#dc future state
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shyjusticewarrior · 10 days ago
This is my roman empire
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I ain't even read Future State because Jason being on the outs with the batfamily will make me too sad.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday to the world's wettest raccoon of a man
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What a fucking mess. I love him.
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renta-bat · 2 months ago
Future State: Gotham #2
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This a real rough one for Jason it seems
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I kinda love this crow bar, scythe, flail thing that he has though
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viaov · 2 years ago
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Serge Acuna, Harley Quinn
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comicchannel · 1 month ago
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DC Multiverse DC Future State Superman Worlds of War - McFarlane Toys
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/40JVuv8
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firequeensrules · 2 years ago
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Future state Batman/Jason todd au
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stripewing · 1 year ago
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Future State sketch by Giannis
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rick-rayson · 2 years ago
Okay so weirdly specific, but could you do imagines for Yara Flor x Reader where reader is a villain who’s not evil, they’re just a Megamind type villain: a harmless theater kid who’s a good person. Also they’re a magic-themed villain and the Circe to Yara’s Diana
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A/N: I put this into the same formatting as my Jonathan Crane post because the normal storytelling format just wasn't doing it for me (Don't ask how that works it just does) Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait ORZ THIS IS KINDA LAME- BUT ALSO YARA IS DEF THE PERSON TO HATE THE MEGAMIND TYPES LOWKEY-
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"Reader is a villain who’s not evil, they’re just a Megamind type villain: a harmless theater kid who’s a good person. Also they’re a magic-themed villain and the Circe to Yara’s Diana."
➯ Despite her many clashes with society, humanity and spectacles alike, Yara is a virtuous and giving woman who prides herself in her ability to stick up for others who cannot do it for themselves. She protects the people of São Paulo and speaks where they cannot be heard, to her core that is who Yara is. A protector. A warrior.
➯ It was an uneventful day, Yara took to helping civilians with the common thief and the occasional crook, picking up debris three times her height and mass as if it was akin to lifting a lone pebble. So, not very eventful for Yara but most definitely perplexing for the average citizen. It was, all things considered, calming.
➯ That was until Yara's ears pick up the sound of familiar and loud music that hurts her ears to even listen to. And with a groan of annoyance, she stands tall, already knowing what is to come.. or more like who.
➯ "Greetings, people of São Paulo! Your greatest nightmare has arrived!" You gloat, arms raised as you conjure up what Yara can comprehend to be coloured illusions of animals and fireworks. Usually, such a sight would enlighten Yara, it reminds her of the carnivals she's attended. But right now she's over this ploy of yours.
➯ You and Yara have been doing this game for far too long. (A month) A millennium, truly. You come in with an elaborate display and an evil plan that she easily thwarts with the flick of her wrist and the painful end of her golden Bolas. you somehow disappear and she's annoyed all over again.
➯ "We're doing this again? Have you no hobbies?" She grimaces at you, in the action of whirling a Bola. ➯ "This is the hobby, actually, so-"
➯ She throws a Bola at you, forcing you to construct a forcefield. "You know you are very volatile."
➯ "And you are very annoying." She mutters before she's leaping towards you, her fist barely missing your jaw.
➯ "It's been a while since I've been villain-ing so you could-" A poor construct of a pig takes the damning punch that was meant for you. It shatters like glass. "-make this less of a bad experience for me-"
➯ "I aim to make it worse." Yara smiles before sending a hearty punch to your nose.
➯ "And you're-" you wince as you hold your nose that was now sputtering with blood, "supposed to be the good guy-" Yara ties you up using her lasso.
➯ "Speak now or I throw you off this building, why do you do this?" She grits her teeth yet all you can think about is the small gap between you two.
➯ You make an attempt to shrug, "show....biz?"
➯ There's a pause, a beat, Yara's angered expression has now gone blank at the sound of your answer. And the silence is so long that not even the nosy civilians who've arrived are confident in breaking it. "Theatrics? You use your powers for theatrics?"
➯ "Mostly, yeah."
By the police arrive Yara leaves your legs tied together, the officers are quick to expect some manner of resistance but upon arriving at the site, all they see is you writing on the floor with a Sharpie. An officer slowly treads to make sense of what you're writing: "I am dramatic and I love Wonder Woman."
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legomocfodder · 1 year ago
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Black History Month 2024
Jace Fox a.k.a Batman
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filthy-vigilante · 2 years ago
Future State Dark Detective #4 part 2
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This is the follow up to the backup in issue 2, featuring Red Hood as a mask hunter for the magistrate. Along with his partner, Ravager. 
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This backup, along with being the highlight of Future State, is building up to a greater story. On that I'm super excited about. The mystery and conspiracy and this is teasing is so intriguing to me. I can wait to find out more in a follow up series.
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I love Jason and Rose's relationship in this story. It's cute and it fits them well. It's a bit undefined and little messy seeming but they truly seem to care and love each other. It's so heartwarming yet saucy to me.
