amtcurlyq · 10 months
She was patient zero🤣
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#katniss is a victim of the sassy men apocalypse
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amtcurlyq · 10 months
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You'll see my face in every place But you can't catch me now
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amtcurlyq · 10 months
fuck jk rowling and i hope that she’s forever mad that all her characters are queer
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amtcurlyq · 1 year
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"Every table presents new temptations, and even on my restricted one-taste-per-dish regimen, I begin filling up quickly. I pick up a small roasted bird, bite into it, and my tongue floods with orange sauce. Delicious. But I make Peeta eat the remainder because I want to keep tasting things, and the idea of throwing away food, as I see so many people doing so casually, is abhorrent to me." (Catching Fire, chapter 6)
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amtcurlyq · 1 year
This is hilarious because they literally gave them an excuse to meet up and rebel🤣
Actually no I’m so not done talking about how rigged the quell was. Because I’ve seen people referring to it as “hunger games all stars.” That was 1000% intentional. Not only is it these weirdly coincidental duos that are reaped together (even from districts with tons of victors). For instance, a brother and sister duo, and two different known couples- it’s ALSO people who won their own games by extraordinary means. It IS the all stars, anyone who poses the biggest threat to the capitol. To eliminate all but one would be to eliminate any threat of the capitol’s fall. All of them arguably have the most reason for rebellion as well- it was a truly genius move that probably would’ve worked if it weren’t for Plutarch’s plan.
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amtcurlyq · 1 year
We KNOW Cinna shipped everlark!
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Capitol Viewers I can tell you it wasn’t “for the cameras” (well not all of it)
Saw a comment pointing out how tall Katniss’ shoes were in my last drawing and It gave me such a giggle because I hadn’t even realised!! Oh no!! It’s ok tho because she has Peeta to carry her around 😉😉 we’ll just say Cinna is an amazing wingman
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
The way I really need a fic of slightly evil Spider-Gwen tearing apart the multiverse to find a Peter Parker who lost their own Gwen.
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
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Ke Huy Quan and Harrison Ford in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM and at the 95th ACADEMY AWARDS after EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE wins Best Picture
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Peter: I got hit by a truck on patrol today and now my hip is all swollen
Peter: I look like I got half a Brazilian Butt Lift
Tony: You’re a KarCrashian
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
It's Joanne's fault! Fanon over Canon!
Marauders fanfic authors be like: “it’ll have a happy ending, I promise!”
Also Marauders fanfic authors: *kills off half the characters*
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Truth or Dare
The club was in full swing, when we left. Those people dancing must not have jobs or livers. I collapse into the booth before Peter and Gwen. Liz and Harry slide in on my other side. And MJpulls a chair to the booth. The waiter came by and took our orders. Harry tries to fight us on the third pizza but me and MJ knew Peter would inhale one on his own. “Okay,” Harry claps his hands together. “We’re all sufficiently drunk now. Let’s play truth or dare.”
“What?” Asks MJ.
"Isn’t that game for children?” Gwen asks, matter of factly.
“Please don’t get him started,” Liz begs.
“Not if you ask interesting questions,” says Harry.
“Uh oh,” I slur.
“Oh yes,” says Gwen. She’s already got a question lined up. I hope it's not for me.
“Come on,” Harry insists. “No one else has a burning question for someone sitting at this table. Or wanna embarrass somebody.”
“You make truth or dare sound so sinister,” I say.
“Let’s play,” declares MJ. Oh no.  
“Why am I so scared now?” Asks Peter.
“You got something to hide, Parker?” Chides Harry.
“You have no idea,” I giggle.
Peter and MJ give me a harsh look that appropriately sobers me. Harry looks between us than at Gwen. “Do you know what that was?”
“Okay,” Gwen concedes. “Fine I’m in. If only to find out what that look was.”
I have to turn away from the heat of Peter’s glare. Peter shrugs. “Let’s play then.”
“Great. Who should go first?” Liz says.
I know that everyone was hyper focused on Peter so I said, “Me. Dare.”
Harry looks me up and down. “I wanna see your phone.”
“I dare you to Unlock your phone and let us look around.”
Instant regret. I pull my phone out of my purse, try to think of all the things in there I didn’t want him to see. Harry holds out his hand. I unlock my phone and give it to him. “Have fun.”
