#david thinks hes him soooooo bad
shira-ceres · 9 days
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Who's the protagonist?
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moronkyne · 3 months
The only thing Christian has done is think Asher isn't a good fit for beta and constantly complain about how he should be beta because he's been in the pack longer than Ash and just generally being disrespectful to Ash (and in turn David if you think about it)
And making fun of Milo's wolf form for being small (even tho that's not true. Milo's wolf for is average everyone else in the pack is just really big) and I don't mean harmless teasing I mean like genuinely making Milo ashamed and insecure of his wolf form to the point that David had to step in. So bullying
But also throughout the series, David, Asher and Milo have all said
"Yeah, Christian is a jerk and an asshole who has way too much ego and is way too fucking sure of himself but he's not a bad guy and he's still family"
So I feel like some of the Fandom has a reason to hate Christian but he hasn't made fun of Milo since David first stepped in (which was years ago) or complained about not being beta since before the inversion soooooo....
I think what really pisses me off is when people write Christian as a bigot or some sort of monster
Like I've ran into way too many fics of Christian hating Angel, Sam, babe, and sweetheart bc they're not werewolves even tho he prolly doesn't even give a fuck
Or like him trying to get darlin kicked out of the pack. He wouldn't do that because he prolly sees darlin as family
Sorry for the long ask
-ramble anon
I did some more diving and I found all of this out and I wanna say TYSM (I have an attention span of a pea)
I just wanna say, I need a redemption arc and he needs to ask Amanda out. nOW
<3 ty /gen
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freezrbride · 4 months
hi hey hello can i get uhhhh
for literally anyone you wanna answer for, i love all your characters so dearly
for game
🧠 - What is their stress response: fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?
ilse: FAWN. fawn 100%. it’s honestly a conditioned response. when fawn fails, she freezes. but she’s always going to fawn first.
stan: flight for sure. this man LOVES trying to run from his problems!!! when he’s stressed he’s gonna flee!
carsten: controversially… also flight. he’s another stress-avoider. his life has been ridiculously stressful and he just wants to run from it.
leo: FIGHTTTTTTT my boy STAYS fighting!!! throws hands first thinks later!
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
ilse: i think, at this precise moment in time, her mental health is actually very good. she’s married the loves of her lives. she has a stable home and a family that loves her. she’s feeling more secure in herself. i think, right now, she isn’t struggling with guilt or shame much at all — except when max has an episode or relapses. that’s when the guilt really eats her alive. she always fails like she failed to notice, like she didn’t take good enough care of him, that she isn’t right for him because she can’t keep him safe.
stan: stan’s mental health is really up and down. he’ll do really well for awhile, and then he’ll face a setback or experience a hardship and he just kind of PLUMMETS. he’s controversially Not Medicated so i think his mental health is just consistently kind of not great? he has not dealt very much with his severe depression or his lingering ocd soooooo. and we all know about his orthorexia! and yeah, shame is a huge problem for stan honestly. due to the way he was raised and to his massive fame? he really struggles with constantly feeling ashamed of himself.
carsten: hahahahahahaha it’s BAD. like REAL bad. this man is a MESS. he is on the verge of a total mental breakdown. but anyways! yes, he carries the burden of guilt with him everywhere he goes.
leo: BETTER!!! his mental health is getting better!!! medication and therapy are working wonders for him! guilt and shame aren’t problems for him, honestly. he doesn’t experience those emotions often and they aren’t lingering issues.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
ilse: the loves of her lives, her boys 🥰 ilse’s literally the most lovesick girl in the world and she loves her boys so much!!! any time spent with them, near them, listening to them? that’s her favorite time.
stan: shabbat dinner. he doesn’t do it much anymore, because he’s the only jewish person in the household, but sometimes, if everyone else is busy and away on a friday night, he’ll do it just by himself. he knows that kind of defeats the purpose, but it’s comforting. sometimes, david invites him over for shabbat at his house, and those are secretly his way favorite ways to spend friday nights.
carsten: waking up every morning. that’s it. every morning he opens his eyes, takes a deep breath, and feels luca beside him is a morning he’s grateful for. just being alive to see another day.
leo: TEA. he does NOT proclaim this to the world because it makes him feel too stereotypically british, but he LOVES tea. truly one of his greatest small joys of the day!!! the ritual of making it and then the ritual of drinking it with your loved ones? his favorite.
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain?
ilse: LOVES IT!!! i think she loves all weather, honestly. she’s always going to step outside in the rain, just for a moment. she still jumps in puddles. she likes to go dance in empty streets when it’s raining and the world is quiet and calm.
stan: is completely neutral about rain. he doesn’t like that it keeps him indoors (because he avoids going outside, if only not to fuck with his hair) and it seems to slow the days down, but he does like the calming sound of it on windowsills, taking a bath while the rain patters softly outside.
carsten: hates rain. it used to mean there was nowhere comfortable to sleep for the night, and he’s never really been able to shake that feeling. he gets antsy and nervous when it starts raining even now.
leo: rain makes him think of home, and so it always brings his mood down. makes him feel homesick for london, where rain is almost constant. he gets quiet and contemplative and sad when it rains.
🍁 - What is this oc’s favorite season?
ilse: SUMMER!!! she loves the sun! she loves the warmth! she loves the new life rejoining the earth!
stan: mmm i’m gonna say summer as well actually. he likes the heat! he likes being outside! he likes being naked all the time!
carsten: fall. he likes watching the leaves turn.
leo: another summer boy! my kids just love sun!
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
ilse: only sexually, she’s not a biter.
stan: yes and he does it often
carsten: yes, in a fight, to take an advantage
leo: yes and he does it all the time
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hhawkeye · 2 years
[Cup emoji] charles mash. idk just in general.
i suffer from I Could Fix Him disorder which means i think if he just like... got away from the environment he was raised in he would not be quite as evil as he is. and this is like, canonically true i think, he gets less Like That as the seasons progress (late season badly written sudden intense racism towards klinger notwithstanding but that's an issue for like. every character) and i don't want to be like "wah this grown man is innocent of his crimes bc he doesn't know any better!!" bc obviously he chose not to venture outside of his comfort zone he chose to continue to uphold these beliefs etc, but like. i really could fix him.
he's better than frank! both in terms of just. i like him more. and also he feels like a stronger character. he's less of a caricature than frank was and he's definitely more sympathetic and less outright evil.
i desperately more than anything want to see charles and trapper fight i just think it would be soooooooo fun and trapper would kick his ass despite canonically being Bad at fighting
ummmmmm what other thoughts do i have. idk! i like him i think he's fine. i love love love david ogden stiers and his performance is always excellent and as much as i'm always like UGH when charles starts spouting his republican nonsense i do really love to hear it bc dos is soooooo good.
also i love when he gets involved in hijinks with the gang it's really fun and i like to see him enjoying himself :)
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antiphon · 2 years
Playing off the characters you sent me, how about Joy Wang, Tom Kapoor, aaand Stevie Budd?
OK Joy first:
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This is for Joy, not for Jobu (obviously it'd be illegal not to check "soooooo cool looking" for Jobu). A lot of these are...not phrased how I would phrase them lol and it turns out a lot aren't really the way I think about characters either but protect Joy Wang! Baby girl should get to take on the risks she chooses instead of lying to protect her elders from herself! I'm also extremely glad no longer to inhabit that awkward bit of early adulthood where you don't quite feel like you can do things for yourself yet and obviously if her mom were trying to repair their relationship later on there'd be a lot more scab and struggle but I hope that going forward from here, keeping this better relationship and without it occupying so much of her energy, she can have a chance to think about what she wants for her life beyond her family. I don't need her to like move to Madagascar or something, but like. A little bit.
now Tom:
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I don't think it's a horrible criticism of Starstruck to say that Jessie is definitely the more vivid one, especially in season 1. But Tom is top-tier at doing the romcom guy thing (read: just being obviously compelled by and into Jessie), and I have fun in season 2 with getting to see him interact with his family but also with other people like Jessie's friends and the kind of awkwardness where he wants meaningful relationships with people as bad as they want to be friends with Famous Tom Kapoor, he wants meaningful work as bad as the gross director wants his name and face, etc.
ok now Stevie!
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Stevie and Joy are an interesting pair - both feeling kind of trapped by their circumstances and limited in what they can imagine wanting. I understand the narrative tidiness of keeping Stevie in a business that jumps off from the motel, but she deserved to get to try something else, preferably something where Johnny wouldn't speak for her and Roland wouldn't be anywhere nearby. (That's where I'm going with "wasted potential.") Otherwise, I mostly care about her in her friendship with David and the way they take that friendship really seriously.
everyone else feel free to send me characters, turns out this was fun
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luvspence · 4 years
roommates (valentine’s days edition)
my fav trope has to make an appearance for this holiday
synopsis: two roommates who love each other (platonically, kind of) celebrating valentines
word count: 1.2k 
spencer lifted his head from his book
“doing anything sunday?”
he thought for a second
“sunday, february 14th, valentine’s day, no i don’t think so, you?”
