#decided it would be too hard to cast it all together so I’m doing individual petals which I’ll then glue together
aubstacle-of-course · 7 months
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I am trying to make my gf this ring out of resin for our anniversary bc she offhandedly mentioned one time that she would love to have it and I am completely winging it so I have no idea how it’s gonna turn out and I am very afraid that it might be garbage but I am also vibrating with excitement over the Potential
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Charlie Actually Dies For Real
A Smiling Friends AU by @Scribbly07 / @ScribblyShipping
This pinned post will serve as a “hub” that’ll contain links to everything important in the blog!
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Plot: This AU serves as a fun “what if” scenario, where Charlie doesn’t come back after dying. (This means that no events after the episode don’t happen, too.) During his time in Hell, he progressively becomes more demonlike, with some unfortunate reminders of his death permanently stuck with him. He runs into some familiar faces along the way, too. Hes having a pretty hard time. And, despite what he hopes, things aren’t going so great in the realm of the living either.
I’m not too sure just how I want to tell this story yet. I have a basic plot rundown from beginning to end, but I’m unsure on how to tell everything and bridge the gaps. It might just be a mix of art and rambling posts, maybe even something more fanfic like if I can muster it.
I’ve decided that people can ask questions directed at the characters as well! You wanna know what Charlie’s up to in Hell right now? Go ask him!
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(Click on the links to see individual references and info!)
Other Notable Living Characters
Grim & Gnarly 
Other Notable Demons
######## (INFO NOT FOUND)
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Lore (in order):
As I publish more of this story, I’ll be sure to organize it here, so anyone new to the blog can pop in and catch up! There will be major plot events happening! ;]
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This will be updated as more questions come! But I wanted to get a few out of the way first.
Where’s Zoey?
Personally, I don’t really like Zoey, and will not be including her in this AU. She’s never really brought any sort of major impact in the show, so for all intensive purposes, she never existed within this timeline.
Where’s Mr. Boss?
Similarly to Zoey, I don’t really like him. He makes me uncomfortable on a much deeper level than Zoey, though. I don’t really want to touch him at all, so he’s just sort of in the background of this.
Where's Duncan?
Some as the two above this, I don't like him. His whole bit is being fat and throwing up. Why would I even give him the time of day?
Is there Charpim?
Well… they never got the chance to really make things official, but they were always very close, together on a deeper level than friends, but never found the words to confess.
Can I draw fanart?
OMG YES PLEASE! Feel free to tag this account and/or my main if you do!
Is selfshipping okay?
I would prefer it if people who selfshipped with Charlie or Pim not interact with this blog. But, besides those two, every other character is open range. I ask that you tag this account and/or my selfship blog if you create selfship art for the au! I'd like to see it :]
Can I make an OC/Include my OC?
Yeah! Anyone can make an OC for this or do something like make a demon version of your OC. However. Unless you're a friend of mine, your character will not be considered "canon" to this AU.
Can other SF Ask Blogs interact?
I've always dreamed of interacting with other ask blogs and roleplaying so YES! I will say, though, that characters like Charlie and Pim are ones I have very Strong connections to that I may be uncomfortable responding to depending on the interpretation. Don't be upset if I never respond, it's just a weird brain thing I have!
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kindheart525 · 10 months
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One of the worst parts of Triple Threat’s hospital stay, among all the…other stuff, was the homesickness she felt. She missed her family even more than she did when she was away at school. So she’d been looking forward to family therapy for days, when she could finally see her parents again.
“It’s not the same without you around, T! I can’t be the only one tip-tapping around the house!”
Her parents didn’t hide how much they missed her, but they kept the conversation lighthearted to start. 
“Well, hopefully it won’t be too long!”
TT did her best to match their cheer, but it made her sad to think about when she was still in the thick of her treatment.
“It’d better not, I’ve been aching to see my grandfilly!”
Her grandmare, Jive Honey, was also here to see her! As she lovingly squished her cheeks in the way only a grandmare could, TT couldn’t help but feel better.
“Why don’t you sit down? Make yourselves comfortable.”
The family therapist guided the four ponies to some seats. TT sat down first, then her mom, and her dad and Nana decided to stand next to Sweetie’s chair so they could be closer together.
“How is everypony feeling today?”
TT wasn’t sure how honest she wanted to be, she had a lot of conflicting feelings that would be hard to unpack. But before she could even attempt to do that, her mom was the first to answer.
“Not a day goes by where we don’t miss you a ton! Sometimes I want to find those ponies who made you feel like you had to do this to yourself and give them a good talking-to about how mean they’ve been.”
Sweetie was getting right into it, and honestly Triple Threat was a bit shaken by her manner. It also didn’t seem like she was getting the point; she’d forgotten half of her castmates’ and casting directors’ names by now so the individuals weren’t really her concern right now.
Tender Taps was used to his wife being oblivious or tactless on occasion, so he offered his daughter some comfort himself. 
“Well, what matters is that you’re safe and getting better.”
“I’m working on it, Daddy.”
TT gripped his hoof in hers, looking between him and the therapist for affirmation.
“I just can’t believe this happened!”
Sweetie kept going on. 
“I know how much it stings to have ponies poke fun at you. I thought I’d never see the end of it until I finally got my cutie mark. But were a few pokes and jabs enough to do this? To drive you to quit school and make yourself sick?”
“Now I’m not sure it works quite like that—“
“Being a blank flank isn’t the same, Mom.”
TT snarked in reply before her grandmare could defend her. Something about her mom’s attitude was really ticking her off.
“And it wasn’t a few pokes and jabs. They were making me the butt of the joke in every production all because of my weight!”
“Everypony gets bad roles sometimes, don’t they? Especially when they’re just starting out like you!”
Sweetie was really trying to be comforting, but as she went on it was clear she just wasn’t.
“You’re the most talented filly we know, if you’d just stuck it out a little longer the good roles were sure to come.”
The therapist knew very well that this young mare was coming from a family with unresolved tensions as she watched all this unfold, so she did what she was trained to do and tried to mediate.
“Triple Threat, how does this make you feel?”
The sheer ignorance of her mom’s statement was about as big a slap in the face as all the “bad roles” TT got. It made her feel even worse than she felt coming into this meeting, but now she was angry. She practically ignored her therapist as she shot back:
“You’ve clearly never been told not to shoot too high. You don’t know what it’s like to be left out by your castmates at every turn or cast as a damn farting warthog!”
Once she let out this curse, everypony knew it was getting real.
“You have no problem making sure everypony sees your talent. And you clearly have no problem giving your opinions on things you clearly know nothing about!”
“I know more than you think! Right after I had you, my body—“
“—Is HALF my size!”
With this, Triple Threat buried her face in her hooves and resisted the urge to scream. 
As this roast between mother and daughter went on, Tender could hardly quell them. He looked to his mother, silently pleading for her to have a solution. And luckily she did.
“How about we go outside for awhile and give TT some time to visit with Tendy?”
She looked to the therapist.
“Is that allowed?”
The therapist, in turn, looked to her patient.
“If you are okay with it.”
“Yes, please, just get out of here!”
TT cried out, refusing to make eye contact with her mother.
Sweetie was about to protest but it was no use, she had already said more than enough. So she followed her mother-in-law out of the therapist’s office, leaving her daughter still grappling with all the insecurities she passed down to her.
Previous: Lead a Horse to Water Next: Half-Pity
Sweetie Belle’s cutie mark by Dropple-RD
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rcksmith · 3 years
Rules — Kaz Brekker
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Requests: “Your works is incredibly good, masterpiece. Can you please smut with Kaz Brekker and prompts 34, 37, 47? Using your rules, they are wonderful. I will really wait))”
“could u do #39 with kaz???ignore if ur not comfortable with this!!”
“Hello, just binge read your kaz brekker smuts and they are amazing! Was wondering if you could do something with smut prompts 34,84,&72?”
Smut prompts:
34. “You’d better watch your fucking mouth.”
37. “I’m so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
“39. “You keep acting like a little brat and I’ll take you over my knee right here, I don’t care how many people are watching.”
47. “You look so good on your knees like that.”
72. “Fuck you.” 1. “I’m up for it if you are.”
84. “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, NSFW,explicit heavy smut, dirty talk, dom!Kaz.
Word count: 2k.
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
Thank you so much for the requests and for all affection 💖 I decided to compile these requests, since they were the same central plot. I added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down. I hope you like it and good reading.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are closed. Love you❤️
— — — —
There were two types of people in the world. The dangerous ones, with whom shouldn't play or challenge, people who are able to see and set your soul on fire with a single look, who exude power and domination with the way they walk. And there were people who loved to play with danger, with fire. People who felt the adrenaline pump in their veins and loved the feeling of being messing with something forbidden. Overcoming limits, challenging people on power.
Kaz Brekker was the first type of person. And you were second.
He was intimidating, dark and dangerous. An aura of mystery adored him like an underworld selvedge, and his caustic and intense gaze could very well be bought from what Lucifer cast around the world after The Fall. It was amazing how he hadn't left a trail of rubble where that gaze passed. People feared him, obeyed him, responded to his orders with astonishing precision. Everyone, but not you.
The surest comparison to define you would be to buy Jesper. Both with social personality, adrenaline addiction and seduction in their eyes. But you were a little more than that. More impulsive, more reckless, and more provocative. While Jesper knew all too well when to step back and keep your mouth shut, you refused to bow to Dirty Hands. Not because it was proud, but because it was fun, thought-provoking. Addictive. Every cell in your body felt extremely alive when you are under Kaz Brekker's dominant, angry, and dangerous gaze. He giving you a clear warning that you were swimming in turbulent water, but you were just plunging deeper into his waves.
You wanted to push him to the edge, the exasperation, to see what was really underneath that cold face and serious. Kaz could very well be the boss of the famous gang you were part of, but his rank wasn't enough to stop you. Never would be.
"Frankly, I just don't care." You told Jesper and Nina in one night, downing a shot of vodka.
"What?!" She looked at you dumbfounded. "Kaz is your boss and you argued with him about his plan!"
Nina looked alarmed, but all you felt was adrenaline and pleasure.
“Because it was a nonsense plan and…”
“What nonsense plan?”
And there was Kaz. With his height and his black underworld clothes, with his Lucifer gaze and mouth made for sin. You wanted him to sin. But you wanted l him sin with you.
Jesper and Nina soon stuttered trying to make up an excuse, but you weren't given to lies.
“Yours, in this morning.” Jesper looked like he wanted to stick his head in the dirt after your comment.
Then, once again, that fervent gaze was upon you, and every pulse in your body frantically pumped blood through your veins.
“Don't think I didn't notice your inability to follow rules, Y/n.” It was a warning.
“Oh I don't have a problem following rules “You rested your chin in your palm, with your elbow on the table, and held his fervent gaze, “,but only when they make sense. So that's the only way I can be very obedient, Sir.”
You heard Nina gasp, but your eyes didn't leave Kaz's. There was much more to that look than met the world could see. There was war for control, battles and ferocity. Kaz Brekker wanted to break you in half in that eye contact, but you wouldn't budge because a look. If he wanted you on your knees, you would be very happy to do it, but it would have to be the right way.
Kaz leaned toward you, closer enough for no one else to hear what he was going to say but far enough away that his mouth wouldn't touch your ear.
"You keep acting like a little brat and I'll take you over my knee right here, I don't care how many people are watching."
After that, the sexual tension between the two of you was suffocating, so thick it could have been cut with a knife. But nobody did anything to placate it, and you two just let it get bigger. Bigger and bigger. Until it's too late.
And in one night, it was too late.
"I won't do this just because you want to!" You crossed your arms over your chest.
Kaz wanted you to kidnap one of a mobster's kids to act as security when making a deal, but you wasn't going to kidnap anyone.
“You work for me.”
“No, I work with you.” It was a lie, but you didn't budge. “Don't think I'm here for lack of choice, Brekker. You need me as a vital member of this team and don't forget we're on an equal footing.”
His blue eyes turned almost black. Kaz Brekker rose from his office desk.
“Do you really think you're going to tell me how to act? Think you're gonna boss me around? Well, I don't think so.” His speech was slow and hot and dangerous, like that of a hunter prowling his prey and contemplating how pathetic you attempts to fight were.
“I don't give a damn what you think.” Your whole body was throbbing with life in that moment, as if fireworks had exploded in your chest. “But I won't do what you're ordering.”
"Fuck you." His voice was a growl.
A spot between your legs vibrated, and you gripped the taunt tightly. "I'm up for it if you are."
That seemed to be the pinnacle. The air crackled, the world shuddered, and Kaz's eyes roared with the flames of hell. He walked towards your with three long, purposeful strides, grabbed your chin in his gloved hand and brought you close to his mouth like you were just a rag doll.
Your breath burned in lungs, your unrestrained heart grew stronger and your entire body shivered. A low moan caught in your throat, but you could feel the warm, pulsing liquid stain your panties.
"You’d better watch your fucking mouth." Kaz's voice was husky, strong and gruff, like a boss. Your boss.
Pleasure invaded your body like waves of electricity, stealing your breath and making your blood burn in veins like scalding lava. Your whole body vibrated, screamed, begged. You wanted to disobey and be dominated. You wanted to fight and be defeated. You wanted to play rebellious and be demoted to a good girl.
And your desires must have been very explicit and pleading in your eyes, because Kaz let his lips curve into a cocky, smug smile. The smile of someone who knows he has power.
"You are such a hypocrite." He brought his body close to your. "Saying you're not easily obedient, likes others to think you're provocative and rebellious, but you're just a needy kid wanting my attention."
You moaned this time. A broken and delivered sound that gave away your entire game.
"I'm not one of the men you can challenge and get along with."
"I didn't think you was." You tried to rescue the last spark of provocation, your last fire of insolence.
“And yet you test me. Because you know what I can do with you.”
His husky words hit your skin, and Kaz pulled your chin more closer, until your lips were able to swallow his words. “Because you know I can break you.”
The moan came loud this time, desperate and needy. Kaz hadn't even touched you properly and you already felt ready to combust.
“Y-yes.” But if you were desperate, Kaz was burning with dangerous fury.
“I'm so sick of your voice. Why don’t you come over here and put your mouth to better use?”
Then his hand slipped from your jaw and stuck to the silky hairs on the back of your neck, closing his fingers there and bringing you with him to the armchair Kaz had been sitting in seconds ago.
They weren't sweet, affectionate, or kind touches, but that wasn't what you were looking for. You wanted roughness, fury, raw and strength. You wanted something wild, wanted had marks on your body the other day to tell a story. You weren't a woman who settled for the basics and wanted someone able to show you what a real fuck was. You wanted to be broken. And Kaz Brekker could give you that.
He sat down in the leather armchair and pulled you to the floor, settling you on your knees on the floor between his long, masculine legs. The awareness of what was to come filled your mouth with water, with desire, with lust, and you found yourself already leaning your mouth closer and... Kaz pulled your hair back, not hard, but firmly, keeping you away from his dick. For a while.
“Are you so eager to get my dick yet?” His free hand, now ungloved, glided to your face, running his thumb across your cheek in a firm, possessive touch. “Of course you are. Greedy slut."
Then came a slap. It wasn't aggressive, but you could feel the heat on your cheek. Your panties have never been so wet as they are now.
“S-Sir f-fuck.”
It was a plea, a whimper or a moan, you didn't know anymore. All you could feel was your pussy throbbing, mouth salivating and the overwhelming desire to put his cock in your mouth. It all hit you so hard that you wanted to cry with the wait.
Kaz lowered his mouth to your, slamming their lips together in a rough, brutal, dictating kiss. He invaded with his tongue and conquered everything you had, rubbing the hot flesh of your tongue in an erotic, maddening dance.
"Let me show you what happens to little brats who don't follow the rules." It was his sentence after back away his lips from your.
Unbuttoning his black pants with one hand and pulling the waistband down along with the boxers, he released the throbbing cock that sprang out with glory and grandeur. Thick, streaked with veins and with a pink head swollen and leaking with pre-cum. Everything about Kaz Brekker was delicious. Your moan at the sight was an opportunity that wasn't passed up. Kaz pulled your head by the back of your neck toward his dick, sinking into the velvety, warm, wet cavity of your mouth.
You accepted it readily, almost in desperation, tasting its taste with his tongue and sucking on his head like your favorite lollipop. Kaz moaned loudly, letting his head fall back and loosening his grip on your hair. Your eyes lifted to him, and the sight made you clench your thighs to ease the arousal.
His broad chest covered by the black button-down shirt rose and fell faster, his smooth white neck was exposed, and his firm jaw was clenched with fury. Brekker looked like the god of the underworld. And you loved it.
Your mouth suck to his cock better, increasing the back and forth movements and leaving a trail of hot sage. One hand rested on Kaz's thigh while the other aided the movements, spreading all the saliva down the length of his cock.
“You look so good on your knees like that.” His voice was more of a growl, and his grip on your hair went back to being firm.
You brought your eyes up to his once more, batting your lashes gracefully as you let out a few broken moans, sliding your tongue across every inch of his warm skin you could reach. Kaz gritted his teeth with your puppy dog ​​eyes. Losing all control and letting out a loud growl mixed with an aggressive curse, he thrust your head at him, sinking his entire dick into your hot mouth and hitting the glans at the beginning of your throat.
You gasped and he moaned loudly, increasing the back and forth and building with the movements of his own hips, fucking your mouth like it was the most delicious thing in the world.
"Fucking hell, what a velvet mouth!" He locked his teeth into his lower lip, using his free hand to slide his thumb across your cheek and give you a reward in the form of a small caress. "That's right, good girl."
You moaned, squinting your eyes and relaxing your throat. His compliment has done wonders for your feminine ego and your vanity, you've sunk your mouth down to touch the tip of your nose to his pelvis, and the grip on your hair has become rough as Kaz moaned loudly in a session of swearing and gasping.
He held you in that position, his whole body shaking with pleasure and despair, blood pumping like boiling lava through his saturated veins. With one last moan mixed with growl, he cum in your throat. In hot, strong jets, making sure you take every last drop. He tasted like salt, man and lust. And it was a miracle you didn't cum right away. The best liquid you've ever had.
Kaz released your hair with a hot gasp, and the hand on your cheek gently pulled you back. His dick came out of your mouth with a 'pop', saliva and tears mingled in your chin, your lips swollen and as red as roses at their apex.
You've never been so fucking delicious as you are now.
Brekker pulled you into his lap, settling you on his thigh and locking their mouths in a kiss permeated with lust and desire. You whimpered, body sensitive, pussy throbbing and throbbing. Your hands went to his hair as Brekker pulled the hem of your skirt up.
"Now, you're going to keep showing me how much you regret being insolent."
You smiled with teasing and malice. The night was just beginning.
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moon3thereal · 3 years
Hey, i have a natasha x reader request. So Natasha is a very composed person always know what to do and basically everybody is terrified of the ex-assassin. But when she sees you for the first time she gets so flustered and ends up stuttering over her words, and it doesn’t stop every time she sees you her cheeks will turn red and and don’t know what to do, but it’s worse when you will compliment her or tease her, she will blush so hard when you “accidentally touch her” or throw a suggestive joke at her. The avengers will tease her relentless because of this because she is so lovestruck even in important meetings they will tease her to embarrass her in front of fury. Fluffy ending where reader kisses Nat and a very flustered and happy Nat after.
Title: Forbidden Rendezvous
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none but if you find any do lmk
a/n: thank you for the req! I enjoyed writing this one very much and i hope you guys like it <3
Natasha Romanoff, the black widow herself, seemingly had a reputation to uphold. She was cold, ruthless, efficient, her instinct uncannily accurate. In short, she was one of the best agents in S.H.I.E.L.D if not the best. The Avenger was also pretty much the most stone-faced, cold-heartedly composed person in the world. She was a force to be reckoned with
That all went to hell when she met you, it was an avengers meeting, to be acquainted with the newest recruit to the Avengers initiative, all the Avengers had been told was that this recruit was a she and that she was one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s most elite agents and was probably here to babysit them and keep them out of trouble.
Which is why Natasha never expected someone like you to walk into the room, back straight, with the same elegant strut she’d found herself using more often than not. There was an air of composure around you, people could take one look at you and know that they shouldn’t mess with you. You had somehow managed to look daintily pretty but if they looked carefully at your posture, ready to attack should a threat arise, highly dangerous.
Once Natasha’s eyes landed on you, she couldn’t seem to tear them away, she was completely fixated on you, all the way from the door to when you took your place in an unoccupied seat with a bright smile on your lips that were painted just the right shade of red. Natasha studied the way a few strands of your hair fell out of your ponytail and curled around your jaw perfectly, framing your face. The way your lips parted to speak, presumably to introduce yourself, the Russian was put in a trance and there was an awkward silence when it was her turn to introduce herself
Clint, who was sitting next to her, raised an eyebrow at the dreamy look on her face and had to nudge her twice before she jumped slightly, startled and glared at him, he gestured to you and Natasha’s expression of indignation morphed to one of embarrassment and back to her original neutrality. You had noticed Natasha’s lingering stare on you, not the stare you’d seen her use on so many interrogatees and victims of her wrath, this stare was softer, almost like she was captivated by you
After a solid five seconds of Natasha pulling herself together, she extended her hand to you with a soft “hi, Natasha Romanoff” and before you had the chance to introduce yourself, she said “I mean, I’m Natasha Romanoff, you’re y/n y/l/n, I didn’t, I know you’re not Natasha Romanoff” The Avengers all had looks of astonishment on her face, she was always composed, even in the worst situations, none of them had ever seen her like this. Damn you Natasha she thought, she had absolutely no idea why her brain was short circuiting like this, it had never happened before
You laughed lightly before extending your own and shaking hers that was slightly sweaty, “hi, nice to meet you” she nodded, evidently flustered. How can someone be this perfect she thought. She’d seen you training in S.H.I.E.L.D quarters a few times but since she spent most of her time in the Avengers compound now, she’d never seen you up close.
After the meeting, which she hadn’t paid attention to anything else but the crease in your brows when you were concentrating, the way you knew how to disagree without offending the other individual, how intelligent you were, within the 2 hours you had joined the Avengers you had already solved a major problem with ease
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It had been a month since that day, you were settled in the compound, you had a room to yourself, and you found it pretty comfortable, you’d gone on a few minor missions, nothing serious. You were already enjoying their company and was getting used to the new environment. But you enjoyed Natasha’s company most, from what you know and what you heard, she was supposed to be an extremely dangerous individual, but around you, she was an absolute klutz and also the most adorable person you’ve met.
All the interactions between you too had always ended up in Natasha blushing furiously and you adoring how her cheeks got all rosy and her face would turn the same fiery red of her hair when you casually threw a suggestive comment her way, basically you both being absolutely whipped for each other and refusing to admit it first
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You were hacking into a computer system with Tony’s tech when Steve said “there’s no way you can pull that off, I know, I’ve tried” you simply scoffed, your hands flying over the keyboard typing in several coordinates “I’m y/n y/l/n, I can pull off everything” seizing the opportunity to once again fluster the redhead you pointed at her “including your clothes” just like you predicted, her cheeks immediately flushed red and a panicky chuckle fell from her lips
Steve rolled his eyes “see, according to you, I’m a million year old fossil, but still, even I can see that you are completely and irrevocably in love with her” you had successfully hacked into the system and pumped your fists triumphantly, transferring the information into a hard drive “I never said I wasn’t Rogers” you said sending a wink Natasha’s way and ‘accidentally’ brushing her bare arm lightly with yours as you passed by earning yourself a nervous squeak from her
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Even in important meetings, Natasha was often caught giving you heart eyes, like this one right now, Fury was staring at her waiting for her to give him a plethora of solutions like she normally would. This time however, she was busy staring at you and were practically making out with you with her eyes. Fury cast his glance around the avengers silently inquiring as to what happened to his best agent. “she’s infatuated with her new girlfriend” tony said
The abrupt voice snapped Natasha out of her thoughts and she sent him her killer glare “I am not” knowing chuckles reverberated around the meeting room, even you let out a soft laugh at her obliviousness. “Did you know that Romanoff let y/n borrow her motorbike?” Clint said in a faux conspiratory voice. The director’s eyebrows shot up “is that so?” one corner of his lips quirked up in a smirk
“So what if it is, its just a bike” Natasha tried to act nonchalant but the flush in her cheeks betrayed her. “Ah look, the adoptive murder daughter has found love” tony said sarcastically “I will cause you pain in ways you can’t even imagine” Natasha gritted out. Taking pity on her, you snapped your fingers “Okay okay, this has been fun, but back to the tesseract?”
