#curb cat
frankiescatts · 6 months
Short chubby brambleclaw and tall muscular Nightcloud, I don't know why but I like bramblenight
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come back and tell me if you find out
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froggybirdtaco · 2 months
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"Chat, thats your homework. As your homework, can we get fanart of skibidi Ohio rizz rocky?"
"That's just- it's just like a drawing of rocky where he's like in the 2000s and hes like a skateboarder or something."
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bonus: rocky bites the curb
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msnihilist · 1 month
ANW writers really knew what they were doing when they made Peri a fucking loser.
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bonefall · 11 months
now these are bones opinions and ive only seen like 3 episodes of naruto before i got bored but i gotta say: it IS weird that the show puts SO much emphasis on naruto coming from nothing and then makes his dad like, the ninja-president cause it feels like naruto is only impoverished bc the narrative needs to LOOK like it's important that he's in poverty
Smarter, more Naruto-centric blogs have discussed this odd retcon than I, but Nonny... let me just give you a sampler of how weird the retcon was.
(ALL of this is a retcon btw. We learn nearly everything about Naruto's lineage in one fell swoop.)
We find out that Naruto is actually the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze.
Kushina Uzumaki is one of the last known members of a super powerful bloodline who was renowed for being special vessels of "Tailed Beasts."
Not only are Uzumakis powerful and renowed, Kushina being a survivor of the collapse of a nation, but any other Vessel who lets lose a tailed beast out of their body typically dies. (Unless you're gaara, then ur protected by being a main character)
She was known as the newest vessel of the Nine-Tailed Fox, which is basically like Konoha's very important nuclear warhead. Having a nuclear warhead is a major political consideration for ALL nations as a deterrant against invasion.
Minato, meanwhile, was the Hokage. President Dictator of Konoha.
These Are Both Well Known People. These Are Political Figureheads.
And also Kushina and Sasuke's mother were personal friends. Sasuke's mom was aware her friend was pregnant.
But when a Vessel gives birth is apparently becomes a moment of weakness during which the Tailed Beast can pop out. They take precautions, but You Can't Thwart Stage One
Nine-Tailed Fox kills a bunch of people in its rampage and Minato seals the beastie into a baby before dying (this part is not a retcon this is established from like the 1st chapter)
But it turns out that actually Minato and Kushina did it together and put the beastie into THEIR OWN baby.
But this makes NO sense in hindsight... like, at all.
His last name is Uzumaki and NO ONE KNEW?
He NEVER LEARNED what an Uzumaki is?
He looks JUST like Minato, too, spitting image. And no one knows.
In spite of it being KNOWN that Minato was married to the previous Nuclear Warhead Holder.
This one shows up with a Nuclear Warhead of his own and no one puts two and two together
Sasuke's Mom also never approaches the very obvious child of her friend. Only person in the whole village with her last name. Born around the same time that her pregnant friend vanished.
Making Tailed Beasts into Nuclear Warheads was also a mistake because why the hell is no one trying to kidnap this unwanted WEAPON if having and using them is a major political consideration???
But no we gotta make Naruto the specialist boy to have ever been born and he's so amazing and perfect and always destined for greatness because of his birth. Who cares how little sense it actually makes.
It's like Kishimoto wanted to have his cake and eat it too; have Naruto both come from poverty and humble beginnings, but also have been the chosen one all along who was always going to become the big damn hero. Frustrating.
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thevampirecat · 7 days
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astramachina · 24 days
being on testosterone while inhabiting a body that's falling apart, including a disease that went undiagnosed for twenty years and has rendered my insides permanently scarred to the point that i will never be able to live a pain free life, drives me fucking insane. because said disease is hardly studied in cis women, doctor are just left flustered and twiddling their thumbs when my ass entered the chat.
"testosterone should slow the progression" cool, then why am i getting flare-ups that increase in frequency and severity. "uuuuuuh a full removal will probably do the trick but honestly we tend to leave a chunk in to help regulate women's bodies so we have no fucking idea whether or not we should go ahead and do something similar to you so you should talk to your doctor--" idk how to tell you but YOU ARE MY DOCTOR.
i'm tired, scoob. yeah the pelvic pain/lower back pain sucks ass to the point where i have to walk hunched over, but even that pales to the anxiety of having my abdomen and chest be in pain. just. christ.
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scaredii-cat · 4 months
Okay! Goal for the rest of the year is to improve my 3d modeling skills!! I wanna be able to make low poly models of mine and peoples ocs, that'd be so cool
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menlove · 7 months
I hate being an adult I think having to do chores after getting home from work should be illegal
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... so about sylus, hm?
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green-tea-lemonade · 1 year
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Shadowclan Nepeta bc my brain said so and frankly I'm inclined to believe it
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hafwen · 9 months
2023 had one high point and it was finding Toni and catching her the day before my birthday
The rest of the year was been pretty shit. Ollie died of old age and Pumpkin died of probably cancer
And to top off December my mom got diagnosed with endometrial cancer
Really need 2024 to be less tragic and have less cancer
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lionblaze03-2 · 2 years
I firmly believe that Tigerheart isn’t gonna turn out to be evil strictly because the team would have to be legitimately braindead to name TWO MAIN VILLAINS fucking Tigerstar
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beastsovrevelation · 10 months
One thing, I do know for sure... Lucy Langdon will grow up to have a killer bone structure.
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I meanwhile can't get over how related her parents look.
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bookofoktober · 2 years
Lulahween, Autumn Cat With Pumpkin 5 by Vivienne Gucwa Via Flickr:
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femmefaggot · 1 year
google how to clean bones maybe
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Watching kipo season 1: aww furries! Gay rep! Hell yeah!
Watching kipo season 2: yo why this monkey a nazi 😰
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