“no, my friends invited me to do like a singles thing but they don’t found dates” you said with a little bit of a frown
“oh that’s the worst i’m sorry”
you nodded, spencer started to bite the top of the pen he was using
“hey you know…”
“i could take you out if you wanted”
you sat their on your couch a little perplexed
“oh no it’s okay spence i don’t wanna be a pity case just bc my friends got dates”
spencer shook his head “no no no that’s not what i mean, i mean i’ll take you out. yeah i’ll take you out. i’m asking you on a date”
you giggled
“okay spence, it’s a date”
“a date!”
this was a date between two friends
two single friends
two friends who were both romantically un involved
two friends.
at least that’s what you told yourself while you got ready
“he’s just trying to make you feel better y/n, dang how sweet”
thoughts were racing through spencer’s head as well as he got ready
nervous thoughts going through his mind
“this was such a good plan, take y/n on a fake real date yeah so great spencer so great
this tie looks dumb
how do i confess my love to my roommate
do i love my roommate?
this tie looks even dumber
i want her to believe this is a friend date but i also just wanna HOLD HER HAND
187 iq score but can’t figure out women
eventually spencer figured out his tie situation, he grabbed the bouquet of flowers he bought for you and was walking out his door to go and knock of yours
he went to your closed door and knocked a few times
you opened the door
“spencer what are you doing”
“i’m taking you on a date! it’s only polite that i pick you up at your home and buy you flowers”
you grabbed the bouquet and gave him an endearing look
“spencer, our rooms are no more than 10 feet apart, but thank you”
“may i come in?”
you kept laughing, he was acting like you two didn’t live under the same roof
he also loved the act, giggling softly, but behind the act there was a level of desire for this to be reality
“yeah of course! make yourself at home… in your own home”
he sat on the bed as you finished up getting ready
“you look beautiful y/n”
“thank you spencer! you as well, your tie is amazing”
he blushed
his tie
his tie that he spent 14 minutes picking
“ok! let’s go”
you stood in front of spence, hand out stretched for him to hold
you were wearing a red dress accompanied by matching color low heels, you were wearing a little purse that was shaped like a heart, and your cheeks were matching the color of your dress
not make up though, just intense blushing from spencer’s courting
he grabbed your hand, intertwined in your fingers and led you out of the apartment
“you have a lovely apartment y/n”
“thank you! a lot of it was decorated by my roommate though”
“hmmmm, he sounds like a good guy”
“he is, he’s always reading though”
you laughed, you loved the satire that you and spencer were putting up
you guys drove to a restaurant on the water, jazz band playing, the moon lighting up the patio where there was a reservation card that said
“spence, how did you? especially tonight?”
“believe me, dr reid has more connections than you think”
you laughed as he pulled out a chair for you
“thank you! what a gentleman”
the sever came over and greeted spencer
“you must be steven reid!”
you laughed, he mumbled so much that you would’ve believed his name was steve too
“spencer reid, hello”
“oh sorry spencer! you’re friends with david rossi??”
“yes, we’re work colleagues”
“well any friend of davey is a friend of mine! what can i get started for ya? drinks?”
“just a water is fine with me” spencer replied
“same here”
“okay okay two waters”
he said as he walked away from the table
“so not reids connections, rossi’s connections”
“shut up”
you laughed and stuffed a piece of free bread in your face
“restaurants that give free bread are so superior”
“i am a big fan of simple carbs, even though they can be detrimental to your health in large amounts, this controlled amount of white bread is not bad for us. i dislike so much how media has pushed out the notion that ‘bread makes you fat’ because bread can be a completely balances part of the diet!”
“amen to that doctor”
you said as you spread more butter on your bread
you guys spent the rest of dinner talking and laughing, from the outside looking in you guys looked like an adorable couple. and both of you secretly wanted that to be reality
when the check came around you went to pay it
“hey, i’ll pay i asked you on this date”
“i can pay myself” you reached again for the check, and spencer firmly placed his hand over yours
“y/n i got it” with assertiveness you never had felt from him before
he gave the check to the waiter and you just stared at him blankly
“did i hurt your hand? i’m sorry i just wanted to pay, be a gentleman and all”
“oh no you didn’t hurt my hand spence, i just never see you like that”
he smiled
you two finished up and started to walk around the pier area outside the restaurant, spencer’s jacket layed over your shoulders
“i’m not even cold”
“i saw you shiver, twice”
you simply just stuck your arms through, your hands not even coming out of the bottom of the arm holes, spencer thought that this was the most adorable thing
“here y/n, stand in front of that tower lifeguard whatever i wanna take a picture”
you did so and spencer tried to figure out how to take a picture on a smartphone he clearly didn’t understand, a passer by asked if you two wanted to take a picture together
right before spencer was about to decline you said
“yeah that would be great!”
spencer made his way over to you, you wrapped your arms around his torso and leaned into his chest, he didn’t quite know what to do so he’s just threw his arm over your shoulder
“ 1 2 3 smile!”
the stranger handed spencer his phone
“thank you so much!”
“no problem”
“aweee! it’s so cute”
“you think so?”
“yup!, send it to me”
he nodded and you continued to walk around talking before you finally decided to head home
after both of you showered, you both sat on your respective couch spots
“thanks for taking me out spence, i had a great time”
“of course, i had fun as well”
you were getting up to go to sleep, before you shut your door you said to him
“happy valentine’s day spence”
“happy valentine’s day y/n”
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omegangrins · 3 years
Universal took Tremors from its creators after 30 years of work.
TL;DR After 25-30 years making the series, Brent Maddock, Michael Gross, Nancy Roberts, Ron Underwood and S.S. Wilson were kicked out so Universal Studios could make more money off the merchandising before the Tremors copyright expires in 2025.
*****MAJOR SPOILERS**** This will make you sad, angry and frustrated. But there is hope. #StampedeTremors
Soooooo, ever since I blew up and sidetracked a post about David Fincher's Queen Biopic with Sacha Baron Cohen as Freddie Mercury discussing the Tremors 7 ending, I've done some more research on the whole thing. The Graboid hole for this goes deep.
Michael Gross didn't want it.
“There’s a part of me that feels that Universal Home Entertainment might’ve had enough of Tremors. The suggestions that were made in the course of this [movie] made me think maybe they’ve had enough. They came to me and said, ‘What if we ended it at 7?’ and I said, ‘Whatever you choose to do, I’m good with that.'” “That being said, The door is still open for an eighth Tremors. It may seem unlikely by what people see on the screen, but it is possible. There could be an eighth. And if there were, and if it were an interesting story, I would be up for it because Burt is always a great deal of fun. It would depend on his physicality. How much they want me to do. If it’s in another two years, I’ll be 75 years old. So I will continue to hope and pray that I stay in shape, to do what is asked of me – if it is asked of me.”
AND Universal even killed off any ambiguity that he fought for.
"We shot it both ways, where everybody's mourning Burt, and he climbs up over the cliff and looks at all of them in mourning and goes, 'Jesus, God, I'm not dead. And he's really pissed off at them. It's like, 'How would you possibly think...?' But he's bloodied, just he's a mess. He looks like he's been through an earthquake, crushed by a house, but he's alive. And he says, 'You idiots. Of course, I'm alive.'" "They decided it just had this punch. Frankly, I thought to myself -- I didn't express it to them, but I thought to myself -- 'Maybe Universal's getting a little tired of this franchise.' Because this wasn't my idea." "I said, 'I can live with this. Because they came to me. They said, 'Look, you've been doing this so long. What do you think?' And I said, 'Well, as long as we kind of leave the door open.' I mean, I can kind of see an eighth film where it opens with Burt in a hospital bed, in a full body cast and saying, 'I survived.' He could hardly move a muscle. And maybe eight is...if I had a concept for eight, it would be Burt horribly injured, but in a motorized, weaponized wheelchair that has rocket mounts on the side and can leave an oil slick behind like James Bond's car. So nobody can chase him." "I always said, if Kevin Bacon or Fred [Ward] or Reba [McIntire] or anybody [wanted to return], I'd be there in a minute. Just because one, I love Burt, but I always thought of him as this guy kind of on the fringes, and I just came to the fore because everybody else walked away."
While Universal ignored how Michael Gross was setting up his son Travis Welker to pick up his torch (Which I'm give or take on Jamie Kennedy yet he brought a Grady-like optimism to the shittier of the series.)
"My reaction was disappointment, as I had planned an entire storyline around his participation."
Even Jamie Kennedy tried to but they wouldn't let him.
"Lot of people have been asking me, so I might as well spill it. I will NOT be in the upcoming TREMORS 7. I had a great time making the last two. But no TRAVIS this time around. But hey you neva’ know what can happen in the future.... have a great time boys! Tdawg out!!!"
After 7 movies and a TV show, nothing more than a spit in the face for the man who carried a franchise. Then when they do the montage at the end, we get clips of Hiram Gummer but NOTHING of Burt Gummer from the TV show. It's 13 episodes of Burt in Tremors that's longer than all the movies combined but yet they don't even include it in the ending montage while including his dead grandpa.
Same with the original creators. Did you know Stampede Entertainment (Brent Maddock, Nancy Roberts, Ron Underwood, and S.S. Wilson) were working on Tremors for 25 years and even had the 5th one written, "Thunder/Gummer Down Under".
Then were told to sit on it for 10 years before Universal eventually told them to eat dirt? That's gotta hurt. It hurts me and I'm not even connected to these movies. All that work down the drain just because of someone's say so. And for no reason. Well not exactly....
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Universal knows fans want Tremors merch. I mean, look at how they took #BurtGummerDay from @BabyFarkMcGeeZax. And they want ALLLLLL of that merchandising money. With none of it going to Stampede because it would give them leverage. Not to mention they don't want anyone else getting the idea to make cute monster toys before they can roll out their own line.
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Don't believe me? See Universal pull some Hollywood Accounting with Tremors already.
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Half a billion dollars... completely untraceable. I've tried. Emailed the numbers people and they can't tell me anything unless you pay $50 a film to see the numbers. Which makes me ask, who paid for the numbers on 1,5, 6, & 7? And why only what they made? Not their cost. Same for the numbers on 2, 3, & 4. Why numbers on the cost, but nothing on what it made? It seems weirdly targeted to make it look like the Stampede Entertainment ones only cost money but made nothing.
Then when you find out that the copyright to Tremors will revert to its creators after the 35 year mark, which makes that date 2024-2025 since Tremors was filmed in '88-'89 but released in '90.....
Wellllllll some things start to add up. Especially when you consider it's Universal. They already know about owning copyrights for things long out of due. Ask Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman. Or Nintendo when Universal tried to sue them because Donkey Kong was too similar to King Kong.
Ask Stampede (S.S. Wilson) yourself. They have a Question and Answer page right on their site.
