can we alredy join for next year?
or is it too early?
I will be putting out a google form to apply for next year in a few weeks/months, since you have asked specifically, I can @ you in the post if you like.
EDIT: Let me know in the notes if you would also like to be tagged in the post!!
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Hey, gang!
I need you to fill out this feedback form for the reunion!
Tysm <3
- Moth
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Hey, gang!
I need you to fill out this feedback form for the reunion!
Tysm <3
- Moth
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Hey, gang!
I need you to fill out this feedback form for the reunion!
Tysm <3
- Moth
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Hey, gang!
I need you to fill out this feedback form for the reunion!
Tysm <3
- Moth
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Hi turtle fans, do you like tmnt events? Comps? Zines? Well, good news! I gathered them all in a spreadsheet!! If I get anything wrong, please tell me, btw :3 (or if you know any other blogs - just please avoid anything that has tc*st in it)
Please reblog to help!! :D
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What you've argueably been waiting for and/or dreading for the last three-odd-months... OUR PODIUM!
The podium has points over the course of the ENTIRE event! It may be slightly off, but NEVER YOU MIND!
In third place, with roughly 188 points is CABIN TWO!
In second place, with roughly 220 points, is CABIN FIFTEEN!
And in FIRST PLACE, with about a whopping 237 points is…
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Total aggregate points, courtesy of @allyheart707:
Cabin One: 151
Cabin Two: 188 <- Third Place
Cabin Three: 151
Cabin Four: 161
Cabin Five: 116
Cabin Six: 94
Cabin Seven: 171
Cabin Eight: 110
Cabin Nine: 108
Cabin Ten: 144
Cabin Eleven: 171
Cabin Twelve: 119
Cabin Thirteen: 110
Cabin Fourteen: 237 <- Winner
Cabin Fifteen: 220 <- Second place
Cabin Sixteen: 90
(art by me!)
More updates + next year stuff are to come!
- Moth
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Greetings, campers!
As we all know, we have reached the end of the farewell event, and, by extension, the end of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fandom Family Reunion of 2024! (And I, uh. Forgot to post to Tumblr. MOVING ON)
As per usual, before we announce points and winners, we once again have some smaller winners to acknowledge first! Honorable mention to our beloved Counselor Three of Cabins 1 and 2, for his AMAZING work on the animations throughout camp, as well as for being our story guy and my right-hand man. YOU ROCK, DUDE!
"Lunch and a Handshake" goes to Cabin 10's @itzzaira for remaining a consistent contributer throughout the three-month-long run of this event, as well as Cabin 7's @hitwiththetmnt, who made over 100 art pieces for this event! May a good and hearty rest by upon you both!
And, last but definitely not least, the winner for the farewell event, is… — drumroll please —
TMNT comp audience, never change.
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Points, from @allyheart707 ^^
Cabin One: 11
Cabin Two: 4
Cabin Three: 10
Cabin Four: 17
Cabin Five: 13
Cabin Six: 5
Cabin Seven: 18
Cabin Eight: 14
Cabin Nine: 8
Cabin Ten: 23
Cabin Eleven: 13
Cabin Twelve: 10
Cabin Thirteen: 4
Cabin Fourteen: 23
Cabin Fifteen: 19
Cabin Sixteen: 5
We have but ONE MORE announcement in terms of the actual events and a few more general ones!!
(Art by yours truly!)
- Moth
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i know i didn’t participate all that much in this event (sorry for all the unanswered asks, fellow participants), but it was still really fun and it’s a shame that it’s ending
this was a really fun experience and i’ve enjoyed the time i spent with you guys :] i’ve loved having people to talk about tmnt with, and share some of my dumb ocs and self-indulgent headcanons
sorry about randomly abandoning the discord, too… i have a habit of doing that (whoops)
but yeah uhm. i’m glad i brought up the courage to sign up for this because it was a fun experience, even though i didn’t really do much as a lot of you other guys did.
also big shout out to the mods and all the people that made this happen!! you guys rule!!
thanks for the fun time,
me <3
(i’ve sent this anonymously because Anxiety but you can probably guess who this is)
I... admittedly let this sit in the inbox for two and a half weeks because I treasure this ask.
Thank you so much for participating in any capacity, it means the world and a half to me and the mods <3
I actually do not know who you are, there's a lot of you, I'm so sorry, but you are very sweet and awesome, whoever you are!!
- Moth
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ReCon Mikey from Cabin 6 walks up and judges your character(s) for their crimes! What will you do?
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He is free of sin.
