#damon dies here lol
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#project edens garden#project edens garden fanart#kai pjeg#kai monteago#kai monteago fanart#p:eg#protag kai au#kaimon#damon dies here lol#rip damon maitsu#pj:eg#edens garden game#project: eden's garden#fanart#pjeg
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Hi I was originally gonna make a post analyzing all the blackmail available in PJED but I got sidetracked and just analyzed Desmond's
Theories below the readmore! Warning for spoilers
Desmond: with weapons at his disposal, he guards the only person he trusts
So Eva told Damon that it meant he had weapons at his disposal, which he does, but I find it interesting that we never see the picture that goes along with it. We see Cassidy’s image (despite her secret being an undertale reference) so this feels intentional
Which leads me to believe that the photo attached to that secret will be revealed eventually (if it wasn’t burnt to ash when Eva died), and that it might reveal who exactly the person he trusts is. Which leaves one question: who is it?
Before I get into theorizing I'd like to preface this saying that it's very possible that the blackmail is just trying to say that Desmond only trusts himself and is able and willing to defend himself, which is how Damon and Eva interpreted the secret.
However, they're interpretation may not be the correct interpretation. He’s notorious so far for assuming the worst of and underestimating people in this game, and Eva could've been hiding information, so it's not a stretch to say that this is another instance of that.
But anyway, I think the person Desmond trusts is Eloise, and here’s my evidence for that, loosely ordered from least to most convincing.
They’re often seen together in promotional art
At the beginning of the game they’re both in the courtyard, and they continuing to hang out throughout the game (granted this could be interpreted as Desmond trying to get closer with her, since in the FTE'S he expressed a desire to get close with everyone and Eloise expressed the exact opposite)
When Desmond is trying to explain his roommates idea Eloise helps him out, she’s also the first person to question separating the roommates by gender
When Grace is giving Eloise shit about the blackmail Desmond comes to her defense, and it's only after this that Eloise hands the blackmail over
He's also seen comforting her after Grace tackles her during the investigation, and is the first to insist challenging Grace to get into Wolfgang's room.
During the class trial Desmond backs up Eloise’s criticism of Grace, and when people start suspecting Desmond, Eloise is quick to come to his defense
And by quick I mean she reacts to it before Desmond does, and you have to agree with Eloise to progress the game
Judging by how the group tends to read people AND what's revealed about the both of them in their freetime events, I could see a situation form where people are more scared of Desmond (with the marksmen talent, involvement in case 1 via the taser, and the blackmail) even though Eloise is a much bigger threat (with her threatening Damon in her first FTE and being very wary of the cast in general)
Which could be an interesting parallel with their respective animals with sharks being over hated while swans are way more violent than people give them credit for
Speaking of animal symbolism, it's also worth noting how several species of sharks have been seen forming friend groups, and how swans most often display violent behavior when their chicks or mates are threatened.
Now why he trusts her is still up for debate, but judging by the evidence my best bet would be that they were friends outside of the deathgame. Ingrid did mention being named an Ultimate a year before attending the academy, so it's possible they met through that.
I saw some people theorizing that he may be a bodyguard and this might be like a Peko situation, but I personally doubt that in connection with this theory. Mostly because in Eloise's freetime events it seems like she isn't in the best financial situation, meanwhile in Desmond's its confirmed his family is rather well off.
How likely do I think that this is actually the case? Idk like… 60%. I could’ve completely misread things, this was mostly just me rambling lol
#project edens garden#project eden’s garden#p:eg spoilers#p:eg#Desmond Hall#Eloise Taulner#Damon Maitsu#Eva Tsunaka
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Project Eden's Garden CH 1 thoughts
hey so this probably isn't gonna be coherent at all cause i just finished the chapter and it took my like 12 hours to finish it so i have not slept but i just need to get my thoughts out lol
uh anyway major spoilers for the whole chapter you have been warned
so for the chapter as a whole i had a great time playing it! you can really see all the love and care put into this project. that being said, this chapter was CARRIED by it's deadly life/trial section, at least in my opinion. the daily life wasn't like terrible by any means it just didn't feel like a whole lot happened? the days felt really short, like the day you explore the new area is literally, wake up, meet in the dining hall briefly, explore the new area, and then go to bed. i was like ????? how is the day already done what. and then when the motive was introduced it was a bit lackluster, the concept was really cool with the pictures and the vague messages for the blackmail, but then we barely find out what anyone's information and the few people we do find out isn't super bad (expect for wolfgang kind of, maybe?), hell damon is not once concerned about the motive and none of the other characters seem all that concerned about it either which i think kinda brings the tension and stakes down. it's pretty evident when you find out the killer's motive as nothing to do with the blackmail and they weren't even concerned over their own blackmail so they have to create an entirely separate motive with the whole traitor perk thing, and it's not like that came out of thin air cause you're told about the secret prize from the get go i just don't get why they didn't use the motive they already made instead of revealing it all at the end of the trial from tozu.
ok whoops getting kind of off topic there but yeah daily life, it just felt like there could have been more, maybe it just has to do with the kind of guy damon is, but it kind of felt like we were dragging our feet from time to time idk maybe im just insane.
as for deadly life, holy shit they made some ballsy decisions here. can't really say whether they were good ones yet or not since we still have 5(?) more chapters but i have to respect the devs for who the first victim and killer ended up being (i'll get to them later). i remember thinking (man this is a pretty long investigation lol), although it probably didn't help that it took me forever to find the blood in the hallway i was genuinely so confused as to what i was missing I went back into all of the storage closets and like triple checked i had exgauhsted all dialogue, and then i was trying the move my mouse all over the place to see if there was anything else to search and then i finally found it.
the trial was so fucking fun, as devastated as i was due to who the victim was it was a ton of fun figuring out the crime and i genuinelly thought it was gonna be diana and i was gonna be done with the trial in about 2 hours and only to hit and intermission and realize i hadn't used like half my evidence yet. the mechanism of the crime was really cool too and i had a lot of fun solving it, even if i did start to lose the plot when it came to the stuff of the cord and the vent but that might've just been me being tired. I will say i did not enjoy the bullet hell argument whatever it's called at the very end, the artwork was really cool but it took me FOREVER to beat it, and myabe that's just cause i'm bad at video games but ti was so frustrating getting to stage 3 multiple times then loosing all of my health and having the start all over again. i think it would have been better if you run of of health you have to start from the beginning of whatever stage you died on but hey maybe i just suck at the game idk.
