#danger days prompt
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puppyboymikeyway · 10 months ago
fuck all of you but i am a firm believer in autistic kobra kid
bad with facial expressions; the girl thinks its weird he never smiles and sometimes asks jet if kobra's a robot
def some tramua sprinkled in here and there(mostly from BL/Ind) and has no way of coping with it
has no knowledge on how to show affection aside from biting and giftgiving random things(especially to the girl). its usually just random things, like pretty rocks he finds out in the zones
totally has meltdowns over little things. do not breathe too loud next to him or he'll totally snap at you
hyperfixates on random little things every now and then, like painting. i 100% believe that kobra would be the one who decorated the trans am and not poison
cannot keep eye contact for the life of him. solution? sunglasses
disappears a lot. mostly to get away from the group when they start getting rowdy. hes just too sensitive
always has some sort of fidget on him. prolly a really smooth rock he found out in the desert or a dried up pen that he can click
does not know how to communicate feelings in any way toward the rest of the group. everything just gets pent up until his next meltdown and he snaps at everyone
def just stares off into space, daydreaming of some fantasy land where everything goes correctly
does not like getting touched unless its from the girl. maybe an occasional hug from poison, but other than that, nobody touches kobra
does not know what sitting still is. hes always twitching or moving. if he finally sits down for two seconds, which is unlikely, hes sitting on a table, counter, or laying on the floor. there are no chairs to kobra
the radio is specifically kobras and kobras only. he listens to music every chance he gets and gets fussy if someone tries changing it or turning it off. this is one of the very few forms of coping he has left
is easily the quiet one bcs he doesnt know how to voice his opinion correctly. it usually comes out with a weird tone that sounds to aggressive or smt. but poison, jet, and ghoul know thats just him and tell him its okay every time it happens
absolutely hates the sound of the blasters. specifically why he always has his helmet on. its a nice sensory adjuster for him. its padded in the right spots to dim the sound and its not uncomfortable
gets overstimulated easily - relating back to the meltdowns - meltdowns are frequent with kobra as nothing goes according to his own plan
he hates going out in the zones without any forewarning
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hypewinter · 2 years ago
I've had a brainworm for a few days now so here me out.
After an accidental reveal gone wrong, Danny is forced to flee the country with both his parents and the giw after him. While he's trying to find some place internationally to settle down, he comes across a secluded complex.
Said complex happens to have access to an ectoplasm run off which Danny is in desperate need of. Though it has been corrupted by whatever the people of the complex have been doing to it, that's no problem for Danny as he can easily purify the portion he takes in to survive.
Deciding this is the perfect place to live off the grid, Danny sets to work figuring out how to blend in. It turns out that's the easy part. With his temporary stint as a ninja, his training with his black belt mom, and his general ghost physiology, he fits in pretty well.
He fits in so well in fact that he is told he'll be training someone one of the head bosses has their eye on. A kid his age.
Basically what follows is Danny accidentally ruining Talia's plans for Jason by unconsciously purifying his corruption and just talking him through his emotions. When Jason gets back to Gotham, he returns without a clouded mentally and realizes just how much Bruce went through after his death.
Instead of unleashing his complicated plan, he quietly takes over the underworld. He loves his father but also knows there are situations in Gotham that require a more firm hand. Jason decides to be a firm hand in his dad's place.
(I imagine he is only revealed on accident yet his reunion with his family is just as dramatic as Under the Red Hood. Tbh it probably has something to do with the joker suddenly going missing.)
Meanwhile back at the League of Assassins, Talia is impressed by Jason's training and is under the impression that his failure in Gotham is due to him getting cold feet at the last second so she puts Danny in charge of Damian's training.
Danny this time takes a more conscious role in ruining the league's brainwashing by challenging Damian's beliefs and teaching him he should use his weapons to protect, not to harm. By the time Damian gets to Wayne Manor, there is significantly less deprogramming that needs to be done.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 203
Another Hydra prompt! Because I am enjoying the designs I’ve made lol. And perhaps it’s a bit inspired by @radiance1 ‘s different dragon prompts too. 