Like did you know you can't find ANY official Tremors merch? But you CAN find tons of fan-made creations. Give it a Google. They don't even list Tremors on the Universal website. Go ahead. Ask them. I try weekly. No responses ever.
Even with a longer history, more money made, and amount of sequel potential in comparison to their other films?
Fans are clamoring for more but Universal says no?
Hell, you can watch the TV show for free on the NBC site.
But before my investigating, the episodes were so jumbled and missing it would ruin people's enjoyment.
What about how they made a Tremors series pilot with Kevin Bacon? The only bad thing about it is that they need to pull a Sonic redo on the Graboid at the end but who knows, I suspect it's like that for plot reasons after reading the unaired script.
That Universal/NBC/SyFy has proceeded to hide deeper than a Graboid burrows. https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/tremors-star-kevin-bacon-confused-sequel-series-picked/
Despite no one knowing why. http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ
Read the script for yourself if you don't believe me. They've already hidden it for two years. Andrew Miller worked too hard for it to be hidden. And it plays. It works and plays with what's already there while being new and old. Quite good.
Have you seen the Kevin Bacon/Michael Gross commercial featuring them in Perfection Valley? The whole commercial is a sly way to use Tremors WITHOUT actually saying anything Universal would have claim to call copyright on. "Sandworms" "My old co-star" "Trevors". It's a great big middle finger to Universal.
How about the original script for Tremors 2: Aftershocks. The creators have wanted it seen for 20 years but it took a crazy Larry like me to get it out there. It's got Val, Earl, Burt and Heather in it too. Pretty good too. So good they reused the ending in the TV show episode "Shriek and Destroy".
All these things swirl together and make me wonder more and more. For the plethora of Tremors fandom goes deeper than even me... Like Imgur user @BabyFarkMcGeeZax. They created Burt Gummer Day five years ago through sweat and love alone.
Yet what does Universal do? Take the day, plaster it over the end of their hero's death, and not even give a line credit or thank you to @BabyFarkMcGeeZax or a mention on Twitter as they blurb it everywhere.
Ever seen the gif battles about Tremors at r/HighQualityGifs?
How about The Everything Sequel podcast where they discuss how amazing all of The Tremors Saga is after discovering it for the first time. Even going so far as to pitch their own sequels.
https://share.transistor.fm/s/e24901de https://share.transistor.fm/s/bdea7b5e https://share.transistor.fm/s/cf79bbc1 https://share.transistor.fm/s/fac66438 https://share.transistor.fm/s/a90415cd https://share.transistor.fm/s/c0e8153e https://share.transistor.fm/s/6b6572f9
There's so much fan content and people screaming for more Tremors! Like "Perfection, NV", a fan film.
Or this collection of alt Tremors posters.
Including the thousands of pieces of fanart.
The story behind Tremors comics. http://www.enemyofpeanuts.com/2013/03/09/the-short-story-behind-tremors-comics/
Even the new Tremors game. OR games.
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Look at all this love.
And this isn't even an officially licensed game.
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"A fortune", you say? Interesting....
So let's make Tremors 8 Ouroboros with the OG creators back on board.
We restart the TV show and end the movies for a while. Just like The Librarians. If Marvel can switch between movies and TV, Tremors can too.
If you think I'm crazy too, just see and know how I've been in this position before. I'm well aware of how this "story" plays out.
I mean, Tremors *does* foreshadows its ending with a sleeping bag. https://imgur.com/gallery/5HexQ
Notice too how you can find little Behind the Scenes for Tremors 5-7 despite a smorgasbord of material for 1-4 and both TV shows.
http://imgur.com/gallery/b4STAkl http://imgur.com/gallery/gSlZ1fC http://imgur.com/gallery/fnFt9MD http://imgur.com/gallery/6mDHTtg http://imgur.com/gallery/4M28quW http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ http://imgur.com/gallery/6l0Dogl
And it's not like Universal isn't known for shady business practices. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Pictures
What about how they own the rights to damn near every monster except for Godzilla. And not just the classics like Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolfman, Mummy and Invisible Man. They have Kong, Hulk, Jaws, Michael Myers, The Thing, all the Jurassic Park dinos, all the Romero zombies, Chucky, Casper, Riddick beasts, Hellboy, and Jaegers/Kaiju. These dudes know merchandising rights and they're looking to score the next Poke'Mon franchise.
Take a gander at all these articles gushing with love for Tremors:
Why the 'Tremors' Franchise Is Better Than the 'Alien' Movies https://collider.com/why-the-tremors-franchise-is-better-than-the-alien-movies/
As Kevin Bacon's Tremors returns to TV, we explain the entire franchise ​It's way more complicated than you think. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a807140/tremors-franchise-series-guide-kevin-bacon/
20 Fun Facts About Tremors https://ew.com/article/1990/07/13/tremors/
Thirty Years After Tremors, Reba McEntire Tells Us Why She's Absolutely Down to Return For a Reboot https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a30457996/tremors-30-anniversary-reba-mcentire-interview/
30 years ago, Tremors became perhaps the most perfect bad movie https://www.thv11.com/mobile/article/entertainment/movies/film-on-11/getting-reel/30-years-ago-tremors-became-perhaps-the-most-perfect-bad-movie/91-8f6854df-9dcc-4870-ab3a-4f91a658ac3f
How Tremors 7 Succeeds Where Other Horror Movie Franchises Failhttps://screenrant.com/tremors-7-movie-succeeds-better-horror-movie-franchises-reason/
A Complete Rundown of the Entire Tremors Saga https://www.dreadcentral.com/editorials/363290/beneath-perfection-thoughts-on-the-entire-tremors-franchise/
Kevin Bacon Wants to Revisit His Only Film He Ever Re-Watched https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/kevin-bacon-tremors-1234956657/
Look at all this #BurtGummerDay love. That adds up to thousands of people watching Tremors for the first or fiftieth time. And this is only the first "official" year. It'll only grow.
Can you see the Tremors? Can you feel them? Fans want Tremors and they want it from Stampede. http://imgur.com/gallery/ZaVL7Mc http://imgur.com/gallery/f37bEV7 http://imgur.com/gallery/De6DlqQ
After all this time, and all this love, and all this greed, it's time we break Hollywood tradition and give power back to the people. When people can #RestoreTheSnyderVerse or #SaveTheVentureBros, we can #StampedeTremors for #BurtGummerDay.
Take this hope and fly!
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BTS, gifs, and videos of The Tremors Saga. Tremors: The Lost Tapes from S.S. Wilson's personal collection https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1EA9246EF966DDA2
Monster Makers https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tmm-tremors/ https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tmm-tremors2/
ADI's creation documentaries https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR9WUo3tIVnb4CyMR1SLVsxPyBwz1Met_ BTS gallery of Tremors http://imgur.com/gallery/b4STAkl
The making of Tremors https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m-HUUt21tRA
Inside the Graboid workshop https://youtu.be/YgPuC2tNBpM
Stampede Entertainment's video archive for Tremors https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/category/videos/tremors/
Tremors opening https://youtu.be/gnqPYTOzc38
BTS gallery of Tremors 2: Aftershocks http://imgur.com/gallery/gSlZ1fC
Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 2 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors2/
The making of Tremors 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fAlqzM0CyPI
Tremors 2 original script with Val, Earl, Burt and Heather. http://imgur.com/gallery/8QaHPRy
Tremors 2: Aftershocks opening https://youtu.be/pVi24Gc0KdQ)
BTS gallery of Tremors 3: Back to Perfection http://imgur.com/gallery/fnFt9MD Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 3 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors3/
On the set of Tremors 3 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZhrvkB5nKs
Stampede Entertainment's video archive of Tremors 3 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/category/videos/tremors3/
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection opening https://youtu.be/UXjdZitldB4
BTS gallery of Tremors the Series http://imgur.com/gallery/6mDHTtg
Stamede Entertainment's https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors-series/
Behind the scenes of Tremors the Series lost monsters. https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors-series-lost/
Cold opens for Tremors the Series https://youtu.be/srB6rZgv_Po https://youtu.be/v3ZkC08rKtg
BTS gallery of Tremors 4: The Legend Begins http://imgur.com/gallery/4M28quW Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 4 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors4-2/
On the set of Tremors 4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bppXVxldTqU The weapons of Tremors 4 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/weapons-of-tremors-4/
Tremors 4: The Legend Begins opening https://youtu.be/3gDlAEUBesg
BTS gallery of Tremors 5: Bloodlines http://imgur.com/gallery/6l0Dogl
Tremors 5: Bloodlines opening https://youtu.be/t8jrCVI676Y
BTS gallery of the unaired Kevin Bacon Tremors pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ
Script for the unaired Tremors pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/UbtTvyf
Trailer for the unreleased Tremors pilot https://youtu.be/hWU3GpKmIvw
Kevin Bacon talks Tremors. https://youtu.be/TAGOlEIR7mA
Interviews with Alec Gillis, Brent Maddock, Nancy Roberts, and Ron Underwood https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjmUAAK3guQ8t6dKzwH9V0RzerkdLr0d1
S.S. Wilson talks his Tremors career. https://youtu.be/ZJhZmty_dKs Making Perfection https://youtu.be/hpCSCQJEmnk
Have a question about Tremors? Find it here and if you can't find it, ask S.S. Wilson yourself! https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/fan-extras/tremors-faq/?include_category=general
And if you love Tremors enough to have made it this far, enjoy a collection of gifs for you to use at your pleasure.