After the meeting, and more relentless teasing, resulting in an extremely irritable Natasha, she had pulled you aside into an empty store room “ooh is this our forbidden rendezvous” you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively. Even in the dark, you could swear that Natasha was blushing like she always did even if you so much as looked at her
“no this is me apologizing on behalf of the team and what they said back there, it was disrespectful-” catching your quirked eyebrow and look of amusement indicating that you were in fact not at all offended by the team’s teasing and she was the only one amongst all of them that didn’t know you had feelings for her too. Deciding to be bold for once, she smirked “it could be our forbidden rendezvous though”
You smiled and closed the distance between you. You could feel her breath hitch when she noticed how close you were, how she could tilt her head slightly and her lips would meet yours, how much she wanted to feel your lips on hers. So that’s exactly what she did, when your lips touched, it was just like how they described it in books. It ignited something resembling a thunderstorm in you and you couldn’t acknowledge anything else except how her lips felt perfect against yours. You reached to run a hand through her crimson tresses, and when breathing became a difficulty she pulled away, ruffled and lips parted she smiled showing all her impossibly white teeth
“Who knew you were such a good kisser”
“Who knew you would ever get bold enough to find out”
Taglist: @phoenixofash @michelle-dsn @midgardianweasley @zolvaska @jokertgkk @yeeterthekeeper
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nctsworld · 4 years
✩ mark x reader | dance au | enemies to lovers | car s*x | smut | fluff | 1.6k
SUMMARY ⇾ your hate for your dance captain (and ex-best friend) melts and evolves into something more for the night. WARNINGS‌ ‌⇾‌ smut (near the end), car s*x, swearing, angst in backstory RATING ⇾ mature FOR ⇾ @markleesflathead​ 
AUTHOR’S NOTE ⇾ yes i’m bitter that most of my fics in ask form don’t show up in tag so i might have to post them as individual fics hhh || @markleesflathead​ idk how this ended up into car s*x but i’m sorry if it isn’t what you really expected slkfmd also i’m v flattered to be one of your fave writers *_* thanks for the bday wishes!!
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“I missed this.”
Mark suddenly says into the air after catching his breath from all the laughing he just did. With the hand that’s been resting on the steering wheel since he parked the car fifteen minutes ago, he swipes his thumb against it.
Your laughter subsides too, turning your head in the passenger seat to get a good look at him.
The closest street lamp isn’t near enough to cast a light to see all his features clearly, but you don’t need much lighting to see the waver behind his bespectacled face, nor the way his Adam’s apple bobs.
“I missed you,” he whispers softly, then matches your eyes with a tilt of his head.
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The beginning was simple. You and Mark, best friends since middle school, about to attend the same university and were going to do everything together, including extracurriculars.
Which included the university’s main competitive hip-hop dance team, since both of you were on your high school’s too.
From what you heard from upperclassmen, every year, the team offered at least five spots open. Of course, Mark and you were confident in yourselves and each other to make the team.
But during your first year, only one spot was available on the team.
The straining of your friendship began to slowly occur, since you saw less of each other in order to train more individually for the auditions.
And when the auditions happened, there was a new tension between Mark and you. Still friends, but competitiveness was a prevalent wall between you two.
The wall grew larger, tangled with vines of jealousy and bitterness, when Mark received the spot, not you.
Both parties tried hard to keep the friendship afloat, but it eventually came crashing down.
“You’re just fucking jealous that I got in and you didn’t.”
“Yeah,” you said. “and I should be, because I’m the better dancer.”
“As if.” he scoffed. He spat out the next words venomously—
“If you were better they would’ve chose you, but you’ve just never been as good of a dancer as me.”
That was the last time you spoke to Mark... for a while, at least.  
When second year came by, you decided to prove him wrong and obtain a spot on the team. Successfully, you did, but partway through the term, the captain dropped out and, to your dismay, Mark was given captaincy.
Fast-forward to today, Mark constantly gave you shit during practices and you knew it was personal.
Sure, you could’ve quit, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. However, you always did wonder why he didn’t decide to kick you off the team when he had the power to do so.
Following one practice, Mark ordered you to come by the studio on a separate night for a talk. He claimed it to be extra training, but you were mentally prepared for him to finally remove you from the team.
However, you were wrong and the unexpected happened—the wall between you two began to crumble. The hostile professionalism during the extra session grew into an area of familiarity, remnants of a lost friendship. After the session, Mark swallowed his pride and apologized about what he said back then, even offering to take you out to dinner.
During the meal, both of you caught each other up on the last year or so, and at the end of the night, Mark drove you home.
Laughing, smiling, and talking with you like the last couple of years were a nightmare faded into nothingness.
And you didn’t mind it, because you missed him too.
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But instead of telling him that, you nibble on your bottom lip and rock your head forward with a small smile.
Continuing the conversation from where you left off, after Mark agreed to stop giving you such a hard time during practice, you say, “Can I ask you to stop doing one more thing during practice?”
“What’s up?”
“Please, for the love of God,” you say with your hands clasped in a prayer. “Stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting.”
A hearty chuckle escapes from Mark, leaning his head back into the headrest. “Why is it distracting?”
“You know why!” you exclaim, beaming. “I know you do it on purpose!”
He cocks an eyebrow playfully. “And why would I do that?”
Rolling your eyes, you reply, "Because I know the oh-so humble Mark Lee still loves it when he gets attention."
The driver runs his tongue over the bottom of his teeth in a smirk, hand still on the steering wheel.
"And what about you?” he retorts. “You must still have a thing for arms if you think it's distracting."
You gasp inaudibly, unsure of how he could still remember that tidbit after all these years, and you twist your upper body to inch near him, glaring at him accusingly. "Is that why you do it?"
"Maybe, maybe not..." he shrugs nonchalantly. Leaning closer to you, parroting your stance, he adds in a teasing whisper along with a squint of his eyes.
"You'll never know."
There’s a passing beat as your eyes lock, one that carries the weight of the years of loving each other as friends, hating each other as enemies, working together as dancers, and everything in between.
A moment of connection that represents what everything has been working towards to for a long time, even if you never thought you’d have the chance to ever have Mark in your life again.
His look falters for a millisecond, flicking to your lips, then straight back to your eyes as if he shouldn’t have done that.
The corner of your mouth lifts slightly.
"Are you going to kiss me, Mark,” you whisper daringly. “or are you going to keep staring?"
You’re awfully aware of both of your breathing. Yours, heavy and wanting. His, light and barely existent.
"How do you know I wanna kiss you?" he croaks, a small crack in his voice underlying his question.
Because maybe a little part of you always wondered what it’d be like for Mark Lee to want to kiss you since you were kids—for him to send you that anxious starry-eyed yearning that could send your heart into cardiac arrest.
And now, from first-hand experience, you know it really does.  
You hold your breath and question back—
"Am I wrong?”
The tension in the air snaps. He’s fast to cup your cheeks and crash his mouth into yours. Soft lips move in tandem with yours as you rest your hands on his shoulders, lightly tugging at his body.
The first, tender kiss is quickly thrown aside, along with your shirts. The desire escalates immensely and you’re suddenly straddling him in the driver’s seat, now pushed back to give extra room for both individuals.
"Should we slow down?" you ask offhandedly at one point while Mark’s mouth leaves a hot trail down the side of your neck. At the same time, his fingers glide and grip onto your bare waist, making their way to grasp your breasts.
Mark jerks away from your neck and carefully caresses the back of your head. "Do you want to?"
"Mm-mm,” you hurriedly shake your head and drag him into another strong kiss.
The exciting rush continues to run through both bodies present. When you return to the passenger seat momentarily to rid of your pants, Mark shimmies his bottoms and briefs down to his ankles and pulls a condom from his glove compartment.
“How often do you have car sex?” you joke, straddling him once again after he wraps himself.
In his reclined position, Mark looks up and scans your body quickly, both indulging in your natural beauty and in disbelief that you are here with him right now, after all these years.
“Hey, a guy’s gotta be safe—fuck, God.”
All quips and logic are thrown out the window when you sit on his length.
You have one hand pressed against his defined stomach, the other on the car ceiling. Bouncing with no end in sight, you allow the pleasure to enrapture your senses. Muffled whimpers reverberate against the inner side of your wrist as you feel him deeply with every movement.
On the other hand, Mark tries his best to keep his focus on you, but the intensity breaks him down. He groans in pace with your moving body, and he tightens his hold on your waist.
“Mark—” you cry. You rip your hand from the car roof and, without thought, frantically push it against the driver’s window, smudging the frost that all your collective breathing conjured up. You’re surprisingly already coming undone, and so is your lover beneath you.
“I’m close,” he pants thickly. His hazy gaze attempts to meet your half-lidded eyes, but you’re losing control. All you can do is barely nod and as you’re about to bounce more vigorously, Mark releases your waist and raises himself upward, clutching your back and neck to lock lips fiercely with yours.
You barely can thrust against him, but you don’t need to at this point, because the kiss is simply enough to draw out his climax.
You’re pulled back to reality after a few moments, panting with your foreheads tipped against one another.
“And to counter your question from before,” Mark grins, still breathing heavily. “I’ll only stop rolling my sleeves up during practice if you stop tying your shirt up to show off your waist.”
You try to stifle a smirk, but it can’t be helped. You reply to him with a flutter of the tip of your nose against his.
“No deal, captain.”
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nctsworld’s birthday week celebration!
801 notes · View notes
yarichin-imagines · 4 years
bruh I am in love with your recent post can you make maybe like a part 2 or something similar where like after yuri and y/n have sex yuri will be very possessive of them and clings to them before and after classes. And soon after start dating (nsfw plz on if you're up for it) :D
Thank you so much for requesting! This has not been beta read just yet as it is late when I’m posting this, so sorry for any mistakes! I look forward to getting more requests from you guys!
 Warnings: Dubcon (reader is prompted into a blowjob by Akemi).
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To say you were shocked would be a drastic understatement. You had thought that Yuri would have just left after getting what he wanted from you. To you, he had seemed the type to hit it and quit it, as you have seen him do multiple times. You had expected him to just hand you your clothes - or what remained of them -  and just leave.
But yet here you were. You were back in your dorm room underneath your blankets - naked and wrapped in the arms of the pink haired boy who had taken your virginity a mere few hours before this. You couldn’t wrap your head around the actions that had placed you in this moment. As the moon rose higher in the sky, casting the light into the room, you glanced at the male that held you caged against his chest, snoring softly. As you gazed at his softened features, you thought about the moments that led to this.
He had dragged you back to your room after managing to dress you as decently as he could. How he had known which was your dorm room was beyond your comprehension, but then again, everything he did was. After pulling your room key from the pocket of the skirt that was folded neatly in your arms, he unlocked the door and pulled you inside and shut it - blocking the outside world from within the dimly lit room.
You stood near the door as he turned and examined the room. You watched him carefully as he bounced around your room, excited to see everything. He ran his fingers over the spines of your favorite books tucked into the corner of your desk before he moved on to the tests that lay scattered on the surface. Curiously, he picked one up and read over it, noting all of the red marks. You waited with a baited breath to see what he would say about them. You picked up what sounded like light laughter. Soon enough, the laughter grew in volume. “You suck,” he cackled, placing the paper back on the desk.
Before you could open your mouth to return an insult, he had turned towards your bed, shoulders still shaking with laughter. You quickly shut it, wondering what he had planned to do next. He tilted his head at you, his attention now returning to your form that had not moved an inch in the few minutes he took to examine your room. He smiled, the corners of his lips turning upwards. 
You twisted your hands together, the anticipation of what he was to do next coursing through your veins. He stalked towards you, his hands reaching out to grab ahold of your sweater - well his sweater actually. He jerked your body closer, pulling you close enough that you could smell his breath every time he exhaled. 
You panicked, reaching up to wrap your hands around his wrists, halting him in his place. “W-what are you doing?”, you asked, your voice shaky. He tilted his head to the side, giving the sweater another soft tug. “Off. Take it off.” He towered over you, looking down at you through his shades. “Okay! Just let me grab something to put on instead,” you said, jerking out of his grasp. 
You had barely managed to make it a few feet before he was on you again, pulling you against him and reaching his hands down to them hem of the pink sweater. The sudden jerk caused you to drop everything you had in your arms to the floor. He began to pull it upwards, and with a little struggle, he managed to pull it from your frame. You yelped in shock, hurriedly trying to cover yourself with your hands, trying to hide your modesty. “Yuri! What was that? You can’t just rip my clothes off!”
He did not respond, instead opting to wrap his arms around you, knocking your hands out of the way and replacing them with his own. His hands roamed your body, gripping your body this way and that way. He attached his lips to your neck, bringing a hand up to gather your hair sloppily and tug it out of his way.
“A-again? I’m still sore though!”, you spoke breathily, opening your body up to him despite verbally being against the idea. He grunted, dragging you backwards until you were falling. You cried out as you landed on his lap, your back placed against his chest as he gripped your legs, pulling them over his own, spreading you open. “Y-yuri...”
His fingers danced across your thigh, teasingly grabbing at the supple flesh there. His other hand grabbed your face, turning it towards him so he could kiss you. His tongue quickly invaded your mouth, sliding against your own. The warm metal of his tongue ring was almost scorching in this moment. You couldn’t help but to moan into his mouth. Your head was spinning. 
As his fingers danced across your heat, you whimpered, pushing your hips outwards in hopes of gaining a new sensation. He laughed against your lips, a cruel laugh to you as he rejected giving you what you wanted. He bit your lip lightly, just enough for you to release another moan at the slightly painful sensation.
When his hand finally cupped you, his fingers dragging your wetness from your opening to your clit, you arched your back. Breaking away from his lips, your head fell back against his shoulder, your voice cracking as you cried out. Your hands reached back to grab the fabric of the white uniform shirt he wore, gripping it hard enough that you knew it would wrinkle. You just needed something to hold onto.
The coolness of his rings brought a beautiful contrast to the warmth of his fingers as they dipped inside of you, only to pull back and circle your clit again. With his free hand, he wrapped the fingers around your left wrist and brought it up to his hair, encouraging you to entangle them there. You made no move to object, your fingers wrapping around the soft pink locks and tugging. He let out a breathy pant as you did, the warm heat hitting your neck as he moaned. 
His left hand now joined his right in pleasuring you. He let the digits of his left hand get coated in your juices as he eased them into you. His right hand maintained the rhythm of the circular motions against your clit. You could not help the moans and sighs that left your mouth as he did so. You could have never imagined doing this before today.
His left hand picked up speed, quickly thrusting in and out of your wet heat. The sounds that bounced off of the walls were explicit, and you were sure that anyone on either side of this room could hear and would know what was going on in here. This fact would have embarrassed you if it had not been for the fact that you did not care in this moment. 
His scent flooded your nose and you were wrapped in the smell and feeling of Yuri all around you. And when he decided to lick and suck at the base of your neck, adding to the marks he had left there earlier, you knew you would not last much longer. The familiar feeling of the coil in your belly tightening had you rocking your hips against his hands, in pure desperation to finish. “Yuri! Please! I’m almost-”
His arms tightened around you, pulling you tighter against him as he used his hands to make you fall apart in his lap. You were soaking, your wetness drenching his fingers as he hastily curled them inside you.
The feeling of his fingers brushing against that certain spot within you along with his expert fingers toying with your clit had you weak in his arms. And when he did finally curl is fingers within you to apply pressure to that one spot - it had you seeing stars. White light erupted from behind your eyelids as your body began to spasm as you came. 
His fingers now plunged into you, his hands bumping into each other as he helped you ride your high. When you turned into a whimpering mess, your body going slack in his lap, he finally pulled his hands from you, bringing his left to his mouth. You watched through tired eyes as he licked your juices from his fingers, his tongue wrapping around each individual digit. 
He then wrapped his arms around your abdomen and slid you from his lap and onto the bed. You glanced at him and opened your legs, figuring he wanted to release some of his own pleasure. But when he stood up and began pulling back the blankets to put you under them, you eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Let me get you off,” you whispered tiredly, reaching a hand out to him. 
He stood still, as if weighing his options. He could clearly see that you were tired. But his body was also aching for release. And while normally, he wouldn’t hesitate to have his partner on their back as he chased his high, he knew you were still too sore also. But the way you looked at him with sleepy eyes and the determination to help get off was what decided it for him.
You watched as he undressed, carelessly tossing his clothes to the other side of the room before he crawled into bed with you. You were prepared to roll over onto your back and spread your legs for him but was once again shocked as he simply took your right hand and brought it closer to his face. He spit into your hand but before you had time to express the slight disgust, he was lowering your hand towards his cock with soft giggles.
When you wrapped your hand around him, he moaned loudly, throwing his head back and let his pink tongue slip out of the corners of his mouth. You wondered how you had taken him earlier that day. He definitely was thick, your fingers only able to barely brush against each other as your closed your fist around him. He brought your hand up and down on his length, his spit helping aid the process. He started the speed he preferred before releasing your hand and letting you take control.
He turned his head to kiss you as you jerked him off, his breathy sighs warm against your lips as he dominated your mouth. You moaned into the kiss, your hand continuing at the pace he had set. You had begun to twist your fist as it neared the tip of his cock before letting it straighten as you dropped it down his shaft. You repeated this as he started to buck into your hand, small sounds of pleasure escaping the kiss.
And before you knew it, he was coming into your hand, crying out as he did so. You don’t know what urged you to do this, but before he could pull away to find something to clean up with, you were sitting up and bending over. Your mouth covered the tip of his length, licking up and swallowing the white fluid that had spilled over. You then moved your mouth to your hand and repeating what you had seen him do earlier, you licked your hand clean. 
When you had finished, you looked towards him to see him relaxed back with an expression of pure bliss as he watched you. His hand snatched your arm and pulled you to him, reconnecting your lips so he could taste himself on your tongue.
Your exhausted body fell against him as he wrapped his arms around you, breaking the kiss only to push you down so you were laying back on the pillows. He shifted his body to lay next to yours, throwing an arm over you as he pulled you to his chest. “Sleep, sleep, sleep,” he muttered. adjusting himself so he could sleep comfortably beside you. 
And before you could object, your eyelids drooped on their own and you decided that you did need sleep after all. The sun had just set and darkness now took hold in your room. And soon enough, you fell asleep to the sound of Yuri muttering to himself in nonsense words.
But now you lay awake watching as he slept peacefully next to you, hours after that incident. Your mind raced with the possibilities that the next day would hold. Would he be gone when you woke up? Would he stay by your side? What were you two now? Surely he had no means of anything other than sex with you. But then again, if he only wanted sex, why was he still here...hours later.
Shaking your head, you decided you needed some more sleep. Your entire body ached and you knew tomorrow would be hell. So as you closed your eyes again, one thought rang through. What would tomorrow bring?
Sure enough, the next morning, the pink haired boy that had plagued your dreams was not beside you. His side of the bed was cold, signaling he had left hours ago. Glancing at the clock, you saw that it was 7:15 and class would start in 45 minutes. So as much as you wanted to lay in bed and not face the world, you knew you had a test today. 
With a heavy heart full of disappointment, you pulled yourself from your bed and glanced around the room. His clothes were gone - including his pink sweater. Your heart sank even lower. He really just wanted you for sex, huh? You noticed your eyes began to sting and realized tears had gathered, threatening to spill over. 
As you stood in the middle of your dorm, you ran through the emotions finally landing on anger. You were so angry with yourself. What had you expected? For the two of you to suddenly start dating? This wasn’t a high school drama on television. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you gave him the okay. It was just sex. That was all he wanted anyway. He was Ayato Yuri after all - the schools nymphomaniac. 
You harshly wiped at your tears and bent down to collect your skirt that you had dropped as he drug you to the bed. You hissed in discomfort as your body screamed in pain with the overused muscles. Straightening yourself, you threw the skirt into the hamper before walking to your closet and pulling out a fresh set of a uniform and underclothes for the day. 
You knew you would have to face him today anyway. You’d have to face the whole club too. And after your little run away act yesterday, you were sure the club would not be too happy with you. 
As you got ready, you racked your brain with any excuse that you could come up with for the club. According to Shikatani, the entire club already knew what had happened between you and Yuri yesterday in the lab classroom, if the text yesterday was anything to go by. You turned around to grab your extra nametag from your desk since you had no idea where you had dropped your one from yesterday.
You put the tag on and went to grab your phone, stopping in your tracks to see that it had been plugged up to your charger. You definitely did not remember plugging it up after last nights...activities. You hesitantly grabbed it and unplugged it, watching the screen light up. 7:34. If you wanted to make it to class on time, you should really start heading that way now as the dorms were a good distance away from the school itself. 
Grabbing the key that had been perfectly placed back on the hook near the door, you opened the door, shocked when it connected with something hard. Or someone - as you heard a loud exclamation of apparent pain. You hurriedly slipped through the door and closed it, placing the key into your skirt pocket. You gasped as you saw Yuri sprawled out onto the floor, holding his elbow and rolling around, babbling. “Yuri! Oh my god!”
You kneeled down next to him, reaching out to take his arm and examined it. “I am so sorry! I did not know you’d be here! I thought you’d-” you cut yourself off, realizing you were on the verge of exposing yourself. “Why were you standing in front of the door anyway? You knew I would have to open it to get out of my dorm!”, you chastised as you helped him up.
He said nothing, pouting as he looked at you. You sighed and let your eyes take in his appearance. He was wearing his usual uniform with the pink sweater and copious amounts of jewelry. But you did notice how his hair was slightly damp. He had showered. You bit your lip as you realized you probably should have done the same. You were pulled from your self worry as he had grabbed your hand and began tugging you along, turning to exit the dorm building.
Glancing at your phone, you realized that you only had twenty minutes to trek across campus and somehow manage to make it to class on time. Yuri had turned his head slightly so you could catch the sly grin that made up his face. And then he was running. 
You struggled to keep up with him as he sprinted, his hand grasping yours tighter as he pulled you along. You found yourself laughing at the situation. Here you were at an all boys school, in a photography club that did not study photography at all. You had just barely managed to escape a gang bang by fucking the guy who had saved you. And the very same guy was pulling you behind him as he cackled and darted in between students, rushing to get to class.
You yelled out apologies as Yuri rammed into people, pushing past them as they shouted out angry insults. By the time you had made it to the school building, you were out of breath. You laughed loudly at the rush, not noticing how Yuri looked at you with a softness in his eyes that were hidden behind his shades.
He slowly guided you up the stairs, his hand never dropping yours. Lots of students gave the two of you weird glances, eyeing the way your fingers were locked with his. You flushed, attempting to pull your hand from his but you were only met with resistance as he tugged you closer behind him. “People are staring, Yuri.”
He shrugged, pulling you through the doors that led to the hallway your classroom was in. You looked down at your feet, avoiding all eye contact with anyone who was out in the hallway. You gasped as you bumped into his back when he suddenly came to a stop outside of your classroom. Before you could even say your thanks, he placed something in your hands before shoving you into the classroom gently. And then he was gone.
You barely even knew what to make of the situation as you turned your attention to what he had placed into your hand. You smiled softly when you realized it was a sucker. He had given you candy. You turned and made your way to your desk, saying a polite good morning to your classmates. And when the bell rang, you thought to yourself that maybe today wasn’t going to be so bad after all. 
That was until your last class of the day. You had been smiling airily all day, not really focusing on any of your classes and barely managing to turn in your test on time. You glanced out of the window as your teacher droned on about the importance of knowing English. 
Suddenly, a bright flash of pink hair from outside had your attention. You knew it was Yuri. No one else in this school had that bright pink hair that was so noticeable. You smiled brightly watching him. And then you noticed another figure. A person with dark hair laid sprawled out on the ground, only held up by his elbows. Yuri towered over him, looking down at the male. And before you knew it, you watched as Yuri bent down and kissed him. Even from this distance, you knew what was happening. And for the second time that day, your heart fell into your stomach. 
And before you could process what happened, the last bell of the day was ringing. Still in shock, you stood quickly, glancing around - your mind refusing to work. In a daze, you packed up your school materials back into your tote bag. Your mind was racing and once again tears had threatened to spill. This morning had seemed so perfect. The way he had smiled at you lulled you into a false sense of security and you had allowed yourself to think he cared for you beyond just wanting to fuck you. 
As you exited the classroom and slowly made your way down the hallway, you took the seconds that ticked by to collect yourself. You had to go to the club room and everyone including Yuri were more than likely going to be there. You still had to face Akemi. 
Your pulse thrummed as you descended the stairs, once again becoming angry at yourself. He was just being nice this morning. He probably does this with every person whos virginity he takes. He also probably just wanted to secure you as one of his many partners. That’s why he was so nice this morning. Plus, the two of you were somewhat friends before he even dragged you into that lab classroom so perhaps he felt obligated to stick around after.
When you left the school building and began to walk towards the building that housed the club rooms, you breathed in deeply, wiping at your eyes. You really shouldn’t care about who he kisses or who he fucks - it was never any of your business anyway. He was doing it long before you got to the academy and he will probably continue to do so.
You let out a small scream as an arm was carelessly tossed over your shoulders, pulling into the side of someone. “So I hear Yuri was the lucky one to pop the cherry,” a deep voice spoke right next to your ear. Quickly glancing up, the a bright blue invaded your eyes and you immediately knew who you were talking to. “Upset that it wasn’t you?” you taunted, not in the mood for anything he had to say. You attempted to shrug his arm off of your shoulders but unfortunately, he held strong. 
He laughed at your taunt, looking down at your face. “Well of course I am. I had been picturing what it would be like from the moment you stepped into the club. You just radiated virgin.” You faked a gagging sound, locking eyes with him as the two of you walked closer to the building. “You probably wouldn’t have satisfied me at all.”
He pulled away, his face in mock anger. “I will have you know that I am great in bed. I could have made you feel better than Yuri ever could. You doubt my skills.” You bit the inside of your lip, mulling over the thought of the pink haired boy. “Just give me one chance to bend you over and fuck you, that’s all I ask.”
You looked up at Tamura, your mind racing with possible outcomes. You couldn’t expect Yuri to be in your bed every single night. And now that you have had a taste of what pleasure could bring you at the hands of a photography club member, you weren’t so against the idea. “Okay fine.” When you saw his face turn upwards in excitement, you continued, cutting him off. “But! You have to be gentle at first. I’m still sore from Yuri.”
He laughed, pulling you close again. “Of course! What kind of man would I be if I didn’t?” He held the door open for you and ushered you into the building and closed the door loudly behind him. You continued on your way to the club room, Tamura asking you questions about your preferences of what you would like and you having to remind him that you’ve only had sex once. When he pulled the door open to the club room, he spoke his next question loud enough to silence the rest of the club from their own conversations. “So should I come by tonight? You already have me hard just thinking about it.”
