#cuz he was actually willing to make genuine changes
depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
Au where everyone lives and Kakashi becomes Hokage when Hiruzen retires :)
The elder’s try to get Minato, but Shikaku still nominates Kakashi because he thinks he’d be a good Hokage, and ultimately Kakashi is chosen
Naturally Obito is a little crushed, but he quickly gets over it and decides to become the most obnoxious right hand man ever
He does not actually get to be the ‘right hand’ but is instead put on the new council Kakashi forms after retiring the elders. A voice Kakashi will happily listen to, and just as happily ignore if he thinks Obito is being hard headed
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blue-hail · 1 year
I finally realized what specific brand of resentment izzy has for Ed and Stede …
It’s watching your ex be a better person for someone else.
Izzy has given Ed his everything for decades. He stood by Ed’s side, he supported him, he killed for him, he undoubtedly went through so much pain and suffering for him. And all Ed ever gave him in return was roughness and cruelty, which Izzy didn’t have any problem with, he loved ed and he was willing to take what he can get.
but suddenly there’s Stede.
Stede does essentially nothing to win over Ed, no blood, sweat, or tears, actually Stede does things that could be considered disrespectful, so Izzy waits patiently for Ed’s wrath, the only thing he’s always been able to count on.
… but it doesn’t come. Instead Izzy watches Ed fall in love with Stede. All the soft touches and quick glances, the laughers and kindness that has never reached the light of Izzy and Ed’s relationship.
Izzy has to watch Ed become a better person for stede.
It reminds me a lot of the good place scene where Eleanor watched her mom being a good parent to another kid and she refuses to believe it.
“Izzy why can’t you believe that Edward is a good person. That he’s a kind and loving partner, who genuinely cares about Stede”
“Because I wanted that Ed. I wanted the captain who thanked me after I almost died on a mission for him, instead of being told ‘to stop whining cuz it’s your job’. I wanted the Edward that was willing to make room in his life to for someone to be his equal, to co-captain with someone who deserves it. why does bonnet deserve it??
If Edward has really changed for stede bonnet, that means he was always capable of change. I just wasn’t worth changing for.”
So anyways that’s why Izzy sets off Ed at the end of season 1, he wants to prove to himself that Ed didn’t actually change, because admitting that Ed changed was admitting that he wasn’t worthy of Ed changing after all that time.
Also here is that good place scene for anyone who wants to watch it
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luckycloverforducks · 7 months
Fuck it, HH swap AU
Their core personalities and backgrounds stay the same, it's mostly a role switch
Niffty <--> Husker
Angel Dust <--> Vaggie
Alastor <--> Charlie
(the typical for swap AUs, I know,,)
Everyone else stays the same
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These r edits bc I was just figuring out their designs for the AU, I'll draw them normally another time (Husker isn't here cuz I can't find a good png of the mf)
In this AU Alastor started the hotel mostly because he randomly thought up the idea once and thought, "that's fucking hilarious, I'm doing that" + a secondary sentimental reason he'd kill me for saying (he got genuinely fully invested in the cause eventually)
He advertised it on his radio show suddenly out of the blue after 7 and a half years of radio (lol) silence. Alastor still owns Husker's and Niffty's souls but they're also obviously friends (or atleast close to it)
Also he can read tarot bc why not :3
Charlie is closer to her dad in this AU and more sheltered, adopting a more aloof, smug, and dangerous persona so sinners take her seriously, she also has a very slight condescending outlook towards sinners but she's at her core still compassionate and still views them as her people and want to protect them to a certain extent, and she still thinks the Exterminations are unnecessary and cruel, but she doesn't feel like she can do much about it since according to Lucifer's stories and discouragement, she knows heaven likely wouldn't listen much if at all, but when she heard of Alastor's little project it resparked hope in her and she decided to invest in it, becoming co-owner and funder for the hotel.
Angel Dust/Anthony never made a deal with Valentino and actually stayed in his family's crime/mafia business for the 1st half of him being in Hell, but his dad is a POS and kicked him out for being gay so he started doing s3x work, and then he met Alastor after he brutalized his harassers one day, and Angel wanted to repay the favor somehow. Alastor seems interested in him so they struck a deal (not a soul deal, just a simple deal) which has Angel/Anthony is under Alastors protection in exchange for Angel/Anthony's loyalty and assistance when needed (which is a rare case so Angel still feels like he owes Alastor). They grow friendly with time, and Alastor offers to have him be patient zero for his redemption project, and he accepted.
Vaggie/Vi is still a fallen exterminstor and still met Charlie the same way she did in the show, but after that they went their separate ways and Vi finds herself making a deal with Velvette. Instead of being a pornstar like Angel in the show, she is an influencer and a rockstar/singer, she does enjoy making music and playing the guitar but Velvette tends to overwork her and make her do things she doesn't really like for views/popularity. Velvette is the nicest to Vi/Vaggie compared to with her other employees (which isn't a very highly set bar tbh) but she also frequently break her boundaries.
Vi met Charlie again during one of her concerts and they got close and started dating. (Also one sided Velvette x Vaggie is sort of slightly maybe canon in this AU bc toxic Yuri is fun (and it's only fully one sided after Charlie and Vaggie/Vi started dating))
She helps manage the hotel when needed, but is honestly only there cause Charlie is.
Not much about Niffty changes tbh (she's perfect the way she is, utterly unhinged 😍) she's just a bit more mellowed out and less hyper (she's still hyper just not all the time like in the show) and she's also a bartender and has surprisingly good taste for alcohol, and also frequently makes borderline poisonous drinks while experimenting, but when she gets it right it's really good. Doesn't stop the others of being terrified of her drinks though
Husker is a more smiley and charming in this AU, using a laid back attitude to put people at ease and more willing to open up to him if they need to (he used to use the information people share as blackmail when he needs to back when he was an Overlord, although he never actually needs to spread anything, just threats), and he's still very observant but he's also slightly more unhinged- He's a sort of butler/cleaner for the hotel
He still gets grumpy time to time, but mostly when he's drunk, which isn't as often anymore ever since Niffty was put in charge of the bar (understandably so)
He has a bit of an anger issue and also gets annoyed easily, and sometimes makes unhinged threats as a sort of joke (they stop being much of a joke once you genuinely piss him off)
He likes things clean and tidy because it helps him pretend to be put together
He and Alastor are a bit friendlier compared to in the show, hes still one of the few people that knows more about Alastor, though hes still bummed about the whole being owned by Alastor thing (Husker can also read tarot to a lesser extent bc Al taught him for funzies and Husker thought it's interesting)
His gambling addiction is also ever so slightly worse
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spamsandsuch · 2 months
since i havent posted anything gaster related in, well, idk how long but its been a long time, i decided to prolly to give an update thats been in my au for awhile but i never actually posted abt it for some reason
so instead of two gasters now theres three. Rather than following the alternative gaster route it relates more to the shard theory now. Heres some concept art i drew recently
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rough info under cut
One shard is “Aster” (first; renamed Aster because just calling him wingdings got kinda old and confusing)  and while he has a shard in their soul his body is a physical vessel part of the game (aka hes like a normal lightner that can interact w/ both light and dark world. I refrain from calling it the “real world” cuz the point of utdr is that its a game). He doesnt know this though and has no prior memories after “waking up” for the first time in the game, but they know something is up and thinks the dark worlds has something to do with it (hence why he is holding experiments relating to them). He sucks major ass though cuz he doesnt think of them or darkners as “real” and treats them as such bcuz he doesnt think their actions hold major consequences when interacting w/ darkners/darkworlds 
Second shard (middle) is currently unnamed (tho that may change) and is half physical and half part of the void (but how physical its body is fluctuates). He knows their reality is a game and is pretty content with that. He barely remembers his previous life but doesnt question it — he knows he just is, not what, why, or how. Because of that, he doesnt care what people call him because it doesnt matter much in the grand scheme of things. While knowledgable in many things, he also easily forgets things too as he sometimes has trouble recalling certain things. He also doesnt entirely understand emotions, but it knows he likes seeing or making living things happy so he is often kind to others. He is also well intentioned and genuine, but sometimes doesnt understand what may be good for others to hear. Because of this, he is willing to casually share with others the knowledge that the world is a game to the few people who know its existence, but doesnt recognize that this may be scary information to some. It is also the same gaster that convinced Jevil the world is a game.
