#suzu enoshima
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maomaojinshi · 1 year ago
aileen ripping cedric’s pride apart😂
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 month ago
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SUZURIN[スズリン] from SUZU[鈴]: "bell" and RIN[鈴]:"bell" two readings of the same kanji
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YUKI-RIN[ユキリン] YUKI[雪]: "snow" + SUZURIN
SEÑORIN[セニョーリン] man wtf...
KURI-RIN[クリリン] KURI[栗]: "chestnut"
HOLSTAUR-RIN[ホルスタリン] from holstein and taurus
DRA-RIN[ドラリン] Seemingly from DRACULA and SUZURIN. She doesn't strike me as especially vampire-like, but she has a cute little bat on her chest.
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KERO-RIN[ケロリン] from KEROKERO[ケロケロ] the sound a frog makes
REI-RIN[レイリン] from REI[霊]: "ghost"
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JIZO-RIN[ジゾーリン] JIZO the bodhisattva but more directly referencing stone statues there of
KIRA-RIN[キラリン] Kirakira sparkle sparkle but used metaphorically as a popidol high energy sort of thing
KAKI-RIN[カキリン] from KAKI[牡蠣]: "oyster(shell)"
RORRIN[ローリン] SAIROLLER + SUZURIN but also it makes a homonym with ROLLING
IRIN[アイリン] a play on IRON[アイロン] and SUZURIN
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RINKAA-BELL[リンカーベル] I'm not actually sure what this is about... In a bizarre coincidence there is a mobile suit in Gundam Ironblood Orphans called the Helmwige REINCAR[ヘルムヴィーゲ・リンカー] that has a big pronged headpiece and the same Blue and Yellow colorscheme as Antlan. They obviously cant be directly related, but I don't know if there's some kind of shared origin to the names...
ZASHIKIWARA-RIN[ザシキワラリン] ZASHIKI-WARASHI[座敷童] a kind of household spirit that both haunts and protects a house
KORPOKKURIN[コロポックリン] from KORPOKKUR a race of tiny people in Ainu folklore supposedly the first inhabitants of the Hokkaido island and known for living beneath the massive leaves of the butterbur plant.
CHAPEL[チャペル] like the part of church you pray in
SUMI-RIN[スミリン] from SUMI[墨]: "ink" and SUZURIN
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TANKORO-RIN[タンコロリン] apparently from TANKORO[タンコロ] the nickname for the 100 series Enoshima Electric Railway trains from the late 1920s that were distinct for running as little single cars rather than a big train of cars. Almost more like trolleys. KOROKORO[コロコロ] is also the sound of something rolling along
SHOORIN-JI[ショーリンジ] from SHOURIN-JI[少林寺]: "The Shaolin Temple." So really it should be SHAOLIN-JI but also the joke is that there's a RIN in there, so SHAORIN-JI? But if it's got the Japanese R/L instead of the Chinese L then I figure might as well keep the fully Japanified SHOORIN. Either way it all becomes very unreadable in "english'
GEKO-RIN[ゲコリン] from GEKOGEKO[ゲコゲコ] a different version of the sound a frog makes
DRA-RIN[ドラリン] it's just DRACULA RIN again but I wanted to include her GBA sprite because it's the basis of the special Suzurins
SISTER[シスター] I assume because she's supposed to look like a nun
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USA-RIN[ウサリン] from USAGI[兎]: "rabbit" and SUZURIN
GACCHA-RIN[ガッチャリン] from GACHA[ガチャ] those little random vending machine capsule toys, or the capsules themselves. Plays into Ducken's toy theme.
MARINKA-RIN[マリンカリン] I think it's supposed to be the name MARINKA, meaning "of the sea," and SUZURIN?