So they’ve succeeded! They’ve managed to combine their powers- with a bit of shapeshifting helped along by so many ghost allies- and become a giant duck-you dragon! Well, originally they were going to do something else, but they couldn’t agree on an animal, so dragon it was! 
And how mighty they are! They’re giant, absolutely massive- dwarfing the couple of skyscrapers still in Amity. Damages via ghost attacks and general sparring made it where people really didn’t want to rebuild those types of buildings. 
But anyway, dragon! Them! They’re absolutely stunning! And did they mention powerful? Because boy oh boy, are they powerful. The GIW’s guns do practically nothing against their combined might, and barriers shatter before them! 
The uh, issue is that they erm… can’t turn back. Which is fine, they’ve all sort of outlived most of their generation- thank you possessions and ecto-contamination, it’s just a tiny bit of an adjustment. But really it’s not too bad, and someone needs to stop the GIW from trying to poke their heads into Amity. Like it’s been a solid couple of generations, it’s time to stop, thanks. 
Actually they’ve been a bit quiet. Meh, that surely isn’t a problem. Probably. Honestly they’re all going to use the opportunity to sprawl out where the school yard once was, their favorite place to sun their scales. Huh. Usually more people are around now that they think about it- or really, as Paulina points out, sharpening her fangs on one of the rocks. 
How long had they been sleeping, because it couldn’t have been that long. One of them was always awake, they slept in shifts after all! Yet there are things missing now as they patrol the skies, both Wes and Tucker pointing out specific buildings that the others didn’t particularly notice usually that now lay empty. 
Oh. That is a… strong barrier there. A really strong barrier actually. Pfft, they can take it! They’ve shredded every barrier together before- Ow. 
Okay this might be a bit of a problem. Shit. 
You want a general size reference? :P
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wandixx · 5 months ago
Prompt For Dc-x-Dp With M’gann and Danny M’gann didn't expect to be dealing with Random Lazurus Green Portals forming around mars, but since she's Nearby mars she gets to deal with it... and their's An Alien with snow white hair Fighting A Glowing Vampire who's raving about Fathers and mothers?? Danny Is in such a Mood, He's on mars, which is a plus, but He's Fighting Vlad On Another 'Join me! Let me remove Jack from this plain of Reality!' and Honestly The Portals are throwing him off, Just... Bad memories, And Then, becuase of fucking course Something else happened, Vlad Gets Decked in the face and sent flying. "hey, So im going to guess that The Vampire is The Evil one here?" The Green woman asked, while Looking at Danny. While Vlad is growling and about to Throw A Red Ecto-blast at M’gann Danny gets in the way with a shield and responds. "yeah, arch nemisis and all, how are you even out here? or breathing?" M’gann Just Shrugged and said, "Well Home is home and all." Before flying to go Deck the Vampire and all. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ hope this is enough for you to Work some magic and all. and as for some extra stuff you could use, maybe danny has a Space obsesion, and His Protective stuff is Becuase of the Type of spirit he is half of? And maybe An Ice core Could be fun to go with? Ghost prince territory? with danny not wanting to be ghost king just yet. ideas for ya to use.
It's such a cool concept! I didn’t fit Ghost Prince in, but I hope you'll like what I did
Danny was going to strangle Vlad, all subtleties of ghost powers no withstanding. He needed the brutal power that just wasn't fully there even when using more offensive abilities, like ecto-blasts.
He had been having a good day. Okay, maybe not a good day, it's been a long time since he had an actually good one, but a decent day. One, that seemed to start out calm, with all of his typical rogues stuck in Zone recent enough they shouldn't get out today specifically. It was Saturday, so no school, and for once his homework wasn't swallowing him, so he had a bit of time to breathe. And prepare college applications, because his grades got to an appropriate level again and he actually got a shot in academic career. No chance for scholarship like Jazz, but he could go if he played his cards right.
