#death eater mention tw
infcinity · 1 year
hwevent15: murder mainia
george & albus severus ( @recklcssabandon )
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"think I'd rather take fighting death eaters over all of this shit," George was tired of this place already, he wanted to go home. home to his family. but it was convenient that he had family here in the city as well. would make things somewhat easier.
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mischiefmuses · 2 years
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Fleur Delacour / Harry Potter - Halloween Gala
reason for being at the gala?
thought it’d be fun | peer pressure | forcefully dragged | was entirely bored
Do they have a date?
no | no but not against leaving with one | yes (her beloved husband Bill)
where will they be mostly?
hiding in the gardens | becoming bffs with the bartender | dancing the night away | enjoying the night with her family
are they having a good time ?
definitely will | will try their best | doubtful | highly doubtful | most definitely not
Fleur loves a party like this. She loves all the colours. All the fashion and just the feeling of joy in the room. She also loves to dance. So she’s very excited to be at the event. Especially with her family. it is important that they have fun as a family even if Dominique doesn’t remember them. She will be keeping an eye out for any death eaters and trouble that may arise but will be focusing on fun with her family. 
like this to plot with her!
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bridge-demon · 1 year
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these idiots give me dopamine. // soul eater memes 4 / ?
soul eater memes 1. || se memes 2. || se memes 3.
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curator-on-ao3 · 1 year
If Star Trek can un-dead an unnamed yeoman from “The Cage,” I sure as hell expect to get Katrina Cornwell back.
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mintraspberryst · 2 years
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green-and-grey-kenaz · 5 months
In Noctem - A song for Regulus?
Carry my soul into the night May the stars light my way I glory in the sight As darkness takes the day Ferte in noctem animam meam Illustrent stellae viam meam Aspectu illo glorior Dum capit nox diem Cantate vitae canticum Sine dolore actae Dicite eis quos amabam (sing a song) Me nunquam obliturum (a song of life) Lived without regret Tell the ones, the ones I loved I never will forget Never will forget
This song, composed by Nicholas Hooper, appears in Half Blood Prince and plays in a deleted scene indicating the approaching Death Eaters (storm coming, Snape watching, Draco making his move). The time of this is roughly in line with Dumbledore and Harry visiting the cave.
Within the film, the links with Snape and Draco can provide ties with Regulus - a turn coat when someone they loved was threatened (Snape/Regulus) and Rowling has connected Draco and Regulus as similar characters (young death Eaters who got in a little too deep). By these characters being connected with the song, Regulus is pulled along with them.
A greater Regulus connection can be found in the imagery, which uses stars and night/dark. The night/dark makes a good connection with the Death Eaters (i.e., Snape and Draco, the two we see) but the star imagery ties very well with the Black family and their constellation/star names. Regulus fits very well within this, but so does Draco, son of Narcissa Malfoy, but nee Black, and likewise with a celestial name. Latin also gives me noble family vibes but again, this works equally well between Draco and Regulus.
But I shall not stop there. The first verse, to me, suggests death. Draco survives the series. Snape will die as a consequence of the upcoming actions (leading Voldemort to believe Snape is the holder of the Elder Wand) although that's a book (or two movies) away. Dumbledore is going to die, although so far has not had as strong associations. Regulus Black has the thematic Death Eater link, the night/dark and star imagery associations and can tie in with the visit to the cave, where Regulus canonically died. Not only this, he died achieving a victory (believing the Horcrux to be safely taken away for destruction), i.e., 'glorying in the sight'.
The final verse is interesting. Firstly, a life without regret? Snape and Draco can both present more regretful characters. The level of regret we have from Regulus is ambiguous. We know he changed his mind about Voldemort. We know less about the Death Eater ideology, which he may have continued to support. One could even hypothesis that he did not regret joining Voldemort, since it lead to his discovery of the Horcrux (and the letter is defiant rather than regretful, with an aim that Voldemort knows who brought him down). The life lived without regret may fit Regulus more. The song ends, with the singer beseeching the audience to tell the ones they loved that they never will forget. The singer is unable to do this (perhaps because they are already dead - see the past tense of 'loved'). I never will forget? The betrayal of Voldemort, perhaps? An undying loyalty to the family?
