#daniel ricciardo christmas
The most wonderful time of the year
Daniel’s story
christmas prompt: mistletoe (requests are open) summary: Y/n works has been working as a event organizer in Monaco for quite a while now and as always the most important event of the year was the Christmas Benefic Party that her organization always threw. tw: none just pure christmas fluff
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The amount of calls and e-mails y/n was receiving this first week of December really made her realize how little time did she have to finishing up with the Christmas Gala planning, her days were most definetly non-stop and she would be rushing around the office at all time. “y/n are you okay, do you need a break?” Marie asks, she was not only one of her collegues, but also one of her closest friends “You perfectly know that I cannot.” y/n sighs hearing her phone ringing yet again “I swear if I’ll get to the 14th alive , I’ll just thank the whole gods, universe and whatver is up there.” Marie giggles at those words before going back to work again. “I just have to go again, please can you just tell the others that I’m heading to talk to the catering, they forgot all the allergies buffet.” says y/n rolling her eyes before grabbing her long coat and scarf and greeting Marie with a smile.
The days before the party looked like they would never end, but eventually they did and it was the Gala day. Y/n spent all morning working and touchin up all the details and talking to clients who requied last minutes information, but in the early afternoon she managed to be free to go home and glammed up a bit before the hardest part of all this work: the party itself. The temptation to just throw herself on the bed and calling in sick was so present in her mind, but she reminded herself that she very much needed to eat, so she throws herself in the shower and try to relax a bit there. For the party she chose to wear a dark green suede dress that really looked amazing with her skin color, with matching gold and green earrings, she looked festive and elegant at the same time and she was happy with it.
Apparently even the guests were mesmerised by her presence as they started joining the party and complimenting the young lady. Part of y/n’s job was welcoming all the guest inside then proceed to that everything would go smoothly all night, it was tiring, but it was the last thing she’d do before her long winter break after this. “Good evening, welcome to the party. I’m y/n and if you need something feel free to let me know. Enjoy.” she feels like she has repeted it almost one thousand time already and not all the guests were there yet. “Hi, thank you.” a wide happy smile looking at her, it was a different one from the ones she had seen before, it looked… honest? That was not common at this kind of event “You’re welcome.” she finds herself blushing a bit responding to that, focusing on who she was talking to: none other than Daniel Ricciardo. Of course living in Monaco she has always been a fan of Formula 1 and of course she perfectly knew who the driver was, so she feels a bit flustered after that sweet greeting, but tries to focus once again and letting the professionalism kick back in.
Eventually the infinite list of more relevant guests arrived and she managed to enjoy a bit more the party, the food, the drinks, the music, everything looked okay and she breathing a sigh of relief at last. “May I have a Moscow Mule please?” she asks kindly to one of the bartenders, feeling some eyes on her. “Can I offer you that?” a happy grin looking at her “Thank you, it’s so generous of you to buy me a free drink.” she answers a bit incredule that Daniel was actually talking to her and not just to say hello. They both laugh at y/n’s sentence “I figured out you would need that after introducing yourself and the party to so many people” the guy looked stunning all suited up, it was unsual to see him dressed like that and y/n really noticed “It’s the better part of the job being at the party” she giggles back at him “I imagine the rest of it then.” he passes her the drink the bartender just prepared “Thank you” she almost whispers blushing at him before taking a sip. “So are you allowed to dance or do something fun?” she shakes her head in response “No, someone could see me and I’d most definetly get shouted at. Oh I’m sorry they’re calling me, thank you for the drink” she winks at him before heading towards the old couple of clients calling for her.
