most peculiar
329 posts
Indie Belle (Disney's Beauty and the Beast--all incarnations) RP Blog Est. June 27, 2015 new threads || accepting tracking || afunnybeauty ships || any, canon preferred current status || under gradual renovation
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
nogoodnessimproveme replied to your post: THIS BLOG HAS OFFICIALLY MOVED....unofficially.
ayy i love you where ever you are and it is well established that I could care less about multi muses
*cling hug* I appreciate you and I love you too
I’m....admittedly insecure about this. So I apologize for any implications that might have made, I’m not upset with anyone in particular. I think only...5? 6? people from this blog followed over, and then like, 2 from my Elsa blog and 1 from Hans. And then when I see posts or promos like “multimuse friendly,” that can only make me think of things like “OC friendly,” and I remember the hate on OCs from the old days. So that hurts, especially since I HAD an OC in those days and I know how hard it sucked to get someone to interact with you. So I kinda added two and two together, because honestly, it feels a lot like the same thing, the same feeling.
tl;dr, I don’t need a million followers and million mutuals and I don’t need to be ‘popular.’ I just wanna have fun writing Disney characters with my friends and crying about it. All I did was consolidate the 4 active blogs I had and eliminate the need to make 2 more. But I would have made them and continued to hop around if it was easier for everyone, I just needed that communication.  
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
I will not be posting here anymore, but honestly, I’m not sure it will stick. The multimuse blog seems to be a horrible idea so far. I’ll give it some time to pick up and see if it’s just a fluke, but it really seems like activity has dramatically lessened. And from what I hear, a lot of people don’t like multimuse blogs.
this is why I ran a poll/survey on this and my other blogs before I made the multimuse to get honest opinions from my friends and followers so that I could make an educated decision. I really wish the people who don’t like interacting with multimuse blogs would have told me that when I was running the survey, because that was its entire purpose. It was open to everyone and it just went ignored. I think I got 3 responses and those responses influenced my decision. I’m not upset with those people by any means! I’m grateful they tried to help me out. I just wish the people who are ghosting me now would have had mentioned it before I ruined everything. 
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
afunnybeauty ➡️ happiestroleplayonearth
The new multimuse is live!
Current and prospective mutuals, please follow @happiestroleplayonearth to continue our interactions!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
texts from last night! meme
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
Send ‘❂❂’ and i’ll shuffle through 70 to see which one you get! ( contains: fluff, angst, nsfw, normal, ect. )
Read More
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
Gonna go soak in the bath and reblog some memes
It'll be the last round I do before the switch to the multimuse blog eep!
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
nogoodnessimproveme mentioned you in a post
@ afunnybeauty LOOK I JUST DONT…
But seriously though
I’m gonna try to not go off on a tangent, because Belle is definitely every single one of my heartstrings but like...people tend to only focus on the her love of reading and leave it there. Like oh, Belle’s so smart because she reads all the time. No! Belle doesn’t read the dictionary for fun, she reads fantasies and adventure tales because her goal is escapism. Like, did everyone tune out during her songs? If she were crazy about books for books sakes, she would have sung about books but she didn’t. In modern settings, Belle would be something like....idk, a stewardess or a tour guide or something. It really shouldn’t be that hard to think about characters and their dimensions, but as OUaT has proven (and everyone who believes Belle would be a Ravenclaw), it apparently is a lot harder than it seems.
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
I’m building the multimuse blog now. I will probs work on it the rest of the night.
If you want the URL now, let me know. I’ll post officially when it’s time to make the move over.
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
❆ for a “but they’re in the next room!” kiss
Send one for a Drabble - Kiss Edition | Accepting!
“Hey–hey!” Belle giggled, her voice dropping to just above a whisper. “Watch those hands, mister. We already got busted a million times this week. I can only come up with so many excuses.”
Belle was scolding him, but she wasn’t upset. In fact, she was smiling playfully and doing all in her power not to lean in closer to his touch. Jack drove her crazy in all the right ways, and he was well aware of this. He was always testing her limits and her patience, and now was no different. In any normal case, she would gladly relent and they would give into their passions for one another. But their daughter, as they knew she would, had begun to feed her curiosities. When she wanted to know something, she had started to investigate on her own. If she had a question, she asked, and then she asked why. Sometimes the questions were related, sometimes they weren’t. But her little mind was developing at a breakneck pace, and her parents were happy to encourage this.
