#dalmation jasper
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 1 year ago
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Take what resonates and leave behind anything that doesn't. Always be open to new perspectives, homies. 🖤🩶🤍
PILE 1 (Anubis)
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Deity: Anubis
Crystal: Black Tourmaline
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Scoprio ♏️, Leo ♌️, Aquarius ♒️
Anubis calls to you, pile 1. His message is telling this pile that people-pleasing isn’t going to make people who have already decided that they don’t like you, like you. You could be the sweetest, most ripe and deliciously sweet mango. Some people just don't like mangos or are allergic. You cannot force everyone to like you. You cannot manipulate them out of their pre-made decision. I know it hurts to be rejected, especially if you have ADHD and experience RSD because of that condition. Put your headphones on to drown their voice out. Their opinion of you does not matter in the long run. Their opinion does not make you bad. Their opinion does not reflect an accurate description of who you are. Let them be a hater. No one can take away your halo. Anubis asks you to turn your attention to more important matters than what people think of you.
PILE 2 (Loki)
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Deity: Loki
Crystal: Moldavite/Agate Geode
Astrology: Gemini ♊️, Virgo ♍️, Sagittarius ♐️, Pisces ♓️
Loki calls to you, pile 2. They are telling me you are an absolute bad bitch. You are kicking ass and taking names fr fr. Loki wants you to know they recognize how much work you have done. They are saying you don’t really see yourself clearly. Your self-esteem is pretty low. Look at what you have done so far. If it were anyone else wouldn’t you be proud of them? They want to appreciate all that you have accomplished. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are healing. Be proud of yourself. They also tell me that you have no need to worry about what might happen but are also letting you know there are more lessons on their way to you. You are almost done with the cycle and Loki is protecting you as you complete it. They are saying the finish line is almost upon you! Follow your intuition. Trust yourself. Trust the divine. Allow change to flow inward. You are gonna continue to be a badass bitch. 💚
PILE 3 (Hekate)
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Deity: Hekate
Crystal: Dalmatian Jasper
Astrology: Aries ♈️, Cancer ♋️, Libra ♎️, Capricorn ♑️
Hekate sings to you, pile 3. She is telling me you have recently discovered a divine ability. It is a massive change of perspective honestly. It explained a lot of unanswerable questions you have experienced in life. You are learning to wield this ability and use it to benefit you. It is an inherented ability passed down from generation to generation. Hekate is telling me that your next step in learning how to use this skill is processing emotional trauma or physical trauma. She wants you to know she understands that pain for what happened is not something you can “get over” but she is instructing you to process that pain. To sit with it and understand it better. She knows how hard that can be. She will be with you in this transitional period. Healing is necessary if you wish to use this ability to its greatest potential. Before you go diving straight into the pain though. Hekate asks that you go slow. Do not use this ability too often until you have done the healing you need to do. It could be damaging to your connections if you use it before mending your wounds.
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dakotareadstarot · 5 months ago
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got my reading table / crystal collection show off table set up!
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ratxklng · 1 year ago
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homeworld outfits for the celestial authority
more examples to come, i wanted to start w quartzes first bc theyre my favorite gem types
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ayyponine · 3 months ago
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local woman spends one sunday off frm retail hell to get so many impressions of things
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years ago
Lars, Alonzo and Le Pelt (And perhaps Jasper in 1996??) all having crushes on Cruella is my favourite XDD Like I get it, my bros, I g e t it, but holy moly my brethren in christ have some self respect-
I wanna have a tea party with all these men XD
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notsoblackandwhite101 · 10 months ago
So what happened to jasper and Horace?
Jail? I'm not too sure after that. They were hated like Curella was after the news got the story out, BUT their names weren't as plastered all over the story like Curella's was. They likely moved to a different place for a fresh start. Maybe opened a dive bar? Sounds about right.
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thedetectivesteve · 2 years ago
Detective Reviews #61 - 101 Dalmatians Live-Action Remake
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oneohwonderful · 2 years ago
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grapeagata · 1 year ago
Don't know about the other ones but the one with the black spots looks a lot like dalmatian jasper!
rock experts on tumblr!
ive decided that i want to start collecting pretty rocks i see in shops or outside, y'know get a new hobby. so im kindly asking if anyone can name the rocks i collect. thank you and good day
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(slowly but surely ima fill this bad boy up)
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templeofelysium · 2 months ago
hekate: a history
hihi!! recently my friend expressed interest in learning more about hekate and I thought that I could do some research and put it into a post. I have an altar to her but I don't necessarily commune with her often, and I didnt know as much of her lore as I probably should've. let me know if there's another deity yall would like me to do another deep dive on. i will link the sources that i used at the very end!
