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Really missing this metal-head 🥹
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Eddie As a Dad Collection
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Just my little collection of fics with Eddie, his spouse, and their kid. Fics will be in different universes from one another unless otherwise stated.
❤️ Boy Moms - Dad!Eddie and Mom!Reader try to make friends with local parents, only to get saddled with a boy mom.
💕 Dad!Eddie Headcanons - A compilation of headcanons of Eddie as a Stay At Home Dad.
🖤 Venus - Eddie and Pregnant!Reader are present for the Rink-O-Mania incident. Reader barfs on Angela.
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i think having a little dragon i could carry around in my pockets would fix all my problems
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'Edward', meaning 'in the direction of Ed'
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Eddie on Steve’s car! ♥️
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"excuse me? she asked for no pickles. 🤨"
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Heyyy (with the intention of holding your hand at the pumpkin patch) 🎃🍂🦇
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you have to stay alive. you're going to be such a beautiful middle aged freak. young freaks will see you in the street and know that things can be okay.
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tfw ur arguing with a literal 11 year old
(for @corrodedcoughin ! ( abt earlier.. !!! ty for brain juice))
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If you're ashamed of self inserts, remember: we have our king Weird Al, who self inserts himself wherever he wants, officially, for everyone to see.
AND his character in my little pony is married to Pinkie Pie. And they have a kid.
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me, vibrating out of my skin : hey can I talk to you about this piece of media real quick? I pinky promise I'll be So Normal about it, like there's no reason to be concerned that this will turn into a three hour long monologue. Like I Prommy that I'm not gonna be a freak about it.
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Venus
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Good afternoon people of Hawkins I take hammer and I fix the canon so that Eddie and his love are there to save the day.
Alternatively: fuck people like Angela. Throw rocks at them.
Trigger Warnings: vomit mention, pregnancy
“What the hell are they doing to Mike’s girlfriend?!”
You sat up ramrod straight, looking directly at Mike Wheeler’s little flame as she’s accosted by a group of leering little bitches led by a trashy looking blonde named Angela. After being accosted one day in Bradley’s Big Buy, fate found you and your fiancé chaperoning Mike’s little trip to see his girlfriend and friend in California. Mrs. Wheeler had paid for the plane tickets and paid you and Eddie two hundred dollars, trusting you to take care of her baby boy and his little friends. Responsibility was something you took seriously. You felt protective, a far cry from your usual antisocial and avoidant demeanor.
The minute you landed in California was when you imprinted on the kiddos like a broody hen imprints on baby chicks. You took a particular liking to Mike’s little girlfriend: she was awkward and scared much like you were once upon a time. Jane Hopper was mousy and shy, and had been trying to be bubbly throughout the trip even though you kept insisting to Eddie something was wrong. You could recognize the signs of someone trying to hold it together. Eddie had insisted you were wrong. Despite his efforts to calm you down, nothing could make you feel safe.
You had been off the whole trip, and the way you were on high alert, the more it seemed like Eddie was right about the cause.
“Hey! Take it easy…” Eddie soothed, pulling at the hem of your Motörhead ringer tee, “Let’s not go berserker on them.”
“I don’t like the way they’re crowding her!” You hissed, pounding your clenched fist on the booth table.
Mike and Will Byers jumped, glancing from you to Eddie then to each other when you immediately stood up out of the booth seat. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet, crouched as though you were going to pounce on someone.
Everyone was already on edge because of you. Going to Rink-O-Mania had been an entire ordeal. Before you entered the parking lot, you were already bitching and moaning about the drive over. Then you started complaining that the rink smelled like feet, and then you complained that the grease from the hot dogs was too overpowering. Eddie had tried to be the peacekeeper. Settling your raging stomach with a thick strawberry milkshake when you started whining about wanting one, and then complaining that the chocolate and vanilla smelled rotten.
The shake helped settle your stomach, but once the nausea was gone you just got more broody and hypersensitive.
“Babe, take a second, okay?” He soothed, pulling you back down into the booth with him, “You’re gonna cause a scene.”
“I don’t like how they’re just grabbing her and lugging her around like a suitcase!” You said.
Will’s hands were shaking, and you could hear him whispering with Mike.
“What’s wrong with her…?”
“How the hell should I know?! She’s been insufferable ever since she got on the plane to California!”
Eddie glanced over at Mike, shaking his head and frowning.
“Mike, take it easy. She’s not feeling well.” He said.
“Eddie, this is stupid!” Mike said, “She complains about every little thing, whines that she doesn’t feel good, then snaps at you if you don’t answer her right away or do what she wants. I swear she’s on the rag! Now she won’t even let El hang with her friends.”
“Mike chill, you don’t understand-…”
You immediately snapped your head towards Will when you heard him make a strangled noise in his throat at the mention of Jane’s “friends”.
“What’s wrong?!” You demanded.