Except when she tried to wander into their room long after bedtime, in the middle of a situation they weren’t quite ready to explain. 
Belle had quickly jumped into action, grabbing a robe and throwing it on before the child’s young mind could fully process anything she didn’t understand. She’d led the girl back to bed and read her another story, and this time Belle lingered to make sure her daughter had stayed asleep. It was no big deal, from what she heard from her friends at lunch a few days later, it had all happened with their own children at some point. Belle felt better then, and each night, just made sure to linger and ensure the girl was asleep before leaving the room.
After a few nights passed, Belle felt comfortable enough to engage with Jack again. This time, they barely had enough time to begin before a tiny voice had come through a crack in the door saying, “Mommy, we’re hungry.” Without a thought, Belle immediately initiated damage control once more. She tied the sash of her robe and opened the door to find, of course, that this time her little adventurer had strung along her baby sister for the ride.
 Belle separated the chubby little hands and took them each in her own. “Come on, we’ll go find a quick snack and then back to bed.” 
The next night, the couple had actually managed to complete their union before the same tiny voice opened the door to announce “Daddy, I miss you,” joined by the sleepy cries of a toddler who was just learning to walk and didn’t appreciate being dragged out of bed to come along for this journey. 
It was like she knew, somehow, Belle thought. Every night for the next week, without fail, they were joined by curious little girl who spouted a different excuse, whether they were attempting intimacy or not. 
“Mommy, I’m scared,” was the reason one night.“Daddy, the baby keeps looking at me and she won’t stop.”“When is Santa coming?”“Can I sleep in my flower dress?”“Mama, I’m thirsty.”“Mommy, the baby was gonna cry but I made her stop. She’s okay now.”“Daddy, can you show me how to write my name?”
Finally, after a long day of family fun at the park, both of the girls were dead exhausted when they got home. They could barely get them out of their dirty play clothes into their pajamas, they were so sleepy. To Belle’s surprise, there was no questions, no need for a story book. They were fast asleep within minutes of tucking them in, and she and Jack had the entire evening for themselves.
She couldn’t blame him for thinking they had the perfect opportunity. She almost agreed it was too perfect to pass up. But another part of her just knew that as soon as they got carried away, there’d come a voice at the door.
“Are you sure you want more of them?” she asked jokingly. She already knew the answer, but it was fun to tease him. Taking his face in her hands, she pressed her lips lovingly against his. She hoped he could feel her love for him, and know how badly she wanted to give in. She was just so afraid that eventually, she would be asked the dreaded “what are you doing?” Belle was nowhere near ready for that. But until she could devise a way to keep the interruptions out and keep the spark alive with Jack, she knew they’d have to be overly careful. For now, she would just kiss him and love him through her kiss. It was all she knew to do.
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
⌲ for a sensual, handsy kiss
Send one for a Drabble - Kiss Edition | Accepting!
It was storming all around them, and the waters, though not tumultuous, rocked the ship into a comfortable lull. Jack had retired to his cabin for the evening, giving the command to stay the course. Belle was already waiting inside. They’d planned to finish the book they were reading–or rather, the book she was reading to him. This was one of Belle’s favorite pastimes when they were at sea: they would make themselves comfortable, Belle would read aloud, they would drink some rum, and once they were tired, Belle would bid him goodnight. Occasionally, she would get so tired that she would just stay right there in his cabin, curled up in his chair, but the whole operation was pretty routine.
Thunder rumbled and Belle smiled up at him as he entered. She fell into line, lighting a few extra lanterns and candles and cracking open her book. 
The words flew off the page, their comments were made, and the rum flowed. A few hours passed and the conversation began to outweigh the story. After a bottle was finished, the book lay forgotten entirely. 
