#danganronpa ultimate chase
aparticularbandit · 4 months
I keep going back to the idea of Monaca finally coming back from outer space and ending up being invited to be a student at the new Hope's Peak Academy.
All of the Warriors of Hope would be invited and would be there, maybe, not just Monaca, but she's the most wary of it. (DR3 implies the other four were helping Komaru and Toko, so maybe they've still kept in touch. Monaca, meanwhile, is both Monaca and has been living her best life in outer space, far away from everyone and everything. Except television, which DR3 implies she somehow still has.)
But like. They're all radically different.
Jataro's still some sort of Ultimate Art because that's the best way he knows to express himself, but he's all willowy and thin and never wears his mask anymore and his hair's kind of long. He's kind of a pretty boy, the exact opposite of himself.
Masaru's maybe the Ultimate Pickpocket because it's all a game to him. Sometimes he gives stuff back, and sometimes he doesn't. But he likes the running, likes the chase. He's not a hero anymore, not a leader, but he's still a little bit Peter Pan, and he never wants to grow up.
Nagisa's maybe the Ultimate Manger - not like Nekomaru because he's not into sports, but corporate positions. He's good at arranging people, good at scheduling, good at making businesses better and more effective. He's best at knowing when people need to take time off, when to let them rest and take a break, and because he's so good at his job, the corporations tend to listen to him. His hair's grown long and bushy, like a fluffy cat's tail, and it's always kept back in a ponytail. At some point in the past several years, he's gotten glasses, and while he knows he's good at his job, he's grown more shrunk into it.
Kotoko, meanwhile, has gone full tilt into her fighter class and become the Ultimate Boxer. She hates gentle, hates it, and having something else to beat up, to rough up, to punch has been a healthy way for her to get all of that negative energy out. (I like to think she and Komaru took a self-defense class together, and she liked it so much she kept going with it.) All of her hair has been chopped short, and she has the band-aid on the side of her face that Masaru used to have across his nose. But it's still a cutesy band-aid; she still loves adorable things. (In fact, it's probably the same bunny-covered band-aid that Junko used on the Steering Committee member.)
And Monaca, herself, is also something other, something different, but she's not necessarily better. She's spent all that time alone and away from everyone and everything. I don't know what her Ultimate might be, but they call her the Ultimate Space Case as a joke. And she still knows just what buttons to push to rile everyone up.
Hope's Peak isn't what it was either, so we get to see what Makoto's done with it. It still focuses primarily on the growth of its Ultimates, but it's more about giving them a safe space to continue to pursue their passions while also making sure they get a well-rounded education. There are other students, too, Talentless ones, but they're not treated any different from the Ultimates. In fact, sometimes the Ultimates are asked to teach on their passions, if they want, and Talentless students go and learn intricate stuff from them to get better at stuff they like. (Kotoko teaches a self-defense class primarily for girls; Masaru is not allowed to teach pick-pocketing, but sometimes he does anyway.)
And then, of course, because it's Danganronpa, they somehow find themselves locked in the school and Monokuma shows up to start a Killing Game.
The Warriors of Hope immediately pull a DR2 vs. Nagito bit and tie Monaca up and leave her in one of the rooms because obviously it's her. Everything was good and fine until she showed up, and no one wanted to emulate Junko as much as she did, and she's still kind of a bitch, and no one knows what she's been up to in space, maybe she's been planning this for years!
Except it's not Monaca and Monaca desperately wants to figure out who it is because she's pissed off. How dare whoever this is use Big Sis Junko's legacy this way? (Yes, she still loves Junko. The other Warriors still do, too, but they've got a bit of better perspective on her. She could be good to them and still be a horrible person. It can be complicated. There's no such it can be complicated with Monaca.)
And Monokuma comes to Monaca all tied up and talks with her a bit. Asks her what she would do if it actually was Junko. Which Monaca refuses to believe because Junko is dead, Junko has been dead for years at this point, there's no way she's coming back, no way she's alive. But Monokuma plants enough of a seed of doubt that she's left unsure.
Then the story proceeds from there.
I like to think Monokuma untied Monaca. That would give her a lot of extra suspicion from the Warriors, especially if she's honest and says Monokuma did it. She wants to be honest because that's the only way people will believe her, and maybe Komaru and Makoto do, when she says she's not involved, but Kyoko holds off because she's all investigation mode and the Warriors absolutely refuse, absolutely are certain this is her fault, because it's always her fault. And if she's telling the truth, then she's obviously in cahoots with Monokuma because he's helping her! Also who is the one who still has Monokuma servants? Just Monaca. She has to be doing it!
Excepting that this Monokuma is clearly not Towa City design. Toko has seen them both - the ones Monaca used and the one Junko used - up close and personal - and they're not the same. Monaca's are mass-produced copies of the original, and they're servants. Junko's was an exquisitely designed one-of-a-kind original (she had more than one, but there's no Monokumas like Junko's Monokumas). And these are Junko's Monokumas.
Which leads to concern for the Remnants. Whether they've reverted, whether they're involved somehow. And maybe they're able to contact them (or maybe one of them is there with them, too), and nothing points in that direction either.
And so on.
Despite being dead, I think Junko's still involved somehow. Because it's always Junko, at the end. And because the idea of Monaca specifically having a reunion with some form of Junko is just. a very strong pull here. Of a Junko who can look at Monaca and say she's proud of her and who she's become, who maybe can look at the other Warriors and say the same, although that's less important. (The other Warriors would not want her to be proud of them. Monaca still does.)
Anyway, these are the thoughts. Idk if I'll ever actually long form write the thing (between the Warriors of Hope, Makoto, Kyoko, Komaru, Toko, and maybe a Remnant, that's 10. I don't know who the other six would be, unless I rope in Hiro and/or Hina (who could be teachers at Hope's Peak) and/or more Remnants (which I like less). No Byakuya, although I feel like he's been taking Nagisa under his wing. And while it'd be interesting to rope in new characters, new Ultimates, I don't want to "clearly these don't have plot armor but everyone from canon does" you know? So. That's a thing.)
Just. Thoughts.
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theamityelf · 8 months
My mind is full of thoughts of a Percy Jackson Danganronpa AU.
Here's an organized brainstorm.
Parameters: Danganronpa universe, Riordanverse characters. This means no one is a demigod, which I would ordinarily find a bit boring, but Ultimates are pretty superhuman anyway, so it's fine. Hope's Peak in Japan still exists; this is an imitation school in New York. The plot of Danganronpa is still happening in Japan. Junko and co are still responsible for the Tragedy and their killing game, but there is someone in the New York Hope's Peak who helped her cause the Tragedy and, separately, someone in the New York Hope's Peak acting in the role of "coerced traitor".
Percy Jackson- Ultimate Swimmer. Most of his backstory gets to stay pretty much the same, except the weird traumatizing things that happened throughout his childhood that in canon were the result of his godly parentage are now just regular people mistreating a kid. He gained renown as an Olympic swimmer, mostly so that he could give the money that came with that success to his mother, so she could stop being financially dependent on his abusive step-dad. She was able to leave him, and optionally put a hit out on him? If we want a Medusa equivalent.
In the killing game, his classmates are weird about him. A lot of them act like he's not smart, no matter how often he's right about stuff. He gets extremely defensive when he's the one being accused of murder, because he's used to having to defend himself from unfair accusations, so it's already a sore spot for him. This makes him come across as hotheaded and suspicious, but he never hurts anyone.
He survives. Also, he's probably the POV character.
Annabeth Chase- Ultimate Strategist. Backstory is, she ran away from home when she was seven and ended up in the "care" of some kind of army or mercenary group, and she became their best battle strategist at a very young age. When she became old enough to object to what the group was doing, she plotted out the tidiest way to end them and escape (physically) unscathed. Once she was free, she pretty much lived as a drifter until Hope's Peak scouted her.
In the killing game, she channels any fear she has immediately and directly into defensive rage. Because she can see so many potential strategies in the the things people do and the way everyone else behaves, she tends to float on the slightly confrontational side. Ironically, despite Percy being one of the more cunning participants, and despite everyone else accusing him of stuff constantly, she almost never expects him to be up to anything. Like, she'll sit next to him during meals specifically because she does not believe he has it in him to successfully plot her death.
She might kill. She probably wouldn't be killed. Her execution might be chess-based! Maybe a cruel subversion, where she's winning the chess game and then gets crushed to death by a giant checker piece, or something like that.
