#cybertronian time units explained.
thatrandomn3rd · 1 month
Somewhat accurate Cybertronian ages and time explained.
I've done a bit of research and found that Cybertronians like up to 65 million years so, that would be the human equivalent to 100 years old here's some others
50 human years = about 32 million Cybertronian years.
25 human years= 16 million Cybertronian years.
About 12 human years= 8 million Cybertronian years.
6 human years= 4 million Cybertronian years
3 human years= 2 million Cybertronian years
About 1 human year= 1,015,625 exactly.
Cybertronians also have these things called 'Vorns' which are equivalent to 83 human years. Here's the rest of the units of time that Cybertronians use:
Decivorn= 8.3 years
Stellar cycle= 7.5 months
Solar cycle= 1 day
Quartex= 1 month (orbital cycal also means one month)
Nanoklik/Nano-cycle= 1 second
Meta-cycle= 13 months
Kilocycle = 1 year
Megacycle= 1000 years (but in the 2005 IDW comics is mean 93 hours)
Lightyear= very long time
Kilk= 1.2 minutes
Groom= 1 hour
Deca-phase= 8 hours
Deca-cycle(IDW)= 3 weeks
Cycle(2019 IDW)= 1 day (shorter than an earth day)
Cycle(2005 IDW)= 1 hour 15 minutes
Cyber-week= a week
Breem= 8.3 minutes
Astrosecond= .498 seconds
Do with this information what you will.
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
I really love the thought that cyberformed humans still have human biological hangups, so-
Imagine the Autobots panicking over the sparklings "excessive" levels of sleep because humans run on a far shorter time shift (aka 24-hour days). The kids are cranky as hell because they need their Earth daily naps, but the Autobots are poking them awake since the 'bots are still running on Cybertronian time.
No one is surprised by Miko or even Raf biting hands, but it gets to the point where the sparklings start hiding for uninterrupted naptime in tight, dark spaces where 'bots can't easily reach. Like inside a seal vent shaft, behind the shelves of berths, and a really deep, well-dug hole under the main computer.
Unfortunately, that freaks out the Autobots further since that behavior is seen as a bitlet stress response. Made worse since the kids are Seekers or close to it as Miko is a Seeker sparkling, Jack is capable of flight, and there's a theory that modern Seekers are descendants of Predacons. Basically, Seekerkin sparklings have innate drivers to stay with their flocks and units, to consistently touch their guardians/parental bonds, so for the kids to ignore the Autobots can be taken as a major sign of abuse or something really wrong as Seekerkin are a very social frame-types.
Cue Agent Fowler to the rescue as he has to use plain English to explain that the kids just want uninterrupted naps because, well, they're babies. It's good for them. A necessity. No one wants to be sleep-deprived.
Because Agent Fowler has a gut feeling that if June Darby gets a word about this, then she'll raise hell and give Ratchet so much grief as the medic is taking it so personally. She'll move in and become a domestic menace.
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in1-nutshell · 27 days
Hey, with Soundwave now having an opposite personality daughter, could you do Shockwave with an opposite personality daughter?
Already thinking of a name for her, it will be on the CANON NAME LIST as soon as I figure it out.
Hope you enjoy!
Shockwave with a daughter with the opposite personality
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Shockwave met Buddy while he was still a senator.
Her parents were fellow senators who hosted a party that night.
The family unit was famously known through the Senate for having many sparklings under their care.
Shockwave felt sorry for most of them, it was clear most of them were going to be used as pawns in their parents’ plan to keep their influence in the government.
Buddy was one of the eldest younglings in the group and often ignored by her parents.
Shockwave had heard her voice more than once in the halls asking archivist and elders questions.
A curious little thing, sadly many didn’t have the patience to deal with.
Shockwave spots Buddy in one of the corners of the room. He walks up to her. She looks up in surprise. Buddy straightens her backstruts: “Senator Shockwave, sir!” Shockwave smiles: “At ease, Buddy.” Buddy looks at him shocked: “You know my designation?” Shockwave: “Of course I do. You’ve made quite a name for yourself with your questions around the Halls.” Buddy’s helm looks down a bit. Shockwave: “Its not bad to ask questions you know. It shows a bot wanting more knowledge, a smart one too.” Buddy shyly looks at him: “You think I’m smart?” Shockwave looks around: “How about we sneak into the Halls for a while? I believe I can answer some of your questions, if not we can always go into the records and look for it.” Buddy’s optics widen in surprise and excitement: “Really! I’d love—I mean—I’d greatly appreciate it Senator Shockwave, but what about my unit?” Shockwave: “Hmm… if anyone asks, you’re my assistant.” Buddy stifles a giggle and nods following the Senator out the door.
Buddy’s parents didn’t even notice one of their sparklings had left the party, they were too busy showing off their favorite sparkling to the crowd.
Meanwhile, Buddy was having a blast asking questions left and right.
Shockwave did his best in answering them all to the best of his abilities.
They did eventually return to the party just in time for the parents to start leaving.
Shockwave was happy to give this youngling a moment of happiness.
What surprised him was Buddy returning to his office the next day asking if she could hang out in his office with him.
The pair soon enough fell into a comfortable routine.
Everyday Buddy would arrive at Shockwave’s office, they would quietly work on whatever they had on hand, have refueling time together and have the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted.
Shockwave loved having this bright optic youngling around, definitely better than the corrupt senators.
Her parents never questioned where Buddy went off to.
Shockwave eventually introduced Buddy to Megatron and Soundwave.
Shockwave: “Buddy this is Megatron and Soundwave, these are some of the bots that want to help Orion and I restore balance in the Senate.” Buddy immediately shakes servos with both the mechs. Buddy: “Its nice to meet you! I’ve read all your works! They truly are inspiring Megatron! Have you ever thought of writing something else for—never mind that was rude of me, how was your day?” Megatron blinking trying to process this little ball of energy. Megatron: “I am doing quite well.” Soundwave nods in agreement. Buddy just smiles wider holding Shockwave’s servo. Megatron: “So this is your sparkling Shockwave?” Shockwave: “Oh, Buddy isn’t—” Buddy: “He’s not my—” Megatron and Soundwave share a look as the two try and explain their ‘not father/daughter relationship’.
Things were going great
Until Buddy didn’t come to his office one day.
She had never been late before, and it was worrying him.
Suddenly the door flew open and shut just as quickly as they closed.
Buddy was panting hard and heavily.
Shockwave was immediately on his pedes and ran towards her asking what was wrong.
Before she could respond, someone kicked in the door.
Shockwave immediately takes her in his arms and away from the mech.
The mech had blasters out and pointed at the pair.
There was no way the security was going to arrive.
When the blasters clicked, Shockwave shielded the youngling with his frame.
Only hoping that none of the blast hit her.
She screamed as the blast sounded.
But the blast never hit them.
The three shots were floating in front of them.
All three bots looked at them in disbelief.
The mech clicked his blaster again, this time Buddy stared at him hard, and the blasts suddenly went to him knocking him unconscious
When the guards arrived, Shockwave was holding a sobbing Buddy in his arms.
It was found out that Buddy was an Outlier with telekinesis.
It scared her badly.
Buddy sniffling in her seat pulling her pedes closer to her frame. Shockwave quietly sat by her side. Buddy fearfully scootched farther away from him. Buddy: “I don’t want to hurt you! Stay away!” Shockwave just offers her his servo. She hesitates but shakingly holds it. Slowly she gravitates to his side. He carefully pulls her into his lap, Buddy curls slightly on it. Buddy: “… Are you going to leave me too?” Shockwave looks at her surprised. Shockwave: “Why would you say that?” Buddy roughly wipes the incoming tears from her face. Buddy: “THEY left me as soon as I showed them… this.” Shockwave buries the anger in his chassis and gives Buddy a good squeeze. Shockwave: “Well… they just gave up an intelligent, energetic youngling with a special gift.” Buddy: “A gift?” Shockwave: “Yes Buddy, your powers are a gift. Imagine all the good you can do with a bit of practice.” Buddy stares at him for a bit. Buddy: “You’re… you’re really not going to leave me?” Shockwave gently rocks her back and forth. Shockwave: “I’d be a down right fool to leave my daughter because of who she was.” Buddy starts full on sobbing holding him tightly. The pair levitates a bit off the ground, but they are too busy hugging to notice.
Shockwave was the one who stood by her side and convinced that this was a gift and not a curse.
This would lead to Shockwave trying to create an academy for Outliers to learn who to control their powers.
Buddy and Shockwave only grew closer as he helped her control her powers and use them.
Life finally seemed to be turning around for the best.
…Until Shockwave was taken.
Buddy was frantic trying to find where he had gone.
Even going to Megatron and Soundwave for help to find the Senator.
She didn’t trust the guards or police.
When Shockwave was released from the empurata procedure, Buddy’s spark broke seeing him like this.
So emotionless and cold.
Shockwave didn’t understand why this youngling was crying over him, but he couldn’t find it to remove her off his frame.
Shockwave stood stiff as the youngling clung onto his frame. Buddy: “I-I-I’m so sorry! I’m so-so sorry!” Shockwave: “…That is illogical.” Buddy turned to look at his singular optic. Shockwave: “You have nothing to do with my frame. It is illogical to say you had a say in this.” Buddy stares at him and once again hugs him tightly. Buddy: “I’m never leaving you alone again. Never again…Dad…” Shockwave: “… Illogical.”
When Shockwave defected to the Decepticons Buddy was right by his side.
She vowed to never leave his side as long as she could help it.
Her powers only grew stronger.
From being able to redirect little blasts, to being able to throw back bots several miles back, to completely taking control of certain parts in a bot’s frame.
Shockwave constantly scheduled tests and experiments for her.
Somewhat… a bit more painful and caused some sickness at times, but she tried her best not to complain.
He had been there for her at her lowest, it was only right to sit with him through his.
Buddy soon earned a reputation amongst the Autobot and Decepticon ranks.
A strange ally for the Decepticons.
A terrifying monster for the Autobots.
The Autobots knew many unspoken things about the war.
One being to never interfere with Optimus and Megatron when they fought.
Another, if Shockwave was nearby, his little Monster was close by.
  Sadly, for her, she would get separated from Shockwave during the fall of Cybertron.
It had taken Megatron knocking her out to avoid the destruction of the Nemesis.
She mourned for her father for a while.
Soon enough, after Megatron’s disappearance, Buddy would become the Chief scientist on the Nemesis.
She didn’t display her powers too much, only using them whenever Soundwave brought her out to train.
The more time passed in this ‘stalemate’ the more Buddy let loose.
She started getting to know more about her fellow Vechicons.
They all grew to love the bot.
She was nice company and empathetic, something that was rare to see now a days.
Knockout and Breakdown walking into one of the hallways. They both stop. Knockout: “Er… what is going on?” Buddy was smiling using her powers to make some of the Vechicons fly around the halls. Breakdown: “Let’s not question it. No harms being done unlike last lab visit.” Knockout cringes a bit. Knockout: “It took me weeks to get that slime out of my vents.”
Knockout is almost always about to blow a fuse with Buddy.
Not because she is a bad kid, far from that.
It’s just ever since Buddy found some paint and a mop, she had been doodling or taking notes down on her frame.
It’s not uncommon to see Knockout dragging Buddy by a piece of her kibble to the medbay to clean her paintjob.
Breakdown makes sure that any important notes get replicated on a data pad before Knockout gets the hose.
Knockout: “What in Primus’s name possessed you to use that horrific color to do notes on your frame!” Buddy looking at the neon yellow paint. Buddy: “It looked nice.” Knockout about to have a stroke. Breakdown: “I have all the notes on the data pad.” Knockout: “Good.” The medic puts the giant hose on the Jet setting. Knockout: “Now hold still…”
Starscream sees Buddy as a threat no matter how well she treats him.
Already has several plans to eliminate Buddy, but there are two things stopping him right now.
Soundwave and Lazerbeak.
Lazerbeak was often seen hovering in areas Buddy would normally hang out.
Soundwave had taken up the role of being Buddy’s guardian in the absence of Shockwave.
He could never replace Shockwave, but Buddy was grateful to have him by her side.
Buddy is ready to bash some bots helm the second she finds out they are back.
