#dammit ADHD
Just saw a Twitch notification that said something like
"If you're not in here, the rapture took you!"
and as much as I like this streamer, it is infinitely funnier to purposefully miss this particular stream xD
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abandoned-as-mustard · 2 months
'IQ represents your intelligence' factoid actualy just statistical error. Average Full Scale IQ has similar scoring. ADHD Processing Speed Georg, who lives in a vat of sparkly glue making angels 600,000 points below, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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calebsrottingcorpse · 6 months
Collector redraw with Kid Belos 🙏
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ah yes, the classical life crisis called "memory" where I continuously question if a memory is:
an actual memory
a very vivid dream
it didn't happen I just heavily imagined it
someone else's story I heard
something I read or saw online
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secret-subject · 1 year
Why are we so convinced ADHD (and other neurodivergent people) can't be hypnotized?
This is something I've thought about a lot lately. So a little context of why:
So I've been doing hypnosis for about 12 years now. Back when I was 18 I joined the irc chat on WMM and started being hypnotized pretty much daily. I did files and I had dominants to play with and that continued for a long time. By the time I was in my mid 20's I was extremely easy, in fact too easy. The culture back then also wasn't the greatest for me and my subject agency was pretty mid (gotta love hindsight) but again, I was known for having a very good and very squishy brain. In 2022, my Mum was diagnosed with ASD but also got a surprise ADHD diagnosis. Now, we are very similar so she insisted I get tested and low and behold I have ADHD, inattentive subtype.
This blew my mind because for the longest time I had the clear signs of undiagnosed ADHD but a lot of these things were assumed came from my history of doing a buttload of conditioning files, my health conditions and just being "like that". By this stage I had stopped being hypnotized myself and focused on my role as a dominant and content creator because that for me was something I just had to focus on. My switching stopped and I didn't go under for about three years.
So now, I took a hiatus to go and try something else and when I came back I was stressed and got back into testing out files again. (Also super lucky in this time some friends of mine became hypnosis creators so that was a great way to dabble with people I can trust). My first few experiences were like getting on a bike after years of not riding. It was a little wobbly but soon with practice I was right back where I left off and now even better than that. I think right now I'm getting some of the literal deepest trance experiences ever. It's hard to describe but all I'll say is "oooof".
So why is this backstory important?
Because this is one very clear narrative of a person who had undiagnosed ADHD and found hypnosis very achievable with time, practice and a buttload of conditioning with the right people. Because my ADHD was not a factor until now, I never got told, "you can't be hypnotized" this self fulfilling proficy that makes people feel like this isn't for them which for me seeing this narrative in online spaces breaks my heart for the people who see this and feel that is their label and that is what sticks.
I think it's not our place to say who can or cannot be hypnotized as a general rule because there are not general rules in hypnosis. You can't look at someone and assess them based on factors you don't know or understand. In this world there are very few people who straight up cannot be hypnotized at all to some degree (far less then even the research people keep quoting says at this point) and this is why I feel so strongly that we need to instead of trying to label entire groups as "not good for play" to instead change the narrative to "let's see what works for more people" because brains are different and hypnosis can not be a one size fits all approach. It's too subjective for that.
This is also the biggest reason I made the ADHD hypnosis kink audio recently. I used my knowledge of hypnosis and some research on presentations of ADHD in combination to make something I felt was quite special. Maybe in the future this is something I can work on again because I want all the ADHDers with a hypnosis kink to be able to harness that hyperfocus and those skills we have to make kinky fun times extra fun.
So like, is it time we gave up generalizations on people like this? I know I'm ready to not hear my brain judged before you've even seen what it can do.
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copperbadge · 11 months
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When I mentioned I was feeling a bit apathetic about my usual phone games and apps, therapist (I should give her a nickname of some kind) suggested rotating in a new puzzle or game for a dopamine hit, so I thought I might go back to "Diagramless" crosswords, which is where you do a normal crossword but without any of the dark spaces or numbers. I used to do the normal crossword but when you've been doing crosswords since the age of 15 they stop being very challenging after a while.
The problem is that because diagramless or skeleton crosswords are more difficult, they're not readily available, like I couldn't just go out and buy a book of them; there was one Chicago paper that would print them but they were cribbing the clues from the LA Times and anyway that only worked when I was stealing the paper from my workplace years ago.
My workaround was to create a 15-square grid in Excel, print that out, and do them by hand (more satisfying anyway) using clues from the LA Times crossword that I copy-pasted in. I stopped doing diagramless basically because just acquiring them was slightly more work than I wanted to be doing on a regular basis. (If anyone knows of a phone app that offers them, or a book of them I could buy, sing out.)
