#dadbert alpha kid
undeadgoonie · 2 years
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self indulgent jack nd roxy
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toxick-e · 1 year
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Inspired by https://www.tumblr.com/sheepishjune/682983317847621632/i-thought-yall-might-appreciate-this-homestuck this post from @sheepishjune, i was like, yeah that sounds fun.
Things to note -
- Feferi is both a Stepsister and Aunt to all John, Jade, Jane and Jake
- Ik the unspecified dog is probably Halley but Alpha i just thought it was funny
- The fuck is Meenah to the 4 Kids if Feferi is their Stepsister/Aunt
- So sad Grandma English's only sprite is her just dead
- Casey and Liv Tyler my beloved
- So much cloning, iirc the two Dads are pretty much also clones but i am not completely sure
- Sassacre, Dad Crocker and Dadbert being the only humans in this darn webcomic to be born normally
- Condesce why.
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cure-typhoon · 5 months
I find it interesting that Dadbert is both 1: The only guardian of our main four to not become an alpha kid (That position being filled by Jane) and 2: EASILY the best guardian of the lot, hands down.
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what not being a sburb player does to a mf (makes it a good paren figure)
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bluescribble · 1 year
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(kinda a long post)
JOHN : He's the kid who has lived the most "normal" life out of all the beta kids. I like to think he looks like a relatively average boy, and that his dad took good care of his son. I'm willing to bet Dadbert only bought him clothes that fit him well, so he nevers looks frumpy or whatever, but he doesn't look fancy. He isn't too thin or big, although maybe he has bit of baby chub here and there (he's still growing up :P) but overall he's healthy. I like to think he looks like a more masculine Jane Crocker, so he has Jake's features but looks softer ? you get what i mean. I also like to think he has thinner and straighter eyebrows, just to get that "innocent" hero look.
ROSE : To be quite honest I think people should point out how similar she's to Dirk sometimes. Like, I think she inherited his"vanity" to keep up appearances, esp about his hair. I like to imagine she keeps extra care of it, but doesn't quite know how to. I doubt she'd ask her mom how to do it, so her bangs become all dry and stringy in an attempt to have them pefect. I gave her lots of volume cuz I think it makes her look dramatic tbh. She looks masculine in the sense that I think she might have a little more muscle definition than Dave. I'm not talking body builder but like, you know how some people look a bit toned without doing anything ? That's that. Her face is more angled, her eyebrows are a little more filled in (like alpha Strider) but her sprite still shows she kept those enigmatic Lalonde eyes. Though I'd still like an aloof Rose Lalonde lol. She looks healthy enough, but not as she should be I think. Also she looks like an octopus.
DAVE : Same thing, I prefer to compare him to Roxy. Out of all the betas in my head he looks very soft. I don't personally draw his hair all rough like John's, for him it's more soft strokes and the like, to give the same impression as Roxy's little twirl thingy in her hair. His eyebrows are a little rounded too, not straight like Egbert's but definitely less harsh. As seen by Hussie's sketch of the Striders without glasses, he has big ol' eyes. So I'd imagine he has a more sultry shape than Rose. He's got a bit of a baby face. He's very skinny though, since Bro doesn't feed him properly. Physical activity + no food = bad tbh.
JADE : In terms of looks, she looks so bubbly. I haven't drawn all the alphas yet but I think she'd have Jake's "wonder" aura or wtv and Jane's big lashes, which gives her large anime eyes haha. She just has so much energy and wit. I tried to make her face look like Jane but with Jake's more "masculine" face shape, as in square. English just gave the "slightly square face shape" gene to his ecto-family lmao. So I tried to round the edges of her face abit, but it distinctly looks a little square. She probably has straight-ish eyebrows, but with a stern look overall ? Jane's skepticism about stuff comes to mind with that. Also I wanted to give the effect that if you shortened her hair she'd look like Jane and Jake at the same time (I haven't drawn the alphas ik but shh). She's probably healthy enough, I mean she has all the veggies and game she needs on her islands, and gadjets and whatnot. She might look the most normal with John, but her upbringing is left to be desired :(
i don't believe in artstyles personally, but that's what comes to mind usually
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vexwerewolf · 11 months
okay i have two thoughts one is that dadbert has put superheavy mounting and a d/d 288 on his goblin second is that MAYBE the alpha kids are salvageable in lancestuck since some of the people who are likely to clone famous lancers aren't super popular in union idk it's a stretch
Playing Pesterchum did at least give me an idea of what Jake's character arc is, which makes it possible for me to write him.
He's so lonely that he will accept literally any bullshit from his friends just so he won't be alone.