Gwen and Liz lean towards Harry. Peter tries to look uninterested but his eyes flit towards the screen. While Gwen seems genuinely uninterested. MJ has no chance of seeing the screen so Gwen narrates for her, “He’s going into her gallery.”  
My heart pounds as Harry swipes until he finds something interesting. Peter’s eyes go wide as he takes my phone from Harry. “It’s fine, Peter.” I laugh.
“Ginger-” Peter starts.
“Relax,” Harry tugs the phone from Peter. “There tasteful.” He flips the phone to show everyone the picture of me in my white lacey panties. Liz starts clapping. Peter’s jaw clenches.
“I took those,” MJ points at the phone.
Liz nods, “You did a good job.”
“Thank you,” responds MJ.
Harry hands my phone back. “Okay. I think you definitely earned next pick.”
“Harry, truth or dare.”
I’m delighted. I didn’t really have a question. I look down at my little black dress. “I dare you to switch clothes with me. Heels and all.”
“Jokes on you. I’ll definitely wear it better.” Harry slides out of the booth. MJ hops out so I can follow him.  
Harry’s bachelor look is much more comfortable than it looks. Probably because it was designed for a much taller man than me.  I had to button up a few more buttons so the shirt wasn’t open to my navel. His belt hangs around me like a hula hoop. The gang chuckles, when I leave the bathroom but they full on howl when Harry does. I slide in at the edge of the booth now. “This is much more comfortable.” Harry rolls his eyes. Harry kinda looks like a giant in my small clothes. My dress is basically a shirt and if he wasn’t still wearing his boxers he’d be completely exposed. It’s just overall uncool.  
The three other people in the restaurant are interested but too drunk or sleepy to give it anymore attention. He can hardly sit down. I’ll never be able to wear it again with him stretching it out. “I can’t breathe.”  
“You wanted to play this game,” I say.
I hand Harry back his shoes and jacket. Harry snarks, “And they say chivalry's dead.”  He slides my heels back to me under the table. Like I want those back.
“Liz,” Harry snaps and points at her. “Tell us a story.”
Liz complains, “You didn’t even ask me truth or dare.”
“Do you wanna do a dare?” Harry asks.
Liz looks between me and Harry. “No.”
“Tell us the weirdest hook up you ever had.”
“The weirdest,” Liz says to herself. “There was one guy that was really into belly buttons.”
Gwen says, “That’s not too weird.”
“You weren’t there.”
“That’s lame,” Harry says.
“That’s all I got,” Liz says.
“What was he doing? How long?” I ask.
“I don’t know,” she laughs
“Oh my gosh,” I rub my hand down my face.
“Peter,” Liz says. “Truth or dare.”
“Dare.” That was really his only option.  
“I dare you to put your underwear on your head.”
“But we’re in public,” Peter complains. Gwen chuckles. Like she was anticipating his humiliation.  
MJ shrugs, “You picked dare.” Now Harry and Gwen had to slide out of the booth to let Peter make his way to the bathroom.  
I can’t believe he would do it until he showed up. Boxers on those luscious curls. I would be sad if I wasn’t laughing so hard. I do feel bad, when the remaining two people see Peter and start laughing. He stands in front of the booth waiting. Harry scoots down so Peter can sit on the edge. “Now it's your turn to be on display.”
“Who do you want to ask, Peter?” Asks Gwen.
“I don’t really have a question.”
Gwen perks up. “Oh! I wanna ask Ginger something!” Peter acquiesces. “Pick truth. Pick truth.”
“Uhh.” I don’t know if she would ask me anything about Peter. Better be safe. “Dare.”
“I dare you to let me draw on your face,” She says.
“Just don’t put anything-”
“I’m drawing a dick.”
“Nooooo,” I whine.
MJ eagerly digs through her bag. “Ma’ma. Miss! Can we please get a pen, please?” MJ eagerly swings her hands in the air for the waitress’ attention even though we’re the only people in here now.
“Gwen, come on.” I whine
“I’m sorry, Ginger. My hands are tied.”
“You started this!”
Our waitress comes by with a pen, handing it to Gwen. “And now I have to finish it.”  
Everyone snickers at me, except for MJ, who doesn’t look up from her phone. “Okay its my turn. MJ, truth or dare?”
“Hand over your phone.”
“I dare you to let me text the last person you did.”
