#damien maxwell
milesworld96 · 11 months
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Hhaaaaiiiii besties :33
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salemshotspot · 3 months
Drew McIntyre x CM Punk
Song Fic
DESC: Punk helps Drew use his words after a night Drew would rather forget
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ MDNI//Swearing//Not Proof Read//Alcohol Mentions//Implied Mentions Of Being Drunk//Simultaneously Hate And Sympathy Fucking//Characters Acting Out Of Character//Hints Of Using Sex As A Coping Mechanism//Implied Self-Worth Issues//Angst If You Squint//Dog Collar And Chain//Implication Of Collaring As Ownership//Choking Via Collar And Chain//Generic Pet Names//Praise//Is It Still Cock Warming If It's In The Mouth//Leg Humping//One Case Of Slight Degrading//Oral//Slight Hint At Overstimulation
RED >> Song Lyrics
A/N >> This is set during 2024 Clast At The Castle and some of the song lyrics are changed ever so slightly to make grammatical sense :)
TAGS: @jobikinn [ik you wanted to be tagged in the upcoming punkintyre fic but I tagged you here too, lmk if you don't want to be tagged in other upcoming punkintrye fics :)]
Drew's heart raced as he finally pinned Damien and after fifteen long seconds passed a referee raced towards the ring and began counting Drew's pin, 'this is it' Drew thought, unable to contain his excitement. Drew was pulled from his excitement as the referee's hand hitting the ring didn't echo through his ears for a third and final time.
As Drew's head darted towards the referee his eyes widened in shock, his eyes must be playing a trick on him, he blinked quickly in an attempt to refocus his eyes but no matter how much he blinked the figure in front of him wouldn't change. It was Phil Brooks; it was the one man he couldn't bring himself to admit he didn't completely despise; CM Punk.
Blinded by his rage as Phil begins to taunt him, Drew took his focus from Damien and backed Phil into the corner of the ring, wrapping his large hand around Phil's neck, causing the man's mouth to contort into a triumph smirk. As Drew's hand tightens around Phil's neck, Phil kicked Drew as hard as he could between his legs, running out of the ring as a real referee made his way back to the ring. Consumed by pain and anger, Drew didn't notice as Damien threw himself over him, he didn't notice as the referee began to count, he didn't even fully notice he had just lost the title again, all he was focused on was getting out of the ring and finding Phil.
As Drew was making his way backstage he locked eyes with Paul 'Triple H' Levesque and to say Drew was angry would've been an offensive understatement. Before he could even form a single thought Drew was practically running towards the older man. 'What the fuck was that' Drew bellowed as he wasn't told Phil was going to be there, let alone be told he was going to once again ruin his chance at the title he knew that, more than anyone else in the company, he deserved. In an attempt to both calm and contain the situation Paul suggested that they continue the conversation in his office to which Drew reluctantly agreed.
'Seriously Paul what is going on?' Drew once again questioned, eliciting a small sigh from Paul who answered in a tired voice; 'it's nothing personal Drew-' he began. Before he could continue Drew cut him off angrily; 'nothing personal?' he mocked before continuing in disbelief, 'Paul this isn't the first time you've arranged for that smug bastard to cheat me out of a title, how is this not personal.' Still attempting to keep the situation calm Paul took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding to Drew; 'the fans absolutely love what you and Phil have going on at the moment, it was simply a wise business move to have him come in and ruin your chance at the title again.' Drew couldn't believe what he was hearing, yes he understood that it was a 'wise business move' to have this happen but he couldn't get over the fact he wasn't consulted about this, it was like no one cared about him as a person, they merely saw him as a pawn in this whole thing. Unable to mask his frustrations, tears began to pool in Drew's eyes due to the intense anger he was feeling; before Paul could say anything Drew muttered loudly, 'fuck this company' before storming out of the office.
The thought of finding Phil no longer fuelled the fire within Drew, all he wanted to do now was get drunk enough to forget this entire thing, to forget the entire company; without a second thought Drew left the arena and headed to a nearby pub, the one good thing about being humiliated in his home country is he knew the places where he could drown his sorrows like the back of his hand.
As the hours slowly ticked by Drew couldn't help but delve into his subconscious thoughts, his thoughts that were only ever coaxed out by the manipulative aid of alcohol. Drew's hatred for Phil was something that was always exaggerated in the ring, their relationship outside of the ring was something much more complex. There was something beautifully tragic about the way their souls were intertwined; it was almost as if to exist without each other would be to live the life of an irreligious martyr but to exist together would condemn them to a glorious demise in the name of self-destruction.
As Drew continued to both resent and find comfort in the way his very being ached for the same man that made him angry enough to be so irrational, the very man his mind was fixated in rushed into the pub; a subtle worry hidden behind his unwavering expression. As he made his way over to Drew, Drew stood up to leave, causing Phil to raise an eyebrow at him and encouraging him to stop being so stubborn and to sit back down to which Drew reluctantly complied knowing he was probably too drunk to safely make his way out of the pub in this state.
Once both men had sat down there was a brief moment of agonising silence before Phil broke the silence; 'I never had you down as a sore loser' he attempted to joke to lighten the mood to no one's amusement but his own. Letting out a long, defeated sigh Drew replied in what was barely a whisper; 'Don't Phil' he briefly paused 'Not today, any day but today.' Phil frowned, he's never seen Drew so defeated, so miserable, no matter what happened there was always a soft glint in his eye, a glint which was determined to prove to the world that it hasn't defeated him; but now that glint Phil loved to see was gone, drowning in a pool of alcohol and although he would never admit it, seeing Drew like this terrified Phil. 'Come on it can't be that bad' Phil insisted to which Drew scoffed, taking another large sip of his beer, 'Not that bad?' He practically shouted, 'that entire company sees me as a joke and you think it's not that bad' Drew spat out as he attempted to stop tears forming in his eyes before lowering his voice; 'you know they didn't even tell me you were coming out tonight?' He sadly muttered.
Phil didn't know what to say so he did the only thing he could do in this moment of vulnerability which he wasn't used to being allowed to see from anyone, especially Drew, he never thought Drew would trust him enough to let him see him like this; 'I'm sorry' Phil said softly, his words causing Drew's head to instinctively turn towards him, it wasn't every day Drew heard that from Phil, 'I didn't know no one had told you.'
There was something about Phil's simple words that in Drew's drunken state made him feel heard, that made him feel like for the first time in a painfully long time somebody valued him enough to believe he was a person worthy of hearing. 'You've always been good with your words' Drew began 'do you remember that time we were running through a promo a while ago and I kept messing up?' Phil hummed in curious agreement as Drew continued, 'you said I'm no good with words' he let out a self-deprecating laugh 'well I'm worse with them now.' Phil confirmed he remembered the interaction and prompted him to continue speaking, 'you know I tried to talk to Paul earlier and I ended up just crying at him' Drew confessed.
Phil noticed Drew was steadily spiralling the more he drank, leading to Phil offering to take Drew home before he declined further and luckily for both of the men Drew almost immediately agreed. Phil was deceitfully strong causing him to be able to pull Drew up and carry him to his car with ease.
Once Phil neared Drew's house he noticed Drew begin to grow restless; 'are you ok?' Phil asked; Drew wanted nothing more than to ask Phil to stay the night because as much as he, at least on some level, hated Phil, he hated himself so much more. Although Drew was screaming at himself to just speak his mind was suddenly weighed down with words that felt too overdramatic to ever speak to anybody, especially not Phil. Drew sighed, thinking to himself 'tonight can't get much worse' before weakly asking Phil to not leave him alone tonight.
Phil couldn't help but smirk as he helped him into his house, jokingly teasing Drew; 'I've barely stuttered out a joke of a romantic and you want to be stuck to my tongue.' Drew rolled his eyes instantly regretting saying anything, 'oh please Punk' Drew teased 'you couldn't be romantic if you tried' he declared with a light chuckle.
Now inside the house Phil corned Drew, backing him against a wall immediately matching the Scottish man's attitude; 'oh yeah McIntyre? Well no one should ever feel like the greatest man in the world can't be romantic.' The physical closeness of the two men made Drew blush as he felt Phil's breath move towards his ear as he whispered 'and if you're as bad with your words as you're saying I'll definitely be staying because I don't want to forget how your voice sounds.'
Drew tried to think of a smart response but he came up short, unable to say anything, to which Phil responded; 'well that settles it I'm staying, my words are clearly all that you have so you'll need them just to get by.' Drew couldn't stop his mouth contorting into a smile as Phil said he'd stay, deep down Drew knew if he was sober he wouldn't have wanted Phil to stay but he also knew that no matter what he thought about Phil he was the only person who could make him forget every thought that was determined to destroy him.
Phil smirked as Drew smiled, his dark eyes seemingly filling with warmth, suddenly an idea crept into Phil's mind. Gently cupping Drew's face in his hand Phil softly spoke; 'wait here' he requested as he quickly went back to his car. Over the weekend Phil had a photoshoot commemorating the two year anniversary of his AEW dog collar match with MJF meaning that he happened to still have his collar and chain he wore in the back of his car. Phil grabbed the cool leather collar and pulled it close to him, the chain rattling as it was yanked upwards, before heading back to Drew.
As Phil re-entered the house, dog collar in hand and devilish smile plastered across his face, Drew's eyes widened at the sight of the collar; 'you're crazy if you think that's going anywhere near me' Drew quickly spoke. Without missing a beat Phil replied with a mocking smirk; 'now now' he began sarcastically, 'you said you're getting worse with your words so I'm going to help you.' While unclasping the dog collar, reaching his arms around Drew's neck he whispered almost compassionately; 'it's the least I can do after tonight.'
As Phil fitted the collar around Drew's throat he couldn't help the way his cock began to strain against his pants as his eyes examined the way his collar tightly hugged the taller man's throat. Phil could barely contain himself, he'd always secretly fantasied about Drew in his collar but he never imagined he would look this good; the way the leather clung to his throat, ever so slightly too small for the man, not enough to choke him but enough to make its presence known, the way Drew's eyes widen as Phil wrapped the chain of the collar around his hand practically terrified to let go; Phil never thought Drew would look this good at his mercy.
Drew's voice pulled both men's attention back to the room; 'what exactly are you going to do?' Drew questioned with a hint of curious anxiety lacing his voice to which Phil let out a chuckle and replied in a teasing manner, 'I put a collar around that throat of yours and you lose your hearing?' As Drew pouted and lowered his head Phil gently tightened his grip on the chain and raised it upwards, causing Drew's head to involuntarily lift as the two men's eyes met; 'I said I'm going to help you with your words McIntyre' Phil repeated in a more dominant tone.
Drew was practically falling apart at the sound of Phil's voice; he knew deep down it wasn't healthy to crave Phil's touch whenever he felt down but the hatred he felt for the man was quickly outshone the second he felt Phil's eyes grow both lustful and full of pity; although he hated himself for craving Phil, he knew this was the life he loved to lead.
