#deaf human
storyofelba · 2 years
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taro-pdf · 2 months
Humans are Deathworlders, but they can be Friends, too.
Context: the main alien is Feja, xe/xer, an adult 4th gender tuscia (bipedal beings that communicate mainly through frequencies higher than humans do. Theyhave 5 sexes and 5 main societal gender roles)
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Feja didn’t get along well with xer crewmates. It was always hard to communicate cross-species, and even harder when most of them were humans and couldn’t hear you. That’s why, when they stopped to pick up a group of even more humans in the Acrux solar system, Feja wasn’t exactly excited.
The humans’ voices were low, loud, rumbles in as they boarded, speaking of things Feja didn’t know about and couldn’t share. But xe had to do xer job, which involved initiating a small group of new humans who would share the same sort of tasks as xer. Not that xe wanted to share tasks with beings who drank poison for fun and kept predators as pets, but xer job was xer job.
“Hello, welcome to the Yenna,” xe paused, allowing a few seconds for the translator to work. It was always so awkward to wait. And sometimes older translators wouldn’t pick up xer voice correctly at all. “My name is Feja, xe/xer, tuscia, and I will be orienting you to your roles and responsibilities. You should have already received a brief. If you have any questions about that, please let me know.”
One of the humans’ mouths let out a few rumbles, followed by Feja’s translator repeating their words to xer, “Are their Uni-10 translators provided? I missed some of what you said.” 
Feja smiled and the human’s eyebrows scrunched. From previous experience, xe knew that it was confused, probably not used to tuscia body language. Feja let out a small hiss, but replied, “We don’t provide translators, but if communication is an issue, I can transfer you to a different group.” 
A pause, a low rumble, and then, “I think that’d be best. Thanks for being flexible!” 
The other humans in Feja’s group had better translators, and xe was able to finish xer initiation protocol with few issues. Slightly exhausted, xe started to walk back to xer room. Why did xe ever sign up for this? Why didn’t xe apply to somewhere where beings could actually converse with xer without a translator? And why, oh why did xe have to work with so many deathworlders?
Turning into a narrow corridor, Feja saw a human, looking at a number on their watch, then the signs next to each door, apparently trying to find a match. Their long white hair was plaited and reached their waist, and they were wearing a blue tunic that contrasted with their tan skin. It was too narrow to slip past, so Feja clacked xer mouth—a sound that xe knew humans could hear—but the human didn’t turn. Instead, they tried to open another door that also didn’t open, evidently not theirs . Feja clacked louder, to no response. As the human tried the next door, xe got rudely close and clacked once more. The human jumped, then turned and waved. Lucky not angrily— humans could take Feja down in a second. They looked down to their watch and started typing something.
Hey! I’m Kell, they/them, human, and new on board the Yenna, but not a traveler. The text was transmitted directly to Feja’s watch, and xe was surprised to see it was in universal language, not a human one that would have needed further translation. I’ve been hired as a tech assistant, so I should get my own room, but my initiation guide didn’t tell me where it was, and I’m having trouble with these numbers. Does the ship use a different language?
Not an uncommon problem for those first on board. Why didn’t their initiator tell them that?
“Most written text on the signs is in the captain’s birth tongue,” Feja explained. Kell tapped their glasses and captions scrolled across their screen as they looked at xer. “It’s Suav, and probably not in your translator’s database. You can add it, or you could use Anglu, which is close enough that it picks up most things.”
Kell nodded and switched their watch to Anglu, then translated a plaque on the wall. Seeing the results, they hit their forehead with their fist, thumb out. Feja startled, neck ruff raised.
“Are you alright?” Xe asked, cocking xer head. Even with how durable humans were, most of them didn’t hit themselves. Faja’s words scrolled across Kell’s glasses, then they laughed. 
I’m fine. That was sign language; I was calling myself stupid because I’m about 100 doors and a floor away. They looked up and chuckled.
“Sign language? Like the Ruq’?”
