#cy says stuff
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thotsfortherapy · 2 years ago
looking back at the past and it can be hard not to cringe or regret the way things happened. but instead of beating myself up over it i'm choosing to see it as a testament to my growth. like, i wouldn't do a lot of things the same but also that's the whole point
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venisonghost · 2 years ago
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Sooo I was looking at him wondering what his doll scale is (doll scales are a fucking mystery to me but I think he's around 1/8 or maybe 1/12) then I realized his torso is the same size as a barbie's
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cy-fi-theansweris42 · 5 months ago
So @keferon's Empurata Prowl posts are living rent-free in my mind, lol. I just had to write out the scene from this post so look out for the angst below the cut!
(Tumblr please don't kill my formatting--)
There's someone in front of him.
Prowl doesn't dare make a move, doesn't dare let the mech in front of him know he's awake and aware now. Doing so runs the risk of them putting him under again if they're an enemy, removing all possibility of escape (awake the chance is small; 25%. Unconscious— he doesn't need to run those numbers to know it's zero).
He will not lose this chance.
He waits, hoping his vision will improve enough that he can see more than the darkened silhouette moving in front of him, that his hearing will lose the staticky quality it took on the moment he regained consciousness and he might recognize a voice. It's taking every ounce of willpower he has to keep his doorwings from fluttering ever so slightly to gather data on his surroundings.
It's taking everything in him not to run away as the restraints are undone, to keep his doorwings from flaring high and wide to scream stay away, danger, threat in a way that a small buried part of him wants to scream.
(He will ignore that part. Emotions have no place in trying to plan an escape. Fear can cause one to act too soon, to lash out when they should be biding their time waiting for the moment with the highest chance of escape. Tactically, emotions lower the chance of a successful escape.)
He has to wait, he cannot lose this chance to escape over something as trivial as emotions. Not when that runs the risk of more being done to him.
He will not let them do anything else to him.
So Prowl stays as still as possible as the final restraint is removed, not daring to try and run. Not yet. They would be prepared for him to try and escape the moment he could, they would plan for it. If he waits, pretends he's not aware enough to realize he's free to move, they may slip up, may give him the chance to escape successfully.
…Or he could be missing the only opportunity he'll have, and he doesn't even know it.
He doesn't know enough. There's too many unknown variables.
Number of enemies: 1 (or more) Location: Unknown Route to exit: Unknown Status of allies: Unknown Chance of successful escape: Unable to accurately calculate (no more than 30% at best).
He wishes he could see more, see who's in front of him, who the taller mech who just came close enough for him to notice is (had he been there the entire time?). He wishes this static in his audials would go away so he could hear what was being said. He wishes he could move his doorwings freely and know if he was surrounded by enemies instead of just not knowing.
(He wishes he had his hands still, he doesn't know if he'll be good enough of a shot with this claws. He wishes he had his face still, this singular optic being a screaming sign of what was done to him and he was helpless to stop it. He wishes he knew what all they did to him, what did they do, what did they do to him—).
He can't help it. He needs to know.
His doorwings twitch, just enough to tell him the two mechs in front of him are the only others in the room. It's enough to catch the smaller one's attention. There's noise, maybe speech, and he can make out their hands coming towards him—
Their hands are coming towards his head, his neck, he thinks he sees needles, and he can't just stand there anymore.
Prowl feels his new claw dig through metal, through the glass of a visor, as the static in his audials crescendos, becomes a roar. His plating is flared, his doorwings spread high and wide, and he is shaking.
He can't stop shaking.
What did they do to him?
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clockworkreapers · 7 months ago
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Hello have some extra lil things
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misano17 · 4 months ago
Finished the first illustration for my novel 🥰
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This will be on the document for the novel when I get around to putting it there.
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snobgoblin · 2 years ago
okok so you know how Cyborg Tucker's thing is that, he's completely independent of Tucker and they don't share memories, and they develop his own interests and everything? I'm struggling to think of how he's gonna *dress* you know I've drawn him in so many outfits and I just did not like any of them 😭 looking for something and I don't know what it is so I'd appreciate it if you drop some of your favorite aesthetics or branches of fashion for me to look thru... or suggest some you think would fit him
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dilfkuza · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kiryu Kazuma/Majima Goro Characters: Kiryu Kazuma, Majima Goro Additional Tags: Mentioned Saejima Taiga (Yakuza), Post-Ryuu ga Gotoku 7 | Yakuza: Like A Dragon (Video Game), Kissing, Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Yakuza 8 spoilers, Marriage Proposal, KazuMaji Week 2023 Summary:
"Woulda said yes any time, even if ya had to leave. Y'know I'm always here waitin' on ya, yeah? Always will be?" As they settle into their 50s, life finally calms down enough for Kiryu to ask something he's wanted to for years.
