#cat with dried corn
mothmiso · 1 year
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 month
September 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: September 2nd
First Quarter: September 11th
Full moon: September 17th
Last Quarter: September 24th
Sabbats: Mabon- September 22nd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn Moon, Child Moon, Corn Harvest Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Haligmonath, Leaves Turning Moon, Mating Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Moon When Dear Paw the Earth, Rutting Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth & Yellow Leaf Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo & Libra
Nature spirts: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Chang-e, Demeter, Freya, Isis, Depths & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone,carnelian, cat's eye, chrysolite, citrine, iolite, lapis lazuli, olivine, peridot, sapphire, spinel(blue), tourmaline(blue) & zircon
Colors: Browns, dark blue, Earth tones, green & yellow
Issues, intentions & powers: Confidence, the home, manifestation & protection
Energy: Balance of light & dark, cleaning & straightening of all kinds, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environment
The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight & allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. 
• While September’s full Moon is usually known as the Harvest Moon, if October’s full Moon happens to occur closer to the equinox than September’s, it takes on the name “Harvest Moon” instead. In this case, September’s full Moon would be referred to as the Corn Moon.
This time of year—late summer into early fall—corresponds with the time of harvesting corn in much of the northern United States. For this reason, a number of Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon of either August or September. 
Known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Autumn
Element: Air
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, balance, berries, corn, cornucopia( Horn of Plenty), dried seeds, equality, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue, brown, dark red, deep gold, gold, indigo, leaf green, maroon, orange, red, russet. Violet & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog & Wolf
Birds: Goose, hawk, swallow & swan
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate & yellow topaz
Food: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, breads, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & wine
Herbs/Plants: Benzoin, bramble, corn, ferns, grains, hops, ivy, milkweed, myrrh, sage sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers:  Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, mums, passion flower, rose
Trees: Aspen, cedar, cypress, hazel, locust, maple, myrtle oak & pine
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Modron, Morgan, The Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia & Sura
Gods:  Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, Esus, The Green Man, Hermes, Mannanan, Thor & Thoth
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellwork: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self-confidence
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields & Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Collect fall themed things from nature like acorns, changing leaves, pine cones, ect)
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you & commit to healthy changes
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Fill a cornucopia
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh/Brythonic God Mabon Ap Modron, who's name means "Divine/great Son", However,there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s for the Autumn Equinox & has nothing to do with this celebration or this time of year.
• Though many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lughnasadh) & Equinox as a time for giving thanks before the name Mabon was given because this time of year is traditionally when farmers know how well their summer crops did & how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you & your family would have enough food for the winter.That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals & food
Some believe it celebrates the autumn equinox when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night & day are of equal legth  & the God's energy & strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he is reborn at Yule.
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- Is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which Israelites were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Originally a harvest festival celebrating the autumn harvest, Sukkot’s modern observance is characterized by festive meals in a sukkah, a temporary wood-covered hut, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
• Mid-Autumn festival- September 17th
Is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. It is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture, similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years.  On this day, it is believed that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity & good fortune – are carried & displayed. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the legend of Chang'e, the Moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• The Oschophoria- Were a set of ancient Greek festival rites held in Athens during the month Pyanepsion (autumn) in honor of Dionysus. The festival may have had both agricultural and initiatory functions.
-Amidst much singing of special songs, two young men dressed in women's clothes would bear branches with grape-clusters attached from Dionysus to the sanctuary of Athena Skiras & a footrace followed in which select ephebes competed.
Ancient sources connect the festival and its rituals to the Athenian hero-king Theseus & specifically to his return from his Cretan adventure. According to that myth, the Cretan princess Ariadne, whom Theseus had abandoned on the island of Naxos while voyaging home, was rescued by an admiring Dionysus; thus the Oschophoria may have honored Ariadne as well. A section of the ancient calendar frieze incorporated into the Byzantine Panagia Gorgoepikoos church in Athens, corresponding to the month Pyanopsion (alternate spelling), has been identified as an illustration of this festival's procession.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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dxwnstxr · 1 year
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It's autumn with them
Fandom: Bungou stray dogs
Characters: Chuuya, dazai, ranpo, tetchou, akutagawa, tachihara
Genre: fluff, headcanons
Warnings: none
A/n: I'm already in the autumn/halloween mood, and it's not even august yet😭☕️.
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🍁 Chuuya 🍁
Chuuya would cuddle with you on the couch watching your favorite scary movie. He would yelp at the jump scares, then lie and say he didn't because he's not a wuss.
Chuuya would watch the autumn rain with you while drinking hot pumkin lattes.
Chuuya would bring you to pumkin patches and lose you in the corn maze.
Chuuya would go to starbucks with you to get the autumn beverages. Then go shopping together for autumn outfits.
🍁 Dazai 🍁
Dazai would make homemade pumpkin pie with you just to steal some of it.
Dazai would make sure you both wear matching halloween costumes.
Dazai would stop to pet a black cat on your walk down a path in the orange and red woods.
Dazai would bring you outside to play in the autumn rain. Then, afterward, take a cozy apple sented shower together.
🍁 Ranpo 🍁
Ranpo would make sure to buy you all of his favorite halloween themed candy.
Ranpo would spoil all of the scary movies, so instead, you both carved pumpkins.
Ranpo would make you bring him to all of the mini autumn shops in downtown. He'd later got carried away, though, and grab you by the hand, pulling you to the shops he wants to look at.
Ranpo would only eat the whipped cream on his pumpkin pie. He'd then give the rest to you.
Ranpo would run ahead of you on sweet autumn walk and shout to you all the amazing thing he sees while pointing to them. You then would lift up your camera and capture the beautiful shot.
🍁 Tetchou 🍁
Tetchou would see you still hungry after eating your thanksgiving meal and would give you his portion.
Tetchou would lay a nice freshly washed and dried blanket on you while it's still warm as you sleep on his shoulder.
Tetchou would promise to take you to a pumkin patch. He ended up losing you 10 times before he called it a day.
Tetchou would let you pick out his outfits when you both went on autumn dates.
🍁 Akutagawa 🍁
Akutagawa would watch scary movies with you, but every time you jumped, he told you that you're being a baby. He later got embarrassed when he got scared near the end of said movie.
Akutagawa would ride on the hayrides with you and act like he hates it. Though after a while, you catch him smiling at the scenery.
Akutagawa would fall asleep easily on rainy autumn nights. You would cuddle him while he softly snores in your arms.
Akutagawa would take halloween very seriously but would act like he could care less. Though when it's time to knock on the doors, he gets nervous and acts you to do it.
Akutagawa would sit at the island counter and peacefully watch you make autumn pastries. Spooky halloween music would be playing in the background as akutagawa tries to sneak some samples, then gets mad and lies when he gets caught.
🍁 Tachihara 🍁
Tachihara would challenge you to see who'd escape the corn maze first. To which he ended up getting lost in.
Tachihara would go on a midnight autumn ride on his motorcycle with you. You would point out places you'd like to stop, and he would. You'd hope off, take out your camera, and take calming pictures of him under the autumn moon.
Tachihara would call out all of your friends just to have a pumkin carving competition. To which tetchou came first, you second, and teruko came third.
Tachihara would playfully dip his pointer finger in whipped cream and then poke you in the nose, leaving a dot of whipped cream.
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Reblog divider cr: @benkeibear
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radrage · 1 year
1 Weird Fact about each Companion
I have no explanation for most of these. They just seem right.
Cait: Is missing 2 teeth. One was knocked out from a fight, the other from her parents. She doesn't like to talk about how she lost the latter.
Curie: Raises animals in her spare time. Since being rescued by Sole from vault 81, she's had an interest in irradiated lifeforms, especially Rabbits and Radstags. Her favourite animals are Cats as she finds it interesting how they haven't evolved to combat the Commonwealth's radiation.
Codsworth: Still celebrates Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. He'll cook a big meal for the settlers at Sanctuary and force them all to take the evening off so they can relax and eat. Most of the settlers don't understand the traditions, but go along with it anyways.