Phil effortlessly pulled on the chain in his hand leading Drew to the living room and seated himself on the couch. As Drew attempted to sit next to Phil, Phil placed his hand on Drew's chest and gently but firmly pushed him down, causing Drew to end up kneeling on the floor in front of the man who had an increasingly smug look painting his face.
Looking down at the man kneeling before him Phil couldn't help but smile as he ran his slender fingers through the man's black locks before speaking in a voice which Drew was desperate enough to perceive as loving; 'good boy' he mocked as he saw how willing Drew was to bend to his will. Drew wanted to roll his eyes, he wanted to tell Phil how much he hated him, he wanted to do anything, but he couldn't, all he could do was softly whimper as the praise falling from Phil's mouth caused Drew's cock to lightly twitch.
Embarrassed by his reaction to Phil's words, Drew muttered out; 'asshole' which caused Phil to laugh as he responded, 'come on now' he began, 'there's no need to be so miserable' he joked. Drew let out a quiet laugh that was heard by himself and only himself, if he was miserable like Phil joked, he wished more than anything that he could let go of his pride and hatred to let Phil know how misery loved him.
Noticing the way Drew was fidgeting in place as his cock was throbbing against the fabric of his pants, Phil decided that now was the perfect opportunity to start his attempt to help Drew with his words. Refusing to break eye contact with the man, Phil slowly unzipped his pants and slightly raised his hips momentarily to pull them down, slowly pulling his cock from his boxers as his pants fell around his ankles. As Phil pulled himself from his pants he slowly wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, slowly pumping himself in his hand as his cock swiftly hardened.
As Phil's eyes alternated between slowly fluttering closed and reopening to reveal his glossed over eyes he noticed Drew's eyes fixated on his ever growing member as he instinctively gulped realising Phil's cock was in arms reach. As he reached out to wrap his hands around Phil, Phil gently swatted his hand away causing Drew to avert his eyes in shame; gently grabbing his chin Phil tilted Drew's head to look up at him before he spoke, 'use your words baby' he cooed.
Drew couldn't help but blush as he was filled with a sense of embarrassment and excitement; in any normal circumstance he would despise the smug look on the older man's face, he would stand up and walk away from Phil, vowing to never even look at the man again but this wasn't a normal circumstance; all Drew could think about was how much he needed to feel Phil, he needed to be as close to him as he could, he needed nothing more than the man he despised to make him complete. Swallowing his pride Drew begrudgingly mumbled 'I want to feel you.'
Refusing to break eye contact as he continued to pump himself into his hand Phil let out a low chuckle and teasingly spoke; 'I can't hear you' to which Drew repeated his words ever so slightly louder. Loudly tutting, Phil grabbed Drew's chin with his spare hand; 'this is worse than I thought' he began 'you're lucky I found you when I did, you need so much more help than I thought.' With a smug look on his face, Phil let the word 'open' fall from his lips. Drew silently followed Phil's command causing Phil to warmly mutter 'good' as he slowly slid himself into Drew's welcoming mouth.
As Phil continued to insert himself into Drew's mouth, Drew grasped at Phil's legs as his cock reached the back of his throat, obstructing his breathing. As Phil heard Drew gag as he grabbed at his legs he softly comforted the man; 'shh baby, breathe through your nose.' Once Phil was fully inserted into Drew he hummed in approval before pulling on Drew's chain to ensure he had his full attention. As Drew let out a soft gag as Phil pulled on his chain, Phil's voice lowered; 'now McIntyre I need you to listen' he uttered as Drew nodded slightly, 'you're going to learn how to use your words, lets start with a simple mouth exercise' Phil said unable to hold back a smirk, 'be good for me and keep that pretty mouth perfectly still.'
Drew had to use every ounce of self control he had festering inside of him to stop himself from desperately sucking on Phil's cock like a man starved of any and all sustenance. The feeling of Phil on his tongue was enough to make Drew's cock fully harden between his legs, all self control leaving him in an instant. With his voice muffled by Phil on his tongue Drew whined out the word 'leg', desperate to feel any kind of friction against his painfully hard member. Pride flushed Phil's face at the sight of Drew completely falling apart at his feet, pulling on Drew's chain, gently choking the man, Phil spoke with feigned compassion; 'full sentences baby.' Drew once again attempted to once again plead with Phil to permit him to use his leg for a brief second of friction, however Phil couldn't fully understand the words escaping Drew's mouth so he slowly pulled himself from Drew, both frowning at the loss of contact.
'Please' Drew whined, 'I need you', he blushed 'I need you to make me feel good.' There was something about Drew completely undone that Phil couldn't get enough of, pulling Drew up by his chain hard enough to have Drew leaning over his lap, Phil seductively whispered; 'well I have always been one for positive reinforcement and since you asked so nicely', he gently pushed Drew back to the floor, 'of course you can use my leg to get off like a dumb little mutt' Phil harshly teased. Completely overcome by his desire to ease the pain between his legs, Drew completely ignored the way Phil revelled in his degradation and eagerly attached himself to the man's legs, gaining a soft chuckle from Phil.
As Drew slowly started to grind against Phil's leg he couldn't stop himself from whimpering as both his speed and desperation grew. 'You look so pretty like this' Phil declared as he sunk into the sofa in order to get a better view of Drew rutting against him. The sound of Phil's voice alone was almost enough to push Drew over the edge and he knew it; Hiding his blushing features in the seated man's leg Drew whined out in a desperate tone, 'going to' his words trailed off.
Phil knew exactly what Drew meant but he was going to hear the man say it even if it killed him; abruptly sitting upwards in order to get a better grip on the chain he was holding, he pulled Drew to his feet, eliciting an upset whine from the collared man. 'Now why don't you show me a little bit of spine you've been saving for your mattress' Phil mockingly questioned as he pulled on Drew's chain, lightly choking him as his face edged closer to Phil's.
Deep down Drew couldn't ignore the debilitating feeling that Phil was only doing all of this out of pity but right now all Drew needed was sympathy from Phil and he didn't care how real it was. Practically pleading, Drew looked down at Phil, uttering the words, 'I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me.' As Drew spoke Phil couldn't help but notice a sadness in the man's eyes; he knew Drew needed this.
Showing what felt like the first ounce of genuine kindness Drew had received in a long time Phil gently rubbed the man's face before gently leading him upstairs to Drew's bedroom, signalling for the chained man to sit on the bed. Once Drew had sat down at the top of the bed Phil, for the first time all evening, let the chain fall from his hand before slowly crawling towards Drew from the foot of the bed. Once he had crawled to Drew, situating himself between Drew's legs, Phil leant forward to place a gentle kiss on the man's lips. Without saying a word Phil unzipped Drew's pants, softly pulling the man's painfully throbbing cock from his pants. Drew was growing desperate, he had been so close to spilling over for what felt like hours; 'please' he began to plead 'please make it feel better' he whined, causing Phil to slowly wrap both of his hands around Drew's member. Before Drew could react to the sensation of Phil's cold hands making contact with his hot member Phil was already gracefully wrapping his mouth around the cock in his hands.
Phil easily started sliding Drew in and out of his mouth, eliciting a string of 'oh fuck' and 'yes' to fall from Drew's mouth. After mere seconds of Phil feeling pleased with the sounds falling from Drew's lips Drew balled his hands into fists as he practically moaned out; 'Phil I'm going to cum.' Drew's needy, desperate tone was addictive to Phil, he could tell the extent of the stimulation Drew was feeling was becoming too much for the man so, instinctively, Phil soothingly rubbed Drew's thigh.
This simple touch was enough to finally push Drew over the edge; as he finally climaxed Drew choked out a moan as his back involuntarily arched, as his orgasm washed over him, Drew desperately grabbed for Phil's hand to help him through a painfully enjoyable orgasm.
Phil easily swallowed the seed Drew released into his mouth as he felt Drew grab at his hand like it was his lifeline, intertwining his fingers with Drew's, Phil slid Drew out of his mouth using his free hand to wipe his mouth, never even trying to remove his hand from Drew's.
'See how good it feels when you use your words' Phil proudly teased; Drew wanted to reply in an equally sarcastic manner but before he could he was overcome with a tired feeling, his mouth letting out a content yawn. Phil smiled and lightly teased; 'is someone tired out?' As he went to get up to leave Drew to sleep, Drew tightened his grip causing Phil to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
Drew's heavy eyes glanced down to Phil's pants, the hardness of his cock painfully evident; 'what about you?' Drew muttered, causing Phil to chuckle, 'well aren't you just the sweetest when you're all fucked out?' Phil cockily praised him before kneeling down to Drew's eye level; 'don't you worry about me McIntyre, get some rest.'
It was in rare moments like this that the hatred both men held in their hearts melted away which was partly why Phil was so adamant on leaving; there was a part of him buried deep down that couldn't put himself through waking up tomorrow to Drew's face contorted in disgust as he remembers what had just happened, he couldn't put himself through the both of them swearing that this was the last time they'd ever cross paths.
As Phil reached the bedroom door he heard what he swore were tears threatening to choke Drew where he lay as the half asleep man quietly spoke; 'please don't leave me tonight' he choked out, causing Phil to freeze in place. Phil sighed quietly to himself knowing no matter what he did he'd be sure to regret it. Looking over at Drew, Phil couldn't help but notice how broken he looked, he couldn't leave him, not like this. Forcing a smile onto his face Phil, softly uttered an 'ok' as he walked over to the bed to Drew's internal relief. As Phil crawled onto the bed and got himself comfortable he opened his arms for Drew to wrap himself in; he always felt so safe wrapped in Phil's arms. Before Drew fell asleep he pulled at the collar on his neck in an attempt to remove it, however before he could do so Phil grabbed his hand and moved it away from his throat, whispering into Drew's ear 'I'll remove your chain but not the collar, you'll need a reminder in the morning exactly who you belong to.'
Phil removed Drew's chain, gently tossing it to the ground before placing a soft kiss on Drew's head as he fell into the first good sleep he's had in a long time; hopefully one day things will be different, hopefully one day the two men can bring themselves to commit to each other in the way they both know they need to.
A/N >> I'm sorry this took so long to get out IDK HOW THIS GOT SO LONG AND IM SO SORRY ITS AWFUL, drop writing requests in my inbox :)
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tessa-liam · 3 months
Turning the Page
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Only You Can Love Me This Way 
Chapter 13 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist
My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 3624 
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Only You Can Love Me This Way
Chapter Summary: Olivia continues to mentor Riley on how to adapt to Cordonian nobility. Maxwell, Bertrand and Savannah babysit William and Bartie, taking them on a Lythikan adventure. Liam and Riley re-connect and discover that their love story is stronger and better than ever. 
Music & Title Inspiration: Only You Can Love Me This Way, Keith Urban 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
A/N3: My submission for choicesjunechallenge, prompts: spatial-hotel / temporal-beginning/   dialogue- “Up for a little trip?” 
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El Alami residence, Rabat, Morocco 
With her ankles crossed delicately underneath her, Madeleine El Alami pulled out her cellular to check the status of the Uber driver. It was still incredibly early in the morning in Morocco, and time was of the essence. Her flight was scheduled to leave in ninety minutes from Rabat – Sale International airport and nothing and/or no one was going to halt her journey. Not even her husband.  
