#customer service)
cyndavilachase · 2 days
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real interaction i had at work
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kreepysheepspider · 17 hours
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animentality · 1 year
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thehmn · 8 months
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Back when I worked for a travel company this would happen all the time. Trust me, we only remembered the people who yelled at us. A polite “Thanks, you too” didn’t even register.
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justcatposts · 1 month
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Home reno customer service
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incognitopolls · 19 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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worst-of-facebook · 19 days
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caffeinewitchcraft · 8 months
A regular came in a few evenings ago. A young mom with her daughter who often comes in the morning. She also often treats the baristas badly, but that’s a different story.
She came in at an unusual time with her daughter on her hip. The little girl looked sick to me - puffy eyes and a red nose and a tight, unhappy pinch to her mouth.
The mom ordered her sweets. Sensing something was wrong, I tried to stay upbeat and to engage the little girl but neither mom or daughter were interested. I turned to collect their order.
“See? Daddy made you sad but mommy makes it better, right?”
My mouth soured and my hands paused in making their drinks. The revulsion was physical, a hollowing in my stomach that sounded like a vacuum in my ears. A ghostly hand settled against the back of my neck and stole the heat from my veins.
Im an adult now. The justifications came to mind a microsecond behind the horror and tried to overwhelm it. Mom is tired, mom just wants little girl to feel better, daddy also made mommy sad. Sometimes the big lessons are learned on other days, sometimes it’s okay to make the day better with sweets, sometimes you don’t have the strength to fight the battles you’re supposed to fight—
I handed out the pastry.
She said again, “Daddy made you cry and mommy made it better.”
The little girl looked into her pastry bag and didn’t look up.
No, i wanted to say. No, mommy didnt make it better. Mommy is part of the problem, mommy is saying your feelings are only worth a cake pop and a juice, mommy is siding with daddy who made you cry so hard that you look like a child left in the cold.
“Would you like a sticker?” I asked. She did and she took one and I took too much comfort in the fragile return of her smile before leaving the cafe.
I should have said more. I’m sorry you’re sad. I see that you’re sad. It matters that you’re sad.
Did I become part of this terrible lesson by joining in? Here’s a pastry, here’s a sticker, see? Didn’t we make it all better?
I closed the cafe.
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titkoks · 2 years
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jangmi-latte · 1 year
Wait Rook exploded what???
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yes he did explode the lab. again, he exploded the lab. well not exactly make it go kaboom but it DID go kaboom but still. rook is literally lilia when it comes to cooking except it happens in the lab.
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you see the fourth pic? that head is EMPTY. there's nothing in there but BEAUTE 💯, MAGNIFIQUE, OUI OUI SEAGULL NOISES, all because he wants to speed up chemical processes 🫶🏻 do i tolerate this behaviour? yes. but keep it away from me 🫶🏻
this is from the comic anthology <3 you can read them from here
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random-jot · 11 months
i love how many action movies/shows have a scene where characters enter a shop to have a big confrontation, and they just flip the sign around to ‘Closed,’ because let me tell you, that Does Not Stop a determined and entitled Customer™️
I want a movie to have a scene like that, real tense, our main characters have got guns to each other’s heads over the till, but then some old lady wanders in, *ding ding*
“Hey, lady, the sign says closed”
“Well you’re not usually closed at this time”
“Yeah, well we’re closed now”
“But all the lights are on”
“Well… we’re about to turn them off, scram”
“I need some vegan puddings”
And so on and so forth.
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animentality · 9 months
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milkycarnations · 3 months
Profiling the Creeps as Someone Who Works in the Service Industry
Basically, as someone who (unfortunately) has been cursed with a job in fast food, here are some things I think the creeps would do. Some of these things piss me off, some are just habits - not good, not bad.
Pulls through the drive-thru and asks for "his usual".
Always pays in exact change.
Always asks for fresh (insert item with long fry time). He will wait. No, he won't pull around.
Will always do those little surveys on the receipt.
Has tipped with a cigarette on more than one occasion.
"That'll do me."
"I remember when these were 97 cents!"
The card reader is beeping and he doesn't know where he is.
Tries to redeem a coupon that expired ten years ago.
Wants to use tap to pay but his car is way too far and he won't help reach the card reader so you just pull that cord as far as you can and hope for the best.
Will ask you what comes in each item in detail just to get the most basic item on the menu.
Paid in 15 counterfeit 1-dollar bills.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Give me a number 8."
He wants to leave as much as you want him to.
Does not utter a word at the drive-thru window.
Refuses to get a drink with ice because mold, unless it's a cafe he can trust.
Orders enough food to send the entire kitchen into a panic.
The type of person to ask for 10 add-shots in their latte.
Insert chain-related joke you've heard eight times today.
Prefers to sit in the lobby rather than going through drive-thru.
Cannot figure out how to use the kiosk, but he's trying so hard :(.
Always uses his pleases and thank you's because he's a good man.
Demands a receipt.
Calls you babe the entire time.
Is talking on her phone and no, she won't hang up.
Thinks all coffee shops are like Starbucks and will ask you for an iced caramel macchiato or a Frappuccino.
Just doesn't understand coffee drinks in general, but if you can figure out her taste/order she will tip heavily.
Way too stressed to be here and not really listening.
Forgets to take that thing she hates off of her food but is too embarrassed to say anything about it.
Pulls her car into the parking lot and eats there because she can't trust herself to eat and drive.
Always asks for way too many extra sauce packets.
"I'll take a large diet."
"Alright a diet Pepsi :)"
"No, coke"
Takes all of your napkins.
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esteemed-excellency · 11 months
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incognitopolls · 4 months
Anon is always in a constant rush to get things done and never has enough time, so every extra second that a customer is talking to them grates on their nerves, but anon wonders if maybe they're the rude one for being impatient.
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