#tlaes headcanons
asmodeus-682 · 5 months
Cute Lumini headcanons
1. Castor loves listening to Lunar ramble about comic books and manga, to him it's adorable how happy Lunar looks when talking about the plotlines and everything.
2. Similarly, Lunar loves when Castor and Pollux ramble about their work. It's mostly thrm complaining but he doesn't mind. At least they're letting out frustration in a healthy way.
3. Pollux and Lunar show each other affection through gift giving, whereas Castor prefers to give physical affection to Lunar.
4. Both Gemini twins do show affection through biting, each have claimed a shoulder each when giving Lunar little love bites.
5. For their first official date as a Vee relationship; Lunar took Castor and Pollux to a museum. Followed by sharing 2 pizzas together, all 3 of them had a lot of fun that day.
6. Castor doesn't necessarily like eating unless it's during a date night. However Pollux likes eating in general, Lunar finds both of their eating habits rather cute
7. Moon found out about the relationship after walking in on Lunar making out with Gemini (Castor and Pollux merged just so they both could kiss him). Moon was surprised to say the least
8. Lunar likes being held by Gemini, in an odd way their height difference when his two partners are merged into Gemini makes Lunar feel safer when in romantic/intimate moments.
9. Lunar once made a sexual joke towards Castor who didn't understand it, Pollux having understood ended up explaining the joke to Castor (she was trying not to laugh at the same time)
10. Castor gets the most flustered when Lunar flirts, Pollux is more likely to flirt back instead. Lunar loves both reactions equally
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tsamsheadcanons · 11 days
Headcanon for Lunar and Taurus
Lunar introduces Taurus to/shows him the Doom games, specifically Doom Eternal. Taurus reluctantly plays it at first bc he thinks it'll help understand Lunar via his interests.
Taurus ends up obsessed with the game 10 minutes into playing.
I would like to see Lunar and Taurus to play videos games together
it would be cool
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thesunnybear · 4 days
Lunar and earth are both chubby! But with the clothing lunar wears no one realizes that until he says something and Monty just loving stares at earth calling her pretty or beautiful whenever she feels insecure about her chubby stomach.
Don't worry lunar also gets some nice words from gemini too ;3
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starheirxero · 4 months
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bonus versions under the cut 👇
Version with the cape I usually like to give Lunar!!! + without the text and effects bc DAMN I spent a while on all of that LMAO
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anogtsamsfan · 4 months
Tsams Headcanons
Solar sleep walks and snores really loud
Eclipse is genderfluid
Eclipse likes to bake but is embarrassed about it, he bakes with earth sometimes though
Solar was DMing a DnD campaign
Castor and Pollux most likely need therapy from Earth
Earth knows ASL and is teaching Eclipse
Earth really likes to put buns in her hair
Castor use to be less emotionless but his emotions were drained from Pollux being so emotional
Gemini use to be one person, but was split into two one day and Castor and Pollux have no memory of it
Eclipse needs glasses
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
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POV you found a notepad and wanted to get the autographs of your favorite characters
Font names and other stuff under the cut
Sun: Font name is “Luna.” You likely got his autograph by approaching him in the daycare. He's skittish and awkward sometimes with fans, so you had to be very chill and calm with your approach. As long as you maintain a normal speaking volume, give him personal space, and talk to him like a normal person, he's cool with giving autographs
Moon: Font name is “Quikhand.” Like Sun, you probably also had to go to the daycare to get his autograph. He can be a bit awkward and distant, but as long as you treat him like a normal person and aren't clingy and don't hover or insist on physical contact, he's cool with giving autographs
Frank: Font name is “CakorAyam.” No one ever knows where to find Frank, or where he is at any given point in time, so let's be real; you didn't find Frank, Frank found you. He's a guy of few words and mostly breathes at you during the whole interaction, but as long as you're kind to him, he'll be kind to you, and he'll even happily give you an autograph
Solar: Font name is “TINET.” You more than likely went to the Superstar Theater and approached him while he was working at the counter. If you treat him like a normal person, he'll give you an autograph, and he might even be content to crack some jokes or make light conversation. If you go at him like a crazy fan though, he'll send you away empty handed and tell you that you're being weird