okay now on to some more character specific stuff, first of all WOLFGANG AKIRE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GAHHHH
ugh i'll admit it, i'm actually devastated he died first like seriously thank god the trial was as good as it was cause i might have stopped playing if it wasn't lol. in all seriousness though i was so excited for how he'd handle someone killing and all of the reprecussions with that only for him to die first lol. i really hope that this isn't the last we get to hear about him though, like i hope he's not just like a passing thought in ch 2 and then never mentioned again kind of a thing like hopefully he'll be plot relevant in the future or something idk i just want more wolfgang he's my fav BRING HIM BACKKKK. maybe we'll get to learn more about him through grace cause i'm now like 99% sure they knew each other before this whole mess lmao i mean come on grace wanted to be roomies with him and she was so fucking devastated by him dying and didn't want people poking around his room like come on.
and just everything you find out about his situation in the trial is just devastating oh my godddd. i was really worried they were gonna pull the whole "omg guys wolfgang was killed in self-defense and he was actually terrible this whole time and you all should have believed me(damon) cause i was right all along memememememe" and they didn't thank god. just that whole scene where diana reveals their confrontation was just so good like that is one of my top fangan scenes of all time now. just all the stuff he was saying revealing stuff about his character that might NEVER BE ELABORATED ON CAUSE HES FUCKING DEAD NOW WTFFFF WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS. and the voice acting was fucking incredible holy shit NAD THE FUCKING SPRITE WORK OH MY GOD THAT SHIT WAS AMAZING. the sprites for wolfgang and eva (i'll get to her later) were so fucking good i mean just look at this shit
it's really funny cause i actually ended up doing all of his FTEs not knowing he was gonna die
now let's talk about eva cause holy fuck girl. i remember after the prologue she was one of my least favorite characters, cause it felt like her whole personality was "ooooo look at how mysterious and cool I am ooooooooo", but then you get the reveal that she lied about being the ultimate liar and you get her normal talent and she actually shows an actual personality and is a video game nerd i was like "omg yes i'm loving the p:eg team's take on this!" and she was moving up my character tier list ranking very quickly, and then she was revealed as the killer and she tried to pin everything on damon and then her reasons for killing wolfgang in the first place and she went right back down to the bottom LMAO. not because i thought she had bad writing or something but at the end of the day her motivations for taking the perk were pretty selfish and while i agree that wolfgang shouldn't have been trying to isolate her like that she kind of put a target on herself for no reason by lying about her talent like girl what did you think was going to happen lol. also her execution was fucking brutal, it looked incredible but damn was it brutal, she didn't need to go out like that omg.
as for some other characters, always gonna love my girls grace and cassidy they were a delight as always and i look forward to seeing more of them, diana went up on my tier list and i'm looking forward to seeing where her character goes from here, i'm also really loving jean a lot but he feels a little too helpful so i fear he might die next chapter lol.
i feel like there's more i have to say but im so tried lol so yeah have whatever this is lol. overall i had a great time playing and everyone did an amazing job working on it (even if i am really upset you killed my fav), i look forward to whatever the next chapter brings!
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Beyond the Veil of Hypocrisy... lies chapter 2 (theory)
(Sunny, they/she) okay so this might be my first proper post on this site but we all gotta start somewhere lol
In the book of Genesis, Eve was tempted by the serpent (Satan) into committing the first sin. Adam followed suit, and God punished both of them by expelling them from the Garden of Eden and revoking their immortality.
In Project: Eden's Garden, Eva was tempted by her distrust of others (encouraged by Damon, who wears a tie with a snake on it), and she committed the first murder. She was executed - leaving Eden's Garden Academy, so to speak.
So... what happens next?
Well, Eve convinced Adam to join her in committing sin, right? She took the forbidden fruit from the serpent, ate it, and gave it to Adam. So Adam committed the second sin. But Adam - Damon - is our protagonist here. That can't be quite right.
But I don't think he's going to stay the protagonist much longer. He experienced a much more condensed version of the type of development arc experienced by a protagonist like Shuichi Saihara [v3] - and he rejected it at the end of the chapter. While it is possible that he might continue to resist his primal urges to distrust others, I don't think it's likely - he already had to be pushed out of his comfort zone so much just to consider that Diana might not be the killer in chapter 1, and now his only confidant - Eva - is dead, and on top of that, Diana is still trying to emulate Wolfgang, who both he and Eva firmly believe was leading the class to destruction. "I couldn't hold back my true feelings anymore"; "it pissed me off".
Unless a miracle happens in the midst of this murder game and Damon manages to find other people to trust (not excluding Diana, though it's not likely), I don't think he's going to keep going down the path he started on in chapter 1. The first murder happening means that the chapter 1 festivities (game tournament, co-op laundry, bunk buddies) won't happen in the same manner, and if they do, it'll be through bated breath. If he already had to be pushed so hard just to play some games with the group before anyone died, it'll be ten times harder afterwards. (Naturally, this isn't to say that I think Damon is incapable of trust or kindness - giving or receiving - and in fact, I heavily empathize with him in some ways. But old habits absolutely die hard.)
In essence: Damon is my prime suspect for the chapter 2 blackened, and I don't think he will be the protagonist any further.
What then? Well, we just heard a very protag-y speech from someone at the end of the chapter, didn't we? It's what pissed Damon off: Diana's "like a chameleon, I will adapt!"
Diana has already had a great spotlight within chapter 1, and she has shown the makings of a leader. She's bright, kind, and energetic; people tend to like her; she adapts to the various situations that come her way. She is trusting of others, arguably too much so, but yet she comes across as mostly level-headed. Her youth hinders her, as she struggles to read the room and is reprimanded for this, but she tries to show the same compassion than Wolfgang - much more organically than he did, in multiple situations. She is emotionally intelligent, able to perceive when others are unwell and offer them genuine care.