Tremors http://imgur.com/gallery/kPiEe3d http://imgur.com/gallery/5Sb4Vpg http://imgur.com/gallery/1uZxiue http://imgur.com/gallery/NX5r2
Tremors 2 Aftershocks http://imgur.com/gallery/i1IZZf8 http://imgur.com/gallery/krcmrgQ http://imgur.com/gallery/GjTxAg1 http://imgur.com/gallery/DabFZTt http://imgur.com/gallery/QLTStyx http://imgur.com/gallery/P92e1ri http://imgur.com/gallery/IUAvd http://imgur.com/gallery/h8BZ0qN http://imgur.com/gallery/ZQi2KOb http://imgur.com/gallery/WDZdM
Tremors 3 Back to Perfection http://imgur.com/gallery/5ebddmR http://imgur.com/gallery/Rj9fqIy http://imgur.com/gallery/ikzXFbd
Tremors the Series http://imgur.com/gallery/cqSMk40
Tremors 4 The Legend Begins
http://imgur.com/gallery/ufV3of1 http://imgur.com/gallery/zPGBOW3 http://imgur.com/gallery/ri5jLRd http://imgur.com/gallery/y7A3l5D
Tremors 5 Bloodlines
http://imgur.com/gallery/Pmunxjo http://imgur.com/gallery/0yazNVG
Tremors 6 A Cold Day In Hell http://imgur.com/gallery/S4qlPCI http://imgur.com/gallery/Xa2mUsS
Tremors Pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/RXXjbKr http://imgur.com/gallery/kCErQyF
Tremors 7 Shrieker Island
http://imgur.com/gallery/FzpJllb http://imgur.com/gallery/JGweZjH
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racetrackhigg · 4 years
Newsies as Greek Demigods
yes i know most gods/goddesses are gods/goddesses of more than what i listed but it’s just too much
Tell me if you want to know about someone in specific
ZEUS, king of the gods and god of thunder (cabin 1)
- lmao no
HERA, goddess of marriage (cabin 2)
- ...she doesn’t have any kids
POSEIDON, god of the seas (cabin 3)
- also no sorry
DEMETER, goddess of harvest, agriculture and fertility (cabin 4)
Mush Meyers
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- He’s been at camp for 2 years
- He stays all year round
- His dad died trying to protect him from some monsters
- He really misses him
Finch Cortez
- He’s been at camp for a little over a year, and he doesn’t stay all year round
- He was given up at birth and was adopted by two moms which are the best
- We love them
- They know about camp but not that he’s a demigod (they think it’s just a normal summer camp)
- Finch is actually really introverted
ARES, god of war (cabin 5)
Spot Conlon
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- Cabin 5 counsellor
- Has been in camp for 6 years (since he was 10)
- He stays in camp all year round
- He’s dating Race
- Don’t try to beat him at Swords and Shield. You’re going to lose, it's not worth the embarrassment.
- Has gone on quests before
- Not his favourite thing but then again i don’t think anyone really enjoys them
- I mean he used to but then there was this really bad one so now he doesn't
- He doesn’t like talking about it
- He’s been at camp for 4 years
- He stays on camp all year round
- He had it really bad before coming to camp
- Like,,, REALLY bad
- Someone give him a hug
ATHENA, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy (cabin 6)
Katherine Plumber
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- Cabin 6 counsellor
- She stays all year round because she doesn’t have a good relationship with her dad :/
- She’s been in camp for 3 years
- You’re not winning at capture the flag if you’re against her sorry not sorry
- She was claimed almost as soon as she got to camp
- She’s mad that Athena doesn't trust her with any quests because she knows she can do it (big Annabeth energy)
-Honestly jealous of David when he got his quest
David Jacobs
- He doesn’t stay at camp all year round
- Has been at camp for a year
- Actually kinda hurt when Sarah decided to join the hunters
- He is really bad at capture the flag and it’s sad
- Athena took her sweet time claiming him
- Poor Dave got a quest barely a month after getting to camp
- It didn’t go as planned
- But it wasn’t bad so yeah
- He went with Jack and Sarah
APOLLO, god of music, the sun, archery, prophecy and medicine (cabin 7)
Jack Kelly
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- Cabin 7 counsellor
- Has been at camp since he was 9 (he’s 17 now)
- He stays all year round
- He’s v e r y competitive when it comes to capture the flag
- It took Apollo a whole fucking month to claim him
- He’s embarrassed that he’s so bad at archery because he’s a son of apollo and yet he can’t do it right
- He’s loves arts and crafts because he gets to paint and stuff
- Has really bad ptsd from a really bad quest (glances at Snyder)
- But like honestly he’s had it worse than everyone else and really needs a hug
- Give him a hug
- He’s been dating Davey for 3 months
Crutchie Morris
- He came to camp with Jack
- They were in the same foster home
- He was 7
- Really really likes arts and crafts
- Not as much as Jack but still
- He’s soooooo good at singing like omg how
- Plays s o m a n y instruments
- We love him
- He’s so talented it’s not fair
- But he is a son of Apollo so
- He’s been at camp for 3 years
- He doesn’t stay all year round
- He lives with his dad, step-mom, and 3 younger siblings
- Has a huge crush on Albert but is too shy to tell him 👉👈
- Plays the violin!
ARTEMIS, goddess of the moon and archery (cabin 8)
Sarah Jacobs
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- She decided to join the hunters shortly after her quest with David and Jack
- Her godly parent is Aphrodite (who is Not Happy about this)
HEPHAESTUS, god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, and volcanos (cabin 9)
Jojo de la Guerra
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- He’s been at camp for 2 years and he doesn’t stay all year round
- He's dating a guy he met at school (Mike)!!
- The guy isn’t a demigod but shh
- He puts others before him so he ignores his own feelings and problems which isn’t good
- But he’s getting better at saying no to people and taking time for his mental health!
- He’s been on one quest
APHRODITE, goddess of love and beauty (cabin 10)
Racetrack Higgins
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- Cabin 10 counsellor
- Has been in camp for 5 years (since he was 11)
- He used to go back home (er- whatever home the system put him in) for the first 2 years, but now he stays at camp all year round because it’s better than being stuck in the foster system
- He’s a dancer. Idc the AU you can take that hc out of my cold, dead hands.
- When he first came to camp people thought he was going to get claimed by Hermes and were kinda surprised when it was Aphrodite
- He has charmspeak!!
- Yes he does participate in capture the flag who do you think he is
- He’s dating Spot and Aphrodite ships it so hard
- Has flirted with every guy at camp at least once
- People go to him for relationship advice but he genuinely doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing
- He’s gone on quite a few quests before and he honestly doesn’t like them
- Mostly because there was a really bad one which really fucked him up
- That was his last quest (so far), and it was with Spot. Yes it brought them closer but honestly it wasn’t worth all the shit that happened to both of them on the quest
HERMES, god of thieves, travel messenger of the gods (cabin 11)
Albert Dasilva
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- He doesn’t stay at camp all year round
- He lives with his step-dad who is actually really nice
- He’s been at camp for 4 years
- He got claimed almost immediately
- Great at capture the flag
- Hasn’t been in any quests but really wants to!!
- Wants to ask Elmer out but he doesn’t know how
DIONYSUS, god of wine (cabin 12)
Oscar Delancey
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- He’s been at camp for 2 years
- He doesn’t stay all year round and lives with his older brother, Morris (who is 23 years old)
- People think he’s rude and a bully but if you take the time to get to know him you’ll realise he’s actually not that bad
- He’s just really defensive and doesn’t trust easy because before he moved in with his brother he lived with his uncle who was abusive
- Don’t @ me i don’t see the Delanceys as complete bad guys okay
HADES, king of the underworld and god of the dead (cabin 13)
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- She's been at camp for 4 years
- She stays all year round
- (jokingly) makes fun of Jack because she’s better at archery than him
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cleverfandomurl · 5 years
Two Hands, Twenty Questions
So this was inspired by a sweet lil gif i saw a while ago of David Harbour’s “secret talent”. Im pregnant and horny soooooo....
Fair warning, this is ALL SMUT. NO PLOT. 18 PLUS ONLY.
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“Ah fuck.” You muttered, trying to pull your now ripped belt loop of of your door handle to the kitchen. Today had not been your day, hell not even your week. The fucking kids had been getting into shit and damn, if you didn’t want a nap. A really, really, long nap. 
You sighed and just ripped the bitch off your jeans. You’d regret it later but you had to make it to the Sheriff’s Department for the part-time cleaning job you’d regrettably signed up for a little cash. Continuing to swear and mutter under your breath all the to the car, out of the driveway and through main street, you weren’t paying attention to the speed limit until mother fuckin’ Cheif Hopper’s blazer lights and siren popped up in your rear view mirror. 
Hitting the steering wheel and yelling a loud FUCK to the rear view. You reached into the center console, grabbed your license and registration and sat steaming until the bastard came up to your window. Taking his sweet time it would seem, too. 
“Well, look who it is...Y/N Y/L/N, the town flirt, speeding down main street. What ever are you in a hurry for?” He grinned, leaning in your mom’s car. 
“Look if this is about me getting ready to show up late to clean the department, I’m sorry but I do have two younger siblings to care for.” You gritted out, shoving the paperwork at him hoping he’d give you a warning and let you just leave. 
“Y/N, come on,” he said quietly, “I’m just giving you a shake down, relax. Just slow it down, alright? I’ll see you at the station.” He sighed out, standing up. Hop rolled his eyes, walked back to his car and slammed the door getting in. You both pulled off the curb after each other and headed to the station. 
About four hours later, after the ridiculous amount of stale donuts, what you think might have been chinese food at one point, and sweeping a metric ton cigarette butts had been swept and disinfected you sighed and threw the spray bottle back on the cart of cleaning supplies. You had worked up a sweat cleaning despite not have to finish the whole place for another week. Tired, sore and hands dry, you wheeled the cart back to the janitor’s closet that also needed to be reorganized. 
Walking back past the reception desk, you saw the chief’s light still on. Stilling, you looked at the door, partially cracked. This was a bad idea. After he threw you in the drunk tank a few weeks ago and you threw up on his shoes, you’d been steadily avoiding him. Admittedly, it’s hard to admit that you have a crush on someone after you puke on their standard-issue boots. You bite your lip and groan internally before going up to knock on the door of the office. 
“What?” comes a grumbled, angry reply. “I’m busy.” he continues. 
