#maine coon tortoiseshell
felinefractious · 1 month
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🐱 Maine Coon Polydactyl [6666]
📸 Irina Goriunova [Eyktan]
🎨 Black Tortoiseshell
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kagoutiss · 1 year
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kittyfies them i guess,,,,
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shark-sslime · 6 months
Is there a therian flag for a tortoiseshell cat or tortoiseshell coloured mainecoon or just a mainecoon flag?
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Here is a tortoiseshell/calico cat flag! The colors are of course for the coat colors of these cats. The 3 lines in the middle are for both the 1 male for every 3000 female calicos/torties, as well as the XXY genetic pattern of male torties (males with this coloration are always intersex).
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Maine coon flag! The wiggly stripes on the side are representative of the range of colors maine coons can be. It also represents the smokey, wispy fur on their ears and cheeks. The two trees on the side represent the size of maine coons in comparison to other cats. They are also a feature of Maine's state flag, where the Maine coon originated. The star in the middle of the Theta Delta is another feature of the Maine state flag.
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sunsetcorvid · 8 months
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what i look like irl
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bookofoktober · 2 years
Lulahween, Autumn Cat With Pumpkin 5 by Vivienne Gucwa Via Flickr:
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pawptropica · 2 years
Red Queen and King
The Red Queen is a torbie Maine Coon!
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The king is a brown tabby LaPerm cat!
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Chicken Nugget with Mom, Abby, and sister, Tree Branch.
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vvinsoli · 2 years
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Recent oc art!! My boys Buckingham & Zemo :)
Like what you see? Check out my linktree for my other social media! (I post my art on various websites lol)
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ourobororos · 16 days
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once upon a time i wanted to draw the pokebosses all as cats and i finally got around to finishing it 😼 i like the idea of interpreting them as regular #normal cats.... some thoughts and hcs for them below the cut bc its fun to stink about
giovanni- classic tuxedo tomcat. well taken care of but spends a lot of time prowling around... kind of the leader of the local outdoor cat community. social and charming but will always win a fight if challenged
maxie- very vocal siamese... usually stays indoors but occasionally goes out + likes to roll around in dirt. standoffish and doesnt like to be pet + gets into fights constantly with the annoying tabby next door
archie- scruffy long haired tabby who spends most of his time outdoors, esp by rivers to stare at the fish... very friendly to everyone but likes picking fights with the stuck-up siamese cat next door
cyrus- exclusively indoor tiny sphynx. glares at all the outdoor cats through the window on his tall perch
ghetsis- fluffy male tortoiseshell. nobody knows where he lives, seen outside a lot but always well-groomed and well-fed. charming so you let your guard down and then he swats when you least expect it
lysandre- massive purebred maine coon... extremely pampered and only gets the royal treatment from his owners of course. rarely goes outside and is grossed out by all the outdoor cats and their dirty coats
guzma- huge scruffy tabby, rare ghost coloration. escaped his home young and became the leader of a group of feral stray cats... aggressive and REFUSES to get caught by humans without putting up a fight
lusamine- purebred ragdoll... very fancy show cat part of a line of them- never ever goes outside but likes chatting with the outdoor cats through her custom built catio screen. always showing off her kittens
rose- purebred british shorthair, very friendly but out of touch and gets picked on by the other cats due to his pampering and rarely going outdoors. skittish and picky about his food
colress- russian blue. nobody knows if hes a well taken care of stray or an outdoor housecat, but travels far and wide and never stays put for long. the cats think he and ghetsis might be from the same household(?) but nobody knows the truth
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cursedmoon-doll13 · 1 year
Cat Themed Self-Ship Asks 🐈‍⬛
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Tabby: Is your f/o snuggly? Are you? If so, what are your favourite ways to cuddle?
Ginger: Who is the most intelligent? Who is the sensible one? Or do you share one braincell?
Calico: Do you consider yourself lucky that you met your f/o? Do they consider themselves lucky that they met you? Why?
Tuxedo: Do you both prefer fancy dates where you dress up, or casual dates?
Black Cat: Do either of you like haunted houses? Or does either of you get spooked? If so, how do you comfort your f/o / your f/o comfort you?
White Cat: Are your f/o’s eyes particularly striking to you? In what way? Do they find themselves captivated by yours, in turn?
