sexiestfinweanpoll · 1 year
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symphonyofsilence · 1 year
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House of Finarfin edition: part 4/4
(Part 1) - (part 2) - (part 3)
Credits: Celebrian by Sempermoi, Earwen by Yidanyuan, all the others by Dakkun39
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‘This is Glorfindel, who dwells in the house of Elrond,’ said Strider. ‘Hail, and well met at last!’ said the Elf-lord to Frodo. ‘I was sent from Rivendell to look for you. We feared that you were in danger upon the road.’…….
……..‘I thought that I saw a white figure that shone and did not grow dim like the others. Was that Glorfindel then?’
‘Yes, you saw him for a moment as he is upon the other side: one of the mighty of the Firstborn. He is an Elf-lord of a house of princes……
……..Glorfindel was tall and straight; his hair was of shining gold, his face fair and young and fearless and full of joy; his eyes were bright and keen, and his voice like music; on his brow sat wisdom, and in his hand was strength.
—- from LotR Book 1 “Flight to the Ford” and Book 2 “Many Meetings” 💛🌼
Art below by dakkun39.
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caladhiel · 4 years
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Some Silmarillion images by #dakkun39 #aredhel #eol #maeglin #finduilas #orodreth #turin #berenandluthien #luthien #beren #silmarillion #elves #tolkien #fanart #tumblr https://www.instagram.com/p/B_dmz-tHz8V/?igshid=hiktonga6eyq
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hawkevarric-archive · 7 years
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by dakkun39
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mimilind · 3 years
Cat of the Fellowship: Chapter 31
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(Image by @Dakkun39)
Chapter 31: Where Legolas discovers his secret is perhaps not that secret after all, and tries to figure out who's who of Elrond's twins. Meanwhile, Aragorn tries to explain why Éowyn can't follow him.
Links to the story:
*FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13762710
*AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27917806
*Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/991355215
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adwendoodles · 4 years
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Finally finished the Doriath crowd (some of them, at least). So the Doriath royal family + Daeron, Beleg, and Mablung!
this is gonna be long... why did i decide to make so many characters. the count is up to 72 now. 72. And I might add others like Oropher and Thranduil and Voronwë if, you know, i I feel like torturing myself
- i was honestly not going to include daeron, beleg, or mablung and then i realized that 80% of the reason im making this is so my friend, who is constantly lost about the silmarillion (yet valiantly tries to read the fanfics i rec) has a reference and even though these are mostly minor characters i was like... oh well time to draw them. i still quite enjoy the detail that the sindar look a lot like the noldor and most of them have black/brown hair so i gave him that + the typical doriath skin color bc im an idiot and forgot to add more genetic diversity to doriath aljdlkfdslkfds
- why does everyone draw beleg with silver hair????? i realize it might be 90% not caring that silver hair is usually a trait of thingol’s kin or i mean, he might also have silver hair on his own, but if that got described in the silm i completely didnt process it and so now im just so curious. is it canon?? is it fanon??? is it fanon so fanon it might be canon??? pls enlighten me
anyway regardless of the reason im really into silver haired beleg lmao. i went ahead and did it. he’s actually reffed from a real person for once! isn’t this guy just so hot??? i dont think i meant him to be beleg when i pinned the image but when i was trying to figure out how to draw beleg i saw it and i was just like!!!  so i follow my thirsty brain instincts
*disney voice* now all of china knows you can’t ref
- mablung i have like zero mental image for but i finally realized i could like... use more than one skin color for doriath.... ..... ...... so i went ahead and did it. kinda inspired by a google search of his name tbh??? in related news if anyone is up for hearing me gush about dakkun39′s silm art at them for 30 minutes hit me up bc these were some of the first silm fanarts i ever saw and they STAYED WITH ME i LOVE the piece with galariel at the first kinslaying like THAT SHAPED HOW I SAW THAT ENTIRE SCENE and the first time i saw it i had no idea who any of these people were i LOVE IT 100% that’s my entire galadriel look headcanon. im also quite fond of their haleth and all of their maedhros pieces are amazing as well
*cough* moving on
- i’ve done thingol melian and luthien so moving onto beren... uhhh idk about beren im always torn between ‘scruffy forest man hasn’t bathed in a decade’ and ‘handsome rugged dude’ and i landed far away from both but im okay with this?? the real question is why he’s blond. normally i picture him with dark hair?? i think i should blame the internet for telling me his hair in canon is blond cuz i... do... try and respect canon... usually.....