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I had an ANGSTY idea
I imagine a scene where it's just a normal day at the base where the children are just hanging out and talking with their guardians (optimus and ratchet are over seeing decepticon activity)
somehow the topic of how long humans lives are comes up. The kids are oblivious to what they just revealed to the bots and seconds after this fact is shared all the bots freeze with realization and horror dawns on them.
Now whenever the bots are with the kids they act more happier and more willing to do what the kids want (and alot more protective) but under the facade is nothing but depression and sadness (the kids still oblivious)
Oh and optimus has a breakdown since he sees them as his own sparklings
Angst my old friend. I love this concept.
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It was not exactly a secret when it came to the short lives of organics compared to Cybertronians. The team were well aware that most organics tended to only live as long as a few centuries at best and possibly a millennia or two with technological adaptations. For them the lives of organics were still but a passing wind, but at least with a few centuries there was time for Cybertronians to grow close to their organic comrades. The team had each met other organics before and during the war, they knew how the organics near Cybertron worked for the most part. Thus they were not particularly concerned with the humans, although they did wonder why they grew so quickly and seemed to deteriorate with such swiftness when they had centuries left ahead of them.
The team largely did not think too much on the biological functioning of the humans and instead focused on their work. Despite that, eventually one particular Prime found himself uncertain.
Optimus found it particularly confusing how humans seemed to die so young all the time. In his free time he took joy in reading documents from Earth and learning their history. It seemed all of Earth's influential people died young. Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Plato, Socrates, Sun Tzu, George Washington, and so many other influential figures, all dead before their second century of life. It concerned the Prime greatly, especially upon noting how involved the children, June, and Fowler were becoming in their activities. If there was some sort of genetic issue or other ailment that killed off those with influence, he needed to know immediately.
He brought his concerns to Ratchet who in turn gathered the attention of the team. This concern quickly spread and so as one unit the team researched human lives and reasons for offlinement. Before too long they came to the startling conclusion that almost every recorded human life ended when the human in question was around a century old. Some older religious and mythological records indicated that once upon a time humanity could indeed live for centuries, but that seemed to no longer be the case. Seeing this, fear for their charges wormed its way into the sparks of the team. Why were the humans dying so young? What happened to humanity to shorten their lives so drastically? Were their young charges doomed to die in the same manner?
Those questions haunted the team and in the end they decided to simply ask the children to see if there was some form of cultural misunderstanding causing them distress. The children were of course a little confused and it ended up being June who had to explain as the team huddled around, eager to understand and see if there was any way to stop the impending deaths of their wards.
Optimus: I have studied your history and it seems in the last few millennia humanity has failed to live longer than a century at most. Why is that?
June: We only live so long Optimus. We aren't big metal aliens from space like you.
Ratchet: That is true, but we have met organics before. Those that interacted with Cybertron before the war generally lived at least two centuries.
June: I-
Bulkhead: Is there some sort of illness killing you off?
Arcee: Maybe a conspiracy? I've heard of some organic civilizations killing off the older members of their population.
Bumblebee: *Is someone hurting you? We will stop them in that case!*
Optimus: Bumblebee is correct. If your race is under threat, we will gladly assist in stopping the needless death.
June: What? No. What you read are old myths, stories made up by humanity during various ages. They aren't real, we don't live much longer than a century and we never have.
Ratchet: What? But your historical records-!
June: Stories Ratchet. Just stories. Humans usually live around ninety years before we die. That is just the way of things.
Bulkhead: Then the kids-
June: Just like every human before them, they will grow old, and then when their time is up, they will die.
Not a word was uttered at the team slowly scattered, each considering what had been revealed to them. Suddenly a great deal had changed, and not a spark could change things.
Arcee had lost plenty of partners over her long life, but a human? And to old age of all things? She was terrified of that end. She would have to watch as he deteriorated and his frame failed him. How could she look at Jack and not imagine the way his skin would gain wrinkles and how his youthful energy would fade away into the bone deep weariness she observed in the elder humans she noted from a distance. A century was not long, it was hardly the Cybertronian equivalent of a year. Her boy was going to perish before she knew it, and there was not a thing she could do to stop it. Tears were useless, and yet in the quiet of her quarters she wept until she steeled herself. She would give her boy all the affection and care she could over his lifetime, and hopefully in doing so, she could ease the ache of loss that was to come.
Bulkhead was left not as grieved and more saddened above all else. It was easier for him to handle the concept of youthful deaths in organics due to his long service with the wreckers and their allies. He was not upset at Miko dying long before him. No, what saddened him was that she would never have the chance to be a wrecker on a restored Cybertron. By the time their world was restored and things put into motion, he small body would have deteriorated enough to make being a wrecker near impossible for her, at least if she wished to be active. That chance was going to be denied to her because of her fleshy frame, and that above all else had him offering as much opportunity to let her be a wrecker as possible. She would not see the height of Cybertronian military and rescue efforts, but she would have a taste of it, that was his promise.
Bumblebee for his part panicked. He knew organics didn't live long, but he had not expected Rafael's life to come to an end so soon. If Rafael lived according to human standards, he would be dead before Bumblebee's next forging day. He had grown to care deeply for the child, and so while he was no fool and well used to death and the concept of it, his spark still panged with loss. Not knowing what else to do, he threw himself into spending time with Rafael as much as he could outside of patrols and battles. If his friend was going to die so soon, Bumblebee was going to try and be there as a comfort for as long as possible. He tried not to think about the fact that his human companion would perish and silenced any discussion of it when he could. He knew Rafael and every other living being would die eventually, he saw death, he was well acquainted with it, and yet still he was not fond of inviting it by considering it too deeply.
Ratchet was neither particularly shocked or upset, but he was somewhat saddened as he looked over June and the children. He was old, very old. He had been around far longer than even Optimus. Death was not a stranger to him, and he merely found himself nodding along when June spoke the truth. There was nothing to be done and he doubted the children would care for augmentations to extend their lives when all their peers would perish long before they would in that situation. He merely sighed and came to be more gentle with the children. They were incredibly young, even by the standards of their own species. They would not live to see their star go out, and that was likely for the best. To him it was best to let them live a life not burdened by the concept of eternity.
Optimus was quiet after the revelation. He kept to himself for a time, thinking, contemplating, and considering. He knew that his organic charges were not to last, but he had not expected their lives to be so short. His spark cried within him, saddened at what was in his mind, the imminent deaths of several sparklings. He knew of cases where sparklings came from the Well too weak to last. In those situations they were tended to with love and care until at last their small frames failed them and they returned to Primus. It was not the same since the humans would be able to live up to their full potential by their species' standards long before death came for them. But to a Cybertronian? They would not last longer than a Cybertronian year, and that brought him grief. There had been no young for so long, and now those he had come to care for were going to perish so soon? He did not like to consider it and so locked the sorrow away and followed Ratchet's lead, tending to the humans with gentleness and grace.
In response to the team's conflicting emotions, the children found themselves treated with far more kindness than before. Jack was given rights to ride with Arcee far more often and no longer did she try to dismiss him as much. Bulkhead, and later Wheeljack once he understood the situation, took every care to train Miko as a true wrecker, giving her weapons and opportunity she would never have otherwise. Bumblebee went out of his way to speak with Rafael, to tell him stories, and to otherwise speak of all he had seen in order to give his human ward a vision of that which he would never experience due to his short life. Ratchet did not change his behavior much, but he was less hasty in his wrath and spoke to June, more willing to learn human medicine and customs. Optimus fell to offering gifts and wisdom to the humans under his care. He could not be there for them as he would with normal sparklings, but he could show them wonders and offer the wisdom of ages long gone by.
The children found it strange but did not object to the additional attention until it started to grow somewhat suffocating. Only then did they ask why.
Jack: Look, as much as I like being able to go for rides whenever I want, why are you being so nice?
Miko: Yeah, and why are you being so... sad about everything?
Rafael: Is something wrong?
Arcee: Its nothing like that we just-
Ratchet, glaring at the rest of the team: You humans do not live long, at least not compared to us. You lives hardly make up one of our years. They are trying to treat you gently because they are upset about it.
Bulkhead: Well that's a bit of an exaggeration-
Ratchet: No its not.
Jack: Wait, so you mean that since we are going to die eventually, you are being nice to us?
Rafael: We are only teenagers, we aren't going to die anytime soon. There's no need to be sad.
Bumblebee, close to tears: *But there is! You are going to be dead in just over a year for us! And we can't do anything to stop it!*
Miko: Oh, so you are upset because we won't live as long as you.
Optimus: That would be correct... We have not had young of our own since Cybertron fell, and that was many vorns ago. To have you children in our lives has given us hope, and to now know you will not linger with us... we are sorrowful.
Ratchet: Don't stress yourselves over it.
There was little else to say after that revelation, but the children did what they could to comfort their functionally immortal guardians. It wasn't much, but a smile and a thank you every now and then eased the sorrow the team were blanketed in. The humans would die within the blink of an eye for a race from beyond the stars. But that did not stop them from enjoying what time they had.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
This is a list of ideas/headcanons of the tfa fandom that crossed my mind, piled into one giant mess. Enjoy.
those are things that i consider canon in my works. (outside of AUs)
1. Bee has a golden voice when singing, he’s anxious about it tho. [the whole headcanon explained] After some time and events this scenario happens and Bee gets more comfortable around others.
2. Bee is basically a stuntman when skating. Casual or on battlefield, his actions are purely impulsive. Sometimes he’s lucky and pulls off that sick move... sometimes he ends up in medbay for many long hours. Here’s an example.
3. Bee is a good actor, he can lie on the spot and get away with it... most of the time. He’s also good at hiding his emotions. Fake it till you make it... or at least before Prowl comes knocking at your door.
4. Bee has 3 modes; Chaotic/Feral Gremlin, Kind Child and on rare occasion; Lazy Ferret. When he dates someone, there comes a 4th one; Lovestruck Idiot.
5. Bee is the early bird and wakes up way before the rest of the Autobots. He’s made a little routine of making the morning oil for the rest of the team. It’s the only thing he can “cook” really.
6. Sari keeps the weird healing powers the key had when she upgrades herself. Ratchet helps her figure it out and teaches her cybertronian first aid.
7. Rachet knows human curses and will use them when things are going down.
8. Sari and Bee are the young sibblings™. Prowl plays the role of the babysitter, keeping those two out of trouble.
9. Bee often vents to Prowl about topics he wouldn’t talk about with anyone. They have an unspoken agreement to never do anything to mess with the other when it comes to these meetings.
10. Prowl is accidentally creepy, he will eavesdrop or spy on someone unintentionally. He doesn’t mean it, but his curiosity can get the best of him sometimes. Here’s a list of things he eavesdropped so far.
11. Optimus is a kindsparked leader, he’ll think of the person’s wellbeing first instead of “is this okay with the law?”
12. Bulkhead sometimes helps the architects with building stuff, he likes the art aspect and the job is easy cuz he can carry like few tons of materials at once.
13. Random!Blitz will eat various things that are definitelly not meant to be eaten. Glow sticks, scraps, paint and even some organic things. He also chews on anything that he find appealing. Somehow, he has yet to end up in medbay for doing that.
14. Blitzwing likes to sculpt, he’ll carve in wood, stone, ice and metal.
15. Bee likes to set up harmless traps to mess with Prowl, his time repairing space bridges taught him how to construct things. He’s quite crafty. Unfortunatelly, Prowl still remmebers how to pull a prank in return. Here’s one of them.
16. There’s 2 versions of Megatron: cold and sadistic villain(canon) or scary but thoughful “father”(Cons Are Good AU)
17. Longarm(Shockwave) actually kinda likes Bee. The bot is optimistic, kind and funny. He likes to hang out with the scout and have some fun, but other than that he focuses on his duties as a traitor Prime.
18. Lugnut is Lugnut, he’s basically in love with Megs. Megs wants nothing to do with him except for work.
19. There’s 2 versions of Decepticons; they either want to to take over Cybertron(canon) or want equal rights and fix whatever the council has fucked up. (Cons Are Good AU)
20. Autobots and Decepticons are not separate species of transformers like i often see. They just have different builds and codings. A transformer who’s not aligned with any of the factions doesn’t have any specific behavior attached, it all depends on what they learn as a sparkling. If they choose a faction, an additional coding is added to their system which might alter their behavior slightly.