Those words really rang a bell in Daniel’s mind. He managed to talk to her and would not waste that occasion. Since he saw her at the entrance he was unable to concentrate on anything or anybody else, how could he has not noticed her before that moment? Daniel was a regular at these kind of events in Monaco even though nothing fun would ever happen, but this time it felt different to him. After a bit of mingling to try and get new sponsors for his driving team, he tries to look for y/n finding her when she has just finished to talk to someone “Y/n!” he calls for her, she smiles hearing his voice again and walks towards him being stopped a few times by other people on the way “It really feels you’re the star of this show” she laughs at those words “I wouldn’t define myself that, but thank you I guess. Can I help with something?” she asks politely “You said that the problem was being seen no?” y/n’s eyes widen at those words “Daniel, I’m flattered but-” “Oh my, I can’t believe my ears. Is Ms. y/n refusing to attend a guest?” he fakes being offended by it and she can’t help but feel a bit guilty remembering her place there and that either if was taking advantage of it or not she really had to make him happy “I’m sorry, you were saying?” she says looking at him trying not to roll her eyes so hard and smiling “I really wish to visit the wonderful rooftop of this building, is that possible?” Daniel’s look where really challenging her, mostly because she would feel very conflicted, she really wanted to go, but she couldn’t, but at the same time she had to. “Of course follow me.”. In that moment, climbing up the stairs to the rooftop, the only thing she can think about is the fact that she should have known that joking around with Ricciardo would lead to trouble, he wouldn’t stop giggling at them two sneaking out as if they were teenagers at prom. “Wow, it looks kinda amazing here.” he says as soon as his eyes lay on the amazing view in front of them “Is amazing, isn’t it?” she says feeling the sting of the cold hair on her rosy cheeks and the lights of the city brighten her face. “I guess you could give me just one dance here?” his hand leaning towards y/n, she almost feel completely defeated and hold his hand officially giving up “Do you always get what you want?” he shrugs his shoulder, starting to dance close to y/n to the muffled music coming from downstairs. It felt pretty unreal, being in Daniel Ricciardos’ arms dancing to christmas jazzy music on a rooftop in Monaco. He looks at her smiling and she feels something that really make her forget she was in full work mode and shouldn’t be doing this at all “It’s chilly isn’t it?” she comments trying to shift her mind away from her feelings “I’m sorry I didn’t even let you grab your coat.” he pulls her closer to him, erasing any distance that was present between their bodies. Y/n’s heart reaches her throath at that gesture and instinctively glance at him, catching his eyes looking at hers.
Magic is not long-lasting at all and the two of them are interrupted by y/n’s boss calling her on her phone “Oh no, I really put you in trouble.” Daniel tries so hard not to laugh “I knew you were trouble when you walked in. C’mon let’s go inside.” she giggles shaking her head before picking up her phone and finding excuses for not being where she sould be. Daniel spent the whole night following her with his gaze, with y/n sometimes noticing and exchanging some smiles with the aussie, that would some time teases her as well about some weird situations happening at the party.
The night went on much faster than anticpiated and as everyone started finally to leave, y/n finally felt relief after that very long period of stress. As she finished up saying to by to the last collegues that still were there, she looked around a bit disappointed at Daniel already leaving the party, but it was obvious, what was she thinking? It was fun while it lasted and unfortunately that was brief.
After taking her coat and get all covered up she leaves the building, seeing someone looking at her from the other side of the road, near a blue Mclaren. It couldn’t be, but it was. Daniel standing there trying to warm himself up and waiting for y/n to come out of the building. He waves at her trying to catch her attention, afraid that she would leave without noticing. “What are you still doing here?” she asks him, once reached him next to his very noticeable car “Well, we’ve been interrupted and I don’t really like that.” he smiles almost shyly at her “Yes, I don’t like that either. I am sorry.” she apologies “Would you like to see another special secret place?” “Can’t wait for the adventure”. They both giggle and Daniel begins to follow y/n entering back the building from the back. The building was one of those fancy mall that also had an event ballroom, but during the holidays also held a winter wonderland small village inside.
“Wow, it’s so different coming here where there’s nobody around.” Daniel’s eyes sparkling as if he just saw something magical “You know, being recognizable is not easy to come to places like this even if you’d want to.” he explains to her as they’re walking around the cute christmas scenarios “I figured this out, yes” she nods “Being always so busy organising the gala, I never enjoy the holidays as I did when I was younger.” it was so easy to open up to each other that they found theirselves sitting on a small bench under a fake tree filled with fairy lights talking for hours about their lives.
“I feel like you owe me a proper dance” says Daniel getting up “We don’t really have the music” “that’s not going to be a problem” in a matter of moments the australian man takes out his phone typing online – christmas romantic atmoshpere music – finding the perfect chilly slow music to dance on “Mademoiselle” he said offering his hand to her-ì. After getting rid of her coat, y/n takes his hand giggling before starting to dance close with him. They stay quite like this for a little while, swaying to the rhythm of that jazzy playlist that Daniel found, until he starts making them dance towards the left area of the room little by little.