“Chief. It’s almost midnight, you should go home.” You say, pushing the door open. You lean against the frame, only for the hole from your ripped off belt loop to catch against the door hinges and rip the right butt pocket clear off your pants. 
“God dammit, motherfucking shit…” you start swearing and grumbling. Hopper leans back in his chair, failing not to laugh. 
“Fuck this shit, i’m going home.” Barely holding in tears, face going red with shame and embarrassment you turned to go to your car, pocket hole wide open. 
“Look Y/N, wait! Let me walk you to your car?” He looked at you pleadingly. 
“Fine, but hurry up, i’m tired.” You sigh. He flipped off the office light, locked up the station and followed you out to your car. Getting in, you throw your stuff on the passenger seat and shoved the key into the ignition, only to find that the car wouldn’t start. Tears welled back into your eyes and started to spill out all over again. You felt Hopper’s hands grab your arm and pull you out of the car and watched as he shut it, and locked it with the key.
“C’mon. We’re getting drinks.” He mutters and pushed you gently in the truck, heading off to the closest dive bar in town. “You’ve been avoiding me.” He says, after a few turns down town. “Well, I did throw up on your shoes.” You point out. “And like I said, I have a lot going on.” You sigh and look out the window. 
Hopper pulls into the bar parking lot and jumps out of the SUV, looking back with a look that throws “Well come on.” 
One bottle of Jack, three beers a piece and one fruity drink later, you’ve both dissolved into snorting and borderline giggles about nothing. “Okay, okay, what question are we on?” you slur to Hopper, drinking down another shot. “Nineteen? I think?” he mumbles out, smiling. You start to sober up, for just one clear moment and ask “What did I tell you that night you hauled me in?” you smile slyly. Hopper’s face fell for a moment and then smiled darkly. “You told me exactly what you wanted to do with my big, rough, hands.” He purred out. His tongue split his lips, slid over his bottom lip and back in, your eyes following the slow, enticing movement. 
“Oh did I?” You breathed out, sparks of heat hitting your cheeks, neck, and abdomen. The stare he gave you was heavy. It held secrets you weren’t sure you wanted to know. “Y/N,” he growled out, and reached for your arm. You pulled back, unsure if this was just the alcohol, he did fancy a younger woman and twenty two was still plenty young. You ran to the bathroom, shooting up quickly and banging your knee on the table. Hopper followed you to the door, hitting it trying to get you to open up. 
“Please, Y/N, I need you. Been wantin’ you since you told me you wanted me to take me hands and mark you, fuck you with my fingers.” Hands pressed on opposite sides of the door, both of your breathing heavy. You then find yourself opening the door, staring down Hopper as he breathes heavily. 
Like a tidal wave, you two crash together, legs wrapping around Hopper’s waist, lips touching everywhere, hands grabbing his hair. You moan, and he seizes the moment to lick along your lower lip. You growl, he pulls back and grabs hair at the nape of your neck. 
“Are you going to fuck me or not?” You heave and smile, his hand firmly holding your head back. 
“I’m gonna do much more than that.” He grins. Hopper pushes you on the sink, the faucet pushing against the hole where your pocket is missing. He pulls your neck back, licks a long stripe of sweat and bites down, earning a groan from you. 
“You’re gonna have t’be quieter than that.” he grins sadistically. “Lift.” he commands and pulls your jeans and underwear down, then shoves your wet panties in your mouth as a gag. Then your hips get pulled forward there’s a sudden jolt of hot and wet licks up through your clit. You bite down on your underwear and try to stifle a moan. Hopper licks stripes up and down your slit, circling around your clit and sucking. You start to gush and clench against his tongue assaulting your pussy. He slips a long finger in and curls it, massaging your g-spot gently. 
Your moans get louder against the make-shift gag and Hopper growls deep in his throat, lapping and fucking you with everything but what you truly want. He adds a second finger, and you shuffle closer, pressing harder against him because you need more. He fucks you harder, faster and keeps going as you shake and writhe. The pressure slowly builds as you grind against his face while he laps and grins. 
“Fuck,” he growls against your core and it brings you so close to your climax, almost there when he stops. “I want this pink mouth against my cock, can you do that?” He licks his wet lips, pulling his tongue through his teeth and grins. You spit out the gag-panties and smile, wobbly legs barely catching you when you slide down Hopper’s legs as you unbuckle and pull his pants down. His cock falls free and you grin. Gently tugging him fully out of his pants, no underwear though you notice, you wrap a hand around his base and lick a long line down the vein under his shaft. Sucking his head into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down quickly Hopper grunts your name. He’s taken aback by your boldness and confidence, the shy girl he used to know in the library of the high school long gone. He wonders where you learned to do this so well. The thought is forgotten as you give a rather hard pulse to his shaft and you swirl the flat of your tongue along the slit of his dick that’s slowly been leaking precum. 
“Dammit!” he nearly yells and you pull back smiling. “Can’t contain yourself Jim?” You smirk and raise an eyebrow. Hopper grabs your jaw and starts to fuck your mouth. You choke at first push, but quickly pace with him and bob and suck till he growls and pulls out almost as fast as he pushed in. “Gotta condom big shot?” You choke out lightly, your throat a touch sore from Hop’s cock hitting the back of it repeatedly. He pulls a foil out of nowhere, ands slides the lubricated rubber on. “You sure you ready for this?” He gruffs out quickly and you nod, turn around and face the dingy mirror hanging above the sink still slightly damp from your juices and the water that had been spilled by previous patrons Jim takes you in as he grips his cock in his right hand and pushes in lightly. You stretch, on your toes to try and meet his dick easier and moan soundlessly on to the mirror. It fogs, and you look towards Hop’s grimy reflection, blissed out and mouth open. You smile and try to push back onto him to get your point across. You aren’t a virgin, haven’t been for a long time. Hopper grins and slams into you hard the last few inches, your v-neck Def Leppard tee stretching down so your chest presses to the counter edge. “Gonna fuck you good little girl. Been so bad. Teasing me,” He thrusts hard, “Walking around with the hole in your jeans peeking that navy blue lace all damn day,” He bucks up into you, nearly lifting you off the ground, “Gonna show you what happens when you tell me how you want my hands marking you. Choking you. Bruising you.” Each ‘you’ ends with another and another thrust. You’re so wet from his earlier tongue worship and you kept your clit stimulated while he fucked your mouth. His cock is practically dripping and he can feel the drops of wetness sliding down his balls, mixing with his sweat. 
You clench at every filthy thing that he says, gripping and fucking on his hard length as best as you can leverage with the little stability you have. Hop feels you struggling and slows, pulls out, and flips you over. Your upper back is now laying over the sink, almost in a strange backbend. Hopper pulls your shirt down with one cup of your bra to expose a breast and erect nipple. He laps it while grabbing your throat, slightly closing off your airway. He goes back to fucking deep and hard into you, hand around your throat and long tongue flicking over your nipple. The counter dug into your back and everything was just too much. 
“Ho-Hopper, ‘m gonna-” you were cut off quickly by the pressure releasing so hot, white and intense that your body seized and gripped down on Hop’s arms, shoulder whatever your hands could reach. You squirted so hard, so wetly that Hopper was pushed to the edge after you. He shuttered, grunted and dropped his head in between you bare and covered breast. The wetness dripped between the both of you, and the small puddle by Hopper’s boot rippled as the drops fell near. 
“Fuck.” He breathed out. “That was...something else.” 
“I don’t regret it. I’ve never done that before.” You mumbled, air returning to your lungs. You let out a little laugh and put your wrist to your forehead. You both started to laugh and he pushed off of you, throwing your discarded under clothes in your general direction and discarding the condom in the trash can. 
“I’ll meet you out there, ey babe?” He grinned, slipping out the door. You smiled, cleaning up your nether regions with some damp paper towels and stepping out to follow.
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sumergosuigeneris · 5 years
Jathea Questions
Ugh. I loved this series but there were some glaring holes.
1. Wtf with Jade and David - how could she keep forgiving him and thinking he had her/Althea’s best interests in mind? After everything!??!?!?!
2. Wtf with Jade and David - how did she not know that divorcing him would be extremely, extremely difficult before she married him?
3. Wtf with Jade and David - why after Althea left was she willing to be ‘stuck’ with David?
4. Wft with Jade and David - why did David have to have the idea for the divorce? Why didn’t she immediately ask for it after Paul’s funeral? Why the hell did she try to reject the paperwork???????!!!!!?!
5. Wtf with Jade and Oscar - after everything, how could you go back to being tight with your dad at all? I guess I get forgiving rather than holding on to hate, but um, their ending was just too much for me. He had her girlfriend kicked out of her home. He destroyed her girlfriend’s business. He had her girlfriend, and maybe coulda been her, beat up and it looked like they were too reluctant to do as much as he gave them permission to do. That should have been enough.  He kidnapped her. That should have been enough. He kidnapped her girlfriend’s son. That should have been the end right there - endangering a child. He had the shit beat out of her girlfriend. How is that not enough? He had her girlfriend kidnapped, and frankly I don’t see any way she would have ended up alive if David hadn’t been caught out. How is that forgivable enough that you all go back to being tight with him??!?!?! Fuck the stroke. You can still love someone and not go back to the toxic situation. See: me.
6. Wtf with Jade and her family/Althea - after all that Althea was put through, Jade STILL wanted to be with her without doing anything about her family. As far as I’m concerned this is basically all Jade’s fault.
7. Wtf with Jade - she should have contacted Althea immediately after signing the papers. Who knew how long the divorce was going to take?
8. Wft with Althea and Willa - didn’t it ever come out how Willa, and then Willa and David, conspired against Althea and Jade? She never apologized??!?!?! I mean hell, she even tried to keep Althea away from Batchi. At what point does Althea say donezo? And Batchi - really? Batchi could do soooooo much better than Willa.
9. Fuck Abby. Fuck that storyline. I wanted to punch the little girl, that’s how bad that was.
10. Batchi - I think it was so cool Chynna got that hair cut for the role.
11. The fashion on that show was great. I’m actually thinking of getting high heels and wearing makeup and/or doing my hair after all that.