Yet, she isn't a natural in her role. When she was forced to bear witness to her friend's death, and everyone and the evidence are against her... much like any normal person, but unlike a protagonist, she breaks. She is traumatized, barely able to speak and holding back tears. She struggles to tell the others what happened to her, even as they seem ready to unanimously send her to her death. It is the kind deed of the actual protagonist that snaps her out of her catatonia enough to tell her side of the story and help lead everyone to the truth.
But I believe Diana has still yet to shine.
Diana is specifically very reminiscent of a Danganronpa protagonist, too. She has one of the most classic DR-esque designs of the cast with her school uniform, her faith in others resembles that of Makoto Naegi [THH], and her personality is reminiscent of Kaede Akamatsu [v3]. While the team behind Project: Eden's Garden has been clear that players should not expect DR tropes to take place in the game, and it can be argued that an early-game protagonist switch would essentially be a parallel to v3, I argue that it's more of a subversion of expectations.
In v3, we start off playing as a lively girl with a kind spirit and a good head on her shoulders, who becomes a natural leader for the cast. She resorts to murder to try and stop the mastermind, completely unexpectedly to everyone around her (including the player, if they don't pick up on the hints that she's up to something). Her death is treated as honorable by the rest of the cast, and she is replaced by more of a typical DR protagonist: a sullen boy with heavy emotions on his heart and a tendency to distance himself from others. His attachment to her helps him carry on her legacy by learning to believe in himself, working with others, and surviving the killing game.
In my prediction of P:EG chapters 1-2, we start off playing as a sullen boy with distrust on his heart and a tendency to distance himself from others. He is pushed out of his comfort zone quite a lot by the rest of the cast, and he ends up exploring, doing chores, and playing games together with the rest of them... but someone is killed anyway. Then, when another student he doesn't care for comes under fire for the murder, he challenges his base instinct to assume her guilt, instead figuring out an argument that there's more to the story and it can't be her. (Whether it's a logical or emotional argument doesn't matter as much as it seems, as he initially doesn't realize the logical issue and just feels something is wrong; that said, I do like the pathos route much more for this reason.) He is beginning to learn to trust people... until it turns out that his only friend was the killer, and she not only took advantage of him and emotionally manipulated him, but ends up trying to frame him and get him killed. All the while, the person who she initially framed was a lively girl with a kind spirit and a good head on her shoulders, trying to be a leader for her classmates in spite of everything, but being completely shut down by everyone else.
I think that unlike Shuichi, Damon's development is temporary and about to fully regress, and Diana may be a very good friend, but she isn't a universally loved natural leader like Kaede. So, similarly, I think their character arcs will be reversed entirely: Damon will stop trying to trust people and resort to murder, and Diana will have to prove herself as a leader and source of encouragement over an extended period of time. At the same time, where Shuichi retained his affection for Kaede after her death, even knowing she had killed someone, Diana will have to let go of her feelings of affection for Damon to see that he has given up on her (and the others) and become a killer. And yet, she will have to fight on - she has no choice but to live. She won't give up on her friends like Damon and Eva did, and she won't excommunicate them like Wolfgang did. And, even after realizing that her friend not only never trusted her but is a murderer, she will reconcile that with her positive memories of him - accepting that Damon was a complex human being that was put in a despicable situation... and, much like Eva before him, even though he committed one of the worst sins imaginable, he didn't deserve to die at the hands of this killing game's "God".
Imagine how much of an uphill battle Diana would be up against Damon if she had to prove he was the killer. He's hand-cranked to be good at debating people, even if he doesn't have the upper hand logically. While Damon has been rigidly logical so far, as is typical of a murder mystery detective, debaters also have tactics like "spreading" - talking so fast the opponent can't process their argument or get a word in - up their sleeves. This tactic is especially useful when the facts aren't on your side and you need to regain control of the room without resorting to obvious ad-hominem and losing favor. (Like Eva did when cornered in chapter 1: "he does want bloodshed!")
Also, this has nothing to do with the theory proper, but I want to give an honorable mention to Grace Madison for making for a good chapter 2 suspect as well. She became friends with Wolfgang, slept with him, and then he fucking died the next morning and she had to guard his dorm room so no one would disturb his belongings. God forbid Tozu cleans out his dorm in chapter 2 to boot. Girl is GRIEVING, and I think people will suspect her out of pure emotion even if she ends up nowhere near the next crime scene.
Anyway, who knows if I'm ever gonna post again on this site. But to anyone reading, I hope you enjoyed this theory, and give me your brain thoughts! Hyperfixation go brrrr
#damon maitsu#eva tsunaka#diana venicia#wolfgang akire#grace madison#beyond the veil of hypocrisy#project eden's garden
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To back up your opinion on Klaroline, I’ve noticed that most of the time, whenever a shipper talks about them, they say things like, “Klaus always put her first,” “Klaus would’ve given her the world,” “Klaus was willing to wait for her,” Klaus this, Klaus that, but never anything about Caroline or her feelings. And even if those things were true, it doesn’t mean Caroline has to give him a chance.
It just comes off as fans only want them together because it would make Klaus happy. And it’s not just them, a lot of the fans seem to cater the ships around the men and what they want/their feelings and not really caring about the women and their wants and feelings. (E.g. Delena, Stelena, etc)
Sorry, I didn’t mean to use this as a rant, lol, but this is just one of the many things that annoys me about the fandom.
You know you are always welcome to rant here. That's half of what I do. But I do really agree. So much of the conversations surrounding ships revolve around the men in them and what the ships do for them.
It's a big reason I hated Klaroline. I hated how the writers allowed the fans to dictate the writing. They were willing to destroy Caroline's character to prop Klaus up. All of their interactions in TO went directly against the Caroline they established in TVD. They did the same thing with Cami after she died, only mentioning her to tell Klaus what a "good guy" he was as he literally murdered people. How does Hope only know about Cami as Klaus' therapist when everyone in that town loved her?
I also have to comment on your quotes about Klaroline because I hear them everywhere and I just have to laugh. He never once put her first. He wouldn't even not stalk her boyfriend for Caroline. And he most certainly didn't wait for her. He was sleeping with Hayley while they were still in the same town. He was terrible to her and actively abused her. Why do people want her with that?
