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loganmike · 1 year ago
ora del decesso: 21:30 del 6 dicembre 2023...
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imperfect-girl17 · 1 year ago
Il Grim Reaper ha deciso che era il tuo momento e ti ha portato via. Questo è il tuo secondo compleanno, senza che tu sia qui a godertelo. Mi manchi immensamente. Perdere un amore per morte è una delle cose più dolorose che si possa provare. Poi ripenso a tutto quello che avrei potuto fare per farti star meglio, ma la tua malattia non dipendeva da me. Non dipendeva da nessuno.
Andare avanti è durissima... quasi tutto perde valore ed importanza. Ho provato a distrarmi, ma il pensiero triste torna sempre lì. Mi domando come si faccia ad andare avanti nella vita o ad avere sogni e speranze, quando il peggio ti ha toccato (nel mio caso più volte).
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primepaginequotidiani · 9 days ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Delle Alpi di Oggi martedì, 28 gennaio 2025
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gobelluno · 2 months ago
Muore travolto da una pianta
BORGO VALBELLUNA – Attorno alle ore 14.15 di giovedì, la Centrale del 118 è stata allertata per un uomo travolto da una pianta in località Sort Frede, sopra Carve di Mel, a dare l’allarme la sorella che era stata avvertita per telefono da lui stesso. Dalle prime informazioni, abbattendo l’albero, il 65enne del posto era rimasto schiacciato sotto il tronco. Da lui erano accorse delle persone, che…
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emilioalessioloiacono · 8 months ago
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bluejeanbaby · 2 years ago
@dearyvicious continued from (x)
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Damien was beginning to realize that the woman sitting besides him was likely more evil than he ever could be. He often shyed away from hurting others, at least when he could avoid it. "Satan tells us that we should feel pride, for that was his original sin." he said, glancing to the wicker between he and the blonde. "It is not your mother's place for judgement. If what you are doing brings you joy....if you have a reason for you vengeance against these others then, my child, you are following our father's guidance." he said. Damien grew up within the church, he had been the youngest priest, the youngest archbishop, and then again the youngest cardinal. He had devoted his life to the texts, the rituals, et all, which meant that he could be terribly dry. He decided to attempt to loosen up however. "Besides no one really likes a good girl." he said with a small grin. "Our unholy father is proud of your sacrifces, he trusts your judgement in what is right. He has been watching, Thomasina." Even Damien was unsure how he knew her name.
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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
Alessandria: trovato morto un uomo su una panchina davanti all’Istituto VoltaIndagini in corso per accertare le cause del decesso
Alessandria, 3 dicembre 2024 – Questa mattina, alle ore 8:30, un uomo è stato trovato senza vita su una panchina di fronte all’Istituto Tecnico Volta
Il ritrovamento Alessandria, 3 dicembre 2024 – Questa mattina, alle ore 8:30, un uomo è stato trovato senza vita su una panchina di fronte all’Istituto Tecnico Volta. La scoperta è stata fatta da alcuni passanti, che hanno prontamente avvisato una volante della Polizia Locale in transito nella zona. Gli agenti, resisi conto della gravità della situazione, hanno allertato il servizio di emergenza…
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sauolasa · 2 years ago
Nave migranti sbarca a Tenerife: un decesso e uno gravissimo
Una nave di migranti che viaggiava in direzione delle Canarie è stata soccorsa e fatta sbarcare al porto de Los Cristianos, al sud dell'isola. A bordo 66 persone, di cui uno deceduto. Una persona è stata trasferita in ospedale in gravi condizioni
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bluejeanbaby · 2 years ago
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"You worship me more than enough, Luka. You make me feel far more ethereal than i actually am. I don't need the title. To you I just want to be Damien. Okay?" Damien said with a soft laugh, gently nipping at Luka's knuckle to tease him before he set their hands back down against the table. He still wasn't used to seeing the little smile on Luka's face. He was beautiful.
"I won't ask anything of you....except to stay with me." he whispered quietly, meeting Luka's eyes again. "I want you by my side no matter what. I need you. I...I love you Luka." he admitted, searching the other's eyes. For a long time Damien thought he would be alone for his life. That that was what was meant for him. Then he met Luka.
