#Geordi’s mom
100pizzas · 1 year
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TNG season 7 really brought out all the long lost family members…Kinda feels like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel with some of these stories, sadly. Would have preferred more sci-fi episodes in the last season, rather than these never mentioned before, and never seen again characters. 
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soupforsoup · 1 year
I'm Wesley Crushers biggest fan I give a little cheer everytime he pops up on screen, he gets to do whatever he wants. "But he commited space genocide!" Okay and?? He's just going through a phase leave him alone
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
Really wish we could've gotten more of a follow-up on Picard's reaction to Data defying orders to help Geordi in "Interface". Like we've seen Data make judgment calls that are risky before but they always fell into Starfleet's ideals/discussed by the senior crew/approved by someone in the chain of command. But this time Data KNOWINGLY goes against everyone in secret because he wants to help Geordi! He goes to Geordi and smiles and even jokes about it! He chooses personal obligations over professional! That's...kind of a big deal for someone like Data, and I feel like Picard would be a bit taken back at the idea of it - let alone the reality of the situation. There's no outside influence or android-specific-limitation to blame this one on. This was fully Data's choice and his choice was to value Geordi's wellbeing above command.
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hollis-art · 1 year
I want to here data Spider-Man backstory soooooooooo bad please
coming right up!!!!!!! it's in the form of a story because that's how my brain works and i love explaining things when it comes to spiderman or data. its lots of words and i spent like 2 hours writing it and reworking it to make sense
The crew of the Enterprise has taken notice of a nearby planet whose population is soon to be doomed by a phenomenon that they seem to be unaware of. While this planet has made contact with alien life, they are not open to doing it again. It would very much be a violation of the Prime Directive to intervene, but the Enterprise does their usual method of completely disregarding the law and helping the alien species anyways. They'll get yelled at for it later, but their current focus is the wellbeing of this planet and their people.
As they always do (I think they do, at least. If not, then they really should), the crew gets their hands on any and all information they can find on this species and their culture before they do anything. After some digging, they find that this world is the home to many super-powered individuals. While the population is more saturated with those without special abilities, those with powers are often the ones with the most say in what happens. And because the crew needs people to hear their warnings, they needed someone whose abilities could be interpreted as superpowers. Troi's empathy and Worf's strength was something of great wonder to humans, but it wouldn't be nearly as interesting to the species who already had great quantities of both of those traits.
So, as they typically do, they turn to Data for help.
His strength is greater than Worf's, his intellect is forever growing, and the most important part for this plan: Data had the ability to copy things by simply watching or by downloading it into his database. He was the perfect person for the job.
After what seemed like hours of discussion over what abilities or powers Data should obtain, it was Geordi who brought up the idea of Spider-Man.
Data, who had never taken it upon himself to learn about any Earth Superheroes, found the concept quite captivating.
Rather than getting bitten by a radioactive spider, Data's bite was in the form of a program that Geordi made to mimic the powers that a lot of the Spider-People tended to present. The program also included many arial aerobic and gymnastic lessons compressed down into only a few seconds. While the two worked together on installing some web-like spinnerets in his arm compartments, the other crew members focused on the equally important task of creating the costume that Spider-Data (as they have been calling him) would wear.
The role of a superhero was seen as the highest honor you could have on this world, and the ones with recognizable and unique costumes had an easier time spreading their message. The crew had this in mind, but the main purpose of the spider-suit would be to hide the fact that Data doesn't look the way this species does. There is a great variety in how they all present, but Data appears much more Human than they do.
Once everything has been planned and thought out, the identity of Interweb has been formed.
(The name was also Geordi's idea. Data had followed Geordi into his quarters while trying to come up with a name for people to know him as, since 'Data' was not the sort of name anyone on this world would know. Data was pacing around the room, listing off a long, long, long list of concepts and ideas, when he found that he had been pacing from the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, wall and floor again. Geordi, who was just trying to get ready for bed, looked up at him from where he stood on the ceiling, and gave him his opinion in attempt to get Data to get the memo and leave. Data nodded in appreciation, returned to standing on the rightful surface, and left for the night. The only indication that he had been there was the shoe scuffs that he had accidently left on the ceiling)
It only took one actual training session to see that Data was already ready for this very important job. There was no improvement needed to be seen in his form or methods, and he had planned for everything. Well... Almost everything. Once he had been brought down to the surface, he had quickly realized that his sidekick had snuck into his bag when he wasn't looking.
