#decepticon leadership
bb-azurite · 2 years
If Soundwave/Shockwave took over the Decepticons
A lot of people go on about how much better the Decepticons would do if Soundwave or Shockwave were in charge but personally I don't see it. At least not for their Prime versions.
Like not including anything from other Soundwave incarnations or the books, I'm stuggling to think of an instance were he came up with a plan or really took any kind of initiative. I love Soundwave whenever he's on screen but the whole show he's pretty much just following orders and the times when does refuse (Starsceam/Airachnid trying to kill/abandon Megatron) he’s really only  maintaining the status quo. Dude had pictures of the human kids since like eps 5 and it took him until the end of season 2 and Starcream coming back with a plan for Soundwave to do anything with it. He’s already devoting all his time and energy to his work as communications officer, manning the ground bridge, decoding the database etc. that he has no brain power left for coming up with his own schemes. Let alone mustering up enough menace and charisma to command the troops and give orders when HE DOESN’T SPEAK (watching the show is both funny and cute when Decpticon high command have full conversations with Soundwave not responding but being understood anyway. You really get a sense of how long they’ve known him but charades just isn’t practical for an intergalactic army). I feel like it’s telling that Megatron, who might as well be Soundwave’s closet friend, was basically promoting any Decepticon who showed up to SIC before even looking Soundwave’s way.
Shockwave is a little better. He speaks and has initiative to get what he wants. His problem is that he’s just weird and does whatever will flex his science muscles the most, not what is most practical. I mean, his response to being abandoned on Cybertron for who knows how long was not:
A. Build an SOS beacon to be rescued.
B. Build a spaceship and get himself off the planet.
It was C. Resurrect ancient mythical creatures while waiting for them to eventually come back for you even though you gave no indication you were even still alive (Starsream was abandoned alone, on a hostile alien planet without fuel, shelter, resources or even the ability to transform. Starscream started walking). 
Shockwave lives his life according to logic but specifically Shockwave’s logic. Plus, unless he’s competing with Starscream, he seems more than happy to be left alone to tinker in his lab for the most part. He just doesn’t derive the same pleasure from yelling at people to do whatever he tells them that Starscream and Megatron do. Leading would definitely be a job to him that keeps him from doing what he’s really passionate about. If Starscream didn’t bring it up so much, would you even remember that he and Shockwave were BOTH SIC in the third season? Half the time he wasn’t even on the ship.
Soundwave and Shockwave are both geniuses at what they do and the Decepticon cause certainly wouldn’t survive without them. But being good at your job and being a good fighter isn’t all it takes to lead the Decepticons. Not that Megatron and Starscream are shining examples of leadership but it’s oppurtunity cost. The Waves are best doing what they do and the could not and should not be expected to do literally everything.
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cosmics-beings · 4 months
You know, I’ve been thinking about Starscream’s feelings towards OP and Megs in Earthspark, and I genuinely feel like he might respect and like Optimus more, despite his working for GHOST, solely because Optimus was on the opposite side, and if Starscream had been in his position, he would have done the same, and he’s not gonna pretend he wouldn’t have. But Megatron? He was their leader. He was the one they followed, who they believed in, who they gave their loyalty to. And he broke it. Abandoned his old cause and threw his soldiers under the bus for a new one, not caring what happened to them (remember that line in Age of Evolution where he told Nova Storm and Skywarp that their freedom put his cause at risk?). It’s just something I really hope will be explored in Season 2, how the enemy leader imprisoning you is way different than YOUR OWN leader imprisoning you, and I’d love to know Starscream’s thoughts on particular, especially in your AU.
I like this ask because it genuinely points out just WHY Starscream is angry and distrust Megatron. While their past between them is a HUGE part of it, a lot of it is because in his mind Megatron failed the Decepticons as a leader. And I think people missed that. Starscream actually cares about the cause, and in his mind, Megatron is a coward. And that is inevitably why he hates him, because of what he did to the other Decepticons.  In the deleted scenes, it is very very clear that Starscream’s true anger and hatred for Megatron is rooted in the fact that Megatron is up top, colluding and being happy with the Autobots and living a decent life, whereas the rest of the Decepticons are trapped underneath undergoing experiments. So the idea that  Starscream respects Optimus more as a leader isn’t too far off. In the show, he never directly speaks against Optimus’s leadership skills the same way he does Megatron.