- i really love this one hc that dior the fair looks like beren hahaha. he looks enough like luthien that ppl can praise the resemblance, but truthfully he much more closely resembles Young Handsome Lordling Beren. i feel like i messed up his eyes but i’ll... fix that in post production
- nimloth!!! another person i have no headcanon for except “dark hair question mark” i used the opportunity to try and draw a cool headdress i saw on pinterest... with dubious results.... also curious that she wears a crown/headdress and dior doesn’t...
- elured and elurin!!! i had to draw them as kids for obvious reasons :’c they’re wearing simple child clothing i guess, and have silver hair bc they’re elu’s heirs so im guessing that to ear that title when they’re like, 6, they must resemble great grandpa a bit (also im quite fond of the silver haired elu twins hc)
- conversely, elwing resembles melian! not actually a headcanon i had but it really worked here???? also i like that out of all of melian’s descendents besides luthien (who is always an outlier and should not be counted), elwing is the one that actually uses maia-adjacent powers (i do like the idea that the power to transform was somewhere inside of her, and ulmo helped bring it out. im not sure a normal elf would survive literally turning into a bird).
i actually drew like, 4 different versions of elwing. there’s child elwing, adult elwing with nauglimir, bird elwing, and adult elwing without nauglimir
in related news, i now need to draw earendil with the silmaril forehead lamp to make everything consistent
- the one thing i’ve learned from this is that even with refs i cant draw kids ahahahah... something to practice on i guess
- also in case anyone was curious ive now finished 57 characters. the only remaining elves that are currently on the list (aka: the house of finwe. tho knowing me im prooobably gonna add voronwe... *sigh*) are gil-galad, gwindor (boyfriends and spouses count as part of the house, right? of course they do thats why i drew them), arwen, elladan and ellohir (mostly bc im still debating whether to give them the noldor background color or the sindar bg color), and glorfindel and echtelion who are not part of the house of finwe (tho they might be depending on the headcanon) but are relevant enough imma draw them anyway. the remaining rest are humans (me, biased?? nooooo)
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Angrod and Galadriel defending the Teleri against Feanorians, art by dakkun39 Source: https://ift.tt/38g8ZaX
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alicebeckstrom · 4 years
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And the two Silmarils which remained to Morgoth were taken from his crown, and they shone unsullied beneath the sky; and Eönwë took them, and guarded them. ~ The Silmarillion, Chapter 24 (Eönwë by Dakkun39)
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catravandece · 4 years
10 Female Favs From 10 Different Fandoms
Thank 2 @piyo-13 for this wonderful food 
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1- Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle)
She is my perennial fav. I loved her in the Ghibli movie but I stanned her in the book. Trying to explain why I love her so much has to be its own post lmao
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2- Haleth (The Silmarillion)
Idk what it is about her but the combo of ‘warrior lady, famous friendship, leader in her community’ just hits smth in me. art credit @dakkun39. 
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3- MianMian (MDZS/CQL)
I’m gay and hate the establishment of injustice
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4- Saphira (Eragon)
I’m exposing one my my earliest obsessions here lol. I haven’t reread the books in a while but I straight up never paid attention in 7th grade history I was either reading Twilight or Eragon/Eldest. Big Lizard Is My Oldest Friend. 
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5- Holly Short (Artemis Fowl)
I didn’t start reading Artemis Fowl until high school and disclaimer I never finished the series bc college. I love how she’s really her own protagonist and not just the other half of a Holly & Artemis duo. Also the comic design is my stickiest idea for how she looks but She’s Brown Motherfuckers
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6- Amanda Grayson (Star Trek)
SPACE. MOM. God I fucking love her and hate JJA for having the audacity to fridge her. Did you know she was on the team that invented the Universal Translator? Did you know she got all kinds of shit for entering one of the first interspecies marriages and replied to rude journos with dick jokes??? Did you know she is my role model and alien lover Idol?
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7- Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Ok in my adulthood I know I’m more like Makoto/Jupiter (tall girl LIGHTNING abnormal femininity) but Usagi is just made of kid me dreams. Moon princess magical girl destiny child long blonde hair flowy dress and cool style true love and group of best friends forever. 