Third one and last shard is also nameless (again, this may change) and completely part of the void—meaning, in the light and dark world he doesnt exist, but can still visit them. He cannot interact w/ anything, though, which he finds frustrating esp when observing the other two gasters. He has more memories of his previous life than the second gaster, but its still few as well as scattered—most of the time he cant make sense of them, which is also frustrating. His form is also never constant, but he struggles w/ coping with the inconsistency of his body so he tries to form like the other two gasters whenever he can to maintain his sense of self. He also knows the world is a game (for obvious reasons) but still recognizes that consequences that occur in the game have weight — whether negative or positive. As such, he has a stronger sense of judgement and morality when it comes to others but cannot act upon the majority of things because he barely exists — which is also something hes frustrated with; because he cant interact w/ the world, he concludes he’s incapable of guiding or helping others. The only other being he can actually communicate w/ is the second gaster, he later finds out though; as a result, he often sticks to hanging out with the second gaster for company and also because seeing Aster’s actions make him feel sick. Additionally, he feels a weird sense of kinship with lightners and darkners for some reason — but especially darkners. He sorta almost sees them as his children, but doesnt entirely know why. 
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lookismfanfics · 10 months
Idk if your requests are open but if so honestly I'm dying for any sort of Sinu and/or Vasco content you'd be willing to give
Notes: I might have slipped fem-coded or fem pronouns into this. Sorry! Self conscious themes. Also, it’s just a little drabble :,)
Sinu x Reader
Genre: Fluff
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“I don’t have dimples!” Sinu complains, poking the sides of his cheek roughly. He preens in the mirror for a bit, plucking at the side of his mouth with a frown. His hands brush stray strands of hair out of his eye every couple seconds.
You lounge on the sofa nearby, eyes glued to your phone. His grumbling rings in the back of your ears, and you shake your head.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” You ask. Sinu turns from the mirror, making a show of dramatically slouching towards you and flopping on the sofa. He pouts his lips and nuzzles into your stomach.
“Dimples are really in nowadays. Y’know… with those young kids and stuff-!” His voice is muffled in your shirt and tinted with some unfamiliar accent.
You resist rolling your eyes for the time being. Stroking his freshly-washed hair, you lean to press a kiss on his head. You sigh, “You kinda are a young kid, Sinu. You’re like— eighteen? Nineteen?”
He lets out a strangled groan and looks up at you. His dark eye sparkles. You catch sight of the goofy smile that spreads across his face. “Nah. I’m getting old.”
You roll your eyes and return your gaze to your phone. Sinu buries his face into your stomach once again. You stay that way for a while.
He scrolls on Newtube himself, eyes scouring the screen filled with attractive people. A diverse collection of strangers and videos wind up on his jumbled feed. That doesn’t matter though. He watches the things with the highest views. The videos everyone is fawning over. (He gets distracted by a couple cute dog videos which he sends to you. But anyway-)
Dimples. He sees a lot of them. The comments that flash on his screen ringing words of “he’s so hot” and “she’s gorgeous” only solidify his argument.
He should get dimples. Probably. You’re bound to love him.
Actually, Sinu isn’t self-conscious by default. He’s been told he’s good looking. He thanks the people showering him with compliments and winks. Ever since he lost his eye, though, he senses his handsomeness meter has depleted. He needs some redeeming trait. Something that calls attention away from his eye… just a little. Of course you’ve never even hinted that you find him imperfections unattractive. Sinu’s just… not the best at reading the room sometimes.
“That’s freaking expensive!” Sinu hollers, staring down at his phone in horror. A plastic surgery add flashes on the screen. Dimple surgery. He blinks in awe.
“What’s ‘freaking expensive’?” You ask, crawling onto the couch beside your boyfriend. Sinu hides his phone screen from you. He aggressively wraps his arm around your shoulders as a distraction. You don’t buy it.
“Ah… just stuff,” Sinu sighs. “I didn’t know you were here.”
His attempts to dance around the subject began to tire you out. You cupped his face and stroked your thumb across his cheeks. “C’mon Sinu. What is it?
He turns his phone screen towards you and flashes a sheepish grin. “Dimple surgery…?”
You stare at his screen for a while before signing. You lay down on his chest and wrap your arms under his. He places a hand against the small of your back.
“You know Sinu I don’t think you need it.”
You look up at him genuinely. His reply is only a soft smile. You close your eyes. The thought of Sinu changing at all is… bizarre— and anyways, you thought his smile was attractive enough on its own.
“You’ve never been trendy anyways…” you mumble.
Sinu laughs. “Cuz I’m a trendsetter.”
“Oh god…”
Needless to say… he didn’t really care for getting dimples anymore.
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
Hey so I just read your mini essay on the complexity of Crosshair’s beliefs and experiences with loyalty (rip my heart out, why don’t you), and I’m curious about your insights into Hunter’s personality, because out of all of them, he’s the most difficult for me to get a read on. Like, he cares about Omega and the squad, but do we actually see much of his personality beyond the caregiver?
To me he doesn’t show emotional clarity/steadfastness like Wrecker, or loyalty like Crosshair, or duty like Echo, and ambition like Tech. He generally takes things in quietly and seems to have become more indecisive as the show progresses (which makes sense cuz the batch suddenly went from a 100% success rate on missions to “everything that can go wrong does go wrong”). But I want to know Hunter better!! What are your thoughts and opinions?
Hi! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. I just really wanted to think it through and post something in depth. I’m glad you read the Crosshair post (even if it did rip your heart out, I’m so sorry <3). To be completely honest with you I had no idea what to say about Hunter at first but I’ve given it a few days to think and I actually have a few things that I want to discuss.