Peeking out from between the fence columns outside her home, she could see the city coming alive as the sun's first rays illuminated the horizon. The people who had been hushed moments before, now filled the streets, greeting each other and heading off to start their day. It was a side of life Madeleine had never experienced before, a stark contrast to the opulence and splendor of her former life at the Cordonian palace. It was a reminder of the sacrifices she had made to follow her heart to be with her lover, Eduardo.  
Now five months pregnant, the former queen, now the wife to the Moroccan diplomat, was leaving this world behind. While her husband slept, Madeleine, along with two hand servants were waiting for the Uber vehicle to roll to a stop at the estate’s front entrance. Her suitcases were hefted on board, as she sat down in the rear seat and buckled herself in. The driver shut the door and the car slowly rolled away, the servants went back inro the estate. 
Her parents' disappointment and dismay had only grown when she told them about her unborn baby on their last visit. Her father coaxed her to pack up and return to his duchy in Karlington, England and start over. Her mother wanted her to move back home to Krona, Cordonia. As usual her parents were worlds apart when it came to their only daughter and her well-being, but they were united against Eduardo. 
However, she was done with being controlled by Eduardo.  Done with her father's demands and her mother's nagging. This time, she was going to do what she wanted to do. And what she wanted to do was to spend the rest of her pregnancy alone. 
As she Uber drove to the airport, Madeleine left her husband, forever closing that chapter, watching the world go by; but not seeing anything. Her mind turned to the letter she had left for her husband. She had no regrets for her actions but hoped her words would provide solace for him. 
She felt nothing. No sadness. No loss.  
She had already mourned her former life and the loss of her title as queen. In its place was a new sense of freedom. And with that new sense of freedom came the hope for a new life, with the baby growing inside her. 
Nevrakis Lodge, Lythikos, Cordonia 
"Are you excited to see Uncle Maxwell and Aunt Savannah today, William?" Liam spoke as he was getting his little prince ready for the day. William giggled. "Yeah!" 
"And you get to ride in a carriage! You have never ridden in one before, have you?" Liam smiled as his son's excitement grew. "YES! Horsies!" the little boy replied enthusiastically, his eyes wide with excitement. Liam chuckled. "Let's go get some breakfast and then we can go and wait for Uncle Max.” 
"Okay, daddy!" William beamed; his excitement shined brightly from his big blue eyes. 
As they entered the hallway, they heard a familiar voice call out, "William! Look at how big you are!" 
"Unca Max!" William cried out, running towards his favorite uncle. 
Maxwell scooped the little boy up in a bear hug, smiling widely. "We're going to have so much fun today, little man!" 
"Where's Bartie?" William was concerned, his eyes searching for his newfound best friend. 
"I'm over here," Bartie replied, popping out from behind his mother. "I wanna play with the horses, too. Can we, Mommy? Pleeease?" 
Savannah gave her son a loving smile. "Well as long as the two of you eat your breakfast first." William bounded over to his little friend. "YAY!" The boys both cheered. Liam strolled over, "Savannah, hello. You look well this morning," Liam kissed her cheek. 
"As do you, your majesty," she replied with a curtsy, bowing her head. “Liam, I am so happy and excited for you and Riley.”
"Thank you, Savannah."
Liam clapped Maxwell on the shoulder. "It is good to see you both, too, Lord Beaumont, Duke Ramsford." 
“Your majesty.” Bertrand bowed and smiled, then stepped back to join his wife. 
"Good to see you too, Li." Maxwell grinned at his childhood friend, as the men watched the boys follow Savannah as she grasped their hands. 
Liam shook his head, a grin on his face. "Those two are inseparable. It's a good thing Bertrand has gotten over his fear of children." 
Maxwell laughed. "Bertrand loves kids, he just has to be the most uptight person on the planet." 
Liam chuckled. "I suppose that's true." 
"Hey Max, are you ready?" called out Savannah from down the hall. 
"Ready to eat always, Savvie ... as I"ll ever be," Maxwell replied, turning to Liam. "So, what's the plan for today?" 
Liam gave a mischievous smile. "Well, I thought you could spend the day with William and Bartie, giving Riley and I a chance to have some alone time." 
Maxwell grinned. "Hah ... sounds like fun," he winked. "You're going to owe me, though." 
Liam rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want." 
Maxwell chuckled. "Alright, let's get this show on the road. The kids and my stomach are waiting." 
Liam turned back to adjust his tie and reached for his suit jacket which was draped over a wing chair. He walked to the foyer to meet with Riley and Olivia, Bastien following discreetly behind him. 
"You're dismissed, Damien," Liam said. "I appreciate your vigilance. 
“Of course," Damien bowed and took his leave, joining the other members of the Royal Guard in the hallway. As he closed the door, his eyes wandered across the hallway, where he watched Olivia wrapping William in a hug before turning toward the foyer and the waiting limo outside. 
Damien had been captivated by Olivia from the moment they were introduced. As he watched her wrap the little crown prince in a hug, his mind wandered. 
He could not help but admire her grace and elegance, the way her fiery hair shone underneath the chandelier or when her eyes sparkled when she laughed. 
Damien knew he could never have her, but the thought of being able to spend time with her, to make her laugh and see her smile, was enough to fuel his dreams. 
He wondered what it would be like to hold her in his arms, to kiss her soft lips and feel her body pressed against his. 
But that was all it could ever be, a fantasy, a dream. 
‘What would a Duchess ever see in a guardsman? Olivia is a rare beauty,’ Damien mused. ‘She's not like any other noble, and she doesn't seem to care about the status or title.’ 
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and he straightened up, adjusting his uniform. 
As Damien thoughts went back to his post, his eyes drifted back to Olivia, and he could not help but wonder if there was a chance, however small, that his dreams could become a reality. 
“Olivia, why are you being so secretive?”  Riley inquired again, after spending the morning shopping for clothes and accessories in the city center, the limousine rolled to a stop at the Nevrakis lodge entrance. 
Bastien opened the limousine door as Olivia stepped out. Glancing back to Riley, she smirked, “You are one lucky lady”. Riley’s eyebrow lifted in question. “You, my dear have a final challenge to endure." 
Riley sat and blinked as she took in her words. After reaching for her bags Riley turned her attention to exit the limo after Olivia, when she heard a deep baritone voice, "...Hi." 
Riley looked up to see a six-foot, 4-inch-tall familiar man looking at her with a huge smile. Dressed in a crisp, sleek suit overtopped by an Armani topcoat 
"Liam? ...What are you doing here?" Riley’s eyes went wide as she looked up at her lover. 
"...And dressed like that?”  
“Love, I wouldn't dream of being underdressed for your final challenge." Liam smirked and then chuckled softly watching Riley’s look of disbelief. 
"So, you're here for the challenge too?" 
"You bet. I've been waiting for this moment since you came back to Cordonia." 
"Liam, what is going on?" 
 “This is our final destination. According to Olivia, I am the challenge.” 
"And that would be?" 
Liam smiled wide, not giving out any clues.
"Oh my, this isn't a game show, right?" 
"Not to worry, love. All I know is that Olivia has prepared something for us and it's a surprise." 
"Okay. So, what is this surprise? Please tell me."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil the fun." 
"Liam, I don't like surprises." 
"Love, I know ...I can see that. But, I think you will like this one. This is our last day in Lythikos; I've already been briefed and we're going to have a blast." 
Olivia’s watched their exchange and added, “the last thing you need to get back into fighting form is to reconnect with what you are fighting for. 
...And you have always been driven by your love for Liam; for your family.”
Liam slid his arm around Riley’s waist pulling her close to him. “Which was an unusually sentimental thing to hear Olivia say.” 
Olivia sighed, “a bit saccharine for my tastes, but to each their own. I always thought love was a weakness, but you seem to actually draw strength from each other.” 
Riley’s scrunched her eyebrows, “Just to be clear, my last challenge is to spend time with King Liam Rys?” 
“The whole day, actually. Olivia is taking us into town.” 
“Everyone else will help me take care of William while you’re away.” Olivia added.
“Sweet! Free daycare! I’m really warming up to Lythikos hospitality.” 
“It’s a circumstantial offer. Cherish it while it lasts.” 
Liam kissed Riley’s cheek, “believe me, we plan to.” 
“But Olivia, you’re supposed to be looking into our Madeleine problem....and the press.” 
“Damien and I will dhave everything covered; I promise. 
And you have your marching orders. Reconnect and start fresh, that you may crush your enemies on the morrow.” 
Liam grinned, “Ah, Romantic.” Placing his hand on the small of her back, Liam steered Riley back into the lodge to change into the evening wear that she bought in town. 
Standing at the entrance of the dining room, along with the other guards, Damien Nazario stood vigilantly watching the crown prince. His eyes were sharp and ever watchful. As a trained ex-secret service agent and bodyguard, he knew when people were watching. 
His attention was suddenly drawn to a smattering of voices outside in the main hall, and a moment later, Duchess Olivia Nevrakis entered the dining room, and Damien felt his breath catch. 
She was stunning. She had been stunning the night before, but he had not noticed her beauty fully. This morning, the Duchess wore a form fitting black and grey suit. Her vibrant red hair was done up in a chignon. Damien was entranced by her, but he knew better than to stare. He tore his eyes away from her and glanced down at the floor, taking in the shiny black patent leather of her boots. He swallowed, wondering how they would feel around his neck. He shook his head, trying to clear the image from his mind. He looked up, and his eyes once again caught sight of her, this time her stormy blue green eyes were looking straight into his. 
She arched an eyebrow and tilted her head as she regarded him. Damien's cheeks warmed. 
"Good morning," a voice sounded beside him. 
"Morning," he mumbled, glancing back to where the Duchess had been, only to find her gone. 
Drake chuckled. "See something you like?” 
Inside the limo, Liam and Riley arrived outside an upscale restaurant in the city center.
Bastien opened rhe passenger door and Liam stepped out, holding out his hand for Riley. She took it and climbed out of the limo. She gasped when she looked at the building in front of her. "This is beautiful." 
"You are beautiful," Liam smiled. "And tonight, you will be dining on the best seafood this side of Paris." 
"That's a high bar to live up to." Riley's eyebrows raised. 
Liam chuckled. "It can certainly get the job done." 
They were escorted inside the restaurant, with Liam's hand on the small of her back as they were led to a secluded table overlooking the city center. 
Liam pulled out Riley's chair and she sat down, exposing her long tanned leg through the side slit of her cocktail dress. He sat down and his eyes drank in the sight of her, his gaze lingering on her legs. 
Riley blushed. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." Liam looked down. 
Riley reached across the table and took his hand in hers. "Look all you want, Your Majesty." 
Liam lifted his head and locked eyes with her, his blue orbs sparkling. "I have wanted to do this since the night of the Coronation Ball. You were breathtaking that night. I wanted to sweep you into my arms and dance the night away with you. But there was always someone or something getting in the way." 
