#this was fun to answer
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ideas-4-stories · 1 year ago
Cross-Guild Romance fic idea: Werewolf shifter AU. Mihawk and Crocodile are alpha werewolves and even rarer they are mates. They don't broadcast either facts to the world but omega Buggy finds out about it. Through a comedy of errors he somehow ends up challenging both alphas and then instead of just groveling and apologizing he goes off and runs, meaning Mihawk and Crocodile have no choice but to chase after him. At first Buggy is terrified as he runs deeper into the island but soon exhilaration fills him as he actually outruns and outsmarts both Crocodile and Mihawk at several instances during the chase. Crocodile and Mihawk do catch Buggy eventually as the sun sets but instead of tearing him apart, they've both been impressed with Buggy's prowess and want to take him as their mate. What seemed like a life and death chase then becomes a playful and tender wedding night for the trio.
Well, told @theeofficialnightmare69 this one too, because it was a far cry from the one before this one. We think the same thing on this.
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I'm like thinking Buggy's going that meme or thing of a creature saying I'm fast as fuck, boy and the ADHD Fox from YouTube.
Just the imaginary of Buggy juking out Mihawk, maybe making him slip & slide on the soil, as well as cracking Crocodile's knees from the fast movements are so funny to me.
I'm thinking like Buggy using his surroundings to his advantage, duck under and jump over things to get away from them. Maybe making things fall in Crocodile and Mihawk's way.
Just when they corrdier him, Buggy must be ready to fight for life and death. Then it's just Mihawk and Crocodile panting and maybe saying time-out. Then them just wanting him to be their mate!!!
Buggy must of been so shocked about this, and that night being their wedding night. That means their idea of wedding night is like before the church making marriage something they do. How before is that the lovers say their vows together, alone with only each other (or in this case, there's three peeps) So cute!!!
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
These questions are getting me thinking oh boy...
1) Okay um...I'll just put my top three here cuz I'm indecisive hehe~
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2) Uhm...I guess I don't have any. I'm just on here for fun so I do my best to not care about views and numbers and all that.
3) 1: THIS ASK answered by @/evenmoreofadisaster (it literally rotted my brain for like two weeks straight if not longer gah-/pos)
2: The Jacob's Ladder by @/tapakah0 the story was so so SO well done I am still in AWE
And 3: @/pinetreevillain 's comics in general gah I just love his style so so much
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year ago
How are Mattie and Al doing these days?
Alfred isn't answering his brother's texts, emails or calls. Which is typical when the lad is busy. Asshole time for Alfred. He's absolutely being a dick, not being aware of this in any way. He is stressed, which means he's waking up at 4:45 am, working out for an hour and a half, not eating, perhaps even taking a substance or two. answering work emails with "ok - sent via iphone 15 pro", cancelling plans with friends, going to get something in a hurry, then forgetting what he was doing in the kitchen. Alfred has 4 screens on during work just to focus (obviously doesn't help), comes home late, decides he needs to work out some more. That's Alfred for about a month now.
Matt is chilling in Quebec rn. If he has work there is a 50% chance he'll do it. Most days you can find him in a coffee shop. He's taken up drawing again after quite some time. Trying to quit smoking, both weed and cigarettes. Checking his phone frequently for any signs of his brother trying to reach out. He has been invited to some get togethers, he decided to go.
All in all Matt is doing better than Al. At least when it comes to stress.
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schtrawberry · 11 months ago
which signs and placements might also indicate foreign partner in a birth chart? thank you in advance!
i would also look into jupiter in sagittarius and jupiter in the 9th house as an indication of a foreign partner/s. jupiter in particular as it can symbolize growth and expansion; which can exacerbate the energy of the sign and house it is in (aka the fondness of sagittarius for travel, foreign experiences, unfamiliar cultures, and their ability to easily attract such things into their life), esp because jupiter is exalted in both this sign and house as well. not too sure about other placements, but this is one i can attest to seeing happen irl w a friend (jupiter in sagittarius) that constantly attracts foreigners online over dudes from our same cultural background!
