#dde finale
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asktotallyhuman · 2 months ago
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Using the last of their strength, they teleport straight to the surface. Relief flooding them just at the sight of those walls, they make their staggered trek back home to blessed safety.
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Luckily, just as they collapse, they're spotted from the walls by the night patrol. The commander quickly jumps into action, sending for help while he goes and checks on the unconscious Nyzak.
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And just in time, too. Just as the commander reaches the exhausted ender, they collapse to the ground. Eyes fighting to stay open until the world fades to black...
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struungout · 9 months ago
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Here’s a look at the pile of hands I bought from DDE from what they had in stock.
Unfortunately, absolutely none of the natural skin hands fit my pale babes due to them being on old bodies that Fairyland doesn’t produce anymore. I’ve known for years that the old bodies were pretty decently thicker (and taller) than what FL has been producing these days, but that thought completely slipped my mind when I was making my purchase. Dx
I actually can force the new hands onto Keigo and Hiei, but the fit is more snug than I feel comfortable without modifying the pieces. Naoko absolutely needs the new pieces to be modified though since she is from 2008 (whereas both boys are more recent with any shrinkages older Fairyland sculpts have gone through over the years).
On the bright side, Lilith finally has hands that fit pretty much perfectly. Too bad DDE didn’t have more tan hands available in stock. Hope FL rereleases the new parts in the future. Px
Wish I’d realized this would probably be an issue before buying because I’d have probably opted for more hands for Farai or gotten some of the old hand pieces for Keigo instead.
Anyway, planning to carve into all the pieces, but it’ll probably have to wait until it’s warmer outside so I can do that shit out on the porch.
Also, in case you didn’t know about the size differences between the MNF bodies, here’s an old comparison photo I made a few years ago.
Left to right: Celine on Moe line, Modded Shushu on 2008 A-line with model legs, Marcia on 2008 A-line with cutie legs, Rheia on renewal A-line with cutie legs.
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dragonsdelightstudio · 2 months ago
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I couldn’t take it. The Lazuli sculpt has some seriously thick eyewells. I did not like the way it gave his eyes a sunken look. So I broke out the dremel.
His eyes look better and I can see them now. He does still need smaller iris, but I am content with this for now. He looks more and more like Kit every day.
Aaaand.. My DDE Resinsoul order finally shipped. Rynn will have her jointed hands and Acacia will have a body! All my Kitsunes will be complete. But I do still have one extra pair of ears left… 😁
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eponadolls · 6 months ago
BJD Plans and Rambles
Thanks to the fantastic aestellica on DoA, I can now say for sure that the Doll Family H Yao Tiao body will look great for my Souldoll Aehael! After the blunder with my miracle doll body and my souldoll vito yola hybrid that I attempted previously which was... a hybrid of horrific proportions, I didn't really have the energy to try to buy another body and go in completely blind on if the hybrid has any hope. :'D
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Photo belongs to aestellica, but judging by the Souldoll Kuu head, this will be amazing hybrid.
Considering the current "hybrid minifee moe body" Fairyland event, I will be putting a moe minifee on layaway with DDE. I originally wanted a moe with a cutie bust for my Logandoll Pim anyways (...but couldn't find anyone selling just the bust, boo!), so I will be left with an "extra" moe body soon...
Which considering I will have that extra body... this seems like an excellent opportunity to finally get the xagadoll mizzle that I meant to get in... ehhh, 2017? 2018? She was one of the first dolls I considered buying, I remember first finding her on Mint on Card's website, back when they still were around.
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I think she would be really cute on a moe body! It's too bad Xagadoll doesn't sell heads separately, though. I think the v3 body would work well for some of my floating heads though (...I need to figure out my plans for my souldoll vito kate, after all), so that's always something worth considering. If my harucasting big geuru sells soon, I should be able to afford paying for the mizzle and yao tiao body nearly in full.