“Oh no, look at this!” he says pointing at a small mistletoe attached to the ceiling of the room “It would be such a waste, wouldn’t it?” she answers to him following his small gesture and noticing the small adornment “Totally.” says Daniel before getting closer to y/n and slowly resting his lips over y/n's slightly red ones, closing his eyes and savouring the moment he had waited for since the first time he had danced with her on that rooftop.
“I think I liked this year’s party a lot more.”.
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dr3smile · 9 months
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So cute!
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yesloulou · 1 year
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🎄 daniel in perth during the 22/23 winter break 🎄
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lovelytsunoda · 10 months
vermont // daniel ricciardo
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summary: the ski trip sounded all well and good in theory. except for the fact that she would rather be in the chalet than on the slopes. so when she gets stuck on a ski lift and starts to hyperventilate, danny is the one to calm her down.
pairing: daniel ricciardo x female!reader
warnings: anxiety attack, fear of heights/vertigo, best wingwoman chloe, delusional and oblivious scotty, use of ‘pretty girl’, it feels kind of rushed and I don’t know how I feel about the ending-
she should have told chloe to come on the trip without her. she should have admitted she’s never been skiing before. but when she tried, scotty convinced her to come along anyways, because as far as the aussie was concerned “anybody can learn, it’s easy!”.
and yet, here she was, staring at the ski suit laid out on her double bed, rethinking every life choice she’d ever made leading up to this point.
her hands rubbed the fabric of her maroon turtleneck, teasing her bottom lip between her teeth.
god, this was such and awful idea.
there was a knock on her door, chloe’s voice carrying through. “y/n! are you ready yet? we’re heading down to the slopes!”
“coming out in just a second!” she called, hastily pulling the jacket over her clothes.
it was a nice enough day outside: the sun was bright, and the air warmer than expected for vermont in early december, a thick dusting of snow on the slopes as she tromped ungracefully over to the ski rental, where scotty and chloe were waiting with lance and his girlfriend marilou.
"there she is!" scotty shouts. "ready to put your skis on?"
"hang on, don't we have to wait for someone? we're missing a few people." she said nervously, trying desperately to put off the inevitable, even though she had promised chloe that she would at least try to get out of her shell this weekend
marilou nodded. "just daniel. knowing him, he's slept in and forgotten the plan, or he got distracted on his way out."
ah, yes. daniel ricciardo.
the man who made her heart skip three beats, the one person in their small, small friend group who always somehow managed to calm her down, remind her that the world wasn't so bad or scary and that everything would be okay in the end.
“well, we can’t start without the life of the party!” she said it too quickly, no doubt her nerves were showing.
there were so many winter activities they could have picked. so why skiing? why the one thing she’d sworn she’d never ever ever do?
“don’t need to wait guys!” when the sound of daniel ricciardos aussie drawl carried across the wind, she squeezed her eyes shut, resisting the urge to scream an expletive. “I’m right here, sorry I’m late!”
chloe shot her a sympathetic glance as the boys fist bumped each other and the crew turned in the direction of the ski lift.
“you’ll do fine!” the canadian encouraged, looping her arm around her best friend. “skiing is easy, it’s all downhill!”
y/n narrows her eyes. “it’s the not knowing how to balance or steer and accidentally crashing into things I’m better off not crashing into.”
chloe laughed, shaking her head as she patted y/n's shoulder. "don't think like that! just come and enjoy the outdoors with us!"
but despite it all, despite the friendly energy of the trip, the good vibes all around, she couldn't help but feel like she was intruding on a couple's trip: chloe and scotty, lance and marilou. daniel and . . . wait, he came alone too, didn't he?
but she didn't have time to think about it before she was strapped in to a pair of ski's, scotty's hands at her back to push her down the training hill.
it only took like....twenty tries before she figured it out, her skis sailing through the snow like butter as she finally managed to stay upright for the third run in a row. she was really getting the hang of it, she thought, pride swelling in her chest.
"nice job, y/n!" daniel shouted, having just come down one of the hills next to her smaller, beginner hill. "you're a natural!"
at the sound of praise dripping from daniel's lips, she felt her face go pink, and she was certain that it wasn't just from the cold, and that there was something more to it.