And then, of course, Vlad had to come into his room to harass him again. This time with the added flair of a portal gun he made for some freaking reason.
This time Danny wasn't even trying to piss Vlad off, in the love of Ancients, he tried to ignore the other halfa even when he showed up in his room, raving about removing Jack Fenton from this plane of reality. Craving to deck the guy right then and there was enormous but Jazz was on him about controlling his ✨️displaced aggression✨️ and his anger in general, so he was trying to tune Vlad out. He carefully didn't even think about transforming into Phantom. Especially since both of his parents were safe, a few states away on some ghost hunting convention that Danny managed to skip by the power of ‘I can't take more days off school, sorry I messed up my attendance early in the year’.
Well, they would be, if Vlad, being the obsessed creep he was, didn't try to follow them with a portal gun.
Danny was still willing to ignore it all, because Vlad was a loser and chances that he made something so complicated work properly were only slightly above chances his parents had. And both of them were tripping hazards in hell.
But then Vlad started blasting around his room to egg him on and hit his Curiosity rover model.
Phantom tackled him before the bastard had time to smirk. They phased through the wall, because otherwise Vlad’s back would smash into Lego Saturn V and boy was not looking forward to even more damage. His white gloved hands pressed Plasmius against the cold floor. It looked promising. Over the years he got to a relatively similar level as Vlad with his fighting abilities so getting advantage so early could in theory mean it would be over soon and he would get back to his applications.
He forgot how to breathe for a moment when he was pushed through a portal. Some most instinctual part of him, deep in his core, fell to the mindless panic because He died this way! He died this way, was he able to survive it again?! Without thinking he lashed out, trying to scratch and bite and blast because he needed to get out, he needed to get away but danger was in front of him and he needed to get rid of the danger before he could escape to safety. And Vlad kept teasing him, like he didn't know fully well what portals did to Phantom, to Danny, like he wasn't breaking the most basic rules of the anarchist ghost society.
So Phantom kept trying to punch and kick and scream, trying to get away from green ovals that just kept appearing around them leading to who knows where.
Powerful blast to the chest sent him flying back, through the portal and down to the ground, which at some point became asphalt instead of wheat field. He was too frazzled to even try stopping his fall, just half heartedly tensed waiting for an impact.
It never came, because he was caught by static. Men in red (Flash he'd realize second too late, Flash) send him a concerned smile and asked about something but Plasmius was trying to duplicate, no doubt to overshadow actual hero and it wasn't the way Phantom wanted to be introduced to the Justice League so he jumped forward, sending both halfas through another portal.
It was easier this time, when he expected it but his hands were still shaking when he put them in fists. He could handle it though. He fought in much worse circumstances.
They spawned through a few more portals, almost threw worried looking Superman off the sky and barely not killed some of Aquaman's dolphins before something changed. Phantom didn't realize it at first, too focused on rapid fire from Plasmius and on the constant lookout for new portals, but something changed.
His next blast hit the target and left charcoal black burn and almost fire in its wake. It wasn't something that happened normally. It wasn't something that happened normally unless Danny's obsessions were being served. He wasn't protecting anyone but himself, which didn't fill the protection obsession, so that left…
He was on Mars. Or well, a bit above.
It was mesmerizing. It was breathtaking. It was everything he wished for ever since he learned about other planets in kindergarten.
Sky was a pinkish red color that on Earth meant a beautiful clear sunset but here was just the middle of the day. He didn't see the sun itself, apparently lucky enough to have his back to it. It wouldn't be brighter than at home, obviously, but it was always nice to not be blinded when admiring the view.
The landscape below them seemed familiar. He probably saw it in some photo, but he couldn't remember which one. He couldn't help but try to remember. He wanted to know where was he, what he'd seen, what he'd touched, later when he was in his room, longing to get out here again.
In his almost trance he just about ignored the blast that flew past his ear like an annoying pest.
He had the name of this rock formation on the tip of his tongue! C'mon, brain, you could do it, you could remem-
Even he couldn't ignore the burning pain of the ecto blast straight to the shoulder.