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Domain: magic, witchcraft, the night, the moon, ghosts, crossroads, boundaries, herbalism and necromancy. she ruled over sky, earth, and sea, and was often venerated as a part of the household deities. she is widely respected and revered, even by the other gods
Parentage: Perses, titan of destruction and known for his great wisdom; Asteria, titaness of falling stars and nighttime divination
Important Imagery:
-she is often depicted holding two torches, a key, a dagger, or snakes -her familiars include a dog--the Queen Hecuba who committed suicide or was received as Odysseus' consort after the fall of Troy--and a polecat (like a ferret)--or the midwife Galinthias who was transformed by the goddess Eileithyia -she was often given three heads or three bodies -her arrival is often preceded by the howling of dogs -she is sometimes shown flanked by lions or (multiple) dogs -in some depictions she will have an animal head, including anything from a cow, dog, boar, serpent, or horse -wheels and caves
Associated Offerings: garlic, cypress, oak, aconite, belladonna, dittany, mandrake, yew
Other Offerings: the typical historical offerings like myrrh and frankincense, wine, and barley. eggs or eggshells (cleansing, protection), black salt (protection from spirits), chocolate (underworld), coffee (underworld), lavender or cedar or sage (cleansing, magic), asphodel (underworld), black pepper (banishing, protection), camphor (dreams, psychic divination), clove (exorcism, wealth). evil eyes if its not cultural appropriation for you to use them. then of course keys, mirrors, bones, imagery of deceased, triquetra, jewelry or magic items like
Crystals: obsidian, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, black moonstone, lapis lazuli, amethyst, labradorite, jaspers (especially dalmation or star), howlite, opal, angelite, celestite, lepidolite, larimar, aventurine, citrine, malachite, jade, blue calcite, gems, gold/silver
Associated Holiday: Hekate's Deipnon (which I covered in my last post)
-In Hesiod's Theogony he describes Hekate allying with Zeus against the Titans and how "Zeus the son of Kronos (Cronus) honored [her] above all. He gave her splendid gifts, to have a share of the earth and the unfruitful sea." -In the Homeric Hymns Hekate is described as a close companion of Persephone, as she (along with Hermes) helped deliver her back to Demeter after her capture by Hades -During the Deipnon she is said to lead the souls of the restless dead out of Hades during the night and must be placated with offerings -Hekate is also seen as a kourotrophos (probably because of her association with Eileithyia and Artemis), or protector of children, and is often invoked as such -Hekate is often seen as Medea's (from Jason and the Argonauts) patroness and the one who advised her of what to do to get over Aeetes' trials -Sometimes she is considered the mother of Circe and Medea
Epithets: (used like a surname to call upon her different aspects)
-Perseis: destroyer (after her father) -Aionios: eternal, ever-flowing -Apotropaia: the one that protects -Brimo: angry, terrible one -Indalimos: the beautiful -Aidonaia/Chthonia: of the underworld -Propolos: who serves -Soteira: savior -Trimorphis: three-formed -Trioditis: off the cross roads/three-way -Enodia: of the way/road -Propulaia: before the gate -Nyktipolos: night wandering -Phosphoros: light bringing -Atalos: tender, delicate -Kourotrophos: nurse of the young -Skylakagetis: leader of the dogs -Kleidouchos: holder of keys (of Hades) -Liparokredemnos: bright-coiffed -Anassa eneroi: queen of those below
Things That Are Probably Neopagan But I Can't Tell:
-Hekate being seen as a maiden-mother-crone triple goddess -Hekate's wheel symbol
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wikipedia on hekate
wikipedia on the deipnon
wikipedia on kourotrophos
some ancient greek holidays
hekate: a history
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macabrecabra · 8 months ago
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Now can't have the Silph Bros having a gang without the prominent members of it! Introducing the Nightshade Mafia members under the direct command of Ghast, formerly Hauts' underlings.
Exception is Hund. Hund is only ever with Gen 100% because he's the 100% competent good boy.
Read more for more info and some design notes on each!
Hund VonDoom (Hounddoom)
The ever loyal butler, bodyguard, and all around the one person Gen tells everything to, Hund is often regarded as a member of the family for how he is always with Gen. He is a silent sort, never speaks unless spoken to and follows orders faithfully without question. Probably the only person Gen trusts without a second thought.
The question most have is if Gen and Hund are actually a couple or not which is hard to say as Gen says nothing about it and Hund is a quiet judgmental look to all. However, it can't be understated that no one probably knows Gen best than Hund.
Design Notes: I just imagined this bodyguard of Gen who hides the lower half of their face in their collar, giving them a kind of stern and mysterious look as a minion. Hounddoom because they are good boys and Hund would def have that guard dog vibe!