You nervously looked around the club room, everyone's eyes set on the two of you. And in the back of the room, lounging on a metal chair sat Yuri himself, his face completely expressionless as he stared at you. You swallowed thickly, looking to Tamura again. “Oh, um - If you want to! Sure!” He chuckled darkly, looking at the rest of the club members before returning his gaze to you. “Or we can ditch right now. I’ll even take you to my dorm so I can bend you over my desk.”
The sound of someone clearing their throat brought your attention to the room. Akemi stood from his seat on the couch next to Itome and smiled directly at you. “We can’t have you skipping again! Not after your little stunt yesterday. This club meeting was supposed to be you making up for it!” You breathed in deeply, calming your nerves. You knew this might happen. “What do you want me to do?” you asked, keeping your eyes locked onto Akemi’s. 
He smiled brighter and sat himself back down next to his boyfriend and pat his left thigh. “I was thinking you could suck me off and then go around to every member and do the same. That should prove that you’re sorry enough.” You watched with wide eyes as he unfastened his belt - seemingly in no hurry. “Yuri will get his punishment later for his involvement but I’ve been dying to do yours.”
When he lifted his hips slightly to maneuver his cock from his pants, you felt chills erupt over your entire body. While you had thought Yuri was thick, Akemi definitely put the pink haired male to shame. At least in the thickness department. Your jaw had begun to ache even looking at how big he was. He must have been around five inches in length but even from this distance you could tell that you would not be able wrap a hand completely around him.
You forced your body to move, your legs carrying you closer to the club president. You watched as his legs opened wider and pressed more into the couch, allowing you to step between them. Akemi stroked his cock, watching you with the permanent smile that always seemed to be on his face. “Let’s see if you know how to use that mouth properly. And remember - don’t choke.”
As you lowered yourself to your knees, you glanced back at Yuri, noticing how he was not looking at you at all. He had his face turned to the side, his head in his hand as he looked at the walls. You felt Akemi place his hand on your cheek redirecting your attention back to him. His thumb slipped to your bottom lip, applying enough pressure to drag it down before releasing it. “Open wide...”
You parted your lips slightly, leaning forward to take the tip of him into your mouth, opening wider with each inch. “Mmmmm, there we go. Good Girl,” he hummed, his hand now moving to grasp your hair. He tasted salty, the clear liquid that had spread across your taste buds making your mouth salivate slightly. You began to bob your head up and down, taking a little more of him each time. You felt him nudge the back of your throat and jerked to pull away but found that you couldn’t. His grip on the back of your head held you in place. “Breathe through your nose. You’re doing so well.”
Even though he encouraged you, you struggled. You couldn't breathe like this.  Eventually he had managed to get deep enough that your nose was tickled by the hair at the base of his shaft. When you struggled to pull away again, you head Akemi ‘tsk’ above you. “It’s not that hard to learn how to suck it properly you know.” He inhaled, shifting his hips a little more, causing him to hit the back of your throat again, making you gag. “Itome even learned- Yuri? What are you-”.
And then you were being hauled to your feet, a strong grip under your arms pulling you up. With shaky legs, you stumbled as you were drug over to an empty space within the club room. You were pushed to your knees again, Yuri moving to stand in front of you, struggling with the clasp of his pants. You brought a hand up to wipe away the spit that had escaped from your mouth as you nervously sat on your knees.
He unclasped them and shoved them down to his ankles along with his boxers, his hard cock bouncing in your face. And almost as carefully as before, he bent down to grab your hand and ever so gently placed it on the base of his length. You looked up at him with scared eyes causing him to place a hand on your cheek. He ran his thumb along the expanse of your cheekbone, nodding to you. When you turned to try and look at the club, his hold on your face tightened, preventing you from doing so.
“Eyes on me,” he said, his voice bouncing between pitches as it normally does, a wide smile upon his face. You breathed out shakily and leaned forward, taking Yuri into your mouth. He tasted just as salty as Akemi but something inside of you had been expecting that. He released a high pitched moan, the sound echoing in the still club room.
Instead of being like the blonde haired male, Yuri let you take your time easing him into your mouth. His hand twitched against your cheek and you knew he was struggling to hold back from thrusting into your wet cavern. He twisted to the side a little, reaching to grab something off one of the shelves that were next to the two of you with a loud giggle.
You followed him with your eyes, not daring to tilt your head. You caught sight of a small pink bottle covered in tiny little berry emojis and before you knew it, he was titling the bottle upside down, releasing the liquid over the part of his cock that was not in your mouth. You realized it was lube when Yuri began to move your hand back and forth along the part of him that you could not fit into your mouth just yet. 
Remembering the speed that he liked from the night before, you moved your hand just like that as you struggled to take more of him into your mouth. While Akemi was thick, Yuri was instead longer. He was about six and a half inches if you had to guess off the top of your head. You knew that there would be no way you could fit all of him into your mouth. And Yuri knew it too.
You did manage to get about half of him inside your mouth with little to no struggle. And that's when the taste of something sweet hit your taste buds. You realized that it was the lube he had poured. Matching the taste to the berry print on the side of the bottle, you found that it wasn’t such a bad taste after all. You moaned softly, your eyes moving to look back up at Yuri. He had his head tilted back again, his pants of high pitched moans egging you on.
When he hit the back of your throat, you pulled away, coughing slightly. He ruffled your hair, dropping his hand to wipe the tears from your eyes. You took a deep breath, bringing your mouth around him again, this time determined. But when you could not help but to gag again, he pulled out of your mouth slightly, wrapping his hand around yours again, and dragging it along his cock. You could tell that he understood and wanted you to not overexert yourself. “Like this, yes!” he cooed, pressing himself back into your mouth again.
You decided to do as he wanted and worked your mouth over what you could handle. You found a rhythm, using your tongue to sweep across his tip each time you pulled away before flattening it and running it along his shaft as you took him in your mouth again. You kept the speed of your hand to what you knew he liked, encouraged to keep doing so by the wild sounds he was making. 
“Cum! Cum!” he shouted as his body went rigid, his muscles spasming above you. He bent over, his hands on your shoulders as he released himself into your mouth. The warmth of his cum is what shocked you the most - more so than even the taste. You exclaimed as the taste spread across your tongue and you hurriedly swallowed, the watery liquid going down your throat with ease. With each suck as you swallowed, his body jerked, oversensitive to the feeling. He mumbled a word repeatedly as he convulsed - and eventually you realized he had been chanting ‘mine’ over and over again. He backed away, straightening up, pulling himself from your mouth with an audible ‘pop’.
You now took the time to look around the room, seeing that all eyes were on you. Akemi lounged back and you could see that Itome had taken your place, sucking Akemi off. Shikatani sat on the opposite couch, his face flushed and he had stripped down to his feminine underclothes during some point. When you locked eyes with him, he hiccupped and turned away, his face going an even darker shade of red. Tamura was leaning against the far wall and you noticed that he had began to get himself off, eagerly stroking himself. 
You watched as Yuri simply kicked his pants off and to the side before reaching down and grabbing your shoulders, hauling you up. He quickly untucked your uniform shirt from your skirt and skillfully undid the buttons, yanking it from your heated skin. You gasped, moving your hands to cover your chest but soon after they were yanked away by Yuri. He pulled you into what most would assume is a hug but you felt his hands snake up your spine and unclasp your bra, pulling away to toss it to the side with little care.
“Yuri- I...what are you doing?” You were not given an answer as he pulled you towards the couches, leaning down to clear off the coffee table in-between the two. He tossed all the magazines and vibrators to the floor, standing straight again to turn slightly and grab you by your hips. He jerked you in front of him, pushing and shoving until you lay flat against the table, you chest connecting with the cool wood and your knees resting on the floor.
“Ah!” you yelped, frantically looking around to see that everyone’s eyes openly roamed the exposed parts of your body. You looked back to see Yuri rolling a condom down his length and warmth shot straight to your core. He reached forward and flipped your skirt up and over the generous swell of your ass and quickly tore your panties down your legs. He placed his hands between your thighs, encouraging you to open them a little further. 
As you spread them open, you lurched forward as his thumb toyed with your slit, rubbing against the nub that shot white hot pleasure through your veins. You whimpered as he pressed two fingers inside of you, the dull pain making you clench your hands into fists. “She still tight, Yuri?” you head Tamura ask, as you moved your head to the side so you could glance at him. He smiled wickedly down at you, his hand lazily working over his own length. You could hear Yuri laughing behind you, his fingers working you open.
The pain quickly faded and was replaced with pleasure, your body tingling with anticipation. You pressed your hips backwards, calling out to the male behind you. “Yuri...please,” you said softly, craving to be filled by him again. You moved your eyes to watch Shikatani who was now breathing hard, his body lurching with every small hiccup. He placed his hand over his mouth, palm facing outwards as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
You turned your head to the right and locked eyes with Akemi. He had his hand on the back of Itome’s head, directing the male to take all of him into his mouth. You could hear Itome moaning softly, his own body shivering in lust. You saw Akemi lean forward, his hand outstretched as if to touch you. But before he could, another hand intercepted, slapping his out of the way. You recognized the black nails and realized that Yuri had smacked his hand away. Why was he not allowing anyone to touch you? Not even an hour ago he was kissing someone else, but now he won’t let anyone touch you? Akemi chuckled and held up his hand in defense, returning his attention back to Itome.
You couldn’t remain in your thoughts for long as Yuri pulled his fingers out from within you and you could feel him line himself up with your center. In a small panic, you reached a hand back, holding it open. And not even a moment later, you could feel the heavy weight of his ringed hand clasp yours, intertwining your fingers with his. And then he was pressing inside of you.
The dull pain returned but only for a second as Yuri worked himself inside of you. It felt good to be filled again, the stretch satisfying an internal itch you had not know you had. You could hear his giggles and breathy whimpers behind you, increasing the more of himself he fit inside you. You released a choked moan as you felt his hips press into your ass and the head of his cock press against you cervix as he bottomed out inside of you. He gave you a moment to adjust, though not nearly as long as he had last time, before he set a brutal pace.
His hips snapped against yours with a maddening speed, the sound loud within the club room. Your body lurched forward with each thrust, the table shifting sometimes with the weight added to it. You closed your eyes, the feeling becoming to much for you already. The way his cock dragged along your walls had you rutting backwards, desperate and whiny. His other hand grasped at your hips, hard enough that you were sure he would leave a bruise there. But right now, you did not care at all. 
“You take him so good, that little pussy squeezing him like that,” you could hear Tamura comment from above you but yet you did not open your eyes, relishing in the pleasure that was spiking through you. You realized you were crying out with each thrust, tears threatening to spill from your eyes with the abuse from his hips. You pressed your face against the table, turning it to where your forehead rested on the cool wood. His grip on your hand tightened before he released it to press closer to you.
He moved his entire body over yours, his hands beside your shoulders on the table. From this angle, he was able to fuck his length upwards into your hole. You felt something cool drip between your shoulder blades that caused your body to jerk at the unknown feeling. But when you felt his warm breath, you realized he had begun to drool on you. Turning your head, you glanced over your shoulder to see him in pure ecstasy. He had his shoulders bared forward with his head back and his mouth hanging open, his tongue lolling outside of his mouth, saliva dripping down.
The sight made your core clench and you knew he felt it when his hips stuttered slightly before correcting themselves and resuming the pace. You felt his chest press against your back and felt the soft material of his sweater as his arm reached for something. You caught the sight of something purple before it disappeared from your line of vision. He pulled himself up from off your back and stopped the movement of his hips, suddenly reaching underneath you to press a cold object against your clit. And when the vibrations started, you could not hold back the scream that released itself from your throat. Your hand grabbed the edge of the table, your knuckles turning white from how much pressure you applied to the table.
He adjusted your thighs, pulling them closer together to trap the vibrator between your folds and began the brutal pace once again. You could not focus on anything other than the feelings that encased your body. You felt like you were floating. You felt his hand wrap around your upper right arm and felt its way down until it connected with your hand, wrapping his fingers around yours again. 
And before you knew it, the dam inside you busted, your orgasm shooting through you like liquid fire. You cried out, the pleasure dancing across every single one of your senses. You gripped his hand almost bruising as you struggled to ground yourself in the middle of your earth shattering orgasm. You body shook with every continued vibration against your clit, your body jerking in an attempt to get away from the dizzying sensation. Eventually, you slammed your hips back and opened your thighs enough to allow the vibrator to drop onto the floor.
Yuri was now frantic, his cock plunging into you at an appalling speed, your juices dripping down his thighs. You were sure the entire club building could hear Yuri as he chanted words, nearing a release of his own. And when he felt his own coil snap, he dropped himself back down onto you, his body heavily resting on yours as he released into the condom. His body shook over you, his thrusts dying in intensity the longer his orgasm went on. From beside you, you could hear Akemi release a cry of his own and you knew he had come. You heard no sound from Tamura and only the continuous hiccups from Shikatani. 
You were exhausted. Your body was covered in sweat as well as other bodily fluids courtesy of Yuri. You whimpered slightly when you felt him pull out of you and flip your skirt back down to cover your ass. You heard his knees crack as he stood and went to dispose of the condom. You just laid there, too blissed out to even think. When you heard movement to your left, you cracked your eyes open to see Tamura bent over with a tissue, cleaning the floor and you figured he had come also. He caught your eye and smiled, “I’m still coming over tonight so go rest up, baby.”
You groaned, trying to sit back on your knees. You could feel how slick your inner thighs were and raw your pussy felt and knew you’d be in slight pain later. You felt someone behind you lift your hair up and wrap something around your shoulders and when you glanced down, you saw that Yuri had taken off his sweater and given it to you again to cover yourself. Wrapping it around you, Yuri took off to get dressed and took your discarded shirt and wrapped it around his neck like a towel. 
He came back to you and lifted you to your feet and bent down to pull your underwear back up, snapping the band against your skin once they were in place. He tilted his body and wrapped an arm around your middle and his other around the backs of your legs before hauling you up into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck, too exhausted to protest.
You heard Akemi sigh and tiredly looked at him, watching as he stroked Itome’s head. “Whatever you two are doing, don’t let it interfere with club business, understand? I don’t care if you date, just don’t forget about your duties as a club member.” He leaned down to place a kiss on Itome’s head before waving the two of you off. Yuri stuck his tongue out at the blonde male childishly before turning with you in his arms and exiting the club room. 
As you stared up at the male who you knew you were getting feelings for, you couldn’t help but question things. Who was he kissing? Did he care for them? Did he care for you? These were all questions you were wanting to ask but you could barely find the energy to lift your head form his chest - let alone speak. And with a small reminder, you brushed off the questions and told yourself you would ask him later. But right now, as he walked you back to your dorm, all you wanted to do was bask in his presence. And that is exactly what you did.
Thank you guys so much for reading! I wanted to throw in some twists here and there so I hope you guys enjoyed! 
- Admin Pinky
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Brothers as New Parents
Featuring Poly!Mc.
Guess who decided to finally finish this oneeeeee. I used my parents for inspiration for some of these. Sadly my getting knocked out by a carpet story didn't qualify 😔
Despite the name and the whole demon thing, Lucifer is actually a pretty decent father.
In the beginning though, he's really lost.
Like, the only baby he's ever raised is Satan and technically that doesn't count, so he's kinda confused here. Which really freaks him out.
Things get easier once the kid can finally walk, but don't expect Lucifer to really understand babies too much, or to like them either. They're way too noisy and dirty for him to actually enjoy. 
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t a good dad.
Sure, he's not amazing, no parent naturally is, but he isn't reckless with your child and genuinely makes attempts to keep them alive. 
He just, kinda waits till the kid isn’t spitting up daily or wearing diapers to actually like their company
Before that it just feels like another job. Or like he’s watching his brothers. 
He loves his child but, uh, he’s going to be the type of dad to forget which baby is his if we’re being honest. 
He's really good a keeping babies entertained. Like, really good.
(Who would have known babies also like shiny things that jingle?)
Also loves to spend money on them. Like, legit any baby left under his supervision will be dressed in absurdly priced outfits. It's a little frustrating to wash these clothes, especially considering how dirty kids can get.
But besides all the spoiling and the playing, Mammon is clueless.
Like what do babies do?? What do they need? Are they supposed to sleep for that long??
He regrets not reading the baby books Satan recommended.
He's extremely clumsy as a dad, but in like that way where only he gets hurt but your child never does.
(Despite being so young, you're pretty sure the kid laughs every time he face plants.)
Likes to watch TV with the baby. The kid's probably seen every action movie known to man (and demon) by this point.
Levi isn't good with pregnancy, but he is pretty decent with kids.
Something about his personality really draws them to him
(Which is a great examination as to why most children must have to be taught how to share. Leviathan is a bad influence)
He kinda only ever takes over the "fun" parts of being a dad. Not because he doesn't try though. He does, really, but he often finds himself at a loss when it comes to dealing with spit-up or diapers or the little quirks babies develop.
Levi's the third oldest. He didn't have to deal with that stuff. None of them really had to, as raising angels is kinda a community effort. Seeing as Lucifer wasn't exactly the maternal type, he'd spent his years with his brother watching over kids. Never being beside them.
I think he's especially freaked out if he has a daughter. Like, he doesn't know what to so for the most part with any child, but girls are even more foreign to him, seeing as he's only ever had brothers. Well, besides Lilith, but she's a different story.
It's not really bad, he's just new to everything, but you'll probably give Lucifer an earful for not at least giving more responsibilities with Satan.
Most definitely gives his kid toy weapons and costumes to play with. They can't even walk yet but he's got a chest with princess dresses and lightsabers ready to go.
Satan is pretty much the most normal dad you could ever ask for.
Yeah, a normal demon, spell-casting dad, but norm nevertheless.
He's always the one to offer to take over your shifts in the night (He will not sub for his brothers though. They can fuck right off).
Buys you your first mother's/father's/whatever you choose to call your parental title's day gift because everyone else most likely forgets amongst the stress of baby.
Most DEFINITELY tries to do that whole "all natural" baby thing, but probably realizes a few days in that breastmilk is not only hard to obtain in the Devildom, but most demons don't really give a samn about cruelty free items (Mass produced cotton included).
^Asmo and him did this together btw. But Asmodeus did it for clout whilst Satan did it for the baby's health.
He'll dress his kid up like him. The clothes are still ugly as sin.
Your kid will be internet famous before they turn five months old.
Asmo does not understand the word "privacy" or the concept of "not plastering his child's life for everyone to see"
But, you must admit, he does dress your baby up in the most adorable ways.
She might just be the only person he puts above the two of you, both as individuals, and as a couple.
(^I don't think all the brother's would think this way. Some probably still internalize their angel backgrounds or have even formed their own opinions onto where a kid places in a relationship. I might get into it more if asked but I'm leaving this here for now)
He does everything with the kid, when he has them, and if the child is biologically his (which will be extremely apparent), that kid will be with him all the damn time.
He wants his baby to be beautiful like his parents, but most of all, he wants his baby to be happy.
Will most likely turn into the exact definition of "the cool mom" from mean girls but that's far off from now.
Until then, he'll just stroll around the mall, showing his baby all the sparkly things they'll eventually love.
Beel would have been a pretty normal dad if not for his more older-brother mentality.
Like, the guy has never really been around kids. He's been around Belphegor. Which isn't a huge age gap but there's still that looming protective older-sibling trait there.
He kinda sees the kid, no matter who or where it comes from, as just another sibling.
After what happened with Lilith though, he's more prone to be more protective over girls. He doesn't even recognize he's doing it tbh.
(There's actually a lot of open wounds regarding Lilith that show up in his parenting skills, but they develop a lot later)
He always has to know where your kid is at, but he doesn't necessarily need to be with them.
Like, he's afraid of something horrible happening, but he trusts his brothers, and you, to be able to handle it. He just needs the constant reassurance.
Very insistent on keeping a feeding schedule through, and is known to freak out when they refuse to eat, or get an upset stomach, or something along the lines of the digestive process goes wrong.
Beel is probably the best at bath time. Man can make some awesome rubber duck voices, and the plotlines he thinks up are very interesting.
The one the most scared to have a baby is the one who loves to spend the most time with the baby.
Why? Because babies sleep most of the fucking day. This is a great bonding experience.
And for some reason, you suspect it's due to his powers, the kid will sleep through anything when the two of them are together.
The minute they sleep in their room, or in a cot next to your bed, they'll be waking up hourly for some reason or another.
And it's like, you can't have the baby sleep with Belphegor all the time because if the kid genuinely needs some attention, he needs to wake up and make it known.
But damn are you tired.
Like you some how think raising a child with seven partners is harder than one, because no one should feel this exhausted when they are allowed to take at least three naps a day.
Outside that conundrum, he's a very quiet dad. He'll just sit by the baby and play with them, usually via rattle, enjoying the cute little noises they make and the faces that grace their features.
He'll miss this when the baby starts crawling.
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gaymershigh · 4 years
I'm so excited to find a blog who actually does Male/Gender Neutral pronouns! My request headcanons where GN!MC badly hurts their ankle during PE so individually Malleus, Vil, Leona, Jade, and Jack carrying them to the infimary. Probably mostly platonic but kinda leaning towards wanting to be more than friends?
I'm a sucker for 'platonic with some romantic elements' type of tropes so this is a big yes for me!
Triggers: none
Malleus, Vil, Leona, Jade, and Jack carrying g/n reader to the infirmary after they severely injured their ankle in PE
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He knew that you're reckless and bound to injure yourself in any type of way just from how brave you are from talking to him. You called him "Tsunotarou" and you've now been chatting with him as much as you get the chance to or when he appears outside the Ramshackle dorm. Though he doesn't mind it, he knows that you should be more careful.
So when you injured your ankle, he was only shocked for a mere second. Again, it's supposed to be expected when it comes to people like you but that doesn't make him any less concerned. He ran his way towards you and that enough makes other students feel uneasy. Even if you two are closest of friends, you usually spend time without anyone there to see so you two are a very bizarre combo to the others.
He had asked you if you were ok and if you could walk again. Your ankle was sprained and your denial of being in pain almost fooled him if you didn't wince as soon as you tried to stand up. He was a fae, his ability to handle pain has far surpassed any ordinary human so he wouldn't fully understand but can still recognize that you're in a rather agonizing situation.
Malleus had no choice but to pick you up from the ground, not as he minds it but what he does mind is people not minding their own business and just stared at you two, God bless Mr.Vargas for telling them to resume the activities. There was no use if you're trying to make him put you down or get yourself down by yourself as he was way too strong, even if his grip wasn't tight at the moment.
He actually has no idea what's wrong with you, he doesn't know why you can't stand up on your own so you have to do the talking. The nurse persisted Malleus to go back to his lessons and it irritated him but you also shooed him out and told him to visit later when he's free. Very questionable as to why he's free as PE ended but you couldn't care less. He always visits you every day because of how you always manage to make him happy and his heart flutter and he is not sure as to why.
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Vil always has loathed your carelessness. He has pointed it out several times and telling you to be careful but you just couldn't help but get into countless troubles and it's not helping that your best friends are intentionally and unintentionally troublemakers. He never gave up on scolding you for your careless actions as he wants his..friend to improve but it does get tiring getting angry over the same thing over and over again.
So you falling and harming your ankle until you can't even stand up without the feeling to cry was not surprising in the slightest, just like what Malleus felt. He facepalms to your recklessness before walking up to you to ask if you're ok but NOT before scolding you, telling you that your actions have consequences and other junk but you never cared enough to listen.
Once you said that you might have sprained your ankle, he dramatically sighed and called you a fool for that. Since even walking you to the infirmary was already hard for your side, he had no choice but to pick you up and asks you to stop struggling or freaking out so much like you weren't gaining enough attention from injuring yourself.
While he's used to getting attention, he doesn't like the one he's getting right now as this could end up with multiple scandals of you and him maybe dating. While he's not opposed to dating you- wait, what is he saying!? He doesn't like you that way, right? It doesn't matter is what he thought to himself at the moment as the main priority is to get your butt into the infirmary and do a three-hour lecture on why you should be careful as the scolding wasn't enough. He called out the people staring as rude and should mind their own business and to continue their PE lessons.
He got really upset when it was confirmed that your ankle injury was rather severe and not just mild as it would take about four weeks or even more to fully recover. He understood fully and left the premises as he does have a class to attend but worry not, he will visit you any free time he has. If he couldn't visit you, maybe a video call would suffice. While he wouldn't treat you like royalty, he would be softer with you as he slightly pities your condition. As you were discharged and needed to walk with a cast, meaning you will be slower than before, meaning Vil would also slow down his pacing as you are his friend! Yeah, friend..
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Your recklessness was annoying but also what makes you interesting in the lion's eye. It was so entertaining to see a creature with sentience to have very little to no sense of danger. While he doesn't like the part where he gets involved but when he isn't and you're just figuring stuff by yourself is such an amazing show he could watch forever. Well, as long as you don't get seriously injured or something because truth to be told, he doesn't want you in any type of physical pain because surprise surprise, you're his pal.
So when something Leona doesn't want to happen to you happened, he mentally groaned in annoyance because he needs to get up from this comfy spot under the tree but he's still worried of course, it's just not obvious at all. People would've thought that he hated you or something when he saw him walking to where you are with a dead cold stare. When he found out that you were your cause of agony, he gave you an "Are you serious" look. He's very disappointed facial expression makes you embarrassed even more now.
