#deciding is so hard aaaaaaaah
wcrden · 2 months
i sort of want to focus on wrio and just maybe one more blog but between zhongli, aether, haitham and arlo idk whoooo
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pardonmydelays · 29 days
what’s your ranking of twenty one pilots’ albums 👀
you know what, i've been thinking about this question all day & i still don't think i have the right answer, but i'll try my best:
vessel - my baby, this will always be my favourite album and nothing will ever beat it, it has absolutely no skips for me, it's just pure perfection (+ holding on to you is my fave twenty one pilots song EVER if anyone cares, also car radio! migraine! ode to sleep! house of gold! ukulele!!! AAAAAAAAH!)
trench - i know it's actually fan favourite & it's also the one that got me into their music, it's incredibly good so i had no choice but to place it here (also no skips i think?), the storytelling is absolutely insane
clancy - i know it's actually too early to say it but i think it might be better than blurryface for me? but idk, like i said i am just obsessed with it at the moment so ask me again in a couple weeks hahaha
blurryface - or maybe i like it as much as clancy? it's really hard to tell... also, fun fact, i actually listen to this one more than trench but i just think trench is generally better, idk I'M LOST ALREADY I CANNOT DECIDE
self titled - i don't listen to it as much as the others but i still think it's such a great album (addict with a pen, march to the sea, a car a torch a death, taxi cab, isle of flightless birds... you know i'm right)
scaled and icy - i don't hate it, ok? i know a lot of people say it's their worst album, well, it still has some of my favourite songs (choker, formidable, redecorate, mulberry street), i just think it's not as good as the others
regional at best - ok, i'm sorry but despite the songs that i absolutely love (forest, kitchen sink, anathema) it's just... well, i skip most of the songs because i just prefer vessel versions + trees (microwaved version) ruins the entire album for me lol it's an amazing song, one of my faves, but this version is one big nope
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Trick or treat!
The palace was quiet, which should be normal for midnight, but there was something... creepy in this silence. Carla clutched the book she fell asleep over on the library tighter to her chest and shuffled through the corridor to her room, constantly looking around. Suddenly she stopped. She wasn't alone.
Carla quickly turned around, putting her book before herself like a shield (oh how she wished she had her tamborita with herself!) but there was no one there. For a long moment she kept frozen and scanned the dark corridor for any movement. Just as she was about to turn around and continue on her way to her room, something rustled in the potted plant on her right.
Slowly, Carla evened out her breathing and raised the book over her head. One step after another she closed on the plant and...
"WAAABWHABWAAAA!!!" A terribly twisted, red face of a monster roared and jumped at her from the plant.
"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Carla screamed back and clubbed the monster across the face with the book.
"Owww did you have to hit so hard?" the monster now let out a fully human groan.
"Wait a moment," Carla stopped right before hitting the attacker a second time. "I'd recognize this whiny voice everywhere. Mateo?" She reached for the mask and revealed almost equally twisted (from pain) face of the Royal Wizard.
"Happy Halloween?" He cracked a smile taking Carla's extended hand and standing back up.
"Happy Hal-" Carla stopped mid sentence, with her brows furrowed and her mouth agape. "You mean you decided to cause me a heart attack in the middle of the night," she pointed accusatively at the mask laying on the floor and gestured around her, as if to point out the entirety of the sleeping palace. "Just because of some Norbergian holliday?!"
"Oh come on, you have to admit that was a good prank..." Mateo defended himself but his smile immediately dropped seeing as Carla was clearly not amused. No, the expression on her face he'd rather call "rage" or maybe "thirst for vengeance".
"Uh oh."
"Prank? Prank?!" Carla raised the book back over her head and Mateo started to slowly back out. And now he was in full sprint. "Where are you going, I want to show you how we celebrated Halloween in Cordoba!!"
I hope you enjoyed this little treat ^^
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
*deepest breath as I collect my strength*
Aaaaaaaah!!!! I can NOT believe that we're here already! Where did the time go? How did we even get here? Tsu'tey! 👀 *hysterically high voice as I scowl at your stupid ass!... however fine it might be*
Oh wow... Predictions... Theories... Thoughts... Wishes... Hopes...
I do, of course, hope that they'll get a happy ending, because, well... we all do, I think lol But other than that, I hope that Tsu'tey will realize what he's done to the reader by allowing Takuk to court her. Tsu'tey is merciless indeed... 💔
I am, very secretly, hoping for an unplanned pregnancy. That flavor of angst and despair is just... absolutely delicious, but I also know that it's not everyone's cup of tea XD
I also love the idea of the reader being honest with Takuk and that they'll perhaps form a closer friendship instead, something Tsu'tey will misinterpret as the courting going well, only for his mood to turn sour and darker the more time passes 😈
Make that boyo squirm good before he comes crawling to the reader asking for forgiveness and a second chance... Huehuehue 😇✨✨
There's so many ways you can make this go and I absolutely can't wait to see what you'll have happen next. I am beyond excited to read the final chapter! Between Mo'at and the reader telling Tsu'tey not to touch her, the angst is seriously high XD I hope you've had so much fun while writing on the last chapter! 🥰✨✨✨
omg thank you for sending this in, i'm in LOVE WITH YOU!!!!♡♡♡
you're def on the right track with these predictions, i am having a lot of fun writing this, esp figuring out how tsu'tey would actually behave. like i love the groveling trope but i don't see him like the exact type to do so, so there's a plot point that turns him around yk? like i need this plot point to make a lot of sense so that the reader doesn't forgive him right away bc she's hurt and she doesn't trust that she could go through that pain again, and she pushes him away instead. and tsu'tey needs to realize that the more he's away from her the more he wants her, and he'll finally come to terms with having developed feelings, he just doesn't know if he can convince her that after telling her non-stop he can't love anyone anymore
oh about the pregnancyyyy, i wanted to go with that route but i know that some people don't like it too, so i decided against it. also i think it might have thrown the reader off bc she'd think tsu'tey is with her bc of the baby. i might write bonus chapters with pregnancy though!
there's def going to be a lot of angsttt but the romantic relief will be even better! i haven't began to write it yet but i'm thinking hard of ways to make it special
send in your unrequited opinions here
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greypetrel · 1 year
"Are you serious? I'm not letting you risk your life." For Aisling and her older sister?
Aaaaaaaah thank you for asking these two! <3
Took the chance to get by the “How come Aisling got to the Conclave”, hope you all don’t mind!
And for all of you reading MonsterFic, maybe it’ll clarify some things or two about these two? ASK ME ABOUT RADHA.
Some musical background if you need. (I never made it far with Outlander, it's too sappy for me, but the soundtrack... Its soundtrack has no reason to slap so hard, ok?)
Tis the prompt list.
Setting sail.
"Are you serious? I'm not letting you risk your life."
