#demi sora
ifjenn · 3 months
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mcqicons · 2 years
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aro-sora · 10 months
I'm very much a platonic paopu enthusiast but for the sake of this singular post let's interpret it as romantic bc I just realized the only time Sora ever initiates is with the cave drawing when he's alone and doesn't have to say anything out loud. very arospec of him
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tharkflark1 · 2 years
People who deny Soriku:
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Like its gonna happen
And its gonna be great
Honestly? It’ll be SUPER weird if sokai happens now. Unless they do some MAJOR relationship stuff in KH4 for them (Sora for the romance bit and Kairi having enough legs to stand on her own without Sora)
Rn? With Fairy Godmother telling Riku that his Dreams are the key/will come true? That’s like
And not to mention Riku, outside of Sora, does have a strong personality and relationships (see: Mickey and the TWEWY gang) and his dedication for Sora goes beyond just simple romance.
And Sora has shown way more interest in Riku overall than Kairi (see how in KH3 he doesn’t even MENTION her until she’s explicitly important to the convo but the moment Sora gets into San Fransokyo it’s just like I GOTTA tell Riku; no mention of Kairi)
Itd be odd to have Sora be in a romantic relationship with someone he barely talks about casually unless they’re in the room.
And I’m not even gonna go into all the scenes in Dream Drop Distance
Honestly go check out Constructing Kingdom episode 9 on YouTube cuz he explains it WAY better than I ever could
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usaharatobikichi · 6 days
Ever since i heard tiny sora say riku is his tiny voice i have been echoing it since and i cant say riku normally. He is just. Too cutes.
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llannasvsp · 9 months
dragons rising spoilers
Sora: "How did you just never mention you're the grandson of the guy who created Ninjago?"
Lloyd: "Eh, it never came up."
I AM SO GLAD THAT LLOYD'S KIND OF DEMI-GOD STATUS IS BEING BROUGHT UP. Sometimes I have to remind myself that Lloyd is literally related god himself, because the show never brings it up. I'm kinda glad it doesn't get talked about a lot though because for Lloyd, it's just another day in Ninjago. Anyway. 10/10 moment. I nose laughed which was painful and that doesn't happen often.
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sorikufeels · 25 days
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hi i made some soriku pride icons based on the headcanons i have for them! i also have alternate versions that i’ll post separately where i adjusted the colors of the characters themselves to reflect the colors the flags!! i had a lot of fun with these so if anyone wants them with a different flag id probably be down to make that!
please like/reblog if you use! :)
edit: alternative versions here!!
i’m gonna ramble a bit about my headcanons below the cut lol
for sora:
i see sora as pansexual and arospec!!
as an arospec person myself i relate a lot to what sora says in the character files about not really getting love so i hold him being arospec very near and dear to my heart!! i think differentiating different kinds of love is confusing for him and i don’t know where he falls on the spectrum (and i don’t think he does either!!) but he’s somewhere along there so that is why i used the arospec flag!!
that being said, i do think he experiences attraction to some degree and i don’t really see gender influencing his attraction at all so i hc him as pan. bi could also work but i personally identify more with pan and love to project lmao
for riku:
i see riku as gay, demisexual, and trans!!
riku has only really shown real interest in sora throughout the whole series (since him being like “i’ll share the paopu fruit with kairi” was a way to get under sora’s skin) so we’ve only seen him as attracted to a guy so that’s why i see him as gay! also his whole interaction with shiki in dream drop just fucking screamed that he’s gay and please get this girl away from him oh god
i don’t have a reason for hc’ing riku as demi i just feel like the vibes fit lol
i am a riku is a trans man truther!!!! i don’t really have a canon supported reason for this either i just love the headcanon that he’s trans. you know for a fact he wears his binder way too long bro someone tell him it’s bad for him please
also i have the trans flag for both of them above, but im really only hard set on riku being trans. however, t4t soriku is very sweet and i love it so much 🥺
anyway rambling over, thank you for reading lol
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actuallyacerrr · 1 month
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|| Dragon Rising Headcanons
Pairing(s) ->
Warning(s) ->
Summary ->
Headcanons for the characters: Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre.
A ML : S ML : W ML
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Arin ->
Idk cause I can see him as both trans and cis.. I want his gender 😭 anyway he/they (mostly he/him.) To me Arin is also queer!
(^ there ain’t no straight ninjas here yall.)
Anyway getting into the nitty griddy.
Has nightmares about losing his parents.
He first confided in Sora especially because they’re both in the same boat just different circumstances.
Later talking to Lloyd about it.