“Listen to me, Little Badger!” Plasmius yelled before dodging ice javelin. Phantom made sure it evaporated before hitting the ground. He was not letting other planet become collateral damage in whatever mess Vlad wanted to stir this time.
He carefully didn't look around when they teleported next time, aware just enough to know they were still on Mars. It wasn't a good moment to sooth his neglected obsession.
Being mad that this was probably the only chance he got out there helped. It definitely reignited the absolute fury, before muted by the panic and then obsession trance.
Phantom wasn't sure what he was yelling back as Plasmius went on and on about killing Danny's dad and marrying his mom and adopting Danny and how ‘look Little Badger, you and I both see how much better off you'd be if you just joined me and let me teach you’. He just knew there was little other than obscenities, and it was paired with an array of blasts and ice and straight up punches when he got close, which was good enough.
Oh, how he wished he could strangle the pathetic vampire lookalike bastard.
Something green and indigo sent Plasmius crashing into the ground.
“Hey, so I'm going to guess that the vampire is The Evil one here?” Feminine voice asked in clear English. Danny took a moment to just stare, blinking rapidly to make sure he saw what he thought he saw.
Yup, that was certainly The Miss Martian, an alien heroine, whose action figure he displayed at the most honorable place of his room. The Miss Martian he tried to learn everything about when she debuted. The Miss Martian whose powers were so similar he used footage from her fights to learn himself. His biggest inspiration.
Wait, she asked him a question, didn't she? It was not the time to be a fanboy, probably.
Yeah, no it was definitely not a time to be a fanboy, he decided, right when he threw a shield in front of her, because Vlad didn't take kindly to being interrupted. It really was the least he deserved.
“Yeah, arch nemesis and all that. If I may ask, what are you doing here, Miss Martian, ma'am? I thought you lived full time on Earth?”
“Well, home is home and all” she just said wistfully and telepathically threw a rock to Vlad's stomach, making it follow until it hit the mark, right before another stone hit him in the unprotected back.
And here Danny thought he got over his celebrity crush back when he was sixteen.
Good thing though, another person in the fight made his protection obsession rear back to life, the fact that she was an alien only helping as his space side zeroed on her too. It was useful to not get distracted by glimpses of the world around them.
Of course Vlad just duplicated to make the chances ‘equal’ once again, so the fight dragged on.
Miss Martian just kept being graceful like a supernova, beautiful and destructive.
Danny hoped he didn’t look as embarrassingly pathetic as he thought he did. What were the chances she didn’t see when he took the blast to the arm because he got distracted by pretty rocks?
Plasmius kept taunting, calling him Daniel because of course secret identities or prefered names don't matter when you have to harass the teenager.
Phantom decked him extra hard for that.
At least he didn’t try to use his portal gun again, too busy with fighting off both of them.
Kick, dodge blast, ice, shield for Miss Martian, ice because how dare he attack an alien, dodge, intangibility.
Was it or was it not a good idea to use Ghost Wail and be done with that.
“I've got an idea, cover for me for a minute, okay?”
“Sure” Did he sound too eager? He wanted to keep it cool at least outwardly, not mess up his first and perhaps last impression.
Wait, shit, Martians can read minds! Miss Martian probably already knows how big of a mess he was.
Shit, shit, shit.
Phantom dutifully shielded heroine as she levitated with her eyes closed, at the same time keeping constant assault on Vlad. It was getting exhausting. At least he could go home fast when the fight ended.
“Do you want me to make him indefinitely indisposed or is it too much for you?” Miss Martian suddenly asked. Danny froze for almost a minute before he choked out.
“What do you mean?”
“I can rip his mind apart, leave his body alive but useless without any thought to lead it, but I know some people find it uncomfortable even when it happens to villains”
For a moment, in the midst of fanboying, he forgot how terrifying set of powers she had.
“Please don't” After all, ghosts are their minds, and despite how despicable things Vlad did, no one deserved fate of completely not existing.