When they found Varla and Blarteras dead in the woods, face down in a pool of their own blood, everyone knew things were changing, and rapidly. When a group of ten Templars, still there around their victims attacked them, Aisling knew that things were already too changed to be quiet about it. She fought and she directed the others: luckily the Keeper had sent a more consistent group to look for the missing couple. The two never stood really a chance against the soldiers -they weren’t hunters, they weren’t mages, and they weren’t armed. Who attack a couple of middle aged unarmed elves foraging plants? It was not her first fight, nor the only one she got in that had her life and the clan’s at stake. It was the first, tho, that was unprompted and had people aiming directly at her. Because in the group of hunters, she was the one with a staff, she was the one with magic. She was putting the others into danger because the Templars were aiming at her. And at Pavyn and the Keeper, but still…
They got back to camp, other two hunters were killed and five others wounded badly. She insisted with the Keeper to perform the funerary rites herself. She knew how to, she was trained. It wasn’t but a week before that Deshanna had told her that she planned on retiring and leaving the guide of the clan to her at the next Arlathven. It wasn’t unheard of, and she would have been there to help of course, she just couldn’t handle all the work anymore with the growingly aching joints and reduced movement capability. Aisling was ready. This night, as she chanted prayers to Falon’Din before the four new graves, the Keeper sitting at her right and Pavyn quietly seething at her left joining her in the chorus, she felt unready, unworthy, and trapped.
They packed their things and moved the next morning, running swiftly south-east. Closer to the cities, but no one would have expected them to approach settlements, not now. If there were Templars still on their trail, they would suppose them to try and reach wilder places. She was up in the front scouting, Radha as per usual at her side and keeping her a quiet company. They bonded over needing silence, and going from strangers to friends to sisters, they still could go for hours, sticking together and not saying a word if it wasn’t strictly necessary and gestures, touches and nods weren’t enough. Aisling never felt more grateful for their relationship, now: she had a lot to mull over, but it was still too soon to speak it out loud, and the silent presence of the tall hunter, walking silently beside her in the underbush, was grounding and a blessing. Ydun would have forced words out of her, trying to help. She didn’t want to think of Ydun, blissfully on the trail of the caravan hiding their traces. Ydun would have thought her ideas totally crazy, the way she had found crazy learning some basic Tevene as they were pursued by enslavers. This time, tho, she believed Radha would have thought she was crazy as well. So, she kept her thoughts to herself, grimly happy of finally being able to do so.
The next five days were spent like that, Aisling found some words but never the right ones. Radha looked at her with that look, but beside reminding her that she could tell what she really was thinking, the conversation was kept irrelevant.
They spotted more Templars: some saw the bigger group and decided to leave them alone, others attacked them again. They lost 2 other people, and the episode reminded everyone of some years before, their serrated march north and north, how difficult crossing the Minanter was and how little did it help them. Everyone still remembered all too well how to do what the Keeper asked: no one getting far from the clan on their own, eat what they had in store, hunting parties were to be bigger than usual and only when necessary, guard shifts where reinstalled all too easily. The atmosphere, was grim and gloomy, no one really wanted to speak, there were no songs sung around the fire, and not even Nehnis, usually always with a big smile on his face, could be upkeep about it. Aisling hugged the child tight and promised him everything would have been all right, he just needed to stick close to her mamae, to protect her. He listened to her, very seriously, and thanked his auntie.
They camped near Wycome, and a bigger group than usual was sent exchanging products in the market, with the precise task to gather evey tid-bit of information they could. Radha was sent as well because she may not have been the strongest and swifter hunter in the clan, but she was great at listening and catching rumours in settlements, and reading people. Aisling was told to stay there, and after some complaints, she obeyed.
The next evening, after the group returned with fresh supplies they could not get by in the wilderness, the Keeper called everyone around the fire, and told them to pay attention. She rose up, helped by her son and Second and patting his arm affectionately, and told the clan she thought it was necessary to send someone South.
There was a Conclave to happen in Ferelden, discussing the situation between Mages and Templars. They had lost six people, and Deshanna was determined in not losing one more. A Dalish ear, she said, could give them a real advantage, and a direction to go to be safe. Aisling’s brain caught on fire. She was thinking… less pleasant thoughts, honestly, but this one? This one could well fit… And if-
“Radha, I would ask you to go, if you would be willing.”
A stop.
Her mind was put to a stop: she expected Deshanna to ask for volounteers. Not to- Radha was her daughter and-
She saw Radha raising up, unsurprised. She wasn’t overly expressive, not if she didn’t want to, but Aisling knew her like the back of her hand. They grew up together and she knew what to look for.
Oh no no. Not her.
Radha took breath to speak, and she rose up.
“Excuse me, Keeper.”
She never got against the Keeper’s decision. Never, never once, not even when she named her First and she knew Pavyn would have gotten angry, she couldn’t say no. Because a little part of her, yet today, was still convinced that if she told no, she would have been left behind again. Passed to another clan like an old boot. The idea of having her sister, the one that always got her back, always was there for her, didn’t defend her own blood brother when he stopped speaking to her… No.
“Maybe it would be better if a Mage would go South.”
“It would only be beneficial to send me.” She rose up, stepping forward, closer to the fire, mother and sister. Thinking about it, she didn’t think she ever called her mother. “Mages are the most involved by the cause, I could provide a better point of view. Take advantage of my position as First, it would signify something for the humans as well…”
The two women in front of her exchanged a look between them that was as fleeting as speaking to her. They had already discussed about it, then. Well, if that was it… Aisling turned around, speaking to the whole clan, now. If she was to win this, it would have been by wide consensus.
“Radha is plenty capable and would give us all the best intel… But if they’re speaking about the situation and finding solutions, maybe the way we seek is not spying, but diplomacy. I would be glad to go and talk to them, express our point of views. Ferelden has been more open to the Dalish, since the Hero of Ferelden took her place in their Court, so maybe they’ll listen to a Dalish ambassador. Why limiting to listen when we could talk, and make ourself heard?”
People began to murmur, she crossed eyes with Ydun, and she was glaring daggers at her. But Pavyn was close to her, and she found him not disapproving, as she thought, but interested, looking at her with keen eyes and a raised eyebrow. It was… Strange, in the most positive way. He hasn’t been interested in her in years. It just spurred her on.
“A Mage would pose a better point of view. A Mage, external to any Circles, and still in control, could provide an intel that they could use. A Mage would understand the implications better.” She turned to the Keeper and Radha, now. Radha who looked livid, angry as she rarely saw her. “Send me, Keeper. I’m ready, you trained me well.
“A Mage amongst Templars? It’s foolish!” Radha blurted out, stepping forward to face her from up close.
“It is not! Other mages will be there, if anyone will touch me, a Dalish, without a cause, it will just further our cause! We will never be heard if we don’t speak up first.”
“Speaking up has gotten us living as nomad!”
“And what have we done to change it?”
“That’s enough!” Deshanna interrupted them, raising her voice to be heard by everyone.
All the murmuring stopped abruptly, and the two girls turned to look at their mother, bowing their head in respect. Looking sideway, Aisling could see that Radha’s fist was contracted against her thigh.
“I heard your argument, Aisling, I will think about it, speak with the Hahrens and communicate my decision briefly. If you two have to quarrel, do so outside the circle, please.”
They both bowed their head, and then Radha took her by the arm and snatched her away, out of everyones eyes between two aravels at the border of camp.
“Are you fucking nuts, Shrimp?”