And within a week, the alien planet was saved by Interweb and his "cat" Spot :) (No one on this planet knows what a cat or a spider is, but they weren't gonna say a thing about it because they had just been saved by the two of them and they're very thankful about it)
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neemie101 · 1 year
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Trektober Day 2: Hiding Injuries
Don't want people thinking you're just a kid that'll get himself hurt.
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very vague watch plan is to put together an abbreviated episode list for tng and watch them at the same time (rn i know i want to see the q eps, lwaxana eps, borg eps, and any featuring cardassia & bajor but i'd LIKE to get a reasonable handle on the main cast as well) up to when ds9 starts and then see from there whether i want to circle back to the start of the series or pick up voyager + continue to chip away at it
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nicastamatis · 4 months
this might as well be doxxing myself but i watched billy elliot for the first time yesterday and seeing an area like. round the corner. on a film. felt SO surreal.
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d4x · 11 months
Ok as it turns out we are not actually at the finale I just thought there were way fewer episodes in season three of Picard than there actually are. Thank god. Slightly more hope now, still mad about some of the same things and new things too
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johndonneswife · 2 years
actually maybe i would vote for reading rainbow because levar burton…
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sirbogarde · 2 years
finished Our Friends in the North. i guess they went for statistical realism by not having all 4 of them end up super happy. but like bruh not really a smiles and sunshine finale! It was, much like the north of england, very depressing.
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sandersstudies · 4 days
Since you can't share top picks for potential baby names, would you be willing to share which ones you considered that didn't quite make the cut? AKA ones you know you won't be using?
YESSSSSS I feel like I’m an influencer for the first time. I have to keep my two top picks each for boys and girls to myself in case I use them in the future but if I don’t and I still have this blog when my family is complete I’ll share.
I won’t be sad if you judge me in the notes! These names all didn’t make the cut for a reason.
James (My husband and I actually both like this name but my extended family has two James’ already)
Geordi (We are Trekkies and love Geordi LaForge but sadly decided that this is a cute little boy’s name but maybe sounds a little juvenile for a grown man.)
Mangan (This was intended to honor a male mentor in my life but my husband knew a kid named Mangan who sucked and ruined this one for him.)
Sheridan (We decided this sounded too feminine.)
Sigrun (We actually liked this for a boy, nicknamed Sig or Siggy, but concluded that the Norse mythology connection made it too feminine.)
Amyas/Amias (This was my top pick boy name for a while but my husband didn’t like this one at all.)
Laertes (Another of my favorites my husband didn’t like.)
Peregrine (This is a saint name that goes well with my second-favorite girl name but obviously most people hear Peregrine Falcon.)
Delemay (We decided this one sounded to feminine.)
Kodiak (I said the mountains. My husband said the camera.)
Pascoe (My husband thinks this is too close to Pascal, which makes him think of Tangled.)
Jethro (My mom actually vetoed this one.)
Ronnette/Roni (My family has a lot of Ronalds after a family member who passed away, and I liked this feminine alternative.
Agnes (This was one of the few girl names my husband and I both liked for a while.)
Liesl (Like the Sound of Music.)
Zelpha (Another family name)
Sophronia (Also a family name)
Brontë (For the author sisters.)
Lucretia (Can you tell I read a lot about the Italian Renaissance)
Paget (Like the actor from Criminal Minds.)
Thaïs (This was too similar to another family member’s name)
Tula (Fandom alert this was a character from Dimension 20: Burrow’s End)
Ardis (I actually have an acquaintance named this but it’s SUCH a cool one, and a shorter alternative to Artemis.)