Caveat that when I watch The Bad Batch I’m not usually focused on Hunter. Primarily because I just connect with the personalities of the rest of the batch more. There’s no problem with connecting with certain characters more than others, it is just personal preference 😊
Regardless, I have some thoughts, and I am genuinely so excited to talk about this after giving it a few days to think about what my full opinion is.
With the caveat in mind I have some opinions on Hunter that fuel my own viewpoint on his character and how I tend to write him in my own fanfics. To me Hunter has always been very… closed. Even in the Clone Wars he tends to stand back, be silent, only really speaking to give orders, question plans, or occasionally make fun of the rest of the 99. Despite the batch’s tendency to disregard orders and regulation (for better or for worse) Hunter has always thrived under direct understanding of where he stands. That’s why he works well with people like Cody and Rex. They give him clear… not exactly direction but something similar. He understands the rules. He knows how to break them. When the rules change with Order 66 he is thrust into something uncomfortable and instead of taking the problem and tackling it he just doesn’t do that. I am certainly not the first to point out that Hunter is avoidant. He always was.
He lets the batch get into fights and he doesn’t step in until he absolutely needs to. He doesn’t jump to defend immediately - typically, although there are exceptions.
(The way he defends Crosshair from Howzer in S3 E6 comes to mind. I’m still tossing that moment around as a repair attempt tbh. They’ve fought and hashed out some of the messy bits and now they are quietly proving to each other that they’re willing to patch things up.)
He lets his squad sort things out on their own and when it gets out of hand he’ll step in. Hell, I think the best example of this is actually when Rex punches Crosshair. Hunter never actually steps into that fight and I think it is partially because of this avoidant tendency. (The rest maybe because he knew Crosshair bit off more than he could chew and he was willing to let a swift right hook teach that lesson.) We actually see Wrecker step up to defend the squad more than Hunter does. This makes sense to me - Wrecker is big and intimidating and Crosshair and Tech tend to be mouthy. Hunter might be the sergeant of this squad but he certainly isn’t the sole protector nor should he be. (Hunter is still protective - the clones we meet tend to be - just not in the exact ways the rest of them are.)
This avoidance is why we see him ignore the Crosshair situation and latch onto giving Omega a normal life. I am not going to pretend that I like the way he ignores this situation but he reacted exactly how I expected him to. He was thrust into the unknown and without the proper rules he ended up throwing all of his attention onto one thing he felt like he could control. I’ve known plenty of people who do that. Hell, I’ve done that. That doesn’t mean it is the healthiest way to deal with pain or loss or grief. It’s a coping mechanism.
Once he’s sure it’s the chip controlling Crosshair he really latches onto this idea that if they just take the chip out then everything will be fine and dandy. In the same way that Crosshair latches onto this idea that if the batch just joins the empire that they can be whole again.
They’re both wrong.
You can tell he’s really internalized this idea of taking out the chip and everything fixing itself and when that dream is shattered he continues to disappear inside of himself. When things aren’t as simple as taking the chip out to bring Crosshair home he’s angry that suddenly this is more than just a simple fix and he doesn’t know where he stands anymore. There’s anger and hurt directed at him and the rest of the batch and he gets defensive because he thinks there shouldn’t be. He gets increasingly angry and much more confrontational than we’ve seen him be with Crosshair so far. Another worldview shattered, another chip in his already fragile armor, another reason to be fucking pissed. His anger at Crosshair finally pushed him into action, away from avoidance. Is it healthy? Still no. But none of them are really experts at coping. At least he’s letting it out. At least it is in the open. At least we are seeing his emotions bubble over onto the surface. That is what makes me personally interested. Those messy, painful, unhelpful emotions wreacking havoc and making things worse.
We see Hunter buckle down and let his anger fester. I think he continues to do that all the way through season 2 and his conflict with Echo isn’t helping. I have an entire post somewhere in my drafts about Echo and Hunter’s joint leadership but I’ll boil it down to a few points to focus them on Hunter.
Hunter needs a second in command especially now. He isn’t at his best as a leader and maybe that’s not really what the batch needs right now. The GAR is gone. Their lives are upside down. He needs support but he won’t ask for it - stubborn as hell he is. That’s why Echo really helps. I rewatched the seasons specifically to focus on Echo and I think we can see signs of his and Hunter’s joint leadership from the very beginning even before Hunter needs him for support. In a world of uncertainty you need someone to hold on to, someone to help make decisions. His conflict with Echo in season two is just making him more unsteady. The prospect of losing someone else and losing his voice of reason is wearing on him and it only gets worse as time goes on. Sure, he knows they can get by without Echo around but I don’t think he wants that. He was leaning on Echo and once they started disagreeing he realized that maybe he was going to either have to open himself up to relying on everyone else or close up again.
I’d wager that he chose the latter for the most part.
Hunter doesn’t like relying on others. He has this big idea in his head that he’s meant to be the one who has it down but… come on. None of us can do that. I’ve seen a lot of people compare Hunter to an oldest sibling and as the youngest of four I’m not sure I really have much insight into that particular notion but as the sibling who took on the greatest responsibilities in my home I feel this tug of responsibility to the detriment of yourself and others and I see you, Hunter. I see you and you need to stop.
Maybe that’s why I get so frustrated with Hunter in particular. I want him to grow out of this. I want him to change and develop and be angry and show his care more often. That’s part of why I loved S3 E5 so much. Hunter got fucking pissed. He was angry and he let it out and he shoved Crosshair and he showed just how badly he was hurt by everything. Fuck I love that. This is what I wanted to see. Finally he’s forgetting to keep it together and in front of Crosshair he is finally willing to lose his temper. Something really tells me that they used to lose their temper at each other because it was safe to. They clearly don’t know how to talk about their emotions and sort it out like many of us know or learn to - that will hopefully come with time and maturity - but they sure did know how to yell and use their strength against each other. So they fight. And they hurt each other. Then they make up and move forward because what else are they meant to do? They’re going to forgive each other. It’s how it always is - a given.
Hunter’s relationship to loyalty is not anywhere near the same as Crosshair’s but all of the batch end up having some relationship with it one way or another. There’s an excellent post floating around tumblr somewhere and I couldn’t find it to save my life (if you know what I’m talking about and can find the post feel free to link it somewhere) but it says something about how eventually the batch is going to embody the idea that they ‘don’t leave their own behind’ because they simply haven’t remained true to that sentiment yet - through lack of choice or active avoidance. They’ve repeated it a few times and yet the sentiment feels flat as they keep having to leave members of their squad behind or let them walk away themselves. Eventually they’re going to have to prove this sentiment and only then do I really think the show’s true theme can be accomplished.
