотела об этом написать
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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
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more moshang spam because im actually obsessed
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yooboointhemood · 2 days ago
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Mbj goes a little feral when he sees sqh's nape for the first time.
For @moshangevents dxd event!
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
I have been chipping away at that Moshang Vampire AU (canon divergence style) for months now. Spiritually, it's a sequel to that "demons have horns" AU in that the vibes are extremely horny, which is a little awkward for me to write, but I really want to get this one done because it's MBJ POV and he's not the vampire, which is a lot of fun. It's very embarrassing for him.
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
Modern AU where Mobei Jun and Shang Qinghua meet in university.
Mobei Jun is the son of some CEO big shot and majors in business. He grew up with not only a silver spoon but also a whole set of golden cutlery. It is already set in stone that he will inherit the business and that is the reason he is in the business major.
Shang Qinghua is also studying business because his parents demanded he'd do something that would make money. At the same time, he is double majoring in International Literature (his real passion). So he is swamped with assignments, barely getting by. But because he is poor and his parents don't really care about him (only sending money from time to time), he has to rely on a scholarship. But this forbids him from working part time. The money only covers his rent and he struggles financially in the months his parents forget about him. So he started ghost writing to have at least a little bit to buy food and necessities. Which results in him getting less sleep than is good even for a university student.
One day both of them get grouped up for an assignment. Mobei Jun is pretty well known to be less than enthusiastic about assignments (not that he needs good grades), but Shang Qinghua needs a good grade to get his scholarship renewed. So on the very first day, he asks - read as pathetically begging - Mobei Jun to take this assignment seriously. The rich kid is taken aback, but agrees instead of changing his group partner.
From there on the two of them meet often for the assignment and it becomes abundantly clear to Mobei Jun that Shang Qinghua is way past a burnout. During these weeks the shadows under the guy's eyes become deeper and deeper and he becomes thinner and thinner. So one day, Mobei Jun orders take out for the both of them as they work on the assignment. Shang Qinghua resists at first - even trying to pay for it - but in the end the hunger is bigger and he basically inhales a hole bucket of korean fried chicken as if it was nothing. Mobei Jun could swear that the guy was crying while eating. And for some reason that intrigues Mobei Jun.
The next time they meet, Mobei Jun claims that he has cooked too much and needed someone to help him eat all that (which is a lie, he instructed his personal chef to cook for two for the evening). Even though Shang Qinghua doesn't want to be a bother, he doesn't want the food to go to waste. And so he agrees. This happens more often, but the commute from Mobei Jun's house to Shang Qinghua's little room is long and wastes time. Which means even less sleep for him.
Of course Mobei Jun notices. He seems to notice every little thing about this weird guy for some reason since that day he ordered those korean fried chicken. So on a whim he buys a nice appartment only 5 minutes from Shang Qinghua's room. It means he needs longer to drive to university, but he even likes that because he made it a habit to take Shang Qinghua with him every morning to university and waits for him every evening.
Shang Qinghua starts to stay longer at Mobei Jun's. They two understand each other for some reason. They like each other's company and somehow become accustomed to it. Even as the assignment is done, they keep meeting. Although, Shang Qinghua feels strangely out of place in this big appartment. He knows that he doesn't belong in this luxurious place. But every time he tries to stop meeting Mobei Jun, the other finds some reason why Shang Qinghua should come over again.
Mobei Jun knows about Shang Qinghua's little gig. But because he is basically feeding him now, he notices how Shang Qinghua works less on those ghost writings and more time writing things he likes. He looks a lot healthier now and for some reason this makes Mobei Jun extremely happy. He can't imagine how it would be without him here. Their meetings become even more frequent. And some of these time's Shang Qinghua stays over because they talked until deep in the night.
During one of these nights he hears how Mobei Jun is tossing around in his sleep. Worried he checks on Mobei Jun only to find him drenched in sweat, having a nightmare. He can't wake him, but notices how he becomes calmer as soon as he sits on the bed. So now Shang Qinghua stays more often, sneaking into Mobei Jun's room as soon as he is fast asleep. He sometimes brings his laptop, typing away on some story or assignment. Mobei Jun notices that after a while, but he never says anything about it, but he is deeply thankful for Shang Qinghua.
