#das if you see this um.
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“you do things to me.”



TR: I hate you.
DF: I know.
TR: I want you dead.
DF: I know.
TR: One day, I’ll be the cause of your collapse.
DF: I know.
TR: I hate you, I’ll kill you, I’ll sabotage everything you stand for—
DF: I know.
DF: I love you.
TR: …
TR: I know.
#this is SO CORNY#actually top tier cheesiness levels in the caption#‘stal we get it you’re a huge romantic’#this was actually so fun to draw LMFAO#iterator logs#il toxic yaoi#yes im making that a goddamn tag#its such a funny ship name#the other option is ‘pavement’ but it doesnt slap quite as hard#distant frontier#twisting roads#does this go into the rain world main tag????#rain world#rain world iterator#id say ‘that caption made me myself cringe’ but actually im not going to pretend like i hate this#toxic yaoi ft df’s inability to realize he’s in love bc hes a dumbass#‘why does my chest feel all light and fluttery?? must be a system malfunction.’#body horror warning#das if you see this um.#sorry for bastardizing your characters LMFAO
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got into arkanis smp today and, because i know twitter does not care, i'll be sharing this lil obsession here pipipi
#wuant#gabepeixe#arkanis smp#eles são attached by the hip cause i said so e quem manda sou eu#wuant stop flirting with every admin you see challenge#tive que fazer um design original para o gabe quando me bateu a ideia da prostetica de peixe i swear no one got it like i did frfrfr
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Grey Warden, please don't hurt my son. He is not responsible for what he does.
#daedits#daedit#dao#dragon age origins#dragon age#gamingnetwork#dailygaming#gamingedit#connor guerrin#isolde#arlessa isolde#da fans r so funny bc they'll say shit like. ''bioware both sideses the circle issue and tries to convince u that mages r dangerous 🙄''#meanwhile the both sidesing is um. the violent killing/maiming of dozens of townsfolk. by one possessed child.#n then u gotta see cold takes abt how 'centrist' characters talk abt how conflicted they are or how hamfisted their reluctance feels. like.#sorry you missed the part where horrors beyond their comprehension happen on the reg for non-magic-having ppl....#couldn't be me though! i love engaging with a premise open-mindedly and working within the given world-building 👍#q
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„Wir haben alle nur gestarrt“. So wahr aber auch. Ich weiß noch wie ich so bei dem Rätsel dachte, „haha, küssen“. Und dann so 3 Sekunden später, „wie jetzt, küssen die sich jetzt?!!?“ Und als sie es dann getan haben, war mein Kopf einfach nur ERROR Fehlermeldung 404.
What a time to be alive. Auch wie Klaas einfach so ganz selbstverständlich seine Hand an Jokos Wange legen will. I can’t even. Freue mich auf eine baldige Abhandlung von dir zu diesem Moment. (Und generell, is it just me oder shippen sich die beiden selbst und werden von ihren Kollegen gerade seeeehr doll geshippt?)

Hallihallo, fühlt euch bitte nie schlecht, mir (egal wie sehr mich die fehlende Zeit momentan einschränkt) eine Nachricht zu hinterlassen oder auch eine Frage/Bitte zu stellen. Ich mag nicht immer direkt dazu kommen, aber ich schätze jeglichen Austausch mit euch sehr und das wird sich nie ändern <3
So, und jetzt kommen wir mal dazu, dass JK sich schon wieder geküsst haben?! Es wird nie alt, einen solchen Satz zu schreiben xD
(Die Kommentare unter diesem Preview sind hilarious)
Ganz grundsätzlich gesprochen sind die beiden VR-Mazen bereits bei der Aufzeichnung raketenartig auf meine Liste der Lieblingseinspieler geschossen. Ich möchte die zweite Maz nicht spoilern, aber beide Teile haben wirklich alles zu bieten, was JKP7 Einspieler so fantastisch machen: die Aufgabe ist sehr kreativ und mit sehr viel Aufwand und Liebe zum Detail gestaltet, JK hängen irgendwo zwischen Wir wissen nicht was wir hier tun und Es ist absurd, wie viel Spaß wir mit so einem albernen Quatsch haben können. Zusätzlich ist die Mischung aus "Streitereien" und Teamwork extrem stimmig. JK halten sich an die Aufgaben (wozu auch das Küssen gehört) ohne groß zu diskutieren, nehmen sich aber genug Zeit um spontane Albernheiten einzustreuen - dazu zähle ich jetzt mal Klaas' "Guck mal Joko ich mach Liegestütze für dich" Heufer-Umlauf auch wenn das eigentlich schon wieder unter sein absurdes Flirtverhalten fallen würde.
Kurz runtergebrochen: Ich bin ein Riesenfan dieser Mazen. Für mich verbinden sie alles Positive, was JKP7 in den letzten Jahren hervorgebracht hat und manchmal muss man sich vor Augen führen, dass diese Dynamik, die JK jetzt haben, vor gar nicht allzu langer Zeit alles andere als selbstverständlich war.
Als Joko das Rätsel vorgelesen hat, dachte ich dasselbe wie du, Anon. Ich dachte, "Das hört sich an als müssten sie sich küssen, bestimmt macht Joko den Gag". Und dann war es tatsächlich die Lösung und ich war heillos überfordert xD Allein damit, dass Klaas auf die korrekte Antwort kommt, es ausspricht und null Probleme damit haben zu scheint, es durchzuziehen. Hat derselbe Klaas nicht noch im ersten Teil Joko in die Schranken gewiesen, als der vom Küssen gesprochen hat? Der Mann und sein Hin und Her, also wirklich. Wie soll man das je verstehen?
Ich habe zu der Kussszene zwei Gefühlslagen.
Einerseits finde ich es so schön, wie herzlich die beiden miteinander sind und wie natürlich sie es zeigen. Da gibt es kein Problem, es wird keine große Sache daraus gemacht. Ich habe im Rahmen anderer Ask-Antworten schon mehrmals darüber gesprochen, aber diese Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der Joko und Klaas ihre Zuneigung füreinander offen zeigen, weil sie sich wirklich gern haben und nichts daran falsch ist, finde ich bewundernswert. Vor allem in einem Medium wie dem Fernsehen gibt es noch viel zu viele Hemmschwellen, Hürden und Vorurteile, primär bei einem solchen Umgang von Männern miteinander, und JK haben auf mich immer schon so gewirkt, als würde sie das überhaupt nicht interessieren. Sie haben auf ganz viele Arten schon seit dem Beginn ihrer gemeinsamen Karriere immer ihr eigenes Ding durchgezogen und sind sich treu geblieben und eben das wird durch solche Momente auch repräsentiert. Ganz abseits von jeglichen shipping-Thematiken und Analysen ist das etwas, was für mich besonders hervorsticht.
Ja, natürlich war dieses ganze Rätsel eine ziemlich offensichtliche Form des Fanservices, den man bei JKP7 bei der Auslegung von Spielen und Mazen häufiger sehen kann - spontan fallen mir direkt die Fessel-Maz, JK bauen ein Haus und Steven zieht ein sowie jegliche "Wie gut kennen JK sich wirklich"-Spiele ein. Die Redaktion weiß ganz genau, was sie dadurch bekommen, und das ist die Aufmerksamkeit von uns und damit die Aufmerksamkeit bei social media. Tweets mit JK-Hashtags sind inzwischen hauptsächlich auf die Dynamik und das Miteinander von Joko und Klaas bezogen und das geht an niemandem vorbei, der sich ab und zu damit beschäftigt. Weswegen mich diese Herangehensweise nicht stört und ich sie ganz im Gegenteil größtenteils als sehr gelungen empfinde, ist einmal JKs Umgang damit (eben die Natürlichkeit, über die ich oben gesprochen habe) und zum anderen, dass diese Momente nur eingestreut und gut portioniert werden.
Es geht hier immer noch um Unterhaltung. Inzwischen sind diese kleinen und größeren Hints in Richtung JK und uns Teil der Unterhaltung geworden, die uns in den Florida-Shows präsentiert werden, aber es wird damit nicht übertrieben. Jede Anspielung und jeder Spruch basiert auf JKs Miteinander. Die Richtung eines Spiels wird vorgegeben, in ihrem Verhalten bleiben sie aber frei, und das kann man genau in dieser Maz sehr schön sehen.
