#day of the dead is on november 2nd
Our Dia de los Muertos altar, and today’s offering was bread! So I baked some Pan de Muertos bread :)
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kat-xox · 11 months
“Remus… something awful has happened.”
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getacluu · 11 months
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joselinemc · 11 months
Día de los muertos 🏵🕯
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the-autistic-vulcan · 11 months
¡Feliz Día de los Muertos!
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tap-dancing-noses · 11 months
Fuck you, dad! How fucking daré you not allow me to stay the entire night and be with the spirits of those who have died? I was the one who helped build the altar for them, you didnt do shit. I hope the dead make you feel chilly in the middle of the night
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bluastro-yellow · 2 years
I wish the Day of the Dead was cool here, you just visit your relatives' graves if you really want to do something, it's not even a day off. why is All Saints' Day more important than remembering your (presumably) loved ones
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tolkienhorrorweek · 23 days
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Welcome to Tolkien Horror Week! This is a new event, following in the footsteps of Terrifying Tolkien Week, last run in 2019. This event celebrates all things spooky and creepy in Tolkien's work—both the things he tells us explicitly and the things he leaves up to our imaginations.
The event will run from October 27th to November 2nd and accepts all types of fanworks. There is an AO3 collection for the event here.
Below are some suggested prompts for each day of the week. They are not mandatory; feel free to combine them or disregard them entirely.
Day 1: Angband & Utumno | seeth all things crooked | captivity Day 2: Angmar, Rhudaur, & Minas Morgul | of such dread and dark enchantment | sorcery Day 3: Mordor & the Dead Marshes | the pitiless land | control Day 4: The Barrow-downs & the Old Forest | the clinging mists | corruption Day 5: Mirkwood, Nan Elmoth, & Taur-nu-Fuin | the shadows grew long in the forest | hunting Day 6: Nan Dungortheb & the Paths of the Dead | by perilous paths | terror Day 7: Isengard, Moria, & Númenor | we cannot get out | trapped
Please mention @tolkienhorrorweek in the body of your post and tag #tolkienhorrorweek and #tolkienhorrorweek2024 in the first 10 tags. You may also submit a post.
Given the nature of the event, please also tag for any potential triggers or content warnings and place any NSFW content beneath a read more/link to AO3.
For more information, please see the FAQ. If you have any questions, drop them in the ask box.
Art is by Alan Lee.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
You don't need to worry about the ATSV fandom dying. As someone whose been in the Marvel fandom over ten years - I can assure you this is natural.
The ATSV Fandom Isn't Dead: A brief look into the science of fandoms.
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[me standing beside Hobie beaming my thoughts of love and adoration into his head like I'm professor x]
A lot of people are afraid of the ATSV dying - and I don't blame them.
In the era of shows releasing all in one day, or movies coming to streaming almost immediately - it's not hard to say we're in an era were content is consumed at ridiculously rapid rates.
I mean, this time last year Wednesday was breaking records on Netflix. Where's the hype now?
I know you see it too, there's less posts everyday in the Hobie tag, less screenshot breakdowns, etc etc etc.
But I'm here to tell you - The ATSV fandom is doing just fine. Better than fine. All of this is meant to happen.
Let me put it into perspective.
ATSV released on June 2nd - it's November.
ATSV released a little over six months ago.
For reference: The Avengers (2012) was released on May 4th.
The Avengers DVD wasn't available for purchase until SEPTEMBER 25th - almost SIX months later.
The time that the Hobie fandom has formed and existed - is the same amount of time people had to wait just to see The Avengers again.
Large periods of time where tags only get three posts a day TOPS was nothing to fear. xReaders and fanfics held the fandom over until the next trailer, the next sneak peek or leak.
Prior to the release of streaming, only a little more than ten years ago - it was NATURAL for a fandom to wait six months before even seeing the movie for a second time.
And mind you - streaming didn't exist. If you wanted to see The Avengers again, you had to go out and BUY it. $26.99.
If you wanted to order it online - you'd have to get it shipped to you. Before Disney plus, we watched on BlueRay Discs.
And the fandom was fine and healthy.
If a fandom that doesn't even have a DVD release can keep up content for six months, I think we'll be fine.
But I'll admit - there's still the question:
If the ATSV fandom is 'doing fine' then where is everyone going? Why are the tags getting slower?
The answer is simple:
I LOVE social sciences and the systems people create and how they work - even unintentionally.
And I have a theory - one about the natural evolution and regeneration of fandom. Hear me out -
When it comes to ATSV:
We are leaving the Analysation Phase, the phase in which content creation is centered around deciphering and breaking down the most recent installment in the fandom.
During this phase usually see art of newer characters, new ships, meta breakdowns, easter egg point-outs.
We were in that phase.
Once the Analysation Phase dies down, usually main content creators may remain. The intermediate or liminal period.
The intermediate is usually when you'll see more x-reader art pop-up, the levels of fanart evening out as artists return to their favorite characters - usually incorporating any new ones they gained from the last installment.
Shitposts usually also become popular around this time, as the shock and weight of the story wear off, and we're more able to joke about the storyline a lot more light-heartedly.
That's why the intermediate point is often see as the passion 'dying out'.
When in fact, it is the fandom getting comfortable. Resting for the next phase.
And after a few months, the next phase comes:
The Speculation Phase:
The Speculation Phase cannot come until the Analysation Phase is over.
During the Analysation Phase the fandom begins to breakdown and digest the writers intentions. They integrate the new character into the story, and the fandom.
As the audience and fandom talk amongst each other, we get more solid ideas of who the characters are, what their motivations might be, and most important of all-
What they might do.
In the Speculation Phase we turn from the last installment - and start looking towards the future.
Let's take Hobie for example.
Looking at the timeline of the Hobie fandom, we can see a progression.
Originally taken as a punk-rockstar and little more, throughout the months the fandom began posting things about punk culture, the 70's, Hobie's motivation in the comics, and how that all correlates to him.
As the fandom analyzed, the collective zeitgeist and understanding of Hobie grew into something a lot more sound, and telling.
We looked at the parellels he provides in the story, and what kind of person he is.
And because if that we have seen a marked improvement in people's contextual understanding of Hobie - as a punk and a hero.
And now that we can understand him - we can predict him.
The same goes for Miguel - over the months, a lot of us have began to question if we know him as well as we think we do , if we really know the kinda person he is -
And if we really know what he's doing to do.