Riley grasped Liam's hands in hers ...
"Mmm, this whole place smells like fresh bread. I want to eat that smell." 
"I will order the kitchen to prepare you a fresh loaf immediately." Liam grinned. 
Riley threw her head back and laughed. 
"Please do. After Olivia's challenges, I feel like I could devour this entire restaurant." 
"I love the sound of your laugh," Liam whispered. 
Riley's heart skipped a beat. 
Liam's grin widened. "I hope we have many more dates just like this. After Olivia's unique brand of 'help', we've definitely earned this day." 
Riley giggled. "That was the nicest way of saying Olivia was a royal pain in the ass." 
Liam let out a chuckle. "That was very diplomatic of me, thank you." 
Liam smiled as a steaming breadbasket and the entrees were set down on the table. The waiter tops off Riley's red wine and sets a glass of scotch down for Liam. 
Riley picked up her glass and held it aloft. "A toast. To us." 
"To us," he echoed, clinking his glass against hers. 
As Riley takes a sip, the waiter places a small dish in front of her. Inside is a thick chocolate sauce in the shape of a heart, the word "love" written in script, and two berries. 
Riley looked from the dish to Liam, her lips curled into a mischievous smile. "Chocolate covered strawberries? Are you trying to seduce me, Liam?" 
"That depends," Liam replied, a matching grin forming on his face. 
"On what?" Riley asked. 
"Whether or not it's working," he whispered. 
Riley's eyes met his and they burned with desire. 
"I'll take that as a yes." His grin widened and he leaned across the table. Liam took Riley's hand in his, his fingers tracing slow circles on the back of her hand. "You are beautiful. I wish we could have been together from the start." 
Riley's lips formed a soft smile. "So do I, Liam. I don't want this night to end." 
"It doesn't have to." Liam reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, laying them on the table between them. 
"Up for a little trip?” 
Riley's eyes widened. "Are you suggesting we run away together?" 
"One of the best kept secrets in Lythikos is a glass igloo tucked away in the mountains. The perfect view of the stars, the perfect view of the valley." 
Riley bit her lip and looked up at him from under her lashes. "I think I might have found the perfect view right here." 
"It's also very secluded. Not another soul for miles." Liam winked. 
Demurely smiling, Riley added, "I can think of a few ways to take advantage of that." 
"So can I ... if you're up for the trip." 
Riley picked up the keys, the smile on her face growing wider. "Let's skip the dinner and jump right to the dessert."
"Then we should leave right now," he suggested, his eyes never leaving hers. After a few calls, Liam stands and offers his arm to Riley. 
Riley slipped her arm through his and together they headed out of the restaurant, and back into the waiting limo. 
The driver was already waiting and pulled the car into the traffic. They passed through the city streets and up into the mountains. It was dark when the car finally pulled up in front of a domed glass structure. Stepping inside, the entire frozen mountainside stretched out around on all sides, a beautiful aurora shined through the ceiling panels. 
"Oh Liam, this place is unreal ... it's all the natural wonder of camping with the comfort of a five star hotel." 
"And a lot more privacy." Liam added.
"After the past few weeks, I really wanted to get you away and alone," Liam softly spoke, his arms slipping around Riley's waist. 
She placed her hands over his. "Me, too. I don't want this day to end." 
"I have one more surprise for you." 
Riley smiled. "Is that why you brought me here? For a surprise?" 
"No. I brought you here because I want to be alone with you." He kissed her cheek, his lips trailing along her jawline and down her neck. 
Riley's eyelids fluttered and she tilted her head back. "Mmm, is that so?" 
Liam nuzzled his nose against the spot behind her ear. "I wanted to do this all evening." 
"What's stopping you now?" 
He grinned. "Nothing." 
Liam pressed his lips to hers. She melted into him and deepened the kiss. His tongue sought hers and they moved together in unison. He cupped her ass and pulled her into him, her curves conforming to his body. 
Riley's hands tangled into his hair, her fingers tugging. Liam moaned into her mouth, his desire rising. Together tumbling back onto the bed, legs tangling as they fall down onto the plush mattress. 
A while later, Liam's fingers combed absently through Riley's hair as they watched the way the colors and lights swirled around, constantly changing.... It was hypnotic. 
"When I look up into the sky ... I see you. I see something beautiful, brilliant, untamable ... a breathtaking force of nature. I know that we have been through a lot, but when you're in my arms like this ... I also know that we can find a way through it together, if you'll let me."
Riley sighed happily. "Liam..."
*I know, love, that I said I wouldn't bring it up again, but after tonight, I need to tell you that I'm so sorry for everything." 
"Liam, it's okay, I know you had to do it. I know the weight of the world was on your shoulders, and you had to do what's best for your people, that's your duty. But you have to also do what's best for yourself. We all do." 
Liam's grip tightened slightly around her waist. "That's what I want. You...
"Riley. I love you. And William. I can't imagine my life without you both in it."
"I love you too, Liam," she whispered. "So much..."
"Do you forgive me?" Liam asked quietly in earnest. 
"Of course, I forgive you. I am so sorry that I was a coward and left without telling you about..."
"SSHHH! There is nothing to forgive you for, Riley. You were just doing what you felt you had to do. I am so sorry that the court was so unfair to you. My father ..." 
"Liam, please. Let's just focus on the present."
"... and the future." LIam added with a kiss...
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@choicesficwriterscreations @thosehallowedhalls
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romirola · 1 year
Headcanons for Redacted Characters’ Full Names
Some of these have come up in my fanfics. Others just live inside my head. Please enjoy. 
David Gabriel Shaw
Asher James-Darragh O’Connell (credit to @floofdeloop)
Milo Anthony Greer
Marie Rose Campenella Greer (credit to @frenchiefitzhere for the middle name)
Colm Maxwell Greer
Gabriel Irving Shaw
Samuel Benjamin Collins
William Erasmus Solaire
Vincent Christopher Solaire 
Lasko Francis Moore
Huxley Charles Goldman-Jackson
Damien Ibrahim Naoum
Geordi Plitzvarnivic
Elliott Ryan Wu
Aaron Lysander Blackshear
Oliver “Ollie” Tristan Castilla Rodriguez 
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jpitha · 2 years
The K'laxi head of security flattened his ears in frustration and sighed.
"Okay. Go over it one more time."
"Right, so we were at the bar."
"Who was at the bar?"
"Me, Damien, Kenneth and N'ara"
"And all of you were drinking?"
"Well yes, it's a bar." The head of security flicks his ear, a raised eyebrow. "Sorry. Yes, N'ara was having vodka sodas, you know how K'laxi are with mixers - er, no offense."
"None taken."
"And Damien and Kenneth and I were having French 75s. You know, fancy, classic, tasty..."
"And easy to overindulge?"
He nodded, quickly, then winced at the headache. "Yeah, you understand! They sneak up on you. Anyway, we got to talking about Humans."
"But, you are Humans?"
"N'ara isn't. I think she was trying to hit on Kenneth. She was all - he at least had the good taste to not try and approximate a K'laxi accent - "tell me about yourselves! Earth sounds so interesting!" and so on and so on. Kenneth talked about how Humans have pretty decent reflexes and are decent at catching and throwing."
"Yes, I've seen you play - oh ancestors what was the name? - Ultimate Frisbee in the Commons."
"That game rules! You should come join the All Starbase League! It's a beer league, nothing too intense. We have lots of K'laxi on the team."
"Your reflexes?"
"Oh yeah yeah! Kenneth was like" Here, he lowers his voice. "I bet I have the best reflexes in the joint. I can catch anything you throw at me, go on and try!"
The head of security gestures for him to continue.
"So then Damien gets up and goes clear to the other side of the bar and shouts-" Here, his voice gets improbably high. "You think you're so good? Then catch THIS!" and whips his champagne flute right at him!"
The head of security makes a note "Which kicked off the bar fight."
"Yeah, he missed and just pelted some crewman from a Starjumper right upside the head. Anyway, it was pretty wild there for a few. I saw this human who looked like she was on a date with a K'laxi straight up catch a chair and put it down in one fluid motion!" He clearly was impressed.
He makes another note and puts the pad down. "It took 10 security personnel to break up the fight; the bartender says that fully two thirds of their glassware and half their chairs are broken. 3 people are in the infirmary. Everyone AND the security cameras say that you four started it, and you tell me that it was an accident because Kenneth was showing off to N'ara?"
He nods. "I mean, it sounds less cool in the morning and when you explain it."
He puts his head in his hands. Everyone starts bar fights when they get too drunk, but the Humans always wind up having...memorable ones.
"David, you were here two weeks ago for the...incident in Gene's Gym, weren't you?"
"Uh yeah, but that one wasn't alcohol related, I just thought that 4gees didn't sound that much and that Maxwell was just pretending how hard it was to show off." He rubbed his jaw. "Turns out he was really stacked."
"And last month, in the Commons? The Fountain?"
"I was sure it was a hologram."
The head of security stared at him hard for just a moment longer than was comfortable.
David dropped his eyes. "Sorry, Chief Y'meni"
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, David. You're on community service, two weeks. Every day - including the weekend - you're cleaning up the Commons for two hours and then you're volunteering to help at the bar, at the Gym and anywhere else people have requested assistance."
"Yes Chief."
"I mean it David. I'm going easy on you because you seem like a good guy, but you need to watch what you're doing. You're going to get hurt, or worse, hurt someone else."
"Yes Chief."
"Send in..." He looked at the pad. "Damien. I need to talk to him next."
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undeath1245 · 2 months
Headcanon full names for the TD contestants
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I figured that I should share my list of headcanon full names of each of the characters of Total Drama, with a couple of exceptions here and there (i.e. Chris McLean, Blainely O'Halloran, Alejandro Burromuerto, Cody Anderson, Harold McGrady, Devon "DJ" Joseph, Dakota Milton, Lightning Jackson, Cameron Wilkins, Nichelle LaDonna, Valentina MacArthur). Results may possibly vary.
Original Total Drama contestants
Gwendolyn York (sharing the same name as the York Region)
Trent McAllister
Duncan van Jensen
Courtney Ferrera
Heather Yang
Lindsay Berglund
Tyler Greenwood
Bethany Collins
Geoff Baskerville
Brigette Heinemann
Justin Carroway
LeShawna Martin
Isabella Crampton
Eva Alexandrova
Sierra McAnthony
Katie Bisonette
Sadie Jeong
Ezekiel Brimstone
Revenge of the Island contestants
Michael Holmvik
Zoey Abendroth
Brick Hopkins
Scott Bronson
Josephine "Jo" Arnold
Samuel Braxton
Anna Marie Lombardi
Dawn Nicholson
Beverly "B" Norwood
Staci Murray
Pahkitew Island contestants
Shawn Romero
Jasmine Abbott
Sky Rouleau
David Corduroy
Sugar van Hoffman
Amanda Dufresne
Samantha Dufresne
Topher Fellows
Ella Grimm
Maxwell Hunter
Scarlett McGrady
Rodney Fieldston
Leonard Hammersmith
Winslow Beardman
The Ridonculous Race contestants
Devin Letterman
Carrie Brennan
Thomas Wesley
Jennifer Walcott
Brody Simpson
Stephanie Fairchild
Ryan Carmichael
Rosalind Sanders
Josée Guillaume
Jacques Beaumont
Emma Zhong
Katherine Zhong
Stuart Rockford
Theodore Spudman
Dwayne Broker Sr.