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8- Jyn Erso (Rogue One)
I just have a lot of feelings about found family ok
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9- Avatar Kyoshi (ATLA)
Again, I’m gay and hate the establishment of injustice. Lady Strong I’m Gay. 
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10- Noriko Tachiki (Kanata Kara/From Far Away)
One of my best friends recced me this series years ago and I’m still mildly obsessed with it lmao. I am an absolute FOOL for “female lead gets transported thru time/into fantasy world”. She’s got romance, cool outfits, language learning finesse and unshakeable drive in the face of danger. I wish I could find more isekai like Kanata Kara and Red River and Fushigi Yuugi. 
This list is in no particular order lmao. Honorable mentions go to: Furiosa (MMFR), Yuri Suzuki (Red River), Amy Dyer (In The Flesh), Adora (She-Ra 2018), Yoo Eun Soo and Queek Nogook (Faith)
EDIT: forgot to tag ppl lmaoo. Calling out @wifihunters​, @mosshermit​, @daydreamingaquarius​ and @beyondtheeluvian​
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Injured Elves
Do Tolkien's Elves ever get injured and require healing?
Anyone familiar with The Silmarillion knows that Tolkien’s Elves get injured indeed. Even the popular The Lord of the Rings movie adaptations show an injured Elf – Haldir – contrary to what happened in The Lord of the Rings book. But Legolas, who seems to go in and out of every fight without a scratch, might make some readers or viewers wonder how resilient Elves actually are.
"For though Eru appointed to you to die not in Eä, and no sickness may assail you, yet slain ye may be, and slain ye shall be: by weapon and by torment and by grief; and your houseless spirits shall come then to Mandos."¹
Tolkien’s Elves are immortal, but not invincible. They can get injured and die, but Tolkien usually just doesn’t mention it – even in situations where it would have been quite likely for an Elf to get injured.
We can find some examples in his writings, but even when Tolkien doesn’t write about it it does not mean there were no injuries at all. His stories were not meant to be mere descriptions of events, but accounts of people who had lived through them or had heard about them.
Most of The Lord of the Rings for example had been written by Frodo, so he probably did not know about injuries the other had suffered if they did not mention it – or if they did he might not have included it anyway. The same goes for the stories about the First and Second Age – whether it was Elvish or Númenorean accounts, the injuries that the people in the story received was probably not that important to them if it did not have any larger meaning or effect on what followed afterwards.
So I believe there are a lot more injured Elves than we know of. Actually, Elves might even get even more injured in battle than Men because they can survivor much more damage than Men, as Tolkien described in the Notes to the Commentary to the Athrabeth:
“They were thus capable of far greater and longer physical exertions (in pursuit of some dominant purpose of their minds) without weariness; they were not subject to diseases; they healed rapidly and completely after injuries that would have proved fatal to Men; and they could endure great physical pain for long periods. Their bodies could not, however, survive vital injuries, or violent assaults upon their structure; nor replace missing members (such as a hand hewn off).”²
In the Lay of Leithian this is also observed by Thû:
“But the king, the Elf undying, many a thing no man could suffer may endure.”³
In the excerpt of the Athrabeth it is said that Elves heal quickly and completely for most parts, but we also know that they have healers among the Elves, like Elrond, Lúthien or Beleg.
So in short: Yes, Tolkien’s Elves do get injured.
My apologies for the length of this essey, it gets a bit out of hand now (23 sources in the footnotes indicate madness)…
For the long (long) answer I give some examples where Tolkien mentions or describes injured Elves and sometimes their healing. In some of these examples the Elves died as a result of their injuries. (A litte note: Tolkien often described the same event in various different texts, which were often written at different times and with different degrees of details. A wound that is mentioned in one text might not appear in another text describing the same incident.)
Arguably one of the most famous injured Elves in Middle-earth is Maedhros. He was tortured in Angband, and lost his hand when Fingon cut it off in order to free him.