That's where the Speculation Phase comes in.
The Speculation Phase in fandom is when we see some of the most passion - and instead of tapering off overtime, it builds. More and more until the next release.
The Speculation Phase is when the fandom takes the analysis' and from there, they begin to theorize.
Now that we understand, we can begin to predict.
And this is arguably one of the most interesting parts in a fandoms natural ecosystem.
During the Speculation Phase, we can see a number of diverse opinions appear.
As more and more creators begin to gather their understanding, tips from the writers, new released news, and past comic book arcs, we start to see dozens of triguing paths the writers can take us on.
As more news releases, the more hype people get. I mean - imagine how you'll feel when they release the first new poster of Hobie, or Miles? Or when we get to see Miles.G in the trailer?
And with each new poster, or trailer, we're given clues. The theorizes develop more. And the plot thickens.
It's all natural.
So I can understand the fear. Only getting one or two new posts when you visit the Hobie tag can be a bummer. But it's natural and it's GOOD.
Y'all, we need to conserve our energy. We are in the liminal phase. And they never last long.
With the news of the voice actors back in the studio, and a cliff-hanger like we have - I can assure you, it's only a matter of time before we begin to see the theories, the trailer breakdowns, the people guessing what Miguel might do, or exactly how much tech Hobie is hiding.
And when that time comes we need to be READY. I can already feel it on the horizon.
I really wonder what they'll do with all that left over Hobie concept art.
Plus with explosion of Hobie approval, I wonder if they'll add him in even more. Hobie fan-service anyone?
But chill y'all, we're on the right track -
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If you read this far, as always THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And as a token of my appreciation, I hand you this Hobie. Hold him gently please
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Bye 💗
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qsmparchive · 11 months
Day of the dead is actually a two day holiday contrary to what people believe, The first of November is to mourn the children that have passed away, the 2nd of November is to remember the adults that have passed away.
These rituals have been around a long time being older than Christ, originating in Mexica and Huasteca mythology, its first set up an ofrenda with a table and the photos of a loved one, food they liked, and flowers called Cempohualxochitl
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The people paint themselves as skeletons to represent the life and death
When you die you go to the Mictlán, the land of the dead held by Mictlantecuhtli, you stay there for four years until you go through the challenge of 9 (or 7 in huasteca) nivels , the first one you face entirely how you died and spend 39 years there to cleanse your sins until you manage to finish them and redeem yourself to which you can finally just disappear in the afterlife, and in real life your relatives no longer need to do these rituals and remember you as you have left.
This tradition is what makes mexican view the process grieving a lot more differently than others and a reminder of our heritage.
Feliz día de muertos and happy native American month 🇲🇽
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solecize · 7 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision.
despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 4.6k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. n/a
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part three: the letters, the saloon and the second storm  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ previous. next. masterlist
  vi. the letters
september 2nd 2008 (age 9)
dear jungkook,
  my mom said i should write you letters. i don’t really know what to say here. you better be visiting marshmallow and be nice to her while i’m gone. i miss her a lot. i guess i miss having you around since i don’t have anyone to play guitar hero with…
p.s. happy late birthday maybe i can visit and come to your party next year if my mom lets me
  from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
january 19th 2009 (age 10)
dear y/n,
  i learned how to skate for the first time. it’s too bad the ice will be gone when you’re back and we won’t get to skate together. i can’t believe we’ll be in middle school soon. are you scared? hoseok and namjoon say it’s not a big deal. also, i saw your grandpa yesterday and he showed me how to use a tapper on a maple tree. so cool!
p.s. you should ask your mom if you can visit earlier this year
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
april 23rd 2009 (age 10)
  look inside the box, i sent you a book with this letter. i told you in my last letter that i would send you one. it’s astronomy for dummies (because you’re a dummy). you better read it before i come back to grandpa’s, okay?? you have a month and a half loser.
from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
september 30th 2009 (age 10)
hi y/n,
  jimin sprained his ankle during gym class. your grandpa told me to write that because it probably just made your day. i feel a little bit bad for him, the nurse at our school is really mean. also i know it’s a month away but i’m so excited for halloween. my dad got me this really cool goku costume. what are you gonna dress up as?
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
february 4th 2010 (age 11)
  i’m so tired of my parents fighting all the time. all they do is yell. i can’t wait to be back in amber valley so i don’t have to hear them all the time. i wish i had your parents, they’re so nice. also i hate my class. it’s so hard to be friends with the girls that sit next to me, they always leave me out of things. don’t you miss elementary school?
  from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
may 17th 2010 (age 11)
dear y/n,
  guess what. my dad got me a skateboard!! it’s so cool. if you’re nice to me i’ll let you borrow it. we should see who can do the coolest trick. it’ll be me of course i’m better than you at everything LOL. you better hurry and come back!
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
november 25th 2010 (age 11)
hi jungkook, 
  i can’t believe i’ll only be living with my dad soon. do you think my mom doesn’t want me? honestly, i’d rather just live with grandpa all the time. then i could see marshmallow everyday all year! or maybe you can convince your mom to take me in. actually, i take that back, i could never live with you. you’re so messy. 
p.s. i got my own skateboard!! it’s cold now but i’m gonna practice and bring it with me next summer
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
february 18th 2011 (age 12)
  i know you’re super sad and stuff. i’m sorry about your parents. we’re gonna have the best summer ever though and maybe you won’t think so much about it. look at the bucket list i made!
eat breakfast for dinner
watch the captain america movie
ride the big kids ride at the midsummer fair (i’m tall enough now so you better be too)
stay up all night
make ice cream
  if you have any ideas, add on! hope you’re doing okay :( 
  from jungkook
  vii. the saloon
when jungkook mentioned the saloon to you, you thought it was a joke poking at the countryside life. 
  “oh, it’s actually called a saloon. like, unironically. that’s what the text said,” you rambled into your phone, edged between your ear and shoulder, as you stood in your kitchen in front of your laptop.
  on the screen, you were assembling an excel sheet of sorts to assist your navigation through the business side of the farm. thankfully, this was exactly the field you had long worked and studied in and knowing this before taking on your new role made the transition far easier. there was hardly any product to be profiting from, as you had just arrived, and you were preparing the document before the time came to deal with vendors and other local businesses.