They have weekly talking- therapy? sessions.
He learned to bake with his parents. Now he bakes with cole when they can.
Cole is like a big brother to him!
Sora ->
Demi-girl, she/her, lesbian. << getting these out the way.
Now part of the inventer squad.
Joins them in making stuff.
Is really helpful with her elemental power.
Learning to communicate with dragons from Wyldfyre.
Cat person, once built a robot cat.
^ would make a robot cat again.
Over all thinks cat things are adorable.
Wyldfyre ->
Gender queer, she/he, aroace.
Wonders what growing up in a normal family would’ve been like.
Can understand dragons to a T. From verbal ro body language, gestures, dynamics, etc.
Her and Kai like spicy things.
Here for like a sorta big brother little sister vibe or possibly like a father/mentor and child/student vibe. I don’t remember the popular one but that.
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embraceyourdestiny · 5 months
i just found a soriku greek (hercules) demi god au and i had to share it with yall
"soriku hercules au where sora is a child of zeus and hes just looking for his place he belongs in the world. a prophecy was foretold to zeus the king of gods that one day a child of a god would defeat his brother hades. sora is a son of zeus and just when he is born hades sends to have him kidnapped and killed, assuming he would be his unmaking. sora survived and fell to earth, living with humans in safety as an obvious outsider and feeling alone and like he doesnt belong. he leaves his town to find where he does belongs and comes to find out zeus the king of gods is his father and he is tasked to train to be a hero by him.
unbeknownst to them all, hades himself also had a child, riku, who he trained to be his spy and executioner. he was tasked with killing any and all children of gods to keep his father's prophecy from coming true, and one day he stumbles upon a silly boy asking for directions to the nearest temple. riku then learns sora is in fact a child of zeus but thinks hes too scrawny to be a threat (and maybe feels more for him) and they go to find the trainer of heroes together, sora to complete his goal and riku to 'finish his mission', becoming close friends and throwing riku's sense of identity into turmoil. is hes his father's son, the hero slayer, or is he simply riku, sora's friend, a possible hero? is it only impossible in this world to be both?"
also they meet kairi because shes a water nymph living on phils land and raised by him and she kicks ass.
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mooniekive · 1 year
slow burn | two (preview + link)
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Pairing: min yoongi x reader 
AU: neighbors!au | producer!yooongi and teacher reader | they both identify as bi, and reader is aspec (grey-sexual/demi-romantic)
Genre: slow burn, kind of slice of life | fluff, angst
Word Count: 2k (preview) | 15.5k (chapter)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mention of queerphobic parents, misunderstandings, angst
When one of your best friends and neighbors moves in with his partner, you’re surprised to have a quiet (and attractive) man move in next door. His protective nature intrigues you, and his looks pull you in with a magnetism so unfamiliar to you.
Min Yoongi is so used to being on his own that when he moves into a new place, and into an existing little found family, he’s forced out of his little box. He has no other choice but to finally allow himself to want. To want what he always desired — a place and people to comfortably exist with. 
Preview under cut, or read on ao3
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As September rolls over the hills of Seoul, the heat seems to be cooling down along with it. You can wear thicker clothing, or more of it, without getting sweaty during the school day. Not to mention the commute to and from school is more enjoyable, you even decided to walk home today to enjoy the bustle of the streets, the rush of cars and young people moving about the city. The weather is finally letting you appreciate your surroundings. You were never a fan of summer, but this end of summer bliss is almost beautiful. 
Although the weather is better, it regrettably doesn't make teaching any less stressful. The ten to eleven year olds nowadays seem to be closer to pre-puberty than you remember being as a kid. Their hormones are making them act out and pick on the quieter ones in the class. There isn’t much you have been able to do without the parents getting involved, and most of them seem to think it’s nothing to worry about. They think it’s a phase and that their child will grow out of it, never mind the seriousness that bullying can easily turn into — how dangerous it can be when kids are allowed to do what they want. 
Your only choice has been to try and get through the kids to dissipate the issue, but it doesn’t seem to be working. On the contrary, it has only made their attitude worse. There isn’t much use in dwelling over it right now anyways. Maybe a good night’s sleep and some destressing will help you figure out what to do. 
You sigh as you feel the rush of cold air hit your bare arms as you swing the door open to the cafe. It’s your favorite cafe, only a few blocks away from your apartment and coincidentally right in the middle of your walk home from school. 
Jeongguk stayed at school today to get some stuff done, so Sora, the barista, is surprised to see you alone. 
“Y/N, where’s Jeonggukie?” 