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I still need to decide what body I'd like to get for my Logandolls Peregrine, though. Originally I'd have liked to get a Dream Valley B4-19 body, but considering getting it in light tan will run me $375, I... think I'm good, even if it would be my first pick. I wish I knew why light tan is a $110 upcharge for this body. Even the other msd bodies is $80 extra which, while IMO quite steep of an extra charge, is still $30 less.
I think once I square away the moe body, mizzle, and the yao tiao body, I will probably focus on my vinyl dolls again for awhile - I really need to get my Dollfie Dream Karin some proper clothes! It seems it'll be unlikely for me to source an outfit like the Volks Lady Wizard set for her anytime soon though, so I might just buy her one of the Volks "Folklore" sets.
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turtlejen · 1 year ago
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mail day !
i finally got one of the little blind box bjds :D her quality is great ! one of her wing magnets needs glued back in though. but that should be a quick job later. she feels like a vinyl with a good weight, similar to my gurren lagann hello goodsmile figures. speaking of good smile; she'd look good next to nendoroid dolls i think.
also, i fell victim to dde's garage sale and was able to get Paisley/Agnes her heel feet :D now she can wear the boots i bought for her originally. the match is a little off, but it's not too bad. i thought i'd never find her her heel feet very easily since little monica closed...
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blairdraft · 5 months ago
le cygne ensanglanté
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( j'avais super envie dde publier la version en français donc la voici, elle au moins elle n'est pas traduite grace à chat gpt ...)
Une goutte de sang coula, elle rejoignit sa paire. Elle s'était perdue quelque part, accompagnée de celles qui étaient parties plus tôt. Au final, elle sera bien plus heureuse séparée de la veine dont elle était prisonnière. Elle formait une flaque miroitante, un fluide qui, d'apparence, change continuellement de forme. En tout cas, c'est ce que j'ai toujours pensé. La goutte pataugera quelques heures, elle finira tout de même par sécher pour l'éternité et au-delà. Je le sais, elle se figera, belle de ses éclats passés et de son repos éternel. Elle cassera ses aiguilles. Son mouvement sera pour toujours libre.
Un ruban rouge s'était tracé pendant que je préparais la salle de bain. L'eau coulait et m'attendait. Je rebroussai chemin jusqu'à ma chambre, les lumières tamisées ne suffisaient pas, je ne voyais plus la lumière. Mon regard retomba au sol et suivit la ligne ensanglantée jusqu'à tomber nez à nez avec ses paupières, endormi et paisible, éteint mais plus vivant que jamais. Les coins de mes lèvres s'élevèrent dans un tremblement, cette rencontre, je ne voulais plus avoir à y faire face. Je déposai sur le trou perforé dans son torse une lettre, écrite à l'encre de ma passion. Le bout de papier prit instantanément la marque de ce qui me liait désormais à Elijah, un long soupir sortit d'entre mes lèvres scellées, un sentiment partagé d'une once de plénitude mélangé aux traces grandissantes d'extase me fit rejoindre le sol. Mon cœur battait la chamade, je sentis mes fils nerveux se faire tirer de tous les côtés. Elijah tira d'un coup sec sur les nerfs de mon cœur. Comment un corps si froid pouvait-il me faire bouger, manger, vivre. Je sentais que son œil m'observait, il déchirait ma peau, l'effleurait de ses baisers. Il suçait le surplus d'encre dégoulinant sur mon épaule. Il maîtrisait le mouvement, satiné et déracinant à la fois. À peine avais-je croisé son chemin qu'il osait faire affluer une avalanche d'histoires, pleines de mots coulants. Elijah demeurait à cet instant-là l'incarnation du volcan qui m'avait engloutie pour me relâcher, carbonisée sous le poids de ses mots lourds. Mon corps brûlait de la même fougue qui le faisait exister. Ma main s'enfonça dans la poche de sa veste et prit son téléphone. J'essuyai mes mains sur ma robe et pressai l'écran d'appel d'urgence.
"Allô, police de New York, j'écoute."
"Allô monsieur, mon ami a été tué chez lui, venez vite."
"Comment s'appelle-t-il ?"
"Elijah Exly, je suis à Washington Street."