Danse: Has never been drunk. First time Sole gets him drunk though, he steals one of Deacon's hats and starts dancing to "Uranium Fever" on the radio.
Deacon: Collects hats. I mean, for a master of disguise, you'd expect no less. But he loves really outlandish ones especially. His favourite is a comically large corn cob hat that looks like a Jojo hairstyle
Dogmeat: Favourite meat is Mole Rat meat. When Sole meets him at Red Rocket, he's chasing a Brood Mother and her children. Loves the chewy texture they have when their skin is dried.
Hancock: Eats flowers. He likes Dandelions especially, because of the fuzzy texture they have. Only eats them when he's on Jet or Buffout though, Menatat Hancock is too sophisticated for that.
MacCready: A big DCR fan. When he's travelling around the Commonwealth, it gets lonely, so he'll turn on the radio that's attached to his holster and listen to the Silver Shroud and Travis. Can sing "A Wonderful Guy" verbatim.
Valentine: Really good cook. He doesn't cook much, but when he does, it's delicious. Mostly it's just him and Ellie eating, and Ellie will gush to Piper about how good Nick's cooking is.
Piper: Grew up in a share-home. After her dad was killed when she was only 13, she and Nat were relocated to a share home for other orphans in her hometown. She likes the feeling of a busy home, as it keeps her from her thoughts, which is why she likes the noise of the Diamond City market.
Preston: Played the trumpet when he was small. His parents probably found it for sale for, like, 200 caps from a local vendor, and scraped together enough to buy it for his birthday.
Strong: Reads Shakespeare to Shaun to get him to sleep. He sits in an armchair next to his bed and reads it slowly, asking Shaun about words he doesn't understand. Sole often finds them both passed out with a play script in his hands.
X6: Sometimes wishes he was human. Solely so he can experience growing up and what Sole describes as "childhood innocence".
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gummysunnybear · 6 days
Headcanons :3
Bisexual and non-binary(now a transfem)
Like wine and glue
Favorite musics
Spit-baby bugs
Teeth-baby bugs
Favorite animals
Any cats
Aroace,gay and agender
Melatonin and ink
Favorite musics
Rise of the moon
Favorite animals
Pansexual and poly
Bean bags and candy
Favorite musics
Spit-baby bugs
Favorite animals
Non-binary and aroace
Oil and dust
Favorite musics
Favorite animals
Cats :3
Favorite musics
Favorite animals
Any animals :>
Aroace and pansexual (shush-)
Like very very old oil
Favorite musics
Favorite animals
A frog
solar flare
Aroace bisexual
Favorite musics
Doesn't know what music is
Favorite animals
He doesn't have one
Aroace (just aroace)
Candy corn
Favorite musics
Spit-baby bugs
Favorite animals
Favorite musics
Favorite animals
Doesn't have one
Sweet candy
Favorite musics
Childish music
Favorite animals
Favorite musics
Favorite animals
Doesn't have one
Dried up blood
Favorite musics
Heavy metal and screams
Favorite animals
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thebrandywine · 1 month
tagged by @silvercap and @colesabi!
tagging @phoenixmetaphor @strands-of-starlight @fonulyn @flurrin and whoever else wants in!
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balkanradfem · 1 year
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I spent my last few days working on these! They're a gift for a friend's birthday.
First is a decorative basket made out of cat tails, and a few corn leaves at the top. I collected the materials earlier in the year and dried them, that's my first cat tail basket!
The flower-shaped pillow is made out of old t-shirts that were no longer wearable, it's mostly cotton, and I used the filling I took out of old pillows that other people threw away (I washed it). My friend loves the color blue the most, so I made one side two different light-blue, and the other a dark blue fabric.
Completely environmentally friendly gifts. And my friend liked them a lot.
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coffeecat1983 · 28 days
Coraline: Same Goals pt 1
     "Mom, what did all that mean?"    Mel Jones sighed as she sat at the kitchen table. Rain pattered on the window as a blanket of grey clouds slowly crawled across the autumn sky. The kitchen's normally drab look had been spiced up for the Halloween season. Cabinets, walls, and even the fridge were decorated with fake flower and leaf arrangements, paper pumpkin and bat cutouts. Among these Coraline had snuck a few black cats as well as some ghosts. Uncarved pumpkins took up one of the countertops, waiting to be given their custom smiles. The thirteen-year-old ran her fingers over the pumpkins, clearly worried.      "All those big words had to mean something, right?" The two had moved to the kitchen after Mrs. Lovat had left. She had come by with a handful of papers that had the stamp of a big hospital from the closest big city and she spoke quietly with Mel for a while. Coraline meanwhile got ahold of the papers and began looking them over. They were test results with a lot of medical terms that Coraline had never heard before. The one thing she could work out was the tests had been done on Wybie. Her classmate and friend had been excused from school a lot lately, and Coraline frequently brought his homework back for him.      "Sit down, sweetheart." Mel said with another sigh. Her daughter sat next to her, bright eyes watching her closely.      "It, it's bad, huh?" Coraline asked softly.      "Yeah," the reply was quiet, "it's bad."
   Coraline traced a fingertip over the table's sleek surface, ignoring the stains from the marker she had used for a school project.      "Can the hospital help?" she finally asked, still processing what she had been told.      "It's not that easy. If they had found it sooner then maybe, but it's..." Mel sighed again. "It's too late."      "Oh." The single word held a mix of disbelief and heartache. She stood, glancing at the window. "The rain's stopping, I'm going outside."    Mel didn't object as she left. The floor creaked as Charlie Jones came in, coffee mug in hand.      "What's with our dizzy dreamer?" he said, adjusting his glasses. Mel turned, her arm resting over the back of her chair.      "Better be ready to give a lot of hugs, Charlie."
   Scattered raindrops fell, the remains of a passing storm pattering around Coraline's feet as she walked the stone pathway. The summer flowers were long gone and the mums that the family had planted from the start of autumn were beginning to fade. Pumpkins dotted the garden pathway, along with playful scarecrows and tied bundles of dried corn stalks.    Charlie had wanted to put out giant spiderwebs but just as she had the year they moved to the Pink Palace, Coraline had been insistent they skip any and all spider decorations. While her parents were confused by this, they didn't object. As she kicked a few loose pebbles out of her way she heard a muffled meow from nearby.      "I know but the ground's wet!"    Wybie appeared from around the corner. He was wearing his black rain boots and coat, the chest of which was bulging slightly. Coraline folded her arms, staring at him as he coughed.      "What are you doing?! You shouldn't be outside, you're sick!" she scolded. A meow and the Cat popped out from Wybie's coat to look at her. Wybie scratched at the cat's head, prompting him to purr loudly.      "I know I'm not supposed to be out right now but I couldn't take it! Gramma won't let me leave the house and it's so boring." The two sat along the stone wall. Overhead the clouds parted to let in misty sunlight that struggled to burn away the chill in the air. Rubbing the back of his neck, Wybie realized something.      "So you, you heard, huh?"      "Yeah." Coraline scratched the Cat's ears as he crawled out of Wybie's coat. "How long?"    The tip of his boot scuffed at the mud. "Two years? Something like that. T-The doctor said a lotta weird stuff I didn't understand."    Coraline watched as the Cat slinked off, hunting a lingering bug. The silence was broken as Wybie had a coughing fit that finished with him muttering a soft 'oww'. Trembling slightly, he stood.      "I-I better get home before Gramma finds out. See ya, Jonesy."      "Yeah, bye." she replied quietly.