Yeah, though the Ruq’ never evolved ears. Mine just don’t work, I’m what humans call Deaf. I grew up with signs.
“So you sign to your fellow humans?”
Ha! Kell raised a lip—a sign of a negative emotion, though Faja wasn’t sure which one. I wish. I’ve only met a few who know any, and then usually not the same one I use. I text to talk to most beings. That’s why I’m in tech and not navigation.
“But you use the Universal Interplanetary Language, not Human, and that’s quite a feat of learning. Surely you had a choice in your occupation, especially considering how you’re a human…” Feja shifted on xer feet. The human-other ratio on board Yenna was unusually high, but that was because they specialized in human transport. Humans easily got jobs as medics, security, or anything else, especially as almost every intergalaxy ship had at least one. But most beings didn’t want to so much as be near the same fleet with so many of such a volatile species. Humans were known for their adaptability, cunning, and ferocity after all. 
When you can’t communicate with most people, you have to do what makes it easiest, and for me that was making sure to limit translation times as much as possible. 
Feja winced at xer own thoughts of Kell’s possible violent nature. Xe looked down at xer messages, a wall of one-way texts, and winced again. Xe typed back, that’s my reason for learning UPL, too. Receiving the text, Kell’s eyes widened. 
You stopped speaking? My translator can write your words out for me.
Feja smiled. It didn’t seem fair. We can keep a record of what I say, too.
 Thanks. Kell blinked and shook their head. That’s not something I even thought of.
I know what it’s like when it’s more work to communicate. The humans tend to avoid me. Faja recalled the human who requested a new group earlier that day.
Me too. Kell had a look on their face that Feja felt often. 
I’ll walk you to your room. I can read Suav numbers, at least. What’s yours?
Kell brightened and checked their brief. It should be 470. 
Alright, that’d be down this hallway. It’s a relief, Faja thought, that they aren’t pushing me away.
A few steps later, Faja’s watch buzzed. Xe looked down.
Hey Faja, how many languages do you know? Kell looked at them and Faja stared. Human’s colors were usually so dull, but xer eyes were drawn to the vibrant green of Kell’s, a color rarely seen in space. Shaking xer head to focus, xe counted the languages xe knew.
Three fluently, five partially. They’re fun to learn, though it doesn’t mean much when no one on board can hear me.
Kell thought for a second, started typing, paused, then sent their message. They peered at xer from behind their hair.
Language isn’t always about hearing. Have you thought about learning sign language?
It was Faja’s turn to pause. Kell fidgeted with a button on their watch. This human was making an effort to bond… with xer. Even though xe was a different species, and even though xe couldn’t offer any career advancement or connections. Xe closed xer eyes and inhaled. Maybe, just maybe, xe would make their first friend on board. It really wasn’t a question, then, was it? This deathworlder wasn’t so bad.
Xe typed xer reply: 
I’d love too.
Based on a post by @bunnyycat, this is the edited version post-a-good-nights-sleep. Image description in alt.
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
Oh, trans kids can’t play sports because it’s uNfAiR, ThEy hAvE AdVanTaGeS.
(This is untrue btw and treats women as delicate little fainting flowers who will never achieve anything against a man because they’re so weak)
When I was in high school I was 4’9”-4’10” and they made me play basketball. Sometimes people are better than you at sport.
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yennao · 1 year
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I was recently reminded of a manga I read when I was like 14. As I am now 22, I read it again. And y'all lemme tell you it still slaps. If y'all haven't read Gangsta., You absolutely should. (provided you are not too young, cuz oh boy is that shit rated M for a reason)
Edit, color:
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Akarat siblings.
Shout out to siblings who look nothing alike.
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alleyesonrafah · 5 months
He has 3 deaf siblings he has to evacuate and he’s almost there!
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dazedasian · 5 months
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allycat75 · 2 months
You know what Boston Dumb Fuck?
You should just keep her now that you have said her name and Dodger was properly exploited as part of this manipulation. Get that evil ring sized and don't hide it in your pants anymore. You don't want to look like the pervert the general public thinks you are since you "married" someone who looks like a teenager.