Starscream’s thoughts are pretty much how you’ve described them in my Starop ES AU. He is pissed, he thinks Megatron is an awful leader. While he doesn’t 100% trust Optimus and while clearly he doesn’t believe in any sort of Autobot cause, he appreciates the fact that Optimus would never do what Megatron did, and more than likely, if Optimus was a Decepticon leader he would’ve either been in prison with the rest of the cons, or he would’ve done everything possible to get them out.
He respects Optimus as a leader.
And, I also wanna highlight something about how Megatron in general treats Decepticons that don’t bow down to him. The lack of empathy he has for Decepticons who aren’t worshiping the ground he walks on, or don’t see nuance in his decision (because they are you know, being torture <3) is very telling. We saw it with how dismissive and cruel he was to the Seekers, and I’m not talking about Starscream. But we also saw it with Soundwave. When Soundwave actually caused him to think critically about his betrayal against the Decepticons, he turned violent toward Soundwave; the same way he treated Starscream, Nova and Skywarp.
He likes Decepticons, as long as they are empathetic and aren’t critical toward him. As long as they are able to see him through the same lens as the Maltos. But when they don’t….
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sonicasura · 6 months
Kaijuformers, Kaiju Transformers, is what you get when one side of the war decides to ramp things and the other follows suit to survive. Should it start on the Autobot side then mostly blame the Matrix of Leadership for its decision to turn Optimus into a giant monstrous titan at some random point. The reason why or whether its permanent depends on you handle the eldritch Spark containing pacemaker.
If it occurred on the Decepticon side first, then it's fucking Shockwave whose at fault. He did make actual Predacon clones in Aligned and took over Onyx Prime's body in the comics. There's a reason why the phrase "There's Satan and then there is Shockwave" exists. Megatron just approves the idea.
Either way it would be pretty fucking scary when you think about this iteration of their war on Earth. Literal giant monster fights that is just as destructive like in actual monster movies. There would be new technology created to make this new style of war more unpredictable.
Battleground Generators that form a temporary alternate pocket dimension to avoid massive unnecessary damage or unwanted casualties. Stealth Fields to make attacks undetectable unless intercepted in time.(You know the cases where entire towns or colonies of people disappear with no explanation on their whereabouts. It's like that but as a hunting ground based attack.)
A species known for adaptation potentially taking things a step too far. Decisions that could ultimately change Cybertronians into something unrecognizable from their original forms. War is terrifying for many reasons as morals barely matter and there are no lines left to cross.
Is it really worth it when the only way forward is to discard what you once were for the power of a monster?
Edit: There's nothing Godzilla related here. I just put the GIF here cause I thought it would fit. Lol
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I just finished reading your “Optimus as Unicron’s Sparkling AU” (IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST PEICES OF WRITING I HAVE EVER READ) and there was something I was left wondering about. What if Optimus joined the Decepticons in his exile instead of the AutoBots. However you want to do it is fine, whether that be because of Unicron’s constant urges, or the Prime just feeling so betrayed. Again it’s up to you entirely. But really you writing is astonishing, and absolutely amazing. Thanks!
Thank you so much for the praise!! My dear requester you have literally made my day with this (after I dug through my pile of requests to find your lovely idea). I love this whole concept, thank you very much. I wish I could draw better so that I could illustrate these scenes.
Previous part here. Part most relevant to the request here.
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The Autobots wallowed after they chose to send their Prime away, but left alone to heal and to think, Optimus's thoughts wandered. As he hid in an old garage, trying to compose himself and come to terms with all that had come to pass, he started to reminisce. He thought back on his life and all that had led up to his current situation, and as he did, he found his opinions shifting.
Over the first week, he remained firm in his belief that what he did was right. He struck his maker down, for if he hadn't, there would have been nothing left of his foster Sire's efforts. He could not condemn the one who raised him to continue on without a legacy. That was a faith he kept close to himself, but his thoughts regarding his mortal life began to be questioned. He fought for the Autobots to stop tyranny and to ensure that Primus's creations remained free. Megatron wished for freedom too, but his actions were monstrous, terrible by any moral definition. But then again, what was Optimus if not the creation of monstrosity?