I want to touch briefly on Hunter’s relationship to touch because I think it comes into play here (and it is admittedly one of my favorite things about him.) He uses touch a lot more than I think we give him credit for. Yes he’s closed off emotionally and he’s not great at talking but he does use touch a lot. He uses it with Echo for reassurance and as a factor to convince him of things often. A plan Echo doesn’t like? Shoulder touch. Echo is still new and Hunter is telling him he’ll get used to things? Shoulder touch. Saying goodbye, serious chat, acknowledging his worries? Touch touch touch. This man doesn’t always know how to use his words but he’s good at putting what he means into a physical reminder. What does the touch say? Loads of things. That he’s there, that what he is saying is not meant to hurt, that he’s pissed, that he’s listening. He does it with Wrecker and Omega and - thinking of their fight - Crosshair but I can’t actually think of an instance where he uses touch with Tech. I could have just missed it so let me know if there are scenes where he does this. He’s relied on physical reminders for so long that maybe words just… aren’t what he uses to communicate. You can feel the way his mood shifts when him and Echo are disagreeing by the way he moves him physically. It’s really those moments that I feel Hunter shines most because those moments are where he feels most open as a character - at least from my perspective.
I use his relationship to touch when I write him and, specifically, when that touch is rejected, what does that feel like for him? When I write him I look at it from a perspective of how he interacts with the world and what he thinks he can give to it. When his most comfortable form of communication - that shoulder touch we all tease about - is rejected and he can’t rely on that anymore what does that look like? Could just be the fact that I lean very heavily towards touch as a form of communication and repair but I focus on it a lot and it deserves a mention while talking about Hunter.
In truth, Hunter is hard for me. I see the avoidance, I see the anger, I see his pain, and yet I still have this feeling that I don’t really see him. What does Hunter really want? Because we’ve only ever seen him talk about what he wants to do for other people. But what motivates Hunter? We can say that it’s keeping his people safe or that it’s settling down or even just boil it down to Omega but what is actually under the surface there? For everyone else I can pretty much pinpoint what it is that motivates them but Hunter is a blank area for me. He says what motivates him but I am much more inclined to believe there is something else really eating at him underneath it all. I also want to suggest that maybe he hides behind doing things for other people to avoid feeling selfish. If he’s doing all of this to protect his squad then he’s not doing all of this because he wants to and it’s not a selfish decision. While I don’t think finding somewhere safe to settle down is selfish I get the feeling that maybe Hunter thinks it is for him specifically. Like he is not allowed to but maybe if it’s about everyone else then it’s fine. It’s always ‘Omega deserves better’ and ‘you betrayed us.’ Never ‘this is what I want and this is how I feel.’
Crosshair’s value system is very strict and at times harsh and unmoving. Echo has a sense of duty and protection that is strong enough to push him into action. Wrecker is motivated by the thrill of things but also by supporting his loved ones. Tech is curious and intelligent, seeking out new experiences and an interest in preservation. But what is Hunter’s motivation aside from ‘settle down’? That’s a goal, sure, but I’m not sure it’s really the right word to place on what he really wants deep down outside of what he wants for other people. I’m not sure I really know the answer to that question.
To make a long post even longer I’d like to see what Hunter wants when it is not connected to his service to other people. What is it that fuels him? Is it the serene calmness of safety that he craves? Being free from worry? Is it the freedom to make choices that he never would have gotten in the GAR? I’m almost inclined to say it’s a bit of everything but I still don’t really know and I would love to actually hear what people think the baseline motivator is for him personally.
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lazykim12 · 1 year
SlugTerra Au Explanation! (Kinda told in a story way-)
Alright- so Here’s the explaining about The Au, kinda going more into it, And what changes and stuff, but only for the present stuff, basically this Au is a slightly more peaceful slugterra, the 99 caverns since…yknow- no ghouls? Expect for the ones in the eastern cavern cuz yknow- Emperor taking over and stuff…(I’m still developing this Au a bit! So still figuring things out I guess-)
@ariaterramoon I’m glad your loving the Au! I’m actually very happy! I know I already said it but thank you!! Love your artwork!
So, now here’s The Info part! ( this is gonna be a little long-)
. . .
So, While being trained by unbeatable master, after a duel, taking a break, Thaddius is slightly injured, on his hand and Will happens to notice, a small little argument that was started by Thaddius pursues, with Thaddius claiming he was fine and didn’t need a Shane’s help, though after a display of genuine worry and concern by Will, it makes Thaddius suprised, as he’s used to no one caring about him and looking after himself.
He finally allows Will to help him, even if he’s slightly annoyed.
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After this, a small conversation starts with them, and Will offers if he wants to be friends, Thaddius is hesitant, and confused, as he’s never had a friend before, but then decides to accept.
Their friendship-
After some time in training, Will discovers that Thaddius is mostly alone, having no place to stay, since he usually just figures something out, Will suggests that he could stay with him back at the Shane hideout, wanting to offer him shelter, but also thinking it would be good to have company, Thaddius thinks it’s pointless, since he can manage by himself and dosen’t need it, but will insists, and after enough nagging, Thaddius finally accepts. He seems like he doesn’t care, but once he sees Will smile and immediately lead him by grabbing his hand, He sneaks a smile, but hides it before Will noticed.
(He dosen’t like showing smiles, he feels weird about it-)
Meeting jimmo shane-
Of course it does not go well, once at the hideout, and some time passing with Will introducing a Video game to thadidus, and what it is, jimmo walks in, Will takes this moment to introduce the two, Unaware of how they previously met, jimmo and Thaddius do not get along, especially thaddius, still having that anger for being locked away for 6 months, while jimmo just thinks he’s still a criminal- bad guy yknow? Thaddius TRIES To get along with jimmo, just for Will’s sake so despite the tense tension, after a while of staying with him, Thaddius feels like he has a home kinda, for once he doesn’t feel alone, because he has someone, someone who cares about him.
So bassicly Thaddius learns to have fun, he grows accustomed to this, and actually learns to smile naturally, he’s still bit of a grumpy tough dude, but he’s more caring- And kinda gets worried when Will gets injured or anything, since wills like the only person he’s got-
When will is picked, instead of it going like how cannon went, Thaddius feels worried of not seeing Will in a while, but with some reassurance from Will, he calms down, and feels a bit proud of him, they say goodbye as Will walks up the stairs, while Thaddius heads off, but not to slag rock cavern, not to viggo dare, to what he calls home, The home where he will wait for Will.
When will finishes his training, they reunite again. And they share a good hug, they were not enemies or rivals anymore, Thaddius was fine with that, and Will was happy with that, they share a friendly duel, just for old times sake.
(WOO OK- that’s out the way- so here’s some things about the Au!)
