foreverxapp · 3 months
Smart Ways to Make the 'About Me' Section on Physician Dating Sites Interesting
It's important to have a unique "about me" section on dating sites, especially for medical professionals. This section of your profile provides information about your values, interests, and identity to possible matches. The days of relying just on a profile image are long gone; authenticity is now essential. A well-written bio on a physician dating site can draw readers who are really interested in learning more about you. Your chances of meeting the one who is a perfect fit and values both your career and personality might be raised by concentrating on authentic and imaginative descriptions.
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Creating a single physicians dating profile
It might be less intimidating to write your single physicians dating profileoffline, particularly if you're thinking of a doctor's dating site. It enables you to meticulously edit and modify your profile so that it appropriately conveys your character and obligations in the workplace. You can monitor character limits, tailor your bio to highlight your unique qualities as a physician and save it for use across different dating platforms. This approach enables you to present yourself authentically and attract potential matches who appreciate your dedication to medicine and personal interests.
Define Your Ideal Partner
For genuine relationships to flourish and embarrassing first dates to be avoided, it's important to know what kind of partner you desire. Think about your preferences for a casual or committed relationship, as well as their hobbies and how you would spend time together. These observations help you not only focus your search but also craft a dating profile that appeals to potential partners. Knowing your interests can help you customize your profile so that it appeals to others who share your vision and increases the likelihood that you will make a meaningful connection on a surgeon dating app.
Highlight your best qualities
 Emphasize your strengths without overwhelming potential matches with excessive details. Use a friendly and inviting tone that aligns with the relationship dynamics you desire. Whether you're aiming for casual connections or a serious commitment, tailoring your profile to reflect your personality and relationship goals increases your chances of attracting compatible matches on physician dating platforms.
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Reflecting on Relationship Dynamics
Reflect on past relationships to identify traits others found appealing. Finding your relationship strengths or shared interests requires self-awareness. You may honestly communicate who you are and the kinds of connections you're seeking for by listing these attributes in your dating profile. By being genuine, you draw similar people to you on medical dating sites that value and connect with what you have to give.
Choose words Wisely
It's critical to stay away from certain terms and phrases in your dating profile that might take away from your message or lead to misconceptions. Refrain words like 'Don't' from listing dislikes or negative preferences. Focus instead on what you are looking for positively to attract compatible matches. Even while it might be funny, sarcasm might not work well in a dating profile. Don't suggest that you like sarcasm until you've built a connection with someone.
Take your time creating a succinct yet engaging "about me" section for a medical dating service. Because long profiles might not be seen by potential partners, concentrate on emphasizing your best qualities right away. Be sincere and allow your own self to come through. Steer clear of overanalyzing and try to project a real personality that briefly highlights your passion for both your personal and professional pursuits. By keeping it straightforward and engaging on doctors' dating apps, you can attract like-minded individuals who appreciate your unique qualities as a physician.
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socialistexan · 4 months
Lmao so apparently Swifties are now trying to claim "female rage" and have merch with Taylor on it with like "FEMALE RAGE"
Girl, you would pass out 5 seconds into an Ethel Cain song. You could not handle a single note from Dresden Dolls. Fiona Apple is too left of the dial for you.
TayTay makes middle of the road pop songs for dentist waiting rooms and dates a star football player.
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Betcha Won't
Author’s Note: Hello again! I’m so sorry for missing my usual Thursday night upload last week. I was down and out with a migraine for a bit, but now I’m back in action! New avatar, same ole shit, lol. Part 6 of Somethin’ Sweet takes it back a bit with something nice and cozy. I apologize for breaking so many hearts two weeks in a row, so as promised, this one’s much softer. Thanks for reading!! 
Summary: Sy makes a camping trip to the lake a night they’ll never forget.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female OC 
Warnings:  hope you’ve got a dentist appointment on the books, because this is tooth-rotting fluff…minus the smut, of course. Expect a strip tease, descriptions of anatomy, oral sex (female receiving), and p-in-v- sex. I am an adult, and due to the nature of this content, all works created by me will be rated for those 18 years and older. Minors, DNI.
Beta’d by: @peyton--warren ❤️
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“You got any more of that jerky?” They’d been walking for what felt like hours, but in reality was only 30 minutes. As a Colorado native, Merrin really should’ve been more prepared for a hike than this, but he’d really sprung it on her. She’d anticipated another night at the diner. Friday’s special was prime rib and baked potatoes, and though they’d only been at it for a few weeks now, she knew he wasn’t one to pass up a good meal. So when he showed up outside of her house and told her he had a surprise for her, she was keen to see what tricks he had up his sleeve. She just didn’t know their change of plans would include bug spray. Stumbling her way through the foliage of an unfamiliar path, she reached out an expectant hand in wait for her reward. Sy slapped another piece of cured venison into her palm and chuckled at the noises of delight she made as she happily gnawed on it. 
“That’s the last of it. If I’d known how much you’d like my meat, I would’ve brought more.” 
Merrin didn’t have to see his face to know how pleased he was with himself, and she gave a playful wack to the back of his head as they broke through the clearing. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this. Calm, clear water lapped at the pebbled shoreline of a vast lake surrounded by trees. It was a sight that took her breath away. A tent stood off to her left in the plush carpet of grass, filled with all the blankets and pillows he could gather in those big ole arms of his. A little further down, closer to the bank, a stack of freshly chopped firewood waited to be lit. It was a dreamy little scene, put together with so much forethought. He must’ve been working on it all afternoon. Merrin smiled as she took in the sight, and wrapped an arm around his waist to draw him close. “You did all this for us?”
He took a shot in the dark when he’d made the executive decision to move date night outdoors, and though he hoped she’d like the change in scenery, there was still a part of him that worried that she wouldn’t. Seeing her now, beaming up at him like he’d hung the moon when all he’d really done was fight with a flimsy tent pole for twenty minutes made it all worth while. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, he smiled back down at her. 
“Nah, baby. I did it for you.”
They sat together on a blanket in the grass as the sun disappeared behind the trees. Sparks snapped and crackled on their way up to touch the sky. Merrin sat between his open knees and rested back against him. The old radio from the workshop was propped up by the cooler with the sound turned down low. Since his truck only had a tape deck, Sy had taken up making mixed tapes for her. Merrin tapped her toes to the beat as they watched the gentle waves roll in against the shore. He wondered what was on her mind as he twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. What she said made his heart skip a beat.
“Twenty bucks says you won’t strip down to your skivvies and run into the lake right now.”
Her proposition caught him off guard, and he nearly choked on his beer. Snorting and coughing through the foam, Sy cleared his throat before he spoke. 
“Twenty bucks says what?!”
She giggled and turned to look up at him, a mischievous little grin spread wide across her freckled face. She sure likes to keep him on his toes. “You heard me.”
Sy laughed and shook his head. “Do you know how cold that water is? No way, Darlin’. I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna catch a cold for twenty bucks.”
Without missing a beat, she shrugged. “Fifty says you won’t do it bare-ass naked.”
He stopped. Now that could make for an interesting night. “ You ain’t gotta bribe me to get me naked, babydoll. All ya gotta do is ask.” 
Merrin stood and brushed the sand from the backside of her jeans. “Come on, Capitan, live a little. When’s the last time you did something fun?” 
Sy paused. She was right. Of course she was right. Before her, he couldn’t remember a time in the last decade that he’d let himself do something on a whim. Every t was crossed, every i was dotted. Sitting here by the fire tonight, he realized how much he’d missed out on by overthinking every decision he made. He could stand to lose a little resolve. Before he could make a move, though, Merrin was already kicking off her shoes. She peeled off her socks and tucked them away inside of her beat up sneakers, then worked to loosen her belt.
“Come on, Clay. You really gonna make me do it alone?”
 Sy sat back again for a moment to take in the sight. He’d been trying to come up with ways to get her out of those jeans all night long, yet here she was, baring herself to him out in the open like this. Any action they’d had up until now had taken place over the clothes. It wasn’t that he didn’t want her, because fuck, did he want her so badly. In truth, he’d been stalling. It’d been almost a year since he’d been with a woman, since before he met her, before his last deployment. Merrin was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, and he just didn’t want to let her down. He knew he wouldn’t last very long once he finally had her. It was apparent now that he’d been stalling for so long that she’d decided to take matters into her own hands. She pulled him back down to earth when she tossed her panties at his face. He snatched them away eagerly to get a better look at her. 
“Well, get to it, then. I’ve shown you mine. Now you gotta show me yours.”
Snapping his mouth closed, Sy lept to his feet to toe off his boots. By the time he finished stripping, she’d already made it to the water.
Squealing in surprise, Merrin shuttered as the cold water lapped at her toes. Maybe skinny dipping wasn't such a good idea after all. When she turned round, ready to admit her misjudgment, she bumped right into him. His bare chest was warm against hers, and fuzzier than she’d imagined. She reached out to trace her fingers through the blanket of dark hair and let them trail down his stomach without a second thought. Heart pounding loudly in her ears, she fought to keep her gaze above the waist. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t- fuck. 
Fuck was right. One glance at what was waiting for her made her head spin. She didn’t have a chance to react though, before she was suddenly hoisted up into the air and thrown over a broad shoulder. Sy laughed as she squealed and squirmed to free herself from his grasp. 
“Nuh uh, no ma’am. Yer the one who wanted me out here. Time ta’ put yer money where yer mouth is. Now hold yer nose.” 
Merrin took a deep breath just in time, when they crashed together into the lake. Just as predicted, the water was freezing cold, and when she broke the surface again, Merrin let out a scream of surprise. Laughing through the shock, she stood and splashed him in retaliation. 
“Fuck, its cold!”
“I tried ta’ tell ya! Come here.”
Sy chuckled and wiped the water from his eyes, then held out a hand to her. Drawing her in close, he wrapped her up in his arms and swept damp strands of hair from her face. They held each other close and giggled like children beneath the moonlight. He looked down at her as their laughter faded to echoes, tracing each goosebump on her arm with the back of his knuckles. No matter how many times he’d imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the way she felt in his arms tonight. Skin on skin, knee deep in crystal clear water beneath a blanket of stars, not a cloud in sight. A lot had changed since he'd been here last, and though not all of it was good, he was thankful for it all. He’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant he could stay with her like this forever. 
Neither of them had to speak to know what would come next. Sy carried her back to shore and laid her down on the bed of pillows he’d crammed into the two-man tent. Neither of them cared that they were still wet from their dip in the lake. In the moment, it didn’t matter. The passion between them burned hotter than the smoldering embers of the campfire outside. She welcomed him onto her and tangled her arms around his neck as they kissed. No matter how close he got, it would never be close enough. She wanted him inside of her, body, mind, and spirit, but he had other plans for her. His lips brushed down her chin and he nuzzled upward until her head fell back in submission. The scratch of his beard against her throat and he kissed his way down felt delicious, and she ached to feel it all over. Though the cold weather made her nipples stand at attention first, they perked up for him now with each pass of his tongue. He caught one between his teeth, but only for a moment, long enough to put a smile on his face as he listened to her purr for him. 
“That’s it, Sugar. Sing for me.”
Merrin trembled when his tongue traced around the outside of her navel. Swallowing thickly, she dug her fingernails into the flesh of his shoulders and watched as he settled in to rest between her thighs. Merrin bit her lip as she watched him size her up from there. Maybe it was the beer that made her brave enough to make the first move, but laying beneath him now, she hoped he wouldn’t look too closely. Stretch marks snaked across her stomach and hips, cellulite dimpled the skin of her thighs and ass. Growing up, she’d always been a little heavier than her friends. It wasn’t until she’d gotten older than she’d become more comfortable in the body she was given. Sy looked up at her through lids heavy with lust, as if to read her mind. Sharp teeth carved gently across the inside of her knee to silence the thoughts running through her head. Arching her back, she bucked her hips up towards him to stop his teasing. 
“Sy…” Merrin begged through shaky breaths. “Please…”
He sat back on his haunches to admire her. She’d smack that look right off his face if she didn’t think her hands would tremble. He reveled in her desperation, and she knew that. Whining and squirming beneath him, she tried to close her legs in embarrassment. Sy caught her by the knees, one in each hand, and held them wider than before, clear up to her shoulders. 
“Nuh uh, little Miss Merrin,” he shook his head in feigned disappointment. “Tell me what’chu want from me.”
Her face turned beet red as blood rushed to her cheeks and spread down her neck as she turned her head to look away. He didn’t like that much. With both of her legs pinned beneath one rough hand, he redirected her by the chin to meet his eyes again. Sucking his teeth, he shook his head again. Say it. Just say it, and I’ll give you the world. He held her gaze and waited patiently for her to get the nerve to open her mouth again. Chuckling softly, Merrin let out a shaky breath as she reached for him. 
“I want you, Clay. More than anything.” 
“How? How do you want me?” 
Draping one of her legs over his shoulder, lips moving at a snail’s pace, Sy kissed his way all the way down. He had the patience of a saint. He could do this all night. Merrin, on the other hand…
“Fuck’s sake, Clayton Lee! Are you just gonna stare at it, or are you gonna eat my fuckin' pussy?”
That was all he needed. Confirmation, one way or another, that she wanted this just as much as he did. His laughter shook the tent, and in the blink of an eye, he dove right in. He spread her open with his thumbs and used the tip of his tongue to explore her weeping folds. Slow, precise, probing movements until he had the lay of the land, then it was game over. He devoured her, lips, tongue, and teeth working together to draw her close to the edge. Merrin mewled and moaned, head back and back arched, ass hovering above the ground as he held her thighs and shook his head from side to side. It wasn’t long before a familiar tightness began to blossom low in her belly, and before she knew it, he had her seeing stars.
He gave her space to come back down to earth again, and once she caught her breath again, he lowered her hips back down onto the blankets. Calloused thumbs rubbed soothing circles into the dips of her hip bones as he waited patiently for her word again. He wore the evidence of her arousal in his beard with pride, the sticky-sweet nectar gleaming in the glow of the nearby fire. Merrin ran a hand through her sweat-dampened hair and melted against the pillow beneath her head. 
“Well, shit…If I’d known you were so good at that, I would’ve stripped for you a lot sooner.”
Sy threw his head back and barked out a laugh that drew her own laughter with it. “Baby doll, all ya had ta’ do was ask. I’ve been dreamin’ about eatin’ that little pussy from the moment I first laid eyes on ya.”
But when she moved to sit up, he nudged her back down again. She frowned, confused. Didn’t he want her to return the favor? He simply shook his head, as he intertwined their fingers together and gave a squeeze of reassurance. 
“No, baby, it’s alright. I won’t last if ya do that fer me. Let’s save that fer another time.” 
Merrin laid back on her elbows and eyed him with reluctancy. She’d never met a man who’d turn down a blowjob, but whatever floats his boat, she guessed. Sy took a moment to reach over into his bag and retrieve the shiny little packet from the outside pocket. Good ole Sy, always planning ahead. He tore through it with his teeth and sat back to grip himself with his left hand. They both watched eagerly as the condom unrolled down his impressive length, and he sighed once he’d finished. Merrin wasn’t inexperienced, but the thought of him splitting her open on that thing had her stomach in knots. He could sense her apprehension, and truth be told, he was nervous too. In a fleeting moment of thought, he wondered if this is what it would’ve felt like to lose his virginity on prom night. He didn’t go to his senior prom, was too busy helping his uncle in the fields that spring, but the nerves he felt now sure felt that way. Every moment they’ve spent together had led up to this. Leaning in to brush his nose against hers, he whispered softly against her lips. 