Grover Underwood- Ultimate Environmentalist. He's a famous activist for climate change and pollution. And unfortunately, Danganronpa Law might dictate that he gets placed in the coward role by default. Someone's gotta have the outrageously out-there fear sprites. I'd say he leans more "easily-startled pacifist" than "genuine coward", though. He might get a moment where he throws a tin can at Monokuma.
He folds in the face of teasing of any kind, so if Monokuma or his classmates make jokes at his expense, he does not banter back. Percy backs him up, since he refuses to defend himself. But he is reasonably vocal in the trials.
He's the character you're sure is going to die every chapter, but he makes it to the end.
Nico di Angelo- Ultimate Gamer. Everyone who hasn't already heard of him is surprised by this, because they find him irrationally eerie and it seems like his talent should have the same vibes. He's had a hard life, partially due to family stuff and partially because these game companies target him whenever he makes them look bad and sometimes they send mercenaries to intimidate or harm him, so he has to live on the run and off the grid- while also being a notorious gamer. He's still Hazel's half-brother, but he has to be careful about acknowledging their relationship in public, lest she be in danger, too. (The game company mercenaries would hold her hostage! They've already done it with a different sister before, and it did not end well.) But he does favors for her when he can, and they manage to keep in touch. Now that they're both attending the same school, they still keep their sibling relationship a secret for a while.
He's very reserved, both socially and in the trials. Sometimes he hangs out with Leo, since Leo focuses so hard on his own work that they don't have to talk much, and that's honestly the only reason he ever has an alibi. He still often gets accused of stuff just based on sheer vibes.
He might kill someone for Hazel. Or he might be killed. Most likely, he dies somehow. One of them has to die for the other's character development, per Danganronpa rules, and I'm choosing him. He would agree with my choice. The group finds out that they're siblings either during the trial or between the verdict and his execution.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Ultimate Heiress, but she really really doesn't want to be! She tries really hard to have a different Ultimate, like Ultimate Artist, Ultimate Activist...
In the killing game, her role in the dialogue is mostly to be the one saying obvious things and explaining the joke that was just made. (Look, it's okay. Some of my favorite Danganronpa characters get saddled with that job. It's not a slight on Rachel.) There's a running gag where she tends to correctly guess things ahead of time, culminating in her excitedly saying "Hey! Maybe I'm the Ultimate Psychic!" This annoys Octavian tremendously.
Socially, she kind of cycles between the friend groups. She says very little in the trials. When people tease her, she very much does banter back.
She might kill. Or she might be killed. I think probably the latter, and they can have some line like "She didn't see it coming." Maybe Nico kills her because she was going to kill Hazel? Eh, maybe not. She does get killed, though. Although her execution could be interesting if she murders instead; it could be based on the title she hates, or it can be based on her yearning for another title/identity.
Luke Castellan- Ultimate Traveler. He runs a very popular travel blog or vlog, centered around how he's been to every state, territory, and almost every country. He speaks a lot of languages. He's older than his classmates, because he missed a lot of school while he was traveling.
"I've visited the Hope's Peak in Japan a few times."
"There's one in Japan?" Percy says, immediately interested.
"The first Hope's Peak is in Japan!" Annabeth chides.
He became friends with Junko Enoshima a while back. He had a role in causing the Tragedy to also happen in America, but he thought it was for a different reason. He never wanted his classmates to kill each other! (He was fine with millions of other people dying, though.) Junko said they were locking themselves in for their own safety, so he convinced Headmaster Chiron. His memory was erased along with everyone else, so he doesn't know anything except that he was friends with Junko.
His presence in the killing game is very charismatic and caring and somewhat leaderly.
He might be the first one killed. He probably doesn't kill anyone. All the information about his role in things comes out after his death, but maybe he gets a moment right before he dies where he remembers everything but can only say a cryptic sentence that everyone misunderstands.
Carter Kane- Ultimate Egyptologist. Attended many lectures and archaeological digs with his father, pretty much from infancy. (Yes, Professor Kane giving a lecture with a baby on his chest!) Very well-versed in Egyptology, and took over his father's work and expert status when he tragically died in a freak accident. If New York Hope's Peak has a reserve course, Sadie might be enrolled there as a backup Ultimate Egyptologist.
In the killing game, Carter's place in the social web is to kind of be the quieter Annabeth, in that he's smart and somewhat suspicious of the others but doesn't express it as openly as she does. Also, his particular brand of had-to-grow-up-too-fast is of a more social bent than most of the others', due to the nature of his work, so he's a lot like Reyna in that he'll be the one trying to calm people down and get them to work together. In fact, he and Reyna will have a casually-established trust for each other, where they generally agree about things, side with each other, support each other's alibis, etc.
In the trials, he isn't all that vocal, but when he speaks, he always has an astute point.
He doesn't kill, but he might get killed.
Jason Grace- Oh boy, there are so many funny answers to this. I think it would be most on-brand for him to be the guy who wakes up with no memory of his Ultimate. But, this would necessarily mean that his talent must be significant in some potentially-game-breaking way. Ultimate Wolf Trainer would be great, but maybe a little out there? I'm thinking he'd either be Ultimate Wolf Trainer or Ultimate Survivalist. Either way, his backstory still involves wolves because the wolves are the coolest things about him (in my own personal opinion).
He is killed by Monokuma for rule-breaking, because he does not want to engage with the game on Monokuma's terms. He's used as an example for the others. It's a very heroic death.
Piper McLean- Ultimate Trendsetter. (A really superficial-sounding title that she hates.) She's been in the public eye as the daughter of a famous actor, and she's known for being utterly subversive in her fashion choices and broader lifestyle stuff; she single-handedly reshapes pop cultural trends, and no one can quite put their finger on why she manages to be so...persuasive? Without even saying a word. It's like, just by being herself, she makes people want to "agree" with her. Her social media presence has a significant impact on social justice movements and political campaigns. She also met Junko Enoshima before attending Hope's Peak (because it's not hard for a super influential "fashionista" to engineer a way to meet a super influential "trendsetter"), and Junko identified her as a valuable asset. Piper is the coerced traitor. She confesses after a close friend (probably Leo) dies.
Her behavior in the killing game is kind of guarded, for a while; she's guilty about being in contact with Monokuma, so she isolates herself out of guilt. It comes across as the standard "aloof ice queen" character archetype, especially if the POV character is Percy, who she doesn't soften toward until late in the game when they understand each other better, but she shows her kind side when she's defending those she perceives as underdogs, like Leo and Hazel. She doesn't trust Grover (Another thing that places her at odds with Percy.), because she thinks his pacifist thing is an act, partially because she considers him a celebrity and she has a lot of baggage around the concept of celebrity.
After she confesses to being the traitor, people get back to trusting her surprisingly quickly. It helps that a lot of the late-game participants are more on the trusting side, and also, in true Danganronpa traitor fashion, she didn't actually do anything to anyone; she just is the traitor. Once the cat's out of the bag, it's like a weight has been lifted. She gets along with everyone way better.
She survives.
Leo Valdez- Ultimate Mechanic. Once again, same backstory except he can't create fire with his hands.
In the killing game, he leans SUPER hard on sarcasm and humor as a defense mechanism, causing him to butt heads with some of the more earnest in the cast. Characters like Frank genuinely believe he doesn't care or thinks the situation is funny, whereas characters like Piper understand pretty quickly that Leo is just unable to deal with his fear any other way.
He dies, because his talent is game-breakingly useful once the group at large is focused on game-breaking and not surviving each other. He builds something useful to the rest of the class and then dies, rendering the thing he built far more valuable for the fact that they won't have any more inventions or machines from him to help them.
(If we want to go Danganronpa-style cruel irony, Annabeth could be the one to kill him, since she's the strategy person and his loss would be the most strategically problematic to the group. Like, we could discover that if she just hadn't killed Leo, he was this close to building something that would get them free.)
Hazel Levesque- (I would love to incorporate her love of horses, but that simply can't be relevant here, lol.) Ultimate Witch. She has pretty strong reservations about her title, but essentially she's a talented illusionist with above-average luck. Also she can sometimes see ghosts; it's a genetic thing. (Because if Danganronpa says that's on the table, then why not.) She would prefer to be called the Ultimate Illusionist, but New York Hope's Peak wants snappy, clickbait-y names for their Ultimates.