HANJIRO-RIN[ハンジロリン] I'm not sure who exactly it's meant to reference, but the name HANJIRO has a variety of different writings
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MAJOO-RIN[マジョーリン] from MAJO[魔女]: "witch"
MOMO-RIN[モモリン] from MOMO[桃]: "peach/pink" and SUZURIN and in the GBA games SAKURAN[サクラン] from sakura[桜]: "cherry(blossom)"
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ljaesch · 7 months ago
The Manga Adaptation of the Endo and Kobayashi Live! Light Novels Abruptly Ends
The official Twitter account for Kadokawa’s B’s-LOG COMIC digital manga magazine has announced that it has abruptly canceled Rumiwo Sakaki’s manga adaptation of Suzu Enoshima’s Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte light novel series, admitting that it was the “lack of editing skill” by B’s-LOG COMIC‘s editing staff that is “completely to blame” for the manga’s…
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random-bookquotes · 2 years ago
“Pffft, I get it. Endo, I think you’re misunderstanding something about otome games.” “What’s there to misunderstand? Aren’t they just romance simulators aimed toward women?” Aoto was completely stumped.Shihono put up two fingers in a V sign and began explaining. “This is just my personal pet theory, but I think there are two kinds of otome games: ones where the heroine is a blank slate and ones where she has her own personality. On top of that, there are two types of otome gamers: those who insert themselves as the main character and those who play god, sticking people into relationships.”
Suzu Enoshima, Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte: Disc 1
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shazzeaslightnovels · 2 years ago
Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Lieselotte Disc Ex
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Author: Suzu Enoshima
Illustrator: Eihi
Label: Kadokawa Books
Release Date: 9 December 2022
My Score: 4/5
This volume serves as an extended epilogue of the series. It picks up where the second volume ended with Kobayashi and Endo visiting the other world on Lieselotte’s and Siegwald’s wedding day. The chapters can basically be split into two catagories: epilogue chapters which take place in the present day and give us information on how the characters are going after the end of the series, and side story chapters which compile side stories that take place in the main series that were previously published as bonuses for buying the volumes at certain stores or in magazines and the like.
It’s pretty impressive that this series got a continuation after more than 3 years since it concluded but I can see why. The series was memorable and had a unique idea with the concept of two people from our world commenting on the events of an isekai and being able to talk to one of the people and use that communication as a way to give the titular villain a happy ending. The characters were charming and the romance was cute. It also never overstayed it’s welcome and concluded satisfyingly in two volumes. I really liked the series and it’s something I look back on fondly as an example of how good an isekai can be when it gets creative.
As a result, I really appreciated the opportunity to see these characters again and to see them being happy. It was a shame that we didn’t get to see much of Fiene outside of the side story chapters but it was enough to see Endo, Kobayashi, Liese, and Sieg. That being said, I must confess, I did not remember anything about characters like Leon or Arthur so I did not care about the side stories with them and I do think that some of the scenes ran a bit long. Still, I really enjoyed this volume and it was great to spend time with these characters again. I probably would have had even more fun if I had watched the anime or read the light novels more recently but it was still a good experience and I highly recommend it if you’re a fan of the series.
I’m actually coming up on my 1000th logged book on Bookmeter so I was thinking I wanted to read a bit of a special book for it so I’ve decided to read Demon’s Crest, the new Kawahara Reki series, next.
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newsintheshell · 3 years ago
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte: anime in arrivo per la commedia fantasy
Riuscirà il principe a salvare l’amata Liselotte, con l’aiuto dei due giocatori che commentano il gioco del quale fa parte? 
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Kadokawa ha annunciato che la commedia romantica fantasy di Suzu Enoshima dal titolo “Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte” (Tsundere Akuyaku Reijo Liselotte to Jikkyo no Endo-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san), ispirerà prossimamente un adattamento animato.
Un giorno, il principe ereditario Sieg sente improvvisamente le Voci degli Dei. Apparentemente, da quello che dicono, la sua fidanzata Lieselotte è una cattiva “tsun de rais”, destinata a incontrare prematuramente la sua fine e che usa la sua lingua affilata solamente per coprire l’imbarazzo 
Dopo aver scoperto l'adorabile lato nascosto di Lieselotte, il principe riesce a malapena a contenersi, ma non sa che gli esseri celesti che gli hanno conferito questa conoscenza sono in realtà dei liceali! Riuscirà a usare la loro profezia divina (commento del videogioco) per salvare la sua promessa sposa ed evitare un Bad Ending?!
La light novel conta due volumi, usciti entrambi nel 2019. Di tanto in tanto, l’autrice ne pubblica una nuova side story, la più recente uscita proprio oggi. L’opera i è piazzata al 10° posto nella categoria tankobon della classifica Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! 2020. 
