#dbh ralph x you
Could you possibly write for Ralph from dbh with a deaf s/o?
Authors note: Just a small disclaimer, I’m not deaf nor do I know anyone who’s deaf so if I get some things wrong or inaccurate please correct me. I did some research of course but I could still get things wrong so ye
Characters: Just Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : None
-When you first meet, Ralph would be super confused on why you can’t seem to hear him
-And even more confused when you start to talk to him in sign language
-After some back and forth, he understands you’re deaf and tries to find some other ways to communicate
-Once he does understand your condition, he’ll begin to accommodate everything he does so that you never feel excluded
-Once you both start dating, he’ll try to learn sign language in secret
-Mostly because he wants to surprise you with what he’s learned but also because he’s a little shy in asking for help
-Oh and if you wear hearing aids? He’ll guard them with his life
-He knows how expensive they are so he always keeps an eye out for them
-it gets to the point where you won’t know where they are without him
-Oh and having a conversation with Ralph in sign language would be adorable bc sometimes he’ll forget how to sign a word or something
-And his lil face of confusion is to die for
-If you like listening to music, he’ll put on your favorite song on blast to make sure you can feel the vibrations on the speaker
-He’ll definitely write down the lyrics or something like that for you
-btw he definitely leaves little hearts on the pages for you
-Constantly says “I love you” in sign anytime he gets
-But he also tries to convey it in a way that doesn’t need words
-Like kissing the side of your temple and gently running his fingers on your hand are what mean “I love you” to him
-Just physical touch in general for him is >>>>
-Loves loves lovesss to give you flowers with special meanings as another way to tell you how much you mean to him
-Oh and if you do the same back to him??? He’s literally already engulfed you into a death grip of a hug and kissing you all over your face
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Yandere Ralph with female human S/O runs away with Kara outside
"All I Had"
Ralph x GN|Y/N
Warnings: Angst, Yandere, Kidnapping, Violence, Generally Disturbing
You ran as fast as your legs could carry you hand in hand with Kara, she had just saved you... Given you a chance at freedom.
You were free from Ralph... At last you were free.
"C'mon!!! Eat it!!! Ralph got it for you!!!"
He was swinging around a dead animal and your stomach plummeted, the smell filling the decrepit house was wretched and you just wanted to hurl.
You wanted to hide away and pretend none of this happened, pretend that this crazed deviant hadn't kidnapped you and was holding you captive.
You had shown him kindness when no one else did, you were so gentle towards him... You never realized your caring nature would come back to bite you in the ass.
"I... I can't eat that... Ralph... Please-"
A sudden slam made you flinch and you curled into yourself, tears threatening to spill as Ralph got visibly upset by your refusal. He paused though when he saw your teary eyes.
"No no no... Ralph's sorry. Don't leave. Don't leave Ralph don't ever leave. Ralph loves you."
You were shaking as he wrapped you in his arms forcing you into a tight embrace, you wanted to push him away but you couldn't, you were too afraid of what might happen if you did.
You were lucky he snapped out of it this time, sometimes when his anger is triggered he... Doesn't realize what he's doing till it's too late.
Ralph was beyond upset. Rage and heartache fueling his soul as he was ready to destroy everything and anything in his path.
You were the one thing that mattered most, he just wanted to keep you to love you. Why would you run away?
He just didn't understand. He couldn't grasp the concept.
He had to find you... Somehow... He just had to. You were the one thing that brought warmth into his life. He needed you.
"You're all I had..."
{More Content}
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matixsstuff · 2 years
you guys ever think about characters that would be cute or good together and then it turns out that the ship almost doesn't exist or is the most underrated thing ever and has like a 2% of fandom's attention?
im crying because of this now
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redskull199987 · 2 years
Until I found you
Connor x female!reader Request
Word count:2.3k
Warnings:Canon typical violence, guns, angsty
Summary: You and Connor had a difficult backstory already, but what happens when he returns to the DPD all of a sudden...?
Requested by Igni_Hydee on Wattpad
Song inspiration:
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I woke up way too early, again. I looked outside the window. The sun hadn't even risen yet. With a grunt, I let myself fall back onto the bed. A sigh left my lips, as I tried to fall back asleep...unsuccessfully.
"Damn it", I mumbled to myself and got up to get dressed. Work didn't start yet, but it was never to early for coffee.
I walked around my room, gathering my clothes. As I was getting ready, my gaze fell onto my badge. My weapon was lying right next to it. It made me think back to the last time, I used it. It was a few weeks ago, when the android protests increased. I was glad that they managed to win back their independence. It made my job much easier, since the whole division for Deviancy became useless, which meant that my Partner Hank and me got some weeks of only light work in front of us. Much to Hank's likings, I might add. That man really needed a break, after all he went through. But to be honest, not only him.
I stopped staring at my badge and finally picked  it up, shoving it in my pocket. I grabbed my weapon and put it under my belt, hidden behind my coat. It was still chilly outside, so it was easy not to be so noticeable.
I grabbed my purse and finallly left my apartment, now on my way to the nearest coffe shop. I found it, a cupple weeks ago, when I tried to show Connor some perks of being a human.