She clenches her phone in her hand. That can't be good. I hold out my hand until she drops it in mine. I see the lock screen. “Unlock it first.” I thrust it back at her just as a text slides across the top of the screen. MJ makes a grab for the phone but I see the name. “Oh my god!” MJ lunges across the table at me.  
Gwen and Harry are laughing. “Guys,” Peter tries to reign us in.
To my surprise she doesn’t stop when I wrench the phone out of her grasp. She follows me over the table, landing all her weight on top of me. I shriek. I roll her off the bench and onto the floor. The table tips over in MJ’s attempt to stand. Everyone lifts their feet to avoid the crash. “What the fuck, dude?”  
Peter moves the table out of the way.
“Shut up!” MJ pulls my hair and I tumble to the floor after her. I squirm in her grasp as she tries to shake the phone off me.
Peter picks me up out of her grasp. “Give me my phone.”
“Come on, Ginger. This isn’t funny anymore.”
MJ stands up. Peter pulls me behind him but doesn’t let me go. I look him in the eye. “She’s talking to Sally again.”
Peter fully turns to MJ forgetting to hold me prison. “MJ.” His voice is an olive branch but MJ pushes past him to snatch the phone out of my hand.
“Who’s Sally?” Gwen asks.
The silence that night is unbearable. I stare into the darkness, sure MJ is still awake too.
Apparently presence was so offensive, MJ had to leave our room before I even woke up. I couldn’t sit with myself and my thoughts so I leave the room too. I wonder the halls of our hotel until I end up at the laundry room. No one would never look for me in here.
But when I open the door, I find Peter crouched on the floor. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing?” Peter asks.
I just close the door behind me. Peter is still in his pajamas. His three shirts in the laundry.
“I’m sorry Harry told everyone about Vin.” I sit down next to him.
“It’s fine.” He looks me over. “You know maybe embarrassing MJ like that wasn’t the way to go.”
“I wasn’t trying to embarrass her-”
Peter cuts me off with a look.
“I just don’t know what to do. She just keeps going back for more.”
“It’s different for her. I mean there’s just less options and you know how hard it is for her to open up to people.”
“We live in New York. Where is there a better dating pool?” Peter doesn’t respond to me. “If I had done half the stuff to her as Sally, she’d never speak to me again. She just shook me like a soda over her phone.”
Peter is quiet. I know he thinks I’m being unreasonable but he’s just gonna let my denial crash over me. Nope. “Say something!”
Peter sigh, watching his clothes spin in the washer. “What do you want me to say?”  
That is unexpectedly dour. Now I’m quiet. “Is everything okay with you and Gwen?”
“Yeah.” Peter’s voice goes up about five octaves.
I give him a look. I take his hand but say nothing. Peter leans his head on my shoulder. I run my thumb over the back of his hand.  Peter clears his throat. “I don’t think its gonna work.”
I turn to him. “What’s wrong? One fight isn’t gonna end everything.”
“Gwen’s suspicious. She knows I’m hiding something.”
“Peter?” It hadn’t even occurred to me that Peter hadn’t told Gwen about Spiderman. “It’s been months. How have you not told her?” “She’s a cop,” Peter defends.
“What?” How did I not know that? No, I knew that. Maybe.
“You don’t...no of course you wouldn’t know that.” Peter lifts his head. His hand slips from my grasp.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’ve never made an effort to get to know Gwen. Ever since I started dating her you’ve been avoiding me.”
“No. I haven’t.”
“Ginger, come on. Just because I haven’t said anything doesn’t mean I didn’t notice.”
Shit. I turn away. I’ve experienced too much humiliation in the last twelve hours to expend any energy on this. I can’t confess my love right now. I just can’t.
“What’s going on? Do you not like her? I thought you two got along fine.”
Peter offers me an out and I take it. “I can’t do anything about it if she gives me a bad vibe.”
“A bad vibe?” Peter asks, incredulously.
“I'm a woman. I can’t ignore my intuitions about things.”
Peter rubs his face. “Okay. So, these past months you’ve been avoiding me over a bad feeling.”
“Jesus Christ Peter, not everything is about you. Sorry I can’t revolve my life around you every single day. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but in the last few months my entire life has gone up in flames. I was going to a prestigious school, double majoring, I was engaged. I was gonna be everything I was supposed to be and now I’m sitting here hiding in the laundry room with you of all people. Fuck you. Fuck your laundry. I’m glad that guy stole all your stuff because you’re an asshole, self-righteous, self-obsessed jerk.” I get up and walk out.