“Maidros was ambushed, and all his company was slain, but he himself was taken alive by the command of Morgoth, and brought to Angband and tortured.”⁴
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Fingon and Maedhros by Dakkun39
While he does not get his hand back, it is said that his other wounds healed over time:
“There Maidros in time was healed; for the fire of life was hot within him, and his strength was of the ancient world, such as those possessed who were nurtured in Valinor. His body recovered from its torment and became hale, but the shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been.”⁵
The Sons of Fëanor
It is mentioned that all Sons of Fëanor were wounded in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears:
“But fate saved the Sons of Fëanor, and though all were wounded none were slain.”⁶
Fëanor himself was also wounded in battle against the Balrogs, but “his wounds were mortal”⁷ and therefore he did not heal but died.
“Soon he stood alone; but long he fought on, and laughed undismayed, though he was wrapped in fire and wounded with many wounds. But at the last Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs, smote him to the ground, and there he would have perished, but Maidros and three other of his sons in that moment came up with force to his aid, and the Balrogs fled back to Angband.”⁷
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“Spirit of Fire” by CaglayanG
Celebrimbor was tortured by Sauron for information about the Rings of Power, but when Celebrimbor would not tell Sauron the location of the Three, he was killed.
“Then Celebrimbor was put to torment, and Sauron learned from him where the Seven were bestowed. […] Concerning the Three Rings Sauron could learn nothing from Celebrimbor; and he had him put to death.”⁸
Torture implies injuries, and in the Unfinished Tales it is said that Sauron had “Celebrimbor’s body hung upon a pole, shot through with Orc-arrows”⁸, bearing it as banner when he lead his armies into battle against Elrond.
Finrod Felagund
For Finrod we have two mentions of him being wounded.
The first is in the Dagor Bragollach, were he was cut off from his men and surrounded by Orcs. He survived thanks to Barahir’s help:
“Then Barahir the bold did aid with mighty spear, with shield and men, Felagund wounded.”⁹
The second is in Sauron’s dungeons. According to the Lay of Leithian Finrod, Beren and their companions were “chained in chains that eat the flesh”²³, but that could also be just a colourful wording for very tight chains. In the end Finrod fought with the werewolf that had come to kill Beren, but died afterwards because of his wounds:
“My heart is burst, my limbs are cold. Here all my power I have spent to break my bonds, and dreadful rent of poisoned teeth is in my breast.”¹⁰
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“The death of Finrod Felagund” by Anke Eissmann
Celebrían was attacked and abducted by Orcs. Her sons rescued her and her husband healed her physical wounds, but the psychological damage seemed to have been greater and therefore she left Middle-earth and took a ship into the West:
“In 2509 Celebrían wife of Elrond was journeying to Lórien when she was waylaid in the Redhorn Pass, and her escort being scattered by the sudden assault of the Orcs, she was seized and carried off. She was pursued and rescued by Elladan and Elrohir, but not before she had suffered torment and had received a poisoned wound. She was brought back to Imladris, and though healed in body by Elrond, lost all delight in Middle-earth, and the next year went to the Havens and passed over Sea.”¹¹
An example of a very minor wound comes up in Túrin’s conflict with the elf Saeros in Doriath. Túrin defended himself when Saeros attacked him, and as a result Saeros’ arm was wounded:
“But Túrin had been long in a hard school, and had grown as agile as any Elf, but stronger. He soon had the mastery, and wounding Saeros’ sword-arm he had him at his mercy.”¹²
There was no time to heal for that wound, as Saeros fell to his death shortly after.
Beleg is among of the Elves who’s injuries Tolkien mentioned more often throughout his texts. But it starts with a curious example. When Beleg came to the outlaws while Túrin was away, the outlaws captured him and bound him to a tree. They left him there for three days without food, and then Túrin returned and freed him:
“At once he cut the bonds from his friend, and Beleg fell forward into his arms. When Túrin heard all that the men would tell, he was angry and grieved; but at first he gave heed only to Beleg. While he tended him with what skill he had, he thought of his life in the woods, and his anger turned upon himself.”¹³
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”Túrin Returns to Find Beleg Being Held Captive” by Ted Nasmith
He then berated his men for being cruel and for tormenting their prisoner, calling it Orc-work. A little bit later Tolkien writes that Beleg “did not speak of Andróg’s malice, to which his evil handling had been chiefly due; for perceiving Túrin’s mood he feared to be disbelieved”¹³.