I cursed under my breath. I thought, thaat maybe, just maybe I could be able to go for one day without thinking about him, but it seemed impossible.
I knew I shouldn't think about him again, but still, I let my mind wander to him again, as I got in line for my coffee.
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Everything was going smooth, until it wasn't. Hank, Connor and I visited the Eden club today. And just like I said, it started good, but then things got out of hand. And while I ended up with a black eye from fighting the Android's, Conner was left confused, while Hank was angry. I felt like, after starting to trust Connor, this trust now started to slowly crumble again. 
So, as we visited the bridge, Hank and I used to come to, when I was still a rookie, things got even worst.
"Hank, knock it off!!", I yelled. He was pointing his gun at Connor. And oh boy, the Android didn't make it any better, provoking Hank further and further. 
"Whatever", Hank finally said and walked away. I watched as he walked back to his car and drove away.
"What was that all about!?"; I asked and turned back to Connor. The android looked at me, confused as hell.
"I am still trying to figure him out", he whispered and turned around, looking at the water.
I sighed and walked over to him, leaning against the railing.
"You need to stop provoking him, he has been through a lot. You have no idea, what a few words can do to a man!", I explained to Connor.
"Don't I?", he asked.
I chuckled and patted his shoulder:"You simply lack the experience"
"Experience?", he asked,"I am the most advanced android Cyberlife has to offer at the moment, I was built for this Job"
"I am not talking about the job, Connor.", I smiled sadly,"I mean life"
"Do you imply, that I don't know what he is going through, because I am no human?", Connor whispered, he was staring directly into my eyes. He almost seemed shocked.
"No Connor", I smiled,"For me, there is no difference between Android and human. What I mean is, that even though you are extremely skilled at your job, you don't have any life experience. You've only been activated a few months ago, your're still a child, trying to find it's place in the world."
"I have a place"; he stated blantly,"The DPD, and cyberlife"
"That's not, what I meant", I said and grabbed his hand,"I am sure you will understand soon. I will help you find your place"
I watched as Connor's LED started flickering yellow, while he inspected our interwined hands. 
"Do you really see no diference between Human and android?", Connor asked, his eyes suddenly avoiding me.
"No", I mumbled,"I don't care aout the colour of your blood, you're just as human, as I am and you deserve to be treated respectfully and not like you're objects"
I must've been mistaken, but I thought I saw his LED flash red, before he pulled my closer by my hand and softly kissed my head. I was too stunned to speak, as he leaned back.
"Thank you, Y/N, Your help means a lot to me. I hope that we can continue like this.", Connor stated.
"Of course, Connor. ", I smiled,"I am glad, we are friends"
"Friends", he repeated.
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"Ma'm, your coffee is ready"
I snapped back out of my thoughts and looked at the man in front of me. I smiled at him and handed him the money before grabbing my coffee and leaving.
I slowly sipped my coffee, as I wandered around the streets. Signs of the protest's were still very visible. But we would built it up again, I was sure of it.
I made my way to the mall, looking if I could buy anything. But that dind't help. My mind was still with Connor and what happened next, after we got closer. My heart ached at the memory. After all that happened, I didn't even remember why I was so willing to get into a relationship with him. I should've known that he was only using me, that he was faking it all, to help our investgation. I still didn't know why he had to do this to me exactly, but after he became a deviant, we only saw eah other again one time and that was when we helped Hank get away from the fake Connor. 
That was the last time, I saw him. And even though, I still can't forgive him for what he did, I still hoped that he was alright, that he was alive and fine. 
"Well well, what do we have here?"
I instantly recognzed his voice and turned around:"Gavin, my lovely friend and colleague"
He smiled and I walked over to him, giving the man a welcome hug.
"Wanna go to work together?", he asked.
I smiled:"Sure thing"
We started to make our way to the police departement, indulging in a light conversation while we were walking. As we finally reached our destination, I said my goodbyes to Gavin and made my way over to my desk. Hank wasn't here yet, as usual. I sat down and got ready for paperwork, as I heard an all too familiar voice.
I peaked over my PC and I couldn't believe my eyes. Right there, talking to the comissioner, was none other that Connor himself.
"You've gotta be kidding me", I mumbled to myself and slumbed back down in my chair, hiding behind my monitor. He was right there, walking around, like nothing ever happened. Like he never betrayed me.
"It wil be nice to have you back, Connor. We can really use all the help we can get.", I heard the Commissioner say.
"Every help, my ass.", I mumbled to myself, as I got up. I wasn't planning on talking to Connor today or even encountering him again, so I made my way over to Gavin.
"Already missing me?", He grinned, as he saw me walking over to his desk. 
I smiled at him:"Always. Do you mind getting a coffee with me?Outside?"
Gavin looked at me, a confused expresssion on his face, but then his eyes wandered around my head and he nodded.
"Don't worry, I'll keep the tin can away from you.", he smiled and held out his arm for me.
I gently interwined my arm with his and smiled:"Thank you."
Together, we made our way out of the Police Station. Unbeknownst to the both of us,Connor had been watching us the entire time, analysing every single action of both, Gavin and me. He excused himself from his talk with the Commissioner and silently followed the two of us.