La storia sta venendo raccontata anche in una versione manga illustrata da Rumiwo Sakaki, il cui 4° volumetto uscirà il 27 dicembre in Giappone.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
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justusrstone · 3 years ago
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte English Title: Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess LieselotteJapanese Title: ツンデレ悪役令嬢リーゼロッテと実況の遠藤くんと解説の小林さん — Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-sanAuthor: Suzu Enoshima — 恵ノ島すずIllustrator: Eihi — えいひTranslator: Mikey N.Genre: Comedy, Otome Game,…
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takunirandom · 3 years ago
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Anime adaptation is coming in January 2023
Animation studio: Tezuka Productions
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comic-clothes · 4 years ago
Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The Villainess
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shadesofmonochrome · 5 years ago
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saccharinescorpion · 5 years ago
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tired: isekai as a vehicle for the power fantasy of hot girls whose lives revolve around you 
inspired: isekai as a vehicle for the power fantasy of giving your favorite tragic minor character a happy ending 
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kahixxi · 2 years ago
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My fav villainess manga:
The Person in a Villainess (Nazuna Shiraume, Makiburo) Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie (Shino Akiyama, Hiroro Akizakura) I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss (Sarasa Nagase, Anko Yuzu) Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden (Bin Sakamoto, Aoi) Even Though I'm a Super Timid Noble Girl, I Accepted the Bet From My Cunning Fiancé (Hiro Oda, Aji Murata) Endo and Kobayashi's Live Commentary on the Villainess (Rumiwo Sakaki, Suzu Enoshima) The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior (Bunko Matsuura, Tenichi) An Observation Log of My Fiancée Who Calls Herself a Villainess (Natsume Hasumi, Shiki) Queen Victoria Winner Ostwen Looks Like the Greatest in the World (Hajime Shinjou, Matsuri Kuragezaki)
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twinshowdown · 2 years ago
Round One Masterpost
Hikaru Hitachiin & Kaoru Hitachiin vs Aether & Lumine
Floyd Leech & Jade Leech vs Hinata Aoi & Yuta Aoi
Kanata Yatonokami & Nayuta Yatonokami vs Hina Hikawa & Sayo Hikawa
Riliane Lucifen D'autriche & Allen Avadonia vs Rin Kagamine & Len Kagamine
Mika Kagehira & Suzu Kuromori vs Lyney & Lynette
Edric Blight & Emira Blight vs Cuphead & Mugman
Mizuki Futaba & Minazuki Futaba vs Yin & Jin
Dipper Pines & Mabel Pines vs Junko Enoshima & Mukuro Ikusaba
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random-bookquotes · 3 years ago
“But it’s not like you lost everything when you hurt your shoulder, right?” Out of nowhere, Shihono began speaking quietly. Aoto’s face went stiff. “Baseball isn’t just about the players—or at least, I don’t think so. You could become a coach or a masseuse, or, you know, a play-by-play announcer. All the hard work and experience you built up can be put to use somewhere. Your voice isn’t ‘all you have left,’ I’m sure of it.”
Suzu Enoshima, Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte: Disc 1
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shazzeaslightnovels · 3 years ago
Suitei Akuyaku Reijou wa Kuni Ichiban no Busaiku ni yome ga sareru you desu
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Author: Suzu Enoshima (Author of Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte)
Illustrator: Yukaco Fujimura
Label: Kadokawa Beans Bunko
Release Date: 1 March 2022
My Score: 3/5
Story & Characters:
Genre: Age gap (10 years) Romance, MxF Romance, Comedy, Isekai, Reincarnated as the villainess of an otome game
Premise: Emanuel was a normal girl in Japan but she was reincarnated into an unfamiliar world. She recognises the classical tropes of an otome game and figures out that she’s likely the villainess though she is unfamiliar with this particular otome game. In this world, people are classed based on the colours of their hair and eyes. The closer the colour is to black, the more beautiful they are considered where as lighter colours are considered unsightly. On the day of her trial as a villainess, Emanuel is sentenced to marry Louis, who is considered to be the ugliest person in the country due to his white hair. Emanuel sees this as a reward as she’s loved Louis for a few years. And, after exchanging love letters, it seems as though the feeling is mutual. However, Emanuel soon finds out that due to a lifetime of trauma and discrimination based on his hair colour, he cannot bring himself to believe her about her feelings and believes that she is just trying to get his help to get revenge on the kingdom that punished her. Emanuel will not give up until she convinces him that their feelings are mutual.