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Everyone changes into something nice for dinner, except for Peter. I chuckle to myself. Peter frowns. “I know your laughing at me.” I cover my mouth with my hand. “No. I’m not laughing at you.”
Harry says, “Oh my gosh Ginger, the man was robbed.” But he’s laughing too.
Holly lifts her head from MJ’s shoulder. “Wait what happened to Peter?” Asks Holly. Harry recounts for Holly and Liz what Vin did.
“You guys suck,” Peter says.
“Oh my gosh Peter,” Liz says. “I’m so sorry.”
Peter smoothes out his features. “It’s okay.”
“Wait that’s not the only shirt you have is it?” Asks Holly.
“Just this one and two others,” Peter says. And I’m laughing again. No wonder why Peter didn’t want to tell me about it.
MJ shakes her head at me. “What is wrong with you?”
“I was born like this,” I lament through giggles. I look Peter in the eye and say very seriously, “I’m sorry.”
“Should we hit the clubs?” Gwen asks, practically vibrating in her seat.
Harry leans back in his chair. “I’m turning in early today.” Liz nods.
MJ yawns “Me too.” She lays her head on my shoulder. “My vaca buddy says no.” And if the group splits up I can’t be caught dead on Gwen’s side.  
“Oh, come on guys,” Gwen laments. She tugs on Peter’s shoulder.  
“I’m tired too, babe.”
If I had a date here, I’d wanna snuggle with them too. Tonight, I was perfectly content to spread across the bed myself and go right to sleep.
Our rooms were all in the same hallway. Peter and Gwen were our neighbors while Harry and Liz were across the hall. The room I share with MJ is cozy despite being quite large. There is wood flooring, warm toned color scheme, and two beds with white comforters and mauve blankets. “This is nice.”
MJ groans flopping face first into her mattress. “I can’t believe she tried to get us to go out tonight.”
“Right? Like don’t you ever get tired?” I insist.  
“Yeah, but tomorrow its on. Spring Breaks only a week.”
Peter and Gwen are late to breakfast. Peter’s neck bares several hickies and I think I’m gonna be sick. I would get on a plane and go home right now, if it meant I’d forget ever seeing that. I take a swig my mimosa. “Excuse me.” I wave over our waiter. “Can I get something a bit stronger?”
“Ginger, it’s literally ten in the morning.” MJ says.
“You're the one who wanted to get up this early,” I say. The waiter hands me the wine menu. “Thank you.”
Peter, Liz, and MJ were resting in the shade with a different book in each pair of hands. I should’ve stayed over there with them. I wanted to let the waves carry me on my intertube but now Harry and Gwen decided to toss me between them. “Guys, stop.” I whine. Harry tosses me to Gween and throws me off my floatie. I yelp, hitting the water. My foot hits something soft. Eww. I swim back to the surface.
Harry is holding his gut laughing
I splash him in the face. He splashes me back. Gwen joins in, when a pain shoots up my foot. “Ow!” I shout. Harry splashes me again. My foot is burning. “Ow!” I try to grab my foot.  
“Wait stop,” Gwen wades closer. “What’s wrong?”
“My foot burns,” I moan.
Harry and Gwen pull me onto the sand. I gasp. The pain is so much worse out of the water.  
“Oh.” Harry gasps.
Liz, MJ, and Peter rush over. Liz has a towel. Peter lifts me and the girls spread it under me. “What happened?” MJ asks.
“Are you okay?” Liz asks.
“No,” I whine. “It’s worse now.”
My shin is turning purple. “Was she stung by a jellyfish?” Liz asks.
“Fuck. That’s what I stepped on.”
“What do we do?” Asks MJ. “Pee on her?”
“What!?” I shout.
“That’ll make it stop burning,” Gwen says.
Everyone looks at Peter and Harry. Peter shakes his head. “No. I can’t.”
Harry sighs. “Fine.”
“No.” I try to stand up. The pain shots up my leg.  
“Hold her down,” MJ says. Peter crouches down behind me to wrap his arms around me.
Gwen and MJ take each leg. Liz looks on with pity. Gwen and MJ try to hold back their laughter.