12. Wtf with the dog - what happened to the dog Althea gave Jade? Poor doggy.
I’m sure there’s more, but it’s been a minute since I went through the series. Ugh, the love is so deep that I’m still aggravated.
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clonecaptains · 5 years
do you know if david harbor goes to cons? I want to meet him soooooo bad!!
i think he does? but not all that often!
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sierrabinondo · 5 years
woodland creatures tour - day 7 (greensboro)
normally i feel very weird about sleeping over people’s houses, just in general??? you know what i mean? sometimes you just can’t get comfortable because you’re not in your own bed, not because of where you are or who you’re with. on tour i’m so fucking exhausted and so comfortable with living like i’m a backpacker that it’s all just normal to me. like a brat i located the couch and crawled up onto it while everyone else took an air mattress. i would have slept on an air mattress but we couldn’t fit one lmao. 
i automatically woke up at like 8:30 and couldn’t fall back asleep, so i got up and started getting ready. tour has also made me skilled at being able to freshen up and do my makeup in the crevice of any house, hotel, car, you name it. i try not to make noise but inevitably everyone heard me and slowly woke up one by one. the door was unlocked so i started to pack whatever i could into the van. god, it was so beautiful out. though we were in the south, and the temperature was still pretty high day-to-day, at this moment it just felt like the most beautiful fall weather. we managed to get out of the house at 9:30 am, which we were aiming for. james’ roommate, who was leaving for work, kindly wished us well as we packed up the van to head out. we unfortunately missed james so i shot him a text. 
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the day before, taylor and i coordinated a group outing to the greensboro science center, which was a museum, zoo and aquarium all in one. for the price of $12 per person, since we were a group!!! incredible! before heading to greensboro, which would be our shortest drive all of tour (an hour and a half!), we hit starbucks and panera again. when we pulled up to the panera it was in a shopping plaza with people lined up waiting for like... verizon to open???? so bizarre. 
i desperately needed to hunker down and get some work done before we hit the road, for the most part my phone was providing reliable wifi but i had a time sensitive task that needed to be completed. once that was done we hit the road. we arrived to the science center and once pulses. showed up, we headed in. the science center was so sick. we started our trek around the building at like 1, and penguin feeding was at 3:30. but with so much exploring to do, we knew we’d be able to kill two hours and a half easily. 
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we started with the zoo portion a
nd saw a lot of cool animals. they had a lot of atypical mammals you don’t always see at zoos. what they DID have was R E D  P A N D A S, and theY WERE AWAKE. back at home we have the cape may zoo which is soooooo sick, i love going there, but their red pandas are always sleeping. i literally cried because the red pandas at this exhibit were so much closer, and they were romping around their lil home. the one red panda hopped off its perch and CAME TO THE WINDOW TO SAY HELLO IT JUMPED UP RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. i definitely made a fool of myself getting loudly emotional but i didn’t care in the slightest. my entire life was made. we also saw an owl at the barn where the petting zoo was!!!
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we were all laughing so fucking hard cracking jokes at every exhibit. it felt like an adult school field trip hahaha. i was having so much fun. it was nice to enjoy something together and not be stuck in a van in a rush to get somewhere. the outdoor area tuckered us out pretty badly from being in the heat, so it was nice to get back inside to go check out the aquarium in the air-conditioned building. the aquarium was pretty sick, there was a tank that was home to the biggest octopus i have ever seen in person. i was most interested in the otters and penguins, to be honest. we also hit the touch tank which was sick, except i had to soak my entire fucking arm just to maybe get a crumb of attention from a sting ray. they were swimming everywhere but where i planted myself. 
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after going through the aquarium, we still had some time to kill before the penguin feeding at 3:30 pm. we hit the gift shop, where they had red panda and barn owl plushes. what a coincidence, both our tour mascots!! i’m a sucker for stuffed animals so of course i bought one. taylor bought an owl for pulses. so now we both had FRIENDS to represent our bands. we went downstairs to go check out the snakes and lizards. not as exciting for me, but still sick. we were going to hit the museum part finally, but it was 3:20 so we figured might as well head over to the penguins. it was worth the wait. there was a penguin named gojira haha
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it turned out that there was enough time for us to get food together before the show. jaime found a restaurant named pastabilities, it was a sit-down but you could make your own pasta dish chipotle-style???? so i got chickpea pasta with chicken, sundried tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms. sooooooooooooooooooo good. i wasn’t going to get pasta because i was going to try to be a healthy guy but ugh what the fuck ever. i love pasta. i’m not going to rob myself of pasta opportunities!!!! we had another really wonderful meal together as a tour package. i guess because we were the biggest group and you could hear us talking loudly about tour the staff figured out we were musicians. the manager came over and started asking who played what haha. 
after a delicious early dinner, we drove to our hotel for check-in so that we could drop our personal bags. pulses. followed us because they were just driving home after the show later, and waited in the parking lot until they could head to the venue. i forget the name of the hotel we stayed at but the people in there were super suspect, and projecting those vibes FOR sure. taylor said she thinks she saw a guy walking around with a burner phone as a car was slowly driving in circles around the parking lot. i’m like great, last thing we need is another scary motel. our stuff ended up being fine though, it was one of the better spots we stayed at. 
pulses. awaited us at the venue and we arrived a little after load-in started. it was super quiet when we showed up, we set up quickly and waited around. the house we played, ice house, was huge. so much more massive than houses in new brunswick where students in jersey host shows, mostly. there was so much room to move around and sit, it was nice. at first it seemed like not many people were inside, but then you go outside and there’s DOZENS of kids hanging out drinking. eventually more and more people came inside to watch the bands too. glow and terms x conditions were great! 
for all of us, it had been a weird afternoon, but we did our best to be positive and just rip our set(s) as best as we could. and the change in attitude paid off! both our bands received awesome crowd response from the people who attended. it was awesome to see people jamming out and genuinely having a good time. also uh a fight broke out during our set??? insane. there was a kid trying to take down everyone, like just to the ground lmao, and when he tried to do it to david he put in a chokehold. and david grabbed his arm and was just like, STOP. i made everyone stop playing until we sorted out that everything was all right. i had to play without my in-ears which sucked, in the past i have always struggled and tired myself out trying to sing loud enough over the monitors. so i just tried to listen carefully, sing carefully and trust myself. and joe said i hit some like bananas note during synapse that i haven’t been able to do since?? i remember going for it and it was fine, idk maybe it was actually BAD, but i will never know now haha. 
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we didn’t sell merch, nor make a lot of money, but i think what counts as a successful show is when people receive you super well. leaving a positive first impression on somebody as a band is so important to me because that person could potentially go on to listen to us for a long time. i will say though, it’s important to try to help touring bands make money if you can, like legit anything. i know we’re small guys and we’re not worth much, but we travel so far from home. and this is the ONE time of year that we actually do need money to operate. i’ve run into people who don’t believe in this, or don’t understand. i guess it won’t be possible to make those people understand until it happens to them. it’s why we can only tour on vacation time and even then we deplete our funds. 
we sweat our fucking asses off playing the house because it had no AC, so nothing could feel more refreshing than loading out during a rainstorm. i wasn’t even mad that it was raining. it felt so amazing. normally i bug out during crazy storms, but the thunderstorm was lighting up the sky in an incredible display. it continued as we said our goodbyes to pulses. before they headed back to virginia late, and we made our way to sheetz for post-gig eats. i wasn’t going to pig out but i was feeling the munchies. sheetz doesn’t really have anything wawa doesn’t have except for the tacos, so i got some hard shell tacos that were absolutely banging. also wonderful, they had my favorite flavor of bon & viv (black cherry rosemary) so i grabbed that too. eating tacos and drinking late was NOT a smart move the night before we played our last show on tour, but boy did it feel like a nice TREAT after playing a fantastic show. 
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littledeludeddupes · 5 years
im going to opine endlessly about Ghey infighting under this readmore at 2 am because its my first day off since last thrusday. thanks thank you
i have actually been thinking about asexuality lately and its a shame the asexual community got fucked up by weird homophobes and weird internet cults of personality and shit. like the very personal matter of whether you consider yourself to be LGBT should never have become a big public fight. its really unfortunate
and like whether you consider yourself to be asexual or not is also so fucking fraught because of holy shit what could be more personal and sensitive than your specific relationship to sex like back the fuck up BROE!!!!!
and i think that asexual people should have community because that can be an isolating feeling for some people and like i definitely understand that it really can cause a lot of interpersonal and emotional challenges and like theres a combination of misogyny, ableism, and homophobia that stigmatizes living a lifestyle like that
i even think its fine for the asexual community to be associated with the lgbt community, theres a lot of overlap anyway. my only stipulation is that like a cisgender hetero man that only has heterosexual relationships should not be able to try to fucking speak for/over Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people about their own issues just because hes not really interested in having sex
also the term allosexual should NEVER HAVE BECOME A THING OH MY GOD IT RUINED DISCUSSION ABOUT ASEXUALITY FOR SO LONG like oh my god there should not be a way to combine straight people with LGB people into one Oppressor Class over those who dont like to fuck like that is so wretched and wedging the split attraction model into non asexual identities is baaaaaaaaaaadddddd it sucked soooooo much and im glad ppl barely talk about it now
and the whole ALLY OR APHOBE thing drives me nuts because it always feels like hello deviant f🤪🤭😹🌚t pervert acknowledge that i am in your COOL SECRET CLUB or you are the bad type of gay
anyway my opinion is david jay is a nasty stupit homophobic bitch and an LGBT ace person needs to usurp him and solidify second wave asexuality to undo the damage hes done but i am not asexyual i fuck what i kill i kill what i fuck they wrote my name in the yaoi note and now its legal to hunt me for sport or something
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scrapyardboyfriends · 6 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 21st August 2018
- I really hope this is Daz’s last minute exit story or something because he’s such a useless character and I’d like him to go. But I support Nicola mocking him until he goes. If I have to endure his presence, I deserve a quippy Nicola. 