“I am not! I’m not letting you go there.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know! I can too. But Templars aren’t targeting you.”
“So doing the trip on your own is the solution? You’d be alone, Ash!”
“I can take care of myself too.”
“You’re not thinking straight.”
“No, I actually am. I am taking a bull’s eye away from the clan. With one Mage less, you’ll all be able to be more discreet, pass under the radar. Pavyn is subtler in his magic, he can protect himself and you all attracting less attention than me.” Lighting, as precise and effective as it was, was all but subtle and discreet. Her creation magic was decent enough, but not as much as to pose a real threat in combat, and slowed her down considerably.
“Are you serious?! I’m not letting you risk your life like that! The clan needs you!” Radha kept on, squinting her eyes and glaring at her. She was serious, overly so.
“I’m doing because they do! I could do something substantial… I can do this, Radha, I can! And you know it!”
She shook her head, the crease between her eyebrows deepening. Aisling has seen her angry, sad, in all kinds of emotions. Usually collected, it was honestly the first time she saw her so upset. The older elf stepped forward, closing both hands on her shoulders and shaking her slightly.
“They’re going to kill you.”
“No, they won’t. I’ll be careful on the road, you know I can do this.”
Another vigorous shake of her head, and Radha circled her shoulders, clutching her tight against herself. Aisling hugged her back, automatically, turning her head just so that she could inhale the faint scent of olive oil she used to keep her curls shiny and soft. She would have missed Radha, a lot, but she wasn’t going to let her go on her own. Not for her sake.
“The clan needs you, Ra.”
She scoffed, shaking her head.
“It does. You would have been a better First than me. You can hunt, you’re irreplaceable when dealing with humans… Pavyn has always been better than me, socially. It will be fine, you’ll see.”
She kept on, rubbing circles over her sister’s back and holding her as she mulled things over in her head and collected words. Some tears rose up to her eyes, and for a minute she doubted her resolution, hating to see Radha, sure of herself, collected, always poised and elegant and wise Radha, crumbling so against her. And yet, the feeling just spurred her on. They lost 6 people already, and Aisling felt every one of them weighing on her. She couldn’t bear to know Radha was out and about in a dangerous mission when it should have been her.
“You’ve been my sister since the very start, you cared for me and loved me since the day I arrived. I may not have shown you as I should, but I’m deeply grateful for it. You’ve always cared so much for me, and… And it’s my turn, asa’ma’lin. I wouldn’t forgive myself if you went in my place.” She told her, matter-of-fact. Radha’s hug became tighter and a little uncomfortable -she was stronger and taller than her, but that she didn’t say. She kept on talking. She had to tell her everything, if one of them had to go. “I can do this. You taught me well, the Keeper taught me well. I’m ready, I’m not a scared fawn. I can hold my own and I can make my voice heard. I’ll be back before you know it. I’m not a scared fawn. Not anymore.”
It wasn’t really true. She was afraid -what a fool wouldn’t be? She was never really alone for more than hours in her life. But, Ydun had told her, in non-friendly terms, that she was too scared to be on her own in the clan, and that someone had to take care of her. That she was just dead weight.
“I need to do this, Radha. For you all and for me as well. Please. It won’t be your fault, I’m not running. I feel like dead weight for real and…”
“You are not dead weight. You are my little sister, and Pavyn’s, not a dead weight. You never were. Our mother would tell you too.”
“I know…”
“I need to.”
They stayed there for long, sitting down on the grass and resting their backs against a wheel, just hugging without really saying anything. Aisling cried, cried a lot. She actually cried for the both of them. Radha was never a crier.
When they got back, the Keeper asked them what they decided, with a grave tone. Aisling knew years weighed on her, in the way she couldn’t move well without her joints aching -she always went ahead with the scouts in her place, to alleviate some pain, and wrote most things for her, for the same reason. But she never sounded tired. She did, right now. Aisling’s heart clutched painfully, but she kept her back straight, squeezed Radha’s fingers in hers tight, and told that they agreed.
Popular consensus chose her too.
Pavyn just told her she was completely, absolutely nuts and she was stupid and he would have laughed at her when a dog would have eaten her alive, or a horse trampled her. He hugged her, tho very, very briefly, as he reminded her that she was so stupid and he hated her. She knew it wasn’t true, and it made her cry again. It was more than ten years since they stopped being friendly, and she missed him dearly. She wanted to run back after him and jump high and hang from his shoulders, the way she had done hundred of times as a child but… But maybe in time, maybe when she would have gotten back. They could rebuild.
She felt Ydun’s eyes burning on her neck, and when she turned her head, she found her there, furious and with that harsh line to her lips that communicated that her anger was covering for fear, deep down.
She smiled at her, as dignified and sure as she could, softening a little. She was sorry for how things ended between them, and with all her flaws, she knew she had loved her. Loved her still, judging from her face, maybe a little. But, she wasn’t saying yes and complying anymore, apparently. And Ghilan’nain had given her another path. Ydun would always have been close to her heart -how could she no, after 10 years? Difficult as they were- even if she was bitter and angry. But, she was, indeed, still bitter and angry at her, because it’s been 10 years. And six months of being separated and forcefully in close contact. Ydun was not her problem anymore. Ydun wasn’t right about her, she never were.
And in a week, she would have boarded on a ship and sailed south. And maybe by the time she would be back, she would have even believed her own words.
Radha brought her at the pier, and was the last one to let her go, hugging her tight again.
“You get back, understand?”
“I promise.”
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Friends, you might have noticed I’ve been playing a bit of Prime War recently
just a little bit
anyway, I decided to give Tachyon a spin (because the team released their conversions of some of the Tactics characters for us to play with), and...
she really sucks! :((((
Okay, maybe a little harsh. She’s got a great move ability (it lets her move on three different move phases, which is quite fun) and a good damage redirect...but she’s built like a solo assassin, which makes sense for Tachyon, except her attacks are garbage. All but one are 2d8, and the other one costs 2 Focus to use, so it’s really only going to be something you whip out once or twice a game at most.
I was so cross about this, I actually did the numbers on how bad 2d8 is as an attack: assuming some pretty ideal circumstances* you can still expect to do zero damage 30% of the time, and only 1 damage 50% of the time! And again, this includes all but one of her attacks! Most characters don’t have basic attacks that bad!
Aaaaaaaah okay I’m done.
(Look it’s a good game with a bunch of great characters and I got it for free, so like, I can’t complain that hard. Just venting cos I was frustrated)
*Tachyon with Support and Opportunity, and facing an opponent without Opportunity and whose defence is only 2d4, which I’m pretty sure is the worst defence in the game.