“Stayed at school. Jimin too, but he said he’ll come over in a bit,” you add, giving a small knowing smile. 
Sora smiles and can’t hide their blush. “Oh, yes, he told me,” they add with a blinding smile. You always found Sora cute, in a quiet way, maybe it’s because of their shyness. You weren’t surprised when Jimin started coming this way to get his coffee despite it being the opposite way from his home. “The usual?” Sora asks. 
You smile at them and nod, taking out your card. “Can you add a strawberry pastry?” 
The place is calm and cozy, with a minimal aesthetic of warm colors — mostly brown and creams. Splashes of color hang on the wall in the form of local artist’s paintings. There’s a large window next to the door, surprisingly with an empty table. The soft R&B music playing helps create the perfect mood to relax your body and clear your mind, even if it’s just for a few minutes. 
You move over to set up shop by the table, and take out your laptop and notebook to start working, to get ahead on next week’s planner and input observations from the last few days. By the time Sora brings over your order, the air conditioner has made you pull a cardigan over exposed tattooed arms. You don’t have many, and you’re so used to hiding them at school that you sometimes forget you have them, so you’re a little surprised to find Sora staring. 
“I saw you got a new one?” 
You frown and look down at your arm as if you could see the ink over the cardigan. “Oh… uh, maybe about a year ago?” 
“Oh wow,” Sora laughs softly, “haven’t seen your tattoos since then, it’s pretty!” 
You recall the tattoo they mean, situated on your right arm, it’s a tiny patch of grass with some wild flowers and a black cat smelling them. Bokshil, of course. You smile and whisper a small thanks. 
Your quiet conversation is interrupted by the soft ding of the shop door opening, a smiling Jimin walking in behind it. 
“Min-ah!” Sora surprises you by saying quite loudly, beaming at their partner. Even getting the attention of some of the other customers. 
You laugh softly and shake your head. You leave them to be in their moment as you take a sip of the vanilla latte and focus your gaze out the window to people watch. There’s several shops lining the street. People walk out of bookshops and outlets, sweat beating down their skin as they look down at their phones, or look out for cars as they cross the street. 
Then you catch something small, a four legged furry friend, white with black dots rubbing against a stranger. Except the stranger isn’t really a stranger. As your eyes pan over them you’re surprised to find Yoongi smiling down at the cat. He squats down, placing his takeout bag down so he can coo and scratch at the kitty. He’s wearing a cap and a face mask, but you’re a little embarrassed at the fact you know it’s him. The eyes that crinkle with the smile, and the same mannerisms and hands that scratch under the cat’s chin are enough to confirm that it indeed is your next door neighbor. He’s wearing a familiar black shirt and cargo shorts too, which only confirms it further. 
You can’t help but watch intently as he removes his face mask so the cat can see him, and you giggle when you see him mouth something to the cat, to which the cat meows. 
Shily, you look away and down at your coffee. Min Yoongi makes it very easy for you to get away from yourself. To let your thoughts stray to places you don’t often let them drift towards. To question every little reaction you have to him. You know Yoongi is attractive, and any person you ask would agree, but what you mean is different. Yoongi is attractive to you, something you can’t say happens often. Still, you know that isn’t something to act on. Min Yoongi has no idea you find him attractive and is best he doesn’t. 
He doesn’t make it very easy though, as every time he tries to compliment you it makes you freeze up. Is he being nice? Or does he really find you attractive? And if he does, then what? It’s not like you can do anything about it. 
Of course you’re not unfamiliar with pleasing that side of yourself when it demands so, but this is different. He’s your neighbor and friend. If you got involved in that way, and he expected more and you couldn’t give him that? Worse, what if you found yourself feeling more for him and he didn’t? Romantic feelings don’t come easily to you, and you’d much rather ignore them than be hurt by disappointment if they were to be rejected. That’s if they even developed suddenly. 
Suddenly… would they be sudden? You have known Yoongi for a while, but you couldn’t say you’re even close friends yet. Are you?
You shake your head. “You always do this,” you mutter to yourself before taking a bite of the pastry. 
It’s so easy for you to get ahead of yourself daydreaming, imagine something growing bigger and more complex than it is, especially with relationships of any kind. Sure, it’s been about three years since you found yourself attracted to someone physically, but you have to keep reminding yourself how that ended. They wanted more and you just never… got there. You were never able to reciprocate romantic feelings. 
Not to mention when you have had feelings for someone they weren’t too happy about your… often plagued disinterest in sex of any kind. You can’t ever win, can you? 