KC: Font name is “Bree Font.” He worked at a soup kitchen, so you probably went there to see him. If you're weird in your approach, he'll tell you and ask you to stop, but if you're chill and polite, he'll give you his autograph and speak with you during his break. If he's in an especially good mood, he may even send you off with a cinnamon roll or cookie, too
Eclipse: Font name is “PP Handwriting Normal.” No one knows where Eclipse is, most of the time. Only god knows where you manage to stumble across him, but when you show up, he's probably in the middle of plotting and scheming something. He's not happy you're there, but he tries dismissing you. If you're calm and patient, and have the willpower to stand there and take the attitude he'll more than likely give you, he might give you his autograph purely to make you go away faster. If you're rude back to him, he might find some amusement in it and give you an autograph too, but that's a 50/50 shot whether he'll laugh or get annoyed
Solar Flare: Font name is “TrashHand.” You spotted him when he was on his way to the daycare to deliver satellite blueprints to Moon, so you stopped him for a moment. He was in a hurry, as blunt as ever about how important he is that he completes his task before Eclipse realizes what's up, and he finds the concept of autographs a bit strange, but he goes along with it. He doesn't really care how you behave, since he's indifferent to most things
Ruin: Font name is “We Mano Negra bta.” You found the British boy hanging out in the fazcade, tinkering with an arcade machine. As long as you're not a crazy fan about how you approach him, he's quite the social butterfly and would happily give you an autograph, but if you're weird about it, he'd either get visibly uncomfortable and leave as soon as possible, or he'd drop the sweetheart act and tell you, in a very blank, very flat tone of voice, to knock it off
Creator: Font name is “Taken by Vultures demo.” I'll be honest, I have no idea how you'd get his autograph. Firstly, you'd have to break into his lab, and doing so would probably result in death because now you've seen too much. Secondly, he has no hands or opposable thumbs as a giant brain. He'd need to be in the body of one of his little droids to even think about holding a pen and writing anything. On the off chance that you break into his lab and stroke his ego enough, he might consider letting you go, but if you say or do something he doesn't like, he'll put you 6 feet under
Bloodmoon: Font name is “5 years old.” I'm not sure about this one, either. You'd need whoever Bloodmoon was following/taking orders from present, to keep Bloodmoon from launching himself at you with murderous intent. That's assuming the person in question is nice enough to allow that, but... with the track record that Bloodmoon has of people he's decided to follow, the chance of his new master being kind is slim to none. If you don't end up in multiple pieces or smeared on the ground, you'd be very badly hurt. It's in everyone's best interest that you avoid this one at all costs
Monty: Font name is “Mind Antiks.” You likely found Monty in Gator Golf and decided to approach them there. They might be a bit skeptical of your intentions at first and assume you’re there on behalf of The Government, but with patience and gentle perseverance, you could convince them that you’re there of your own will and that you don’t intend to do anything weird or bad with their signature. As usual, treat them like a normal person, and don’t be weird or act like a crazy fan, that’d make them super uncomfortable (gonna stop repeating the “treat them like a normal person and don’t be a crazy fan” rule, because I feel like that should just be a given that no one likes it when you’re weird towards them)
Foxy: Font name is “Note this.” You likely saw him at the store when he was picking up something for FC, or while he was heading to Gator Golf. He’d be caught off guard and a little awkward at first, but probably very flattered that anyone would like him enough/think he was cool enough to want his autograph. Just,, whatever you do, be patient with the man; we all know he struggles with moving his arms
Puppet: Font name is “Domestic Manners.” You stopped by the Faz-Pad for a drink and saw Puppet there, crashing in that little corner that has the pool table. They were in the middle of watching some anime that you’d never even heard of, and although they’re slightly miffed about their show being interrupted, it’s quickly forgiven when you explain why you’ve approached them. Puppet likely didn’t think they had enough of a presence in the shows or that they couldn’t possibly be anyone’s favorite character, so they’re very flattered and more than willing to give you an autograph. If you started asking them questions about anime (whether it’s the one they’re currently watching, a different show, or anime in general), you’d probably be there all day while they happily ramble at you