Dwayne Broker Jr.
Kelly Greenwood
Taylor Greenwood
Jay Henderson
Mickey Henderson
Ennui Craven
Marie Crimson
Tammy Lundgren
Laurie Delcroix
Kristoffersen Miles
Ellody Newton
Marie Poindexter
Chet Levett
Lorenzo Antonelli
Gerry Drummond
Peter McLean
Total Drama Revival contestants
Caleb Edwards
Priya Rouhani
Millie Baldridge
Hezekias "Zee" Wanchai
Julie Martinson
Mary Kate "MK" Chung
Wayne Rupert
Raj Samaroo
Bowie Davison (based on the late English pop star)
Emma Wahlgren
Damien Laurence
Ripper Alderman
Axel Emerson
Chase Rodgers
Lauren "Scary Girl" Metcalf (sharing the same name as the actress)
Why don't you share me your fan name ideas?
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flickys-courage-club · 5 months
My CTCD OC LGBTQ+ Headcanons🏳️‍🌈
Olive is Biromantic
Felix is Bisexual and Non-binary
Barry is Asexual
Nathan is Straight
Teresa is Straight
Clive is Gay
Justin is Gay
Sin Clown – Pride is Pansexual
Sin Clown - Wrath is Pansexual
Sin Clown - Glutton is Straight
Sin Clown - Greed is Gay
Sin Clown - Lust is Omnisexual
Sin Clown - Envy is Aroace and Agender
Sin Clown - Sloth is Straight and Demigirl
Geo is Aroace
Petal is Aroace
Sirius is Aromantic
Alan is Gay
Jacob is Bisexual
Maxwell is Non-binary and Biromantic
Grinz and Frownz are both Aromantic
Vore is Panromantic and Agender
Raven is Asexual
Russell is Straight
Platinum is Straight
Shade is Aromantic and Trans FTM
Grayson is Straight
Bunitty is Bisexual
Amaris is Agender and Straight
The Canine Assassins - Saber is Aromantic
The Canine Assassins - Slice and Dice are both Asexual
Toxin is Aroace
Feline Hunters - Tuesday and Thursday are both Bigender and Aroace
Jasper is Straight
Cyan is Straight
Marina is Straight
Jingles is Pangender and Omnisexual
Aden is Biromantic
Damien is Aromantic
Malcolm is Pansexual
Snowflake is Straight
Chief Azrael is Straight
Cider and Timber are both Straight
Jackson is Panromantic
Hurley is Pansexual
Carmen is Demigirl and Straight
Crispin is Aroace
Bard is Straight
Alicia is Aromantic
Flitz is Pangender and Omnisexual
Crescent is Straight
The Sacrificers - Sow, Faith and Miracle are all Aroace
Barney is Asexual
Radley is Straight
Aaron is Asexual
Marie is Straight
Brandon is Straight
Crumble is Trigender and Panromantic
Osborne is Aromantic
Sorrow is Straight
Courley is Panromantic
Sydney is Straight
Denver is Straight
Shako is Panromantic
Kameron is Straight
Francine is Straight
Olly and Trixie are both Pansexual
Lucifer is Aromantic
Claude is Straight
Nigel is Panromantic
Iram is Pansexual
Blizzard is Straight
Twigs is Asexual
Smiler and Gloomer are both Pansexual
Furton is Asexual
Krimson is Aroace
Tyrone is Aroace
Cyan is Bisexual
Nide is Asexual
Salazar is Bisexual
Pollen is Aromantic
Jazz is Panromantic
Fern is Genderfluid and Straight
Twitch is Agender and Bisexual
Sunstroke is Aroace
Fluttters is Trans FTM and Pansexual
Dot is Demigirl and Straight
Andre is Straight
Penny is Straight
Moonlight is Agender and Panromantic
Lauren is Straight
Matt is Straight
Oliver is Straight
Gerald is Aromantic
Lillie is Straight
Damon is Straight
Celeste is Straight
Krueger is Straight
Fear King is Aroace
Nathaniel is Straight
Miranda is Straight
Barrett is Asexual
Renard is Pangender and Pansexual
Bon is Straight
Cyril is Straight
Lord Blade VI is Omnisexual
Sir Mist is Straight
Wendell is Aroace
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CFWC F/AotW - Oct 8-14, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🌺 = Hispanic Heritage Month | 🦄= Bisexuality Awareness Week | 🏳️‍🌈= LGBTQIA
Crimes Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Trysan Thorne x MC, Luke Watanabe x Ruby Webster @lilyoffandoms
The Favourite Brother ✒️| Vasili Thorne - @starsarewithinme
Heavy is Her Heart ✒️ | m!Trystan Thorne x f!mc - @moominofthevalley
Trystan Thorne x F!MC Fanart 🎨 by @nukritus
Trystan Thorne x F!MC Fanart 2 🎨 by @nukritus
Cas Harlow Fanart 🎨by @nukritus
Cas Harlow x Gabe Adalhard Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @nukritus
Andy Fanart 🎨 by @myautumnrose
Lily Fanart 🎨 by @myautumnrose
Sophomore Secret ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄| Dan Pierce x F!MC, M!OC - @aallotarenunelma
To The Ballgame ✒️ | Sam Dalton x F!MC - @socalwriterbee
Nightbound Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Nik Ryder x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Indescribable 🎨| Hayden Young by @twinkleallnight
Peeping Damien ✒️Ⓜ️🔥🌺| Damien Nazario x F!MC - @georgiesgirl1223
Ghosted (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC - @kristinamae093 Chapter 10: Two Steps Back
Thro(n)es of Passion Part 2: A Bad Romance One-Shot ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Liam Rys x MC x Maxwell Beaumont, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles
Turning the Page ✒️Ⓜ️ | Liam Rys x MC - @tessa-liam Part 4: I'm the Problem
Victim of Love (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 13: Torn Chapter 14: Yes and Maybe
The End of the World (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Eli Sipes, the Sipes Family - @jerzwriter Part 2: The Very End
The Last Goodbye 🎨Ⓜ️ | Eli Sipes, David Sipes by @rosefuckinggenius (C: @jerzwriter)
Disembodied (Series) ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession Part 3 (of 8)
Endless Summer/Hero
Let the Shadows Fall Behind You ✒️| Jake McKenzie x MC, ES!MC & Hero!MC - @saibug1022
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spw-art · 25 days
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Welcome back Damien Maxwell! You are here for like five minutes and then I’m kicking you out
( @poicyss bow appearance! )
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honkhonkpatches · 5 months
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!! HEADS UP !!
New animation drop ♡♡ (I am a beginner animator)
Viktor Van Bowen and Clover Patches belong to me, Damien Maxwell belongs to my dear friend Blackberrystone ♡♡ Happy birthday, Berry!
Please do not repost my art, reblogs are appreciated
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vexic929 · 1 year
OCs Masterpost
Taglists (if you would like to be added or removed to any of these please message me!)
Everything: @negative-speedforce
Born To Run (Berrie Thawne): @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Lavender Lightning: @shrinkthisviolet
Beth Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Malcolm Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
Earth-63: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Child in Time: @starstruckpurpledragon @elutrosop
Arrowverse/Titans OCs
Soliton (Dr. Lana Rydberg)
Tecromancer (Marco Macías)
FireFlower (Lara An-Veks/L'Harann)
Professor Spectre (Alana Wells)
Experiment 929
Echo (Lea Brava)
The White Rabbit (Dr. Lise Chien)
Earth 150
Beth Allen
Bishop's Gambit (Percy Priest)
Earth 111
Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Allen)
Earth 100
Cherry Bullet (Berrie Thawne)
Earth 63
Reverse (Eoland Thawne)
The Flash (Barbara Allen)
Dr. H Wells
Dr. Rodriga Sterling
Sterling (Jess Sterling-Wells)
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
Captain Davina Singh
Charmer (Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn)
Detective Eden Thawne
Detective Ira West
Qi (Cisca Ramon)
Killer Frost (Dr. Caelen Snow)
Cobalt Blue (Mallorie Thawne)
Dr. Dawn Helaeton
Superman (Kal-El/Kal Danvers)
Batwoman (Brienna Wayne)
Nightwing (Ricki Grayson)
Red Hood (Jessie Todd)
Batgirl (Tiffany Drake-Wayne)
Robin (Damien al Ghul-Wayne)
Changeling (Gabi Logan)
Bernadette Dowd-Fitzmartin
Klara Bleak
Characters from original works
The D Team
The Ace Arrow (Laska Ace)
Harmonic Sine (Piper Melony)
Agent V-92 (Lara Valdez)
Fire & Ice (Jisoo Lee)
Angel Valdez
Four (Set al Khafaji)
Agent J-57 (Alex Jacobs)
Mihael Ireton
Agent G-37 (Dan Guo)
Broken Chains
Ember Fei
Prince Kamau
Princess Amara
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acronym-chaos · 1 month
Nigel (Charlie Countryman) ID Pack
[PT: Nigel (Charlie Countryman) ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Alistair, Avery, Barrett, Baxter, Bianca, Blake, Brody, Cameron, Charlotte, Clark, Clive, Conrad, Dakota, Dahlia, Damien, Dane, Donovan, Dorian, Edwin, Elise, Ellis, Emerson, Everett, Felix, Finley, Fiona, Fraser, Garret, Gideon, Grey, Harper, Heath, Iris, Ivan, Ivy, Jarvis, Julia, Julian, Kendrick, Kendall, Knox, Lance, Lennon, Levi, Lila, Lionel, Maddox, Mara, Marlowe, Maxwell, Mia, Mitchell, Morgan, Nico, Olivia, Peyton, Pierce, Quentin, Rafe, Reagan, Reggie, Reed, Remy, Riley, Roman, Ronan, Roy, Ruby, Sawyer, Sienna, Silas, Spencer, Sutton, Tatum, Tate, Tessa, Trevor, Trig, Vaughn, Wade, Weston, Wynn, Zane
[PT: Pronouns].
Bru / Brui / Bruis [Bruise]; Bul / Bullet / Bullets; Cra / Crash / Crashes; Fi / Fight / Fights; For / Force / Forces; Gun / Guns / Guns; Hit / Hits / Hits; Kick / Kicks / Kicks; Knif / Knife / Knives; Powe / Power / Powers; Rag / Rage / Rages; Rush / Rushs / Rushs; Sae / Slash / Slashs; Sho / Shoot / Shoots; Sni / Snipe / Snipes; Stri / Strike / Strikes; Threat / Threats / Threats; Trig / Trigger / Triggers
[PT: Titles].