Compared to everything else is happening in Middle-earth, this does not sound like Beleg was just tied to a tree without food, since this is something Túrin would have believed, because he had seen it and had criticised his men for it. Was the malice then Andróg’s desire to kill Beleg? I get the feeling that Tolkien once again has left out some details, but maybe I’m reading too much into it. Beleg in any case was fine on the next day, thanks to his Elvish healing:
“In the morning Beleg, being swiftly healed of his pains, after the manner of the Elven-folk of old, spoke to Túrin apart.”¹³
In The Lay of the Children of Húrin, when Túrin first saw Beleg, he also remembered the time were they fought together at the border of Doriaths, and that “they blent in battle the blood of their wounds”¹⁴.
We get another moment where Beleg is mentioned to be injured, and that is during the attack of the Orcs on Amon Rûdh:
“Túrin was bound and carried off; Beleg who was wounded was bound likewise, but he was laid on the ground with wrists and ankles tied to iron pins driven in to the rock.”¹⁵
In this version of the Narn i Chîn Húrin he “remained perforce in Bar-en-Danwedh until his wounds were healed”¹⁶ after he was freed, and then he started to search for Túrin.
In the Quenta Nolderinwa, the Grey Annals as well as in The Lay of the Children of Húrin the tale is told a little bit differently: Beleg was left among the dead, found by Thingol’s messengers and was brought back to Menegroth to be healed. In the Lay Beleg is described to be “sorely wounded” and buried under corpses he was “in blood drenched”:
“Then he crawled from the corpses that had covered him over, weary, wounded, too weak to stand. So Thingol's thanes athirst and bleeding in the forest found him: his fate willed not that he should drink the draught of death from foes.”¹⁴
The Lay tells that Beleg was cured “ere a week was outworn”¹⁴.
Gwindor is among the most gravely injured Elves that Tolkien describes. He had been captured by Morgoth’s forces in the Bettle of Unnumbered Tears and worked as a slave “under lashes and flails of the baleful Balrogs”¹⁴ before he was able to escape – and he had lost one of his hands in the process.
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“In the Forest Under Night - Gwindor in Taur-nu-Fuin” by Matthew Stewart
What he went trough in Angband has left its mark on him – so much that his people in Nargothrond at first didn’t recognize him:
“At first his own people did not know Gwindor, who went out young and strong, and returned now seeming as one of the aged among mortal Men, because of his torments and his labours; and now also he was maimed.”¹⁷
In The Lay of the Children of Húrin – because it likes to be a bit more cruel than even the Quenta – Gwindor is actually recaptured after his escape from Angband by the same group of Orcs that hold Túrin in chains:
“Fast they clutched me beaten and bleeding, and broken in spirit they laughing led me, my lagging footsteps with their spears speeding.”¹⁴
He only is able to escape because the Orcs don’t pay much attention to him once he is half unconscious.
Gwindor apparently never fully recovered, “his strength was small” and he was often in pain because of his maimed left arm¹⁷. And only five years later he was wounded to death in the battle of Tumhalad.
Gelmir, Gwindor’s brother, had been captured in the Dagor Bragollach. When the Orcs brought him to the battlefield at the beginning of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, he is already blinded. The Orcs then cut off his arms and legs and left him there (in the Narn i Chîn Húrin) or cut his head off as well (in the Grey Annals).
Eldar in Angband
Gwindor and Gelmir are the best known examples of Eldar that were captured by Morgoth’s forces and had to work as slaves for him. But there were many more, and I doubt they fared much better than Gwindor or Gelmir.
“[Morgoth] now bade the Orkor to take alive any of the Eldar that they could and bring them bound to Angband. For it was his intent to use their lore and skill under duress for his own ends; moreover he took pleasure in tormenting them, and would besides by pain wring from them at times tidings of the deeds and counsels of his enemies.”¹⁸
Aredhel is another case of an Elven woman receiving a poisonous wound. However, unlike Celebrían, she did not survive it.