   Standing she watched him as he hurried back to the house down the hill. Wet, slopping sounds reached her as footsteps stomped over the muddy stones. Bobinsky joined her, his tall figure wearing a tattered red coat and grey scarf. He hummed to himself as he spied the retreating figure.      "You have heard news of our friend, da?"      "Yeah. Mrs. Lovat came over. It's not fair!" she stomped her foot. "He lost his parents and now this!" A gloved hand on her shoulder was accompanied by a warm voice.      "Caroline," Bobinsky said gently, "It is way of life, to have hard tings happen. But there is someting to remember."    Opening his coat he quietly unpinned his medal, holding it out for her to see.      "When there is bad, remember there is good, da? There is always way to help." Coraline's brow creased in thought.    A way to help...
   Wandering back into the house with the Cat right behind her, Coraline dumped her boots and coat by the door, not caring that Mel would have a fit about the mess later on. Her socks made a muffled pad pad across the floor as she went right for her dad's study. Pushing the door open she felt the faint tinge of relief that there wasn't a strange piano to greet her like in her dreams. Instead, Charlie looked up from his computer and gave her a faint smile.      "Hey kiddo, you doing okay?"      "Yeah." her tone was of a kid trying to play it casual, but internally they were bouncing off the walls with a secret plot. "Hey dad, how would you open a door if you were missing the key?"    Crossing his legs, Charlie leaned back in his chair. "Well, let's see, there's calling a lock smith, using lock picks, or you could try dynamite." he said with a grin.      "Daaaaad!" she groaned, rolling her eyes as he laughed. "I'm serious!"      "There's always a skeleton key. They unlock most things." Coraline pondered this. "Where would I get one of those?"      "You could try the keys in the junk drawer, or maybe one of the neighbors has one."    A soft 'prrt' as the Cat brushed around Coraline's legs. He sat and looked up at her, his eyes saying it all.    I know what you're thinking.    Ignoring him, Coraline returned her attention to her dad. "Thanks!" Turning to leave she realized something. "Oh. Do you know what it would look like?" she laughed nervously. "There's a lot of keys in the junk drawer."    Charlie shook his head, laughing again. "C'mon, I need a break anyway so I'll help you look." Mel cocked an eyebrow as her husband and daughter came in. Coraline went right for the junk drawer and began digging in it, picking out keys and setting them in a row on the countertop while Charlie poured a fresh cup of coffee.      "Look for one that's old with a smooth edge." he instructed, joining Coraline and looking over the keys. Her shoulders slumped in disappointment.      "None of these look like that."      "Mmm, here," Charlie began picking out a few keys. "Try these, there's a chance they'll work. What'cha opening, anyway?"    The Cat, seated in the kitchen doorway, perked up at the question. Coraline let out a nervous laugh.      "Uh, just one of my jewelry boxes, I lost the key." she scooped up the keys that had been set aside. "Thanks dad!"      "Coraline, don't scratch up your jewelry box with those keys!" Mel called as Coraline ran out. "And pick up your coat and boots!"
Part 2 here
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clown-demon · 8 months
Mun Comforts
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Comfort food(s): Cheese, mac n cheese, mozzarella cheese sticks, pizza, croutons, gummies, starbursts, peas, corn, french toast.
Comfort drink(s): Grape drinks, energy drinks, grape and raspberry ICE, Fruit punch ICE, Fruit punch crystal light, grape crystal light, soda
Comfort movie(s): Bungou Stray Dogs Dead Apple, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away.
Comfort show(s): Bungou Stray Dogs, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Chowder, Rocko's Modern Life, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Comfort clothing: Anything baggy
Comfort song(s): Bernadette by IAMX, Killer by The Hoosiers, Black Rover by Blinding Sunrise, Acid Rocket by DK-Zero, Get Jinxed (Russian) by Onsa Media, Happy by Secrets in Studio, Execution is Fun! by Tardigrade Inferno, Everyday is Halloween by Creature Feature, Misery Go Round by Night Club, Toy Soldiers by Marianas Trench, Burnt Babies Fear the Fire by Blaqk Audio, Simping for the Villian by Boy Jr., Lucifer by Elle Lexxa, Kinda Outta Luck by Medusa, Boy Jr., Heart Eater by Connie Glynn, Happy Face by Jagwar Twin, Better than Drugs by Skillet, Happy Face by Aesthetic Perfection, Summer Goth by Aesthetic Perfection, Clarity by ZEDD Foxes, BEELZEBUZ by Fake Type, Everyday Oblivion by 8Graves, Evil by 8Graves, Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift, Dead Air by Rufus Rex, Shallow Grave by The Birthday Massacre, Happy Birthday by The Birthday Massacre, Bones by Imagine Dragons, Wash it all away by Five Finger Death Punch, All Systems Go by Krypteria, I Idolize you by Massive Ego, Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie, Merry Go Round by Man with a Mission, The Perfect World by Marty Friedman, Monkey Boy by Kontrust, Dried Moat by Stolen Babies, Oh Raven (Sing me your Happy Song) by Unlike Pluto, Rad Drugz by MISSIO, Can you Feel the Sun by MISSIO, Riptide by grandson, Toxicity by System of a Down, Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead, The Underground by 8Graves and Unlike Pluto, Blood//Water by grandson, Villain of my Own Story by Unlike Pluto, Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin, Turn the Lights off by Tally Hall, Hit the Streets by Aesthetic Perfection, Oh! Gloria by Aesthetic Perfection, Big Bad Wolf by Aesthetic Perfection, Riot by Three Days Grace, Fly Home by The Living Tombstone, Can't Wait by The Living Tombstone, Not One Less by Ken Ashcorp, Alkatraz by Demon Dice, The Sky Will Turn by The Birthday Massacre, Touch Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon, Ghost by Mystery Skulls, Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boys, Coin Operated Boy by The Dresden Dolls, Pyramid by Two Door Cinema Club, Stray Cat by Vicke Blanka, Kids by MGTM, Devil's Wedding by Fake Type, Back on Track by DJVI,
Comfort book(s): Bungou Stray Dogs, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, cat Warriors, The Sight, Wings of Fire
Comfort game(s): Hollow Knight, Okami, Pokemon, Disgaea, WoW, FFXIV, Guild Wars II, Wario Ware, Super Smash Bros.
Tagged by: @villains4hire (THANK YOU!)
Tagging: (You don't have to!): @kitxkatrp, @yoxngmadnxss, @giftandguile, @electricea, @swordduels, @pluviacuratio, and anyone else who wants to!
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wren-phoenix · 1 month
🍺 If you ran a themed bar what would the theme be?
🧑‍🍳 Do you have a food or cooking (or eating) tip for us?
I've actually talked quite a bit about someday running a queer cafe and bar with some friends. The main theme would be dark fairytale, but with areas to go that are a bit calmer and/or brighter. All with a big focus on being as accessible as possible with being sensory friendly/having quiet rooms, fully wheelchair accessible, braille and picture menus, and others. and also just being a good place for people to hang out at any time of day.
for food or cooking tips, you can never have too much garlic (just keep it away from cats), jalapeño powder (ground dried jalapeños) adds an excellent kick to any dish, ginger is also always an excellent addition. Make sure to eat iodized salt. if you have a bunch of leftover vegetables, you can cut them up and throw it all in a wok. Water, soy sauce, sesame oil, and your choice of spices, and some corn starch (or other vege starch) (as a thickening agent) makes a good basic sauce, add it to the wok after things are cooked pretty well and let it keep cooking until it's to your preferred thickness
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piscesseer · 1 year
Harvest Blessings: Mabon 🍎🌾
On September 22, the harvest festival of Mabon is celebrated. As the leaves begin to change color and a cool breeze sweeps the air, we find ourselves on the cusp of Autumn, a season of transition and transformation.
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Mabon occurs on the Autumn Equinox, marking the beginning to fall here in the North where the days will eventually shorten. Mabon presents as an opportunity to reflect and embrace the coming darkness as a necessary part of the annual cycle. Mabon, also known as the Second Harvest or Witch’s Thanksgiving, is a time to be thankful for the bountiful harvest and to prepare for the dark months ahead.
On this day, the night and day are equal. This balance of light and dark is symbolic of the harmony and equilibrium that is found in nature. We are reminded that life is a constant cycle of change, and just as the seasons shift, so do our own lives. Mabon encourages us to reflect on the balance within ourselves and in our daily routines.