21. Since time units are very confusing in the fandom i decided to settle on this: Nanoklik (1 second), Klik (1 minute), Joor (1 hour), (Solar/Lunar)Cycle (day/night), Decacycle (week), Orbital Cycle (month), Stellar cycle (1 year). Then it all goes like normal; decades, centuries, millennia. Sometimes i will use other transformer time terms when i don’t know what else to use.
22. Ratchet, despite being a medic, dismissed his own small damages. He says he will take tare of them later but never does, which later comes back as a bigger problem. Like a trembling wheel, dimmed light or glitched comm piece. He’s learned to go fix himself when reminded about them or look for Sari.
23. Prowl has a bad habit of nightly snacking, he meditates all day long and sometimes forgets to refuel. Bad habit but he’s not really keen on stopping.
24. Shockwave/Longarm is the tech folk, the one who manages files and all, but he’s also somewhat of a medic. He knows how to patch system errors/viruses as well as fix some external damages.
25. Megatron actually remembers Optimus’ name, he just chooses to avoid using it because he has a grudge agaist the Prime for kinda offlining him.
26. Prowl doesn’t die in my timelines/AUs. Nor does Blurr. Nobody does(permanently). I just can’t let them.
27. Claws and sharp dentae are a basic upgrade you get when becoming Decepticon. Based on the frame type, there are few exceptions, example: Blitzwing has both sharp teeth and claws, but Lugnut has only sharp teeth cuz his servos are not compatible with the claws. Same with Shockwave but he's only got claws.
28. Bee was raised in the orphanage, he never brought it up to anyone. The only one to know might be the one he’d date. [See this post but exclude the adoption part]
29. Since Shockwave has 2 forms, he has something similar to Blitzwing’s multiple personalities thing- it’s not that intense, but there is a weird switch in his mind that he can activate on command. He is more laid back and cheery when he’s Longarm. When he’s Shockwave he’s very calm and focused- It’s his peak performance form, so to say. A weird thing that happens with Longarm is that he’ll be focused and calm with everyone but the second he, Bee and Bulkhead are alone- it’s time for wild fun.
30. Everyone thinks Random is the cannibal. He’s not, Icy is the one enjoying devouring a fellow mech. He keeps quiet about it, Random is just hyping it up like he usually does with everything.
31. Blackarachnia may be a mad scientist but she would help someone out if they begged her enough. She’d do everything to fix a bot- but then use them for her own goals. Every “transaction” you make with her will have the consequences... well, unless she’s “feeling generous”- which is like a miracle and you’ve probably made her feel bad if she does this.
32. Bumblebee loves to dress up. He loves human clothes, he loves cosmetic upgrades, he liked the temporary paint that is make up. He’ll never admit or show it though. He feels like if he does, he’s gonna be judged and everyone’s gonna stop liking him. Dressing up makes him feel like he’s truly pretty and amazing. He doesn’t want that feeling crushed if others find it weird and tell him to stop. Idk if “Drag Queen” is the correct term for this but he defo likes dresses and painted details like make up.
33. Bee dresses up for Halloween with Sari. Despite what i said in the previous point, he allows himself to dress up in cool costumes- usually the classics like a vampire or ghost. Never anything cute tho- those costumes are saved for his time alone. One time he made himself look like the haunted black taxi from that one movie- Optimus was on patrol and heard about some shady car scaring people so he went to check it out. Poor Bee tried to scare him too and got send to medbay. Optimus apologized for two days after that incident.
34. Bee has a job that earns him human money- in some weird chain of events he met a guy with a shop that sells old and damaged stuff. He offered to pay Bee money to bring him old stuff from garbage yards/trash stations that may be restored and sold. So now he has a fun and productive way of earning money to buy new games. He goes treasure hunting at least once a week.
35. Bee is really flexible and can basically squeeze anywhere he desires. No one knows how he does it and he constantly gets stuck in weird places. You wouldn’t think he’d fit into that heavy duty airvent, but alas, he’s there waiting for help. 
36. Bumblebee and Prowl are almost the same height; motorbikes are small, even when compared to tiny cars. Prowl is only few inches taller than Bee. He is very thin in build, Bee is more bulky and wide. Bee is also physically stronger than Prowl- Prowl is always using tactics and momentum and physics and such to gain advantage over stronger enemies.
37. Bee is a natural climber- being the short bot, it’s obvious he has to climb to reach that shelf. His servos have rough pads on them to help him stick to sufaces better. It’s especially effective with earth’s buildings since they’re made of rough concrete.
38. Bee naps in riduculous places, he’s like a ferret. He’ll squeeze or climb into places and sometimes get stuck there so others have to get him out. His favorite places to nap are Bulkheads subspace and under his berth.
39. Bee will learn anything about any game just to win. He has a self-claimed title “Game King”. One time he found out about Prowl liking chess- he spend the next few cycles on research and perfecting his skill with online chess. The “Game King” title has been made valid by everyone after Prowl got obliterated in chess by Bee.
40. Prowl has to temporarily move out of his room in winter because there is no roof. He has a back-up room for when the snow starts piling up and he can’t recharge in it. He also has to recharge in the back-up room when there is a heavy downpour and his room floods.
41. Each Team Prime member has their own love language/way fo showing affection/care. [Here i listed them]
42. At some point in the story, Bee and Bulkhead would become Amicas. Not Conjunxes(spouses)- they are Amicas(long-term best friend). [this and this]
43. I imagine Bumblebee would be a great parent- sure he’s reckless most of the time but when it comes to Sparklings- something in his mind switches and he goes full ‘Mama Bear mode’. [exaples: this and this]
44. Optimus is a great cook, he especially loves to bake. Bee is into mixology- he makes morning oil for everyone after all. Prowl cooks with organic ingredients for Sari, he wants her to eat more healthy so he takes it upon himself to make sure she does. [anker post]
45. Bee loves racing, in AU or not. He’ll go up to anyone and challange them to a race. The winner gets the respect of being faster. Blitzwing is Bee’s go-to race rival, they have fun together and mess around on some occasion. [anker post]
46. Bee got crayons from Bulkhead. Sometimes he will draw things- he drew a picture for their first christmas and everyone loves it, it’s hanging in the main room now.
47. Here you have Halloween and Christmas traditions with the group cuz i’m too lazy to write an entire point for it.
48. IMPORTANT FOR ALL NSFW WORKS: Interfacing and Sparklings. My version is different from the ususal sexual spike/valve thing. C’mon they’re ALIENS. I have it all written out in this post.
49: Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead are The Gamer Trio. They always play multiplayer games together when they’re not busy. Sometimes Prowl joins them for specific games. [anker post]
50. Team Prime + Sari have preffered food flavors n such. [anker post]
51. Team Prime + Sari having trouble sleeping/recharging and doing stuff instead of that. Nightly habits list. [anker post]
52. Bee has ADHD, you can’t convince me otherwise. He has also been diagnosed with depression later on. Oh, also Prowl is on autism spectrum. Dw, they take meds for that. [adhd+autism post here, Bee having depression here]
53. Bee talks in his sleep. It’s easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or not. He’s just murmuring what is happening in his dream, not every night but surprisingly often. Funny enough you could have a conversation with him like this. [anker post]
54. Ratchet volunteers as medical assistance in Detroit. The messed up USA healthcare system is beyond what Cybertron had.
55. Bee goes mute when he’s feeling sad/dealing with trauma and/or overwhelmed by a situation. He uses ASL to communicate when that happens. [anker post]
56. There are differenced between Seeker and Grounder customs and behaviors. [anker post]
57. Different frame types have classification and subclassification. [anker post]
if there’s more i come up with, i will update this post. thank you for reading this text wall.
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melishade · 28 days
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Explanation
Main Story
Jack, Miko, and Raf get an explanation on Optimus and Megatron.
"Okay. Spill. Who's gonna fess up?" Miko demanded from her quarantine room, hands on her hips.
There was silence among the Survey Corps before Armin decided to speak. "Optimus was the first to arrive on our world. He came four years ago, during the Battle of Trost."
"You guys have a time stamp for the day?" Jack asked.
"Our months might be different than yours," Armin insisted.
"What season then?" Jack asked.
"Around the spring?" Armin guessed.
"...what happened next?" Rafael asked, "How did Optimus act?"
"Optimus saved my life," Armin explained, "He saved me from getting eaten by a titan. I took a gamble, and I told him about the titan's weaknesses. He helped us and E-!" Armin froze, not wanting to speak Eren's name in front of these people. "He helped us stop the titan invasion in Trost. Many of us survived because of him."
"Optimus has also been shown to be very compassionate, if you're worried about that," Hanji added, leaning against the wall of their quarantined room, "Besides providing us with knowledge and technology so we could protect ourselves, he protected us on missions, helping reduce the death toll among the Survey Corps. And for those that did die, he helped prepare their bodies for a proper funeral."
"...Optimus and I talked a few times," Onyankopon spoke, "Our first conversation, we talked about forging a path to peace, and how a world of different people was beautiful. Later, I was accused of something that Yelena and a few others had planned, but Optimus was willing to come to my cell, talk to me, and show me mercy. His influenced helped be get a second chance to prove I wanted to help the island survive."
"Optimus told us stories," Sasha added, "He told us stories about his adventures. He helped us survive during the winter and introduced us to new experiences."
"He's also been gentle with children whenever he's been around the orphanage," Historia chimed in.
"Also, Optimus was willing to barter Cybertronian technology and resources to try to prevent the use of the Rumbling while giving us time to become just as advanced with the rest of the world," Hanji added.
"It's true. Hizuru has been making those negotiations with Paradis," Kenshin informed.
"Well, it sounds like Optimus," Miko addressed Jack.
"Besides, don't we already have the confirmation that it's him with the Star Saber?" Rafael asked.
"Better safe than sorry," Jack explained, "Anyone have anything else to add on Optimus' behalf?"
"...I was mean to him," Gabi forced herself to speak. The girl was curled up into a ball in her room, "I was cruel to him. I refused his help and called him a devil. But...he still treated me with kindness. He was even willing to save my life. After everything I did, he still wanted to save me."
"We're gonna circle back to you being mean to Optimus later," Miko warned.
"Hey, she's been through enough!" Colt yelled at her.
"Optimus and I have never had a formal conversation," Kenshin decided to speak up to get the attention off of Gabi, "We wrote each other letters, but they were insightful. He made me feel like peace could be attainable without the use of the Rumbling."
Willy thought about confessing his sins, about how he vilified Optimus in order to unite the world against a common enemy. But he was afraid of what would happen. These children, this place, held Optimus in high regard. How would it look when they find out he was the one who made Optimus look like the enemy?
"Guess there's not really much left to ask about Optimus," Jack assumed.
"So what about Megatron?" Miko coldly demanded.
"What about him?" Hanji asked, "He came in when we learned the identity of the Colossal and Armored Titan. A month after Optimus arrived on our world. And you saw how differently he was acting."
"Well, Buckethead has tried to kill us multiple times and you!" Miko pointed to Armin, "Beg Bumblebee and Wheeljack to save his life!"
"Whoa, what?!" Jack exclaimed.
"That was you?!" Rafael shouted in anger.
"I'm still quite the outsider. What exactly are Megatron's war crimes?" Kenshin asked.
"You mean poisoning me with dark energon and taunting the Autobots about it?" Rafael asked bitterly.
"Or kidnapping us and using us as ransom for the chance to restore Cybertron and destroy Earth?" Miko added.
"Or holding our planet hostage with Darkmount and destroying the only home that I've ever known?" Jack stated.
"Tearing out Bumblebee's voice," Rafael seethed, "And took over his body!"
"Tried to take over our world with undead Zombie 'Cons," Jack added.
"Stabbed multiple people in the back, and you decided to defend the ex-con who killed his own planet and tried to destroy ours at least five times." Miko pointed to Armin. Kenshin couldn't help but grow tense while Willy, Colt, and Gabi looked visibly terrified. Megatron did...all of those cruel things?
"...Do you think that I've been brainwashed by him somehow?" Armin challenged Miko, not wavering at Megatron's war crimes.
"Maybe." Miko crossed her arms.