I also hate when people in the fandom get mad at characters for not giving their abusers a chance. I see this with Caroline a lot. People get mad at her anger against Klaus and Damon. Especially with Klaus, people just want her to give him a chance because he likes her, ignoring the pain he caused her. We see that with Delena. People got so angry at Elena in the early seasons for not giving Damon a chance when he was actively pursuing his brother's girlfriend and SAing her.
Like you said, we see it with Delena/Stelena as well. I'm sorry, but the writers completely rewrote Elena to make her fit with Damon and allow him to continue being him without changing at all. But the fans will also ignore how Stefan caused a lot of the upheaval in Elena's life.
I even ranted about it on tik tok like a year ago, how some Elijah stans will hate on Hayley for not being more supportive of him at certain times but completely ignore the trauma she is going through. Same with Jayley stans who get mad at her for having complex emotions and "leading him on" when she was always honest with him and going through more trauma than any person should. To some people, the men are the only ones that are allowed to have complex emotions.
Kolvina are only together very briefly and he lies to her, manipulates her, chooses his family over her, and kills her. Davina was going through it because of Kol but people love that he was willing to "change" for her. She made him a better person.
I could seriously do this with every ship in this show because they all center around the men and what the women could do for them. I do think part of this is that "self-insert" idea that the writers created the show so teenage girls could insert themselves in every character. It didn't matter their personality or interests because they wanted people to see themselves in the characters and see themselves with the men.
Sorry, now I've turned my answer into a rant.
Also, so people don't get mad at me: Nowhere in this am I saying you can't like these ships. Like whoever you want. These are issues I, and others in the fandom, have we these ships and the writing of the show.
But thank you for the ask and backing up my opinion! Always appreciated <3
#anti delena#anti stelena#anti klaroline#anti kolvina#not really#but just in case#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#caroline forbes#elena gilbert#kol mikaelson#davina claire#klaus mikaelson#tvdu#the originals#the vampire diaries#the mikaelsons#anon ask#fandom answers#tvd ask#tvd anon ask#anonymous#fandom asks#tvdu metas#metas#tvd#andrea831 metas
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I'm beyond happy that you changed and fixed everything I dislike about the writing choices in canon. Rebekah not being with Damon, everything you did regarding Finn. Yn said to Esther almost everything I ever wanted to tell her. Finally, someone had to do it! Elijah killing her was the cherry on top. Esther should have died right there (finally, for once, it wasn’t Klaus the sibling who killed their parents).
I love every single change you made, and I hope you keep fixing things I don't like in canon.
I almost screamed like the goats in Thor: Love and Thunder (and it’s 5:00 in the morning here) when:
▪︎ Klaus kissed Yn in front of Elijah. Discretion and Klaus clearly never met, lol.😂
▪︎ Yn and Klaus kissed in front of her house.
▪︎ Yn and Elijah kissed.
Also, a kind of proposal: I personally need a scene where Elijah and Klaus are fighting jealously over Yn and having a conversation about how the whole siblings sharing a soulmate thing is going to work How are they going to handle it? I need some tension and conflict between them, not them just immediately accepting it and being fine with sharing her.
Finally, regarding the idea of turning your story into a book, if you’re interested and want to do it, you could change anything that might cause legal issues with copyrights, like, for example, the characters' names.
Sorry for the long message!
Kisses, bye! 😘
I’m so glad you liked the changes! I was worried that people would be upset I changed the storyline.
And don’t worry about the jealousy, there is still plenty of chapters to go
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I won't be offended if you prefer to delete this but your post about Tyler had me thinking...
Caroline really made his grief over his mother dying about her so much so that she issued the worst ultimatum and left herself with...
A drunk old man that used to be her teacher.
A long time friend that never seemed like he got over Elena and definitely has codependent issues with his brother so much so that he sacrificed himself willingly a day after their wedding.
And a power hungry hybrid who gave her money he could more than afford to give and said pretty words but also tortured, enslaved and killed people she was connected to....and also definitely had codependent issues with his brother.
I cannot fathom it.
All true facts. It’s late here so a meta! :D
As a huge Forwood shipper and I’m equally very critical of them. It’s a great ship for them both at first, then becomes a ship only for Caroline’s needs and development which isn’t fair to Tyler That Klaroline/Steroline shadow made those fans believe Tyler was the worst Caroline could get. When in reality he was the BEST romantic partner and friend she ever had.
What upsets me more about that ultimatum that Caroline FORCED is that she’s the only one we see comforting Tyler after Carol’s death. Even before Carol died, and Tyler was skeptical about being alpha she uplifted him and Tyler heavily respected what she had to say and went full force with it. Mind you, this is the same Tyler that broke every bone in his body just to be with Caroline. Then re-agreed to slavery for Care. Forwood communicated with each other and called out their faults. The other tvdu ships weren’t doing that!—then we get this full arc of Caroline’s grief and remember she bluntly told Tyler to get over the fact that she hooked up with Klaus because of her impulses and she’s not good1!!1
The series wanted to bury Forwood and they did so in the worst ways imaginable. Caroline gets pregnant with Alaric’s babies forcibly. (I understand Candice was pregnant but they could’ve hid her belly so Caroline wasn’t pregnant.)-Oh and we can’t forget Alaric was in love with her and proposed.
Steroline was supposed to follow the friends to lovers build up the way Forwood did and it never appears that Stefan is all in the way Caroline is. Tbh, even before the wedding Stefan wanted out the relationship he tried multiple times to end things in s8. Caroline refused and wanted it to work. Building them up after Liz’s death was a choice. Stefan manipulated Caroline heavily to when it came Tyler and their relationship.
Klaroline has no obstacles to pass with them. Klaus may give Caroline pretty things, and money but emotionally he’s never shown to give Caroline any support. When Caroline saves Bonnie from those 12 witches which is her first huge kill(correct me if I’m wrong) since s2 she immediately goes to Klaus and he basically tells her to get away from him. Klaus mentions how she’s too good for that small town but Caroline had never said she hated her home. What she did hate was Klaus grown ass destroying shit. They never had a serious conversation about anything tbh. I did enjoy how Caroline called him out at first but TO’s ��you aren’t the villain in my story.” Ruined that. Oh and lol these shippers get on Damon for his rape of Caroline yet somehow, someway excuses that Klaus attempted to rape Caroline too in Tyler’s body…. Anyways! I do think a lot of Klaroline is rooted in Klaus wanting control over Tyler, and Caroline is a way to exert control over Tyler because of his love for her.