FC: Font name is “Kindergarden.” FC was under Sun’s care when you found him, likely in the daycare. While it’s a little odd to go up to a kid and ask for an autograph, FC would be very excited, and he’d get the biggest ego boost from it, because this was all the proof he needed to see that he’s cool
Vegeta: Font name is “Elliot six.” Much like Frank, you do not find Vegeta, Vegeta finds you. He might be a little weird about the situation and a bit skeptical at first, but he could be convinced to give you an autograph. You might be suckered into getting him ice cream, helping him find his dog, watching some of his weird, out of pocket dance moves, or something else entirely, and he might find you again in the future, but hey. He’d be happy, and you would have unintentionally made a friend
Stitchwraith/Andrew: Font name is “Bear Butter.” You’d probably die the instant you wandered into his base, uninvited and unannounced. To be honest, I highly doubt anything you could say or do would be enough to get any form of mercy from him, let alone getting a simple autograph. He doesn’t take kindly to people poking their noses into his business, so… yeah. Hope you have a will drafted and a coffin picked out before you even try to approach him
Stitchwraith/Jake: Font name is “Endless Bummer” (in all caps). Everything I typed out for Andrew also applies here, so I don’t really need to add anything else
Lunar: Font name is “Dadhand.” Like with Sun and Moon, you probably found Lunar in the daycare and approached him there. He’s chill with fans coming in to say hi, and he’s happy to give you his autograph, provided you’re not a creepy weirdo
Earth: Font name is “Shadows into Light.” She was also in the daycare (wowie wow wow, look at all the people in the daycare, such a shocker /silly/sar) when you decided to approach her. She likes interacting with fans and it makes her very happy. She’s more than willing to give you an autograph, but you need to be especially mindful of how you act. If she’s even the tiniest bit uncomfortable around you, you’ll be booted out the door by one of her brothers
Jack: Font name is “Coffee House.” Lord knows where you stumble upon Jack, honestly. He’s probably confused about why you want him to write his name on a piece of paper, but he does it anyway, because why not. The only downside is that he might steal or break your pen
Castor: Font name is “Oil bats basic.” Astral bodies don’t typically get asked for autographs, so he’s thrown for a loop when you waltz up to him and ask him about it. While Castor grasps the concept of it, it’s just ACTUALLY doing it that confuses him, since… that’s his name. Why do you need/want it so bad? He is literally just There, he doesn’t see why you’re so invested in getting him to write his name. He’ll do it, but not before expressing how bizarre this is to him
Pollux: Font name is “A hundred miles.” Pollux doesn’t quite understand why you’d want her autograph either. Her thought process is very similar to Castor’s, but she’ll still do it. If you tell her that you want her autograph because you think she’s super cool, you might even manage to score some brownie points
Gemini: Font name is “Hathem Bosteem Free.” They’ll do it. They’re just Castor and Pollux merged together as one person, so just imagine everything I typed out for both of them, inserted here
Nebula: Font name is “Antro Vectra.” Again, this is another one where only god knows where you’d find her. Nebula doesn’t quite fully understand the concept of autographs, but I get the feeling she’d be flattered if you explained it to her and said that you wanted hers because you thought she was cool. She’d be flattered and still slightly confused, but either way, she could be convinced to do it
Taurus: Font name is “Across the road.” You…. Are not finding him on your own. Plain and simple. You’d have to get his autograph through Nebula, assuming he was feeling gracious enough to give you his autograph at all
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mothytheghost · 4 months
I need this and I gotta say this for ship head canons.
When Eclipse and Earth has a little one welcomed to their family. (Earth has a kid that is newly born)
Eclipse is straight up a protective dad. He would watch Earth and her kid like a hawk. And would be cautious when Sun and Lunar are around her.
Eclipse doesn't attack others but can find ways to make himself threatening to scare others away or make them leave.
His family is the only thing that keeps him balanced and would get Separation anxiety when he feels like he needs to protect and be with Earth and the kid.
