#rip damon maitsu
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stargazersuri · 2 months ago
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rpwickit · 2 months ago
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My overall thoughts on the new P:EG chapter.
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ok guys at least we can make wolfgang and damon ghost au fics after chapter 1
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agoist · 2 months ago
P:EG Predictions. Will have spoilers
Written after Chapter One and before Chapter Two!
Ok so. List for mee (i wont change this omce i finish it, so all notes will either be terribly ironic or very smart predictions!)
- Damon Maitsu, Ultimate Debater, snake guy
(protag; if he dies im fighting someone)
- Diana Venicia, Ultimate Cosmetologist, chameleon girl
(doubt she’ll live; either ch3 or ch6 death)
- Jean Delamer, Ultimate Ship Captain, dragon guy
(i doubt he’d be a blackened or victim, so i predict survivor)
- Jett Dawson, Ultimate Drag Racer, coyote guy?
(lowkey forgot his animal. Uh. Help i thought it was a cat 😭) (definitely a victim at some point or a survivor, could not be a blackened)
- Toshiko Kayura, Ultimate Matchmaker, flamingo girl
(WHY DID I THINK IT WAS A SWAN. anyway victim for sure) (changed my mind survivor bc killing a child is mean)
- Mark “Mayhem” Berskii, Ultimate Music Producer, alligator guy
(Ooof this one is hard. Victim and blackened can both be argued for but predict he Will Die. At some point.)
- Ulysses Wilhelm, Ultimate Historian, owl guy
(Why is everyone jumping on the ch2 victim theory?? Lol he didnt do much during the trial idk why hed be a target- ppl either think that or that hes the mastermind?? 😭 but we’re (me. No one is reading this) here for ME and my theories so im gonna be quirky and say… victim. But NOT CH2! Not a blackened tho; i think he’s gonna be a double kill victim)
- Wolfgang Akire, Ultimate Lawyer, sheep guy
(Lmao. Lol. Rip actually i liked him)
- Cassidy Amber, Ultimate Pro Gamer, spider girl
(Im inclined to say survivor but i dont wanna be biased. But also im saying victim for too many ppl. I also wouldnt be Shocked if she was the blackened.)
(Oh well ill figure it out once i start the actual predictions which have very little to no actual evidence or founding)
- Desmond Hall, Ultimate Marksman, shark guy
(C’mon. This guy is a blackened. Wolfgang was a wolf in sheeps clothing but he still became a victim. These motifs mean smth and this guy is gonna kill sorry, i do actually like him /srs and hes a very nice guy. Im thibking late game blackened OR self-defense blackened, either way out of desperation)
- Eloise Taulner, Ultimate Fencer, swan girl
(SHES THE SWAN. Anyway definitely a blackened. Sorry no evidence for this one)
- Kai Monteago, Ultimate Influencer, butterfly guy
(So yk how every dr game has a survivor that ur left wondering how they lived. Ik the developers said they wanted to stray from the dr tropes. But lets assume they keep that one. This guy is surviving) (this is copium)
- Grace Madison, Ultimate Golfer, rabbit girl
(Victim. Shes dying. I cant believe shell be the kind to go, “ill live for wolfgang!” Or whatever. Nope shes gone) (also rabbits are prey animals anyway)
- Ingrid Grimwall, Ultimate Blacksmith, lion girl
(Actually? Blackened. Shes the nicest woman alive (still weird to me shes 18 and not older) but i cant see her as a victim or surviving. I think itd be a motive thing, or rven an accident)
- Wenona NoLastName, Ultimate Entrepreneur, bear girl
(Im thinking survivor here. Definitely no victim, and a blackened seems to be something too… out-of-character.)
- Eva Tsunama, Ultimate Liar/Mathelete (im giving her both girlie’s earned it), raven girl
- Grace Victim. She is either dying now or surviving all the way, I can’t see it any other way.
- Eloise Blackened. She’s… she’s too nice. It’s suspicious, and not in a Diana-suspicious way.
-Ulysses Victim. He’s definitely going to die I just don’t know for sure when.
- Jett Victim. No idea why but this speaks to me.
- Desmond Blackened. I don’t know??? Who else could it be man.
- Diana Victim. I don’t think she’s gonna live, it just seems unlikely with her whole speech. She could die at any chapter, I’m just going with four bc why not.
- Mark Blackened. I don’t think he’s gonna live either sorry. He just seems like the one that’d get angriest at Diana after her whole spiel (besides Damon).
- Jean Victim. He could 100% survive though, I’m just out of theories.
- Ingrid Blackened. It has to be an accident, kinda like Chiaki, theres no way its anything else, and her as a survivor just. Seems wrong to me?
- I have no idea, and can’t really predict much beyond who I don’t think will survive. We don’t even know if suicides or double kills are in play, but we’ll see.
- Out of my list of survivors, I would predict Cassidy and Wenona?? I guess??? Again who knows what the final death count will be.
Survivors: Damon, Kai, Wenona (?), Cassidy (?), Toshiko
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embercub · 2 years ago
Damon Maitsu and Wolfgang Akire cuddling headcanons!
So I'm at the car dealership to get my car checked out since the check engine light turned on, just getting it checked costs 125, then whatever needs to be fixed ;_; and I have to pay for the sticker for the license plate, rip my wallet! But while I'm waiting, this gives me some time to work on some project eden's garden stuff along with danganronpa stuff!
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● Damon I belive would say no at first when you ask to cuddle, but eventually he would agree.
● Though he may not show it or pretend he doesn't like it, he actually likes to cuddle with you.
● Whether it would be to just be with you or to get his mind off of things that bother him, cuddling you helps him a lot.
● When cuddling, he usually is the big spoon but if something is bothering him, he let's you be the big spoon.
● He also doesn't admit to it but he likes when you comb your fingers through his hair, which also helps him relax if he was ever stressed out.
● Though it may seem that Damon has no interest in doing anything like cuddling, he secretly likes it as long as it's with someone he actually likes.
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● Unlike Damon, Wolfgang is delighted whenever you ask to cuddle him.
● This man loves to be the big spoon whenever you two cuddle together, just having you in his arms makes him happy.
● But he doesn't mind being the little spoon if you want to be the big spoon once in a while.
● Whenever he is the little spoon, he also enjoys you combing your fingers through his hair.
● It helps him relax, especially if he had a stressful day, he just wants to be with you cuddling.
● 10/10 Best cuddle buddy to have!
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