In the killing game, she gets along with everyone. Frank is protective of her, because she's physically small, kind-hearted, and pretty. Nico is protective of her because she's his sister. All the other girls are protective of her, because she's the least athletic out of all of them (since this AU doesn't require her to have been fighting monsters). Leo makes lighthearted jokes about her talent that Frank takes too seriously. The only person to ever directly accuse her of anything is Octavian, though she's not above suspicion when she doesn't have an alibi.
And for her own part, Hazel's skill set comes into play because she has a keen eye for smoke-and-mirrors, as it were. Like, as soon as the killing game starts, she becomes curious as to where Monokuma is appearing from and determined to find out. Things like that. She discovers secret passageways based on her familiarity with optical illusions, sleight of hand, and hidden compartments.
She survives. Obviously, having a strong personal connection to a character who probably dies means she has to survive to say some line towards the end like "It's what they would want," or "I remember what they said to me..." Monokuma meant for her to die because she was a little too persistent about finding stuff, but it didn't work out that way.
Frank Zhang- Ultimate Archer. Once again, functionally the same backstory with the Roman gods swapped out for human stuff.
In the killing game, he assumes the position of "We would never kill each other! Why would any of us kill each other?!" He's at odds with Leo (and by extension Piper) because of Leo's need to joke about things, and he's at odds with Annabeth because he doesn't want to suspect anyone. His insistence that they shouldn't suspect each other makes Annabeth (and to a lesser extent, Carter) suspicious that he's playing them. He trusts Reyna because she's a team leader, but she is aggressively neutral toward him. Like:
"Reyna, tell them this had to be Monokuma's doing!"
"It could have been him, or it could have been one of us. We don't have all the facts yet."
I'm going to say he kills, and I'm going to say that his motive is a hostage thing with his grandmother. This is also character development for Hazel. Sorry, Hazel. Also, sorry Frank. His execution hearkens to St. Sebastian (shot with a bunch of arrows while tied to a tree or post).
Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano- Ultimate Team Leader. Raised by a now-dead older sister, she led a lot of professional athletic teams to victory. She is great at seeing others' strengths and weaknesses, and she is a champion for team synergy.
Ironically, she's not great at creating or maintaining friendships, but she loves her classmates in her own way. She only speaks up in class trials when she notices someone is being talked over, in which case she makes sure the others quiet down and let them speak. Also, when Octavian is making it impossible to progress, she gets him to shut up. Other than that, she mostly listens.
She's probably killed, and the characters have a bunch of lines sadly reflecting on how they didn't expect someone like her to be killed.
Octavian [Last Name]- Ultimate Psychic. He's famous for his whole gimmick of divining a person's future by cutting open a beloved stuffed animal of theirs; for the hardcore superstitious types, it's considered a show of how serious you are about your beliefs to say you've had your future read by Octavian. (It's also a demonstration of financial status, because he charges a lot.)
In the killing game, he is hugely distrustful and obstructs the group from collaborating at pretty much every turn. Like, Annabeth is cautious, but he is straight up tearing the group apart constantly.
He kills or is killed for sure. Most likely, he kills; no way any self-respecting Danganronpa game would miss the opportunity to make him angrily defend himself in the trial room and get a gruesome execution that probably hearkens to him gutting stuffed animals. I'm going to take it a step further and say he's the one to kill Carter, since its too obvious to have him kill Rachel or Reyna.
Also, if they get to open up Monokuma late in the game, they're going to mention how Octavian would have loved to be around for this.
So, to recap, in no particular order:
Murderers: Annabeth, Nico(?), Frank, Octavian
Victims: Rachel(?), Luke, Carter, Leo, Reyna
Killed As An Example: Jason
Survivors: Percy, Piper, Hazel, Grover. They are all best friends at the end.
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tobiasdrake · 9 months
Alright, Rantaro Amami. This is easily the hardest character to appreciate in Danganronpa.
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Rantaro joins Ultimate Imposter and Mukuro Ikusaba the 16th student hiding-- in the realm of characters we barely even get a chance to know before they're taken from us, only for dramatic reveals to come out about them much later down the line.
He's tough to get to know in the short time we have him, because his personality isn't as bombastic as theirs. Mukuro and Byakuya are aggressive, proactive characters who shower you in personality whenever you speak to them. Also, if you spend time with Mukuro you start getting to see some intricate character bits you won't fully appreciate until endgame. Meanwhile Rantaro's nice.
He's a pleasant guy who means well, trying to figure things out about this situation, about his missing Talent, and about the special clue he received at the start - one of two, though he hasn't acquired the second yet and will not live to see it. This makes for a personality that doesn't stick out in the mind easily. Nice characters who are simply pleasant to be around aren't often memorable.
He doesn't know what his Talent is and it's not super clear why. Kyoko's Talent was taken from her on purpose to keep her from screwing up the Killing Game. Hajime never had one. Our third Ultimate ???, Rantaro, is the Ultimate Survivor - However, this isn't a Talent, but rather a title he earned from winning his previous Killing Game. His Talent? Never comes up in the main story, nor is there any answer for why he didn't get his Talent given to him with the rest of the group. He just. Didn't.
You might expect it to be explored in his FTEs, but no. Most of his FTEs are spent speculating about what his story might be, in the form of tongue-in-cheek references to past games. Suggesting that Ultimate Academy might be a sinister research lab dedicated to studying Talent, or suggesting he might secretly be the Ultimate Murderous Fiend and then settling on maybe being a writer of some kind.
You have to FTE him with Shuichi, a character you cannot play as until after he dies, to even learn anything about him. His history is locked away in the post-game bonus mode Love Across the Universe, with his Talent being your reward for making it all the way to the end of his romance chain.
This is what I mean when I say Rantaro is the hardest character to appreciate. I mean that literally. The game makes it mechanically difficult to get to know him, in a way that Hajime and even Kyoko never were. He truly embodies not just the letter but the spirit of an Ultimate ???, with secrets available for plunder only for people determined enough to chase him into a Dating Sim.
While in the main game proper? We get to spend a short bit of time getting to know how nice he is and wondering about the mystery we won't get answers to. Then we watch him die. A complete blindsiding sucker-punch of a death, because you don't kill the Ultimate ???, right!? We wanted answers! He had secrets! Secrets that died with him! You bastards! T_T
There is a lot about case 3-1 that I dislike. Some parts of 3-1 I aggressively hate. But baiting the hook with an Ultimate ??? mystery and then immediately killing him out of spite is a great bit of subversive writing and I love that one decision so much. The case is obnoxious but this bit? This bit is gold.
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My takes on the 6 other human souls from undertale (+ their stories) also TW: A LOTTA DEATH!!!!
Sharpay was always a bit of a cynical little girl, always carrying a toy knife from a kitchen playset wherever she went; despite that, she loved to explore and always found herself in danger, one day she went out while her family wasn't looking and accidentally fell into the underground. There she was taken in by toriel, sharpay wasn't very trusting of toriel at first and wanted to attack her as soon as she saw her but instead decided to simply just wait and see if toriel had bad intentions before doing so, and so sharpay lived in the ruins for a few days before unfortunately falling off the balcony to her death while chasing a froggit
Zach was sharpay's older brother; he was very protective of sharpay, obsessed with every single sport you can imagine and was always there to help those who needed it. After the dissappearence of his little sister, zach had decided to go out and look for her when he too had fell into the underground. He exited the ruins and entered snowdin completely oblivious to the fact that sharpay died, zach soon met the same fate after being found by a royal guard and was killed
Cygnet never spoke to a lot of people, they were always caught up in their ballet classes and always planning their next show; to many people this gave them a sense of mystery and even beauty. Outside of ballet, they had an interest in interpretive dance and had preferred communicating through such whenever they could. After they fell into the underground (i couldn't think of how they did so, soz) and made their way through, they came across waterfall and absolutely loved it there. Soon they met undyne and knew that she was going to kill them; after hearing all the stories of how the monsters were trapped there and needed human souls to break the barrier, cygnet ultimately decided to sacrifice themself
Skai was a nerd in every sense of the word; they always felt as though every small detail was important enough to jott down in their many, many notebooks.....that being said: they didn't have many friends due to how antisocial they were, despite this, they seemed to have had some kind of insane luck (i imagine it being similar to how nagito's luck works in danganronpa 2). One day while studying various flora and fauna in the woods, they accidentally fell into the underground. They were able to escape various royal guards and survived several near death experiences until they reached waterfall and met gerson who then decided to take them under his wing. Unfortunately though, someone had found skai and reported them to the royal guard...skai wasn't lucky enough to survive
Cider was an orphan who lived at the same orphanage frisk would eventually end up at before the events of undertale, unfortunately she stayed at the orphanage for so long that she became too old for people to want to adopt her so she decided to help take care of the children instead; her favorite thing to do was cooking and generally just helping out in the kitchen. She especially grew attached to a specific little boy named dusty and had plans of adopting him once she became an adult, one day while playing outside with dusty they both had fell into the underground. After a while the two were confronted by royal guards and cider let herself be caught to give dusty a chance to escape
Dusty was another orphan, he was a very energetic and cheerful human who was obsessed with cowboy movies and dreamed of one day BECOMING a cowboy, he had always hung around with cider and saw her as an older sister figure. After falling into the underground and losing cider, dusty had begun to believe that cider was kidnapped due to not actually seeing her get killed and that the monsters were evil so he made it his goal to try and "save" her....unfortunately he was but a stupid 5 year old and was immediantly killed by the very first royal guard that saw him...