"oh, well, i've been practicing a lot. i feel kind of bad, actually, for monopolizing all of scotty's time. keeping him away from his wife and all that." she coughed to clear her throat, one gloved hand smoothing her hair back under the pom-pom toque she was wearing on top of her head.
daniel laughed. a big, hearty laugh that sent butterflies afloat in her chest, the kind of infectious laughter that could bring a smile to anybody's face.
"why don't you come up to the other hill with me, and we try you on something a little bigger?"
she turned her head in the direction daniel was gesturing, and she felt her stomach drop to the floor. "no way, not a chance. that's too high, my dude. what if is break my neck?"
scotty skidded to a stop in front of her, moving to look at the mountain. “no, no, that’s a good starter mountain is you want to move up to something bigger! go for it!”
while daniel cheered, y/n groaned, cursing inwardly.
beside her, lance laughed “you’ll have to move up to a bigger hill eventually, y/n. it’s okay to be scared.”
“I’m not scared!” okay, maybe she was. just a little bit.
the group headed towards the ski lifts, filing in in sets of two, each pair heading for a different level hill. scotty and chloe headed for one of the most advanced, marilou and lance heading for a hill that was somewhere in the middle.
and that meant that is she wanted company on her hill, she would be stuck with daniel.
“after you, milady.” daniel chuckled, gesturing to the ski carriage, allowing her to slide in first, the aussie settling next to her.
the bar snapped down, the lift beginning on its way to take the skiers up the mountain. from this high up, the view across the slopes was actually quite nice: evergreens dusted in snow, ant-sized people in bright coats making their way down mountains.
until she stopped looking eye level, and found her eyes drifting downwards, stomach slammed instantly with vertigo.
yep, she was never doing that again.
“you okay?” daniel asked, concerned when he watched her scrunch her face up, eyes screwed shut.
“yep, yep. just trying not to look down.” she was gripping the chest bar so tightly that she was certain her knuckles were white underneath her gloves.
daniel frowned, reaching for her hand. “it’s okay to be scared of heights. is this why you didn’t want to come up the mountain?”
“maybe. that, and the fear of making a fool out of myself.” She was tight lipped as she answered, still keeping her eyes closed.
but now, she only felt like her heart would beat out if her chest because of the hand on top of hers, not the fall to the ground.
“we’re almost at the top, and then your skis will be on solid ground again.”
she slowly opened her eyes. “thank you.”
over the hum of the lift, she heard a groaning, and then a snap. the ski lift stuttered to a stop, and she couldn’t stop the terrified shriek that left her parted lips, one gloved hand reaching to squeeze the life out of daniels arm.
“hey, hey!” daniel shouted, trying to be heard over other panicked skiers. “look at me, look at me. can you do that?”
her chest was getting tight, body frozen with fear. she couldn’t open her eyes, limbs made of lead as she clung to the man next to her in the lift
“I-I don’t think I can, danny.”
“yeah you can. just focus on me, not the way the carriage is moving, and not what’s below you.” his voice was soothing, grounding. enough that she was able to turn her head slightly and open her eyes to face him.
“see, that wasn’t so hard, was it, pretty girl?”
“no.” her voice was stil shaky as she stared into daniels eyes, feeling suddenly like he could see every part of her. every secret, every long held and unspoken truth.
and she liked it.
“just keep your breathing steady, and we will be out of here before you know it.” his voice started level and calm, his breath curling up into mist in the air.
“promise me?”
daniel leaned in, his soft lips warm against her forehead. the simple action, not quite a kiss but not that innocent either, set her skin ablaze in pink again, warmth spreading through her frozen appendages, from the tip of her nose to the ends of her fingertips.
“I promise.” daniel assured her, his gloved thumb rubbing reassuring circles on her skin.
she wasn’t sure how long they had been sitting like that when the lift whirred to life again, the carriage shakily confusing it’s ascent up the hill. realizing that the lift was moving again, she pulled away from danny, averting her eyes, looking anywhere except the man who had just held her so tenderly.
she shook her head, pulling her ski goggles back down over her eyes. “sorry, I don’t know where that came from.”