Eclipse having a family of his own is the most beautiful thing he's accomplished because he's never had a family he wanted because he felt so distant and would get people against him.
This has been on my mind since the day I started shipping them
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brxxkenwings · 2 months
*Squeezes Through A Crack in The Wall* I got another idea...
You know how Dazzle said Jack taught her how to kill someone, right? Imagine if she were prompted to do so in her new body.
Like, hypothetically (realistically, I'm 78% sure they wouldn't actually do this), Moon gives Dazzle a knife and forgets to tell Sun. Dazzle doesn't tell him because she doesn't think much of it, obviously.
But one day, when Dark Sun or Nexus, or whatever threat comes into the Daycare, Sun watches in horror as his little deer daughter just starts stabbing at their ankles.
Moon gives a quiet thumbs up. Lunar is cheering her on. Earth is too stunned to speak.
And after the threat is over, Sun tears Moon a new one- physically and/or verbally.
Okay, that is all. *Tries to squeeze back through the crack but fails*
I'll...just use the door.
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mothymayhem · 1 month
Honestly, Evil Lunar is just,,, an objectum. The black hole / spiral. His one true love. He's so fascinated with it. He wants to go in there.
@radio-atlas YOU DID THIS.
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Wish there were more people like you who were open to exploring dynamics between two characters in an alternate universe where they are not bound by familial relationship/title or whatever it's called. I get it tsams/tlaes have a lot of family things going on and a-specs things but eh what do I expect from a fandom that started the hate on sunxmoon shippers? I'll continue shipping sunxmoon, eclipsexsun, solarxmoon and solarxearth(thanks to that one anon from before for introducing me to this) not as family related, and the fandom can suck it
Like one person told me "Moon and Solar are brothers" once.
They're not.
That's like saying Ink and Dream or something from the Undertale Au verse are brothers cause they're alternate realities of eachother and people ship them all the time???
"but they have the same face"
So does Lolbit and Funtime Foxy. They're a couple in SBshow verse.
Mickey and Minnie mouse have the same face and no one raises stink about the most classic example of same face syndrome.
They're robots and I think physical appearance matters very little to them in the grand scheme of things. But that might just be my demisexual ass talking.
On a side note, I know the VA for Earth, Aka: Kat has been very "ship and let ship" with the fandom. And I think that's why in the Solar therapy session, she clarified that she knows Solar isn't biologically related. Technically none of them are, she just wants to consider him part of the family.
I remember awhile back the fandom was so hostile to people who saw Lunar as an adult and would draw him in adult situations. (Like taxes/half joking you know what I mean)
And I believe that was the last big drama the actors like Davis was directly involved in before he took a step back from that and told the fandom to sort it out themselves. And I really don't blame him. There are people who are crazy and just feel entitled to things.
And in more recent episodes, Lunar has stated more frequently that he is an adult animatronic of sound mind who can make his own decisions, so that they can put that issue to bed with the discourse.
(I personally think that gen1/2 Lunar was very much a kid psychology and through the course of the course of the show, and due to his experiences and truama he grows up in two years and he's a young adult now. This reflects in every time he has a model change or appearance.)
See this is what I mean when I say they are robots. Robots can grow up from 13 to 24 (approximately) in the span of two years. Robots can change their mind about family dynamics and say "you know what I think that i don't feel like a cousin, as what I feel for Moon is more intense then familiar bonds. So I change my mind." And this is allowed. This is allowed. Like I would not think this way about human characters.
People in the transformers fandom are really familiar with this concept as well. At least the few people I talk to from an outsider perspective. The transformers robots change their relationships in canon to eachother all the time from what I hear.
And yes. I know tsams is focused on themes of family and found family and togetherness. Like I'm not media illiterate. I know what one of the themes are. For some reason, people think I don't know tsams is about family.
Like bruh.
This whole show took two years for them to build the family and support network they all have with eachother when before the show was a toxic family relationship with Sun and Moon only. And I think it's beautiful how it evolved and how many characters there are and how big the family is now!
It's great!
And I do separate in my brain what's going on in canon and what's going on in my shipping brain.
This doesn't mean I can have fun on the side. With silly speculations and silly headcanons.
