#cultured butter
beccaplaying · 5 months
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My stepsister has me turnt on cultured, salted butter with fresh crusty bread. When she visited recently we got specialty cultured butter and bread at Chelsea Market but I found this in a local market and grabbed bread from a nearby bakery. If it’s not as good, I’ll keep looking.
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MILDEW WOLF, on seeing some "cultured butter" in the dairy section of the local supermarket: How exactly do we know eating such will actually make us cultured and sophisticated, to begin with?
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basicallybaking · 2 years
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Sweet Cream and Cultured Butter
Butter recipes are from the book "Butter: A Rich History" by Elaine Khosrova. I think the recipes are great, I just need to find a better way to knead and dry off the butter because the cheesecloth I have releases fuzz onto the butter, even when freshly cleaned. It's also important, I found, to press the butter a little at a time into all the crevices of the molds, otherwise you will have many gaps and air pockets. Metal molds work as well as silicone, you just have to tap them against the counter for the butter to slide out, but the butter seems to shrink a bit so it comes out easily. The cultured butter was made with a flora danica culture but to me tastes almost indientical to the sweet cream, although the buttermilk tasted wildly different, much more like tangy buttermilk from the store than the sweet cream buttermilk, with just tasted a bit like milk. Made one of them with raw cream, which didn't seem to make a difference falvor-wise. You should be able to get around 2 cups of cream from a gallon of raw milk (roughly, I'm sure this varies).
NB: I used my stand mixer and it took about 6-10 minutes for the butter to separate out and makes a HUGE mess. Try the food processor next time, since it's contained and can't splatter.
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enfinizatics · 6 months
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peak of polishness: butter sculpted into a lamb
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zephyrartz-owo · 5 months
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City of Monsters you will always be famous in my heart
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eosofspades · 1 month
i am a nationalist about exactly ONE (1) thing and it's that i fucking love american food. i LOVE american beverage. i love "large" drink being a whole bucket's worth i love milkshake with the thickness of concrete i LOVE going out to a diner and taking my next three meals home with me i love leftovers. i love burger and fries i love fried chicken i love pb&j i love macaroni and cheese i love traditional pancake and scrambled egg breakfast i love apple pie i LOVE ice cream sundae. enough complaining about deep fried carnival food american food is DELICIOUS and im not taking complaints anymore
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jesncin · 13 days
Firstly, I loved Lunar Boy and congrats on the Harvey nom! Also wanted to know if you have any recommendations for stories (any medium, any demographic) that you think has a nuanced take on the intersection between race and queer/trans identity? it's really easy (for me at least) to feel pretty doom-and-gloom about the overwhelming whiteness of queer rep but no! the intersectionality we crave is out there! you just have to look for it!
p.s I really enjoy your approach to criticism and have enjoyed reading your recent posts. I genuinely think it's making me a more thoughtful viewer.
Thank you for the kind words on Lunar Boy and our media criticism!! ;0; Ooh yes! Here's my list of recs for QPOC stories:
Our Dreams At Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani. While race isn't directly talked about, it's still specific to the realities of being queer and Japanese. This short manga series inspired a lot of Lunar Boy.
Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender. YA novel about a trans masc Black teen going through love triangle shenanigans and self discovery.
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar (this author does a ton of sapphic novels I believe). YA novel about two girls starting a rival henna business but perhaps?? Love?? Happens??
The Ribbon Skirt by Cameron Mukwa. This MG graphic novel is available for preorder now, and is written and drawn by a friend of mine :3 the story is about a 2 Spirit child who wants to create a ribbon skirt to wear for the upcoming powwow.
Sergius Seeks Bacchus by Norman Erikson Pasaribu. A collection of poems (translated into English by Tiffany Tsao) covering an array of genres and stories. Beautifully touching queer Indonesian writing, I recommend anything Norman writes.
These are harder to find but for more queer Indonesian film there's Memories of My Body (coming of age story about a Lengger Lanang dancer, Indonesia's drag dance tradition), Lovely Man (a religious young woman seeks to reunite with her estranged father, who is now a waria sex worker) Madame X (extremely camp queer SUPERHERO MOVIE about a trans woman fighting a violent hate group).
Idk if this is available anymore, but I adore To All The White Girls I Loved Before by Sarula Bao. A short comic from Short Box's annual digital Comics Fair (which I recommend keeping an eye out for comics in the indie scene). It's about the author's unflattering desire to assimilate with the white girls she had crushes on. Some pages are on her site.
Those are what immediately come to mind for me but I'm sure I'm forgetting more!! These are the ones that directly engage with the intersection of being queer and POC, as opposed to a character being incidentally QPOC.