He spat out a monotone "you ok" line, you thought that he was a robot for a second. You said yes and he told you to get your ass up from the grass and you obliged but failed to do so. When he saw you winced as you were trying to get your left foot standing, he knew damn well you aren't ok and gets more worried. However, his expression never changed. He sighed one more time before picking and throwing you on his shoulder in one swift. Your struggles are no use as he was stronger than you.
He glared at the people that dared to stare, especially to the ones that were whispering to one another about utter nonsense, aka stupid "are they together?" Rumors. He decided to tell the nurse what's wrong with you but it was worded so bad that you had to do it in the end anyway, making him scoffed like he just didn't say "their ankle broke or something". He refused to return to his class because it's boring but deep inside, it was because he wants to stay by your side for the entire time of your recovery.
Even if you're discharged and able to walk with a walking boot, he still stuck at your side even from afar as he doesn't want to see you do anything stupid and maybe twist your spine as he does not doubt that you're capable of doing so because of how unpredictable you are. And maybe it's also because, from all the time he has spent with you during his visiting times, something about you shined more inside him. Inside where exactly? Inside his heart.
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Jade loves this recklessness you hold. It's the reason why you're so unpredictable and he loves that about you. One second you will be the smartest person in the room, the next second you almost fall off from the second floor of the school building because some of your papers were accidentally been blown by the wind. While sometimes it can be quite troubling, most of the time it's enjoyable.
But now is the times where it's not as entertaining. He did the wrong decision of not keeping his eyes off you for more than 20 minutes to focus and trying to hone his flying skills as he heard you wailed in pain somewhere not too far away. He walked his way calmly to the source of your sounds of misery and see you lying on the grass with the broom beside you, absolutely helpless. He chuckled at your deadpanned face before asking if you're ok. Whatever your answer is, he knows damn well you aren't as you were wincing a lot as you were trying your best to get up.
He offers to walk you to the infirmary and you happily oblige. Only like two or three people would stare for a few minutes as walking you there isn't an abnormal situation as they did it before as well for other injured students. Just as soon as you two reached the hallways, where nobody is around to glimpse, he picked your figure up and continue your journey to the infirmary. If you asked him why he's doing this, is because it's faster and convenient to do it this way. Also, your face got so red when he picks you up and he thinks it's adorable, making you even redder.
For real though, seeing you all blushed up is quite endearing, he might tease you even more just to see that red face again. Anyways, he perfectly explained the situation of your ankle with some condescending remarks in it. He's a very busy man so he doesn't have that much time to visit you so he wishes you to discharge as fast as soon as possible so he can see your lovely face as much as usual.
So when you do discharge, he would always accompany you to wherever you're going if he's not doing that already. No matter if you need a cast or not, he would always treat you like a patient or even more, like royalty. He believes that he should make it up for not being able to visit, especially since you're always complaining to him how boring it was staying in the infirmary bed for four weeks. He can even get you red with this little special treatment, so why not go for it? It even secretly makes his heartbeat fast as well.
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Jack hates people who do not think before doing their actions and you are no exception. Nobody knows how you guys got to be friends to begin because it feels so impossible. Maybe because you two were paired up for an alchemy class project? But he still sticks with you for more than eight months already. Maybe he likes you? Or he's like your low-key guardian? Yes, the latter is the second but the first one could be a possibility, who knows.
That's why he gets more irritated when your recklessness is the cause of your distress. He could take it as your punishment for being so careless and take this as a lesson but knowing you, that will never happen so that gets him even more irritated. He runs up to you and scolds you for a few minutes about why you should be careful and such, it's surprising how he's so calm despite how many times he has scolded you about the same thing. After that useless scolding, he finally asked if you were alright or not. He scoffed when you lied about your ankle injury and have no choice but to pick you up from the grass.
Why would you even try to make him drop you off? It doesn't matter how much you annoy him on the way to the infirmary. If someone's injured he takes thing seriously, especially if it's his totally platonic mate that was in pain no matter how severe it is. He would get rather defensive and would throw hands with people who are saying things that maybe your relationship is more than friends so, please remind him that you're injured and your health is something he shouldn't be easily distracted and fight people who don't know how to mind their business, even though you might not care for your ankle yourself.
You kinda did not tell him what's wrong with you nor did he even asked in the first place so you'll do the talking. He got pretty surprised when you told the nurse you have an ankle injury, even more, astonished when that it's in a severe category now. He didn't like that you were taking your conditions lightly and joking about it too. He's a good boy, so he would follow the nurse's orders to leave to resume his lessons. Just like Vil and Jade, he wouldn't visit you every day as he still needs to prioritize his school life and such. Though, he might cut a tiny bit of his workout schedule to visit you until you discharge.
So when you do discharge no matter if you need a walking boot or a cast or just nothing, he will keep his eyes on you more frequently as he doesn't want to see you do some dumb stunt and hurt yourself again. He would make your stay in the Savanaclaw areas close to him and let you do whatever you want while he works out. As long as you stay nearby and don't wander off. I repeat, he doesn't want his probably future lifelong mate to have a single scratch on their face.
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jeongvision · 4 years
Can I request a Kun parent!au with the prompt “I’m still in love with you.” JSBXJDBDJX thank you in advance also don’t worry about trying not to disappoint readers- write it however you please, I love your writing so I’ll like it anyways
pairing. ex-husband! qian kun ✗ teacher! fem! reader
genre. angst, parent au, non idol au
warnings. mentions of divorce, slight cursing, not proofread but wbk
author’s note. bubs you are going to make me cry you’re too sweet to me omg thank you thank you thank you [insert ugly crying face here] hope you enjoy this blurb! this was a little difficult to do lol
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It’s normal routine for you every weekday: wake up, get ready, prepare lunch meals, wake up your daughter, get her ready, and you two take off to school. You were lucky to have your daughter, Jia, assigned to your classroom so it placed less of a burden on your part in ensuring her well-being is in good hands. Not that you don’t trust your co-workers but just seeing her smiling and giggling all over in class put your heart at ease.
You two currently stood behind your desk, your figure crouched down to her height as your hands working in dressing Jia up in layers and bundles to protect her from the harsh winds outside. All your students have left to their buses whereas you two stayed behind to depart in your own vehicle.
However, it’s Friday, and for the next couple of days, she won’t be staying by your side until Sunday night. Instead, she’ll be staying at someone else’s place for the time being.
After zipping up her coat, you look back to your daughter’s face and smiled. You tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “Ready to go see daddy, Jia?”
Your daughter flashes you with her signature gummy smile. “Yes, mommy!”
Grinning, you stood back up and grabbed your belongings. With your hand grasping onto her own, you two walked out of your classroom and made your way down to the main office. Most of the teachers have clocked out with a few staying behind to clean up or prepare for the next school day. Other than those staff members, it’s mostly individuals that are on janitorial duty that are present.
As you finally arrived at the main office, you and Jia decided to take a seat while waiting for her father. She swings her legs in her seat, her feet up in the air due to her small stature. You took the time to grab your phone out and browse through your notifications, fingers swiping and tapping away on your screen.
“Mommy?” Jia called.
“Hm?” You looked away from your screen down to your little one where she looks up to you with beady eyes. Every time, without fail, you would always see a certain type of innocence to her eyes, too pure for the unpredictable world you both lived in, something you hoped she’ll always have as she continues to grow older with each passing day.
You tuck a strand of hair behind her ear as it falls onto her frame. “What is it, baby?” Your fingers ghost besides her cheek, prompting her to lean her cheeks into your warm hand. There’s a slight pout on her lips.
“Do you not love daddy anymore?”
Your body stilled at her question, blood running cold. You knew that eventually this day would come, where your child gathers the utmost courage to ask you about a sensitive topic. She probably knew how touchy the subject was, given how it’s been over six months since you both adopted the current arrangement: weekdays at your place with weekends being solely at her father’s place.
You smiled, not a centimeter of it reaching to your eyes. “I never said that, baby,” you responded. “Why? Did your friends in class say anything about it?” You were worried that with your daughter growing up with divorced parents, her peers would tease her for being ‘parentless’ and such. That’s why you kept a close eye on her in class, making sure she doesn’t have to deal with such troublesome matters.
She shook her no. “No, but mommy, everyone talks about doing things with their mommy and daddy..” She looks down to her fiddling fingers, her body oozing with caution as she approaches further into the topic. “... and they always talk about how their mommy and daddy love each other.”
Your heart aches at every word she lets out. It’s hard, to give her the childhood you always wished for your child. You tried your best to show her that she is loved, regardless of the marital status of her parents, and that is all that mattered. But of course, you should’ve known that there will always be an ounce of doubt somewhere along the road.
You gulped, desperately trying to calm your uneasy heart. “Jia, baby..”
She looks back up to you.
You smiled solemnly. “I can’t say that your father and I will get back together again—” you enveloped her into a hug “—but I can promise you that I still love your father.”
She reciprocates your hug, her little arms stretching as far as they can around your torso. As you two pulled away, you could see through the glass windows a familiar car pull up by the sidewalk.
Her father is here.
You stood up from your seat. “Let’s go, baby. Daddy is here.” Her facial expression brightens at the mention of her father, hopping off her chair with excitement. She giggles and skips in her steps as you two walked out of the school building hand-in-hand. You stopped halfway to crouch down to Jia again, hands cupping her plump cheeks.
“Have fun at daddy’s house, okay?” you said. “And be good. Don’t make me get a phone call from him saying you did something bad.” You jokingly give her a narrowed look, Jia giggling from your funny expression.
“I will, mommy!”
Satisfied with her answer, you stand back up as her father gets out of his driver’s seat and walks around to see you and Jia.
He grins. “Jia!” he calls out.
She jumps gleefully besides you. “Daddy!”
She runs over to her father where he crouches down to her height with his arms wide open. She collides to his chest, earning a grunt from the latter at the sudden impact. They both share a laugh, making you fondly smile. He stands back up and opens the door to the back seat, buckling her up in her booster seat reserved only for his princess. Once finished, he gently closes the door and turns to face you. You both smiled awkwardly at each other, still a considerate amount of distance separating the two of you.
“Y/n,” he acknowledged.
You nodded. “Kun.”
For what felt like hours, you both said nothing to one another. The only thing you two could hear as you stare into each other’s orbs are the sound of passing cars and birds chirping in their homes. Gulping down his fears, he walks towards you, each step marking their way over to where his world stands. He stops just a few steps away, too afraid to cross the line you mentally drew around yourself.
He chuckles nervously. “How have you been?”
“Good,” you nodded. “You?”
The silence is deafening, suffocating almost. It’s been so long that you have last seen him so up close and it reminded you all over again on why you fell in love with him in the first place. You missed the time spent together with him, all the hours by his side that made you the person you are today. You don’t regret meeting him at all, but you can’t deny that what you missed the most is him, and solely him.
“I’m still in love with you, y/n,” he murmured.
Your breath hitches in your throat, suppressing the sob that approaches before you. Masking the tremor he placed on you heart, a dry chuckle escapes past your lips.
“I know,” you whispered. Not sparing him a chance to respond back, you nod towards his car. “Your daughter is waiting for you in the car.”
The words he wanted to let out rests on the tip of his tongue, failing to take off when you looked back at him with such dejection. And so, the least he could do is heed to your wish, something he wasn’t able to do years ago. He walks back to his car where Jia awaits, away from where the love of his life resides. As he drives off into the distance, the dam that held all your emotions at bay finally releases, a wave of turbulent emotions taking over your body, shaking you to the core. Out in the cold, the damn breaks and you let the tears cascade down your cheeks, despair cloaking your entire existence. It hurts, really, knowing that your lover will never be free from his arranged marriage. Forever will be remained shackled to his parents and casted in the dungeon to act as their puppeteer.
He stayed locked up in his cage just so you could fly free, out in the world beyond where the sun shines upon the meadows and bring life to all, but darling, how could you fly freely when your wings are left behind?
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jeongvision’s milestone event!
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silkling · 3 years
Thank you that's so sweet??? Aaa that means a lot-
I have thought of a few prompts actually,,
One being, TFA Prowl and Jazz where Prowl was some sort of fae creature that could disguise himself as a normal bot, and he got dragged to Yoketron. Either Yoketron knew what he was or he entered a deal with him by accident, but Prowl was like...honor bound to stay and learn from him after making that agreement. Maybe Jazz is there visiting as a previous student, and weird things about Prowl keep catching his attention.
The other was far more angsty- what if Sigma 17 were woken up earlier, like halfway through the war when their pod is discovered by an Autobot ship.. mby Blades' brothers are still aware and he can feel them, but otherwise they're just dumped straight into war. Poor bbys.
Oh my god. You. You just. You don’t know what you did. Cause I like, really like fae lore. So as soon as I saw that prompt my brain demanded it be written. But I also really like your other prompt. So I’m going to do them both! This one is the fae Prowl one. I’ll post the second prompt in another post. But seriously I’m going to have so much fun with this. You have no idea what you have unleashed in my brain.
Yoketron watched as the lithe, elegant youngling was hauled into his Dojo by Warpath. He arched a brow when he noticed the muzzle clamped on his face, and then was even more surprised when he realized just how much the mechling was capable of thrashing in the larger Autobot’s hold, despite the stasis cuffs clamped around his wrists. The youngling, a two-wheeler now that Yoketron was able to see him more clearly, was dumped on the floor and pinned under a heavy red pede.
“You sure you want to take this one, Master Yoketron? I really think he’s more deserving of the stockades, filthy little deserter.” Warpath snarled.
“Indeed, Warpath. I am quite certain.” Yoketron hummed. “I assure you, if he truly does not wish what I have to offer than I am quite capable of bringing him to the stockades myself.”
Warpath only grumbled, growling one more time at the small youngling, and then he bowed and left.
As soon as the weight on him was gone, the mechling’s thrashing kicked up a notch and he tried to sit himself up. It seemed though, that despite his surprising amount of maneuverability he didn’t have enough control of his limbs to actually do so. Yoketron knelt down, reaching out and pressing the release mechanism of the muzzle. It dropped to his waiting palm and he subspaced it, retracting his hand just in time to avoid razor sharp fangs snapping shut on his fingers. As it was, those deadly dentae clacked together harshly as the mechling’s jaw closed on empty air. Yoketron arched a brow, frowning. Odd. Usually it was only warframes who had such sharp fangs, and this little one was most definitely not a warframe.
Yoketron ignored the furious glare, casting a critical gaze over the mech laying prone on his dojo floor. At least he had stopped thrashing, though now his frame was so tense the armor plating was clamped shut too tight to get even a metal wire in between the individual armor pieces. Yoketron returned his gaze to meet the glowing visor, bright with the fury and rage that was strong enough for him to practically taste in the youngling’s field.
He hummed as if to himself, reaching behind him to undo the stasis cuffs, only to stop when fangs pierced and dug into the armor of his forearm. He shot the mechling an unimpressed look, his free hand reaching and digging fingers into the soft protoform of his face behind his jaw. His body almost spasmed, his mouth forced open, his fangs and lips stained with Yoketron’s energon. The ninja master ignored the fear that started to sour his field, as well as the way his ventilations increased until he was panting harshly, mouth forced open and glaring helplessly at the older bot. Instead, he reached out again, removing the stasis cuffs, then releasing his jaw and straightening as he stepped back.
He watched the young mech get to his pedes, his movements graceful and elegant even as his field radiated rage and fear. Yoketron found his optics narrowing faintly at the way his every movement was soundless. There was no shifting metal as he rose, to whirring systems as his frame shifted and settled, so sound of pedes against wood as he got up and stood straight. It was…off. Not enough to make a normal mech think anything was wrong, but just enough to get Yoketron’s attention. Combined with his fangs, it was starting to paint a picture. Not to mentioned the slightly tapered finger tips he had noticed as he’d removed the stasis cuffs. Fingers that flexed and clenched, and Yoketron noticed a half-second flash of sharpened claws before those hands relaxed and returned to normal. Yes, he was most definitely starting to get an idea of what this mechling was.
“Hello, young one.” he rumbled. “May I ask what you were doing hiding on Dojo property?”
The youngling growled, shifting towards the door. Yoketron let him. “What do you think? Trying to stay out of the war.” he barked. “It’s not my fight, after all.”
Yoketron hummed. “Perhaps not.” he agreed. “But those in charge will not see it that way, and will see you as little more than a traitor for not answering the call to fight. I am taking a risk in doing so, but if you wish to avoid the fight them I can offer you another option.” he stepped towards the youngling, optics narrowing. “So long as you are willing to learn, I would take you on as my student.”
The youngling snarled. “Fat chance! I’m leaving.”
“Certainly.” Yoketron agreed. “If you can make it to the door before I stop you, then you will be free to do exactly that, and I will ensure any and all charges against you are dropped.”
The youngling eyed him dubiously, but seemed to decide the risk was worth it because he was transforming and taking off in the next second. It had been a silent transformation too, which had raised only further alarm bells. Yoketron waited until he was close to the door, and then he moved. In a flash, he appeared in front of the mech, and a hard kick sent him tumbling out of his alt mode. Another kick, and he was flying back into the cabinet, which fell on top of him. Yoketron walked over and heaved it off, crouching to pin the mechling by pressing a hand between his shoulderblades.
“You have potential, little one. But if you are discovered and caught by the authorities then that shall all go to waste.”
Abruptly, the struggling form under his palm stilled and tensed, all anger leaving his field to be replaced by fear. “…what do you want?” he whispered.
“Your name, youngling. I believe Cybertron has lost enough of your kin. I have no desire to see another perish unnecessarily. The rest of the planet may be blind to it, but I am well aware of how necessary you are to the functioning of our world.” Yoketron said calmly. The yougling’s actions had confirmed his suspicions. He truly was one of the fae, a breed of Cybertronian long believed to be only myth.
The youngling was shaking faintly now, obviously frightened. Yoketron couldn’t blame him. While most civilians thought the fae to be the subjects of story and myth, any mech involved in government or military knew they were real, albeit very, very rare. There was a reason for that, a very unpleasant one, and it certainly didn’t help that any fae were were discovered were often captured and simply…never seen again.
“You know what that would mean.” There was an agonized note to the youngling’s voice.
Yoketron felt a twinge of regret. He did know, and it wasn’t something he was eager to do. But given the circumstances, it would be the best way to ensure this one’s safety. “I do.” he confirmed. “I promise you I will not abuse it, youngling. I seek only to ensure your safety and to see you grow. I cannot simply allow you to go so easily, for if I did then I would be questioned as to why I did not bring you to the stockades and it would bring more attention to you. This way, you will remain safe.”
“Then why offer to let me go in the first place?” he demanded.
“I believed it would make you feel better to know you had at least made an attempt.”
The youngling abruptly went limp, his field still fearful, but now also tinged with a dull resignation that made Yoketron feel a little sick to his tanks. He did not want to do it like this, but for the mechling’s safety was truly the only option, with the way Cybertron currently functioned. “Give me your name, youngling.” he encouraged, voice gentling.
The young bot reset his vocalizer, and looked up to lock his visor with Yoketron’s optics. “My name is Prowl.” he answered, and he could hear the reluctance as the young bot spoke.
As Prowl gave his name to Yoketron, his optics glowed a bright white for a brief moment behind his visor before fading back to normal. Yoketron himself felt a small pull at his spark, recognizing it as the tether that now bound Prowl to him. He lifted his hand from the fae’s back, watching him slowly rose to sit up. “I take your name to be returned to you when your tutelage is done, Prowl.” he said, and the bond that was latched against his spark strengthened and solidified. “Go. Past the door on your right is a hall. Turn left at the end, past the door there, and you will find the berthrooms. The one with the black door is the student’s room. You may call it yours while you remain under my care.” he said, voice gentle. “Rest. I will clean up here. Tomorrow, your training begins.”
There was a tug on his spark, ans he realized quickly that he had worded that too close to an order when Prowl winced, cringing back from him but obeying nonetheless. Yoketron frowned, distaste curling in his tanks. He would have to learn how to word what he said very, very carefully so it could not be viewed as an order. He knew the bond he had established by taking the fae’s name meant that Prowl would be compelled to obey what he was told, but he had no intentions of abusing that. It would be wrong to do so.
The youngling stood, then turned and left through the door. Yoketron listened to his pedes fade away, and then he himself was standing. He hadn’t expected his day to go like this, and he disliked how he had had to take on his newest student, but he couldn’t regret having done so. He did not want to see another fae fall just because Cybertron’s elite refused to understand them. With a heavy sigh, he retrieved the broom from the corner and began cleaning. Tomorrow would be a long day.
Prowl found himself curled up in the berth after he had cleaned himself up in the washracks attached to the room. His spark felt heavy with the new bond tied around him, and he further tugged the mesh blanket wound himself as he thought about it. He hadn’t ever intended to get caught. He had snuck into the Dojo grounds because they looked mostly empty and he’d thought it’d be a good place to lay low while army “recruiters” were sweeping through the streets. The last thing he wanted was to be forcefully drafted. Being around so many mechs who he knew knew about the fae…well, he was good, but he also knew he’d probably have gotten caught eventually.
He had hidden himself well, even using magae to keep himself as undetectable as possible. But then that red mech, Warpath, had seen him as he’d been attempting to sneak into another area of the Dojo, and….that was that. He’d been swiftly pinned and cuffed, and when he’d kept trying to bite, the muzzle had been locked around his face as well. He hadn’t expected to be brought to the Dojo Master, and he had even less expected that the mech, Warpath had called him Yoketron, would know what he was. He was even more embarrassed about being caught because when Warpath left, he realized the large bot just visiting. But he had been caught, and Yoketron had trapped and bound him with his own magae, and now he was here. At least the older bot had promised that his name–and freedom–would be returned after he was finished being trained, but Primus only knew how long that would take.
It was days like this when Prowl loathed his heritage, loathed the fact he was a fae. He had been proud of it, once. Fae were beings of legend, after all. Stories said that in Cybertron’s early days, even before the great cities were built, fae and normal Cybertronians lived alongside each other. It was said that fae were gifted the abilities beyond that of a normal bot, including tapping into the world’s natural energies. They were able to feel this energy and occasionally draw on it to perform feats of great power. Fae also wielded their own unique form of energy, called magae, that allowed them to perform what most bots would call “magic”. Magae was what made up the entirety of a fae’s abilities, it was what made them fae. Magae came from a fae’s spark, was comprised of the energies and power of their own life force, and they could use it to connect to the sparks of other bots. Usually, that would entail taking a mech’s name and binding them to yourself. Though if one knew how, the process could be reversed, and a mech could take a fae’s name and bind them to themself, as Yoketron had done to Prowl.
He couldn’t blame the older mech. The part of his processor that was more logical could even be grateful. His reasoning had been sound, after all. There wasn’t really a way for Prowl to walk away from this without unwanted attention, without risking discovery. He knew what would have happened if he was discovered. The rest of Cybertron may have forgotten why the fae disappeared, but his people remembered. Fae had been powerful. Chosen by Primus to maintain the planet’s natural order and help ensure prosperity for His children, which included themselves. For a time, it had been fine.
But then mechs had begun to fear to extent of what fae could do, disliking that they were capable of tapping into the sparks of others. And so the fae had been hunted. To avoid extinction, his people had fled and disappeared, going to the shadows and staying there until they were eventually forgotten. They built up their own society, separate from the rest of Cybertron. Prowl remembered it, a little bit. He had been sparked there, but…somehow, he had gotten separated from his people and place of origin, and he’d never found his way back. It was hidden from the people of Cybertron, and any fae who got lost from it and didn’t know the way back would remain stranded outside forever.
That was what had happened to him. He didn’t remembered how, but…he did know his creators had been taken, or perhaps offlined, and they’d hidden him just before being caught. They’d never come back, and he had remained stranded from the place he’d been sparked in. After that, he was told he was found by a civilian family from Praxus, who brought him to a Youth Center there. Once he was big enough to take care of himself, he’d fled the Center, wanting to try and find his way home, but…he’d never been able to. He’d been in his own ever since.
Now, he was stuck, bound to a mech who claimed to want to see him safe and strong but he didn’t know if Yoketron was telling the truth. He could only hope he was. The alternative was that the old mech intended to use the bond for his own gain, or to turn him in, and Prowl…Prowl didn’t want either option. He sighed heavily, swiping a hand across his face, his visor set on the nightstand by the berth. His optics were a normal blue, though what made them stand out was the markings around his optics. It was why he wore the visor. The most distinctive features of what he was were his fangs and claws, but those were easy to hide, and the markings around his optics. Every fae had markings somewhere, he knew. He had just been unlucky enough to have them on his face.
The youngling sighed, forcing himself out of the increasingly depressing spiral. It couldn’t be changed. He just had to adapt and learn. He was good at that. He tucked himself into a tighter ball, knees pulled to his chest and mesh clutched tightly around his form. He closed his optics, trying to calm down enough to recharge. Today had been a very bad day. He just hoped the days to come wouldn’t follow in the pattern.
Prowl woke the next day to a quiet knocking on the door. He startled awake, feeling out of sorts and groggy as he pushed the blanket off him and sat up. That was when he remembered the events of the previous day, and he flinched away from the door and looked down. So, it was time to get up, he supposed. He sighed, then swung his pedes out of the berth and padded to the door. Upon opening it, he found the hallway to be empty, but he picked up the sounds of…something at the end of the hall, in the opposite direction of what he was thinking was the main room of the Dojo. He stepped out, closing the door behind him, and walked towards the noise. He came to a sliding door, and when he opened it he found what appeared to be some sort of dining room.