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bcrncoldx · 7 months
@mischiefxmuses (rabastan lestrange)
Of course he wouldn't even manage to be free from death eaters in this place. It couldn't even be said that Rabastan was a lesser evil... he had always been one of the most devout, one that needed careful watching. "Aren't you supposed to be in azkaban with the rest?" The only way to deal with him would be to go head on, rather than trying to avoid him. Severus knew that would only cause more problems down the road.
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empathiie · 9 months
@mischiefxmuses | Draco & Rabastan.
It had been some time since Draco last saw Rabastan -- and that had been when Rabastan announced that he would be proposing to Draco's mother. Admittedly, he wasn't too worried about it, knowing that the other would take treat Narcissa well. Still, he was trying to limit his personal involvement with the Death Eaters. "Rabastan," He nods at the other, "Have you proposed to my mum yet?"
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
closed starter for @dromeda-tonks (Andromeda x Rabastan)
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"You shouldn't be here Andromeda." Rabastan looked up from his desk in his office at the back of his pub when she walked in. He knew that Cissy didn't really care about Andromeda, especially after the other clearly had no loyalty to her family but he wouldn't kill Andromeda, not unless Cissy asked him to "I suggest you leave right now and do not come back into my establishment." Rabastan was a calm man, he always was. Like the eye in the middle of a hurricane, you never knew when the wall of chaos would hit and destroy everything in it's path. "There is nothing you can say that I care about or any pathetic attempt to threaten me that will even phase me." He was preoccupied anyway with other things, planning his future with Cissy, treading water until the Dark Lord showed here, Andromeda was but a blip on his radar.
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lcngliive · 11 months
hwevent16 - the maze
nicholas & rabastan ( @mischiefxmuses ) prompt 10 - characters are convinced the person in the maze with them knows the way out but refuse to tell
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"you-" nicky seethed at the sight of the other. he knew the lestrange family well - avid supporters of voldemort and he was sure that most were death eaters, and there was one in front of him. "tell me the way out or I'll kill you, I won't hesitate," there was something telling him to stop, but the anger fuelled him - it was strange. he just knew that the other knew the way out and wouldn't tell him.
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
hmmm sineater au for thanced :D
Send me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU | ✿
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He was fine. Even as he grew ill, it was fine.
That was what he had told them in life-- insisted, really. The guilt was eating at him from the inside out, but he was fine. There were bigger things to be worried about, after all.
No, he wasn't practically burning himself alive, the boiling presence of something more churning his guts each and every time he uttered the words: It's fine; I understand. There was more at stake than facing his own mortality, let alone all the ugliness that remained within.
As the days went by, it grew increasingly harder to turn the other cheek to the inner turmoils of the body and mind. There was the same repeating phrase that weighed at his shoulders more, and more, each time it crossed: I wish I had done more; I wish I could have done things differently. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Wishes didn't come true; Guilt ate at his heart, mind, and soul.
The transformation was sudden, but at the very least, his companions knew the signs of it when it was about to start.
Eyes were a flood of light, dripping like molten gold down his face in streams of tears to be forever branded on a marble-like visage. Three wings sprouted from his back as if bursting from a fleshy cocoon: Two on his left, and one on his right. A third eye grew from his forehead, impassive gaze blinding with light shining through it, whilst the two he already had glazed over in stone, forever doomed to shed those molten tears. Weapons were ripped from his very ribs, a mournful scream leaving his lips for one last time as bone shaped itself into a pair of deadly blades hovering at either side of him, his Gunblade morphing within his hold to be a third.
And as fast as it had happened... it had stopped. Gone was the broken man clinging to a past he couldn't go back and change, and there instead stood a mock statue of his memory, reflecting the ache and mourning once held inside.
Thancred: the Forgiven Guilt.
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infcinity · 2 years
hiddenwashington event14 - rhiannon & bellatrix ( @tragcdysewn​ )
“the only good thing about this stupid party is the alcohol,” she paused, bringing her glass up to her lips to take a drink. “but it’s a bonus to see all of these idiotic muggles making a fool of themselves,” 
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raktanag · 2 years
Nightmare Feast
OOC: Me hyperfixating on Spirit of Slumber Kalyan in the League AU and writing a drabble for it heeeeeeeee
"Oh you poor wandering ssssoul, do you sssek a peaceful moment to forget about anything that bothersss you?"