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"What exactly happened between you two, if I may ask?", Gavin mumbled, as he sipped his coffee. 
"It's a long story", I answered, looking down, too ashamed of what happened between Connor and me,"But what you must know is, that I thought his feelings were real, but apparantly he was just faking it alll to help our stupid investigation."
"Oh",Gavin mouthed,"That plastic prick"
"Yeah", I sniffled,"I guess, it doesn't matter what the colour of your blood is, you can be an asshole anyways"
"I am truly sorry for what happended to you, Y/N", Gavin stated and stopped walking. He put both his hands on top of my shoulders,"And honestly, if he was only using you, he didn't deserve you anyway, you deserve better!"
I chuckled at his words:"That's what I keep telling myself, but I guess it's just all lies to make up for the fact, that I still have feelings for him"
"You do!?"
Gavin and I turned around in surprise, as I heard the voice of the man I least wanted to see right now.
"Have you been following us?!", Gavin barked,"For how long, you freak!?"
He was about to charge at Connor, but I stopped him:"Don't!"
Gavin hesitated for a second, but finally stepped back.
"Can we talk?", Connor asked.
"You plastic prick...", Gavin mumbled again. He was ready to beat the shit out of Connor, but I stopped him again. 
"You will talk", I whispered and looked at Connor,"I will listen and then we'll see if I have something to say to you"
"Thank you", Connor mumbled. He looked at me for a second, before sheepishly glancing at Gavin.
"I think, we'll be alright here, Gavin", I said to him. He looked at me and his features softened, his face was now full of concern.
"Are you sure?", he asked. I nodded:"I will be alright"
He only nodded at me before making his way back to the Police Station. But not before bumping into Connor's shoulder while walking past him. 
I looked after him, before turning towards Connor:"So, what do you have to say?"
He gulped heavily.
"Do you wanna walk a bit?", he asked first. I only nodded and we started walking.
"I don't really know how to start", Connor mumbled.
"Just...tell me how you feel", I said.
"I feel...pain, regret, hatred for what I did to you.", he mumbled. I didn't say anything and motioned for him to continue.
"After we...parted, I felt so lost. Like a part of myself had left with you. I didn't know what it was at first. But then, I went to Jericho and I became a deviant and only then I truly understood what I felt."
"What did you feel, Connor?", I asked quietly.
"I was lost within the darkness, but then I found you", he mumbled, cloing his eyes. I hesitated for a second, before grabbing his hand. He slowly opened his eyes.
"The only thing I need in this world, Y/N, it's you. I didn't realize it sooner, because I... lacked the experience, life experience.", Connor said.I chuckled at his reference. I felt him pull me closer by my hands. 
"But now I know, that everything I feel, the reason I became a deviant, it is because of you. Because I found you and I realized that I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
"I believe you", I whispered,"But what you did Connor. It's gonna take time to heal"
He only nodded:"I realize that I made mistakes, that I cannot repair, I can only try to make up for them."
"You can indeed do that", I mouthed and looked up. He was only inches away from me.
"Connor?", I asked sheepishly.
"How about you start with kissing me?", I mumbled.
I watched as a smile formed on his lips, before he leaned down, connectiong our lips. It felt just like I rememberd it, but it was still different. It felt more...human. I didn't sense the coldness of his lips or his friging fingers on my hips, all I could feel were his emotions. Love, Hunger...Devotion, but also pain and regret. It was something I had never felt before.
"You still matter to me", Connor breathed against my lips, "Very much"
"Thank you, Connor", I smiled,"For not giving up on us"
"I see, you two are talking again"
We turned around, as I heard the voice of none other then Lieutenant Hank Anderson himself.
"Hy Hank", I mumbled and greeted the old man with a smile.
"Lieutenant", Connor said.
Hank smiled and put a hand on each of our shoulders,"It's good you two are talking again, because we have been teamed up again."
I looked at him perplexed:"But we don't need a devision for deviancy anymore"
"No", Hank answered,"But murderers still very much exist, so let's get to work"
"Yes Lieutenant", Connor said.
"Still the obedient little machine, huh Connor?", Hank teased.
"I-", Connor stuttered.
"I'm just messing with you, son", Hank chuckled,"it's nice to have you back"
Connor smiled and looked down at me:"Nice to be back, Sir."
"So,", I smiled,"Let's get to work"
"Listen to the lady", Hank said and together, we made our way back to the Police Station. I guess, in the end, it wasn't too bad to meet Connor again, even though Gavin would beg to differ.
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HIHIHI! I saw u were taking dbh requests?? If so can I have Yandere!Ralph with a reader who enjoys him acting that way and kiiiiiinda encourages it 👀 tyyyyy!!!!
Yandere!Ralph x GN!Encouraging!Reader
warning(s): possessive tendencies, reader encourages possessive behavior
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Ralph loved (Y/n) more than anything. He had always wanted to find someone he could call ‘his’, and that’s who his darling was to him. At first, he tried his best to hide his possessive tendencies, but there was a day where he simply couldn’t help himself.