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tiny-space-robot · 7 months
002 fandom meme for Crygorcest
omg yaaaaay!! ;w;
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it:
when I played my very first ware game (back when get it together came out! I played it nonstop and then when crygor called penny I was like (OuO) then I decided to go on a quest to find all the other ware games in the series and with every new game I played, I just shipped it more and more those two are CANON I TELL YOU!!)
my thoughts:
they are absolutely made for each other- the fact that Penny "admires" him, the fact that she has a damn framed photo of him posing with a rose, the fact that Crygor wore her clothes at one point, the way they´re always on the phone with each other on the get it together crew screen- I just?? I could go on!!
they are adorable together and I love themmmm ;;w;;
What makes me happy about them:
their overall vibes?? like- the way they´re both just so immensely nuts and loving?? like, Crygor is so supportive of her and has such "look at my granddaughter!! isnt she incredible??" vibes! meanwhile Penny is, once again, IN ADMIRATION OF HIM and in ´move it´ the way she says "youre amazing" literally sounds so lovey dovey LIKE??? I can´t even man- they are so adorable and perfect for each other it HURTS!!
also, I see this ship as so: Crygor is constantly overthinking everything he does and also everything SHE does, trying to convince himself that "no, I´m not in love with her haha" but you cant trick your heart my man! and Penny is the same- but in a different way, like, instead of stressing out over it, she remains positive and although dealing with her intense feelings is hard, she manages it much better than crygor- like for example, she would just go up to him and give him a big hug, give him kisses on the cheek and tell him that he loves him, hiding behind the fact that Crygor just sees it as platonic- that way she doesn´t have to confess, but still feels some kind of physical, lovely closeness with him- meanwhile crygor is internally panicking over a little kiss on the cheek asdfghjkl
so yea, that´s ONE thing,
another, would be what would happen once they overcome that hurdle and actually confess!
which would entail SOOO much touching- because they´re both touch starved af and after they´ve repressed their true feelings for SO LONG, it just kinda explodes into a lot of snuggles and emotional needy-ness which is just HHHHHHHHH delicious~ UwU
(I´m sorry if I´m being incoherent or anything my brain kinda just goes mushy mush mode when I think about this ship because ASDFRHJNJFGHJ OTP ;;w;;)
What makes me sad about them:
the thought of them being in an emotional checkmate, where they´re both in love with each other but neither of them dares to confess because of their big age gap and the fact they´re relatives!
like- they both undoubtedly have a very strong and close familial bond! and neither of them wants to risk destroying all that!
but at the same time they both feel the same way for each other so they wouldn´t destroy anything but THEY dont know that asdfghjkl
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
idk? that there aren´t any?? asdfghjkl
although I guess in terms of just fan content in general, I guess I have the same pet peeve I have with everything? being that when characters are portrayed way too out of character
but thats p much it? idk, there arent any fanfics of them and only a handful of fanarts (at least from what I´ve seen) ^^;
things I look for in fanfic:
for it to not be depicted unhealthily I guess? (idk, I´m personally not big on ships being depicted as unhealthy/abusive thats just me tho)
My kinks:
with this ship? idk- I don´t really have ship specific kinks- although the fact that Crygor has a "weak stomach" rly serves my emeto kink asdfghjkl
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
uuuuh I mean- I guess Crygor used to have a wife? but given that he´s a cyborg (whos alledgedly over a hundred years old) I´m guessing she´s not around anymore? ^^;
as for Penny, I really can´t see her with anyone else
My happily ever after for them:
they both confess and live happily as the happy lil unhinged scientists that they are UwU
holding hands and causing explosions <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
most of the time, Crygor is the big spoon and Penny the little spoon, but switching it up is always goode UwO
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
all kinds of science-y inventor stuff! (also dancing and singing together UwU)
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kinetic-elaboration · 9 months
October 1: Yellowjackets 2x01
Impulsively decided to start watching Yellowjackets Season 2, under the assumption that even if it does totally consume me, I can’t be spending my time any WORSE and at least this show only has so many episodes.
A few random thoughts on 2x01:
I’ve seen so many spoilers for S2 that it’s hard to remember what is a memory of S1 and what is a spoiler for S2.
Shauna talking about being turned on by the thought of Jeff with someone else… why don’t people talk about that more aaaaaaaah?!?! Like first of all, clear manipulation tactic to get him to stop thinking about her with someone else in a bad way and start thinking about her with someone else in a turned on way but more importantly, she definitely, definitely is thinking about him with Jackie in particular, since Jackie is the one known and possibly, as far as we know, only ever ‘other one.’ And I’m just always here for more homoerotic girl friendship. Like gskfdf the layers of this match the ear eating imo.
How does Tawny Cyprus walk in those heels?
It’s sad to have to wait 40 minutes for Juliette Lewis to show up but at least she did. I was excited to see Lauren Ambrose’s name in the credits, bummed if not surprised not to see her in the episode.
"Something happens to all of us." / "True. And some of those things can be worse than others, depending on our choices." Choices have consequences.
I thought Misty’s “Don’t cry about this. Babies cry,” moment in Natalie’s motel room was really interesting. Just this idea that she’s someone who’s trained herself, or been trained, not to be emotional, to see emotions as immaturity or weakness. I definitely see that in the character now that it’s been pointed out.
“The only thing you should be saying to the police is I want a lawyer. That’s why I put it on the cookie.”
I’m not going to give Jeff credit for anything and I do not want him encroaching at all as a main character, but I did like “Maybe old-fashioned dad shit is my love language” and that strange little scene of him headbanging to Papa Roach. Similarly, Callie is annoying but she is right that her parents are basically the worst: a toxic combination of murderers AND cringe.
Sophie Thatcher does such a great job of matching that Juliette Lewis energy. I was going to say they match each other really well but honestly Juliette Lewis just has this, like… aura, or mood that is all her and is so compelling to watch and I think her younger self here has to imitate that rather than any kind of meeting in the middle thing.
The decision to show a tiny little bit of the rescue in 1998 was interesting. I’d always assumed/gotten the impression that there was no third timeline at all. I would probably characterize those scenes as a whole as more of a 96-perspective flash forward or like a bridge sequence somewhat more akin to the flashbacks-from-96 but still, even just the flashes of the girls at the airport were really jarring and unexpected.
“This isn’t you. This is just something that’s happening to you.”
I get that we never knew the names etc. of all the Yellowjackets in S1 but it is still SUPER disorienting to me to see new characters being introduced in the 96 timeline, given that it really is, like, a closed box. Like I'm just supposed to accept that they were there in the background the whole time although they definitely weren't. Also, I don't really know how many people are on a soccer team so if you told me that the girls we saw in S1 were the whole team, I'd be like, yeah, sure. The whole concept of the wilderness era is that it's small and claustrophobic (while surrounded by vastness and mystery of course) so it's hard for me to accept these other people in any sort of organic or realistic way.
This episode felt a little slow, a little… disjointed in that most of the characters were off in their own places, doing their own things. Even the team in the cabin, weirdly. The Shauna and Jackie’s ghost scenes obviously stood out. I also really liked Shauna and Misty in the opening.
Also EVERYTHING about Nat and Lottie’s reunion. The animal masks, the ritual, the revelation of an ongoing cult, everything about Nat’s face, Nat randomly hitting that guy with a stick as the chanting suddenly stopped, reminding you how dumb and arbitrary all this, and also did I mention Nat’s face. I watched it twice.