"Sounds more like Stockholm syndrome," Rafael assumed.
"I chose to defend Megatron of my own free volition," Armin declared, "No strings attached."
"What made you decide to defend him?" Jack questioned, "The fact that you're willing to do that knowing Megatron's background means more negative things for you."
Armin was ready to speak, but...many of their conversations had been private and personal. Back then, Armin was afraid of saying anything out of fear of what Megatron would do to him. But Megatron did trust him now, so much so that he willingly gave his name to him. But how could Armin defend Megatron without exposing his secrets. There had to be something. Armin's thoughts wandered back to Eren, and he hated how bitter he felt thinking about his former friend. He hated how hypocritical he was feeling in that moment. Armin was willing to defend Megatron but couldn't feel anything but resentment towards his childhood friend. The time spent, their childhood dreams...Megatron saving Eren's life...and Megatron comforting him...
"Megatron saved my friend's life," Armin declared, "He tried to take his own life, but Megatron stopped him before he could do it. He noticed the signs long before I ever did."
"And your friend was-!"
"Human," Armin cut Rafael off. "He was human."
Armin noticed the way that Jack, Miko, and Rafael looked at each other in disbelief, giving him the courage to continue. "And...when I had found out that my friend was going to die because of the titan curse, I tried to find a solution through books. Megatron tried to get me to stop spiraling, but instead I just threw books at him. He didn't hit me, or try to kill me. He...he comforted me in my moment of grief."
Jack slowly shook his head. "I don't believe you."
"I'm telling the truth," Armin declared.
"We've seen Megatron be cruel and ruthless," Jack retorted, "It's going to be a little hard believing you when his cold-heartedness is all we know."
"Fine!" Armin stood up on his feet, "Megatron was a spy in Marley for four years, pretending to be a human, just to get us information on Marley so that we could survive an impending invasion! Megatron let me have a book on the ocean, which has been one of my interests for years and he knew that! Megatron created a secondary plan that got us out of trouble when Eren started to go against us! He saved your people and ours during the Rumbling!"
"Oh no, a few good deeds sprinkled in here and there when Megatron's killed a whole planet!" Rafael exclaimed, "Where was Megatron's 'compassion' when I was slowly dying?! Because to him, I was just a bug!"
"I'm speaking from my own experience! Megatron has changed!" Armin emphasized.
"So far, only one account to back that up!" Rafael retorted.
"I blackmailed Megatron," Hanji chimed in, earning all eyes on them.
"...what?" Miko said.
"I blackmailed Buckethead," Hanji repeated, "To his face I might add."
"N-....no....," Miko was at a loss for words.
"Oh yeah, I totally did that." Hanji couldn't help but grin at their accomplishment, "And Buckethead couldn't do anything about it because I was the Commander of the Survey Corps and an ally to Optimus Prime. Although he did try to choke me out, I still managed to get him to back off with my words."
"There's no way you blackmailed Megatron and lived," Jack proclaimed.
"If Levi makes it out alive, he's my star witness," Hanji declared, "Also, I've also had a few instances where Megatron was showing just a hint of compassion."
"You too?!" Miko screeched.
"Yep," Hanji answered with a pop, "See, one of our temporary allies killed one of my closest friends and I wanted blood. Megatron said no because it would have jeopardized the mission, and in my drunken state, I threw two bottles of whiskey at him."
Jack, Miko, and Rafael's mouths dropped.
"And pulled on his hair...and bit him...well, his holoform, but still," Hanji listed off, placing a finger on their chin, "What else have I done to screw with Buckethead?...oh! I called him a coward to his face, and this was before I rejected his apology to me about his piss poor attitude."
"YOU CALLED HIM A COWARD?!" Jack shouted.
"HE APOLOGIZED TO YOU?!" Miko screamed.
"To all of us actually," Sasha added in defeat.
"What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?" Rafael repeated as he clutched his hair with his hands and began pacing in his room.
"And don't get me wrong, he's still extremely violent in nature and has no issues killing or using low tactics against us," Hanji explained, "But the Megatron now is drastically different from when I met him four years ago. He's been the most proactive in trying to stop the Rumbling before it could start. And he managed to figure out a ploy that would have compromised our entire military."
"No! No no no no no no!" Miko immediately shut Hanji down, "I need a counterpoint now!"
"He was actually pretty mean to me," Gabi confessed.
"HA!" Miko shouted at Hanji.
"But...I wasn't actually listening to his advice when he was pretending to be Matthew," Gabi added.
"Advice?!" Miko yelled.
"Megatron cared about us!" Colt declared, "I don't care about the war crimes! I know he cared about us!"
"Oh yeah?!" Rafael demanded.
"Yes! He found a cure for an unknown illness that I had and saved my life!" Colt declared.
"HE WHAT?!" Rafael shouted.
"There's no way!" Jack denied.
"I'm telling the truth!" Colt retorted, "He had no reason to save me! If anything, it would have been better for him to let me die because I was a Warrior Candidate! I was next in line to become a Warrior and be an enemy to him! But he still went out of his way to save me!"
"Um! Ummm...." Miko's attention fell onto Historia, "You! You talk to Buckethead?!"
"I asked him to kill me if I ever became a cruel ruler which he agreed to, and he rescued my wife, Ymir, when I had asked him to," Historia explained.
"What is happening?!" Rafael yelled at Miko and Jack.
"Hey, I think you guys are going to break them," Kenshin commented.
"Nah, this is the kind of fun that I need," Hanji insisted.
"You!" Miko pointed to Kenshin, "C'mon, you gotta give me something!"
"He volunteered to be a human's body guard as she came to visit my home," Kenshin explained.
"What?!" Miko yelled.
"He did challenge her to a one on one fight too," Kenshin added, "He did injure her, but she did managed to break the katana he was using. He actually apologized about it later. And-!"
"No! No! No! LA! LA! LA!" Miko covered her ears to block out what Kenshin was saying.
"Never mind, this actually is kind of fun," Kenshin smirked.
"Who was this person?!" Rafael demanded.
"Mikasa," The Survey Corps said in unison.
"Oh, you mean the psycho that tried to kill Jack!" Miko pointed to the room Jack was in, "That explains everything!"
"Hey, she was the first human he ever tolerated," Hanji retorted.
"Is she a murderous psychopath like he is?!" Miko demanded.
"Hey!" Armin shouted, "Mikasa's been through enough! I don't care if she's not here! Stop trying to insult her!"
"She tried to kill my friend! I have a right to be pressed!" Miko declared.
"Okay, hold on! Where is she?!" Jack asked, "Because I haven't seen her at all!"
"I!....I don't know," Armin confessed.
"What?!" Sasha screamed.
"What do you mean 'you don't know'?!" Rafael demanded.
"She was alive after the power of the titans were wiped out! And I went to go check on Megatron and when I tried to find her!...she was gone," Armin explained.
"Great so we have someone who might be carrying a disease running around doing god knows what," Rafael groaned.
"Not much we can do about it now," Jack proclaimed before turning his attention to Willy's room, "Hey, Blondie!"
Willy raised his head and looked through the glass to see all eyes on him.
"You got anything to add? You've been pretty quiet," Jack remarked.
"I don't have much to say," Willy proclaimed.
"You mean besides the fact that you were the one who decided to declare war on Paradis, including Optimus," Kenshin snitched on Willy with venom.
"You declared war on Optimus?" Rafael demanded.
"It was a politically charged situation!" Willy retorted.
"You mean it was easier for you to vilify Paradis instead of forging a path of peaceful solutions and trading agreements!" Kenshin yelled.
"You've been in this political realm long enough to know just how the world felt about Paradis and the power of the titans!" Willy shot to his feet.
"Well, my father, despite his own hiccups, was willing to listen to Paradis and give them a chance to prove themselves!" Kenshin declared, "What have you been doing?! Living a lavish life while having everyone else grovel at your feet over a goddamn lie! Who knows how many people from our world are dead now?!"
"Okay!" Jack clapped his hands together, "We need to know about Optimus and Megatron. We'll ask about your world's politics later. Do you have anything on either of them?"
Willy sighed before looking away. "I never met Optimus. I only heard accounts. It was actually when he used his powerful blade that I got a good look at him for the first time. But..."
"You've met Megatron," Jack assumed.
"...he went by Matthew Hayes when I met him," Willy explained, "And when I did, he...saved my life and the life of my family. But...looking back...I think it was a ploy to try and get close to me and my family. And out of curiosity and intrigue and finally having a moment of being treated like a normal person, I let him in. I let him into my home, I let him train my sister, Lara, into becoming a better fighter. He's been near my kids. The titan that managed to take on the power of the titans, including ripping out the heart of the Colossal Titan, was near my children."
Armin noticed the way that Miko and Rafael seemed satisfied in hearing that. That their superstitions and accusations were right, but Jack...he seemed to notice something in Willy's words.
"Sounds like there's a 'but'," Jack noticed.
"He asked me for books to save his life." Willy pointed down to where Colt was, "He willingly entertained ideas like going to a party. I mean, all of those could have still been ways to gain my trust and secrets, but...I vilified him on that stage, when I addressed the world. I said Optimus and him were cruel monsters that needed to be stopped. And he was there behind the stage when I said those words....I was fully expecting to die that night. And when I talked to Megatron then, I had hugged him and told him to run away from the danger to save himself. Hell, he probably helped plan the Liberio invasion. But...he had no real incentive to save me. It would have been better for him to let me die, even after I insulted him. Instead, he pushed me off the stage as Eren crushed his human form."
Willy covered his eyes with his hand. "I don't get it. Why would he even do that? He showed disdain for me when he was lying about his identity and had every reason to want me dead. Why...why would he save me?"
Rafael looked visibly sick to his stomach while Miko looked tense. They were so disgusted and in denial about all of these different accounts of Megatron that were...positive!
"I'm going to the bathroom." Rafael walked away from the glass and to the back of the quarantine room, where he opened the door and shut it right behind him.
"Pillow." Miko walked over to the pillow on her bed and grabbed it before shoving her face into it and screaming. She fell back on the bed, kicking her legs up furiously before slumping in defeat, pillow still over her face.
"M-megatron was the one who saved you?" Armin asked Willy in surprise.
"Wait, why are you acting surprise?" Jack asked him.
"Well, we heard from Kiyomi that someone pushed Willy off the stage, but...Megatron never told us about it," Armin explained.
Jack didn't respond. He merely walked over to the bed before sitting down and covering his mouth with his hand.
"Still don't believe us, I'm guessing," Hanji assumed.
"It's hard," Jack confessed, rubbing the back of his neck, "Considering the amount of things Megatron's done to us directly and indirectly...I don't know."
"...I'm not going to ask you to forgive him," Armin stated, "Megatron's already stated that he doesn't deserve that. He knows where he stands. But...if you can give him a chance to show how much he's changed-!"
"Even if we wanted to, it's not up to us," Jack interrupted, "The Autobots are going to want to put him on trial. Execution's his only path forward now that he's in their hands."
Armin felt he heart drop. Wait...in trying to save Megatron's life...did...did he condemn him? Was he...was he going to lose someone else?
"It's been a long day." Jack lied down on the bed, "I think it's best we all get some rest."
Hanji turned their attention upward to the corners of the glass. "You do that."
(Well, there will be more conversations in the future, and the Autobots are definitely going to talk about it, especially since Wheeljack committed treason by helping out Megatron.)
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nova--spark · 8 months
So. Mortal Machines Ex-Cons. Could always explain their existence as an additional punishment for the too well adapted Team Prime.
Knockout is gonna freeaaaaaaaaaaak. When all the biology explanations are done, he will likely demand a mall trip. And try getting drunk. He also gives me the air of a nervous driver for some reason? Like, we all know he was vain as all get out. So maybe that transfers into an extreme fear of being hurt, because humans can scar, and it does NOT buff out. Add to that the fact that he is well versed in the darker aspects of driving and yeah. Paranoid KO.
Starscream would be a funny outlier to add to this as well. Like, dudes casually in a coma then POP he's in Unit Es base, with the other cons, and wide awake. How would flight-withdrawal affect him I wonder.
Shockwave would immediately be trying things out with his new form. Once done, he would throw himself into fixing the Squishy Plague.