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Space tour Leon and Kumo from cabin 8 would like to take a selfie to commemorate all the fun times they have had! Would ya care to take one? @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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A very teary eyed but welcome selfie! Thank you for the fun shenanigans friends! ~ Cadoo 🐾 @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion (Cabin 15 & 8 )
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The memory wall of pictures from space tour Leon and Kumo and friends!
(The silhouette ones are stand ins for the written responses! I appreciate y’all I just can’t draw all of those and add em!/nm /gen)
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It looks like Seina is upset about something...
Will you comfort her?
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Callisto is trying his very best at the whole comfort thing!
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[tw for blood and injury and possible eyestrain]
Oh boy...oh boy where do I even start. Working on this comp has been... amazing. Stressful but amazing. Everyone was so kind and patient with me and I enjoyed working on the story....though the story is not over yet!
This animation has so many wonderful artists in here... I'll be so truthful I could not tell you all of who put in here, nor who everyone's characters belong to but I can say everyone was so wonderful, everyone deserves all their respect and support for how amazing they have been. Thank you to everyone who allowed me to put their art in this, you have not gone unnoticed...
That being said I want to specifically call out two people
@midwesternvibes, thank you so much for this. For two of the animations they have voiced the being and sung covers of songs, this is their voice singing the everything stays adventure time cover. They have been amazing to work with.
@little-banjo-frog for being my rock during all this, for making the title, for helping with so much and genuinely grounding me when the animation process got tough.
I have so many people to thank and not enough space or time to do so.
That being said, please enjoy the final animation of this year's comp, I will see everyone at next year's where we will kick off with our next host of camp
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Camp May Be Over, but Twin-In-Laws Are Forever
The @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion is coming to an end, and it's time for Mikey and Mike to say goodbye... which will not be hard at all, they assure you.
Ft. @justalittleobsessed's Mikey from Cabin 15 and @languajix's Mike from Cabin 14
As the last full day of the TMNT Family Reunion slips solemnly over to the last night, Mikey is wide awake, thinking of all the people he’s been missing from back home while he’s been here, and all the people he’s going to miss from here when he finally does get back home, and how topsy-turvy it all feels, when the window beside him rattles just the tiniest bit, like a fingernail gently tapping on it, trying to get his attention without making it obvious to the rest of the cabin. 
From the shadowy realm beyond the glass, Mike shoots him a lopsided grin, turning just a little to show off a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. He flips the top and pulls out a spray can, wiggling his brows.
‘One last prank?’ He mouths, shaking the can demonstratively.
Mikey grins.
“A little to the left!” Mikey demands, and Mike shifts a little to the left.
“No, my left!”
“Mikey, I love you, bro, but we’re facing the same direction, my left is your left,” Mike says. He moves right, in any case. On his shoulders, Mikey finishes the last curve with a flourish and a hiss of compressed air.
Mikey shifts the can to his opposite hand, pressing his other hand against the top of his twin’s head for leverage as he swings his foot around and slides to the ground.
Both turtles stare at their final prank. Their final work together. Their masterpiece. Mikey holds the orange spray paint can loosely in his fingers, looking at their tag. "So. That...This is it." Mike shifts next to him, also staring at their tag.
"Yep." Mikey agrees, definitely not looking anywhere else. Definitely not looking at his twin, standing next to him, who will be leaving soon.
Mike straightens, shifting uncomfortably. "I won't cry if you don't cry." 
"You think I'm gonna cry?” Mikey snorts, gripping the can of spray paint a little tighter. “No way." 
His older twin finally looks at him, and Mikey looks back, trying to get his face stoic. Serious. No crying, Mikey. "Fun... fun last prank to have together, huh?" Mike tries for a smile, but it comes out a little wobbly.
"...yeah.” He agrees, refusing to notice how his smile matches the other turtle’s. “We'll always be remembered here now. Because we're leaving. Because camp is ending."
"Um. Right. Yeah. 'Cause camp is ending."
They both fall into an uneasy silence. And… Mikey’s eyes aren’t watering, okay? They’re not. There’s just something in the air. Mikey blinks rapidly, trying to clear the obvious dust in his eye (because what else could it be?). Mike must be getting some in his eyes too, because he starts blinking like Mikey, rubbing at his eyes to try and get it out.
Mikey tries the same, slightly upset when it doesn’t work. It’s obviously dust. Mikey won’t… he’s not gonna cry. Mike isn’t gonna cry.
Him and his twin are strong. 