The two of them had gone out to run some errands, wanting to pick up some gardening tools for the garden they had started on the roof of the abandoned house. Ralph was delighted to go out with his darling, and (Y/n) had gone above and beyond to help repair him so he felt safe going outside. Everything was going perfectly, until someone piped up.
“Hey, what’s a pretty thing like you doing with..that?” The woman rudely asked, judging the two of them as (Y/n) stood in front of Ralph, wanting to protect him.
“I’m with him because I want to be, now please leave us alone.” (Y/n) defended, a glare resting on their face as they took Ralph’s hand, urging him to leave with them. Ralph started to follow, until the person grabbed (Y/n)’s free hand.
“Now wait just a minute, I’m talking to you.” The woman stated, tightly grasping their hand as she kept them in place. Ralph’s head snapped to look at the woman, a mixed look of shock and disgust on his face.
“Get your hands off of them, now.” Ralph stated, forcing the woman to let go of (Y/n) as he blocked (Y/n) from her, not wanting the woman to lay her hands on them again. The woman let out an offended gasp, but quickly left. Ralph stayed where he was as he breathed heavily, his light flickering between yellow and red before (Y/n) took a hold of him and turned him to face them. 
“It’s alright Ralph, I’m alright.” (Y/n) stated, a gentle smile on their face as they reassured him. Ralph let himself calm down, taking deep breaths as his light returned to that calm blue. 
“I’m sorry (Y/n), I just couldn’t let that woman treat you that way.” Ralph explained, now worried that he would scare his darling away.
“Ralph, it’s okay. I liked that you stood up for me. Don’t be afraid to do that, okay?” (Y/n) stated, smiling as they took a gentle hold of his hand, deciding to ask him about what garden supplies they needed as they continued with their day. Ralph felt a warm smile spread across his face, happily talking about what they would need to help grow their garden, holding his darling’s hand as he admired her, now willing to be more open about his possessive feelings.
author’s note: hey there! i hope you enjoyed reading, i’m going to try and post more, as i miss writing for you guys, can’t wait to write more for you all!! <33
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infin1ty-garden · 9 months
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Hello everyone! After some consideration I've decided to open requests.
ೃ⁀➷ I will NOT write smut, inappropriate relationships (e.i. teacher/student, father/daughter...), pregnancy fics, dark fics, underage character, political content, please do not request things containing major spoilers, character x OC
ೃ⁀➷ I WILL write character(s) (from the fandom list) x reader as well as alternate universe fic. Sometimes I will write character x character
ೃ⁀➷ use the prompts list if you wanna
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❝ [ prompts & scenarios ] ❞
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ fandoms I write for ] ❞
nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, genya safin, alina starkov, tamar yul-bataar & tolya kir-bataar
billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, roman bridger, jill roberts & ethan landry
✧. ┊ TOP GUN
jake 'hangman' seresin, robert 'bob' floyd & natasha 'phoenix' trace
✧. ┊ DBH
connor, nines (rk900), rk800-60, north, simon, ralph & chloe
ryan erzahler, dylan lenivy, kaitlyn ka, max brinly & laura kearney
✧. ┊ ALIEN
david & walter
mattheo riddle, theodore nott, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini & pansy parkinson
rover, chixia, yangyang, sanhua, jiyan & jinhsi
✧. ┊ HOTD
cregan stark, gwayne hightower, haelena targaryen, jacaerys velaryon & rhaenyra targaryen
✧. ┊ DUNE
paul atreides, feyd-rautha harkonnen & chani kynes
kid (monkey man)
yord fandar, qimir & mae aniseya
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ submission guidelines ] ❞
ೃ⁀➷ please include reader pronouns
ೃ⁀➷ if you want to request a prompt, please use the prompt list (you don't have to)
ೃ⁀➷ be patient & kind
ೃ⁀➷ if i can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the rules. your request will be deleted
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Thanks for reading or requesting!
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
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[ Milk | it/he/they | 18 ] this blog will age like fine milk
I love milk, and you can call me Milk.
I have an autistic curse that makes me gay for most cartoon or video game characters I hyperfixate on.
I write only for fun and when I want to, so the quality may vary, although I try my best to write long posts and fics.
I'm an adult, there might be some spicy things on this blog that will be properly tagged and spoilered under a line. Minors don't interact with a post tagged 🔞.
You can talk to me about Total Drama / DBH / Inside Job if u want
no beta we die like men (stoned or sleep deprived)
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[ ☣︎ 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜: 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 ]
⚠ | My requests are always open, however due to the amount of asks, the writing might be a bit slow. I will eventually answer them all tho. Don't be scared to submit yours.
