#daily tea
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remarkablewriters-blog · 1 year ago
Reduce Your Weight With The Health Tea
Most of the people suffer from weight gain issues. Due to overweight and fat, there are lots of other diseases being spread. So, you need to eat a healthy diet and perform regular exercises so that you can stay fit and fine. There are lots of weight loss supplements available in the market, promoting a wide range of benefits. If you want to lose your weight, then the Health Tea is the best fit.…
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secretgardenfox · 1 year ago
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Recommend a very happy cup😂|Hahahahahahaha What kind of strange cup is this? Hahahahahaha I need a [Haha Cup] to resist the unhappiness in life
The arched handle is anti-scalding and comfortable to hold. It comes with a tea filter liner, which can easily filter tea residues. The filter cup can also be removed directly when not in use. It is very versatile. You can use it to drink tea, coffee, and milk. It can also be used as a daily water cup~
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medicalhippie · 2 years ago
Benefits of drinking tea: 9 ways it can work wonders for your health
Lots of people can’t kickstart their day without having a cup of tea. It’s like a morning routine that people from all over the world follow. It’s not just a beverage; it’s like a comforting hug for your spirit. Some folks love it for the gentle caffeine boost, while others enjoy the tasty flavour that makes mornings feel calm and lovely. But did you ever wonder if your daily cup of tea does more…
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daily-dragon-drawing · 1 year ago
Could you do a tea leaf themed dragon!?
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#81 - 龍井 (lóng jǐng / dragon well) - The teas they make are always steeped perfectly! 🍵🫖🍃
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mikufigureoftheday · 7 months ago
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❄Today's Miku figure is:❄
Ichigo Milk Tea Snow Miku 2015 ver. (2020/2023)
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mmoonlight-blossom · 8 months ago
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what is your favourite season?
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lua-stellar · 9 months ago
What Will This July Bring You??✨ Tea Leaf Reading 🍵
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Reading done with Tea Leaves 🍵 Predictions for what will come your way this July (2024) *images included
tip me on ko-fi if you liked this reading :3
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in the first week or first couple of weeks of july you will experience some kind of event or celebration and i see that during this you'll experience an extremely lucky coincidence, i feel like this is love related somehow and this event can help you possibly become closer with someone? I see a giraffe thats touching the inner rim venus symbol and the glass but also what i think looks like a lamp, thats also touching the venus symbol going into the sunrise symbol. A lamp and a sunrise, i feel like fortells a new beginning with your path enlightened regarding romance somehow whether its with someone you like now or someone you meet at this event possibly? Like i feel like whatever it is your path will metaphorically be enlightened and you will have luck on your side regarding this future event and possibly shooting your shot with someone romantically? Like i'm getting a vibe of you putting yourself out there romantically this july and within the first two weeks is my prediction based off the placement of the symbols on the cup. The lamp also kind of looks like the rune Algiz which kind of affirms my interpretation of the lamp in the sense that you will have luck on your side and be sort of protected in a way when doing something risky like making a move on someone romantically. Like if i had to make a comparison it'd be the ten of hearts card in cartomancy, you will have nothing to worry about because things will go your way and you can let yourself be confident in what you do basically. Further into the month like closer to the end of the month i see like a little unicorn, or a pony. I initially thought it was a unicorn, but it i get the vibe that you are someone who maybe limits themselves a little and feel like you underestimate yourself. Basically late july you will be able to accomplish alot of things that you have always wanted to accomplish, and you will be able to open your roads and make all sorts of things possible even things you didn't think could even be possible for you. Good things are definently coming your way this july, wishes being granted, manifestations etc etc. I also see a rabbit in the distant future same area as the little unicorn and i think that means things will be increasing for you, increased ideas increased creativity, you will be coming up with new ideas and increased growth in different aspects of your life. I also see a little candle as well which is just more metaphorically your path being enlightened and things working in your favour, you can pursue whatever it is you want without worrying because again things will be going good and everything will work out for you. In your little tea plate, which i use to drain the water, it typically represents like the drama or overall energy of the reading,, i initially saw like two people in the middle of the plate like holding hands perhaps, or embracing, just connecting somehow. It kind of looks like one is a little kid and the other person is some kind of animal like a dog maybe, I feel like you will make a new connection this july with someone. And for this upcoming month there is alot of energy of growth and things like growing, improving, etc etc.