Soundwave has a pet birb. African Grey Parrot maybe? It's Laserbeak. He's his usual quiet kid self. Maybe Bee teaches him sign? Human sign ofc. He totally knows CSL already.
Megs is just broken. And broken Megs is vulnerable Megs. He defiantly has ADHD tho. Idk why. I just always HC he does.
oK i LOVE all of this???
Knockout is absolutely uneasy, he knows very well humans are fragile [Silas was a fun little test of how fragile] and so, he is indeed a bit of a nervous driver, because while he could buff out a scratch as a bot, he can't replace anything in a human body as easily. And he absolutely made sure everyone has an impeccable wardrobe, i feel sorry for whomever is paying for it though--
Starscream is just wondering if this is just some horrendous nightmare most of the time, and he really just wants everything done with.
Shockwave surprisingly ??? Creates a bunch of cures??? For human illnesses that tend to frustrate people, and he simply shrugs when asked how he did it. Cybertronian science apparently made the cure for the common cold easy.
Who'd have known?
Soundwave is indeed now with an entire menagerie of pets, because he now has adopted 2-3 birds, 2 cats, a lizard, and somehow, a bat. In his defense, he didn't know bats weren't normal human pets, but the little one was doing no harm, being a fruit bat.
He has also kindly taken to the ASL lessons, but has also received a phone from Raf, which he uses a Text to Speech app on. Alternatively, he's resorted to using social media audios to express certain emotions.
The kids cannot stop laughing.
Megatron had...some issues adjusting, his fighting instincts indeed manifesting into what humans would call ADHD, for which he has taken to mild sparring, if only to calm his nerves.
Optimus has offered him to perhaps spend some time, and talk. After all, for them all, it has been a very overwhelming experience.
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tf-cyberaligned · 10 months
how come Nine of team prime came to visit or Bring the rescue bots back or came back for the remaining iacon relics ?
Ok so there are some steps to take in answering this question, which I haven't fully gotten to in lore yet due to the current setting, but I can explain here.
Why has the Prime Team never returned?
1. Time
Time for Cybertronians is a lot different to Earth's time. The hours of the day on Cybertronian are around 66.6 hours on Earth, and a year for them is almost 4 years on Earth. So while the bots are rebuilding, they are still in the mindset of Earth hours. To them, it hasn't been that long since they were gone, barely over a year for them at the current point of time in the story.
Once they do realize so much time has passed in terms of their human companions, that's when they attempt to reach Earth. But there's an error message on all Space Bridges leading to Earth.
2. Space Bridges
As hinted in the most recent chapter, the Prime Team on Earth does NOT trust General Bryce. As official liaisons to Cybertronians, Jack, Miko, and Raf have to meet regularly with Bryce, especially after their move to Griffin Rock.
Speaking of that move to Griffin Rock, Jack especially is sketched out about it. It was an official order from Bryce to move there, which had put him on edge. Originally the trio were living and working at Unit E, with Danny and Quantum making the fly over for Robot Regicide. But with them moving, it would leave the space bridge there unattended. So they salvaged parts from it to make a ground bridge, had those installed in the basement of their new home on Griffin Rock, and destroyed the old space bridge to keep it out of Bryce's hands. Any other Cybertronian tech in that unit was also moved to their new home with the help of Quantum who went incognito (changed her paint job to match the military's) and moved the parts for them under the government's nose.
The only space bridge that existed now was the one in space that the Decepticons created. It was on the far side of the moon, so Jack and the others were not too worried about the Government trying to get there without the public's knowledge.
With the one in Unit E being destroyed however, that meant that Cybertron had a difficult time trying to reach it.
Eventually the one in space also had to be destroyed, due to General Bryce's desperation to get to it. This was an unanimous decision between human Team Prime and the Rescue Bots to destroy this final means of getting home. All other Cybertronians who were living on Earth were evacuated so that they did get home. This space bridge being destroyed also meant that Cybertron could not reach it.
3. Cybertron's rebuilding
Cybertron was still being rebuilt. The bots unfortunately cannot take the time off to try and figure out a way to Earth. With the rebuilding, bots returning, and new sparks emerging from the well, Team Prime cannot afford the trip back to Earth.
The population of Cybertron pre war was only in the millions, and after the war there were only a handful of thousands that survived. Rebuilding Cybertron is an all hands-on deck situation, no one can really afford leaving as it is rebuilding. Once it became stable on Cybertron, with the majority of bots who survived the war having returned, over two hundred human years had passed. Team Prime assumed that they were too late to be able to reunite with their human friends, especially considering the life spans of humans to Cybertronians. So instead they mourned, and moved to continue the rebuilding.
And those are some lore details for why Team Prime never returned. I have some ideas for life on Cybertron after the war, if y'all are interested in me making a oneshot books for those, definitely tell me!
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catcake24 · 9 months
So I have this transformers au. I’ve been working on it for awhile but not really planning on doing much with it lol. So here it is. I like to call it my “Oops all Ocs au”, or “Quintesson Occupation AU”
So here’s the basics: This universe takes place wayyyyy back during the time quintessons took over Cybertron and was using it as a factory. The Cybertronians themselves don’t even realize they can think and feel, because the quintessons basically install their own viruses which suppress emotional and critical thought.
However, these viruses don’t work super well anyways. It’s hard to keep a living being from seeing its own living nature, so instead they also have manufactured a narrative that “you are all unthinking machines”. So many Cybertronians who manage to break out of the virus think they are defective machines, and are scared of stepping out of line and being scrapped.
This is where our main character comes in - M-572-456. Or M for short. He’s a warframe, and slowly regains his consciousness alongside his brother F-572-456 (or F for short). At first, they both think they are the only ones - defective machines who have gained free thought. M is smart though, and slowly realizes that he and his brother aren’t alone in their consciousness. There are defectives everywhere, in every level of manufacturing and products. Eventually, he and F join a small group of defectives who meet when the Quintessons are asleep.
Things are good enough for awhile, with this group gaining more members slowly and they start an escape plan. When they do manage to escape however, it quickly becomes clear how much bigger this is than just their small group when they meet a nice bot named A-3.
A-3 is an archivist, data management for the “factory”, and has uncovered something drastic. He found out on his own after gaining his own consciousness that the Quintessons aren’t their masters or creators, they’re invaders. This planet existed before them and it’s likely bots like them did as well, but Quintessons took over the planet and destroyed almost all of their history and only saved the old blueprints medics made of their bodies. M doesn’t quite believe it, but the evidence that A-3 has is staggering, and believes that at least the quintessons are aware that they have a habit of developing free thought and have been violently trying to suppress it.
M eventually decides this can’t stand anymore, thinking of all his friends and brothers in the facility he just fled from. How they all deserve freedom like he now has. So, he rallies all the bots he can into a group to fight for all their freedoms (something A-3 was struggling to do) and chooses a name for himself. Megatronus, the freedom fighter.
Now, taking a step back, I’m gonna explain the larger timeline quickly:
- Megatronus isn’t a prime in this AU, but a well known historical figure. He’s the one who helped unite their people together, which is why Megatron named himself after this figure.
- The primes themselves are a title rather than a demigod like in some continuities, and Optimus is the 13th prime so far. The order these primes are: Prima, Primos, Prime Nova, Solus Prime, Nexus Prime, Guardian Prime, Megatronic Prime, Alchemist Prime, Onyx Prime, Micronus Prime, Zeta Prime, Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime. Each one inherited the matrix at some point, and after Optimus would be Rodimus.
- Megatronic takes the place of the “fallen” prime instead of Megatronus, and is known as the fallen because he betrayed the Autobots for the Decepticons leading to a military dictatorship which Alchemist Prime was apart of and eventually was the one to end it.
- the whole theme of this AU is that the Cybertronian race has been in a cycle of war and peace since the quintessons were expelled from their planet, that every time they find peace again it becomes corrupt and the other side rises up again. The Decepticons and Autobots have been at war ever since they first expelled the quintessons, but it stops and starts again over and over.
- the Most recent war, the one we all know of between Megatron and Optimus Prime, has only been going on for a thousand years. But for millions of years before that, their race has been divided.
- A-3 mentioned above is obviously young Alpha Trion, and he’s old as dirt in this au. No one else matches his age, and he’s only been around for so long due to tenacity, medical assistance, and divine intervention. He’s the one to find the Matrix of Leadership after Megatronus’ death, and becomes the guardian of it with a special connection to Primus.
- Primus in this AU isn’t literally a god, but more like an elder being which is close to a god. His body was found while he was dead/sleeping, and the Quintessons used it to create their factory after eliminating all the beings living on it. This made Primus mad, but he couldn’t do much about it after he woke up. He created several artifacts in his core, where the Auintessons couldn’t get them: among them was Vector Sigma. This supercomputer is important because it can program life and consciousness, something no other computer can do. So Primus sent pulses out from Vector Sigma for centuries, which is how so many Cybertronians were able to gain consciousness despite the Quintessons best efforts.
Back to the story, Megatronus founds his group the Warcons who lead the resistance with all those who can fight. A-3 handles more covert missions, which the Domestibots handle. These two groups were always apart of the Cybertronian resistance, but would eventually become the Autobots and Decepticons.
They would find ways around the virus the Quintessons used, and fight for their planet over a gruelling three thousand years. However, Megatronus never gave up hope that they could be free and his hope was infectious. After his death, the resistance continued with his closest friends leading the charge. A-3 would travel down into the planet, looking for secret tunnels they could use, but would return with the matrix.
One of Megatronus’ friends was an ambitious but also kinda crazy guy, a former gladiator for the entertainment of the Quintessons. A-3 would approach him with the Matrix, and told him that it was an artifact which would give them great power but also be a great burden. It would keep his memories and part of his being alive forever, and pass on whatever wisdom he had to the next bearer. This way, they might be able to win against the Quintessons.
He took it without a second thought, and became the first Prime - Prima.
From here, the story gets more blurry in my mind. Basically the matrix gives Prima a direct line of contact to Primus, which he tells everyone who will listen and is how the matrix becomes the basis for religion on Cybertron. A-3, now Alpha Trion, makes more excursions down and brings back more artifacts as well - among them the Sword of the Protector.
After Prima’s death, Primos would choose a Warcon to lead their resistance alongside his Domestibots, as the divide between them as been growing bigger and bigger over time. He became the first Lord High Protector of Cybertron, and finally these two would finally expel the Quintessons from their planet.
After this, they make sure to have Alpha Trion write all the history of this war down for future generations. The pair spend the rest of their lives trying to bring the newly named Destrons and Protectobots back together as a people, and would somewhat succeed, but all would unravel after their deaths.
Megatronus never knew, that when he and A-3 would divide their forces it would become a chasm which would rip their people apart for millions of years.
This was a lot of the bigger ideas and plot I had for this AU, but I might make more posts about things like the primes, the lord high protectors, and more miscellaneous stuff. This is a BIG au, but I don’t have much to use it for aside from planning fanfics lol.
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gardenofchrome · 1 year
RB Heatwave Oneshot
𝕾𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗: 'Heat Waves' by Glass Animals
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*𝘙𝘉 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘸𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 *𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘢𝘯* 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳*
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
You, Y/N, had fought in the Great War of Cybertron for nearly all of your existence. Wounded during one of the last battles on Cybertron before it fell, you escaped your home planet using a stasis pod, said pod crash-landed on a familiar planet, near the east coast of the United States, on an island that you later learned was called Griffin Rock.
The Rescue bots had, well, rescued you, pulling the injured Cybertronian from the water and flying you back to the firehouse, patching up your injuries.
You slowly opened your optics, them slowly adjusting to the light. "They're waking up!" A voice said from beside you.
You sit up suddenly, yelping in pain as a stabbing sensation fills your side. "Whoa, take it easy there," a deep voice said, laying a hand on you. You turn your helm, seeing a red firebot standing there. "Your injuries were pretty bad. You should rest."
You grit your denta, not noticing his insignia in your pained daze, and you leap off the table, tackling him.
The firebot grunts, and stumbles back. You hear pedsteps behind you and you turn, seeing more bots- a police bot, a construction bot, a medic bot.
They grab your arms as you try and pull from their grip. "Let me go, Decepticons!" You hiss.
"Decepticons?" The construction bot repeats in a confused tone.
