#cunning villain
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chaotic-orphan · 5 months ago
Whumptober No.6
Not realising they’re injured
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms // Healed Wrong // "It's not my blood."
This one is kind of inspired by the prompts but not about any one of them? It’s in the rules, ✨it’s allowed✨
Hero didn’t stop until they were far enough away from Villain until they slowed and allowed themselves to catch their breath. They pressed their back flush against the brick wall, gasping out a hiss of pain as they grabbed the shaft of the arrow sticking out of their stomach, just above their hip.
Villain’s arrow was lodged inside and with every step Hero took it rubbed against their hip bone and sent jolts of pain ricocheting up their spine, every movement serving to further aggravate it. Hero released the shaft with a grunt, and went for the arrow in their shoulder first.
They bit their tongue to stop themselves from screaming as they snapped the fletchlings off the ends. Hero couldn’t help the whimper in the back of their throat at how painful even that slight movement was, but they couldn’t stop now.
Hero braced themselves and stepped away from the wall, huffing out a few laboured breaths before they pushed the arrow through their body. Hero stomped their foot, their neck muscles tense as they glared at the sky, letting out huffing breaths of pain and whining in the back of their throat until the arrow fell to the ground on the other side.
The wound started pooling blood but Hero tried their best to ignore it, staunching the bleeding with the wad of cloth bandages they kept on them at all times. It would have to do.
Hero side stepped to the corner of the alley, peaking out around the corner, expecting Villain to appear at the end of the Warehouses with their bow poised and ready, already aiming at Hero’s head, but… it was quiet. Silent.
Eerily so.
Hero glanced down at the leftover bandages, considering if they should even try to do anything with their hip but… no. They should wrap it tight and then continue out, looking for cover. They weren’t going to be able to fight Villain again like this, they were too crafty, too cunning and unpredictable, and unlike Hero, they could fight from the shadows and still devastate Hero with their arrows.
Hero wrapped the bandage around their hip, crossing and pulling it tight but not too tight, and tucking the end into a strip before they straightened again, scanning the warehouses across from them. If they could get between the next two warehouse, they would be home clean if they could make it to the street. Hero could lose themselves in the narrow streets instead of running through the wide open space, that only really gave Villain any advantage in the fight.
Hero waited, listened, and when they were satisfied they heard nothing, Hero stepped out of the alley. They had to be quick. They walked with strong steps, careful not to put too much pressure on their injured leg, even if every step no matter how light sent new volts of agony spiking through their body.
Halfway across.
Hero was doing good.
Then the warehouses turned, and Hero frowned and the ground rushed up to meet them. Hero shot their hands out and cried out when they took their weight on their bad shoulder, barely suppressing a scream.
What?! What happened? Did their leg go from under them? Hero pushed themselves up but the world spun again and they felt like they were going to get sick. The strength left them as they tried to push themselves up again but fell face down, and this time they did scream when the arrow lodged in their hip was pushed further inside them.
All energy had been zapped from them, the world dizzying, turning over itself and in and out of focus as Hero tried to blink. Had they lost too much blood? What was—
Loud, echoing footsteps sounded through the warehouse strip, deafening the closer they got to Hero. Hero saw them, Villain’s legs, their bow handing by their side.
“Hero, Hero, Hero,” Villain tsked, the words running together and echoing off Hero’s skull. Villain stopped beside Hero and crouched, slapping Hero’s cheek. Hero whined in reply. “Still with me, hmm?”
They could feel Villain’s eyes roam over them, but they couldn’t tell what they were thinking, what they were observing. Hero tried to speak but their tongue felt fat and heavy in their mouth so all they could do was whine.
A sharp slap to the shoulder and Hero cried out into the darkness, but they couldn’t move, they couldn’t struggle away. Thinking became too much of an effort and they had no idea what was happening to them. They flexed their fingers but only their pinky twitched in front of their face.