0 notes
angelplummie · 3 years
bakugou is not used to being nice to people, so when it comes to you he tries really hard to be as kind as possible and not snap at you. the only time he’ll be mean is when he knows u know he’s joking (which is a lot of the time but still he tries really hard to not overstep). basically he never wants you to actually be upset by what he says and he wants you to know teasing and making snide remarks is a part of his affection (and it’s not like he’s only mean he’s also nice a lot as well!!)
but when ur so used to trying to hit where it hurts most, some things are gonna slip through.it all comes to fruition on a faithful weekend when your chilling in his dorm, chatting rubbish as per, u guys chat a lot of shit when ur together, saying anything and everything that comes to mind, so you decided to be quirky and different and ask him “are you using me for my body?”
when you ask him, without even looking up from his phone, he snorts and says “if i was gonna use someone for their body it wouldn’t be you”. you snap to look at him and you see him immediately realise his mistake, eyes blown wide in panic.you make a loud and indignant “UM” and you can feel the anxiety welling up inside him
he scrambled up and grabs your hands from where you’re lying and presses frantic kisses to them
you just sit there mouth hanging open in UTTER BETRAYAL as he grovels for ur forgiveness
”Babe, babe please say something”
you scoffed and turn away, over dramatic enough for him to know he’s not in deep shit but it’s enough that you even pretend to be annoyed to let him know he’s not completely in the clear
“Babe please i’m so sorry, it just popped into my head and i thought it would be funny i didn’t mean it”
You theatrically hold a hand to his face
”talk to the hand katsuki”
he’s honestly on the brink of tear right now, even though he knows you’re just kidding around
”babe...” he whines, he feels so bad he just wants you to forgive him and to make you feel better. with another huffy noise, he collapses on top of you, making you wheeze and laugh
“katsuki! first you BODY SHAME me and now this?”
he makes a guttural yell of protest (kinda like “aaaaAAAAH 😖😖”) and buries his face into your chest, arms damn near crushing u with how how he’s holding your waist
“stop it!!! i’m sorry ok i’m sorry!! i love your body ok ???”
“likely story”
you’ve already forgiven him, but, however evil it is, it’s fun watching guilt consume him 😈😈
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idk what this is but i liked this idea so i scribbled it down and hear we are. this is my first time writing anything for bakugou so idk how good this is but i hope u had fun reading!! masterlist
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ Sensitive dream ~
Warnings: SMUT! sub!changbin, fem!reader, pillow humping, subconscious, massage, consensual somnophilia.
Word count: 743 words
Requested; No..? but it's based on anons ideas (I HAD TO AaaAAAaah)
Note: THANK U SO MUCH ANON! i always get so happy when i see something in my inbox /(・ × ・)\ (dont be shy yall ;)) )
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"Changbin, sit still!" you said, the boy squirming as you massaged his shoulders. The brown haired boy sat in between your legs on the carpeted floor, back turned to you.
"But it tickles...AHH! yo it hurts!!" he turned around, giving you a pout to which you awed and bent down to peck him on the lips.
"Now turn around and take off your shirt, I can't massage those knots properly through the shirt." your eyes were guled to the tv screen infront of you, blaring you with blue light as you watched some bad series.
He complied like a good boy, removing the clothing and sat back between your legs to endure the painful massage. His chest was buff, a slight sixpack showing as the tv light accentuated his skincolor.
With one finger you started to trace the outline of his neck and shoulders to which he immediately reacted, goosebumps forming on his delicate skin. His breath hitched everytime your fingertips got closer to the sensitive part of his neck making you smirk. Changbin contiued to squirm beneath you, this time more than before.
"You good baby?" you asked him. He couldn't be squirming from pain because you hadn't massaged him properly yet, you thought.
"Mmhhm..." he nodded his head vigoursly, looking like a guilty puppy.
"It's gonna hurt now!" you announced to the boy to not startle him as you started to massage the knots in his shoulders from dance practice.
Small groans escaped his mouth from time to time, his head was mostly hanging down in order to stop himself from making anymore noise.
After 10 minutes you patted him gently on his back and said that you were going to sleep as you grabbed the tv remote to turn off the device. You gave him a peck on the cheek from behind and stood up to go to the bedroom. Changbin still sat in his seat, his shining eyes following your figure as it dissapeared into the room. He looked down into his lap. A painful erection appearing through the grey sweatpants. Changbin huffed and whined quietly to himself until he stood up and went to bed with you.
'3 AM' ,the digital clock radiated it's numbers into the dark night. You were barely awake, struggeling to see through sleep coated eyes. A strange noise filled the room which woke you up. Not only that but the slight movement of the bed alarmed you. A string of sweet nothings pierced thorugh your ears..
"y-y/n...please touch...touch m-me..." Changbin whimpered desperatly.
Confused, you sat up and looked at him, what you saw made you smirk. He layed on his side, a pillow between his legs as he was rubbing his clothed dick against it in desperation. Small moans espaced his delicate lips, slightly parted with a bit of drool hanging on his plump bottom lip. All this whilst he was still sleeping. His lashes feathered on his heavy eyelids.
You couldn't just watch the poor boy trying to get off so you decided to help him. Carefully, you removed the pillow that was being crushed between his thighs from him trying to gain contact with it by squeezing.
Underneath the pillow was Changbins raging erection which made your breath hitch. You ligthly cupped his erection with your hand as you looked at him, reading his every facial expression. He whined as he rubbed against your touch with furrowed brows. You loved seeing him this helpless but he wasn't the only helpless one in this situation. A hot wave flashed across your face, panties getting wetter by the second. You both needed release and so you kissed him, deepening the kiss by sticking your tongue in his mouth.
Changbin responded right away, his big brown eyes twinkled as the slowly opened them, making direct eyecontact with you. His cheeks were rather puffed having just woken up in the middle of the night.
"You need some help?" you asked, breaking the passionated kiss.
"The massage earlier...made me h-hard." Changbin broke the eye contact, looking almost ashamed from how easy he got turned on.
"I-I didn't want to say anything cause I was embarrassed..." he said underneath his breath, still looking away. His hot breath grazed your red cheek.
Your hand trailed down beneath his underwear, nearing where he needed you the most as you continued to look at him. Changbin met your gaze. In a quiet and shaky voice he said; 
“Please fuck m-me y/n...” 
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boobz-fye · 3 years
corny/cute things they do for your love (G/N reader)
Includes:Tanaka Ryuunosuke❣ Bokuto Koutarou❣ Yuu Nishinoya❣ and Taketora Yamamoto❣ x G/N reader
Warnings: Cursing, but other than that it's just pure fluff.
Note: Forgot to add that you guys are not dating yet in any of these, but you both do have a crush on eachother (so basically this is their way of making a move on you). This is kinda just another trash post, cause like I typed all of this in an hour. But i'm gonna try and post something around this weekend, so hopefully that will make up for this. Also I didn't really know what to title this post- Anyways enjoy!!!!
❥Tanaka Ryuunosuke❥
This one is more on the corney side I guess
Watching a horror movie together
The plan is for you to get scared and cuddle up in his arms…
But his plan may or may not have worked
You guys are watching Midsommar at Tanaka's house. And suddenly you get to a really gory scene causing you to cringe and hide your face in Tanaka's chest. So of course Tanaka is gonna try and play it cool and poke fun at you a little. “Aww is someone getting scared?” He says with a teasing tone. “Oh shut up” you pout. He snickers turning back to the movie only to be met with an angry Saeko “AAAAAAAAH ITS A WITCH!!!” he screams, jumping into your lap. “WTF DID YOU JUST CALL ME?” Saeko screams, getting ready to beat Ryuus ass “O-oh hey sis.” Yeah lets just say tanaka had a couple bruises and nail marks decorating his body. But he was okay with it since you were the one that patched him up and took care of him!