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𝚃𝙾𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙼𝙰 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Mike, Mal, Scott, Brick, Noah, Gwen ] 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴 𝙹𝙾𝙱 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Andre Lee ] 𝙳𝙴𝚃𝚁𝙾𝙸𝚃: 𝙱𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝙷𝚄𝙼𝙰𝙽 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 [ favs ♡ | Connor, Ralph ]
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☢︎ x gn!reader (but can do other) ☢︎ romance ☢︎ fluff ☢︎ nsfw/smut (aged up) ☢︎ potentially angst/comfort-hurt with happy ending
☢︎ character x character ☢︎ OCs ☢︎ incest, pedophilia n all that bad jazz
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crush on masc!reader [ Cody 50% ] villain S/O [ idk who yet ] reader at Playa De Losers with their crush [ Noah 0% ] [ Mike 20% ] [ Mal 5% ] [ Vito 30%] [ Scott 0% ] [ Cody 0% ] [ Gwen 0% ] fluff alphabet [ Mike 15% ] fluff alphabet [ Mal | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] platonic immortal!reader [ Inside Job Gang | 10% ] [ASK] bookworm!reader [ Ralph | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] S/O who likes black humor [ Duncan | Scott | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] s/o with noise sensitivity & verbal shutdowns [ Mike & alters (w/o Chester) | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] electrokinetic!reader [ Dawn | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] strategist!reader [ Brick | Lightning | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw alphabet [ Duncan | 30% ] [ASK] 🔞 nsfw / sfw bimbo!fem!reader [ Duncan | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] smoking weed for the first time with reader [ Connor | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] hook, line and screamer au [ Courtney | Jo | Heather | NOT STARTED ] [ASK] male true crime fan reader [ Heather | Izzy | Courtney | Anne-Marie | 30% ]
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Y'know what? I'm gonna post my DBH x John Wick AU ideas here just so I can come back to them whenever I'm back in brainrot mode.
Nines and Gavin made it out from under The Table's authority together and completely distanced themselves from their past lives to live calmer ones where they could settle down in peace
And then Nines got really sick and died because of course he did
So Gavin was left completely alone (well not completely)
Cue The Puppy and Car Incident from the first movie but it's with a cat instead because you can pry the "Gavin's a cat lover" hc from my cold dead hands
Gavin is dragged back into his former life because he wants revenge for what happened
Connor and Sixty run the Detroit Continental Hotel as manager and concierge
They simultaneously hate Gavin for taking Nines from them (since they went no contact after making it out of this line of work) and also consider him family because 1. married Nines and 2. managed to escape from this life with their younger brother to live lives they can't
Also Ralph is taking the role of Bowery King here because I think he fits but other considerations were Rupert because of the pigeons weak reason but I did seriously entertain the idea and Lucy because of the mystical, prophetic vibes
Going back to the Detroit Continental Hotel idea, I was going to have Kamski run it and Chloe be his concierge, but then I remembered the Ruska Roma family when I watched Chapter 4 and thought "wow I love this half-brothers HC so much I should shove it in this AU too" and now Kamski and Chloe are the heads of a crime syndicate family that Gavin belonged to
In my original notes, Gavin's family was gonna be the Jericrew asdjflk I'm gonna find another way to fit them in
They could honestly run another Continental Hotel since there's multiple across the world
If that's the case, then Markus is gonna be the manager and his concierge will most likely be North
I want to fit so many characters into this
Tina and Chris are somewhere in here, too. As Gavin's friends/allies of course
But after watching Chapter 4 I'm dead set on Kara taking Caine's role
And Perkins could be the Marquis until I find someone who might actually fit the role asdfhdk
You're never gonna believe this... Hank? Hank as the Harbinger in Chapter 4? You know... the guy played by Clancy Brown? Unimaginable, I know.
And that's all I had before I got hit by the RE4R truck (thank you Leto <33).
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swanimagines · 10 days
Ok also, I apparently need to address this too. I don't think I've made a proper post about this before? I've just replied to asks and IM's about it but since it has surfaced again...
So. About requests that are like "can you do a character x reader fic, the plot is up to you? Just no smut please and lots of fluff!", why I won't do them even though I've admitted I often have ideas for those characters, why I just don't use them.
So the thing is, that once upon a time I did that kind of fics, and it went well for a while. But then I started getting some displeased replies to those fics I filled from "plot is up to you" requests.
The first such incident was a DBH Ralph x female reader fic. The person only stated they want it to have a happy ending but otherwise I can decide the plot. So, I made a fic where reader was a homeless human who had been beaten up by her boyfriend and kicked out from their apartment, and she stumbled across Ralph's house. Ralph was scared of reader first, but then agreed to let her stay. The fic ended in reader making a bed in front of the fireplace and talking with Ralph about her experiences with her ex, and bonded with Ralph through it (if you're not familiar with the game, Ralph is an android and he was abused by humans, which caused him to "deviate", meaning he developed his own mind and feelings, but it also made him kind of wacky because having been beaten up damaged his processing parts and he's very skittish, scared but he gets angry really easily) and it implied they became friends after that.
It got quite a lot of attention, and the next day the requester came back.
"Um, this is really awkward but I actually do have a toxic ex-boyfriend and that fic triggers my traumas about it :( Could you delete that one and write something else please?"
And me, being a major people pleaser back then, obeyed the requester, deleted the fic and wrote something else.
But then, I started getting more such asks. They had seen me obeying that first person so they also took an advantage of the situation. "I actually hate that trope, could you write something else", "sorry but that wasn't what I was looking for, another fic please", "could you write that again but instead of x, y happens?"
So when I started this blog, I decided that I will no longer do requests with no plot attached with it. My "mystery fic requests" aren't the same as "fic for x please, plot is up to you", they give me SOME direction, a more specific thing to use than just "fluff" or "angst".