“Paralysis poison,” Villain supplied, as if reading Hero’s mind. Hero’s body suddenly ran cold with terror. Villain chuckled darkly. “Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t put it inside you, and it’s not permanent, no.”
Villain grabbed Hero’s shoulder and turned them onto their back none-too-gently. Hero could only glare up at them as best they could. Hoping they were threatening, bur probably not.
“See, Hero,” Villain said, walking their fingers down Hero’s neck to their shoulder and pressing in until Hero cried out. “I know all about your little habits, your frankly, unhealthy habits, because we’ve been fighting for so long. I know you take two sugar in tea with a dash of milk and you like the croissants on fifth for breakfast.”
If Hero could, they know their body would be trembling, but their body may as well have been stone with how still it was. Villain continued walking their fingers down from Hero’s shoulder to their hip. Hero let out a low whine of protest that sounded pathetic even to their ears.
Villain’s amused eyes met Hero’s terrified ones. They wanted to shake their head and beg Villain not to touch that wound. To their surprise, Villain didn’t touch the arrow, just prodded at the wound around it until Hero sang with screams of pain.
“And I know that you would rather disappear into the night, and live to fight another day when you’re bested, so I adapted. You probably didn’t notice in your pain, but I coated the shafts of the arrows with a paralysis poison that turns your muscles off for about an hour or two, long enough for me to hunt you and let the poison take effect.”
They dug their fingers into the wound until Hero was practically growling their screams were so guttural.
“Now, one arrow, sure, maybe you touch it, maybe you don’t, but two?” Villain whistled. “Two points of contact to deal with while running? I know you would rather have one weakness, so I coated them both and waited until you exposed yourself. And hey presto, here you are, and here I am.”
Villain leaned in closer to Hero’s face, smiling down at them with a cruelty creasing their eyes. “And this time, sweet Hero. There will be no running away. I’m taking you home with me.”
Villain laughed at Hero’s blank expression except for their wide, terrified eyes. “No? Okay, tell you what. If you object in the next five seconds, you can walk free. Is that fair? Ready? Five.”
Hero whined in the back of their throat, trying to make any other noise they could that would signal a protest because they couldn’t go home with Villain!
Nobody… Hero… what if they had more of the paralysis poison and just left Hero like this to do with as they pleased?
Hero tried to pant out sudden, sharp cries. Villain grinned wickedly down at them, running their gloved fingers over Hero’s cheek.
“So eager for me, Hero. Don’t worry, I’m eager two.”
Hero screamed and all that came out of their mouth was a whimper.
“One. No protest? Okay then. If you insist.” Villain slung their bow across their back, fastening it to the quiver before they scooped Hero up, one hand across their upper back resting on Hero’s injured shoulder to the shrieks of Hero, and the other under their knees. “Oh, I can’t wait until I get you home, Hero. You don’t know how many things I want to do to you.”
Hero screamed at their body to struggle, to wiggle free, to do anything, but the only part of themselves that Hero could move were their eyes that were fixed staring up at Villain as Villain carried them away. They glanced down at Hero, smiling with a terrifying glee.
“You really shouldn’t have been so predictable, Hero, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to catch you. And now that I have you…” Villain trailed off, stopping in front of a car. They clicked a button and the boot of the car raised. Fear shot through Hero as sudden as being dunked in an ice bath when Villain put Hero into the boot. Villain reached a hand down to stroke Hero’s cheek. “I am never letting you go.”
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kimkhimhant · 2 months ago
neil josten is such a good character because he is a wonderful and compelling protagonist and also because he has all the characteristics of a terrifying and compelling villain
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lanternfields · 2 months ago
Their contrasting color pallettes got me
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I love this rarepair so much
Chaz be getting JD in his villain bounty hunter era when they meet in my headcanons about them
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theobromine42 · 2 months ago
Y'all wish your cats were as sweet and affectionate as mine, he just let me cuddle with him for an hour, your cat would never.
