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dclblog · 7 months ago
Deadpool & Wolverine (O-Ton)...
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...ist in seinen besten Momenten ein zum BrĂŒllen komischer Metareigen mit zwei ĂŒberaus unterhaltsamen Superstars, welche sich beide voll reinwerfen, in seinen schwĂ€cheren der zum Scheitern verurteilte Versuch, sich organisch in das MCU einzugliedern, was vor allem im Mittelteil in ErklĂ€rbĂ€rkaskaden mĂŒndet, die offen gestanden fĂŒr die ein oder andere LĂ€nge sorgen. Aber auch wenn dieser Film die Frische der ersten halben Stunde nie mehr erreichen soll, so bleibt es doch insgesamt ein kurzweiliger Quatschreigen, welcher sehr selten an die QualitĂ€ten des ersten Teils heranreichen mag und aufgrund der Halbwertszeit seiner Witzchen in ein paar Jahrzehnten wohl nur noch von Geschichtsfans goutiert werden wird - anders als zum Beispiel James Gunns zeitloses MeisterstĂŒck "Guardians of the Galaxy" - der aber im Hier und Jetzt allen mit dem nötigen Backroundwissen Ausgestatteten eine wirklich vergnĂŒgliche Zeit bescheren kann.
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filmspiel · 12 days ago
Filmspiel-Shorts Folge 33
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thearbourist · 1 year ago
The DWR Quote of the Day - You Don't Get to Do That - D.C.L
“If a child is suffering you don’t get to convince them that changing their gender, which they can’t actually do, will free them from pain. You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to tell girls with mental health issues that they will be freed from those struggles if they live life as a boy. You don’t get to tell boys that all the suffering and pain they feel will melt away if they live life as a

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couldtheycatchkira · 3 months ago
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takoluka-magurofever · 1 year ago
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mazm!jekyll & hyde shitpost except i'm bawling my eyes out introducing henry 'ah yes i am a famous yet secretly arrogant scientist w repressed desires therefore i made an evil twink as an alter ego to do all my inhibitions under the guise of a science experiment because i have a reputation to uphold' jekyll M.D., D.C.L., LL. D., F.R.S.
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agenderhyde · 3 months ago
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working on my character sheet a bit! [plain text under the cut]
LWTHJ Character Sheet
‘present year’ = 2023
Henry Jekyll, M.D, D.C.L., L.L.D., F.R.S., etc. (AKA ‘Harry’, AKA ‘Edward Hyde’) (he/him)
b. 13th Nov., 1973
chemist, began to pursue law as his father had wanted that, but it wasn’t for him
bisexual, married to G.J. Utterson, father of Max, Louis, & Maggie
Edward Hyde (AKA ‘Eddie’) (he/him)
alter ego of Henry Jekyll, “born” 5th January, 2021
mid-2020 (concept), early 2021 (first transformation)
lover of debauchery
Gabriel John Utterson (he/him)
b. 1973, transitioned 1987
lawyer, owns his own practice
gay, married to H Jekyll, father of Max & Maggie
older brother of Jenna
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artemisyates · 2 years ago
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Another sketch of Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., L.L.D., F.R.S., etc.
The combination of his bewildered expression and me listening to the Jekyll and Hyde musical in the background while drawing this made it so that about 40% of the time it looked like he was just really unsure if he was being flirted at XD
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nzchao · 11 months ago
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「3CO2」「D.C.L」「MOTCHAN」搈搌静ćČĄïŒ’é€Łé ćŸăƒ„ă‚ąăƒŒă€ć€šăæ–čă€…ă«ă”ć”ćŠ›ă„ăŸă ăç„Ąäș‹ç”‚äș†ă—ăŸă—ăŸă€‚ăšăŠă‚‚è‰Żă„é ćŸă«ăȘăŁăŸă‹ăšæ€ă„ăŸă™ă€‚çš†æ§˜æœŹćœ“ă«ă‚ă‚ŠăŒăšă†ă”ă–ă„ăŸă—ăŸă€‚
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reihai-winter · 11 months ago
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from Tokyo
in Shizuoka
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unknownstxles · 2 years ago
QuizĂĄ somos jĂłvenes para planear una vida con alguien que no sabemos si el dĂ­a de mañana estarĂĄ, pero por una vez en la vida habĂ­a sentido que eras tĂș ÂżMe equivoquĂ©?