"Avez-vous vu quelque chose de suspect, Madame, un comportement ou..."
Je ne le laissai pas terminer sa question.
"Une femme est sortie de son appartement avant que je vienne, elle avait les cheveux longs d'un blond frigorifiant et une peau plus miroitante qu'un miroir. Je vous avouerai, monsieur, que tenter de poser son regard sur elle demandait un courage inatteignable, mais si vous tenez, j'espérerai bien que vous meniez une enquête. Je vous en supplie, je veux savoir ce qui lui est arrivé. D'après ce que je savais d'Elijah, cette femme lui était proche. Dans mes souvenirs, il la surnommait Belle, je pense que c'était Annabelle. Ils s'étaient rencontrés dans une boutique de vêtements il y a quelques mois et depuis, ils étaient devenus inséparables, tels des âmes sœurs."
"Très bien, Madame, êtes-vous sûre que tout va bien ? Nous envoyons nos équipes, mettez-vous à l'abri et, si cela ne vous dérange pas, nous aimerions en savoir quelques choses basiques sur vous. Comment vous appelez-vous ?"
Je poussai un cri, explosant le téléphone sur le mur adjacent. Je dessinais sur la toile de mes cheveux le visage de l'espoir, les pinceaux récoltant sur le sol la peinture, mon chef-d'œuvre était sous son plus beau jour, je pouvais m'en délecter. Je donnais toute entière pour cette vision. J'étalai le liquide sur mes joues. Mes doigts atteignirent le corps d'Elijah, glissèrent sur le coton l'habillant avant d'atteindre le lignage de ses intestins, remontant le long de son estomac, attrapant l'ombre sans vie sur sa poitrine. Je me laissai distraire et posai mon oreille, recherchant le moindre battement de cœur.
Les sirènes de police, je les entends, ils sont trois, ils arrivent.
Le cadavre laissait transparaître la vérité et la destinée qui nous attendaient. J'en avais presque oublié que les policiers arrivaient. New York représentait tout ce que j'avais toujours souhaité, l'amour d'une vie libre où, pour toujours, je pourrais prendre entre mes propres mains les directions d'une vie vers le ciel, poursuivie par le désir de me voir monter. J'avais sans doute, quelque part dans mon inconscient, créé l'image d'une force me poussant vers le haut, une chaleur dont aujourd'hui j'avais réussi à m'emparer. Je n'avais jamais imaginé que j'atteindrais ce but si facilement, que le chemin vers la lumière pouvait se faire si rapidement, ça en devenait trop facile, je devais le rejoindre.
L'amour d'une vie,
L'amour de sa vie,
L'amour de notre vie,
L'adoration de ma vie.
J'embrassai la chair grise entre ses joues creusées, passant une dernière fois ma main dans ses cheveux ensanglantés.
"Elijah, je m'en vais, je reviens dans quelques minutes, peu importe où tu es, j'ai bon espoir que tu m'attendras. Je ramène avec moi les bijoux que tu avais demandés, ne t'en fais pas, les promesses sont un papillon que je garde au chaud dans ma forteresse, tu es le seul à pouvoir t'en saisir. J'arrive, Elijah, et je t'aime."
La sirène se faisait de plus en plus forte, ils ont été rejoints par deux autres voitures, non, ce sont des camions de pompiers.
Mon bras s'étendit jusqu'au tas de ferraille près de mes jambes. Je laissai derrière moi les souvenirs d'une vie asséchée par des espoirs inutiles. Le bain était prêt, sur le point de déborder. Le moment était venu, je traînai mes jambes et le fil de ma robe jusque dans la salle de bain, le carrelage était chaud. C'était si bon. Je retirai mes chaussettes, la sensation brûlante parcourut toutes mes cellules. La baignoire remplie à ras bord, je mis les pieds d'une traite, la souffrance était plus supportable ainsi. Avant que je puisse pousser un cri, j'entendis la porte se faire fracasser, le miroir de l'entrée éparpillant loin les bouts de glace sur le chemin rouge. J'ouvris mes yeux vers la glace de la pièce, mordis la peau de ma joue et, dans un dernier cri silencieux de son nom,
je tirai sur la gâchette de notre futur.