Kazumaji week day 7: Free Day
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thotsfortherapy · 2 years ago
i am a person and it is okay for me to make mistakes
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venisonghost · 1 year ago
Hey uh, if anyone could toss me like 10 dollars through my kofi so I could make it to a job interview tomorrow I'd really appreciate it!
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prismaticutie · 2 years ago
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clockworkreapers · 1 year ago
So...is Falmea gonna lose an arm from Sauron using psionics to collapse part of a building? I also worry about how he's doing rn. Not looking so hot ngl. Say, do any of the trolls eventually resurrect into godtier mode, is godtier different in your au, or is there no godtier?
First half of the ask:
No matter what I say here it’s going to be a spoiler for the comic. She could loose her arm or a leg, or even just part of her arm or any body part. She could even be perfectly fine besides a few scratches. OR she could dead.
I know people see the ask blog from years back that’s a different timeline, so what you see there isn’t always gonna be canonical to the comic. The comic is its own lil box and there are 68 more pages of screenplay left. (Comic will probs end up being 1700-1900 pages long in the end)
Second half:
There is no Sburb in this version of Aleph Null that’s presented in the comic. So are no godtiers or anything even remotely related to Sburb in that universe. (There is a side thing I’m thinkering with just for fun though but it is in no way related to the comic, I talk about that with people on discord though. It won’t amount to anything)
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keferon · 4 months ago
Sorry in advance for the word vomit but. I love the whole Jazz-and-Prowl figuring out the language barrier but also consider:
They don't.
Prowl's been captured by Quintessons and is currently thinking of ways to completely scrape his processor so they can't get any useful data, only to get rescued by a random mech. They fight their way out (the mech is extremely proficient in combat). At first he thinks it's a drone- it looks at him when he asks questions but doesn't answer (responds to noise, not language), it is sparkless (not alive) and it makes random but entirely incoherent noises and doesn't even ping (not able to communicate). Prowl has no idea what's going on but he's too injured to make it back to base alone and it's helping him? So. He chalks it up to some waylaid stealth military asset and tries to think of ways to both get it back to base whilst also making sure it's not some sort of Quintesson Trojan-horse [10%].
Meanwhile, Jazz was sent to blow up a Quintesson command camp by his organisation but instead he got thrown through a weird portal, and found a pilot all tied down and probably being tortured so naturally he busted him out but uh. He has no idea what the other is saying. He's talking in total tonal gibberish. Not that he's judging, he's heard some stuff about how far other piloting programs are willing to go to advance neural technology. And his face! He has one! A handsome one. Must be some advanced shit because he's got micro expressions and he's using them to frown as him. Anyways, Jazz's got bigger fish to fry. The sky's a different colour, there are two suns and atmo is reading terribly low levels of O2. Maybe he and this pilot got thrown into an alien planet? Cool- well, actually pretty bad but hey they're in this together.
Prowl knows by models that they're bound to run into another Quintesson patrol eventually, and based on the drones alertness to its surroundings, his previous observations to its capacity to fight, and how it doesn't stray to far from him, if patrol numbers are favourable [1-8 range] they can survive [70, .5]% the route back to base. But the drone is reckless and abandons him to the melee (how can a drone be reckless?) and Prowl gets injured worse. Energon drips from wounds, and the angle makes it challenging for him to patch it. But the drone creeps closer, folds to its (knees? Its joints are in an odd but effective configuration) and gently (gently?) begins to mimic (clumsily) Prowl's motions of patching his wounds. Here is where Prowl falters, because drones are not so careful. Drones do not do not look up multiple times at his faceplates, and become more delicate when they see you in pain. Drones don't hold out a servo and help you to your pedes when your done. Which begs the question, if he's not a drone, so what has been done to this mech?