ÂżPodemos hablar? Melanie D.C.L
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dclblog · 1 year ago
All of us Strangers (O-Ton)...
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...ist eine Parabel ĂŒber die Geister der Vergangenheit, die wir immer dann rufen, wenn wir etwas uns wichtiges verloren haben, oder uns auch nur verloren fĂŒhlen, in der Hoffnung, dass sie uns erhören, bei sich aufnehmen und noch einmal von der so tröstlich wĂ€rmenden wie bei Überdosierung gesundheitsgefĂ€hrdenden Droge Nostalgie naschen lassen, ein MĂ€rchen ĂŒber die Vampire, die manchmal vor unser aller TĂŒren lauern, um uns zu verzehren, und die Sehnsucht nach Menschen, die diese Vampire vertreiben oder zumindest fĂŒr ein paar Wochen, einen Tag, eine Nacht, einen flĂŒchtigen Moment fern halten können, eine sehr persönliche Geschichte eines schwulen, einsamen Mannes und seine Erinnerungen und SehnsĂŒchte, eine sehr universelle Geschichte ĂŒber unser aller Einsamkeiten, Erinnerungen und SehnsĂŒchte, welche die unterschiedlichsten Menschen, die ich sprach, an den unterschiedlichsten Stellen des Filmes so entdeckten, als sei ebendieser Film an ebendiesen Stellen ausschließlich fĂŒr sie gemacht, ein Werk, das weniger von Verlust und Trauer erzĂ€hlt, als davon was danach kommt und was davor war, und wie schlimm und wunderbar es sein kann, wenn wir dieses Davor und Danach zu etwas vermischen, von dem wir weder loskommen können noch wollen, eine Ode an die Liebe in all ihren Facetten, seien diese platonisch, familiĂ€r, romantisch oder ekstatisch, die dabei so ehrlich und offen ist, dass sich in einem selbst alles öffnet, bis man das Kino verlĂ€sst und auf dem Nachhauseweg heult wie noch nach keinem anderen Film zuvor.
Oder anders: "All of us Strangers" ist eines dieser filmischen Wunder, wie ich sie nur alle paar Jahre erleben darf und dann wieder weiß, warum ich dieses Medium so liebe.
Es ist mittlerweile einige Tage her, dass ich dieses unglaubliche Werk sah, und immer noch denke ich oft daran zurĂŒck und bin dann tief dankbar fĂŒr all die Menschen, welche in meinem Leben fĂŒr mich da waren, als die Vampire vor meiner TĂŒr standen und mich verzehren wollten, und diese vertrieben oder zumindest fĂŒr ein paar Wochen, einen Tag, eine Nacht, einen flĂŒchtigen Moment fern hielten.
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filmspiel · 17 days ago
Filmspiel-Shorts Folge 31
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year ago
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"INQUIRY IS DEMANDED BY HALTON MINISTERS," Toronto Star. September 16, 1933. Page 23. ---- Think Time Has Come for Complete Clean-Up at Kingston Penitentiary ---- Oakville, Sept. 16. Following the lead of Toronto presbyteries of the United church in demanding an investigation into conditions in Kingston penitentiary, Halton presbytery of the United church, meeting in Lowville United church, passed a resolution which will be forwarded to the federal authorities asking that prisons be made more redemptive rather than being used only as a means of punishment. They also asked that a thorough investigation be made. There was much discussion on the subject, with many ministers expressing strong opinions that the time had come when complete clean-up was imperative.
There was a good deal of discussion on the housing of transients in the jails. It was deplored that unemployment was the cause of this condition. A committee was appointed to see if the condition could be remedied.
The following officers were elected for the year: Rev. C. L. Poole of Acton, chairman; Rev. S. L. Carpenter, Trafalgar, treasurer; Rev. S. W. L. Brailey, Millgrove, secretary.