“don’t apologize, pretty girl.” daniel said softly. “you were scared. and I liked knowing that I could make you feel better. I care about you, y/n. as more than a friend.”
she paused, pulling her goggles back up. “you do?”
daniel beamed. “of course I do, and I’d love to get to know you better.”
“buy me a hot chocolate if I make it down the hill one piece?” she suggested, gently placing a hand on his forearm.
the lift reached the top of the hill, the bar raising and allowing the pair to slide off the metal chair, Danny’s hand in hers as he took the lead, guiding her towards the slope.
“and if I make it to the bottom first, you have to kiss me.” danny wagered, a mischevious look in his eyes as he flicked his goggles down.
y/n laughed, inching towards the slope like bambi on ice, all shaky legs and flailing limbs. “i think I ’ll take you up on that, ricciardo!”
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @thatsdemko @lorarri @userlando @silverstonesainz @cartierre @love4lando @sidcrosbyspuck @silversainz
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urmuminnitt · 9 months
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ft. this beautiful selection of images
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glysraya · 9 months
Daniel: He's making a list, he's checking it twice! He's gonna find out who's on thin fucking ice!
Lando: Santa Claus is calling you out!
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chyofucar · 10 months
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I love winter, Christmas and Formula 1 so much, so yes, I made the wallpapers. If you like it, use it freely :).
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Day 14: "Almost ready for the Christmas party!" 🎄
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the-offside-rule · 9 months
Daniel Ricciardo (Alpha Tauri) - Wrapping Mistletoe
Day 14 of Christmas
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Daniel and Y/n huddled together in their cozy living room, surrounded by festive wrapping paper and ribbons. As they busily wrapped Christmas gifts for their son, Josh on the eve of the special day, Daniel couldn't resist the mischievous allure of the mistletoe hanging above.
Y/n chuckled, catching Daniel's playful antics. "Are you planning to wrap gifts or just use the mistletoe as an excuse to steal kisses?"Daniel flashed a mischievous grin, holding up a wrapped gift. "Why not both? Multitasking is my specialty."
They shared a laugh, their banter filling the room with warmth. Y/n pretended to scold him "Focus, Daniel! We need to get these gifts wrapped before midnight." But Daniel, ever the jester, countered, "I'm just adding a touch of love to each gift. It's the Ricciardo special wrapping technique."
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "I think Josh will appreciate a neatly wrapped gift over your 'special technique.'"
As they continued wrapping, Daniel couldn't resist stealing more kisses under the mistletoe. "You know," he mused, "we should keep mistletoe around all year. It's a great way to keep the romance alive."
Y/n smirked and pushed it away gently. "I'd rather focus on keeping the gifts wrapped. Romance can wait until after Santa visits." Daniel pouted. "Spoilsport."
Their banter continued as they finished wrapping the presents, the room filled with laughter and the warmth of a love that only grew stronger with each playful exchange. Daniel pulled out his phone and smiled gently as Y/n stood up. "What are you smiling about?" Y/n asked, before shoeing her the time;
00:00, 25th Dec 2023
Her face softened from confused as she looked up to her husband. They had been through so much together and noe they stayed up on Christmas Eve wrapping their son's gifts from Santa. Daniel pulled Y/n into a heartfelt kiss, mistletoe forgotten, but the love and joy of the now Christmas Day lingering in the air.
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loonylupinblack3 · 9 months
not oscar saying 'someone knows im australian' and then saying CANDY
smh 😒✋
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thatguywasvaping · 9 months
merry christmas girlies
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dr3smile · 9 months
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Daniel (in the red pants) with friends on his farm.
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yesloulou · 9 months
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🎄 Christmas 2017 / USGP 2018 🌟
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
baby, it's cold outside // daniel ricciardo
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summary: daniel and his wife celebrate his first christmas without f1 with their daughter while they reminisce on how they got there.
pairing: daniel ricciardo x wife! reader
warnings: just family holiday fluff : )
author's note: why do so many of my christmas collection stories involve kids?? ( george, daniel, charles )
it was bright outside when daniel ricciardo woke up, the bright australian sunrise streaming through the blinds as he stirred in the king sized bed, pulling his wife closer. she hummed in contentment, turning over to nuzzle her face into daniel's warm, bare chest.
"morning, darlin'" the former mclaren driver chuckled, pressing a kiss to y/n's forehead. "how did you sleep?"