An Enforcer of [Pronoun] Will; One of Ruthless Resolve; The Bruiser of the Streets; The One Who Strikes Without Hesitation; The Power Behind the Punch; The Shadow of the Underworld; The Sharp Edge of Danger; The Unstoppable Force; The Wrath Incarnate; The Wielder of Fear; [Pronoun] Who Crushes Opposition; [Pronoun] Who Kills Without Mercy; [Pronoun] Who Walks in Shadows
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID].
Requested by anon!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Eleanor's Kitchen
Books: The Royal Romance/Heir, Rules of Engagement
Pairing: Queen Eleanor & Prince Leo + Liam (mother-sons/siblings), Leo x Damien (mentioned in RoE) (romantic), Liam & Jason (OC) (platonic).
Rating: PG
Summary: Liam notices Leo's friendship with Damien, their gardener's eldest son, becoming stronger.
Series: Eleanor's Kitchen
Note: Damien (not Nazario from PM!) has been mentioned in this scene in Rules of Engagement, Book 2. I played fast and loose with the timelines for this backstory, and have given Damien a younger brother who was Liam's age.
This chapter takes place almost a year following Ch 3. Liam is now 8 years old, Leo is 14.
Word Count: 3, 718 words
Tagging @kingliamappreciationweek for KLAW Day 4: Childhood, @aprilchallenge for the prompt "just want to be with you", @choicesholidays for National Sibling Appreciation Day (April 10th) and @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW.
Chapter 4: Garídes Saganáki
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(Photo from this recipe)
Liam greets the salt air that briefly kisses his face, and the sand that pools around his toes at the beach, with a sense of homecoming. This beach has felt as much like his home as the palace he was born in, suffused with memories of sandcastles and uniquely-shaped seashells and the rush of excitement that came every time a wave crashed against the shore.
And most of all, it feels like home for the moments long past. For the rare times both he and Leo did things together, back when Leo actually liked taking him along for things. When his talk was actually more talk and less eyerolling and "oh you're too young to understand". The love is still there, and so is the need to protect each other (especially against Father's acid remarks, usually aimed at Leo) - just...the companionship isn't, any longer.
The sad, sinking feeling that used to emerge from realizing that is, thankfully, rare now - Liam much prefers the company of his own friends - but when he was four and hanging on to his big brother's every word, it had stung.
"Every big brother does that," his newest friend, Jason, shrugged. Jason is the palace gardner Giorgos Vasilakis' youngest son, accompanying his father since last year on visits to the Queen to discuss the plans surrounding her dream project: the palace hedge maze, that was to echo the one in Château de Villandry in France. Jason's older brother Damien had always been the one at Kýrios Vasilakis' side before that, but of late Liam has begun to associate his presence more with his own elder brother.
Jason is lonely. Unlike Liam, who has managed to bring together his own motley band of merry playmates, Jason has only the one older brother and has never gotten the chance to venture beyond the palace and his father's cottage. Liam has experienced only a fraction of that kind of loneliness and it had felt like hell. He and Jason may not know each other well, but he'll be damned if he let the other boy he has no one. And so he brings Jason along to meet all his friends.
Both Liam's and Jason's older brothers accompany the group of exhilarated children to the beach, but slip away in another direction before the group can notice. Liam notes the direction Leo and Damien are headed - their heads leaning towards each other as they walk - but says nothing. More friends, Liam reminds himself of his purpose here, first make sure we give Jason more friends.
Liam isn't disappointed. Before long, Jason's name has been shortened to Jase, his shorts and shirt have been drenched from jumping over the crashing waves with Maxwell, and he's snacking happily over pine nuts with Drake and Olivia. He even enjoys collecting seashells with Tariq, even if he did find him a little odd at first.
"I can understand not wanting to get your shoes wet but why would he want to keep them 30 feet away from the sea??"
Liam giggles a little. "They're not just shoes! They're...uh... Salvatore Ferra-somethings!" he says, already forgetting the Italian names that slip so easily from Tariq's tongue when he's talking about a shoe brand. Liam would too, if his father spoke his ears off about shoes as much as Tariq's did.
"If you say so," Jason replies doubtfully. What a funny bunch of people these nobles and royals are, he must be thinking, "but what if they get stolen?"
"Then Tariq will sniff and say he hopes they were stolen by someone who truly understands the value and beauty of Italian shoes."
Just before they leave, the children build a sandcastle. Liam and Jason deem themselves the architects of the main structure, Drake and Olivia choose to build a fortress. Maxwell ropes in a skeptical Tariq to help him construct a fantastic "Tower of Fun and Parties" right next to the castle itself. They are almost done when Jason stands up, declares the castle incomplete without a good garden, and pokes dots into the sand to form imaginary flowers.
For a moment all they can hear is the shriek of the gulls and the buffeting crash of the waves. They are all silent, and smiling, and very, very proud of themselves.
This structure is the biggest sandcastle the children have ever built themselves thus far, and by the time Leo and Damien return (hair damp, skin glistening, breathing hard as if they'd jumped down the steep cliffs of the Forgotten Falls and climbed back up, hands very close but not really touching) they are all convinced it is the biggest castle they ever will conceive of building. Even if it is one built in sand, soon to be a victim to the crashing waves.
Liam puts on his baking gloves, balancing himself on the balls of his feet as he waits to take his freshly-baked bread out of the oven. It's a moment he likes to gear himself up for - there's just something, some magic, about that first, comforting, soul-filling whiff. He'd experienced that feeling the first time he actually watched Chef Anais bake, and he's felt it ever since.
His version of Greek village-style bread is perfect today - the crust a lovely brown with little cracks and ridges to show off how crisp its outside is, and he is certain the inside will be soft and a light shade of yellow from the semolina he added to it. The aroma is good enough to make his mother stop in the middle of her own cooking just to breathe it in.
Her face covered in a fine sheen of sweat today from the heat in the kitchen, her hair bunched into a wrap and her hands waving away steam and smoke from her face. Liam can't quite tell whether it is excitement he sees on her face or exhaustion. But from the corner of his eye as he carries the bread to the table to rest, he can tell it is more of the former.
There are two pots boiling away at once on the stove: one a creamy, garlicy, peppery fish broth; the other a beautifully silky tomato-based sauce that he knows from experience will become even silkier and creamier when Mum adds a sinfully liberal amount of feta chesse to it.
He almost reaches out for it with a spoon when his mother stops him.
"Ah-ah-ah!" Mum says, playfully wagging her finger, "Not yours, thisavré mou. This is for your brother and his friend only. That's why I'm making something with your favourite Stone Bass fish as well. For you and your friend."
Liam frowns. "But I've had shrimp saganaki before. You know I like it too. Why couldn't you just make a bigger batch?"
Mum lets out a sigh suffused with embarrassed laughter. Her hand inadvertently motions itself towards a bottle of alcohol on the table titled Ouzo. "This one is... different. Not for children."
Liam pouts in petulance. Of late reminders that he is still a child and his brother isn't have begun to annoy him. There is something so mythical about teenagehood, Liam is beginning to realise, something he wants to know more about but is too out of his reach to even begin to understand.
Don't be so eager to let go of your childhood, pet, then you'll spend the rest of your life wanting it back, Mum would often tell him. All that phrase does now is make him even more impatient.
The smell of ripened crushed tomatoes, mixing in with the garlic, onions, and chilis, makes for a heady combination. He secretly thanks Uncle Franci for sending them yet another carton of San Marzanos - Mum said he'd written in his last letter that his wife, Aunt Pari, would be making a trip down to her home province of Bethulia soon for the Navroze festival, and was hoping Mum would come celebrate it with her this year.
There is another aroma in the sauce Liam has never smelled before, and has a hard time identifying - it's slightly pungent and makes his eyes water a little. It must be from the bottle of Ouzo.
Mum tosses the feta into the small, two-handled heavy-bottomed frying pan at will - she has never really been one for measurements - and quickly places the pan beneath the broiler to melt the cheese. Liam watches in fascination as her hands crumble extra feta; there is no rubric for how much, she just stops when she feels like it. Just throw! she will tell him anytime he asks her for a measuring cup. Cooking for Mum has always been just a play of hands; trust your hands and give them their time with the ingredients - and the results may not always be consistent but over time they will be forever delicious.
Liam has timed his baking closely enough that by the time both his and Leo's dishes are ready, his bread will have rested long enough, and is ready to serve as a side.
They find Leo talking to Jason's brother at one of the more intimate drawing rooms of the palace, their heads so close they're almost touching. Both their hands are jammed into their pockets, as if they'd hurriedly put them there from whatever their original position was. Their eyes dart everywhere and both seem to turn a little pink. A curl from Damien's dark hair rests carelessnessly on his forehead, and Liam catches his brother looking at it at least twice.
Jason skips to Liam's side. "Where is everyone else?" he whispers.
"Drake and his sister have gone to Texas to stay with their aunt, Olivia's with one of the Elders in Lythikos, Maxwell and Tariq are back home. It's just me, I'm afraid." Liam shuffles his feet in uncharacteristic awkwardness. He knows that a lot of the things he likes to talk about can either bore or confuse his own friends.
"Good enough for me," Jason says, grinning. "Her Majesty says she's got us fish stew."
"Bianco. And shrimp saganaki for Leo and Damien." Liam lowers his voice in a conspiratorial whisper. "Don't tell your dad - Mum made those herself. Father built her her own kitchen two and a half years ago. Not many besides some of the kitchen staff know."
Jason's eyes widen at the bowl that's just arrived, and then brightens. Imagine that, being treated to the cooking of an actual queen!
Mum had wisely decided to seat the pairs of brothers in different areas, confident that they would be bored stiff if they were made to eat together. It's a lot better this way, Liam thinks, as Jason talks animatedly of the new toys his dad got him with the increase in his salary from last month onwards. Leo and Damien would perhaps find their chats rather silly, and a lot of the things they say fly like seagulls over Liam and Jason's heads.
The Bianco is as good as Liam and Jason had hoped: the sauce smooth and creamy, the fish mildly sweet and with flesh so soft it crumbles a little on the tongue. Liam can't help but puff his chest in pride as he and Jason use the bread he made to sop up the rest of the sauce, the heat from the pepper and garlic and the delightful tang from the lemon warming them all down to their toes. Jason tells Liam to tell Her Majesty to forgive his lack of manners but he is this close to licking his plate.
Normally, Liam would be ecstatic about getting to eat a Stone Bass, especially here where the catch is always today's, wild and fresh and soul-stirringly tasty..."not that garbage you get from the fish farms" as Grandmother used to say.
But his thoughts keep crawling back to the meal his and Jason's older brothers got. The dish that has been so familiar to him all these years, yet seems so alien now. All because of an added mysterious... thing that seems all the more exciting because he isn't allowed to touch it.
Liam goes and sneaks a look at where their brothers sit, enjoying their shrimp. Leo looks over to his friend's plate, notices his bread is over, breaks his own loaf apart and offers it to Damien, looking straight into his eyes as he dips it into his sauce and eats it. Damien's fingers lightly brush his as he takes the bread.