And keep ASP. Have more seminars where you fool the youth of America into believing your sincerity, all while you go home to the racist and antisemetic wifey. Hell the way you babbled on and on about how Dodger follows her around the house you have never shared together and how he can read her moods he has never sensed, you lie about as good as the Toxic Orange Cheeto. Should follow in your uncle's footsteps and run for office. That is, unless your family is ashamed of you and what you are presenting yourself to be.
And keep that team of yours. Maybe they can get you into this 5th iteration of Marvel's money grab. You would be great as Captain Hydra considering your other half is a Nazi. You may have to up that special weed you are taking because based on the script they gave you for that Access interview, you don't emote at all! I had to laugh when you said playing Johnny Storm again got you a little emotional. But I guess nothing is authentic about what Marvel is doing so why should your performance be (or anything about you, for that matter).
Have your handlers update your software so you don't run out of juice when you have to face press junkets and read upcoming critic reviews. Hopefully this will provide you that permanent shushing you have been attempting for years, monetarily sedated and spiritually lobotomized.
The only one I feel bad for in this is Jinx. Here they thought they were signing up with America's dog dad, when in fact it was more like Leni Riefenstahl, turning their innocent dog food into Nazi kibble. Sure some outlets may edit out the section in the middle of the Access interview with that lazy, arrogant clout chaser you are trying to help, but the damage is done. Is this your way of "giving back"?
I am sorry I believed there was some hope that you could salvage your soul and would ever tell the truth, that you would have the courage, patience and motivation to care for that last Truffala seed to build back the beauty. But I guess it is ok, you probably would have just destroy it again with more useless Thneeds.
PS- I know this is probably to remind people you are married so it will actually mean something whenever you announce your breakup, but too little, too late. You are a liar. You will always be a liar. Everything you do and say from here on out will be suspect. We'll always be looking for the angle- what do you expect to gain? Even legitimate truths will be dissected. I hope you are prepared for that weight and effort for the rest of your life.
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bonefall · 1 year
the clans use salt for healing and cooking if i remember correctly. im only saying this because would someone ever name their kid "saltkit"
Yes! Saltkit is a valid prefix in BB, but only after moving to the Lake.
Before then, they make a sort-of-salt out of burning dandelion root. They consider this material a kind of soot, fine ashes produced by burning something. The rough translation of this spice is "soot-salty-taste."
Salty (taste) = Byyle (Comes from blood-taste)
Soot (ashes produced by finely burning something) = Keybo (Used alone in artsy contexts, usually describes bistre, a pigment made from soot and water.)
Plant Salt (of coltsfoot or dandelion) = Keybyy
To specify if it comes from Dandelion or Coltsfoot, you'd say Keybyy Raerra or Keybyy Hakprru. There aren't two dedicated words for the difference; these are both considered "types of dandelions" by Clan cats.
Dandelion = Awpo Any flowering ground plant with fluffy yellow petals.
This is why they didn't previously have a word for salt itself! They would only ever encounter raw salt as an animal lick, which they'd call Byylebon. Salty-useful-rock. Because it was associated with humans, they wouldn't steal them or interact with them much.
Rraash is a Townmew loanword, a word they adopted for raw, powdered salt during their time trading with BloodClan. At the Lake, they now collect raw sea salt during "Salt Patrols," which are beach trips where a big collection of apprentices are brought to the ocean to learn how to collect and process salt.
So, depending on how the parents would like to name their child, those translations could be;
Byylemew = Saltykit The taste of salt. Could refer to the flavor of blood, the taste of the ocean, or the spice made from burned dandelion roots. Has a very food-y connotation, probably named by gourmands.
Keybyymew = Saltkit, Spicekit, Seasoningkit, Rubkit This is a very ThunderClan sort of name. They traditionally used a lot of keybyy in their recipes, as it's very important for a good marinade and making ham. Though, it wouldn't be too surprising to see it used in WindClan too.