Wynne (Whoops! My in-laws named their dog this :))
Gwynedd (Too similar to the name of a family member)
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Redacted Tattoo Headcanons
✩ Elliott has a big abstract freehand tattoo that covers his shoulder and upper arm - one of the cool swirly line designs
✩ Ollie has a stick and poke smiley face on his ankle that one of his friends gave him in high school
✩ Aaron has some sort of quote tattooed on his ribs - probably a line from a song / movie that he associates with Elliott or his mom
✩ Caelum loves temporary tattoos and likes having matching ones with Gavin and Freelancer
✩ Geordi has something fandom related on his forearm - anything but Star Trek because he doesn't want to seem like that much of a nerd
✩ Asher has a patchwork leg sleeve with a bunch of different styles and a similar half sleeve on his opposite bicep
✩ Milo and Sweetheart have matching chest tattoos
✩ Ivan got original Baby’s name tattooed on his collar bone right before they broke up
✩ David has a tattoo commemorating Gabe and something for the whole Shaw pack
✩ Anton has a monstera leaf on his forearm to remind him of My Love
✩ Porter has an elaborate neck tattoo that spreads down his sternum and covers most of his chest
✩ Gavin has a backpiece consisting of the D.A.M.N. crew's favorite flowers
✩ Guy has doodles Honey drew for him on his thighs
✩ Morgan has some sort of lower rib / upper stomach tattoo of an hourglass with a skull
✩ Avior has stars and constellations all across his torso
✩ Brian has all of his kids’ birthdays on his chest
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redactedgender · 24 days
random redacted audio headcanons pt. 2
havent done one of these in a hot second but i wanted to share some more w yall :] some of these include my listener headcanons, theyre specifically abt my oc’s but i figured id share them in a neutral way so if others like them they can add them to their own hc’s :]
; lasko does in fact own a giant snail. he named it hercules. huxley, dear & freelancer are the only ones who support lasko owning the snail. damien & gavin have been dubbed the ‘hercules hate club’ by the others
; morgan grew up in new orleans but his accent has all but disappeared after he moved to dahlia when his powers manifested as a teen. he speaks fluent louisiana french, as well as cajun english and haitian creole
; geordi is a third generation polish immigrant on his dad’s side! the rest of his family still lives in the new york area, but his dad went out to californina for college and met his mom there, so that’s why he and jadzia (his sister) still live in the dahlia area
; caelum infodumps abt elegy fun facts to his siblings on aria
; lovely got close with bright eyes and freddy after turning, and considers them to be their cousins
; elliott likes giving sunshine hickeys on their neck, high enough where they can’t cover it w the collar of their shirts
; honey gets cold very easily, and in the winter theyll sleep in hoodies (no long pants tho, thats not allowed)
; freelancer loves those star shaped pimple patches. gavin likes to kiss them when freelancer has any on, which always makes them giggle
; angel used to shark people at pool in college to make a quick buck (they’d pretend not to know anything abt the game, make bets, then destroy everyone else playing)
; baaabe was the first in their family to go to college, which put a lot of pressure on their shoulders
; darlin' and marie have bets on who they think will be the first of the current pack generation to have kids
; asher had a crush on marie i am not sorry
; milo has a polaroid pic of sweetheart in his wallet (theres another pic hidden somewhere in there too thats… not suitable for the public)
; also. milo was born in new jersey, moved to washington heights to live with some extended family with marie and colm, and then finally moved to dahlia for colm’s job
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h0ney-dames · 3 months
—— thanks to @luniimunii27
Lasko : Zeus
Damien : Hephaestus
Huxley : Gaea
Caelum : Hebe
Gavin : Aphrodite
Hudson : Apollo
Xaiver : Boreas
David : Ares
Milo : Hephaestus
Asher : Hermes
(All wolfs are children of Lycaon)
Guy : Hermes
Geordi : Hypnos
Vincent : Tyche
Sam: Apollo
Honey : Hades
Lovely : Zeus
Freelancer : Hecate
Baabe : Athena (was born from Zeus' head cracking open or something but she technically is since Hera is Zeus' wife and sister which makes Hera her mom- lunar)
Angel : Iris
Sweetheart : Athena
Darlin: Ares
Hush : Chaos
Alexis : Artemis
Porter : Dionysus
Quinn : Nemesis (KRONOS ARMY)
Kody : Poseidan (KRONOS ARMY)
Adam : Dionysus (KRONOS ARMY)
Barchium : Thanatos
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radiant-cowgirl · 3 months
i saw a bunch of other people doing this so
random redacted headcanons!