“I’ll go slow. Just…tell me if it hurts, m‘kay?”
“Go slow,” She nodded slowly, repeating his promise out loud as if to make that promise to him too. Dragging the tip of his aching cock through her folds once, then once more, he gathered her wetness there to help smooth the tension. Merrin gasped when he caught at her entrance and breathed through the sting of the stretch her walls gave around him as he worked his way inside of her. Nice and slow, just as promised, he pulled out all the way and tried again and again, until he was fully engulfed inside of her. Hearts pounding in their chests, they clung to each other and worked together, two souls finally coming together as one. One spark, and they’d set the whole forest ablaze. 
The shock and awe melted away, leaving room for nothing but unbridled fervor. The gentle, probing shift of hips turned to hungry thrusts. Loud smacks of skin on skin only adding to the ambiance their bodies made. Sounds of lust echoed across the lake, creating a beautiful symphony with the radio and the woods. A bead of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, seeking shelter in the dip of her collarbone. Painted fingernails left pink lines through the ink on his back. “More…more, more, more,” was all she could think to say, and more, he gave her. He gave her all he had, until he just couldn’t take it anymore. The cry of a warrior ripped through his chest, as he pounded her endlessly and emptied himself into the condom deep inside of her. She came too with a shout, body seizing and writing beneath him, as they rode out their shared climax. When everything was said and done, Sy collapsed on top of her with a grunt. They listened to the bullfrogs croak as they sought the breath they’d fucked out of one another. Moments passed, when Merrin finally broke the silence again. 
“Fuck yeah, or what the fuck was that?”
The grin she gave him was answer enough, as he turned over to lay beside her. 
“Fuck yeah.”
Sy chuckled, grabbing a blanket to pull over them to keep the cool night air out. Even though he hadn’t lasted as long as he would’ve liked, it certainly made for a night he’ll never forget. 
“Fuck yeah, baby doll. Fuck yeah.”
Sy was downright giddy the next morning as he drove her back into town. He might’ve stuck his head out the window and sung her praises to the world around them, If it weren’t 8:30 on a Sunday. Instead, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed quietly to himself. Across the bench seat, Merrin flipped open the glove compartment and rooted through it for his collection of tapes. When a beam of early morning sunlight gleamed caught something shiny, she dug through the mess to find the source. He watched her from the corner of his eye, but by the time he’d comprehended what she’d found, it was too late. Mouth hanging open, he watched as she examined the condom in her hands. 
“Hm,” she said thoughtfully, turning it over to read the back as if she were flipping through the funny’s in the morning paper. “Ya know, I’ve never seen a gold one in real life before. I mean, I knew they were real, but damn. You could drain a bathtub with one’a these things.”
Sy laughed and scratched the back of his neck, relieved to know that she didn’t think he was some kinda sex fiend for keeping a stash here just in case. Well…Maybe she wouldn’t have been too far off, but still. They were still new to this. 
“Yeah…Yeah, they’re pretty big, huh.”
Merrin scoffed. 
“Pretty big? That steak you devoured was pretty big. You’re fuckin’ huge, babe.” 
They pulled up to her house a moment later. Sy put the truck in park and turned off the ignition, but left the keys there. He didn’t want to intrude, so he sat back against the cracked leather seat and looked her way. 
“So…got any plans fer today?”
She thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. 
“Besides sitting on a bag of frozen peas? Nothin’, really.”
He nearly choked on his own spit. Merrin giggled as he fumbled to come up with a coherent thought, an apology, something, then leaned across the console to kiss him on the cheek. He’s cute when he’s pussy drunk. 
“Come on, Cowboy. I’ll make you some pancakes.”
His stomach growled at the thought of food, and in an instant, he snatched the keys from the dash. He had her door open before she could even laugh. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
taglist: @geralts-yenn @peyton-warren @kingliam2019 @uunotheangel @deandoesthingstome @drewharrisonwriter @foxyjwls007 @melissareadsstuff @totalwool @summersong69 @caramariehurst @niallhorwen @warriormirkwood @mairablue @omgkatinka @evansabove1981 @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @enchantedbytomandhenry @bascmve01
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
Hello, Again I have a dental appointment next week.
so my request is Vax, Percy, and Scanlan argue over who gets to take care of the Female reader after she has been to a dentist or if they didn't have dentists in that time period recovering from some kind of surgery
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[it took like 10 minutes to find this specific gif]
They’re fighting to see who takes care of her in the gif 🤣
He’s the most strict of the three in terms of being a caregiver and has them running around the clock to tend to you. When it’s Percy’s turn to watch you, he can’t help but smile at you watching his glasses or hair in fascination like “yes, dear that’s my hair, those specs belong to me…”
Gives into your antics most of the time but does try to help as best he can
If the medicine loopiness kicks in, he’ll entertain this side of you into the most randomly humorous conversations
The rogue almost puts Percy to shame but he’s keen to entertaining you in more subtle ways.
The first few times he brings you soup, you’re looking at him like he hung the stars, asking him “wow! I’m dating you?? I got lucky..”
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seabeck · 1 year
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Left is my biggest raccoon skull to date, middle is nubbins, right is a female who’s older but clearly went to the dentist regularly
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barbsgirlfriend · 8 months
Velvet & Veneer Headcanons Pt. 3
(If you notice inconsistencies between posts it is because I use google translate. My first language isn’t English, it is Swedish. And I also changed some stuff)
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Full name
Velvet Lyric Mazzola
Vel (pretty much everyone), sis (Veneer)
Age & DOB
19 31/7/05
Gender & Pronouns
Cis Female She/her
Singer & Performer
68.95 kg (152 lbs)
192 cm (6’3)
Body Shape
Body Type
Skin Color
Face Shape
Long, wavy, healthy, bright green
Round shaped, bright blue
Normal Apparel
Extravagant clothing, skirts, jean shorts, crop tops, makeup
Distinguishing features
Beauty mark above lip, scar on her left arm from childhood, dimples, five tattoos, and a big ahh forehead
Personality Type
ESTP-A (the entrepreneur)
Short Description
Velvet is extremely goal-orientated, and would put her friends or family down to reach her own goals. She strives for attention and love. Velvet might seem mean on the outside, but deep down she has a soft spot for her twin brother, Veneer. She’s extremely protective of her loved ones, but she isn’t the most reliable. Velvet barks more than she bites, but she can knock a bitch down.
Mean, ambitious, artistic, humorous, intelligent, controlling, protective, talented, somewhat toxic, and strong
Bubble baths, perfume, money, shopping, expensive clothes, praise, candles, mani pedis, the beach, purple crop tops, and roses
Trolls, being ignored, cheap perfumes, the feel of velvet fabrics 💀, her parents, being bossed around, balloons
Singing, dancing, songwriting, yoga, sketching makeup ideas, collecting vintage magazines, hairstyling, and zip lining
Thantophobia, atychiphobia, athazagoraphobia, cynophobia
On July 31st, 2005, Velvet was born along with her younger twin brother. Her parents only wanted a boy, so she never got a lot of attention. She was cared for on and off by her parents and grandparents. Velvet made a strong connection with her grandmother, January, who was a famous singer in her days. Her grandmother was the main reason she wanted to start singing.
At the age of six, she was enrolled to a private primary school with her brother. Velvet became instantly popular for her famous grandmother and dentist parents. She became friends with almost everybody and loved her younger years. In year 3, her grandmother passed away. It was difficult on Velvet as she lost her main caretaker and friend.
At the start of secondary school, Velvet started becoming rebellious. She and Veneer would sneak out of the house to go to parties, smoke, etc. Eventually, the two were caught. As a punishment, they were given too many activities to worry about instead of sneaking off. She really started to despise her parents.
Velvet would skip her extracurriculars and use her free time to hangout with her friends or sleep. In year 12, she started dating. Velvet was dating the goalie for the school’s football team. However, he was a cunt. He was toxic and emotionally abusive towards Velvet.
This relationship was very draining for her. It made Velvet’s mental health really decline. One day, she got into a heated argument, and he hit her. Velvet went to protect herself, but Veneer jumped in and beat the fuck out of him. Safe to say, he never messed with her again.
Around that time, she started her singing career. Velvet would post her songs on SoundCloud, and got a few thousand followers! She felt consumed by the fame and wanted MORE. Velvet convinced her twin brother to start singing with her a bit after. They became insanely famous stupidly fast.
Velvet was blinded by her fame and money, making her toxic and controlling. It was so bad that she had to go to weekly therapy to control herself. She moved out of her parents house and into a beach home for her and Veneer.
She lives with Veneer right outside of Mount Rageous. she’s pretty happy now. She loves her life and how far she’s come.
Favorites & Least Favorites
F: East Coast oysters. LF: scrambled eggs
F: raspberry lemonade. LF: Pepsi
F: Agora Hills (Doja Cat). LF: 9 to 5 (Dolly Parton) she’s sick and tired of crimp singing it
F: Summer. LF: winter
F: her grandmother’s music hall. LF: childhood room
F: purple. LF: red
Mother: Veronica Mazzola/56/living
Father: Valentino Mazzola Jr./58/living
Brother: Veneer Mazzola/19/living
Other: Grandma/Mom’s Side/January Harmony/85/deceased, Grandpa/Dad’s Side/Valentino Mazzola Sr./92/deceased
Lover(s): Joey/20/living/ex, Orchid/18/living
Birthplace: Mount Rageous
Residence: 5 miles out of Mount Rageous in a Beach House
Nationality: Mount Rageon
Ethnicity: Mount Rageon
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Full Name
Veneer Adagio Mazzola
Ven (almost everyone), bro (Velvet)
Age & DOB
19 31/7/05
Gender & Pronouns
Cis male He/him
Bisexual with pref for men
Singer & Performer
67.13 kg (148 lbs)
183 cm (6’0)
Body Shape
Body type
Skin Color
Face shape
Medium, wavy, soft, bright green
Round and bright blue
Normal Apparel
Extravagant clothing, heels, jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, bracelets, earrings
Distinguishing features
Scar on upper lip, tooth gap, and three tattoos
Personality type
ESFJ-A (the consul)
Short Description
Veneer is extremely smart… like VERY smart. He’s insane with how good his intuition is and how quick he can find your biggest insecurities. Veneer is goal-orientated like his older twin sister, but he’s more secretive about it. To most, he only seems to be a flamboyant himbo. But in reality, Veneer is a caring but shady bitch.
Loud, judgy, overall friendly, happy-go-lucky, flamboyant, sensitive, protective, strong, talented, intelligent, mean
Pop music, gossip, anything gucci, the champagne toast scent from BaBW, beanies, vintage clothing, expensive jewelry, smell of gasoline
Cheap food, being bossed around, cigarettes, Velvet spraying perfume on him, being tickled, being alone, lavender scent, having no money
Dancing, singing, gardening, shopping, sketching fashion ideas, crocheting, acting, playing tennis, fishing
Atychiphobia, acrophobia, traumatophobia
On July 31st, 2005, Veneer was born along with his older twin sister. Their parents only wanted a boy, so Veneer got the most attention growing up. He was spoiled to death by his parents, but it made him uncomfortable. Ever since he was a toddler, he was weirded out by his parents. However, there was an important figure in his life that made him not uncomfy: Valentino Mazzola Sr.
His grandfather supported his love of dance and acting, but also taught him “manly” things. Veneer was very close to his grandfather. He started attending a private primary school with his twin sister. Quickly, he became popular; not just by his family being famous. Veneer was an extremely nice kid in Primary School.
In middle school, Veneer started to experiment with who he was. He started painting his nails, got his ears pierced, and acted more feminine. But this angered his parents; they said that they didn’t want a gay child. With that, he started becoming very secretive. Veneer didn’t talk to certain people for months on end.
When he got to year 10, his grandfather past away. It was really hard on Veneer. On top of all the stressful activities he had to do; he had to suffer loss. This was when Velvet and Veneer started their singing career. (Ha that rhymed).
He felt so happy that people adored him; he felt even happier his sister was getting the attention she deserved. Due to getting famous, Veneer really stopped caring. He became himself and didn’t give two shits if his parents started complaining.
Veneer became an icon in Mount Rageous quickly. He is just as greedy with his fame as Velvet, but he can control himself more. He loves his life, his family, his boho chic home decorations, and his money.
Favorites & Least Favorites
F: Lobster tail LF: coconut
F: Pipeline Punch Monster LF: sparkling water
F: I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman (Britney Spears) LF: Rude Boy (Rihanna)
F: Fall LF: Winter
F: the beach LF: elevators
F: hot pink LF: bright yellow
Mother: Veronica Mazzola/56/living
Father: Valentino Mazzola Jr./58/living
Sister: Velvet Mazzola/19/living
Other: grandma/Mom’s side/January Harmony/85/deceased, Grandpa/dad’s side/Valentino Mazzola Sr./92/deceased
Lover(s): Kid Ritz/19/living
Birthplace: Mount Rageous
Residence: 5 miles out of Mount Rageous
Nationality: Mount Rageon
Ethnicity: Mount Rageon
(Thank you for reading this massive thing <3 )
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89 notes · View notes
marykk1990 · 7 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, Dnipro State Medical University (Дніпровський державний медичний університет) in Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. It was established in 1916 and went through several name changes over the years, receiving its current name in 2021. It's one of the oldest educational institutions in Ukraine & originated out of the Ekaterynoslav Higher Female Medical Courses. I couldn't find much info on that, but it probably dated from "russian" empire times. Over the years, the university has trained doctors, dentists, pharmacists, & nurses.
#СлаваУкраїні 🇺🇦
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23 notes · View notes
burningupp · 2 years
Fated Friends | lmh
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skz masterlist
pairing: lee minho x f!reader
warnings: female reader (i'm sorry, i promise to branch out one day), reader has a kid, heavily based off of gilmore girls bc it's my comfort show, slight health scare, not proofread lol
summary: minho isn't a very outwardly emotional guy, and honestly, he's come to be comfortable that way. weird how the kind of person he's sure to be the bane of his existence ends up breaking that habit, huh?
a/n: this is going to be at least two parts... yeah. i'm sorry. anyway i hope you enjoy this, whatever it is. also, sorry for any eventual grammar mistakes; i am not a native english speaker, so be gentle with me pls 🙏 also, i have had this as a wip for a while so using this as an excuse to complete the november clownracha prompt! @wooyussy @sunnytaes
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The diner was busy. Minho hadn’t been running it for that long, just two years and some change, but it had still become somewhat of a staple in their little town. There were regulars who came in almost every day for at least one meal, and even though he might not show it outwardly, he really enjoyed making them food they seemed to appreciate.
There was a routine to it all, and it made him feel safe. The first six months he’d had absolutely no idea what he was doing, and it had been terrifying. Once he got past the insecurity, he’d felt good. He had managed to do what his father had done before him and run a successful business. Granted, his father had been running a hardware store before he died, not a diner, but it was close enough in his mind.
Once a year had passed, he started to feel bored instead of good. He loved his diner, and he loved running it, but he felt like there was no excitement in his life (unless you counted burning himself on oil from the deep fryer, of course - that had definitely led him to an eventful few weeks without the use of his left hand). Since he was running his own business, there was practically no rest for him. He had taken a total of two days off since starting the diner, but only because he actually did have to go to the hospital (courtesy of the fryer-incident) and the dentist.