“No!” Peter grabs my elbows. “Just cut it off,” I moan. But I know fighting Peter is useless and most of me just wants the burning to stop.
Peter puts his hand over my eyes as Harry pulls his pants down. A warm liquid runs down my leg. The smell hits my nostrils. I choke on bile and screaming.
I sulk in bed. The stinging subsides after a good bath but I’m in a sour mood for the rest of the day. All the couples split off to go have dinner by themselves and eventually MJ gets dressed to leave too. “Where are you going?” Her underwear is matching.  
“Uh nowhere.” I groan.  
Why does everyone make such a big deal about getting back with your ex. That shit fucking slaps. “Good morning.”  
Only Liz and Harry reply. Peter and Gwen both seem determined to not to look up from their plates. What’s going on? You know what that’s none of my business. I turn to Liz and Harry. “I like your shirt.”
Liz and Harry both look down at their tops. “Oh thanks.”
“Oh.” Liz looks over at Harry’s shirt. Although something tells me she knows I was talking about her.
“You both look good,” I assure.
“Good morning,” MJ sings.
“What’s got you so happy?” Asks Harry.
I chuckle to myself.
“What?” Asks Liz.
“Nothing,” MJ says, trying to repress her smile. “You guys doing anything before we go out?”
“No.” Liz shakes her head. “I am exhausted. I’m going right back to sleep.”
“Same.” Gwen reminds us her and Peter are still sitting there. Although I believed her way more. Gwen looked loathed to be here and her comment turned Peter’s ears red.
Everyone looks horribly uncomfortable. Liz saves the day with a change of subject. “How’s your leg, Ginger?”
A chill runs up my spine remembering all the things that touched my leg yesterday. “It’s better now.”
“I don’t remember you thanking me for yesterday,” Harry says.
“You peed on me!”  
“I exposed myself in public for you.”
“Oh, please you loved an excuse to show off your stuff.”
Liz only lets one of the corners of her mouth to rise.
I can hear MJ’s cajoling through the walls. “Peter, please talk to her.” “She says she doesn’t wanna go.” “I don’t know she won’t tell me.” There’s a knock at our door.
I smile. “Come in.”
“You’re not coming to the club with us?” He walks over and stands over me. I was looking for an outfit and I’m just sitting on the floor.
I shrug. I’d rather stay home on the phone.  
“Why not?” Peter sits down next to me.
“I don’t know. I just don’t think I want to go out and get black out drunk right now.”
“Well, we are on vacation.” Peter says.  
“I thought you’d agree.”
“I mean you do drink a lot but I don’t wanna be the person weighting down your fun.”
“We can like different fun. We still have fun together.”
“So,” Peter thinks. “I don’t wanna encourage you to get black out drunk. But I want you to come with us.”
“It’s kinda of an either or,” I admit.  
“If you don’t wanna go, I’ll handle MJ.”
I sigh. “I do.”
“What if I don’t have anything to drink either.”
“What about three drinks?”
“Three,” Peter agrees.
Me and Peter chug are third water. I don’t even think I’m tipsy. “I’ve been to the bathroom three times.” I shout over the music.”
“Four.” Peter shouts back.
“We are such light weights.” I wanna ask where Gwen is but I vehemently do not.  
MJ is talking... no flirting with a woman. Peter’s eyes move across the room. “What’s MJ-?”  
“Peter, where’s Gwen?” Peter’s head rolls back to me before placing his face in his hands. I instantly want to take it back. “Maybe we should have our last drink.”
“No. I should go look for her.” Peter sulks off.  
I turn back to the bartender. “Can I have another drink?”
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Birthday Wishes
Career Woman masterlist: https://amtcurlyq.tumblr.com/post/682372906131570688/wingwoman
Louie: Happy Birthday
What the fuck? I throw my phone across the room. “Harry!”
Bernard pops his head in the open door. “He’s out, Miss.”
“Where?” It’s my birthday. I mean not really but...
“It is my understanding he’s been at Ms. Alan’s since yesterday.”
“Oh.” I look back at my phone. “Thanks, Bernard.”
“Happy Belated Birthday, Ms. Grant.”
I unlock my phone. I swipe away the latest notification.
Louie just texted me Happy Birthday
No answer
Hey you won’t believe who  texted me today.
There’s no way she could resist a mystery. I lay back in bed to wait for her reply.