- vincent can’t handle spicy food very well, even post-turning
- ivan hates fishing
- david loves egg salad sandwiches with hot sauce (it’s his favorite comfort food)
- caelum has never had cotton candy and freelancer is pretty sure if he ever did, he would implode
- gavin doesn’t like snow
- lasko on the other hand LOVES spicy food and testing his tolerance to certain things
- damien doesn’t drink coffee or tea or energy drinks, this man is just out here raw-dogging life
- kody still tries to look at all the damn crew’s socials, even though they all have him blocked
- huxley (opposite of damien) gets his caffeine anyway he can but his favorite are the caffeine pouches (similar to zyns (these are also my favorite))
- asher loves watching mma fights and tries (gently) to recreate the moves on babe (“i could have dropped you just then! you gotta keep your guard up!”)
- james “i’m exploding you with my mind” redacted
- marcus begged his mom for a mohawk in middle school but he didn’t have the right texture hair for it and she refused to buy him all the hair gel necessary to make it a real mohawk so they just had to shave his head (kids thought he had lice)
- anton loves sending and receiving physical mail. he knows it’s impractical in comparison to texting or calling, but he loves it
- ollie has a favorite blanket, pillow, and set of sheets. he’s very particular about his bedtime routine
- elliot however could drop anywhere at anytime. and that’s nothing to do with him being a dreamwalker. he’s just a fantastic sleeper
- brachium has never had candy, but he’s curious about it
- avior really really likes classical music and it’s brought him to tears multiple times (especially jupiter comp. by gustav holst iykyk)
- milo holds the door open for everyone whenever he can. sweetheart once thought he was following them for like fifteen minutes but he was still stuck at the door
- cam loves fresh produce and is a frequenter of any local farmers market
- blake had a phase in middle school and early high school where he was super patriotic and right-wing leaning and he hates when people bring it up
- aaron actually knows most of the shaw pack boys. he tried to hire them for an event before realizing they were an empowered company. david thought he knew
- sam showed pigs and sheep when he was younger. he kinda misses it but he doesn’t have the room for livestock anymore
- vega in all his years of existing both in aria and on earth has never been truly hugged
- before falling, regulus lived on earth with his charge. they had two cats
- xavier used to travel ridiculous amounts of miles to go to food festivals around the country. he took the team with him once or twice
- geordi never deleted any pictures of him and cutie. he’s still hopeful that things will work out and he doesn’t want to get rid of older memories with them
- guy was friends with a lot of the unempowered boys in school, but lost touch with them in college
- morgan is very into hair-care. his shower looks like an apothecary shop full of mystery vials and oils. he knows what everything is and how to use it though.
- porter loves classic literature and translating latin to english. it’s one of the few hobbies he allows himself to have
- hush once traipsed into doc’s apartment, mud up to his knees and all over his face and hands, holding a bull frog. he only came to ask what it was.
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andromedaexile · 1 year
Are they a stoner? TNG edition
Picard: Used to smoke like a chimney back in his academy days. Quit once he had to get that heart replacement.
Riker: Oh 100% used to hot box his academy room. But once he got stationed on the Pegasus he reeled it back. He still lights up on Risa though.
Data: No, THC has no impact on him. However he does want to understand the human social custom of “puff puff pass.”
Geordi: He uses edibles for his chronic pain and headaches but only when on shore leave. Maybe while off-duty if the pain is really bad but he doesn’t want to impede the effectiveness of his visor.
Troi: Not only is she hitting the elaborate Betazoid pipe her mom sent her, she is recommending edibles to anxious crew members. By far the biggest stoner on the Enterprise.
Worf: No. If it’s not prune juice or blood wine, he doesn’t want it… Okay, he tried smoking with Deanna ONCE and hated it.
Dr. Crusher: In her youth she dabbled with edibles but was never a smoker. She prescribes medical marijuana (only ever edibles) w/ Troi’s recommendation to her patients.
Wesley: He always said he would be straight edge his entire life, but then he went to Starfleet Academy…We all know the rest.
Guinan: She’s either straight edge or a plug for the Enterprise. I’m not sure. But if I had to go through the shit she has, I sure as hell would be rolling blunts in Ten Forward.
Yar: She most definitely got smoked, but not in the fun way.
O’Brien: No (until DS9 at least).
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