Aredhel’s husband Eöl actually tried to kill their son, but Aredhel protected him and was injured as a result:
“But Aredhel sprang before the dart, and it smote her in the shoulder; and Eöl was overborne by many and set in bonds, and led away, while others tended Aredhel. […] But in the evening Aredhel sickened, though the wound had seemed little, and she fell into the darkness, and in the night she died; for the point of the javelin was poisoned, though none knew it until too late.”¹⁹
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The Death of Aredhel by Līga Kļaviņa
Ecthelion’s battle against Gothmog is famous in Middle-earth, but the only place to get some details about it is in The Book of Lost Tales. Ecthelion had been fighting in the defense of Gondolin and had already killed three Balrogs when he got injured, enough that e could not continue the fight:
“But so it is that few cannot fight always against the many, and Ecthelion's left arm got a sore rent from a whip of the Balrog's and his shield fell to earth even as that dragon of fire drew nigh amid the ruin of the walls. Then Ecthelion must lean on Tuor […]”²⁰
Tuor carried him off the battlefield and to the Square of the King, but not long after that the Square was attacked as well. Tuor was attacked by Gothmog, lord of Balrogs, and when he fell Ecthelion got up once more:
“But lo! Ecthelion, whose face was of the pallor of grey steel and whose shield-arm hung limp at his side, strode above him as he fell; and that Gnome drave at the demon, yet did not give him his death, getting rather a wound to his sword-arm that his weapon left his grasp.”²⁰
Ecthelion received another injury and couldn’t use either of his hands anymore. He then attacked the Balrog head-on with the spike upon his helm, and both Gothmog and Ecthelion fell in the fountain nearby and drowned.
War injuries
The Elves fought many battles, especially in the First Age, and many Elves died in these battles – and I doubt they were all killed by one single hit. Imagine the fight of Fingon against Gothmog, or the fight of Gil-galad (and Elendil) against Sauron, or Fingolfin, who fought Morgoth and was trice ”crushed to his knees”²¹ and stood up again before Morgoth could kill him. The tales don’t tell of the details and so we don’t know much for certain, but we can imagine that these fights become messy even before they ended.
Likewise did the survivors not just evade all potential damage. Among the examples above are people like Finrod, Beleg, and the Sons of Fëanor who were wounded in battle and survived (at that time at least). And from The Fall of Gondolin we get another example:
“They came nonetheless into the mountains, in woe and misery, for the high places were cold and terrible, and they had among them many women and children and many wounded men.”²²
As Tolkien’s most famous story is The Lord of the Rings, it makes sense why the question about Elves getting injured would come up. We don’t really see or hear anything about injured Elves there.
However, there might have been injured Elves and we just don’t know about it – for reasons described at the beginning of this answer. And most Elves that we meet in The Lord of the Rings aren’t involved in much of the fighting, or we don’t hear about it directly. There surely were injured Elves when Dol Guldur attacked Lothlórien and Mirkwood for example. Maybe even when the Orcs of Moria came down to Lothlórien. And given in how many fights Legolas was involved (against the wolves, in Moria, at Amon Hen, at the Hornburg, maybe at Pelagir, at Minas Tirith and at the Black Gate), I doubt that he remained completely unharmed. It just isn’t mentioned.
While writing The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien actually wrote a moment where Legolas gets injured. Tolkien then crossed it out but marked it later for retention. But maybe he then missed it by accident when he copied the text, or he decided against it once more – in the final texts there is no trace of it. The injury itself would have happened in Moria shortly after the Balrog appeared: Legolas was struck by an arrow in the shoulder.
¹ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 9
² J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. Morogth’s Ring, Part 4: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth, Author’s Note on the ‘Commentary’, Note 5
³ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lays of Beleriand, III: The Lay of Leithian, IX
⁴ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lost Road and other Writings, Part 2, VI: Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 8, §89
⁵ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lost Road and other Writings, Part 2, VI: Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 8, §98
⁶ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lost Road and other Writings, Part 2, VI: Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 16, §16
⁷ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The War of the Jewels, Part 1: The Grey Annals, §45-46
⁸ J.R.R. Tolkien. Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, Part Two, The History of Galadriel and Celeborn, Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn
⁹ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lays of Beleriand, I: The Lay of Leithian, VI
¹⁰ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lays of Beleriand, I: The Lay of Leithian, IX
¹¹ J. R. R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, iii
¹² J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Children of Húrin, Chapter V
¹³ J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Children of Húrin, Chapter VI
¹⁴ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lays of Beleriand, I: The Lay of the Children of Húrin, II
¹⁵ J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Children of Húrin, Chapter VIII
¹⁶ J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Children of Húrin, Chapter IX
¹⁷ J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Children of Húrin, Chapter X
¹⁸ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The War of the Jewels, Part 1: The Grey Annals, §81
¹⁹ J. R. R. Tolkien; Christopher Tolkien. The Silmarillion, Chapter 16
²⁰ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Book of Lost Tales - Part 2, III: The Fall of Gondolin
²¹ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lost Road and other Writings, Part 2, VI: Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter 11, §146
²² J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Shaping of Middle-earth, III: The Quenta, §16
²³ J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien. The Lays of Beleriand, I: The Lay of Leithian, VIII
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theonas · 3 years
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The ask from Anon from yesterday got me thinking about how I actually imagine Erestor. I know that when I started writing The Sootface, I had this picture of Feanor from Dakkun39 saved that I used as inspiration. Today I got to the conclusion that The Sootface Erestor would probably look something like a lovechild of Tak Sakaguchi and Eric Martin :D
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So I thought, what the hell, let’s try it...