Tortoiseshell: Who has the worse temper? Can you get snippy with each other?
Siamese: Who is chattier/louder, you or your f/o?
Persian: Are you a high or low maintenance couple? Who has the most rigorous grooming routine? Do you help each other?
Maine Coon: Are you a stay at home couple, or do you like going on trips together?
Bengal: Do either of you have a particular love for swimming? Do you like to take baths or showers together?
Sphynx: Who prefers wearing sweaters the most? Neither, both? Do either of you knit? Would you ever wear matching sweaters?
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felinefractious · 3 months
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Zemfira Victory [Pedigree]
🐱 Maine Coon
📸 Koshchina [Victory Cattery]
🎨 Black Classic Tortoiseshell Tabby Bicolor
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headfullofgalaxies · 5 months
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WonderlandsxShowtime as cats!
Tsukasa - Siamese (cream point): LOUD. Siamese have things to say and if that doesn't fit Tsukasa then I don't know what does. They're also extremely sociable, the extrovert of cat breeds.
Emu - Singapura: Smallest cat breed. They're forever kittens, very playful and curious. A perfect cat for Emu's energy.
Rui - Maine Coon (brown tabby): BIG. Gentle giants that might seem scary to those who don't know them. Fits Rui's reputation pretty well. Also just the thought of having Rui as the biggest cat and Emu as the smallest was too fun to pass up.
Nene - Domestic Longhair (tortoiseshell & white): Basically a mutt cat, so they can have any mix of personalities. Reasonable to assume they could match Nene's introverted personality. Torties, specifically, are known for their attitude, which fits Nene's sharp tongue and wit.
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strawhatghost · 7 months
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More Kitty ASL for fun because I got dizzy
- Sabo's a purebred tortoiseshell british shorthair (not even because he's British but because it's an expensive ass cat breed and he's a noble so I made him an expensive ass cat to own, he's a street cat to his core though) I wanted him to be round so hes round heart smile, he lost his eye completely he's scrungly
- Luffy's a calico because he's a calico hope this helps. He's the lankiest tiniest strangest cat you'd find in an alley, constantly mistaken for a kitten, his ears are too big for his body, always getting into trouble. (Sorry I didn't draw his hat I didn't want to) fun fact male calico's are actually pure black unless their XXY so he's a rare little guy
- Ace's a big ass maine coon mix with a cow print coat, which is also an expensive cat breed (all of them are rare as fuck), making Ace a big cat with a fluffy ass coat is just so silly to me, you can't take him seriously he has big paws and the feather duster tail, I kiss his forehead stop looking at me so angrily little guy
Never beating the Warrior Cats kid allegations 😔
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kimbapisnotsushi · 7 months
hey all i know a lot of us aren't on twt so here's a post of info from the translated material very kindly given to us by @TrianaNero. first we're starting with info from a bonus volume given to people going to the movie, in which furudate is interviewed about the characters!! some of the questions aren't really necessary to know, some are, and some i think are just funny, which is why there's a mix of them! find the full thread here, of which i directly quoted
kenma is STILL having trouble choosing a fave game BUT apparently his first game was mario kart 64!!
lev's weirdest nickname he received from the upperclassmen is "flora-san", which is (and this is a direct quote) "to honor lev's commendable gut flora that helps him always have good bowel movements" (LMAAAAAO I'M CRYING)
taketora's mohawk came from copying an italian player during his first year
okay i HAVE to include the question in this one because the question was "i admire how considerate and serene kai always is, how can i also become like that?" and the answer is. "face death once". ????? kai??? are you okay???