Okay this is long af, sorry! To end this off Tyler loved Caroline for who she was. He never wanted her to change, he valued and respected her. Never abused her or anyone she loved. He listened to what she had to say. Caroline’s other love interests NEVER saw her the way Tyler did. Btw, I wish people understood Tyler never, not once slutshamed Caroline for having sex with someone else. He was only mad that she slept with Klaus as if Klaus did not ruin Tyler’s life and murdered his mother. There’s obviously a reason Caroline didn’t want Tyler to know and continued to ignore the boundaries he placed up in s5 so they could just go back to the way SHE wanted them to be. It’s sad they were ruined because 5B of Forwood has moments where you can forget their broken up just based on Forwood’s chemistry. I forgot to add, some fans pretend Tyler couldn’t give Caroline a good life. Tyler wasn’t financially struggling, and would’ve done anything she asked of him. I think it’s a little problematic that Tyler did say everything he liked about himself was Caroline lol. But, he wanted nothing but her and their happiness. Just without the enslavement from Klaus.
Thank you for the ask!
#Forwood#tyler lockwood#Caroline Forbes#Anti Steroline#Again stefan died to be free of that relationship bless that man heart fr#anti klaroline#anti stefan salvatore#anti damon salvatore#anti klaus mikaelson#driaresponds#sevensistersofsussex#Tvd#the vampire diaries#a lot of you k c e r s lack media literacy because Tyler never cheated on Caroline btw :) Klaus manipulated Caroline into thinking other :P
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Not to be depressing, but here is a selection of stories/plot points we were treated to by the Hudson/Brooks/Shaw trio....
Nate/Moira/Cain/the caravan!/the boat!
Aaron says more goodbyes to Liv than Robert in Robert's own exit story
Al/the whisk in the microwave/Woolpack status quo/Chas affair
The Posners/gift that kept on giving/Lee/Wendy/Luke/Russ
Chloe was the sister of Sarah's heart donor/Kerry was her housekeeper/and later her mother/her dad Damon was also Harry/and Simon
David shot in the stomach with a sawn off shotgun/participated in wild water rafting some weeks later/later became man child about speeding ticket
Leyla's coke addiction/ever re-appearing drug dealer/plot stabbed Jacob/attacked Suzy, who got Leyla hooked in the first place
Robert/got chance to appeal, didn't want to take it/Aaron chose Ben/who he bullied in school/then left the country before Ben was even buried/while listening to "their song"/Take on me
Annie Sugden's death/non-entity
Three teenage pregnancies/Gabby/Amelia/Chloe/all wanted to keep babies/none of them had jobs, money or education
Samson/Noah personality swap
Sexual assaults✅️✅️/stalking✅️✅️/revenge porn✅️
Robert's exit story/Dan's copy & paste exit story/even same actor to play the laywer, lol
Secret children/Nate/Marcus/Naomi/Chloe/Caleb/Oscar/and bonus Clemmie
Secret parents/Bear/Amit
Rishi killed for shock value
Liv/Sandra/complete betrayal/then bam Liv is killed off
The Storm/Kim marries Will (why)/Amelia wanders the moors/Harriet/cow stampede/Sam impaled/caravan comes flying/Aaron's plot off screen boyfriend Marco is mentioned more times than Harriet
Faith dies/never mentions Caleb/not even in a note?
Nicky pushes Caleb off cliff/they pin it on a deer/then move in together
Marshall's dad/Laurel/the bible
Kim's killer horse Ice
"Little Ivy"
One punch can kill/Aaron and Cain bash each other's heads in with a spanner over who is the head of the Dingles
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I’m SO PROUD of my pookie kai for how much screentime he got!!!🥹🥹 BBABBYY I LOVEE HIMM SMM YOU COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE HIM
I thought he will be a side character that isn’t as important and doesn’t appear much BUTT AGAHAHGH IM GLAD HE DID NOT AND I LOVED HIM EVEN MORE THIS CHAPTER AHSJAKSKA
For context
From before the game was released and my three favorite were always these three in order
I really love damon man people always say he’s an asshole and while it’s true especially with the way he feels superior then others for his talent
But i still love him and i feel like he has good intent but really bad way of saying it??(he doesn’t sugar coats it that’s for sure LOL-)
(Edit: i forget to mention but the fact in this chapter he felt really more squishy and adorable to me!! They showed a lot of his really adorable side shahaksu he alao blushes quite a bit WHICH MAKES ME SQUEAL AHAHAHAHAHAH)
I honestly love how he’s different from what you expect from a protagonist and found his way of thinking most of the time really relatable (i would click on random unimportant stuff just to see what he says about it😭😭)
I feel like he’s really interesting this chapter! Their were a few moments where i felt like his way of thinking is going to get challenged in later chapters(like him saying “i will only rely on myself to solve this trail” or when he realized eva betrayed him and began thinking about how she actually felt about him and how he shouldn’t have trusted her)
His interaction with kai was literally the highlight for the hole chapter for me OMGG THESE DUO ARE SO FUNNY HOLYY—😭😭
They are so silly god bless thank you for making me see two of my favorite characters interact with each other Gahahagahah
Kai was also really smart at some points and observant i was so proud of him the whole timee MY BABYY (need more x reader fics frfr tho)
Really loved how almost everyone of the cast was important in the trailer and contributed in some way or another! It kinda highlighted everyone's personality it was so fun to watch!!
Alright all my gushing about my favs done let me talk about things related to the trial
Let me just say i really didn’t expect it to be wolfgang?? I was literally shook to my core when i saw his body (which btw. Can we all agree the sequence before they find the body was literally so creepy omg😭 i was kai at that moment just shitting myself the whole time☠️)
The way he died was just too brutal?? God I didn’t care that much about him and he actually annoyed me a bit in this chapter because of how he took the leadership position and seemed a bit controlling (to me)
But i still felt really bad for him omg they really had to do him like that huh😭😭 i gotta say though it’s GENIUS!!
Not only because the killer realized his threat to them in the class trial. But also it gives other characters time to shine who wouldn’t have had the opportunity to if he was alive!!