The days that the diner was busy were good. There was no time to think about how he missed fishing and camping, how he hadn’t flirted with a woman since all this started, and much less been on a date with one. There had been a few customers, mostly tourists passing through, who had flirted with him before. He had always been generally awkward, stuttering his way through the interaction and then suffered through the teasing of the older women who lived in the small town and had known him since he was in diapers. It was great, obviously.
And then someone showed up and broke his routine entirely.
It was a busy day, the town selectman had been arranging a festival of some sort to “encourage tourism” which meant that Minho had a whole lot more customers than usual. He was running around taking and delivering orders, refilling coffees, and wiping down tables as fast as he could. He inwardly sighs when he hears the bell over the door ring again, because as much as he loves running a successful business, he’s busy enough as it is.
“I’ll be with you in a moment,” he says over his shoulder as he’s wiping down a table.
“No but see, I don’t have a moment,” a woman’s voice says back, a sort of panicky twinge to it that makes him turn around to look at her.
She’s gorgeous. Her eyes are shining in the sunlight streaming through the windows, and her hair is a tangled mess. Her clothing is a bit rumpled, and she’s not wearing any make-up, but suddenly the urge to flirt has returned to him from the dead. Then he hears the bell signaling food is ready, and he’s snapped out of his brief stupor.
“Yeah, well,” he starts, moving toward the two plates readily waiting for him on the counter, “neither do I. Wait or go somewhere else for coffee.”
Once he’s grabbed the food and turned around to give it to the customers at one of the tables in the corner, he is immediately stopped in his tracks as the woman is standing two feet in front of him with a gleam in her eyes that somehow both intrigues and terrifies him.
“No but you don’t understand,” she starts, and Minho heaves a sigh as he dodges around her to actually complete the order delivery, “my coffee machine at home broke, and my five-year-old is sick so I had to stay up all night, and the coffee at work has run out and so I am here, desperately begging you for like five cups of coffee before I collapse in a heap on the street and it’s all your fault.”
The woman follows him to the table and keeps incessantly nagging, and the only thing he can think is wait, she has a five-year-old? She doesn’t look older than 20 or so, if even that. At least that gave him a reason to stop looking at her beautiful eyes, stop his stupid heart from wanting him to talk and flirt with her, because he cannot handle a kid. He kind of hates kids, honestly - they’re always sticky, and never have intelligent answers to anything, and always get on his nerves.
“Listen, it sounds like your day isn’t going particularly well and I have the utmost sympathy for that having had a few bad ones myself, but I have a diner full of hungry people, so if coffee is all you want I’m gonna have to ask you to wait.”
At this, the woman gasps out loud, her eyes widening and jaw dropping indignantly.
“Excuse you? Just coffee? This is classism! Discrimination! You’re the one who serves coffee in the first place, which I know by the way because I saw someone with a take-away cup with your logo on it, and if you don’t want my business then I guess I should just leave.”
This makes Minho snort out loud and turn to her bemusedly. “Fine by me.”
She lets out another indignant gasp and goes up to the counter, grabbing a newspaper that’s just lying there. He hears the bell signaling another order is done, and goes to fetch the plates, but he keeps her in the corner of his eye.
“You,” she says when he walks past her to take another order, “what’s your zodiac sign?”
He stops in his tracks and turns to stare at her. What in the world was this woman even doing in here? She must be some kind of crazy. Or many kinds, he mutters in his own head.
“Well if you’re not gonna tell me, I’m just going to assume which one,” she says defiantly, staring at him for a moment before huffing. “Okay, taurus it is then.” She then grabs a pen, writes something on the section of horoscopes in the newspaper and tears it out, holding it out to him. “Take it,” she says when he just keeps staring.
“Why should I?” He asks in confusion, and she huffs again.
“Because you should read your horoscope, of course,” she says in a tone that implies he’s being an idiot. Boy, does he feel like one when he takes the note. It says Give the crazy woman a cup of coffee, or she’ll never leave you alone. 
“What is this?” He asks exasperatedly, spotting the customers wanting to order becoming impatient.
“It’s your horoscope, duh,” she replies, rolling her eyes at him. “You should do what it says and keep it, I’ve heard that horoscopes have been updated to be the same every day from now on.”
“Every- just fix your coffee-maker, or better yet, get a new one!” Minho finds himself yelling back, and the woman just smirks at him.
“No, I like my old one, my kid put googly eyes on it and we named him Lambert. Now get me my coffee so I can get back to work on time!” Minho stares at her for a bit longer. “You do know that if you’d just given me the coffee when I asked for it I would have been gone already, right?”
He realizes that she’s right, even though he hates to admit it. He gives her a stern glance and goes to take the couple in the corner’s order first before quickly pouring four cups of coffee and handing them to her in a cardboard tray.
Once she gets them, she gives him a huge smile that makes his stomach do a flip before grabbing them and running out the door - not before giving him more money than the coffee is worth. He huffs, staring after her through the window for a moment before being pulled back to reality by the loud clearing of a throat - a customer wants to order.
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A few days later, it’s the middle of the afternoon lull. All the dishes are done, all unused tables are cleared, and Minho is filling salt and pepper shakers at the counter when the bell above the door signals that someone entered the diner. He looks up and immediately regrets it when he sees the crazy woman from before accompanied by a little kid.
He begrudgingly has to admit, he had been thinking about her a lot. Her eyes had been so captivating, and the smile she had given him before leaving had made him feel completely out of his depth somehow. Every time he poured a cup of coffee for someone, all he could think about was her. Which is crazy, because he doesn’t even know her name.
This time, her hair is let down and styled in gentle waves. Her clothes aren’t rumpled, and she’s wearing make-up. And yet, the one thing that pulls Minho in is her eyes. Well, that and her absolute angel of a kid. The kid’s eyes are the exact same shade as her mother’s, her cheeks round and rosy, her hair long and neatly brushed, and her bag so full of books it hangs slightly open due to the zipper not being able to close all the way around the sheer volume of them. Her mother helps her hop onto a chair at a table, taking the bag and placing it on the floor. The little girl immediately reaches to grab a book out of it, but her mother snatches it mid-air and places it on the other side of her own chair, out of her daughter’s reach.
“But mom,” the little girl whines with such an adorable pout Minho is sure he would have given in after 0.2 seconds flat, but the woman just shakes her head.
“I know you want to read, and I’m really really glad about that, but we’re gonna be eating now, honey. You don’t want those library books to get all sticky, now do you?”
At her mother’s words, the little girl gasps and shakes her head. It’s the cutest thing he’s seen all day. “I would never let them! That’s gross, and I would probably be fined!” Then she gasps again, her eyes even wider than before. “Would it get put in a record somewhere?!”
Minho expects her mother to simply calm her down, tell her that she probably won’t be put on some list of wrong-doers and that, even if she was put on one, it wouldn’t have any consequences other than a $2 fine.
“Oh yes, you’ll be put on a record. It might even go to the police,” is what she says instead, and Minho blanches. Aren’t you supposed to comfort kids instead of scare them?
“No way,” the little girl says, eyes still wide as saucers.
“Yes way,” her mother says with a straight face and a playful tone. “They’ll put you on a list, and then they will forward it to the police, and they will pay to have a man with a camera to follow you around and take pictures whenever you make a mess. Then all those pictures will be sent to Harvard when you apply.”
The story is ridiculous, and yet… Minho finds himself smiling. It’s kind of funny. Then he starts to fear that the kid is going to cry. He really can’t handle children crying, he hates the sound of it and never knows how to fix it so he gets all panicky and ends up leaving most of the time. (It also kind of breaks his heart, but no one needs to know that.) However, the little girl doesn’t cry. Instead, she grins at her mother.
“Ah yes, whatever shall I do.”
At her response, her mother huffs happily and ruffles her daughter’s hair. The little girl opens a menu and starts browsing through it, looking remarkably concerned as she reads it over. Her mother starts looking around, and suddenly locks eyes with him. She smiles awkwardly. That’s when Minho pulls himself together and realizes he should go take their order. He clears his throat and walks over to their table.
“You’re back,” he remarks in a monotone.
“Ah, yeah,” she says, looking down at her hands on the table. “What are the chances I didn’t act quite as crazy as I remember? Because what is crazy when you think about it, you know?”
“Well, I’m not a doctor, but I would say you qualify,” Minho answers before he really registers what’s going through his head. He freezes, scared that he offended her. She might get on his nerves (kind of), but he doesn’t want to be mean nonetheless. He might lose a customer, after all.
“I agree,” the little girl chimes in, looking up from the menu and grinning at Minho so brightly he’s sure it could have blinded him. He feels his heart squeeze tight. “Mom gets crazy when she doesn’t get her coffee.”
“Hm, well I don’t think you’re old enough to know whether I’m crazy or not, missy,” the woman responds, sticking her tongue out at her daughter, which the little girl does right back.
“I read more than you do, so I would say I am more qualified to make a judgment on that than you are,” the woman’s daughter bites back with a sarcastic grin, and Minho just stares as the woman rolls her eyes and calls her daughter a nerd under her breath with a proud smile through it all.
Having to move on for the sake of his sanity (because if he gets any more opportunities to stare at the woman’s eyes and demeanor and general presence he will absolutely lose it - out of frustration or attraction is unclear), he clears his throat a little and raises the notepad and pencil he has at the ready to take their orders.
“Oh, right,” the woman sighs, grabbing a menu and flipping through it quickly. “I’ll have a cheeseburger with fries, a milkshake, a grilled cheese, two donuts and a cup of coffee. Hana?”
Minho just blankly stares at the woman, shocked at the amount of food she had ordered just for herself. It’s 4pm and she ordered food for at least two people? Then again, he muses to himself, she did have a kid so there was probably a husband around somewhere. Maybe they were meeting up and having an early dinner before the town meeting that night?
He tries not to think too hard about the notion of her having a husband; it’s stupid to be disappointed, especially when he still doesn’t know her name or really anything about her except for her crippling caffeine addiction.
“I want a cheeseburger, too,” the little girl - Hana - says thoughtfully, chewing on her lip. “Oh, and can I have extra fries, please?” He can’t say no to her adorable angel-like face (just as he predicted), and just nods, so she continues. “I also want a milkshake and a chocolate muffin, please.”
Her bizarre order goes over his head first, as he is distracted by the little girl’s impeccable manners and the thought that maybe, just maybe, all children aren’t demons, but then he registers what she said and raises his eyebrows as high as they can go.
“Are you sure? That’s a lot of food,” he points out gently. She thinks for a second, chewing on her bottom lip again, and then nods firmly.
“Yes, please,” she says, and he just nods.
“Okay then,” Minho says, half expecting her mother to chime in and tell her that no, it’s a Wednesday and she can’t have that many sweets, but nothing comes aside from an indulging smile.
He goes to the kitchen, tearing the page he had written on out of his notepad  and handing it to the chef dazedly. Then he turns around to look at the table again, and just stares. There was no way that little girl could eat that much food, was there?
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As it turns out, there was. Minho watches in astonished horror as the sweet angelic little girl puts away a cheeseburger, extra fries, a milkshake and a chocolate muffin. Who really takes the cake, however, is Hana’s mother. His theory about the father joining them had evidently been entirely false, as the food that already had been a tall order for thwo people to consume had been completely devoured by no one except a mid-sized woman and her tiny six-year-old. On top of that, halfway through their meal, the older woman had ordered an extra plate of chili fries. How in the world those were gone in ten minutes, Minho would never know, and he is pretty happy that he can escape that knowledge.
When they are done eating, Hana’s mother patiently helps her wipe down their table so she can take out her homework and get started on it. She then looks around until she finds Minho and waves at him to come over with a smile. He ignores the somersault his stomach does at the gesture.
“Want to pay?” he asks, fully expecting that to be the case.
“Uhm, not yet. Could I just have another cup of coffee?” the woman asks, and he decides enough is enough.
“You do know caffeine is horrible for your health, right? So are burgers, fries, chili fries even more so, donuts and milkshakes,” he points out, fully expecting a screaming match. To his surprise, the woman just smiles brighter.
“Sure I know that. So, my cup of coffee?”
He just blinks in pure astonishment. He then turns around and goes behind the counter to grab the pot of coffee, returning to their table to fill her cup. Then the little girl looks up.
“Excuse me mister, what’s your name?”
The way the little girl has him wrapped around her finger already is terrifying. His heart is melting, he feels the urge to be all sappy and ask her about school, her friends and her hobbies, and play games with her or something. Whatever would make her smile. He has no idea where that urge came from.
“Uh, it’s Lee Minho,” he answers dumbly, looking down into those innocently sparkling eyes.
“Okay. Mr. Lee, could I have some orange soda, please? I’m a bit thirsty,” she says, and he feels the need to save the poor girl from her mother’s habits. Not really, but he is a healthy man himself, and he wants a kid like her to live a long, healthy and happy life.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer some water, then?” he asks gently, but when she shakes her head, he just sighs. “Coming right up. Oh, and you can just call me Minho.”
“Okay. Thank you, Minho. My name is Hana, and this is my mom Y/n. It’s nice to meet you,” she beams at him, and he feels himself melt once more. Damn it.
“Nice to meet you too, Hana,” he says and goes to fetch her soda.
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Since that first afternoon the L/N girls visited his diner, Minho sees them at least three times a week for the next 3 years. Well, he sees Y/n pretty much every morning for her regular coffee fix. Apparently they did manage to fix Lambert, but apparently his coffee was “better than anything Lambert could ever make.” They told him vehemently that Lambert could never know this, and he had to keep it a secret from him. They both now greet him by name, and they usually have a quick chat about what’s going on, just like he does with some other regulars.
Then again, he can’t exactly claim that he is quite as interested in the other regulars as he is in the mother-daughter duo. He asks them about work and school, and they pull him into their debates over stupid stuff (that Hana almost always wins), and he finds himself enjoying it. It must be something about their positive outlook on life, or how crazy smart Hana is, or just about how excited they are about seemingly dull and boring things. They talked about the little town’s makeshift cinema as if it was entertainment of the highest degree, better than most things you can do in big cities, despite it being someone’s living room with a cheap projector and a popcorn machine. He does not understand it, but it sure is refreshing.
He’s still just as smitten with Hana as he was the first day, if not more. She’s intelligent and funny, and even though she does certain childish things, she largely feels like an innocent grown-up. He had once asked her about a book she was reading, which turned into a (one-sided) debate on different classical writers and their influence on both society and one another, and he was lost in the first minute. He briefly wondered if her mother had any idea what she was talking about, but it quickly became clear that she did not.
Then one day, only Y/n comes bursting through the door of the diner, during mid-morning no less. She is almost frantic, breathing hard and fast, eyes wild and hair ruffled.
“Minho!” she exclaims when she sees him, body sagging in relief. “I need your help.”
He immediately sets down the pot of coffee, walking towards her with furrowed brows. “What’s wrong?”
“My coffee?” a customer says impatiently.
“Bite me,” Minho responds over his shoulder without hesitation.