Nun zum weniger objektiven Teil, weil das uns allen doch sehr viel mehr Spaß macht:
Was war denn da schon wieder los?!?!
Und wieso bin ich nach all der Zeit immer noch fassungslos darüber, dass die zwei so irre sind, was platonisches, brüderliches Küssen angeht? Man sollte meinen, ich habe mich an Jokos ständiges Fragen danach genauso gewöhnt wie an Klaas' Aussetzer, die ganz viel Starren und ganz wenig Logik beinhalten. Aber nein. Die machen mich immer noch verrückt damit.
Im Studio und auch danach war ich zu perplex, um irgendwie angemessen darauf zu reagieren. Denn auch wenn die Aktion selbst natürlich von dem Rätsel bzw. der Redaktion vorgegeben wurde, die Ausführung war so typisch JK, dass ich schon wieder schreien könnte. Das einzige, was ich danach sofort nochmal sehen wollte, war dieser erste Versuch, als sie mit den Brillen aneinanderstoßen.
Wie sehr kann man Joko küssen wollen? Klaas: Ja!
In meiner Erinnerung haben sie danach beide gekichert und es direkt nochmal versucht. Aber oh. OH, das war wohl nur Joko.
Klaas war da offensichtlich mit etwas ganz anderem beschäftigt als zu kichern, Klaas streckt sich und reckt seinen Kopf nach oben, auch nachdem Joko vor ihm zurückweicht. Klaas war ready; und wie ready er war, sieht man dann an seiner Reaktion darauf, dass sie nochmal von vorne starten müssen.
(Fun Fact am Rande: Die Gifs tragen den wunderschönen Namen "JK küssen sich schon wieder")
Alles daran, sein herrisches "Komm jetzt", wie er die Hand sinken lässt, wie er sich wegdreht - es ist so typisch Klaas xD
Irgendwo zwischen Ungeduld und Frustration. Ist es ihm unangenehm, ist er genervt oder enttäuscht? Alles, oder doch keins davon? Ich tippe am ehesten auf Ungeduld und das amüsiert mich doch sehr. Egal was der Ursprung dieser Ungeduld sein mag, es zählt, was davon bei uns ankommt. Und auf mich wirkt es so, als wäre da jemand nicht begeistert darüber, unterbrochen worden zu sein, weil die doofen VR-Brillen im Weg waren. Eine Frechheit, dass Klaas noch ein paar Sekunden länger auf seinen Kuss warten musste.
Ebenso absurd wie diese Reaktion finde ich, dass Joko daraufhin wie automatisiert die Distanz zwischen ihnen schließt, indem er ihm wieder entgegen kommt. Die sind wirklich wie zwei Magneten, die sich permanent anziehen und es vermutlich nicht einmal merken.
Diese Symmetrie ist auch genau der Grund, aus dem ich hier ihren letzten Kuss bei der Besten Show als Vergleich daneben gestellt habe.
Wie auch damals kommen sie sich gleichzeitig und sehr synchron entgegen. Beim Beste Show Kuss kann ich bis heute nicht sagen, wer wen mehr an sich zieht. Die Bewegung scheint von Klaas auszugehen, bis man sich Jokos Hand- und Armbewegungen ansieht. Es sind beide.
Bei der VR-Maz wiederholt sich das Ganze, nur dass Joko sich zurückzieht, als ihre Brillen kollidieren. Klaas hingegen scheint völlig in einem anderen Film zu sein und verharrt nicht nur, sondern wendet sich Joko noch einmal aktiv entgegen.
Zu Klaas' Handplatzierung habe ich schon einige Meinungen gelesen und kann mir tatsächlich alles von er hat versucht sie an Jokos Gesicht oder Kinn zu legen bis hin zu er wollte die Hand zwischen ihre Münder legen irgendwie vorstellen. Am wahrscheinlichsten finde ich jedoch, dass er die Hand als Orientierungshilfe gebraucht hat. Abstände und Bewegungen werden durch die VR-Brille offensichtlich verzerrt und sind nicht ohne weiteres einzuschätzen, vor allem, wenn man wie in ihrem Fall das Gesicht/die Lippen des anderen finden muss. Die Handbewegung wirkt auf mich am ehesten ertastend und koordinierend.
Trotz der Umstände sieht vor allem dieses Entgegenkommen so flüssig und routiniert aus, dass es mich ein bisschen sprachlos macht. Das war beim Beste Show Kuss aber, wie man sehen kann, schon genauso. Selbst ihr Mundpropaganda-Kuss, bei dem sie eindeutig am aufgeregtesten waren, hat schlichtweg stimmig gewirkt.
Bei Joko und Klaas greifen so viele Ebenen automatisch ineinander, weil sie sich auf jeder dieser Ebenen blind verstehen. Sie verstehen sich durch Worte, durch Gesten, durch Blicke, aber eben auch durch diese nonverbale, körperliche Ebene. Es gibt unzählige Momente aus den vergangenen Jahren, in denen sie die exakt selbe Bewegung ausführen, ohne es abzusprechen oder es überhaupt zu sehen. Die zwei sind einfach im Einklang miteinander.
Deshalb wirkt es bei all der Absurdität trotzdem nicht absurd, dass sie sich küssen. Egal wie oft Joko es im Scherz vorschlägt. Egal wie oft Klaas ihn abweist. Wenn es dann wirklich so weit ist, sind sie sofort in einem Rhythmus. Und nein, wir bekommen den richtigen Kuss natürlich nicht zu sehen, weil die Florida es liebt uns zu teasen. Wir wissen auch nicht, ob sie sich wirklich geküsst oder nur so getan haben. Was wir aber wissen, ist, wie unaufgeregt und fast schon routiniert sie damit umgegangen sind. Und das ist einerseits extrem soft und andererseits beinhaltet es diese JK-weirdness, denn da tun sich bei mir tausend weitere Fragen auf xD
Abschließend möchte ich, nur für die Softness of it all, nochmal darauf hinweisen, wie häufig Joko und Klaas in den paar Sekunden vor und nach dem Kuss kichern oder leise lachen. Bei Klaas dachte ich kurzzeitig, sie hätten dieselbe Tonspur von vor ein paar Sekunden nochmal eingefügt, aber nein. Der lacht wirklich die ganze Zeit vor sich hin, weil er Joko küssen darf soll.
Genau das macht diesen Reiz von Joko und Klaas aus. Einerseits benehmen sie sich, als wäre das der 220983te Kuss des Tages, andererseits kichern sie darüber wie ein frisch verliebtes Pärchen.
Und damit habe ich für heute genug gebrabbelt.
...aber das können wir uns nochmal ansehen, weil es so schön war.
Hier ruht Klausis Geduld. Er hat jetzt lange genug auf seinen Kuss gewartet.
#joko und klaas#joko winterscheidt#klaas heufer-umlauf#jkvsp7#primetime soulmates#flirty jk#married couple vibes#insane things jk do#analyse krams#nur die liebe zahlt#mundpropaganda#jk küssen sich schon wieder#so. das wird jetzt ein neuer tag#man kann die zwei keine minute aus den augen lassen#wie witzig ist es eigentlich dass klaas immer so tut als würde ihm jokos geflirte auf die nerven gehen#und dann springt er so hart auf diese kuss nummer an dass er sich joko nachstreckt um ihn zu küssen#i see you klaas#jetzt habe ich gar nicht erwähnt wie soft jokos *klaasi* war direkt bevor sie sich geküsst haben#ICH BIN GESTORBEN#das kann der nicht mit mir machen#aber er macht es trotzdem#frech#anonymous#answered
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As if the day wasn’t already ruined the Reddit ama is fuckig sending me dude
#all the most popular questions are being ignored and they’re choosing like 15 upvote bangers such as#‘do you want to have stories about the executors’#and ‘would you have liked to put more characters in the story’#can’t say I expected otherwise but um#the 800 upvote question is actually maybe the one people wanted to see answered#also to come out here and say ‘we heard the fans loud and clear 😃’ is biiiiiig ballsy to say the least x’D#but that’s that folks. no content patches. no golden nug. approval system is exactly how they wanted it. romances are not getting touched.#rook being excluded from the book club was intentional. lords having way less content and plot relevance was intentional.#and a real banger from an external interview: the game is disappointing because fans believed in it too much#so remember folks: don’t believe in bioware/da. it’s your fault
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I can't cosplay Miku, YET!!!!!!! But I sure as hell can draw myself as her
100% making myself a miku cane. Thats the project of my dreams
#i wanna make myself some custom canes cuz my cane is super boring#i wanna make one with a strawberry theme. one with a duck theme. and one thats moths and mushrooms#but i know that its gonna take forever ;u;#so ill let u know if i fine something good thrifting. or any charms and sticker i find for that!!!!!#i cant fucking w8 for a duck cane omfgg i love them. they are so cute and could peck me to death#ok enough rambling#randy rambles#hatsune miku#self portrait#my art#grims art#um also hi people who didnt know im obsessed with miku. you will be seeing more art of her in da future
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Hi! I'm new to your blog and was wondering if I could get a brief snippet about some of your OCs? Like a backstory, little quirks, etc etc (Because they look really awesome and I want to learn a little about them!! Also your art is gorgeous)
Hi anon, welcome to the blog! Thanks for the sweet words~
Haha, I'd love to talk about my OCs...but there are a bunch of them floating around! ...I mean it doesn't LOOK that way because I mainly post about my Terrible Kids, but in my brain there are a ton, I swear.