“Alright. Is enhancing his experience of pain okay with your moral code?”
“Yeah, I think”
“Done,” she said with a smile, and despite how terrifying he was of her just a few seconds ago, he had to admit, this smile was gorgeous.
After that, it took, like, three punches before Vlad bailed. Which was good.
What was less good, was the fact that the portal he used to escape closed before Danny could go through it. He just stared for a long moment, blinking quickly. He wanted to scream. Or cry. Or both. Both was good.
“So, Daniel…?”
Danny winced and looked back at Miss Martian.
“Danny. Or Phantom. Nobody calls me Daniel”
She nodded with a friendly smile. Good thing they were flying, because his knees got weak for a hot second.
“Alright. I'm M’gann”
“Should you tell me this?”
“I know your name,” she shrugged. “It's only fair that you know mine. It's not a name I use on Earth anyway”
“Um, sure, okay. It's nice to meet you M’gann” Was this too stiff? He had no idea how he was supposed to interact with heroes who just shared their identity. For no reason too, because c'mon, she didn't know him. Why would she do it?!
“Are you from Earth? You speak English”
“Yeah, USA, Illinois. That bastard teleported us around and of course left me stranded”
“It's your lucky day then, I was about to head back, I can take you with me”
There was no universe in which he wouldn’t agree.
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tanglepelt · 2 years ago
Dc x dp idea 84
Jack and Maddie are legit crazy mad scientist.
They moved to amity before jazz was born. Prior to the justice league. Those who didn’t comply when the moved were swiftly taken care of.
All outside new sources come from them amity has only seen what the fentons want.
The Giw were hired by the Fentons. Both are bad. But who would the town rather deal with the shoot first supposed government. Or the wacky Fenton parents.
And how many parents can exactly actively stake out a school. How many times had they been inside the school during the school day.
That is until mr lancer comes into play. Somehow he managed to slip by and entered the town this year. Earning a position of vice principal right under their noses.
He actively promotes Danny doing better. Actually forcing him to do his work and learn.
He takes notes of Danny’s declining health. Falling asleep in class, the bruises and reports the fentons. Only for nothing to happen.
Lancer then takes notes of the eccentric actions of the fentons. The screaming of tearing the ghosts apart. He knows about the truth of the outside world. He knows this would go against the meta human protection acts. So he makes a mental note to contact the proper services of the need arises.
After the events of the town being yoinked into the infinite realms. He finally acts. Sending out an email and call to the justice league hotline. Unbeknownst to him both being stopped by the Fenton parents.
Obviously they plan to deal with him when the time is right.
The only reason he stays is because no other adult seems to care about the kids. He was the only one who event attempted to check in on them during the ghost flu.
He can’t stand by any longer when he sees the two Fenton parents hunting phantom. See them getting skilled shots in. Actively forcing phantom into Danny. But they don’t stop. Still shooting at Danny.
Mr. Lancer watches as Jazz, Sam and Tucker manage to get them away. He ushers them to his car the five hardly manages to make it out. Danny seriously injured.
It’s only then does the phone connect to the justice league helpline.
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foolscapper · 2 years ago
phoenix witch 16 or jet star 9?
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in the spirit of ray's very important insta post about albany
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apuff · 5 months ago
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my chemical tober :D
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serickswrites · 8 months ago
I've Got You
Warnings: fire, escape, threat of danger, smoke inhalation, hurt/aftermath, hurt/comfort, caretaker and whumpee
"Jump, Whumpee! It's the only way!" Caretaker called up to Whumpee.
Whumpee stood on the window ledge one story above Caretaker. Whumper had set the building on fire in their attempts to trap Whumpee and Caretaker while they escaped. It had worked for the most part. But Caretaker had still managed to get out of the burning building.
But Whumpee hadn't.
"I'll catch you, I promise!" Caretaker called up.
"Are you sure?" Whumpee sputtered. Soot coated the left side of their face and their eyes were watery. "I don't want to hurt you."