I think the issue I'm having writing Jade and Rose is that in Homestuck, a lot of their issues came from their isolation and lack of social contact and that's just... not a thing in Lancestuck?
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goeticgalaxy · 1 year
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(this was asked on @daily-joey-claire but i have too much to say about this to talk about it there)
i am so normal about this au btw so yeah
to your 1st question- since dæmons are like extensions of the soul, and byers/the lusii have like different places in the plot already, they’re pretty much the same. i think twins (like the soleils) would share a dæmon tho
ok! onto which dæmons everyone has!!!!!
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since dæmons settling is used as analogous for growing up/sort of also puberty? june’s dæmon wouldn’t settle until dadbert dies. dave and jade’s both would already be settled when they start the game, and rose’s would settle once she started communing with the horrorterrors. also when it came to naming them, i wanted their dæmons to have like. normal names ig. since the beta kids are the normalist homestuck characters.
since there are fifty billion beta trolls ill speed through the thought processes i had. karkat’s dæmon settles last bc hes in a state of arrested development. like act 6 last. aradia doesn’t have a dæmon anymore bc she died before entering the game :( (ALSO IT IS NOT THANOS AS IN THE MARVEL CHARACTER) uhhh pretend kanaya’s dæmon says f, tavros is so newfoundland dæmon coded, gamzee is a badger bc they are really unassuming looking but are like a genuine threat, etc etc
oh also vriska is a hyena bc she is *so* hyena coded, id say more than she is spider coded. spiders are associated often with like. manipulation, and vriska just… isn’t that manipulative. she’s pretty straight-forward actually. it’s like that one post about orc stealth. she gets ppl to do what she wants bc she’s like genuinely physically stronger and also has mind control. mind control on its own doesn’t really count as manipulation. the only really spiderlike things about her are her thing with eights and her mom. sure she’s clever, but not in a manipulative way. really, she’s mostly an opportunist. hyenas often symbolize treachery, and in some arab folklore they can hypnotize humans. anyways hyena vriska truther.
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jane has specifically an aesculapius snake, bc of their associations w/ healing. she hangs out on janes spoon/forkkind to mimic the rod of asclepius and also sort of the caduceus. she def settled last. idk what to say w/ jake, hes just very much a guy who’d have a spider monkey dæmon. dirk is a borzoi bc he is shaped like one (fig 1) and cain bc bro strider and also how he views his splinters and even the other alphas and auoohj yeah. anyways roxy is so lion. and his name is bc void is very much about creation and bc it’s parallel is light they both have such strong associations with knowledge!!!! they’re so!!!!
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ok ok ok so ik in the post i said joey’s dæmon is nike but kore just fits her better i think esp bc of her mommy issues. uhh i think joey would be sort of upset that her dæmon is a brown bear and not like a swan or something, but she represents like joey’s defensive streak i think. also mommy issues. jude is an eagle bc of their associations with knowledge and also bc of the myth of prometheus (jude is sosososososososo prometheus coded btw) xefros is a sloth. i don’t need to say more. dammek is a tomcat, probably a tuxedo.
bonus alphas and their dæmons:
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gmanwhore · 3 months
One idea i had is for each session to have their own set of kids. The Hope session had the Space Kids which are a fusion of the Beta Kids and the Alpha Kids. Meanwhile the Rage session would get the Time kids which are based of the guardians (Dadbert, Bec, Mom, Bro). The idea was put in limbo because i think there is a lot of characters already. It however hasn't been 100% scrapped cuz i think it's cool as fuck-Bibi
It is really cool!!!!!
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homestuck-today · 6 years
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I’m proud of you, son
August 27, 2009
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sarcasticmothdraws · 2 years
What/where are the other Alpha and Beta kids doing in the au?
The other alphas and betas are either meeting up or is already at a rendezvous point to be taken to Jade's island.
The people currently at that point is Jade, Rose, and Roxy. When the outbreak hit Jane went to Washington to meet up with John and Dadbert and those three would be traveling to the meetup point together.
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prismadog · 3 years
Homestuck Headcanons Part 7
Almost to the last of the headcanons. There's one more post after this and then the Master Post.
Guardians’ Past/HCs
Due to years of Lil’ Cal’s influence and just being in the presence of evil incarnate, Bro suffers from insomnia and nightmares. The nightmares usually feature future Sburb events and Dave dying. This is one reason, as effed up as it is, that he “trains” Dave so hard.
Alpha John and Alpha Jade had a similar upbringing to Nanna and Grandpa, though, unlike those two, John and Jade stayed in touch even after Jade went into hiding.