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cowboycthulhu · 3 months
Inspired by a conversation I had with a non-American friend. Reblogs would be appreciated for a larger sample size
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
aro culture is getting so fucking tired of people using the fact that there's a queer romance in something as a reason you should watch it. like haven't allos had enough of romance? queer or otherwise? I'm not saying queer representation is bad, of course, I'm just fed up with asking what a book is about and in response all I get is "oh it has queer people in it" cool! what is it about? having queer representation is not the be all end all of media can we please have ONE thing without romance in it. please.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Oh, so there's a person out there who eats their hard boiled eggs with peanut butter, but people still have the audacity to call me weird when I eat them with olives
we should all just save a screenshot of the peanut butter egg anon on our phones so we can show it to people who call us weird and say "at least I'm not this person"
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prettyaddict14 · 11 months
Cleopatra's beauty secrets
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Sugaring- A natural hair removal that has been said to been practised by Cleopatra herself to keep her skin smooth and hairless which was considered the beauty standard in Ancient Egypt.
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Dead Sea Salt- It is believed that Cleopatra used to frequently exfoliate with fresh dead sea salt to achieve soft skin.
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Milk Bath- Hippocrates wrote that she used sour milk from 700 donkeys to bathe in. Milk in general contains lactic acid which mildly exfoliates the skin.
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Royal Jelly- She used Royal Jelly from bees to moisturise the skin
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Rose water- She used rose water to purify her skin as well as a scent and perfume to air around her
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Aloe Vera- She rubbed Aloe Vera on her skin every day for smooth and soft skin. It also was believed that the plant was from Gods and could cure anything from baldness to insomnia.
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Green Malachite- She used the bright green malachite paste on her lower eyelids and lapis luiz stone on the upper eyelids_(warning do not do this if u dont want to become blind xx)
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Shea Butter- It is said Cleopatra kept jars of unrefined Shea butter for her smooth skin
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Oils- It is said she used different oils from Moringa Oil to castor oil on her skin to fight aging from fine lines to wrinkles
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Clay Mask- She used clay masks as a beauty treatment which could draw out impurities from the skin
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bonefall · 2 years
you think skyclan would ever just steal sticks of butter? it’s like, a loaf of fat. cats love that. the real question however, is would they prefer salted or unsalted butter?
If they ever entered a house and popped open a fridge, the eggs and the butter would be the first things they'd take.
The butter especially is almost always kept right on the door of the fridge, and is small enough to just grab and bolt with. A few chicken eggs makes an excellent meal, but they'd probably need a theft buddy to carry a bunch of them!
They would prefer salted butter, no doubt. Kitties love the taste of salt. They won't say no to any unattended butterstick, though.
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kimberly40 · 1 year
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🍎 Apple Butter- Apple butter “frolics” were major social events. In spite of the chores involved, the assemblage had relatively little to do; so they told stories, gossiped, sang, and otherwise enjoyed fellowship. Courting couples were given special attention, often given the job of stirring. The most popular stirring technique was to move the paddle twice around the sides and then across the middle. This old rhyme reminds the stirrers to follow this technique:
“Twice around the side
And once down the middle
That’s the way to stir
The apple-butter kittle.”
At some frolics, if the couple stirring bumped the kettle and splashed the butter, they had to kiss each other.
Apple butter was made in large quantities, using a copper pot over an outdoor fire. First, a couple of gallons of apple cider was boiled down to half its original volume. Then several bushels of peeled, cored, and quartered apples were added to the pot. Aromatic apples with a pulpy texture were preferred for making apple butter, varieties such as Royal Limbertwig, Buff, and Wolf River. A long wooden paddle, made of hickory with a couple of holes cut through the blade, was used to stir the boiling liquid. Half a dozen pennies were added to the kettle to keep the apple butter from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
Constant stirring of the liquid was required; it was an all-day job, taking as much as twelve hours. When a dollop of apple butter on a plate stayed put when the plate was turned upside down, the apple butter was ready to eat. The first tastes were eaten fresh and hot from the pot, spread on slices of home-baked bread. The rest of the apple butter, preserved by canning, was kept on cellar shelves to be enjoyed through the winter.
🍎 Other Interesting Facts Related to Apple Butter:
•If the fire wood touches the kettle the butter will burn.
•Oak makes the best fire for a butter boiling because it gives a steady heat without creating much flame.
•Copper pennies are placed in the apple butter kettle to scrape the bottom of the kettle and prevent the apple butter from burning.
•It was said that a young woman who splashed the butter when she stired the kettle would make a poor housewife.
•If you turn the crock upside down, without a lid, and the mixture stays in the container without running out or dripping, it is “real” apple butter. (If it pours out, it is “jelly” butter.)
•When the butter is finished and poured in the crocks, the person who gets the penny from the kettle should save it because it is a good luck token.
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imhereboo · 2 years
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maigetheplatypus57 · 4 months
Honestly dungeon meshi fans were not kidding when they say that the show helps them have a better relationship with food... the recent episodes with izutsumi have encouraged me to start adding more vegetables to my meals (or at least not pick them out from dishes...)
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mariocki · 6 months
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Saw (2004)
"Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore."
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