Will looked like he had a gun to his head. Hyperventilating. Pure panic on his face.
“Will…” you growled, moving in like a tiger.
“Sweetheart, please. Everything is fine. Don’t start up with the stress.” Eddie begged.
“Yeah, man! Stop freaking everyone out!”
Mike stared you down while Will looked left and right, as though hoping to be saved. A storm was brewing, both in your face and on the roller rink. And unfortunately he didn’t have the spoons or the know-how to quell both at once.
You glanced hatefully at both Eddie and Mike.
“Shut up.” You hissed, before turning back to Will.
He shrank in the booth, the faux leather squeaking.
“Those girls are not her friends… are they?” You whispered dangerously to Will.
He was avoiding your gaze. Fidgeting in his seat. You continued to stare him down until he finally, finally shook his head and muttered.
“No… they’re not her friends. Those are the ones that bully her at school…”
The air surrounding the booth seemed to shift; a cold front of anticipation hitting everyone. You began to quiver, while Mike and Eddie rounded on Will.
“Why didn’t you say something?!” Mike demanded.
“I promised I wouldn’t tell!” Will countered, while Eddie simultaneously tried to pacify Will and soothe Mike.
But you were done. You were so fucking done.
“Fuck this shit.”
You moved out of the booth and sat astride a nearby bench, kicking your shoes off and tying on your black skates. Your face was dark, stormy and murderous, and you looked like you were puffed up and ready to kill someone.
“No, no, no!” Eddie was scrambling out of the booth after you, trying to grab your arm, “Sweetheart, we need to stop and take a breath-…”
“Eddie’s right! What are you even doing?!” Mike demanded.
“I’m going to get my fucking kid.” You said.
“Since when is she your kid?!” Mike snapped.
“Since your mother told me to take care of all of you on this trip.” You snarled, nearly snapping the shoestrings on your skates as you tied them with a vengeance, “If anything happens to any of you, Eddie and I are the ones that are gonna catch hell.”
“You think I’m afraid of Karen Wheeler?!” Eddie interjected, trying to drag you back over to the table, “I get that we have a responsibility, but we need to take a deep breath and not go apeshit on a bunch of kids. You need to think of the situation we might be in...”
His voiced dropped to a whisper.
“I don’t want either of you getting hurt.”
“I’m just going to go get Jane.” You said.
“Dammit babe you can’t just go charging in-…”
Before Eddie could do anything, you had already secured your skates and began gliding out onto the rink. Vaguely over the sound of Bananarama, you could hear Eddie calling your name. You were skating a bit like shit. The motion was a little disorienting, and out in the middle of the rink you could smell everything mixed together with body sweat.
You whipped your head this way and that, before spotting Jane. Cornered by Angela, that bleach blonde jackass.
“Excuse me.” You called out, bumping the blonde with your hip.
The motion was so fluid it simply looked like you were just gliding on by, taking Jane by the upper arm and coasting with her for a turn around the rink. It was done swiftly, no muss no fuss, but you knew from years of experience that girls like Angela wouldn’t let you go so easily.
Jane looked a little frightened, and you caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of a mirror. Your teased hair was waterlogged with sweat, and your sharp winged eyeliner was dribbling down your cheeks and getting into your sleep deprived red rimmed eyes. To Jane, you must have looked like a demon.
“Are you okay, sweetie?!” You called out to Jane over the intro to ‘Venus’.
She waited until the iconic screech passed before responding.
“I’m okay…” she nodded, clinging to your arm when she realized you had come to save her, not scream at her.
“What were they doing to you?” You called out, only to see the intended plan a second later as Jane’s bully and her cronies started tailing the two of you around the turn. You locked eyes with Eddie across the room, watching him stand up from putting on his inline skates and gliding towards you two.
“Don’t panic.” You told Jane, “Just skate towards Eddie, okay?”
She nodded and went forward obediently, nearly falling into his open arms when you gave her a little push. Jane’s bullies were closing in on either side of you, and just as you made for Eddie, you felt a tug at the back of your hair. It was soft at first, then someone yanked you backward.
You landed hard on your wrist and ass, and when you looked up, you were doused in chocolate shake.
The smell was more overpowering than the laughter of Jane’s bullies. Angela stood triumphantly over you, her friends circling all of you as they laughed and pointed.
“Look who it is!” She laughed, “The loser’s fat little mother hen!”
You didn’t say anything as you got to your feet. Watching the girls circle you was giving you motion sickness, and you slapped a hand over your mouth as the sickening smell of cheap cocoa ice cream and curdling milk invaded your nostrils.
“Aww look, she’s not saying anything.” Angela sneered, getting into your face, “Is Mommy feeling queasy?”