❥Bokuto Koutarou❥
Good morning and Goodnight text
Some people find text like that dumb (idk why) but i think they are cute
Especially if it's from bokuto!!!
Also he definitely spends like 40 minutes choosing what to say, cause he doesnt want to offend you or seem dumb
Most likely has Akaashi proofread it before he sends the text to you
The sound of your phone going off wakes you up at an ungodly hour this morning, causing you to let out a groan of annoyance. Knowing you wont be able to go back to sleep until you find out who texted you, you check your phone. The text was from Bokuto so your annoyance from before was washed away. “Good morning Y/N!!! I hope you got your beauty sleep for today. Even if you didn't I'm sure you will still look beautiful/handsome as ever🥰. Also this morning I am going to run by the new cafe before school, and I was wondering if you would like something from there? It's on me.” As you read the text a smile appears on your face. You reply right away saying “Good morning bokuto💕 I did get a good amount of sleep, I hope you did as well! And I would like to see the cafe, I haven't found any time to check it out yet. Maybe we can go together? I'm still gonna count on you to pay though!!”
“HEY HEY HEY, are you asking me out on a date? Thought I was gonna have to make the first move. I wasn't gonna allow you to pay for yourself anyways! How about I meet you there in about an hour, yeah?”
❥Yuu Nishinoya❥
Does something dumb to try and impress you
His plan will most likely go south
But hey at least he tried…Right?
You stop by the Karasuno gym ,to give Sugawara a notebook that he left in one of your classes, only to be met by an ecstatic Nishinoya. “Y/N...Y/N, WATCH THIS NEW MOVE I CAME UP WITH!!!” “Uhhh ok?” Nishinoya goes across the gym and does his infamous rolling thunder move. Or tries to- In the middle of sliding on the ground, Hinata opens a door slamming it right in Yuu’s face. “HEY Y/N!!!” Hinata yells, not noticing Nishinoya curled up on the floor right next to him. “Dumbass” Tsukishima mumbles walking away. “Nishinoya are you ok?” you say giggling, as you jog over to him. “Nooooo” He whines, giving a scared Hinata the death glare no, because the life was drained from Hinata's face when he noticed what he did. “Awww poor baby” you say squatting next to him. He pouts and gives you puppy eyes saying “Y/N my head hurts, I think the only thing that will make it feel better is if YOU kiss it.” “Oh really?” “Yep!” You giggle before caving in and kissing the top of his head. Insert Nishinoya hard core blushing, Tanaka crying in the corner because he wants Kyoko to do that to him, and the whole Karasuno team staring at you guys in a state of shock.
❥Taketora Yamamoto❥
Random little notes
He will slide them in your locker, or put one on your desk before class.
Kenma, Kuroo, and Lev try to help him with ideas of what to write
Lev gets his sister to also help
You enter your classroom excited to see what your secret admirer has left for you today. Walking up to your desk you pick up a folded piece of paper with a flower taped to it. You open up the note, but before you could read it the bell rings, signaling that class is starting. So you put the note in your bag real quick, and decide to read it at lunch. Eventually lunch comes around and you finally decide to read it.
“Dear Y/N,
Please meet me at the front gates after school. I'll be waiting for you my love.”
Even though the note was a little bland, you couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenalin coming over you after reading it. Cause how could you not be intrigued by the possibility of this letter being written by your beloved crush, Yamamoto. After school you rush to the front gate. Only to be met by another note telling you to go to the gym instead. Raising your suspicion even more, you rush over to the gym. And you can't believe your eyes. Somehow Yamamoto got the Nekoma team to do a whole acapella group. You can't tell if you should be scared or happy. Giggling you start to walk closer to the group. Only to be met by Yamamoto profusely blushing and holding a bokay of flowers. “H-Hello Y/N” Yamamoto says without making any eye contact with you. Before you could say anything, Yaku comes up behind Yamamoto and kicks his shin. “WTH yaku?” Yamamoto whispers to the libero behind him. “I know you did not force all of us to sing a whole ass song just for you to not make any eye contact with the girl.” “I'm trying man, I swear.” Yamamoto turns back around and continues where he left off. “Umm Y/N will you go out on a date with me this thursday!?” He screams, with his eyes shut. “Idiot you still aren't looking at her.” Kenma mumbles, trying to get his Nintendo back from Kuroo. “I'd love to!” Oh only if you had your phone with you, cause the face Yamamoto made when he heard you say that was way too adorable. Mans was literally crying.
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morathicain · 2 years
L M A O mora that teaser really was a trap💀 no but really i don’t even know where to begin? this show has been such a breath of fresh air from beginning to end and that just warms me to my core. and it’s like, if we got angst or an actual breakup this ep i still would’ve ate it up cuz it’s p’aof and i doubt he’d let us down w his storytelling, but we got happiness instead! we got to see that they spent those 4 years still very much together and very much in love and i just!! to know that pran & pat faced their problems together, to know that after getting together they stayed a healthy couple, even through the tough times? i’m soaring rn i swear. and i love me my angsty dramas (especially when they’re done well) but we need more of these feel good shows too!! shows where the couple is happy and don’t have to lose more time/years to misfortune or hurt or whatever! ahhhh😭
and inkpa! ink’s basically a part of their family at this point like seeing how comfortable she looked in their home?? my heart! also side note but pran looks so good!! i mean he always does but this hairstyle on him! cuz when they were in the bar? idk what they were feeding him but he looked Good As Hell i’m losing my minddd.
and???? that scene in [4/4] when pran’s playing guitar for pat had me ready to collapse like they’re so in love i can’t do this! there’s literally only so much i can take! i’m also glad we got to see one last episode of Pat Wants to Sleep Over cuz the work he puts in whenever he’s being kicked out of pran’s room lmaooo and that chaotic ending is so Them like truly an a1 way to end the series alskdjlsk
p’aof really delivered w this show because the bar he set is high! if it wasn’t late already i would’ve had my own little rewatch party cuz my heart needs it lmao. and i’m gonna miss reading your responses😭 i loved reading them so much and getting to understand your take on each episode, literally so comforting (esp your rants!!) thanks for indulging my ramblings and for keeping me company these past weeks🥺 i’m sure i’ll come screaming back to you eventually~~~ hope you enjoyed the episode and you’re have an amazing day/night~~ <33 -🥞
Pancake!!! Aahhhhhhh! I feel you so much and my brain can only keysmash and be happy and giddy and so overwhelmed!
They really gave us this trailer and it shouldn't have surprised anyone that it was a trap all along lmao I do hope P'Aof had some fun time reading some freak outs XD But yeah, even if they'd been apart for 4 years, I would have taken it, bc as you said, I trust P'Aof and it would have made sense as a decision. But to know that they decided to MAKE the world accept that they're in love? That they'd stay together no matter what? The way they spent all their important moments with each other? Aaaaaaaah, this is making me so happy!