"fine." she hummed, eyes still closed as y/n ricciardo absorbed her husband's warmth.
the couple were spending christmas in perth with daniel's parents. y/n had always loved the ricciardo family farm, and she knew that it had always been daniel's happy place. it was a place filled with love and laughter and it had meant even more to them since they had someone else to share it with.
their little girl, cadence elizabeth.
it was march of 2018 when y/n found out she was pregnant. the couple had been married for just under two years and had been casually trying to get pregnant, and daniel would have been lying if he said that news of his daughter's impending arrival hadn't been a big factor in his inevitable move to renault. they'd tried to shield their little bundle of joy from the media for as long as they could, protecting her from the horrors of the world while she was still too young to understand.
as if on cue, the door to the guest bedroom creaked open, floorboards bending under the weight of tiny feet. daniel and his wife giggled, trying to hide further underneath the blankets as they felt the mattress dip under the weight of their new guest as she jumped up and down.
"mommy! daddy! wake up, it's christmas!" cadence elizabeth ricciardo shouted with glee, a stuffed giraffe tucked underneath her arm as she jumped up and down, her parents giggling as daniel sat up and pulled the girl into his arms.
"good mornin' kiddo." daniel laughed, pressing a kiss to his daughter's forehead as cadence giggled. "let's let mommy sleep just a little longer, okay? we'll go find grandma and grandpa and make some breakfast, what do you say"?
"and then can we do presents?" cadence begged, eyes wide and pleading.
y/n laughed, the top of her head sticking out from underneath her blanket cocoon. "eat your breakfast first, cadence. and then we'll open the presents with your grandparents, okay?"
daniel got out of the bed, lifting cadence up so that the four-year-old could sit on his shoulders as he left the bedroom. y/n watched them go with a smile, her heart filled with love for the man she married, and the bundle of joy that they created.
life hadn't always been easy. cadence had been born in january of 2019, and while daniel had been able to take the rest of the month off, he eventually had to go back to work, flying to england to help renault prepare for the season. some of the hardest moments of those first few months had been hell for y/n, having to weather it on her own as daniel travelled the world.
and it hadn't always been easy for daniel either. he had missed cadence's first steps, her first words spoken over a video call.
y/n and cadence had been in the paddock a few times before the 2019 season ended, but never for very long before she had to leave cadence with daniel's pr rep, not wanting the noise and the energy levels to upset the poor darling.
twenty-twenty had been considerably harder, but at least daniel got to spend some of it at home, making up for all the lost moments as cadence reached her first birthday. because of covid logistics, y/n and the baby hadn't been able to come to any of the races, out of concern for cadence's fragile infant immune system.
and daniel thinks that might have been when he first started to consider settling down, slowing his life down a bit. he'd always wanted a family, and now he felt like he had been neglecting the ones that he loved the most.
so when it came down to it, looking more and more likely that he was going to be ousted from mclaren, the driver wondered if it might be for the better that he took some time off to reevaluate his career and spend more time with y/n and cadence.
y/n carefully tip toed her way down the large staircase that opened up into the main floor kitchen, sleeves of her sweater pulled over her fingertips and arms crossed over her chest as she stood in the doorway with a content smile on her face.
christmas carols played on the radio while daniel stood in front of the stove, dancing subtly as he fried up some eggs. cadence was sitting on the bar stool in front of the island, grace ricciardo braiding her granddaughters hair as cadence laughed at her father, a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her.
“merry christmas, candy.” y/n giggled, pressing a kiss to her daughters head. “did you sleep well?”
cadence grinned, looking up at her mother. “look, mummy, santa was here!”
“oh, wow!” y/n played along, looking over at the sparkling christmas tree. part of her surprise was genuine, as she didn’t expect grace and joe to have bought cadence so many things. “I think santa is spoiling you.” she grinned, with a knowing and pointed look at grace, who just shrugged.
“my granddaughter has been very good this year.” grace smiled, pinching cadence's cheek.
"you spoil her." y/n mouthed with a laugh before walking the perimeter of the island so that she could stand behind daniel, wrapping her arms around his midsection and resting her head on his cheek. "merry christmas, baby."
"merry christmas, hon." danny smiled, kissing his wife on the nose before extricating himself from her hold and sipping around to face her.
the radio next to the stove was playing softly, and when the song changed, the australian couldn't help but grin as he started to sing along, taking her hand in his.