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When Damien looked up at him so abruptly, Luka cocked his head to the side curiously — like a dog hearing a sharp, inaudible whistle. "Do not call you lord?" He repeated, dumbfounded. "But this is what you will be, yes? I should worship you." He smiled when his knuckles were kissed again, face cracking into a new image like a kaleidoscope. He looked so different when he smiled.
The Russian shook his head firmly from left to right. "No. You have never scared me." The truth was, he probably wasn't afraid of anything, he had been desensitized a long time ago, and it was hard to fear things when you couldn't feel pain. "I trust you implicitly. Whatever happens to me will be what is meant to happen. I am filled with affection for you. Whatever you ask of me, I will do without hesitation or complaint."
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pollicinor · 1 year ago
Secondo la ricostruzione della polizia, il robot industriale, che stava sollevando scatole piene di peperoni e le stava posizionando su un pallet, sembra aver avuto un malfunzionamento e ha identificato l'uomo come una scatola. L'uomo, secondo quanto riferisce l'agenzia locale Yonhap, è stato trasferito in gravi condizioni nell'ospedale dove è morto. Il decesso sarebbe dipeso dal fatto che il braccio robotico avrebbe spinto la parte superiore del corpo dell'uomo contro il nastro trasportatore, schiacciandogli il viso e il petto.
Dall'articolo "Robot schiaccia e uccide un operaio: lo aveva scambiato per la scatola che doveva prendere" su Corriere.it
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marcoleopa · 1 month ago
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Sila al Faseeh e la linguistica.
Probabilmente complice il forte riverbero delle illuminazioni natalizie, il decesso per assideramento, di Sila al Faseeh (di tre settimane di vita), in quel di Khan Younis, tendopoli per disperati e reietti della striscia di Gaza, non fa più notizia.
Anzi, stupisce che i media diano informazioni, proprio nell'esatto momento nel quale, si scartano i doni, rovinando quella magica atmosfera di leggerezza.
Sorprende, invece, che, ad eccezione di sparute riflessioni (quasi sempre delle sole alte sfere ecclesiastiche) nessun parlamentare e esponente del governo italico, abbia trovato il tempo, impegnato tra viaggi in terra lappone, concerti al Senato, manovra economica et similia, ad esprimere un solo pensiero "maternodiradicicristiane", preferendo piuttosto disquisire finemente sulla differenza lessicale e linguistica, tra genocidio e diritto alla difesa.
Ebbene si, la linguistica è oggi, oggetto speculativo, necessario e utile persino per giustificare i nuovi Erodi.
Comprenderai, quindi, cara Sila al Faseeh, che oggi saresti ancora presente, se la dotta dissertazione avesse trovato un punto di convergenza, tra i sostenitori dell'una e dell'altra denominazione.
Ahinoi, l'ampia e particolareggiata esposizione sulla "quaestio" lessicale, è ancora lontana dall'essere risolta.
Con buona pace del pensiero maternodiradicicristiane.
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bluejeanbaby · 2 years ago
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"Fine" Damien replies when he's told he'd have to wait until she was done. The prayer had already started, the ritual had already begun. It didn't matter which hand slayed the witch now, her blood would satiate the father's thirst. He got a hold of her arms once she began asking him questions. Mostly he just made sure she didn't try to hit him any more as he slowly sat up. "She came here, do I need more reason?" he figured it was better to be mysterious than to tell a stranger that Satan told him to do it. One never knew who to trust in these times. At best she'd think he was insane, at worst she'd have the entire abbey taken out for their involvement in the dark arts.
"Why do I owe you the truth, Red? You come into my home. You destroy my floors. You attack a Cardinal. You are the one who should be giving me an explanation." he huffed, shoving her the rest of the way off of him as he got up and rubbed the dust off of his red cassock, cursing quietly in Italian under his breath.
"I will show you to the woman and you....you will leav-" he paused as he looked back to her again. No, no, not her. He silently begged the voice in his head. He could see an aura around her. He couldn't describe it if he tried. The gradient of colors surrounding her, the look of her face, they drew him in like a moth to a flame. Despite how much she had annoyed him already, he knew he would be stuck to her side. The voices were all speaking to him at once, shouting. "Enough!" he didn't mean to shout out loud as he put his hands over his ears. He knew it wouldn't help, but he always found himself trying. "I'll show you the woman and then we can talk." he finally said, sounding defeated as he began leading her towards the back of the church.