Yoketron was already there, setting two places at the table with fuel. When the door opened, the old mech looked up. “Ah, Prowl.” he greeted. “You look well, today. I am glad.”
Prowl squirmed uncomfortably, nodding. “I….yes.” he said lamely.
“If you wish, you may come and sit. I typically share morning fuel with my student before I begin lessons, when I have one under my care.”
Prowl blinked, realizing there was no order in that phrasing. Maybe Yoketron really wouldn’t take advantage? He nodded, sliding forward, closing the door behind him as he went, and sitting on the cushion provided. Yoketron hummed, satisfied, and went to the opposite end of the small table to take his own place.
“I wish to apologize, Prowl” he said. “Binding you to myself was not how I wished to take you on as my student, but from what I have learned of fae culture over my life I believed it to be the best way to ensure you remain safe and undetected.” he explained.
The two-wheeler looked uncomfortable, but he nodded regardless. “There’s nothing I can do about it.” he sounded resigned. “I get it, I suppose. I know how dangerous discovery is for one of my kind. But that doesn’t mean I’m happy.”
“And I would not ask you to be.” Yoketron said patiently. He swallowed down some of his fuel, his gaze locked on the lithe youngling nibbling at his own meal. “I only wish so see you survive and grow strong enough that you can defend yourself.”
He took no offense when Prowl didn’t answer, and they consumed the rest of their meal in silence. When they finished, Yoketron stood. “If you would, I would appreciate if you cleaned your dishes and followed me. I will show you were you can put them, and then we can move on to your morning lessons.”
Prowl nodded, gathering his now empty dishes and following the old mech. He noticed once more that Yoketron had not phrased his request in a way that it might be interpreted as an order, and he felt grateful. While he still wasn’t happy about how things had turned out, he was starting to believe that just maybe the bond wouldn’t be abused after all. And if Yoketron was really telling the truth, then Prowl would someday be able to keep himself safe. He still wasn’t sure of this situation, and he didn’t trust Yoketron, but if things continued to be like this then maybe his time here wouldn’t be so bad.
Prowl was meditating. He did so fairly often these days, as it made his natural energies settle in a way they usually didn’t. Fae were constantly connected to the energy of Cybertron, and sometimes it was nice to let own own spark settle in a more peaceful rhythm as he let the energy of his world wash over him and surround him. It had taken him a while to learn the patience to do this, but he was glad that he had eventually managed. His processor settled, ventilations deep and even as he blocked himself out from the outside world. Why should he not? He knew he was safe here. He had nothing to fear.
A hand pressed to his spinal strut, between his winglets.
He jerked, his processor snapping back to itself as his optics abruptly snapped open. He let out a loud, startled yelp, helm shooting around, and his gaze locking on mech who was smiling faintly, expression wry and amused.
“Master Yoketron.” he did not wheeze, thank you very much.
“Prowl.” His master greeted, tone warm. “I apologize for startling you. I thought you would wish to know that it is time for afternoon fuel. It would be best to take it, I believe. The lessons I have planned for the rest of this orn are rather difficult.”
Prowl released a heavy, relaxed vent. He nodded, the harsh light of his optics dimming behind his visor as his systems realized he wasn’t under attack. “Of course, Master. Thank you for coming to get me. I apologize for not keeping better track of the time.”
Master Yoketron only shook his head. “Of course, young one. I understand the importance of meditation. I would not think to force you to stop early when I can prepare the fuel myself.” he hummed. “Though,” he cast his student a look. “I would appreciate if you did continue to prepare the fuel with me, in most cases.”
Prowl nodded, standing up and following his Master out the door of the small meditation room and down to the dining hall. “I would not think to abandon one of my tasks, Master Yoketron.”
“No, I do not think you would.” The old mech agreed. They stopped in the dining room, taking their respective seats. After a moment of silent eating, Prowl’s mentor spoke. “You have come very far since you first came to this Dojo, Prowl.”
Prowl paused, drawing back a little under the intensity of the gaze pinned on him. Yes, he supposed he had. He still wasn’t pleased that his teacher had had to take his name and bind him to himself to get him to stay, but he understood. Besides, he had come to like it, here. The old cyber-ninja was kind and fair, and he had never once forced Prowl out of his comfort zone or tried to abuse the bond, not a single time in the vorns since the fae had been dumped at his pedes. He stayed now because he wished to, not because he was forced to. The bond was still active, and Yoketron still held his name, but he had come to see this place as home and no longer tried to trick the cyber-ninja into breaking the bond. His Master still held his name, but Prowl would stay even if he did not.
“I suppose.” the fae said after a moment. “I am grateful to you, Master Yoketron. Even if I am not pleased as to how it happened, I am glad you took me as your student.”
The older mech relaxed, expression softening. “Indeed, young one. I feel much the same.” he murmured. “Now, I believe it is time we finish fueling. It will be a long orn yet.”
Prowl nodded, then picked up his cube of energon and took a sip. He didn’t know what his future would hold, but he, for once in his life, looked forward to what the coming stellar cycles would bring.
The coming stellar cycles, it turned out, would bring one of Master Yoketron’s former students. A mech named Jazz, who according to his mentor was visiting the Dojo for the Festival of Adaptus, and he intended to stay for the full deca-cycle the Festival took place on, as he was granted leave by the Elite Guard to do so. Yoketron had told him that Jazz had been his most recent student before he had taken in Prowl, and that the young cyber-ninja was apparently quite eager to meet their shared mentor’s newest disciple. Prowl wasn’t opposed to the visit, not at all. But in the vorns since he’d come to the dojo, he had relaxed and become more at ease, and so his magae itself had also become less tense and volatile. All that really meant, though, was that, now that he knew he was safe and at home, his instincts would let him behave in the way he wanted to about the Dojo’s guest.
Jazz didn’t know Prowl was a fae. He didn’t even know that a fae was in the Dojo. Which meant Prowl would be able to really mess with the mech and confuse him while he was here. He didn’t let his more mischievous tendencies be known often, but Prowl was a fae, and his people reveled in tricks and mischief. And now that someone new was coming, someone who wouldn’t know to anticipate it like Yoketron knew to, after living with Prowl’s rare pranks?
Well, Prowl was going to have some fun with Jazz.
Jazz didn’t know what he was expecting when he met his old Master’s newest student, but it most certainly wasn’t for the lithe mech to thrust out a hand, palm up, and say:
“Hello. Master Yoketron has told me about you. Would you like to give me your name?”
Now, the phrasing of the had been real funky, but Jazz hadn’t had time to think on it or even to tell the mech his name before Master Yoketron was putting a hand over his mouth and shooting the black and gold mech a very unimpressed look. The two-wheeler had huffed, arms crossing.
“I wasn’t actually going to do anything, Master.”
And Primus, but he’d sounded petulant. Jazz still didn’t understand that whole interaction, but then Yoketron was stepping away and the bot offered his hand out again. “My name is Prowl, and you may use it as a friend.” he’d said.
Upon getting no reaction from the Dojo Master, Jazz had stepped forward and taken his hand. Again, very funky phrasing, but Jazz was starting to think maybe the mech himself was just from a different walk of life than he was. “Name’s Jazz.” he’d introduced himself, and thinking that the second part of Prowl’s introduction must be important to the mech, he’d found himself copying it. “Feel free to use my name as a friend.”
The words had tasted oddly stiff in his mouth, but before he could say anything more Master Yoketron was shooing his student off to do some chores, and then he’d led Jazz to the berthroom reserved for Dojo guests.
Which, was where the Polyhexian now found himself.
Except…the berth was stood vertical against the wall. He didn’t know why. Maybe it was how Master Yoketron was storing them when they weren’t in use? But then, why hadn’t it been put back horizontal before he had arrived? Jazz was very confused. He shrugged, moving to pull the berth back down. Maybe his old teacher had simply forgotten, though Yoketron had never forgotten anything before. Old age, then? Yeah, Jazz would sooner believe that Ultra Magnus enjoyed bar fights.
He still had no idea how the berth had gotten like that, but maybe things would make sense after recharge. So, he slipped under the mesh blankets and let himself slip into unconsciousness. He was sure things would be less confusing when he was operating at his full abilities.
The next morning did dawn, and Jazz had woken up making the choice to just forget about the berth incident. He might ask his mentor at a later date, but for now he’d focus on just enjoying his time at th old Dojo. He slipped out of his berthroom, remembering from his own training that right about now was when the morning fuel was prepared. Sure enough, he slipped into the kitchen to find both Dojo residents preparing their shares. Jazz went to do the same, and after a a breem all three of them were seated at the table.
Jazz turned to Prowl, smiling. “So, mech, how’re you liking it at the Dojo? I heard through the grapevine your arrival here wasn’t exactly ideal.” he offered, remembering what Warpath had told the rest of the cyber-ninjas.
Prowl paused. “…it was not ideal, you are right.” he confirmed. “I am grateful for Master Yoketron taking me under his care, however. I find the Dojo pleasant.”
Jazz chuckled. “You’re a pretty well-mannered mech, aintcha?” he teased playfully. “I’d almost think you came from nobility.”
Prowl, amusingly, looked very offended. “It does not do to be impolite.” he sniffed.
Jazz smiled. “I ain’t disagreeing with you. But you can relax, you get me?”
Prowl simply stared at him, then scoffed and returned to his meal. Jazz didn’t take it personally. Dai Atlas was pretty stiff too. Some mechs just preferred structure and formality. Yoketron, as he often was during mealtimes, was silent. The rest of their fuel was consumed in that silence, and then Prowl and the Dojo Master were cleaning up and going off to the morning lessons. Jazz remembered those. They had been very….straining. He stood, cleaning his own dishes and then going to mediate until the other two were done for the morning. Plus, he hadn’t been able to mediate properly for a while.
A couple joors later, Jazz was done and got to his feet. Yoketron ans Prowl should be finished by now too, he knew, and he decided to walk though the garden to get to the main hall. Except…there were some odd metalli-plants in the garden, arranged in a perfect circle. Jazz didn’t recognize them, and he found it odd that they were planted that way. He could also detect a very, very faint energy coming from the circle. Curious, he walked over, intending to get close and touch the plants to examine them, when a hand landed on his shoulder.
He looked back, seeing Yoketron, and his old teacher looked exasperated. “Prowl, I would appreciate if you would not attempt to trap Jazz in your circles.” he called out.
Prowl stepped out from the Dojo, almost looking like he was pouting, and the odd energy around the flowers disappeared. “You’re no fun, Master. I wouldn’t have done anything.” he grumbled.
Yoketron only shook his head, and invited Jazz to join them for some basic katas now that morning lessons were done. He agreed, but tacked that onto his mental list of weird things going on at the Dojo. He thought that would be the last time. It wasn’t.
That night, when he went to the washracks, the solvent came out mixed with glitter. Jazz barely avoided getting a very sparkly makeover. Then, the next orn, he kept getting lost. Master Yoketron had to rescue him from the meditation chambers after the 12th time he ended up there trying to get to the dining hall. After that, his Master having to stop Jazz from accepting fuel that Prowl had offered. Then, he’d woken the next orn to find his berth was gone. Just….gone. Even though he’d been in it. The odd things kept stacking up and up, until finally, half-way into his stay, he learned what it all was.
It was when Yoketron, Prowl, and he were fueling after the morning lessons. Prowl and Jazz were talking, and then Prowl had said the words that made Jazz feel very, very stupid:
“Words have power, Jazz, so of course phrasing is important in proper social interaction!”
He forgot what they were even bickering about, staring at the rotten little trickster in front of him with a gaping mouth. “You’re a fae.” he realized. How had he not figured it out sooner? Master Yoketron had taught him about the fae. All cyber-ninja knew about the fae! Then a new thought struck him. “You stole my berth!”
Prowl blinked, and he seemed to relax when Jazz’s reaction to the revelation wasn’t fear or an attempt to turn him in. Only indignation. “I will not apologize.” he deadpanned.
Jazz stared, and then a grin stretched his lips. “You clever, tricky little glitch.” he said playfully, enunciating each word. There was no genuine malice in his tone. “Can you teach me how to do that?”
Prowl snorted as Jazz regaled him with yet another story about his new superior officer, a mech called Sentinel Prime, and his immense stupidity. They were in Iacon, and it had been a long time since Prowl had been so far from the Dojo, which was in the outer edges on Praxus, on its own land. But he’d come to a pause in his training, as Master Yoketron had sent him on an optics quest. It was, apparently, a major test in the life of a cyber-ninja. It would allow him to discover what he wished to do with his life, as he was meant to travel and experience new things and explore, and when he had the answer he would return to the Dojo. And then he would begin a new level of his training, according to his teacher.
So he was in Iacon currently, enjoying an afternoon with Jazz. It had been many vorns since that fateful Festival of Adaptus, and the two young mechs had forged a strong bond. So when Prowl’s optics quest had brought him in the direction of Iacon, he’d commed the older mech and asked to be shown around. The fae was nervous about being so close to the headquarters of Autobot High Command, because he knew what they did to any of his kind they discovered, but he was confident in his abilities to remain hidden. Plus, he had Jazz, and he knew the white bot wouldn’t let him be put in danger.
They were sitting at Jazz’s favorite cafe, enjoying a selection of energon treats, when Prowl felt it. A tug at his spark. The bond he shared with Yoketron went two ways. The older mech held most of the control, but Prowl could still sense his mentor through it. It was one of the reasons he had come to accept it. And now…now, Yoketron’s spark felt like it was sputtering, like the mech it belonged to was in pain and his life was in danger. Prowl didn’t stop to think. He threw down a fistful on shanix, and then grabbed Jazz’s wrist and dragged him away.
His processor was racing desperately, and he couldn’t even manage to answer his friend’s questions. He dragged them to an empty alley, and then closed his eyes, focused on his magae, and dug deep.
Every fae had a pocket plane of their own. It was like a bot’s subspace, but it wasn’t a subspace and it was large enough for a mech to go in to. It was like…a small sub-world of sorts, and only a fae could access it, and each fae had their own. The sub-world could be used as a quick method of transport. As long as the location one was trying to get to was on the same planet as they one they had left from, then a fae could use to to travel large distances in almost an instant.
Prowl had never accessed his, before. Oh, he’d tried. Countless times. But he’d never been able to. But now…now he had to. It was the only way they could get to Praxus, to Master Yoketron. So he dug inwards, pushing far, far deeper into his magae than he’d ever done before…and he stepped forward. He came into his sub-world, bringing Jazz with him, and the other mech was silent now, gaping im shock. He kept going though, and focused on Praxus, on the Dojo, and stepped again. Then, they were there. Prowl stumbled as he came to a stop in the Dojo, releasing Jazz and tripping onto his face. He didn’t notice when his visor was knocked loose as he shifted his gaze to try and find his Master.
Prowl and Jazz were frozen for a single sparkbeat at the scene they’d come into. A large mech with a hook in place of one hand and markings on his face was standing over their mentor. For a moment, Prowl thought the mech was fae. But he detected no magae from him, and the moment passed.
That was when the rage came. He snarled, his engine roaring his anger, and his claws lengthened to their sharpest, his fangs sharpening to their longest, and the golden markings around his optics glowed a brilliant, pale silver while his optics themselves glowed white. He surged up, and in the next sparkbeat he was between the mech and his master. He extended a hand, deadly claws resting on the mech’s chest plate, and before that hook could swipe at him he peeled back his lips, put his magae into his voice, and hissed a command.
It wouldn’t hold for long, he knew. Without the mech’s name, the order wouldn’t hold much power. So, Prowl used the physical connection, and pushed with his magae, digging with his very spark into the core of the mech’s being. He had to be careful, he knew. Like this, it would be so easy to destroy, to rip the mech’s very soul apart and kill his being without even extinguishing his spark. But Master Yoketron had always warned him against using his powers to hurt others, telling him he was meant for greater than causing pain and suffering. Even if Prowl didn’t believe that, he still wanted to honor his Master’s wishes and his lessons. So he didn’t rip and tear and rend, like the more feral of his fae instincts demanded. Instead, he dug in, until he had what he wanted, and wove a strand of magae into the mech’s spark energy to ensure the bond would take.
Then he pulled himself back, and as the mech regained mobility he met those red optics and bared his fangs. “I know your name, bounty hunter.” he spat. “I know who you are, and your name is mine until such time I decide it is mine no longer. I have your name , Lockdown, and with it I have you.” Claws dug into metal armor as the mech froze, optics blown wide with shock.
“You will stop this, and you will leave, Lockdown. Now.” Prowl ordered in a snarling hiss.
Lockdown was tense, but the bond that Prowl had tied around his spark and the hold of his name over him forced him to obey. He stopped, and he left. It was only when the Dojo was silent that Prowl began to calm. He sagged, slowly releasing a heavy vent, and turned to the other two mechs. Jazz had helped Yoketron sit up, his helmet already returned to him, and both were staring.
“Uh, mech? What’s with the light show?” Jazz asked softly.
“Light show?” And then Prowl noticed the lights.
Small, glowing spheres of light and energy filled the room. Dozens of them. He gasped, reaching out to the nearest one and tapping it. It burst into flame, and Prowl jerked back. The flame burned out, and a new light replaced the old. Prowl hesitantly tapped another of the spheres, and this one burst into mist. It was then he understood what this was.
Every fae had a unique magae ability. It seemed these spheres were his, and each of them did something different. But what was the use, if he didn’t know which did what? Except….he did know. Or at least, his spark did. This was an ability born from his magae, from his spark. So….if he let that guide him..he would know.
He took a deep vent, focusing, and his gaze locked on one sphere floating to his right. He cupped his hands around it, bringing it to his mentor, and crouched by the older mech. He held his hands out, the sphere glowing above his clawstips.
“This one should help you, Master.” he said softly.
Yoketron hummed, then reached out and pushed his fingers into the light. It flared, dancing up along his frame, and small cracks and wounds in his armor sealed up while the heavier injuries lessened slightly in severity. He perked up too, as if he was given a boost of energy, and was able to stand up on his own after a moment. Prowl and Jazz followed suit, but before either could say anything another form burst into the Dojo.
“Master Yoketron, are you-“ the mech cut himself off, staring at the scene. “….I saw smoke coming from the Dojo?” he said, uncertain.
Prowl tensed, optics narrowing, but Jazz slid in to calm the situation. “It’s alright. We managed to deal with it.”
The mech’s uncertain gaze looked around the Dojo, clearly confused at the lights, until his optics found Prowl. Then they lit up with understanding, and recognition. He obviously realized what the fae was. But…he stepped forward anyway, holding out a hand. “You’re Master Yoketron’s student, right? My name is Springer, and I give it to you freely to use as you wish, though I hope you would use it as a friend.”
Prowl startled, not expecting a mech to give his name so easily. He had to cut the tie to his magae so it wouldn’t try to latch on and bind the mech. He took the offered hand, careful of his claws. “You are well met, Springer, and I would be pleased to call you my friend. My name is Prowl, and I offer it to you to use as a friend in turn.” he said smoothly, then stepped back.
Jazz grinned, throwing an arm around Prowl’s shoulders. “Nice, Prowler! But are you ever gonna explain what in the Pit you did? Cause I’m still trippin’ over tryin’ to figure it out.”
Springer cut in. “As much as I’d like to know too, maybe now isn’t the best time. We should clean up before the Elite Guard figures out something went down here. Prowl, that means you might want to cut your magae off, we don’t want you getting found out.”
Prowl tensed, but nodded stiffly. He could do that. He took a vent, closing his optics and relaxing. After a moment, the spheres started winking out, and his fangs and claws returned to their hidden states. His optics and markings stopped glowing, and he opened his optics to look for his visor. He quickly noticed it was broken on the floor, and he was about to panic when Jazz caught his attention and held out his own visor. His optics were bare for once, and Prowl found himself staring in quiet awe for a moment before a resetting of a vocalizer from Springer snapped his focus back. He snagged up the visor, slipping it on and shooting Jazz a grateful look.
“Great!” the green mech was smiling. “Now, let’s figure out this mess!”
Prowl hummed. “I believe I have an idea. Springer, if you will, I believe you and I would be best suited for cleaning up here. Jazz, would you mind helping Master Yoketron?” A glance back showed their mentor leaning against the far wall, seemingly in a meditative state. “And call in a medic, his wounds still need to be treated.”
The other two glanced at each other, and for a moment Prowl thought they wouldn’t take orders from an ungraduated student, but to his surprise they nodded and got to work. Prowl felt himself smile, and fell into place with Springer to clean up the mess Lockdown had made of the Dojo’s main hall. He had been worried that he wouldn’t find his place once he graduated the Dojo and left his Master’s care, but he was starting to realize he would have a place after all. He would find his acceptance and his purpose in the Cyber-Ninja Corps and the mechs who he would one day call his brothers-in-arms. He was sure of that now. He looked forward to it. For once, Prowl knew that his future was bright, and he was eager to meet it head on.
(Yoketron watched his youngest student interact with two of his others, and felt pride swell in his spark. Prowl had come so very far from that first orn, when he’d been a half-feral youngling trying to flee the world itself. He’d known he had made the right decision in choosing his successor when he’d seen how Prowl handled Lockdown, and when he’d seen how easily and freely he had accepted Springer as a comrade. Prowl was going to far surpass him one orn, was going to be a far better Master of the Cyber-Ninja Corps than he ever was. Yoketron couldn’t wait to see it.)
And there it is! What did you think? I hoped you liked it. I had fun. I like it. Fae Prowl is a little troll and you can’t convince me otherwise. Anyway, that story is finished! Yoketron lives, because I said so. Also, Prowl and Jazz totally become a thing later. Absolutely no one is surprised.
Aaaaannd…I think thats it! Yep, I’ve said the important stuff.
Until next time, folks!
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
Still Here - Wooyoung
Summary: But why did you have to go? 
A/N: Hello! This is an advance gift fic from me to reaching 400 followers! And yes, this is the mystery fic I was talking about and at the same time the discussion I had with you a few weeks ago. The gif is also not mine, credits goes out to the rightful owner. 
Two years after success found the boy group, ATEEZ, KQ decided to debut a girl group for a change. Originally, they wanted the girl group to debut in Seven Seasons - a subsidiary company of KQ - debut a seven member girl group called 7S or short for Seven Seasons. However, the plans fell apart and the casting and recruiting was given to KQ, what kept intact was to debut a seven member girl group, but with a different name. 
KQ decided to name this girl group as Girls’ Paradise. It was an ambitious project brought to you by KQ, having used half a million just to bring in seven individuals into the company and laying down each girl a million won to train. The company’s best trainee? You. 
You were a breath of fresh air to the company, a trainee they have never seen before. When the choreographers teach you all of you the basics of dance steps, you were quick to pick all of it up. The vocal and rap trainers were impressed at how clear your vocals and good your pronounciations are. Quick to master the english language, be able to compose lyrics overnight and quick to adapt to the hectic schedule given by the company. The company started to call you “the female hongjoong”. But you brushed that nickname of, saying that they are just too humble to give you that nickname. 
You were excited to hear the news that Girls’ Paradise is finally set to debut. What shocked you more was that it was your senior idols ATEEZ Hongjoong and Mingi who majority produced the songs for your mini album. Hearing this news, you couldn’t help but thank them everytime you get the chance to meet them inside the company building. And on one particular day, Hongjoong and Mingi invited you to go on a dinner with them. Ecstatic to get close to your senior idols, you agreed. What you didn’t expect is to meet the whole members of ATEEZ at a restaurant their road manager pulled up at. 
You were so shy to join in dinner with eight males in a private room at the second floor of the restaurant, but the boys made you feel welcome. It was safe to say that you had gotten close with Seonghwa, San and Mingi. What the fans were saying were true, Seonghwa is very motherfly and San and Mingi were childish yet mature. Jongho cracked a few jokes with you that helped you open to him, and it did. And beside you, Wooyoung has this look on your face that you couldn’t explain. But that was only the beginning. 
You began to see Wooyoung around more often unlike before. If you say its because you both are from the same company, it doesn’t guarantee that you would always run into each other. You tried to brush it off at first, but then the unthinkable happened. Tensions arose between the two one night in the practice room, and from that night on, it continued to happen. 
"Ms Y/N is ready for her makeup” You smiled upon hearing that voice, you opened your eyes and found Wooyoung standing behind you in the changing room. He picked up the hairbrush and gently brushed your hair gently. 
“Relationship aside, you look pretty without make up on” He smiles at you through the mirror, you felt your inside tingling, Woo made sure not to brush your hair too hard. 
“And I like your hair longer. It suits you.” You smiled, turning your head up to smile at him. Placing a hand under your chin before he leans down to capture your lips with his. Pushing his tongue inside your mouth while his other hand gripped on your waist. Tasting the wine being offered at the awards show from his mouth, a cold hand wrapping around your neck, shivering at the contact. As you two slightly pull away, eyes looking at each other intensely. There is a long pause, hearts pounding inside your chests were the only sounds visible to hear. 
“My stylist doesn’t come back in fifteen minutes, if you’re wondering.” Biting your lower lip flirtatiously before standing up and teasingly removing the white robe around you. Wooyoung’s eyes darted around your body that he loves. The sight of your pink panties already has his cock erected, wanting to come out of his pants. 
A smirk paints his lips he removes the robe and hoists you up the table, back leaning the vanity mirror. Brushing your hair back before he attaches his lips once more with yours, a hand holding the back of your neck to deepen the kiss while his other free hand wanders on your leg, hoisting it up and wrapping it around his waist. 
That’s what you and Wooyoung are - nothing more than just friends with benefits. And it seemed that it was the best relationship for the two of you, neither wanting to be committed with someone and only to be wallet and emotionally drained after a few months or a few years. Apart from that, you both love performing on stage, no other person holding you back from what you both love doing. 