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kazscrows · 2 years ago
Who's your favorite crow? And why?
My heart:
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A very special bastard of the Barrel—
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But seriously I love Kaz Brekker. He was the first physical disabled character I had ever read that wasn’t like the kind of dorky scrawny one that everyone loves, but they also treat like “Oh no! You have a limp so you must always need help!! You poor little thing! I’ll protect you—” I’ve had plenty of people give me similar looks or say similar things and I know they’re just trying to be nice, but sometimes it’s hard not to feel patronized.
But then here was Kaz Brekker who took his disability and owned it. It didn’t control him, he used it to better himself.
“He’d become Kaz Brekker, cripple and confidence man, bastard of the Barrel.”
No one looked down on him because he had a limp or used a cane. He could take care of himself thank you very much. He’s just so cool!! He’s smart, he’s always twelve steps ahead. He drops the sickest lines you’ve ever heard. He’s not perfect. He’s absolutely amazing but he still has faults. He’s struggling to become better. He likes magic tricks and puzzles. He’s funny and he’s loyal. He is still a dork just not a scrawny one. He’s secretly a romantic. He’s so in love with Inej Ghafa— He’s incredible.
Kaz Brekker just might be my favorite character of all time
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 5 months ago
What is your opinion about Han Kang winning the 2024 nobel prize in literature? Is she the best representative of Korean literature nowadays?
This took a while to answer, sorry nonnie. I wanted to try making this as informative and helpful as possible- plus I was(and still am) kinda busy with preparing for college entrance stuff😅.
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So!!! To answer your question:
The Korean author 한강(Han Kang) mainly writes fiction about human life and resisting violence, or historical fiction dealing with Korean modern history; I'm gonna focus more on the historical fiction side here though.
Her historical novels focus on the mental & physical scars left on Korea during the tumultuous period right after the Japanese Colonial Period & the Korean War, through the eyes of ordinary people whose lives were destroyed by each event. So Han Kang winning the Nobel Prize is super meaningful to us, because it means the world is taking an interest in Korean history, and the pain we went through.
There's a well-known quote in Korea; it was said by the Japanese Colonial Period Independence Activist & leader of the Provisional Korean Government, 김구(Kim Gu).
"오직 한없이 가지고 싶은 것은 높은 문화의 힘이다. 문화의 힘은 우리 자신을 행복하게 하고, 나아가서 남에게 행복을 주기 때문이다."
("The only thing I wish we had limitlessly is high power of culture. For the power of culture brings joy to ourselves, and furthermore gives joy to others.")
This quote means cultural power is crucial in drawing in the world to our side. If other countries enjoy our culture, they'll also take an interest in understanding us, which will in turn lead to them taking an interest in our wellbeing & listening to our voice. In fact, it's happening right now! People are learning Korean for K-Pop and K-Dramas! People are getting interested in Korean culture!! Han Kang won the Nobel Prize for books about our history!!!
So, yeah. I think Han Kang's Nobel Prize is very important to Korea, because we're now one step closer to the world acknowledging the sufferings of our country that previously went unrecognized.
And yes, I think Han Kang's novels are a good representation not just of Korean literature, but of the spirit of Korea as well! A number of her works describe some horrific incidents in our history, and others present a calm sort of criticism on the violence of society. <채식주의자(The Vegetarian)>, one of her better-known works of fiction, is a neat slightly grotesque(?) example of this recurring theme of advocating for peace and resisting violence. (This one isn't about history BTW! It's about a woman resisting the lifestyle of her secular family.)
Both history and peace are especially important themes to Koreans. History, because we're always striving not to let it repeat & not to let unsolved disputes be forgotten. Peace, because we're in constant danger, from being the world's one and only divided country, among other things.