Let me know if there's anybody you'd like to know about specifically! The big ones that actually get airtime are uuuuh The Kids and other TES folks, Tam, Nehris, and the assorted Pathfinder kiddos (mostly Jessen I guess), but if you dig up somebody specific I can do my best!
I feel bad not responding with something immediately though, so here are a couple misc. posts that have some backstory and fun facts about a few characters! 🖤
About Tev Voiceclaims Fave OC facts
#ask#sorry anon! I hope you see this and have specific requests tho!#like I assume you may mean tev and dren since they are all I talk about but#I don't wanna be presumptuous!#I thought very briefly about doing a blurb for all my OCs but um#I did an inventory of them#and it turns out there are a lot!#tho admittedly I only post about a handful of them because I get the Brainrot#and that's just TUMBLR OCs#you guys wouldn't believe the club characters I got over on DA#slaps head#this bad boy can fit so many characters
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Okay. Hold. The. Fucking. Phone. I know i said i was going to Bed. But


I'm going to be so ill, it's going to become SCARY.
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Most people in the west don't know about this but astrology has been used as a tool for oppression for a long long time in south asia. Especially India. Astrology has been and is still being used as a way to forcibly marry off women to abusive men because their horoscooes match. It is used in innumerable oppressive rituals and practices. It has been used to invalidate and discredit so many marginalised folks. Today the people who practice conversion therapy in india use astrology. They tell parents that their children are gay because the stars weren't right. ASTROLOGY IS NOT HARMLESS. Seeing queer people promote astrology is just so infuriating to me because I am trying to fight a system that is using astrology to oppress me and you're fucking promoting it as a la di da fun slumber party activity.
since making that post I've heard from SO MANY INDIANS who absolutely loathe the way astrology has been used against them or their friends and yet I'm still out here getting people in my replies going "um... astrology is part of Indian religion actually... so you can't criticize it actually" like okay. can I at least point vehemently at all of the Indians criticizing it then because there are MANY.
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summary - a collection of hamzah’s lack of self control when it comes to you. warnings - swearing, reader is a kpop stan lol note - hai :3 i have been so obsessed with hamzah lately i had to get it out of my system. this is a side blog as im too embarrassed to post on my main fic blog. enjoy and send ideas!
polycule reveal - out of character #100
The podcast starts like any other. Hamzah and Martin sit in the middle of the couch, with Mandy and you on either side of them. It’s the first episode that has you featured in it, and Hamzah is quick to settle any nerves you have with a soft smile and a squeeze of your shoulder. “So, yeah guys. There’s another member in our polycule now, this is Hamzah’s contribution.” Martin points towards you. Hamzah shakes his head, “Alright, bro…”. “Does that mean I get a share of the YouTube channel? Mandy, have they ever given you money?” Mandy clicks her tongue and continues in her deadpan voice, “Um, no. Basically they keep me in their dungeon until they need more views. I’d run away if I were you, honestly.” You pretend to look nervously between Hamzah and Martin, “Honestly I didn’t wanna say it but the basement Hamzah keeps me in is super gross.” “I don’t like this bit. Viewers, please be advised I do not keep my girlfriend in a basement for views. I don’t know about Martin, though.” “Dang it, first episode and they’re already making us look like idiots, Mandy. We need to try harder.”
becoming bts - out of character #104
The episode is you, Hamzah, and Martin. Hamzah is sat obviously much closer to you (which the comments are quick to mention, laughing at the lack of personal space he gives you.) “Yeah, a lot of the Slushies have been asking me if I’m a kpop stan. My ult bias-” Hamzah throws his hands into the air dramatically as he sees you pull a small photocard out of your wallet. A familiar face makes him groan loudly, “Oh, don’t even get me started on this fool! I am sick and tired of seeing him everywhere!” You proudly show off the photocard to the camera despite Hamzah’s childish complaints. Martin leans over to take a look at the photo in your hands, “Bro, what’s the big deal? Is this like challenging your alphaness?” You laugh loudly and Hamzah smiles, betraying the annoyed facade he’s putting on, “No! He just haunts me. She knows when his birthday is and shit and what he ate for breakfast that day, like bro,” he turns to you, pointing at you accusingly, “You don’t ask what I eat for breakfast.” Martin grabs his shoulder, as if to calm him down, “Bro. You know what this means. You have to defend your woman.” Hamzah turns to Martin and before you can question them, they begin singing together and waving their arms in the air, “Shoot dat boy in da head, shoot dat boy in da head!” The episode ends with you deadpanning at the camera as they chant beside you.
don’t play this game at 3 am (not clickbait!!!)
Martin and Hamzah had listened to their viewers, your first feature on the channel being in a Resident Evil gameplay. The comments are filled with ‘i slushed everywhere when i saw yn in the thumbnail’ and ‘hamzah holding onto yn everytime there’s a jumpscare boyy aren’t u supposed to b da man?’ You sit between the two men who both inadvertently curl into you as the creepy aura permeates outside the game as well. Martin dramatically holds onto his head as you shoot bullets into the grossly looking zombies on the screen, “Oh, god they’re gonna eat us out! Quick, grab more ammo!” “Ok, I don’t think they’re gonna do all that-” They both jump as a loud, sharp groan comes from the speaker. Hamzah in particular lets out his signature high-pitched scream. Martin seems to break character and laughs aloud as Hamzah shakes his head in embarrassment, turning away from the camera so it won’t catch the bright blush on his cheeks when you coo at him. “Aww, did you pee yourself?” Martin tries to speak through laughter, “I think you did, dude there’s a wet spot-” Hamzah quickly denies it, “Ok, stop lying to all the slushies, bro, I did not pee myself. I’m sick of this, turn off this trash ass game-” “It’s ok, babe. I’ll protect you, I’m your Leon.” Martin waves a blushing Hamzah over, “Yeah, come on you big baby. It’s not even that scary-wait don’t go in there-“
Hamzah had convinced you to create your own channel, due to the growing comments begging him to convince you to do so. You hadn’t expected much, but it’d at least be a nice way to share sweet memories between the two of you. The vlog starts with you sat in front of your vanity, as you complete your routine. You talk animatedly about the vacation you’re on with your boyfriend, mentioning the beautiful sights you’ve seen and the delicious food you’ve had so far. You don’t notice but Hamzah walks into the room, quietly sneaking into view when he notices you’re filming. He’s too sweet to scare you on purpose, so he only places the bag of food in front of you and waves towards the camera, “Hiii, it’s me, Hamzah. Remember me?” You push him out of frame, “Ew, get your big head out of here!” The bottom half of his body remains in frame as you look up at him from the seat, “What?! This is how youtubers act behind the camera guys, leave hate comments below, please.” He leans down to be to your level, staring longingly as you get ready. He imagines this is how it feels to watch art being made. You don’t notice his blatant staring, “Tell them how nice it is here.” He’s pulled out of his thoughts with your voice, “Yeah, it’s pretty sweet. Think we’ll bring our kids here cause kids like beaches. Right?” You both seem to forget the camera is even there as you turn to him, “We should take them to Legoland.” He lets out a disbelieving laugh, “Really? That’s the best you got?” You give him a side eye that makes him laugh harder, “Ok, get out, this is my video.” Hamzah only waves at the camera before giving you a gentle kiss on top of your head and leaving. It’s barely in frame, but it’s enough to show the burning warmth he holds for you.