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"I don't need to justify myself to you!" The redhead shouted, her anger only growing bigger and bigger. Questions hung on her mouth, ones that had yet to be asked. The adreanline of their entanglement prevented her from making sense.
"Killed?" Laurie echoed his words back to him. "That's funny, cause I want to kill her too." The warlock was not about to let the priest take away her chance at revenge. "I will be the one that kills her, asshole. Whatever it is you want to do with her, you'll have to wait until after I'm done with her." Something about this man was not normal, not by a longshot. The redhead took a slow breath. "Tell me, what did she do to you that she needs to die for it?" Laurie wondered if the man was also the unfortunate victim of Miranda's 'love'. Each time she harmed Laurie, she said she did it out of love.
"I can already tell this isn't a normal fucking abbey, and you're not a normal fucking priest. So how about we start being truthful huh?"
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gobelluno · 3 months ago
Scomparso il sindaco Mario De Bon
BELLUNO – «Mario De Bon è stato un sindaco di cui tutti dobbiamo andare orgogliosi, profondamente appassionato del suo compito, viveva il lavoro in Comune come una missione per la sua comunità. Ha lavorato con autentico spirito di servizio, attento ai bisogni dei cittadini, fervido difensore della sua terra e della gente di montagna. Un pensiero sentito alla famiglia e alla comunità di…
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bluejeanbaby · 2 years ago
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"Oh we have a spot in the woods not too far from here." Damien said with a little shrug. "A little bit better of a protection spell out there. It's been used for centuries and centuries." he said with a wave of his hand. "The christians almost built a cathedral there at one point, but thankfully we were able to scare them off." he shook his head. It wasn't his memory, but he had heard all about the Satanists being slowly pushed out of Italy. Out of everywhere really.
"You don't have to come with us if you don't want to though." he offered in case she was worried about being caught. Yet, Damien hadn't been caught once yet. Sometimes he noticed that hunters seemed to avoid him. They'd look at him for just a moment before turning away. He wasn't aware of how deep his father's protection of him went. Damien was able to blend in under almost any circumstance, and sometimes could extend that protection to those around him.
"Afraid none around here. This is a tough area." he said simply, rubbing at the back of his neck as he stood up. "We do have empty dormitories in the abbey though. It is nothing fancy I'm afraid but we do own a waffle maker for the morning." Damien offered with a big smile as if there was not literally blood on his hands at the moment.
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bluejeanbaby · 2 years ago
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damien rose a brow at her laughter, his hands nervously twiddling behind his back as he waited for her to speak. perhaps he was the type of cardinal she was looking for. that was a shock. "can't talk about what with you mom?" he asked, with a tilted head as he motioned for her to follow him to a confessional booth. "well we hardly call it a confession...." he said with a chuckle of his own. "but yes, something along those lines. personally my favorite is 'satanas, we are here for your praise, evil one' and you know continue on about what you would like to talk about." he hummed as he moved to sit down on his side of the booth, pulling forward the curtain.
thomasina had hardly succeeded in containing the bitter laughter that burned on her lips. how could she explain to damien that her father was a practising satanist married to a woman of christian and orthodox faith? the delicate fingers of both hands intertwined in front of her body, a playful frown lighting up her face as she heard him mention fertility, perhaps her father had such a blessing, since tammy had seven other siblings. “ maybe, that’s what i need… i can’t talk about it with my mum. ” silence hung between them. “ i’ve never been to confession with a priest like you… what should i start with? ’ thank father for all my sins ’ ? ”
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fallimentiquotidiani · 1 month ago
quando non rendono note le cause di un improvviso decesso molto spesso si tratta di suicidio.
pensi sia ciò che è successo ?
Non credo, visto che ebbe un mancamento anche a un concerto a Bologna anni fai, lui voleva andare aventi e noi dal pubblico gli dicevamo di non pensarci neanche, che la sua salute veniva prima.
Purtroppo non penso sia stato un suicidio, perché in quel caso sarebbe stato un gesto pensato e voluto, qui di da rispettare.
Ho paura che la morte se lo sia portato via per essere un po' meno sola.
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