I hope this clears things up to those who are wondering about my reasons for this. I understand this may be confusing to some of you and I do acknowledge that there isn't much difference between "fluff with x character" and "prompt fic with D48. Moon with y character" but the latter still gives me SOME more idea. Fluff can be basically anything, but the "moon" prompt has much MUCH fewer scenarios to go by. It just gives me the sense of security?
Thank you for reading this far, and I hope this made you understand my reasons better if you were wondering them!
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leelany-world · 1 year
DBH Rarepairsweek: Seasons (Alice & Kara x Luther)
@dbhrarepairs DBH rarepairsweek 6, Day 5, prompt: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
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Words: 179 Relationships: Alice & Kara x Luther Additional Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Found family, Fluff, Family Fluff, poem Summary: Alice loves the seasons. Alice loves Kara and Luther. Alice loves poems. So she decides to combine those things
Dear Kara and Luther,
It was winter, when Luther opened his eyes, It was spring, when Kara woke up to arise, It was summer, when I made my first cries, It was autumn, when we all met.
It was winter, when we moved in with auntie Rose, It was spring, when Ralph and the Jerries became my big bro’s, It was summer, when Rupert and I became friends with the crows, It was autumn, when the new house was set.
It was winter, when Luther got down on one knee and gave Kara a ring,  It was spring, when I found a frog and named him King, It was summer, when Kara and Luther said ‘I do’ while happily crying, It was autumn, when we got a pet.
It was winter, when we all sat together as a family around a tree, It was spring, when Kara and Luther decided we should be more than three, It was summer, when they brought home a sister for me, It was autumn, when my life was perfect.
I love you, Alice
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Hi, may I request headcanons for Connor, Nines and Ralph (separately)? How would they react if reader took them to buy clothes for themselves for the first time?
Authors note: This is so stinkin cuteee
Characters: Connor, Nines, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : Ralph is a little insecure about his scar lol, very fluffy
🪙 Connor 🪙
-He would be so grateful for you to buy him clothes
-He doesn’t wanna walk around in that Cyberlife uniform all the time lol
-Even though he’s Deviant he’s still not used to doing things for himself a lot
-So when he hears that he gets to pick out his own clothes
-He just awkwardly sifts through the clothes at the store
-You find it pretty cute how he has no idea what he’s even looking for poor boy
-Eventually he asks you for help and you both get swept into a shopping spree
-If you asked him to, he’d definitely give you a little fashion show as he tries on clothes
-He may or may not get addicted to shopping with you
-I also feel like once he gets a sense of what kind of clothes he wants
-He’ll pick out so. many. suits.
-And of course many ties to match
-Idk why but yeah he just loves lookin dapper
-Although he would be very considerate of your budget and would try not to buy too many things
-Just keep a close eye on him tho
-Bc he will get lost in the store (poor boy gets too curious)
💙 Nines 💙
-He is so confused on why you want to buy him clothes
-He’s all like: “But I already have clothes.”
-And you gotta convince him that one suit just isn’t enough
-Literally takes forever to convince him to let you buy him some clothes
-And he’s even more confused-for some reason- that he has to go with you to buy them
-If you could give a question mark a face, it’d be the face that Nines is making
-He just didn’t think he would actually be picking out the clothes himself
-So you make it a goal for him to start making decisions for himself
-When you both get to mall, a little like Connor, he has no clue on where to start picking out clothes
-So you both take a while to first discuss what kind of clothes he wants
-And then you finally start picking out clothes
-I feel like Nines would def get a bunch of suits too
-But not like Connor, Connor at least knows he can’t have just suits
-But no, Nines wants ONLY SUITS
-Takes more time to explain how he can’t just have suits
-Literally took almost the whole day to just buy him clothes
-But it was worth it because he was grateful for it in the end
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-He’s ecstatic about getting new clothes!!
-He wants to look more presentable and is beyond grateful you would offer to buy him clothes
-Like I’m pretty sure the amount of time he said “thank you” that day
-Was the amount of times someone says “thank you” in a lifetime
-Buuut he gets a little hesitant when you ask him to come with you to buy his clothes
-He hatesss the idea of going out in public
-Especially with his scar, he’s super insecure about it
-So tons of reassuring later, you and Ralph are in the store picking out his clothes
-The entire time he’s practically glued to your side
-Like literally. He has not let go of your hand the moment you both let the house
-But it’s not as bad as he first thought
-He actually starts having fun picking out his clothes and trying them on
-Definitely a flustered mess when you compliment the clothes he tries on
-He’s confused but happy that no one has said anything about his scar
-Totally not having to do with you giving anyone The Death Stare™️ if they even breath at Ralph the wrong way
-Over all it was a very fun experience for the both of you
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gravitytrips · 3 months
DBH/Detroit become human X TF2 au in my head be like;
Hank = Demo
Conner = Spy
Kara = Medic or Scout's Ma
Alice = Scout
Luther = Heavy
Markus = idfk... HHHH
Miss pauling or Medic
Chloe = Scout's Ma or Pyro
Ralph = Soldier or Pyro
interesting take! I always saw them as
Spy as Hank
Scout as Connor
Miss Pauling as Kara
Pyro as Alice
Heavy as Luther
Demo as Markus
Scout’s Ma for Chloe
Soldier as Ralph
I will explain my reasons if you really wanna know
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matixsstuff · 1 year
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References from: doodles_i_guess and _biacami_ on tiktok
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kayfeefgtrghh · 10 months
Fanfic requests (ideas💡)
If anyone is currently writing dbh (Detroit becoming human). Please 🙏 I'd love it so much if you could write these!!!!