“Um.” Mikey rubs at his eyes again, looking back at the can of spray paint in his hand. “Do you– um. Prank tips?”
Mike looks up at the ceiling of the gigantic cave, maybe trying a different strategy for getting the dust out of his eyes. “Yeah sure. Prank tips sound good.” He pretends not to notice the way Mike chokes on his words a little.
“Always um. Always have caches of prank gear hid– hidden around. So… so you’re always prepared.”
The older turtle nods jerkily, movement slightly uncoordinated. “You can. You can always switch the… the salt and sugar con– containers as long as– you remember that. That you switched… switched them when you– when you cook.” 
Mikey nods jerkily back. The dust is really bad over here. “If you do a glitter prank. Just um. Make sure you don’t leave any– any evidence that the glitter is… is there. Like the– like a ceiling fan or something.”
His twin hums. “And… and just,” Mike sniffs, “Just remember that- that when you… when you water balloon someone, to- to-” he wipes at his eyes, and his voice gets a little rough and watery. “-fill it up slowly so you can get more water in- in the balloon, okay? The s-slower you go…”
“Mhm, mhm,” Mikey nods, blinking hard. “And- and, hey, h-have you tried the tape-a-harmonica-to-the-bottom-of-the-t-turtle-tank trick?” His voice gets shakier and quieter the further he goes on, no matter how hard he struggles to keep it steady. “I used some special tape, D-Donnie needed a crowbar to get it off, I can, can show-”
Oh yeah.
He can’t show Mike the place he got it from, can he?
They’re gonna be in different worlds.
His bottom lip wobbles.
Mike sees it and pales, but valiantly continues on. “When, when you pull it off. Whatever it is. And they’re looking at you. If- if you curl your toes, or bite your tongue, okay, it helps you k-keep a s-s-straight face…” 
Mikey glances down. Mike is curling his toes.
Mikey curls his toes too. Just for practice for future pranks and nothing else. It’s just for practice, that’s why he’s curling his toes and trying to keep a straight face. The only reason.
He looks at Mike again. Mike looks back at him. His lip wobbles dangerously. Mike’s appears to do the same. He looks at Mike again. Takes in his twin. Takes in his twin-in-law. This is it. This is totally it.
His resolve breaks. “I can’t do it!” He cries, throwing his hands up in the air. “I tried being strong but I can’t! It’s too hard!”
That seems to make Mike break too, who starts crying just as much as Mikey. “I can’t believe this is it!” Mike sobs harder. Mikey follows.
“Do… do you want a hug?” Mike nods. Mikey nods back.
He drops the spray paint can at his feet and crosses the last few feet between them, enveloping his twin in a big hug.
They sob even harder, then, big wails from the bottom of their lungs. Caterwauling that carries over the darkened campground.
Mikey squeezes Mike one more time, and he squeezes back. They pull away, sniffling loudly in sync and wiping their eyes with the back of their arms. Their masks are so damp, oh man, Mikey is gonna have to wash his later.
“Guess this is it,” Mike says, quietly. Again. 
Mikey nods.
He holds out his hand in an offer for a shaky fistbump. “It’s been an honor, twinnie.”
“Same, twinnie,” Mike grins back, and if it looks more like a grimace, Mikey knows what he means. Their cats got married; they’re family now. That kind of bond will never fade.
When they each split to go back to their own cabins, sending each other sad, regretful looks backwards the entire way, they leave behind the tag, scrawled across the mess hall front wall in a fluorescent, eye-searing, glow-in-the-dark, permanent orange.
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Despite the melancholic atmosphere around the camp, Mike grinned, a cheerful grin from ear to ear. "Yeah, I'm definitely bummed the event is ending, but it's been a blast, honestly," he said, "And that's all due to you guys and your hard work."
Mike had adopted so many assorted niblings. He'd met alternate versions of himself and his brothers who he'd decided were new siblings.
It really had been a good time. He couldn't wait to tell Donnie about all of it.
He hesitated, rocking back and forth on his heels before leaning forward.
…he was always a little touch starved.
The hug was great.
"Thank you," he said, as honestly and emphatically as he could.
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While everyone is saying goodbye to each other, The Wrong Side of the Portal Mikey and Michelangelo from cabin 10 approach you!
They... don't seem upset like everyone else.
"Want some stickers?" Michelangelo asks, holding out a bunch of stickers for you to choose from. "We have enough."
"They glow in the dark!" Mikey cheerfully added, bouncing on his heels. "Like our magic! To remember us."
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(mike’s not handling the goodbyes quite as well as mikey and michelangelo)
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