P'Aof truly delivered and set a new standard. Tbh even if the last episode hadn't been so beautiful, I would have still loved the show because of all those moments they gave us. And they still topped that!
I do love my messy gay cockroaches and if a couple has a hard time finding to each other but you're right. Pat and Pran showed how it's done. How you can stay true to yourself and stay together and not break with everyone else. Their parents lied to them their whole lives and have left any right to be told the truth. Gosh, their faces when they lied so expertedly XD also, this makes their goodbye right before they fake broke up, so damn dramatic! Ohm shed his fucking TEARS for that! Q.Q
InkPha still going strong was so beautiful to watch and I loved how good it was, how Ink was a part of the family, as you said it. And she's now also a force against the dad. Like, he has everyone on Pat's side and they all have fun together while he tries to stay grumpy. I also think that once their parents realised there was still more going on, over the years, they also realised that if they made a big deal out of it again, they'd lose their kids. And this time for real.
The ending was truly deserving of them and their horny but chaotic love story, omg. Loved it. What a great way to go XD
You're making me emotional, ah! I love seeing them be happy, but I'm sad that it was the finale now. Maybe the rewatch can start next fri-gay and it will never stop? I'm also going to miss your asks and rants and I'm so thankful you honored me with those and enjoyed my rants. Thank you so so so so much! <3333
I wish you a wonderful day/night and hope the finale happiness will stay some more with you =^^= take care and feel free to come by to rant about whatever show you want to <3
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painandpleasure86 · 3 years
Give me your body (and your heart)
Well, I finally wrote some deacury again! I hope you like it. Now we will have some 80s queen :D
Filling the prompts "Confessions" and "First Kiss" from @50yearsofqueen 's event <3 Be aware of my grammar errors, ups.
Available in AO3 here.
Summary: thanks to "body language", Freddie could confess something... and John too.
Word count: 809
Warning: some language, boys kissing. Nothing too sexual, it's soft.
Taglist: @warriorteam1924 @toomuchlove-willkillyou @deakysgurl @lefanhere
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1981, the recording of Hot Space were taking place at Musicland Studios. An album where they decided to experiment with more danceable songs, after the success of Another One Bites The Dust.
In that day, they decided to show to John the final result, to give a kind of blessing to the new song, called Body Language.
-Man, we recorded this without you...
-You know that I don't mind being replaced with a bass synth.
-I know, but I think that you need to listen to it, just in case….
John sat in the chair next to Mack and he put the headphones.
The song starts. He was listening.
-Oh Nice replacement, I like this bass -John said.
“Give me… body…"
John closed his eyes for a moment and sighed. He scratched his forehead and arched his eyebrows.
"Body language..."
"Gimme your body, just gimme your body…"
"Gosh, will say this the whole song?" John thought, trying to not show his annoyance to his bandmates.
"You have a red lips, snakes in your eyes,long legs, great thighs…You have the cutest ass I've ever seen…"
"Quite specific… Who is the person? I should ask to Freddie who’s, I’m curious"
"Look at me, I got a case of body language”
-Nice thing with the finger snapping- he said.
"Sexy body… aaaaaaaah want your bodyyyy!"
“Gosh, pretty intense with wanting a body” -John thought.
And finally came the moans of the final part… John couldn’t hide his discomfort and embarrassment.
The song ended. John quitted the headphones and left them on the control panel.
-What do you think? -Mack asked.
John thought his words a bit.
-It really fits with the album vibe. I really liked the bass, like I told before... -the bassist said, watching to Mack’s face- Who played to it? -John asked, now watching to his bandmates.
-Me -Freddie said, raising his right hand.
-Nice work indeed.
Freddie thanked the compliment just nodding and smiling.
Oh, who was the muse? -John asked, curious.
-I mean… you described a person, who’s?
-No one John. -the singer replied, smoking his cigarette.
John just saw him with an incredulous face.
-Mmmmm… I don’t know. But well… John sighed.
-Well, John gave his blessing, we can continue with another one -Mack said to the group.
-I have another song -Brian said, with a sheet of paper in his right hand.
-Let's do this -Freddie said, going to the recording area. The rest of the group accompany him. John stood up and followed to the group. A long hard day it's in front of them.
The night came. They were in the lake house, having some chill time after a long day working. In the middle of a conversation between the four, Freddie felt the need to tell the truth to John.
-John, I need to tell you something… Come with me.
John opened his gray eyes widely, surprised. He finished his beer bottle and left it on the table, standing up of the couch.
Freddie watched to Roger and Brian’s eyes.
-Excuse us, please.
-No problem man -Roger replied- We will wait for you to start the following beer round.
They were outside the house, specifically in the porch.
-Well Fred, tell me -John said, watching to his friend’s eyes.
The singer came closer to the right ear of his bandmate.
-It was about you.
John opened his eyes widely, trying to process that kind of confession.
-M… me? -John asked, in a low voice.
-Yeah -he continued whispering.
-Sorry, I know you prefer women… you’re straight, sorry.
-Nothing to sorry… -the bassist replied, watching to his friend eyes and placing his right hand on Freddie's left shoulder.
Despite the low light, Freddie could see John’s face, smiling kindly, and that touched his heart.
-You son of a bitch, are bi? -the singer asked, in a low voice.
John remained silent, watching to those brown eyes.
-Your silence it’s telling me everything…
John decided to hug to his friend. Freddie hugged him too.
After some seconds, he decided to confess his secret.
-I am -he whispered in his friend’s ear.
John left the embrace and he gave a kiss on Freddie's right cheek.
They were watching to their eyes. There’s so much left unspoken…
-Well -he sighed deeply- we should go with Roger and Bri before they start to suspect anything -John said quickly, walking to the door.
-No -the singer said, grabbing John's left hand and pulling to his friend to him. Without any doubt, he left a soft and quick kiss on his lips.
John was blushing.
-Now we can go inside the house -he said, slapping his friend’s ass.
John took some deep breaths and opened the door.
Both felt not only lighter for the confessions, but also happy because their feelings were mutual.
If you enjoyed this fic, please leave a like and/or a reblog!! <3 Thanks in advance for your support.
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How would the fell skelles react to little wiz sib giving them a hand forged knife for a present on their birthday? The little sib does not want their skeles to get hurt, but they aren't good enough to make anything better at that point. And they tried very hard to make the knife the best they can, considering their hands are all wrapped up. The knife is of decent, perhaps even good quality, but not royal guard quality.
Underfell Sans - Uh, thanks ? Red has a huge ego and is a bit upset that you think he can’t defend himself. It’s hurting even more when you know that’s one of the thing everyone kept reminding him Underground because of his low health points. He will take it because he likes you, but it will honnestly probably getting lost in a drawer or something. 
Underfell Papyrus - He’s more worry about your hands that the knife. He appreciates the gift, but maybe don’t cut your hands for him ? No, but seriously. He doesn’t know how strong are human hands, if you lost it or something S/O will probably kill him. He will place the knife in a nice spot of the house so everyone can see it.