I wake up two hours later. Still no reply. Peter texted Happy Birthday. I say ‘Thank you’. I could probably start getting ready. If I take my time, I’ll finish around when it’s time to go.  
Everyone’s at Nuts and Bolts, when I get there. “Happy Birthday, Ginger!”
“Hey!” I hold up my arms. Everyone surrounds me in a big hug.  
“You look hot!” MJ says. They lead me to the table they had been standing around, where a girl with short blue hair is waiting.  
I trip on my high heels. MJ keeps me from falling. I grip her arm. “Someone’s been pregaming without us.”  
I lean against the bar. Peter downs another shot with me. I laugh to myself as I sway back and forth. “You’re not even a little tipsy, are you?”
Peter chuckles with me, putting out a hand to stop my swaying. “It’s your birthday we’ll keep trying if that’s what you decree.”
I sit up straight. “I am the Birthday Queen.” Liz and Harry were grinding on the dance floor. I turn back to Peter. “You know could’ve brought Gwen if you wanted.”
Peter shakes his head. “Gwen’s my girlfriend. I didn’t wanna invite anyone else to your party.”
“I like Gwen. She’s nice.”
“I know you like to be the center of attention.”
I smile to myself. “You get me.”
“We’ve known each other for a long time, Ging.”
I smile to myself. I have to be careful. I should change the subject. “Why didn’t you tell me you lost your job?”
Peter sighs. “I don’t know. I knew Harry would try to lend me the money and I guess I just wanted you to think I was alright.”
“What does that even mean?” I slur. Peter pushes my hair behind my ear.
“Gwen doesn’t know why I lost my job.” I sigh. “I already knew what you’d say.”
“Drunk Ginger may have something else to say,” I muse.
Peter laughs. “All these years later, I’m still trying to impress you.”
The warmth spreads through me warmer than the alcohol. “You know I’d never judge you. And I’m certainly in no position this year.”
“I think it's really brave what you're doing, Ging.”
“I don’t feel brave. I’m actually really scared like all the time.”  
“It may not go the way you want. But you didn’t want to be a doctor. You’ll always regret it if you never tried. And if acting doesn’t work, I promise that we’ll still be here. You’ll find what’s for you. It might be something you never expected.” Peter is just trying to calm me down but I know he would never lie to me.  
“I wish MJ didn’t have to leave.”
“Yeah. Who’s gonna insult our intelligence?”
“You know your gonna have to take me home all by yourself.”
“I’ve got practice. I can stay over watch some Audrey Hepburn or Gossip Girl.” I try to push away the memories of us laying on Aunt May’s couch, sneaking kisses when she left the room. 
Sending Peter away at my door, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I cry. I don’t care if he can hear me down the hall. I can’t choke it down anymore. The pain chipping away at my heart everyday, worsened everyday. I’m just so alone. And the thought of trying to fill that void hurt worse than the solitude. I lay my hot face against the cold counter. It felt good to just let it out. Finally.
I open my phone and remember the text I received this morning.
Louie: Happy Birthday
Me: Thanks. It’s nice to  hear from you.
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Ginger v Vin
“He hasn’t texted you back,” Harry asks.
“No. I’ll call him.” I call Peter but he doesn’t answer.
“Okay. We’re going in.”
We crawl out of the town car and into Peter’s dodgy apartment building.
“I don’t know why he won’t just move in with us,” Harry says.
“Most people don’t like to live with their ex-girlfriend,” I say.
I call the elevator.
“You’d like it though,” He smirks.
The elevator opens. Harry looks skeptical. “I think we should take the stairs.”
“Absolutely not,” I point to my heels. “He’s on like the seventh floor.”
“What if it gets stuck?”
“It’ll be an adventure,” I suggest.
We knock on Peter’s door. Peter answers the door almost immediately. “Hey guys.” He stands in the doorway and doesn’t invite us in.
“Are you ready to go?” Harry asks.
“Shit. I totally forgot. I’m sorry just one second.” Peter closes the door and leaves us in the hallway.
“Absolutely no home training,” Harry says, opening the door and walking in.
Peter disappears into his room. His roommate, Vin, sits at the kitchen table looking irate. “Hi Vin,” I say. Harry waves.
He perks up. “Hey Ginger,” he smiles. Harry walks into Peter’s room. “You look nice.”