Hear W. S. Savage A feature of the program was the interesting address given by W. S. Savage, Oakville, on his recent trip to the Holy Land. Mr. Savage, who will celebrate his 87th birthday on October 5th, has been an official member of the former Methodist church, now St. John's United church, continuously since he was 21 years of age. At present he is trustee and clerk of the session. Rev. J. Kenneth Beaton. Toronto, representing the home mission board of the United church and Mr. Alexander McLaren, chairman of the missionary and maintenance committee of the Halton presbytery, made an appeal for aid for the destitute settlers in southern Saskatchewan.
Arrange for Anniversary In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the erection of St. Jude's Anglican church, Rev. Canon D. Russell Smith has arranged a program of services when the following prominent clergy of the church will be heard: The Most Reverend C. L. Worrell, M.A., D.C.L., D.D., Archbishop of Nova Scotia and primate of all Canada, will preach on Sept. 24th. On October 1st the Right Rev. L. W. B. Broughall, M.A., D.D.; Oct. 8th, Rev. Canon D. Russell Smith, at the morning service and Rev. Canon T. G. Wallace, M.A., in the evening. On Oct. 15th at 11 a.m., the Very Rev. C. E. Riley. M.A., D.D.; at 7 p.m.. Rev. H. F. D. Woodcock. M.A. The celebration will conclude with a mission conducted by Rev. R. F. Palmer and Rev. C. M. Serson beginning Oct. 22nd and continuing through the week.
Leave for Guernsey Mr. and Mrs. P. Vaudin, Palmer Ave., who have resided in Oakville for some years, sailed yesterday for the Gurnsey Islands, their native place, where they will take up their residence. Their daughter, Mrs. McMillan, and her husband preceded them last spring.
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thearbourist · 1 year ago
The Transgender Madness Must Stop This is the Hill - D.C.L on Twitter
We need to act and speak with care and eloquence. D.C.L fits the bill.
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wehavewords · 6 years ago
“But I have a defect, I believe in true love.”
— D.C.L.
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promithiae · 1 year ago
When I first made this post I was very very tired and didn't have my glasses on so I was just going off a list of faculty from UU. Going back to the L space wiki now that I'm more conscious, and with appropriate eyeware applied, I have noticed a list of actual degrees. Have at 'em-
Bachelor of Thaumatology (B.Thau)
Bachelor of Magic (B.Mgc)
Bachelor of Sortilege (B.S.)
Bachelor of Magianism (B.Mn.)
Bachelor of Divination (B.D.)
Bachelor of Civil Lore (B.C.L.)
Bachelor of Applied Theurgy (B.Ap.Th.)
Bachelor of Impractical Necromancy (B.Im.N.)
Bachelor of Fluencing (B.F.)
Bachelor of Amulets and Talismans (B.Am.Ta.)
Bachelor of Cabalistic Rites (B.C.R.)
Bachelor of Hyperphysical Chiromancy (B.H.Cr.)
Bachelor of Esoteric Occultism (B.Es.O.)
Bachelor of Eldritch Lacemaking (B.El.L.) (Nobody knows why.)
Master of Thaumatology (M.Thau.)
Master of Magic (M.Mgc.)
Master of Sortilege (M.S.)
Master of Magianism (M.Mn.)
Master of Divination (M.D.)
Master of Civil Lore (M.C.L.)
Doctor of Thaumatology (D.Thau.)
Doctor of Magic (D.Mgc.)
Doctor of Sortilege (D.S.)
Doctor of Magianism (D.Mn.)
Doctor of Gramarye (D.G.)
Doctor of Divination (D.D.)
Doctor of Civil Lore (D.C.L.)
Doctor of Magical Philosophy (D.M.Phil.)
Doctor of Morbid Spellbinding (D.M.S.)
Doctor of Condensed Metaphysics (D.C.M.)
Doctor of Wizardry (D.W.)
Doctorum Adamus Cum Flabello Dulce ("Doctor of Sweet Fanny Adams")
Hogwarts houses are out. Unseen University disciplines are in. Choose your side
Indefinite studies
Recent Runes
Inadvisably Applied Magic
Cruel and Unusual Geography
Post Morthem Communications
Applied Astrology
Approximate Accuracy
Applied Anthropics
Extreme Horticulture
Liberal studies
Illiberal Studies
Morbid Bibliomamcy
Recondite Architecture and Origami Map Folding‎
Recondite Phenomena
Slood Dynamics
Esoteric Studies
Wooly Thinking
Op you forgot-
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