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i feel as though within maybe the first or again second week of july, you will be reaching out to people and connecting with others being sociable, and i feel like a new romance will blossom. A summer fling if you will. I don't know why i keep getting romance related messages but i see a heart on the mercury symbol, through reaching out to people and communicating and whatnot a new romance will blossom in your life, and its sort of like a slow burn romance because there is a tortoise right next to the heart. This romance will move slowly but the tortoise is a good omen that things will last and you will be successful through patience, and possibly getting to know this person. There is also alot of like loose little tea leaf dots like freckles that are kind of surrounding mercury in general like i feel like there is alot of energy in that aspect of your life in this coming july you will be reaching out to people, communicating getting out of your comfort zone possibly, etc etc. This outgoingness type of energy attracts a new romance into your life. In distant july like more closer to the end perhaps i see a rabbit a really big one on the bottom of your cup and i think it signifies alot of growth and new things happening new opportunities springing up new ideas etc, I also see a giraffe which i feel means you will experience good luck when doing things kind of risky or out of your comfort zone, you may experience happy coincidences and things working out for you very well, I also see like a little puppy like one of those white fluffy puppies, the kind you'd see on a rich lady's purse, idk. I feel like this could represent someone like a friend or a partner, someone who is friendly, it could also represent literally 'puppy love'. On your tea plate, which I read to represent the drama occuring in your life and the overall energy of the reading and overall energy of this upcoming july in general. There is a lighthouse right on the plate which shows to me that maybe you are someone who people will look up to, maybe you will be in a position of authority, perhaps in a summer job and whatnot. But also I see like a dinosaur right on Pisces and Aries, on the rim of the plate. It's completely covering the pisces symbol actually. I feel like maybe this fortells you living in the past a little bit during this month and refusing to change certain things, because its covering up pisces completely i'm inclined to believe you may have trouble during july regarding change that threatens your inner world you may be more outgoing this summer however during this time i'm picking up on the energy that you are not someone who enjoys the spotlight for long and shies away from it eventually, and at a certain point you don't want to sacrifice your comfort for anything really anyone or circumstances which leaves you holding onto the past a bit like the dinosaur. I feel like this bleeds into aries because it's like part of what can tick you off, and although there is a lightouse in the middle of this plate implying people around you will like you and look up to you at a certain point the spotlight will even irritate you and people who are annoying and threaten your comfort or even world view will just tick you off this july. I also see a little arrow on the aquarius symbol, I think this ties in with you going alot out of your comfort zone this july when it comes to communicating with others but also internally shows how you may be unsure about it, the arrow is like you wondering whether you should take that leap and the fact that its right on aquarius i feel means that you have a need for stability and security when it comes to friendships and being around others, and you are someone who requires space and to be alone with their thoughts perhaps.
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belovedapollo · 6 months ago
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visual diary from recently 🏷️ reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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violent138 · 5 months ago
The Batkids buy food for each other to circumvent having to apologize. Usually it works, with mutual nods or a question about whether [pickle/extra sauce/specificity] was included. And when it fails you best believe the sibling who messed up chases down the other to somehow force the food onto them and extract an apology. I'm talking city wide chases where Red Hood's bazooka-ing pancakes at a sibling (Condiment King tries to get in on it and gets smacked down for his troubles). Robin sends Red Robin crashing into a Red Robin joint because he's sorry. Or Spoiler being taken out of commission when Batgirl accidentally smacks her in the face with a takeout bag to apologize for knocking her out.