“Thank you, Vin.” I look around the room. “The place looks nice. Did you do something?”
“I cleaned up. We had visitors.”
“Ginger!” Harry calls. He opens the door and sticks his head out.  
I hear Peter objecting behind him. “No Harry, don’t.”
Harry holds Peter back as I walk into the room. “What?”
“It’s nothing,” Peter assures.
“Nothing,” Harry spats. “Look in his closet.”
I tentatively open the closet. Its empty. “What the fuck, Peter?” I turn around to face him. “Did you get robbed?”
I look around. Peter’s laptop is still on his bed. His phone. I look through his drawers. They’re all empty.
“Did you sell all your clothes?” I ask.
“I didn’t,” Peter says looking down.
I look at Harry. We both walk back into the kitchen. “No wait,” Peter calls.
“You stole Peter’s clothes?” I am truly perplexed.
“He didn’t have rent.”
Harry turns to Peter. “Why didn’t you say anything?”  
“What that means you can sell all his stuff?”
The door unlocks. Gwen walks in. My heart drops. She has a key. I take a deep breath.
“What’s with all the yelling?” Gwen asks.
My brain is completely resetting and I can’t remember what I was saying.
“This guy sold all of Peter’s clothes.” Harry laughs.
“Harry,” Peter groans.
Gwen’s mouth falls open. “What?”
“He didn’t have rent,” Vin defends himself.
“That doesn’t mean you steal people’s clothes,” I say. “What the fuck?”
“I thought you said everything was under control,” Gwen says.
“You told her about this?” Harry asks.
“I was short this week but I started my new job last week and I’ll be good next month,” Peter explains.
“You lost your job?” I exclaim.
Peter looks thoroughly embarrassed and my heart feels fit to burst. “Never mind.”
I close myself back in the Towncar. I don’t take my sunglasses off and just close my eyes. Why wouldn’t Peter tell us he was in trouble? I mean maybe Harry wouldn’t get it but he was the first person I told when my mom cut me off. But now he has Gwen.  
Harry crawls in the car with Peter behind him. I slide over for him. Peter sat in the seat across from us. He closes the door. “Where’s Gwen?” I ask.
“She just came by to get something she left the other night.”
We’d reached the point where Peter didn’t feel he had to tip toe around us seeing other people. I used to relish that closeness. I’ve taken a few steps back since then.
I lean back against the seat. Peter looks up. “Are you okay?”
I nod but don’t raise my head off the seat.
MJ was waiting for us at the coffee shop. Peter sits next to them. Me and Harry sit on the other side of the table. I smile. Our waiter comes by to take everyone’s order. She turns to me.
“I don’t want anything,” I say. “Thank you.”  
MJ gives me a look but says nothing.
“These exams are taking everything out of me,” Harry says. “I can’t wait to go to Amsterdam.”
“Your just excited to smoke weed where its legal,” MJ.
“I don’t think Harry worries about going to jail for marijuana possession,” Peter says.
“I’m excited to take a week off of school,” Harry says. “Aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” Peter sighs. He lays his head against his hand. “I could use a break.”
“Me too,” MJ says. “I’m excited to smoke weed too.” She admits.
“You better get your fill because I have an entire week to find your stash in the apartment,” I say
“Ginger, are seriously not gonna come with us?” Harry pleads.
“I don’t get a break anymore,” I remind her. “I have to go to work.” I pout.
“I told you just take off,” Harry insists.
“I just took off for our Valentine’s Day. What if I get sick? It’s flu season.”
“But that was last month-” Harry starts.
“She can’t play hooky,” Peter cuts in. “It's not school, Harr-.”
“Please don’t speak for me,” I say. Peter always talked over me like he knew best. He apparently didn’t even have a job right now.
Peter looks taken aback. “I’m agreeing with you.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“You’re right.” Harry amends. I turn away but I still feel Peter’s eyes on me.
“Yeah, you’re gonna need that extra cash for next weekend!” MJ says. “Our baby is turning five!”  
I roll my eyes at her. That joke never gets old.
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Career Woman masterlist:
“Nia looks good,” I say.
“Yeah. I’ve been trying to keep up with her since she told us about what happened. She seems okay.”
“That’s good.”
“So where were you last weekend?” I shake my shoulders at her, hopefully in a casual way.