Will dosen’t call Dr.Blakk that, he just calls him Thaddius- as dr.Blakk dosen’t like it when he uses the new title of name, since he sees Will a good friend-
Tad does not exist in this Au-yeah so Thaddius was just focused on his projects and work that he didn’t have time to yknow, fall in love, get children, he didn’t really have interest in that-
Twist is not evil in this Au! When the incident happens where his dad dies, Will Is unsure of what to do, and he lets dr.Blakk take care of him, after a bit, dr.Blakk gives him off to a lovely couple who are happy to take care of twist, so twist bassicly found a family to take care of him- (so in the future he dosen’t hate the Shane’s- still kinda nervous due to yknow the incident that happened with his father-)
Of course Dr.Blakk dosen’t ghoul slugs in this Au- he just tries to make them stronger in other way’s, yknow increase their strengths, while working on other things- (so using his power for good-) (he still kinda dosen’t really care about slugs, but he’s less heartless this time thanks to Will)
Dr.Blakk found burpy, and gave him to will- (Dr.Blakk and burpy still got a bit of beef with eachother…yeah-)
Dr.Blakk sort of knew Eli when he was little, Will told him about the secret of the Surface and as promised, dr.Blakk kept secret of it- so eli treats Dr.Blakk like family while Dr.Blakk deals with him like an annoyed tired dad-
Dr.Blakk was the one who trained Eli once he arrived in slugterra, so yeah he got good training- and is more prepared than he was in the show- (still a clumsy doofus-)
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ve1vet-cake · 1 year
AU idea
Imagine, the cast but as incubi, succubi and angels.
Mainly Teo and Rendacted as incubi that operate differently
While Rendacted stalks you and becomes like his canon self a total yandere over you, the one being that made him fall in love, adjusting himself (mind and body) to whatever you desire; Teo just goes on and seduces you, becoming equally obsessive, not knowing that he actually fell for someone.
A battle would commence in which both would court you in different ways.
Changes persona and appearance based on your type and deepest fantasies
Genuinely cares for you
His main "job" of being an incubus isn't as important anymore
Just wants you to be his
Will mark you all over to ensure ppl know you're being claimed
If successful in seducing you expect more romantic sex, rather than the rougher pace incubi typically have
Will absolutely melt under your touch
"yer.. s'good for me angel.."
Will absolutely treat you like a prince/ss in bed
Willing to learn about more human stuff to adjust to living with you
Just genuinely takes care of you
Still has that lost puppy energy as Ren, becomes an annoyed cat when Rendacted
Still murderous
More openly aggressive than his canon self
Can manipulate you easier and will appear in your dreams constantly
Wants to be your addiction
Will go full incubus mode and become your fantasy instead of molding himself into yours
Disguise is pretty much like his canon self just more sugar daddy-ish (and more mature)
Dates already start with a makeout session
No he does not care that there are ppl watching
Will go full on rough and possessive on you in bed
Watch the bed break in half ngl
Won't ever admit he fell for someone so good luck having to listen to him be obviously jealous but not admitting it EVER
Sex is the solution to everything
You mad? Angry sex
You sad? Sad sex
You're tired from too much sex? ... well then he might make an exception and actually just hold you
Is way more clingy than canon Teo cuz he craves your body heat on him
Will mark you as well and show every little hickey or bite off
Buys you skimpy (but classy) clothes to show said marks off
"C'mon.. Y'don't need anyone besides me.."
Will show up more in person, he just monitors your dreams to make sure he left an... impression in you
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fucking love the new chapter, so much good yummy dialogue and well done exposition.
also the zenin being fine with what they thought was happening to megumi??!!! like obviously we know gojo would never even think about it but the fact that they were willing to just let it happen so that they didn’t have to deal with what toji did??!!! do megumi or tsumiki know?? do nanami or shoko know?
my honest guess is that the reason why they would be so okay with that they thought was happening is because they genuinely don’t think it’s a big deal cuz shit like that happens in the compound itself. or they’re just disgusting rats who should have their children taken away from them.
*****TW for discussions of rape, non-con, and CSA*****
Nanami and Shoko know.
Tsumiki and Megumi don’t. They were both really little when this was all going down, and no one wanted to be like “hey GUESS what the people who are actively trying to get full custody of your brother thought Gojo was doing to him all this time and were super fine with it.” After, they tried to bury the hatch and play nice to make the custody agreement work as best they could, and after the custody agreement went to shit, Megumi was already so hurt by the Zenin that no one saw any point about making him feel worse about them. It wouldn’t have surprised him to learn that’s what they thought, though, nor would it surprise him to learn that they didn’t care. He fundamentally views himself as disposable to the Zenin, and this fits that worldview.
Nanami and Shoko know because they were part of the negotiations when this went down. They were operating as a team.
In my mind, when Tsumiki and Megumi were first adopted, before the Zenin realized Megumi had the Ten Shadows, they really were the closest they had been since Riko died. They all came together for the kids. They were starting to be happy again. They weren’t fighting so much and they had actual hope for the future.
Then the Zenin found out Megumi had the Ten Shadows, and things went to shit.
To me, the catalyst for everything going south was actually when they took off with Megumi and Tsumiki. The Zenin weren’t budging on anything less than full custody with no contact from Gojo. They were willing to go to war about it, even if they were guaranteed to lose. Their pride was freshly wounded, and the fact that this was the third time (to them) that the Gojo had taken the Ten Shadows from them was too much to bear. The higher ups were just content to let clan infighting play out, especially since I think it’s canon that they’re mostly Kamo. They were going to let the entire drama play out and see if they could leverage the Zenin and Gojo attacking each other into more power for themselves, and then Gojo fucking took off with the Ten Shadows and Shoko. Like, Nanami was there too, but he was really the one who had the unique skillset to offer. They didn’t care about losing him the way that they cared about losing the others. His skill set wasn’t irreplaceable the same way the others were.
At the end of the day, power is capital in this world, and Gojo’s got more power than anyone. Megumi, supposedly, will be in the same boat as him one day. Shoko is the only healer they have.
The higher ups wanted Gojo to burn bridges with his custody battle. They wanted him to use up his goodwill and influence and leave him vulnerable to them swooping in when he had weakened his own position to take advantage. What they did not want was for him to up and leave with other irreplaceable members of their society.
Gojo and the others leaving made them take very constructive efforts to isolate each of them and break them. Gojo was overworked, frustrated, and never given a break or anyone to share his load. Shoko was supplied with harder drugs and pushed to take them. Nanami was left alone on campus more often than not, constantly reminded of his own losses and ineptitudes, always made to feel helpless to change what was going on around him. It tore them apart, eventually, and the higher ups spent months to accomplish exactly that. It took a long time to rebuild.
But when negotiations with the Zenin were happening, they hadn’t been shattered yet. They were a team. And they handled that moment as a team.
Honestly, when they found out that’s what they thought gojo had taken custody for, it really was a big “what are we even doing this for moment.” They almost pulled the plug then and there. And when they’re torturing themselves over how they hadn’t didn’t, this is one of the big moments they come back to. Like, Naobito offered to Gojo’s face to just find someone who looked like Megumi to replace him like they were exchanging a fucking T-shirt at the mall.
Gojo already was completely enchanted with Megumi and Tsumiki at this point. They all were. Those were their little village babies and they loved them so, so much. It was an absolute slap in the face to insinuate Gojo only was taking care of them because he was a pedophile going after megumi, and it sort of tormented them to think that he could have been and the zenin would have been fine with it.
See, I think the narrative totally has the space to interpret that as it being an issue on the zenin compound. Inbreeding is already a thing there, and there’s one panel in the manga that arguably implies that Naoya assaulted Mai. However, I personally included the detail because 1) I thought it was the sort of propaganda that the Zenin would spread about Gojo, and 2) it really emphasised that they Zenin genuinely do not love Megumi outside of his technique.