"We're Autobots!" The medic bot points to the insignia on his chest. You stop struggling.
"I'm-I'm sorry." You say.
The firebot scowls, brushing himself off. "Hell of a punch you got there, especially for an injured bot."
"Who are you all?"
"Chase," the police bot says.
"Boulder," the construction bot says.
"Blades," the medic says. "Nice to have another Autobot here!"
"Heatwave," the firebot says last, crossing his arms. "Leader of Rescue Force Sigma 17. Now who are you?"
"I'm Y/N," you say. "And rescue force? I thought you guys were all wiped out."
"We left Cybertron before..." Blades falters at the end of the sentence.
You nod, knowing the end of the sentence. "Guess that explains it." You sit on the edge of the metal slab and look at your peds. There, you notice a few organics staring up at you, mixed expressions on their faces.
Your digits itch toward your weapon, but Heatwave catches your wrist. "Easy there- as much as Kade annoys me I don't need you turning him and the rest into bloodstains."
You look at them cautiously. "What are they?"
A man with greying hair and a mustache steps forward. "Humans; the native lifeforms to the planet we're currently on. My name is Charlie Burns- the current police chief here on Griffin Rock; and this is my family."
"Kade," a redhead says, crossing his arms as he looks up at you warily.
"Dani," the only girl in the group says.
"Graham," a man with thick-framed glasses says from beside Boulder.
"Cody," the last one says, appearing to be the youngest of the whole group. He smiles warmly up at you.
"We work with the bots here on the island to keep the peace," Charlie explains.
You look at the rescue bots up and down. "You all are not equipped for battle. How do you manage to keep the Decepticons away?"
"What are Decepticons?" Cody asks, and Boulder glances down at him.
"We'll explain later," the construction bot says quietly.
"There are no Decepticons here," Heatwave says. "Optimus and his crew deal with them. We just deal with emergencies that the humans living here have."
A disgusted look crosses your face plate momentarily. "Why would you spend all your time working for some lifeforms who could take care of themselves instead of helping your own kind fight back against tyrants and win back your home?"
This earns a scoff from the rescue bot leader. "That may be your priority, but it sure isn't ours. And like you said, we're not equipped for battle, we'd be a liability. If you want to join up with Prime and the rest, we'd be happy to open up a ground bridge and send you straight there." You notice a bitter edge to his voice, but you brush it off.
"Fine," you say, trying to stand up from the berth before promptly collapsing back down.
"Though perhaps you should get some more rest," Chase remarks. "Then you should go."
The bots help drag you back to a comfortable position on the metal slab, before leaving. You stayed still for a while before your optics couldn't stay open any longer.
When you regain consciousness, you hear the familiar sound of the striking metal. You sit up slowly, staring at Heatwave as he strikes a tall pole with his servos and legs, the sound echoing around the room.
"What are... what are you doing?" You ask, still groggy.
"Training," the firebot grunts as he continues to hit the metal.
"For what? Battle?"
"Just too-" he grunts as his servo connects again with the metal, "keep the Energon flowing you know."
You walk up to him. "Would you like a sparring partner instead of hitting that pole over and over again?"
Heatwave looks you up and down with his orange optics. "You're still injured, it wouldn't be fair," he replies.
You lung at the partially unsuspecting bot and sweep his legs, and the firebot goes down with a small but audible 'ompft!'
He does manage to grab your arm, using the momentum to drag you down with him as well.
You land directly overtop him, your face plate glowing orange as you quickly roll off. "I'll be fine," you say as you and the other Cybertronian push yourselves up.
Heatwave circles you, searching for your 'Achilles heel'. But eons of battle have taught you many valuable skills- such as how to hide your weaknesses.
He moves as if he is about to attack- a move that would've made most bots stumble back but you barely flinch, recognizing the movement, as it was something you had done many a time before.
Heatwave chuckles. "You're good."
The edges of your lips turn upwards into a smile for a moment, but your optics are searching for a flaw.
You thought back to when he did the fake-out attack- how his knee slightly buckled as he shifted his weight.
"You too, Wavey."
He scowled. "Don't call me that."
You laugh as you continue to circle him, trying to think of ways to provoke him. "Alright, sunshine."
Heatwave lungs as you, and you kid his bad knee, the firebot going down. You stand over him, placing your ped on his chassis. "You yield?"
Reluctantly, he nods a few seconds later, and you help him up. "Praxus," you say.
He blinks. "Sorry?"
"You were there when there was a huge fire in the city square in Praxus a few years before the war started; I remember. You pulled me out from under the rubble."
"Are you sure that was me? I wasn't exactly sporting this color scheme back in the day."
You nod. "Positive, your voice is kind of hard to forget. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, it came to me while we were sparring. It was eons ago."
He sits down on a metal box. "How is Praxus doing nowadays?" Heatwave asks.
"It was obliterated a few months into the war," you say sadly.
He stares at the ground. "I'm... I'm not surprised."
You sit next to him. "Sorry, I had to break it to you."
"No, it's alright," he says. "The moment Optimus told us that Cybertron was dead, I had a feeling in my spark. I probably won't tell the others."
"You should," you say softly. "It's their home city too."
"Actually, Boulder was originally from Helix before he managed to get out. But anyway, they probably have the same feeling in their sparks as I did. And hearing about the death of Cybertron nearly broke all of us- mostly from the guilt that we couldn't do anything. I'm not going to go up to them and shatter their sparks even more."
Uncomfortable silence descends between the both of you, until the emergency alarm starts to ring. You stand quickly, wincing in pain, but grip your weapon tightly. "Are we under attack?!"
"Relax, its just the emergency alarm." Heatwave nonchalantly says, as Cody slides down the metal pole in the center of the room. 
"It's Jerry," he tells Heatwave. 
The leader sighs. "Again?"
"Who's Jerry?" You ask.
"A local truck driver who keeps getting into accidents. Me and my team need to head out pretty quickly."
"Can I come with? I would like to see you in action."
Heatwave is silent for a few moments. "Fine. Just make sure you don't get in the way."
The other bots walk to their respective hangers with their human partners. You stay with Heatwave as Kade walks up to you two. 
"Good luck out there, Wavey," you smirk. 
"I told you to stop calling me that!" He snaps. "Now, rescue bots, roll to the rescue!"
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Part 2?
Find more Transformer oneshots in 'As It Was' by -Orionn- on Wattpad
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that-glitter-chick · 1 year
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Day two of Skystar week! Todays prompt is “Relief”. Song is “Wait for You” by Elliott Yamin.
Ficlit: Past the Horizon
“Come away with me.”
Skyfire had said it with such a tumultuous mixture of joy and desperation Starscream gulped in reflex.
“What, just desert the two most powerful armies in Cybertronian history like it’s no big deal? Oh sure, that’ll end well!” The Seeker flashed his optics in a Transformer facsimile of rolling one’s eyes.
It had been such a nice lesion, so relaxing and stimulating (the afterwards conversation was almost as good as the interfacing, which just went to show how starved the Air Commander was for intelligent company), why did the big dope have to ruin it with such nonsense? Couldn’t they just cuddle and prolong going back to their separate factions as long as they dared?
“Starscream, I’m serious! We could go to Sigma Orionis.” The Shuttle-former blathered on excitedly, pointing to the star in question as if his Partner didn’t recognize the designation. “There’s a lull in the fighting, both sides are too distracted by hunting for Energon and dealing with the Human governments interference, the timing will never be more perfect.”
The Decepticon shook his head with a patience reserved only for the Mech sitting beside him. “It’s too close Skyfire, they’ll find us in no time. Megatron will execute us on the spot if my side gets to us first, and it’ll only be mildly better if the Autobots get a hold of us instead.”
He snorted, a gesture his tutors in the Grand House back in Vos would have blown a gasket to hear a Crown Prince of the Royal line make. “Optimus will have us both put in stasis until the war’s over, wherein you’ll be locked up for the rest of your life for desertion and I’ll be put on trail, THEN executed for my war crimes as Megatron’s second in command.”
“But the fact that it’s so close is the beauty of it beloved! They won’t expect it.” A white servo cupped Starscream’s helm and turned him gently to gaze into blue optics. “Any bot sent to hunt us down will go right by us, directly to the Cybertronian colonies like Velocitron or Helix. I have contacts in the neutral colony hidden on Sigma Orionis. They can vouch for us when we get there.”
“But what about my brothers?” The question was out of his vocalizer before he even had time to think it. Coolant tears silently flowed from his own crimson optics unbidden. “Skywarp and Thundercracker. Megatron will torture them, terminate them, I can’t just abandon the only family I have left.”
Skyfire’s enthusiasm was undeterred. He shifted his arm to wind it around Starscream’s waist and pulled him close. “We’ll take them with us of course! Instead of meeting up for… uh, quality time…”
Starscream smirked at his mate’s blush and reluctance to call their clandestine rendezvous what they were, very dangerous aft-calls.
“All four of us will run off together, we’ll be a family unit again, just like before the war.” The big Autobot said it like it was as easy as crossing a street in Iacon during the Golden Age.
“Except my poor Trin won’t be fortunate enough to have their Conjunx like I do.” Starscream’s processor was assaulted by images of his beautiful and powerful sisters-in-bond, Novastorm and Windblade. They had been missing since the earliest vorns of the war, and rumor had it at least one of them had been with Spark.
Skyfire laughed like a Mech possessed, throwing his helm back and shoulders shaking with mirth.
“So glad you take such amusement from our family’s loss.” Starscream grumbled, baffled by his mate’s reaction. “For booting up cold lover, you’d think you were the Decepticon.”
“No Sweetspark, you don’t understand,” the big Autobot gasped to get a hold of himself, whipping laughter tears from his faceplates.
“Darn right I don’t! Explain yourself immediately.” He demanded in his most imperial tone. He never had been able to shake off his Royal training, not that he had tried very hard but that was beside the point, even when he had run away to join the Science Academy in Iacon.
“They’re alive beloved! They are the contacts I mentioned. Novastorm and Windblade are on Sigma Orionis, have been from the beginning. Nova was with Spark and Windblade refused to leave her sister. Thundercracker and Skywarp never told you to protect you. Working so closely with Megatron, Soundwave and Shockwave, they feared you would be tortured if they ever suspected you knew where Decepticon Femmes and Sparklings may be hiding. This entire conversation was me trying to decern if you were ready to leave behind your ambitions within the Decepticons and run away with us.”
“Re… really?!” Starscream was so shocked and overwhelmed with sudden hope, he forgot to be angry that his entire family unit had been keeping a major secret from him. The facts that he did latch onto were, one, he had a niece or nephew living on Sigma Orionis, and two, Skyfire and his Trin had refused to leave without him. His beloved had risked his life rather than live without him and his brothers had put off reuniting with their own Conjunx and child to not leave him alone.
“When do we leave?” Starscream’s Spark swelled with joy at the look of pure relief that flooded his beloved’s features, as Skyfire kissed his helm tenderly.
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
hey barbie will you tell me about arcee? i only know her from transformers prime and the occasional screencap <3 🌸🦋
Yes!!! I always want to talk about Arcee, and I mean IDW1 Arcee, which I assume is the one you’re talking about. She is great, she is the best character in IDW1. So since you know nothing about her, let me give you the rundown of her character. Keep in one that the stuff with her during phase 1 is, uh, not good, but as of phase 2 when she became a character in John Barber stories she was greatly expanded upon and recontextualized.
Ok so, she is old as dirt, like over 10 million years old. She was forged male in a time where Cybertron was a bunch of scattered tribes and her and her twin brother Galvatron where enslaved gladiators to a Prime (which seemed to just be a title for a tribal leader at this point) who had to play blood sports to eat. This is going to leave one with a lot fucking issues, but she was really good at it. But then Megatronus (later Prime) shows up and frees them and Arcee and Galvatron join the 13 Primes in uniting Cybertron.
Things seem like they’re going to be fine, but Arcee is not so sure. Then the 13 Primes decide to spread the Cybertronian civilization across the universe, which is called colonization, which is a bad thing. When Arcee realizes what she’s part of she feels like shit about it. Then the 13 Primes have drama and break up, some of them die, some of them fuck up, Cybertron falls into chaos in what’s called the First Civil War until Galvatron’s new bestie, Nova, shows up and unites Cybertron again.