The whole thing was so sad and fucked up poor diana bro had to watch her friend not only try to kill her and going insane. But also DIE in front of her while not being able to do nothing.
And eva also dismissing diana being nice to her agahhh🥹
About eva: this chapter my feelings for her were in emotional roller coaster fr😭😭
I have never been surprised, happy,hurt,betrayed,sad and in emotional reck about a character in a few hours before
It first I didn’t care about her in the prologue. I really just thought she is this stoic cold character that is smart and that’s about it.
And then when her talent get revealed and everyone mocked her for it while she was mortified. I felt really bad for her🥹 really wanted to hug her so badd
And then her interaction with damon made me MELTT AGHAHAGHH they were SO CUTE!!!😩😩(not in a shipping way btw i don’t like shipping)
God every time they talk to each other it was always so so enjoyable the way they (at least thought) that they understood each other and always by each others side🥹
The whole time i had a feeling that it was her but i was so much in delusion😭😭 IT HURTSS
i really feel bad for her even if her actions are unjustified and the way she dealt with everything was really really bad I couldn’t help but cry so hard during her execution
She tried so hard to live it just felt so human it hurts so bad AGHHAGAH MY HEARTT🥹
The fact that they brought this much emotion from me and it’s ONLY the first chapter just makes me look forward to the other chapters sm hakajskakalx
Hoping to see my trio favs more (even though I’m already satisfied hehehehehe)
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Traumatized Kai Monteago... (Guess who the victim is, it's not the ch1 victim btw)
#kai monteago#kai monteago fanart#edens garden game#fanart#project: eden's garden#project edens garden fanart#p:eg#kai pjeg#pjeg#kaimon#ilovekaimon#protag kai au#damon died here lol#sorry in advance
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If you had to pick between spuffy and cangel, which one do you find more interesting? And why?
I'm gonna preface this with, I don't think either of them are particularly interesting. That's a large part of why I don't like these ships lol. My dislike of these ships has less to do with personal taste, and more to do with the obliteration of their characters and the overarching story integrity to make them happen. An example of this is, when I saw TVD was moving toward delena, I hated the idea of breaking Elena and Stefan up, especially when it felt like they'd barely been together and I gad serious problems with how damon consistently and without repercussions, violated obvious boundaries of everyone around him but especially Stefan and Elena. That was a personal issue for me, but I was also curious to see how they'd handle the story. I'd said this to Zal at the time, but I was prepared to be on board a delena ship if it meant the show taking an interesting character/story turn. If we actually got to see that darker turn in Elena, the fallout of her choices, and how being with damon messed with her morality, perceptions, isolated her from her friends etc, I would've liked to see that story progression and character arc, even if it meant the (temporary) end of a ship I liked. When that didn't happen, and the story rapidly deteriorated, I resented the ship because it essentially ruined the show (among other issues) to keep it working.
So to the point of the ask, I don't think that either were particularly interesting, but I will say that Spuffy, for a time, had better execution. I had tired of Spike whining about Buffy, dreaming about Buffy, becoming a pathetic shadow of what made him interesting as a character for Buffy. It sucked. So to see the return of his vigor as a character in this dysfunctional, abusive and hypersexual relationship with Buffy was refreshing. It was also uncomfortable, which its meant to be. Buffy is the white knight. But she died, and was finally at peace and her friends traumatized her by bringing her back, then traumatized her again by abandoning her to dig herself out of her own grave. She was angry, depressed, isolated and she had no one to work her issues out with, and here was Spike, allowing her to revel in the worst parts of herself. Something she never allowed herself before she died. That was interesting. It was moreso, because it was so obvious this wasn't about actual affection. It was clear at the time, Spike didn't love Buffy, he was obsessed with her, and Buffy didn't even like Spike, he was a site for her to work out her pain. That was more interesting to me than anything else, because, again, Buffy's relationships up until then had been about mutual affection, partnership and love, and now she's slumming it and hiding it from all her friends because she's embarrassed. That's good story stuff. Where I jumped off and immediately lost interest is when both Buffy and Spike became OOC-ish just to bring them back together in some weird, pointless amicable companionship thing. Spike assaulted Buffy and then got a soul to punish her for her rejection. Forcing her to not only accept him, but defend him and protect him against her loved ones, then alienate her AGAIN, to bring them back together is cruel, and a betrayal of Buffy as the titular strong female character she was always meant to be. Buffy in any previous season would never have forgiven her attempted rapist, much less stopped GILES from killing him when he was a KNOWN liability and danger to her work. She killed Angel - the love of her life - to save the world, but defends Spike? Makes 0 narrative sense. Spike becomes a sad little bitch because of the soul no one wanted or asked him to get, then just sort of...returns to himself, and shows no remorse, no repentance for what he put Buffy through, and how that affected the group. And suddenly we're all supposed to believe this is...what, love? How? We've SEEN what Spike looks like when he's in love, and this isn't it. So, that's where it becomes uninteresting to me, because in order to make this ship work this way, they have to betray the characters, insult the viewers, and compromise the story. Those are bad narrative choices.
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TVD S6 Thoughts
Ok so binge-watched the entire season in like three days...so yeah
First I'm surprised at how much I liked it. I thought it would be a bore like s5 but it wasn't. I enjoyed most of it.
God, I have to talk about Enzo. They had no idea what they were doing with him, did they? His subplot of stalking Sarah to somehow hurt Stefan was just sooo weird. Whenever he was on screen I was like 'Why don't you just leave? Why are you still here?'
Like I want to like him. And I do, sort of. He's cute, has a sexy accent, is charming and I like the actor's performance but the things he does are just so dumb lol
But that car scene with Caroline lives in my head rent-free!!! (to be fair he didn't need to kill that Ivy girl but like those 10 seconds in the car are *chef's kiss*)
I wish they explored more of the Gemini coven lore. It seemed interesting but they all died at the end of the season.
I love how Kai was a vampire for five minutes and Damon chopped his head off 😭
I feel like they brushed over the fact that Jo died. That was in the first half of the ep and the other half is people saying goodbye to Elena.
And I know that Caroline gets pregnant somehow, with Alaric's kids. But like how? Jo's dead. How tf did the fetuses survive if the mother is dead?? Don't tell me it's some spell or something. I'm assuming the fetuses get put into Caroline somehow I just don't know how. I guess I'll find out next season.
