#data’s mom
100pizzas · 1 year
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TNG season 7 really brought out all the long lost family members…Kinda feels like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with some of these stories, sadly. Would have preferred more sci-fi episodes in the last season, rather than these never mentioned before, and never seen again characters. 
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anna-scribbles · 2 years
LIVE NOW : vote for your slayest faves & ugliest enemies. voting ends 12/31/22 at 11:59pm EST. let your voice be heard! 
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trekkie-polls · 5 months
There’s a lot of characters in star trek, and therefore a lot of moms! I often try to include most series, but this time snw, prodigy, and ent didn’t get an example. And, I left one of my own favorites off - K’ehleyr, Alexander’s mom. I’m sorry if I left your favorite off.
Also note that - like real life - sometimes Star Trek parents make bad choices, and it’s ok to have a variety of feelings about that. Some people may find some mistakes understandable and others may not.
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hadeswearsprada · 1 year
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STAR TREK Picard - Part 9 Vox Data and Picard
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frozenfoxtails · 2 months
I want to write a much longer piece about this, because i have a bunch of semi-interconnected ideas floating around, but Data Soong has always had emotions.
Want is an emotion. The desire and drive to do anything other than survive is an emotion. The fact that Data went to starfleet academy for the whole time, the fact that he did his cadet training, and graduated to being a Lieutenant Commander means he persisted in an unnecessary activity for years. The fact that he wants to be more human is in and of itself emotionally motivated, why become human? to better understand people, to relate to others, Longing is an emotion.
I think a lot of it has to do with the psychology of the era, the misunderstanding of diverse neurotypes, Data reads to a modern viewer as autistic in more ways than one, and especially the conception of emotions in general. Americans, especially American Men, especially American Men born during the Baby Boom, are historically emotionally isolated, and a lot of the ideas surrounding Data's 'inability to feel' are really just a mirror of mid-20th century America's idea that self-reliance is an Ideal, and that the ultimate self-reliance is withdrawl, especially as a Man, especially as an Important Man.
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tj-crochets · 2 months
It's only been a few days but the phrase "make a whale shark about my problems"* has stuck in my head in such a way that I am pretty sure it's going to be a long term thing and I am going to forget it's not in common usage? Like, at some point I am going to say to someone in a quilt shop or something "yeah, work was rough last week, but I made a dragon about my problems and now I feel better" (or a werewolf, or a burger turtle, or a goat in a dress) and then abruptly realize it is not, in fact, a phrase people recognize lol *meaning, go calm down and de-stress by making a plushie
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My favorite robots/androids/ai I GOT TIRED AT THE END OK
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trek-tracks · 10 months
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I know this new follower is a bot, but he’s trying so hard…I hate to block him
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incorrectfatui · 2 months
Crucabena: I lost Clervie.  Dottore: How did you LOSE your own kid?!  Crucabena: To be fair, she is very small.
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Uhhh something something I watched The Menu on a 8 hour flight and drew this whilst severely sleep deprived
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(No text version) (because I’m like 80% sure I got the quote wrong) (but I was sleepy sorry)
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ensign-smith · 10 months
me, showing my mom the (sfw version of the) kinktober halloween pic i'm working on: Check this out! It's fan art for a fanfic author I really like, this is Data and Lore dressed as the Egyptian gods Thoth and Horus
my mom: Data and who?
me: Lore, Data's twin brother.
my mom: oh that's right.
me: Anyways which option for Lore's outfit do you like better? The right or left version?
my mom: I like Data's outfit
me: I know, I'm happy with it. but what about Lore's? Which version?
my mom: Well I don't like Lore so I don't care about him
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theprinceandthewitch · 2 months
...The only response you should give to misogynistic men who insist "single fathers are better than single mothers in every way" is:
"I see... You're so right John. It's so clear to me now... men should actually marry each other! I mean, single fathers are much better then single mothers in every way, right? So, imagine the benefits of having TWO men raise children. We should transition to a system where men marry each other, men raise children and women can live as bachelorettes."
Watch the way the seethe.
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elftwink · 1 month
obviously theres no way to make tumblr polls statistically sound in any way and it's a fool's errand to try. that said can we stop making polls with answer distributions like this
this is what we in the biz call "non-exhaustive poll options" and what the layperson would call "why the fuck are you asking a yes/no question and then providing only one of the two possible answers" and it makes your response data ten times more meaningless than it already is. the rule of thumb for survey design is you never want a situation where your respondent looks at your question and says "well what the hell am i supposed to respond here" <- voice of someone who is about to fuck up your survey results supremely. sorry i know i said that it's impossible to make tumblr polls statistically sound so it doesn't really matter i just really love survey design
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soupforsoup · 1 year
I'm Wesley Crushers biggest fan I give a little cheer everytime he pops up on screen, he gets to do whatever he wants. "But he commited space genocide!" Okay and?? He's just going through a phase leave him alone
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selstice · 5 months
opinion on… gantrolly… sel? … looks at you… directly…
( stares back. . . I think I know you but I probably don't know . . )
ooh, gantrolly!
I think it's pretty cute honestly :3 no thoughts. just wholesome.
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rainofthetwilight · 16 days
btw guys I'd love if you'd ask me about my DR opinions, I might answer them late bc I have no wifi but feel free to send asks
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