While Arcee is trans we don’t know when exactly she started to realize that a male identity wasn’t how she felt on her spark, but we do know that is something she struggled with. I don’t think this is helped by the fact that at some point people Cybertron kinda… forgot about gender, so everyone was just male by default (not in the colonies, but by this point Cybertron had lost contact with them). So not only is she seen as something she isn’t, the thing that she is something people have lost any frame of reference for even though Arcee knew people like her before. This must be extremely alienating. Add to that that Arcee explains that she has always have trouble connecting with people (because Autism), so the poor girl must have felt very, very alone.
Arcee ends up volunteering to have some kind of gender affirming surgery with this mad scientist called Jhiaxus, who then just does malpractice on her, doesn’t provide proper aftercare and is seemingly disappointed that Arcee doesn’t fir his idea of what a female Cybertronian should be. This sort of breaks Arcee and turns the thing that she’s best at (murder) on Jhiaxus. But Jhiaxus leaves with Nova Prime and Galvatron in yet another expansionist mission and disappear, so Arcee is left trying to find traces of Galvatron across the galaxy and getting rid of his creations.
After the Autobot-Decepticon civil war broke out, Arcee seems to be allied with the Autobots (but we are later left to understand she never joined proper), which makes sense as the Decepticon ideology of mechanical superiority is a sore spot for her. But she’s mainly focused on tracking down Jhiaxus. At some point she meets fellow trans woman, Anode, who says she can help her, but Anode disappears before she can get any real support. Which also doesn’t help her mental state, but at least know she’s sure none of the stuff with Jhiaxus was her fault and is more eager than ever to kill him and will kill everyone that gets in her way.
I think that Arcee is justified in everything she’s ever done. But apparently the Autobots don’t agree with me, they see Arcee as some weirdo, blood thirsty murderer that went crazy because of Jhiaxus, so they put her in jail, and later free her because they need their help. She eventually manages to finally catch Jhiaxus and because of plot reasons, he’s in a state of undead where Arce gets to kill him over and over and over again. This was a very therapeutic experience that allowed her to think about stuff and clear her had.
So after the war ends and Bumblebee and co. are having trouble maintaining the harmony between the Autobots, Decepticons and neutrals on Cybertron, Arcee has now come to the conclusion that a better world must be possible, so she tries to work towards that even if the only thing she really understands is violence. Arcee seems to hate herself and her own race for being like this,  she thinks that whatever world they create won’t have a place for her, that her fate is to die in a battlefield, but still she tries, because it’s what must be done.
At first she works under Prowl because he makes sense for her, until she realizes he sucks. She also tries to connect with Sideswipe because she thinks they’re similar, but Sideswipe keeps denying any closeness because he wants to consider himself better than her. Arcee has internalized the idea that things like friendship are just nor for her, but the truth is that she does crave connection to people, but she struggles with it because she’s socially awkward, doesn’t really get how socialization works and everyone is stuck with the idea of her as a crazy murder lady and keep denying her any interiority.
The only person that seems to get her is Galvatron, who is causing trouble again after coming back and almost ending the universe twice. Like a good brother who was with you during your formative years he does understand Arcee but that doesn’t mean he sympathizes with her and uses his knowledge to ger under her skin and manipulate her. Imagine only being understood by the worst person alive, that sucks. She will later let Optimus kill him and have conflicted feelings over it.
Optimus, at least, does give Arcee a chance and seems to like her. Arcee is not impressed by him because again, she’s old as fuck, she knew the original Primes, but OP seems to appreciate this. Arcee ends up becoming sort of his right hand woman and seems to stick with him both because she’s still trying to help create a better world and also to keep an eye on him since OP is doing a lot of questionable stuff that rings a bell on her head. Which includes using his Prime clout to get a bunch of wide-eyed colonists (by this point, they have made contact with the old colonies again btw) to join him.
One of those people being Aileron, a very sweet girl who grew up with idealized stories about the Primes and has no context of what war is actually like and will have to face reality. Despite everything Aileron matures a lot and is able to keep her head and see things from a different perspective. She doesn’t see Arcee as a crazy murder lady because to Aileron all the veterans are messed up, and honestly Arcee probably looks better than average since she has been putting a lot of work in changing her ways and her straightforwardness allows her to not get caught up in the same things other people do.
So Aileron and Arcee bond, Aileron shows Arcee a lot of sympathy when Arcee is upset because Sideswipe is in critical condition, and she’s not intimidated by Arcee or the idea that she’s crazy. Eventually Sideswipe dies but before that he does apologize to Arcee and thanks her for being there for him. Arcee is sad but also happy that he could make peace before the end, which allows her to get more at peace with herself. Aileron is there to help her and she will keep insisting she’s there to catch Arcee. When Arcee finally internalizes the idea that she’s not alone, she kisses Aileron and they become a couple.
Then Unicron shows up, who turns out to be a creation of a scientist from the planet in that first colonization expedition Arcee took place in. He’s here to eat all Cybertronian colonies. It seems that maybe is better if he kills them all, after all Cybertronians seems to be stuck on a never-ending cycle of violence and they’re all here because of it. Arcee thinks that she herself does deserve to die.
When it comes to either Optimus or Arcee to sacrifice themselves to activate the thing they need to stop Unicron, Optimus tells Arcee to go, while he’s stuck as a symbol of war, Arcee has managed to move past that and she has someone to return to. Optimus dies to bury the legacy of Primes with him so the Transformers can move on. Arcee, who has been there since the beginning and spent most of her life knowing nothing but violence, proves that change is possible and ends the continuity teaching about new generations about the importance of trying and having hope in the future. She is happy.
I love her, she’s better than everyone else. I would die for her. Do you understand me now, Leo?
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The Grim Dark Archives: Statement #003 Holoforms
[Statement taken from [Redacted] on the 11th of October 2004, one year and two months after the Autobots have made their presence known and begun corresponding with human personnel. [Redacted] has been complacent but has refrained from revealing anything that we could use against the Autobots. They have shown willingness to give us ways to ward off Cybertronians, but they refuse to give us any data that we could use to potentially cause actual harm.
No amount of bribery or convincing has changed [Redacted]'s stance. Even using our own vulnerability as a talking point failed. High command has not issued an order to force [Redacted] to give up such information, but with what we are learning, I worry that order may come sooner rather than later.
Recently a report was received from Agent Fowler that caused a great deal of concern among high command. The Autobots were seen using what they call 'holoforms' to interact with humans. They do this by using an avatar that looks like it could be a human without closer inspection. It was not explained how they gained these avatars, but recently five individuals were reported missing across the continent. This alone is not unusual, but what is causing concern is the fact that the Autobots avatars match the missing individuals down to every detail except voice and mannerism.
In light of this, [Redacted] was called upon to give a statement in regard to the situation and what it means.
Statement begins.]
Holoforms? I suppose it would make sense for my kin to begin using them now that they have largely adapted to your planet and overall culture. My kind have always been fond of trying to blend in as much as possible on whatever worlds and with races they interact with. Its not even required half the time, but they do it instinctually. I suppose it is because blending in decreases chances of being killed, or it might even be a side effect of the T-cog. Whatever the case, it shows that they are settling in and preparing to act more boldly.
I will begin with a bit of history before I explain everything else.
To start, the idea of a holoform was not devised until the golden age when the empire struck out across the stars. Before that age we were content on our homeworld and had no need for holoforms to communicate. However as we spread and our empire grew, we found that even our adaptation couldn't make up for the impression our frames gave. Thus we searched for a way to make speaking with other races easier when our adaptation failed to suffice.
Much like T-cogs, our holoforms are not something we are forged with. No, the ability to create a holoform comes from an upgrade given to diplomatic units, or at least it was before the war. Now the upgrade is so common as to be given to every unit able to receive it. As for what the upgrade does? It allows up to process data on organic and inorganic material through a special series of... functions that we use to understand what we are processing on a base level. I do not believe it would be wise to elaborate further-
... I do not believe explaining the details would do you any good. It's not pretty by any means-
Fine... if you must know... just be warned that its a rather touchy thing for you organic types. The last group who learned very nearly waged war over the subject. I suppose it doesn't matter much now, you couldn't fight back against my kin even if you wanted to. At full strength, they could destroy your planet's entire structure without even devoting their full processing power to the action.
Right... we have unique nano-technology embedded alongside our processors that allows us to create a replication of what we are knowledgeable on. That means when we create holoforms we go out of our way to understand every single detail of what he are trying to replicate... inside and out. We need to pick what we are replicating apart in every conceivable sense to truly understand. We need to connect to them and see how they work, what makes them tick and function.
Those missing humans? I can tell you almost exactly what happened. It is near certain that they were specifically picked out from amongst your population for their traits and for their ability to vanish and largely be unnoticed. Looking at these files, I see a missing adult male, ex military with no family, grizzled expression and a firm build who disappeared in the woods up in Alaska. That one was likely taken by the Prime. I can already guarantee he is dead. The Prime most likely picked him out and hunted him down. At that point the male was most probably taken to whatever facility the Autobots are using and meticulously tested and taken apart until the Prime had a detailed understanding of how the male functioned.
I cannot even begin to guess what they did exactly. I have never taken a holoform, so I am unacquainted with the process. That said, it would not surprise me to learn that they dug through the male's mind until they had a detailed understanding of its functioning. It also would not be out of the ordinary for them to have slowly cut the male open to examine his biological functioning. The medic quite likely drew the process out too considering the way medics function. They are odd mecha... odd and dangerous. Whatever the case, the male is dead, along with whoever else was taken. They live on as images and facsimiles of my kin who will bear their likeness until they prove no longer useful or more data is made available.
Oh yes I can near promise you that the humans taken by the Autobots suffered and endured torment no being with pain receptors should ever face. However I would remind you that your world is covered in all sorts of your kind who can and do vanish without a trace. A few of your less useful humans perished so that the Autobots will not need to tear into your more valuable ones, at least until their medic decides to run more tests.
I would personally suggest keeping your noses out of it. The Autobots have what they want now, and if you keep clear of their machinations, you should be fine. Their acquisition of holoforms will not harm you any time soon. Now if there were a few dozen bots taking on holoforms, then I would tell you to begin gearing up for war. When that happens it generally means the empire is preparing for an invasion, but as it is, the Autobots are too weak and scattered to care about your planet in any significant manner.
Keep your head down and don't say a word. That is my advice if you want to keep of the medic's operating table.
[Statement ends.
[Redacted]'s words... they tell us a great deal. The Autobots are a threat, that much we know. They have weapons we didn't even know of and still there is so much to be addressed. What did [Redacted] mean when they spoke of the medic? Just what the hell happened to those missing people?
...What did [Redacted] mean by invasion?
We need to ask more questions, we need to understand everything we can about these aliens if we hope to survive. Not even [Redacted] is truly safe, they are not kind, though they portray themselves as if they were. They are different than the Autobots, that much is certain, but they are not like us. I doubt they even know that with how much they try to claim to understand about us.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording ends.]
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fanvamp · 11 months
This is just a fanfic of my transformers OCS, mostly just to jot this story down and get it out of my head cuz im not gonna be able to draw it out like I wanna. Enjoy??
Chapter 1
"You lost HOW many mechs?!"
Starscream's voice carried out even into the hall from behind the shut door. Inside, Abyss stood at attention with his head high, but his eyes on the table before them. He was big, even for a cybertronian standards- he had to be, being one of the few seekers within the Decepticons to have a B2 Bomber for an alt mode. His obsidian paint shone dimly in the room.
Abyss simply stated with a dull defeated tone vibrated his lower jaw as he spoke, " The unit you instructed me to lead was numbered at 150. We lost 136."
He never moved once. His expression gave away nothing but steel resolve, but inside he was screaming. Screaming at himself, at the Auotbots that destroyed his unit, at Primus for allowing this massacre of the very soldiers he promised to bring back.
Starscream stood before a window, but he wasn't looking out at the view, now anymore. His eyes were fixed on the mech that was nearly twice his size. Every single glint of the light that reflected from his optics signaled danger, but he was uncharacteristically quiet. His wings were at their highest point, giving away his anger at his subordinate. "136.." He hissed and his eyes narrowed. "Explain to me how my best trained soldier managed to lose 136 MECHS!!?"