Symbols: basket, cornucopia, pinecone, seeds Colors: orange, red, yellow, brown, copper, dark yellow, dark green Foods: corn, beans, squash, apples, pumpkins, root vegetables, eggplant, pomegranate, grapes, wine, cider Herbs & Plants: yarrow, rosemary, sage, mugwort, rosehips, sunflowers, thistle, marigold Stones: amber, citrine, cat’s eye, aventurine, sapphire, jasper Deities: Mabon, Green Man, Demeter, Persephone, Morgan, Pomona, Inanna Animals: owl, stag, blackbird, crow, salmon
One of the central themes of Mabon is gratitude for a bountiful harvest. Today, even if we aren't directly involved in farming, we can still embrace the spirit of Mabon by giving thanks for the abundance in our lives and giving due gratitude for the things we do have in our lives that have served us well.
Named after the ancient Welsh hero named ‘Mabon ap Modron’, meaning Son of Mother, Mabon is the second harvest festival (Lughnasadh being the first, and Samhain being the third). Mabon was said to be held hostage as a baby in the underworld, similar to the story of Persephone and Demeter. The Greek goddess Demeter is closely associated with the Autumn harvest, as it was her grief at losing her daughter, Persephone, that turned the earth from lush to barren cold. 
A celebration of not only the bountiful harvest that nature provides, but also the bounty and rewards of all that we have sown and also reaped over the past year. This is not just a time of harvest, but also a time to prepare the way so that new seeds will be able to grow in the future. The Equinox is a natural time in which to sow peace and gratitude. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy, both in our personal lives, as well as the world at large.
It is through gratitude that we can attune ourselves to the natural ebb and flow of this seasonal shift. And one way to do this is to create some sort of gratitude list. Begin with the things that we take for granted: clean air to breathe, water to drink, a safe place to sleep. Then move on to those things that you are particularly grateful for. Pay special attention to those people and things in your life that matter to you the most.
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Here are some ways to celebrate Mabon:
The easiest and most fun way to celebrate Mabon is to decorate your home, porch, entryway or altar for Autumn. You might set up your altar with symbols of the season, such as acorns, pinecones or cornucopias and candles with autumn colors, like red, orange and brown, can add a warm, cozy ambience to your space. Bring in fresh and dried flowers, if you’re lucky enough to be able to cut your own, even better. Find acorns and pinecones from outside. If you don’t have access to your own, visit a farmer’s market or take a short stroll to the woods.
Go on a nature walk and appreciate the beauty of the changing seasons. Autumn is a time of stunning natural beauty with vibrant hues of red, orange and yellow. Take a leisurely walk to observe any signs that the season is changing. Nature has a way of grounding us and encouraging introspection.
Celebrating Mabon often means indulging in delicious feasts made from the season’s bounty. Incorporate seasonal foods into your meals. Apples, pumpkin, squash, and corn are all traditional Mabon foods. Try crafting apple pie, roasted pumpkin or heat up soups. Spend time with loved ones and enjoy a feast of seasonal foods. Sharing dishes with loved ones can deepen our connection to the season and its blessings.
During your walk or time outside, reflect on the past year.  What goals have you achieved and what lessons have you learned? What do you want to release as you move into the darker, introspective months of the year? Consider writing these thoughts down. Write down what no longer serves you on a piece of paper and burn it to symbolize releasing those things.
Cleanse your house and release the negative and stagnant energies.
Light a candle and reflect on your blessings. Consider creating a gratitude journal where you can jot down the things you are thankful for. Create a gratitude list and share it with others. Acknowledging blessings can help connect with the essence of Mabon.
Mabon is a time to celebrate the beauty of the coming autumn season and the abundant harvest it brings. It is a time to let go of the old and embrace the new. It is a time to be grateful for all that we have and to look forward to all that is to come. Whether you choose to celebrate simply or do something bigger, the key is to embrace the essence of the season and the lessons it offers. As you celebrate, may you find harmony and contentment in the changing rhythms of life.
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theoddcatlady · 10 months
My sister came back from the dead
When I was young, there was a serial killer in my town.
For three summer straight, he killed people. Young, old, female, male, it didn’t matter to him. You just had to be alone long enough for him to snatch you up like some kinda boogeyman. Hell, it didn’t even have to be at night. Mrs. Gibbs ran out for groceries with her husband, he stepped back inside for a minute to grab something they forgot, and came back out to their baby crying in the car and a dropped bag of groceries next to the car.
They found her three days later, her ribs all cut open and splayed out so anyone and everyone could see her guts.  
It was a nasty time, I’ll tell you that. I was only a kid. Like, maybe five when it started, eight when it all ended. I only found out the nastier details when I got curious and asked enough questions to people willing to answer. Not many people were, that was for sure.
Where I grew up was a pretty small town, so you’d think we’d find the murderer faster. But nah. Our neighbors couldn’t be killers. During the summer people did their damn best to never be alone. People who lived by themselves would move back in with their parents, friends would all group up. It’s hard never being alone though, ya know? There’s always moments when you just need to step out for a breather or you need some private time. And that’s when he got ya.  
That last summer when the killer lurked was hot as hell. You’d be able to fry eggs on the sidewalk. I got a sunburn so bad I had to stay in bed for a whole day, the box fan blowing only slightly cooler air on my dried up face. There was at least two incidents when elderly people croaked from heat stroke. And of course that killer was back. Heatwave didn’t stop him from killing my sister.
I don’t remember Jill all that well. There was about a ten year age gap between us, so we were never close. My parents had her real young and she grew up to be stubborn. And like most teenagers, she felt untouchable. Immortal. That particular summer was bad, probably because she’d broke up with her boyfriend when he went off to college and met a fellow college gal.  
So one night she blew off my parents when they told her to stay home and instead went to a party. Next morning is when they realized Jill never came home.
It took two weeks to find her. I made myself find out the details, you’ll figure out why later. She’d been fucked up real bad, he’d kept her alive as he cut her to pieces. First her fingers and toes, then her hands and feet, and up until she had no limbs. Then he cut up her face, cut out her tongue. And to wrap it all up her gutted her while she was still alive.
She suffered. But this time the killer made a mistake. Cuz someone saw him leave with Jill.
Frank Stokes. He was nearing his midthirties but spent most of his time with highschoolers or young adults. But mostly people thought he was harmless. Real quiet, real shrimp of a guy. But you know, there was a few rumors of his wild teenage years, how he stole his neighbor’s cats and dissected them. It was brushed off as youthful curiosity and charges were never pressed, probably because said neighbor died from a sudden stroke. Who knows, maybe it wasn’t a stroke, maybe Frank stuck some rat poison in her coffee. No one could answer that but Frank himself.
My town suffered far too long because of Frank though. My parents, my dad in particular, wasn’t gonna wait for the cops to fix this. So he gathered a mob and they went to go get Frank. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, death for death.
They broke into Frank’s house and found a collection of human body parts. His souvenirs, I guess. People talked about how they found all sorts of fucked up stuff, I don’t know how much is true of course, since it all ranges from sacrificial altars to a taxidermied human being. They chased Frank out and into the nearby corn fields.  
This is the part where it does get a little more fuzzy. Like it wasn’t fuzzy already. Retellings of the story vary, some people say they actually caught Frank and gave him what he deserved, beating him into the dirt as he cried and pleaded for mercy. Some other tales say they only cornered him. And another one says they actually started to hang him on the nearby oak tree before this next twist happened.
This is the one part of the story that does line up though. The part of the story where Frank said he could bring all his victims back.  
Yeah, you’re not misreading that. While bawling his eyes out, Frank promised to return their loved ones to them if they only let him live.
Such a stupid idea. I mean, he killed a little under twenty people. And when you’re dead you’re dead. There’s no coming back from dead, especially when some have been dead for years by that point. I don’t know how he convinced them that yes, by tomorrow morning all of his victims would start coming back, but he did. My dad came back and got Jill’s room ready, the bickering between him and my mom actually woke me up.