"Trust me! Just jump. Now!" Caretaker could hear the groaning of the beams of the building as the fire raged within.
With a nod, Whumpee leapt into the air. They sailed gracefully towards Caretaker. And Caretaker caught them. "I've got you," Caretaker said as they wrapped Whumpee tightly in their arms.
"Thank," cough, "you," Whumpee said as they dissolved into a coughing fit.
"Let's get you to help. You've inhaled too much smoke." Caretaker gripped Whumpee tightly as they ran towards their car.
Whumpee nodded weakly as they continued to cough. They were safe. Caretaker had them. Whumper had gotten away, but they hadn't died. And neither had Caretaker.
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this-is-ris · 11 months ago
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Day 4- Danger
"Aloft, the heavens began to burn. From all about, unholy beasts—the likes of which we had never seen—came forth in fury and rage."
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the-writing-mobster · 1 year ago
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| FRANSWEEK Day 4 — Lazy | The Most Dangerous Game | Serial Killer AU | 💙 🔪 💔
| Day 1 💖 | Day 2 ♠️ | Day 3 🫀 | Day 4 🔪 | Day 5 🫶🏻 | Day 6 💎 | Day 7 💋 |
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fisheito · 1 year ago
will i ever stop thinking about little red riding yakumo and the big bad fox.?hm. no... no, i don't think i will
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 1 year ago
Whump Prompt #1272
Whumptober #4: "I see the danger, It's written there in your eyes."
The stoic character isn't supposed to be scared. Not in the face of danger/adversity. No. They have to be strong.
So it kills their confidence when they catch their reflection upon hearing dire news - and it crushes them even more when they realise everyone can see them.
"You okay, boss?" Someone asks, and the stoic characters mask falls like a shadow despite their pounding heart.
They can react in private, but for now, their friends need them.
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foolscapper · 2 years ago
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they can take both eyes, if it gets her back home.
still wouldn't be as blind as them anyway.
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plum-taffy · 6 months ago
Being lazy and making a mood board for the second day of maxvid week (*´∇`)ノ my job just leaves me too tired to do much
TW for a bit of blood and talk of cannibalism! ^^
For the AU prompt, I decided to do the cakeverse! If you don't know what that is, it's essentially where people are relegated into three categories. Cakes, forks, and normals. Someone who is a cake tastes like a cake(flavor very), forks can taste the cake, and normals have no taste nor can they taste a cake. Once a fork tastes a cake they will become more and more fixated on their flavor until they eventually cannibalize them. How romantic!
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I decided to make David the fork, because I adore both guilty David and him just being a cannibal lol. It'd probably be an accident that David tasted Max, maybe it happened while David was patching him up, but after a small taste it's all he can think about. I just know David would constantly be beating himself up for wanting to hurt Max but the constant urge for more just makes it so hard. Could definitely see a very desperate David near the end of camp finding some creative ways to get Max's blood.
Max would be a fun cake because he would totally flaunt his taste (if he found out David tasted him) without really knowing how much danger he's putting himself in. He'd scrap his knee and show it to David before wiping away the blood or maybe even putting it in David's food when he's not looking. All the while David is trying his hardest to not pin Max down and just start biting him on his neck, stomach, thighs, etc. Max had too much confidence in David's morals (*n´ω`n*) I also think Max would taste like Tiramisu, specifically with a really strong coffee flavor. It'd probably get David to start drinking it in an attempt to replicate the flavor and subdue his urges (it doesn't -w-)
Here's an alternate mood board, that isn't really too different from the one above, but I liked the middle photo with the cakes and meat side by side so I had to make it (。>‿‿<。 )
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v-thinks-on · 1 year ago
“We are too late; he has been dead some hours already,” I said, pushing myself upright to rejoin Holmes, standing over the corpse and the gruesome message above it. “Do you think he is the poor man who summoned us, driven so far as waiting anxiously in the vestibule until his foe struck, chasing him inside, to slay him in his own home?”