I do not like Lily. And I have a feeling she and those Heretics will be the focus of S7.
#the vampire diaries#tvd season 6#tvd fandom#caroline forbes#elena gilbert#damon salvatore#stefan salvatore#tvd#vampire diaries
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Please share with us the list of Saints of the Seven 🙏 who’s getting candles, feast days, and other catholic-coded kitsch 🕯️I really wish to know. I recall Naerys being mentioned before and now Criston Cole but who else ?
i am uniquely unqualified to do this being 4 generations removed from catholicism through excommunication myself however here is a vibes-based list for who in asoiaf i think the faith of the seven would canonize like immediately:
- lots of people from the initial warring when the andals first arrived. that’s historically low hanging fruit though let’s get specific.
- the first hightower to accept the faith of the seven (his name was damon which like. lol)
- Alyssa Arryn the weeping, who watched her whole family die without shedding a tear so she has to cry for all eternity and of whom the valemen build statues of to this day.
- The Uller who shot Rhaenys Targaryen down (only acknowledged in Northwestern Dorne)
- like multiple dozens of people that maegor the cruel put to death on his mission to create as many martyrs as humanly possible eradicate the faith. every southern town has a local martyr at this point
- probably a manderly at some point. token northern representation.
- Criston Cole for reasons previously aforementioned
- If it was any of the dance Targaryens it would be Helaena (recognized locally in king’s landing)
- The Shepherd and/or one of the nameless masses that died to kill the dragons in the name of the gods and to protect their city.
- the nameless salt wife who killed dalton greyjoy before jumping into the sea. i’m just feeling this one.
- Baelor the Blessed. cant win them all
- Naerys Targaryen. she all but had a giant catholic dinner plate halo behind her head the entire time and spent her whole life getting martyred.
- they’ll be cooking up something with catelyn stark and sanctified motherhood in future generations i bet
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can't even remember the last time i posted here, let alone about this particular subject, but the little cousin has become obsessed with tvd (how on earth did that show become popular again) and so i've been stuck watching a few episodes with her and, lol, amazing how mister "my whole life i've never gotten the girl poor me" is even more pathetic on the second watch.
But more seriously, the writers screwed up so bad when it came to that relationship. Like, they could have had Elena's transition into vampirism actually be chaotic af instead of simply making it all about Dam0n's pain. Have her be hardened by the loss of her life and future as a human. Have her be resentful towards the whole world because she did everything right and in the end she still died so what was the point of being good? Why should she follow the rules? Why couldn't she enjoy being a vampire? And there comes Dam0n who absolutely thrives on that lifestyle and encourages these dark urges in Elena and gives her the freedom she feels denied when following Stefan's rules and that is what ultimately leads to their break up because she's going down a path he can't follow, not because she had the hots for his brother.
And she's distancing herself from her family, she's distancing herself from her friends, she sleeps with Dam0n out of her own free will, she loses herself in this new experience and the intensity of her emotions as a vampire, which in turns makes Dam0n let go of what little restraint he was capable of around Elena's circles - it's dark and toxic and freaks everyone out , but none of it matters because Elena is eternal and human life is so fickle, barely a spot in time - until one day Elena crosses a line that snaps her out of this state and makes her realize how close she was to turning it all off and becoming a monster.
And so she tries to make amends with her loved ones. She tries to make amends with Stefan. She ends things with Damon. She's slowly healing and finding herself again when Jeremy dies and it makes her turn her emotions off.
Season 4 ends with Elena saved, Damon becoming human and bam!, we're back with the love triangle from hell.
It's honestly funny how little care actually went into building DE's relationship. It's all about Dam0n's manpain. Elena's just... there I guess. They have passionless sex. They fight. They have sex again. The end.
#Stelena#S4 is my limit#Praying that the cousin obsession ends soon#but i'll admit things have been so depressing lately it feels good to think about something dumb for once#Elena Gilbert#Tvd
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HI, which are your top 10 scenes of tvd season 6?
I love a lot of their Delena scenes lol
The cupcake scene. Their kiss combined with this scene are written on the opposite side of 3x10 and 3x11, so you might as well just imagine this scene at the end of 3x11. Here, Elena basically gives Damon permission to kiss her any time he wants. This scene is perfect for "spontaneous" Damon.
The moment Elena basically told Damon it should've been him in 3x22. They're written alongside Tyler and Liv in this episode. The only difference is that Damon had time to work through the pain of her choice. Tyler's wound is still fresh. This is my favorite Delena kiss because of the scene in its entirety. They're written around the quote, "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they're yours." Elena always finds her way back to Damon because she follows her heart.
"The closer you are to death, the more alive you feel." This scene jumps off scenes in season 4. I love this entire episode. This scene because of Damon's response. He cares how he makes Elena feel, so when she pulls a fake-out, then says this... his smile says it all. I mean... he essentially stabbed her, she made him believe she was dying, then she put this huge smile on his face.
His choice to take the cure. Fans had to know that Stefan would be making a point with his visions. Damon was planning a vampire life with Katherine. While in transition, he watched them drag her into the church and set it on fire. Believing she was dead, he had no intention of completing his transition. He was planning to die. Here, he basically tells Elena that even if she dies, the rest of his miserable existence will be worth the time he did get to spend with her. The fact that he speaks to the rest of his miserable existence means he plans on living the rest of his human life even if she dies, that's how much he loves her. His "smallest chance" comment is a reference to Emily's talisman. They gave Damon the best lines in the show, istg.
Liz's funeral. What Damon couldn't do for Alaric in their season 4 lantern lighting, he does for Liz here. He's expressing his loss with the group. That's growth. What I love about this scene is Damon's words to Caroline and her song... because I love it when she sings. Damon's words to Caroline are his true feelings about her, so fans should also know why Klaus loved her as he did. "You're a beautiful, strong woman, a generous friend, and a bright light in a sea of dark."
This is my favorite Defan scene. Everything Stefan needed. Damon told Bonnie it wasn't just Elena he had to get back home to. He had to get back to Stefan because he knew. Losing a brother is insanely painful, and this came two seasons after Stefan gave Elena advice on mourning Jeremy. It's through his loss of Damon that Stefan felt it... how right Damon was to say that he wasn't enough for Elena when she lost Jeremy. Caroline wasn't enough for him. He had to let her go because he couldn't deal. Anyway, I love Stefan's emotion in this scene. You can feel how much he loves Damon.