  “oh, honey, that place has actually been called ‘the saloon’ ever since i was a little girl,” your mom’s voice chimed in from the other end.
  since the turn of your early twenties, your phone calls to your parents were far and few between and you could hear the surprise in her tone when she initially picked up. but, your grandpa’s letter seemed to be growing truer everyday, as your surroundings made drew you to reconnect with what you thought was to be lost.
  eyebrows furrowed, you continued to scroll through your work. “mom, do you think he meant it as a date? i can’t do a date, i literally just got here!”
  “calm down. it’s that amber valley hospitality. but,” your mom paused, “you did have crushes on each other growing up.”
  “mom, no way - “
  she merely laughed. “it was so obvious! you mailed a valentine’s day card to jungkook every year. one time, he punched little jimin because he called you ‘jungkook’s ugly girlfriend.’”
  “and then he screamed that i wasn’t ugly. huh, i do remember that,” you began to think. 
  spending time reminiscing with your mom momentarily distracted you from the anxiety you felt, waiting for the evening to come. jungkook did end up texting you, asking if you were coming down to the saloon for the birthday surprise. you looked away and closed your eyes when you pressed ‘send’ on the confirmation that you would drop by.
  the idea made you nervous only because it had been so long since you went out and met new people. there was no such thing as free time in your old life and you really only maintained surface-level friendships with your coworkers in your last year of the job.  however, knowing amber valley and the tight-knit community, it was only a matter of time before you got acquainted with everyone, whether you liked it or not.
  by the time it was six, you’d forced yourself to get changed and inspected your outfit several times before leaving. the last thing you wanted to do was stand out too much. so, you put on your favourite denim jeans and a plain long sleeve top, putting away your go-to strappy stilettos for the night. 
  making your way into town was quick and soon enough, you found the pub situated in between the flower shop and the hardware store. it definitely looked like it’d been around since your mom was a little girl, the exterior siding showing age with chips here and there. 
  “hey y/n.”
  you jumped, having not paid attention to your surroundings. turning around, it was taehyung holding a box adorned in magenta polka dot wrapping. he wore a similar outfit to the one from the day before, except a different cowboy hat. you wondered if there was a store in town that specialized in selling just these hats.
  “hi taehyung. is this for jin?” you offered a smile, gesturing to the box.
  a pleased grin formed on taehyung’s face. “yup. i’m pretty sure i got him the best gift out of everyone, but don’t tell anyone.”
  he walked ahead of you and opened the door, pausing. you realized he was opening it for you and you quickly thanked him, going right in. small town hospitality. 
  it was saturday evening, but to your surprise, there were hardly any patrons in the bar. taehyung then pointed to a sign by the door, which you missed completely. it read: ‘private event, invite only.’ 
  “oh, wow, am i v.i.p?” you joked, following him to the back of the room, where a stack of presents were grouped on one table. 
  “of course! you’re jungkook’s friend, after all,” he exclaimed, setting his box down with the others. “you guys go way back, huh? how long has it been since you guys since saw each other?”
  you counted in your head. “i think twelve or thirteen years. a while.”
  “what, no facebook back in the day?” he teased.
  “no, he was never nearly fond of that. after i stopped coming for the summers, we lost contact completely.” you couldn’t recall any attempts for continued communication afterwards, other than your grandpa offering updates here and there about him. “we used to write, but i don’t know what happened. . .”
  for a while, you wondered why jungkook never wrote you again after you stopped coming to the valley. admittedly, looking back, it hurt your preteen self that he never tried. but, eventually, you moved on and left jungkook in your childhood.
  taehyung nodded slowly. “so. . .you didn’t know about what happened?”
  you already knew what he was talking about and squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. “no. i felt really bad about it.”
  “it’s okay. since i moved to town, i’ve really admired jungkook. if there’s any sort of pain, he hides it really well for the sake of others,” he said, leaning on the wall.
  that sounded like the jungkook you remembered. he was always the type to put others before himself, no matter how small the issue. then, you began thinking about jiwon.
  “taehyung, can i ask you something?” you suddenly said. “jiwon. she’s only nine. and jungkook doesn’t have any other family. . .”
  the smile at the corner of taehyung’s lips was sad. “yeah. jungkook is her primary guardian and has been since he was nineteen.”
  the answer seemed to weigh a hundred pounds and you had to take a second to take it all in. there were so many questions that formed, floating around your head and you couldn't seem to find the words to articulate any of them. before you could even try, you jumped again at the sudden appearance of two new individuals, one of them being jungkook himself and forced you to put away your thoughts.
  “we’re behind schedule, did yoongi put the cake in the fridge?” this new person was turned to taehyung, carrying a case of beer. “we need - oh, hi! y/n! i totally remember you, i heard you were back!”
  you’d never seen someone with such energy, exhibiting positivity like a ray of sunshine. it seemed like he was genuinely delighted to see you. taking a closer look at his features, you recognized him to be jung hoseok - jungkook’s next door neighbour. he put down the case in his hands and immediately pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
  “hoseok, hi!” you winced, trying your best to hug him back, but it certainly made you burst into a giggle.
  he was the first person to remember you on the spot, which took you aback. a few years older than you, you weren’t as close with him as you were with jungkook growing up, but he was always around. you remember him as the big brother who showed you and jungkook the cool ‘older kid’ shows and games that your parents would have never let you watch at that young age. 
  “how have you been? you look so grown up! you’re really staying here for good?” the questions were rapid-fire, one after another.
  beside him, jungkook was smiling, but tapped hoseok to bring him back into the main conversation. “hyung. hyung! we’re behind schedule, remember?” he groaned, but grinned wider when you met his eyes. “nice to see you, though, bunny. really glad you came.”
  “oh, right.” hoseok quickly let go and cleared his throat, beginning to point to each of you with authority. “you, taehyung. go help jimin with the slideshow. namjoon has the pinata.”
  pinata? how old was this jin person, was he one of jiwon’s friends?
  “you, jungkook. jin said he’s five minutes away, we need you to distract him for a bit longer.”
  “can i help?” you piped in, feeling a bit out of place. “i mean, i’m here as a last minute guest, i’m happy to help in any way.”
  hoseok clapped his hands together in glee. “thank you, y/n! go help jungkook distract jin, you being there will give him a reason to yap on. let’s go team!” he raised his fist in encouragement and in the blink of an eye, he already dashed off. 
  at this, jungkook seemed unfazed and frankly, so were you. you remember hoseok’s personality to be like this - extremely vigorous and could never sit in one place. on the other hand, taehyung looked perplexed as much as he appeared amused. he only shrugged, picking up the case of beer that hoseok clearly forgot.