Like. Gojo’s the favoured son of their biggest rival. He just waltzed in and took one of their kids, in a society where kids are considered property. They wanted to slander him as much as possible, and “you know why he really wants him” is low hanging fruit. It sort of blew up in their faces when Megumi went from their least to most important member on the turn of a dime, and all of their members started freaking out, but the clan elders pivoted that hard into “he obviously took him because he was stealing our ten shadows again” and that became the narrative.
The second reason is that it leaves no doubt that they don’t actually love Megumi.
There’s no actual familial bond that makes them want him. If that existed even a little bit, they would have tried to help him before they found out his technique when they thought he desperately needed it. They didn’t. They laughed about it. He was their blood and they thought he was vulnerable and hurt, and they did not care. This is not about love or family bonds. They only want him because of his technique.
I do think that the zenin do still genuinely believe that Gojo will or has sexually abused Megumi, but I don’t think they think of it in terms of sexual abuse. This is because they think Gojo will do to him what they’d probably one day do to Megumi if they had him.
Techniques are passed through blood. Power is passed through blood. That means megumi is someone who they likely want to have kids, who would then be raised to be clan leaders. There’s value in making sure he has kids, and I just don’t see them taking “actually no, I hate you and don’t want to have kids with my literal cousins” as an answer. And I don’t think the Zenin would think of it as sexual abuse or rape if they took matters into their own hands. It’s about procreation. The mechanics are a means to an end.
I think the Zenin expect the Gojo to have Megumi procreate with members of their clan in hopes of one day stealing the ten shadows from their bloodline. I also think they have active plans to kill any kids Megumi had with Gojo’s bloodline, if they weren’t able to steal them back.
At the same time, I think that if Megumi did ever get taken back by the zenin clan, they’d eventually do something themselves to ensure his bloodline continues. Like, I want to be enormously clear that that did not happen in the recent five day span that they had Megumi. But I do think they’d cross that line eventually. Because even apart from procreation, it’d be a reason to force Megumi to stay.
Like. Most of the clan is deluded about him. Not all of them are. They want him to stay and lead the clan, mind, but they don’t think he’s going to suddenly wake up and love them when they spend most of their time beating him. They have the kid who’s supposed to one day be one of the most powerful beings in the world, and they kicked the shit out of him. He openly hates them. They need something to keep Megumi in line when he’s too powerful for them to keep down, and kids would do that.
He can’t leave the clan. He’d be leaving the kids behind. Even if he took them with him, what if they don’t want to go? What if they don’t want to leave their mother? What if they don’t want to leave the only life they’d ever known? How could he even provide for one or more children without the Zenin when he’s presumably been locked up on the compound for years and has no resources apart from them?
The only way they have ever gotten him to cooperate is by holding Tsumiki over his head. They know they can put him on a leash if they get people he loves, but they don’t want him to have Tsumiki. And if they don’t have a more acceptable alternative, they can make one.
Him having kids in the clan may keep him from running. It may keep him from turning around and killing all of them. It would boost clan morale, because the ten shadows blood was continuing through the Zenin. I don’t see this as the line they aren’t willing to cross. And I don’t see them losing sleep over it either.
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liliallowed · 10 months
Uhhhhh now I wanna talk to them and run awayyyyyyy it is so hard to deal with Crimson cause one minute they are the worst and then another you feel bad for them ugh how does dust deal with them
Sorry for changing my answer so much lol
dust doesn't.
he just kills them. Painfully.
though... there are rare timelines where the two would laugh at the irony or just...
collapse in a puddle of blood and dust out of exhaustion. in those times where neither can fight there's a brief solidarity.
a faint sense of understanding.
he doesn't give crimson much room.
and crimson has given up all hope on apologizing for the things they did. WHO WOULD APOLOGIZE? what they did it literally unforgivable so why even bother?
they don't want dust to forgive them either. again. they're secretly hoping he'd defeat them but then when they feel lonely they'd come back alive again.
they want to break it, only to end up repairing to break it.
but because it's just all beyond repair they mask their pain by acting like jerk.
if you see crimson threatening you or lashing out without reason they're in pain and are trying to HIDE their sadness by masking it with anger.
they don't mean the things they say during the panic. but if it's to cover up their soft spot? they're willing to stab anyone in the back for that facade. make them think they're evil cuz that's what THEY'RE trying to convince themselves as.
trying to drown what little sense of guilt is SCREAMING at them chocking it to death by self sabotage.
they're evil. it's a self fulfilling prophecy so who cares?
it's why if I was reader I'd try not to fight back and CALM them down.
sometimes people become irrational and when they regain composure they'll only regret it.
crimson has no reason to have self retraint because they were SO used to undoing their mistakes.
their brain is wired differently because of how little consequence they faced.
so it's difficult for them to think ahead or control their temper.
kinda like a spoiled brat who never had to wait for anything. always had power. and it spoiled them. they can change they CAN learn. but it's going to take time and patience. it's going to need trust and empathy.
and just affirmation isn't enough. it'd take actual years for player to psychologically adapt to a linear time scape.
their mind is still semi stuck in a bubble of unreality and "no one will remember me"
if you offer a helping hand though, without actual bias they WILL feel moved.
might not act on it at first but you WILL genuinely make them feel things underneath that sharp sadistic grin.
they just want to be remembered in the end. they just convinced themselves it's better if they go down as the bad guy.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
Please do!
ok in some parts of this it kinda suggest suicide and has a lot of mentions of manipulation so if u don't like reading things like that yaaa dont read it😭😭 also this is a very rushed explanation about luanso dont mind the english errors
luan absolutely hates crowley's guts, and the reason is because crowley broke his trust and played him like a fool
when luan woke up in twisted wonderland he was panicked because he has a hard time getting used to big changes and he is away from his twin sister which is a terrible combination, but crowley actually tried to calm him down so they could try to understand the situation.
when crowley left him at ramshackle he was worried but he pushed his concerns away because maybe re other dorms were full, he'd trust crowley and ignore the things crowley would do because he genuinely thought crowley was a good person and was messing up just because he had a lot on his plate, and that made him get on a sort of contract with crowley in which he'd take a bit of crowley's duties in exchange of a bit of extra money so he could yk EAT and TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF. that worked for about like a week before crowley started to take advantage of luan, making the work he had to do way more than he was paid for, and would excuse it as him always having to re-check he did for crowley because luan would always leave some mistakes, which he apologized for and went for the staff to ask for help because he genuinely thought crowley had a point, the staff had warned luan that this agreement didn't really work out for him and crowley was the one getting the most out of it but luan still had hopes in crowley (he's stupid)
slowly hed begin to see that crowley was genuinely a bad person, more specifically when crowley starts to give him even more work and pay barely nothing for the amount he gave luan and not do anything to find a way for he to return home. his breaking point was when crowley started to threaten to stop paying luan and let him and grim starve or even kick them both out of night raven college, crowley knew he could always use it to manipulate luan because luan is aware that he doesn't exist outside of night raven college, he doesn't have any documents so he wouldn't be able to get a job or get help, he'd die. luan had thought sometimes of simply leaving, giving up, he was always so stressed and overworked, he started to question if it was really worth it, that day he snapped at crowley and said hed never do anything to him again and that he was willing to be kicked out if it meant he wouldn't have to deal with crowley's bullshit ever again, and crowley gave him a day to rethink his decision.