The hot dog grease, burnt popcorn, oil, Angela’s Love’s Baby Soft perfume, and the insoles of skates that had been sweated in since the sixties, were cumulatively gathering together into one rank whiff to make your stomach turn violently. The feeling of saliva flooding your mouth meant the end was nigh. You looked up at Angela, a sly grin on your face as one of her female friends went up behind you with a fist raised.
“Oh, Mama’s feeling queasy alright,” you hissed, spit dribbling out of your mouth.
“You stuck up little bitch.”
Angela only had one moment to react before her friend hit you hard in the middle of the back. The floodgates opened. The punch to the back knocked you forward, and you immediately threw up all over the front of Angela’s blue shirt.
You finally understood the meaning of a Kodak Moment. Her face changed in the span of a second from superior, to shock, to horror and then fear as she began gagging as the smell of vomit hit her nostrils. You coughed up the remains of the shake while her friends immediately vacated the rink, the music stopping mid riff and everyone clearing off the minute “ralph” was heard echoing through the roller rink. Angela began screaming as Eddie nearly bowled into you, laughing so hard he was crying.
“Holy hell!” He cried, his face red with laughter and his smile wide as he led you out of the rink by the arm, “Did you have to do that?!”
“She shouldn’t have doused me in shake.” Was your smug response.
Angela shrieked, alone in the center of the rink, covered and stinking, “You’re fucking gross! You’re disgusting!”
“Word of advice, sweetheart,” Eddie called over his shoulder, a smug smile on his face while leading you into the waiting arms of Will, Mike and Jane.
“Next time: don’t pick a fight with a pregnant woman!”
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Whatever could he be thinking about?👀
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@briarberrythornedhart im glad we agree on this bestie
Good Morning Hawkins I Have Dad!Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Why are we as a society not talking about Stay At Home Dad Eddie?
I know we want our little domestic fantasies. But this man consistently says “fuck the system” every day. No forced conformity in this private domicile.
If you’ve got the drive to want to work after having the kid, he volunteers to stay home and take care of the baby.
Honestly, with his reputation it might be easier should you decide to stay in Hawkins because you’re the face of the relationship. It might actually be harder for him to find a job in town than it might be for you.
He also 100% cleans up his act, stops selling, and goes on the straight and narrow after having a kid. He doesn’t want baby reaching into cabinets and getting into things they shouldn’t get into.
He may still sell a little grass on the side, but he keeps it hidden in the van where little fingers can’t access it.
Eddie might not be the best housekeeper, but god dammit he tries. Like, he will genuinely try over and over to get things right even if it kills him. You don’t have to worry about weaponized incompetence with him.
He’ll start having favorite brands of cleaning products, favorite brands of formula and diapers, and he might get fussy if you bring the wrong ones home.
He’s a nerd. Plain and simple. He’ll be picking up Dustin in the van and taking little munchkin to the library to find any kind of book in relation to parenting, cooking, etc.
I can see Eddie actually becoming a very competent cook. He even makes the kid’s meals into fun little shapes for their lunchboxes.
Fun finger foods is his main staple when he’s not being Betty Crocker.
Literally does not care how he looks, he’ll push the most dolled up little stroller around Hawkins in broad daylight. He’ll wander out to Bradley’s in a polkadot apron and a pink baby sling. And when the kid is old enough to play salon with daddy, he’s gonna wander out in public with anything from pink scrunchies and glitter polish to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles backpack and magic marker on his face.
I can see Eddie being a little shit and purposely buying the most girly pink items for the baby when they’re little, no matter the gender.
He likes wearing pink in public. It pisses off the conservative parents who see him and the kid coming.
The only thing is you have to have a serious talk with him about is smoking around the kid, because Eddie’s one flaw may be that he’s got the propensity to be a cigarette mom. (It’s the late 80’s, and this was reality for a lot of older Millennials.)
So throw away his Camels and pay Dustin to tail him with a fire extinguisher.
Dustin is going to be Parent Number 3 in this relationship. I’m sorry but it’s reality.
Has absolutely no idea how to take care of a baby but is willing to learn.
Eddie would probably have to reschedule D&D nights with his buddies, because money would be hella tight now that the two of you have a little gremlin and one income. So you can’t exactly pay a sitter.
But he loves to make campaigns based on the stories he tells to the baby during bedtime.
RIP to y’all but once you have that baby, Uncle Wayne’s gonna refuse to let you and Eddie move out. He’s gonna change his work schedule too so he can spend time with the baby.
It would probably take a lot of overtime and a bit of Eddie’s extra side hustle, but the single wide is eventually going to get upgraded to a two bedroom double wide.
Uncle Wayne will insist on giving you, Eddie and the baby the master bedroom. Hell, he might even try to give the kid his bedroom.
Eddie is going to fucking refuse to let his uncle sleep in the living room of the new double wide.
Eddie might also become a little codependent on the kid. School will be a nightmare, because he’ll suddenly be alone in the trailer all day and chain smoke waiting for the kiddo to come home from school.
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