BUT, as many Koreans are pointing out, Han Kang is- though undisputedly very talented- one of many amazing writers in Korea. In fact, I've even heard people say up to 60~70% of Korean authors are likely capable of winning the Nobel Prize, if only their work would be translated properly. I- and a lot of others- think Han Kang's success on the international level is not only thanks to her own stellar talent, but also to her translator, Deborah Smith. Deborah Smith has been translating Han Kang's works for a while now, and her thoughtful translations have been much appreciated. NGL, I've seen so many Korean-to-English translations that suck so bad, so seeing Korean literature get translated by someone who very obviously cares a lot about the text? It was like a breath of fresh air after being stuck in the school auditorium for two hours. (And yes, I have just walked out of the school auditorium after being stuck there for two hours.)
This is a lil besides the point, but this is part of why I'm planning to start a Korean literature YouTube channel after I graduate. So many great works of Korean literature either have low-quality translations or don't have any at all, and I want to introduce those works to the wider world properly.
I still have a few months to go till graduation though, so in the meantime, I hope Han Kang's works, at least, get all the well-earned love and respect it deserves.
Thanks for the ask nonnie, and sorry again for the late answer! Feel free to ask if you have any additional questions- though I'm gonna be honest, I'll probably be late in answering those as well.😅 College entrance preparation is hard haha.
-Lilly xx
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marvin-falsettos · 9 months ago
you’re a worthless dick. your family doesn’t even love you, do they? whizzer sees you only as an outlet for his horniness, Trina HATES you and who wouldn’t? you’re a horrible father, you just got into a fight with your child’s stepfather over what, a meme? pathetic <3 your own child is terrified of you, of upsetting you at any time yet he defies you simply because you’re so fucking stupid you limit him from doing anything he wants. you can’t even beat a 12 year old in chess, You’re pathetic Marvin.
You know what? No. They probably don't love me. Yeah I know Trina hates me, I know Jason's scared. God I know he's terrified. And don't you think I hate myself enough over that already? I'm a damn pathetic excuse of a man, I know. I'm aggressive, I lack the most basic of decency, I'm shit at chess. So, you're right.
And I'm fucking ignoring that comment about Whizzer. Leave me and him alone, I'm getting enough shit off others for that, both online and offline.
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potetosaradas · 7 months ago
In rick and morty, do you have theories about rick’s (or prime’s) Parents and childhood?
Sorry to get to this so late anon!! i had to think about this one all day hahahha
honestly, I can't know for sure, but my personal headcanons is that:
rick/prime grew up religious (possibly catholic)
his parents (dad) was REALLY strict
his dad was a hitter
you can see it when rick flinches and raises his arms, and hates it when people loom over him (funny given how tall HE is the beanpole himself)
rick was always such a voracious child who consumed so much knowledge
precocious thing who was always the smartest kid in his class
always got good grades, tried hard in school, soared in science
(got bullied for this reason (is sensitive to the word nerd))
prime on the other hand, he was the weird kid
smart kid but got bad grades
he didnt BULLY kids exactly, but he definitely creeped everyone out
brought live animals and road kill to show and tell lol
put gum in multiple girls hair lol
i like to think rick/prime's mom loved her boy so so much
they loved her back in return
she would always feed him snacks and praise, tell him how he's her clever boy ;w;
prime loved his mom a lot, even if he himself was hard to love
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techramonic · 8 months ago
A couple of questions?
If you were trapped in a room for 24h whould you rather be with a mass shooter or a serial killer?
What do you think Eric"s and Dylans reaction to Dylans 20th birthday aka 9/11?
Any thoughts on Ethan Crumbley and the whole trial?
How much did Whitmans tumor play into the shooting in your personal opinion?
Thank you ! This is a fun ask to write about.
1. Mass shooter lmao
Because it's likely an avoidant teenage boy with emotional issues or a dude still stuck in his prepubescence stage in the room and that makes two of us. It would just be awkward. What are they gonna do, shoot me? The situation can be diffused by conversing the many reasons why that's unethical. It would either lead to us settling it out and no one gets hurt or a fist fight to the death after they won't listen so I grab their gun and beat them up with it
2. They'd either be excited or curious
If they hadn't grown over their edgy misanthrope phase then I think those boneheads would celebrate by lighting up fireworks and snickering like Beevus and Butthead. If they have matured, then I think they would see it as interesting, perhaps even research about it and follow the news. Maybe they'll also turn it into an inside gag where they think it's coincidental or something.
