#dan weiss
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favorite-characters · 2 months ago
𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Rory McCann as 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫 «𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝» 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐞 (sh. David Benioff, Daniel Weiss / S02 / 2012)
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punchitmrsulu · 6 months ago
House of the Dragon giving the finger to dumb and dumber by going ahead and confirming everything in asoiaf is about Daenerys.
HOTD: Fuck you for ruining got, assholes. Your canon is senseless and meaningless. Literally everything that happens is just so Daenerys can exist. She is the Azor Ahai. Die mad about it.
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 7 months ago
I will not wait for the release of the finale (although not all, but I know from leaked what will happen) to pass judgment on House of the Dragon and it is DISAPPOINTING SHIT.
Even when there was the first season, I didn't expect anything from hotd, the 1st season was normal, there were interesting characters, but in general the plot is simpler than in GoT.
I read about Dance of the Dragons in Fire & Blood and treated the changes as normal, because the general plot was more or less close to the book. But with the release of the 2nd season, the book became less and less with each episode and the characters don't resemble themselves, not even like themselves in the 1st season.
Like what have they done to Alicent😭:
“The city is yours, Princess. But you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone, but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood” versus “When he’s gone, I will see to it that our guards throw down their arms and open the gates.”
Quote source X
Book Alicent would kill show Alicent for what she does in season 2. Alicent betrayed herself and her family for the "love" to Rhaenyra, this is so stupid and this is not Martin, but some kind of comedy or soap opera.
And I don't understand why Condal is so attached to the prophecy and why he so wants Rhaenyra to be Dany 2.0, when book Rhaenyra is better and more interesting than the show one and he will not change her fate, she will still die, although they will probably change how it will happen.
After the leaks, I'm no longer Team Green, I'm Team Aemond, even though the writers messed him up too, but I hate it when showrunners try to make someone "bad" on purpose to everyone hate. They could never make me hate you Aemond.
HBO needs to remove from the credits that it is based on the book by George R. R. Martin, and write that all this is the work of the mediocre Condal and has nothing to do with the books.
Condal and Hess and the other screenwriters should get a lot more hate than D&D. Condal & Co. are the worst showrunners in the world, to have a completely finished book material and to do what they did is just something incredibly terrible.
For all its faults, Game of Thrones was phenomenal and even seasons 5 and 7 (the worst GoT seasons in my opinion) are better than what Condal and Hess did in season 2.
The asoiaf fandom is so weird. After the final of GoT, the rating on imdb and other platforms collapsed, and here HotD already in the 2nd season abused the canon so much and the majority approves of it??? Yes, I'm one of those people for whom the finale of GoT is normal, but I still can't come to terms with the fact that Arya killed NK, it should have been JON and I don't agree with Jon ending, but in general the season is better than 5 & 7. So I hope all those who so unfairly condemned GoT will rightly condemn HotD and collapse the rating, and maybe the leaks will reduce the rating of the show.
The hotd cast are great, but I don't think I can watch season 3 after this shit, there's no hope of it getting any better.
Condal really wanted hotd to be like GoT, but it didn't work out, it's very far from the grandiose level of GoT, GoT was and will be the best no matter what.
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growingstrong2019 · 10 months ago
Loras in season 2 & the books fought on the front lines in the battle for Kingslanding & helped liberate it from Stannis’s forces.
But later on D&D suddenly decided gay knights can’t fight as they had him arrested by vicious homophobes without a fight. He was even armed when they arrested him! Like they could’ve at least shown him taking a few of them out before being arrested.
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musicollage · 1 year ago
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Jacob Sacks – Fishes. 2018 : Clean Feed.
! acquire the album ★ attach a coffee !
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helmstone · 9 months ago
3 Body Problem renewed for season 2
3 Body Problem renewed for season 2
Cancelled SciFi reports Netflix has renewed 3 Body Problem for a second season. It’s worth taking a look at the piece, which puts cost vs audience front and centre of the discussion. As to me, I’ve not (yet) taken a look at season 1! The article goes on to discuss the outlook for a third season (there are three books) are even four as showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss originally pitched.…
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nofatclips · 2 years ago
Pray by Matt Bellamy from the compilation album For The Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones)
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sdaedal · 5 months ago
I like NCIS but the point is valid. They keep hiring the same-old writers for new projects when they clearly couldn’t handle the responsibility. How could you watch the last season of Game of Thrones and STILL offer those bozos Star Wars?!?!?!?!?
screenwriters gotta start being held accountable for their crimes. u assassinated five character arcs, killed this person off for shock value, and wrote a universally hated ending? I sentence u to three consecutive seasons on ncis
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donospl · 5 months ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 34]
premierowa emisja 25 września 2024 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Alice Zawadzki, Fred Thomas. Misha Mullov-Abbado „Nani Nani” z albumu „Za górami” – ECM Recrods Kiko Dinucci & Luise Volkmann „Exname [Radio Edit]” z albumu „Exname” Nora Benamara „Amnesia” z albumu “Amnesia.  Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 104” – Double Moon Records Blaly “Nystalgi” _ z albumu “Nystalgi” – April Records Anders Malta…
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westeroswisdom · 1 year ago
It would have been fun to hear some of the conversations at the Weiss household while they were all watching the series together.
Though being 13 and watching a series with your parents that included incest, castration, and tons of swearing would seem awkward to me. But not all families are alike.