By the end of the second week, Optimus began to doubt, not even bothering to move from his hiding place as he thought. At first he was plagued by guilt for even questioning, but then as he continued his contemplation, pieces he never considered began to fall into place. When he was Orion Pax, he was middle caste and was not shown the darker sides of society. He was foolish in his actions and his words, going on to provoke Megatronus by stealing the spotlight the Kaoni warrior deserved and fought so hard to obtain. He was willing to accept that he was wrong in that regard. But when he ascended to once again become a Prime, was he really wrong to fight back? Megatron killed mecha, he stripped them of their choice by tearing the council down without a care for those caught up in the backlash.
But then again, when was peace really ever an option? Mecha still would have suffered if things had been done slowly as he had hoped so long ago. There would have been pain all the same, it just would have lasted longer and been more drawn out. Fighting back against Megatron's revolution turned rebellion only brought greater suffering than if he had just allowed his former brother in arms to win. Not only that, but was Megatron really that wrong in his ideals? Yes they were more perverted from time and bitterness, however he still fought for freedom did he not? If Optimus had been there to steer him in the right direction, he could have appeased his maker by ensuring change was a constant while also assuring that his foster Sire's children didn't wipe themselves out in civil war.
By week three he came to a startling conclusion amidst his wallowing. He had failed in both his directives by trying so hard to maintain mortal morality. He was a creation of Unicron, his function was chaos and due to the kindness of his foster Sire, it was his duty to ensure his chaos was directed into something useful. In attempting to be something he wasn't due to his time as Orion Pax, he failed to bring change. The war was horrific, but it was static, nothing of note ever shifted. Always death, always battle, but there was no change. And in the never ending death, he was also failing his foster Sire by allowing his creations to drive themselves to extinction, even going so far as to encourage it by driving the war on and refusing to yield.
His Autobots didn't want him anymore, they feared him and all that he was. Even his oldest friend and his sparkling wished him to vanish. Optimus could not grant them that, he was eternal, destined to walk the stars until they went out and the universe unraveled. However he could fulfill his function and in doing so, finally bring about an end to the war that was driving his foster Sire's children to extinction.
When at last Optimus stirred, he did not reject his maker's touch. He relished in it. The Matrix pulsed in warning but Optimus ignored it for the most part. It was there to keep him on track, he would heed it when required, but his duty was long planned. He had a mission, a goal. He had to end this foolish war, and he was not afraid to wield the power granted to him from his birth to do so.
Thus as Optimus pushed himself up and abandoned the place he had taken shelter in, he found himself wandering. His frame broke apart into what it was in the beginning of times, a mess of energy and corruption balanced only by enough order to keep it contained. Unicron smiled and praised his creation through their bond with every passing moment as Optimus drew more and more upon his maker. In a matter of days, all remnants of the adaptation Optimus performed during the age of Primes faded away to reveal his true colors. A giant even amongst Cybertronian kind, he walked the surface of the earth, all its flora and fauna bowing to the one son of the being which spawned them. The Matrix screamed in concern, flaring wildly to try and reign Optimus back in, and it worked to a degree. Optimus's thoughts shifted, his ideals warping in response to the influx of his maker's power, but never did he become what his maker intended. Primus's touch was still powerful, but more subdued.
His attachments faded somewhat, ending up still present but distant in the ways of immortals gazing down upon their short lived comrades. He cared for his former team, he still loved his dear Autobots, but he knew what was best for them. The foolish children of Primus could not see their faults. The Decepticons were cruel, they were wild, and they were most certainly lost. However the Autobots were no better, their corruption ran deep, so deep in fact that only looking through the sight of one beyond mortality revealed it to him. Optimus had been so wrapped up in his war and maintaining morality that he hadn't seen the indoctrination, the functionalism, and the rampant biases that would most certainly lead to reinstitution of the council should the Autobots win. Changing their path was impossible now, but Optimus had no desire to kill those he held dear. He merely needed to play the side that needed his aid, just as he did with his false siblings during the first age.
They would hate him for it, but did they not hate him already?