Again, you shake your head. This is why you can’t get carried away with Min Yoongi, you can’t complicate things. He’s your friend, and your friend he should remain. 
Speaking of the devil. 
Your phone dings with his tone and you can’t help but smile at finding a text from him. 
Yoongi Oppa
Hey neighbor… Ordered some food and they accidentally gave me braised tofu. Come get some. 
You can’t help but laugh, and feel a warmth move through you at the realization that Yoongi seems to accidentally have vegetarian food a lot of the time. For someone who loves meat he’s sure found himself in quite some predicaments lately. 
How exactly are you accidentally given braised tofu? 
🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t know. Maybe the same way they accidentally gave me sweet crispy mushrooms. 
Oh wow, maybe you should complain 🫢
Maybe I should 🤔 i think it’s their fault there’s some vegan kimchi and cucumber salad in my fridge… 
You have to pause and place your phone down so you can contain yourself. You don’t know if to laugh or be overwhelmed by his kindness. You feel an emotion you haven’t felt in a long time move over you, and it makes your eyes prickle with tears. It’s been a long time since someone took care of you like that. Even Seokjin wouldn’t go out of his way that much. He'll happily make you food if you ask, but Min Yoongi doesn’t wait to be asked. He doesn’t even want to be acknowledged when he does something for someone, which in turn makes you unsure of how to act. 
Should you point it out and say thank you? Tell him he doesn’t have to do this all the time? That will only make him bashful and brush it off like nothing, act like it’s an inconvenience, when in truth, he’s going out of his way to please his friends every time. 
👀 hu??? 
Come over and get your food already. Or I’m gonna throw it out. 
You laugh again, but wipe away a stray tear. 
:( I’m working at a cafe right now. 
Think you can save it for me, please oppa? 
Fine 🙄. 
Don’t eat too many sweets without eating a proper meal. 
I won’t… 
Don’t be too cooped up in your room ☺️. 
I haven’t been! 
I went out and even saw a cat today! I swear. 
Bokshil? Did he finally let you see him? 
No! I saw an actual friendly cat. 
Hey! Bokshil is nice! 
I’m starting to believe no cat will approach you.
Not fair, just cause your cat doesn’t trust me doesn’t mean other cats don’t 🤧
I’m joking, he just needs to get used to you being present more… 
But I believe you about the cat 🤣 . 
Good, cause I’m not lying. He was cute and small. 
As for Bokshil, he needs to get used to me soon, I’m not going anywhere. And I’m quite fond of his human. 
You stop again, taking in his words and surprising yourself by the visceral reaction. It’s like your heart stopped for a second to take in his comment. You even had to place your phone down on the table and take a long sip from the half-empty glass. You take an aggressive bite from the pastry and swallow. 
He’s just being nice. He’s being friendly. Yoongi has gone out of his way to not push his comments or compliments because he noticed you get uncomfortable. He’s observant, and considerate, you know that much. 
He will… he tends to warm up to people I’m fond of. 
You close the app, lock your phone, and turn back to your laptop, hoping Yoongi doesn’t read into it something he shouldn’t. Your words are honest though, you are fond of him, and he’s slowly becoming a special dear friend to you. You want Bokshil to like him. 
After deciding it would be best to place your phone in the tote bag you carry, you get back to work.
Continue reading here.
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starsabovethesun · 8 months
Giving LEGOS a gender and sexuality because I can :)
Lloyd: Transman, aromatic asexual (he/they)
Kai: Bigender, queer (he/she)
Zane: Agender, demi-romantic pan asexual (any pronouns except for it/its)
Cole: non-binary, greyromantic, gay, demi-sexual (he/they/she)
Jay: Genderfluid, pan, asexual (she/they/zap, occasionally uses he/him)
Nya: Cis woman, bisexual (she/her)
Pixal: unlabeled, aroflux, neptunic (he/pup)
Skylor: Transfem, lesbian (she/her)
Vania: pangender, queer (fae/she/xey)
Morro: non-binary, questioning (they/he)
Echo: demi-gender, lesbian (they/it)
Harumi: transfem, lesbian (it/she)
Akita: wolfgender, aromatic (woof/they)
Sora: transfem, bisexual (they/meow/she)
Arin: non-binary, aromatic asexual (they/them)
Wyldfyre: love and gender are suggestions (any pronouns)
Euphrasa: demigirl, pansexual (they/she)
Geo: transmasc, uranic (he/him)
Mr. Frohicky (because why not?): non-binary, queer (he/they)
Wait I forgot-
Wu: cisgender, asexual (he/him, doesn't mind they/them pronouns)
Misako: cisgender, straight (she/her) (she's the biggest ally though)
Garmadon: genderqueer, gay (literally doesn't care what pronouns are used)
Vinny: transmasc, omni, aceflux (he/him)
Btw uranic means you like all genders except for women and woman-aligned non-binary people, and neptunic is the opposite of that :)
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jocdemis · 1 month
My last batch of keychain are ready to be order so now it’s time to move to Kingdom Hearts !!!