  “let’s go team, i guess. i’ll see you guys in a bit!” taehyung chuckled, walking off.
  you were expecting to be asked to move around chairs or help bring out food. this wasn’t quite in your cards. you turned to jungkook in confusion, who chuckled at your expression.
  “come follow me.”
  he led the two of you back out the saloon, hands in his jean pockets. the early summer air was stunningly humid and coming outside was like hitting a muggy and sticky wall. but, there was one thing that couldn’t be replaced.
  you couldn’t help but stare up at the sky, a fixed gaze. “you can really see the stars when you’re in the valley.”
  the stars, dotted across the night, twinkled and smiled down at you. it was a view that others only romanticized and dreamt of in carefully crafted paintings and poems made to move the soul. and now, this dream was your new home. 
  jungkook mimicked the way you tilted your head up, lost with his own gaze. “i’ve lived here all my life and i never get tired of it.”
  “i can’t believe i forgot about this. . .” you trailed off.
  he pointed out to the sky. “that one is ursa major and you can see - “
  “ - the big dipper,” the two of you said in unison, which led to a shared laughter. 
astronomy was one of your biggest interests growing up, having stacks of books and a tapestry of the night sky in your childhood bedroom. your bedroom in the farmhouse also had a shelf full of astronomy books, which your grandpa still kept until his passing. having ignored the task of organizing and arranging your new bedroom, which was the same room you occupied over your summers in amber valley, you made a note to go through this shelf when you arrived home.
  jungkook said, “you’re the one that taught me about that,” he turned back to you. “you actually used to randomly quiz me on constellations, it was really stressful.”
  you could see your younger self sitting on your grandpa’s porch steps with jungkook, who lazied on the hammock across from you. you would compile actual multiple-choice questions and threw pebbles at him whenever he got an answer wrong. eventually, your grandpa scolded you for that, so you changed your weapon of choice to toy balls.
  “i guess my lessons paid off, though,” you bantered.
  following this, you heard a person shout jungkook’s name. you looked over and saw a man walking in your direction. he was tall and handsome and his smile was inviting. a little too handsome, he reminded you of models you’d seen in high fashion ads. his clothes contributed to the image, a patterned short sleeve button down and t-shirt that gave off neat and put-together. he wore jeans like what seemed to be 90 percent of the town, but you noticed the luxury brand belt. 
  “oh, seokjin!” to this, jungkook nudged you, as if signalling for you to be ready for something.
  this was jin? the birthday boy with a pinata? he had to be around hoseok’s age.
  “hey! hoseok told me to meet him here, have you see him?” seokjin began looking around. “he is working tonight, right?”
  “uh, did he?” jungkook’s tone was not convincing and you couldn’t believe the hoseok made such a horrible liar be the distraction. “i think he is, want me to call him?”
  “um, yeah. he said he was returning something he borrowed from me.” seokjin looked at him strangely. “why don’t i just go inside and check? why are you just waiting out here?”
  “this is y/n!” jungkook suddenly blurted out, seemingly having no way around the conversation. his smile was painful and avoided making eye contact.
  your eyes went wide and seokjin turned to you, having not realized there was another person in his presence. “oh, i’m so sorry! i didn’t see you there.”
  “yeah, hi, that’s me. y/n.” this time, it was jungkook looking at you like you were the least convincing person in the world. you cleared your throat and offered a handshake to seokjin.
  seokjin didn’t seem to notice your awkwardness and took your hand. “it’s really nice to meet you. jungkook actually told me a lot about you!” it was subtle, but you could hear jungkook groan. 
  you raised your eyebrows at jungkook. “oh, did he?” 
  “you guys grew up together, right? and you’re taking over the old farm?” 
  although you could tell right off the bat that seokjin wasn’t from amber valley, his deamanour was just as welcoming and friendly. he asked you a few questions about where you’re from and how settling in was. 
  “i’m sure you’ll be a natural. it sounds like you already have a lot of experience!” seokjin exclaimed and his positivity gave you genuine reassurance. “we’re all friends around here, so don’t be shy to reach out if you need anything.”
  “thank you,” you replied.
  jungkook tried to regain his composure. “seokjin runs the bakery down the street.”
  “yeah! my wife and i used to buy eggs from your grandpa all the time, hopefully we can keep doing that,” seokjin winked at you. 
  then, the front door of the saloon cracked open just enough for hoseok to poke his head outside. there was no sign of activity from the inside, with the lights now off and all voices coming to a complete silence. 
  seokjin tilted his head slightly when looking at hoseok. “there you are. are you. . closed? the bar is closed on a saturday night?” he asked.
  “yeah, uh, plumbing issues,” hoseok’s eyes darted over to you and jungkook. “y/n, jungkook! what brings you here around this time of day? you should all come in!”
  despite the growing skepticsm etched on his face, seokjin glanced over to you two and shrugged. he followed his friend’s gesture to come inside. 
  you mumbled to jungkook, “you and your friends are all terrible liars.” to this, jungkook stifled a laugh and playfully jabbed his elbow into your arm. 
  hoseok opened the door wider and seokjin went in first, while you and jungkook trailed after. you were surprised at how well they made the interior appear deserted, with not a single soul in sight. you did noticed that they even stacked the chairs on the tables, as if the establishment was really closed.
  “by the way, hoseok is the manager of the saloon,” jungkook leaned into your ear and whispered. 
  the floorboards creaked with every step, only adding onto the heavy silence in the atmosphere. seokjin looked around, eyebrows furrowed. he cleared his throat, hoping to cut the awkward tension.
  seokjin started, “so, y/n, what happened with you and ju - “
  all of the lights flickered on and filled the room. upbeat music turned on suddenly, causing seokjin to jump and yelp. two dozen or so people popped out from random places - underneath the booths, from behind the walls, and from behind the bar. balloons and streamers began spilling out from out of nowhere.
  “happy birthday seokjin!” everyone yelled in unison.
  you awkwardly tried to join in once you caught onto what everyone was saying. despite that, the high energy ended up engulfing you and you couldn’t help but smile. some of the boys started throwing streamers at seokjin, while namjoon appeared from under the bar with a lit chocolate cake and began approaching the birthday boy in question.