With his frame having lost all its Cybertronian adaptations beyond the general form of one, Optimus was left with no ability to use internal commlink communication or any sort of technological advantage to contact Megatron. However Starscream quickly proved useful as soon as the seeker in exile was captured. Starscream shook like a leaf when he was wrenched out of the sky, and thus he complied swiftly when Optimus forced his shattered frame components to rattle in a mimicry of true speech.
Optimus: C̷o̴m̸m̸u̴n̴i̶c̸a̶t̷i̵o̷n̸ ̴m̷u̷s̷t̴ ̵b̷e̷ ̷a̸c̷h̵i̶e̴v̶e̵d̵.̷ ̶C̴o̴n̵t̷a̵c̶t̴ ̷M̸e̷g̶a̸t̴r̷o̸n̴ ̶o̵f̶ ̵K̵a̴o̶n̶.̶ ̶I̴ ̸m̴u̵s̸t̸ ̴s̵p̵e̸a̶k̵ ̶w̷i̴t̴h̴ ̶h̸i̷m̴.̴ ̶
Starscream, terrified for his life and unwilling to risk it: Of course my Lord.
Starscream was dutiful, and within the groon Optimus had communications established. It was of course an understatement to assume that Megatron was shocked. He witnessed Optimus's full might as Unicron woke, so seeing him in such a state once more put him on edge. However against all his expectations, Optimus did not threaten, he did not demand or speak in strange clinical whispers as he had last they met while the Prime was filled with the Unamaker's power. No, instead Optimus merely uttered his decree.
Optimus: M̴y̶ ̴m̵i̸n̶d̸ ̸w̴a̵s̵ ̷c̸l̴o̴u̵d̵e̶d̶ ̶b̵y̵ ̸m̵o̶r̷a̷l̴i̷t̸y̵ ̵t̶h̷a̵t̴ ̷I̷ ̷w̶a̴s̷ ̴n̸o̵t̸ ̵m̸e̷a̸n̶t̷ ̸t̶o̵ ̶c̶o̶m̶p̶r̴e̶h̴e̵n̷d̶.̷ ̴I̴ ̵d̷e̶v̸i̴a̴t̸e̴d̷ ̴f̵r̷o̶m̸ ̷m̸y̶ ̶p̵u̷r̴p̴o̷s̶e̶,̵ ̶a̵n̵d̵ ̴a̴l̵l̷ ̵o̷f̶ ̷P̸r̴i̸m̶u̸s̷'̴s̸ ̸c̷r̸e̴a̵t̵i̷o̶n̴s̸ ̸h̵a̵v̵e̵ ̵s̸u̴f̶f̶e̸r̵e̴d̷ ̵f̷o̷r̵ ̶i̵t̴.̴ ̵
Megatron: What do you want Prime?
Optimus: I̵ ̷w̵i̸s̷h̸ ̸t̸o̶ ̵m̴a̸k̶e̵ ̵t̷h̸i̸n̴g̸s̶ ̶r̸i̸g̷h̷t̴,̶ ̸t̷o̶ ̷e̷n̴d̵ ̵t̴h̶i̸s̶ ̸m̷e̵a̶n̴i̷n̵g̵l̸e̸s̸s̶ ̶s̵t̸a̷t̴i̸c̸ ̷c̵y̷c̶l̷e̶ ̶o̷f̷ ̷d̵e̸a̸t̸h̴ ̷a̸n̸d̷ ̶d̶e̷s̴t̵r̴u̷c̵t̸i̶o̶n̷.̸
Megatron: So you wish to slaughter me and my Decepticons with that newfound power of yours?
Optimus: N̸o̷,̴ ̷t̶h̴a̸t̴ ̶i̸s̸ ̵a̶ ̷w̵o̴r̶t̸h̷l̸e̷s̵s̵ ̶e̸n̸d̶e̸a̸v̴o̵r̸.̴ ̸T̶h̶e̴ ̵A̴u̴t̷o̴b̷o̴t̸s̴ ̴a̷r̷e̵ ̶g̷o̵o̸d̸,̵ ̴b̴u̷t̷ ̴t̷h̵e̷y̴ ̵a̸r̸e̶ ̸m̶i̷s̴g̶u̴i̶d̴e̸d̴ ̸s̶o̶ ̶g̵r̶e̶a̵t̵l̶y̵ ̵t̴h̶a̸t̷ ̶I̵ ̴c̴a̶n̵n̷o̴t̵ ̵f̶i̸x̸ ̶i̵t̷.̴ ̸T̶h̵e̷ ̷D̵e̴c̴e̷p̷t̷i̶c̷o̸n̴s̷ ̴a̷r̷e̸ ̵l̴o̴s̸t̶,̴ ̴b̸u̴t̵ ̵t̵h̷e̵y̶ ̵c̴a̵n̸ ̵b̷e̴ ̶f̶o̷u̵n̴d̶.̶
Megatron: Get to the point.