Rraashmew = Saltkit, Brinekit Raw salt. Made from boiling ocean water during large expeditions to the sea called a "Salt Patrol." Used as a medicine AND as a spice, important in controlling parasite infestations, fighting infection, and preserving food. Could just be referring to an off-white colored pelt, food, or even strength in battle for its association with treating wounds.
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the-lady-maddy · 5 months
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glimblshanks · 7 months
The thing about TNG is that the space aliens and moral quandaries are always like, the least insane part of the episode
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taro-pdf · 2 months
Humans are Space Oddities: Humanity, Diplomacy, and Disability in Space
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“Has the translator arrived yet?” 
“Yes Ser, she’s sanitizing her clothing and then will go straight to the docking bay.”
“Good, make sure she’s on time. Ser Hei is here in three hours, and we can’t have anything going wrong.” The captain paced up and down the command room of the Yenna. The space fae, Hei, was coming for a diplomatic discussion about setting up a trade route through xir solar system. If this talk didn’t go well, their ship may very well not make it back. 
Three hours later, exactly on time, the dock bay doors opened with a hiss, and a short humanoid figure with brown skin and wild, weightless locs walked through. So this was Hei. Xir reputation preceded xir, and there was not another being so powerful within 1,000 light years. The captain hurriedly stepped forward, only to fall back as xi bared xir teeth towards them, then spoke in a foreign language.
“Uh,” they looked confusedly at the translator. Though translators would work in Hei’s tongue, xi preferred to hear xir own language, and who were they to deny xir?
“I don’t take kindly to your advances. I brought my beings, and will not have you within two meters of them,” she supplied. Behind Hei, a tall being ducked under the door, glowing faintly—a light alien. Holding to xir robe entered a female human with loose brown hair, wearing human attire: a T-shirt and shorts.
“Greetings Mg. Captain,” said the light alien. Then to Hei, “what a nice ship this is.” Hei smiled warmly, then dropped xir expression as xi turned toward the captain again.
“Guang and Fern will be exploring your ship as we talk.”
“Of course, Ser Hei, they will not be bothered. Now, shall we move to the conference room?”
While Hei went to discuss politics, the tall being and human went sightseeing. Guang reached out a hand to brush dust off the top of a parked ship. It preferred to keep things tidy, but few were tall enough to see the dust that it could. When it looked down, Fern was gone.
Kell was a human technician aboard the Yenna, a spacecraft specialized in human recreational transport. They knew most of the crew on board, and this one wasn’t one of them. She was obviously distressed, pacing up and down the narrow corridor and wringing her hands. 
Kell opened their watch to link their translator to the hers, but no connection appeared. Looking again, she wasn’t wearing any watch. Since Kell was deaf, they only signed. While they could read and write UIPL, it wouldn’t help if the human had nothing to read it on. But the person needed help now, so Kell decided to try ASL.
Hello, I’m K-E-L-L, Kell, they signed slowly. You, they pointed at her, OK? They connected their pointer and thumb in the universal non-ASLsymbol. Or the french chef hand sign among some groups of humans.
She was not facing them head on, but she apparently caught what they said. She started to hit her hands together, one in a thumbs up and one flat in a repeating: Help! 
Ok! Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Kell reached out to calm her frantic signing, but she flinched away.
As they drew back, vibrations distracted them; something large was approaching. They braced themselves and turned toward the corner, from which a dim light was gradually growing. The being that appeared was talking. Its words scrolled across Kell’s glasses in a live transcription.
“Fern, thank goodness!” The tension left Guang’s body as it saw her, but she didn’t stop signing help. “It will be ok. This will pass and we will rest and go back home.” 
Turning to Kell, it asked, “do you have a room where the lights can be a dim purple? With a speaker for music? I’m her guardian, Guang, it/its, light alien.”
Thankfully, this alien had a watch.
Kell, they/them, human. I don’t speak, so I’ll text. I can take you somewhere, Kell texted back.