- I kind of wish the David and Maya stuff would hurry up and find a direction because I don’t enjoy them enough to be patient. I just want her to go dark and try and destroy him. And for Jacob to be like ‘told you so’. 
- **Side note: Jacob is SOOOOOO tall. 
- I continue to love Cain’s involvement with all things Matty. Not wanting to do hugs. Haha. He would if Matty really needed a hug. Aaron can testify to that. But I just really like the dynamic between him and Moira when it comes to Matty. Always just like ‘calm down you’re making too much of this’. It’s a good balance. 
- Pete trying to bond with Leo was cute. And Ross with kids is the best Ross, so I support him helping.
- That hat and scarf. Oi! War flashbacks. At least Lachlan hates being reminded of Rebecca as much as some of us. 
- That Seb scene was so strange and creepy and I have no idea what face Aaron was making in the background when Lachlan was giving his little speech. However, the pillow fort was super adorable and again, I’m glad to see the giraffe there. 
- Marlon is the best, always looking out for everyone, especially his fellow pub staff. He’s been the best part of the Chaddy storyline and he was coming through again here with Vic. His and Vic’s relationship is very sweet. (though I agree, some brother sister bonding and advice would have been welcome too if they could have involved Robert...maybe some day)
- The scene where Vic accidentally outs Matty was not as bad as I thought it was going to be because he did walk up and get to try to explain even though she’d ruined it by not letting him choose his moment. 
- I’m glad he told her off in the last scene because I think it’s important that they address situations like these and use them to educate. I’m just curious to see how they take it from here and how easily he forgives her. It’d be great if it lasted until the Ellis thing but I’m not sure it will. 
- That aside though, pining Vic was cute and she looked great today. 
- Matty’s complicated history with Victoria though is one of the reasons I’m glad that they did choose to use an existing character for this story though, because you just wouldn’t have that to play upon if they brought in a new character and it makes the scenes have more impact to me. And score another one for the writing team using those past histories to inform the present like they did with Pete and Rhona yesterday. It just makes the show feel so much more organic.  
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penzyroamin · 6 years
i. love. you.
okay so, some quick warnings for mentions of death, poison, and pedophiles. (in the context of them getting killed.) this could have been a lot darker, but im me and therefore didnt write anything graphic. if anyone reads this and finds anything, they’d like me to tag, just say the word and i will!
David could admit that he had a flair for the dramatic. But his choice of career had nothing to do with it– it was just difficult to find work in the current economy.
He could be worse, he could be one of those people who just killed anyone. Sometimes people just fucking deserved to die, and that was why David was doing what he did.
He was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard a loud thump and opened the door, squinting through the crack at the man laying on the ground, then shut the door quietly and made his way out of the house.
Just as he was about to open his car door, checking both directions to make sure that no one was around, someone called after him.
He whipped around and immediately exhaled upon the realization that whatever asshole decided to interrupt his getaway didn’t seem threatening.
“David Jacobs?” the interrupting asshole said, and, well, that complicated things.
David stared at him for a second, then pointed at the passenger’s seat. “Get in the car.”
Years of being in charge of a little brother apparently made David commanding enough that the guy got into the car in seconds, and David huffed and drove away.
“I’m Jack Kelly,” Mr. Interrupting Asshole said after a while, and David gave him a deadpan look before he turned back to the road.
“I didn’t ask.”
“But you’ll need to know!” Jack said, grinning in a way that let David know he had no clue what he was getting into.
“Why?” David asked, making a sharp turn onto the freeway.
“Plumber says I should be your partner.”
David nearly drove off the road. Of fucking course she was involved.
Jack seemed to sense how David had been caught off guard. “Yeah, she’s a friend of mine. She thinks you could use some help with staying completely off-the-radar.”
David wrinkled his nose. “I’m legally dead.”
“But you’re not subtle.” David scoffed, and out of the corner of his eye he could see Jack raise his eyebrows. “You’re wearing a three piece suit.”
“I’m blending into the upper classes!”
“You always drive the same car.”
“If you think I’m disposing of this car, you’re wrong. If it’s good enough for Bond, it’s good enough for me.”
“Are you really comparing yourself to James Bond?” Jack scoffed, and David was tempted to pull over so he could glare at him without any danger.
“I’m fucking better than Bond. Does Bond get paid good money to kill pedophiles? I think not.”
Jack sighed. “Plumber just said that if you don’t want to be recognized, you’ve got to have someone watching your back.”
Goddamn Katherine. David let her help one time, and then she started dating his sister and trying to get him to meet people. Newsflash– when one legally dies at age nineteen and proceeds to take on twenty-seven fake identities, dating probably isn’t the most brilliant idea for them.
And here she was, trying to give him an unneeded and annoyingly attractive sidekick of sorts. He didn’t need a sidekick.
David bit the inside of his cheek. “This is hard to say.”
“You need me.”
“Not need,” he said, affronted, and Jack grinned.
“You think I’m awesome and you’ll totally let me be your partner.”
“You’re strictly here for convenience purposes,” David corrected. “This does not mean I hate you any less or that I am any less brilliant and capable.”
“Tell that to your burning warehouse.”
David shot a mournful look over his shoulder at what was become a smoking speck on the horizon, surrounded by fire engines. “She was a good hideout.”
Jack pretended to pour out a glass. “So, partner, what’s our next task?”
“Hey, now. You’re a sidekick and strictly a sidekick.”
“I saved your ass. I’m your partner.”
“Sidekick!” David said, and Jack just laughed loudly as the light turned red and David sped forwards, far away from worry.
“So,” Jack said, far too peppy for nine in the morning and surrounded by deadly substances, hopping up onto the counter next to David, “what’re we using?”
David capped the bottle, taking off his goggles. “First off, please wear gloves in here. Second, poison. His wife, who hired us, makes him a drink every evening. It gets slipped in there, he’s out, we sneak the wife and kid out to the aunt’s until the police find the body.”
“Dope. What kind of poison?”
David gave him a critical look. “You have a truly morbid obsession with this.”
“It’s the art of killing awful people, what’s not to love?” David wasn’t quite sure if Jack was kidding, but it was still mildly disturbing. It was how David made a living, but it wasn’t like he was thrilled by the prospect of deadly poison.
“A mix of my own,” he said eventually. “Colorless, odorless, doesn’t dilute anything that it’s put in. After forty-five minutes, basically undetectable, but always deadly.”
Jack tilted his head. “You invented this?” David hummed in affirmation. “Damn.”
“Thank you?”
“You’re like some sorta mad scientist or shit.”
David tried to pretend like he knew whether or not that was a compliment.
“Why do you do this?” Jack asked quietly, and David knew that that conversation would last longer than he would have liked it to. “Besides money,” Jack added, in that mildly haunting way he’d started guessing what David was going to say.
David exhaled slowly, looking up at the stars. They were staying in a campsite in California that night, in between jobs and looking for a nice place to spend the night. David was a city person– he wished that he was able to spend more time in high-up apartments and fancy restaurants– but he liked being where he was. It was quiet, and more peaceful, even with Jack there.
(Especially with Jack there?)
“I guess because there are people that the world would be better off without.”
Neither of them spoke for a while, sitting in silence while the moon advanced across the sky.
“I heard about people who do it for the money or because someone’s different or because they don’t care enough to worry about their effect,” Jack said, spaces between the words sometimes like he was worried about saying the wrong thing. “I never heard about anyone like you.”
“Is that good or bad?” David asked, only slightly joking. Jack turned to look at him, his eyes seeming to scan over and analyze and understand each inch and minute and semblance of David’s being within seconds.
Jack paused. “Good, I think. You… you do things for the right reason.”
They stayed in the position that they were in, inches away from each other and both thinking so hard that their thoughts practically buzzed in the air as if they were electric, until Jack laughed breathlessly and closed the last few inches to kiss him.
“Soooooo,” Sarah said, insufferable even from hundreds of miles away, “is my girlfriend the most brilliant of geniuses ever or what?”
“Your girlfriend,” David said, looking around him at the few people bold enough to brave the heat and move sluggishly around town, “is just as stubborn as you.”
Sarah laughed in that way of hers that was always somewhere between a giggle and a cackle. “That’s how I know that we’re meant to be. It’s a match made in the stars.”
“Sure, Saz.”
He could feel her smiling through the pay phone. “So you totally love him?”
David looked at Jack, who was leaning against the phone booth, smiling widely at David and holding a fresh watermelon from the farmer’s market like it was a child.
“I think I’m going to keep him around.”
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kyashin · 7 years
Voltron: The Fandom of You
Soooooo, hi. I want to talk about Voltron fandom, because I have some positive things to say about it. But first, I want to talk about due South.
due South is one of my favorite shows, and the fandom produced some of my favorite fan content. All around, it was a fantastic contribution to the universe. Well done, humanity.
For the uninitiated, the show is: Canadian Mountie Benton Fraser, the most upstanding and honest (and sarcastic) person imaginable, first came to Chicago on the trail of the killers of his father; and, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, he remained, attached as liaison officer with the Canadian Consulate. It was a buddy cop show, and for seasons one and two, his cop buddy was an Italian-American dude named Ray Vecchio. Some people shipped it.
The show was canceled, and then, after enthusiastic fan campaigning, lovingly revived for two more seasons with Paul Gross––the actor who played Fraser––at the helm as executive producer. Unfortunately, David Marciano was unable to reprise his role as Ray Vecchio, so yikes! Now what? The entire premise of this thing was “sincere Canadian Mountie and cynical American cop shenanigans”. The solution was to replace Ray Vecchio. Literally. Like...in the show.