Optimus: I̶n̷ ̷e̶x̴c̸h̷a̵n̶g̶e̵ ̷f̴o̷r̵ ̶m̸y̷ ̴A̶u̸t̸o̸b̷o̷t̸s̸ ̵b̸e̴i̶n̴g̶ ̸a̷l̶l̸o̵w̸e̵d̶ ̶t̴o̴ ̷l̸i̵v̸e̵,̷ ̴I̷ ̶w̷i̷l̴l̶ ̸j̷o̵i̴n̵ ̸y̷o̵u̴ ̵a̸n̶d̵ ̷f̴i̵g̶h̷t̸ ̷f̴o̷r̵ ̸t̶h̷e̶ ̷f̵r̵e̸e̷d̴o̶m̵ ̷o̵f̵ ̶y̴o̶u̴r̸ ̶k̶i̴n̷.̷
There was a great silence from all present as the words were spoken. Starscream froze up, incapable of processing the Optimus Prime of all mecha was about to jump ship and swap sides. Soundwave very nearly lost his mind the moment the audio from the commlink was relayed to him. Every other present commander had to reboot their audial systems just to be sure they heard right. As for Megatron? He stopped, his optics wide as he listened and waited for the other shoe to drop. When Optimus said nothing else, he rebooted once and then nodded simply.
"I always knew you would make a fine Decepticon"
With no reason to doubt the Prime in his declaration and sensing Unicron's affirmation through the vague connection Megatron held to the chaos god, Optimus was soon allowed on board the nemesis. He was met with raised blades and increadible suspicion due to his prior behavior, however within a few weeks, that hostility all but vanished as Optimus proved his worth. The Decepticons were still wary of him, his field and nature as one of the Unmaker's creations ensured that. He was their opposite, a thing that was similar to them but not the same. Even still, the Vehicons laughed in joy when Optimus joined them on the battlefield as one of their own for the first time, much to the horror of the Autobots there to fight.
Bulkhead: Optimus? What are you doing?!
Optimus: I̶ ̵w̶a̵s̸ ̷l̶a̶x̶ ̷i̴n̷ ̸m̷y̵ ̷d̸u̷t̵i̸e̸s̴.̷ ̸B̵u̶t̷ ̶n̶o̵ ̷l̸o̴n̸g̵e̴r̵.̵ ̶I̷ ̶w̵i̵l̶l̵ ̴e̵n̷s̷u̸r̶e̶ ̷t̷h̶i̴s̶ ̶f̵o̷o̴l̷i̸s̸h̸ ̷w̸a̸r̶ ̶c̴o̵m̸e̸s̶ ̶t̶o̴ ̷a̵n̸ ̵e̴n̸d̶.̴
Arcee: Have you lost your mind!? What does that even mean!? What are you doing with the Decepticons?!
Optimus: D̷o̸ ̴n̷o̵t̸ ̶f̴e̸a̷r̴ ̸l̵i̵t̴t̵l̵e̸ ̵c̴h̴i̵l̵d̵r̷e̴n̷,̶ ̶y̴o̵u̷ ̸b̴e̷l̸o̷n̷g̴ ̵t̴o̸ ̶m̵e̴,̸ ̵a̸n̵d̴ ̷t̴h̶u̷s̷ ̴I̷ ̵w̵i̴l̸l̸ ̵m̶a̴k̶e̶ ̴s̴u̷r̵e̷ ̸t̴o̷ ̸k̵e̶e̶p̷ ̷y̴o̸u̷ ̴a̶l̴i̶v̶e̴ ̸a̸s̴ ̶I̴ ̵s̴e̶t̴ ̴t̵h̵i̵n̶g̶s̵ ̸r̴i̴g̸h̷t̶.̷ ̴
Unicron rejoiced as his son wrecked havoc on the battlefield. The children wept as they watched the recordings of the event. Bumblebee pulled away, blaming himself for his Sire's fall. Ratchet grew more and more guilt ridden, and the rest of the team were not much better off. They had failed and in their hubris they had driven their leader into a darkness they feared he would never emerge from. All the while the Decepticons grew more and more hopeful, all eager to see the war brought to a close even if none were comfortable around the Prime who now bore their emblem with controlled apathy.