Belle had never really been one for drinking. It didn’t appeal to her the way it did him, but tonight she found herself thoroughly enjoying the way it made her feel and the way it tasted. She was laughing more than she had ever laughed and talking more than she had ever talked. She could tell Jack was enjoying it, because he would just let her go on, and he would watch her with his own mysteriously charming grin. Belle was entranced with that grin, the way it flashed of gold and ivory and spoke of volumes of secrets Belle was dying to read. His smile was always taunting her, tempting her, and for too long, Belle was unsure what it meant. But tonight, the rum had quieted her nerves and spoke of taking risks. Find out what it means, it told her. 
Somehow, they’d moved to lie together. Their faces ached from laughing and their bodies were relaxed from drink. In her own stupor, Belle knew it wouldn’t take long for him to submit to sleep, so she would have to act quickly. They were close enough that she could smell the rum on his breath and the spice from his skin. She found it intoxicating. With the tiniest of chuckles, Belle leaned forward until her lips had collided with his. 
His lips were surprisingly smooth and velvety, and even in her state, Belle could appreciate the pleasant sensation of their lips pressed against one another. Though Belle soon found after a heartbeat or two she was still unsatisfied, and with little warning she deepened the kiss with a soft hum. Her hands found his shoulders and she grasped them tight, holding him to her as she explored the kiss for all the answers she needed. She was overwhelmed by the softness of his lips and his tongue, and as she savored his taste and his smell, she wondered if the rest of him was just as soft. 
Releasing his shoulders, Belle trailed her fingertips over his chest and torso. The linen of his shirt was worn and thin, but still too heavy for her to find her answer. With a few tugs she’d loosened the hem from his belt and crept her hands underneath, and Belle was thrilled to find he was just as soft and smooth as she hoped. His back, his chest, his shoulder blades--Belle explored it all. She traced the scars and grazed the bumps and ridges. She followed the lines of his bones and curves of his sides. It was so exquisite, and quite unreal. It was like she was meeting him for the first time.
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
nogoodnessimproveme replied to your post “✲ for a random one of the above”
Oh my heart
I love them so much 
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afunnybeauty ¡ 7 years ago
✲ for a random one of the above
Send one for a Drabble - Kiss Edition | Accepting!
Random generator selected: a trail of kisses along your muse’s body
Belle was poised just millimeters over him, her lips lowering to place a feather-light kiss on his cheek. She’d woken before the morning sun could creep in through the gaps in the drapes and the room was still heavy with a comfortable darkness. Her options, she determined, were to try and go back to sleep or sneak out to the library, but as she pondered, she’d caught sight of him. Adam was still fast asleep and snoring softly. He looked so serene, so perfect, so peaceful. 
Oh, how she loved him. The way his hair was mussed against the pillow, splaying around his head like a hairy, messy halo. She loved the shape of his eyes, the curve of his nose, the part of his lips, the slack of his jaw. He was imperfect, this she knew–but all these things combined with those imperfections made him who he was, and that made him perfect in her eyes. She couldn’t bear to be away from him in that moment, either separated by rooms or by sleep. Belle wanted to stay right here with him, as long as he’d allow.
Gently, she started smooth his hair so he wouldn’t have a tangle to deal with when he woke. Her finger grazed the edge of his ear by accident, and she found her own flesh was left tingling where she’d come into contact with his. This was common with her, but from here, she knew she’d only want more. And so she kissed him gently on the cheek. 
But that wasn’t enough. Belle barely had control over herself now, as she rained a soft trail of kisses from his cheek to the corner of his mouth, then from his mouth to his jaw. He was so wonderful to her and she couldn’t get enough of him. Belle was crazed, like a drunkard trying to coax the last drop of wine from the cup. From here, she dipped down to his neck to see if the kisses there were sweeter. She wasn’t disappointed. How he wasn’t awake yet, she couldn’t figure, but she wouldn’t question it. Her lips lingered over his pulse point and her own raced. She would have to force herself to stop soon, or dive unapologetically full in until he reciprocated or pushed her away. To Belle, the answer was obvious. She carefully pushed back the covers to allow her better access to his shoulders and chest. 
Licking her lips, she got to work, starting at his collarbone. Belle desperately wanted to nibble his skin there, but she knew that would spoil his sleep for sure. Perhaps another time. A few light pecks over the round of his shoulder and she was on her way to his chest. Her lips dragged over his skin, the hairs on his chest tickling her skin. This was bliss.
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