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Can you talk about Komaru x Kokichi more?
Their a bit interested and I wanted to know more about their relationship!!!
This is a ship held together with one piece of art and my danganronpa headcanons truly, which I will be glad to share.
First off, Komaru's a jock with a love of fun, while I wouldn't call Kokichi a jock he CERTAINLY has a lot of energy and a love of fun himself. I could EASILY see him coming out of nowhere, slamming a hand on her arm, and yelling TAG and Komaru does not HESITATE to give chase beyond some mild complaining as she runs that she was doing something! Komaru has so much energy and gets SO into things, even in the middle of murder demon hunting city she's getting excited about puzzles and doing fun voices, Kokichi would LOVE that.
Kokichi's a nerd at heart and Komaru's a bit of a nerd as well, Kokichi likes anime, manga, and games, they could absolutely have in depth conversations about some of Kokichi's interests in pop culture that he doesn't normally have people to talk about, they ARE friends on Pokemon Go. Kokichi HAS beaten her in yugioh 20 times in a row. While Komaru is more of a 'girls' manga person then shounen, she's definitely still likely a fan of the more popular series. Komaru is picking up his yugioh references, he is finally vindicated in making them. Like she reads manga about a girl with a bomb inside her, Komaru's into some NICHE stuff.
Komaru is gullible but she's also smart, so while she's definitely falling for a lot of lies at first, she's going to get a lot better at spotting them over time, and may even lie back to him, which he won't mind because komaru is a TERRIBLE liar so it's just kinda funny. If Komaru can become best friends with Toko and Syo, Kokichi isn't going to be as much of a challenge if Komaru decides she wants to hang out with him. Her ability to just take things as they are, means even if Kokichi spouts the most outrageous lies she'll give a fond sigh and be like "that's our Kokichi."
With Komaru's sense of justice, she'd be willing to help Kokichi a lot with minor pranks, she is laughing when shuichi runs headfirst into clear tape like those videos. However her determination and sense of doing what's right means she can also better stand up to Kokichi when he's in the wrong or doing something risky.
As most of his organization, if not all of it besides Kokichi, would be untalented, I have always felt like kokichi would have a secret respect and curiosity not many other talented have for the untalented along with a skepticism towards the authority of the ultimates.
Sure the ultimate artist can make something beautiful, but Kokichi is looking for a sense of soul, a sense of emotion, something that screams "I AM HERE, YOU CANT ERASE ME" things that challenge society, challenge perceptions, and you don't really get that with ultimates due to ultimates being the upper echelon of society that should be challenged. Komaru is so herself, and so driven, she puts soul into everything she does, and I think Kokichi would respect that a bit. I think Kokichi would love to see what she was capable of if he put a can of spraypaint in her hand and pushed her towards a blank wall.
So with both of them being childish at heart energetic people who put passion and soul into everything they do along with being total dorks in secret, I could easily see them getting along. Komaru's down for whatever Kokichi will throw her way as a challenge, and Kokichi's down for seeing what this strange girl who society says should be a nobody is going to do to change that world who tries to stop her. Even if you don't want them romantically, I think they'd become really good friends if given the chance as Komaru helps him put itching powder in everyone's clothes with a few sarcastic comments about Kokichi being a bad influence.
Also I like calling it Komouma instead of oumaru because then it feels like im tricking people into thinking my posts going to be komaeda you FOOLS get TRICKED.
Also heres the playlist
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badass-bitch-polls · 1 year
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i have spent all evening on this. it's very late. i need sleep.
i'm incredibly sorry in advance for any unfair match ups! i used a random number generator to avoid bias towards my own blorbos, so if anything's op, blame the google number generator lmao
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(alphabetically by media name...)
Jessy Thorn - ADACA
Hikari Kuina - Alice in Borderland
Loba Andrade - Apex Legends
Deunan Knute - Appleseed
Jinx - Arcane
Vi - Arcane
Sevika - Arcane (i accidentally put colette in my list twice and so only had 63 candidates, so since y'all loved sevika so much in the preliminaries i decided to add her in as a wild card!)
Azula - Avatar the Last Airbender
Katara - Avatar The Last Airbender
Lollipop - Battle for Dream Island
Moriarty - BBC Sherlock
Harley Quinn - Birds of Prey and DC Batman
Grell Sutcliff - Black Butler
Sakura Ogami - Danganronpa THH
Susie - Deltarune
Connor - Detriot Become Human
River Song - Doctor Who
c!Wilbur - The Dream SMP
Zora Salazar - Epithet Erased
Evelyn Wang - Everything Everywhere All At Once
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy 7
River Tam - Firefly
Risa Hawkeye - Full Metal Alchemist
Olivier Armstrong - Full Metal Alchemist (the vote was so close that i thought both deserved to make the cut)
Megaera - Hades
Hornet - Hollow Knight
Mantis Lords - Hollow Knight
Vriska Serket - Homestuck
Snowman - Homestuck
Jolyne Cujoh - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Maki Zen'in - Jujutsu Kaisen
Vilanelle - Killing Eve
LL!ZombieCleo - Last Life SMP/Life Series
Mei - Lego Monkie Kid
Tony Stark - MCU
Vera Oberlin - Monster Prom
Lady Nagant - My Hero Academia
Nya - Ninjago
Aubrey - OMORI
Bossman Hero - OMORI
Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson
GLaDOS - Portal
Buttercup - Powerpuff Girls
Death - Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Colette - Ratatouille
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
April O'Neil - Rise of the TMNT
Cassandra Jones - Rise of the TMNT
Catra - She-Ra
Huntara - She-Ra
Garnet - Steven Universe
Morticia Addams - The Addams Family
Ellie Rose - The Henry Stickmin Collection
Gideon Nav - The Locked Tomb
The Mandalorian - The Mandalorian
Eda Clawthorne - The Owl House
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Elendira the Crimsonnail - Trigun Maximum (the manga)
Mettaton - Undertale
Undyne - Undertale
Lord Dominator - Wander Over Yonder
Urbosa - Zelda BOTW
Revali - Zelda BOTW
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caramelgeddon · 2 years
What monster prom thinks of humans
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Hii mod Himiko here… so I decided expanding what was initially a Danganronpa writing blog to include more series… so this is an experiment to see if you guys and I enjoy this!
Hmm while she genuinely admires some of the more money hungry humans, she has hard time making deals with them
Mostly because they turn to stone if they make look at her face. However that’s how she got her next business idea!
Turning humans to stone and selling them as statues!
She loves some of the romance stories humans make up. Particularly princess and the frog, and beauty and the beast
As such she generally likes them, but if they disrespect her she has nothing against executing them
However she’s normally nice to humans
Well she used to be a human before she died so of course she loves them!
Don’t get me wrong humans could be in danger being next to her, but… that’s just because sometimes she parties a bit to hard… and hey monsters are in just as much danger around her as humans
Overall one of the nicer monsters to humans
While she does have human worshippers she doesn’t really care for them
As such it’s hard for a human to win her favor but not impossible. As such humans she respects she respects more then most monsters
However she is ultimately indifferent to most humans
Haha arson go brr!