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
4 + BoulWave + Rescue Prime
The sky lighted up with stars, viewable tonight because, again, the electricity went off, the people got accomplished to this, unfortunately and despite Megatron and Orion's efforts, the people down there, on the miner colonies suffered from the same and worse each day, no matter how much Heatwave wanted to change the situation of Cybertron's people, but he was a simple rescue bot, he couldn't do much, or better saying, he didn't knew what to do.
A hint of brilliant blue crossed the pit of his optics, meeting with the yellowish light of Heatwave's lamp, moving his optics, he met a brilliant flower in a pot that covered a familiar face, a face he was mad a few hours ago, the pot moved with a high-irritating voice "Hi" the 'flower' said "you seem sad, are you okay?"
"I want you out" Heatwave replied, moving his arms on the metal railing to get away
"You don't seem okay" the brilliant blue didn't moved "why don't you wanna talk?"
"Because I simply don't want to, mot with you"
"You can't be mad forever"
"Look at me" Heatwave growled, not meeting Boulder's eyes, or the flower, which made Boulder worried, it was his favorite flower!
"Come on! Talk to me! I promise I will not say a thing, or judge you, I'm all ears, you seem worried-"
"Boulder, I don't want to talk, just go out!" Heatwave shouted, waving his hand and almost hitting the flower
"But I'm not Boulder" they lied with high voice "I'm a flower" Boulder handled closer the flower, supporting the pot on the railing "I just want to help you" Boulder took the pot from behind with one servo, getting away from the railing, Heatwave didn't wanted to look at the green bot, but he had a knot on his throat he wanted to get out
"Why did you..." he stopped, realizing what Boulder really wanted "why Boulder didn't told me their tutor is a high-ranked militar?" Heatwave lowered his head and his voice "it's just... I don't get it, I can't understand why to keep it"
"You don't always choose your family" the flower told him "look at me, I was chosen but I didn't choose" Heatwave looked at the flower, remembering the day he recieved it, it was a gift of Censere when he became Prime, a remaining part of his tutor's spark, rest in piece, thing Heatwave never told Boulder. Heatwave sat on the floor and so did Boulder with the pot, lifting it to cover their face
"I don't know how to deal with the notice" Heatwave hugged his legs "maybe that's why they never told me, and I'm still asking and getting mad like an idiot"
"You're not"
"I am, I had to ask first, or at least I had to thought of it, it's not like you choose her, it's not like any of us had a choice" Heatwave rested his head on his arms, looking at everywhere except the flower, or the one behind it
"But that's what we are fixing, right?" The flower said, now closer to his face, Heatwave look at it, holding the pot and meeting Boulder's fingers under it
"I'm sorry" he said softly "really, really sorry. I should have asked"
"I forgive you" Boulder said quietly, now with their natural voice, getting closer to their partner "I'm glad it worked"
"What? The flower method?" Heatwave chuckled "only because this flower is special, I'm more glad it's getting vivid and more brilliant since you take care of it." Heatwave finally met Boulder's eyes "Thank you, for this and for everything"
"Always" Boulder gave him a cute smile.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 years
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an old, retired warrior
#transformers#art#optimus prime#au#optimus but what if he was old. angry at everyone and everything and lurked in the shadows#and if he also wore a cool (but dirty) cloth to hide his identity#what if ppl thought he died. so they mourn his passing in a ceremony. which he walked into to see whats up and then looks at his face in a#BIG HOLOGRAM and he's just standing there like “huh rip that guy i guess. never liked him” and left#not wanting to hear what megatron would say about him#(megs would be cybertron's leader !!!)#but megs would walk up and say to the public. genuinely teary eyed. how much his passing impacted him and how much he misses his old foe#and everyone would whisper old stories about optimus. remembering how nice he was and how skilled he was in the battlefield#why did he leave. you wonder. i dont know i made this up on the spot#maybe someone told him very mean (horrible) things about how his leadership style was going to doom cybertron or how he was surely going to#end up manipulating megatron and/or going to kill him and all the decepticons#maybe that someone was megatron and he said that stuff out of anger and didnt FULLY mean that#so he was like “ok then”. packed hastily and left without ppl knowing. so whoever entered his room after many days of “sulking” found it#all trashed and assumed the worst#and what does he do... save mechs from crimes like batman. but only when he's around and that's when he's low on energon and needs to get#more (not very frecuently). he's like a cryptid#other than that? build stuff idk. i like to imagine he's an engineer#he lives far. far away from society like the emo old man he is. perhaps near the sea of rust where he knows ppl wont get close#this wont make any sense i gave it like 5 minutes of thought. i just wanted to make an angry optimus design
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loxes-a · 1 year
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Think I might actually managed to get it finished for rotfb!