#hamzahthefantastic#hamzah fluff#hamzah x reader#hamzah x y/n#hamzah fic#hamzah imagines#slushy noobz
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my cards are on the table
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: family dinner and @steddiebingo prompt: matchmaker | rating: t | cw: 999 | tags: different first meeting, pre season 4, matchmaker wayne munson, soft boys
read on ao3
Christmas at the Munson’s consists of early dinner on Christmas Eve and opening presents on Christmas morning once Wayne comes back from work.
It’s been that way since Eddie moved in so when Wayne opens Eddie’s door to tell him to wash up before dinner and casually says he invited someone, Eddie is puzzled.
“You– what?”
“Kid, you gotta stop listening to your music so loud,” Wayne says gruffly, rolling his eyes good-naturedly.
“And you need to explain why you invited someone to dinner!” Eddie demands, narrowing his eyes. “Is it a woman? Are you seeing someone, old man?”
“Not a woman, son, just a kid who does deliveries to the plant sometimes. His folks ain’t gonna be around for Christmas so I invited him over.”
Eddie’s lips press into a thin line. He’s known his uncle is a good man since he took him in. He loves him for it. He just wishes it didn’t mean he has to spend Christmas with a stranger.
“Fine, but I’m not dressing up just because someone is coming over!”
“Suit yourself, son, but I think you might wanna.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows. “Why?” Wayne just shrugs and leaves. “Why?” He repeats but gets no response.
Thirty minutes later there’s a knock on the door, and after whining about how this is Wayne’s guest so he should be the one to get the door, Eddie sighs and opens it to reveal–
“Steve Harrington?” Eddie shakes off the shock and flashes him a mocking grin. “Well, well, well, what are you doing on the wrong side of town, Your Highness? Did you get lost?”
The title makes Steve’s nose wrinkle but he lets it slide. “Actually, your uncle invited me.”
Eddie’s jaw drops. “You’re our guest?”
With a shrug, Steve makes a ta-da! gesture. Eddie stares blankly at him.
“Um, are you gonna let me in, Munson, or–” he trails off, hanging a hand from his neck.
“Ed? Is that the Harrington boy?” Wayne asks, snapping Eddie out of it.
“Uh, yeah. Sorry, come in, man.”
Steve gives him an awkward smile and steps inside.
After shaking Wayne’s hand, he politely asks if he can help and Wayne instructs him to fill three glasses with water. The sight of King Steve with his fancy green sweater and his perfect hair rummaging around their kitchen is so shocking that Eddie wonders if he fell into some alternate dimension. He’s glad that, despite his claim, he put on a red flannel and decent jeans instead of just sweatpants and a shirt with holes in it like he planned.
Still, Wayne could’ve done a better job warning him.
Not that Eddie wants to look good for Harrington or anything.
“Ed, get a chair for Steve,” Wayne says and Eddie dutifully brings the chair they almost never use to the table.
“Thanks,” Steve says, smiling softly.
Eddie isn’t used to pretty boys being nice to him so that’s the only reason why he falters, mumbling a you’re welcome and grabbing the seat furthest from Steve. Considering their table is small, it’s not far enough.
Dinner goes- surprisingly well, actually. Steve and Wayne talk about sports while Eddie rolls his eyes and makes comments about sport culture and conformity. He expects Steve to act annoyed like jocks do when he starts ranting, but he smiles amusedly instead.
And no, that doesn’t make Eddie’s stomach flutter.
After the sports talk, Wayne asks Eddie about his band. He expects Steve to tune him out since he probably doesn’t care what a freak like him does in his free time but he perks up, eyes going wide.
“A band? That’s cool, man!” He says and then starts throwing questions at him about the band’s name and the type of music they play. He even says he’d love to see them play someday.
Wayne’s knowing smile when Eddie blushes thankfully goes unnoticed by Steve.
When they’re done eating, Steve goes to his car to grab something while Wayne and Eddie clean up.
“Really? You couldn’t mention that our guest was Steve?”
“So you could lock yourself in your room? You’re the reason I invited him, boy.”
Eddie gasps. “This was a set up!”
“About time you brought a boy home.”
“Except I didn’t!” Eddie sputters. “You did.”
“You’re welcome.”
Steve comes back then, clearing his throat. “I know you do presents in the morning, but I still wanted to bring something.”
He gives Wayne a bottle of whiskey that probably costs more than his van and a small bag to Eddie. Inside, there’s a Beholder miniature.
“How did you–”
Steve starts rambling. “I know that you run that nerd club and this kid I know is obsessed with that game so I asked him what would be a nice gift for someone like you. He probably thought I was getting it for him and might be disappointed but–”
“Thanks, Steve,” Eddie interrupts once he finally finds his words.
Steve gives him a shy smile. And maybe this one makes his heart stutter.
When all they do is stare at each other, Wayne clears his throat.
Flustered, Steve announces he’s heading out. “Thanks for inviting me. I haven’t had a Christmas dinner in years.”
“You’re welcome, kid,” Wayne says. “Ed, will you see him out? Gotta get ready for my shift.”
“Sure, old man.”
At the door, Steve hesitates. “Sorry I crashed your Christmas dinner. Your uncle wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
Eddie snorts, fiddling with the figurine. “He’s a stubborn old man.”
“Not that I didn’t have fun,” he quickly adds, “I did.”
“Yeah, uh, me too.”
Steve’s pink tongue darts out along his bottom lip.
“Like, enough fun that I could do it again.”
Eddie stops fidgeting and blinks at him. “Hang out with me and my uncle?”
“Or just you,” Steve says and he looks– almost nervous.
There’s no denying the butterflies in his stomach this time. “Yeah,” Eddie says, watching Steve start to smile. “I’d like that.”
#steddie#steddie fic#steddieholidaydrabbles#steddiebingo2025#look at wayne getting a boy for his boy!#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#stranger things fic#monse writes
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He actually did it...
Whb!Asmodeus x Gn!Reader
Cw: dubcon ,Asmodeus calling himself your husband, He is a little delusional right now, Regardless of readers gender a lot of breeding and pregnancy talk so beware, primal, Not omegaverse but some terminology
Happy Destroy Dick December here's some Asmodeus appetizer for your main course of Lucifer later
Ayo!!! And Thank you too @da-shrimping-station for giving me permission to use your OC Azaruuth as a cameo!!

"Darling, when there's something I want I do everything in my power to obtain it." His words echo in your mind as you see the results of the no nut November challenge, Your eyes white and as they displayed his picture on the screen of the pub and Gehenna. Every other devil in that bar was just a shocked as you.
The only winner of The 'King only competition of No nut November' was Asmodeus, The devil of Lust, The man who couldn't keep his hand out of his pants for more than a half a second; won.... Your heart sank as the reality of your situation began to sink in.
A shiver runs down your spine as you realize that a few devils are staring at you—some with a look of horror, others with worry.
You knew why, you were the prize after all...
Whoever wins this challenge will have you for the entirety of December. You would be entirely unavailable for other kings. (Except for emergencies, of course) No interruptions. You would have to stay put by their side, and you would do anything they wish.
Your heart pounded as Sitri and Amy safely escorted you to Abbaddon. Satan could not attend as he was so angry he was destroying half the castle.
Sitri and Amy are trying to talk you down from going along with being the prize, telling you that it wasn't too late... too focused on the possibility of what the king of lust could do to you for a month straight. But rules were rules, and you were the one who made the contest begin. You couldn't back out just because you didn't like the winner.
Once they reached the gates of the Abbaddon Palace, one Red Prison guard stood tall, his back straight, his chin up, radiating pure discipline. What really stood out to you was his one horn, which had two tones of pink matching each color of his mismatched eye. His mouth curved into a gentle smile as those eyes gazed upon you, but that smile quickly died when he saw the two Gehenna devils standing protectively at your side.
"I'll take them from here. Your duty is done." He spoke in a polite yet cold tone. Amy and Sitri get their teeth, But they know that it is best to turn back going any further would Go against the rules, as from this moment on, you are in Abbaddon's care. They didn't even get a chance to say goodbye as the guard tucked their hair behind their ear, fixing certain parts of their shirts. "His Majesty has been waiting for you for quite a while." His seductive person shivers down your spine as he reaches his gloved hand into his pocket with only his eyes, he motions for you to reach your hand out, placing a red key into your palm.
You're not sure how you knew what he wanted.