Anyway all was going well; above you can see the first two I did, and while I'm obviously rusty it's very satisfying to just do one, let alone complete them. I didn't bring very many with me while traveling but I was doing today's and something seemed...very off. It took me about four lines in and several headscratchers to realize that the puzzle clues were randomly and unusually for a 16 square crossword and I was trying to cram them into a 15 square grid.
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Insert old joke here about "You aren't allowed to do crosswords anymore when you can do them entirely wrong" etc etc
Personally I blame Dan and Doug who designed it, and Patti who let it through, but on the other hand "Dan Doug and Patti" is a great name for a folk trio so I can't be too mad.
[ID: Several images of a printed 15-square grid filled out by hand with both crossword clue answers but also the squares and numbers that give the puzzle structure; the third image is only partially filled and clearly full of errors, and the last image is of the actual LA Times puzzle pattern, showing that there are 16 squares instead of 15. This never used to happen.]
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my-mind-is-afk-rn · 10 months
My mental disorders but they get less and less socially acceptable: a meme
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ac-disastrous · 13 days
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Prompt 15: Magical Girl Anime
My result: Kill la Kill
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reimeichan · 4 months
FINALLY got my medication shit figured out holy fuck. That only took 7 calls to my ADHD doctor's office, 4 calls with the pharmacy, and 3 calls with my father. And, surprisingly, 0 calls with my insurance. I still don't have my meds YET but they're actually pending in the system now, the pharmacist has ordered them and they should be on the way, and I can actually pay for them now. God, fuck the healthcare system and all the hoops I have to jump through just to get the meds I need to actually function and get my life back in order.
Shoutout to my partners and my friends for helping me through all this, yall have been so supportive and I would have given up long ago without yall (sometimes literally) holding my hand through every step of the process.
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kasumingo · 11 months
i just had the funniest therapist appointment where i was basically exposed of suspicion of autism
"so you're saying you prefer making friends over the internet, you prefer using English and you basically think in English, plus you’re interested in animated shows...... do you have trouble telling tone/intention of someone as well?"
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enasallavellan · 5 months
The funniest thing is that I once had someone ask me if Enasal was autism-coded.
I thought it was odd, as I had based most of her behaviors off of my own, so I always said, 'No, but she probably ADHD."
Because I have ADHD.
But guess what people?
Got diagnosed with autism
So to whoever asked years ago if Enasal was autism-coded?
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
I have so much to do but I just spent 5 minutes dipping my fingers in candle wax.
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psst! hey! um...what's a "TEHM"?
I keep meaning to just take this off the banners/etc because using the word is no good if nobody knows what it means. Communication is null if one or more parties doesn't understand what's being said y'know
It stands for "trans-exclusionary homosexual male". It's a bit of a gay cis man version of a TERF (TERFs are very commonly bisexual or lesbian cis women), and the groups ally themselves in many ways.
Their rhetoric overlaps strongly but it comes down to: I don't want to be around transphobic, bio essentialist, or gender essentialist people. So really, to save time and hassle, I should just list these ideological principles instead of bothering with every precise ideological label.
... which themselves, as ideological principles, are overlapping but not 1-to-1 interchangeable synonyms.
E.g. there are radfems who are not trans-exclusionary-- they are still gender essentialist, just trans-INclusive about it. "Yeah men are inherently cruel toward women, that includes trans men! Women are inherently victims to men, that includes trans women too!" type shit E.g. transphobia isn't always bio essentialist, like certain forms of nonbinary-specific transphobia (which I call ceterophobia). Dismissing microlabels and "unusual" gender experiences as attention-seeking is transphobic but not really bio essentialist E.g. bio-essential transphobia isn't the only bio essentialism out there. Racism is traditionally bio essentialist. Ableism is often bio essentialist. Eugenics itself is bio essentialist. Over-attributing individual people's strife to them rather than to their circumstances commonly strays into bio essentialism.
Basically... transphobia, bio essentialism, and gender essentialism go hand-in-hand but have some exclusive characteristics. I should make a fucking Venn diagram about it lmao
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me when i have to just sit and concentrate on something for an hour:
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gumpistol · 7 months
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just sitting here flaring my nostrils trying to get words to word in my brain and suddenly i can't describe any emotions at all
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
i firmly believe that the camp store at CHB sells shoes but only exclusively ones that either don’t have laces at all or the laces are non-functional. Shoes that are slip-on, zippered, or velcro only. this is very much the standard footwear for demigods, because being adhd and trying to tie laces is a hellish combo.
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