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corvid-language-library · 10 months ago
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
16. Basic Verbs 2
Welcome back! Today we have 10 (well, 12) more basic verbs for you, as well as a how-to on the past tense
å lese (v2) - to read
å skrive (v) - to write
å si (v) - to say
å snakke (v1) - to speak
å sove (v) - to sleep
å se (v) - to see
å spille (v2) - to play
å jobbe (v1), å arbeide (v2) - to work
å kjøpe (v2), å handle (v1) - to buy*
å selge (v) - to sell
*Å kjøpe is the most general way to say 'to buy'. Å handle is mostly used to talk about grocery shopping (å handle mat = to buy groceries)
Grammar: 4 Verb Groups
There's a fair bit of grammar here, so take your time with it. You don't have to memorise it all today; just be aware of it so that when you're immersing/studying otherwise, you can spot these different forms and make mental notes.
You may have noticed I added some things in brackets to our vocabulary list this time. What's v1/v2, you ask? Well, it indicated the verb group.
There are 4 groups of weak verbs in Norwegian (there are exceptions and sometimes they belong to multiple groups):
Group 1: verbs with more than one consonant before the final e (å snakke, å elske)
Group 2: verbs with 1 consonant before the final e (å like, å kjøpe), 2 Ls (å spille) or nk/ng (å tenke)
Group 3: verbs that end -ve, -ge or -eie (å leve, å lage*, å leie)
Group 4: verbs that end in a stressed vowel (å bo)
*Å lage is also, for whatever reason, a group 1 verb. I told you there are exceptions. Don't panic; I promise you pick it up through immersion and you'll get to a point where you'll know a verb's group based on vibes alone.
Why are verb groups important? Because they tell you how to form the past tense.
Group 1 verbs: you have two options! Either add -t (more common, more conservative) or change the final -e to an -a (more radical)
å snakke -> snakket/snakka
å jobbe -> jobbet/jobba
å elske -> elsket/elska (love)
Group 2 verbs: the final -e becomes -te:
å like -> likte
å kjøpe -> kjøpte
å lese -> leste
å spille -> spilte (note: the double L becomes a single L)
å tenke -> tenkte (think)
Group 3 verbs: the final -e becomes -de:
å leve -> levde (live)
å eie -> eide (own)
å leie -> leide (rented)
Group 4 verbs: add -dde
å bo -> bodde
å tro -> trodde (believe)
å snu -> snudde (turn round/back)
There are also strong verbs. These are irregular and you just have to learn them. Here are some from this series so far:
å være -> var
å ta -> tok
å gjøre -> gjorde
å dra -> dro
å komme -> kom
å gå -> gikk
å få -> fikk
å gi -> ga/gav
å drikke -> drakk
å skrive -> skrev
å si -> sa
å sove -> sov
å se -> så
å selge -> solgte
There's a third form of the verb too, but we'll leave it there for today.
Like I say, don't worry about memorising this. Reference this post when you want to write things. Whenever you're reading things or listening to something, see if you can spot the different verb endings even if you don't know the verb or understand much of what's being said.
If in doubt, you can check how to conjugating a verb by looking it up on ordbøkene.no and clicking "vis bøyning".
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loopy777 · 2 years ago
So another Aang parentage question. Do you think it would have been better to write Bumi's resentment of Tenzin as a result of Bumi desperately trying to fit in with his father's culture when he was younger, only to feel like he never truly could due to being a nonbender(And eventually going his own way), and having a lowkey simmering, underlying dislike for for his younger brother for managing to fit in with his father, for no other reason(As Bumi saw it) than winning the genetic lottery?
It seems that way it would have been way easier for the writers to play up any ambiguity on the part of Bumi's different recollection than Tenzin's. The big problem with the current one(one of them anyway) is that the way it's portrayed it's so different that it seems one of them had to be completely wrong, and Aang seems to be a fundamentally bad dad, dde to Tenzin and Bumi recollection things fundamentally differently, rather than just the details/the way they interpreted things.