The invigorating hands that touches between your legs sends a twinge of pleasure through you as he traces a hand over the fabric of your underwear. “Look at you, so beautiful and addicting” he whispers, taking in your view with his eyes. 
“But you’ve always been beautiful - covered or bared” with that, Wooyoung attaches his lips on the crook of your neck that sends out a soft moan from your lips, his hand slipping inside the fabric of your underwear to palm your dampened pussy. You quickly arched your back and rubbed his erected clothed cock with your free hand, the harder you rub your hand through his clothed cock, the faster his lips slide up and down your neck. His lips were then fastened at the nape of your neck, not letting go as he gave a gentle bite on your neck, sending chills all over your body. 
“We have to be quick, Y/N” he pauses “and I think you’re ready for me” he unbuckles his pants along with his boxers down, letting them slide down to his ankles and before grabbing your legs, teasingly poking the tip of his cock to your tight entrance. 
“Stop teasing” you whined, slightly swinging your legs to which Wooyoung laughs softly, amused by your reaction. 
“Even if your stylist walks in on us, do you think I would stop fucking you here? Not a chance. Let’s get caught in the act together” and with that, he plunges his cock inside your entrance. No matter how many times you and Woo have done it, it still surprises you how seeing him alone is already enough to make you this wet for him. 
Wooyoung begins to pump fast and furiously, making his cock very happy to be inside you again and your pussy wanting to melt. Gently caressing your outer thighs and up to your hips, hearing his low moans in your ear, 
“Faster...please...” you begged. Woo increased his pace, feeling his dick move and harden inside you had you a moaning mess. Your pussy pulsating and contracting all around his throbbing cock when all of a sudden, the door slightly opens and suddenly closes down, but the two of you were lost in the moment of pleasure. 
“I’m gonna cum...” you mewled. Wooyoung bit down on your shoulder and you came over and over, rocking his hips against his. 
“Fuck I’m gonna cum” Wooyoung said, sweat beading his brow. He gritted his teeth as he slammed into you hard. 
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!” you shrieked as hot cum shots all over your pussy walls. Wooyoung came inside you, filling your pussy with his cum. As the two of you catched your breaths, the room smelling of sex and rose water. 
“I love you” you confessed out of nowhere. You knew it was risky saying those three words to him, knowing too well what you two just are. But you were hoping that, despite this kind of relationship, he would, at least, just feel a small percentage of love for you. 
“Y/N....you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Wooyoung said as he slowly pulls away from the hug. You suddenly felt a wash of shame run over you. Maybe it was best that you didn’t confess. You thought he would at least feel something for you, but apparently not. 
Weeks turned into months, you and Wooyoung have not spoken or seen each other. It was awkward. Whenever you knew ATEEZ was in the building, you’d skip entering the company building and call in sick instead. Promising your managers and members that you would double your efforts in practising the following day. But there were days wherein you couldn’t help but cross paths together. For example, music show promotions. Whenever Girls’ Paradise is standing besides ATEEZ, you would always stand farthest, just to be able to be away from him. You hated seeing and mentioning his name. It tasted sour now in your mouth. 
“Congratulations! The company has confirmed sixteen cities for your first European tour! After the European tour, you will be given a few days off before going to your North American tour which the company has also confirmed eight cities!” 
The news of the tour sounded pleasing in your ears. You were happy to see the growth of your girl group right before your eyes. You couldn’t wait to leave the country next week. 
Wooyoung hated to admit it, but he was scared of falling in love. He didn’t know if it was also right to say “i love you too” to someone whom he harbored feelings for but was scared to admit of falling. He hated it how he felt like he was at fault. But he was determined to talk to you. 
He was about to march into the dance room you and your group often used to practice, but he was met with an empty and clean room. 
“Uh....what are you doing?” Hongjoong asks, eyeing Wooyoung while he held a cup of coffee he picked up from the 7/11 downstairs. 
“Are they not here?” He asks, tilting his head before slowly closing the door. 
“Oh you didn’t heard?” Hongjoong sighs before taking a sip on his hot americano. “They’re on a tour and they’d be home two months from now.” Hongjoong takes another sip before entering the other dance room that ATEEZ often occupies, leaving Wooyoung standing alone outside. 
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danjo-ao3 · 4 years
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Pairing: Reaper/female Reader
Summary: You are an unfortunate soul who gets to know Reaper’s wrath, but things turn out quite differently from what one would assume.
Rating: 18+
Tags/Warnings: oneshot, choking, kind of breath-play, angst, masturbation
Word count: 4600
A/N: I had yet to write fem. reader with Reaper in this way and tbh I like it so much I just might continue this at some point. Anyway, enjoy~
One of the perks of working with Talon was the great pay at the end of the month, it really made for a comfortable life at a time at which the world was spiralling into chaos. And if you didn’t think too hard on what it was you did for a living, you could almost pretend like it was just another job like any other.
You distinctly remembered the day you signed the contract that forbade you to breathe a single word of the work you did for Talon to anybody. As cliché as it sounds, you needed the money and they promised a steady income. All in all you couldn’t complain.
“I’m surrounded by incompetent idiots!” The man in the middle of the room was seething, he grabbed a chair and threw it against the wall, leaving ugly tears in the wallpaper and bending one of the chair’s metal legs in the process. A hush fell over the room and its few inhabitants, your teammates stood still and nervous in the face of Reaper’s wrath.
Ah yes, the one downside to working here. Reaper was a man not known for his kindness or patience, if you worked with him you knew it was going to be a bad day. He usually operated alone, the only support he needed was someone to hack his way in for him. But some missions simply were too large scale for a single agent, just like the one you’d just finished an hour ago.
And now here you were in the debriefing room, Reaper yelling at various agents for the fuck up that happened.
You tried to melt into the shadows of the corner you were currently standing in, unwilling to take the blame for anything that had happened, you were just unfortunate enough to have gotten looped into this meeting even though all you’d done was some prior intel research work, you hadn’t even been a part of the team on the field.
“I’m done with this,” Reaper announced, his mask flitting over every individual red Talon helmet in front of him, “from now on I’ll operate alone again.”
You rolled your eyes under your helmet at his theatrics. Good, you thought, nobody wants to work with you anyway.
“You’re all getting a pay cut,” he growled and already moved to leave, but in your endless stupidity you just had to let your mouth speak before you knew any better.
“No!” You exclaimed, suddenly the center of attention in the room. Incredulous eyes were on you even though you couldn’t see any of the other agent’s faces. It was what you would have done, too. Hah, look at the idiot trying to object to Reaper, they were probably relieved that he would finally have someone to let all of his frustrations out on.
You tried to stand your ground, feet a shoulder width apart, head held high, but quivering as your heart started to beat frantically while you watched as Reaper stomped over to you. He was like a cloud of thunder rolling in towards a small city. Run, folks would say, get to cover. But there would be no escaping this particular thunderstorm.
With one final step he came to a stop in front of you, his massive frame accentuated by the light cream wallpaper behind him. He looked like the grim reaper himself, all that was missing was a scythe.
“What did you just say, agent?” Oh, he was pissed, you were so dead.
You swallowed around a very dry throat, your eyes glued to the empty eye sockets in his white skeletal mask, then tried to speak but it came out as a croak.
Reaper took a step closer to you, you only barely managed not to take one backward in fear.
“Speak up,” he barked, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“I just–you… I–” you stammered but were immediately interrupted by him.
“I asked you what you just said,” he hissed, and all the air left your lungs. He was going to make an example of you, wasn’t he?
You tried to straighten your spine and suppress the tremors currently running down your body.
“I… said ‘no’.” You tried to sound like you were sorry for being insubordinate, but it just came out as a whisper. What was he going to do with you now? The suspense left you shaking in your boots.
“You think you can say no to me?” The way Reaper’s voice had lowered made you nauseous, fear licked at your insides uncomfortably, but–what was this? Were you… blushing? The heat in your cheeks was startling you, what was happening?
“I’m–I’m sorry, sir.” You finally lowered your head in a sign of submission, hoping to appease him somewhat. It was just that you needed all the money you could get right now, most of the pay you got went straight to your sick brother who needed urgent care in one of the most prestigious–and expensive–hospitals in Zurich.
All of a sudden a clawed hand shot forward and grabbed you by the throat, pushing you into the wall behind and startling you so much you grasped at the hand holding you an inch from the ground. Reaper loomed over you, casting you both into shadow, you desperately tried to breathe through his choke hold but found it was becoming increasingly difficult.
He just stared at you with those dead eyes, features hidden from view just like yours at the moment.
“Everyone out,” he said, tone final and leaving no room for discussion–not that anyone was stupid enough to make the same mistake that you’d made. No one was going to save you anyway, Talon made sure that agents kept to themselves, operating in anonymity with the helmets agents were required to wear at all times.
From the corner of your eye you were able to see how everyone practically fled from the scene, not even sparing a last glance towards you, probably already arguing about who would get your stuff when you would be dead in like two minutes.
“Sir–” You tried to speak up but it was so hard to get enough air; you didn’t want to die, you couldn’t die–your brother would be doomed without your help.
“Tell me your name, agent.”
Oh fuck, he really meant business, huh?
You managed to whisper what he wanted to know, his hand on your throat squeezing just a little tighter in response.
The lack of oxygen in your blood was making you delirious, your heart was still frantically trying to keep you alive, darkness was creeping in at the edges of your vision, the man’s proximity confusing and terrifying and–arousing?
“Do you know what I’ll do with you now?”
Shit, when had he gotten so close? The blush on your cheeks deepened considerably, spreading further down to your chest. Why did he sound so ambiguous…
“You’re gonna kill me,” you gasped, trying to blink away the bright spots dancing in contrast to the shadows at the edge of your vision. A pathetic whimper escaped you at the pain of his claws digging into your skin, they were to be felt even through the padding of the armor you were wearing.
“You think I’ll let you off the hook so easily?” He pushed you even further up the wall, the pressure on your jaw and windpipe becoming unbearable.
“Please,” you breathed, pulling at his wrist in a futile attempt to get him off, but nothing was working. Contrary to his words he was killing you, you were convinced of it. As you rose up the wall, you thought that this was actually your very last moment, certain that Reaper was just toying with you.
Aside from the painful throbbing of a headache forming behind your eyes, there was still that persistent warmth spreading through your body. Up until now you’d had no idea that you could get turned on by being choked, but here you were, hanging onto life by a thread while a faceless mercenary was strangling you, and your body had no qualms about reminding you that you were yet very much alive. Thrilling, that was the right word for what it felt like to you. How fucked up was that?
The moment came, Reaper pushed into your personal space just a little more and his hand adjusted its grip just so, his claws brushing over your skin as it broke out in goosebumps and you were lost in a sea of pain and delirium, you forgot who it was currently pressing you against the wall of the bland debriefing room–and it had been so long since anyone touched you–that it forced a small moan from deep within you.
Immediately you stilled, a moment of clarity cleaving through your muddled senses, reminding you that this was not an appropriate response to being choked within an inch of your life by your team leader.
You watched in trepidation as his head, too close for comfort, tilted to the side just a little, felt his grip on you falter the slightest bit, as if your response had startled him just as much as it had you. And you weren’t surprised in the least. What the hell happened here?
To your great relief, he let you sink back down until your feet touched the floor again, alleviating some of the pain and discomfort in your upper body from straining against his hold so much.
Face hot from both arousal and humiliation, your visor started to fog up with the humidity of your hard breathing, making it hard to see through it, all the while hoping that maybe he decided to let you go after all. But he wasn’t moving away from you, nor was his hand leaving its place around your neck.
The vibration of his dark voice, modulated by that mask, shook you to the core as he hummed in thought and intrigue, the sensation going straight between your legs. You clenched your knees together to make it a little more bearable, hot arousal was making itself known in your core, pulsing in the rhythm of your heartbeat.
Damnit, why did this turn you on so much? A small sob was bubbling up in your chest, you didn’t want to enjoy how Reaper was treating you, but your body thought otherwise. He was still staring at you, his scrutiny was starting to become unbearably intense and mortifying, but oh how you enjoyed it.
“You like this,” he observed suddenly, and you wanted to die of shame at his comment, because it was true. Why, oh why was it true?
You tried to turn your head to the side, but he used his hand on your neck to keep you in position, you were no match for his sheer strength; it made you weak in the knees.
“You like being manhandled. A little… roughed up.” His voice had taken on a raspy, hoarse quality and it did nothing to soothe the fire that had started to burn through you. Images of him pushing you against the wall, clawing the clothes from your body bombarded you, of him just bending you over the big meeting table and having his way with you.
Another feeble moan left you as you rubbed your thighs together, trying to get some kind of friction against your core. But of course it didn’t help, you doubted anything could help right now but the things you wanted Reaper to do to you. At the same time you were way too afraid to voice these desires, sure that the mercenary would simply dismiss you, humiliating you even further. You were glad that the helmet hid your fierce blush and glassy eyes.
You watched him through your lashes, he was still looking at you in an expectant kind of way, was he waiting for you to confirm his theory, that you wanted to be ‘roughed up’ by him? Oh, he was so right, but no way in hell were you going to say it, not if you were still sane enough to bear in mind the consequences. What good would it do you, he’d probably laugh at your pathetic desire for something he would never give you in the first place. So you stayed silent on the face of his inquisitive stare.
Suddenly you were pressed against the wall again, but this time by both his hands on your shoulders, evidently he was done waiting now, the moment was gone.
Relief and disappointment warred within you, the latter leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
“Next time you object to my orders in front of the team you’ll face much worse,” Reaper spoke dark and dangerously, “got it?”
With a frantic nod you sagged against the wall when he finally released you.
Without another word he simply turned and left through the door, not even bothering to close it again.
As you stood there staring after him, you wondered what the hell had just happened and why that insistent throbbing in your nether regions didn’t seem to want to stop. Something was seriously wrong with you, it was a miracle that he had left you pretty much unscathed, aside from your hurt pride.
It was late in the night when you finally retired for the day, your joints ached and your muscles were sore from a long day of wearing your armor. You entered the communal showers alone, the only upside of staying up so late, you figured.
As you removed your armor, your thoughts wandered to Reaper and what he had done just a few hours ago. Goosebumps rose on your skin when the cool air of the changing room hit you, or was it the memory of being held by a strong hand around your neck? Probably a bit of both, you shouldn’t let what happened get to you so much, especially now that you’d had a little time to let your mind shift focus from the feelings and urges that the man had invoked.
A small shiver ran down your spine, goodness, you really had let yourself get carried away there, you needed to make sure it would never happen again. Best to stay as far away from Reaper as possible.
Curiously, you stepped in front of one of the mirrors hung above the sinks in the shower room, your eyes immediately landed on your neck and your mouth fell open in shock at the dark angry marks you found there. You touched your skin with two slightly shaking fingers, tilting your head and tracing the bruise from the front to the side where there were additional scratches left by sharp claws.
A small shuffling sound behind made you clutch your chest in fright and turn around, but there was nothing to be seen, you were still alone in the room. Must have been your frayed mind playing tricks.
With a deep breath you grabbed a towel and went into one of the shower stalls to turn on the water on the hottest setting. Mist was soon rising from the tiled floor where the water was disappearing down the drain, giving you the signal that it was finally warm enough.
When the hot water hit your shoulders you sighed in pleasure, the warmth always helped you relax and soothe your aches from a long work day, today was no different. As you closed your eyes to let the water run over your head as well, you let the serenity of the darkness and warmth hold you for just a moment.
Talon’s standard soaps, shampoos and shower gels had a very distinct marketed-for-men-smell, like they had only been chosen with the male part of the organization in mind. And unfortunately, as you started to soap yourself up, it started to have an effect on you; you were getting aroused again, just the thought of a man with you–it had been so long since you’d had any form of physical contact like that–you really yearned for someone’s touch.
With a small sigh you lathered up your chest, went up and over your breasts, enjoying the feel of the slippery bubbles against your wet skin and how nice it felt when you brushed over your nipples. Closing your eyes and pretending it was somebody else–some faceless Talon grunt–you went even further with one hand down your stomach, swirling a finger around your belly button and finally cleaned yourself between the legs.
Oh yes, this was nice. Pent up frustration from earlier brought you to full arousal in an instant, two fingers found your clit and the last thing on your mind was cleaning yourself. The hand that was still at your chest was going higher, first over your left and then your right shoulder before it caressed your neck.
It was like you’d touched an open wire; electricity ran through your entire body, connecting every nerve ending and lighting them on fire. Pure heat gathered in your abdomen, your fingers pressing into the bruises on your skin and feeding that electric current with a mixture of pleasure and pain. A small part of you was raising its voice in alarm but there would be another time and place to reflect upon what you were currently doing, right now you needed release–badly.
Slowly, the faceless Talon grunt in your mind started to change, his red mask was losing its color, revealing white bone surrounded by black leather flowing down into a long coat, his gloves became sharp talons gouging into your skin. Your fingernails were a poor imitation for the claws you remembered though, and you whimpered with want for the original.
Still, that orgasm you’d been working on was fast approaching, the sensations bombarding you as the water was running down your body, your hand wrapped around your own neck and you rubbed yourself fiercely between the legs.
Just as you leaned against the shower wall to completely let yourself go, there was this shuffling sound again, ripping you from the cusp of that climax and flooding you with adrenaline and fear of being caught masturbating in the shower. With wide eyes you tried to see through the mist that had accumulated during your shower, but it was nigh impossible to see further than a few feet in front of you.
Then you heard them, heavy steps were moving over the tiled floor, growing louder with every footfall.
Petrified, you stayed very still, your hands not moving from where you were still touching yourself, convinced that their position on your body would not be mistaken for what you were actually doing. This person would pass your shower stall and go about their business… right?
But you actually knew that this was not an agent going to take a shower at two in the morning, those footsteps could only belong to one person. The question was, what was he doing here?
Like a deer caught in the headlights, you didn’t move a muscle until Reaper stopped right in front of you, the dark, vague outline of his broad shoulders slowly cutting through the milky-white mist. You didn’t dare breathe as he came forward, one hand extending towards you, but ultimately landing on the shower controls. The water turned off and left you standing in deafening silence, leaving only the mist to keep you warm.
Shivering, you blinked through wet lashes at the mercenary towering above you, his hand still next to your arm on the shower wall, unmoving and menacing. His mask was staring at your face blankly until it turned downwards and landed on your hand still wrapped around your neck. As if his gaze burned you there, you dropped that hand and used your forearm to hide your chest from his view.
“So it was you,” he growled in his otherworldly raspy voice that was reverberating in the small shower stall around you, intimately close.
Right, he hadn’t seen your face in the briefing room, but the marks on your neck gave away that it had been indeed you whom he had strangled. And now he had found you, not only with your hand between your legs, but also with your other in mimicry of his fist around your throat.
Talk about awkward.
“S–Sir,” you stuttered, unsure of what was happening or his intention of cornering you in the shower in the early morning hours. You tried with all your might to suppress the urge to apologize, you’d already told him you were sorry for speaking out of turn earlier, there was no need to do it again. Also, it should have been him apologizing for surprising you like this, while you were naked in the shower, alone, helpless, vulnerable.
Again you shivered, the true extent of your circumstance beating you down like an oversized sledgehammer.
Had Reaper come to finish what he’d started, was he going to strangle you to death? Or–and you were really hopeful it was true–had he come because of how he had noticed how turned on you’d been and wanted to lend a hand?
There was only one way to find out.
Tentatively, and with shaking fingers, you resumed your ministrations on your clit, rubbing it in very small circles, trying to override the fear still lodged in your brain with the pleasure created by the friction, while staring back at Reaper through half-lidded eyes wet from the water.
Again his mask tilted down and down until he saw you working yourself up. Your pulse spiked when he took a small step towards you, his heavy boots stomping wetly against the ground and blocking the exit of the shower stall.
You barely managed to keep your eyes open, but they went wide again when you felt his gloved hand against your throat. This time it was even more intense without your armor in the way. Would it hurt you even more like this, without that protective barrier between your soft skin and his sharp talons?
You couldn’t help yourself and moaned quietly, feeling your own voice vibrate against his palm that was not yet pressing or squeezing, it was just resting there on your windpipe, a reminder that this was in fact real and happening.
The hand between your legs sped up a bit with arousal, Reaper’s presence driving you into a frenzy. There was just something about the danger he exuded, the threat of violence and death that short-circuited your brain and turned your body into goo. How he just held you, loosely, but with that unmistakable strength underneath that grip, it made you shiver in delight, wrung a small whimper from you.
Now if he just squeezed a little, made it hard to breathe–you needed to feel that lightheadedness, the darkness creeping in at the edges of your vision, to lay your life in his hands. You needed more.
“Please,” you whispered, barely audible, but you knew he’d heard when you finally felt that pressure on your throat, wringing another moan from you as you lay your head against the wall. A few spare drops of water ran down your face, you felt his gloved palm slicked up by the water on your skin, could smell the leather even over the shampoo you’d used.
Cold was creeping in around you know, it ghosted over your wet skin, leaving goosebumps wherever it touched, small shivers racked your body, your knees were shaking. But on the inside you were burning up, a blush had formed on your cheeks, the result of his proximity and just the fact that he was looking at you, while you were pleasuring yourself, no less. Goodness, you wanted him to fuck you so badly, it made you whine desperately, speed up your fingers against your clit, and your free hand hold onto the wall behind.
Just a few more seconds and you’d come, you knew it in your bones, in the way your hips were undulating and how the heel of your hand was now pressed against that bundle of nerves and how you’d slid those two fingers inside your hot core in search of that spot.
But still you needed more. You had Reaper here with you and you needed him to choke you, leave it up to him if he wanted you to live or die. Give away all control, wanting to know if he deemed you worthy of his mercy.
When had you become such a frantic mess?
Were you that desperate to die? Reaper wasn’t known for his kindness after all, the possibility of him just fucking killing you was very high. And this was what was turning you on so much you would have slid down the shower wall if it hadn’t been for Reaper holding you by the neck.
Freshly wet eyes were staring at the man before you–his cold, dead mask–you tried to blink away the stubborn tears flowing freely down your cheeks, hoping he would not notice them on your already wet face, while you were angry at your emotional response.
Angry and so turned on.
“Harder,” you gasped and immediately closed your eyes in bliss when he generously gave you what you craved so badly. A papercut fine scratch made your breath catch, one of his claws must have broken your skin.
It took only one more thrust of your fingers, one hard press against your clit and you came with a sob, your body going rigid for a few heartbeats before going completely slack in Reaper’s grip.
The pressure on your neck had abated somewhat, Reaper gave you the chance to catch some much needed air, and you sucked it in greedily, panting like a dog through a dry mouth.
Heat had spread through your entire body, the cool kiss of the air against your skin barely feasible to your blissed out senses. The only sensation you were aware of was Reaper’s hand, just holding fast enough to keep you on your feet.
Somehow you couldn’t look at him anymore, the reality of the situation slowly creeping along your conscious and making you aware of how fucked up it was what just happened. With the awareness came the awkwardness, the slow panic of self-conscious fear–the need to say something, to get away. But at the same time you were speechless, still incredulous that what happened actually happened.
With a final deep breath you closed your eyes and before you could open them again the presence of the man’s hand had disappeared, and when you did manage to look again, so had the rest of him. Just vanished into thin air.
There was no trace of Reaper at all, no sound of heavy footsteps or the swishing of his leather cloak, nothing.
As you used the wall for support to stabilize yourself, you risked a glance outside the shower stall, searching for any sign that he had been indeed in here. There was no way you’d only imagined it all, it had been way too real; cold fingertips felt along your neck where his hand had been only seconds ago, then reached up to wipe at your still wet eyes.
You were slowly going insane, that must have been it.
Wrapping a towel around your rapidly cooling body, you tip-toed into the changing room to dry off completely. As you passed the mirrors, you had to stop and stare for a moment–there was a very small cut on your neck now, the blood already dried, but as you scratched at it there was new red liquid oozing out.
So it hadn’t been your imagination after all.
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
ok ok in the spirit of community, how would the ros fair in a paintball war?
(referring to this ask! like the zombie au post this ended up making me think a lot 😅)
ohh... interesting, interesting... p sure the only paintball wars i’ve really seen were the ones featured in The League, Peep Show, and Community... but let me wrack my lil head...
ok, i ended up coming at this from multiple angles like the zombie au post 😅 always so much to consider in battle environments! and in the spirit of community, I'll stick with the individual player elimination style paintball match. in the woods with other e prep seniors. last one standing wins bragging rights
Shooting skill | 6/10 - Experience with shooting and practice with Kile ofc
Stealthiness | 8/10 - He's done a fair amount of sneaking around during his after school activities, is super observant (or just paranoid lol), and naturally light on his feet. Good luck ambushing him.
Strategy | 8/10 - Strike deals. Do favors. Form alliances. Shoot 'em in the back once they’ve outlived their usefulness. ...What? It’s just paintball.
How does he win? | Graciously. Gabe likes winning, and especially via strategic manipulation, so it puts a smile on his face. And he's in a good mood so he treats a bunch of you to ice cream or smth 👀
How does he lose? | Slumps in frustration at being outwitted or taken off-guard, sulks about it for a little while. He's not that sore of a loser but needs time to lick his wounds and stop thinking of the different choices he could have made.