  “thanks, y/n!” hoseok nudged you, as everyone began singing to seokjin. “it’s exciting that you’re around again!” 
  as the song concluded and seokjin enthusastically blew out his candles, you cheered along with everyone else. over the cheering, jungkook found his way to you again. he raised his hand, offering a high-five, which you immediately accepted.
  something about the atmosphere unlocked something inside you. within days, you were welcomed into the community and for the first time in a long time, saw people that could become your actual friends. maybe this was what your grandpa was talking about.
  “yeah,” jungkook added, “it is exciting that you’re around again.”
  “real connections. . .” you muttered to yourself, remembering the contents of your grandpa’s letter.
  the yelling got louder, as the partygoers chanted for seokjin to make a speech. “huh, what did you say?” jungkook shouted over the chanting. 
  you weren’t prepared for the next part of grandpa’s wish for you. it was a surprise to you that you were able to ease into the town and become comfortable connecting with the people around you. at the end of the day, though, you had a farm to run and you were about to face the worst of it. 
  viii. the second storm
your grandpa’s last wishes for you were to reconnect with people and nature. nature. you didn’t realize what you were getting yourself into.
  “oh my god! why does mother nature hate me?!”
  the best thing about living in a big farmhouse by yourself was the fact that you could make as much noise as you wanted. you often found yourself yelling at the top of your lungs, shrieking like a bird when you came across anything frustrating. considering you were learning an entirely new job on your own, it happened quite often.
  you screamed into the void after your first phone call with a vendor, who kept on asking you if you knew what you were doing. you swore you almost broke your vocal cords when you sunk into the mud the first time you checked out the fields after a rainy night. at least you walked away several metres from the coop before you screeched in agony after the chickens gave you a hard morning on time. 
  when a soft knock on your front door interrupted your emotional breakdown, your heart stopped. 
  “fuck!” you whispered to yourself.
  who would be visiting you? what if it was someone important, like mayor kim? maybe they didn’t hear - no, they definitely heard. 
  you tentatively approached the door and took a deep breathe before swinging it open.
  “i didn’t know you started tending to hyenas on the farm.”
  it was jungkook with a lazy, shit-eating grin. it was early in the morning, about 8am, and he wore workout clothes. baggy grey sweatpants and a white nike tank-top, you felt like you were straining to keep your eyes on his face and not anywhere else. 
  “oh, shut it. good morning to you, too,” you shot back. “to what do i owe the pleasure?”
  “sorry, i would’ve texted, but i was already passing by on my run,” jungkook said.
  it’d been about a week since you last saw him, though he was nice enough to check in on you every once in a while to see if you were doing okay with the farm. you hardly left home, used to the same routine of working and going right to bed everyday from your old life and the habit was hard to break. 
  he continued, “anyway, i saw your windows hanging from outside and i just wanted to make sure - “
  you opened the front door wider for him to see the state of your front entryway and his jaw dropped. there was water everywhere on the floor. the storm from the night before was aggressive and the age of the house couldn’t stand it. you didn’t anticipate for it to be this bad, having just shoved the windows closed before you went to bed.
  “yeah, they’re wrecked,” you sighed, looking over to what was left of it, considering most of it was on the ground. “actually, that’s why i was screaming.”
  “you know, i take what i said back. totally justified.”
  “thanks,” you rolled your eyes and sighed. he made a gesture as if to come in and you obliged, carefully stepping aside and making sure you weren’t stepping in a puddle. “i’m surprised this hasn’t happened before.”
  he let out a low whistle, as he walked inside and took in the sight of your floors. “honestly, me neither. you would think this would’ve happened already ages ago.”
  you didn’t know what else to do but shrug. “i can handle it.” despite your words, you certainly could not handle it. there were still a million things you had to take care of around the farm and dealing with broken windows and water was an incredible burden that you didn’t know where to start.
  “shit. look, i have to go to work in a bit, but let me help you out,” jungkook said. 
  you instantly shook your head. “jungkook, no. it’s fine, really, i got it.”
  “you’ve never picked up a screwdriver in your life.”
  “hey, you don’t know that!” you wanted to slap him upside the head like from when you were kids, but found the strength to refrain.
  it was only jokes and jungkook’s smirk showed it, but his tone then became serious. “okay, then, at least let me help you fix your windows. dude, you live alone in this big ass house on this big ass farm. just say yes.” 
  at this point, you could tell he was exasperated with your stubborness and you laughed at it. you weren’t one to turn down someone offering to do manual labour for you, but you were hesitant to show any lack of indepdence. though, something told you to say yes and it wasn’t jungkook’s annoyance with your persistence. 
  “okay, fine. you’re real annoying, you know that?” you had to add in the last part, it was only natural. 
  he shook his head. “thank you - oh, how lucky i am for milady to accept my lousy, peasant self to fix your windows!” at that, you shoved him playfully and when he barely moved from your push, jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle. 
  “i know you’re perfectly capable of doing things yourself, by the way. you just shouldn’t have to all the time,” he gave you a pointed look. 
  you nodded slowly, looking down at your feet. “thank you, jungkook.” 
  though it was only 8 in the morning, you decided to take a later start in the day, since you usually woke up at the crack of dawn. you had your entire day ahead of you and what felt like a hundred things to do and the last thing you wanted to add was a trip to the hardware store.
  “of course,” he carefully tiptoed around the water, moving back to the front door. “it’s what friends are for. i’ll come by tomorrow morning, how’s that sound?”