They become even closer, neither of them talking about what their relationship is, although Shang Qinghua basically lives there now. And after one time where he fell asleep next to Mobei Jun and woke up in the strong arms of him, they are also sharing the bed.
That's all that I came up with until now~ I just like to think about them.
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
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"mobei-jun's intervention"
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
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Febuwhump 2k25 - Day 22 - "Grab The Little One"
something something Shang Qinghua getting bullied by demons … but he is just a little guy!
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
For some reason, in every of my hc‘s of Moshang, Mobei Jun is the less emotionally and mentally stable. And I know that most fics and headcanons are the other way around. And that is okay. I also love those. Shang Qinghua is also an emotional nervous wreck, always kind of on the run.
It makes sense. He suddenly is in his novel and all his plotholes are coming for him, but also the stuff that should be set in stone is changing ALL THE TIME. He is in a canon fodder body and just like Shen Qingqiu he just wants to survive. At the same time, the system is way less talkative to him, giving him almost no help (not that SQQ got that much more), and also coming way later into his transmigration (the reason being that it is getting its power from LBH’s presence). He cannot relax around Mobei Jun because he doesn‘t know if the ice prince isn‘t killing him one day.
But I also think that changes after the main plot (or at least after the extra chapters) gradually. He no longer fears death by Mobei Jun, he much more sees him as his protector against whatever looms in the unknown future. So he gradually loses his anxiety of dying every other moment. He settles beside Mobei Jun and becomes much more stable over time. The urge to flee at any giving moment subsides.
At the same time, Mobei Jun, who always suppressed his emotions, has the space to let those out. His caring and love for Shang Qinghua is the first emotion, but it snowballs into this whole mass of other emotions, he is unfamiliar dealing with. Now, he is the one, who is afraid of SQH leaving and he is terrified by the thought that something could happen to his husband. Suddenly he is the one with the anxious attachment style, because SQH has left many times, who knows if there isn‘t a next time and if that one might be the last he ever sees Shang Qinghua. And why wouldn‘t he leave? Mobei Jun was horrible towards him for years.
He starts questioning if SQH even loves him or if it isn‘t some weird Stockholm Syndrom thingy. And it troubles him a lot. He wants SQH to be close at all times, but he also doesn‘t want him to be sick of him. And on top of all that he has all those other emotions to somehow handle.
And that is when Shang Qinghua steps in as the emotional support hamster for his husband. He helps Mobei Jun to regulate his emotions, reassures him and yes, he stays by his side at his own volition. He doesn‘t see it a a weakness, but he recognises that his husband needs help.
And who better is there when it comes to emotions. Shang Qinghua has never used his tears sparingly. He is there when Mobei Jun cries for the first time, even though he himself doesn‘t know why he is crying. All the while SQH is holding this man who is way bigger than himself and whispering into his ears that everything is alright and that he can let it all out. And I just know that Shang Qinghua has tears in his eyes, too. It wretches his heart to see the man he loves coming so undone. But he is also happy that he feels safe enough in his arms, to show him this side.
And as time goes on, they slowly manage to lean onto each other. Mobei Jun gets better with managing and understanding his emotions. His anxiety resides, but he will always hold Shang Qinghua in his arms as if it could be the last time, because he just wants him to feel how deeply in love he is. And Shang Qinghua finally opens up to Mobei Jun about his transmigration. He even tells him, how he sculpted Mobei Jun to be his dream man, although his face is in a deep red shade while talking about that part.
And they live happily ever after!
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
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★ 【门徒】 「 cardcaptor sakura 」 ✔ reprinting permitted (2.22.25)
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yooboointhemood · 10 days ago
I've seen 5 years, 18 years, 800 years but they've been pining for 6000+ years 😭 Aziraphale and Crowley are the founding fathers of gay pining
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yooboointhemood · 13 days ago
i love a modern moshang where SQH is the famous one. The idea of stoic, pretty rich boy MBJ secretly being a fan of either famous author or idol or actor or whatever SQH, his ears going red when SQH acts cutesy or does fan service but otherwise looking calm and collected. They end up meeting and SQH is like “oh no! this hot guy hates me!!!” meanwhile MBJ is getting cuteness aggression and his ears are the darkest shade of red you’ve ever seen.
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yooboointhemood · 13 days ago
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Not featured: Shen Yuan trying to fend off a migraine
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