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It's secretly super interesting and fucked up how Optimus in the tfp au is functionally immortal
Ratchet clearly knows about this, but do the Decepticons know. Does Megatron know Optimus alwats comes back? We know there's a bunch of reasons why Megatron doesn't try to like actually kill Oppy, but in addition could this be one of them?
I can see him early in the war not expecting a shot/blow to kill Optimus, then panic like pits thinking "oh frag oh frag oh frag have I actually offlined him? Dear Primus no I didn't want this please wake up no no no—" then Optimus just onlines and gets right back up again. Now it'd be kinda funny if Megan's first feeling upon seeing that is relief, then logic kicks in and he's hit with this wave of shock. Like Holy Fuck his nemesis ex just came back to life and that's not supposed to happen.
I'm betting Megatron would call for a retreat, and the entire trip back and medical check over he's in this state of denial. He's probably making excuses like perhaps Optimus wasn't that badly injured and he missed something, maybe the entire thing is a recharge flux, ohhh Megatron would seek out information and confirm that yes Oppy is currently alive. That's gotta be a fucked up scenario.
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tftoy-pics · 1 year
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The new Transformers Rise of the Beasts trailer is 💯. Please give me more Arcee riding Rhinox into battle.
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heavenboy09 · 3 months
15 Years Ago Today, On June 24th, 2009
Paramount Pictures & DreamWorks Pictures Presents
In Association with Hasbro Company
Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks Pictures Presents
In Hasbro Company Production
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#TransformersRevengeOfTheFallen #Transformers #Autobots #Decepticons #TheFallen #MatrixOfLeadership #Hasbro
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halledammen1961blog · 4 months
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cosmics-beings · 6 months
if terminus and starscream ever became a thing i 100% think that somehow a decepticon 2.0 movement would come out of it. it would be a more peaceful one IMO, but also still very radical...
i think terminus would rule from the background, and just influence starscream from the shadows. if starscream was the leader of Cybertron, terminus would take that as a chance to push forward a more tolerant decepticon government, something starscream wouldn't adjust too after getting to know terminus.
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Can we talk about this Rescue Bots episode (Spellbound) because I need to appreciate how TERRIFYING it is??? Especially considering it's cannon in the Aligned Universe. This is some A+ horror.
Like damn, some of Griffin Rock's technology is more powerful than even the Decepticon's tech.
Can you IMAGINE if those creepy mind-control cell phones were used in TFP?
Legit mind control that effects humans AND Cybertronians?
And it's SO UNSETTLINGLY subtle, too. The victim's voices sound like their normal selves but just SLIGHTLY off. *shutter* The voice actors did such a good job.
Just IMAGINE that in Prime.
I feel like Optimus would probably be immune (because the Matrix of Leadership is goated) but can you imagine the Jasper Trio getting mind-controlled, and all their guardians + Ratchet know SOMETHING is off, but not what? Then, slowly, the mind control spreads to the Bots? Or vice versa, the Bots go first, and the humans are like: "Something's up with my guardian."
Kinda wild that Invasion of the Body Snatchers shit 100% exists in TFP's world. Felt like I needed to acknowledge that.