  this is not what you meant when you decided to “reconnect with nature” at all. with your fluffy indoor slippers soaked in rainwater, you were certainly more than connected with it. you made a mental note to visit the beach and call it a day, hoping that would fulfill your grandpa’s wish for you to be one with mother earth and that the forces of nature would leave you alone after that.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @sstrongstyletyle @wobblewobble822 @seokoutt @firelcrds @taiwan0618
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nevermorgue · 2 months
Nevermore Birthday Headcanons
to celebrate my birthday coming up (aug 5th save the date /j) I thought it would be fun to share my take on the characters' birthdays!! Annabel Lee: Autumn, maybe Late September/Early October. I'm feeling October 2nd. Tell me she is not a Libra. Annabel Lee in this season just feels right; everything dying slowly and winter creeping over your shoulder...sort of like how her impending marriage is just around the corner! Lenore: Late March. March 23rd. It's just the vibe, plus she is so an Aries. It's very very close to spring but not quite, just hanging off the edge of winter...it just seems fitting. Duke: August 16th. He's definitely a summer type of guy (and a leo) it just goes with his outgoing, charismatic vibe. Pluto: June 29th. He is a sopping wet cat and putting him in a summer birthday is ironic in a cute way. He does not want to go outside. It is too hot. Morella: April 17th. April because Spring and flowers, the 17th, is just vibes. Eulalie: December 11th. She is SO winter. She is cozy. Berenice: This girl is so July!! July 25th is her vibe! She and Duke are both Leos and full of life Prospero: January 20th. It's hard to explain, I just feel like January has an elegance to it. Plus, he just seems like a winter kind of man. Ada: Sometime in November, hates it because it is cold and dead outside, is bitter that there isn't a lot of outdoor activity to be done in November. I'd say maybe November 8th. Montresor: June 6th. I am not elaborating. Will: Either September 9th, the most common birthday in the US, or a holiday that would completely overshadow his birthday like January 1st or February 14th. I think his birthday being on Valentine's Day would be kinda cruel, considering how he's always ignored + the holiday being "more important".
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thebeesareback · 1 year
Every episode of New Who in chronological order (Doctor Who)
Spoilers: it makes no fucking sense. Also, there are some episodes which occur in two or more time periods
"The Fires of Pompeii" - 79 David Tennant
"The Eaters of Light" - 2nd century Peter Capaldi
"The Pandorica Opens" - 102 Matt Smith
"The Big Bang" - immediately after "The Pandorica Opens", 102 Matt Smith
"The Girl Who Died" - 851 Peter Capaldi
"Resolution" 9th century Jodie Whittaker
"The Magician's Apprentice" - 1138 Peter Capaldi
"The Witch's Familiar" immediately after "The Magician's Apprentice", 1138 Peter Capaldi
"Robot of Sherwood" - 1190 Peter Capaldi
"The Bells of Saint John" - 1207 Matt Smith
"Can You Hear Me?" - 1380 Jodie Whittaker
"The Day of the Doctor" - 1562 Matt Smith and David Tennant
"The Vampires of Venice" - 1580 Matt Smith
"The Shakespeare Code" - 1599 David Tennant
"The Curse of the Black Spot" - 16th century Matt Smith
"The Witchfinders" - 1612 Jodie Whittaker
"The Woman Who Lived" - 1681, sequential to "The Girl Who Died" Peter Capaldi
"Legend of the Sea Devils" - 1807 Jodie Whittaker
"Thin Ice" - 1814 Peter Capaldi
"The Haunting of Villa Diodati" - 1816 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall Part Two" - 1834 Jodie Whittaker
"Deep Breath" - Victorian era (between 1837-1901) Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith
"The Next Doctor" - 1851 David Tennant
"War of the Sontarans" - 1855 sequential to "The Halloween Apocalypse" Jodie Whittaker
"The Unquiet Dead" - December 1869 Christopher Eccleston
"Tooth and Claw" - 1879 David Tennant
"A Town Called Mercy" - somewhere between 1865-1890 Matt Smith
"Empress of Mars" - 1881 Peter Capaldi
"Vincent and the Doctor" - 1890 Matt Smith
"The Snowmen" - 1892 Matt Smith
"The Crimson Horror" - 1893 Matt Smith
"The Name of the Doctor" - 1893 Matt Smith
"Ascension of the Cybermen" - "the early 20th century" Jodie Whittaker
"Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" - 1903 Jodie Whittaker
"Survivors of the Flux" - 1904 sequential to "Village of the Angels" Jodie Whittaker
"Human Nature" - 1913 David Tennant
"The Family of Blood" - Immediately after "Human Nature", 1913 David Tennant
"The Power of the Doctor" 1916 Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" - 1926 David Tennant
"Daleks in Manhattan" - 1930 David Tennant
"Evolution of the Daleks - Immediately after "Daleks in Manhattan", 1930 David Tennant
"Let's Kill Hitler" - 1938 Matt Smith
"The Angels Take Manhattan" 1938 Matt Smith
"Victory of the Daleks" - between 1939-1945 Matt Smith
"The Empty Child" - 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor Dances" - Immediately after "The Empty Child", 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" - December 1941 Matt Smith
"Demons of the Punjab" - August 1947 Jodie Whittaker
"The Idiot's Lantern" - June 1953 David Tennant
"Rosa" - 1955 Jodie Whittaker
"Village of the Angels" - November 1967 sequential to "Once, Upon Time" Jodie Whittaker
"The Impossible Astronaut" - 1969 Matt Smith
"The Day of the Moon" - Immediately after "The Impossible Astronaut" 1969 Matt Smith
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Hide" - 1974 Matt Smith
"The God Complex" - 1980 Matt Smith
"Cold War" - 1983 Matt Smith
"Twice Upon a Time" 1986 Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker
"Father's Day" - 1987 Christopher Eccleston
"The Return of Doctor Mysterio" - 1992 Peter Capaldi
"The Eleventh Hour" 1998 Matt Smith
"Rose" - contemporary to release, March 2005 Christopher Eccleston
"School Reunion" - 2005 David Tennant
"The Christmas Invasion" - contemporary to release, December 2005 David Tennant
"Aliens of London" - Approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"World War Three" - Immediately after "Aliens of London", approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Rise of the Cybermen" - contemporary to release, May 2006 David Tennant
"The Age of Steel" - Immediately after "Rise of the Cybermen", May 2006 David Tennant
"Love & Monsters" - contemporary to release, June 2006 David Tennant
"Army of Ghosts" - after "Love & Monsters", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Doomsday" - Immediately after "Army of Ghosts", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Boom Town" - autumn 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Turn Left" - autumn 2006 David Tennant
"The Runaway Bride" - December 2006 David Tennant
"Smith and Jones" - contemporary to release, March 2007 David Tennant
"The Lazarus Experiment" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"42" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"The Sound of Drums" - contemporary to release, June 2007 (immediately after "Utopia") David Tennant
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Partners in Crime" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Sontaran Stratagem" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Poison Sky" - contemporary to release, May 2008 (immediately after "The Sontaran Stratagem") David Tennant
"Last of the Time Lords" - contemporary to release, June 2008 (sequential to "The Sound of Drums"), David Tennant
"The Stolen Earth" - contemporary to release, June 2008 David Tennant
"Journey's End" - contemporary to release, July 2008 (immediately after "The Stolen Earth") David Tennant
"The Lodger" - contemporary to release, June 2010 Matt Smith
"Night Terrors" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Closing Time" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Fear Her" - July 2012 David Tennant
"Dalek" - 2012 Christopher Eccleston