Jazz on the other hand is freaking the fuck out. Naturally. Because uh, he started slicing Quints, expecting Frowny to do the same because his mech was still clearly operational, only for the idiot to completely disregarded normal combat standards which can be summarised as 'fight hard or die' and instead get chewed on by some big ass teeth.
Only to see the glowing purple dripping from his torn sides, only to see that he's bleeding.
Machines don't bleed.
So Jazz figures out Frowny is an alien first. He starts pointing at himself and saying his name, insistently, until Frowny repeats it. He points at Frowny, and records and replays whatever sound bite Frowny makes until Frowny's also nodding in confirmation. He still calls him Frowny, because even though he has his name? Probably? He has no idea what it means and can't actually pronounce it (no idea how to get a mouth to move that way) but hey! Progress! He does this again and again with small things (rock, hand, cyber?animals, music (Frowny's confused at that one it's pretty adorable) ect.
Prowl has no idea what to make of this strange mech. Is he a failed experiment? A runaway from Cybertron following the Functionalists rise or power? Thennn Prowl finds out one fateful night that the mech is actually an alien organic (in a fit of misunderstandings, and squeezes him pretty hard for it ouch and feels SO guilty about it later) and suddenly the language/culture barrier makes way more sense.
Prowl's injuries degrade (a line splits). He has no way to communicate this except for the energon dripping out of his chassis. The organic is clearly worried (how did he think he was ever sparkless), and Prowl can't reach the injury himself. So he guides the mech's servos past armour and wiring, down to protoform (near his sparkchamber) to the split line. Gestures and hopes the mech can figure out what to do from his miming[#^%]. That'll he'll be careful, and won't hurt him [5%, 87%, #*%, *########%].
Frowny is later picking shrapnel stuck in his forearm that's too small for him to remove, so Jazz gets out of his mech to help with his small human hands. Jazz has no way to communicate to Frowny that if he moves, he'll sheer Jazz's limbs clean off, but he goes in anyway, because Frowny's hurt, and speckled in blood. Because he's clearly struggling and hurt and tired. Because Jazz has to trust that he won't.
Frowny's injures eventually make him collapse, and Jazz carries him the rest of the way. Jazz has no idea how they'll be received (especially considering how Frowny reacted when he found out Jazz was organic). Jazz knows he might be dissected. Knows he might be pulled apart (again) but.
He remembers all the little moments they had on their journey (Frowny shielding him from falling rubble when Jazz was out of his mech once, them getting to gesticulating arguments, Frowny's reaction to his music, how he fell asleep on Jazz once and it was fricken adorable).
It doesn't matter that Jazz can't say (barely understands) his actual name. That Frowny probably doesn't understand his. It doesn't matter that they talk in halting miming, in broken sound clips and touches and half-glares.
He's already gone out on all his limbs, might as well put his head on the chopping block. And if it causes him to lose the damn thing, well.
He's a pilot. Dying horribly is practically his job description.
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the-stabbiest-dragon · 7 months ago
I will never get over the fact that, in Warframe, a component of your space ship that is, for unspecified reasons, very important, is called an Orgone Accumulator. it's referenced in multiple lines from Cephalon Cy, as early as the quest where you put the railjack together.
the thing is. that's. that's already a thing. and WHY is it in your ship. what's going on.
for those unaware, orgone is a sort of ambient ether-like substance proposed by Austrian doctor and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich as a sort of universally present life-energy that was responsible for, among other things, people being horny. an intangible yet theoretically measurable stuff drifting through the air that fueled vitality and libido. and an orgone accumulator is essentially just a fancy wardrobe that you sit in that's supposed to focus this energetic substance into your body to help prevent or cure diseases such as cancer. maybe Wilhelm Reich just got turned on by being shut in a wardrobe. no judgement here.
anyway, it's possible that Digital Extremes was just pulling random terms from esoteric pseudoscience lists, because a lot of stuff in Warframe references or draws from things like alchemy, but like. this is the game that made The Gemussy. surely they must know about the literal Horny Radiation. why is that part of the finger-powered rail jack - you know what, now that I'm saying these words in this context, it's starting to make more sense.
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cy-cyborg · 29 days ago
Please remember I am trans/nonbinary, my pronouns are xe/they.