at first he was 100% sure of it, his mental health had deteriorated and he was exhausted, living like this wasn't worth it. but when he discovered he was all grim ever had he knew he couldn't simply leave, he knew grim wouldn't be able to take it. he went to crowley's office and apologized to him, which was absolutely humiliating and continued working for crowley, this time he'd have to do even more as he had "publicly humiliated crowley and made him seem like a bad person" (cuz he snapped at crowley in front of the students)
luan no longer holds any respect towards crowley and has been seen multiple times insulting him in the worst ways possible, but never to his face, that's because deep down luan recognizes that in NRC he has no power, that his position was insignificant as were his needs and opinions.
the only people that truly know how badly luan and grim are treated by crowley is epel and floyd, who are extremely close to luan and his most trusted friends, both of them wanted to do something about it but were asked to just pretend that they didn't know about the situation happening by luan himself.
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So true!!!, it's true that they only say those things because they hate the character but what bothers me the most about those types of people is that when you tell them that they are wrong they tell you "it's manga canon" and I'm like what? Nowhere in the manga do they tell us that he's a fascist, rather the opposite...
They say ‘manga canon’ but then can’t pull up any actual proof which is why they just resort to ‘it’s manga canon’
It’s not
It’s Canon that Konoha is built off of a very broken system (war) and thus even though it’s Hashirama’s dream for a better system it ends up simply becoming a militeristic state
Which is part of a fascist state, but not an entire fascist state
Things that are manga canon
1) Kakashi becomes a shinobi who refuses to kill unless his opponent refuses to give up/stand down (Land if Waves arc)
2) kakashi will stand up to/turn his back to the village if his precious people are in danger or in need of help (walking away from tsunade to go after sasuke and naruto, Taking Naruto out of the village during the five kage summit, telling sai to keep secrets from Danzo, the named Hokage at that moment)
3) Kakashi showed interest in finding out more about the massacre (and then was never shown doing anything cuz kishi threw everyone into a war and then just had Naruto pinky promise itachi he’d keep the secret) showing that he was willing to see that his higher ups had done something very VERY wrong but never actually giving us follow through on that because it would involve actually tackling the issue
And if we go outside the manga (since the manga does skip a lot) we get MORE
1) kakashi going against hiruzen’s order’s and into direct conflict with a village elder to save Tenzo
2) Kakashi being the Hokage to make a no kill rule (book)
3) Kakashi being willing to be hated for ‘going against the old ways’ because he knows the system needs to change (Book)
And like was it enough? No. But it’s proof Kakashi was not a fascist leader
A facist leader would not want people to question them, where Kakashi is open to being questioned and challenged
A facist leader would suppress rebellions and challenges (like hiruzen with the Uchiha) which we never see Kakashi do and have no reason to believe he’d do given that even when he does try to change someone mind he does so through speaking to them not trying to physically beat them down into submission.
A fascist leader would focus all of their attention on keeping a militeristic state, but Kakashi changes the focus to a more economical state where the villages rely on each other for trade rather than war
Kakashi is very much raised in what can be called a Fascist state in many ways (five years old soldiers anyone???) but even by the time Tsunade takes over that starts to change. Tsunade never had time to change everything, but when Kakashi took over as Hokage genuinely changes were being made toward something better
Something perfect? No. The writers still wanted to make Boruto so everything couldn’t change as much as we wanted
But something better for sure
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Koisenu Futari Ep 1 ( SPOILERS)
Yes, I watched the first episode!!
Wow! It's so good, and silly, I want to continue it. Granted I don't have a lot of exposure to LGBT media like this so I get easily excited, but still.
The humor is pretty good and floats with the lighthearted setting. Honestly being used to Indian TV shows, the subtleties of this Japanese one is surprising at times. No dramatic music ? No music AT ALL in one scene? Woah Bob!!!! Still, I feel the TV show element of it but the way it's understated also goes well with the tone. Must say this is the first Japanese live action TV show I'm watching of this nature, so I'm not entirely familiar to make internal genre comparisons, this is more of first impressions. In general, while it picks up heavy topics, it managed to balance with the light tone and order-of-events-happening. I didn't feel awkward about it even once so far.
Speaking of, WOW, I feel like you can tell whoever wrote this is very sympathetic and sensitive to the community they're trying to show. It just feels natural. And so many things they touched-- the feeling of your peers moving on ahead while you're in crisis about your own life, not feeling like a complete person, the talk about marriage, not wanting to be assumed to be living a life alone, etc....Admittedly I'm not very familiar with the aromantic community either, but from the time I'm in the asexual one( which these characters are as well), I recognize these deep-rooted concerns. I like how they actually show it seriously, Sakuko is feeling there is something fundamentally wrong with her.
And of course...the joy when she finds another person like her!!! 🥲( single tear emoji)
Let me backtrack a bit before we get there. There's a subplot with Sakuko( one of our MCs, a cheery woman who works on the upper rungs of a departmental store) and her high school friend Chizuru. I like how the characterization worked there, with Chizuru. She wasn't an asshole or anything, infact their friendship is so good she is willing to move in with Sakuko in a new apartment. But another life event occurs which unfortunately results in her leaving Sakuko behind with hurt feelings on both sides. I think it's a good example of a situation where life just...happens and things getting messy in a way you didn't think. Also people with good intentions giving them out in the wrong way. It gives a realistic feeling.
I don't want this to be Super Long, actually I start out with a lot of detail usually and then I cut down, that's how I write in my diary and I don't have like a lot of thoughts yet anyway. Just the first episode, everyone.
So I'll cut back to the other guy who is like her. He's an older man, Takahashi, which I'm getting is his last name actually ( but I'll address him as such until Sakuko changes her terms of address cuz I got used to that RN) and he arranges the vegetables in their store. He seems to have an affinity for cabbages and works with them, he's very blunt but quick to apologize as well. I like how both of them seem socially awkward in some way to me X) (X face with smile emote )
He also runs a blog which seems duel general-lifestyle talk and also thoughts about being aroace. Through this, the MCs have a definite meeting outside previous encounters.
Love the distilled kindness in the last scene here. And the setting! A very personable house his looked like, full of trinkets, a bit cramped. The way he said that whatever someone's sexuality is, not wanting to be alone isn't anything selfish. Her asking him if he can be her family without love! She's just so sjjsjsksksk. Genuine. It was sweeter than honey I might say. The teasers for the next episode were cheesy as hell and I'm looking forward to it haaha
Additional thoughts: Sakuko's sense of dress is very cozy. All cardigans and big pants and such.