"Asylum of the Daleks" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Power of Three" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Rings of Akhaten" - contemporary to release, April 2013 Matt Smith
"Into the Dalek" - contemporary to release, August 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Listen" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Time Heist" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"The Caretaker" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Flatline" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"In the Forest of the Night" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Dark Water" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Death in Heaven" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Last Christmas" - contemporary to release, December 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Amy's Choice" - 2015 Matt Smith
"The Zygon Invasion" - contemporary to release, October 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Zygon Inversion" - contemporary to release, November 2015 (immediately after "The Zygon Invasion") Peter Capaldi
"Face the Raven" - contemporary to release, November 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Pilot" - contemporary to release, April 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Knock Knock" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Extremis" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Woman Who Fell to Earth" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Arachnids in the UK" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"It Takes You Away" - contemporary to release, November 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Fugitive of the Judoon" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Praxeus" - contemporary to release, February 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Hungry Earth" - 2020 Matt Smith
"Cold Blood" - 2020 (immediately after "The Hungry Earth") Matt Smith
"Revolution of the Daleks" - September 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Halloween Apocalypse" - contemporary to release, October 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Once, Upon Time" - contemporary to release, sequential to "War of the Sontarans", November 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Eve of the Daleks" contemporary to release, January 2022 Jodie Whittaker
"Kill the Moon" - 2049 Peter Capaldi
"The Waters of Mars" - 2059 David Tennant
"The Rebel Flesh" - 22nd century Matt Smith
"The Almost People" - 22nd century (immediately after "The Rebel Flesh") Matt Smith
"Under the Lake" - 2119 Peter Capaldi
"Before the Flood" - 2119 (immediately after "Under the Lake") Peter Capaldi
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" - 2367 Matt Smith
"The Beast Below" - some point after the 29th century Matt Smith
"Sleep No More" - 38th century Peter Capaldi
"Planet of the Ood" - 4126 David Tennant
"The Time of Angels" - 5000 Matt Smith
"Flesh and Stone" - 5000 (immediately after "The Time of Angels") Matt Smith
"The Girl in the Fireplace" - 5000-5100 David Tennant
"The Husbands of River Song" - 5343 Peter Capaldi
"Silence in the Library" - 5100 David Tennant
"Forest of the Dead" - 5100 (immediately after "Silence in the Library") David Tennant
"The Long Game" - 200,000 Christopher Eccleston
"Bad Wolf" - 200,100 Christopher Eccleston
"The Parting of the Ways" Immediately after "Bad Wolf", 200,100 Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant
"The End of the World" - 5 billion (plus 2005) Christopher Eccleston
"New Earth" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Gridlock" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Utopia" - 100 trillion David Tennant
"Smile" - it's in "the far future" Peter Capaldi
No indication of the date:
"The Impossible Planet", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"The Satan Pit", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"Voyage of the Damned", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2007)
"The Doctor's Daughter", David Tennant (Broadcast May 2008)
"Midnight", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2008)
"Planet of the Dead", David Tennant (Broadcast April 2009)
"The End of Time", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2009)
"A Christmas Carol", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2010)
"The Doctor's Wife", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War", Matt Smith (Broadcast June 2011)
"The Girl Who Waited", Matt Smith (Broadcast September 2011)
"The Wedding of River Song", Matt Smith (Broadcast October 2011)
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", Matt Smith (Broadcast April 2013)
"Nightmare in Silver", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2013)
"The Time of the Doctor", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2013)
"Mummy on the Orient Express", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast October 2014)
"Heaven Sent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast November 2015)
"Hell Bent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast December 2015)
"Oxygen", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast May 2017)
"The Lie of the Land", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"World Enough and Time", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"The Doctor Falls", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast July 2017)
"The Ghost Monument", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast 2018)
"The Tsuranga Conundrum", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"Kerblam!", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2018)
"Orphan 55", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast January 2020)
"The Vanquishers" Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2021)
"The Timeless Children" sequential to "The Ascension of the Cybermen", Jodie Whittaker (March 2020)
Key: red is Christopher Eccleston; orange is David Tennant; green is Matt Smith; Peter Capaldi is blue; Jodie Whittaker is purple
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marvel-ous-m · 10 months
A Restless Night
written for ‘rest’ wc: #387 | rated: T | cw: description of panic attack | description: Steve has a nightmare, Eddie reminds him that he can rest. | @steddiemicrofic
“Hey- hey, baby. What’s going on?”
Eddie is in his face, trying to get his attention, simultaneously too much and not enough, and Steve would try and voice that feeling if he could get a word out- but as it is, he can’t even breathe properly. He’s gasping in air, trying to fill his lungs, but anxiety has tightened like a vice around his chest, leaving him breathless.
It had been a nightmare- big surprise there. They came often, these days. When warm autumn nights turn cold and the breeze reminds him too much of years past- November of ‘83, October of ‘84. The basement of the mall in ‘85. The Upside Down…
They bring up a variety of memories. They’re hazy, they mix together, and Steve finds himself drifting to sleep just to jump from the Byers’ house in ‘83 to carrying Eddie out of hell, pleading with the man to stay alive, even though Eddie’s limp body was completely lifeless. Cold. Dead.
“Hey, Stevie. Think you can take a deep breath for me?” Eddie’s voice brings him back to the present- back to their bed in their apartment, where Eddie has taken hold of Steve’s hand and pressed it to his heart. Where his boyfriend is now taking deep, exaggerated breaths. Where Eddie is alive, reminding Steve to breathe, and Steve takes a shuddering breath.
“There we go. See, sweetheart? It’s okay. We’re alright. We’re in our room, it’s November 2nd, 1991. We’re in Seattle, long way away from Hawkins.” Eddie begins to brush his free hand through Steve’s hair, and Steve moves slightly, slumping against his boyfriend’s chest.
“Robin’s in New York for the week with Nancy, they’ll be back on Friday. Dustin is at school in Boston. El visited Hawkins last month and said there were no signs of anything coming back. Everyone we love is safe, Steve. You can rest.”