"Follow me, dear Descendant." You gave them one last look before the palace doors begin to slowly close behind you. You smiled and wave hoping it would ease Amy and Sitri's worries.
As the disciplined guard devil guided you through the halls of the palace, the ponytail of his dark violet hair swaying from side to side. The silence and tension were killing you. You want it to speak up and make some light conversation. But every last word trying to come out of your mouth was choked by the radiating authority from this devil. You've never met him before, but you've heard that he was relatively high-ranking, Not an advisor... But very high ranking. From the way he was dressed, it was obvious what his duty was in Abbaddon.
As Asmodeus's room gets closer you finally did manage to speak up.
"Um, how has Asmo been? I-I haven't seen him since Halloween?" His head was slightly parked up, and he looked back at you. His intense eyes softened again, and he exhaled, giving you a polite yet knowing smile. "You'll see. Don't be impatient."
You couldn't help as your cheeks flushed red from the little scolding you got.
When you see the door to his room, you notice more guards, a blue-shining pentagram glowing and pulsating on the large red doors, and foreign infernal lettering flickering all around the circle. It was like they were keeping their own king prisoner.
He stopped 6 feet away from the door, letting a curious you wonder ahead of him.
"This is as far as I could go. Be good; do as you're told, and his majesty lies beyond the door. Angels and Demons cannot enter or leave... As a human, you are free to open. I think you will quite like what his majesty has prepared for you on the other side." He smiled at you as you turned around to face him. He gets closer again, this time checking the top of your head, brushing away invisible dust or lint. He couldn't help himself sneaking a little kiss on your forehead before turning around and taking his leave. You felt a little bit of heat as your cheeks were dusted pink, raising your hand too brush your fingertips against the area his lips touched.
You brush aside the devil's affection turning back to the door You pulled out the red key preparing to try to find its lock before one of the devils spoke up. "It doesn't doesn't lock Just open it." He said with a cheery smile.
An "oh..." Escaped your lips. "Thank you." You responded with an embarrassed look. You open the door to Asmodeus's private Chambers to a dark room.
The door shuts behind you before another enchantment glows this time a red color on your side, It's magical glow gives you the faintest amount of light for your eyes to adjust to. Your heart was thumping in your chest as if you were in a horror movie as you step forward here the wrestling of metal as you finally hear of familiar voice.
"come closer~" instead of his normal sly seductive tone It was more of a breathy sultry as he almost beckins you further into the dark.
Your hand was shaky as you reach into your back pocket to pull out your phone turning on the flashlight as you take a step forward, and then another until your camera flash finally make something out of the darkness. A red chain attaching itself to the floor It was loose coiled in a pile as if it hadn't been disturbed for a while You followed that chain until you reached its owner.
Asmodeus, bound by several chains, red chains looking like it was made of crystal or ruby with more angelic-looking bindings keeping his arms and legs secured to him, but what stood out to you was the muzzle on his face, the wild look on his eyes, and the chastity belt that you've only seen angels wear, locked snug around him.
They really did kept him prisoner. It was so... Surreal to see hell's crippling narcissist locked up like one of the many people he kept in his prison. But this is probably what he had to do to win, keeping his arms bound to his back and his cock locked so he could never touch himself...
He'd been like this for a month.
And you never knew...
His slit pupils dilated three times their size when he saw you walk closer. He didn't even hide the fact he was drooling for you, saliva dripping from his chin past his muzzle and down to the floor as he tried to close the gap between you and him, only to be stopped by rattling chains. He snarls, hissing in frustration as you stop right in front of him, getting on your knees to eye level.
"You know what to do darling, Open me up and take your prize."
You couldn't say no or disobey since Asmodeus won the contest. The key sat on your palm. A devil king struggling against iron chains, trying all his might to break free to get to you, is doing something to your body, and Asmo was hyper-aware. His last shred of self-restraint, if he had any to begin with, one by one, began to erode. "You smell so good... It's so tight... Want to be inside you.."He thrusts his hips up when your hands draw near his crotch, the key fitting into the lock of the chastity belt.
He tilted his head back. His shaky exhale made it clear how good it felt to finally be free as his cock bobbed and twitched wildly.
"Touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me!" His desperate pleas to go straight to your lines as each word becomes less of a request and more of a demand. Part of you wanted to ignore him and just unlock the rest of his bindings, but seeing the mighty king of lust beg for your touch was so rare you had to at least indulge in his request. Asmodeus tried to lean against you pulling as far as the chains could allow him wanting to bury his nose into your shoulder only to feel the cold steel of the muzzle separating the two of you.
His naked body pressed flesh against Your shirt and pants, how he longed to feel your bare skin against his But at this moment, he was not complaining, especially when he felt relief on his cock for the first time in weeks.
You are such a good pet, remembering exactly how he liked it, especially when all he can think about is breeding the first hole in front of him right now.
You kept your rhythm nice and slow despite only barely touching him. His cock was drenched with precum, His balls squeezing and twitching as his cock tried to bob in your hand. With the key in your other hand, you unlock the final two chains, locking his wrists and neck as soon as the trainer on his neck clatters to the floor. You felt a hunger so feral as his hands reached for your wrists, pinning you to the floor at a blinding speed.
Asmodeus straddles you onto the floor, the entire room filled with his aphrodisiac pheromones, sweet and addicting, now so powerful you could no longer ignore it. You couldn't control your hips wiggling in place as he grinds his hips down against you. His wet cock drooled onto your pants.
He nuzzles, or at least tries to nuzzle, into your neck, feeling the cold bars press against him instead of your warm skin. Now that his hands are free, an animalistic snarl rips through his throat. He wasted no time putting two hands on both sides of the muzzle, his chest heaving as he tore the metal and leather apart in one pull.
"mine now...wanna taste you." A long in human tongue slithers out of his mouth licking his lips as he lowers his head.
With his claws and teeth He tears apart any piece of clothing in his way. You knew Asmodeus was a little unhinged before but now he was practically a snarling beast. As much as you are terrified you were incredibly turned on right now.
His intense gaze finally softened when his eyes laid upon your naked body. "Mmh~there you are, Your husband missed you~!"
With nothing else separating you between His heavy cock and and you're very eager dripping hole to your surprise He doesn't stretch you out and fuck you against the ground, instead he mashes his body against you as tight as he could lifting your hips up to grind himself against you. You felt his hot breath against your ear as he mumbled more to himself than to you "Pretty mate, want them to smell like me..."
His tongue dragging up your collarbone before burying his nose in the crook of your neck and inhaling your natural scent. Your head was spinning as your body felt hot and sensitive. Bucking your hips up to grind back against him Your breaths just as feverish is his.
His teeth grazed and nipped your skin as he presses his hips harder into you. Using His precum and your juices mixing together as he ruts his hips against yours.
"Mine!" Asmodeus growls out.
He thrusts his hips the head of his cock catching against your entrance making your back arch.
"Mine!" He growls out again .
His eyes glazed over as a hand slips between your legs preparing his cock to enter you.
"Gonna fuck you full." He muttered into your shoulder. When he slammed fully inside you, starting at a brutal pace, keeping your body pinned underneath him as he mindlessly fucked you're squeezing walls as if he needed it to survive.
Asmodeus couldn't stop his hips from moving even when he tries to manhandled you onto your stomach before taking you from behind. You felt this hot breath against the back of your neck occasionally; his teeth and tongue would taste your skin. Your legs were shaking trying to ground yourself as much as you could pushing back into him, No matter how hard you try you couldn't keep up with him as he used your body like a fuck toy.
You didn't know what to focus on the sweet scent of the aphrodisiac swirling on the room, the hard and fast slaps of his hips meeting yours, or the heavy breaths and loud moans and whimpers coming from the devil mounting you. Even with his lust drunken state, and his uncalculated animalistic thrusts. You are already close your legs shaking as your walls clamp down and milk him.
"Mate!Mate!Mate!Cumming!Cumming! Hhfa-AAAAH" His growls slur before letting out a loud whail despite orgasming the hardest heve ever done in his immortal Life He still kept his pace fucking his cum deeper.
"So good! So good! Saving up so much .for you! Hmm~All for you! I good male for you, Make sure mate...hah~ full of pups." He rambles his tongue out and panting, His eyes fully glazed over.
You've never heard him speak like this before. If it weren't for the fact that you are being fucked by the rabid beast himself, you would attempt to snap him out of it, You're not sure if you're scared or extremely horny, at the mere fact that you've broken him.