“It’s Hana,” she breathes, tears welling in her eyes. Minho puts a hand on her shoulder as he feels his heart speed up to a truly concerning pace. He doesn’t know if he’s trying to make her feel better, or if it’s purely to steady himself, but he thinks it doesn’t matter. “She-she has this, uhm… this stomach ache, and a really, really high fever, a-and it won’t go away and I was, uhm, I was reading this book, and,” a breath leaves her in a whoosh before she gulps down another one, “and it said something about if pressure on her stomach makes her feel better, she should go to the hospital because it might be appendicitis so I was going to take her to the hospital, but my stupid car won’t s-start and I need…” she stops and takes a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment before looking at him with absolute fire in her eyes. “I need you to take us. Please.”
Minho’s brain is going a mile a minute. He thinks about nothing except for that poor girl in pain. He thinks about how awful he feels whenever he has a fever, and how much worse it must be for such a tiny, innocent little girl. And then he thinks about whether or not she’s staying warm despite her high temperature, because he heard something about keeping the temperature up helping the body beat viruses and bacteria and making you healthy faster. And then he thinks about what he should be doing in this position, because he’s never been a father bef-
And then he stops. He stops and thinks about the fact that he is not her father. He is not the person who should be worrying like this. He is not the person Y/n should be turning to, because she should have a support system in her husband, and he wonders why in the world her husband isn’t currently breaking a million traffic laws speeding down the highway to get his daughter into capable hands. And then…
He doesn’t like to think about it too much, but sometimes he can’t stop himself. Mainly when it’s late at night, and the town is quiet, and all he can hear is the hum of his broiler and the light shifting of the sheets whenever he breathes. That’s when he can’t stop his mind from imagining. Imagining being Hana’s father. God, how proud he would be. He imagines walking her to school, buying her gifts for her birthday and spoiling her without spoiling her too much because he still wants her to be a rational adult some day. He imagines cooking for her, imagines the day he gets her absolute favorite food right, and the way that Y/n would be in the kitchen while he cooks, sitting at the kitchen table in the house they would have, talking absolute nonsense with their daughter. He imagines waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of Hana getting a glass of water in the kitchen, only to roll over in bed and find Y/n, his wife, right there, sleeping soundly beside him.
That’s usually when he stops himself. But this time, he imagines that whole situation. And then he imagines Y/n, his (hypothetical) wife, asking another man to help her take his sick daughter to the hospital, and he can’t do it. So he does what he has been so diligently avoiding, and asks her.
“What about her father?”
Minho’s voice is gentle, and he looks into Y/n’s eyes just as softly. He wants her to understand that he would do absolutely anything for Hana, hell, he would do anything for her because he has no doubts that he is so in love with her he would marry her on the spot even though they’ve barely broached the basics about one another, but in this particular instant he really does not want to step on any toes.
But then, she scoffs. She scoffs at him, rolls her eyes, and her jaw clenches a bit. It’s a clear signal to him that her father is most likely not an option at the moment.
“Okay I know we haven’t talked about this and we really should, and I promise you we will, but please can we talk about it when my daughter is not in excruciating pain and needs her mommy? Please?”
So he lets go of all his preconceived notions and nods. He squeezes her shoulder once, then turns around and grabs his keys. He doesn’t even glance into the kitchen as he yells for his chef, Felix, to handle things for the rest of the day, even though he hears a startled and confused shout right before the door swings shut behind the pair of them, because he thinks that as long as Hana and Y/n are okay, his business could burn down for all he cares.
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They get to the hospital okay, and Hana is immediately ushered into an exam room and then to an operating room. Minho isn’t in the exam room with them, but he does go to see the little girl off before the surgery.
“I’m scared,” she whispers to her mother, eyes shiny with unshed tears, but her mother just shushes her with a calm smile.
“That’s okay. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere except for the waiting room and maybe the cafeteria until you can come home with me.”
“Even if Channing Tatum asks you on a date right now?”
“Mm, I would have to consider it, but I think that if Channing can’t wait, we weren’t meant to be anyhow,” Y/n teases her daughter who just giggles in response. Then Hana turns to Minho.
“Thank you for driving us,” she says meekly, and he feels his heart twist and crush into a ball in his chest. “You really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to, little one,” he smiles gently, and she reaches out a hand to him which he grasps immediately. “Thank you for letting me see you off before your surgery.”
“I’m glad you did,” she says back, eyes a little less teary. Then she gets a thoughtful look on her face. “Do you think I’ll have a cool scar?”
He can’t help himself and scoffs a little laugh, squeezing her hand encouragingly. He sees Y/n smile too, and he has somehow never felt as complete as he does in that exact moment. It scares him. It’s not real. But he will keep pretending for as long as he can.
“The coolest,” he answers before the doctors let them know that the OR is ready for them.
Minho and Y/n walk out to the waiting room and sink onto the chairs heavily. He is briefly impressed by how well she seemed to be handling everything, before he turns to her and sees her shaking, tears streaming down her face. She seems to be holding her breath, too, probably not wishing to openly sob in a hospital waiting room.
He briefly considers his options of hugging her or not before deciding that screw it, she needs comfort and he’s there so he will provide it for her. He smiles gently despite his heart breaking in his chest at her tears, and gets in front of her to half-crouch so he can give her a hug.
For a second he worries that he overstepped her boundaries, but then he feels her completely melt into his embrace and bury her face in his shoulder to muffle the sobs she no longer can hold back and shield her tear-streaked face from the other people in the room. She relaxes so much that they almost fall onto the floor, and Minho decides that it’s best to just pick her up in his arms and settle on one of the chairs with her in his lap.
It’s a horrible moment. She’s crying, sobbing, shaking, and he can’t do anything except hold her there. The woman who was so strong, so determined and so unique just crumbled in his arms like a tower of sand. He doesn’t say anything, just holds her. He puts a hand on the back of her head, the other remaining around her waist as she sits horizontally across his lap. He gently squeezes whenever her sobs get louder or her breathing picks up, just reminding her that he is there and he will remain there until she asks him not to.
After twenty minutes or so, her crying subsides into regular sniffling, and he feels her pull back from his shoulder to wipe at her face with the sleeve of her shirt. Then she clears her throat and sits up a bit straighter on his lap.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, voice still shaky.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m just happy to help,” Minho says sincerely.
And it is sincere. There is nothing that has ever fulfilled him more than this moment, helping and feeling useful and needed and wanted. It’s a sad moment, awful even, but he feels like there is nowhere else he would rather be either way.
He has come to terms with the fact that he views Hana as family. He sees her so often, and she always talks to him, listens to what he has to say almost as if she admires him, and it fills his heart more than anything. When she gets full points on her homework, as she always does, no one (except her mother) is more proud than he is. As long as he gets to be in her life, he is happy.
“God, I’m sorry for bursting in there and just babbling and making you take us,” Y/n breathes out as if she didn’t hear him. “You really didn’t have to, but I pushed and now you probably hate us bo-”
“Impossible,” he interrupts, and Y/n stops rambling. “You two are part of my routine now. I care, you know?”
She gazes at him in shock, searching for any trace of insincerity. When she doesn’t find one, her face slowly melts into a fond smile despite the fear still present on her face. He briefly thinks that she never looked more beautiful, although he’s pretty sure he thinks that every time he lays eyes on her.
“Thank you, Minho,” she sighs out, slumping a bit again.
She seems to realize she’s still firmly positioned on his lap, and immediately gets up, clearing her throat. He immediately mourns the loss of her weight on him, but doesn’t say anything.
“So, I think I promised you a talk about Hana’s dad,” she says after a few moments of silence.
“Oh, that,” Minho says, suddenly feeling like a douche. “Look, if you don’t want to talk about it, you don’t have to. It has nothing to do with me anyway. I just wanted to make sure I don’t… make a situation uncomfortable.”
Y/n snorts, and he immediately shuts up. What’s that supposed to mean? Did he say something stupid?
“Minho, how many times have we been at your diner in the past few years?” she starts, an unreadable look on her face. He thinks it’s unnatural how she manages to look beautiful even in hospital lighting. “I can’t count the amount of times. If her dad was around, don’t you think that he would have shown up, or we would have mentioned him at least once?”
He casts his mind back over the years, and realizes it might have been a stupid question. Then again, some fathers weren’t very present in their children’s lives. Maybe he lived out of the country, or he worked night shifts so he was always asleep during the day. He had no way of knowing.
“I don’t know,” he answers after a few moments. “Some people are just like that, I guess.”
She slowly nods, mulling over his words for a second. “I suppose,” she then says, smiling faintly. “He kind of is, actually. Either way, to set the record straight; her father - Changbin - isn’t in the picture.” When he failed to mask his intrigue at the answer, she just laughed a little. “I got pregnant at 16. He wanted to get married, but I didn’t. Kind of glad now, to be honest - I doubt he will ever grow up.” Her words hold an edge of irritation, but she is evidently trying to push that feeling back. “He talks to Hana on the phone sometimes, when he gets the time. Last we talked I’m pretty sure he said he was in Ibiza? It doesn’t really matter. I have Hana, and she has me, and we’re okay like this. We learned not to expect too much from him long ago - not that we were expecting much in the first place.”
Minho listens until Y/n stops talking. He struggles a bit to figure out what he thinks of the situation. At least the man had offered to do the right thing, he supposes. Then again, from the sound of it Y/n had made the right decision in not marrying that guy, whoever he is. He comes to the conclusion that it doesn’t actually matter. Like she said, the two of them have one another, and if they say that’s enough, then he believes them.
“Okay. Thank you for telling me, and letting me know I wasn’t severely pissing some dude off for acting like a father to his daughter for a few hours,” he jokes mildly, and then regrets it. He shouldn’t have said father. Just because he sees Hana as a sort of surrogate daughter does not mean that she or her mother feel the same way, or even think that it’s okay.
But then Y/n smiles softly again, and he can relax. “Yeah. She’s lucky to have someone who does.”
His heart feels like it’s beating in his throat, his body warm from the inside due to all the feelings filling his chest. God, he wishes he had the courage to offer to do it always, to move in and help Y/n with raising her daughter because he knows that she must have it hard at times, no matter how angelic Hana is. But he doesn’t. So he just nods and smiles.
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kalena-henden · 5 months
Lee Je Hoon's Chief Detective 1958 starts today. Can't wait to watch! I enjoyed him in Taxi Driver and really want to watch through his filmography eventually.
Lovely Runner is knocking my socks off! Byeon Wook Seok and Kim Hye Yoon are killing both the comedy and the drama. Wook Seok is the cutest loser in love! The mystery and unexpected twists are fun and interesting. I hope this quality storytelling continues. I'm on the edge of my seat.
I only have 3 episodes left of Love Me Love My Voice which has been wonderful and heartwarming. I love the main romance but the friendships and secondary romances have been given ample time to shine as well. I'm always here a good found family. I really like how the dramatic readings and song perfomances have been carefully woven into the story to further the character development. Definitely recommend.
Now we come to our debrief on The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. Whoa, what a rollercoaster. The first half was interesting with many characters' selfish and dark intentions mixed with a little mystery were set up in contrast to our optimistic, self-sacrificing female lead. However, the second half drowned in major events happening and then being dismissed as if they never happened, multiple secret keepers refusing to tell the secret multiple times an episodes even when asked point blank when the answers could stop so many bad things from happening, and the existential dread I felt about what the big reveal was going to be only for it to completely dismissed. (FYI I found out what I thought was going to be the big reveal IS the actual reveal in the darker Japanese version it's based on.) After episode 14, I wasn't sure I could continue watching the show. But after a night of uneasy sleep, I decided to finish it the next morning on double speed to get through it. I did watch the last 10 minutes at regular speed. While there were some well done things about their relationship in the second half, it couldn't save the show for me even though I went in knowing this was not an HEA. Overall, I was just left feeling angry and exhausted. As a Seo In Guk fan, this was a show I had long wanted to see, just to find out what my opinion on it would be. I'm sad that the SIG fanmeet has been post-poned, hopefully I will be able to make the next date. But this means I feel okay to stop my SIG show binging so I will not be watching Hello Monster anytime soon. I'm actually impressed with how much of SIG's filmography I've already seen (7 shows as a ML, 4 shows as a cameo, and 1 movie). I'm pretty sure it's more than I've seen any other kdrama actor or actress.
After a bad experience at the new dentist yesterday, where the hygienist manhandled my teeth and they tried to upsell me on services, I was in need of a comfort rewatch. I've been thinking alot about Lee Jun Young lately and decided to break out the first thing I ever saw him in, Imitation. I was only going to watch a few favorite parts from an episode or two and ended up binging my favorite parts of most of the series. lol I really hope his upcoming Cinderella romcom with Pyo Ye Jin is going to be good.
I slowly picked Vigilante back up again this week and was excited to see Lee Joon Hyuk's character finally emerge to add a boost of energy and chaos to the story.
Now that I've got some time and the second half of the series has finally dropped, I will continue watching Chae Jong Hyeop's Eye Love You.
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foreverxapp · 5 months
The Practical Ways to Meet Male Single Doctors for Dating - ForeverX
Many single doctors endure stress every day because they spend most of their time attending to patients and ensuring their well-being. Some doctors go for a walk with friends, whereas others play hockey or go hiking. Entering into a relationship and enjoying intimate moments is one of the best ways to get relief from stress. It also fills their lives with happiness and joy. If you are looking to meet single male doctors to date, you can head to a church that offers matchmaking services.
Finding life partners at churches
It is a fact that many singles assemble at churches with the hope of finding the best partner for a happy relationship. So, churches are the best places to find single male doctors for a possible long-term relationship. You can discuss your interests, hobbies, and career, get attracted, and slowly develop a healthy relationship.
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The dating site to get single females
Those searching seriously for single female doctors or single male physicians can register their profiles at professional dating sites. Most premium dating apps and sites are equipped with the latest features, like eliminating fake profiles using artificial intelligence and providing the correct match to your inbox after reading your profile. So, it saves you valuable time and helps you get the right partner soon. Both females and males can use dating apps to find partners for love, dating, or a serious long-term relationship.
Finding lifelong partners on social media
Many people have smartphones, tablets, and laptops. They spend most of their leisure time on social media sites like Facebook. It is the place to post news, the latest videos of your recent vacation, etc. You can also use this site to find single doctors online for a long-term relationship. However, you should be wise not to fall into a trap and verify the details before committing to a date. It gives you plenty of opportunities to find the best medical professionals for dating.
Find the right places to get a lifetime partner
Singles looking to find single doctors for a date can head to high-end champagne bars, country clubs, and yacht clubs. If you are looking for financially sound and wealthy professionals for a relationship, you need to do some homework and find elegant eateries. Most wealthy professionals visit these restaurants and help you get a handsome male doctor for a relationship.
Attend charity events
You can look for charity events and participate in them. Most single female physicians and single male physicians attend these events, which improves your chances of finding a suitable lifelong partner. So, you need to spend some time, find charity events in your area, and look for the best single medical professionals to date.
Attend medical conventions
Many physicians attend local medical camps. You can volunteer and help the needy at these places and get a chance to find the best single medical practitioner as your partner. Before deciding to enter into a relationship with a doctor, you should understand that they are busy and that you need to maintain a balanced life. You should be prepared to spend alone nights because doctors need to attend emergencies at odd hours.
Finding a soul mate is very easy if you spend some time. Some of the practical ways to find the best partner include attending charity events, registering the profile on trusted dating sites like ForeveRxApp.com, spending time on social media, playing sports like golf, and visiting high-end restaurants.