As you yourself pointed out, by simple temperament, it really does seem like if any of his kids would be Aang's natural favorite, it would be Bumi, not Tenzin, so why not play up with that? Like Bumi used to be the closest to his dad, and despite not being a bender, he followed his culture... Only for his youngest baby brother to be born, and as youngest children often get, Tenzin got way more attention than the teenage son, but more importantly for Bumi, Tenzin was an Airbender, and so was able to truly live his father's culture in a way Bumi(rightfully or not)felt he never could, and Bumi always had a complex about that.
Then have Bumi and Tenzin's arc be about Bumi reconciling with Tenzin, and bury the hatchet, finally overcome their issues... Only to himself become an Airbender as a result of season 2, and reveling in the ability to control the winds... Only to come to the realization that this hasn't fundamentally changed who he was, and that all those years envying Tenzin and Aang's relationship(Instead of embracing on the great relationship he himself had with his dad while he was still alive) was a stupid waste of time.
I dont know, it seems like this would fix most of the issues with the way the show handled Aang's kids and their relationship with him, while also exploring the realities of mixing family dynamics, intercultural unions, and superpowered genetics. Not to mention while there is a conclusion, it's not necessarily a happy one, instead being a melancholic reminiscing and acceptance about past mistakes.
Yeah, I love the sound of that. It removes Aang from the dynamic and recenters it on Bumi and Tenzin. And even though it pretty much puts the onus on Bumi, I think it improves him as a character and makes him more relatable. I like Bumi, in general, but he really suffered from being pushed primarily as a comic relief character, and I think giving him a real chip on his shoulder -- a kind of need to prove himself in some way, or a perception that the world is expecting him to prove himself -- would have helped center him in a relatable way. It would even play well with his tendency to tell his old war stories, turning it into a solid need for attention and validation.
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inkforhumanhands · 1 year ago
ao3 wrapped game: 19 28 29 30
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Okay technically I have been trying to explore them for at least 2 years but the fic is fucking fighting me (and it's not even going to be that long 😭)! Anyway, next year ideally I'd like to finally get out my Matthias & Maxime prequel fic.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
I didn't end up publishing much in terms of fic this year unfortunately, but somehow this is still a tie for me adsfsdf I really like Guesswork (The OC: Seth/Ryan) for its characterization, but I'm also lowkey in love with Hearsay chapter 1 (DD comics: Matt/Foggy)! The latter is something I wrote an initial draft of on tumblr literally three years ago (insanity), but I finally managed to fix it up into something readable and I'm excited to write the rest eventually!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Gonna drop a few sections because I love looking back at stuff particularly for the writing lol From Hearsay: But that was the thing with hindsight: as much as it feigned to be able to, it could never send you back.
From Guesswork: “Seth, don’t bring up things you don’t know shit about,” he said, then stood up and walked outside to the pool house, leaving Seth both to regret his lack of delicacy and to wonder whether he’d hit the nail on the head or had merely nicked some of the softer wood right by it.
Also from Guesswork: Seth should have known. It was true he didn't know a lot about trauma, only that every once in a while one of the Newpsies would disappear on "a little vacation" for a month or two and come back looking as brittle as only a reinforced eggshell could. But Ryan had had the same look, even if Seth didn’t understand what had put it there.
From Tethered: When Foggy was next seized by his soulmate’s tenuous grip on life, the fact of it nearly got lost in the tumult and the chaos.
From Cornflower Blue: [Wesley]'d built his career on knowing these rules. Where they could be skirted, made to dip and bend around his will and that of the man he’d pledged his life to—as well as which ones were to remain inviolate.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I guess probably writing something for Fisk/Wesley was a surprise asdfdf I don't usually stray from my OTP ships when writing fic, but thanks to the DDE prompt fest I got a little out-of-the-box inspiration!
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certaintendencies · 1 year ago
Hi hello! It's your DDE gifter speaking :) very excited to finally start work on your prompts! Are there any specific ships or characters you'd prefer to see?