That’s why you can now pre-order those cuties on my ko-fi right here !
If those one work even just a little I make the next trio I just don’t know which one…
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mcqicons · 2 years
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martiwikiwi · 3 months
Welcome to yet another post of Marta's very old OCs! Today we have another of my 2010's queer dramas, but this one was a special comic because it was like, the origin of all the other dramas I drew after. Also, I drew this comic twice, and the second time it had a special ending featuring a character from another comic that took place in the future because by changing the ending of this story he could rewrite the timeline and avoid the big drama of his own story, which allowed me to draw that comic again but with a new ending. It was a very complex story, ok?
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This imposibly handsome wizard was the main character: Prince Darkdawn (he/him). He was a very talented half-elf wizard but his weapon of choice were his fists, and he punched the bad ones real hard. He had a very important mission: to protect an angel. Ironically, by the end of the story he died of an incurable illness that the angel infects him with... Despite of being a prince, his dream was to make a living of his erotica novels that for some reason nobody dared to publish. He started the story claiming he had never felt attraction (you can see my surprise as I was reading the comic and finding my first asexual quote) but by the end of the story he had three boyfriends. Looking at him from the distance, he was demi and pansexual, also sickly romantic. Wanna know his army of boyfriends?
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This super cool elf here is Sora (he/him). Sora's big drama was he had amnesia and couldn't remember anything of three years of his life. Ironically, during the story he had an accident and forgot everything but remembered what happened during those three years and that's when he discovered he already knew the angel! Because he used to be his bodyguard! And they were a couple! But drama happened and was forced to quit the job then! And his romantic relationship with the angel too. He was the responsible party member, always caring about everyone and planning stuff ahead. His very gay ass fell in love with the prince almost instantly.
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The cutest and smallest warrior ever was Song (he/him). Yes, this is a very early version of my Prince Forgotten Love Song, actually, both of them have a serious heart condition. However, this Song wasn't a prince and couldn't cast any magic, instead, he was trained exclusively for protecting the angel, so he was like his (new) official bodyguard. He was very very very cute and everyone adored him because of reasons and while he was the most capable party member he felt very frustrated at the minor failures. He was crazy for the angel and by the middle of the story started falling in love with the prince too. He was a very dramatic gay but also very top.
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Finally, we have Angel (he/him). He was... good for nothing. He was a failed experiment and had super dangerous psychic powers he couldn't control. He actually used his powers once to defend Song in a battle but hurt everyone instead so for the rest of the story his role is of a helpless maiden. Because he was so so useless, everyone was obsessed with his well-being and loved him dearly. He had chronic pain and disliked his angel wings a lot. By the end of the story, the love of the prince, his exes (Sora wasn't his only ex) and the kiddo transformed him into A GOD OF LIGHT or something like that.
It was such a drama of 500+ pages full of sweet romantic scenes and tears. I don't do romantic scenes like that anymore...
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emzi-148 · 1 year
Because yes✨
I've already said my HCs with the ninja's + Skylor & PIXAL's here, but I'm gonna do this anyways lol
Cole - Demisexual Biromantic, Demi-boy (she/he/they)
Jay - Pansexual, Trans FtM (he/him)
Kai - Bisexual, Cisgender (he/him)
Lloyd - Pansexual Demiromantic, Cisgender (he/him)
Nya - Straight Ally, Cisgender (she/they)
Skylor - Demisexual Heteroromantic, Demi-girl (she/her)
Zane - Asexual Panromantic, Agender (he/they)
PIXAL - Asexual Omniromantic, Nonbinary (any pronouns)
Vania - Pansexual, Cisgender (she/her)
Morro - Aromantic, Cisgender (he/him)
Arin - Straight Ally, Cisgender (he/him)
Sora - Aromatic Asexual, Demi-girl (any pronouns)
I'll do the others soon… eventually—
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ladymariayuri · 9 months
No more making fun of me for misremembering Sora as demi fiend in that game clutter screenshot because you can't blame me when this is a real screenshot from a real licensed video game collaborating with another real video game. Patrick shoot that thang
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