He shouted the last words, making Abyss flinch. But he fell quiet again as he crossed his arms and waited. Abyss looked to the side as he collected the fragments of his tortured memory.
"We had intel of an autobot camp fifteen clicks from base, and I gathered my unit to wipe them out." His eyes narrowed as Abyss struggled to keep himself from slamming his arm into the wall beside him, before he spoke again. "But I failed to send a scout to properly assess the situation. I failed to take caution, and ran in blindly."
He faltered, for a moment. He never met Starscreams gaze once- he felt he didn't even deserve to look his superior in the optics. He clenched his fist and kept talking.
"I made my soldiers run in blindly into a massacre. I'm entirely to blame" Abyss managed to keep his voice steady, but inside he was relieving the memory of the scattered pieces of his soldiers freshly torn on the ground, the sound of metal tearing and energon bursting free from its restraint, the brutality of the wreckers as they slaughtered the unit he had been tasked to lead- offline, because of his insolence. He hsd watched them die around them and could only feel shame, and guilt.
Starscream simply glared at him. Perhaps it was his imagination, but Abyss could practically hear the gears turning in his head. Thinking of a brutal way to punish him no doubt. The silence was suffocating, especially from the red and white seeker that wasn't known for being quiet. Abyss wanted him to scream, to cuss, to smack (or try to, really) him around. Anything, but the quiet.
Starscream stared at his subordinate. Any other day, he'd probably be letting out his life's frustration on this failure before him. But there was something so... Different about Abyss. He seemed like the weight of cybertron was resting on his shoulder pads. Stoic, almost. What intrigued Starscream was this sudden change. Especially from the recruit a millennia ago- that recruit was brash, energetic, and arrogant- another brute. But a brute that could fight and lead, and had trained under Starscream from afar to lead his own unit. He could hardly believe this was Abyss before him and not some imposter.
After time had stopped it's torture, Starscream finally spoke. " You will lead again. Everything about your stupidy says otherwise, but I am feeling particularly generous today- be grateful." He grit his teeth, glaring at Abyss. "Not because I pity your lack of intelligence, but because you're too valuable an asset. Be a shame to have to destroy someone that can fight. Lead better, Abyss. There are no retakes."
Abyss looked at him for the first time. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. One one servo, he was grateful for the second chance. On the other.. this could happen again. And that thought terrified the steely seeker. Abyss bowed deeply, lowering his gaze to the floor. "Thank you, Commander. I will not fail you again- this show is of my own making."
Starscream glared at him. This went against everything his fury was telling him what he should do. Although he felt smug about the way this mech twice his size bowed so low before he him, he just hoped he wouldn't regret this decision. "Get out." He hissed.
Abyss stood and lowered his head, before turning around and walking out of the room. He would begin again, this time with a spark of stone. Never, never again.
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litcityblues · 1 year
'Transformers: Age of Extinction --A Review
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Look, I'm not naive. No one is going to mistake a Transformers movie for high art- that's not what these movies are for. You get some popcorn, you sit down, you get a frosty beverage and you watch gigantic metal robots beat the living fuck out of each for a couple of hours and you have a moderately entertaining time. Similarly, this is a Michael Bay movie. He is many things, but Martin Scorsese he is not and his movies tend to be a visual assault on the senses for a couple of hours and I'll give him this: he has a distinct visual style. Things like 'plot' and 'acting', if they happen are just bonuses.
Medium Spawn Jr. has become obsessed with these movies and, since he's five and the wife was having her book club downstairs while I wanted to watch Ahsoka, he wanted to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction, so I, being the good parent that I am, granted his wish, sat down and watched this movie.
I am amazed by this movie. I am amazed that it grossed $1.104 billion dollars at the box office. I am amazed that it somehow managed to get Stanley Tucci, Mark Wahlberg, Kelsey Grammer, and Titus Welliver to agree to be in it-- though in their defense, actors have to eat and pay their bills, so I can't fault them for that.
This movie opens by explaining that 'The Creators' (whoever they are) dumped a bunch of 'seeds' all over the Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs- providing the viewer with a big, gigantic tease that perhaps the Dinobots are involved in this movie, but viewer, prepare yourself for disappointment because they don't really feature all that much at all.
In the present day, it turns out the Autobots have been driven underground following the Battle of Chicago because humanity panicked and didn't want to make distinctions between the 'good robots' and the 'bad robots' and a CIA Black Ops Unit has teamed up with a Cybertronian bounty hunter to find the survivors.
Meanwhile, in Texas- because that's where you want to put Mark Wahlberg if he's in a movie. Texas. Inventor Cade Yeager is struggling to keep his house and make money. (I'll be honest: his whole character arc would have worked a lot better if he had been a mechanic who is a would-be inventor in Boston, but hey. Choices were made.) He's a single father to Tessa (Nicola Peitz) and because he was a teen Dad, he's super overprotective and doesn't want Tessa dating.
Naturally, this means that she is.
Look, I have nothing against Nicola Peitz. She does well enough with the material she's given to work with, but there is very much, "What if we take Megan Fox's character from the first movie, dress her the same way, make her blonde, and give her pink lipstick" thing going on here that is just, well, lazy. If we must keep making these movies, can we try a different type of female character? Just to see what happens?
One thing leads to another and Cade finds an abandoned truck that turns out to be Optimus Prime and his well-meaning associate/employee Lucas Flannery (T.J. Miller) notifies the government that they might have found an Autobot in hopes of getting the reward money and, more to the point, making some actual money. That brings the bad guys and bounty hunters and things start exploding- and when anything explodes in this movie, it seems to set off fireworks as well, Optimus starts fighting and they are rescued in the nick of time by Tessa's secret boyfriend, the rally car driver, Shane (Jack Reynor.)
Craziest thing ever: according to the wiki-page for this movie, he's supposed to be Irish, but you could have fooled me because I didn't pick up on that at all.
Also, in a super-endearing moment when over-protective Dad, Cade finds out that Shane is 20 and Tessa is 17 and objects to that for obvious, potential statutory rape reasons, Shane whips out an actual, laminated copy of Texas' Romeo and Juliet law and smugly informs Cade that they had a pre-existing foundation for their relationship so it's not statutory rape at all. (If you carry around a laminated copy of a law to prove that your relationship isn't, well, creepy and potentially illegal, perhaps you should date someone your own age. Just saying.)
There are the usual plot points, action shots, robot fights, and product placement that's about as subtle as a brick to the back of the head. (Mark Wahlberg angrily drinks a Bud Light at one point and yells at a motorist which is hilarious in today's context.)
But what really matters isn't how this movie ends, it's where this movie ends, because of a creative decision that I'm sure got every studio executive involved in this movie absolutely slobbering with glee, they find a reason to go to China and in a quest to get that sweet, sweet, Chinese box office money.
Banking on the fact that American audiences will no absolutely nothing about Chinese geography and that Chinese audiences will just be excited to see giant robot fights, nothing makes sense. They land in Shanghai. Optimus goes off- literally flies with nary a problem, which I'm sure the People's Liberation Air Force just kind of shrugged and said, 'Eh, it's a gigantic flying robot. Who cares?'- to noted quiet and obscure part of China, Tianmen Mountain National Park to wake up the Dinobots- who were found at the beginning of the movie in ice like in Greenland or some shit, but are now somehow in China. Characters blow up a factory in Shanghai but somehow decide that they have to get to Hong Kong- 700 miles away, but I'm sure easier to film in at the time.
There is a big showdown in Hong Kong, including the 'not at all insisted upon by the Chinese government' lines of a Hong Kong Police Officer saying 'We'll need help from the Central Government!' and the heroic defense minister- finally noticing that there are gigantic robots wrecking up the place assuring everyone, 'The Central Government will always defend Hong Kong!" This movie was made in 2014, well before the Chinese government got tired of the whole democracy business and crushed it in Hong Kong, but man do those lines hit differently today. The Dinobots (remember them?) show up to save the day and Optimus is riding one of them and it's kind of cool, but other than that, they serve their purpose as a largely meaningless plot point. Just for kicks- again, as subtle as a brick to the back of the head- we see a blown-up bus with a Victoria's Secret ad featured on it and just to remind audiences that they're in China, Stanley Tucci's character gets pissed that they get trapped in a store with a lot of windows and sweeps a table clear of mah-jong tiles.
The greatest crime of all? Somehow this movie is 2 HOURS AND FORTY FIVE MINUTES LONG.
My Grade: * out of ****. Do not watch this movie, unless you enjoy hate-watching movies, then you'll have a great time.
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milesonthenet · 2 years
The FIVE reasons I love Transformers
 I want you guys to sit here and visualize something for me. Imagine that you are a young child going to the movie theater in 2007. You see what you think is your favorite movie for the first time in your life. Giant computer-animated robots wage war on the giant screen.
This is House of MilesVerse, and today, I will take you on a journey. I will explain why I love Transformers as a franchise. More than that, I will explain what elements in particular I enjoy.
Reason Five: Timeless
The Transformers series first debuted in 1984. The series focused on the eponymous robotic lifeforms. They were split into two sides, the Autobots and the Decepticons.
 What I find funny is that the TV series was more akin to a commercial. It was there to push children to buy the most popular transformers. New characters would also debut for the sake of marketing toys to children.
On its own merits, Transformers is a fairly simple series about robots. The setting has changed more than once across the franchise’s long history. However, the basic principles and concepts are still kept in the series. 
Reason Four: The issue with war
Numerous stories have portrayed the Autobots and Decepticon’s war across space. Fittingly, the stories all portray the consequences and aftermath of their war. This paints a grim picture but also gives the Transformers an edge of realism that works for them.
For example, their war first destroyed their home planet, Cybertron. The constant conflict exhausted the planet’s resources. Because of this, most stories would depict them leaving their planet.
Reason Three: The series’ focus on Earth creates an interesting perspective.
Typically, after their exile, they would embark on a journey to Earth. The Autobots and Decepticons recognize the potential uses for Earth’s resources. From there, both sides would begin their war anew on an unfamiliar planet.
What I love about this is that it also puts them in a foreign land. The cybertronians have to acclimate to another planet. The Decepticons choose to attack the planet for its resources in creating Energon. The Autobots choose to protect it and eventually adopt it as their second home.
I also love how the Autobots are able to bond with the humans. They recognize them as a smaller species, which has also attacked them more than once. However, they still choose to protect them because it’s the right thing to do.
Reason Two: Nobody has to BE a Decepticon
The Decepticons in the original cartoons were typically portrayed as villains. They were your everyday morning cartoon thugs that followed the evil overlord’s commands. The Decepticons transformed into a variety of dangerous weapons, monsters, and even assault vehicles.
However, over time, alternate continuities have helped to give them more depth. IDW in particular paints the Decepticon movement as a social movement that devolved into your usual villains. Whatever credibility and integrity the movement had was drowned in the bloodshed of Megatron’s latest actions.
In addition, turncoats also existed in the franchise as Decepticons who abandoned their prior faction. Characters like Drift, Jetfire, and even Megatron himself show that some Decepticons can turn over a new life. Nothing is impossible, even redemption, so long as you believe in changing.
Reason One: Optimus Prime is one of the BEST superheroes!
Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and one of the most iconic heroes. Everyone knows his famous truck transformation, and his disappearing trailer. Across the series, he has been portrayed as a gentle giant and a father to his men.
Part of why I like Optimus Prime is how pure hearted he is. His voice actor, Peter Cullen, crafted the voice by mimicking the mannerisms of his brother, Larry. Larry was a soldier in the United States who served in Vietnam. To think that his brother inspired him to become a real hero for multiple children is a beautiful message.
Despite coming from humble beginnings as a librarian, Prime is experienced in war. He’s been able to easily match Megatron and keep up with the Decepticon leader. Some versions of the story make Optimus and Megatron former friends who were on different sides of Cybertron’s conflicts. They both hold a degree of mutual respect as worthy opponents to each other.
Optimus Prime is similar to Superman in a lot of ways. They both are foreigners from outside of Earth. Despite that, they are heroic, honorable, and always keep their word. They risk their all to save people because it’s just in their nature.
And that is EXACTLY what it means to be a hero.
I hope you enjoyed this place.
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