Yeah that’s basically all he sees them as for the most part… however if he ever did get to know a human he would feel a little guilty
And he probably won’t burn them… as much and when he does he’ll incinerate there screaming body gently out of respect
Initially he doesn’t care one way or another…
Until one day a human throws him a tennis ball and he chases after it, only to be pet by the bizarre human.
And immediately he loves the human and is super protective
So while he is initially indifferent to most humans it’s easy to get him to change his mind
(Side note he loves watching human football)
At first he takes the popular stance of despising humans. Until he realizes he’s taking the popular stance
So of course he decides to defy the popular option and be human accepting…
Until eventually the more he knew about humans the more he actually started to care about them
So yes he does like humans… just be careful you’re not around him when he’s thirsty since Y’know vampire
Most monster’s genuinely either hate or have no opinion on humans.
However Calculester deviates from the norm he finds all life beautiful including humans!
So any human that is genuinely not a bad person he will get along with. Generally the most friendly to humans.
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fma03envy · 1 year
okay one more dr ask thing (dont feel obligated to answer if you dont want to BUT) Id really love to hear what you think about the big questions 20 and 42, its bit something Ive seen peoole discuss on tumblr at length recently
Had a few thoughts for the first one so putting them under the cut
20. What is your favorite aspect of Danganronpa?
This one's a bit hard to put into words but I'll try.
I love Danganronpa plotlines that kind of HAD to happen based on the context was built up, and characters who are doomed by some core aspect of their situation (either plot context or their own intrinsic character traits).
I think Nagito's a good example of this, because him being Like That is so tied to his talent on every level as well as to the setting of the killing game, but with context it feels like he couldn't have turned out any other way. His whole "this despair will lead to even greater hope" thing cannot be separated from the fact that his talent literally guarantees anything unlucky that happens to him to be reimbursed with something lucky. Everything in his life is so dialed up to 1000 that his only way of staying hopeful on a personal level is to believe that the cycle ends at the universe righting itself, a sentiment that the setting of the killing game makes the others see (correctly) as illogical but him cling to as salvation. He's the most extreme version of what Chiaki and Kamishiro describe where people get defined by their talents.
Dr3 Chiaki is another one of my absolute favorite examples, though in her case what gets me is more a matter of framing. You first see her and your immediate thought is "WAIT why is Chiaki here? There isn't any human Chiaki later-" and then after a second the dots connect™. But if you're anything like me, you still end up endeared by her, and so will find yourself hoping against hope that maybe she'll be ok. And so of course, she isn't, she was never going to be, she dies as horribly as possible, setup and payoff. Aside from all the junkozuru stuff, Chiaki's arc is easily my favorite part of dr3 because it takes advantage of its nature as a prequel and uses your own expectations to build dread.
Speaking of prequels, I feel like Danganronpa Zero (my favorite part of the Dr series thus far) also utilizes its chronological location well to build an air of inevitability. Like you know after this book comes The Literal Apocalypse, so the question isn't if or how everything will go to shit but when. And our protagonist's attitude of denial only heightens your unease, because she's so singlemindedly set on having a happy life with Matsuda and blocking everything else out that you can't help but assume that ultimately will become impossible (and of course in the back of your mind, the fact that neither of them is ever seen again later in the series nags at you). But then it turns out that Ryoko is doomed not only by the narrative but also by her base character premise. Her very existence was conditional and she was never going to win; Junko would never be able to find satisfaction chasing such dreams.
(Sidenote: I would also argue that Junko and Izuru are both intrinsically doomed by their own boredom tied to their ridiculously OP talents. This is why Junko devotes herself to insane schemes that will never be enough, and why Izuru's two choice coping mechanisms are a) give up or b) help her).
Plus on reread, not only does Ryoko's plight become more tragic, but Matsuda's whole thing feels a lot more predetermined, both because Junko had the whole thing literally planned from the beginning (which is foreshadowed in ways that drive me up the wall), and because it's like. All Matsuda's actions tie back to the combination of his classmates being murdered + his loyalty to Junko + his suspicions he's trying desperately to first ignore and then disprove that she's behind this + guilt over harboring her + guilt over Soshun + guilt over lashing out at Ryoko about this when she doesn't remember and LOVES him, guilt guilt guilt guilt. Of COURSE he's a confused, bitter contradictory mess, how would this character be anything else in this context.
So, the short answer would be that dr0 Mukuro's repeated "that's the kind of story this is" quote encompasses the ideal Danganronpa vibe (ik she only repeats that in one of the two dr0 fanstranslations I have on hand but I like the quote and so am hoping it's canon)
42. How do you feel about the Danganronpa fandom as a whole?
Eh, I feel like I'm not really the best person to ask here? My perception is skewed by the facts that a) I only really interact with dr fans on Tumblr (or insta but then it's mostly ppl who've followed me first) b) I'm very quick to block strangers if it seems like they're shitty or annoying and c) I've been into dr for less than a year. So I feel like I've been able to keep my own experiences relatively good bc of that?
Generally a lot of the weird bigotry I've seen here is people uncritically parroting the same stuff present in the games, but also I've been a fan of media with far fewer issues where the fandom really wasn't much better (see: utdr. Trying to find letsplayers who I didn't hate was just as hard there as here; currently I've got like 2 channels I trust to be normal about dr but that's it). So basically no good fandoms only good friends
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putaindeplagieur · 1 year
Danganronpa: Killing Games, a Chain of Reactions.
Heyo. Its time for me to strike again with a reaction. This time, from good old @pyropsychiccollector who answered an ask:
So, as you can see in the article, pyro has three culprits to point his fingers at. Three points which makes me have three different reactions. And I thought 'why not pester everyone with my thoughts again ?'
Only my opinions, lets be civil, prepare the popcorn for some long ass rant... I think you know the jazz.
1: The Future Arc
Lets cut to the chase here. I ENTIRELY agree on this point. Why ?
Simply put, because this 'game' has no proper structure to maintain it. The only reason this exist is to push Ryouta to use his brainwashing video. Thats it.
Of course there is bound to have dead bodies dropping, but not only Kazuo sent all of the Heads of his organisation to the guillotine, but they werent even developped as opposed to the two others. Everything moved so fast we barely got to know them let alone feel attached to, when its even possible.
'It would be too painful to put Makoto in another killing game', the devs said... well whatever this was, it was painful for him AND us.
Honestly, it would have been much better to have the killing game either be scrapped entirely, or have it happen after we see them bound. Make us see how the outside world is recovering by this point. We already saw a glimpse of that happen in Killer Killer, now we wanted to see how things changed by then ! What about the population that struggles and needs help, what about the Despairs themselves ?
We could have had Makotos visions truly evolve, as we see him trying to adapt himself in the dangerous world outside as he get out of the school, trying to give back some humanity in this broken world as he tries to compromise with Kyousuke so they can finally work together in the Killing Game ! Not to mention, the Forbidden Actions were interesting as it put another limitation to avoid !
I feel like I could go on and on about what DR3 should have been... but it deserves its own post. I have two other points to go over.
2: Celestia Ludenberg
Aaaaand thats pretty much where I feel like I must say my piece, even if the reasonning
Yes, Celestia, as the Ultimate Gambler, should have known better than involving two victims was too big of a risk. Double murders are pretty notorious to be.... not great in general. And yes, her plan ended up having too much holes to be credible. Honestly, I get people when they say her talent was shamed because of her rash decisions which doesnt fit her persona.
To which I answer... is it really that surprising ?
In a classic gambling match, surely the outcome would have been her victory. Because in my mind, in any official tournament which opposes expert in the field of analysis, strategy and treachery, the result of winning might be worth the risks.
But this isnt a tournament. This is a torture porn game made a psychopath who uses a human emotion as an excuse to make people suffer. Because it made her feel alive.
And we all know the lenghts she took. Aside from brainwashing people, she took years of people who were close to her, making them strangers... and the motives. Their families, their secrets, their greed, their sense of security... she played with everything she had.
Because she knew how they worked. And she knew how to counter their quirks. And that included our best gothica manipulative girl.
Because lets face it guys, even with the most objective look on things, that doesnt excuse her actions. I do think that had she survived the game, some accountability would have been much needed, especially in an organisation as skin tighted as the Future Fundation. Not to mention the Captives.
BUT ! Notice that I wrote SOME accountability. Not ALL of it. Why ?