0 notes
upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
hello sorry if this is long and would love if you wrote it if not i understand but i’d like to request a natasha x reader or wanda x reader whichever you prefer where they’re dating and hanging out in the compound and one of the avengers makes a comment towards reader in a joking way and everyone laughs including wanda/nat and reader gets all sad and insecure and later on in the day they’re in their room crying and wanda/nat whoever you pick hear her crying and if it’s wanda she like hears her thoughts or something cause they’re so loud or if it’s nat she catches reader in front of the mirror or something and they apologize and fix it and reassure reader. sad angst that ends in soft fluff it’s my mood right now lol
Just a joke
Summary: Everybody is laughing at it.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x female!reader
Warnings: bit of angst
Word count: 1192
a/n: lets get personal
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @strangegardentaco @rafecameronswhore @sayah13
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Some of the Avengers are having a game night. They already played a round of uno and now a game of charades is going on. There are two teams. Team one has Wanda, Thor, Maria and Steve, while team two has Y/N, Natasha, Tony and Sam. Team one just finished their turn, so Y/N picks up a card with a word, starting their team’s turn.
Y/N hums, teeth, that should be easy. She opens her mouth, showing her teeth, and starts pointing at them.
“Dentist!” Tony yells out the loudest. “It has to be dentist with those damn teeth.”
The group laughs, Y/N with them. Her mood is instantly ruined by the comment, but she doesn’t let it show. She just goes back to showing her teeth after laughing.
“Tooth! Teeth!” Sam shouts, jumping in victory when Y/N nods. He takes out a card and starts acting it out while Y/N goes back to her seat.
She stays quiet for the rest of the game night, thinking about the comment the whole time. The group doesn’t seem to notice as they’re too into yelling and playing.
Her teeth are a bit crooked, maybe more than most people have, but she never had the means to properly care for them. Her family didn’t have money to get braces for her, and hygiene towards her teeth lacked a lot during her teenage and young adult years because of bad mental health. There was a long period time when she wouldn’t show her teeth at all. She wouldn’t laugh and she’d eat with a hand over her mouth. Eventually she grew enough courage and self love to start showing her teeth to other people, in normal circumstances. But it feels like that one small comment brought her right back to the time she was incredible insecure about them.
When a new game gets brought up, Y/N stands up. “I’m a bit tired, I think I’ll go to sleep.” She smiles slightly while the others whine. “Goodnight you guys.”
“I’ll come to bed later.” Natasha kisses Y/N’s hand before letting her go.
“Okay.” She walks to her room. Instead of going to bed, she goes to stand in front of the bathroom mirror.
Using her fingers to open her mouth wider, she studies her teeth. They’re crooked and yellow. Not like everyone else’s teeth. Natasha has such great teeth. With a huff, she takes her toothbrush and puts a lot of toothpaste on it. She starts brushing her teeth with a lot more pressure than needed.
For whole fifteen minutes she continues brushing without a break. Y/N spits out the toothpaste before brushing her tongue, gagging at the feel of it. She sets her toothbrush aside and takes a box of teeth whitening strips she forgot they had. Opening the packet, she takes two strips out, putting one to her upper teeth and one to lower. She keeps them on for thirty minutes, ten more minutes than the box says. She doesn’t hear Natasha sneaking into the room quietly as she thinks Y/N is already asleep.
Taking out the strips, she picks up her toothbrush again and starts brushing for the second time.
“Y/N?” Natasha knocks on the door. Y/N mumbles something incoherent out, her words muffled by the amount of toothpaste. “I thought you’d be asleep already.” Natasha opens the door, her brows raising as she looks at Y/N.
Y/N spits out the excess paste. “Had to brush my teeth.” She continues brushing after checking her teeth from the mirror.
“For 45 minutes?”
“No.” Y/N mumbles. She finally stops her second round of brushing. “My teeth just felt dirty.”
Natasha glances at the used whitening strips on the side of the sink. She frowns. “I didn’t know we had those.”
“I think I bought them forever ago.” Y/N puts her brush back to the cabinet and the strips to a trash can. “Finally felt like testing them out.”
“Is everything okay?” She walks to the bedroom with Y/N, who seems to be trying her best to ignore Natasha’s presence.
Natasha can see the way Y/N’s tongue continues going over her teeth over and over again. She notices every time Y/N goes past a mirror she glances at her teeth quickly.
“Do you think my teeth are ugly?”
“Tony made a joke that my teeth needed a dentist, and you laughed.” Y/N turns to look at Natasha. “Do you think my teeth are ugly?”
“What? No, of course not.”
“Why did you laugh then?” Y/N’s voice cracks slightly. She does her best to cover it, but nothing can be hidden from Natasha.
“Honey..” Natasha takes a step towards her, but Y/N takes a step back. “I- I honestly didn’t think much of it. I just laughed with the others.”
Y/N hums, looking down at the ground. Her tongue goes over her teeth again. “Do you think I should get braces? We didn’t have money for them when I was a kid.”
“Only if you want to. Darling, you don’t have to do anything because of other people.”
Scoffing, Y/N shakes her head. She presses the back of her hand over her eyes, trying to lessen the stinging in them. “Everybody laughed at it.”
“I know it was just a joke and I’m being too sensitive about it, but I just, I…” Y/N sniffles. “I finally learned to not care what other people think, but this brought me right back to the start and I just can’t stop.”
Natasha sits next to Y/N. She feels bad. No matter how well she knows her girlfriend, she never realized how much these kind of things affected her. “I’m really sorry for laughing, I shouldn’t have. I didn’t realize, which is not an excuse. I’ll talk to the others to not say stuff like that anymore, okay?”
“No, don’t do that.” Y/N plays with her hands. “It’s stupid. I need to grow up.”
“Stop that.” Natasha puts her hand on Y/N’s arm, petting it gently. “Everyone has insecurities and they are things that people shouldn’t joke about.” Y/N wipes her cheeks, drying them. “Is that why you used the whitening strips?”
“Yeah.” She murmurs. “I brushed my teeth for over 15 minutes. I just tried to make them look better.”
“You don’t have to change them.” Natasha pulls her into her chest. “If you want to get braces, I will support you, but you don’t need them.”
“I don’t want to think about it right now.”
“Okay.” Leaning her cheek against Y/N’s head, Natasha rubs her arm. “Lets go to sleep then, hm?”
“Come on.” Natasha helps Y/N up and picks out some cozy pajamas for the both of them. After changing into the clothes, the pair goes under the covers and snuggle close. “Believe me when I say that I don’t think any part of you is ugly.”
“I’ll try.”
“I can live with that.” Natasha kisses Y/N’s cheek. “Goodnight, love.”
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callsign-phoenix · 2 years
I wrote this for @footprintsinthesxnd I hope you like it!
It is a young!Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell x female Kazansky!reader imagine.
Thank you @green-socks for proofreading!
Warnings: cursing
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You hadn’t intended to fall in love with Maverick Mitchell, especially since you knew your brother Tom would hate you for it.
It wasn’t that he hated Mav, you’d say it was a healthy rivalry, it was just that you had learned long ago that fighter pilots were off limits, because your brother knew first-hand how bad they were.
The locker room talk was something Tom didn’t want to tell you about but he implied its foulness often, every time he lectured you about not ever being allowed to date a pilot.
You understood immediately and didn’t have any intention of going for one of your brother’s colleagues, until you met Maverick.
For you it was love at first sight, and even your brother had to begrudgingly admit that it was clear Maverick felt the same way from the start.
Tom had taken you to a Navy dinner because he had wanted to spend more time with you, and the moment you had met Maverick you were both starstruck.
When you entered the room Tom waved you to move closer, he was locked in yet another bantering argument with his wingman until you stepped next to him.
He wrapped his arm around you as a greeting before he continued to talk to the aviator who usually wore the smile and charm of a womanizer, and who could only stare at you as if you had just offered him the world.
Similarly you were stunned by the dark haired pilot, and the two of you just looked at each other in a deep understanding gaze that your brother broke after it had gone on for too long for his liking.
The moment Tom cleared his throat Maverick gave you a tentative smile, stretching out his hand only to hold yours for a few seconds.
“Hi,” he said softly before his eyes reluctantly returned to your brother and then fell to the ground for a while.
While Maverick didn’t talk to you that evening again you could feel his eyes on you often, and your cheeks turned hotter until you were sure you were glowing.
“I’m warning you,” your brother told you when he drove you home, his hands clenching around the steering wheel in utter irritation at the way Maverick had behaved.
He had seen his wingman try to woo ladies and he was usually flirty, charming and shameless, which was very different to how he had behaved around you.
Tom had never seen that much longing in his wingman’s eyes, and he’d never seen Maverick respect anyone’s boundaries as much as he had done yours and especially Tom’s that evening.
“Pilots are off limits. They’re off fucking limits, all of them,” he told you and you nodded, though the gentle smile on Maverick’s almost angelic face was etched into your mind.
The next day the moment Tom entered the locker room he knew exactly who the pilots were talking about, and they weren’t using nice terminology.
His blood already ran hot and he felt rage fill his chest as he slammed his bag onto his space on the bench, hearing the tactless and just foul comments made about you and various made up scenarios.
Maverick was uncharacteristically quiet as well and acted before Tom could say or do anything.
He moved to grab the guy who was just starting to talk with a dirty grin on his face, pushing him against the locker behind him.
“Don’t fucking talk that way about her or you’ll have to go see your dentist very soon, and that’s if you’re lucky and it’s not the coroner you’ll be visiting,” he growled so that enough people could hear, and the locker room was eerily quiet afterwards.
Tom was surprised to say the least and his confusion only kept growing when he saw how Maverick didn’t flirt with anyone over the next few weeks, while most of his fellow aviators and even his married RIO participated in one or the other harmless flirtation.
It was very unlike Maverick who was generally charming and flirting was in his nature to pull out of something even Tom himself enjoyed, but Tom had the feeling he knew why, and he didn’t know how to feel about that.
On the one hand he felt uneasy because he knew that Mav liked you and Tom had given you one single rule not to date aviators, on the other he had seen the way Mav had looked at you and Tom couldn’t deny that even though you didn’t know each other well at all you were head over heels in love with each other.
Because you too had become more of a daydreamer than you had been before.
You didn’t dare ask your brother about Maverick, you knew better, but the way you stopped listening to him occasionally and stared into the abyss, which you had also done on the car ride home from that fateful Navy dinner, was indication enough.
Tom cared enough about Maverick and he definitely cared about you, which made him decide to act against his instinct when neither of you got better.
He brought you to another Navy event, and the first thing he did was introduce you properly, like he should have done at the first event.
“This is Maverick,” he told you about your pilot, and you smiled at him.
“I’m Pete. Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell,” he responded, returning the smile you sent his way.
Even his best friend Goose only ever called him Maverick, and the vulnerability he showed by offering his first name to you surprised Ice.
You wanted to say that you missed him, despite not really knowing him at all, but you kept your mouth shut until Pete spoke again.
“This might sound crazy but it’s almost like I missed you,” he said softly and Tom stepped away from the two of you gingerly, knowing that you had felt the same and that you were just right for each other.
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tagging: @starkleila @mayhem24-7forever @hederasgarden @letsfvckingdance @shadeds-library @a-reader-and-a-writer @yespolkadotkitty @whateverbagman @neptunes-curse @sweetheartlizzie07 @top-gun-rooster @iloveprettyboysblog @ateliefloresdaprimavera @imjess-themess @littlebadariell @angstyjellybean @marchingicenotes7 @midget713 @supernaturaldawning @gspenc @adorephina @gigisimsonmars @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @bespinnn @softromantist @malindacath @aerangi @kassieesworld @kwanimations @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @marvelandotherfandomimagines @luckyladycreator2 @mavericksicybabe @kendra-rose @desert-fern @mavrellover91 @allivingstone01 @rhettabbotts @withakindheartx @trikigirl271 @cherrycola27 @bonitanightmxres @ratcatcher2world @glowingtree @wingmanvenus
(please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist, or use this link)
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saucy-sassy-sparkly · 2 years
Moments: Three
We're back, babies! I'm glad to bring these two back to you!! As I posted a week-ish ago, I'm a teacher getting back in the routine of life and things have been bananagrams. I'm back to writing (and rewriting Flight 1311)
I always love your feedback :) Sorry, these two don't quite get their ending yet, but there are still more parts to come. Happy reading!
Pairings: Chris Evans x Female Reader
Word Count: ~7.7k
Moments Masterlist
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Three: 2010: Washington DC
Heartbreak is nearly impossible to avoid. Relationships– both platonic and romantic– suffer from miscommunication, bad intentions, and just plain cruelty all the time. They also suffer the urges of desire, lust, compassion, and curiosity. Sometimes, the risk is worth the reward, but more often than not, the risk causes catastrophic damages. 
It is unlikely that we’ll escape this life without a broken heart or two. In the process of healing from those, we often learn more about ourselves. Some heartbreaks never entirely heal, they just get easier to ignore.
Y/N shifted her weight between her feet while she tried to relax her muscles. She’d jumped into the 12 items or less line at the grocery store, but it wasn’t going much faster than the line beside her. She tried to channel her energy into being present. Being aware of the tenseness of her muscles after a long day of heavy sessions. Being aware of the beeping sound as each item was swiped. Being aware of the deep deep hunger growing in her stomach. Being aware of how fucking long this was taking… no, Y/N, refocus… find something to bring you back.
Her attention was drawn to the magazines and she ran her fingers over several covers, deciding on which one to flip through to pass the time. She wasn’t in the mood for Food & Wine, she’d read the latest People in the waiting room of the dentist, so she kept pushing them aside, looking for something that would catch her interest. 
She froze when a familiar face stared back at her; she dropped the grocery basket haphazardly on the ground in front of her and used both hands to yank the magazine out of the stand. Even with his eyes airbrushed a murky brown instead of the steely blue she remembered, even with the superhero costume and stoic pose, she knew that face anywhere.  
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“Chris,” in a normal state of mind, she would have cringed when she realized she’d whispered it out loud as she stared at the glossy page in front of her. Instead, she was in a trance. She vaguely heard the cashier call “next” and she knew it was her. Her hands were shaking as she shuffled forward in line– it was finally her turn. Without another thought, she dropped the magazine on the conveyer belt and tried to put it out of her mind until she got home.
The three-block walk back to her condo was a blur, as was the walk up the stairs, the unloading of groceries, and the cooking of dinner. Y/N hadn’t taken the magazine out of the bag; she still hadn’t decided if it was a good idea to read it, but she was definitely waiting until she had food (and wine) in her system before she made a decision. She forced herself to finish eating, doing dishes, and getting into comfy clothes before she could look at it. 
She had to look at it, right? No. She didn’t have to do anything. But she desperately wanted a glimpse of him again. It had been almost seven years since she saw him, yet the tattoo on her ribcage regularly reminded her of the night they spent together. At the time, it had been the most romantic night of her life. She’d grown, she’d dated, she’d even loved since then and she knew that it was a low bar (particularly given the bomb he’d dropped the next morning). She knew she deserved more than a night of making out and dreaming together with a man… no, a boy… in a relationship. 
And yet, she still got butterflies when she thought of how important he’d made her feel sitting by the fire all those years ago. The feeling of sitting on Chris’s lap, wrapped in his arms while his breath tickled her neck as he whispered about his future and asked about hers… she could still feel it and it still made her heart skip a beat.