"You know who made that bread?" Leo's voice for some reason sounds different, warmer and deeper and a little more serious. Liam turns pink with forgotten filial pleasure at the note of pride in his words. "Liam. My baby brother."
Damien grins. "There's sauce near your lip."
Leo makes a great show of pretending not to know where. "Where?"
Damien looks left and right - and satisfied that they cannot be seen (Liam heaves a sigh of relief as he emerges from behind a corner Leo and Damien cannot clearly see) takes his napkin and dabs softly at the corner of his mouth. The two boys suddenly cannot look each other in the eye, and their smiles hold secrets that make Liam feel like an intruder on this little moment, for perhaps no reason. Damien's only cleaning Leo's face.
But when he returns and tells Jason what he saw, the other boy stays silent for a few minutes.
"Babás almost saw Prince Leo at our home once," Jason says quietly, "Mamá had to hide him in a cupboard."
"But why?" Liam asks back, puzzled, "I thought Kýrios Vasilakis liked him. Ever since he started attending his lessons regularly and actually -"
"I know. I thought so too. I'm not sure why Leo and Damien and Mamá look so scared these days. No one ever tells me." Jason finishes with a nonchalant shrug that belies his petulant frustration at not being told things he cannot fully understand.
Liam sighs, all thoughts of their brothers forgotten. "No one thinks I'm old enough to understand anything either."
As Liam watches Jason's older brother reluctantly take leave of his own, their gazes lingering more than their touches ever could...and realises how childishly enthusiastic their own goodbyes are, Liam goes to bed wondering what Leo's shrimp saganaki tastes like. Is it pungent? Is it sweet? Does it leave a bitter aftertaste?
That night, Liam lies in bed in his silk unicorn-and-rainbow pajamas, burningly aware of how like a child he looks in it. How unlike his older brother - in his leather jackets and carelessly tousled hair. He begins counting the months before his mother can properly deem him "of age", and falls asleep before he can even reach his pre-teen years.
Days later, Leo takes a walk around the Wishing Well with his mother.
It's amazing how much things have changed in the years Eleanor has been married to Constantine, and therefore into the Royal Family. His little son had only been four then, and he'd hidden behind his father the first few times she tried to come near. Constantine and his mother had fumed over this in the beginning, wanting to help ease him into trusting her but neither having a whole lot of patience - so it had been up to her to reassure him that they would only set his relationship with her at his pace.
And it had paid off. Little Leo had once seen the "new mother" outside, trying to stargaze, and sat beside her in silence, listening for half an hour as she pointed out constellations. She'd known he loved stargazing and knew he needed a companion of sorts The first ever times they talked were all about stars...until five months later when he lost interest and Eleanor found out whatever it was that captured his fancy next.
Still, because that night was the night they tentatively began to consider themselves mother and son, she often brings back memories of it by calling him astéri mou.
"Your tutors have been very pleased with you this year," Eleanor says, suppressing a little smile, "they've been seeing how hard you've been working at your studies lately." There's a mischievous glow in her eyes. "Any more efforts and you'll soon be surpassing Liam, they say."
Leo snorts. He knows, no matter how hard he tries, that he can never reach his kid brother's level in either interest or acumen for politics. That is a quality unique to just him and he's more than happy to let him bask in it, but ever since Damien....
A quick, intense memory of him flashes. Dark curls, full lips, skin smooth beneath Leo's fingertips. It had amazed him how they'd been playmates one minute, pretending to be pirates and running around the palace gardens, and he'd never in all that time noticed that kind of gut-capturing beauty. His voice deep and passionate at the Forgotten Falls two weeks ago, as Damien whispered into his hair, "Let me hold you for a bit. We don't have to talk...we don't have to do anything. I just want to be with you."
He knows becoming a good King will be a hundred times harder for him than it was for his father, than (he is beginning to realize) it could be for his brother. He had made his peace with that at some point this year. But being around Damien...knowing that in his future position a relationship like theirs could be both legally permitted and morally viewed as sheer irresponsibility (and this is in only the kindest of parallel universes) and still knowing it is a relationship he cannot ever conceive of giving up...
If he could just prove himself capable in every other area of his life, just please his father and bring pride to his mother in other ways, maybe both his father and Damien's may just not force what they could have together, to die.
Mamá sighs. "Leo...astèri mou. You don't understand. I am already proud of you."
Oh no. Had he just said the words aloud?
He responds to her answer with another question. "How did you find out about us, Mamá?"
She shakes her head. "Kyría Vasilikou." Damien's mother, who hid Leo in a cupboard that one time Kyríe Vasilikos almost caught them. She had been extraordinarily kind and very contrite - sending Leo with a box of melomakarona and begging him never to come to this house again for fear of what Damien's father may do to him next.
He remembers Mamá's words from that evening.
"Damien's father - and his father before him - are extraordinarily dedicated to the King. It was His father that ensured their family would be set for many, many years to come...and his gratitude towards them can make him blind to what could make his own son happy."
The mother who had birthed him, the one he had often called Mummy, is at best a faded memory now. He called Eleanor Mamá almost a year after she'd married his father, because he finally felt ready and because it suited her. That evening, he understood his Mamá's underlying message.
I will always support you. But until we can figure out a way, you must be careful.
And so he will be. Both Damien and he will try their darnedest not to be too obvious about their love for each other...and Leo will continue to work harder on his lessons.
Smiling, Mamá changes the subject. "Liam's very upset we won't let him have shrimp saganaki."
Leo bursts out laughing. "He's had it so many times already!"
She shrugs. "Oh no, not that way. He's demanding the "Leo and Damien special". Ouzo and all. I suspect the baby of our family wants to be seen as a baby no more."
He rolls his eyes. "He's going to be really disappointed. It's not going to be that different from regular saganaki. Just makes it taste a little bit more like anise."
If that isn't a fitting symbol of what adolescence feels like when you come out of your big impractical dreams of what adolescence might be, Eleanor doesn't know what is. It is a lesson they all learned the hard way, only to see their children struggle with it too. They can only sit back, knowing that nothing they can say will change the kids' minds.
Leo at age 14 is already bored of his teenage years and raising his eyes towards the glamour of adulthood. Liam at age 8 has a far too rosy picture of adolescence, and envies his brother for being the whole-body-manifestation of everything he now wants but knows he needs to wait to have.
And while Eleanor will be forever grateful Liam has inherited her vast capacity for patience and not his father's, she is also aware that that patience is beginning to wear thin.
Leo may be too focused on his feelings for Damien to see it, but a time will come when the brother he has always considered a kid will grow before his eyes, and he will be too surprised by the change to understand, or know how to communicate. She can only hope they'll find their little ways, as they once did before.
Sighing, she passes her eldest a coin, and takes a second in her own hand.
"Ready to make a wish?"
Leo nods. Eleanor smiles. She knows already what he's going to ask.
Eleanor tosses hers into the well, watching as it makes its rapid descent down.
Whatever else changes, just make sure these two never forget how much they need each other.
Eleanor returns to the palace with her son, smiling. Between the Wishing Well and the official gardens, there are bits and pieces of a plan taking shape, a plan for a garden maze. Around it, she can see her youngest playing tag with his friends: one of whom is the youngest of their gardener, a little boy Liam seems to have taken under his wing.
Leo and his mother stop by to watch the children. Both sigh, and both realize it's for the same reason.
Liam will be thrust into his adolescent years before he even knows it. But at least they both can enjoy this sight of him enjoying his childhood completely, wholeheartedly, for what it is. If only for today.
Shrimp Saganaki
Corfoit Bianco
Horiatiko Psomi
A/N2: For Sibling Day I really wanted to do a fic that explored the dynamics of a sibling pair with a significant age gap. There is some amount of awe at older people - esp older kids- at their age, as well as a little envy and a desire to become them.
Kyríos/Kyría: Greek for Mr and Mrs usually.
Thisavré mou - my treasure
Ouzo - Ouzo is an anise-flavored liquor produced from grape must (the remnants of wine-making). It can only be made in Greece and Cyprus
Feta cheese - A brined, white cheese with a soft and creamy texture, often made from sheep's milk.
Navroze - Festival for Parsi New Year, often celebrated with Iranians around the world as well as other Zoroastrian communities.
Babás/Mamá - Greek for Dad and Mum.
Astéri mou - my star
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l30n-m00ns70n3 · 4 months
Solarchanged || A Solarballs AU || Group Chat
Chat Key:
Saturn Jovian - @Ringss
Camilla Johnson - @DoraTheExplorer
Caelus Jovian - @BluBoiTranslator
Tami Quincy - @WordsGoBurr
Jaxx Emily - @AntMan
Neptune Jovian - @BluBoi
Danielle Yu - @SylvionInHumanForm
Jamie Williams - @WhyAreYouHere
Violetta Williams - @ScaryFlowerChica
Maddison Emily - @Storm2.0
Venus Terrance - @GoddessOfBeauty
Matthews Liam - @CopyCat
Carolina Liam - @SirenButWithLooks
James Maxwell - @GravityTwinsButSolo
Calli Harrison - @TheCaliforniaBear
Nadia Amin - @LivingLieDetector
Mars Terrance - @#1MartianStan
Masa Yano - @AlwaysAColdFront
Damien Jaxton - @CaringBully
Yasmin Urriel - @UrarakaIRL
Terra Solar - @TerraSolar /For Now/
Kacey Johnson - @Sheena
Zane Johnson - @Kareena
Year 7-12 Group Chat:
*@Sheena added @TerraSolar to Year 7-12 Group Chat*
GoddessOfBeauty: WTF, Kacey???
Kareena: We have a new student!
Sheena: Multiple actually— but the other 2 are in Year 3 & Year 1
TerraSolar: Uhm... Hi? What is this—?
AlwaysAColdFront: This is the Pangea Academy Group Chat! Well, the Year 7-12 one. Year 6 and under students aren't allowed to be here bc reasons—
TerraSolar: Ok...?
ScaryFlowerChica: There's a lot of us here, how about we introduce ourselves?
Ringss: Good idea—
Ringss: Let's go in age order!
TheCaliforniaBear: That'd mean you'd start & you always start.
Storm2.0:  Let it go, Calli. Doing it this way is very convenient.
Ringss: Anyway.
Ringss: I am Saturn Jovian, Year 12 & 18 Y/O! Male & He/They, please! My younger cousins are @BluBoi and @BluBoiTranslator
DoraTheExplorer: My name's Camilla Johnson! I am also in Year 12. I am a 17 Y/O Demifemale who uses She/Her pronouns! My twin siblings are @Sheena and @Kareena
AntMan: Hello! I am Jaxx Emily, the older half-brother of @Storm2.0 and I am a 17 Y/O in Year 11. I am Male and use He/Him pronouns.
BluBoiTranslator: Hello. I am Caelus Jovian, the cousin of @Ringss and @BluBoi . I am in Year 11. I am a 16 Y/O male who uses He/Him pronouns.
WordsGoBurr: Hello-Hello! I am Tami Quincy, a 16 Y/O in Year 11! I am Female and use She/Her pronouns!