#smut#what in hell is bad#whb x reader#whb asmodeus#whb asmodeus x reader#what in “hell” is bad?#adult otome game#whb smut#whb
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Yandere Cat Café Owner Wants You

[Yandere! Cat Dad Boyfriend x GN! Reader]
Kitty Café opened up down the block from your apartment, and ever since you'd seen the fliers promising delicious treats with tons of cats to play with, you'd made it your life's mission to visit it.
Unfortunately, your boyfriend was crazy allergic to cats, so you had to go solo. It bummed you out, sure; but the idea of getting to spend some time with tons of cats more than made up for it. You knew that you couldn't adopt one, but maybe you could do a little donation instead.
"Welcome!" a deep, warm voice sounded out as soon as you entered the small café.
Behind the desk was a large behemoth of a man. Even from across the room, you could tell that he towered over you. His body was thick and solid with muscle, and the tight polo he wore was painted across his large chest.
Around him, tiny kittens mewed and pawed at him, asking for pets.
The entire café was littered with cats (duh), but most of them seemed to be sticking close to the man.
"H-hi," you stuttered back, feeling nervous under the intense gaze of the larger man. His eyes widened when you spoke, and you could clearly see his Adam's apple quiver a little, and the corners of his mouth pulled up slightly. "I, uh, I saw the fliers and I had to come see the new cat café."
The man's smile grew on his face. "Great!" he beamed. "You're actually my first customer. I'm Dominik the owner, by the way. But you can call me Da-- *cough, Dom." He smiled nervously, a pinkish hue forming on his face. "What can I get you?"
The owner was really friendly, and he seemed to be over the moon to have a customer. You could tell by how giddy he seemed, and even some of the kittens picked up on it, their glances shifting between him and you.
You looked at the menu behind Dom, amazed by the wide array of tasty treats and delicious drinks that you could order. There were so many choices that you couldn't make up your mind.
"Um," you wondered. "Surprise me." You shrugged, figuring that the café owner wouldn't find the request too annoying... or at least you hoped not.
Luckily, Dom's smile remained, and it even grew bigger. "Sure thing, Kitten," he grinned. "Go ahead and take a seat and I'll bring it out to you."
You winced internally at his odd nickname for you, but ignored it for the moment.
You took a seat near the window, taking time to pet some of the cats that were brave enough to wander close to you. A fluffy orange kitten with little stripes on it clawed its way up your pant leg, hopping into your lap and purring loudly.
"Aww, cute little guy," you cooed as you pet the kitten, loving how it purred even louder.
"That's Pumpkin," Dom said as he approached the table. "It looks like he likes you."
Dom placed a small cup on the table in front of you and a little baked treat. It looked like a cookie in the shape of a cat, whereas the cup was a latte with a little heart made out of the foam. It was really cute.
"Thank you," you said as you took a sip of the latte, your eyes widening at how sweet it was. And it totally lacked any of the bitterness that coffee drinks typically have. In short: It was fantastic! "This is amazing!"
Dom took the seat opposite yours. "I'm glad you like it, Kitten," he genuinely smiled. He then nodded at Pumpkin. "Are you looking for a cat to take home?"
You frowned slightly. "No," you relented. "My boyfriend's allergic to cats, so I can't adopt one."
Dom's smile vanished and his square jaw clenched. "Yeah..." he huffed, something audible in his deep voice, "that's not too good." He sighed before forcing a smile back onto his face. "I guess that means that you'll just have to come visit more often."
You looked up at the larger man in awe.
Blushing, Dom hurriedly added, "I know Pumpkin will miss you."
Almost as if on cue, Pumpkin meowed.
After your first visit to the café, you quickly became a regular.
Every so often, you would come by to play with Pumpkin and some of the other cats.
And each and every time, Dom would light up and eagerly strike up a conversation with you, looking as giddy as a kid on Christmas. He was really nice to you and he was quickly starting to grow on you.
He was becoming a really great friend to you.
One day, you rushed over to the café, eager to tell the man the wonderful news that you had. Your fists balled up excitedly, you burst into the small shop, seeing Dom sitting near the counter with a few new kittens.
He perked up when he saw you, his face instantly brightening up. "Hey, Y/N!" he cheered, then he saw how excited you looked. "What's the good news?"
You couldn't resist shoving your left out towards him, showing off the gold band on your ring finger. "My boyfriend proposed!" you ecstatically cheered. "Check out the ring too! Nice, right?"
You were all smiles, dreaming of walking down the aisle to marry your boyfriend: a.k.a. the man of your dreams.
Dom smiled too, although his grin didn't touch his eyes. In fact, his smile looked pained, forced. He sharply exhaled before perking up slightly.
"How about a drink to celebrate?" he asked. "I've been working on a new one." He moved behind the counter and began to shuffle around with some ingredients, his broad back blocking your view of what he was messing with. He peeked over his shoulder to make sure that you couldn't see him add something special to your cup.
When he was done, Dom turn back around and placed a warm mug in front of you. He made sure to take extra care to shape the foam into a cute little kitty.
"I hope you enjoy," Dom grinned, pushing the mug closer to you.
You grabbed it and took a sip. The drink was incredibly sweet, just as you liked it. "It's delicious, Dom," you beamed. "Thank you so much!"
He smiled triumphantly as you downed your drink.
As the two of you talked about your wedding plans (Dom's smile morphed into a frown the more you went on about it), you suddenly felt yourself get a little dizzy.
You placed a shaking hand up to your head to try and steady yourself, but the room felt like it was spinning.
"Are you alright, Y/N?" Dom asked, a cheerful tone in his voice.
You wondered what was going on, not sure if you were catching a virus or something. "Um," you mumbled, "I think I'm getting sick. I'll just head home..."
You stood up, but your legs were wobbly and they gave out on you, sending you toppling down.
Before you hit the hard ground, Dom rushed over and wrapped both of his strong arms around you, securing you tightly in his hold. He pulled you to his torso, and you felt his chest rumble a little as he seemingly purred like a happy cat.
"Wha--?" you tried to ask, but it getting harder to speak as your vision blurred and you felt weaker by the second.
"Shh," Dom cooed as he placed a tender hand on your cheek. "Just relax, Kitten. Let Daddy take care of you."
Before you could ask what he meant by that, everything went black...
When you began to stir awake, you first noticed that everything felt so comfortable. Seriously, whatever bed you were lying in had the softest sheets, and there was a fluffy comforter that was so incredibly warm. And speaking of warm, a large body cuddled you from behind, keeping you nice and secured--
"What!?" you jolted awake, everything rushing to you all at once. You struggled to move, but your panic only heightened as you realized that your arms and legs were bound together by what felt like silk ties. The fabric was soft to the touch so as not to irritate your skin, but they were tied so tightly that they severely restricted your movement.
Looking around the bedroom that you found yourself in, you could see that there were tons of cat toys and décor around. A few of the kittens from the café where in the room, watching you intently. Pumpkin purred happily when he saw you, his tail flicking to and fro with glee.
You kept trying to thrash your body around to get free, but the body behind you only tightened its grip on you, effectively stopping you.
"Calm down, Kitten," Dom sleepily yawned, his hot breath wafting over your ear due to his closeness to you.
You tensed up when you felt his lips press to your cheek.
"Dom?!" you cried, unable to get free with his arms around you. He even laid one of his strong legs over yours, his entire body acting as a double lock. "What's going on?"
The larger man chuckled. "Kitten," he cooed, "isn't it obvious? You going to marry that... guy." He said the last part with such anger in his voice that it almost came out as a growl, making some of the cats in the room hiss in response. "So I had to just snatch you up and take you home with me."
You were stunned silent, unable to wrap your head around what was going on. "What do you mean?" you trembled.
Dom pressed his lips against you once more, purring as he did so. "I love you so much, Y/N. So I brought you home with me to convince you to be with me, not with your ex-boyfriend."
"You're insane..." you try to argue, earning a nip from him.
"Don't say that," he hissed. "I'm not insane, you're insane for trying to marry some guy who's not me. You belong to me, and that's why you're here: to be with me, and only me."
Dom tightened his grip on you, sealing off any hope of escape.
"You're mine."
#yandere boyfriend#yandere boy#yandere daddy#yandere x reader#yandere x you#obsessive love#possessive boyfriend#Cat Cafe#Cat Dad#Daddy x You
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Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant
Listen. It was an accident. He didn't mean to! It just kinda happened.