That next morning, after he’d crushed her heart (again), he’d begged and pleaded with her to hear him out. She’d left the room with her jeans in her hands, just his shirt hanging off her shoulders, and he’d followed her out of the room talking a mile a minute. She’d roused Annie from the couch, holding back tears, and dragging her best friend out of the apartment. Y/N had traversed home, clutching her clothes and purse, in an oversized t-shirt and panties, and resisting the urge to sob on the street. 
Once inside Annie’s, she’d forced herself to shower where she cried, cleaned up, and stepped back into Annie’s presence refusing to talk about it. The rest of the weekend, she’d actively refused Annie or her roommates’ questions about Chris and what had happened between them.  
Chris had gotten ahold of Annie’s number from one of his friends and had spent all weekend trying to call. Annie, as a loyal and protective best friend, refused him and laced every call with curses before hanging up. For what it was worth, he didn’t stop calling all weekend. And even all these years later, Y/N didn’t know that he’d continued to call Annie to try to plead his case with her in hopes that she’d relay a message to Y/N. She heard him out, but she never told Y/N… She’d watched Y/N crumple twice from this guy, and she’d decided that his excuse (it wasn’t working with Jess, he was ready to be out of that relationship) wasn’t good enough. It turns out, Annie’s instincts were likely right, even if it meant keeping a secret from Y/N.
After changing into sweats and pouring another glass of wine, Y/N sat on the couch staring straight ahead. Both of her hands were fidgeting with the bottom of her braid. Her stomach was in knots, her heart rate was accelerated. On the coffee table sat the magazine with Chris’s strong jawline staring back at her. Just a picture of him after all this time made her feel both nauseous and excited. She held out several more minutes, staring at the uniform, the shield, and the glossy film of the paper while she downed the rest of her wine. Finally, she lurched forward and snatched up the magazine, flipping frantically to the spread with his face.  
Despite all her efforts, she couldn’t stop the giddy grin on her face when she scanned the photos. Y/N read the article, soaking in every word and thinking of those whispers they’d shared on the balcony in Boston. How he wanted to follow his passion and make a real career out of acting, but how afraid he was of the consequences. She could still feel the way his hand had gripped her waist just a little tighter when he spoke of his anxieties of fame fighting against his desire to follow his heart.  
He’d done it. He’d become a movie star. He was a superhero now and there was no turning back for him.  
This was the first time in all the years since they’d woken up together, that Y/N had allowed herself to really think about him. She claimed that he was a fleeting memory and an occasional drunken cry, but she’d spent all of her energy cramming him into a tiny box so that she wouldn’t daydream and Google him. In the immediate wake of waking up together, she’d been distraught, been angry, been convinced that the universe was playing tricks on her because Jessica fucking Biel’s picture seemed to be everywhere. She’d refused to go to movies for fear that a trailer might have one of them in it. She’d avoided magazine aisles and anything on the internet that might hint at gossip or a picture of them snuggling.
Over time, she’d relaxed and been able to see Jessica’s image without immediately starting to cry and then eventually even saw some of her movies. It wasn’t Jessica’s fault; she probably didn’t even know about Y/N. She’d just been a night for Chris while he’d gone on to have several more years of a relationship with Jessica. Y/N’s ban on movies had helped her avoid Chris’s early career, but now, holding his face in her hands in the red, white, and blue uniform, it was clear that if she wanted to continue to avoid him, it was about to get harder.  
The next evening, Y/N flounced into the kitchen where her friends were gathered, checking her clutch for her phone. The click of her heels on the hardwood made Annie look up and catcall; Y/N blushed and avoided eye contact as she went straight for the fridge. 
“DAMN, Y/N,” Sasha called, “you look smoking.”
“Stop,” Y/N waved them off, pulling out a beer to chase the shots that Annie had just lined up.
Jenna smacked Y/N in the ass, “someone is looking for attention tonight.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N picked up the shot in front of her, encouraging her friends to do the same. “I’m just looking to dance.”
“Twenty bucks says someone is buying her a drink in the first ten minutes,” Sasha giggled, “are you ready for that?”
Y/N shrugged, swigging from her beer, “I’m not looking for anything more than drinking a little too much and dancing with my friends.”
“And yet here you are, clearly not wearing a bra and possibly no panties,” Jenna smirked.
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“I’m wearing panties, thank you very much. I’m just looking to have fun,” Y/N repeated, her face flushing. “And maybe a little flirting.”
Jenna raised her beer, “to Y/N getting laid tonight.”
“NOT what I said!” Y/N yelled over her friends toasting to her sex life. After another round of shots and loading into a waiting cab, the girls were waltzing into Grand Central and straight to the bar. After two shots and a beer at home, a shot at the bar, and then another beer in hand, Y/N marched straight to the dance floor, not bothering to check if her friends were behind her. The DJ was playing a mashup of Kesha and club music while the girls moved to the music, dancing on each other and singing loudly. Three or four songs later, Annie and Y/N stumbled towards the bar, clinging to each other and giggling when a hand grazed Y/N’s hip.  
She felt a tall presence behind her and caught a whiff of cologne over the smell of sweat and beer; the hand on her hip was heavy, but not unpleasant, and his other hand came to rest on the surface of the bar next to her, effectively caging her in. His breath fanned her ear when he leaned in, “How much does a polar bear weigh?”
Y/N scrunched up her nose, turning her ear towards him as she said, “What?”
“How much does a polar bear weigh?” he repeated, again leaning down to speak right in her ear.
She laughed, “I have no idea.”  
“Me either, but it breaks the ice,” his face was so close to her neck she could feel him smile, “Can I buy you a drink?”
“Does that line work?” She rolled her eyes, feeling herself lean into him. He was warm, sturdy, and smelled delicious; she finally turned in his grasp and her alcohol-muddled brain took a few seconds to take in his face. His blue eyes dropped to scan her whole body. When his eyes returned to hers, she sobered quickly.  
“Depends on your answer to my question.” His eyes bounced between hers, still grinning. 
It was him.  
It was Chris goddamn Evans. He was pressed against her, holding her against the bar with his body weight, and asking to buy her a drink.
And he had no idea who she was. 
Y/N’s heart was in her throat and the urge to cry was surpassed only by the urge to kick his shins as hard as possible. He was staring at her, smirking his perfect smirk, and she had a split second to make a decision.  
“I’d love another,” she forced a smile on her face, held up her Corona and he nodded, turning to the bar and motioning to the bartender.  
“Two of these,” he pointed to the drink and then looked back at Y/N, “and yes, that line works… this one and only time I've used it at least.”
Y/N blushed despite herself, “I’m a sucker for corny jokes,” 
“I’m a sucker for beautiful women,” he replied.  
“Okay,” she laughed, making a face, “you have to stop with the shitty lines. You got my attention,” she was leaning her whole body weight against him each time she reached up on her toes to speak into his ear. And each time, he would tighten his grip on her hip, squeezing as he pulled her closer. Annie was somewhere behind her but she was only vaguely aware. Alcohol, his cologne, his grin, his hand holding her against him, and her deep, burning fury were entirely distracting Y/N from anything else. Annie, however, didn’t care; she was already texting the rest of the girls a picture of Y/N snuggled up to this handsome stranger. The group chat lit up immediately, but Y/N wouldn’t see it until the morning… which would be about the same time Annie would be sober enough to process who the handsome stranger was.
Taking the beers from the bartender and paying, he leaned down to her again, “you seem familiar.”  
Y/N stared at him for a moment, trying to decide if it was the moment to tell him. Instead, she nodded, “so do you. Did you go to Georgetown too?”
He shook his head, “No, no college; I’m from Boston but here in town for work. What’s your name?”
She offered her name before he repeated it and then said, “I’m Chris. Do you want to dance?”
Y/N stared at him, looking for any recognition. When none came, she plastered a smile on her face, pulled his hand off her waist, and dragged him behind her to the dance floor. She leaned her back against him as his arms both found her waist. One arm wrapped around to press his hand just below her belly button, and the other– which was holding his beer– steadied her other side. Almost immediately they were in sync, moving together to the music and pressing into each other. Every so often, Chris would whisper something in her ear about how beautiful she was, how good she felt in his arms.  
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Chris was grateful for the first day off from press in a long time– in the run-up to the premiere of his first Captain America film, he had an interview nearly every hour of every day. Marvel had plunked them down in DC for several days to tap into the patriotic backdrops of the nation’s capital. Finally, he’d get tomorrow to himself, and as tired as he was, being in this bar dancing with this woman was better than sitting alone in his hotel room remembering that he was almost 30 and single. The second they’d walked into this bar, his eyes were drawn to her. Her snug dress got his attention immediately, quickly followed by the way she smoothly moved through the room and the column of her neck when she threw her head back as she laughed with her friends. He’d kept an eye on her while he and his buddies found a table and got drinks. He made no show of hiding his attention on her while he watched her dance, watched her body sway, and thought about what it might be like to hold her. When she’d made her way to the bar, she’d passed right by him, so he took his chance.  
The second he was close to her, he knew he’d met her before. His stomach clenched thinking maybe… maybe he’d slept with her before? Would she recognize him? Would she slap him across the face for not remembering her? He took his chance anyway. Maybe she’d been an extra on a set or a journalist in an interview.  
The whole time he held her, he ran through his list in his head. There were certainly a few he couldn’t put a name to anymore, but he remembered most of the faces. No, he was certain, the longer he held her and felt her dance against him, he’d never slept with her. There is no way any amount of alcohol could wipe away the feeling of her against him, of that he was positive. But he did know her. 
Chris flattened his palm on her stomach and used it to pull her closer; he couldn’t help but smirk when he felt her easily respond by pressing her ass back into him. Her free hand had been on his forearm, but now she snaked it up to his bicep and back around to cup the back of his neck, pulling him to her while she arched her back and ground her ass into him in time to the music. “You’re gonna kill me,” his mouth was right next to her ear, his breath tickling her neck as he spoke over the music. Y/N pulled apart just enough to glance over her shoulder at him, smirk, and added more pressure back into his hips. His groan rumbled up through his chest and she felt the vibrations against her back.  
After a few moments of being pressed impossibly close, Chris paused and slowed their movements. “Stay here,” he whispered, squeezing her waist and disappearing into the crowd. Y/N took a big swig of the room-temperature beer in her hand and felt awkward standing there in the middle of the dance floor waiting for him. This abrupt change caught her off guard, so she started to move off the floor in the opposite direction, pushing through the sweaty bodies and trying to calm her boozy, racing mind.  
He figured out who she was. He was mad she didn’t say anything. She’d pushed him too far with her little cat-and-mouse flirting. She’d thought it was innocent enough; lots of people around them were drunk and grinding, it didn’t mean much more than that it was Saturday night. Y/N was almost to the edge of the crowd when an arm wrapped around her bicep and she was gently turned around, coming face to pec with Chris. “Leavin’ me?”
Y/N bit her lip as she stared at him slightly wide-eyed. Chris’s eyes rolled back, his head lolling backward as he laughed, “Sweetheart, you can’t be biting your lip at me like that.” His hand on her arm slid down to her hand and over to her waist, his other hand mirroring it. With both hands on her, he tugged her into him and could speak directly into her ear, “You okay to stay with me? I wasn’t done with you yet, I just wanted to put down my empty, because I need to have both hands free for you.” He made his point by squeezing both hands that were holding her in place.
She nodded, giving him permission for his hands to slide further around her back, hovering dangerously close to her ass, swaying with her in a horribly out of place slow-dance. Y/N’s mind was still spinning, the beer in her system clouding her judgment and making it impossible to decide how to handle this situation. She was still oscillating from anger and humiliation to joy and excitement and didn’t have time to process any of it. Internally, she was starting to lose her cool; it was getting overwhelming and she needed a beat. Externally, she tried to play it off…
Her right hand holding her empty beer bottle rose to rest on his shoulder while her left hand slid slowly up his chest and gripped the fabric of his button down in her fist. She pressed herself into him, lifting onto her toes– even in heels– to lean up in his ear, “yes, but there is a deck upstairs, I could use some air,” she raised her eyebrows at him and he nodded. Chris took her hand and led her to the stairs, his large frame creating a path through the crowd.  
“I’ll meet you up there,” Y/N gestured to the ladies' room. 
“Can I get you another round?” She agreed and he headed towards the bar while Y/N was pleased to find no wait in the bathroom and could pee, splash some water on her face, pop some gum, and breathe sweaty, smelly bar bathroom air. She forced herself back out the door and up the stairs and out to the deck– the reason this bar was her favorite– and stared out at the lights of the city.
When he returned, Chris scanned the scattered groups on the rooftop deck looking for Y/N. When he spotted her, his breath hitched. Her back was to him, but her hair was thrown over one shoulder, allowing it to cascade down her back and show off the curves and angles of her neck and shoulders. In the cool evening air, a breeze picked up Y/N’s hair and it fluttered behind her while she leaned on the railing and looked out at the cityscape. In her pose with both hands braced on the bars in front of her, her back arched ever so slightly, accentuating her ass and drawing Chris’s eyes right to it.
His heart didn’t normally pound this hard when he was with a beautiful woman. He didn’t normally get this nervous. His hands weren’t normally sweaty. There were always beautiful women. Why was this one making his head spin and his heart jump into his throat? Whipping his palms on his jeans, he took a shaky breath before moving.  
He soldiered on and stepped up behind her, caging her in with his hands on either side of hers on the railing. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said to her, his lips almost brushing her exposed neck. A shiver ran through Y/N– whether it was her surprise at his approach, the words he said, or the chill air, Chris didn’t know or care. He took it as an invitation and stepped closer; Y/N was sure he could feel her pulse racing.  
They watched cars go by, Chris leaning his cheek against her head and Y/N letting her fingers interlace with his on the railing. He rubbed his thumb gently against her hand and she let herself lean entirely into him. They passed the time in this deeply intimate embrace with Y/N pointing out different landmarks visible from their rooftop spot. She knew historical tidbits and anecdotes that kept Chris asking question after question. They transitioned into exchanging bad dad jokes back and forth, and every time Chris pulled a giggle out of her, he racked his brain for ways to do it again. 
What are you doing, Evans?  Chris thought to himself as he cradled this woman in his arms. Any intention of taking her home for one night had gone out the window. It had already been at least ten minutes of pressing into each other while he tried to make her laugh. This wasn’t a one-night girl and the moment for “you wanna get outta here” was long gone anyway. In his head, Chris was already doing the math: if she was local, he had another few days in DC. He could see her again, he could take her to dinner, he could meet her for a drink. This didn’t have to end tonight. He had no reason to be this smitten but here he was, itching to kiss her and strip her down to have her under him, but also dying to know her. To hear her laugh every day, to feel his anxiety leave his body when she pressed up against him like this, to have a lazy morning in bed with her.
Stamping down his thoughts, he tried to recenter on this moment and what he had right now.  Focus, Evans, he reminded himself.  
Slowly, he reached his right arm across her to grab her left hip and pull her around to face him. He stepped even closer, securely holding her against him with one arm while the other cradled her cheek in his hand, his forehead pressing against hers.  
Y/N��s eyes fluttered closed while she tried to decide what to do. He hadn’t made any indication that he knew her, not even when they exchanged names, and her stomach was flipping in circles. A solid half of her wanted to just gently remind him, have a laugh about it, and keep feeling his arms around her.  