Damon and Bonnie in the prison world is written like Damon and Enzo in The Cell. Difference is, Bonnie was able to get word to Damon that she survived... with Ms. Cuddles. This hug represents what could've been for Damon and Enzo, and it came after Liz's funeral, so it was something Damon certainly needed. He said goodbye to one friend and hello to another.
"I mean, you'd think he'd at least flip a coin... heads he picks you, tails he picks..."
Coin tosses are a Salvatore thing, and Kai messed with the wrong women. Damon's girlfriend and his best friend lol... that's a death wish. Fail as he does, when Damon wants someone dead, it's just a matter of time before he gets it right.
This dance scene. Caroline is hot as hell, and I love seeing her without her humanity. She's having so much fun it's insane. I'm pretty sure season 6 is my favorite season for Caroline. I should point out the fact that Liz's death was her moment for Damon. So much so, she took his advice and flipped her switch.
Enzo pulls a Damon move. This could've been his only scene in the show and I'd still love him. Two people Enzo cared about... Damon was upsetting, Caroline topped the cake for him. Stefan doesn't know what it's like to truly be alone. Enzo does. That's why he's angry as hell in this scene. Stefan has everything that he doesn't, and he's wasting it on a fake life. This scene had me cheering.
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P:EG Predictions. Will have spoilers
Written after Chapter One and before Chapter Two!
Ok so. List for mee (i wont change this omce i finish it, so all notes will either be terribly ironic or very smart predictions!)
- Damon Maitsu, Ultimate Debater, snake guy
(protag; if he dies im fighting someone)
- Diana Venicia, Ultimate Cosmetologist, chameleon girl
(doubt she’ll live; either ch3 or ch6 death)
- Jean Delamer, Ultimate Ship Captain, dragon guy
(i doubt he’d be a blackened or victim, so i predict survivor)
- Jett Dawson, Ultimate Drag Racer, coyote guy?
(lowkey forgot his animal. Uh. Help i thought it was a cat 😭) (definitely a victim at some point or a survivor, could not be a blackened)
- Toshiko Kayura, Ultimate Matchmaker, flamingo girl
(WHY DID I THINK IT WAS A SWAN. anyway victim for sure) (changed my mind survivor bc killing a child is mean)
- Mark “Mayhem” Berskii, Ultimate Music Producer, alligator guy
(Ooof this one is hard. Victim and blackened can both be argued for but predict he Will Die. At some point.)
- Ulysses Wilhelm, Ultimate Historian, owl guy
(Why is everyone jumping on the ch2 victim theory?? Lol he didnt do much during the trial idk why hed be a target- ppl either think that or that hes the mastermind?? 😭 but we’re (me. No one is reading this) here for ME and my theories so im gonna be quirky and say… victim. But NOT CH2! Not a blackened tho; i think he’s gonna be a double kill victim)
- Wolfgang Akire, Ultimate Lawyer, sheep guy
(Lmao. Lol. Rip actually i liked him)
- Cassidy Amber, Ultimate Pro Gamer, spider girl
(Im inclined to say survivor but i dont wanna be biased. But also im saying victim for too many ppl. I also wouldnt be Shocked if she was the blackened.)
(Oh well ill figure it out once i start the actual predictions which have very little to no actual evidence or founding)
- Desmond Hall, Ultimate Marksman, shark guy
(C’mon. This guy is a blackened. Wolfgang was a wolf in sheeps clothing but he still became a victim. These motifs mean smth and this guy is gonna kill sorry, i do actually like him /srs and hes a very nice guy. Im thibking late game blackened OR self-defense blackened, either way out of desperation)
- Eloise Taulner, Ultimate Fencer, swan girl
(SHES THE SWAN. Anyway definitely a blackened. Sorry no evidence for this one)
- Kai Monteago, Ultimate Influencer, butterfly guy
(So yk how every dr game has a survivor that ur left wondering how they lived. Ik the developers said they wanted to stray from the dr tropes. But lets assume they keep that one. This guy is surviving) (this is copium)
- Grace Madison, Ultimate Golfer, rabbit girl
(Victim. Shes dying. I cant believe shell be the kind to go, “ill live for wolfgang!” Or whatever. Nope shes gone) (also rabbits are prey animals anyway)
- Ingrid Grimwall, Ultimate Blacksmith, lion girl
(Actually? Blackened. Shes the nicest woman alive (still weird to me shes 18 and not older) but i cant see her as a victim or surviving. I think itd be a motive thing, or rven an accident)
- Wenona NoLastName, Ultimate Entrepreneur, bear girl
(Im thinking survivor here. Definitely no victim, and a blackened seems to be something too… out-of-character.)
- Eva Tsunama, Ultimate Liar/Mathelete (im giving her both girlie’s earned it), raven girl
- Grace Victim. She is either dying now or surviving all the way, I can’t see it any other way.
- Eloise Blackened. She’s… she’s too nice. It’s suspicious, and not in a Diana-suspicious way.
-Ulysses Victim. He’s definitely going to die I just don’t know for sure when.
- Jett Victim. No idea why but this speaks to me.
- Desmond Blackened. I don’t know??? Who else could it be man.
- Diana Victim. I don’t think she’s gonna live, it just seems unlikely with her whole speech. She could die at any chapter, I’m just going with four bc why not.
- Mark Blackened. I don’t think he’s gonna live either sorry. He just seems like the one that’d get angriest at Diana after her whole spiel (besides Damon).
- Jean Victim. He could 100% survive though, I’m just out of theories.
- Ingrid Blackened. It has to be an accident, kinda like Chiaki, theres no way its anything else, and her as a survivor just. Seems wrong to me?
- I have no idea, and can’t really predict much beyond who I don’t think will survive. We don’t even know if suicides or double kills are in play, but we’ll see.
- Out of my list of survivors, I would predict Cassidy and Wenona?? I guess??? Again who knows what the final death count will be.
Survivors: Damon, Kai, Wenona (?), Cassidy (?), Toshiko
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