Simple : who is the one who was manipulating things to turn out this way ? Celestia played her cards, that is undeniable... but who gave her those cards ? Who awoke her greed with the motive ?
Because yes. Junko knew Celestia's dream. She knew how she got there and how far she would go, and she pushed her victim over the edge. I say victim because even though Celes was a bitch compared to the other culprits, and even though she killed for selfish reasons, at the end of the day, she was as manipulated as the rest of her class, a class full of people with weaknesses and insecurities that she took advantage of.
In Celestia's case ? It was her pride.
Celestia Ludenberg was born because Taeko Yasuhiro was, according to her, a boring girl with nothing special... when she thought she deserved better. All the while denying her past that she wants nothing to do with.
The moment Junko put a possibility for her to make her dream, her LIE, a REALITY ? The outcome was inevitable.
Personally, I do think its a shame Celes didnt survive. The death of the mask to let reality sink in. But realistically speaking ? Celestia would have NEVER allowed that to happen. The Queen of Lies can lie to all, even herself. But not to one who knows the truth. That was a match she could never win no matter what.
Because lets say that she got away with her plan... then what ? She can construct her castle in a destroyed France ? And for all we know, what tells me the cash Monokuma showed wasnt fake, rendering all of her machinations for NOTHING ? Uh ? Ever though of that ? She has hidden the Class Trial aspect and the Tragedy until the good time, this is something she would do !
This is something any good mastermind would do : tell their captives enough information to advance... but let the context out of their grasps. The reason is simple : to make them panic and let their emotions do the rest. And as Junko is not directly involved like the participants... she can deflect all the blame on those who cracks under the pressure.
Thats the strategy the bad guys in Squid Games used, thats the strategy Junko uses on those she wants to suffer for her enjoyment.
Thats the base of anyvkilling game. Using the quirks of the participants to make them go unrational. So Celes acting the way she did is upsetting... but surprisingly, I think not only it was intended, but in character. And to those who thinks it doesnt fit her talent...
Damon Maitsu from Eden's Garden.
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Spoilers, the talent of debating about multiple subjects doesn’t mean you can communicate with others well. And your ego who belittles the talents of others, as well as using an (although optional) road involving feelings rather than logic ... doesn't help.
Emotions... can get the best of you in stressful situations.
Someone would attest to that.
3: Sayaka Maizono
Everything I said about Celes... also applies to Sayaka. Even more so, in fact, considering her status.
I’m not going to write much more, I’ll just say this.
Sayaka using Makoto in Chapter 1? Unfortunately, that’s... not as stupid as you guys would think.
Again, Junko hiding the Class Trial section of killing someone is on purpose, and the instructions were too vague for everyone to have a good grasp of the implications.
And Junko knows about what Sayaka had to do to get the title. That doesn’t excuse what Sayaka did and tried to pull, but that video? The way she panicked? It was intended to be as such.
Compare her video to Makoto’s. His home was destroyed, his family nowhere to be seen, and he freaks out for a moment, wanting to get out. Pretty intense all things considered.
Sayaka’s though? Seeing your friends on the ground, unconscious? Or are they even alive at all? There’s no way to tell at all, for all she knew... No wonder why she snapped, seeing her closest friend, and NOT KNOWING IF THEY’RE ALIVE... not knowing for sure is a torture.
So when she hears her friend telling her he would get her out of here no matter what... is it really surprising to have her think in dark places?
Bringing the worst in ourselves, all away from logic and rationality...
That is the power of the Killing Game.
Contrary to what Kyosuke says, having rules doesn’t make things safer. Not when they’re stacked against you. Hell in a broken world with attacks which can comes at every directions, and hell in a secluded place without any idea of what those around you might be thinking, with a mastermind that can pull any stunts it can to make people break. Stupid decisions are bound to happen in those settings.
...then again, when the game isn’t structured properly, and when the anime is rushed...
Anyways, thank you for bearing with me.
Now I gotta prepare my shield. See ya!
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klai-16xoxo · 10 months
I am new to your blog but I saw the danganronpa sona thing with you and your pals and I wanted to ask if you have an execution for each one?
I have one ready for my dear and beloved friend @nice-chiaki ☺️✨ I made it personally for her and with a lot of love and care so I hope you find it to your liking, Tae~ besties! I even made sure it would be a bit humane just for ya~
{THE DETECTIVE’S TOXIC TRUTH} Taegan - The Ultimate Detective
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Tae would be placed in a room filled with toxic gas and a murder mystery to solve with literal lost pieces, if she solved the murder within the time limit she get to be free and live!!! But~ if not then… oh well~ :)
But we don’t want her to die so fast on us due to the gas, now do we? So to ensure her safety, she is provided with a gas mask. However, she must quickly gather clues and evidence to solve the murder before time runs out. But it is not that easy, Oh NO NO!!
My dear pup of Despair Joe~, would intentionally hinders Tae's progress by stealing the literal pieces of the mystery and clues, taunting Tae and forcing her to chase after her, thus wasting valuable time. Eventually, and when Tae manages to gather all the clues and piece them together in order to escape, it is revealed that the evidence points towards Tae herself as the murderer. Despite her protestations, the clues are considered irrefutable (and besides~ Tae is the ultimate Detective no? And since she the one who solved this mystery it must be true!) and To make matters worse, the gas mask she wore as protection is now tampered with, rendering it impossible for her to remove it from her face and it now slowly being filled with toxic gas as well and leaving our dear beloved Detective dying slowly and painfully by the gas ☺️✨
Taegan The Ultimate Detective, had been executed.
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To Make a Difference: Part 1  [Beginning of Arc]
[Kuripa’s Apartment, 3¾ Years Ago]
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I’m sorry for coming here so out of the blue...
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No problem. Can I get you anything?
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A soft drink please...I need sugar...bad...
*Kuripa grabs some energy drinks and slides Uchui his favorite. He grabs a pre-made cup of tea for himself.
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Still can’t stand this stuff, huh?
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Nah. Classic British cup o’ tea for me can keep me going. 
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You are the strangest nerd I’ve ever met, Kuripa. Usually, people like you would be chugging these things all night.
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You’re one to talk. Don’t think I didn’t notice the bags under your eyes.
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What’s up? Is it the new workspace? You finding it hard to fit in?
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No, the new lab is fine. Thanks again for putting a good word in for me.
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It’s just...about the research I’m conducting?
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Oh. You mean this...interdimensional-travel thing, right?
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Yes...That...Truth be told, I’m currently putting it all on a paper. Then, once I finish the entire project, I plan on unveiling it in front of a live audience.
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Seriously!? You haven’t done that since school!
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Yeah...and I barely scraped by then. The problem with having a talent like Theoretical Physicist is that ordinary people...don’t get it...Not even examiners. No way I would have been able to attend Hope’s Peak back in the good old days.
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I wouldn’t exactly call the old Hope’s Peak, “The good old days...”
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Fair point.
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So how’s it all going?
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It’s progressing...smoothly enough, but I feel like I’ve hit another wall...In regards to this...device thing...I mentioned.
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You mean the one that you showed me where we looked into other universes and timelines?
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No, not that one. The step up from that. The one that allows us to TRAVEL through universes.
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And how can I help? You know I don’t understand this stuff as much as you do.
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I know, I know, it’s just...I...need someone to talk this through with...And you’re basically the only person I’ve got...
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Right...Well, ok then. Lay it on me.
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Thank you.
*Uchui takes a big gulp of his drink.
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To start with...I made a discovery last night that’s been keeping me up this whole time...I used my spyglass to find a new universe closely connected to ours. One in the distant future.
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That’s pretty normal, isn’t it? What’s been eating you about this one?
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...Because I saw a Killing Game on the other side.
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A killing game? Like...a KILLING GAME killing game.
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Yes. 16 students, all with Ultimate Talents, locked in an academy, forced to kill each other to escape.
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This isn’t the first time I’ve seen such a thing, admittedly, but it’s the first time it had an impact on me. I looked deeper into that world and...found a horrible truth.
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This Killing Game took place in a reality where none of us are real. Instead, your boss, his friends, the people on Jabberwock Island and all that are part of a popular anime franchise called “Danganronpa”.
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That’s a dumb name.
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The name is not what’s important. I’ll cut to the chase.
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The Killing Game I saw...was the fifty-third one...
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*Kuripa chokes on his tea.
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Fi....FIFTY-THIRD!? How does that even-!? WHAT!?