Maybe Alpha Jade was the one to raise Alpha Dave and Alpha Rose. She found these two babies on one of her adventures and raised them on Hell Murder Island. And then, when they were old enough, they went off into the world to find their own adventure. Later, when Rose starts to write books and Dave starts making movies, they would take on the names "Strider" and "Lalonde" as a sort of penname so's to keep their private lives private. Alpha Jade would be proud of her albino babies. (god, I am getting so tired of having to type the word "alpha")
If Alpha Jade raised Alpha Dave and Alpha Rose, then she most definitely told Alpha John about them. Alpha John would be so happy/proud to have a niece and nephew and he would make sure to give them all the love (alongside giving his son all the love too) even though he couldn't really meet them due to them living on the island. Dad Crocker would know of them and care for them as well.
If Alpha Jade did raise them then after they left home, one of the first adventures the kids would go on would be to visit their Uncle John in Washington. They would get to know him as well as his son, Dad Crocker.
Dadbert (and by extention Dad Crocker) has the first name "Harry", named so because their respective parent (Nanna/Pop Pop) liked Harry Anderson's Wise Guy book.
Mom Lalonde just wants to be BFFs with Rose, fangirling over the occult and wizards and whatnot, but every attempt at bonding ends up in being a silent passive-aggressive dispute.
Also, that room in the lab is definitely Mom Lalonde’s. She loves all those cutesy things and being surrounded by her mutant kitties.
If the Beta Guardians were friends and got together for holidays/birthdays/special occasions, Grandpa Harley would give guns as gifts to the other children, Bro would give out shitty anime swords, and Mom Lalonde would give everyone mutant kitties. Dad Egbert would be relatively okay with the kitties but would immediately get rid of the weapons.
Alongside the above headcanon, Bro and Grandpa Harley would get into heated arguments about which was better - guns or swords. Dad or Mom would have to play peacemaker.
Unlike Dirk, Bro can’t draw very well. He can draw some things, mostly patterns for his smuppets / puppets but other than that, he’s not good at art and he’s not interested in learning how.
Bro Strider definitely owns a shitty single-cab truck that’s full of smuppets, puppets, and random trash. However, there is one clean spot on the passenger side where Lil’ Cal, and sometimes Dave sits. (should he actually take Dave anywhere)
There is the rare occasion where Bro will break free of Lil’ Cal’s influence. When this happens, he regrets everything he’s done in raising Dave and he drinks himself into a stupor. He goes to Dave and bawls his eyes out and begs his forgiveness. He doesn’t remember much, if anything, by the morning and he returns to his usual cold, asshole, abusive self. One time, he almost gave Dave up so he could have a real childhood but Lil’ Cal got in the way and set him back on track.
A really young Dave accidentally called Bro “daddy” once. Bro secretly loved it but knew he couldn’t let it continue because he knew what would happen in the future. He didn’t want Dave getting attached only to have his heart break when his big brother eventually died - because he was definitely going to die.
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undeadgoonie · 2 years
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frequently bought together. do not separate
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tomatograter · 3 years
What if the plot twist is that Tavros Crocker was actually this universes kid DadBert all along?
And in other news, despite Jake seeming to be a semi-good parent in the candy of HS2. Do you actually think he wanted children someday? Do you think he would consider wanting them even if he ended up with Dirk? (Via ectobio or adoption.) though I doubt Dirk is a kids kinda guy
Dad Egbert is not related to Jake! Dad is Nanna's son with a minor character, from the family that she elected to have after fleeing from HIC's clutches - this was elucidated in the skaianet archives. She's a single mom. Functionally, Dad E. is June and Jade's half-brother from another union. Even in the alpha universe, Dad C. is attached to June's side of the family. He's kind of a structural/story construct, I know where you're coming from but it's not really how things work. You can try to think of him a bit like the different Jacks? A recurring presence affected by how the universe is set up that serves a similar function in both realities he's in (raising a main 4 player after one of the core guardians has passed, in this case).
I don't think neither dirk nor jake hold a burning desire for a stereotypical nuclear family. This isn't... a bad thing or a sign of #secret internal warpedness or whatever; both of them textually have negative &/or outright traumatic early experiences tied to a constant sexual pressure for reproduction. I don't see this being taken into consideration often but it's pretty important characterization for their relationships and the ways they deal with people, in my opinion.
Dirk and Jake worry too much that they're being negative influences in the lives of people that matter to them. They have a lot of internalized issues to work through, and understandably don't want to push that baggage onto a child that is under their care. They'd need to get their own shit together, and god knows that's an ongoing process. Also, we only really know them ~together~ up to 23 years of age. That's EARLY as HELL for having kids. Your brain has barely finished developing. You're a big child. Could they want them in the future? That's not off the table. People grow old and develop. But it would take a pretty generous while and confidence that their lives are safe and stable to get to that point.