Eddie shifts, wrapping his arms around Steve’s shivering frame. He lays back in their bed, bringing Steve with him, Steve’s face still burrowed in Eddie’s chest and Eddie’s hand still carding through Steve’s hair.
Wrapped in the comfort of Eddie’s arms, with gentle reminders of their safety washing over him to the rumbling tone of Eddie’s voice, Steve found himself able to breathe normally again- and with that, he let himself rest.
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deadhawke · 1 year
Comprehensive Trigun Stampede Timeline
(With sources and references!) I will use the abbreviations EY to stand for Earth Year and PE to stand for Planet Era, the calendar and year system used by No Man's Land. I will use ~ in front of a date to indicate that it's not concrete but is about that time.
This should hopefully be a comprehensive timeline for TriStamp. I've done my best to comb through both the series as well as some of the extras from Studio Orange on Twitter, and I will provide sources/pictures as well as reasoning where relevant. So onto the actual timeline starting with.....
~EY 2256 - Project SEEDS leaves earth - based on Rem saying that it has been about 200 years since they left Earth and in that scenes the boys look like they do after at least a year old.
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EY 2405 May 3rd - Tesla is born
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EY 2455 July 21st - Vash and Nai are born
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EY 2456 July 21st - Vash and Nai's first birthday
~ EY 2456 - The Big Fall - due to the fact that Vash and Nai still look about the same age it is either the same year or pretty close to it when the Big Fall happens
~ EY 2461 - When Vash runs away from Home to confront Nai and he gets his arm cut off. Brad says it had been 5 years since the Big Fall.
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PE 00 November 1st (~ EY 2502) - The first city November is established as well as the Planet Era Calendar. Based on Vash, Nai, Luida, and Brad all saying it has been about 150 years since the Fall at the time the actual episodes take place, the math works out to this happening about 46 years after the big fall. This information comes from Studio Orange's twitter where they posted some extra world building info.
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PE 00 December (~ EY 2502) - 2nd city December is established
PE 01 July (~ EY 2503) - 3rd city July is established (RIP your theme song slapped)
PE 01-02 (~ EY 2503-2504) - The rest of the seven cities of Augusta, Octovern, May, and September are established
~ PE 79 (~ EY 2581) - Rollo is taken and Eye of Michael-ed. Based on a combination of what Roberto and Conrad say in episode 5. Conrad says in the flash back after Rollo has been experimented on that he is the first to survive for 5 whole years. And then Roberto later says its been about 20 years since the town was abandoned aka since Rollo came back as Monev the Gale and wrecked the place. Roberto says the 20 years comment when looking at the state of the house and before finding the photo of Vash and bby Rollo.
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PE 81 (~ EY 2583) - Meryl is born! This also helps us establish the year the episodes take place as Meryl was born in 81, is 23 years old, and just finished college in 103 which you can just make out at the bottom of the screen. (23 + 81 = 104) Meaning the majority of the episodes themselves take place in PE 104
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~ PE 84 (~ EY 2586) - Rollo comes back to the windmill town as Monev the Gale and wrecks the place.
PE 99 - PE 103 (~ EY 2601 – 2605) - Meryl is in college!
PE 104 May 25th (~ EY 2606) - We finally get to Episode 1! Meryl and Roberto find Vash half dead and he has the duel with the military police! As stated earlier we have determined the year based on Meryl's resume.
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PE 104 May 25th/26th - Episode 2/3 happens. This episode may either be the same day as episode 1 or it could be the next day as there is multiple ways to determine the timing. First way: As Vash is attempting to leave Roberto does say "Wait... You told me this morning." when asking who Vash is seemingly running away from. This would indicate that it is the same day as episode 1 since that is when Vash first tells them about Knives. Second way: Episodes 2/3 take place the next day as in the intro sequence while Vash is cleaning his gun it is night outside as shown by the window in his room, and later on we see it is day and we know it is a window as when Vash is leaving you can see the light outside. I personally still think this is the case since the town people have also had a chance to get together and plan Vash's capture, and when Roberto is referring to the morning that could be referring to the interview he and Meryl were doing with him in the bar.
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PE 104 May 29th/30th - Episode 4 happens. The radio states it has been 3 days since Jeneora Rock.
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PE 104 May/June/July - Sometime in this period episode 5 happens. I suspect towards the mid/end of July since Vash and Wolfwood are still upset with each other over Rollo during the start of episode 6. (@ StudioOrange what happened during their off screen road trip we wanna know)
PE 104 ~ July 20th - Episodes 6/7 happen. The timing on this is entirely based on how long Vash remains passed out in Home before waking up, but at least one day passes from 6/7 to Vash's very bad no good day that is episodes 8/9/10/11/12 since it goes from day on 6 to sunset on 7, and then back to day when Vash wakes on the ship.
PE 104 July 21st - Episodes 8/9/10/11/12 aka Vash goes to Soup day aka the twin's 151st bday or thereabouts. We know for sure it was July 21st thanks to Nai giving his bro the worst bday present ever and the radio announcer confirming the date explicitly during the anniversary for the epilogue.
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PE 106 July 21st (~ EY 2608) - Episode 12 epilogue happens as stated by the radio announcer.
BONUS: SE 110 June 2nd (~ EY 2612) - Now this is an interesting date, as this is the "effective" date listed on Wolfwood's pastor contract.
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We do know for sure however that the date June 2nd SE110 cannot equal June 2nd PE110, and equal the current day and year, as this happens on July 21st. It also cannot be the date Wolfwood is sent after Vash as they meet up May 29/30th, and even if that date is wrong (like if more than a day passes between episodes 1 and 2 somehow), if the year was 110 then Meryl would be 29 years old, very much not a fresh out of college newbie since we know she also graduated in 103.
General theorizing from myself and the wonderful people who have commented on this post and on others post seem to align with SE possibly meaning Sinners Era and being slightly off from the Planet Era year system the rest of the planet uses.
For my personal theorizing, the closest match to this date is if SE110 is equivalent to PE104 (so a six year difference between year systems), and an extra 3 days happen between Episodes 1 and 2/3, then it may be the day Wolfwood was sent after Vash. It could also be that we are making the incorrect assumption that they are using the Earth calendar with Earth calendar month lengths. If May is 28 days then that would place Episode 4 on June 1st with my current timeline which would be even closer.
In summary: The important part is that Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl, and Roberto spend a total of about 2 months traveling together between May 25th and July 21st. And I have no fucking clue what's going on with Wolfwood's contract.
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