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That series got so popular that they busted out a new one every chance they got. And not only that, but society of that world became so obsessed with Danganronpa, that REAL PEOPLE started to be used, and killed, in the killing games.
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The fuck is...what!? How is a series where people die horrible deaths so popular!?
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I know, right!? It’s like if Dead Man’s Wonderland was a real thing!
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I...Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some pretty horrible things...Some timelines where Junko Enoshima won, or others where disease spreads across the whole universe...Heh...I’ve even seen zombie apocalypse realities, believe it or not.
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But this takes the cake...Something like this, so out of control, due to a worlds deception...These kids identities are erased and they’re turned into characters for entertainment...
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And I just wish...I just wish I could do something...But they’re out of my reach.
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Ignoring the fact that I’m freakishly weak on my own, even if I do find some way to go to that world and rescue those kids, the damage has already been done. There’s no saving a world like that...
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But if I could just get these people away from it...That’d be enough.
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You want to save them? What does that accomplish?
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It accomplishes saving lives and...knowing I did something to help. But even now, maybe I’m a little too late for that...
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I just...needed to get it off my chest...I hate the fact that no matter where I’ve look, I’ve yet to find a reality or world that isn’t cruel, bitter and painful...And that nobody can hope to fight against.
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Such is the way of the world, I guess.
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Not to be rude or anything buddy, but I think peeking in on these other worlds isn’t helping you. You say you feel helpless, but you’re still watching that suffering, cursing yourself.
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It’s not good for your mental health.
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You’re right...But at the same time, you’re one to talk about obsession over hopeless ideals.
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*He tips his mug.
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Every different reality suffers from a different kind of pain. In this case, it’s a never-ending cycle of anarchy and death...It’s never going to stop because no one wants it to stop. So even if some of these kids survive that game, there’s no one they’ll be able to share their pain with. 
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Even if we were to find a way to take our world and bring it to theirs, and show them the reality of suffering because of Killing Games and despair...I don’t think that would be enough to stop this...And that’s what I ultimately realized.
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Hm...And you’re sure there’s absolutely NOTHING you can do?
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You already have the power to look in. Can’t you send a message or something to the participants?
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Again, how does that help? They’re caught hook line and sinker in this game. Telling them the truth won’t stop things.
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No matter how I look at this, anything I do that allows me to contact that other world from ours won’t yield any results. Plus, it’s impossible unless there’s a way for me to get out safely on the other side, much less several people.
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And I’m guessing the Uchui Porosen of that reality never existed?
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Mm-hm...The real people who get put in the Killing Game are given false histories and fake Ultimate Talents. If that reality did have an Uchui, he never achieved anything I did.
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Hm...Hang on a second though.
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What’s up?
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You said that unless there was a way to safely receive yourself, you couldn’t travel there. And that the Uchui of that reality never really had any talents, right?
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That’s right.
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The Uchui of THIS world, DOES have talents, and is a pretty genius physicist.
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D-Don’t butter me up.
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So...why don’t you look at it from another angle?
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Instead of focusing on bringing our reality to that world...Why not bring THAT world HERE?
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I mean...Here’s how I look at it. You said that you felt powerless because you can’t 
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Let’s say, hypothetically, you found a way to grab the people stuck in this Killing Game, and bring them over here. Not only could you save them and give them a chance at new life, but no participants means no Killing Game!
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...That’s...True...But then I wouldn’t be able to send them back...At least not right now.
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Why would you want to send them back? You said yourself there’s nothing left for them...
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It is!?
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YES! And no doubt in my mind I could make it work!
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It’s not exactly what I want, or what I’m aiming for, but it’s a step in the right direction!
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Ooh! I need to plan! I need to hurry and write this down somewhere!? I need to calculate risks, and time management...Ooh, I’m not gonna be sleeping tonight!
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Normally I’d try to stop you, given that you’ve already been pulling all-nighters, but I know what you’re like when you’re on this type of high.
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Oh...sorry...It’s just, I can’t believe I didn’t see it before! You’ve helped me make a major breakthrough!
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Nah, it was just an idle suggestion. I didn’t think too hard about it.
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I knew it would be a good idea bringing this to you. Thank you Kuripa! I owe you for this!
*Uchui gets up and rushes out as soon as he arrived.
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mythgirlimagines · 10 months
Even if they are a duo, Ultimate Survivors Miu and Ouma can have separate FTEs. I don't think anything I wrote down there is relevant, I just thought they were neat little ideas:
Interestingly, chances are whatever happens in the killing game isn't exactly scripted. Of course, Team Danganronpa manufactures the identities of the "characters" and writes the main stories, but aside from handing out the exposition, what the characters actually do with that expo is unknown, even if you can make some guesses based on the personalities they wrote for them (this is how Miu and Ouma notice certain tropes). It's kinda like they're unintentionally roleplaying. That isn't to say they aren't above setting things up in the middle of the game for fanservice, though.
That being said, "FTEs" are the most glaring example of this. The protagonist isn't being controlled like they would be in the video games, so who they'd hang out with is largely based on their own relations, at the cost of who the audience might actually want them to interact with. Team Danganronpa can try to intervene, but it's a bit hard to without potentially overwriting something: who the audience wants to interact with is probably definitely an antagonist, someone the protagonist Might Not want to converse with.
So! This is gonna be split up between four asks. First off, we'll have Kaede as the protag. Kaede seeks out Ouma to hang out with: any headcanons for what they might think of each other and all?
Kokichi was kind of used to people wanting to spend time with him during the killing games. As much as he tried to avoid certain people, there was something about him that drew the protagonist-types to him.
Mostly he tried leading Kaede on wild goose chases. He could learn more about her through conversation, all while screwing with her and leaving her with almost less information about him than she started with.
It was amusing, at the very least. Kaede seemed pretty genuine, but she was also kind of smart. Her wanting to spend time to him at least meant he could keep a close eye on her.
Well, there were worse people there to spend time with! He could think up a few more ways to waste some of Kaede’s time while getting information for him and Miu to use.
Whatever he ended up doing, as long as he kept himself safe, he supposed he was doing fine enough. Not like he had much of a choice on surviving, actually, but he didn’t dwell on that.
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danganronpa-atn · 2 years
a screen blinks INCOMING MESSAGE for a few seconds, and then opens on Chihiro, Kazuichi and Miu Chihiro: Hey! Kazuichi: As part of the Danganronpa fandom, you probably know us but we'll introduce ourselves. Chihiro: I'm Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer. Kazuichi: Name's Kazuichi Soda, the Ultimate Mechanic. Miu: I'm the Ultimate Inventor herself, Miu Iruma! Chihiro: We've got a special announcement from Spike Chunsoft themselves. Miu: The announcement is that they're making a new Danganronpa game, one unlike the rest. the logo of the new Danganronpa game appears on-screen Chihiro, Kazuichi, and Miu: Welcome to Danganronpa: Ultracide! Chihiro: This is, by far, the most advanced Danganronpa game yet! Miu: It features the entire Danganronpa cast from Trigger Happy Havoc to V3, state-of-the-art AI voice replicators, a fully customizable Class Trial simulator, a character creator, and plenty more! a still of Makoto talking to Shuichi pops up on screen. In the background, Hifumi is being chased by Tenko (who's giving Himiko a piggyback) and Akane is eating donuts with Aoi. Kazuichi: It's an interactive AI-driven virtual novel dating-sim/life-sim which takes place in a mansion, kinda like the one we're in right now. Danganronpa: Ultracide puts you in control of one of the characters, or one of your own. Chihiro: Also, every character has skins that make them look like they have different talents. a still of Leon (as the Ultimate Mechanic), Chiaki (as the Ultimate Doujin Author), and Ryoma (as the Ultimate Maid) pops up on screen. Leon is fiddling with his gloves, Chiaki is writing a doujin, and Ryoma is smoking while in his maid outfit with a bored expression. Miu: So if you wanna see Leon as a mechanic, Chiaki as a doujin author, or snickering Ryoma as a maid, the skins are for you! Chihiro: That and plenty more! Cool, right? Kazuichi: However, such a game doesn't really exist. Miu: Not right now, at least. But, when it's released, you'll like it! Trust me. the screen is turned off and the scene fades to white, with the Danganronpa: Ultracide logo. Below it are the words "COMING PROBABLY NEVER"
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centuriantalevevo · 2 years
I made an OC specifically for Danganronpa
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This is Casimir Amaya, middle name Aven.