I'm all about my main man Foggy. Love Matt/Foggy, also love Foggy/Brett, also down for Foggy/anyone who's desperately in love with him and may some day deserve his love.
Thank you so much for doing this ❤️
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amazing-spiderling · 2 years ago
1, 13, and 17 for the fic rec ask meme!
👍🏽 A fic you bookmarked recently
"I wanted you, to love me like you used to do" by Cannebady - a MattFoggy post S3 one shot that was exceptionally effective at punching me right in the solar plexus and hurting me in the right way before putting it all back together.
💌 A fic that inspired you to create something for it
This is pretty old, but a few years ago I did this set of portraits based on "Patron Saint" by isaDanCurtisproduction. It's your not-so-standard Spideypool not-actually-a-sex-worker AU that is incredibly satisfying and I am feeling the urge to reread it now...
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
Alright, maybe I'm a liiiiittle bit biased, but I remember finally settling in to read "A Murder of Crows, a Seduction of Foes" by my buddy inkforhuman hands (it was my DDE gift!!!) and mannnn- you ever have one of those fics where you are trying to read it and absorb it into your bloodstream as quickly a possible but ALSO trying to slow down and savor each line? It was one of those. An Earth-65 mattfoggy fic tailored to my specific interests and penchant for hot cocoa? Yes, please! :D
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struungout · 2 years ago
one of my friendos on insta gave me a heads up that dde had the fairyland pegasus parts in stock on their site the other day, so guess who finally bought keigo his wiiiinnnnggggsss?
they should be arriving later this week (but lmao we’ll see, usps in town has been fucking weird with deliveries lately).
gotta ask around about best method of coloring them from white to red and if there’s anyone i can commission for it bahaha.
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titconao3 · 2 years ago
WIP tag game
Gasp! i was tagged by @perverse-idyll (<<< check out their works !), one of those "i wish i could write like that" writers in the Snarry fandom!
wip tag game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
So, full disclosure, most of my WIPs have titles like fratt 4 maybe or Brodinsons caploki or the name of the event it's for, like, DDE, etc. Another caveat: some of these are pretty old, and while i'd like to finish them one day, there is an above zero number of works that i reread one day with the intention of working on them, and went "OMG it SUX." Sometimes, the mood / ideas etc were actually used in another fic. Final note: i'm not going to list or mention those that are going to be first published anonymously for events, or those that are just a few sentences jotted down. Several in both cases!
i don't think anyone who knows me or my fics will be surprised with 1's title ;-)
1 depressed snarry lol they're all depressed 2 snarry3 3 snarrymaybe 4 lokibangmaybe (i wrote something else for that event, but there's still this old snippet i would like to come back to) 5 DD marvel bang (i told you about the titles, right?) (here again, i wrote something else for the event) 6 DD wick Xover2 7 marci 8 DD 22 2 9 DD FW (initially for an old @frattweek) 10 DD through your eyes 2 11 DD teen clone matt 12 DD daredevil 1
To my great surprise, i even found two Lucifer WIPs! (they're not mentioned above)
Idk if events count, but i've got a prompt fest starting over at @daredevilexchange (pinned post!), and i've started pondering a new event in another fandom, but it's all still in shhh! stage...
tagging: you, yes you! if you want to join :-)
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renegado9 · 1 year ago
Em outra vida quero ser feliz ao lado dela pois nessa tudo não bastou de dor e sofrimento, quero ser tudo de bom para ela e ela para mim, e se não for possivel quero ser ele, so para ser feliz ao lado dela, olhando esse texto é estranho aalguem como mu meio cetico escrevendo sobre outras vidas, reencarnaçoes e etc... eu não sou espirita, e lembro dde quando assisti "A viagem" só para ver o quão bizarro e engraçado era o Alexandre, mas quando se gosta de alguem, voce se apoia em tudo, você acredita em tudo que possa fazervoce ficar junto dela, seja em fios vermelhos entrelaçados, Outras vidas, etc... enfim em outra vida um amor como esse tem de ser correspondido, tem de ter um final feliz.