Storm2.0: As stated earlier, @AntMan is my older half-brother. I am in Year 10. My name is Maddison Emily and I am 16 Y/O. My assigned gender at birth was Female, but I identify as Agender and use They/Them pronouns.
ScaryFlowerChica: I am Violetta Williams, 16 Y/O in Year 10. I am Female and use She/Her pronouns! My cousin is @WhyAreYouHere
ScaryFlowerChica: Uhhh.... I'll just introduce her—
ScaryFlowerChica: @WhyAreYouHere is my blind Cousin, Jamie Williams. She is also in Year 10, but she is 15. She is Female and uses She/It pronouns!
SylvionInHumanForm: Hi! I am Danielle Yu. I am also in Year 10, and am 15 aswell. I am Female and use She/Her pronouns. I have three younger siblings, all in Year 3. They're triplets—
BluBoi: 👋💙♂️🔟1️⃣5️⃣👐🪐🩵👆
CaringBully: Yo! @BluBoiTranslator
BlueBoiTranslator: I got it...
BluBoiTranslator: He said "Hi! I'm Neptune Jovian. I am a Male in Year 10! I am 15 and use any Pronouns! @Rings and @BluBoiTranslator are my cousins."
TheCaliforniaBear: Sup, I'm Calli Harrison! I am a 15 Y/O, AFAB, NB Therian who uses They/Them pronouns in Year 9.
TheGoddessOfBeauty: Ugh. My turn ig
TheGoddessOfBeauty: I'm Venus Terrance. I am a 14 Y/O Trans Male. I use He/Him pronouns and I am in Year 9. I'm the older brother of @#1MartianStan and the pipsqueak in Year 5
LivingLieDetector: Greetings. I am Nadia Amin in Year 9. I am a 14 Y/O Muslim Girl. I obviously use She/Her pronouns, but no hate to anyone who uses other pronouns! I respect your decision and preferences.
CopyCat: Hi! I am Matthews Liam, the twin of @SirenButWithLooks , we are both 14 Y/O and in Year 9. I am Male and use He/Him pronouns.
SirenButWithLooks: Hello! I am @CopyCat 's twin, Carolina Liam! As my brother said we are 14 and in Year 9! I am a Trans Female and use She/Her pronouns!
SirenButWithLooks: ; )
GravityTwinsButSolo: James Maxwell, Year 9, 14, Male, He/Him.
Sheena: Uhm... Moving on!
AlwaysAColdFront: Hi! I am Masa Yano from Year 8! I am 13 Y/O and Female! She/Her please!
AlwaysAColdFront: It's very nice to meet you @TerraSolar !
#1MartianStan: I'm Mars Terrance, in Year 8. One of my brother's in Year 5 and the other one is @GoddessOfBeauty . 13 Y/O, Male, and He/Him.
CaringBully: Hey, new kid! I am Damien Jaxton, but calk me Dash, or else.
TerraSolar: Ok—
CaringBully: Good. Anyways, I'm in Year 8. Also 13— He/Him & Male aswell
UrarakaIRL: Hello~! I'm Yasmin Urriel. It's pronounced Ur-re-el btw.
UrarakaIRL: N-e-way. I am in Year 8, and I'm 13!! She/Her and Female! My BB bro is in Year 5!
Sheena: I'm Kacey Johnson, the older Johnson twin! I am 13 Y/O in Year 7, Female, and I use She/Her pronouns. My older sister is @DoraTheExplorer and my little brother is @Kareena
Kareena: I am only 1 minute younger than you, Kacey! But I digress, my name is Zane Johnson; I am also 13 and in Year 7, obviously, and I am a Male who uses He/Him pronouns! As stated before my sisters are @DoraTheExplorer and @Sheena
TerraSolar: Nice to meet ya'll! I am Terra Solar, 12 Y/O in Year 7! I am Intersex, and use They/He pronouns! I have two little brother's, one in Year 1 and one in Year 3!
TerraSolar: That took a while—
TerraSolar: GTG, Astro-Mámá says it's time for bed.
TerraSolar: Since I start school back up and all.
TerraSolar: Bye & Goodnight!
UrarakaIRL: Bye-bye!!
ScaryFlowerChica: Jamie Says Bye!
Storm2.0: Goodnight.
Ringss: Goodbye
SirenButWithLooks: Bye!
CopyCat: Bye.
SirenButWithLooks: ; )
AlwaysAColdFront: Goodbye & goodnight!
BluBoi: 👋 😴
*@BluBoi changed @TerraSolar 's nickname to NewKid !*
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Finally made the first definitive Camper list and Which Parent/Cabin they belong to:
Big thanks to @goldrose-star, @devil-doll13, and @solmints-messyocdiary for helping me keep my thoughts together and to everyone that asked to have their OC's added to this AU, it wouldn't have gotten this big without all of you! That being said if there's any oc I've missed or if there's an OC you'd like me to add that isn't on this list please dm me! I'm happy to compile a new list!
Isabella "Izzy" Madison @the-pinstriped-hood
Calder "Cal" Beechum @rottent33th
Rón - @ajarofpickledtears
Finley - @solmints-messyocdiary
Milo Vess @slaasherslut
Ciarán @devil-doll13
Persephone "Percy" Jones @the-pinstriped-hood
Vincenzo @solmints-messyocdiary
The Librarian @devil-doll13
Beauregard "Bo" Sinclair - Cannon
Vincent Sinclair - Cannon
Magnolia "Maggie" Sinclair - @soupbabe
Eden Sinclair @sketchy-rosewitch
Lester Sinclair - Cannon
Selena - @ajarofpickledtears
Deen (Dogface) - @solmints-messyocdiary
Eric (The Patron) - @solivagant-muse
Avana "Ava" Walker - @slaasherslut
Cylas - @ajarofpickledtears
Jude - @devil-doll13
Clay - @rottent33th
Alicia - @ajarofpickledtears
Emil Müller - @soupbabe
Sammy (Skulk) - @probably-a-plant-thing
Frankie Smith - @sketchy-rosewitch
Maxwell "Max" Holt - @devil-doll13
Red -@damien-mlm
Arden - @solmints-messyocdiary
Griffin - @rottent33th
Archie - @the-pinstriped-hood
Axel - @solmints-messyocdiary
Darrell Hosea Todd - @bluecoolr
Iris - @solmints-messyocdiary
Cathryn - @ajarofpickledtears
Zach - @devil-doll13
Eleonora "Ellie" Mason - @rottent33th
AJ - @goldrose-star
Adam - @devil-doll13
Esther - @ajarofpickledtears
"Alice" -@solmints-messyocdiary
Ophelia -@solmints-messyocdiary
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flickys-courage-club · 6 months
Introducing Barry!
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Species: Cat
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Family: Nathan(Father), Teresa(Mother), Marie(Grandmother), Brandon(Grandfather), Nathaniel(Ancestor), Miranda(Ancestor), Barrett(Ancestor) Lauren(Grandmother), Oliver(Uncle), Matt(Grandfather)
Likes: Roses, fantasy movies, action movies, his parents Nathan and Teresa, rabbits, cats, spending time with Courage, Bunitty(platonic love interest), becoming a detective, mystery shows
Dislikes: Courage in danger, Muriel in danger, danger, his friends in danger, spiders(except Tyrone and his spider crew), Toxin(worst enemy), spicy food, getting scared, violence, his family in danger, Eustace Bagge(enemies)
Friends: Courage, Muriel, Felix, Clive, Justin, Maxwell, Olive, Geo, Charlie, Bunny, Kitty, Bunitty(platonic love interest), Gabriel, Russell, Platinum, Milo(Uncle to him), Grayson, Shady(Childhood best friend/brotherly figure), Computer, Team Frostbite(Damien the Wolf, Malcolm the Mountain Hare, Snowflake the Arctic Fox, Chief Azrael etc), Absolute Six(Jasper, Cyan, Marina, Hurley, Jackson and Carmen), Aden, Eight Tribes of Honour(Lucifer, Claude, Nigel, Krimson, Iram, Blizzard, Twigs and Possum Mob), Fred, Lord Blade VI, Cannibals of Vintage City, Bon, Cyril, Hunchback of Nowhere, Bigfoot, Duck Brothers, Dr Vindaloo, Courage's parents, Animals of Fear Gang
Neutral: Shirley, General, Lieutenant, Banana Suit Dealer
Enemies: Eustace, Fred(formerly), Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot, Mad Dog, King Ramses, Sirius, Toxin, Alan, Jacob, Raven, Cruel Veterinarian, Vore, Thursday, Tuesday, Saber, Slice, Dice, Amaris, Sin Clowns(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy and Sloth), Fear King, Fear Slaves, Di Lung, Mecha Courage, Ma Bagge, Gem, Evangeline the Musical Mistress, Bone Antler
He has a fear of spiders because of the abuse he got from Toxin who is in fact a spider himself.
Barry knows how to hold a gun, however it's a toy gun that shoots corks instead of bullets. He learnt his technique of handling his toy gun by his ancestor Barrett.
He is neutral to Shirley the Medium. He shows respect to her but worries about the curses she puts onto others.
After rescuing Bunitty from Mad Dog, the two became really friends, until they both start to have platonic feelings for each other.
His interactions with the General and the Lieutenant left him in dismay, due to the them fighting with each other or their "antics" as Barry refers it all to.
Barry has become a victim hunted down by Thursday and Tuesday AKA Feline Hunters, since he is a cat.
In the crossover; Straight Outta Nowhere! Scooby Doo Meets Courage The Cowardly Dog. Barry becomes allies with the Mystery Inc. His favourite members of it are Shaggy and Scooby Doo.
Barry loves watching mystery shows, which got him dreaming of becoming an great detective.
Barry's relationship with Computer didn't go well at first, because Computer became (of course) a bit of a jerk to him, until Computer was aware that Barry has anxiety. By that, he now helps Barry how to cope with anxiety.
Barry is allies with Team Frostbite, Absolute Six and Eight Tribes of Honour, he sees Team Frostbite and Tribes of Honour as family figures.
He loves his grandparents Marie and Brandon. Marie loves him dearly and Brandon has a soft spot for him, he tends to nickname him "Scamp" if he forgets his grandson's name.
Whenever Courage isn't around with him, he takes the role as Courage himself. He does remember two of his catchphrases and says them whenever he is in a dangerous situation. The catchphrases being "The things i do for love!" and "I know something bad is gonna happen or if my name is [random name]! And I'm glad it's not."
Barry has the ability to sense any danger that is coming
Barry is the one who set Lucifer free by his order and he fully knows that he has gained freedom.
Barry had an ultimate regret by setting Fear King free. This is because the King was abusing him psychological and uses his anxiety for his goals, but only to make it more worse, but then Barry finally stands up to him, telling him that releasing him was the worse idea he had done and he now sends him back to his book for all eternity and throw it out.
Despite having a fear of spiders, Barry became allies with Tyrone and his spider crew. It was said by Barry that he doesn't fear spiders that show kindness to him
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