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overtrolled · 3 years
Okay so the fic I was thinking of is called awake at night, and just a heads up this fic starts in a pretty dark place before it gets to the sweet part where Dad realizes that Gamzee and Karkat are super traumatized and offers to adopt them. Please read the tags and all.
It's part of a series of fics from like 2012-2013 where after the game, the kids and the trolls go to a fused alpha-beta version of Earth. The next few fics deal with the adoption and related things, and then there's a very cool longfic set in the same universe called Crash Standing which is mainly about Davesprite.
Anyway here's the series, the fics that deal with the adoption specifically are awake at night, Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts, and Morning After.
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flippingpancake · 4 years
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FABLESTUCK >:DDDDDD Some fable june concept, gonna do all the fable 2 era beta kids before the fable 3 era alpha kids Notes for june - A runaway heiress that joined the temple, dadbert also ran away with her - In place of hammer, Hero of Strength - Also knows the vortex spell - When dadbert got killed she brings out the princely outfit and bigass hammer and joined the fight against lucien (dont know whos gonna be lucien yet)
[Rose] [Jade]
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vriskadyke · 5 years
excerpt: gods of earth c
when i started writing 'someone will remember us (even in another time)', i knew i had to limit myself to certain characters. some of them aren't heroic, and therefore wouldnt be seen as gods; some are just irrelevant. i eventually settled on having the alpha kids, the beta kids, calliope, and the surviving trolls (vriska, terezi, kanaya, karkat, aradia, sollux) be the gods. i did, however, write short bios for other characters (such as the dancestors)! here's a list of some of the god names i came up with for them. 
tw for mentions of canon sexual assault, the use of the c slur, misogyny, ableism, and generally stuff i dont agree with. part of the point of this series is just how badly earth c misinterprets everything bc for Me earth c is like. This world but also we have trolls and carapacians and consorts and some people can do magic and religion is different. but homophobia/transphobia & misogyny & ableism etc still exist.
tavros: page of breath, the eternal child, peter pan, keeper of the little ones, animal whisperer, the cr*ppled god (derogatory, ill fight them), the boy blessed with flight, he-who-will-soar-above, the cowardly bull (modern, can be derogatory).
nepeta: rogue of heart, the longing one, the clawed goddess, the watching lover, catnip, she-who-loves-but-has-sharp-teeth, huntress of hearts, the woman of the pairings, cat lady (modern, can be derogatory)
equius: the heir of void, the archer, the horseman, he-who-has-everything, the maker of hearts, the broken tooth, the cavalryman, the builder, the obedient servant, the sweaty one (modern)
gamzee: the bard of rage, the clown, the raging beast, the butcher, he-who-cannot-die, the unkillable, the painted man, son of salt, the fucking juggalo (modern, derogatory)
eridan: the prince of hope, the betrayer, he-who-is-the-killer-of-angels, the admiral, the white villain, the scientific alchemist, the turncoat, the jealous one, incel (modern, derogatory, and also true). 
feferi: the witch of life, the uncrowned princess, she-who-is-the-last-of-empresses, mother sea, bitch of life (derogatory, relatively modern, and also fight me), heiress of the deeps, carer for the horrorterrors, queen of dreams
damara: the witch of time, slave of the white doctor, the scorned girl, daughter of green, the handmaid/en, the betraying bitch (modern, derogatory, shut the fuck up) she-who-was-broken-by-time (much of my interpretation of damara comes from the fic "all the corpses stare back")
rufioh: the rogue of breath, the breath-stealer, the handsome one, he-of-revolutions-and-wings, the cheating bastard (modern, derogatory, also its true), the communer, the summoner, he-who-laughs-flying
mituna: the heir of doom, the broken son, he-who-was-bright-and-then-dimmed, the psiioniic, the helmsman, the retard (modern, derogatory, also everyone who says this gets killed by sollux, and also me), the honeyboy, 
kankri: the seer of blood, the man without signs, the preacher, the speaker, the blood dreamer, he-who-was-born-again, son of scarlet, the sjw (everyone who calls him this does it for the wrong reasons, modern)
meulin: the mage of heart, the disciple, the lioness, she-who-heard-and-was-deafened, the deaf listener, recorder of truths and teachings, apostle of the bloodseer, that deaf one (people dont consider this derogatory, but 1) it is and 2) its dismissive as hell and rude, modern)