1.I'd love a Connor (RK800) X shy reader. Where the reader and Hank are best friends and they talk a lot with them; but with Connor the reader is really quiet and awkward. he gets too close and they stutter. Looks to Hank for help 🤔(Connor)🥺(Reader) 😑(Hank). Annnnnnyway... I loveeeee hurt comforts. Maybe the reader gets picked on and Connor steps in when he finally catches the person/people calling the reader fat etc. (ANGST). But then the reader starts to crush on Connor and avoids them. Fast forward and the reader went for drinks and walked over to Hank (who they thought was by himself) confessing they feel bad for avoiding Connor... who overhears.
2. Ralph X reader where both have trust issues. The reader is human and had a droid who beat her and obviously his issues with humans... They get put in the same house together and one day the reader comes back and cries in their room. He overhears and says, "Ralph wants to help. Please let him help." Eventually the reader gives in and slowly approaches him before cuddling and holding for dear life. "Ralph will keep you safe. Ralph trusts you." And just SUPER FLUFFY 😭😭😭🥰
3. Ralph X plus size reader. He thinks they deserve better because he sees other androids the human hangs out with. The reader admits how he is the only one for them and that they understand. Something about his face insecurity and theirs being their body. Accidentally let's slip people have shamed them for being overweight and Ralph without question admits he thinks they are the most beautiful etc... idk? He sees that it's okay to be insecure in themselves because no matter what he'll always be the reader's priority. That how he sees them as perfect they can see him that way even if not in themselves (hope that makes sense ??😅)
4. Connor X reader. Overhears me talking to Hank about him. "Wouldn't you do the same?"
"Yes. But I can't ask him to do that. To love me all of my life when I can't love him all of his." [I don't see many talking about it from the point of the human reader thinking he's superior. It's always him thinking they deserve better than an android. Id like to see one how I think. I mean they're faster, stronger smarter, and have only been violent when they had to etc better than humans. Thinks he deserves someone who can give him that] 🤧 They all deserve so much better and most humans suck !
Hope anyone reading this post has a good day or night ❤️xo
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Match up
Hello! Can I have a male marvel and Detroit match up please? Im 5'2 dark blonde wvy hair blue/gray eyes bit chubby just stomach green hoodie tight jeans white run shoes. I love to draw, paint, watch anime, creative write and listen to music. I have social anxiety nd depression i hve a hard time expressing myself nd i still try to hide how i really feel I lve to be there for others I love to laugh nd smile even throw around some jokes Im quiet but do like to make people laugh I express myself better on paper and in my drawings. I have a hard time making friends. I always put a strong smile on my face until i burn out.  I am very hard on myself but I try to encourage others even though I’m not good at socializing, I’ve been told that I have a big heart, very caring and funny. I am very empathetic. I can be distant and shy. I’m is known for being quiet. I tend to scare people by accident. Even my movements can be very quiet. I don’t stand out I seem to blend in and people won’t even notice me. Im better at explaining how i feel through actions than words. I dont mind PDA, i would love to hold my partners hand. I am a softy i couldnt hurt a fly unless someone really pissed me off, i dont get angered easily. INFP, Cancer Sun sign.
No worries fellow cancer sign! I match you with:
Steve Rogers
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I believe you're just Steve's type tbh.
He loves your creativity! He himself used to draw a bit, back in the 40's, but now he doesn't really have time for it anymore, though he'd still love to relive some of those times with you!
He'd be your no.1 fan when it comes to writing. You wrote a story? He's gonna want to read it. You wrote a poem? He's amazed and will sit down with you and ask a million questions about all the verses.
But I feel like anime might not be his thing. He doesn't hate it, but he can't get it through his head why it's animated. He can appreciate all the good qualities of it, the story, the voice acting, but why is it animated though?? But show him one live action and he'll understand why.
Steve is really understanding when it comes to topics like mental issues. He won't stand for you hiding away though. He'll gently encourage you to express yourself through your works, if you can do that. And if you do, you're going to be showered in praise <3
He loooooooves that you want to make people laugh. He thinks it's one of your best qualities. It's really selfless when you yourself are feeling under the weather, but still try to make others feel good.
He definitely is one of the people who gets scared by your quietness. I can vividly imagine him just doing something in the kitchen and suddenly you hug him from behind and he nearly attacks you, because he didn't hear you come in XD
Steve just loves everything about you <3
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Ralph feels about you the same way Steve does in many cases.
Whenever you visit him, he feels a strange sense of peace, so he grew to like you a lot.
He loves watching you draw and write, he is amazed by the sheer concept of creativity.