Shooting | 9 - The most accurate shooter of the cast and easily one of the best shots at E Prep. Lots of practice + talent
Stealth | 10 - They're stupid good at climbing trees and 100% consider that a valid method of ambushing their classmates. People start having flashbacks to 3rd and 4th grade recess and P.E. Scanning the trees. They just start taking people out with such efficiency it quickly starts ruining the game 😂
Strategy | 0? 10?? - “...Strategy? You just stay out of sight and kill 'em all, right?” (immediately scolded by Gabe for word choice 🙄) They really do mainly stay out of sight and pick people off with max stealth, like 😆 they'd be such a terror, people would need to take them out early for anyone else to stand a chance! They spend a lot of the game staking out the most frequented paths in the area and taking out groups quickly, all at once. Then they'll get around to stalking and picking people off one by one. The real fun...
Winner type | Stoic. Likes winning combat but the stakes were non-existent, so... the win is meaningless! this just infuriates the losers more 😅 such disrespect
Loser type | Sucks their teeth and tosses their paintball gun to the ground. "Y'all suck." (they're over it five mins later tho lol)
Shooting | 3 - This is nothing like shooting light guns... ☹️
Stealth | 5 - Not just due to his size making him an easier target, but homeboy is liable to get distracted by a cute squirrel or some pretty flowers 😂 He's not great at keeping his voice down either so good conversation would make him easy to seek out. He's just out here enjoying a beautiful day 😅
Strategy | 7 - All that movie-watching (and DMing) make him a valuable creative mind for problem-solving, but he needs a cooperative team to be effective. Rescued and recruited by Rupan/Rohan early on in the game ^ ^
Winner type | Disbelief! And everyone’s content and satisfied with him winning. Except Vivian/Vincent, that jealous fool
Loser type | Doesn't mind losing at all! He just hopes he was a good teammate and was glad to have fun ☺️
Shooting | 7 - Comes from a family of hunters, girly knows how to shoot.
Stealth | 6 - Familiar enough with woods and stalking prey to be capable of sneaking around. Having too much fun to not giggle and get overly invested in the developing plot of the game. Even more easily distracted by critters and flora than Jack 😅
Strategy | 5 - Oh, she's just here to have fun. She'll go with whatever the person she's teaming up with decides, but can adapt easily enough.
Winner type | Surprised... then elated! Bouncing and happy and it's completely contagious. No hard feelings about a single thing. Convinces Heidi to invite people to the Emerson Estate—it's a hot day and they have a nice pool
Loser type | Same as Jack! Congratulates the winner with a hug because she's sweet like that 🧁
Shooting | 2 - This... thing is so cumbersome. And ugly. At least it shoots pretty colors.
Stealth | 7 - Small and used to sneaking around different environments and seeking out hiding spots. Their height and frame makes them harder to spot too.
Strategy | 4 - Hide!!! They’re not getting assaulted with paint and pellets!! Especially not after managing to make this ugly jumpsuit look cute?? Waiting it out is perfectly legitimate. Might share snacks if you decide to join them in hiding 😆
Winner type | Falls asleep in an unexpectedly cozy hiding spot and emerges as everyone thought they’d declared the winner. I imagine R and others yelling at them to get their gun while the original winner scrambles to get theirs, just for Rain to win by pure luck of the draw. Won’t stop them bragging about it, though! (I want this spurned runner-up to be Vi bc ofc)
Loser type | "So I can stop holding this thing?" Yawn. "I'm so hungry and bored, we've been at this for hours..."
Shooting | 4 - Ah, shit. These don't shoot anything like light guns.
Stealth | 7 - They sneak out and around town a lot 😂 They just force themself to be careful about how loud grass and bushes are.
Strategy | 7 - They’re treating this shit like an action movie and banding together a ragtag team of misfits to take down the strongest alliances and players. Savvy enough to reject Gabe’s and Curt’s offers to join, not opposed to strategic backstabs. They're very clearly just as focused on having fun as they are on winning—and playing Predator, which honestly works with Kile runnin around. They even brought war paint and borrowed a tactical vest. Is it mostly packed with snacks and weed? Maybe. Does it prove useful for negotiations? Hell yeah.
Winner type | Raucous celebration, just pure joy and adrenaline ☺️ Celebrates with their team, brags a bit, rubs it into Vi's face, makes fun of Curt, the usual. Then invites allies out to get pizza because it's the obvious next step
Loser type | Mostly disappointed they can't keep playing. They're a little sore about being left out of the action, but soon just start chatting with other marked players about how the game went for them. Plenty entertaining on its own, they want all the details
Shooting | 5 - They've got a little bit of shooting experience.
Stealth | 4 - They're overly sensitive and hate being in nature. Their skin is sticky, they keep feeling bugs everywhere, they've gotten dirt all over their pants, it's so hot, they keep WALKING into SPIDERWEBS, [flails about, screaming furiously]
Strategy | 8 - They have good ideas, they're just difficult to execute alone, especially since they're getting sunburnt and getting crankier and can't stop swatting at insects 😅 they're one of the first people to figure out that someone's taking out groups from the trees, so they stay solo and try to find a single person to team up with. Really what they need is someone who's a better shot but easy to boss around. They can probably just owe them for an in-school favor...
Winner type | Barely suppressed gloating. Vi somehow finds a way to be an obnoxious winner almost entirely by the look on their face. Once they're in a smaller group, they're passionately discussing the details of the game and happily boasting about their triumphs (while glossing over all of the whining and and slip-ups lol)
Loser type | Booo, such a sore loser. (Especially in the scenario where Rain wins 🤣) If they're outsmarted or outgunned in a clear, transparent way they'll growl and stomp off, then quietly glower and sulk for way too long. If they're double-crossed or beaten in an underhanded way oh lord —they're fighting it to the end. R can't help but get involved either way, reminding them it was a damn game with literally no prize. "C'mon, Vi, chill. You want ice cream? Let's get you ice cream."
Shooting | 6 - Some shooting experience.
Stealth | 8 - She's very aware of her surroundings and her body. Perceptive yet quiet. Tactical. All residual traits picked up from her many activities over the years.
Strategy | 9 - Most likely to outsmart everyone. The first one to figure out groups are being targeted from the trees. Goes it alone and only open to trading (unless she sees Curt with Jess in which case she puts a quick pin in her plans to rescue her 😂). She also immediately figures out it's Kile, because ofc it is. Keeps close tabs on what groups are doing, knowing that eventually Kile will come down to ground level to pick off individuals and couples. Predator becomes prey 👀
Winner type | Proud but not boasting. She doesn't need to be. Victory looks good on her, natural and fitting. Thanks everyone for a good game then takes the girls for a long ride in the Cadillac 😎 top down on a bright day, baby
Loser type | Damn. She should have won this. Maybe if she'd... She probably could have... Then she snaps out of it, roped in by the celebratory mood of congratulating the winner. She's over any feelings of frustration or regret after getting to discuss the match with the person that took her out/the winner and there's no hard feelings. If anything this was fun as hell, it should be an annual thing. ☺️
Shooting | 8 - Some shooting experience and a natural knack for it. Good reflexes.
Stealth | 8 - Curt likes to say he gets along with the woods around these parts. Sneaking around is second nature to him. Really good hearing too. He's an easy target if you manage to seduce him though, having no issue leaving himself vulnerable if it means that kind of fun 😂
Strategy | 7 - Honestly, he's most interested in seeing how long he can get away with using charm and seduction for both protection and double-crossing 😂 Eventually becomes persona non grata and gets all of his ammo stolen by a vengeful mark, barely getting away in the process. Since that jig is up, he finally starts thinking a win might be nice... and so he teams up with the only competent player who would never betray him and also inspires the least vitriol in others: Jessie. What? Is his back-up plan using her as a human shield? No! 😚 Of course not! 👉👈
Winner type | Insufferable and gloating. Rubs it in a lot of people's faces, specifically Heidi, Rupan/Rohan, and any participants who genuinely don't like him. Brags to Gabe (who is completely disinterested in gassing him up 😂), then promises he'll make things up to Jessie (who didn't mind and had fun lol). Then celebrates by asking whoever he's flirting with these days for a quick date—and a ride in the Ferrari. Makes a scene pulling out of the parking lot. Ass.
Loser type | Doesn't care one bit as long as he had fun! And he always finds a way to have fun, it's why he's so carefree 😅
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Toll of the Bell
Chapter 1 - Ashes to Ashes
> Ao3 
> Chapter 2 (tumblr)
Summary: What now? He could roll over and accept the fate thrust upon him and die as Adler intended. Starting a new life away from it all couldn't be that bad either. Or…
Or he could finish the mission.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Violence, blood & injuries, anxiety 
Words: 2k
A/N: This follows the post-ending for my Bell. For the sake of the story, Bell saved Lazar and was forced to leave Park behind, but she still lived. Her explanation will appear in ch 2 ;u; Originally I wasn’t gonna share this but uhhhh here we are! I wasn’t overly happy with the ending of this chapter, but c’est la vie, friends. ;u; 
"I'm sorry it turned out this way." 
 Why?  When he tries to speak there's only a pathetic gurgle as the blood spills past his lips. 
 "I hope you understand."
I don't! Why? I told you the truth! His chest feels tight, like it's being crushed under an invisible force. Was it always this hard to breathe? To think? He can't be sure anymore. So why?! Why..? His fingers are stained in crimson when he lifts his hand from his chest. Why did you shoot me? The words won’t come out. Trembling, his arm falls back to his side, unable to hold it up any longer.
 "It was never personal, Bell." 
 There's a pressure in Bell's right hand as Adler presses something into his palm. His fingers twitch against cool metal - his gun? - but he doesn't have the strength to lift it. He can only stare up at the soft blue sky as his chest burns and he dyes the ground red.
 "It wasn't meant to be like this."
 I trusted you. Then again, he also trusted Arash Kadivar. Look where that got me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…
There's a darkness encroaching on the edges of his vision. Panic builds and it only makes the desperate burning in his lungs worse. He struggles to force air past the fluid. A terrible bubbling resonates in his chest and Bell idly wonders if he'll drown in his own blood before he bleeds out. I bet this makes you happy. Adler's face slides into view when he kneels beside Bell: His features are blurry and the colors somehow don't feel right. But he's not smiling. He almost looks.. sad.
 A hand slides against Bell's cheek, pressing gently, tilting his head a bit to the right and allowing him a clearer view of his would-be murderer. It's easier now to see  how Adler's face is pinched downwards in a grimace. Adler stares down at his dying protégé just as much as he stares back, once vibrant emerald eyes now dull and swimming with uncertainty and betrayal as he teeters on the edge of oblivion. 
 Bell wishes he had something else to dwell on in his final moments. Something that was his and not the manufactured memories pounded into his head by Adler and his trigger phrase. He tries to think back to before the CIA, before MK-Ultra, before Perseus. All he comes up with is Adler's smug smile as he wakes him in Vietnam. Fake. How Sims and he recovered the Russian comms log during Operation Fracture Jaw. Fake. Fending off the VC attack after his bird is knocked from the sky. All of it, fake.  
 The anguish of knowing there's nothing left of him- the real him- brings a burning to his eyes. Who am I? Bell doesn't realize he's crying until a gloved thumb brushes a tear from his cheek. 
 Bell's cold. The jacket does nothing to keep him warm. His limbs feel impossibly heavy. Any trail of thought he has slips between his fingers before he has time to complete it. No matter how much he blinks the world stays blurry and he's losing the energy to keep his eyes open. He tries to focus on Adler's face but he's nothing more than a tan smudge against a blue sky. 
 Bell's so, so tired...
 "You did good, kid."
 Deep down Bell knew it was always going to end like this. He was never truly part of the team. That was apparent in the way Sims refused to acknowledge him (didn't their time together in Vietnam mean anything?) or in the pitying look Mason would cast his way when he thought Bell wasn't looking (like he somehow understood..)
 Above all he knew from the way Hudson spoke about him.
  Bell? Don't get me started...
  Are you taking him into the KGB with you? Are you crazy ?
  If we can't control the asset, we end the asset.
 Bell's eyes flutter close and they don't open again. The warmth at his side, Adler's warmth, is only there a moment longer before it pulls away and is gone, leaving Bell alone with only the abyss. 
 Dying isn't what Bell ever imagined it to be. He feels light, like he's floating amongst the clouds. The coldness has long since seeped away to a numbness and he forgot about the hard concrete below him. Bell can't hear anything, can't feel anything. The abyss swallows him whole. He bathes in its darkness and floats in its silence, drifting through oblivion.
 Bell doesn't expect to ever open his eyes again. Without medical intervention, there was no logical way he would survive the bullet in his chest. This makes it all the more jarring when he's dragged into consciousness. He simply lays there at first, the numbness creeping back in and replacing the blissful void of nothingness he felt while unconscious.
 It's dark when he finally musters the energy to squint open his eyes. Gone is the calm cliffside in which Adler shot him at. Instead, he's in an unfamiliar room with faded green walls and blankets around him that are far too stiff and cause his aching body to itch . There's railings on either side of him, the kind you'd find on a hospital bed or to prevent children from rolling off the side at night. Voices resonate just behind a closed door. They're hushed and aggressive but Bell can't make out what they're saying. When they fall silent the light beneath the door flicks off and he's left with only a digital clock for illumination.
 Bell drifts in and out of awareness. He can't keep track of the passing time. On one occasion there's movement at his bedside and voices filling his ears.
 "..ell? B…?" 
"Is.. wake..?"
"Damn.. all, he… again.."
 When he looks up, their face is too blurry to make out. Someone joins them at his side, but they are too fuzzy to see as well. Their voices sound like they're speaking underwater; too far and too jumbled to make out. Moments later he's unconscious once more.
 It's night again once Bell is able to stay awake properly. He feels heavy but warm and the room spins when he tries to look around. It's not until he tries to raise a hand to calm the spinning that he realizes something is wrong. He only manages to lift his arm a few inches before something stops him. Confused, he tries tugging a few times. A metallic jingle fills his ears. Looking over confirms his suspicions: He's handcuffed to the railing. Swallowing down the building panic, Bell tries the other arm only to find it just as restrained to the opposite railing. 
 He tries to keep calm. He really does. But it's all too much for him; he should be dead, he knows that. Not chained up inside an unfamiliar room with no idea how or when he got here, or who brought him here in the first place. A memory forces itself to the front of his mind.
  Bell woke up to voices. "I gotta admit," the first voice, American, rumbled, drawing his attention. It took some effort but Bell managed to lull his head towards the speaker. Two individuals peered down at him. "I didn't expect him to recover so quickly." His limbs were restrained, preventing any movement. "He's a resilient one," the second person agreed. Bell did his best to hold back his fear and anxiety. This certainly wasn't Perseus nor the KGB, which only meant he was now in the hands of the enemy. He wouldn't let them break him. 
  Not again. Bell fights against his restraints as hysteria begins to take hold. I can't do this again. Losing his mind once was too much; no way he could withstand being reset a second time. A rapid beep-beep-beep fills his ears but the Russian is too fixated on freeing himself to pay it much attention. A light flips on beneath the door, encouraging him to struggle all the more. 
 "Bell!" The door flings open. There's hands on his shoulders. "Bell, you're safe!" He thrashes. The light flicks on. "What's going on?" The hands leave Bell's shoulders and move to the sides of his head, forcing him to turn wide-eyed toward a familiar face. "Bell, hey, calm down," Lazar sooths.
 Bell falls still from exhaustion. His chest heaves with each rapid breath. Eyes wide, he stares between Lazar at his side and Park, who stands tense at the door. 
"Lazar, what's going on-"
"Park, not now-"
"I knew we couldn't trust him."
"Park, please! You're not helping." The MI6 agent scoffs but relents, leaving Lazar alone with Bell. 
 Bell trembles with a fear like he's never felt before. "Bell," Lazar tries again with a weak smile. "It's alright. You're safe. We're at an MI6 safehouse. I'm, uh… sorry. About the cuffs. It's the only way Park would agree.."
 "How..?" Bell only manages a croak, throat tight. 
 "Call it a hunch," Lazar offered. "I knew something was off with Adler. Followed you guys. Got there after everything already went down. We tried to patch you up the best we could with the equipment we have here. You've been out for a few days." Bell calms himself and listens intently. The exhaustion is clear on the Russian's face. 
 "I just.. I feel like I owe you, Bell. You saved my life back in Cuba." Lazar sighs softly. "Park is.. weary. She thinks you'll turn on us now that you've, well," he motions awkward towards Bell. "Now that you've begun to break your programming." 
 Lazar's face turns serious when he stares into Bell's eyes. "I didn't think it was fair to cut you out of the picture before you had the choice to decide who you really are." 
  The choice to decide who I really am...
 The distress must be noticeable on Bell's face because Lazar suddenly lightens up with a smile and gentle squeeze to his shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. It'll take time, but I'm sure you'll figure it out. You chose to tell the truth, you can't be all that bad, eh?" 
 Bell's head is a hurricane of emotion despite Lazar's teasing reassurance. Aside from his meeting with Perseus, the implanted memories, and everything that's happened to him in the past couple months, Bell knew nothing about himself. Am I righteous? Am I a terrorist? Just? Prejudice ? If he's honest with himself.. he was terrified of the truth. It was so much easier to be told who he was, to do what he was told, to put his trust in the team and his life in Adler's hands.
 "Get some rest." Lazar's voice shakes Bell from his thoughts. "We can talk more tomorrow, sort everything out. Don't worry about Park- she's suspicious but she wouldn't hurt you." Somehow, Bell isn't entirely convinced. He doesn't comment on it. 
 ".. Spasiba, Lazar. For saving me." 
 Lazar pauses at the door and turns. His surprise turns into another small, genuine smile. "No problem, Bell."
 Alone once again in the dark, Bell takes a shaky breath. He doesn't realize he's clenching his hands until he feels the ache. It takes some time but he relaxes the best he can and takes stock of his condition. Head throbbing, chest burning, mind buzzing with uncertainty and raw with emotion, but undeniable alive . 
  "It's always been for the greater good."
 There's a feeling he can't quite shake. It brings apprehension. Bell's not sure what will happen next. Will his would-be rescuers turn him in? Will Adler come back to finish the job? Will I ever get my memory back? Many questions burn in the Russian's head and not many answers come to mind. What now? He could roll over and accept the fate thrust upon him and die as Adler intended. Starting a new life away from it all couldn't be that bad either. Or…
  Or he could finish the mission. 
 Whoever he was before Bell may never know. It doesn't matter; that person is dead. The CIA reinvented him and gave life to 'Bell'. Now he has to live with that. Whether or not they like it they gave him a job. Find Perseus and stop him. 
 He found Perseus once.
 He'd find him again.
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Chapter Five. 
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 7.4k 
come talk to me about wtsdg! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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December 16, 2017
Soft giggles escaped Luci’s lips as Harry continuously pressed kisses to her cheek and neck. 
They were cuddling on his couch—Luci on her back as Harry was on his side—watching a cooking show they didn’t pay any mind to anymore because all they could do was focus on each other and the other’s lips. They were addicted, to say the least. After their very first kiss, they couldn’t get enough of one another.
 It had been a month since their first date, and each day, they found themselves falling more and more for each other. Kisses and cuddles were a more than great addition to their new relationship, and they both seem to think that the other was amazing at doing those two things. 
Everyday when Harry or Luci had to go into work, or when they weren’t going to see each other for the entire day, they would knock on each other’s doors to spare a few kisses before they headed out to individually take on the world. It was painfully adorable; they were one of those ‘couples’ that people would see on the street and yearn, envy, or simply gag at the sight of their adorableness. 
After a long and grueling eight months of tour, Miss Saigon had wrapped up. She was glad she wasn’t the only person playing the role since Daisy was still casted, but if it were just Luci performing almost every night for eight months, she didn’t know what she would do with herself. The very last night was a bittersweet show; Daisy had performed for their last show—not because she demanded to perform, but because she was scheduled to, and Luci had performed two nights prior to the last show. 
Harry, of course, attended Luci’s last show and the final show with the same amount of support he provided the very first time he watched her perform. Luci always felt a large amount of appreciation for him because he was always so supportive and he made sure to show up to important events for her. She felt somewhat guilty because she’d never been to any events for him because he never asked her if she’d like to accompany him to an event for work. But all he did was chuckle, saying that the school doesn’t do anything fun or special enough to invite a date over because all they really do is have meetings and whatnot; but he told her that he’d make sure to inform her if anything comes up, and that made her smile. 
They were doing great. After their first date, Harry promised many, many more after, to which he’d been fulfilling his promise. It took everything in them to not do anything more than just kiss because they both decided to take it slow. Deciding that was a bit difficult since all they wanted to do was be around and kiss up on each other, they figured it would be for the best because they really liked each other. 
“We’re missing the show,” Luci mentioned in between the kisses Harry was planting on her lips. 
“Do you really think I care about the show? I mean do you?” He pulled away from her face, raising his brows. She giggled because who was she kidding? She didn’t care about the show, so she shook her head no. “Then let me kiss you.” Harry gently kissed her lips, taking in the softness of them. Her heart fluttered every single time their lips connected, and it was a feeling that she wouldn’t get used to nor did she want the fluttering to go away. 
Suddenly, Luci’s phone vibrated against his coffee table. For a moment, she was about to ignore it, and instead, continue kissing the most kissable lips she’d ever touched. But as her phone kept vibrating, she gently started pushing Harry away; he kissed her skin as she reached for her phone. The incoming call was from Samantha, making her sit up immediately on the edge of his couch, slightly gasping. 
“Hello?” She stood up, holding her pointer finger up to him before walking into his room. Harry pouted at her absence as he laid back down on the couch. 
He’d never felt this way before; this feeling was something so new that they almost seemed unfamiliar to him, like he had never experienced it before even in his long-term relationship. That thought scared him because he had only been dating Luci for a month, and his past relationships lasted a year or two. Before letting his mind go into overdrive and cause him to overthink, he instead reveled in that feeling because sometimes, feelings could be good. Humans are allowed to feel and feelings aren’t necessarily bad. You’re supposed to be vulnerable, to open your heart and grab that feeling and enjoy it. So, that was what he was going to do; he didn’t want to live in fear anymore. 
Luci soon came back into the living room, and Harry immediately noticed the way her eyes were glassy, but she had a smile on her face, which didn’t really add up to him. 
“Ci, are you okay?” She was still getting used to that nickname, but she had told him plenty of times that she absolutely loved it, especially if he was the only one who called her that. Harry stood up, walking towards her and she bursted into heart wrenching sobs that harshly pulled at his heart strings. He pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back as he comforted her. He wanted to cry with her, but he needed to keep calm because he had no clue as to what had happened on the phone call just a few minutes ago. 
She pulled her face out of his chest, wiping her cheeks before she started laughing, only confusing Harry even more. 
“I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “I, uh, just got off the phone with Samantha.” Harry opened, not knowing what to say because what she could say next could be bad news, but it was the exact opposite. “Harry, I got the part,” she said in disbelief. 
His eyes widened as he was speechless. Luci nodded, confirming and smiling like crazy before she backed out of his arms, covering her mouth with her hands. She was breathing harshly as the exhalation from her mouth was escaping through the gaps where her hands met her face, making the air blow at her hair. 
“You got the part…” Harry finally said, repeating her words, accepting them for himself; she nodded again. “You got the part,” he said again. The more he said it, the more it didn’t feel real. So, he said it again. “You got the fucking part!” He exclaimed, jumping up and down. Luci screamed, leaping towards him as he caught up. Her legs lifted off the ground as her heels met her butt, afraid she was going to fall, but Harry’s arms were holding her up tightly. 
“Holy shit!” She said into his neck. Harry walked backwards, leading them to his couch. They continued to hug as she straddled him, and his hands trailed up and down her back, noticing how she loved back rubs—no matter what she’s feeling. 
Once she pulled away, facing him, he had a wide and proud smile on his face. “You fucking did that, Ci. You. Fucking. Did. That.” 
Breathing out, she nodded. “I did that.” 
“I’m so happy for you.” 
Luci smiled fondly, thanking him before she leaned in to press a loving kiss to his lips. They stayed in that position for a while—Luci sitting on his thighs as he excitedly listened to every single word she said, repeating what Samantha had told her over the phone. There would be flashes of moments that hit her hard, making her get the chills as tears formed in her eyes but never streamed down her face. This was real life; shit was about to get so much more realer. 
They chatted for a bit; Luci trailing away from the conversation of the big news because she felt like she was talking about herself too much. Instead, they talked about travel plans for the holidays. They were both going back home—Luci back to Massachusetts as Harry had a farther plane ride to England—but they agreed that they were going to spend New Years with one another, so they could celebrate going into the new year together. Plus, it would be too long without seeing each other. 
Harry pulled his phone out and tapped the camera icon. He patted the spot next to him on the couch, and Luci sat there. 
“Gotta take a picture to remember this day.” Luci smiled, nodding excitedly. He extended his arms as they both showed off their bright and excited smiles to the camera. Harry took a few more: one with their tongues out, another with Luci kissing his cheek, and the last one being a candid with them laughing because Luci had laughed while kissing his cheek, making hot air hit his skin. She sent herself the pictures, making the candid picture Harry’s contact photo and the smiling photo her home screen. 
As she looked at the pictures, she knew these were going to be gold someday; the first set of pictures when they found out she was casted for her first Hollywood movie. It was a damn special moment, and she was glad that she could share the news with the person who was special to her. 
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December 20, 2017 
They held onto each other tightly as bystanders walked around them, trying to get to their gate as they rolled their eyes at, yet, another couple who was separating for a few weeks. 