The Spirit of Slumber inhaled from the pipe, blowing a delicate floreal scented smoke above him.
"Hmmm? Oh, you're telling me your family in the mortal realm is being haunted by pesssky nightmares?" He shook his head "Oh no, that won't do. Come here and tell me everything..."
While the soul was talking, they couldn’t help but feel already tired, in a good way.
"Hm? Wasss that a yawn~?" Kalyan teased, patting the space next to him "Don't lie to me, little one, come and ressst while I take care of that nightmare" the soul obeyed, snuggling up in the soft cushions beside the Spirit of Slumber, who smiled warmly and kissed their forehead. "Sssweet dreams~" he cooed, before making himself comfortable and closing his eyes.
"Oh goodness" he said when he awoke in the middle of the nightmare the soul informed him about. This people were tormented by horrible visions of despair, legions of demonic warriors destroying everything and trampling everyone. They probably were survivors of war of some sort. Alas, nightmare demons were cunning and these were easy prey.
Kalyan pouted, slithering on top of a building to see who probably was the demon who created the terrifying vision, slaughtering villagers under the crying gaze of the people he haunted.
He licked his lips in anticipation and, just when the demon was about to strike a pleading woman, he lunged forward and wrapped himself around the shocked creature
"It's Kalyan, tidbit~ You've been a naughty little demon, haven’t you?"
"No, please! I'm just surviving!"
Kalyan looked at him right in the eyes with a grimace of disgust "You nightmare demons are never ssssated, you always want more and create new fears to torture innocent mortals"
He then grinned widely "But, you should know, i am quite insssatiable mysssself"
The group of haunted people witnessed a Spirit devouring a demon whole, he writhed and squirmed in delight. With the wicked entity's disappearance, the scenery of destruction and desolation faded in an idyllic one of a nice village with blossomed cherry trees, fresh breeze, and a peaceful atmosphere.
"Much better" Kalyan smiled gently at the amazed people, who bowed and thanked him. His iridescent white coils wrapped around them all for a hug and he leaned to kiss each of them on the forehead and playfully rubbed noses with a child, patting their head.
"Now, darlings, sssssleep, dream, rest. The nightmare is over"
He snapped his fingers and he woke up, he rubbed his belly in delight, satisfied by how rich the prey was. He then wrapped an arm around the sleeping soul and snuggled with them "I took care of that" he murmured in their ear. They stirred softly, but didn't wake.
"Oh you want to sleep sssome more? Don't blame you" he kissed them on the lips softly with a giggle
"There's still time before sssunrise, don't fret. Sleep, little one.
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solis-angelus · 6 months
Ah, Hinduism
—an unfortunately common experience of (often passionately) being in the fandom without reading the source material😔
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irresistiibles · 1 year
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain / random even starter for lily & voldemort
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"you....you can't be here." lily's eyes were wide and she immediately took several steps back at the sight of the man. her hand was immediately at her side, glad that her wand had been kept tucked tightly in her coat pocket where it was easy to reach ever since all these murders started happening. "so is this your fault then? getting muggles to kill each other to stir up fear would be your style."
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~"If you keep eating like that you're just going to immediately die again, you know that right? Please slow down kiddo." (Miche is concerned)
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"Erh...." He's caught like a prey animal in a trap with the hand still holding the pastry in front of his still open mouth unable---or moreover unwilling---to relinquish its own hold. If it were anyone else his mortification would stick around but Stryhas damn it all he was hungry. Dying and then being revived would do that to you. "I didn't eat that many of them. Only four." Four out of seven, to be precise, and Miche---old friend or not---wasn't going to stop him from eating the fifth that he currently held. But maybe he could chew a bit more.....maybe. She did have a point....
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"Fada...." Kariom glances sheepishly away from her as he holds the plate out with his free hand and bites into the pastry held in the other; making a notable effort to chew considering any INSTINCTUAL URGENCY---and that's what it'd been: the fear that he might not be able to eat at all---had subsided a bit. Everything is fine. Nothing is going anywhere so just slow down. "Are you taking one or not...?"
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