This one would love anime. It's easy on the eyes and easy to understand. He would probably like the simpler ones, not heavy themed ones, like The disastrous life of Saiki K. ;)
He doesn't know much about depression and because of his injuries, he can't research them. But he hates seeing you sad. It just feels wrong. So he tries anything and everything to make you not sad :)
No really, if you need anything, just tell him and he'll try to arrange it for you.
He loves when you try to make him laugh. Often times you succeed! He is quite bubbly and just loves you so much that even the corniest jokes seem funny to him when they come from you.
Please don't sneak up on him intentionally. He's been hurt in the past and is now very wary of people, you being so damn quiet does not help his case.
I think he wouldn't be into PDA, but only into DA if you understand what I'm trying to say. He doesn't go out much, but he loves being connected with you on a physical level. So holding hands or cuddling in his hideout is the best for him!
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android-babes · 6 years
A package (Ralph x reader)
Request: So I believe from the game it’s possible for a human to get pregnant by an Android or something complicated that allows them to make a real baby. What if he reader told Ralph they were gonna have a baby or just a story of that and during the pregnancy -anon
A/N: This was so cute to write. I smiled throughout writing this, hope it shows in the text! ♥
Warnings: None!
Word count: 773
“We’re going to put it in now. You know the results in the next few weeks, these babies take longer to develop as a “real” baby. But if it succeeds, you’ll have the baby by next summer.” the nurse smiled at you and pulled out the tube with Ralph’s diluted thirium and special fertilization substance mix. You laid in place, waiting for the process to be over. Ralph nuzzled your neck softly, he was sitting in a chair beside you.
“Ralph will be the best parent in the world with Y/N.” he whispered, and you smiled at him.
“I know, Ralph. I know.”
You smiled. Ralph had always wanted to have a baby with you. And now it was true. Two lines, meaning you were pregnant. You had made multiple tests, just in case. You were carrying Ralph’s baby inside you. You stroke your belly softly, though it hadn’t grown the tiniest bit. “Hello, little guy… mommy and daddy can’t wait to have you in our arms.” you murmured to your baby and sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror. You couldn’t wait to tell Ralph about this.
“Ralph?” you walked to your living room as you came home from the store, Ralph was watering the flowers, humming happily.
“Y/N! Ralph has been cleaning! He…” you shut him off with a delicate kiss. And after the kiss, Ralph looked puzzled. “W-why is Y/N so happy? Ralph can feel that Y/N is happy, he feels that something has happened. Oh! Did we get those tickets? To that nature trip?” You giggled and shook your head.
“No, I haven’t bought them yet. But... I have something else to tell you”, you said, smiling widely. You pulled a small, colorful package out of your bag and gave it to Ralph.
“What’s this, it isn’t Christmas?” Ralph looked at you again, a confused look on his face and you smiled a little. He was so cute.
“Let’s sit down.” you said and guided Ralph to the sofa. You both sat down on the sofa and Ralph fiddled with the paper of the package. “You can open it, if that’s what you are wondering.”
“Why did Y/N give a package to Ralph? It isn’t Christmas, is it? And Ralph doesn’t have a birthday”, he said, still fiddling with the paper which rustled quietly.
“No, it isn’t. We must set up a formal birthday on the calendar for you, but not now. But this is something… hmm. Well, open it. You deserve it.” you smiled at him, he looked at you one more moment and then slowly began to unwrap the package.
“A monkey plushie! But… Ralph doesn’t know anything about monkeys.” he glanced at you. Oh god, he’s so cute.
“Look, there’s more.” you pointed at the box which was inside the package and Ralph stared at it.
“What is this?” he pulled out a grey baby bodysuit, where was a text “I have my daddy’s looks.” You giggled, Ralph still didn’t understand.
“Look further.” you said.
“A flower mobile? That’s great, Ralph and Y/N can put it above our bed!” you smiled, and Ralph pulled out the last one, which was wrapped in green paper. He unwrapped it and inside, there were a card and a pregnancy test. He looked at you again.
“Look, Ralph. Do you know what two lines mean?” you asked, and Ralph looked at the test. Then he looked at the card. There was a drawing of a baby, which was holding an orange balloon with glitter text on it.
“You are going to be a dad?” he muttered, and suddenly, it seemed like a lamp was switched on in his head. “Ralph… is going to be a dad?” You nodded, he shot up from the couch and began running around your home, screaming “RALPH IS GOING TO BE A DAD!”
And after that, he came to you and hugged you. Really gently, though, as if he was fearing to hurt the baby. He kneeled in front of you and kissed your stomach.
“Ralph is going to be a dad…” he sobbed, and you kneeled in front of him too, pulling him to your embrace. He shook in your arms and you stroke his hair, smiling and tears in your own eyes, too.
“Yes, you are. And you are going to be the best daddy in the world.” you whispered.
“And Y/N is going to be the best mommy in the world.” he said through his sobbing. You smiled even wider.
And you knew that your children will love you. And they would learn to understand diversity in people and androids through their dad. You knew you would raise them to be good kids who – maybe – will change the world someday for better. Because you’d teach them to do things for what they believe is the right thing.
Hope you liked it! ♥
@tea-with-loki @penny-p-pen
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