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... and it kind of works ?
(I wish I still had Photoshop, though.)
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ladyloki666 · 7 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions about you and tag 20 people.
I was tagged by @hawkei (thank you <3 )
Name: Fabienne
Nickname: Fabe, Faye
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Orientation: asexual/demisexual straight
Height: 5‘1
Favorite color: Teal, Purple
Book recommendation: Harry Potter, all of Karen Roses books, sebastian fitzeks books
Movie recommendation: Fantastic Beast and where to find them, Princess Mononoke, Vaiana, Sing!, The Croods
Anime recommendation: Tokyo Ghoul, Shingeki no Kyojin, One Punch Man, Parasyte, Deadman Wonderland
Coffe, tea or hot chocolate?: In the morning coffee, through the day tea
Cats or dogs?: both
Favorite meme: None? The „right in front of my salad“ meme makes me laugh tho
I want to live long enough to witness?: uhm nothing... i don’t really care
Weird obsession: Dragon Age.... i don’t think that‘s weird actually. Maybe uhm yaoi and gay porn? 😂
Tumblr birthday: idk i was on tumblr before but always deleted my blogs... so idk
How many sideblogs?: None
Random fact about me: i‘m a slytherin, i love snakes
Goals for 2018: surviving? Actually nothing
I tag: @qwerkydork @willia-and-her-fandoms @esakris @rebelflet @tamisrandom @zoraersd @urdnott @inquisitor-julia @october-rosehip @princessdreadwolf @askbroodyelf @somethingsomethingdragonage @dakkun39 @fenris-amatus @gowombat83 @hawkexfenris @justanervousbutterroll @king-of-the-knights @l-y-r-i-u-m-g-h-o-s-t @bearly-tolerable
Ignore of you don’t want to do it
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firnfur · 7 years
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So much has changed. I remember just like yesterday, sitting with my men. Making plans. One spoke of a wife- another of his brothers and sisters at home. Me, I listened. I wanted them to hope when there was none. Turns out, not even hope can save you every time.
(art credits to  dakkun39.tumblr.com - Dragon Age fan art!!)
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kenaz · 7 years
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Ardor in August 2017!
From the Years of the Trees through the Fourth Age – it’s time once again to make your Tolkien FPS fanfic dreams come true…
Have you always wanted to read a certain pairing or scenario, but couldn’t write it yourself? Have it written for you – specifically and especially for your own sweet self! And share your own gift in exchange!
That’s right, it’s time for Ardor in August! The exchange focuses on the Elves, Men, Dwarves, Valar and Maiar of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium. Maybe it’s Gildor and Glorfindel you love, or perhaps Boromir-on-Theodred strikes your fancy… or maybe Lúthien and Thuringwethil is your OTP? From the Years of the Trees to the Fourth Age, from sultry tales of the Silmarillion to romances in the Ring Wars – spread the word, recruit your friends and fellow authors, and have some fun!
**It is NOT necessary to have a Tumblr, Livejournal, or Dreamwidth account to participate!! All fic will be posted to AO3, and we can post your story if you do not have or do not want an AO3 account!!**
Critical dates:
Sign-up period: June 11 - June 25
Assignments to be distributed no later than July 9th
Deadline for first-time participants: August 13th
Deadline for returning participants: August 20th
Archive opens: August 27th, 2017
(image by Dakkun39)
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