Kofco & Whezle Smogbur (Wheezing)
With the strange evolution of pokemon without humans about, the Wheezing evolution has taken a turn! Usually the two parts of Wheezing are surgically removed, leaving the two as close brothers. Such an ascension is seen highly in the Koffing community, thus Kofco and Whezle command some level of respect among their fellows.
The two have a rough and tough street-wise attitude and like to think they are the big pokemon on the block, more than willing to get into a scrap and show people who get in the way of the mafia who's boss.... until things get sticky, then they are both looking for the door in a blast of gas attack.
Design Notes: When I started to design their outfits, I kept thinking of Jasper and Horace from 101 Dalmations and the style of clothing they wore and it just really stuck in my head! The tiny hats on their heads was just the icing on the cake <3
Arbel Jessic (Arbok)
Arbel is a classy snake who is in the criminal business to satisfy her lavish spending habits and get access to all the best fashion at a discount. She is not above getting her hands dirty or taking charge of her dumb co-workers is need be. Can be the voice of reason at times in the group, tampering down the chaotic leanings that can happen. She is looking for love and loves to date in her free time, looking for the one.
She can be a bit vain though and when someone makes a comment about her looks she doesn't like, she will be quick to anger and to lash out. She gets along best with Victor in the group, mostly because Victor doesn't know what she is saying half the time... Design Notes: I was channeling Jessie from Team Rocket when making Arbel, just wanting a strong lady in the gang and just really brought the design together in the end <3 the patterns she has is different than official Arbok art as I feel each Arbok has its own special markings!
Victor Belkavitch (Victreebel)
An immigrant from another region, Victor came to Kanto for a new start in life and to take care of his very large extended family of cousins, nephews, grandparents, aunts, and uncles that followed after him. He fell in with the Nightshade Mafia for his impressive work in a bar shootout and has been with them ever since as the pay is good and he does not have to talk much. He is still learning the local language of Kanto and struggles at times with things.
He is the largest one in the gang and can brute strength a lot of things. Loyal to his co-workers whom he treats as family, he is a dependable sort and not above sticking a fight out to keep others safe. Also he is of a pokemon kind that is not above swallowing things whole, including other pokemon when ordered.
Design Notes: As soon as he was named Victor, his design of leather jacket and dark jeans was set in stone as a nod to the dress of gangs/mafias that are found in Eastern Europe. A hat didn't really fit as he had that leaf to be his hat. I just like Victreebels....
Wolbert Buffet (Wobbuffet)
They have been the mafia since it was form as a best friend of Hauts. They actually have the other half of Hauts' hat so between them is the whole hat which means a lot to both of them. Wolbert can come across as rather energetic and a bit absentminded about things, more emotional than most, but more than willing to take the brunt of an attack without hesitation. They took news of Hauts' death hard but remained in the gang to keep an eye on Ghast and make sure he doesn't get into trouble.
They really want to help Ghast in leading the mafia, but they themselves aren't really good at leadership things as motivating people is hard. They just yell loudly and act like they have an idea of what they are doing most of the time. They really shine when it comes to being in a fight or having to get through doors with their sticky fingers.
Design Notes: Wolbert was, by far, the hardest one to design of the gang. Wobbuffet has a simple design that I had to translate into a more anthropomorphic style. Also it felt better with their body type that they probably favor dresses or skirts, so they got a blend of a suit and skirt! Also no shoes, but nice socks!
Gilliad Gligland (Gligar)
Gilliad is the new face on the block and the only one of the mafia who never knew Hauts. Ghast has adopted them as their best friend as a result, teaching them how to be a real ganster! Gilliad is a tad gullible as a result, believing everything they are told. still green about the gills, they get really scared by being in situations and stumble a lot. He's still learning!
Design Note: Given that Gligar has the webbing for gliding, it felt important that their outfit gave them access to their ability naturally and that clothing was designed around them. It is something I'm keeping in mind with designs to take in the pokemon's anatomy when humanizing them! Also having a goofy friend for Ghast was key, so they share similar fashion and being goofy little boys!
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mavyunivrse · 1 day ago
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Crystals For Shifting ✧ Black & White Pt. 1
~With straightforward properties listed
*** Crystals are not needed to shift realities or achieve anything listed. It's simply a tool there for you to use if you're interested.