With their luggages and duffle bags—since Harry liked to travel with bags instead of luggages—beside them, they shared a few kisses as Luci’s arms were wrapped around Harry’s waist and his were resting comfortably around her shoulders. They were going back home for the holidays, and it would be the longest they were going to go without seeing each other; aside from when they weren’t friends yet. Luci wanted to book their flights together so they were at the same airport, departing at the same time—although Harry would be waiting a tad bit longer since he was flying international. 
“I’m gonna miss you.” Luci looked up at him with a slight pout; Harry leaned in, kissing her frown away. 
“And I’m gonna miss you too, but we’ll be seeing each other soon. But you have to go to check in pretty soon and get through TSA,” he said as he checked the time on his phone. “Don’t want you to miss your flight.” 
She nodded, agreeing. They kissed a few more times, hugged a little tighter, and told each other that they’d see each other soon, as well as making sure the other would text whenever they landed and got home safely. Finally, they separated; Harry watched Luci go up the escalator before he took his time walking to the international departure since he had to wait a couple hours before his flight. 
Once Luci was walking to her gate, Airpods in her ears, her mind had gone completely blank until someone had walked up to her, waving. She took out one Airpod, seeing a woman who was seemingly in her mid-forties with brown wavy hair that landed just below her shoulders; the woman had a friendly smile on her face. 
“Hello,” Luci greeted kindly but slightly confused. 
“Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you. But you’re Luciana Suki, right?” The woman asked hopefully. 
Luci smiled softly. “Yes, that’s me.” The slight concern had washed away because she thought she was being stopped by the airport’s security or someone from TSA, but the woman had a neck pillow attached to her luggage and was wearing comfortable sweatpants. 
“Oh, wonderful. I just wanted to say that I loved your performance in Miss Saigon!” Luci’s eyes widened. “I usually watch the show when the production goes on tour, so I’m quite familiar with the cast, but can I just say that you’re insanely talented and put on a lovely show.” The woman complimented honestly. 
“Oh, wow. T-That’s…” Luci was having a hard time speaking, let alone, accepting the fact that someone had noticed her outside of the theatre. “Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me.” She placed her hand on her heart. “What’s your name?” 
“Victoria.” They shook hands before they chatted for a bit on the side. Victoria couldn’t stop praising her for her wonderful performance, leaving Luci with warm cheeks and an appreciating smile. “Do you mind if I get a picture with you? I wasn’t able to meet you after the show that I went to.” 
“Of course!” 
“Besides, I told my husband, ‘this girl is going places.’ And I want to have this as a keepsake when you do.” She pulled out her phone, flipping the camera towards them. 
“That is so incredibly kind. Thank you so much.” The two women smiled at the camera before Victoria thanked her for the picture. 
Luci took out her phone. “Now, can I get a picture with you? You’re the very first person that’s ever recognized me, and I also want this as a keepsake for this moment.” Victoria was stunned, but immediately said yes before they smiled again for Luci’s phone. 
The two said ‘thank you’ a hundred times more before finally saying goodbye to one another and separating. 
Luci was so happy as she walked to her gate and sat down before sending the picture to Harry. 
This is Victoria. She just stopped me and told me that she recognized me from the show! How fucking cool is that?!
Harry responded immediately with a big smile on his face. 
No way! That’s sooo fucking cool! Literally dating the coolest girl ever.
Always know what to say to get me smiling crazy...
I would be doing something wrong if you weren’t. xx
Still, the smile hadn’t left her face. She noticed that’s all she’d been doing with him because that’s all he made her do. 
Once it was announced that it was time to board, Luci sent Harry another text saying that she was boarding and that she’ll text him when she landed, and told him to have a safe flight if she was still in the air by the time he was on the plane. He sent her a safe flight and many kisses, telling her that they would talk soon. 
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When Luci entered her childhood home, she was hit by a wave of nostalgia; it felt like she hadn’t stepped into this home in years. Everything looked the same; the framed pictures on the wall were still the same, the only difference was that their family picture at Luci’s first show was added in a big frame. 
Ren and Beatrice entered the house from the garage as they released a gasp, quickly walking towards her and hugged her tightly. Luci had truly missed her parents, and living without them would never be the same. The three caught up for a moment, asking each other what they’d been up to. Ren had started a garden, but since it had been snowing, he couldn’t really care for it as of now. Beatrice was reading, yet, another book on self-help and love, saying that the information had been really insightful for her; Luci smiled, saying that it was great she was reading that. 
Luci was itching to tell her parents the big news. She would’ve told them over the phone when she found out, but she wanted to surprise them with the news, instead of having a family group facetime. She wanted to hug them as she told them, she wanted to hear those screams and gasps in person. 
Nathan had a few days off, luckily, and was on his way home to spend some time with his family, so whenever he arrived, she’d tell them. 
Walking up the stairs while lugging her luggage up with her, she opened her door and looked around her childhood bedroom. Nothing was moved, different, or added; it was the same as she’d left it all those months ago. Everything seemed to happen quite fast within those nine months, and it was quite bizarre at how much did happen. 
But standing in her bedroom made her feel proud of herself at how much she’d accomplished and all the lessons she had gone through. Her home had just made her much more grounded. 
After a few hours, the sky had gotten dark, and Nathan was home. Luci greeted her brother with a warm hug. The two siblings walked over to the kitchen where their parents were getting dinner ready, and Nathan greeted them. 
Luci rested her arms on the countertop, leaning against them. “So, I have some news…” she announced, making her family whip their heads towards her, looking at her concerningly. 
“You’re pregnant?” Nate guessed. Beatrice looked at him then looked at Luci, asking if it was true. 
“What? No!” She laughed, scoffing slightly. Not only was that a very off guess, but her and Harry hadn’t even had sex yet; they hadn’t even been naked around each other. Plus, her family didn’t even know she was dating Harry anyways. 
“What is it, Lulu?” Her father asked. 
“So, remember when I told you all that I was auditioning for a role—the one Samantha booked me?” They all nodded. As usual, they gave her the famous pep-talk, but it was much more intense since this was for a potential blockbuster movie; they all helped her along the way as well. Luci stayed silent, hoping they’d put the pieces together and figure it out on their own, but as they stared at her clueless, she screamed it. “I got the part!” 
Their eyes went wide as they all screamed, “What?!” Luci nodded, jumping as the news finally hit them. They walked towards her, giving her proud and excited hugs; Beatrice started crying happy tears for her, and Ren had even shed a few tears for his daughter. Her family eagerly asked questions, and Luci was happy to provide them every detail she’d gotten from Samantha. She was incredibly happy that all the most important people in her life finally knew, and she was even happier that they shared the same excitement with her.  
After a family dinner, they watched a movie before everyone went to bed. Luci found herself tossing and turning as she continuously watched the digital time on her nightstand change every minute. She internally groaned, staring at the ceiling wide awake. It was three in the morning when her phone vibrated, and she wasn’t going to check it because then she would be on her phone the entire night, but when it vibrated the second time, she figured that she wasn’t going to get sleep any time soon. So, she picked up her phone and felt her heart skip a beat, seeing Harry’s text on her screen. 
Hi, love. Just landed. x 
Also, hope you’re sleeping well. Sweet dreams, Ci. 
Luci smiled into her pillow as she laid on her side, reading Harry’s text over again. 
Hi, H! Glad to know you made it safely. 
Suddenly, his contact picture came into view for an incoming call from him; Luci sat up slightly, leaning on her elbows as she answered. 
“Hello?” She whispered. 
“Ci, What are you doing up? Isn’t it, like, three a.m there?” His gravelly voice asked through the phone. Harry was waiting for his bags to show up from the carousel; he was quite exhausted from the flight, despite sleeping for most of it. 
“Yeah. I don’t know—I couldn't sleep.” Part of her knew that her mind was racing with the thought of Harry; she also wanted to know if he landed safely, and she felt relief when he texted her. 
“Aww, sorry about that. But luckily, you’re on vacation; you’ll get to sleep in.” She nodded, even though he couldn’t see her. 
They chatted for a bit about his flight and how Gemma was going to pick him up since she was an early riser; and Luci told him about how she announced the big news to her family, which Harry was happy she got the reaction she wanted. 
His voice was silk and smooth—especially when it was from just waking up—as it was lulling her to sleep. Harry could tell that she was drifting off as she wasn’t giving verbal responses; he knew that his voice would eventually make her fall asleep because she’d told him one time that it was relaxing and soothing. 
They bid each other goodnight and sweet dreams, telling one another that they’d talk to each other whenever she woke up, hoping he would still be awake. But they both counted down the days until they would get to see each other before they made the sound of a kissing noise over the speaker, and hung up. 
And they were both going to be dreaming of each other’s lips and touch until they were physically together again.
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December 31, 2017
Looking into her full-body mirror, Luci straightened out her outfit as she awaited her date for the evening. 
She’d missed Harry over the holidays, but she was lucky enough to be able to text him throughout whenever they both got the chance—although it was a bit difficult because of the time difference. But Luci had been aching to be in his arms again, to feel his lips on hers to make up for lost time. But throughout the holiday, she’d been a bit on edge as nerves would creep into her body every time she would think about the news she was about to tell Harry—news that was not a discussion through text or on phone when he was miles away. 
Ever since she had gotten the call—a day after she arrived back home for the holidays—she had been all up in her thoughts about what Harry might think about the situation. She was mostly afraid that he would want to stop seeing her; and based on how much she liked him and enjoyed being with him, she really hoped that wasn’t the case. But the anticipation on telling him was killing her and she just wanted to talk to him-
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. She took a deep breath to ease her nerves, but she was more excited to see him. Opening the door, Harry was standing on her doorstep with his bags on his shoulders and an excited smile on his face. He had just gotten back from the airport, which was perfect timing for the party that they were attending. Luci had asked him a million and one times if he was sure he wanted to go, considering that he was literally just arriving from the airport, but he told her that it was okay and he’d be too jetlagged to sleep anyways. 
“Harry!” She jumped in his arms as he wrapped his around her waist. Luci took in his scent as she pressed kisses against his neck. 
He giggled. “Hi, love. I’ve missed you,” he mumbled against her shoulder. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you too.” 
“Yeah?” He set her down on her feet, taking her face in the palms of his warm hands. “Let me give you a proper kiss then. It’s been too long since I’ve kissed these lips that I might’ve forgotten what they feel like.” 
Luci fake gasped, amusing him. “Then please kiss me because we can’t have that happening, ever.” 
Harry chuckled, leaning in to take her lips in with his. Giving her gentle and tender kisses, they both smiled against each other’s lips, relief taking over them since it’d been too long since they’d felt each other. Harry was always impressed at how perfectly Luci’s lips seemed to fit his; he also loved how his body felt whenever he received a kiss from her as chills would rush down his skin and his heart would pump a few extra times. It was a feeling that he looked forward to every time she was around or showed him any type of affection. 
Pulling away, they smiled at one another before giggling. He finally got to have a look at her outfit that he knew she spent a few hours deciding on. Luci was wearing a satin bralette top, a zebra print skirt that hugged her hips with black stockings underneath; and a black coat over a knitted beanie and leather gloves since it was still dangerously cold. 
“You looked absolutely stunning, Ci.” She bashfully smiled, looking down at her outfit. “I mean it…wow.” He pulled her into his body as his face immediately went into the crook of her neck. He placed kisses against her skin, nibbling gently as she let out a soft and quiet moan. “Wanna skip this party?” 
Luci pushed at his shoulders. “Really?” She was down for the idea of spending and celebrating the new year inside, snuggling up with some blankets, and kissing each other into the new year. 
“Maybe? Wanna kiss you everywhere.” He put emphasis on where he wanted to kiss her, and that just wasn’t her lips, making her bite her bottom lip at the idea. He was horny, he had to admit; the eagerness to feel her against her with her hands all over his body was like a broken record in his mind. And just by the look in her eyes, she had been thinking about it too because how could she not? But Harry would tease her a bit—make her admit it. “Actually, let’s just go to the party because I wanna show off my girl.” 
Her eyes widened as pursed her lips, refraining from a smile at how the words ‘my girl’ sounded from his mouth; and she quite liked the idea of being his girl.  “Are you sure?” He nodded. “Okay. Wait, uh, can we talk for a second? I need to tell you something.” 
He nodded as his expression changed to a slight concerned one. Luci led him to her couch, not letting go of his hand. 
“So, uh, Samantha called me during the holidays. And I know I should’ve mentioned it to you, but I didn’t want to tell you over the phone-”
“Baby, breathe, yeah? Slow down; I’m not going anywhere.” He reassured her, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. Her mind had solely focused on the new nickname, and it made her heart flutter, but she shook that thought out of her head, knowing that she needed to tell him now. 
So, she nodded and exhaled. “She told me that we’re filming for the movie pretty soon.” 
His brows raised. “Really?! When?” 
“Mid January…” he sensed a ‘but’ coming, so he patiently waited. “But I’m supposed to be in California by the sixth.” Harry noticed her mood had faltered a bit; even in her gorgeous outfit and the way she did her makeup, he would always think she was beautiful despite her mood.
“Hey, isn’t that great? This is what you’ve been wanting to do.” He rubbed her thigh comfortingly.
“It’s just…I have to be there for four months, maybe five. That’s a really long time.” She looked at him with a sad look, and the slight sadness broke his heart because all he ever wanted her to feel was happiness. 
He finally understood what she was saying—four or five months was a long time; they were going to be on opposite sides of the country. But who was he to tell her not to go? He didn’t have any say in her career choices nor does he want to make any choices for her because that was her career. All he could do was be supportive of her, and that was exactly what he was going to do. 
“Ci, tell me what’s on your mind,” he requested softly, not wanting his tone to portray aggressively. 
She sighed deeply. “We’re gonna be apart for a long time when we’re supposed to be together. I mean we just started dating, so I would understand if you wanted out,” she explained honestly.
Pouting, he could see the pain that she held while saying those words as she hoped he would want to stay with her. 
“I don’t want out,” he stated immediately. “Five months is gonna go by quickly. There’s FaceTime, texting, and calling. It’s gonna be fine!” He nodded his head for some extra reassurance. 
The guilt was still resting in Luci’s head that his words hadn’t processed yet. “I just feel bad…” 
“Don’t be. This is your job, and I can’t and don’t want to get in the way with that. Don’t worry about me, alright? Everything’s gonna be fine.” Harry pulled her into his side and kissed the side of her head. His words seemed to settle in her mind as she constantly repeated them back to herself. “Now, let me go and get changed, and I’ll be right back so we can head out.” 
With one last kiss to her cheek, Harry headed out of Luci’s apartment and into his to get changed. He decided on just wearing black skinny jeans and a flowy and thin velvet tan button down with red and green stitching that swirled throughout the shirt. He went back to her apartment to find her fully ready with her shiny leather boots; her mood had slightly lifted as she thanked him for being so supportive and kind, and he simply brushed it off, saying that it was the only way to act—which earned him several of kisses to his lips that made him rethink the fact that he wanted to go to the party and wanting to tease her at said party. But she pulled away and dragged him out of her place as they headed towards the Lower East Side. 
Nina had invited Harry and Luci to Moon Room, a hip nightclub that was filled with dancing like you were living in the eighties. The vintage decorated club was carefree, a judgement-free zone, and a place to truly have fun. Luci remembered that the last time she had gone to the club was after the second show of Miss Saigon; she was making out with some guy that she met there until he excused himself to throw up, and she never saw that guy again. Looking back at that memory, she mentally gagged but also chuckled. 
The club was hot and filled with people, which was expected since there was an hour and a half left till midnight. People were trying to find a place that would let them in without waiting in line just so they could get a proper drink and countdown and kiss strangers. There were several TVs above the bar and in the corners, all on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve that was currently happening in Time Square, but the music on the speaker had drowned out the volume on the television. 
Luci and Harry found Nina and her group of friends in a booth in the corner where the walls were covered in wallpaper of bright green leaves. Nina was quick to notice how the two were holding hands, making Nina tease Harry, saying that he had finally had the balls to make a move but he was quick to correct her and tell Nina that it was Luci who had made the move first; and that earned a clap and nudge for Luci. 
Drinks started to flow as the dancing had picked up. A Roddy Ricch song was playing as Luci’s back was against Harry’s chest, his hands on her waist as they moved in sync. She grinded her ass against him, making his hands squeeze her hips as his mouth leaned in against her ear. 
“Mm, you’re driving me fucking insane,” his deep voice said in her ear, making chills run down her body as well as ignite the heat between her legs. 
His hands were everything; she could feel him everywhere. She continued her movements, swaying her hips as she sang the lyrics to a rap song; Harry turned her around, catching her by surprise. His hands immediately found her lower back, but one of his hands had trailed down to the top of her ass, making her smirk but her heart swooned because she knew he was being a gentleman to move any further. His arms wrapped around his neck as their hips moved together, their fronts pressed together. Luci could feel the slight hard on Harry was growing inside of his pants, and it only made her want to touch him even more, to maybe tease him. 
“Want you, baby” Luci breathed out through the loud music. Harry blushed at the pet name before he smirked, and she licked a stripe up his neck, tasting the slight sweat on his skin, before nibbling on the spot under his jaw, making him bite his lip and press her tighter against his body. 
They both had similar ideas and minds to tease each other tonight, maybe that was why they weren’t getting plastered because they both knew where this night would end, and they wanted to be sober for every single second of it. 
But the fruity cocktails that Luci was heavily sipping and ordering were starting to hit her since it tasted so much like fruit punch. From what Harry could tell, she was starting to get giggly, touchy, and overall more goofier; he adored her nonetheless. 
When there were exactly seven minutes until midnight, Luci dragged Harry off the dance floor and to the corner of the club. Thinking that they were going to have a hot makeout session, which Harry made no move to stop her, Luci stopped right in front of the free photobooth the club provided. 
“Can we take pictures?” She asked; Harry nodded. “Let’s take individual pictures first! You go first.” Luci gently pushed Harry into the photobooth before dragging the curtain for privacy. 
Harry chuckled, pressing start before a voice started counting down from three; he gave the camera a toothless smile, stuck his tongue out, opened his mouth as his eyes went wide, and pointed his chin upwards as he held a peace sign up. When he got out of the booth, Luci clapped before getting in after him; her drunken mind had taken over and for the first picture, she grabbed her breasts and slightly pushed them up before winking and sticking her tongue out. For the rest, she gave her stunning smile, puckered her lips up as she closed her eyes, and held up a peace sign while smiling. 
When she was finished, she grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled him inside the booth. He comfortably sat down next to her as she put her legs over his thighs before pressing start once more. Everyone in the bar had already been counting down from thirty, and usually, Harry would want to count down with them, but he could care less about the countdown as his favorite girl was right next to him and he was having a great time with her. They smiled sweetly for the first one, and Luci kissed his cheek for the second one. 
Once Luci pulled away, he looked at her deeply in the eyes, putting his hand on her cheek, and said, “Be mine? As in my girlfriend, officially.” Luci’s eyes widened, not expecting those words; the camera had caught that exact moment for their third picture. 
A loud ‘3…2…1…Happy New Year!’ was heard from outside of the photobooth, but Harry and Luci were in their own world. 
She nodded, smiling before answering, “Yes!” Harry quickly kissed her as if they had been wedded, and the photobooth had taken their last picture of the two kissing. 
The happiness they had felt was an over-the-moon type of happiness, and they genuinely felt disconnected from the rest of the world because they had just made their own planet to live on. They felt drunk on each other, drunk on the kisses, and if this was what being intoxicated really felt like, they would never be sober. 
Pulling away, they gave each other a loving smile—one that expressed their emotions quite well. Harry kissed her forehead and her cheeks as he couldn’t get enough of her before pulling her out of the booth. 
“Happy New Year, H.” 
“Happy New Year, Ci,” he responded, putting his arm around her shoulder as she hugged his waist, head against his chest where his heart was erratically pounding, giving away how he truly felt about her. 
He grabbed their strips of pictures before they both looked at them. Harry curled his lips into his mouth, shifting his weight to his other leg once he saw the very first picture of Luci because fuck, she looked incredibly sexy, he thought. They smiled fondly at their pictures together, glad that they had gotten that moment on camera. Luckily, the photobooth printed two strips, so they both could have one each. 
Luci led Harry back to their table, where they greeted everyone a happy new year; Nina waved at them, pouring them a drink from the pitcher that contained a mix of pineapple juice and tequila, to drink into the new year. After a few more cupfuls, Luci and Harry called it a night as it was nearing two in the morning, which may seem early considering it was the new year, but they were both quite exhausted and sleepy. So, Harry booked an Uber back home to Brooklyn that arrived exceptionally fast. 
They walked hand in hand to their apartments; Harry waited for her to open her door so she got in safely, but when Luci noticed that he wasn’t following her inside, she had a frown on her face. 
“Where are you going?” She asked. 
“Oh, uh, to my place” 
“Do you wanna sleepover? I thought you were going to.” 
“Do you want me to?” He asked, not sure that he was actually going to sleepover. 
She smiled, nodding. “Of course. Wanna spend the first morning of the new year with my boyfriend,” she answered; Harry’s heart flipped. 
“Okay. Let me just get changed and I’ll be there.” 
“Don’t keep me waiting,” Luci said seductively, leaving a small gap between the door and the frame. Harry gulped, overthinking her words because she could’ve meant anything, but her face said otherwise as she teasingly bit her lip and practically undressed him with her eyes. 
With her words in mind, Harry quickly changed into his silk striped blue pajama pants with a black sweater over his torso, since it was still freezing inside the building, and he brushed his teeth and washed his face before walking back over to Luci’s place and locking it. Excitement flowed through him as he walked to her bedroom, thinking about the possibilities of what their night would contain. But as he entered her bedroom, there she was—his beautiful girlfriend—sleeping under the covers. She managed to change into her sleepwear, which was just a t-shirt and sweats, but she hadn’t taken off her makeup yet, and she was going to hate herself for it in the morning. 
Harry smiled as his eagerness to be on top of her and touch her body had faltered while he watched her. He walked to the restroom to grab a makeup wipe, and he kneeled on the floor to carefully wipe the contents of makeup off her face; the cold cloth that rubbed against her skin caused her to wake from her sleep. 
“I’m here, love. Just getting the makeup off your face.” He continued wiping her face, folding the wipe in half for the cleaner side. 
Luci smiled lazily at him. “Thank you. We could still have sex—sorry I fell asleep.” Harry held in his laugh. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. 
“You don’t want to have sex anymore?” Her voice slightly cracked, thinking he had completely made up his mind about it. 
“I do, trust me, I still want to, but not right now. Some other time, yeah? We’re both exhausted, and I think you’re a little drunk.” He chuckled. “So let’s not force it, is that alright?” 
His answer seemed to satisfy her as she nodded, closing her eyes again as sleep took over. Once Harry was done, he threw the makeup wipe away before he grabbed a small towel cloth, dampening it with warm water before lightly wiping her face to take away the extra makeup that was left and the weird feeling of the makeup wipe. He then grabbed her moisturizer—her skincare routine he’d watched multiple times—before smoothing it out on her skin; he also applied chapstick and put some on her lips because she had told him once that when her lips go chapped, it always distracted her and overall hated when her lips were dry. 
When he was finished, he quickly grabbed a glass of water, downing it as he sighed in relief because he’d felt so dehydrated since their night had started; Harry also grabbed a glass for Luci, setting it on her bedside table just in case she woke up parched. He got under the covers next to her, shifting over to Luci’s side of the bed and resting his head on the same pillow as her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and buried his face in the back of her neck, taking in her intoxicating scent that he always loved. 
For a few minutes, Harry tried to fall asleep, but he wasn’t himself; instead, his mind had replayed the events at the club—when he asked the girl in his arms to be his girlfriend. He liked Luci…a lot; and something had taken over his mind that was screaming at him, telling him to just ask because it was the perfect moment to, and he was so glad that he did because she said ‘yes’ and she was his. 
His heart hadn’t stopped flipping ever since that moment. But if he was being honest, though, he was scared. The overthinking had only arrived once he laid his head on the soft but firm pillow as his mind went into overdrive. He thought about the conversation prior to leaving for the club, where Luci told him that she was going to be gone for four to five months to film and that he had an out if he wanted it. In different lifetimes or events, maybe he would’ve called it quits—to end it before either of them got attached, although they were already quite attached to one another—but he didn’t. He told her that he was going to support her, that he wanted to be with her. He was afraid, even though she didn’t have a clue that he was scared, but he was. Neither of them knew what the universe had in line for them, and maybe this relationship was going to be a bad idea later on. But if you continuously hold onto that fear, you’d never know the beauty and all of the good things in a relationship.  
Neither Luci or Harry knew what was coming for them, but they were going in head first. 
Asking Luci to be his girlfriend had broken him out of a hard protective shell because ultimately, he didn’t want to live in fear anymore. He wanted to push away the nagging voice that was living in the back of his mind out of his head. Life was too damn short to be living in fear, he’d learned. Experiences and life awaited until he stepped outside of that box. 
He wanted to be present, so that was exactly what he was going to do; he would leave the future conversations and events for the future since those events respectively occurred in a different time. But this was now; he’d gotten the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on, and that beautiful woman was his girlfriend. 
Luci slightly groaned, turning around in his arms. Her eyes were still closed but she mumbled, “Harry.” 
“Yes, Ci?” 
“Hold me tighter,” she softly murmured against his chest. 
As much as he was already hugging her, he complied and tightened his arms around her as she softly snored against him, completely unaware of the brief conversation that had just occurred. 
“I’ll hold onto you for as long as you want me to.” 
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allll the feels :’) come talk to me about your thoughts, feelings, and your favorite scenes and moments! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be up next saturday!
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