Swapfell Sans - He’s surprised you actually did something for him. People who likes him are quite rare and he didn’t think that was at this point. He is touched and will exposed it above his fireplace. Now that he knows you like him, he might even give you some gifts too. 
Swapfell Papyrus - “Thanks, I’m going to stab someone to try it out.” Then he teleports. S/O, Nox and you are looking at each other, not sure if he was joking or not. At this day, you are still not sure what he did with that knife this day. The next day, though, he’s using it to cut an apple because he was too lazy to go take one in the kitchen. At least he is using it, right ?
Dancefell Sans - He’s sniffing like a baby and thanks you with unintelligible words. He’s overwhelmed and loves the gift so much he decides to sleep with it. The next day, you find him at the hospital because this idiot stabs himself in his sleep. Nice job, Rumba.
Dancefell Papyrus - Ah, really nice. He’s showing up with the knife, throw him in the air and it fell back right in his foot. “NYAAAAAAAAAAAA(....)AAAAAAAAH !”. He’s yelling in agony and you have to take him to the hospital (where he finds his brother who stabs himself in his sleep). The knife actually didn’t even enter his foot, he just has a bruise. He is a bit overeacting and you had to tell him to get over it when he started to cry because the nurse didn’t want to put a plaster on his “mortal wound”.
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Porco x reader oral
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You began to unbuckle his pants as you whipped out his hard cock. You licked your lips and began to tease him by licking the tip. He groaned "baby quit it and just fucking suck it" he began as you you continue to tease him by squeezing his balls. Porco gasp and held back a whine since he didnt want to seem like a weak whiney baby in front of you. You begin to smirk until you noticed the glare in porcos eyes as he grips your hair and shoves his cock in your he slowly thrust his cock in your throat as he threw his head back and let go of your hair as you Bob your head."that's right baby suck that fat coc-fuuuuuuuuuck~" you looked up at him with a lustful stare as you continue to suck his cock.you decided to pick up the pace and he begin to feel his limit. You can tell by how hard hes panting."fuck baby your throat feels so fucking gooooood~".you begin to moan around his cock causing him to grip the sheets "fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm gonna cum I'm gonna fucking cu-aaaaaaaah~" he let out a loud moan as he through his head back and  spilled his load in your mouth.he panted for a bit before looking down at you and wiping the cum from your lips "good girl".
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katestrophic · 3 years
Kingdom Hearts OC Week - Day 5
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Prompt: Seasonal Wear
Want to read my fanfic? You can read it here.
Valentine’s Day got to be my favorite holiday, aesthetic wise. Probably because pink’s gotta be my favorite holiday. And I like making desserts. And I like hearts and chocolates. Sooooo why not combine all those factors to create Sakura’s Valentine’s Day outfit? A cute outfit for a cute holiday!
As for what Sakura would do for the holiday? She would make baked goods, and then pass them out to her friends! Even though baking isn’t her strongest suit (despite her love for food and eating), she still does it anyways because she loves her friends and seeing their happy faces so much.
Honestly I got so carried away writing the baking portion of this short fic because I love baking so much so apologies in advance
“OUCH! HOT!” I screamed, accidentally brushing my hand against the pot where I was trying to puree the raspberries over the stove. I instinctively reeled back, rushing towards the sink and running water over my burnt hand. The burnt area turned pink as it cooled down. Drying my hands, I went back to mixing my puree.
Turning off the stove to let the raspberry mixture cool, I threw together the cheesecake batter. I began to pour the puree into the batter, mixing it together. While stirring the batter, I noticed that it wasn’t as smooth as when I started out. “Why is it lumpy...?” I muttered before groaning, realizing that the puree causing it.
Blowing my bangs out of  my face, I poured the raspberry cheesecake into the heart cavities before popping into the oven, setting the timer for 14 minutes. I began to clean up the workspace and prepared to make the brownie portion as the timer dinged. I pulled the hearts from the oven and set them aside to cool as I finished cleaning up the kitchen. Once I was done, I stuck them into the freezer and got starter on the brownie batter.
Everything was going fine so far and I hoped that this streak of luck would continue, but it unfortunately met a very messy end. “Crud...” I muttered, accidentally cracking the egg a bit to hard over the bowl, instead smashing it into bits as the shell, white, and yolk dripped into the bowl. I tried to fish out as much of the shell as I could from the flour mixture. I was a bit more careful when cracking the eggs. Things proceeded smoothly as I added more ingredients into the brownie mixture. Now, it was time to mix it all up. I pulled out the electric mixer, plugged it in, and turned it on. As the beaters spun, I placed it into the batter.
“Aaaaaaaah!” I screeched as  the brownie batter to splatter over the table. I instantly ripped the plug out from the socket and placed it into the sink. I decided to do it the old fashioned way and mix with a spatula. After that was done, I started to pour the brownie batter into heart molds, trying to keep them as even as possible.
I pulled the frozen raspberry cheesecakes from the freezer, turned it upside down, pressed it down onto the table, and tried to peel back the mold to get the cheesecake out to no avail. I tried it again a few more times, my frustration from earlier creeping back up as the hearts just refused to leave the tray. I then shook it in hopes of helping it loosen up, and they finally came out. Just not how I expected.
They all fell from the tray and landed on the table, some of them breaking in the process. I pinched the bridge of my nose and began to salvage what I could, separating the whole hearts from the broken ones so I could try to divide it out and give my friends the nice and whole hearts.
I began to press the raspberry hearts into the brownie mold, some coming in lopsided. I sighed, staring at the “masterpiece” before sticking into the oven, setting the timer again, and cleaning up before I would box the treats.
“Happy Valentine’s Day guys!” I grinned, giving Sora, Riku, and Kairi a red box with a pink bow on it filled with the heart-shaped raspberry cheesecake brownies that I shed literal blood, sweat, and tears to make.
“Cute outfit!” Kairi smiled at my attire. I was wearing a magenta sweater with a red band with white stripe near the end where it flared out, a white apron with pink designs all over it, a black skirt with pink polka dots and white ruffles, pink tights, and red shoes with a black bow at the ankle.
“Thanks,” I gave Kairi a weak smile, watching in anticipation as they opened their box of treats.
“Oh, wow!” Kairi’s eyes sparkled as she pulled out one of the dessert hearts, admiring it. “These look really nice!”
“And they’re delicious!” Sora added, his mouth full.
“You already inhaled half of them,” Riku rolled his eyes. “Slow down-you probably aren’t even tasting them. If you eat them all, I’m not sharing any of mine with you.” He popped the treat in his mouth, chewed, and his eyes widened. “Oh yeah, I’m definitely not sharing these with you,” he continued.
“That’s okay, Sora,” I assured him, holding out my box. “Though, they probably aren’t as nice as yours because I gave you all the pretty ones.”
“No way, Saki!” Sora shook his head. “You worked hard to make these, so you deserve to have your share! I’d feel terrible for taking some of yours.”
“Awwww,” I giggled. “Thanks, Sora.”
Even though it’s such a hassle to do this every year, it’s always worth all the pain and moments of near tears just to see my friends happy like this.
(What the heart shaped raspberry cheesecake brownies looked like)
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Here’s the recipe that Sakura used :)
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