MJ looks up from the stroller and shrugs. I imagine her sitting at home, seeing my name on her screen, and flipping over her phone. What was happening?  
I turn to Tommy and pinch his cheeks. “Hey!” He swats my hand away. I poke and pinch under his arms and his tummy. He yelps and twists. He bends his head away from me until his head is out of his stroller so I pull back.
“What did you do last weekend?”
I texted you. Do you not remember? “Nothing.”
We turn onto the trail. You can see the park now. “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” He’s squirming in his seat. “Let me go!” I lean down an unbuttons him and he races off into the woodchips.
“I went on a date,” MJ blurts.
I turn to MJ. “What?!”
MJ rolls her eyes. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal?! Tell me everything! I knew you were hiding something. I thought maybe you were writing something for the Bugle.”
She shakes her head. “The internship is really just temp work. They haven’t really given me anything to do.”
“I’m sorry.” I know how excited she was, when she got the internship. I’m not super invested in the inner workings of the subway system but her story on them was well researched. No one deserved it more. “Lets talk about good things. Did you like...?”
“Holly. She’s nice.”
“Come on. She’s more than nice.”
MJ honest to God giggles. Oh my gosh! “I just... I really like her. She’s heading the Mutant protest on campus.”
“I like her already.”
“I think you’d like each other,” she agrees.
“Bring her to my birthday party.”
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amtcurlyq · 2 years
Career Woman Masterlist
Chapter 1: Wingwoman
Chapter 2: Guys and Galentine’s Day
Chapter 3: Slippery Dreams
Chapter 4: A Friendly Get together
Chapter 5: ROAD TRIP!!!!
Chapter 6: Sickbed
Chapter 7: Divorce
Chapter 8: Dorm Sleepover
Chapter 9: Alone 
Chapter 10: Babysitting
Chapter 11: Ginger v Vin
Chapter 12: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 13: Amsterdam
Chapter 14: Truth or Dare
9 notes · View notes
amtcurlyq · 2 years
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/amtcurlyq/682372906131570688?source=share
“Ginger.” Georgie’s voice comes through. “Ginger.” She shakes me until I open my eyes. Georgie has the curtains drawn and the lights off but I can tell by all the sun peaking around them that it's probably midday. She hands me an aspirin.
“Thank you.”
Georgie nods. “I gotta go. I’ve got some designs due in a few weeks.”
I smile. “When did you become the responsible one?”
She shrugs, her smile becomes heavier. “When you left home, I realized it was time to grow up.”  
“I’m really proud of you, George. I hope mom says that.”
Georgie runs her hand through my hair. “You know she doesn’t.” She gets up. My head spins as I stumble to walk after her. Georgie puts her hands on my shoulders and pushes me back down on the bed. “That’s okay I’ll let myself out.”
I feel like a wino mom. “Has Harry come back?”
“Text me when you get to campus.”
I pull out my phone and call Harry. He answers after three rings. “Hey, Ginger. How was Georgie?”
“I don’t know. Where are you? You’re not still at Peter’s are you?”
“I’m meeting Liz.”
“What? Does Peter know you’ve been talking to her?”
“No. Just you. And I’d like to keep it that way.” My heart clenches. Too late for that. I’ve been a total fuck up.
“Are you coming home tonight?”
“Do you need me too?”
I just don’t wanna be alone. I blink the tears away. “No. I’m finally going to finish Grey’s Anatomy in the living room?”
“Seventeen seasons are too many,” Harry argues.
“How can you just give up on our show?” “Uh Ginger I have to go. See you tomorrow.” He ends the call.
I look at the time stamp. That was eight minutes. I’ve got the rest of the afternoon and evening to go. MJ is at work and I can’t hang out with Peter alone again.
Mugo hops onto the bed. “I guess it’s just you and me.” Sometimes it was hard to look at Mugo and not think of Peter.
I scroll through my contacts list. Georgie was right. I hadn’t talked to Gracie in a while.  
“Hey Gracie, what’s ya doing?”
“What kind?”
Perfect. “You need help?”
“Not from you.”
“You haven’t called in months. Mom was really worried about you.”
If she’s so worried she has a good way of hiding it. I roll my eyes but bite my tongue. “What’s going on between me and mom doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
“I gotta go.” I can’t believe she hangs up the phone.
Mugo rubs his head against my thigh. What’s happened that he’s my biggest fan now?
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