I’ve been keeping tabs on Enoshima since I loved Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte and I’m so glad that they were able to publish another book. Sadly, this one didn’t quite live up to the hype for me though I did enjoy parts of it.
My first complaint is that the isekai element is unnecessary. At first, I thought it only there to explain why Emanuel doesn’t go along with the rules of this world but I still think that there would be people in this world who didn’t care about hair colour and later a character is introduced who wasn’t isekai’d and who also doesn’t care about hair colour so it really feels like it’s just there because isekai is a popular genre. Emanuel’s past life is so briefly mentioned that I wouldn’t be able to tell you what age she was when she died or how she died. It’s especially a shame because Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte had such an interesting twist on the genre that made it memorable. My other problem is that there isn’t much of a plot to this one and most of the scenes end up feeling meandering and aimless as a result, especially in the second half.
That being said, I did find the characters charming and the romance is cute. It’s briefly mentioned that Louis is 10 years older than Emanuel but he doesn’t act like it and it’s not relevant to the plot so it’s easy to ignore. They have enough chemistry that their romance doesn’t feel rushed despite the fact that they basically fell in love with each other at first sight. I also like that Emanuel does have a couple of female friends and has a life outside of the central romance. She’s friends with the heroine character and her maid is one of the main characters of the book. It is a bit of a shame that all three female characters end up in a romance by the end but it was nice to see that regardless. 
Now, I’m going to go into spoilers because this volume truly jumps the shark in the last chapter and I need to talk about it.
So, early on in the book, the heroine character (I think her name is Dyrna?) gives a blessing to Emanuel. She’s the child of the goddess of love so this blessing makes it so that Emanuel won’t die if she’s killed. She’ll just be like sleeping beauty and sleep while she heals until her true love kisses her. So in the last chapter Emanuel dies out of nowhere and the thing kind of becomes a closed room murder mystery where only a set amount of people could have gained access to room. The murderer is quickly revealed to be Louis’s estranged mother and the reveal lacks any tension or surprise because she never shows up before this. She’s briefly mentioned once as a major source of Louis’s trauma and that’s it. So it comes out of nowhere as an attempt to create some sort of interesting conflict and it really doesn’t work. I think this plot should have either been cut out completely or the killer should have been more surprising and/or comedic. Like it might have been interesting if one of the many nameless maids or butlers did it. Or she could have died comedically by accident. It would have been out of character but at least it would have been more entertaining. The only good things about the last chapter is the love confession Louis gives Emanuel when she’s asleep but he thinks she can’t hear him but she actually can and the inclusion of one of my favourite isekai tropes: the person who was isekai’d telling someone that they were isekai’d. Granted, we never see Louis’s reaction to the confession and it lacks any of drama and conflict that I usually like from the trope but I appreciated it’s inclusion nonetheless.
Recommneded for: 
Romance fans who aren’t put off by the age gap.
While I didn’t like anywhere near Enoshima’s debut series, I did still appreciate it as a solid romcom with a cute couple. I’ll be looking to see if the author releases anything else in the future.
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chadsuke · 2 years ago
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Books Read in 2022:
Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk Vol. 1 by Tooru (2018)
Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk Vol. 2 by Tooru (2019)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Vol. 1 by Suzu Enoshima & Rumiwo Sakaki (2019)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Vol. 2 by Suzu Enoshima & Rumiwo Sakaki (2020)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Vol. 3 by Suzu Enoshima & Rumiwo Sakaki (2021)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Vol. 4 by Suzu Enoshima & Rumiwo Sakaki (2021)
Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Vol. 5 by Suzu Enoshima & Rumiwo Sakaki (2022)
Crossdressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie Vol. 1 by Hiroro Akizakura & Shino Akiyama (2020)
Crossdressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvia Vol. 2 by Hiroro Akizakura & Shino Akiyama (2020)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned manga.]
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