Giggling to myself and twirling my hair about the "what ifs" and aus
Staying out of the main tags and talking to my own friends with my own company.
While also analyzing the show and leaving tsams lots of long lovely YouTube comments about what the show is actually about.
Also. Consider this.
Since the multiverse is canon in tsams, in definition, by their own rules, there is a universe where everything in tsams is the same, except your ship is canon.
Evil!Sun even said that Sun and Moon being brothers is more rare across dimensions then we initially assumed.
So they're either enemies, strangers, they killed eachother, or something else.
They only are brothers after their canon event of separating and agreeing to work together. So there are some universes where that never happened.
Meaning most likely that our Moon's portal runs on a central finite curve.
So take that as you will.
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asmodeus-682 · 4 months
What are your Lunar x Pollux headcanons?
I don't have many Pollux x Lunar headcanons tbh. Most of them are similar to Castor x Lunar (like Lunar's sweaters being stolen for example)
But here's three main ones
1. Pollux loves when Lunar plays with her hair, the feeling is very relaxing
2. Lunar tries making treats for Pollux whenever he has her over at his house
3. They both are publicly affectionate 70% of the time
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tsamsheadcanons · 4 days
Leo X Solar (my friend got me shipping it)
The CONCEPT alone of Leo coming down to talk to Lunar, And Solar being stood next to him at the time, and the two just stare at each other.
Then Solar just starts yelling at Leo "Where have you been??" "I have a son now!"
And Lunars just there processing the fact that one of his brothers got an astral as a partner before he did (He'd 100% ask Solar for tips to date Gemini after)
I have never heard of this ship before, it sounds interesting
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thesunnybear · 1 month
Tsams/tlaes headcanons!!! :D
Sun:pansexual and transfem
Moon:gay and aroace (doesn't date!)
Lunar:Bisexual and non-binary
Earth:pansexual and transfem
Pollux:pansexual and transfem
Castor:gay and non-binary
Jack-o-moon:Bisexual and aromatic
Nexus:bisexual and aroace
Solar:genderfluid and asexual
Dark sun:Aroace
If y'all would like you can ask to see my headcanons of another character!!! :D
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starheirxero · 7 months
"A part of me still wants to go crawling back to him, it's what I was made to do." FUCK EVERYTHINGGGGGG
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stellarluck · 8 months
Let me hear you TSAMS and TLAES headcanons
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starrydaycare · 2 months
Hi there!! 'M gonna start taking requests for Moodboards! It has to be a moodboard, not a stimboard bc I'm still tryna figure out the best way to make stimboards. It has to be in my list of fandoms, and has to be agere or petre! I'll also write headcanons with it, if you ask. Here's a list of things I gotta know to make it:
What fandom (Unless you only want an aesthetic)
What character(s) (Unless you only want an aesthetic)
What aesthetic (Or, if you want I can surprise you! But you gotta tell me if so)
Agere or petre
CG, regressor, babysitter, sibling, ect,.
I can do any fandoms for agere moodboards, including adult media (Eg,. Hazbin hotel, Sally face, Killing Stalking) BUT! The moodboard itself will be sfw, as this is an sfw only age regression account.
Or, if you don't want any character and only want an aesthetic, then I can do that, too. But it has to be agere, and for Headcanons it has to be on my fandom list.
You can request agere headcanons now!!
My headcanon fandoms are:
Hazbin hotel
Tsbs (Tsams, Tlaes, Teaps, ect,.)
Gravity falls
My little pony (FiM)
Five nights at Freddy's (all games)
Bee and Puppycat
The Promised Neverland (Manga or Anime)
Killing stalking
The Celestial Void
Kotoro lives alone
Sally Face
Any Zelda game
Ouran highschool host club
Suicide boy
I won't do anything romantic!! Platonic only, please and thank you.
I'm doing agere and tickle requests for headcanons, has to be agere, petre and/or a tickle fic/headcanons and sfw! Putting tickles on here bc this is my sfw blog overall, so I might as well put it here since it's sfw :)) Idk how to word itttttt but it makes sense in my head.
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