Is this gonna be my next TFP headcanons post? Feeling inspired.🤔
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artsy-imogen · 4 months
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✩ I’ve been watching more transformers content lately and felt inspired to draw up my oc I made a lil while ago !😄✨
✩ Meet Flare- a strong and cunning soldier for the autobots. despite his chill and laid back attitude, he takes his job very seriously and does his best to keep things moving smoothly at the autobot base. He greatly admires Optimus for his leadership skills and morals, but feels conflicted with himself that he isn’t able to act as hopeful to the decepticons as he’d wish, not since his brother sided with the enemy long ago. ✩ He can be pretty shut out from the world and his true feelings, making him bottle up his emotions to an unhealthy degree. Despite his turmoil he does try to find the best path in life, even if the odds are always running against him.
✩ Random facts: enjoys going for long rides, star gazing, being successful and drawing up plans. (will probs add to his design here and there ^^) hope ya like him !❤️✨
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kell-eramis · 4 months
Skybound Spoilers ahead//
Okay so my thoughts may be a bit disorganized because it is 4 AM but I was thinking and doing research on two small essays I’m writing comparing transformers characters to tragic characters of ancient greece (and rome) and I realized a blatant parallel in Skybound
So I’ve long believed that Starscream’s arc in Skybound is reflective of a cycle of power and hubris that parallels Megatron, however until now I only thought it was subtextual—however, in the FCBD spexial we see Megatron’s fate.
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He is shot by Starscream—who takes out his right optic— out of the ark and into space, thereby ascertaining Starscream’s position as leader during the first 7 issues of Transformers. This happens after Optimus cuts off his right arm.
During these 7 issues, we see Starscream twice again in a similar position, both within the comic panel and within his in-universe position.
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During this confrontation, Starscream, where she was previously on the left, is now on the right, where Megatron was, as she confronts Cliffjumper and Carly. Attempting to squish another human—Carly—he is knocked over the edge of the Ark to fall onto the ground. This is both the same metatextual and physical positions as Megatron was in, and we once again see this with her and Soundwave’s confrontation.
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Soundwave is now on the left, as the righteous usurper, while Starscream is on the right, grasping at the remnants of leadership and power, to no avail. Her right wing is blown off by Soundwave, once again paralleling Megatron, and his left optic is ripped off by Laserbeak. She is then thrown off the edge of the cliff, left to die just as Megatron had been.
HOWEVER: also in the annual we see that Megatron is not dead, and is vowing vengeance against Starscream (who had supposedly died already by the time this was published—yet alludes to a future confrontation).
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This leads me to conclude that my previous hypothesis, that Starscream is in fact not dead, is quite likely.
However, it is notable that where Megatron’s right optic was taken out initially, it is Starscream’s left optic that is taken out. I posit that this is meant to parallel a previous non-canon story set during the G1 continuity, Redemption Center.
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During Redemption Center, it is Starscream’s left optic that is damaged, and as a result of that plus subsequent injuries, she loses her memory and is found by the Autobots, where Optimus and her bond. At the end of the story, he is a changed mech, who realizes that perhaps by following Optimus’ example, not Megatron’s, she can lead the Decepticons properly. Since we’ve already seen Starscream emulating Megatron in the current Transformers, as well as these other parallels, I strongly believe we have not seen the end of Starscream, and we might be about to see Daniel Warren Johnson’s take on a redemption arc for Starscream.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 5 months
tf superhero show with orion pax who has The Matrix of Leadership, allowing her to transform into optimus Prime whenever he wants, doing a magical girl transformation and everything, to keep cybertron safe from the Evil decepticon hands
superman-like in the sense that nobody knows who orion pax is, nor where does Optimus prime come from, but she keeps appearing to fight the Very evil warlord megatron who swears to conquer cybertron once and for all
and also orion is a nerd bc obviously and he's all quiet and off-putting but she channels all of her Feelings that she doesn't let out as orion into bursts violence from Optimus against the Forces of evil or something. idk. therapist who
and obviously i'm first and foremost a MEGOP sucker so the two fall in Love and megatron eventually learns about orion and she's like "i can't believe you hid your real NERD identity from me. i thought u were cool but u suck 'el oh el' (LOL). but its ok bc ily". and she gets smacked and then they hold hands and the world is saved forever. the end
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