Weiss is aware that his magnum opus isn’t kid-friendly. He waited for the perfect time to watch the series with his kids and family. He told The Hollywood Reporter, “I had never watched it when it was on TV, because by the time it got onto TV, I had already seen each one 100 times, and I was good. But my kids got to an age; my son turned 13 and I figured, “Well, that’s okay. I can show them this.” I figured I would watch the show one time again in my life all the way through and that would probably be it. So I watched the whole thing with my family; my wife and my kids. It was really nice to sit back and know there was nothing you could do to change or affect anything. It was all there and you could just sit and watch the whole thing. And seeing it through their eyes was really great, I enjoyed that a lot.”
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favorite-characters · 2 months ago
𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Richard Madden as 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 (sh. David Benioff, Daniel Weiss / S02 / 2012)
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growingstrong2019 · 10 months ago
David Benioff on the sacking of Highgarden:
"The Tyrells...Fighting isn't really their forte, I mean they're just not known for being the most fearsome warriors, so to have a long extended battle there didn't make a lot of sense."
What the fuck was he talking about? The Tyrell’s helped Tywin defeat Stannis Baratheon at Kingslanding. Tywin even entrusted Loras to save Cersei & Tommen from Stannis’s soldiers. His arrival stopped Cersei from killing then both.
Loras even defeated Jamie at a tourney before the events of the show. Like they forgot what they established in their own show. I’m so glad D&Ds careers are over.
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donospl · 9 months ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 2 odcinek 17]
premierowa emisja 15 maja 2024 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Christian Mc Bride, Edgar Meyer “Bebop, of Course” z albumu “But Who’s Gonna Play The Melody?” – Mack Avenue Records Raw Fish  “Stroganina” z albumu „Crudo” – Loumi Records Andy Milne and Unison “Purity of Heart” z albumu “Time Will Tell” – Sunnyside Records Alec Goldfarb feat. David Leon “And the Red Light was my Mind” z albumu “Fire Lapping…
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favorite-characters · 7 months ago
𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤
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Richard Madden as 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐛 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 (sh. David Benioff, Daniel Weiss / S01 / 2011)
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sweetaprilbutterfly · 6 months ago
I forgot to add, it's not surprising that Martin doesn't like House of the Dragon and criticizes Condal, although not directly (I think, according to the contract, he cannot criticize openly), for example: "Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper." (c) "That was all back in 2022, but very little has changed since then. If anything, things have gotten worse. Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.” It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse." (c) And it's not surprising that after this season, Martin left HotD: "The writers' room for House of the Dragon season 3 is also meeting in London, but I have no plans to attend." (c) And there was also information that Condal didn't listen to Martin and they had arguments. I hope that A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will be better adapted and the showrunner will be a person who really loves the books and the world created by Martin, but Condal and co clearly don't like and write their mediocre fanfic. I don't understand how Condal and Hess were chosen at all, was Martin involved at all in this? For example, D&D Martin approved, but I didn't read about Condal anywhere.
I will not wait for the release of the finale (although not all, but I know from leaked what will happen) to pass judgment on House of the Dragon and it is DISAPPOINTING SHIT.
Even when there was the first season, I didn't expect anything from hotd, the 1st season was normal, there were interesting characters, but in general the plot is simpler than in GoT.
I read about Dance of the Dragons in Fire & Blood and treated the changes as normal, because the general plot was more or less close to the book. But with the release of the 2nd season, the book became less and less with each episode and the characters don't resemble themselves, not even like themselves in the 1st season.
Like what have they done to Alicent😭:
“The city is yours, Princess. But you will not hold it long. The rats play when the cat is gone, but my son Aemond will return with fire and blood” versus “When he’s gone, I will see to it that our guards throw down their arms and open the gates.”
Quote source X
Book Alicent would kill show Alicent for what she does in season 2. Alicent betrayed herself and her family for the "love" to Rhaenyra, this is so stupid and this is not Martin, but some kind of comedy or soap opera.
And I don't understand why Condal is so attached to the prophecy and why he so wants Rhaenyra to be Dany 2.0, when book Rhaenyra is better and more interesting than the show one and he will not change her fate, she will still die, although they will probably change how it will happen.
After the leaks, I'm no longer Team Green, I'm Team Aemond, even though the writers messed him up too, but I hate it when showrunners try to make someone "bad" on purpose to everyone hate. They could never make me hate you Aemond.
HBO needs to remove from the credits that it is based on the book by George R. R. Martin, and write that all this is the work of the mediocre Condal and has nothing to do with the books.
Condal and Hess and the other screenwriters should get a lot more hate than D&D. Condal & Co. are the worst showrunners in the world, to have a completely finished book material and to do what they did is just something incredibly terrible.
For all its faults, Game of Thrones was phenomenal and even seasons 5 and 7 (the worst GoT seasons in my opinion) are better than what Condal and Hess did in season 2.
The asoiaf fandom is so weird. After the final of GoT, the rating on imdb and other platforms collapsed, and here HotD already in the 2nd season abused the canon so much and the majority approves of it??? Yes, I'm one of those people for whom the finale of GoT is normal, but I still can't come to terms with the fact that Arya killed NK, it should have been JON and I don't agree with Jon ending, but in general the season is better than 5 & 7. So I hope all those who so unfairly condemned GoT will rightly condemn HotD and collapse the rating, and maybe the leaks will reduce the rating of the show.
The hotd cast are great, but I don't think I can watch season 3 after this shit, there's no hope of it getting any better.
Condal really wanted hotd to be like GoT, but it didn't work out, it's very far from the grandiose level of GoT, GoT was and will be the best no matter what.
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growingstrong2019 · 10 months ago
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You know D&D cared about their gay characters because we found out what the fuck happened to Olyvar. Oh wait…. Never mind.
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