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I was a bit worried at the beginning since I didn't know how Rose was going to react to Jason's bounty. I'm glad she kept having his back. 
All in all, I love this story, and the art style. I really hope we get to see more of this artist, and I can't wait to see the rest of this story. 
part 1
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artifactland69 · 10 months ago
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catching up with reading comics over the last week and a half... Kinda good, kinda bad (scratch that REAL BAD)
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steph-the-4th-robin · 2 years ago
Bat Family Fight
Round 1, Fight 9
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lesser-mook · 2 years ago
Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2 (Wonder woman vs The Anti-Life Equation? Wtf) *spoilers
Not feeling the hamfisted Nubia shit at the end of the comic but-
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Wish WW put up more of a fight against Darkseid, nerfed like a mf. In terms of feats punches from her on Darkseid would level that island. 
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ESPECIALLY seeing how she basically started a big bang later, SOMEHOW.
And that by itself has to be my biggest issue with the whole thing. That deus ex machina big bang.
And i genuinely don't know where the hell that came from.
I don't have an issue with Wonder woman pulling it off, but the context or foreshadowing of her being capable of that doesn't exist:
Not even in this story, maybe i need to read it again.
Superman cauterizing reality with heat vision is stupid, but it's not too off the cuff. Starting a UNIVERSE with no set up, when you clearly could've used that ability earlier? Yeah, that's a bit much, some My Hero Academia levels of Asspull.
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And going by the look on Diana's face (below) she was confused too, so what even was that? You know how much power/energy it takes to resuscitate/populate a Universe with celestial bodies?
So where was all that when Darkseid was fucking shit up?
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Also why is Darkseid & Superman's death linked to an exploding Sun, they've tanked far worse, they'd be fighting long after that sun poofed.
Trapping them in the source wall (if it's still there) would've been a better end or Superman fighting & forcing him and himself into the Anti-Life Equation.
Their deaths make no sense, especially Darkseid, he'd arguably outlast Supes after the sun died.
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#1's monologue boxes were very eloquent  but much too talkative,
not boring so much as indulgent. 
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ie. I GET IT, times are tough, move on.
Fun read, the casual panels are beautiful, action panels aren't as good, basic. Diana herself is gorgeous, i think this iteration might be better drawn than Benes, who loves to showcase ass cheeks lol. This WW is just very fair in the face, very elegant femininity, and i do like that hint of gray in her hair.
Definitely one of my favorite Diana’s visually, reminds me of JLU’s Wonder Woman.
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And that first kick Diana got on Darkseid was pretty well drawn, the rest could've used more emphasis of movement, and choreography.
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And while i have an issue with that piece of dialogue regarding Diana basically being all Highschool crush on Superman, wondering if his last thoughts were about her? 
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I don't have an issue with her loving him, it's canon that she has the hott's for Clark since Action Comics #761,818, etc. possibly predating that, those are just the examples i remember vividly
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It’s just those choice of words, just sounds off for Diana.
Maybe that’s just her being blunt in a moment of vulnerability, idk.
But her verbally alluding to her loving him "I loved him all the more for it", not out of character. Because again, it's canon that she does gravitate to his good nature being the anti-thesis to what most Amazons stereotype men to be.
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He's the exception and the apex. Why wouldn't their Amazon princess be attracted to a genuinely good man, especially in the End times
The execution could've been better by giving this maybe 2 more issues to flesh out some things like Supes & WW current dynamic, the deaths of the other core League members, setting up her being able to start a Universe. Just clean up the rough points.
Honestly all those pages spent shoving Nubia down my throat COULD’VE been a whole comic spent exploring those fine details i mentioned lol.
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Just wish that sudden power up could've had some clearer subtext, it's DC & she's a "Goddess", though of WAR, not creation, but it doesn't break immersion too much .
Best interpretation i got is in the void or absence of hope, she embodied Hope and physically manifested it in desperation or some shit. She was the only source of magic left in the Universe so it wouldn't be too big a stretch to just make shit happen and being a goddess could unleash some power she didn't know existed.
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I GUESS this is what happens to a god when there's nothing left of creation, she creates. No one left to believe in her, she believes in herself and starts anew, a universe, albeit unintentionally.
And she had Lanterns ring on her, the last Lantern ring in existence so maybe that played a part too. Who knows.
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In isolation, if that was the point, then that's actually a really sad, yet beautiful concept. Though it’s kind of lame that the Anti-Life Equation was defeated that easily, of all the heroes to pull it off, glad it was Wonder Woman to get this W. 
Otherwise, not a bad read. Swamp Things death is the biggest tragedy in the book so far, rip.
It’s only 2 issues, i recommend it.
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renta-bat · 2 months ago
Future State: Gotham #1
The “you don’t belong with us” Dick throws at him before this panel is so brutal
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viaov · 2 years ago
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Peach Momoko, Wonder Woman(s)
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comicchannel · 10 months ago
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DC Multiverse DC Future State Superman Jonathan Kent - McFarlane Toys
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/4ban1sw
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