I am starting to get genuinely annoyed with people’s shocked or doubtful reactions to hearing I want to have kids in the near-ish future. And I don’t mean strangers. Strangers say weird things to me all the time lol. I mean my family, my doctors, people who have known me for decades.
My mum in particular has made several comments now ranging from just genuine shock at the mention my partner and I are planning for kids during a conversation about plans for the future (I’ve literally talked about wanting kids to her since I was a kid) to outright saying during a casual conversation that “they (referring to doctors) probably wouldn’t let me carry to term”. Over Christmas my partner also told mum that we had some news we wanted to share in person, and her first reaction was “Cy’s not pregnant are they?” My partner said no and she responded with “oh thank god!”
My sister and dad have also made similar comments. Dad has brought up valid concerns (mainly about some genetic stuff that caused complications for my mum) sprinkled with the same ableism my mum always goes to. My sister I’m willing to give a bit more leniency, since she’s the only family member I talk about my transition with and she admitted recently she thought i was already medically transitioning and she thought that made you infertile so she just assumed kids were off the table. Neither of those things are true but her doubts at least aren’t tied to my disability, just bad info.
But it’s the doctors (and other healthcare professionals) that are the most frustrating. It’s not one or two. It’s nearly every doctor. Every nurse. Every medical technician. If the subject comes up, they all have something to say about it.
I don’t want to go into pregnancy blind, I know I would be at higher risk than the average pregnant person and I want to know what those risks are before I agree to them. I want to know what recourses are available. I want to know how me being in a wheelchair will change the process of things like giving birth. I want make sure the local hospital is equip to deal with that and I won’t be having to educate people while I’m in labour or if I’m better off going somewhere else.
But every doctor I’ve tried to discuss the subject with has shut the topic down and hand waved it with “we’ll cross that bridge if we get to it”. Like it’s something I’d obviously want to avoid that I probably don’t need to worry about. Even trying to get my contraceptive replaced, get a fertility test done or even getting a damn pap smear has been a nightmare. why am I fighting to get a Pap smear??? I’m nearly 30 and still haven’t been able to get one because several doctors seem to be under the impression I’m not sexually active, even when I bring my partner into the appointment. If they say it out loud (half the time they dance around the subject) and I correct them, they are genuinely shocked, then tell me we’ll worry about that later. Nurses and other healthcare providers are no better. There’s been several occasions where I haven’t been asked the mandatory “could I be pregnant” question when going for X-rays or CT scans (and I know they were supposed to ask because if I ask to see the paperwork, it’s always there and they’ve just checked “no” without asking), or if I am asked at intake, they say something to the effect of “I know the answer is probably no, but is there any chance you could be pregnant?”
Though I take back what I said earlier, there’s one comment from strangers on this front that pisses me off, and it’s “be thankful you don’t have to deal with being pestered about having kids”.
No, I won’t be thankful when my reproductive health is ignored, my family are telling me constantly they think I shouldn’t have kids or expressing surprise that I’m even “allowed to” and I can’t even get any answers about what it would look like if I DO get pregnant. My heart goes out to the people who are harassed and pressured into having kids, and to the people whose health is ignored for the sake of them being able to have a baby. Both my mother and sister have dealt with that, my mum almost died because they didn’t want to do anything that would prevent her from having more kids she didn’t want after my younger sister was born. But BOTH things are terrible and shouldn’t be happening!
Im not unreasonable, if someone brought up a decent, genuine concern to me that wasn’t just “can someone in a wheelchair even look after a kid” or “I didn’t think someone like you even has sex” I would reconsider. If it was found I would be likely to experience serious complications for myself or the baby, I would reconsider. If I found out I wasn’t going to have the needed supports to raise a kid, I would reconsider. But everyone assumes that’s what I want. If I were infertile, or any of these things were true, I’d reconsider, but I’d be upset about it! I’ve always wanted to be a parent and if that was something that wasn’t actually possible, I would be sad about it.
But my family members talk to me about it in the same way they did when I was 10 and didn’t know where babies came from, doctors are shocked at the idea I’m even sexually active let alone thinking about children. I’m genuinely worried the people in my life other than my partner would treat any fertility issues like a good thing, or be shocked that I’d be upset if kids weren’t actually on the table anymore.
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fallingdownhell · 1 year ago
Could I request Kaeya, Childe, Cyno and Kaveh reacting to their s/o hugging a cute chibi plushie of them their s/o made because they got lonely waiting for them every night?