3. His parents are neglectful
I do believe his parents deserved to be incarcerated for involuntary man-slaughter because then again Ethan was still under their responsibility. The fact that a kid as young as 15 had perpetrated such an attack already speaks volumes on the neglect and parental duty his parents underperformed in, even failed. It's reckless for anyone to allow their child, who is clearly underaged, to have such easy access to firearms. Plus, I find it rather odd that his parents would deny to disclose documents and records that could provide more insight on his mental health and upbringing. It's pretty shady to do not help your son and instead allow him to speak for himself without solid and backed-up proof. It just makes it look like they don't want to talk about the reasons as to why their son had done such a crime, maybe it's because they play a role in that.
4. I think it amplified his already declining mental state
My brother who's in physiotherapy helped me on this so props to him
Charles has a malignant tumor (cancerous) located in his dietemporal lobe, which affects his thalamus. The thalamus is crucial for relaying motor and sensory information from the brain to the body, and it processes all information before transmitting it to the cerebral cortex. The thalamus is also connected to the limbic system, which is involved in processing and regulating emotions. As a result, the tumor has the ability to amplify his violent tendencies and emotional irregularities, impacting both his emotional state and his body's physiological responses to threats and aggression.
While the tumor may have contributed to his violent behavior, it's likely not the sole cause. Charles endured a childhood of abuse, which may have already significantly impacted his mental health. The tumor likely worsened his pre-existing mental issues, hindering him from properly coping and regulating his emotions.
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rookinthecrownest · 2 months ago
How do you choose which POV to write from?
What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Hiiii thanks for the ask!
1) How do you choose which POV to write from?
I wish I had some super complicated answer for you about how I plan it all ahead of time with sticky notes and chapter drafts and whatnot but the truth is I switch POV based on pure vibes 😅 Like ‘Oh it would be cool to see this scene from x characters POV lets do that’
And also as a copout I’ll usually go back to a familiar POV or one I feel like I can write better if Im stuck (looking at you Lucanis Dellamorte)
2. Most and least favourite part of writing
Most - when you have a great idea and the words just flow and it works out perfectly the way you envision it in your head and it comes out in one shot with no drafts or revisions needed
Least - coming up with good descriptions and metaphors to make my writing seem more interesting and less.. idk, direct. But i grew up in academia so thats how I learned to write in general.
I wish I was a purple prose kinda gal so I could spice up my writing but alas :’)
Oh and proofreading… i always miss something
3. Do you tend to reread fics?
Honestly Im a one and done kind of gal, but theres maybe one or two fics that reaaaally impacted me that i’ll go back and reread as comfort when life gets a bit rough :)
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prythianpages · 9 months ago
oh I love this! 💘,📚,🚦,❤,💕,🦋and🦈
Sorry if this is to much 😅
Hello there! It's never too much lol
💘 Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Angst. (But my answer also depends on my mood.)
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
There's sooo many amazing fics and writers on here! But since the Vanserras, especially Eris, have me in a chokehold rn, here are some of my fav Eris fics from my fav writers:
@stormhearty's Thank You, Next
@ninthcircleofprythian's Make It Hurt
@daycourtofficial 's Gingerfucker series
@utterlyotterlyx's Can't Keep My Hands to Myself
These are just a few. I do have a sideblog where I reblog all my reads! <3 @prythianslibrary
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
I like reading ambiguous endings or ones that leave you like "what the fuck???" I think I threw the last book to the Divergent series at my bedroom wall towards the end. But writing? I am a chronic people pleaser, which is why Be Safe is going to have a part two and also why I tend to lean toward writing happy endings. I am trying something different with my new Eris series.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I answered this in this ask but I'm going to go with my third favorite hehe. My Seer x Az one-shot. I loved writing her friendship with the Suriel!