So maybe he brought a drink with enough caffeine in it to kill an elephant within a few minutes, and maybe he forgot to put the sleeve on his cup so he could tell it apart from the others, but it's not his fault! He didn't think anyone else was going to have the exact same Yeti cup as him! It's not like he'd seen any of the others carry one before. Besides, he worked with superheros. They should be smart enough to check before drinking someone else's drink.
Danny had been summoned by the Justice League Dark a few years back in order to help with a world ending crisis and he just didn't leave. It's not like he could go anywhere anyway. His ghost half hadn't grown past fourteen and his human half had stopped visibly aging at eighteen. He'd had to leave town as Danny Fenton, but he'd stayed in Amity Park as Danny Phantom. When his parents died of old age, thank god, he'd closed down the portal, stuck around for a few more years, before traveling the world as Danny Fenton.
Anyway, he'd taken up residence in the House of Mysteries after the JLD had summoned him. Constantine, at first, had been wary, but he and the rest of the JLD had grown to accept him. He was an honorary member of the team.
At some point, just after Robin had become Red Robin, Danny had been introduced to the Justice League. He liked those guys, too, and worked with them sometimes. Though, he usually only went to bug them.
Red Robin had been very interested in the fact that his was fourteen and working with grown heros, like he was one to talk, but Danny hadn't explained anything other than saying that he had died and come back. The following conversation was an interesting one that lead to Danny knowing that Nightwing was the Batman he'd met and that Batman was lost somewhere. He'd confirmed that the man was not dead, but he hadn't offered to help look for him. He probably should have, in retrospect.
Back on topic! Everyone in the JLD knew not to touch Danny's drink. They'd all seen him make it before and had been horrified on varying degrees. It's not like it could kill him. He's already half dead! So long as he only drank this specific brew as Phantom, he'd be fine.
The Justice League, apparently, didn't get the memo. He blames Constantine because Zatanna and Raven can do no wrong. No, John, he's not biased.
The point is, Red Robin just had a sip of Danny's drink. The horror he now felt was akin to the fear he held when he'd told his parents he was Phantom. (An interaction that had gone very well, thank you very much.)
Danny knew the exact moment that the vigilante realized he grabbed the wrong drink. His eyes widened to an astonishing degree, and, if he'd been able to seen his eyes behind the mask, Danny knew that the man's pupils would've completely overtaken the irises. His hands started shaking, too. Oh, no. The man's already addicted to hellish amounts of coffee. This is only going to make it worse!
Quickly, and without drawing any attention, thank the Ancients, Danny rushed over. "You, um, you okay, man?" Obviously not, but he tends to talk when he's anxious and he was certainly anxious right now. He could've possibly just killed a man via poison!
"What the fuck is in this coffee?" Red Robin asked, going to take another sip.
Danny pulled the Yeti from his hand and gave him the proper one. "Enough caffeine to kill an elephant."
"Obviously not, seeing as I'm still alive."
"Yeah, I can't tell if that's a good thing or not."
"Excuse me?"
"I-I mean-! I didn't-! You know what I mean." Caffeine is poisonous in excess, and his drink was way beyond excess, but it's the only thing that works for him as a ghost! Superpowered metabolism and all that.
"Do I?" The laugh in his voice answered for him. He took a sip from his drink and frowned at it. "I don't think any coffee will ever be enough again."
"And that's my cue to get my drink very far away from you." Danny turned, fully intent on moving to the other side of the room. Besides, the meeting was going to start as soon as the Flash and Kid Flash arrived, which would be soon. Something about one of their Rouges getting out?
"What?" Red Robin asked, "Why?" If he was a little desperate to get another sip of that coffee, he'd rather not acknowledge it.
"Because you don't need anymore lethal coffee," he muttered, "The sip you took will already keep you awake for three days at least, and it probably jump started an addiction. Best to stop it now. Besides, I need to go have my crisis on how the hell you're still alive after even a sip of this stuff."
"Again, rude." The bird themed vigilante crossed his arms as best he could while holding his cup. "If it's so dangerous, why do you drink it?"
Danny took a deliberate sip as he locked eyes with the technically younger man. "I'm dead. I don't need to worry about my heart stopping or having a seizure."
"No, it's not 'excuses'. I'm saving your life."
"You're a kid. If I can't have that coffee, then you shouldn't be having it."
"First, I'm older than you. Second, I already told you: I'm dead. This isn't going to hurt me. Third, you can't tell me what to do."
"There's no way you're older than me. You're like, ten."
"I'm thirty-eight!" He balked, "I only look fourteen because I died when I was fourteen. We've been over this."
Neither noticed the entire Justice League looking at them. The two they were waiting on had arrived a few minutes ago and everyone was ready to start the meeting, but they'd been distracted by the two's conversation. Was that true? Had Phantom really died so young? They'd all been made aware he was not living, but they didn't think he'd died so young! Though, that was probably the denial speaking.
The Justice League Dark had been fully aware of this and didn't really bat an eye. Though, someone should probably get this meeting started. A potentially world ending threat was the topic, and that was a pretty important thing to discuss.
Captain Marvel was the first to pull himself together, though that was only after Atlas and Zeus had mentally slapped him out of his stupur. "As, ah, riveting as this conversation is," he stepped between the two boys- er, boy and man? "we really need to start this meeting."
Batman did not clear his throat because he'd not lost his voice in the first place. "He's right. Everyone take your seats."
Storyboard Part 2
#I wrote this instead of working on any of my current wips#dc x dp#justice league#justice league dark#red robin#danny phantom#writing prompt#brain child#no ships#should I continue this?#I've never written these characters (on my own) before but I've fallen down a rabbit hole and I felt the need to jump on the train#should I post other stories here?#would y'all be interested in seeing some of my other works?#I should actually link my ao3 here#I'll stop now#captain marvel#shazam#coffee#caffeine#justice league meeting#word ending threat#writing#fanfic#fandom#phandom#dcxdp#Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant
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understands ★
down bad!nicholas 1.5k words
notes! inspired by song linked in 'notes!' "i'll admit that i'm scared / 'cause i've never really cared as much as this / it's worth the risk" screamed nico so ofc i had to write about it. warning!! this is very delusional, read at your own risk
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
“ta.. da..” nicholas pops out of his hiding place once he hears the rooftop double doors creak open. the huge grin plastered on his face shrinks to a shy smile, suddenly self-conscious now that you were in front of him. “hi..” he mumbles, the back of his neck suddenly itchy from embarrassment.
“hi,” you breath out in shock, your eyes darting past flustered nicholas to scan the deck he decorated just for you. it seemed unlike his character to put so much care in an objective, a picnic blanket placed in the center of the area with pillows surrounding the perimeter. a speaker was placed to the far left of you, soft rnb echoing from the device. there wasn’t a need for any lights, the cloudless stars being your source to see.
“do you like it?” nicholas’s voice releases the breath you didn’t even know you were holding, his chest pressed against your back as he drapes his arms around your waist. “i, um.. put a lot of time into it,” his deep chuckle rings in your ear, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“why?” you turn in his embrace, your eyes widening at the lack of space between you. nicholas looks down at you as you look up, the sparkle in his stare brighter than any star in the sky. if you examine closely, the tips of his ears match his hair, the small smile still adoring his features.
“you know..” he starts off timid, his voice small as his shoulders do a little shrug. “i just wanted to.. say thank you, for everything,” the way his voice trails off suggests there were more to his reasons, but for now, you nod in acknowledgement at his heartwarming gesture.
“you didn’t have to,” your voice was as small as his as you pressed your head against his chest. he takes it as a sign to bring you closer, his fresh scent invading your nose.
“i had too,” he defends. you could only chuckle at how persistent the boy was being, especially after the incident. you always found it to be no big deal, unable to realize how much you changed the boys' world.
nicholas was upset.
the joyful cheers of your friends and their video games fade into nothing once the male prances past the living room and into his room, slamming his door with frustration. the commotion makes harua jump in his seat, you and taki sending worrisome looks at each other. “don’t mind him,” euijoo chimes, placing his controller on his lap as he shakes his head. “he just needs some space. anyways, who’s up for another round of mario kart?!” and just like that, the happy energy resumes like nothing happened.
maybe it was your stubborn attitude telling you to do something after euijoo told you not to, but you found yourself in front of nicholas’s door moments after the boys passed out from their gaming.
