#debs au
sapphicneige · 15 days
You're a Slut, Bea... A Gay Slut - Chapter 1: demanding my mind be set free (from wanting the things i don’t need)
There is a secret test, hidden within the SAT. This test does not measure a student’s aptitude at reading, writing, and arithmetic. It measures a student’s innate ability to lie, cheat, fight, and kill. Those who score well are recruited into a secret paramilitary academy. Some call them seductresses. Some call them spies. Fools call them innocent. They call themselves N.U.N.S.
(Or, the Warrior Nun D.E.B.S. AU)
Words: 3,455 Main Relationships: AvaTrice Rating: M
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
The Red Herring Date
So, I put the D.E.B.S. AU I posted on here on AO3. Idk if anyone else wants it, but I love it so a little push got me to fold and do it haha. Enjoy! 🥰
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The Red Herring Date
| Pairing: HenRen | Rated: T | WC: 4.8K |
Summary: Henrietta "Hen" Wilson is the top of her class at the secretive D.E.B.S. Academy. She may or may not have a huge crush on mysterious supervillain Karen Mars. Karen Mars has been in a love funk for the past two years after being dumped hard. She's only agreeing to this date because her favorite henchman insists.
“Wow, Karen Mars, she’s…” Hen started, staring at. At Karen Mars. She and her other D.E.B.S. were up in the scaffolding of the restaurant Les Deux Amours. Stakeouts usually proved to be boring. But. But Hen found herself transfixed on Karen Mars. Karen. Who might have been the most gorgeous woman Hen had ever seen? With beautiful braids, with the best figure, with a wonderful black pantsuit on that looked fantastic on her. Karen. Who was currently on what looked to be a date with a certain freelance pilot. And. Hen couldn’t seem to look away from it. Well. Maybe that was good for the mission. They were supposed to be on a stakeout. “She’s what?” asked Chimney, because Hen never finished her sentence. “Real,” breathed Hen, “I – I never thought I’d see her in person.” And. Hen just kept staring at her.
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nicnacsnonsense · 2 years
Okay, so you’d think an OFMD D.E.B.S. AU Ed would be Lucy Diamond, and there’s definitely a version that works like that, but hear me out. Stede is Lucy Diamond and Lucius, with some help from Olu, is Scud, with the rest of the crew as memebers of his criminal organization.
Ed is Amy, the perfect prodigy poster child, Izzy is Max, Ivan is Dominique, and Fang is Janet. Then add on Calico Jack as Bobby, Spanish Jackie as Mr. Phipps, and I think Evelyn as Ms. Petrie, which doesn’t quite thematically fit, but the vibes are on point so we’ll go with it.
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kittynomore · 8 months
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dannie has acquired new babies
Teb au by @alicat54c
The eldest brother by @debb987
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debb987 · 8 months
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feral babies upon ye
Rad looks up when he hears a hissy screech coming from the ceiling. He doesn't have more than a second to process what's falling before something small and very angry falls.
Right at his face.
He closes his eyes on reflex, more startled than hurt by tiny claws and little sharp teeth. His scales are too thick for skin to be pierced.
He feels a pebble? A chirping pebble? Land somewhere in the space between neck and shell, right behind his head. Another tiny on a shoulder, even if it doesn't stay put for long, little clawed feet running from one shoulder to the next before it takes refuge along with the chirping pebble, right in the pocket shell.
A larger weight is on his shell, he hears the sound of a scratched shell as the creature tries to escale up his scutes to reach the others.
Churring to reassure the tots (because the sounds are definitely turtle) he slowly raises an arm to carefully pry the hissy one away from his face— PFFF THE EYES!
Raph chuckles and craddles the angry tot to his chest, hoping that being close to the sound will call him down. The larger tot has reached his neck now, a tiny arm reaching forward as if to ask for the hissy one to be handed over.
Rad lays down on the floor, letting the tots decide what they want to do as he continues to churr reassuringly.
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sunnysideprincess · 5 months
"-said he don't negotiate with terrorists." "Well, lets send the boy back in a casket. Maybe he'll care then."
The boy, eight years old and soon to be nine, scuttles fast from the door and hits the dusty, moldy mattress. He chokes his own hiccups under his palm and fights tears like his father always asks him to. He waits, impatiently, patiently-he cannot decide-for the door to open.
It doesn't.
The men pass by his prison and the boy breaks into dry, heaving sobs.
Stark men are made of iron, he whispers in between his broken gasps and then again just to make the phrase stick. He falls asleep still chanting it. But dreams of his mother's gentle fingers combing through his hair.
Bucky wakes up and slams down on the floor, his hind numb from the cold and hand still wrapped up in bandages.
"Go back to sleep," he tells little Stevie, who has gotten the worst case of sniffles. Bucky's maa says it would be a miracle if he lasts through his winter. But she was smiling when she said it, sorta hopeful and she does still believe in a god.