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
Cassian! I love him and want to be his best friend so bad.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Lucien! I love him but I love him too much that I fear I may write him wrong or OOC.
I don't see the "❤" but I am on desktop so idk which question it was meant to be? Sorry! I don't mind answering it, if you post the question along with it too.
Ask Game.
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frostise · 9 months ago
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry
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𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒   ┇   accepting ♡
eartha kitt - i want to be evil for when louise needs to seriously chill tf out in a healthy manner! she absolutely loves eartha kitt and this song brings out the calmness she so desperately needs. louise loves to dress up for herself, practice self care in her penthouse (likes to call it the queen treatment) and imagine herself in a 50s-60s dress up montage ^^
joan jett - bad reputation for occasions that leave her too pissed off to even think in the moment and blasts this song in her headphones or speakers. it does serve to calm her down and relate to the lyrics. generally speaking, louise would always listen to 70s-80s metal or punk rock songs just like when she was a rebellious teenager! always a first sign of her bad mood if you're inside of her penthouse tbh
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madmonksandmaenads · 10 months ago
huh what's made u learn linear b and mess with older scripts and stuff? is there like some magical stuff about it or some historical reason? or did it just seem like fun lol
As far as I know, there are no known magical uses of Linear B. There is some interesting vocabulary like somewhat obscure divine epithets in it, but mostly, it was used for administration according to the archeologists and has almost exclusively been found in palaces. While the script did not persist, some of the symbols have a striking similarity to later used symbols. I've definitely found it to be fun to learn, and the transliterations have a nice rhythm to them. These are all neat bonuses to me, but in honesty, there is nothing intrinsic to Linear B that drew me to it.
I got into Linear B as an extension of my studies of Andrew Chumbley's Azoëtia. Explaining why is going to be a little difficult. In the first cell, Chumbley explains some of his understanding and usage of sigils and "runes." The process takes advantage of the human mind's readiness to attach meaning to symbols. He suggests searching out obscure or ancient scripts. Most important here is that they are symbols that do not have existing meaning to the practitioner. As you learn them and they start to soak into the unconscious, they will eventually show up in dreams(similar to how learning a new language can make you dream in that language), often times rearranged into novel configurations, with new meaning attached to them. The symbols themselves act as empty vessel for you to pour meaning into, thus giving them new and deeply personal power.
There is one quality that makes Linear B useful specifically. The transliterations are heavily syllabic, which means they work very smoothly with The Azöetia's mantic orisons, which are basically syllabic chaos sigils.
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lovely-vanserra-sunshine · 7 months ago
I hope this isn’t too forward - I loved Fanning Flames and was curious if you plan to write more fics? Regardless you are very talented so thank you for sharing that story!!
Oh my goodness, not forward at all! This made me smile 😊
Short answer - yes! I’m planning on releasing a little snippet during Eris week actually. It’s nothing too long, just a little sneak peak of something I’ve been working on but I’m really excited about it.
Long answer - I have a few different fics I’m working on right now but it’ll be a long time before I ever post them. Writing is just a fun little hobby for me, completely self indulgent, so it usually takes me a long time to write things just because I write when I feel like it, which unfortunately comes in waves.
I’m so happy you sent this though! I love talking and sharing snippets of what I’m writing so please feel free to come off anon and message me anytime 😊 thank you for sending this lovely message and for reading 💕
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rose-tinted-vision · 9 months ago
5, 6, 17 for the fic writer asks? ^^
hello!! These are very interesting questions :D thank you for sending them in!
If anyone would like to send in more questions, here's the list of fic writer asks
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
oh I don't just have one, I have quite a few spanning across different fandoms XD
Though if I had to pick, I'd say that it is the White Cat Legend QiuBing superhero au
(mainly because I can't decide whether to make Qiu Qingzhi or Li Bing the vigilante, but also largely because I am horrible at naming things and coming up with superhero names would end up in an abysmal failure.