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count-skribula · 6 months ago
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Technology be darned I want to draw my boy
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 12 days ago
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《巴爾扎克的旅遊經驗》 Honoré de Balzac his travel experience
法國現實主義文學小說家巴爾扎克到維也納旅遊時,因他對當地語言與幣值都很生疏,坐街車時,他不知道應付多少錢,也聽不懂司機說話。但經驗告訴他,錢會說話。 他一到目的地,就先給司機一枚硬幣,假如那司機手還伸著,他就再加一枚,就這樣一枚一枚地加,一面留意著司機的臉色。 如果有一枚加上,司機笑臉出現了,他就知道多給一枚了,這時他便取回最後的那一枚,下車而去。 
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daily-smol-silm · 4 months ago
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Day #124 - Forlorn
Now the tall boy is small AND regretting his family's life choices! Yay!
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meandtheveggies · 5 months ago
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evening book 🦉
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daily-nsh · 4 months ago
I heard ships were allowed........
could i have a crumb of silly straw(nsh x sos) or green tea(nsh x lttm x sos).....
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day 107 — hell yeah polyamory
it's a little bit scuffed but i hope that's ok
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lua-stellar · 6 months ago
Book A Personal Reading 🎉🎉
My Ko-Fi
all of my paid reading listings are on ko-fi except for the $2 tip based readings
feedback tag from past readings i've done
$2 Donation Tarot Readings
donation based readings are now at $2 :)
tip me $2 on ko-fi and message me up to two questions and I will answer each question with a single card pull tarot reading :)
☕️Tea Leaf Readings☕️
✨Love Life Future Tea Leaf Reading $8 ✨New!✨
what is coming your way in your love life? Who is coming your way in your love life? What energies will be strongest in your love life? What is your next relationship? These are all questions this reading answers, non-specific reading (if you'd like to ask a question to the tea leaves see personal tea leaf reading)
✨ General Tea Leaf Reading $8
reading that predicts the next 30 days from now, this is a really detailed reading about what energies will be most powerful in your life (ex love, ambition, sorrow, etc.)
✨Personal Tea Leaf Reading $8
ask any one(1) question on any topic and i will answer via divination with tea leaves can tell you the future and what will happen in up to 30 days
✨Future Career Life Tea Leaf Reading $8
detailed reading about the future of your career, what kind of career will you have and what energies will be most powerful in this aspect of your future and life?
✨Life With Your Future Spouse $8
detailed reading on your life with your future spouse, what kind of relationship/life you will have, what energies will be most powerful in this aspect of your life, etc.
✨ Tarot Readings ✨
🎉Year Ahead Tarot Reading $8 ✨New!✨
This is a year ahead spread find out the main energies and predictions for each month of the year for 2025. Non-specific, doesn't include questions just year ahead predictions for your 2025.
🎉$2 Tarot Reading
tip me $2 on ko-fi and ask me any two(2) questions and i'll answer with a single card pull tarot reading
🎉Personal Tarot Reading $5
ask any three(3) questions and i will answer each one with a 3 card pull tarot reading in detail
🎉Celtic Cross Tarot Reading $5
with the Celtic Cross Spread I can give you an overview of your life or predict the outcome of a question/situation in detail. Only ask one question please.
🎉Week Ahead Tarot Spread $5
A detailed reading on how the week ahead will go, I recommend buying this one if you want insight on an important week. I will go over every day of the week and then go over the overall energy of that week.
🎲 Personal Dice Readings $3
ask any 3 questions and i will answer each one with divination with the dice
♠️ Personal Cartomancy Reading $5
ask any 3 questions and i will answer with a 3 card pull cartomancy reading
Personal Rune Reading $5
ask any 3 questions and i will answer via divination with the elder futhark runes
some rules and disclaimers
-No questions about nsfw, the deceased, health related subjects, legal matters, and celebrities
-i reserve the right to refuse any questions if i feel they break the rules or they are unethical/unhelpful if i choose to refuse a reading request i will refund your money
-no refunds on an already delivered reading
Readings are done for entertainment purposes only. Take these readings as they are; for fun and introspection. Don't let them dictate your life or stagnate you in any way, and readings are also not always accurate, they draw on energy from the present and there is never any set future.
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gwen-hemoxia · 7 days ago
die mug
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