I remember peering through my sister’s bedroom door and watching my dad make up Jill’s bed. But Jill was gone, my parents told me that Jill was dead. Jill was never coming home. But my dad even turned her radio on to her favorite station.  
My mom ended up storming out, tears in her eyes. I think she was pissed dad didn’t end up killing Frank. I mean, I don’t blame her, if I’d really understood what was going on back then I would’ve been pissed too. That bastard took away my sister, and sure we weren’t close but she was still my sister.
Next morning though I was watching cartoons when I heard a knock at the door. Not really thinking as I was still waking up I stumbled to the door and opened it up.
There was Jill, wearing the same outfit she’d been buried in, standing out on the front steps. She smiled at me.
“Hey, idiot, mom and dad moved the hide a key. Thanks for letting me in.”
Numb, I just nodded and moved aside for her to walk in. She mouthed thank you as she tip toed inside. She sighed with relief as I shut the door. “God, it’s already getting hot. Mom? Dad? I’m home!”
My mom ran into the living room and promptly dropped into a faint. My dad ran in after her and fell to his knees, pale and shaking. I don’t think he really believed Frank was going to follow through with his promise. But Jill was here, back and perfectly fine. Or so it looked.
For the first days, everyone was just shocked to see the friends and family they’d buried come back to them. Even if they’d been dead for years and years, they came back looking as alive as you or me. They had no memories of actually dying, which is probably for the best considering how Frank made them suffer. But they did know they’d been dead.  
It’s sad to say that Jill and I really only bonded after she came back from the dead. I guess dying shifted things back into perspective. She went from hell child to perfect angel. She did her chores, never broke her curfew, and spent time with me. We went to the park, the ice cream parlor, hell, we even had a day at the zoo. During all this time she kept telling me how much she loved me, how she was sorry she always pushed me away or treated me like an obnoxious lil shit before. She was just frustrated and took it out on her family.
We all took the miracle at face value. Don’t be mad about it, we were just so damn glad to have our family back. No one noticed how Frank just slipped out of town one night. People only realized he was gone after he didn’t show up for work three days in a row. But now he was someone else’s problem, people reasoned. All the people he’d murdered were back, so why even bother anymore, right?
But come on, I’m sure if you’re reading this you know that bringing people back is always a fucking mistake. When you’re dead, you’re dead, and that’s that. You don’t get a do over, at least, not in the body you started out in. I dunno about reincarnation and shit like that, but I do know that all those people coming back was a big fucking mistake.
It was just little things at first. Dead animals, roadkill turning up with no blood in it. Dry as a bone, those bodies. Then a funeral home was raided the night before Ms. McCarthy’s funeral, she’d been drunk dry too. Not only that, Mr. Quinn, the funeral director had been attacked. He’d lost so much blood that they thought he was a goner. But he managed to pull through, when he did he had the strangest story to tell.
He’d just been getting things finished up for the night when it happened. A small group of people barged on in, and before he could ask what they wanted the leader grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Most of the group ran to the casket, dragging Ms. McCarthy’s body out and started cutting her open with knives. They looked disappointed at the minimal amounts of blood as she’d been embalmed but all Quinn could do was watch as they sucked away at the wounds they made.  
Then one of the leaders cut open Quinn’s wrist and screamed with triumph as they began to suck away at the wound. He tried to get away but more and more of them pinned him down and made cuts all over his body. They only left after they’d drunk their fill from him and Ms. McCarthy.
If there’d been no body there that night, I imagine Mr. Quinn wouldn’t have survived to tell the tale.  
Jill wasn’t doing well though. Although she’d been strong and healthy at first, she’d gotten pale and started wasting away. She wasn’t sleeping at night, and when she did sleep, she woke up screaming. I think she remembered what happened to her. But she wouldn’t tell us if she did.  
It all came to a head when someone heard screaming from the Gibbs residence. Course, 911 was called, and when the police got there the eldest daughter stumbled out, her shirt covered in blood and cradling her bleeding youngest sibling. She just pointed inside before she collapsed.
Inside was Mrs. Charity Gibbs, sucking on her dead husband’s neck while two of the other resurrected drank from other wounds on his body.  
They managed to escape, after killing a cop and taking his body with them. I think they found it later in the ditch, drunk dry of blood and all shriveled up.  
Lots of people died as the resurrected made their escape. All of them got out too, ran off into the woods and just disappeared. Turns out a couple of them actually had help from their living relatives and friends, bring them animals and people to drink from.  
Every one of them left. Except Jill.
Jill called me to her room. My parents were out, don’t remember why. But I went into Jill’s room, probably one of the only times I did. She never liked me in her room.
She looked terrible. White as a sheet, her face all shrunken, she’d probably lost like twenty pounds in the matter of a few weeks. She took my hand in hers and squeezed as tightly as she could. “Can you stay with me?” She asked, her voice raspy and dry.
“Because I’m gonna die again. And this time, I don’t-” She coughed and spattered blood all over my face, “I don’t wanna do it alone. I know it’s selfish. It’s gonna be bad… and I could’ve… I could’ve stopped it, but I didn’t want to hurt anybody. Please stay. Please?”
I stayed. I sat at the foot of her bed and stayed. Her fingers gripped tighter and tighter until they went lax… and rolled onto the bedspread.  
Her palms followed shortly after, plopping on down in my hand. I ended up dropping it and it rolled away on the floor. It took a bit longer for her arms to come off at the shoulder, each muscle and tendon snapping like a rubber until it hung on by a few shriveled threads. She cried as her head fell to rest on my lap, her tongue falling from her lap and onto my shoe.  
She fell all to pieces in a matter of an hour.  
My parents came home to find me on the bed, rearranging my sister’s body parts to look like she was just resting. I don’t remember that, but frankly I blocked it all out after she ended up dying for the second time. I was admitted into the hospital, I didn’t speak for weeks.  
But I recovered, you know. I bet that bastard Frank would’ve loved to see the havoc he caused. No one thought about looking for him after they got their loved ones back, and after their loved ones turned on them we had our hands full. Gotta admit, a clever move on his part, to give him enough time to get out of our lives.  
Frank’s gone. And he stayed gone. I just hope he isn’t causing problems somewhere else.
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Foods I love so far!
🍒 cherries!
🫐 blueberries!
🪱 live meal worms & wasp larvae!
🪲 live beetles!
🍎 apple sauce!
🌸 fresh violet petals!
🌿 pandan cakes!
🟡 butternut squash!
🍉 watermelon seeds!
🥔 potato!
🥬 lettuce stalks!
🦗 live crickets and grasshoppers!
🐛 live superworms!
🍓 strawberries!
🥒 cucumbers!
🧀 provolone cheese!
🦃 turkey!
🍳 scrambled eggies!
🌶 banana peppers from mom's garden, and jalapeno seeds!
🍇 Cotton Candy grapes!
🍯 sugar 😈 (only 'cause I steal mama's food!)
Foods I'm still iffy about:
🍠 Sweet potato mash
🪱 Red wiggler worms (store bought)
🍎 Apple slices
🪰 Calciworms (I only like some)
🥜 Nut butters
🥕 Carrots
🌰 Pistachios
🍑 Peaches and plums
Things I refuse to eat 😡
🪲 Isopods
🪳 Dubia Roaches
🪰 Fly larvae
🍇 Candy Heart grapes
🍌 Bananas
🪱 Waxworms (blegh!)
🐔 Freshly cooked shredded chicken
🫑 Bell peppers
🥒 Zucchini
🌽 Corn
🐈 Cat food products
🍦 Yogurt
🌱 Herbs (It's fun to run around with!)
🧀 Yellow cheeses
🪱 Dried or canned insects
🍤 Shrimp or seafood
🥫 Canned bugs 😡
❌️ Anything dry, crunchy, or stinky 😡
💀 Anything dead! (If it's not kicking, then NO!)