“Alright, one moment.” Guang turned to the human, speaking to her in a low voice but never touching her. Then to Kell it said, “let’s go slowly.”
Kell led the tall alien, and it in turn led the human, who held onto its robe. Once safely in the room, Guang adjusted the lighting and thanked Kell for their assistance. It asked for their contact code, which Kell gave. Though they hoped that it was not going to report them for making the human cry. It didn’t seem the type, but Kell hadn’t seen its species before, so couldn’t read its body language. Guang thanked them for their help once more and closed the door.
The captain sank into their chair. The talk went fine—no one died, thank god—but afterwards… they lost about ten years of their lifespan in stress.
It started with Hei suddenly standing in the middle of a sentence, eyes looking through the left wall, hands clenched. The gravity in the room doubled with the weight of xir emotion.
“Ser Hei, what may I do for you?” the captain gasped out, glancing between Hei and the wall.
“I’ll be leaving in two hours. Prepare my ship.” Hei swept out of the room, not waiting for an answer.
“Of course, Ser,” they inhaled deeply, able to breath again. They ordered the preparations be made and hurried to the control room to see where Hei had gone and what needed to be done in order to avoid damages. 
To their surprise, camera footage showed Hei sitting in a dimly lit room, mouth moving in quiet song. Besides xir sat xir partner, the light alien, and in between them, rocking back and forth, their human. After two hours, her rocking slowed and the trio stood. Hei cloaked them in darkness as they walked back towards the docking bay.
The captain and interpreter were there when Hei arrived. Briefly stepping out of the shadows, Hei addressed them.
“Your request is not granted. We will be keeping our solar system quiet. Travel may pass within five light years of my sun, but any closer and you shall not be seeing that ship again.” 
The captain flinched at the electricity that crackled in the air. What was it that bothered Hei so? What happened with the human? Why was Hei sparing them if they did something wrong? They didn’t risk asking, and the fae, light alien, and human left without another word.
Working on a panel of wires, Kell clicked their tongue to the rhythm of their music’s vibrations. It was rare to come across another disabled human in space, and even rarer that that human had real support. How lucky Fern was, and how excited Kell was for the invitation that Guang had promised to send to them. A human who they could connect with, and a chance to visit the planet of a space fae? Few could say they’ve had the honor.
For your information:
Mg. is short for Mage, and is a gender neutral title for Mister or Miss. Idea courtesy of @apolloendymion (link). Ser is a gender neutral title for Sir or Miss.
As for language, unless otherwise specialized, communication is in the Universal Interplanetary Language (UIPL), the language of trade and international politics. 
Hei uses it/its (UIPL) and xi/xir (birth tounge) pronouns. It prefers it's birth tounge and beings often default to what it wants, which is why the captain uses xi/xir pronouns even when speaking UIPL.
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
Actor is definitely the correct term and I love that for me.
(When I say I’ll play a woman, only if I’m allowed to present masculinely or she’s in drag. Or a nun. Weirdly enough, I’m totally cool with the concept of playing a nun. Viola, Rosalind, Polly Perks… prefer playing men or nonbinary folks though)
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redvelvetwishtree · 6 months
I feel sick reading the testimonies from Al Shifa about Israeli soldiers [email protected] and [email protected] a pregnant woman and forcing her family to watch I really pray it's fake but this is the norm for Israel so...I wish I hadn't read it..
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gemsbian · 8 months
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I wanted to draw Amelia's cat design, too. obviously she's a white cat, since they are much more likely to be deaf. She does still take on after her brother, even if her markings aren't as obvious!
(siblings fic here if you're interested, it's not cats tho)
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I’d imagine that due to the nature of being touch-telepaths, that Vulcans consider it incredibly rude to touch someone when you want their attention
So how do you think they’d get others’ attention? Personally, because I can’t really remember any Vulcans really raising their voice, I think they step in front of the person they want to talk to and it startles the fuck out of Humans every single time because of how quiet they are
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