Characters Included: Kaeya; Childe; Cyno; Kaveh
Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; fluff
Word count: 950 words
Enjoy, guys<3
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his initial response upon seeing the scene in front of him is to tear up from how adorable he finds it
he sees you there, laying on your shared bed, hugging a plushie that he immediately recognizes because of its similarities with himself
he stands there and just watches you for a sec as you sleep, hugging the plush tightly, his heart swelling with love for you
but only a second later, a thought enters his mind that immediately causes guilt to well up inside him
the sudden realization that you felt lonely without him.. he leaves you alone, to the point that you made a plushie, resembling him, so that you could at least feel like he was with you
the guilt washes over him and he feels the sudden urge to just throw himself under the covers with you, get rid of the plush and let you hold onto the real him, not some illusion you created for yourself
so he does just that. You don't wake up to the sudden shifting next to you, and Kaeya carefully turns you around so you lie facing him now, holding onto him in your sleep tightly
he gently plays with your hair, careful not to wake you up, as he whispers apologies and sweet nothings into your ear. He quietly promises himself and you, that from now on, he won't ever make you feel that lonely ever again
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He's away quite long and frequently for his missions as a Harbinger. He knows you must feel lonely without him and he's sorry about it, but there's also nothing he can do about it
so when one day, he comes home from a rather long mission, it's already getting late, he finds you, napping on the couch, your arms tightly draped around some kind of plushie
a small chuckle came out of him when he slowly approached you, but once he got closer to you and he also got a better look on what you were holding onto, he saw it for what it really was
a tiny version of himself. A plush that he was sure you'd have to have made yourself, because no way would anyone ever sell something like that
he was in awe at first, admiring the plush and all the details that you managed to squeeze into it while not making it too much
he went down on his knees in front of you, looking at your cute expression as you were hugging the miniature him, his heart aching with both love and guilt
right then, you started to wake up again, rubbing your tired eyes, it took you a second to realize who was there kneeling in front of you
"AJAX!", you yelled, throwing yourself onto him, hugging him tightly, the plush totally forgotten at this point
he smiles as he hugs you back, spending the rest of the day and the night cuddling you and catching up on lost time
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similar to Childe, Cyno is also away quite often, though not for such long periods of time
still, the frequency in which he has to be away from you seems to increase every time, leaving you to fell left alone by him
you tried bringing it up with Cyno, yet you felt like he did not take you serious at all, with him saying that it was just a part of his job that the both of you had to deal with
and you did. You really tried to deal with it. But sometimes, the lonely and quiet nights were just too much to handle on your own. And since Cyno was not here to comfort you, you had to find some other way
since you were still yearning for his comfort and closeness, you resulted to making a plushie of him. You were by far not an expert in making this stuff, but you managed to make it quite similar to him
so now, every time you felt lonely, you could still hug this image of him close to you, granting you some sense of comfort, at the very least
one night, while waiting for him, you fell asleep on the couch, hugging the plushie of him
when Cyno came home and witnessed this scene, it finally sank in with him
he realized what he must have made you go through and endure, and he feels so guilty about it, too
throughout the entire night, he hugs you and the plush tightly. And on the next day, he goes and takes at least a week of vacation, spending all of his free time with you so he can at least start to making it up to you
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Bold of you to assume he didn't make you a plushie of him himself already
matter of fact, both of you have one for each other, specially for occaisons like this when either of you has to be away from the other for an extended period of time
Kaveh himself made you a plushie of him, with great detail while still managing to not make it feel overloaded
and he also made one for himself, a miniature image of you, that always accompanies him whereever he goes
and whenever both of you are together, the plushies are also together, either on the bed or on some shelf
often times, when he returns from one of his commissions, he does so late at night, and he usually finds you sleeping while holding the plushie of him close, almost looking like you wanted to strangle the thing
it makes his heart explode with love, knowing that you find comfort in this small image of him while he's away and can't physically comfort you himself
he's so proud that he came up with this idea, and even prouder that you obviously can cope with the solution as well
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lanternlightss · 2 years ago
currently thinking about cass putting a knife through a painting of cy while ALSO simultaneously thinking about nbd sitting next to a breaking down statue.
hm. hm !!
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