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ghofrana · 1 year
Understanding Different Types of Cat Litter: Pros and Cons
Making the right choice of cat litter is a crucial decision for every cat owner. With an array of options available, selecting the most suitable one for your feline friend can feel overwhelming. This guide will explore the various options of cat litter on the market, including traditional clay litter, clumping litter, natural and biodegradable litter, silica gel litter, scented and unscented litter, and even alternative options. We'll discuss the pros and cons of each type, so you can make an informed decision and select the best litter for your furry friend.
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Clay Cat Litter
Traditional clay cat litter is one of the most popular options on the market. It's made from natural clay minerals that are dried and processed into small granules. Clay cat litter is available in both unscented and scented varieties, and is often the most affordable litter option.
One of the benefits of clay cat litter is its ability to absorb moisture, which helps control odors. However, it's important to note that traditional clay litter is non-clumping, which means it can be more difficult to clean and may require more frequent replacement.
In addition, some cat owners may have concerns about the environmental impact of using clay cat litter. The production and disposal of clay litter can contribute to environmental issues such as mining and landfill waste.
Overall, clay cat litter is a reliable and cost-effective option for cat owners who prioritize odor control. However, if you're looking for litter that's more environmentally friendly or easier to clean, other options may be worth considering.
Clumping Cat Litter
One of the most popular cat litter options on the market today is clumping cat litter. Known for its easy clean-up and convenience, this type of litter has become a go-to for many cat owners.
Clumping litter is made of small granules of clay or other absorbent materials that form tight clumps when wet, making it easy to scoop out urine and feces. This type of litter is also known as scoopable litter, due to its easy removal.
One key benefit of clumping cat litter is its ability to trap and eliminate odors quickly. The clumps form around any waste, sealing in smells and making it easier to keep litter boxes smelling fresh.
This type of litter is also highly absorbent, meaning it requires less frequent changes compared to non-clumping litter. With clumping litter, cat owners can simply scoop out the clumps and add more litter as needed, extending the life of the litter box fill.
However, there are some potential downsides to consider. Clumping litter can be more expensive than traditional non-clumping litter and may not be suitable for all cats. Some cats may be sensitive to the dust that is often created by this type of litter, leading to respiratory problems. To avoid these issues, it's important to select a high-quality clumping litter that is free of harsh chemicals and additives.
Natural and Biodegradable Cat Litter
For cat owners who are environmentally conscious, natural and biodegradable cat litter options are becoming increasingly popular. These litters are typically made from materials such as pine, corn, wheat, and recycled paper and are marketed as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional clay litter. However, they also have some potential drawbacks to consider.
Environmentally friendly: These litters are often biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable, making them a more sustainable option than clay litter.
Dust-free: Many natural litters are less dusty than clay litter, which can be beneficial for cats and their owners who have respiratory issues.
Easy to dispose of: Some natural litters can be safely flushed down the toilet or composted in your backyard.
Expensive: Natural and biodegradable litters are generally more costly than traditional clay litter.
Less effective odor control: Some natural litters may not control odor as well as clay litter, which can be a concern for cat owners.
Variability in quality: With so many options available, it can be difficult to find a natural litter that works well for you and your cat.
Tracking: Some natural litters can be lightweight and prone to tracking, meaning that your cat may carry litter outside the box.
Ultimately, the decision to use natural and biodegradable cat litter will depend on your individual preferences and values. If you are looking for a more sustainable option and are willing to pay a higher price, these litters may be a good fit for you and your feline friend. However, it's important to keep the potential drawbacks in mind and test out a few different options before committing to one particular brand.
Silica Gel Cat Litter
If you're looking for highly efficient and low-maintenance cat litter, silica gel cat litter might be the right option for you and your feline friend. This type of litter is made of small beads of silica gel, which are highly absorbent and can lock in moisture and odors effectively.
Silica gel cat litter also tends to last longer than other types of litter, as it doesn't need to be changed as frequently. It's also a good option for busy cat owners who want to minimize clean-up time, as the litter doesn't clump and can be easily scooped out of the litter box.
Crystal Cat Litter
One variation of silica gel cat litter is crystal cat litter, which is made of larger crystals that can absorb even more moisture. Crystal cat litter tends to be even more long-lasting than standard silica gel litter, and it can be a great option if you have multiple cats or a particularly busy litter box.
However, it's worth noting that some cat owners and cats may not enjoy the texture of crystal cat litter, as the large, hard crystals can be uncomfortable to walk on. Additionally, the litter can be quite dusty when poured or disturbed, which may be a concern for some households.
Scented and Unscented Cat Litter
When it comes to choosing cat litter, there are two main options to consider: scented and unscented. Scented cat litter is formulated with added fragrances to help control odor and create a more pleasant smell in the litter box. Unscented litter, on the other hand, does not contain any added fragrances and relies on other methods to control odor.
Many cat owners prefer the unscented litter to avoid potential fragrance sensitivity issues with their feline friends. Scented litter may also mask the odor of waste rather than neutralize it, which may be less effective for some cat owners.
Unscented litter may be a better option for cats with respiratory issues or sensitivity to certain fragrances. However, this type of litter may require more frequent cleaning and changing to keep the litter box fresh and odor-free.
Both scented and unscented litter options may come with added benefits such as strong clumping abilities for easy clean-up, low-dust formulas for those with allergies, or eco-friendly materials for those who prioritize sustainability.
Scented cat litter pros:
Added fragrance helps control odor
May create a more pleasant smell in the litter box
Some options may have strong clumping abilities and low-dust formulas
Scented cat litter cons:
May mask odor rather than neutralize it
Some formulas may contain harmful ingredients
May cause sensitivity issues for some cats and humans
Unscented cat litter pros:
No additional fragrances that may cause sensitivity issues
Maybe more natural and eco-friendly options are available
Some options may have strong clumping abilities and low-dust formulas
Unscented cat litter cons:
May require more frequent cleaning and changing to control odor
Does not have added fragrance to mask the odor
Cat Litter Alternatives
If you're looking for alternatives to traditional cat litter, there are a few options available.
Natural Litter Substitutes
Natural substitutes for cat litter can be a great option for environmentally conscious pet owners. Shredded newspaper, wood pellets, and even dried leaves can all be used as alternatives to traditional cat litter.
One benefit of these alternatives is that they are often cheaper than store-bought cat litter. They can also be composted or disposed of more easily than clay or crystal litter.
DIY Cat Litter
Another alternative to traditional cat litter is making your litter at home. This can be done by shredding old newspapers or using recycled materials like sawdust or wood chips.
While homemade litter may be cheaper than store-bought options, it can be time-consuming to make and may not provide the same level of odor control or moisture absorption as commercial litter.
Choosing the right cat litter for your furry friend is essential for their health and well-being as well as your convenience and budget. After reviewing all the types of cat litter available, let's summarize the key points to keep in mind when selecting the best option for you and your pet. Pets Lounge UAE is your best destination for shopping for high-quality cat litter.
Feline Preference
Cats can be very picky when it comes to their litter box, and some may prefer a specific type of litter. Pay attention to your cat's behavior and preferences. Natural litters may be a good choice for cats who love to scratch and dig in their litter, while others may prefer the texture and scent of clumping clay litter.
Odor Control
If odor control is a top concern, consider scented or clumping litters, as they tend to be more effective at trapping odors. Unscented litter may be a better option for cats with fragrance sensitivities.
When it comes to cat litter, there's a range of prices available. While clay litter may be more affordable, it may also need to be replaced more frequently. Natural litter and silica gel litter may be more expensive, but they have longer-lasting properties. Consider your budget and how much you're willing to spend on cat litter before making a final decision.
Environmental Concerns
If reducing your environmental footprint is a top priority, opt for biodegradable and natural cat litter that is made from sustainable materials. These eco-friendly options are better for the planet and can be disposed of safely.