a "lame pun" that fukunaga likes is "happiceive" LMAO
other than racing each other, inuoka and hinata compete in who can eat fish the cleanest
THIS ONE IS ABOUT SHIBAYAMA MY BOY anyways the question was "nishinoya taught shibayama how to keep calm -- did he manage that?" and the answer was "i'm sure he still has a long way to go" so. it's a work in progress i guess (poor shibayama . . . )
"teshiro and tsukishima both try to avoid noisy places when eating or taking a break and because of that sometimes end up near each other" (this is SO cute i'm crying)
apparently the player that impressed akane the most at the tournament was atsumu?? girl you can do better
"what does alisa consider cool about her brother" "everything" STOP IT RIGHT NOW MY HEART
coach nekomata's favorite alcohol is "sake (the bitter kind)"
furudate says that fukunaga was the hardest to draw "because i feel pressured to come up with interesting lines for him"
he also says that he'd be friends with yamamoto if he was on nekoma, because "once you get close to him, you become really good friends pretty easily"
the "we are the blood" speech was something kuroo and the others wanted to "come up with something original for the team" in their second year!! (i think for when they would become third years, according to the post)
AYUDSFBTFDKAS WE HAVE CAT MASCOTS!!! apparently they're all crossbreeds except lev and inuoka (i don't know enough about animals or cats to know what that means) kenma: calico kuroo: black cat yamamoto: orange tabby (@kanoyachi says that he's not neutered in that illustration of them which i have not seen?? do with that what you will) yaku: grey tabby kai: tortoiseshell cat fukunaga: bicolor cat inuoka: maine coon (I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS) lev: russian blue shibayama: tuxedo cat (SOBBING) teshiro: white cat
never mind i have since been sent that image. what the fuck
uhhh okay i don't entirely get what this one means but Q: Share a secret about Nekoma A: It's not Hanako-san in the toilet, it's Suzuki-san
the full lyrics of hinata's toilet song: "Toi-toi-toilet! Toile-let! Whoam I! The guy! Who'll become the ace! Fly fly a 100 meters! Go go 10k km! And befo-ore tha-at--" (repeat from beginning)
the reason why kageyama is concerned that animals don't like him: "when i was in elementary school, a toy poodle from the neighborhood who'd show his belly to anyone always kept barking at me for some reason"
the only times daichi was angrier than when kageyama and hinata fought was when noya and tanaka "wrestled and broke some equipment". and also when they "tried to race a car while running". apparently they ignored the first warning both times
IUAHFDOS FURUDATE GOT ASKED WHETHER SUGA OR FUKUNAGA WAS FUNNIER AND THE ANSWER WAS "i think it depends on the person. for kenma it's fukunaga"
asahi's favorite animal is "whichever doesn't bite"
Q: How to become as mentally strong/solid as Nishinoya? A: Do everything you're scared of
Q: Tanaka said he gets down in the dumps about once in 6 months, what caused that before? A: When he couldn't spike or serve or pass properly, be that practice or official matches
tsukishima likes shortcakes bc "he used to be rewarded with them for getting his vaccine shots" . . .
apparently yamaguchi likes soggy fries because "they have a very pronounced taste". whatever the hell that means??
Q: What was Yachi's most pessmistic episode up until now? A: When she got an award of excellence at a crime prevention poster competition in middle school. She feared that other people'd be like "why did they choose this", "there's clearly better submissions" (YACHI YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS)
Q: I like Takeda-sensei's "Chaaah!" when he drinks. What other sounds does he make? A: "Okkaree"
ukai got healthy eating habits from a book where he read that your muscles break down if you don't get all the nutrients you need, "and that gave him a really good scare"
Q: Who'd you be best friends with on Karasuno? A: Azumane. Peace.
so apparently a secret about karasuno is that they used to share the club room with a mountain climbing club which "disappeared" (??? i'm assuming that means disbanded it just sounds so ominous) and so they "ended up with quite a big room"
furudate uses a bird-person as his avatar because "i like birds and apparently i remind some people of a bird"
Q: What was the idea behind the recent bonus chapter? A: I wanted to include how nekoma realized it was useless to dive after that ball but they simply couldn't help it in the main manga—but it ruined the flow a little, so i took it out, and then I wanted to include it here.
HJKSDFGBJKSFD LMAAAAO during furudate's research process he took pics of the players and the seated fans during the match and received suspicious looks for it. and ended that question with "I'm sorry for acting suspiciously" and that's that!!! WHEW that was a doozy. i'll make another post describing some illustrations from the same thread, and one covering the magazine digest thread, so keep an eye out for that as well!! thanks for joing me!!!
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kitthefoxkin · 3 months
hiii could i please get a tortoiseshell maine coon moodboard with red/black victorian goth themes??? TYSMMMM
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tortoiseshell maine coone cat alterhuman moodboard with themes of red + black victorian gothic!
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pawptropica · 2 years
Red Baroness is a tortoiseshell Maine Coon!
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