"i really can't stay, baby it's cold outside."
its the same thing every year, a family tradition if you will. that family tradition being daniel's terrible singing and a dance with his wife, who will usually humor him and join in with the singing. every time the song came on the radio, they had to stop and sing.
despite all of it's controversy, it had always been y/n's favourite christmas song, partly because for twenty-seven years of her life, she had never seen snow before. the year after they started dating, daniel had helped her make that a reality by spending christmas in austria.
"my mother will start to worry." she couldn't stop the smile spreading on her face as daniel spun her around the kitchen
"beautiful what's your hurry?" daniel sang into the whisk that he was holding while grace and cadence clapped int he background, the younger girl still attempting to teach herself the words
"my maiden aunt's mind is vicious." she sang sweetly, looping her arms around daniel's neck as he pressed a kiss to the side of her head, his baritone voice churning out the next lyric.
"gosh your lips look delicious."
"well, baby it's cold outside!"
grace and cadence clapped, and joe looked very confused as he came back inside from tending to the farm.
"what did i miss?"
"how about we start opening presents now that grandpa is back?" daniel suggested with a laugh. "cadence, why don't you go with your grandparents and pick one out. your mother and i will be in there in a minute."
"okay! come on, grandpa!" cadence laughed, running across the room to launch herself into grandpa joe's arms.
y/n laughed thoughtfully, looking at her daughter and her in-laws. "wanted some time to ourselves, did you?"
"wanted to give you something." daniel hummed, taking a small box out of the pocket of his sweatpants.
"daniel joseph ricciardo!" y/n rolled her eyes. "we talked about this! i told you not to get me anything. i have you and cadence, i don't need anything else."
"you say that every year."
the driver laughed, passing her the box. "babe, just open it."
rolling her eyes again, y/n slipped her fingernail inside the seam of the box, opening the lid before taking in a breath. inside, on a fine satin pillow, was a pair of earrings. a pair of pearls stacked on top of each other to make little snowmen, with tiny diamonds for eyes and strips of silver for arms.
"daniel, they're gorgeous. thank you." she said softly, one hand on his cheek as she pressed up on her tiptoes to kiss her husband. "i love you."
"i love you more. taking time off from the track will be good for me. i can't wait to spend all of next season by your side, watching our little girl grow up."
"mommy! daddy! hurry up!"
the couple laughed, y/n's head still resting aginst daniel's chest as he kissed the top of her head.
"come on, let's go see what your parents bought her this year."
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @daydreamingleclerc @flannel-cures @mignonricciardo
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justanotherdrfan · 9 months
To: Me
Merry Christmas!!
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From: Me
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ver33stappen · 2 years
M. Verstappen || Christmas presents
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In which: Max and family celebrating Christmas trying to convince y/n to get their daughter and kart and it’s all just fluffy
Genre: fluff
Requested: yes - no
Warnings: mentions of Christian Horner, max being too cute for this world, pregnancy , abortion, Jos verstappen
When max had found out you were pregnant 8 months into your relationship it had been a rocky path for the both of you. The questions on wether to keep it and wether we would be good parents as max travels around a lot for his job. It was a lot to take in.
Max’s career was only really just flourishing and making the decision had to be one of the toughest things. Jos hated the idea, believed it would ruin max’s whole racing career but considering max was madly in love with you he mustered up the courage to say he wants to keep it just as you were about to drive to get the baby aborted
But looking back on it you’re extremely happy that you’d decided to keep it. On June 3rd 2019 Amelia Jane Verstappen was born and the 2 of you couldn’t be any happier.
“Mummy mummy” you looked down to see a girl with dirty blonde hair and y/e/c eyes, starring right at you.