Ultimately, the right cat litter for you and your feline friend will depend on your preferences and needs. Consider the pros and cons of each option and be willing to experiment until you find the right one. Just remember, a happy cat means a happy pet owner, and choosing the right cat litter is an important part of creating a comfortable and healthy home for your beloved feline.
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missgineaus · 2 years
but imagine a got7 demigod au:
in the modern era
gods are alive and still getting it and have lots of kids lol
monsters are real but ehh *vague hand gesture*
being a demigod sucks more than not cuz people want to use them for their powers if they have any
mark: son of aphrodite
doesn't speak alot cuz he might accidentally activate his charmspeak
Beautiful™ (inside and out)
very insightful about relationships and people in general cuz he’s much more observant than people give him credit for since they just think he’s a pretty face
doesn't speak a lot cuz people only want him for his looks and not for who he is and its very difficult for him to make friends but if you're a friend he is loyal forever
jackson: son of zeus
it’s why he can fly around everywhere so easily lmao -
gold looks hella good on this boi
wants to show he’s not all talk and is very humble and down to earth lol
very excitable and generally in a good mood
ambitious af
when he gets a little too excited sometimes he accidentally shocks people lol
people think he’s all brawn but he’s actually more brain
jinyoung: son of athena
smart af
literally a walking library
aggressively and sarcastically kind to people he loves
loves grandpa cardigans and gold plated curator spectacles probably
even if you think there’s no way for jinyoung to know the tea, he knows the tea
probably omniscient tbh lol
is ready to fite (ง’̀-‘́)ง at all times
jaebum: son of hades
Brooding™ and heavily misunderstood lol
black everything.mp3
loves flowers not bones
looks like he can beat you up with one punch but will try his hardest to resolve everything without violence first
cats, cats everywhere
it's rumored a glare from him can stop a person's heart
wants ghosts to stop bothering him lol
finds a lot of jewels randomly
bambam: son of dionysus
that's my that's my party
really knows his alcohol beers lol
he looks like a lightweight and is a lightweight haha poor child lol
knowledgeable about all mental illnesses
is a real smarty sweetheart even though people think he's just another thot
vines references for days lmao
feline grace
yugyeom: son of demeter
"you're part tree it's why youre so tol." park jinyoung, 2019
pronounces the names of grocery produce wrong just to piss people off lol
doesn't tend to a garden but does have a few succulents on his desk
brews the best tea
probably gives people bushels of corn as a gift to be funny
once gave jackson tea he grew and dried himself, and jackson cried cuz it's organic lol
youngjae: son of apollo
a literal sunshine
that one nephew artemis stans
once tried to shoot an arrow and shot someone in the ass accidentally lol
i bet his voice has healing powers
probably also a disney princess by how much the wildlife end up surrounding him when he does sing
not a seer but sometimes just knows how things will turn out
he's not allowed to participate in rock/paper/scissors anymore because of this lol
original twitter thread | originally posted 9 feb 2019
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voxnumbskull · 2 years
🖤~Nanu Headcanons!~🖤
(Eat up simps, this is a good couple months worth of headcanons. ⚠️NSFW warning up ahead⚠️)
•Only Scorpio seems fitting, let's say November 14th.
•Some of his favorite things:
Food- Sushi
Pokemon- Meowth, and of course his Persian
Snack(s)- Dark chocolate, those chocolate covered coffee beans, dried fruit, coffee flavored anything pretty much, rice balls, taiyaki, and on rare occasions corn chips.
Pastime(s)- Reading, playing with his kendama, taking care of his meowth, reorganizing his desk for the 5th time, watching TV, and of course, napping.
Song(s)- Hotel California (Eagles), Cum On Feel the Noize (Quiet Riot), Blackstar (Bowie), Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? (Arctic Monkeys), Peace Sells (Megadeth)
Some of his dislikes:
-Loud poppy music with no substance
-Actually having some mundane shit to do as an officer
-Overly boastful trainers
-Just socializing for the most part
-Things that are too sour or too sweet (or both)
-Greasy, fatty foods
•His meowth are countless like stars, but the closest anyone's gotten to a straight answer ranges from 14-20.
•Almost always covered in meowth hair. Definitely smells like a mix of meowth and some old store bought fragrance.
•Likes bitter flavor, hates sour. Okay with sweet sometimes, but nothing teeth rotting.
•He's a sucker for classic rock and his radio pretty much defaults on 103.5. Some of his favorite bands include Quiet Riot, Arctic Monkeys, and Megadeth.
•Has probably tasted the wet cat food once or twice, although he'd never tell you that. He actually doesn't mind it, but he'd never commit to eating any.
•Loves phrases like "if I told you, I'd have to kill you" "I plead the 5th" "that's classified information" etc.
•Often claims even the most trivial of tips and feats to be an "old agency trick"
•Has very impressive eagle vision despite his age. He's extremely accurate and he can read ridiculously small text.
•Incredibly multilingually talented and fluent in at least 3 different Eastern languages (Kantonian, Hoennian, and Johtonese. Can also speak a little Kalosian he learned from Looker.)
•Though he's not as strong as he once was and tries not to strain his back too much, he's still got some formidable upper body strength, especially in his arms, hands, and shoulders. Has some impressive calf muscles too, but he couldn't crush a melon with them or anything. (You really wouldn't think he's all that though since he's so slender)
•Loves some good vodka shots on weekends, but has a super high tolerance. It takes him anywhere from 5-7 shots to get a buzz. Usually just opts for whiskey on rocks though because it's easier.
•Totally used to play bass in a garage band in his late teens and no one can convince me otherwise. Long hair and everything.
•He's captain of the APD, so naturally he's got eyes everywhere. When something happens, it's guaranteed he's probably one of the first to know about it.
•Takes part in court duty once in a blue moon; fucking despises it because it's usually something stupid (probably property disputes, messy divorces, or custody battles) and he basically just stands there until the court is adjourned.
•Despite separating from the interpol, he still regularly utilizes the training he's received, often getting information from the interpol undetected, or getting important information before they do. He's one of the most incredible officers in his field, although you'd never guess that at first glance.
•Definitely a "secret" badass. Probably a great shot, and not too shabby in hand-to-hand combat.
•Although he usually acts like an apathetic asshole, he secretly cares and wants to ensure everyone around him is safe, whether it be because he actually cares about the person, or he just wants to go home without work.
•Catch him in the right mood, he could probably sweep your team with that shit-eating smirk on his face.
•Absolutely cannot refuse a battle with a powerful opponent- he loves an opportunity to go full throttle.
•In the situation you become someone he cares about, he becomes very protective, almost like a guardian figure in your life. He'd definitely kick ass for you and be able to cover his tracks.
•His weakness is the sweet and salty type; he can't possibly say no to that face, but loves seeing that secret dark side. Bonus points if you genuinely enjoy his company.
•He might offer to take you out for sushi every once in a while. If you like sushi he definitely recommends the Z-Kaiseki Ronin Set. If not, though at first he'll probably poke some fun at you, he doesn't mind and will help you understand the menu and pick something you'll like.
•Probably has clothes with bullet holes in them from his work in the agency. He decides not to throw them out, though, and he could probably tell you when and where he got shot, who shot him, what gauge the bullet was, and what kind of gun they used.
•Yet in the same vein, he's probably terrible with names.
•He prides himself on his wry, sarcastic sense of humor, but if someone reciprocated a similar style of joke he'd probably be a little surprised. You'd more than likely get a good chuckle out of him, but on the off chance you could catch him off guard, you could probably get a laugh.
•Honestly, just start talking about cat pokemon. You'll have his full, undivided attention for a good while. Either cat pokemon, shitty stuff going on around the world, or even just the mention of his favorite music genre, coffee, or taking a nap, and you've got him.
•Friendship is never really his main focus, but if someone he actually liked asked, he absolutely wouldn't say no. Despite this approach to friendship, he's devoted and loyal as hell, but he doesn't always give great advice.