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allbrickscount · 1 year ago
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Nifeliz NF10210
Arrival Video: https://www.youtube.com/live/SuxA4qen4Oc?feature=share&t=1586
More Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vhp8uXNWrFpitf3t6
This set was provided to me free of charge for the purpose of review. Any views expressed are mine and mine alone. Watch the live streams and the final review video to see what I think about this set. It's clearly based on Ken Blocks 1965/67 Mustang “Hoonicorn” all-wheel-drive 1965 Ford Mustang with a set of massive Garrett twin turbochargers.
This set is available from Amazon US and Canada..
Here's the Amazon Canada store link: https://www.amazon.ca/nifeliz?maas=maas_adg_D59B452C158FCE99827D6014CB8DBFD4_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
Here's the Amazon Canada HOONIKEN link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0C5DB9NNV?maas=maas_adg_29D0AB3C1C0DD7AEBC83434E13F8CC29_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
Here's the Amazon USA store link: https://www.amazon.com/nifeliz?maas=maas_adg_DE45529C11B51ED682A7F490F4257F50_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
Amazon US: Nifeliz HOONIKEN Model Car Set, Colletible Building Toy for Adults, for Car Lovers and Muscle Car Fans (3141 Pieces) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C5DB9NNV?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dp_RCPK1WYPW125SQF5DVNV
If you don't know who Ken Bock was : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Block
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unsolved-blonde · 1 year ago
Me gustaria ya no vivir aca, me gustaria estar en ese lugar donde me encuentro con amigos y amigas todos los dias. Donde la atmosfera es estetica, donde nuestros problemas son del primer mundo, donde tatuajes sin sentido y extraordinarios recorren nuestros cuerpos. Tener amigas poetas, musicos, gentiles, aberrantemente enamorados de la vida. Donde lo mundano es nuevo y lo viejo es celebrado y reinventado. Donde la gente baile hasta el amanecer y se duerma con los primeros cantos de los pajaros, para descansar y volver a vivir la vida y cada dia celebrando la existencia. Es acaso mucho pedir? Rodearme de gente como yo? Gente sensible, descarada, feliz, graciosa, aventurera. Hoy en dia ronda la idea de que todo lo que pedis afuera primero te lo tenes que dar vos. Bueno yo soy poeta, pintora, sensible, con hambre de conocimiento de besos de amanecer. Pero que nadie se entere. Que nadie se entere lo especial que soy. Me muevo entre las sombras y dejo todo al misterio de la imaginacion. El problema es que no mucha gente tiene buena imaginacion. Casi nadie.
El azar m puso delante dde una pelicula de amor y misterio. Me dejo la conclusion que yo seria una espia excelente. Saben lo bien que me sale osbervar a la gente sin que se den cuenta? No, no lo saben, sino no lo haria tan bien. Hay una exquisitez oculta en el hecho de ser testigo de los movimientos de alguien sin haber sido invitada. Se despierta en mi interior una fraccion de instinto cazador que la evolucion dejo en algun rincon escondito de mi ADN y que comparto a mi parecer, con los grandes felinos.
Quizas es una forma mas de justificar mi soledad o mi rechazo a la cercania, mis paredes contra la intimidad, mi imposibilidad de suavizarme ante lo ajeno. Al mismo tiempo, hace tanto que no soy tocada que temo que cuando alguien me acomode el pelo tras la oreja y me pase los dedos por mi mejilla, explotare de amor y sere devota de ese sentimiento hasta el final de mis dias.
Asi que si, se podria decir que mi sed de ternura se agiganta mienras afilo mis uñas y mis ojos para que cualquier movimiento repentino de vulnerabilidadd sea interceptado y cazado.
No confio en aquellos que me empujaron a mi cueva adolorida. No niego mi sed de venganza. No deslumbro a mis traidores con mi precencia, ni sonrio ante sus ojos. Mi poder esta en mis manos y no gastare ni un segundo mas en su pena, a dios libero todo tipo de condena, yo me limito a tomar por una vez por todas lo que es mio.
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