Bucky doesn't. He has seen enough on the streets to know God doesn't turn around in this corner.
Stevie grumbles but turns in the bed. The bed, because Bucky gets the springy rickety cot.
It hurts his back.
But little Stevie needs his rest more.
It isn't until he's shifting his sheet again that it hits him. The dream was not a dream at all.
It was his first vision.
A sneak peek into his soulmate's life.
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astaraels · 11 months
hit 5k words on the shameless soulmates au draft I'm so fucking pumped y'all
I promised a preview so here's the beginning, I hope you enjoy it
For as long as Ian could remember, there was a golden thread around his sister’s wrist. The same swirls were mirrored on her best friend, who also had a bold red pattern along her collarbone to match her boyfriend. Ian had seen all of those marks for years now, knew the story about how Fiona and Veronica just knew they’d be friends for life. How Vee and Kev weren’t legally married but they might as well be. They were perfect together.
He’d also seen the blue lines along Frank’s side when his father was passed out half-naked and drunk on the kitchen floor; vaguely recalled Monica flashing them all at breakfast one time to show off her own matching marks in the middle of a screaming match with her husband. Ian didn’t remember what they were fighting about—it never mattered, really, one argument turning into another into another—but something about how they were meant for each other, how Frank needed to leave that prissy bitch who can’t even handle a line of coke. Ian knew how bad both of his parents could be on their own, but how together they were even worse.
Soulmates could cut both ways. It was one of the earliest things he learned.
On Ian’s left ankle, he had an orange mark like a sunburst that matched Lip—his big brother, his best friend. Fiona used to tell them how when Ian was still a toddler, she showed Lip how to hold him. Lip in Fiona’s lap, Ian in Lip’s. Then Ian cried, and Lip knew he was hungry just like that—Fiona said that was when she saw their marks solidify, the color slowly spreading across like a sunset.
“I barely knew anything about soulmates back then,” she’d told them once over a shared bottle of beer, the three of them passing it back and forth as they sat on the couch. Some stupid reality dating show played on the TV, which was how they'd gotten onto the topic in the first place. “Frank and Monica ain’t exactly the picture of what you want outta romance, after all. But I heard some of the kids at school talk about it—brothers and sisters being your first soulmates.” She didn’t have a mark to match any of her kids, as she called them all, but it didn’t matter. Fiona was more like a mom to them than a big sister, anyway.
Ian could feel the faint trace of another mark wrapping around his left wrist, too. Another along his right thigh. Neither had filled in by the time he turned fifteen. Not that he minded—not that it mattered—because who gave a fuck about him besides his family? As long as he could remember, it’d been him and Lip against the world, helping Fiona with each successive younger sibling. Gallaghers took care of their own, after all. They weren’t the only ones to have matching marks, either; Debbie and Carl had them, too, splashes of dark green down the backs of their right legs. Liam of course was still too young for his marks to show up yet, but it wouldn’t be long now.
Fiona always said that romantic marks were bullshit, and Ian found himself agreeing with that more and more. Hell, the only people he knew that had made it work were Kev and Vee, and they seemed to be the exception to the rule. But part of him couldn’t help wondering who his other marks were a match for. He might be a jaded South Side hood rat, but fuck, didn’t everyone wonder now and again? A guy couldn’t help being curious about this sort of thing.
They always did say be careful what you wished for.
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pabustenyuku · 1 year
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luthordamnvers · 2 years
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Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green)
[Complete] Rating: M || Language: English || Chapters: 8/8 || Words: 80K || No Superpowers AU
Criminal Mastermind Lena Luthor has returned to the States, after almost a year since the last time she was spotted. DEO team Argo One has to discover why is she back, what is her next move and figure out a way to stop her before is too late.
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speakofthedebbie · 1 month
since @justawasteoftime1122 was so receptive to it you guys get a look at the collection description for my HazActors au below the cut. as a treat. [this for authors note] (also slight valentino apologist but its because hes only an asshole for the camera. still hate him) {also this is my first time sharing my writing be nice lol}
There were many rules at Helluva-Haz Studios [im working on it okay]. Most intended to keep employees safe, due to the nature of the shows. On the Hazbin side of things, there were 3 unspoken rules:
An actor is not [no underline lol] their character. (The amount of death threats Valentino the Actor got, especially after the first batch of episodes, was getting ridiculous. So was the fact they had to specify Valentino the Actor.)
Fact ≠ Fiction (Though Lilith and Lucifer did find it very funny to bicker like a divorced couple. The fact they were openly shipped and encouraged to get together? Not as much.)
If you see Angel and Cherri approaching you with a microphone and camera respectively, get ready to be saddled with answering Pride's burning questions about life outside the show. (Sinners were much too interested in what people did behind closed doors.)
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hatchet-handle · 3 months
Soooo how did Alice and Deb meet if Deb’s not a clan cat? (If they meet at all lol) and what’s Deb up to?