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She's the Ultimate Happiness. She's quite literally based off of Utata-P's Happiness series, especially This Is The Happiness and Peace Of Mind Committee. If you aren't happy, she will perceive you as a threat to her Eternal Happiness and WILL kill you. She will destroy any threat to Happiness. She doesn't exactly agree with Hope, as she's given up on having Hope for humanity, but she does believe they can co exist and will happily team up with those who believe in Hope to take down Despair. She twists what Junko has done to turn it into "You've ended the world which gives me the perfect opportunity to rebuild it to how it should be, happy and perfect! You've only helped me to reach my goal! The world can start over!"
Think of Nagito's twisted obsession with Hope or Junko's obsession with Despair but make it Happiness and the consequences are death if you aren't happy and you have Casimir.
Ironically, her names have dark meaning
Casimir - It is the name of Salvin origin and means destroyer of peace
Aven - Aven is a girl’s name of Irish origin, and the name means sorrow, which also means force, pleasant, and beautiful
Amaya - The Japanese name for girls, and it means night rain.
The tattoos are "幸せ" or "Happy" and "幸福" or "Happiness"
Her outfit is based on Hatsune Miku's Siren module from Project DIVA.
The teal on her hair and nails are representing both Miku and the Happiness she chases, she likes Miku okay? She quite literally identifies with the Happiness Series bro-
The red represents her hatred and resentment of Junko (ironically, she believes there should be no hatred or resentment in order to achieve absolutely Happiness however- hypocrite-)
The green for her bow also represents Happiness because green is commonly associated with Happiness (if not envy but in this case-)
Pink... it's just the rose honestly. You could say pink represents the love and passion on her Happiness but.. it's also just there for the rose.
She's like... the SECOND character I've ever made to wear make up? Commonly at least??
We love dual hair Happiness queens lmao
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kaitethecreature · 19 days
Woke up this morning and immediately wanted to be back in my dream. It was really fucking weird, but I was so intrigued that I wanted to continue it.
It started out with my family stealing stuff for Christmas (super weird because that’s something they would absolutely never do), and then progressed to me being in someone’s 3 story apartment complex thingy.
We were just chatting and then the guy got really mad or something (I don’t remember why) and I started running away from him downstairs into the basement. I ended up realizing this was a lucid dream, but I couldn’t end it or change it so I just hid there like “well, shit, I’m screwed”. I hid under the stairs, but when he came down to look for me he turned on the lights and immediately found me. I then realized that the dude was one of my ocs from a Danganronpa based fanstory that I’m currently working on. I got super scared but was able to fight him off and run back up to the 3rd story and hide in the bathroom in his bathtub.
He found me AGAIN and was able to lock me in the room with him. And for some reason he turned on the shower (maybe to disorient me, idfk). And then on a dime, he suddenly became super sympathetic and nice, and I have no idea why. I was soaked from the shower, so he got me fresh clothes and let me dry off (obviously he was on the other side of the door to make sure I didn’t leave).
Normally, somebody would probably calm down and let their guard down, but I WROTE HIM, so I knew that he was a master manipulator and would do anything to make someone feel safe, and then do whatever he wanted with them. So I stayed on edge and freaked out every time he put some unknown object near me, fearing that he would have some syringe that would make me pass out (because he was threatening to do that earlier when he was chasing me). But weirdly enough, he didn’t really do anything else. At one point he was brushing my hair, and I was internally flipping out because people brushing/playing with my hair is my ultimate weakness and calms me down very quickly, so I was trying not to calm down and get relaxed but kinda failing at it.
I don’t remember much past that, but when I woke up I was so disappointed because I wanted to continue and figure out what would happen next. And yes, I probably would’ve ended up with some form of Stockholm syndrome, but idc, it was a dream and I was enjoying it. Lol sorry for it being so long, I wanted to record it so I wouldn’t forget it.
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vanilla-ending · 23 days
Ultimate F/O Masterlist
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Format: Name (Media) - Relationship - Tag
** **- Uncomfortable sharing
~~ ~~- Kin
!! !! - 18+ source material, minors don't interact
Divider credit
I'm putting in pretty much every character I've posted on this blog but may come back and delete the ones that were very shortly lived, for now here is my (mostly) cohesive list-
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Main/Current Fixation F/Os:
~~**Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) - Familial (Father) - Legendary Star-Lord**~~
Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG) - Familial - Bunch of Losers
Engineer Mark (In Space with Markiplier) - Romantic - Don't Split Up
Mackenzie Paxon (ISWM) - Romantic? Platonic? - A Mack Guarantee!
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Not fixated but still loved:
~~Actor Mark (Who Killed Markiplier?)/Date Mark (A Date with Markiplier) - Romantic - Something Beautiful~~
The Author/Host (Danger in Fiction) - Romantic - Stranger in Fiction
Heist Mark (A Heist with Markiplier) - Romantic - Don't Split Up
Mori Annus (Unus Annus) - Romantic - Deity in White
Celine Doom/Whitacre (WKM?) - Romantic - With All My Heart
Celcionna F. Kelvina (ISWM) - Romantic - Think of the Colonists!
~~Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) - Familial (Mother/Older Sister) - Kindness~~
Mane 6 (MLP:FiM) - Familial/Platonic - Elements of Harmony
Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan (GotG) - Familial - Unspoken Thing
Rocket Raccoon (GotG) - Familial - Ain't No Thing Like Me
Puppet!Freddy, Foxy, Chica, Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's the Musical) - Familial (Children) - Time to Play
Mark Schmidt (FNaF the Musical) - Romantic - Surviving Five Nights
Matthew Afton/MadPat (FNaF the Musical) - Romantic - And You're the Victim
Nathan Fitzgerald (FNaF the Musical) - Platonic - Enjoy the Show
AJ (FNaF the Musical) - Platonic - Hey J!
Calculester Hewlett-Packard (Monster Prom) - Romantic - Love.EXE
Chase Brody (Bro Average) - Romantic - Bro Average
Jackieboy Man (The Somewhat-Incredible Jackieboy Man) - Romantic - Back in Action!
Silver Shepherd (Super Infidelity) - Romantic - Super Zero
Captain Magnum (AHWM) - Familial/Platonic - The Greatest Treasure
Winnie the Pooh (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh) - Familial/Platonic - Chubby Little Cubby
!! Lawrence Oleander (Boyfriend to Death 2) - Romantic - I Love the Curve of Your Spine !!
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Retired (little to no interest):
Clint Barton (Avengers) - Romantic - Gosh I Love Arrows
Mundy/Sniper (Team Fortress 2) - Romantic - Be Polite Be Efficient
Wanda Maximoff AND Vision (Avengers: Age of Ultron) - Romantic - I Just Feel You
Mobius M. Mobius (Loki) - Romantic - For All Time Always
Loki Laufeyson (Thor) - Romantic - Glorious Purpose
Wade Wilson (Deadpool) - Romantic - Merc with a Mouth
Kraglin Obfonteri (GotG) - Romantic - Ravager Red
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) - Romantic - The Ultimate Hope
Monokuma (Danganronpa) - Platonic? - It's Punishment Time!
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa) - Romantic - The Ultimate Nurse
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) - Romantic? Platonic? - The Ultimate Moral Compass
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2) - Romantic - The Ultimate Lucky Student
Ayano/Yandereiplier (Yandere Sim) - Romantic - I Love Senpai
Freddy FazBear (Five Nights at Freddy's) - ROMANTIC?? - Bear Hugs
Illinois James (AHWM) - Romantic - An Adventure Sounds Lovely
Google Red (Google Gets an Upgrade) - Romantic - Secondary Objective
Yoshi (Mario) - Platonic - Soft Yarn Dino
Henrik Von Schneeplestein (The Jacksepticeye Power Hour) - Romantic - Ze Good Doctor
!! Jacob Alden (Lurking for Love) - Romantic - Your Secret Admirer !!
!! Mason Heiral (The Price of Flesh) - Romantic - You Visited the Cabin !!
!! Celia Lede (TPoF) - Romantic - You Were Cleaned Up !!
!! Strade (Boyfriend to Death) - Romantic - Strade Loved You Too Much !!
!! Ren Hana (BtD) - Romantic - Ren Ate Your Heart !!
Bender Bending Rodrigez (Futurama) - Romantic - Bender is Great
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