porrim: the maid of space, the dolorosa, the maiden mother, she-who-nurtures, daughter of darkness and light, the lady jade, the cavern dweller, the unsilenced woman, the raging feminist (derogatory but absolutely something she’d be like “yes, and?” about)
latula: the knight of mind, the neophyte, redglare, she-who-swings-from-nooses, the betrayed lawyer, dragonwoman, the quiet lover, she-who-was-burdened-with-a-broken man (NO she wasnt earth c, her relationship w/ mituna is a happy one and the fact that hes disabled doesnt make him a burden), the lovesick idiot (modern, derogatory- YES shes in love with mituna, NO that doesnt make her an idiot)
aranea: the sylph of light, the pirate marquise, the mind & the fang, the betrayer, the twice killed, the captain, she-who-escaped-the-noose, the rapist (derogatory, reference to her sexual harassment of jake and her sexually assaulting the dolorosa as mindfang)
horuss: the page of void, the executor, darkleer, sparer-of-the-disciple, the mistress, he-who-let-loose-that-final-arrow, homewrecker (derogatory, modern- not exactly true. rufioh did cheat on damara with him, and he knew that rufioh was dating damara at the time, but horuss didnt set out to seduce rufioh)
kurloz: the prince of rage, the highblood, the grand clown, the god with the threaded mouth, the laughing king, he-who-no-longer-speaks, son of the paint & blood, breaker of the disciple (i wouldnt call this derogatory as much as ‘blaming’- it refers to kurloz making meulin deaf and also ghb torturing the disciple by forcing her to see the sufferer’s torture)
cronus: the bard of hope, the orphaner, dualscar, the breaker of spades, the smirking son, he who makes much music, the hipster douchebag (modern, derogatory, and absolutely correct)
meenah: the thief of life, the imperial princess, the rebel daughter, she-who-killed-friends-to-save-them, commander of the dreaming dead, the sleeping queen, daughter of gold & tyrian, the bitchy tyrant (modern, derogatory)
caliborn: the lord of time, lord english, the skeleton king, he-who-eats-the-world, the breaker of clocks, the enemy
the condesce: the condesce, the condescension, the evil trollqueen, she-who-searches-forever-for-a-throne, the mother of the sea, queen of darkness and derse
thats pretty much it for the Big Titles. theyve also got names for other, smaller characters:
davepeta is the wandering knight of change. (dave is a knight, and nepeta was a rogue: therefore a ‘rogue knight’, a wandering knight. the time aspect is about, well, time, and the heart aspect is about the understanding of self; as time goes on, one’s understanding of oneself changes and grows, therefore their aspect is change- so the wandering knight of change.)
arquius is the royal of secrets. (i hc hal as being a prince of mind, and equius is an heir of void. both heirs and princes have an element of royalty to them (even if heir isnt strictly royal). mind is about ideas and knowledge, and void is about hidden things and nothingness- so hidden ideas & knowledge is secrets. thus, a royal of secrets.)
jasprose is the lioness of the sun (she doesnt have much of a class; jasprose doesnt act like much of a seer tbh, but she definitely has a light aspect. she doesnt fit within many classes, and her ‘catness’ is something she emphasizes and is very comfortable with. she’s very strong and powerful as seen in the collide fight, and she has the light aspect and is connected thru jasper to the land of light and rain; thus, a lioness (big cat) of the sun.)
nanna is the nurturer of creation (she fits well as a maid of life, but that’s jane’s title, and we cant give her that, so nurturer because nanna is very nurturing- helping john throughout the game, raising dadbert (most well-adjusted character of all time)- and because creation is a synonym of life)
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snaker0t · 6 years
Unanswered Homestuck Things I Think About Too Often
1.) Who tf else confused Kanaya for a male (as seen in a conversation with Dave), because it's likely within her own species, meaning one of the other beta trolls.
2.) Considering what we know to be facts about cloning and ectobiology (were it a science), it's very well possible that the beta/alpha kids are all the same gender within their respective ecto-familial bloodlines. (Further fueling my transgender headcanons rip).
3.) And THEN hypothetically if it were, when it comes to the Strilondes crossbred personalities, with Dirk and Rose being very alike and Roxy and Dave being alike; would that make Dirk & Dave female and vice versa for the Lalondes. Or would Dirk & Rose be both female and or male, & Dave & Roxy female and or male??? Because this presents way too many artistic representative abilities and I am so ready to play God and make a LOT MORE FANART.
4.) Will we EVER know who the hell alt. John & Jane respectively f-cked to make Dadbert? Probably not.
Feel free to add your own mind boggling questions.
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