The mingjingtang boys would make (great) hilarious sidekicks though!)
Some others that ended up more like unfinished fics that will never leave the basement would be:
A Hikaru no Go (live action) ficlet about the two Yijianghu laoshis and their dynamics, through Shen Yilang's POV
Tiger and Crane Qi Xiaoxuan character study, and how meeting Hu Zi changed him
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Absolutely!! A huge favourite of mine is This is love (I've never loved so much) by umisabaku, though it is part 13 of their Designation: Miracle series.
A few other honorable mentions:
they said love is reaching blindly at a pit full of snakes by summermidnights (ZoSan)
forsythia by curiousitykilled (Hua Cheng & Yin Yu)
as permanent as stone cathedrals by pdameron (00Q)
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I've learnt a lot in my fic writing journeys, actually! Not strictly limited to one fic, but since I've been writing for Cdrama fandoms lately, there are a lot of Chinese customs and traditions that I've had to search up and read about.
Though most memorable would be when I went to double-check about Chinese reincarnation mythology for my fic 光的方向 | The direction of light.
According to the Chinese Daoism belief of reincarnation, the dead person's soul would have to pass through the ten realms of hell before they could be reincarnated. But in order to reach reincarnation, they would first have to cross the Wang Chuan River (忘川河 wàng chuān hé) using the Nai He Bridge (奈何桥 nài hé qiáo).
Now the lore about where and how old lady Meng Po manifests is varied, but the main point is that she forces the deceased's soul to drink the Five-Flavoured Tea of Forgetfulness (also known as "Mèng Pó soup" / 孟婆湯 Mèng Pó tāng), to make them forget their past life.
There is more about how not all souls were forced into this path of reincarnation- some who were deemed to have led an exemplary or virtuous life would be led to heaven- and also more about the Six paths of reincarnation that A Journey to Love used in their Six Realms Hall. But that's enough yapping from me.
TL;DR I learnt quite abit about Chinese beliefs regarding reincarnation!!
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ghosthoodie · 2 years ago
Also hi again, random but can you tell me a bit abt ur 8? :3c
Octo Expansion got me into Splatoon in the first place so I have a soft spot for any and all Eights hsjsh
:O HAI! yes i will :D
her real full name currently is Kaity Eighty because she thinks it’s really funny and cute! after she gets married it’s changed to Eighty-Dyerize
before octo expansion, she was a weapons engineer turned agent 3 rival after a misunderstood incident between them. that’s how she ended up getting in the fight with 3 in the first place!
she still is a big weapons nerd though. she loves to modify weapons just for the hell of it. 3 looks at her creations and tells her JEEZ, you really juiced this thing up. she’s also very into automobiles and machinery, making her everyone’s go to mechanic
(whenever a new catalog comes out, she’s immediately all over the weapons, while sicily fights to see the fashion section)
during OE, she and another octoling (kirakira) were both registered as an agent 8 to make completing all the missions easier. cuttlefish called her Hachi (she said it as Aachi, which prompted the nickname) and kira Eight, until kira rediscovered his name through some identifying documents.
kaity will never know her birth name. she tried searching for documents surrounding her existence after kira found his, but they couldn’t even come up with a birth ceritifcate. odd…
she was sicily’s caretaker during her recovery period from her OE injuries. at first kaity still assumed a more rival-like relationship, but after some coercion from sicily, they started to become close friends, and even more after that!
sicily’s the one who confessed, but kaity was the one who proposed! so sillinesses….
she loves sort of revealing, y2k styled clothing. it makes her feel really confident!!
she rides a motorcycle, but doesn’t know how to drive a car
she’s a heavy splatling main, but also doesn’t mind a little E-liter or mini
her dialect of octarian is very fast paced, like spanish!
she has retractable long claw fingers. she’s very expressive with her hands! she thinks they’re freakish, but sicily loves them.
she’s 6’2 :3
she’s a webfoot octopus!
i really enjoy when people ramble about oc facts so i let loose….. i hope this satisfies you and thank you for asking!!:D
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