•Honestly overprotective of his friends due to overcompensation- he doesn't want to be "responsible" for (another) death.. (he still has nightmares about what happened even after all these years..)
•He takes mental health very seriously (considering he's probably battling a few demons of his own) and he'll go out of his way to make sure you're doing okay and taking care of yourself. He won't poke fun at you as much if you have self esteem issues, and he tries to learn what your triggers are so he can avoid them at all costs to make sure you're safe.
•Do not ever "no balls" this man with social interactions because he does not give a single fuck. He will go way out of his way just to embarrass the fuck out of you.
Romantic Relationships:
•Doesn't really like to put labels on himself ("I like what I like."), but he's probably somewhere close to pansexual, panromantic.
•He's not really the type to have a crush all that often. He always used to be the go-getter if you will; however after his time in the agency, he's a bit wiser and more picky about potential partners. On the off chance he did meet someone he liked, he might not know how to talk to them for fear of scaring them off.
•Eventually telling him you liked him would be a trip. He'd absolutely be stunned, and honestly confused. You had all these options and you chose him? Of course, he doesn't give himself enough credit, and once you finally convince him you're not going anywhere, he'd get super nervous and a little flustered. He'd have a hard time breaking down the walls he built around himself.
•Enjoy the awkwardness while it lasts, because you can get away with a lot in this time frame before he gets comfortable and starts kidding around with you endlessly. From stupid one liners to full on embarrassing you in front of company.
•Pet names are okay. He doesn't really mind them, but they are still appreciated.
•He doesn't really like cutesy pet names though; he appreciates more traditional monikers (i.e. dear, hon, sweetheart, love, etc.)
•On the contrary he will absolutely call his partner cutesy pet names. One of his favorites is "kitten" or "kit" for short.
•Would absolutely set his name to "Daddy" in his crush's/partner's phone to embarrass them.
•He'll treat his partner with such an overwhelming warmth and tenderness it's almost hard to believe he's still the same Nanu, but his partner is the only one who will ever see him like that and it should never be taken for granted. Never make him regret showing vulnerability.
•He loves to hold his partner. He loves knowing that they find safety and comfort in his embrace. Not to mention he thinks they're cute as a button and always deserves a good squeeze.
•Likes to leave small nonchalant kisses. His most frequented spots include the forehead, ears, cheeks, jaws, neck, and shoulders (and don't forget those lips!! >///<).
•Even if it doesn't mean much to his partner, every little gesture of affection means the world to him. Anything from fixing his hair, adjusting the collar of his shirt, little pecks on his face here and there, etc.
•Absolute mama bear when it comes to his lover. He doesn't like anyone getting too close for comfort, any sort of conflict is quickly dashed by him if he's close enough to hear it, and Arceus help anyone that decides to get physical with them in any way. He prides himself on being his partner's hero, and he doesn't slack off on this self-appointed duty.
•Has a bit of jealous tendencies. He's afraid his partner might meet someone better for them and leave him alone. Of course, he'd never tell his partner they couldn't talk to anyone- he only wants the best for them. However it does get his gears grinding when his partner talks to one person an awful lot (bonus points if it's a dude).
•He HATES it when people hit on his partner. He tries to humiliate that person in front of everyone and destroy the ego that made them think they could talk to his partner that way.
•Is nosey as hell and will absolutely get up in his partner's business every now and again. He wants to know their likes, interests, what they think about, what they want to do, and sure asking questions is easy enough, but it won't get you everything. He wouldn't call it snooping though; he prefers the term "intimate research". Of course he can just do this over their shoulder most of the time, but once in a blue moon an interest of theirs will take him by surprise and he'll wanna know more. (and no, this man is not above reading journals/diaries, but he still regrets it if he reads something he shouldn't have. It doesn't stop him though.)
•Likes to cook for his partner every so often. Usually something like (proper) ramen or something grilled on a flat iron. But he NEVER uses anything out of a can. He thinks it tastes gross and he doesn't want his partner to eat that nasty shit.
•Inversely, he gets a little embarrassed and feels slightly guilty if his partner decides to do anything for him. He never expected them to go out of their way for him, and he doesn't want them to think that they have to, but seeing the smile on their face when they get to surprise him is enough for him to let it slide.
•One of his favorite things to do is just listening to his partner talk. They could be talking about literally anything from the weather or how their day has been, to passions and childhood memories. He loves the sound of their voice and loves that they feel comfortable to confide in him. (bonus points if they're a songbird. Doesn't matter if they're the best at singing or not, he just likes to listen)
•On the contrary, he doesn't talk about himself much unless his partner bugs him. He'd eventually start using this to his advantage though, i.e. "not telling you about my day before I get a kiss" "I'll tell you a story if you grab us a blanket and come sit on the couch with me a while".
•Though he's mostly a homebody, he likes going out with his partner every now and again, usually during the week when a lot of people are working so the shops aren't as busy. It gives him less to worry about so he can focus more on his partner; plus he likes seeing the cute little outfits his partner puts together, and he really likes when his partner gets excited about something.
•Might develop a slight dependency on his partner. Of course, he's an adult and he's perfectly fine without them for a long while, but small things like how quiet the house is get to him a little bit. It's especially bad if he ends up going to bed by himself; without his partner there to distract him, the nightmares become more frequent again (about the ultra beasts), and he usually doesn't get much sleep when they're away.
•Is a hard top. Don't think this man has ever been bottom a day in his life.
•Has slightly sadistic tendencies, but nothing that would ever get his partner hurt.
•Likes having complete control in the bedroom. He enjoys the thought of his partner's sexual pleasure being his complete responsibility. He really enjoys pinning his partner down, too.
•Absolutely loves putting a naughty, impish bottom in their place, especially if they try talking back.
•Likes teasing his partner to get a reaction (i.e. whining, begging, squirming, etc.) He especially likes playing around with his partner until they get impatient. The more impatient they get, the slower he paces himself until they crack.
•He loves trying to get his partner to beg. But if they won't budge, he knows he can just tell them to.
•Is really gentle unless asked otherwise. He's not sure of his own strength and he's scared of hurting his partner (for real).
•Really values some time to talk in advance, sometimes up to 2 days notice. He wants to get to know his partners preferences, what makes them uncomfortable, what hurts, etc. He's a fantastic pick for a first time.
•Doesn't really care much for pet names- he finds hearing his own name is much more arousing for how personal it is. You could call anybody "Daddy", but you can't call anyone else "Nanu"~
•Not usually very vocal, but if you manage to get him fired up in the right way he enjoys dirty talk and (with their consent) calling their partner some vulgar names. He might even growl sometimes, though he's a little more embarrassed about that one.
•Yes, he bites. He leaves marks. On purpose. He likes marking his partner so no one else will try anything with them. Almost like writing his name on them.
•On the opposite, he loves making love to an insecure partner. Whereas before he'd usually have quite the dirty mouth, on a bad self-image day, he'd call his partner sweet names and constantly tell them how beautiful they are. He'll even point out some of his favorite little things about his partner i.e. a cute little mark here, some Arcanine stripes (stretch marks) there, maybe a sweet battle scar, or even a big kissable nose.
•Was very "well endowed" (8.3" at the most, and I'd say maybe 6" at the least)
•Likes being ridden or receiving oral sometimes so he can admire his partner. Inversely, he likes just using his hands to please them too. He uses it as an opportunity to find the best spots to make them go crazy, and he also just likes watching them squirm.
•Amazing at giving head. He's super gentle, but absolutely makes sure to stimulate his partner in the best way. (and especially for afab partners, he knows how to fucking WORSHIP a pussy with that mouth 😩🙏)
•Likes cumming inside WAY too much, but absolutely won't do it if his partner isn't safe. He's huge on safe sex.
•He likes taking care of his partner after a rougher go, going as far as to get them a cold drink, let them wear some of his pj's so he can throw their clothes in the wash, even running them a bath, etc. He prides himself on taking care of his "things".
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