For some reason the whole episode felt a touch off with the pacing, but maybe that's just me. Episode's gotta end on something to keep you waiting afterall.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Started blossom because of you and now I am pleading. BEGGING for some headcanons about henry, fluffy smutty both idc anything 😩
Ooooh bitch! You came to the right fucking place Anon! I love Henry and adore writing him! I actually talked with Kate Winborne or @xmichaelmyers herself and she gave me some brand new headcannons that were adopted IMMEDIATELY! SO allow me to share!
Let’s kick it off with some of my SFW, Fluffier headcannons.
-This man is fucking clingy. He is very fucking clingy. You want him hanging off of you in bed if he gives the slightest fuck about you? Cuz he will! 
-Needy, needy, needy. You want a whiney phone call when he is drunk and talking about things he likes and/or misses about you? You get that too.
-He will remember some small and innocuous thing about you and it is so sweet it genuinely shocks you, the kinda thing like remembering how you like your coffee or your fave kinda dessert from some place, you don’t think he’d remember something like that but again, if he cares about you, he would.
-Sense memory in this man is off the fucking charts, if he smells a scent he reminds or associates with you, he will get just a touch weak in the knees.
-SFW but also kinda creepy, but hey that is Henry all over, man is totally the type to steal some stuff from you as a little memento, I am thinking maybe a chapstick he knows you love. Picture Henry applying said chapstick, eyes closed, thinking about you and thank me laterrrr.
Okay, enough of the slightly sweet, let’s get into the dirty, this is ME after all!
-He would steal more than just chapstick though. Makeup, underwear, STOCKINGS- just about anything, the fucking freak.
-The guy would get way, way too focused on trying to cum to the point he wouldn’t be able to, so he swaps to angrily eating you out, trying to cover up and DENY the fact he can’t cum cuz he’s old and ends up accidentally creaming the fucking sheets oh my GOD-
-Will be out and about you and it seems as if he is listening to you talk about something but instead he is thinking about how he would kill you, just cannot stop himself. 
-Drives you out, late at night to a seemingly abandoned parking lot and makes you get out while he sits in the car and you strip in the light of the head lights for his amusement, but wait! There’s more! He turns off the car, plunges you into darkness, and lets the tension get real fucking intense before he pounces. Exhibistionist man would fuck you on the hood of his car. 
-No doubt this dude loves head, adores some real messy sloppy toppy, but the guy wouldn’t force your head down, shocker I know, he’d keep his hands off, in the air, by the headboard, just letting you do your thing but acting like you are fucking killing himmm with your mouth. 
-Things I would recommend doing to Henry Williamson: Making him finish on himself. I am talking giving some great fucking head and when he is close pull back and get him the last bit of the way there with your hand and make him spill on his own stomach, do it, I fucking dare you. 
-Better yet, try to snowball this man and see where it gets you, I beg. 
-Back to this guy’s exhibitionism and I think he would be ready and willing to fuck you jussssst about anywere that was out of the way enough, a clothing changing room in a store is one of my faves to consider. 
Sooo these are some thoughts, hope this helps satisfy you babe!
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dawnlotus1 · 2 years
Ok going insane crazy about BitB again so have a Rachel Rand theory thing (lots of spoilers)
Ok so so so at the very end of ep4, the hive queen agrees with Rand that “Rachel was the best of us” and then proceeds to say essentially, when humanity inevitably destroys itself, that Rachel will live on because of her kindness to “us”. WHAT DOES THAT SOUND LIKE? Bro did Rachel make a deal with the eldritch entity??? What would drive her to do that. Did she feel that ignored as to willingly join something bigger than herself? Was Rand that bad of an older brother? Because I can’t imagine so, I truly believe while certainly lacking in some departments, he was not THAT bad. Or maybe was this kindness that the hive speaks of just in her nature? Like nothing to spur it but her own willingness to reach out, eldritch being or not. What was the eldritch being before Rachel? Similar to the bug form we see at the end? How did she come across it, cuz like think about it. The night of the party, Rachel leaves and no one follows her, we don’t really know where she’s going or how she felt. We don’t know if she left the party just cuz she was bored, or if she was upset. Then the same night, out in the bayou she must have run into this thing. Mentally or physically? Did it try to talk to her or lure her or did she just find it by happenstance? Did she know about it before the night she disappeared? I’m so so curious how that interaction went down, because just all the phrasing around it makes it look like a kind and willing thing that Rachel did. And that act is what causes her to become hive queen and start this whole thing, start the bugging and building. I’m just so curious why she would do that, because we see what we can assume is her “real her” “real soul” talking to Rand when the hive queen lets Rachel alone speak. I believe that’s truly part of her at least, in the same way Kian got words and Rolan is Rolan. And she sounds genuinely upset, upset that Rand doesn’t want to stay with her, that he’s always gone and that he always lies and she says all this and I feel like there definitely is some manipulation and bend from the hive that makes it so personal and accusing at Rand, perhaps because of how long she’s been queen of it, but I think that her feelings are there and she does feel betrayed. Which makes you wonder how neglected she felt, tho we know she was the golden child between her and Rand, where do these feelings stem from? The Hive’s goals seem to be more about human nature and wanting to create rather than destroy, what they propose is a salvation to the destructive human tendencies by assimilating everyone into the hive and ending conflict, was this something that Rachel agrees with? Would that be a motivator and if so what kind of exposer to human conflict would cause her to make a deal this drastic? The news maybe? Or something in Galloway she witnessed? Also not to mention her form doesn’t change at all, what was hanging from the bug queen could be her actual animated and preserved corpse (like how rolans corpse would be a 14yr old) or a rebuilding of her that never aged from 10 yrs old despite like Rolan’s bug body aging normally.. We know so little but I think this is a huge thing I haven’t seen talked about yet… i wanna hear y’all’s theories there are so many ways this could be interpreted
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And it’s totally fine to be sad or feel whatever, because change can be sad! Or annoying. But I’m just seeing some fans being like… actually mad at Matty. And I’m just like… what do you want from him? We know he loves us (he tells us at every show), so if he made this choice it was because he looked at the options and decided this was best for him. It feels like some people would rather he push through and let his mental health suffer so they can have funny instagram stories. It just icks me. Like he’s a person… he deserves to be happy and healthy. And I for one am totally willing to sacrifice my part of the deal (seeing him online, fan interactions outside of shows) so that he can have that.
Btw this isn’t shade to you I genuinely think you have a very healthy relationship towards him. This is just about other fans I’ve seen online.
- 🔆
No, I totally get what you’re saying and you’re right. I’m just having a hard time articulating why I think it’s not the same as like just taking a break cuz the fame got too much. It’s a weird thing to try and describe. That quality of interaction. I don’t know what the words are for it, lol. But maybe I’m insane and imaging things. It just felt like part of the band’s ethos. Like it’s incorporated into their identity that they reject the celebrity path. I don’t know.
But yeah whatever the reason, I don’t think anyone has any right to be mad at him. He’s not obligated to give us his time and give access to his personal being. It was a generosity on his part that he even did that. His only job is to make music and he does it beautifully so let’s let him be a guy.
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