The first episode of season three has Fraser arriving in Chicago after a vacation in Canada to find this hot blond dude with a way different accent claiming to be Ray Vecchio, who is dark-haired and different-accented and just...you know...an entire different human being. Aaand let’s skip to the end of the episode where it turns out that Actual Ray Vecchio is undercover with the mob, so this new dude is gonna pretend to be him ‘til Vecchio gets back. New dude’s name is Ray Kowalski. People also shipped that.
But the fans who’d like, worked feverishly to get their show back on the air weren’t counting on having half the duo they wanted back erased from the show. !!!!!!!!!!!
Enter the Ray Wars. (Seriously, there’s a whole thing about them on fanlore.)
And a disclaimer: I wasn’t in the fandom for the height of the rage and fury, but I did saunter in as things were winding down, and even then some of the wreckage was still smoldering. That whole kerfuffle was Fandom Infamous for a super long time––and people who’ve been in Fandom long enough definitely know the Ray Wars by name AND reputation. For years, I’d see the Ray Wars held up by others as one of the ultimate examples of “intense fans” and just how Not Good a Look fandom can make for itself.
Here’s the thing though: the Ray Wars took place in the late 90s. No social media, no widespread understanding of fandom throughout the population. Fans were, like, on mailing lists and shit. The people who created AO3 were posting fic on web hosts like Geocities and Angelfire. Some people still called the internet “the web”, AOL was the gatekeeper to the internet things for a lot of people, and fans were figuring out that we could do ~*~*~*this*~*~*~ to make our user names look super unique and cool (not that I did that, just to be real, real clear). In that time, fandoms were very, super insular worlds with very tall, very robust fourth walls separating fans from creators and actors.
And for decades, these niche-occupying fans were accustomed to consuming very heterosexual content––shows and movies and comics and video games––and then writing whole-ass essays about how you could interpret this same-sex ship as legitimate within canon if you tilted your head 23 degrees, closed one eye, ignored the heterosexual ending, and stared long enough at these four screenshots from that one scene in episode 13.
You’d see flinches of contact between Fandom and The Established Source Material Creators sometimes. but it was rare. Anne Rice, for example, haaaaaaaaates fanfiction, and she’d go to great lawyery lengths to erase all she could find of it from the internet. Generally speaking, though, creators lived over there, and fans lived here, and we didn’t have much of an opportunity to interact with each other outside of, like, letters and conventions. There were still disrespectful fans, but you had to, like, make an effort to be a direct nuisance to the cast or crew.
Also, admitting to liking “slash” fanfiction as a woman back then got you “you just like slash because you’re too jealous to imagine your favorite male characters with women” at best and “that’s disgusting” at worst. ...Eh, there was probably worse, let’s be real.
So you can imagine the reaction many of us had when Paul Gross was interviewed about due South’s upcoming third season in 1997 and said of Callum Keith Rennie, the actor who’d play Ray Kowalski, “I tell you, slash fiction is going to go crazy when they see the new guy. He is really good-looking and sexy, the dangerous side of Fraser. It will be totally homoerotic.” THESE WERE THINGS AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER SAID. IN 1997. KNOW WHAT ELSE HAPPENED IN 1997? ELLEN DEGENERES CAME OUT. AND THEN LOST HER CAREER BECAUSE OF IT FOR A LONG-ASS TIME. WILL AND GRACE WASN’T EVEN A THING YET (1998). NEITHER WAS THE ORIGINAL UK VERSION OF QUEER AS FOLK (1999).
Like, holy shit???
And the thing is? He wasn’t baiting. The show intentionally included a LOT of subtext between Fraser and Ray Kowalski, to the point where the last episode of the show showed Ray having a literal identity crisis because he could tell Fraser wanted to go back to Canada permanently and like, “who am I without him” and then the series ends with the two of them sledding into the actual sunset no I’m not exaggerating that happened WHAT EVEN WAS THIS BLESSING IN 1999.
Were they canon? Eeeeeh. Kinda? It was 1997, I’d call whatever they were groundbreaking, at least for me. And the reason I say it wasn’t baiting is because all Paul said was, “Slash fans will like this,” and many of us did. So, y’know. Truth in advertising. Well done, Paul.
AND NOW IT IS THE YEAR OF OUR QUEERS, 20gayteen, and SO MANY THINGS have changed for the better for LGBTQ folks in the last two decades. Like, Voltron fandom is WILD to me sometimes (in a fantastic way) because some of the fans are actually young enough to have been born after the AIDS crisis, after Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered, after Don’t Ask Don’t Tell––after all these horrible, devastating wounds were inflicted on our beautiful queer family. There are actually fans in Voltron who believe, without a sliver of doubt, that a same-sex pairing can and will become canon.
That’s bananas to me. That there is hope like that! Belief like that! Because I was born at the very end of the AIDS crisis and I didn’t hear the word bisexual until I was, like, twelve, let alone have enough of a support system around me to embrace that label for myself. B A N A N A S.
So of course––of course––there’s a part of me that hopes a same-sex pairing will happen in Voltron. Just thinking about how Dreamworks almost made Miguel and Tulio a canon couple in The Road to El Dorado in 2000 makes my heart twinge with disappointment. (Yes, Chel is great, but.)
See, I’m super attached to Voltron even when the writing is clearly stifled and bridled in by the people whose job it is to sell lots and lots of Voltron toys. I read klance fic and reblog VLD fanart and I have one (1) friend who also watches the show. We talk about it sometimes, and I throw fanart of Shiro at her because he’s her favorite. She doesn’t ship anything, and I am a cheerful little klance-shipping demon. I am in a fandom of two, and it’s pretty great in here.
Voltron’s a lighthearted kid’s show about humans and aliens piloting mecha lions in space to save the universe from space colonialism, and while I will be dizzy with glee if a same-sex couple becomes canon in this show, I want it more for the intended audience of Voltron: kids.
I met a kid last year at Osaka Pride whose mother said, “He came home from school and told me, ‘I don’t feel like a girl or a boy,’” so this young mother brought her child to Pride to learn more about the community that her baby might belong in. And that lovely little human stayed on the fringes at first, apparently shy, until their mother told them, “Go on,” and then they spent the next ten minutes literally jogging around all the booths and beaming at everyone: the trans women in neon dresses cooing at how cute this little sunbeam was, the booth folks selling rainbow-themed merch, the couples hand-in-hand without shame or fear. And when they came back to their mom, they were completely carefree. And I thought, I wish that had been me.
And maybe it could’ve been, if every single cartoon I consumed as a child wasn’t coding gay men as villains, overtly implying that LGBT people had a direct link to actual pedophilia, and aggressively promoting heterosexual romance as The Only Acceptable Way of Love. If I’d grown up in a world where Ruby and Sapphire were on TV being happily in love every week, I might’ve realized what was in my own heart sooner than college.
So there is part of me who understands why people are so emotionally connected to the possibility of a ship like klance becoming canon. I’ve felt that urgent hope, that wild hunger, again and again and again and again in my life, and the only time I’ve ever had that hope realized in canon was in 2016 watching Viktor and Yuuri skate together in Yuri!!! on Ice. I cried. A lot.
I understand the emotion fueling the very, very bad decisions being made. In the simplest possible terms, the people who repeatedly harass the Voltron cast and crew are people who want a thing and are prioritizing getting that thing over the mental health of real people. I think it’s a symptom of internet detachment. When one is flinging words into a void, one doesn’t have to see how they’re received. Their actions––if I haven’t made it clear––are objectively harmful, and I don’t condone them.
But what I want to say––what I wrote this whole thing to say––is that Voltron isn’t a terrible fandom, and it isn’t the first fandom to have loud, overzealous fans who cross the line and make people inside and outside the fandom alike think, Yeesh they’re/we’re all lunatics. Voltron fandom is not The Worst, because I guarantee you if The Ray Wars were happening today, there’d totally be people on Twitter attacking Callum Keith Rennie directly for daring to replace David Marciano. It could have been so, so much uglier than it was, and it was already Bad.
In 1997, the fourth wall still more or less existed, and LGBT content––let alone respectful content––was scarce to say the least, so Fandom Discourse at the time remained generally contained to fan-on-fan unpleasantness. Today, that fourth wall is utterly gone, and I think all fandoms have to adapt to that and learn a whole new code of etiquette. LGBT rep is important, but there are respectful and effective ways to get it that don’t involve harassing the cast and crew. The voice actors and creators and crew of Voltron deserve basic human decency, and to be seen as people first and content creators second. It’s entirely possible for the majority of fandom to interact respectfully with the creators––it’ll just take time and patience, like most things that last.
So listen, everything’ll be fine. Try to have patience with each other. To quote a manga I’ve been translating: “There will be times in your life when you won’t be able to avoid being angry. Don’t make little things bigger than they have to be. Laugh and forgive.” Or, in this case, laugh and ignore. If you like a thing, awesome! Tell people! Or don’t! And if you don’t like something, carefully consider the consequences of what you do after you realize, I don’t like this. I don’t ship sheith at all, but for the last two years I’ve managed to leave alone the fans who do ship it and not send Shiro’s voice actor and his family angry, threatening messages. It wasn’t even difficult, guys. I just, like, read some klance fic instead.
I felt compelled to make this because I keep seeing posts from Voltron fans calling Voltron fandom a raging garbage fire and sure, there’re people playing near dry kindling with flamethrowers more than is advisable, but Voltron fans have created and will continue to create some beautiful content and friendships just for love of a show, and that’s lovely as fuck. If you’re feeling ashamed of your fandom and you haven’t done anything wrong, remember that you’re fandom, too. Keep being respectful, kind, and good. The terrible people won’t go away, but they won’t define the fandom for you unless you let them.
Be kind to each other, and things will improve.
And if anyone tells you your ship is bad, don’t talk to that person anymore, because that person probably has some dry kindling and a flamethrower.
And hey, if you’re at the end of this post and you’re like: Wow, this was way too short, and I would like to read more things this person has written, there’s always my Team Voltron-in-Japan AU. It has klance and Nyma/Allura and I enjoy writing it.
Wow, I’m hungry. Bye! :D/
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