The other half of her was seeing red.  
How could he not remember? 
How did she still feel her heart flip when she thought of him and he was standing here, pressed up against her, whispering sweet things to her, and not knowing who she was? 
Did she really matter that little to him? Was it all in her head? Had she really exaggerated those memories so much that they were blown this far out of proportion?
A silence fell between them and Y/N opened her eyes to find him staring back at her. She knew the look on his face… she knew he was moments from kissing her; his hand was still cradling her neck. It was coming. Did she let herself kiss him again or did she tell him?  
His thumb rubbed softly up and down the front of her throat while he took her in. The tension in their stare-off was palpable and he was hoping he wasn’t the only one interpreting it sexually. He watched her nostrils flare once, then twice; was that fear? Apprehension? Anger?  
“Chris,” she whispered, chewing her bottom lip. She pulled her eyes from his and for a second he thought he saw tears welling in them, “Please don’t kiss me.”
His head snapped back, “are you okay?”
Y/N nodded vigorously, “I’m fine.”
“I really want to kiss you, Y/N.” His hands were still on her, his thumb was still caressing her throat and the hand at her waist was holding her tightly against him. Y/N’s arms were on his; she wasn’t pushing away, but he would let her go if she did.  
“Don’t,” she stared before cutting herself off, “I can’t.”
He dropped his hand from her neck but not her waist, “do you have a boyfriend.”
“No!” Y/N answered quickly, her hands involuntarily squeezing his arms. “No,” she repeated more calmly, “I just can’t– I don’t want to– It’s too–” Y/N sighed, “just don’t do it. Please.”
Chris nodded, “are you not interested? Did I get this all wrong?” He was trying to be cool and cavalier but he was panicking; had he forced this on her? Was she uncomfortable all night and she’d finally reached her breaking point? Would she go to the press? Would this be a thing for his fledgling team to iron out? Fuck.
“You didn’t get this wrong.” 
“We’ve both been drinking,” he countered, trying to fill in the pieces and understand; trying to fix it. 
Y/N nodded, “Can I–” she cut herself off again. Her demeanor had changed drastically in the last several minutes and it was putting Chris on edge. She sighed and dropped her hands from his arms to twist a hair tie in her hand. She was radiating nerves; Chris took a step back and removed his hands from her entirely. She wouldn’t make eye contact with him anymore and his anxiety was creeping up his chest. “I have to go,” she finally managed to whisper. “I’m sorry, I just can’t.”  
Y/N pushed past him before Chris had time to respond or even process the moment. She was hurrying down the stairs, pushing past people and grateful that the late hour in a dark and dingy bar led people to be far less concerned about her pushing and stumbling by. She didn’t waste any time trying to find Annie or the girls; she was out the door and waving down a cab while Chris pushed through people to catch her. 
He heard the ripple of voices as he passed people, the recognition and his name being drunkenly whispered while he shoved his way to Y/N. He knew there’d be something in the gossip rags tomorrow about him in this bar, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to catch Y/N. He just wanted to find out what was going on, to explain how he was feeling, to have her hear him out… He called her name, “Y/N, please wait!”...
Then, a memory hit him hard and he stopped in his tracks.  
“Y/N, please say something,” Chris was staring at her across the bed. Tears were pooling in her eyes but she was clearly willing not to let them fall. She didn’t move for several breaths and he ran his hands through his hair. Her lanky frame in his t-shirt, the neck of it hanging off her shoulder and exposing her soft skin. Her hair was tousled from sleep and her eyes were still puffy. 
She was stunning in the morning light streaming through the window and he’d fucking blown it. He’d been fighting with Jessica for weeks, their schedules were so chaotic, they were struggling so hard to make time together and when they did, one of them always picked a fight. He wasn’t sure what he had left to give her. And then Y/N had shown up in the tattoo parlor and taken his breath away once again. He’d spent the evening in a bubble, entirely forgetting about Jess and their problems and their last contact with each other– one in which he’d said “I think we should take a break, I’m not sure this is working,” on her voicemail after the seventh time he’d tried to call in as many days without an answer. 
In Chris’s mind, they were done. He’d been back in Boston spending time here before press for his next project and he was planning to go back and break it off. He loved her on some level, but he wasn’t sure they could survive anymore– and he knew that what he harbored for Y/N was love on a whole different, all-encompassing level. 
“I can’t. I have to go, I just can’t–” Y/N finally spoke so softly while she gathered her clothes. Chris moved his body in front of the door. 
“Please, let me explain.”
“You have a girlfriend, Chris, there is nothing to explain. I’m just glad I didn’t sleep with you.” Her voice was hard and she forced herself to stare at him coldly.
“You don’t understand–”
“Let me guess, it’s not working? You’re on a break? It wasn’t her, it was you? How very cliche of you to offer me some ridiculous line to try to explain away last night.”
“Well, it’s not like we slept together, so nothing really happened,” Chris snapped at her and immediately cringed. “Fuck, I’m sorry, wait,” 
Y/N leveled her eyes at him, “you’re absolutely right. Nothing really happened. So we can forget about it.” She shoved past him, holding her clothes. At any other moment, he would’ve let himself stare at her perky little ass cheeks peeking out from under the oversized t-shirt, but he was unwilling to let her go so easily.
“You’re right, I was going to give you a line, but it really isn’t a line. The last time I talked to her it was to tell her we should take a break, it isn’t working.”
“Oh, sure. That’s convenient timing,” She said over her shoulder as she shook Annie awake. “Annie, we have to go,” Annie grumbled and clung to the pillow in front of her, refusing to budge and buying Chris more time. 
“It sounds like a line, but it isn’t. I swear. Jess and I– our schedules don’t work, she’s constantly on set for Heaven, and then she was gone on location, and I was filming the pilot and now we’re both about to be in press–”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whipped around, “did you say on set for Heaven?  As in 7th Heaven? Is your girlfriend Jessica Biel?”Chris paused and rubbed his hand over his neck, allowing Y/N to gather his non-answer as an answer. “Got it. Jessica Biel. Unfuckingbelievable. I’m supposed to believe that– I cannot even– Jessica fucking Biel? I can’t talk about this. I’m going now. Let’s go, Annie.” She yanked Annie off the sofa and they stumbled towards the door.
“She’s just a person, and she isn’t the person for me. Come on, Y/N, hear me out. I want to see you again, I want to keep talking to you.”
Y/N kept walking down the stairs, shoving Annie ahead of her, Chris hot on their heels, “Y/N, please wait!”
Chris pulled himself out of his daydream just in time to see a cab pull up next to Y/N and he sprinted the last few yards to slide in next to her before she could close the door. 
“Chris, what the hell?”
“You’re not running away from me again.” He pulled the door to the cab and the driver took off towards whatever destination Y/N had already given him.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she stuttered, “What are you– when did you–”  
“I didn’t know all night or didn’t know exactly how I knew you. But calling your name, chasing after you, it all came back to me.”
Even in the dark, Chris could tell she was blushing, her lip pulled between her teeth. She was quiet for a few minutes, the passing streetlights illuminating her face. She turned her head to look out the window and crossed her arms over her chest, unknowingly accentuating her cleavage. Chris willed himself not to look.  
“You’re an asshole,” she finally told him, turning her body away from him and towards the window.
“I am.”
“You should’ve remembered.”
“I should’ve.”
“Stop telling me what I want to hear!” 
“But you’re right.”
“STOP IT!” She snapped, looking back around at him and fixing him with a glare, “just… just shut up. Don’t talk to me.”
“Y/N, please–”
“Shut. Up. Christopher,” she announced each word with force, tightening her arms across her chest and throwing herself back against the seat. She glared out the window as the cab turned down several side streets and eventually slowed to a stop. Before she could pay, Chris handed a wad of cash to the driver and opened his door, sliding out onto the sidewalk.  
Y/N hesitated, staring at him through the open door where he was holding out his hand to help her. Instead, she threw open her own door and stepped out, narrowly missing a car passing and ignoring the cabbie yelling at her for getting out into traffic. She slammed the door and stormed around the trunk to her building. Chris was hot on her heels, still not speaking to her, but hurrying to hold open doors that she yanked open and trying not to be left behind. She didn’t tell him to leave, so he took it as a sign this was okay with her. He followed her up the stairs to her apartment; when she wrenched the door open, she left it hanging wide and kicked her heels off into the small kitchen before stomping back out of sight.  
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Chris closed the door quietly, locking the deadbolt, and then turned to find Y/N had turned on a string of cozy fairy lights and was sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket, staring at him.  
“Can I sit?”
“If you must.”
“I can tell that you’re upset–”
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”
“Hey, we don’t have to be mean,” Chris threw his hands up in a defensive position, trying to assuage her frustrations, but it seemed to spur her on.
“This is the third time we’ve met, the third time you’ve made me feel beautiful, and the third time you’ve crushed me. You get what you get.”
“I’m sorry,” he sighed, finally joining her on the sofa and reaching out towards her; she pulled away.
“You should be.”
“I am, Y/N, seriously. I should’ve known immediately. I should’ve heard your name and seen your face, and immediately known that you were the same beautiful woman I’ve thought about so many times since Killington. So. Many. Times.” Y/N rolled her eyes but Chris shook his head, “seriously. You’re a constant figure in my dreams.”
She scoffed, “yes, a constant figure who you didn’t recognize for hours while she danced on junk.”
“It’s been seven years, Y/N, we were kids the last time I saw you. You’ve… matured.”
“So have you,” she gestured to the Entertainment Weekly sitting in front of them on the coffee table, still open from where Annie had looked at it tonight and commiserated with Y/N about how hot her little crush had turned out in his multi-page article and photoshoot. It was Chris’s turn to roll his eyes; he reached across the table and tossed the magazine face down on the floor under the coffee table.
“That isn’t me.”
“Sure looks like you. You’re so important now.” Y/N knew her tone was full of undeserved snark. Despite her embarrassment and sadness at not being recognized, she was proud of what he’d accomplished. She knew he’d worked hard, but she would not acknowledge it. Not right now. 
“I’m not important,” Chris huffed, “I’m still the same guy who carried you down a mountain. I’m the same guy who daydreamed on a balcony with you. I’m the same guy.”
“You’re the same guy who let me sleep in his bed, in his clothes, kissing me and holding me and saying beautiful things to me while you were dating a famous actress.”
“I said I was sorry, I tried to explain, I even tried to explain to Annie but your guard dog wouldn’t let me near you.”
Until now, Y/N had been glaring at Chris, but at that, her glare slipped into a look of confusion. The blanket she’d so carefully wrapped tightly around her slipped as her shoulders fell, “what? Annie?”
He nodded, “I talked to Annie every day for weeks. I begged her to give me your number and let me plead my case. She practically threw her Dunkin at me when I tried to explain my side.”
“When did this happen?”
Chris shrugged, “I called her multiple times a day for the first week after, then I kept calling until she finally agreed to meet me. By then I’d broken up with Jessica, and I was auditioning for roles, and back and forth between LA and my mom’s house, I met her at a park between her campus and my mom’s. I brought her coffee to try to butter her up but she wasn’t having any of it. She said I was just trying to sweet talk my way into your pants.”
“Oh,” She said quietly, losing herself in thought. Annie had never said anything. Why had Annie never told her? All these years, she’d blamed Chris and been so hurt by him, but Annie had met with him; she’d ranted and raved and cried to Annie about the whole situation, but Annie had heard him out all along. She’d been the regular voice of reason in Y/N’s ear saying, ‘he’s just a jerk, you can do better, don’t think about him again.’ Y/N shook her head, trying to get back to the moment… Annie was another problem for another day. 
“You didn’t know,” Chris’s shoulders sagged.  
“No,” she shook her head, her eyes slightly kinder this time, “I had no idea.”
“Does it change your feelings about me?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Y/N took a breath and stared at him, her stomach churning with emotions and beer. 
“Of course, you don’t,” he sighed, shaking his head and starting to pace the room, “I don’t know why I bothered coming here.”
Y/N was silent, watching him pace while her mind raced in a thousand directions. She was angry with Annie and confused about Chris.  
“Look, I’m not going to grovel. If you want to be pissed at me forever, fine,” His tone was harsher than he meant it, but once it was out of his mouth, he saw Y/N’s face harden quickly.  
“I just need a second, Chris, you keep dropping bombs on me with no warning, and I’ve had a lot to drink.”
“You’ve had seven goddamn years, Y/N. That was plenty of warning,” he countered, coming to a stop in front of her with his hands on his hips. 
“I didn’t know you talked to Annie, I didn’t expect to run into you tonight, I put you out of my mind for the last seven years! I’m a little emotional and a little drunk!” The blanket fell from her shoulders as she gestured at him, “Give me a damn second to think!” 
“I don’t need a second to think about you! I want to kiss you, I want to call you every day, I want to make you laugh, and I want you in my bed every night.” He cradled her face in his hands, staring at her intensely.  
“That is too much too soon. You’re passionate, and I’ve loved that about you from the first time we met, but you’re throwing so much at me so quickly. An hour ago you didn’t recognize me and now you’re talking about a future together.”
“I’m an idiot, I know that, but I didn’t forget you. I never forgot you. I never forgot how comfortable it was to talk to you or to laugh with you. I never forgot how easily I felt like myself when I was with you. And even when I didn’t realize everything tonight, I still wanted more of you. That girl in the bar had my attention from the moment I saw her. I’m not finished with you, Y/N. We’re not finished.” He was still cradling her face, pulling her towards him. Y/N put her hands on his wrists, rubbing her thumbs against his hands in an effort to steal her mind and slow down his words. And to soften the blow.
“I’m not ready, Chris. It’s too fast; I can’t.”
He sighed loudly and stepped away from her, “Any other girl could,” he muttered as he ran his hands across his face in exasperation. 
“Excuse me?” Y/N stepped out of his grasp; the back of her knees hit the sofa behind her and she stumbled, catching herself on the armrest.
“No, no, by all means, go on, what was that about any other girl?”
Fully defensive now, Chris squared his shoulders at her, “I can get any girl in my bed, I don’t even have to try.”
“Unbelievable,” Y/N’s mouth hung open, “Why did you even come here?
“I came here for you!” He threw his hands up in the air before they dropped and loudly slapped against his thighs.  
“Did you come here for me or did you come here to fuck me?”
“I came– I didn’t–I wanted– Y/N,” he stuttered and looked at her helplessly. 
“Did you just come here to sleep with me, Chris?”
He was quiet, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish while he tried to gather his thoughts. 
“Christopher,” Y/N whispered, “why did you come here? What were you hoping for.”
“I don’t know.”
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and tried to force the tears welling in her eyes to stop falling. She was drunk, she was tired, she was overwhelmed, and she was highly emotional. She wanted to have this conversation with a clear head and when Chris was thinking clearly and not with Lil Chris. “I think you should go,” she forced herself to say.
“If I go, that’s it,” he said stubbornly, “this is the third time we’ve tried. If we fail this time, then I’m not coming back.”  
“Let’s talk with a clear head tomorrow, Chris,” she pleaded, “We’re both saying this we don’t mean tonight.”
“I mean everything I’m saying. It’s now or never.”