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ChiveClan borders a little cottage :)
in the TGWDLM timeline, Algaepaw and Deb plan to run away together to permanently live in HatchClan. Unfortunately, Stonesong’s Curse (The Apotheosis) takes hold just as they do…
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sapphicneige · 6 days
You're a Slut, Bea... A Gay Slut - Chapter 2: Something’s Goin’ Down
There is a secret test, hidden within the SAT. This test does not measure a student’s aptitude at reading, writing, and arithmetic. It measures a student’s innate ability to lie, cheat, fight, and kill. Those who score well are recruited into a secret paramilitary academy. Some call them seductresses. Some call them spies. Fools call them innocent. They call themselves N.U.N.S.
(Or, the Warrior Nun D.E.B.S. AU)
Words: 10,868 Main Relationships: AvaTrice Rating: M
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nabwastaken · 3 months
Since you said keep talking here’s a few other Time Bastard vampire Alice ideas to consider or reject. As a Dracula style vampire, Alice does not die in the sunlight, but is heavily weakened and made lethargic by it.
Alice was bitten in Hatchetfield and fell into a death like coma afterwards. Bill blamed himself even after she woke up in the morgue.
Alice still struggles with panic from her fear of heights when flying as a bat and tries to only fly for short bursts.
Originally she planned to live a normal life hiding her secret, but she decided to go hero after Deb was nearly injured in a villain attack.
She was mistaken for a villain her first night out and has Spider-Man issue of being called a MENACE!
Max is immune to her powers for some reason.
She often uses vampire shapeshifting to spy on people she knows in bat form in order to learn what they’re saying about her behind her back.
Bill blaming himself?? Alice becoming a hero for Deb????? Just perfect!
Also, I'm picturing Time Bastard/Ted realising immediately that that's Bill's kid and instantly growing overprotective of her like he does for Stopwatch and the Rollerama kids! and pete too when ted's not a hero hfbossdf
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possum-quesadilla · 27 days
For now, here is the plan for the next few chapters of LoopJuice and the start of DeadBug/CorpseJuice! (Subject to change due to inspiration, lack of time/energy etc)
- Chapter 8 of Time’s Arrow, “October passed me by just like any month”! It is fun and centers around Halloween and Beetlejuice’s birthday. (Also the aftermath of the last chapter…)
- Chapter 9 of Time’s Arrow, possibly titled “I am selfish, I am broken, I am cruel, I am all the things they might have said to you”
- Then, “You and I Will Always Be Back Then”, the standalone bad ending AU to LoopJuice!
- Then, perhaps, the first chapter of DeadBug/CorpseJuice, maybe titled “Your body may be gone, I'm gonna carry you in, In my head, in my heart, in my soul” !
- Then Chapter 10 of Time’s Arrow, which does not yet have a title! Oooo, it’s a POV pivot back to Lydia!
Then whatever order I feel inspired/energized enough to write them in after that, through to the end of Time’s Arrow!
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kittynomore · 2 years
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all together now
teb au by @alicat54c
the eldest brother by @debb987
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debb987 · 1 year
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Rise!Dee looked at the flower with surprise.
"For us? And you picked a nice one too! " He grinned and immediately grabbed it. "A Devil's Trumpet! I'll ask Mikey to put it in a vase, we don't want him accidentally using it for a new recipe, but the kitchen counter could certainly use some purple-"
"Actually, I think that's for us," 12!Donnie snatched the flower with a pointed look. "Since the story is still currently on our side of the multiverse, this offer is obviously meant for-"
"You wish this flower would be intended to your obviously inferior world-"
"It's got nothing to do with that! It's just logical."
"Don't even try to bullshit and claim it's logic, that's MY thing-"
"YES!" they both answered in unison, grinning and linking arms like the best buddies on Earth, as they both grabbed onto the stem of the flower.
Rad squinted suspiciously. "Uh-huh, I have an eye on you guys- oh, what a pretty flower! Is that for us?"
EF!Raph, who had watched the exchange while slowly stepping back simply nodded.
"Hey, thank you! It's so cute, I wonder what kind of flower is-"
"Devil's Trumpet." Both Donnie's answered in unison before exchanging sideway glares.
Rad hummed and took the flower from them-
And ate it.
"Thanks for the snack, other Raph!" Rad muttered obliviously while both Donnie's stared with growing horror. "And sorry about them, please ignore these bozos-"
"Raph that was poisonous."
"They mean no harm- what."
"Why would you eat it, oohhh why, oh no."
"Ok, so there's a 60-40 chance Draxum accounted for that scenario-"
"No wait, why would a flower be poisonous!?" Rad huffed. "They're so pretty!"
"The real question here is why would you eat it-?"
EF!Raph slowly escaped from the accidental soon-to-be-crime scene, because even if Rad resulted to be inmune, it was obvious the two purple turtles would end up fighting each other.
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