“go away,” his voice was raspy compared to the soft knocks on his door.
“i brought some strawberries,” you squeak, still determined to make the male open the door. “i’m sorry if i’m being annoying, i just want to make sure you’re oka–” the door swung open before you could finish your sentence, hair covering nicholas’s sharp eyes as he looked down at you like you were some type of pest.
“if i take the food, would you leave me alone?” he sounded irritated, his words straight to the point.
“actually,” you give an awkward smile, “can i come in?”
nicholas was stressed.
“i feel like i’ve been trapped inside a box filled with impossible accomplishments, yet i have no one to turn to when i need help,” nicholas mutters, his head placed comfortably on your lap. you hum in response, giving him the opportunity to rant his heart out as your fingers comb his hair. “it feels so hard doing everything by myself.”
“who says you’re by yourself?” nicholas perks up at your words, your hands still in his hair as you give him a reassuring smile. “i’m sorry you feel so imprisoned, nico,” you begin, your hand sliding down to cup his cheek. your thumb rubs the skin. “it may not feel like a lot, but you have me to support you.”
“oh,” he breathes, shocked by your words. “thanks.”
nicholas was in love.
“are you good?” you turn your head to the boy in question, your elbow resting against the diner table. nicholas turns to face you with a smirk, jokingly raising an eyebrow.
“what, i can’t laugh at what my own best friend is saying?” he teases, suddenly glad you were sitting on the same side so he could itch closer to your body. his heart skips a beat when you lean even closer, your noses centimeters from each other.
“not when our nico sounds so cute!” yudai, the friend you forgot was accompanying you chimes. he leans his chin into his hands on the other side of the table, nicholas snapping his head to the older in annoyance.
“i’m not cute,” he nags, sending yudai a look. the boy only winks in return.
“yeah, you’re right!” you defend, playfully furrowing your brows at yudai as you wrap your arm around nicholas’s shoulder, bringing him closer to you. “you’re my cutie,” you giggle, pinching the boys cheek. unline how he reacted to yudai, nicholas keeps quiet, clearly flustered by your words.
“but i’m wrong when i say the exact same thing,” yudai bellows, raising his hands in defeat. “favoritism!!” he says, loud enough to get looks from across the restaurant.
“you’ve put so much time and effort into me, the very least i can say is thank you,” you appreciated his words, but deep down you knew there was something more to nicholas’s actions. especially since he’s been acting so differently around you. the way his eyes linger onto yours, how his lovesick smiles appear as soon as you enter a room. he makes you feel warm inside, like you were so special to him.
“you’re welcome but,” you stop to chuckle in disbelief, “no one sets up an entire date to show how grateful they are, nico. seriously, what’s all of this about? you’ve been acting so weird lately,” your fingers trace his jawline as you speak, determined to pry his mind apart.
“because i..” he stops to catch his breath, his heartbeat speeding up when he looks into your eyes. a hand lets go of your waist to interlock the fingers on his face, placing light pecks on the tips. “i’ve never felt like this before,” the boy finally opens up, squeezing your hand. “i never felt so carefree, so loved. you’ve taken me in like i was yours to begin with, you’ve been so sweet, so soft, so inviting. i can be myself without receiving any judgement, i can feel upset without having to be guilty about it. y/n, you help me realize that..”
“that?” you tilt your head, tears welling up at nicholas’s precious words. the boy keeps quiet, his nervousness getting the better of him. he feels as if he doesn’t deserve one drop of your undivided attention. you were an angel that flew from heaven who constantly put a smile on an unorganized guy like him. you had a life, yet you put it on pause to help regulate nicholas. all those late night calls filled with encouragement when you could have turned off your phone and went to bed, he didn’t know what it was that made him worthy of you. you were too good for him.
he must do something to show how much he appreciates you, right? even if that meant rehearsing his confession for hours in front of a mirror after he got home from work, or turning his rooftop into something you’ve always dreamt about. although he was scared, he still thought you were worth the risk.
his eyes stay glued to yours as you stand in the tense silence. his heart speeds up again because god, you were so pretty. he hates that he’s come to this realization now. in a swift movement, his hands let go of your body to gently cup your cheeks, lifting your chin so now he had a straight shot at your lips.
he licks his own in anticipation, your presence making his mind go blank, your soft breath erasing all the doubts in his head. he lets out a sigh before connecting your lips in a feverishly slow pace, his figure being sent to a world of bliss as your mouths move against each others. he starts to feel dizzy when you grip his shirt, pulling him closer like you were going to lose him if you didn’t. words couldn’t never express the amount of love you had for each other.
letting go of your lips, his hands circle around your waist again, ducking his head to kiss the salty tears from your face. if it weren’t for your soft giggle, you would have heard the boy sniffle. he pushes your foreheads together, closing his eyes in bliss.
“you’re the only one who understands.”
︴bonus! kinda got carried away, anyways i hope you enjoyed hehe
▸ taglist 📬 @cherrycolaberry , @wtfisgoingright . @slytherinshua , @luvnicho , @enhacolor , @lakoya
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@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
#andteam reactions#andteam imagines#andteam#&team x reader#&team#&team drabbles#&team fluff#&team imagines#&team reactions#&team scenarios#&team fics#andteam fanfiction#andteam fics#andteam fanfic#andteam fluff#andteam soft thoughts#andteam x reader#&team soft hours#&team headcanons#&team nicholas#nicholas &team x reader#nicholas &team#andteam nicholas#nicholas x reader#&team nicholas x reader#wang yixiang#nicholas wang#nicholas andteam
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"𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠" | 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
summary: as you sit bored in a supermarket with Carl, you both find a written porno and decide to recite it while dying laughing
carl grimes x fem!reader
cw: suggestive talk, reference to sex, just fluff!!
request: Can you maybe do a one shot of Carl and reader reading a porno they found on a run and making fun of it or smting (this is my first time requesting something omgurrr)
"don't stop!" you cry out, grinning ear to ear as the flimsy paper rolls off your fingers and onto the slippery floor of the empty supermarket as you bark out laughing
"no- no! it's my turn!" Carl cries out as he reaches for the shiny magazine that's now flung to a different page
you slid down the counter of the checkout where you both are hiding away, well, were hiding away before a porno fell out from the cabinet, most likely from a really bored worker.
Carl flips the pages before landing and scanning through the page you were on, trying to find the place you left off
"ok..umm...oh! you're gonna take everything I give you!" his cheeks blow up with air as he tries to contain his laugh but just ends up laughing harder
"give me that!" you snatch it away from him, clearing your throat as you search for the actress in you
"yes! um.." you look back at the page
"da-...daddy?" your face scrunches up in disgust as carls face goes pale before falling back on the tile, dying as you stare at the words
"who says that?" you ask Carl but he is too busy laughing to tell you
"people- who um-" he chokes a laugh "are into that I guess"
your lip twist in disgust as you turn the page to continue
"uh- UHAAA!" you toss the magazine at him as he jumps back at your reaction
"what? what?" he crawls over to you as you fling your hand in the air
"there are stains on that page" you almost gag as your finger grazed the page and now you want nothing to do with it
"UGH EW!" Carl lunges back from you like you're infected and you look at him betrayed
"I didn't touch it!"
"then why is your hand above your head like you did?" his blue eye squints at you with fake distrust while he has playfulness oozing from all around, you grin as you position yourself to run
"fine then!" you leap and try to spread the infected hand onto him but he runs away, you chase in through isles as he tosses back empty cereal boxes and whatever he can to keep you away from him
"get away from me!" he shrills and you just laugh manically
"what are you two doing?" a gruff voice yells out behind you and you both stop dead in your tracks before turning to see Rick
"um..." you peep
"scavenging?" Carl tries and you snort a laugh and Rick snaps his glare at you
"In the car. both of you."
an: ahh happy one-year of my account guys! i LOVED this request! its always fun to do fluff <33 thank you so much! <3
#twd#the walking dead#carl grimes x reader#carl grimes#the walking dead fanfiction#carl grimes imagine#thewalkingdead imagines#thewalkingdead oneshots#carl grimes smut#carl grimes imagines#carl grimes oneshot#carl grimes headcanons#carl grimes twd#twd carl#twd carl grimes#carl twd#the walking dead fic#twd fanfiction#twd drabbles#the walking dead imagine#the walking dead comics#the walking dead fanfic
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