“Yes schatz? What’s up” you kneeled down onto the kitchen floor moving a strand of Amelia’s hair behind her ear
“Can we make Chrissy cookies for Santa tonight” you giggled at the fact she wasn’t able to make out the word Christmas but nevertheless went along with it
“Of course we can my dear, we also have to make some for the reindeers” you smiled picking her up and lifting her onto the kitchen bench where she sat cross legged
“Okay, can you please pour this cup of flour into the bowl” you asked the 3 year old who was having a hard time with the glass measuring cup, you helped her hold it making sure she wouldn’t break it
Suddenly Amelia poured all the flour in making the powdery substance go everywhere, especially both of your faces
“EMMY” you said horrified with her in a fit of laughter “mama you look like a ghost it’s not Halloween” she started laughing as I tried wiping the flour off my face
“What happened here” max started wheezing as he sat in the entrance of the door way in a white t shirt and Grey sweat pants
“Daddy!” The little girl exclaimed grabbing the air indicating for max to pick her up
Max ran over to her and then put her on the couch grabbing a blanket.
“schatz can you please make some hot chocolate” max asked sweetly
“You’re Lucky i love you” I rolled my eyes
“Hold on, My Cookie helper has ditched me. Emmy you wanted to make cookies and now you’ve left mummt to do it by herself!” I exclaimed pouting
“Tough love mama” the little girl laughed god she was so sassy and she got it from her father. max smirked looking toward me about to loose it.
“Hey, der weihnachtsmann schaut dir zu!” Santa is watching you
I finally finished making the cookies and popped them in the oven, Emmy had made a mess decorating them. Sprinkles and icing were everywhere.
I had made the hot chocolate for the 2 of them and then Emmy went off to bed hoping for Santa in the morning.
As I was about to finish cleaning up max came over and hugged me from behind. Peppering my neck with kisses.
“Du bist sehr schön” you are very pretty max whispered making my heart flutter
Every time I stared into those eyes of his my heart fluttered just like a teenager in love.
I turned around and kissed him as he propped me up onto the counter.
“You know.. Emmy’s gone to bed” he smirked at me, I started shaking my head and refused
“No no no no, it’s late, Santa comes tomorrow. I have a few jobs to finish up but get into bed and I’ll be there soon” I kissed his nose as he rolled his eyes unravelling himself from my waist
Just then I got a notification on my phone. “You have missed your period for one week, are you pregnant” I read the message and my stomach dropped
I had missed it but max and I were being safe so I was really confused. Maybe that’s why I had been feeling sick in the mornings lately. Or maybe I was reading too much into it.
I walked into the bathroom, pregnancy tests on hand always just to be safe. I peed on the stick and god the wait felt like an eternity.
The timer went off the the test sat there in words it had said “positive” I took another 2 to be sure, all with the same reply.
I grabbed a box from the cupboard put the test inside and put a little note “to max: merry Christmas”
I put it under the tree and now the night awaits
I woke up with max and his body wrapped around me as Emma jumped up and down on our bed “mama mama mama daddy daddy it’s chrissy” she was shouting and screaming
“It is too! Let’s go see what Santa brought” max said smiling at his daughter
Oddly enough I saw a massive box and a smaller box in terribly wrapped paper under the tree that I definitely had not put there i tilted my head in confusion as Emmy ran toward it
She ripped it open and it was a racing cart along with maxes helmet from when he had won the first world championship
“Max” I slapped his shoulder, we had agreed to not to get her a cart until she was 7 which theoretically was the age she can first start driving
“But she’s so cute look at her” max whispered back looking at the blonde with the helmet completely drowning her head. “I’m just like daddy” she laughed “max she’s going to hurt herself!” Max just laughed and said “well she will be learning from the world champion so chances are slim”
Max went over and helped her, showing all the parts of the kart. She has gotten a couple gifts from uncle Charles, uncle Daniel and the rest of the drivers as they had all loved her
I saw max pick up the box I had put out last night that was labelled to him, he raised an eyebrow and then opened it. His face had dropped and then looked at mine for confirmation, i just nodded and he came over and kissed me and then my stomach
“Ewww” Emmy showed a face of disgust
“Emmy you’re going to be a big sister” max said with eagerness
“Huh” she asked
“She’ll get it later” max shrugged but then smiling back at me pulling me in for a kiss
“How long have you known” he looked up at me, “since last night”
“You should’ve told me, I would’ve bought 2 karts” he laughed
I rolled my eyes
“Mummy can I have pancakes” emmy asked politely
“Schatz let mama rest, I will cook the pancakes” max picked her up
“But your pancakes taste ew” she fake threw up and I laughed
“Hey they’re not that bad!” Max rolled his eyes starring at me
To be honest I couldn’t have had a better Christmas, right here with our happy little family.
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