“Chris, please–”
“Now. Or never,” he annunciated very clearly as he watched tears streak down Y/N’s face. He didn’t mean it. Or at least sober Chris didn’t mean it. But Chris with too much beer in his system was stubborn, passionate, and a bit of an ass. If he walked out of here without her tonight, he wouldn’t try again. He’d put too much time and effort into trying for her already after she’d walked out seven years ago. He’d cried alone, he’d begged and pleaded with Annie, and he wouldn’t do it again. He’d leave her behind. He silently prayed that she’d back down because he knew he wouldn’t allow himself to be the one to break.  
“Chris,” she repeated quietly, “let’s meet tomorrow, please,” she moved towards him, reaching for his hands; the tiny sober part of his brain screamed at him when his stupid, drunken self yanked his hands away from her. 
“No. I guess it’s never then, Y/N,” he turned and moved quickly across the apartment to her door and flung open the deadbolt. He hesitated just long enough to hear her choke a sob before he stepped into the hallway.
Taglist: @bellaireland1981 @before-we-get-started @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @elrw24 @maylaysia109
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holycatsandrabbits · 2 years
Part 19 of Giant Post of Completed Good Omens Human AU’s: October 2022
Thank you to all the creators who bring us so much joy AND to the readers who support the creators! <3
Also! A searchable list of all of my Good Omens human AU recs.
You can use it to find fics where Aziraphale is a librarian, or fics with Ineffable Wives, etc.
More of my Completed Good Omens Human AU Recs on Tumblr
More Good Omens recs from me here: Dannye's fic recs and Dannye's artist recs
And here's me: Ao3 ~ DannyeChase.com ~ Linktree ~ Upcoming fics ~ Serial romance
Series: (not all of these series are complete)
Slice of Love by @madrabbitsociety (Ao3 madrabbitgirl) Unrated. (Waiter A & customer C)
The Blessings of Béḃinn by rev02a Rated E (Courtesan C and Prince A)
Wicked Cuts by @madrabbitsociety (Ao3 madrabbitgirl) Rated G (Ineffable wives: A & C are hair stylists)
Single fics:
Age of Heroes by @tawnyontumblr (Ao3 TawnyOwl95) 3397 words, Rated E (Dark ages monk C & soldier A)
Angels dentist appointment by Vincent_Van_Crow 972 words, Rated G (C helps calm his partner A before a dental appointment)
At the garden center by @ambrasue (Ao3 Ambra_Sue) 499 words, Rated G (Garden center worker A & customer C)
A Thousand Worlds, Yours and Mine by @ineffableomenshusbands (Ao3 Dashicra1) 501 words (Ineffable wives: Actor A & stagehand C)
Aye, there's the rub by @hasturswig (Ao3 HolRose) 2376 words, Rated G (Actor C & dresser A)
Balance by AppleSeeds 13,754 words, Rated M (Campsite manager C & camper A)
Cigarettes and Wheatgrass by @prolix-principality (Ao3 RainingPrince) 2589 words, Rated M (Gabriel is a customer at Beezlebub's coffee shop)
Crawling Back To You by @madrabbitsociety (Ao3 madrabbitgirl) 57,075 words, Unrated (C & A are childhood friends)
Crossing Guard(ian Angel) by snae_b 9007 words, Rated E (Single dad C & school crossing guard A)
Eden Nails by AppleSeeds 8470 words, Rated T (Nail artist C is A's neighbor)
Enjoy The Ride by AppleSeeds 3222 words, Rated T (Funfair ride operator C & customer A)
Entre Nous by snae_b 4219 words, Rated E (C & A are chefs on a reality TV show)
Every good boy does fine by hapax (hapaxnym) 17,430 words, Rated T (C & A meet while adopting rescue dogs)
Falling Star by @the-bentley (Ao3 The_Bentley) 499 words, Rated T (Drag queen C & makeup artist A)
Fighting A Duck For My Pants And Winning by @ineffablefool 2141 words, Rated T (C & A meet in the park)
First Thing In The Morning by @feraltuxedo 18,275 words, Rated E (C & A meet in college)
got a pretty face, pretty boyfriend too by KissMyAsthma and leukozyna 9928 words, Rated T (C & A are neighbors)
Infernal Escapes by @journeytogallifrey 37,294 words, Rated T (Escape room worker C and customer A)
In Heaven by AppleSeeds 3954 words, Rated T (Radio DJ C meets A on a train)
Intermezzo by @feraltuxedo 47,125 words, Rated E (Musician C & writer A)
In the Shallow by Nadzieja 29,368 words, Rated E (Singer C and talent scout A in an AU based on the movie A Star is Born)
Knit Wits by @madrabbitsociety (Ao3 madrabbitgirl) 1691 words, Rated G (C & A are married)
Lawful Attraction by @mimsynims 9076 words, Rated E (Lawyer C & college student A)
Meet Me at the Movies by @arielavader 3839 words, Rated T (Movie theater worker A & patron C)
Milking It by AppleSeeds 3553 words, Rated M (C & A meet in an exercise class)
not so charitable by @whisperingwainscot (Ao3 waxing_crescent) 1099 words, rated E (C & A are lovers)
On Hold by AppleSeeds 4103 words, Rated T (Theater employee C and patron A)
Perfect by @arielavader 1225 words, Rated T (C & A meet on a blind date-- sort of)
Personal Dedication by KissMyAsthma 3076 words, Rated G (Author A & reader C)
Poetry by @janara7 (Ao3 LCwrites) 500 words, Rated T (Dancer C & choreographer A)
said the spider to the fly by @summerofspock 9857 words, Rated E (Male professor A & female college student C)
Sansevieria by KissMyAsthma and leukozyna 10,725 words, Rated M (A owns a rare plant that C covets)
Sapiens by AppleSeeds 9015 words, Rated T (Anthropologist A & TV astrophysicist C)
Snaps by @madrabbitsociety (Ao3 madrabbitgirl) 2046 words, Unrated (Wedding photographer C & groom A)
Stronger Than Hurt by @tawnyontumblr (Ao3 TawnyOwl95) 4237 words, Rated E (Mechanic C & tattoo artist A were childhood friends)
Tale as Old as Time by @arielavader 2578 words, Rated G (C & A discover a shared family history)
The Footsteps In The Hallway by Vincent_Van_Crow 9491 words, Rated T (Ghost A haunts painter C's house)
The Larger Hope by @naromoreau and @summerofspock 8838 words, Rated E (C & A are friends)
throw me in the water (I wanna be a bottomfeeder) by @moveslikebucky 2298 words, Rated E (Diver C & academic A)
traced with heat and light by @two-hands-toward-the-sun (Ao3 marveling_under_an_open_sky) 371 words, Rated G (C & A are married)
Trapped by AppleSeeds 6285 words, Rated T (A is trapped in an ATM vestibule with model C)
Trying to Live by @just-an-angel-and-his-demon (Ao3 KaytheJay) 2066 words, Rated T (C deals with the death of his husband A)
Universal Blue-Screen by @ack-emma (Ao3 ack_emma) 2012 words, Rated T (Ineffable wives: C & A are equestrians - horse riders)
Unplanned by GothRockFairy and @just-an-angel-and-his-demon (Ao3 KaytheJay) 4147 words, Rated G (C & A have a baby together)
Waking Up Married by @caedmonfaith (Ao3 Caedmon) 92,991 words, Rated E (C & A get drunkenly married)
What did you have in mind? by @prolix-principality (Ao3 RainingPrince) 666 words, Rated T (C & A meet at Gabriel & Beelzebub's canceled wedding)
Whiskey and Complements Do Not Mix by @arielavader 3956 words, Rated T (Pub owner C & bookshop owner A)
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laurieellingham · 3 months
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[billy crudup — 54 — he/him] Introducing LAURIE ELLINGHAM. Word on the street is they are a CON ARTIST & THIEF, having been around for 34 YEARS. Though they are DISHONEST and CUNNING, they can also be RESOURCEFUL and OBSERVANT. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
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• full name:  florian henry morganthal
• aliases: laurie ellingham (the name he goes by on a day-to-day basis) ; daniel seward ; vincent lanyon ; frank grey ; liam wilson ; jesse crane
• nicknames: laurie (preferred name) ; harry
• gender:  cis male
• pronouns:  he/him
• age:  54
• date of birth:  24th august 1970
• zodiac sign:  virgo
• sexuality:  bisexual (female leaning)
• place of birth: austin, texas, usa
• residence:  a one bedroom apartment in brooklyn, nyc
• occupation:  con-artist ; thief
• affiliation:  n/a
• aesthetics:  three piece suits, whisky on the rocks, leather brogues, aviator sunglasses, a log burning fire, black coffee, worn books, fog on a winter’s day, ink stained fingers
• faceclaim:  billy crudup
• voice claim:  billy crudup
• height:  5’ 10”
• build:  average ; a little skinny
• eyes: brown
• hair:  dark brown, almost black; greying at the temples
• piercings:  n/a
• tattoos: n/a
• style:
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• positive traits:  charming, resourceful, articulate, confident, resilient, observant
• negative traits:  reserved, manipulative, flirtatious, devious, dishonest
• mbti: estp - the entrepreneur
• likes:  listening to music, collecting vintage books, watching films, spicy food, parties
• dislikes: bitter foods, summer, beer, seafood, sci-fi, prejudice
• fears:  being exposed as a thief and a fraud
• phobias:  entomophobia
• hobbies:  reading, photography, playing the piano, watching baseball
• skills: bilingual (speaks fluent english & german) ; ambidextrous (favours his right hand) ; deft at lock picking ; can quickly pick up and imitate accents
• pet peeves:  loud chewing, being interrupted, slow walkers, poor grammar
• mother:  nancy alexandra morganthal (née harrison)
• father:  mitchell robert morganthal
• step mother:  katherine marie morgahthal (née gilbert)
• siblings:  sebastian james morganthal (younger half-brother)
• paternal grandfather:  henry john morganthal
• paternal grandmother:  yvette elizabeth morganthal (née waters)
• food:  spicy buffalo wings
• drink: whisky
• time of the day:  night
• weather:  dry and cold
• colours:  blue, grey
• music:  anything rock, alternative, classical, and blues
— laurie was born at 5:55am on 24th august 1970 in austin, texas, to mitchell morganthal, a dentist, and his wife nancy, a hairdresser. he was named henry after his paternal grandfather. he also has a younger half-brother from his father’s second marriage.
— he was known as henry growing up, with the affectionate nickname harry to differentiate from his grandfather, but neither really felt right to him. it was only when he turned 18 and started his new life that he began to be known as laurie: a name which almost separated him from his youth and the life he left behind.
— his parents’ marriage had always been rocky and they both hoped that having charlie would help them. it did for a while, but that was only up until laurie was 5 years old, which was when his mother found out her husband was having an affair. furious and heartbroken, she filed for divorce and ensured she got what was owed to her financially before moving herself and laurie two hours west of austin to live a quieter life in the country. the thing that he hated most about texas was the intensely hot summers and his childhood dream became that he wanted to see snow in person.
— laurie was neither good nor bad in school. he had his fair share of trouble from other students and causing it for the teachers, but he always had fairly good grades, doing the best in physical education, english, and history. he grew up as a fan of baseball (supporting the texas rangers and later the new york mets) and went to both the library and cinema as often as he could.
— he began to steal things when he was 15, firstly from classrooms and then from other students, simply because he could and because he found amusement in watching other people look confused and get irate over their 'lost' items. most of the time he returned the items after a few days or weeks, but some he kept, including jewellery, money, and expensive stationery.
— laurie’s mother died when he was 18, just before he was due to graduate from high school. after not seeing his father in 12 years, he came to laurie’s graduation and brought his wife and son with him. seeing mitchell gave laurie some hope and reassurance, but he seemed very distant and gave sebastian most of the attention despite the day belonging to laurie. laurie then decided to sever ties with his father completely and hoped he would never see him or edward ever again.
— he ended up selling his mother’s house and taking the money with him to new york city. the move was on a whim, but felt confident enough to go with having friends moving there too for college. he couch surfed for several months before earning enough money with a barista job to rent his own apartment. laurie loved how much cooler the city was throughout the year and was thrilled to see snow for the first time just six months after moving.
— with no qualifications other than a high school diploma, it was more difficult for charlie to get a ‘proper’ job that he initially thought. along with the barista job, he got a job waiting tables and bartending at an upscale restaurant in tribeca where he was able to observe and interact with people who didn’t know what to do with their money other than flaunt it.
— it was during this time that laurie had the idea to manipulate and influence the richer members of new york society into giving him money. it started off with increasing the tips he received at work, but eventually he came up with more ingenious ways to make money. laurie adopted the alias daniel seward and patiently began the process of integrating himself in the lives of a rich young couple from soho; he sold himself as an architect and became their friends, knew the ins and out of their personal and professional lives, and eventually managed to swindle them out of $30,000 after convincing them in invest in his non-existent apartment complex project. the story made the news, but luckily the police couldn’t find any trace of daniel seward, so with great pride laurie found himself in the clear and a lot richer.
— at this point, and when he wasn’t pretending to be daniel seward, he decided to drop the name morganthal and start calling himself laurie ellingham. he introduced himself to everybody as such, but over time also developed other aliases, all of which are named after fictional doctors: daniel seward (john seward from dracula), vincent lanyon (hastie lanyon from the strange case or dr jekyll and mr hyde), frank grey (meredith grey from grey’s anatomy), charlie ellingham (martin ellingham from doc martin), liam wilson (james wilson from house md), and jesse crane (frasier crane from frasier). the persona belonging to each alias has extensive backstory, unique quirks, and some even have different accents.
— laurie works as a lone wolf and usually preys upon richer people who aren’t in the media so there’s less attention drawn to his actions. but every now and then he likes to try his luck and more often than not succeeds. he also likes to track down a certain calibre of person, like a deadbeat dad who owes his ex wife alimony payments for his children and after conning him out of the money laurie will send it anonymously to the ex wife. in this kind of situation he sees himself as something of a robin hood figure and he also doesn’t believe that the rich should hoard their wealth when there is people suffering and starving from lack of financial resources.
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alliluyevas · 5 months
as a nicki stan above all else i do kind of think the epilogue did her dirty. like the whole arc of the final season is kind of the wives all on some level realizing that this marriage is constricting them and they all have different elements of their life they want to pursue that bill is restricting them from doing. and i think in some ways it is harder for nicki to figure out and chase what she wants than for the other two--i always think of the scene where the three wives are all together in barb's car and barb and margene are laughing and looking forward to the future and nicki is in the backseat looking grim because she's apprehensive.
that being said it leaves a bad taste in my mouth that basically post-bill we find out that barb and margene are doing the things he held them back from doing--barb pursuing female priesthood leadership, margene traveling the world--and what is nicki doing? like it's never elaborated on at all but i guess the only assumption you can make is that she's at home with the kids while the other two chase their dreams which is so fucking bleak and i'm not even sure if they intended that to be the implication or if they just didn't bother to flesh out her ending.
i actually think something that might have really worked is giving her her own similar ending by making it explicit that she's also found something that she couldn't have while bill was around. and frankly i think what she is struggling with in the last season and can't even voice the way the other wives voice their dreams is the fact that she doesn't like bill, isn't attracted to him, and doesn't really want to be married to him. like she talks about wanting to finally have romantic love and recognizing that and i think she does but what she can't fully admit is that she doesn't actually want that with bill.
anyway i think they should have revealed in the epilogue that nicki is now dating some normie mormon dentist she met on eharmony.
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