I put ⭐️ next to my favourites :)
Green, Purple, Red, Pink, Yellow, are listed down here
My Masterlist. | Click Here
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Dalmation Jasper ⭐️
Physical healing, passion, will power, opportunities, organisation, new beginnings, rejuvenation, motivation, manifestation, longevity, transformation, stress relief, self healing, self discovery, sexuality, prosperity, courage, confidence, clarity, creativity, groundingc intention enhancement, expansion, focus, growth, decisiveness, insight, leadership, action, excercising
-incredible for rejuvenating your shifting journey and motivation you had at the start
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Rainbow Moonstone
Nurturing, psychic abilities, resolution, relaxation, self healing, self discovery, knowledge, intuition, truth, trust, clarity, aura cleansing, calming, patience, insight, attunement to huggers realms, inspiration, alighnment, growth, dreams, empathy, creating your own reality
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Aid nightmares, consciousness, insight, inner vision, anxiety relief, attunement to spiritual realms, ambition, patience
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Clear Quartz
Enhancing, intention amplifier, purifying, clarity, expanded awareness, protection, transformation, self healing, crown chakra
-very common and affordable
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Smoky Quartz
Transformation, protection, grounding, detox, strength, balance, purification, insight, manifestation, will power, absorbs and transmutes negative energy, root & sacral chakra
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Labradorite ⭐️
Transformation, raises conciousness, esoteric knowledge, intuition, protection, strength, expanded awareness, psychic abilities, creativity, anxiety relief, attunement with higher realms, grounds spiritual energies into body
– ℳ
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Working with Daemons- Amduscias
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Credit: Freepik
Amduscias is a daemon described in the Psuedomonarchia Daemonium (and one of those who originates from such), The Lemegeton of The Lesser Key of Solomon, and the Dictionairre Infernal. He barely has any grimoiric appearances, unlike most and many of the Ars Goetia daemons, who appear beyone these known grimoires.
Appearance with me: Amduscias has often appeared as a unicorn, but in recent times during my workings with him, he has appeared as a tan skinned boy with orange eyes, green, curly hair, a green tunic, long green poofy pants and pointy ears. Overall he gave off a “fae vibe”.
What he is good for working with on:
⸙ Familiars
⸙ Nature Magice
⸙ Music
⸙ Dream Magice
⸙ Learning about the Natural Sciences
His Grimoire appearances:
Ars Goetia: AMDUSIAS, or AMDUKIAS. – The Sixty-seventh Spirit is Amdusias, or Amdukias. He is a Duke Great and Strong, appearing at first like a Unicorn, but at the request of the Exorcist he standeth before him in Human Shape, causing Trumpets, and all manner of Musical Instruments to be heard, but not soon or immediately. Also he can cause Trees to bend and incline according to the Exorcist’s Will. He giveth Excellent Familiars. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, etc.
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Psuedomonarchia Daemonum: Amduscias a great and a strong duke, he commeth foorth as an unicorne, when he standeth before his maister in humane shape, being commanded, he easilie bringeth to passe, that trumpets and all musicall instruments may be heard and not seene, and also that trees shall bend and incline, according to the conjurors will, he is excellent among familiars, and hath nine and twentie legions.
Dictionairre Infernal: Amduscias, grand-duke of hell. He has the form of an unicorn but when he is invoked he shows himself in human guise. He gives concerts, if one commands him to do. so; one hears then, without seeing anything, the sound of trumpets and other musical instruments. Trees incline to his voice. He commands twenty nine legions.
Offering Ideas:
Crystals: Green Opal, Moss Agate, Amazonite, Dalmation Jasper (if any of these aren’t able to be ethically sourced, then please don’t buy a crystal offering)
Animals: Unicorns, Bunnies and Squirrels (Both UPG)
Herbs: Chamomile, Lemongrass, Star Anise
Misc: Old Vinyl Records, CDs (even if no one uses em anymore, it’s still a great offering to give!), Playing music for him (depends on what kind he likes in your upg, and what you like as well), Unicorn statues/Imagery, Cedar bark and leaves, anything naturey you find outside such as leaves, animal shells, etc. (make sure it is ethically sourced, complies with your local laws, including the MBTA, and you are sourcing sparingly), musical note imagery, musical instruments (not ones you’re using, of course, and can be as simple as a wooden whistle!)
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tearlessrain · 7 months ago
for some reason I just randomly unlocked a childhood memory, which is that when I was very young I knew that it was dangerous to play with plastic bags/plastic wrap because they could suffocate me. but nobody ever explained how exactly that was likely to happen. so for a good portion of my early life I had an enduring fear that Ambiguous Criminals (in my mind all criminals looked like Jasper and Horus from the original animated 101 Dalmations except they wore zorro masks and carried bats, which isn't relevant but does add to the imagery here) would break into my room while I slept to carefully place a tiny piece of plastic wrap in my mouth that would precisely block my windpipe and kill me.
probably goes without saying that that did not happen.
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slashingdisneypasta · 1 year ago
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- Cruella De Vil, 101 Dalmations
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dronepikachu · 2 years ago
heh, almost forgot to post my newest fusion designs here, sorry about that! ^^'
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anyways, here's my two new fusions; Green Aventurine and Dalmation Jasper! :D
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and finally, we have a quick Emerald Ren because he looks so well designed!! 🥹
credits go to @chrisrin for creation of this amazing au!!
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