“My dear Watson, you are always ready to spin the facts into a romantic tale,” Holmes answered drily, “but you ought very well know it does not do to speculate. Do you find nothing odd about a dying man taking the time to inscribe the word ‘HELP’ upon the wall in his own blood? A man may shout it naturally enough, but disabuse yourself of any romantic notions, Watson, and imagine yourself in his position—we may only hope that it will not become our reality.
“A glance at the man himself is more than enough to discern that he is in dire need of assistance; his limited time and energies would surely be better spent indicating who or what it is that has brought about his untimely demise. I wonder if perhaps there is someone else here who may still be in dire need of help, but he had insufficient time to indicate who it might be.”
To be continued...
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serickswrites · 1 year ago
"Written There In Your Eyes"
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, electrocution, rescue
Whumpee's chest was heaving. They hadn't been able to get a good breath in for hours. Between the tightness of the metal chains around their chest and the repeated shocks with a cattle prod, Whumpee's bones buzzed, their chest ached, and they could think clearly.
And their heart was racing out of control.
"Why won't you just give me what I want?" Whumper had hissed minutes--hours?--ago.
Whumpee put everything into the smirk they threw Whumper. "Where's....the....fun...in...that?" It had taken all of their breath to get that sentence out, but the look on Whumper's face had been worth it.
They just needed to hold on a bit longer. They knew Caretaker was coming. The team was coming. They just had to hold on until the cavalry arrived. Just a bit longer.
Fortunately Whumper had left in a huff after Whumpee's comment. No doubt they were trying to calm themself down so they didn't kill Whumpee. They needed the information that Whumpee had.
Or so Whumper thought. Whumpee did not have the information. But they had lied, hoping it would lure Whumper out into the open and the team could catch them.
And Whumpee's plan had worked. Sort of. They just hadn't accounted for Whumper's determination to eliminate a threat with minimal effort. And taking Whumpee when they had been home alone sleeping had been their perfect opportunity.
Whumpee just focused on their breathing. Focused on trying to control their heartbeat. Focused on anything to keep themself awake. And alive.
Distant sounds of banging and a struggle came, but Whumpee couldn't focus enough to care. Whatever it was, threat or not, it would make itself known to them eventually.
A banging came on the door to their cell. If Whumpee had the energy they would have jumped. As it was, they barely lifted their head. "Whumpee? Whumpee? Are you in there?" Caretaker's voice was strained with worry.
Whumpee took as deep a breath as possible. "Here," they called weakly, hoping it was loud enough for Caretaker to hear.
"Whumpee?" Caretaker called again.
Whumpee closed their eyes, drawing on their remaining strength. Caretaker needed to hear them. "HERE!"
Caretaker threw the door open just as Whumpee slumped forward. "WHUMPEE!" Caretaker rushed forward, the team on their heels. "Talk to me, Whumpee. Talk to me."
"Y're......'ere," Whumpee whispered. They closed their eyes and swallowed. They held on. Caretaker was here. Caretaker found them.
"I'm here. I'm here. Hold on, Whumpee. Hold on a bit longer. Help is on the way." Caretaker nodded to Teammate One. "Get them out of these chains. I don't like their respiration rate."
Teammate One nodded and went to work while Teammate Two searched the room. "Boss," they said carefully as they found the modified cattle prod. "I think I know what's wrong with Whumpee."
That's good, Whumpee thought as the darkness that had been threatening to consume them inched ever closer. I can't breathe enough to speak.
"Got 'em," Teammate One said triumphantly as they unlocked the padlock on the coils of chains.
Whumpee sagged forward in the chains as their breath went out in a sigh. Finally.
Caretaker could hear Whumpee's rasping breaths becoming more and more irregular. As they looked at the cattle prod in Teammate Two's hand, their heart beat quickened. "We have no time to lose!" They scooped up the limp and pliable Whumpee into their arms and started to run. They wouldn't lose Whumpee now. Not after everything.
"Hold on, Whumpee, hold on," they murmured as they ran. "Hold on."
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