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maomaojinshi · 11 months ago
aileen ripping cedric’s pride apart😂
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artistic-harlom-world · 3 months ago
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Concept Sketch for the RC9GN ‘The Shaman & The Ninja’ AU’s Main Villain for both Beryl Town and Norrisville: Bahu
Bahu is the New Villain, a Previously strong Gumiho who wonders around the cities of Beryl Town (and Now Norrisville) To find Vulnerable People and turn them into Moribund Monsters.
Her Backstory is Unknown For Now, However she is Very Sly, Cunning, and Strong Enemy that Roams around Freely without getting noticed almost.
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cuntstable · 2 years ago
was talking about this with a mutual just now but it really is so funny how dio was such a failure in his god complex at the end of the day that arguably the best lesson he ever taught pucci as his evil mentour was ”ok dont do what i did which basically was just fuck around and do drugs and have sex in my mansion because i got nothing done vis a vis Heaven Plan and ultimately got killed by the joestars” and pucci took that to heart so strongly that instead of becoming another fail slut he turned into a straight edge celibate priest and ended up doing 99.9% of the heaven plan and sucessfully killing all his enemies like LOL
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room217prayer · 1 year ago
I actually hate how Rhysand commands and impone himself to the other High Lords.
I really, really, hate it and him so much, why SJM do you have to give everything to one character and to his little group?
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shallowseeker · 11 months ago
There’s… a lot of universes that are variations on the Supernatural concept. Chuck likes it, okay? Who doesn’t? Monsters, action, muscle cars, cool one-liners, heartfelt anguish! Everybody loves the anguishes.
a happy place to dream about ch 2
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eregar · 1 year ago
Raphael's character class potentially being bard is so fun. casting his tendency to use charm and illusion as not necessarily a devilish trait but instead as a bardic trait being used for devilish ends and suggesting that his cunning is possibly something that was learned rather than something that was innate. and it means he gets to be a bit of a loser <3
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 1 year ago
came back wrong but each time she dies Penelope is resurrected as the kind of person her abusers remember her
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phightingconfessions · 6 months ago
I will cry if rewrite/remodel Subspace isn’t a silly evil scientist like he is now. I know that he’s very much evil but why must he loose his whimsy? He would be so BORING if he was just an average psychopathic evil guy!! I think that it’s way more interesting to have him be silly despite his faction.
He will always be silly in my heart, and I shall forever depict him as such.
ik soda says hes getting a BIT more serious but... idk if that means he'll be a bit silly still or just be ALL serious...
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taurielofmirkwood77777 · 1 year ago
You know what's great about the Alastor and Charlie's deal? There is absolutely no way to tell whether he refused her soul because he can't physically have it or he doesn't want to.
On one hand, this is the Princess of Hell we're talking about and Alastor is a mere sinner. She has never made a deal before with anyone, so it's possible she isn't aware that she can't sell her soul. But Alastor is smart and knows this, and he's making it seem like his choice not to ask her for her soul, so that he doesn't appear weak or to make sure that no one else knows it.
On the other hand, Alastor knows that Charlie doesn't trust him much, and owning her soul would make her hate him. And for whatever plans he has, he needs her trust more than her soul. So by declining her offer and asking for something "small" instead, in exchange for information that ultimately saved the day, he now definitely gained her trust.
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darealsaltysam · 2 years ago
i need u all to understand how desperately i need matthew lillard to go full on stu macher in the fnaf movie. like. sure yeah william puts on a front but the moment he lets that down i need him to be UNHINGED. holding NOTHING back. my guy played one of the most iconic fictional serial killers of all time i need him to bring that energy again
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artimidas · 8 months ago
rules: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite!
Tagged by @sickeningradiances
It was difficult to choose just 5 since I dont have a clear top and tomorow I could chose a completely different set of 5, but they all share the same vibes anyways so here we go
Tagging @deathbars @theoreticalwitchcraft @rizardofether and anyone who sees this and wants to do it
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cheemken · 2 years ago
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